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beesom (plural beesoms)

  1. Obsolete form of besom. (a broom).
    • 1564, The Pitiful Eſtate of this Time Preſent. A Chriſtian conſideration of the miſeries of this time, with an exhortation to amendement of Life., page 61:
      then the noiſom number and remnans of the wicked being ſwept out with the beeſom of deſtruction, []
    • 1622, John Downame, “Of ſuch Reaſons as may mooue vs to abhor carnall ſecuritie, and to vſe all meanes either to preuent it, or to be freed from it” (chapter VIII), in A Guide to Godlynesse: or, A Treatise of A Christian Life, page 54:
      But when hereby he hath made them ſecure and retchleſſe, he returneth againe, and finding his houſe (that is their hearts) emptie and cleane ſwept, with this beeſom of carnall ſecuritie, of all ſpirituall graces, and garniſhed with all vices, []
    • 1647, Anthony Farindon, “The Fourteenth Sermon”, in XXX Sermons Lately Preached at the Parish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen Milkſtreet, to Which Is Annexed, a Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Sir George Whitmore, Knight, Sometime Lord Mayor of the City., page 300:
      for they ſee, he that hath a full purſe, or a good ſword will ſoon break through them, or finde a beeſom to ſweep them away.