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From annul +‎ -ity, modeled after nullity.



annullity (countable and uncountable, plural annullities)

  1. (now very rare) Synonym of annulment. [from 17th c.]
    • 1621, Iohn Frewen [i.e., John Frewen], “Queſt. 16. What is a Sacrament?”, in Certaine Choise Grovnds, and principles of our Chriſtian Religion, with their ſeuerall Expoſitions, ſet forth in way of Queſtions, and Anſwers, London:  [] G. P. for Roger Pott, page 222:
      And ſo fearefull a ſinne on the other ſide is vnbeliefe,thus making an annullity,after a ſoꝛt, of Gods wholſome and holy Oꝛdinance, which he hath inſtituted and ſanctified, foꝛ the good and ſaluation of his people.
    • 1641, John Mabbatt, “Question V. Whether is it lawfull to rebaptize, or not”, in A Briefe or Generall Reply, unto Mr. Knuttons [] , page 31:
      It cannot be proved, that Baptiſme of Infants is an Ordinance of Chriſts Inſtitution, therefore let it be examined, who goe about ro nullifie this Ordinance of Chriſt of Baptiſme, they that obſerve it, as it is Inſtituted by Chriſt, or they that obſerve that for his Ordinances his inſtitution requires, not that which agrees with it is according to it, but that diſcends from it, is contrary to it,and workes to annullity of it, to beleeve and be Baptized, is according to the Inſtitution, Mar.16.16. but the Inſtitution of Chriſt in the Goſpel ſaith; []
    • 1647, Samuel Gorton, An incorruptible Key Compoſed of the CX. Psalme, [] , Yeere, page 23:
      [] and compriſeth that whole brood and generation of that man of ſin, and is that way of annullity, vaſtation, and emptineſſe of the Sonne of God: []
    • 1906, Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention. State of Virginia. Held in the City of Richmond June 12, 1901, to June 26, 1902, volume II, Richmond, Va: The Hermitage Press, page 2378:
      Upon what theory is that? Do we not know that if this board is antagonistic to the Legislature that you might pass a dozen laws and they would simply treat them as annullities?