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User:Sobreira/PIE verbs k-y

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This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





Reduplicated stative of the root *ḱlew- (to hear).



*PIE verbs k-y (stative)[1][2][3]

  1. to be heard, audible


3rd singular *ḱeḱlówe
3rd plural *ḱeḱl̥wḗr
Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *ḱeḱlówh₂e *ḱeḱléwoh₂ *ḱeḱluyéh₁m̥
2nd singular *ḱeḱlówth₂e *ḱeḱlów, *ḱeḱludʰí *ḱeḱléwesi *ḱeḱluyéh₁s
3rd singular *ḱeḱlówe *ḱeḱlówtu *ḱeḱléweti *ḱeḱluyéh₁t
1st dual *ḱeḱluwé *ḱeḱléwowos *ḱeḱl̥wih₁wé
2nd dual *? *ḱeḱlutóm *ḱeḱléwetes *ḱeḱl̥wih₁tóm
3rd dual *? *ḱeḱlutā́m *ḱeḱléwetes *ḱeḱl̥wih₁tā́m
1st plural *ḱeḱlumé *ḱeḱléwomos *ḱeḱl̥wih₁mé
2nd plural *ḱeḱl̥wé *ḱeḱluté *ḱeḱléwete *ḱeḱl̥wih₁té
3rd plural *ḱeḱl̥wḗr *ḱeḱl̥wéntu *ḱeḱléwonti *ḱeḱl̥wih₁ént
Participle *ḱeḱluwṓs




  1. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “*k̑leu̯-”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 334-335
  2. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*srau”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 356-357
  3. ^ Matasović, Ranko (2009) “*kli-nu-”, in Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 9), Leiden: Brill, →ISBN, page 208
This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





Thematic root verb of *ḱel- (to cover).



*PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

  1. to be covering, hiding


Imperfective, thematic
3rd singular *ḱéleti
3rd plural *ḱélonti
Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *ḱéloh₂ *ḱélom *ḱélōh₂ *ḱéloyh₁m̥
2nd singular *ḱélesi *ḱéles *ḱéle *ḱélēsi *ḱéloys
3rd singular *ḱéleti *ḱélet *ḱéletu *ḱélēti *ḱéloyt
1st dual *ḱélowos *ḱélowe *ḱélōwos *ḱéloywe
2nd dual *ḱéletes *ḱéletom *ḱéletom *ḱélētes *ḱéloytom
3rd dual *ḱéletes *ḱéletām *ḱéletām *ḱélētes *ḱéloytām
1st plural *ḱélomos *ḱélome *ḱélōmos *ḱéloyme
2nd plural *ḱélete *ḱélete *ḱélete *ḱélēte *ḱéloyte
3rd plural *ḱélonti *ḱélont *ḱélontu *ḱélōnti *ḱéloyh₁n̥t
Participle *ḱélonts
Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *ḱéloh₂er *ḱéloh₂e *ḱélōh₂er *ḱéloyh₂e
2nd singular *ḱéleth₂er *ḱéleth₂e *ḱéleso *ḱélēth₂er *ḱéloyth₂e
3rd singular *ḱéletor *ḱéleto *? *ḱélētor *ḱéloyto, *ḱéloyh₁o
1st dual *ḱélowosdʰh₂ *ḱélowedʰh₂ *ḱélōwosdʰh₂ *ḱéloywedʰh₂
2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
1st plural *ḱélomosdʰh₂ *ḱélomedʰh₂ *ḱélōmosdʰh₂ *ḱéloymedʰh₂
2nd plural *ḱéledʰh₂we *ḱéledʰh₂we *ḱéledʰh₂we *ḱélēdʰh₂we *ḱéloydʰh₂we
3rd plural *ḱélontor *ḱélonto *? *ḱélōntor *ḱéloyro
Participle *ḱélomnos


  • Proto-Celtic: *keleti (see there for further descendants)
  • Proto-Germanic: *helaną (to cover, to conceal) (see there for further descendants)
  • Proto-Italic: *kelō
    • Latin: *celō (attested in occulō)


  1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[1], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





Athematic Narten root verb of *ḱey- (to be lying down).



*PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2]

  1. to be lying flat


Imperfective, athematic, middle only
3rd singular *ḱéytor, *ḱéyor
3rd plural *ḱéyn̥tor, *ḱéyror
Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *ḱéyh₂er *ḱéyh₂e *ḱéyoh₂er *ḱéyih₁h₂e
2nd singular *ḱéyth₂er *ḱéyth₂e *ḱéyso *ḱéyeth₂er *ḱéyih₁th₂e
3rd singular *ḱéytor, *ḱéyor *ḱéyto, *ḱéyo *? *ḱéyetor *ḱéyih₁to, *ḱéyih₁o
1st dual *ḱéywosdʰh₂ *ḱéywedʰh₂ *ḱéyowosdʰh₂ *ḱéyih₁wedʰh₂
2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
1st plural *ḱéymosdʰh₂ *ḱéymedʰh₂ *ḱéyomosdʰh₂ *ḱéyih₁medʰh₂
2nd plural *ḱéydʰh₂we *ḱéydʰh₂we *ḱéydʰh₂we *ḱéyedʰh₂we *ḱéyih₁dʰh₂we
3rd plural *ḱéyn̥tor, *ḱéyror *ḱéyn̥to, *ḱéyro *? *ḱéyontor *ḱéyih₁ro
Participle *ḱéym̥h₁nos




  1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[2], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 25
  2. ^ (for the Narten ablaut) Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, pages 133-134
  3. ^ Kloekhorst, Alwin (2008) “ki-tta(ri)”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 5), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 473-475
This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





    From *kap- (to seize, hold) +‎ *-yéti.



    *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2][3]

    1. to be grasping


    Imperfective, thematic
    3rd singular *kapyéti
    3rd plural *kapyónti
    Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
    1st singular *kapyóh₂ *kapyóm *kapyṓh₂ *kapyóyh₁m̥
    2nd singular *kapyési *kapyés *kapyé *kapyḗsi *kapyóys
    3rd singular *kapyéti *kapyét *kapyétu *kapyḗti *kapyóyt
    1st dual *kapyówos *kapyówe *kapyṓwos *kapyóywe
    2nd dual *kapyétes *kapyétom *kapyétom *kapyḗtes *kapyóytom
    3rd dual *kapyétes *kapyétām *kapyétām *kapyḗtes *kapyóytām
    1st plural *kapyómos *kapyóme *kapyṓmos *kapyóyme
    2nd plural *kapyéte *kapyéte *kapyéte *kapyḗte *kapyóyte
    3rd plural *kapyónti *kapyónt *kapyóntu *kapyṓnti *kapyóyh₁n̥t
    Participle *kapyónts
    Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
    1st singular *kapyóh₂er *kapyóh₂e *kapyṓh₂er *kapyóyh₂e
    2nd singular *kapyéth₂er *kapyéth₂e *kapyéso *kapyḗth₂er *kapyóyth₂e
    3rd singular *kapyétor *kapyéto *? *kapyḗtor *kapyóyto, *kapyóyh₁o
    1st dual *kapyówosdʰh₂ *kapyówedʰh₂ *kapyṓwosdʰh₂ *kapyóywedʰh₂
    2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
    3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
    1st plural *kapyómosdʰh₂ *kapyómedʰh₂ *kapyṓmosdʰh₂ *kapyóymedʰh₂
    2nd plural *kapyédʰh₂we *kapyédʰh₂we *kapyédʰh₂we *kapyḗdʰh₂we *kapyóydʰh₂we
    3rd plural *kapyóntor *kapyónto *? *kapyṓntor *kapyóyro
    Participle *kapyómnos

    Alternative reconstructions



    • Proto-Albanian: *kapa
      • Albanian: kap (to grab, catch, seize)[6][7]
    • Proto-Balto-Slavic:
    • Proto-Germanic: *habjaną (to lift) (see there for further descendants)
    • Proto-Hellenic: *kapťō
    • Proto-Italic: *kapjō
      • Latin: capiō (see there for further descendants)
      • Oscan: kahad (3rd person singular present active subjunctive)


    1. ^ Pokorny, Julius (1959) “kap-”, in Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch [Indo-European Etymological Dictionary] (in German), volume 2, Bern, München: Francke Verlag, pages 527-529
    2. ^ Mallory, J. P., Adams, D. Q. (2006) “*kap-”, in The Oxford introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European world, Oxford University Press, page 270
    3. ^ Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 45
    4. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “*keh₂p-¹”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 344–345
    5. ^ Dunkel, George E. (2014) Lexikon der indogermanischen Partikeln und Pronominalstämme [Lexicon of Indo-European Particles and Pronominal Stems] (Indogermanische Bibliothek. 2. Reihe: Wörterbücher) (in German), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg, →ISBN, page 79
    6. ^ Orel, Vladimir E. (1998) “kap”, in Albanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, →ISBN, page 169
    7. ^ Demiraj, Bardhyl (1997) “kap”, in Albanische Etymologien: Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz [Albanian Etymologies: []] (Leiden Studies in Indo-European; 7)‎[3] (in German), Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi
    This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





    Athematic root aorist of *ḱlew- (to hear).



    *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1][2][3][4]

    1. to hear


    Perfective, athematic
    3rd singular *ḱléwt
    3rd plural *ḱl̥wént
    Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
    1st singular *ḱlḗm *ḱléwoh₂ *ḱluyéh₁m̥
    2nd singular *ḱléws *ḱléw, *ḱludʰí *ḱléwesi *ḱluyéh₁s
    3rd singular *ḱléwt *ḱléwtu *ḱléweti *ḱluyéh₁t
    1st dual *ḱluwé *ḱléwowos *ḱl̥wih₁wé
    2nd dual *ḱlutóm *ḱlutóm *ḱléwetes *ḱl̥wih₁tóm
    3rd dual *ḱlutā́m *ḱlutā́m *ḱléwetes *ḱl̥wih₁tā́m
    1st plural *ḱlumé *ḱléwomos *ḱl̥wih₁mé
    2nd plural *ḱluté *ḱluté *ḱléwete *ḱl̥wih₁té
    3rd plural *ḱl̥wént *ḱl̥wéntu *ḱléwonti *ḱl̥wih₁ént
    Participle *ḱl̥wónts
    Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
    1st singular *ḱluh₂é *ḱléwoh₂er *ḱl̥wih₁h₂é
    2nd singular *ḱluth₂é *ḱlusó *ḱléweth₂er *ḱl̥wih₁th₂é
    3rd singular *ḱlutó, *ḱl̥wó *? *ḱléwetor *ḱl̥wih₁tó, *ḱl̥wih₁ó
    1st dual *ḱluwédʰh₂ *ḱléwowosdʰh₂ *ḱl̥wih₁wédʰh₂
    2nd dual *? *? *? *?
    3rd dual *? *? *? *?
    1st plural *ḱlumédʰh₂ *ḱléwomosdʰh₂ *ḱl̥wih₁médʰh₂
    2nd plural *ḱludʰh₂wé *ḱludʰh₂wé *ḱléwedʰh₂we *ḱl̥wih₁dʰh₂wé
    3rd plural *ḱl̥wn̥tó, *ḱluró *? *ḱléwontor *ḱl̥wih₁ró
    Participle *ḱl̥wm̥h₁nós




    1. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7)‎[4], Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN
    2. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “*k̑leu̯-”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 334-335
    3. ^ Derksen, Rick (2008) “*sluti”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 4), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 455
    4. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*srau”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 356-357
    5. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 719
    This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      From *ḱlew- (to hear) +‎ *-né- (nasal infix).



      *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2][3]

      1. to be listening


      Imperfective, athematic
      3rd singular *ḱl̥néwti
      3rd plural *ḱl̥n‌wénti
      Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *ḱl̥néwmi *ḱl̥nḗm *ḱl̥néwoh₂ *ḱl̥n‌uyéh₁m̥
      2nd singular *ḱl̥néwsi *ḱl̥néws *ḱl̥néw, *ḱl̥n‌udʰí *ḱl̥néwesi *ḱl̥n‌uyéh₁s
      3rd singular *ḱl̥néwti *ḱl̥néwt *ḱl̥néwtu *ḱl̥néweti *ḱl̥n‌uyéh₁t
      1st dual *ḱl̥n‌uwós *ḱl̥n‌uwé *ḱl̥néwowos *ḱl̥n‌wih₁wé
      2nd dual *ḱl̥n‌utés *ḱl̥n‌utóm *ḱl̥n‌utóm *ḱl̥néwetes *ḱl̥n‌wih₁tóm
      3rd dual *ḱl̥n‌utés *ḱl̥n‌utā́m *ḱl̥n‌utā́m *ḱl̥néwetes *ḱl̥n‌wih₁tā́m
      1st plural *ḱl̥n‌umós *ḱl̥n‌umé *ḱl̥néwomos *ḱl̥n‌wih₁mé
      2nd plural *ḱl̥n‌uté *ḱl̥n‌uté *ḱl̥n‌uté *ḱl̥néwete *ḱl̥n‌wih₁té
      3rd plural *ḱl̥n‌wénti *ḱl̥n‌wént *ḱl̥n‌wéntu *ḱl̥néwonti *ḱl̥n‌wih₁ént
      Participle *ḱl̥n‌wónts
      Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *ḱl̥n‌uh₂ér *ḱl̥n‌uh₂é *ḱl̥néwoh₂er *ḱl̥n‌wih₁h₂é
      2nd singular *ḱl̥n‌uth₂ér *ḱl̥n‌uth₂é *ḱl̥n‌usó *ḱl̥néweth₂er *ḱl̥n‌wih₁th₂é
      3rd singular *ḱl̥n‌utór, *ḱl̥n‌wór *ḱl̥n‌utó, *ḱl̥n‌wó *? *ḱl̥néwetor *ḱl̥n‌wih₁tó, *ḱl̥n‌wih₁ó
      1st dual *ḱl̥n‌uwósdʰh₂ *ḱl̥n‌uwédʰh₂ *ḱl̥néwowosdʰh₂ *ḱl̥n‌wih₁wédʰh₂
      2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      1st plural *ḱl̥n‌umósdʰh₂ *ḱl̥n‌umédʰh₂ *ḱl̥néwomosdʰh₂ *ḱl̥n‌wih₁médʰh₂
      2nd plural *ḱl̥n‌udʰh₂wé *ḱl̥n‌udʰh₂wé *ḱl̥n‌udʰh₂wé *ḱl̥néwedʰh₂we *ḱl̥n‌wih₁dʰh₂wé
      3rd plural *ḱl̥n‌wn̥tór, *ḱl̥n‌urór *ḱl̥n‌wn̥tó, *ḱl̥n‌uró *? *ḱl̥néwontor *ḱl̥n‌wih₁ró
      Participle *ḱl̥n‌wm̥h₁nós

      Derived terms

      • *ḱl̥nów-is ~ *ḱln̥w-éy-s
        • >? Proto-Germanic: *hlunniz
          • Proto-West Germanic: *hlunni (see there for further descendants)




      1. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “*k̑leu̯-”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 334-335
      2. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*srau”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 356-357
      3. ^ Matasović, Ranko (2009) “*kli-nu-”, in Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 9), Leiden: Brill, →ISBN, page 208
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      From *legʰ- (to lie in resting position) +‎ *-yeti.



      *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

      1. to be lying down


      Imperfective, thematic, active only
      3rd singular *légʰyeti
      3rd plural *légʰyonti
      Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *légʰyoh₂ *légʰyom *légʰyōh₂ *légʰyoyh₁m̥
      2nd singular *légʰyesi *légʰyes *légʰye *légʰyēsi *légʰyoys
      3rd singular *légʰyeti *légʰyet *légʰyetu *légʰyēti *légʰyoyt
      1st dual *légʰyowos *légʰyowe *légʰyōwos *légʰyoywe
      2nd dual *légʰyetes *légʰyetom *légʰyetom *légʰyētes *légʰyoytom
      3rd dual *légʰyetes *légʰyetām *légʰyetām *légʰyētes *légʰyoytām
      1st plural *légʰyomos *légʰyome *légʰyōmos *légʰyoyme
      2nd plural *légʰyete *légʰyete *légʰyete *légʰyēte *légʰyoyte
      3rd plural *légʰyonti *légʰyont *légʰyontu *légʰyōnti *légʰyoyh₁n̥t
      Participle *légʰyonts


      • Proto-Balto-Slavic: *legḗˀtei
        • Proto-Slavic: *ležati (see there for further descendants)
      • Proto-Germanic: *ligjaną (see there for further descendants)
      • Proto-Hellenic:


      1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[5], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      Reduplicated stative of the root *leykʷ- (to leave).



      *PIE verbs k-y (stative)[1][2]

      1. to be missing, to be gone


      3rd singular *lelóykʷe
      3rd plural *lelikʷḗr
      Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *lelóykʷh₂e *leléykʷoh₂ *lelikʷyéh₁m̥
      2nd singular *lelóykʷth₂e *lelóykʷ, *lelikʷdʰí *leléykʷesi *lelikʷyéh₁s
      3rd singular *lelóykʷe *lelóykʷtu *leléykʷeti *lelikʷyéh₁t
      1st dual *lelikwé *leléykʷowos *lelikʷih₁wé
      2nd dual *? *lelikʷtóm *leléykʷetes *lelikʷih₁tóm
      3rd dual *? *lelikʷtā́m *leléykʷetes *lelikʷih₁tā́m
      1st plural *lelikʷmé *leléykʷomos *lelikʷih₁mé
      2nd plural *lelikʷé *lelikʷté *leléykʷete *lelikʷih₁té
      3rd plural *lelikʷḗr *lelikʷéntu *leléykʷonti *lelikʷih₁ént
      Participle *lelikwṓs




      1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[6], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      2. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), volume II, with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 845
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      Athematic root aorist of *leykʷ- (to leave).



      *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1]

      1. to leave


      Perfective, athematic
      3rd singular *léykʷt
      3rd plural *likʷént
      Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *léykʷm̥ *léykʷoh₂ *likʷyéh₁m̥
      2nd singular *léykʷs *léykʷ, *likʷdʰí *léykʷesi *likʷyéh₁s
      3rd singular *léykʷt *léykʷtu *léykʷeti *likʷyéh₁t
      1st dual *likwé *léykʷowos *likʷih₁wé
      2nd dual *likʷtóm *likʷtóm *léykʷetes *likʷih₁tóm
      3rd dual *likʷtā́m *likʷtā́m *léykʷetes *likʷih₁tā́m
      1st plural *likʷmé *léykʷomos *likʷih₁mé
      2nd plural *likʷté *likʷté *léykʷete *likʷih₁té
      3rd plural *likʷént *likʷéntu *léykʷonti *likʷih₁ént
      Participle *likʷónts
      Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *likʷh₂é *léykʷoh₂er *likʷih₁h₂é
      2nd singular *likʷth₂é *likʷsó *léykʷeth₂er *likʷih₁th₂é
      3rd singular *likʷtó, *likʷó *? *léykʷetor *likʷih₁tó, *likʷih₁ó
      1st dual *likwédʰh₂ *léykʷowosdʰh₂ *likʷih₁wédʰh₂
      2nd dual *? *? *? *?
      3rd dual *? *? *? *?
      1st plural *likʷmédʰh₂ *léykʷomosdʰh₂ *likʷih₁médʰh₂
      2nd plural *likʷdʰh₂wé *likʷdʰh₂wé *léykʷedʰh₂we *likʷih₁dʰh₂wé
      3rd plural *likʷn̥tó, *likʷró *? *léykʷontor *likʷih₁ró
      Participle *likʷm̥h₁nós


      • Balto-Slavic:
        • Lithuanian: likti (to stay) (possibly)
        • Proto-Slavic: *lixъ (remaining, odd number) (see there for further descendants)
      • Proto-Germanic: *līhwaną (to lend)
      • >? Proto-Germanic: *lībaną (to remain, be left) (voiced Verner alternate with pre-proto-Germanic kʷ -> p)
      • Hellenic:
        • Ancient Greek: λείπω (leípō, I leave)
      • Proto-Italic: *leikʷai


      1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[7], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      From *leykʷ- (to leave) +‎ *-né- (nasal infix).



      *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

      1. to be leaving


      Imperfective, athematic
      3rd singular *linékʷti
      3rd plural *linkʷénti
      Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *linékʷmi *linékʷm̥ *linékʷoh₂ *linkʷyéh₁m̥
      2nd singular *linékʷsi *linékʷs *linékʷ, *linkʷdʰí *linékʷesi *linkʷyéh₁s
      3rd singular *linékʷti *linékʷt *linékʷtu *linékʷeti *linkʷyéh₁t
      1st dual *linkwós *linkwé *linékʷowos *linkʷih₁wé
      2nd dual *linkʷtés *linkʷtóm *linkʷtóm *linékʷetes *linkʷih₁tóm
      3rd dual *linkʷtés *linkʷtā́m *linkʷtā́m *linékʷetes *linkʷih₁tā́m
      1st plural *linkʷmós *linkʷmé *linékʷomos *linkʷih₁mé
      2nd plural *linkʷté *linkʷté *linkʷté *linékʷete *linkʷih₁té
      3rd plural *linkʷénti *linkʷént *linkʷéntu *linékʷonti *linkʷih₁ént
      Participle *linkʷónts
      Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *linkʷh₂ér *linkʷh₂é *linékʷoh₂er *linkʷih₁h₂é
      2nd singular *linkʷth₂ér *linkʷth₂é *linkʷsó *linékʷeth₂er *linkʷih₁th₂é
      3rd singular *linkʷtór, *linkʷór *linkʷtó, *linkʷó *? *linékʷetor *linkʷih₁tó, *linkʷih₁ó
      1st dual *linkwósdʰh₂ *linkwédʰh₂ *linékʷowosdʰh₂ *linkʷih₁wédʰh₂
      2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      1st plural *linkʷmósdʰh₂ *linkʷmédʰh₂ *linékʷomosdʰh₂ *linkʷih₁médʰh₂
      2nd plural *linkʷdʰh₂wé *linkʷdʰh₂wé *linkʷdʰh₂wé *linékʷedʰh₂we *linkʷih₁dʰh₂wé
      3rd plural *linkʷn̥tór, *linkʷrór *linkʷn̥tó, *linkʷró *? *linékʷontor *linkʷih₁ró
      Participle *linkʷm̥h₁nós




      1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[8], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      Reduplicated perfect of the root *men- (to think, mind).



      *PIE verbs k-y (stative)

      1. to think, to be mindful
      2. to remember


      3rd singular *memóne
      3rd plural *memnḗr
      Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *memónh₂e *meménoh₂ *memn̥yéh₁m̥
      2nd singular *memónth₂e *memón, *memn̥dʰí *meménesi *memn̥yéh₁s
      3rd singular *memóne *memóntu *meméneti *memn̥yéh₁t
      1st dual *memn̥wé *meménowos *memnih₁wé
      2nd dual *? *memn̥tóm *meménetes *memnih₁tóm
      3rd dual *? *memn̥tā́m *meménetes *memnih₁tā́m
      1st plural *memn̥mé *meménomos *memnih₁mé
      2nd plural *memné *memn̥té *meménete *memnih₁té
      3rd plural *memnḗr *memnéntu *meménonti *memnih₁ént
      Participle *memn̥wṓs


      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



      Alternative forms

      • *mléwh₂ti[1]



      Athematic root present of *mlewH- (to say).



      *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[2][3]

      1. to say


      Imperfective, athematic
      3rd singular *mléwHti
      3rd plural *mluHénti
      Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *mléwHmi *mléwHm̥ *mléwHoh₂ *mluHyéh₁m̥
      2nd singular *mléwHsi *mléwHs *mléwH, *mluHdʰí *mléwHesi *mluHyéh₁s
      3rd singular *mléwHti *mléwHt *mléwHtu *mléwHeti *mluHyéh₁t
      1st dual *mluHwós *mluHwé *mléwHowos *mluHih₁wé
      2nd dual *mluHtés *mluHtóm *mluHtóm *mléwHetes *mluHih₁tóm
      3rd dual *mluHtés *mluHtā́m *mluHtā́m *mléwHetes *mluHih₁tā́m
      1st plural *mluHmós *mluHmé *mléwHomos *mluHih₁mé
      2nd plural *mluHté *mluHté *mluHté *mléwHete *mluHih₁té
      3rd plural *mluHénti *mluHént *mluHéntu *mléwHonti *mluHih₁ént
      Participle *mluHónts
      Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *mluHh₂ér *mluHh₂é *mléwHoh₂er *mluHih₁h₂é
      2nd singular *mluHth₂ér *mluHth₂é *mluHsó *mléwHeth₂er *mluHih₁th₂é
      3rd singular *mluHtór, *mluHór *mluHtó, *mluHó *? *mléwHetor *mluHih₁tó, *mluHih₁ó
      1st dual *mluHwósdʰh₂ *mluHwédʰh₂ *mléwHowosdʰh₂ *mluHih₁wédʰh₂
      2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      1st plural *mluHmósdʰh₂ *mluHmédʰh₂ *mléwHomosdʰh₂ *mluHih₁médʰh₂
      2nd plural *mluHdʰh₂wé *mluHdʰh₂wé *mluHdʰh₂wé *mléwHedʰh₂we *mluHih₁dʰh₂wé
      3rd plural *mluHn̥tór, *mluHrór *mluHn̥tó, *mluHró *? *mléwHontor *mluHih₁ró
      Participle *mluHm̥h₁nós




      1. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “*mleu̯h2-¹”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 446-447
      2. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[9], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      3. ^ Cantera, Alberto (2017–2018) “Chapter VI: Iranian”, in Klein, Jared S., Joseph, Brian D., Fritz, Matthias, editors, Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics: An International Handbook (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft [Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science]; 41.2), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, →ISBN, § The phonology of Iranian, page 487
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      From the adjective *néwos (new) +‎ *-h₂ti.



      *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

      1. to renew


      Imperfective, athematic
      3rd singular *néweh₂ti
      3rd plural *néweh₂n̥ti
      Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *néweh₂mi *néwām *néweh₂oh₂ *néweh₂yeh₁m̥
      2nd singular *néweh₂si *néweh₂s *néweh₂, *néweh₂dʰi *néweh₂esi *néweh₂yeh₁s
      3rd singular *néweh₂ti *néweh₂t *néweh₂tu *néweh₂eti *néweh₂yeh₁t
      1st dual *néweh₂wos *néweh₂we *néweh₂owos *néweh₂ih₁we
      2nd dual *néweh₂tes *néweh₂tom *néweh₂tom *néweh₂etes *néweh₂ih₁tom
      3rd dual *néweh₂tes *néweh₂tām *néweh₂tām *néweh₂etes *néweh₂ih₁tām
      1st plural *néweh₂mos *néweh₂me *néweh₂omos *néweh₂ih₁me
      2nd plural *néweh₂te *néweh₂te *néweh₂te *néweh₂ete *néweh₂ih₁te
      3rd plural *néweh₂n̥ti *néweh₂n̥t *néweh₂n̥tu *néweh₂onti *néweh₂ih₁n̥t
      Participle *néweh₂n̥ts
      Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *néweh₂h₂er *néweh₂h₂e *néweh₂oh₂er *néweh₂ih₁h₂e
      2nd singular *néweh₂th₂er *néweh₂th₂e *néweh₂so *néweh₂eth₂er *néweh₂ih₁th₂e
      3rd singular *néweh₂tor, *néweh₂or *néweh₂to, *néweh₂o *? *néweh₂etor *néweh₂ih₁to, *néweh₂ih₁o
      1st dual *néweh₂wosdʰh₂ *néweh₂wedʰh₂ *néweh₂owosdʰh₂ *néweh₂ih₁wedʰh₂
      2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      1st plural *néweh₂mosdʰh₂ *néweh₂medʰh₂ *néweh₂omosdʰh₂ *néweh₂ih₁medʰh₂
      2nd plural *néweh₂dʰh₂we *néweh₂dʰh₂we *néweh₂dʰh₂we *néweh₂edʰh₂we *néweh₂ih₁dʰh₂we
      3rd plural *néweh₂n̥tor, *néweh₂ror *néweh₂n̥to, *néweh₂ro *? *néweh₂ontor *néweh₂ih₁ro
      Participle *néweh₂m̥h₁nos




      1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[10], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





      *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

      1. alternative reconstruction of *píph₃eti


      Imperfective, thematic
      3rd singular *píbeti
      3rd plural *píbonti
      Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *píboh₂ *píbom *píbōh₂ *píboyh₁m̥
      2nd singular *píbesi *píbes *píbe *píbēsi *píboys
      3rd singular *píbeti *píbet *píbetu *píbēti *píboyt
      1st dual *píbowos *píbowe *píbōwos *píboywe
      2nd dual *píbetes *píbetom *píbetom *píbētes *píboytom
      3rd dual *píbetes *píbetām *píbetām *píbētes *píboytām
      1st plural *píbomos *píbome *píbōmos *píboyme
      2nd plural *píbete *píbete *píbete *píbēte *píboyte
      3rd plural *píbonti *píbont *píbontu *píbōnti *píboyh₁n̥t
      Participle *píbonts
      Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
      1st singular *píboh₂er *píboh₂e *píbōh₂er *píboyh₂e
      2nd singular *píbeth₂er *píbeth₂e *píbeso *píbēth₂er *píboyth₂e
      3rd singular *píbetor *píbeto *? *píbētor *píboyto, *píboyh₁o
      1st dual *píbowosdʰh₂ *píbowedʰh₂ *píbōwosdʰh₂ *píboywedʰh₂
      2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
      1st plural *píbomosdʰh₂ *píbomedʰh₂ *píbōmosdʰh₂ *píboymedʰh₂
      2nd plural *píbedʰh₂we *píbedʰh₂we *píbedʰh₂we *píbēdʰh₂we *píboydʰh₂we
      3rd plural *píbontor *píbonto *? *píbōntor *píboyro
      Participle *píbomnos


      1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[11], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
      This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



      Alternative reconstructions




        Thematic i-reduplicated present of *peh₃- (to drink).



        *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2][3]

        1. to drink, to be drinking


        Imperfective, thematic
        3rd singular *píph₃eti
        3rd plural *píph₃onti
        Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *píph₃oh₂ *píph₃om *píph₃ōh₂ *píph₃oyh₁m̥
        2nd singular *píph₃esi *píph₃es *píph₃e *píph₃ēsi *píph₃oys
        3rd singular *píph₃eti *píph₃et *píph₃etu *píph₃ēti *píph₃oyt
        1st dual *píph₃owos *píph₃owe *píph₃ōwos *píph₃oywe
        2nd dual *píph₃etes *píph₃etom *píph₃etom *píph₃ētes *píph₃oytom
        3rd dual *píph₃etes *píph₃etām *píph₃etām *píph₃ētes *píph₃oytām
        1st plural *píph₃omos *píph₃ome *píph₃ōmos *píph₃oyme
        2nd plural *píph₃ete *píph₃ete *píph₃ete *píph₃ēte *píph₃oyte
        3rd plural *píph₃onti *píph₃ont *píph₃ontu *píph₃ōnti *píph₃oyh₁n̥t
        Participle *píph₃onts
        Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *píph₃oh₂er *píph₃oh₂e *píph₃ōh₂er *píph₃oyh₂e
        2nd singular *píph₃eth₂er *píph₃eth₂e *píph₃eso *píph₃ēth₂er *píph₃oyth₂e
        3rd singular *píph₃etor *píph₃eto *? *píph₃ētor *píph₃oyto, *píph₃oyh₁o
        1st dual *píph₃owosdʰh₂ *píph₃owedʰh₂ *píph₃ōwosdʰh₂ *píph₃oywedʰh₂
        2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
        3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
        1st plural *píph₃omosdʰh₂ *píph₃omedʰh₂ *píph₃ōmosdʰh₂ *píph₃oymedʰh₂
        2nd plural *píph₃edʰh₂we *píph₃edʰh₂we *píph₃edʰh₂we *píph₃ēdʰh₂we *píph₃oydʰh₂we
        3rd plural *píph₃ontor *píph₃onto *? *píph₃ōntor *píph₃oyro
        Participle *píph₃omnos



        Most descendants show voicing of the second *p to *b. This is generally taken to be assimilation to the following laryngeal, yielding *píbeti.[4]

        • >? Proto-Albanian: *pīja
          • Old Albanian: pii
            • Albanian: pi
        • Proto-Armenian:
        • Proto-Celtic: *ɸibeti (see there for further descendants)
        • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *píbati (see there for further descendants)
        • Proto-Italic: *pibō (see there for further descendants)


        1. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “*peh₃(i̯)-⁰”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 462-463:*pi-ph₃-é-
        2. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) “bibō, -ere”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 71-72
        3. ^ Mayrhofer, Manfred (1996) Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen [Etymological Dictionary of Old Indo-Aryan]‎[12] (in German), volume 2, Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, page 113:*pí-ph₃-e-ti
        4. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[13], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





        From *preḱ- (to ask) +‎ *-sḱéti (iterative verbal suffix), with simplification of the consonant cluster.



        *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

        1. to keep asking, to question


        Imperfective, thematic
        3rd singular *pr̥sḱéti
        3rd plural *pr̥sḱónti
        Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *pr̥sḱóh₂ *pr̥sḱóm *pr̥sḱṓh₂ *pr̥sḱóyh₁m̥
        2nd singular *pr̥sḱési *pr̥sḱés *pr̥sḱé *pr̥sḱḗsi *pr̥sḱóys
        3rd singular *pr̥sḱéti *pr̥sḱét *pr̥sḱétu *pr̥sḱḗti *pr̥sḱóyt
        1st dual *pr̥sḱówos *pr̥sḱówe *pr̥sḱṓwos *pr̥sḱóywe
        2nd dual *pr̥sḱétes *pr̥sḱétom *pr̥sḱétom *pr̥sḱḗtes *pr̥sḱóytom
        3rd dual *pr̥sḱétes *pr̥sḱétām *pr̥sḱétām *pr̥sḱḗtes *pr̥sḱóytām
        1st plural *pr̥sḱómos *pr̥sḱóme *pr̥sḱṓmos *pr̥sḱóyme
        2nd plural *pr̥sḱéte *pr̥sḱéte *pr̥sḱéte *pr̥sḱḗte *pr̥sḱóyte
        3rd plural *pr̥sḱónti *pr̥sḱónt *pr̥sḱóntu *pr̥sḱṓnti *pr̥sḱóyh₁n̥t
        Participle *pr̥sḱónts
        Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *pr̥sḱóh₂er *pr̥sḱóh₂e *pr̥sḱṓh₂er *pr̥sḱóyh₂e
        2nd singular *pr̥sḱéth₂er *pr̥sḱéth₂e *pr̥sḱéso *pr̥sḱḗth₂er *pr̥sḱóyth₂e
        3rd singular *pr̥sḱétor *pr̥sḱéto *? *pr̥sḱḗtor *pr̥sḱóyto, *pr̥sḱóyh₁o
        1st dual *pr̥sḱówosdʰh₂ *pr̥sḱówedʰh₂ *pr̥sḱṓwosdʰh₂ *pr̥sḱóywedʰh₂
        2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
        3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
        1st plural *pr̥sḱómosdʰh₂ *pr̥sḱómedʰh₂ *pr̥sḱṓmosdʰh₂ *pr̥sḱóymedʰh₂
        2nd plural *pr̥sḱédʰh₂we *pr̥sḱédʰh₂we *pr̥sḱédʰh₂we *pr̥sḱḗdʰh₂we *pr̥sḱóydʰh₂we
        3rd plural *pr̥sḱóntor *pr̥sḱónto *? *pr̥sḱṓntor *pr̥sḱóyro
        Participle *pr̥sḱómnos

        Derived terms





        1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[14], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





        Athematic root aorist of *sed- (to sit).



        *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1][2]

        1. to sit down


        Perfective, athematic
        3rd singular *sédt
        3rd plural *sdént
        Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *sédm̥ *sédoh₂ *sdyéh₁m̥
        2nd singular *séds *séd, *sddʰí *sédesi *sdyéh₁s
        3rd singular *sédt *sédtu *sédeti *sdyéh₁t
        1st dual *sdwé *sédowos *sdih₁wé
        2nd dual *sdtóm *sdtóm *sédetes *sdih₁tóm
        3rd dual *sdtā́m *sdtā́m *sédetes *sdih₁tā́m
        1st plural *sdmé *sédomos *sdih₁mé
        2nd plural *sdté *sdté *sédete *sdih₁té
        3rd plural *sdént *sdéntu *sédonti *sdih₁ént
        Participle *sdónts
        Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *sdh₂é *sédoh₂er *sdih₁h₂é
        2nd singular *sdth₂é *sdsó *sédeth₂er *sdih₁th₂é
        3rd singular *sdtó, *sdó *? *sédetor *sdih₁tó, *sdih₁ó
        1st dual *sdwédʰh₂ *sédowosdʰh₂ *sdih₁wédʰh₂
        2nd dual *? *? *? *?
        3rd dual *? *? *? *?
        1st plural *sdmédʰh₂ *sédomosdʰh₂ *sdih₁médʰh₂
        2nd plural *sddʰh₂wé *sddʰh₂wé *sédedʰh₂we *sdih₁dʰh₂wé
        3rd plural *sdn̥tó, *sdró *? *sédontor *sdih₁ró
        Participle *sdm̥h₁nós


        • Proto-Hellenic:


        1. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, page 513
        2. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[15], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 34
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





        From *seh₂g- (to seek out) +‎ *-yeti.



        *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2]

        1. to seek out, give a sign, track


        Imperfective, thematic, active only
        3rd singular *séh₂gyeti
        3rd plural *séh₂gyonti
        Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *séh₂gyoh₂ *séh₂gyom *séh₂gyōh₂ *séh₂gyoyh₁m̥
        2nd singular *séh₂gyesi *séh₂gyes *séh₂gye *séh₂gyēsi *séh₂gyoys
        3rd singular *séh₂gyeti *séh₂gyet *séh₂gyetu *séh₂gyēti *séh₂gyoyt
        1st dual *séh₂gyowos *séh₂gyowe *séh₂gyōwos *séh₂gyoywe
        2nd dual *séh₂gyetes *séh₂gyetom *séh₂gyetom *séh₂gyētes *séh₂gyoytom
        3rd dual *séh₂gyetes *séh₂gyetām *séh₂gyetām *séh₂gyētes *séh₂gyoytām
        1st plural *séh₂gyomos *séh₂gyome *séh₂gyōmos *séh₂gyoyme
        2nd plural *séh₂gyete *séh₂gyete *séh₂gyete *séh₂gyēte *séh₂gyoyte
        3rd plural *séh₂gyonti *séh₂gyont *séh₂gyontu *séh₂gyōnti *séh₂gyoyh₁n̥t
        Participle *séh₂gyonts




        1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[16], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
        2. ^ Guus Kroonen (2013) Alexander Lubotsky, editor, Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 11)‎[17], Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





        Thematic i-reduplicated root of *sed- (to sit).



        *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

        1. to be sitting down


        Imperfective, thematic, active only
        3rd singular *sísdeti
        3rd plural *sísdonti
        Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *sísdoh₂ *sísdom *sísdōh₂ *sísdoyh₁m̥
        2nd singular *sísdesi *sísdes *sísde *sísdēsi *sísdoys
        3rd singular *sísdeti *sísdet *sísdetu *sísdēti *sísdoyt
        1st dual *sísdowos *sísdowe *sísdōwos *sísdoywe
        2nd dual *sísdetes *sísdetom *sísdetom *sísdētes *sísdoytom
        3rd dual *sísdetes *sísdetām *sísdetām *sísdētes *sísdoytām
        1st plural *sísdomos *sísdome *sísdōmos *sísdoyme
        2nd plural *sísdete *sísdete *sísdete *sísdēte *sísdoyte
        3rd plural *sísdonti *sísdont *sísdontu *sísdōnti *sísdoyh₁n̥t
        Participle *sísdonts

        Derived terms





        1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[18], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





        Athematic root aorist of *skeyd- (to split, to divide).



        *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1]

        1. to cut off


        Perfective, athematic
        3rd singular *skéydt
        3rd plural *skidént
        Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *skéydm̥ *skéydoh₂ *skidyéh₁m̥
        2nd singular *skéyds *skéyd, *skiddʰí *skéydesi *skidyéh₁s
        3rd singular *skéydt *skéydtu *skéydeti *skidyéh₁t
        1st dual *skidwé *skéydowos *skidih₁wé
        2nd dual *skidtóm *skidtóm *skéydetes *skidih₁tóm
        3rd dual *skidtā́m *skidtā́m *skéydetes *skidih₁tā́m
        1st plural *skidmé *skéydomos *skidih₁mé
        2nd plural *skidté *skidté *skéydete *skidih₁té
        3rd plural *skidént *skidéntu *skéydonti *skidih₁ént
        Participle *skidónts
        Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *skidh₂é *skéydoh₂er *skidih₁h₂é
        2nd singular *skidth₂é *skidsó *skéydeth₂er *skidih₁th₂é
        3rd singular *skidtó, *skidó *? *skéydetor *skidih₁tó, *skidih₁ó
        1st dual *skidwédʰh₂ *skéydowosdʰh₂ *skidih₁wédʰh₂
        2nd dual *? *? *? *?
        3rd dual *? *? *? *?
        1st plural *skidmédʰh₂ *skéydomosdʰh₂ *skidih₁médʰh₂
        2nd plural *skiddʰh₂wé *skiddʰh₂wé *skéydedʰh₂we *skidih₁dʰh₂wé
        3rd plural *skidn̥tó, *skidró *? *skéydontor *skidih₁ró
        Participle *skidm̥h₁nós




        1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[19], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





        From *skeyd- (to split, divide) +‎ *-né- (nasal infix).



        *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

        1. to be cutting off


        Imperfective, athematic
        3rd singular *skinédti
        3rd plural *skindénti
        Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *skinédmi *skinédm̥ *skinédoh₂ *skindyéh₁m̥
        2nd singular *skinédsi *skinéds *skinéd, *skinddʰí *skinédesi *skindyéh₁s
        3rd singular *skinédti *skinédt *skinédtu *skinédeti *skindyéh₁t
        1st dual *skindwós *skindwé *skinédowos *skindih₁wé
        2nd dual *skindtés *skindtóm *skindtóm *skinédetes *skindih₁tóm
        3rd dual *skindtés *skindtā́m *skindtā́m *skinédetes *skindih₁tā́m
        1st plural *skindmós *skindmé *skinédomos *skindih₁mé
        2nd plural *skindté *skindté *skindté *skinédete *skindih₁té
        3rd plural *skindénti *skindént *skindéntu *skinédonti *skindih₁ént
        Participle *skindónts
        Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
        1st singular *skindh₂ér *skindh₂é *skinédoh₂er *skindih₁h₂é
        2nd singular *skindth₂ér *skindth₂é *skindsó *skinédeth₂er *skindih₁th₂é
        3rd singular *skindtór, *skindór *skindtó, *skindó *? *skinédetor *skindih₁tó, *skindih₁ó
        1st dual *skindwósdʰh₂ *skindwédʰh₂ *skinédowosdʰh₂ *skindih₁wédʰh₂
        2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
        3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
        1st plural *skindmósdʰh₂ *skindmédʰh₂ *skinédomosdʰh₂ *skindih₁médʰh₂
        2nd plural *skinddʰh₂wé *skinddʰh₂wé *skinddʰh₂wé *skinédedʰh₂we *skindih₁dʰh₂wé
        3rd plural *skindn̥tór, *skindrór *skindn̥tó, *skindró *? *skinédontor *skindih₁ró
        Participle *skindm̥h₁nós




        1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[20], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
        This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





          From *sed- (to sit) +‎ *-éyeti (causative verbal suffix).



          *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)

          1. to set, to seat, to cause to sit


          Imperfective, thematic
          3rd singular *sodéyeti
          3rd plural *sodéyonti
          Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
          1st singular *sodéyoh₂ *sodéyom *sodéyōh₂ *sodéyoyh₁m̥
          2nd singular *sodéyesi *sodéyes *sodéye *sodéyēsi *sodéyoys
          3rd singular *sodéyeti *sodéyet *sodéyetu *sodéyēti *sodéyoyt
          1st dual *sodéyowos *sodéyowe *sodéyōwos *sodéyoywe
          2nd dual *sodéyetes *sodéyetom *sodéyetom *sodéyētes *sodéyoytom
          3rd dual *sodéyetes *sodéyetām *sodéyetām *sodéyētes *sodéyoytām
          1st plural *sodéyomos *sodéyome *sodéyōmos *sodéyoyme
          2nd plural *sodéyete *sodéyete *sodéyete *sodéyēte *sodéyoyte
          3rd plural *sodéyonti *sodéyont *sodéyontu *sodéyōnti *sodéyoyh₁n̥t
          Participle *sodéyonts
          Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
          1st singular *sodéyoh₂er *sodéyoh₂e *sodéyōh₂er *sodéyoyh₂e
          2nd singular *sodéyeth₂er *sodéyeth₂e *sodéyeso *sodéyēth₂er *sodéyoyth₂e
          3rd singular *sodéyetor *sodéyeto *? *sodéyētor *sodéyoyto, *sodéyoyh₁o
          1st dual *sodéyowosdʰh₂ *sodéyowedʰh₂ *sodéyōwosdʰh₂ *sodéyoywedʰh₂
          2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
          3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
          1st plural *sodéyomosdʰh₂ *sodéyomedʰh₂ *sodéyōmosdʰh₂ *sodéyoymedʰh₂
          2nd plural *sodéyedʰh₂we *sodéyedʰh₂we *sodéyedʰh₂we *sodéyēdʰh₂we *sodéyoydʰh₂we
          3rd plural *sodéyontor *sodéyonto *? *sodéyōntor *sodéyoyro
          Participle *sodéyomnos




          1. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*had”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 125-126
          This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





            From *speḱ- (to see, to look, to observe) +‎ *-yeti.



            *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2][3][4]

            1. to be looking at, to keep looking at


            Imperfective, thematic
            3rd singular *spéḱyeti
            3rd plural *spéḱyonti
            Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
            1st singular *spéḱyoh₂ *spéḱyom *spéḱyōh₂ *spéḱyoyh₁m̥
            2nd singular *spéḱyesi *spéḱyes *spéḱye *spéḱyēsi *spéḱyoys
            3rd singular *spéḱyeti *spéḱyet *spéḱyetu *spéḱyēti *spéḱyoyt
            1st dual *spéḱyowos *spéḱyowe *spéḱyōwos *spéḱyoywe
            2nd dual *spéḱyetes *spéḱyetom *spéḱyetom *spéḱyētes *spéḱyoytom
            3rd dual *spéḱyetes *spéḱyetām *spéḱyetām *spéḱyētes *spéḱyoytām
            1st plural *spéḱyomos *spéḱyome *spéḱyōmos *spéḱyoyme
            2nd plural *spéḱyete *spéḱyete *spéḱyete *spéḱyēte *spéḱyoyte
            3rd plural *spéḱyonti *spéḱyont *spéḱyontu *spéḱyōnti *spéḱyoyh₁n̥t
            Participle *spéḱyonts
            Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
            1st singular *spéḱyoh₂er *spéḱyoh₂e *spéḱyōh₂er *spéḱyoyh₂e
            2nd singular *spéḱyeth₂er *spéḱyeth₂e *spéḱyeso *spéḱyēth₂er *spéḱyoyth₂e
            3rd singular *spéḱyetor *spéḱyeto *? *spéḱyētor *spéḱyoyto, *spéḱyoyh₁o
            1st dual *spéḱyowosdʰh₂ *spéḱyowedʰh₂ *spéḱyōwosdʰh₂ *spéḱyoywedʰh₂
            2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
            3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
            1st plural *spéḱyomosdʰh₂ *spéḱyomedʰh₂ *spéḱyōmosdʰh₂ *spéḱyoymedʰh₂
            2nd plural *spéḱyedʰh₂we *spéḱyedʰh₂we *spéḱyedʰh₂we *spéḱyēdʰh₂we *spéḱyoydʰh₂we
            3rd plural *spéḱyontor *spéḱyonto *? *spéḱyōntor *spéḱyoyro
            Participle *spéḱyomnos




            1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[21], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
            2. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*spas”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 353-354
            3. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) “σκέπτομαι”, in Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), volume II, with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 1347-1348
            4. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) “speciō, -ere”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 578-579
            This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





            Athematic root aorist of *steh₂- (to stand up).



            *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1]

            1. to stand up


            Perfective, athematic, active only
            3rd singular *stéh₂t
            3rd plural *sth₂ént
            Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
            1st singular *stā́m *stéh₂oh₂ *sth₂yéh₁m̥
            2nd singular *stéh₂s *stéh₂, *sth₂dʰí *stéh₂esi *sth₂yéh₁s
            3rd singular *stéh₂t *stéh₂tu *stéh₂eti *sth₂yéh₁t
            1st dual *sth₂wé *stéh₂owos *sth₂ih₁wé
            2nd dual *sth₂tóm *sth₂tóm *stéh₂etes *sth₂ih₁tóm
            3rd dual *sth₂tā́m *sth₂tā́m *stéh₂etes *sth₂ih₁tā́m
            1st plural *sth₂mé *stéh₂omos *sth₂ih₁mé
            2nd plural *sth₂té *sth₂té *stéh₂ete *sth₂ih₁té
            3rd plural *sth₂ént *sth₂éntu *stéh₂onti *sth₂ih₁ént
            Participle *sth₂ónts




            1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[22], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
            This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





            Reduplicated stative of the root *steh₂- (to stand).



            *PIE verbs k-y (stative)[1]

            1. to be standing


            3rd singular *stestóh₂e
            3rd plural *stesth₂ḗr
            Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
            1st singular *stestóh₂h₂e *stestéh₂oh₂ *stesth₂yéh₁m̥
            2nd singular *stestóh₂th₂e *stestóh₂, *stesth₂dʰí *stestéh₂esi *stesth₂yéh₁s
            3rd singular *stestóh₂e *stestóh₂tu *stestéh₂eti *stesth₂yéh₁t
            1st dual *stesth₂wé *stestéh₂owos *stesth₂ih₁wé
            2nd dual *? *stesth₂tóm *stestéh₂etes *stesth₂ih₁tóm
            3rd dual *? *stesth₂tā́m *stestéh₂etes *stesth₂ih₁tā́m
            1st plural *stesth₂mé *stestéh₂omos *stesth₂ih₁mé
            2nd plural *stesth₂é *stesth₂té *stestéh₂ete *stesth₂ih₁té
            3rd plural *stesth₂ḗr *stesth₂éntu *stestéh₂onti *stesth₂ih₁ént
            Participle *stesth₂wṓs




            1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[23], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
            This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





            Thematic root present of *steygʰ- (to go; to climb).



            *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

            1. to be walking
            2. to be climbing


            Imperfective, thematic, active only
            3rd singular *stéygʰeti
            3rd plural *stéygʰonti
            Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
            1st singular *stéygʰoh₂ *stéygʰom *stéygʰōh₂ *stéygʰoyh₁m̥
            2nd singular *stéygʰesi *stéygʰes *stéygʰe *stéygʰēsi *stéygʰoys
            3rd singular *stéygʰeti *stéygʰet *stéygʰetu *stéygʰēti *stéygʰoyt
            1st dual *stéygʰowos *stéygʰowe *stéygʰōwos *stéygʰoywe
            2nd dual *stéygʰetes *stéygʰetom *stéygʰetom *stéygʰētes *stéygʰoytom
            3rd dual *stéygʰetes *stéygʰetām *stéygʰetām *stéygʰētes *stéygʰoytām
            1st plural *stéygʰomos *stéygʰome *stéygʰōmos *stéygʰoyme
            2nd plural *stéygʰete *stéygʰete *stéygʰete *stéygʰēte *stéygʰoyte
            3rd plural *stéygʰonti *stéygʰont *stéygʰontu *stéygʰōnti *stéygʰoyh₁n̥t
            Participle *stéygʰonts


            • Proto-Balto-Slavic: *stéigtei (see there for further descendants)
            • Proto-Celtic: *teigeti (see there for further descendants)
            • Proto-Germanic: *stīganą (see there for further descendants)
            • Proto-Hellenic: *stéikʰō (see there for further descendants)


            1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[24], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
            This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Athematic i-reduplicated root of *steh₂- (to stand up).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to be standing up, to be getting up


              Imperfective, athematic, active only
              3rd singular *stísteh₂ti
              3rd plural *stísth₂n̥ti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *stísteh₂mi *stístām *stísteh₂oh₂ *stísth₂yeh₁m̥
              2nd singular *stísteh₂si *stísteh₂s *stísteh₂, *stísth₂dʰi *stísteh₂esi *stísth₂yeh₁s
              3rd singular *stísteh₂ti *stísteh₂t *stísteh₂tu *stísteh₂eti *stísth₂yeh₁t
              1st dual *stísth₂wos *stísth₂we *stísteh₂owos *stísth₂ih₁we
              2nd dual *stísth₂tes *stísth₂tom *stísth₂tom *stísteh₂etes *stísth₂ih₁tom
              3rd dual *stísth₂tes *stísth₂tām *stísth₂tām *stísteh₂etes *stísth₂ih₁tām
              1st plural *stísth₂mos *stísth₂me *stísteh₂omos *stísth₂ih₁me
              2nd plural *stísth₂te *stísth₂te *stísth₂te *stísteh₂ete *stísth₂ih₁te
              3rd plural *stísth₂n̥ti *stísth₂n̥t *stísth₂n̥tu *stísteh₂onti *stísth₂ih₁n̥t
              Participle *stísth₂n̥ts




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[25], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*staH”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 358
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *steh₂- (to stand) +‎ *-né- (nasal infix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to place, to stand


              Imperfective, athematic
              3rd singular *stnéh₂ti
              3rd plural *stn̥h₂énti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *stnéh₂mi *stnā́m *stnéh₂oh₂ *stn̥h₂yéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *stnéh₂si *stnéh₂s *stnéh₂, *stn̥h₂dʰí *stnéh₂esi *stn̥h₂yéh₁s
              3rd singular *stnéh₂ti *stnéh₂t *stnéh₂tu *stnéh₂eti *stn̥h₂yéh₁t
              1st dual *stn̥h₂wós *stn̥h₂wé *stnéh₂owos *stn̥h₂ih₁wé
              2nd dual *stn̥h₂tés *stn̥h₂tóm *stn̥h₂tóm *stnéh₂etes *stn̥h₂ih₁tóm
              3rd dual *stn̥h₂tés *stn̥h₂tā́m *stn̥h₂tā́m *stnéh₂etes *stn̥h₂ih₁tā́m
              1st plural *stn̥h₂mós *stn̥h₂mé *stnéh₂omos *stn̥h₂ih₁mé
              2nd plural *stn̥h₂té *stn̥h₂té *stn̥h₂té *stnéh₂ete *stn̥h₂ih₁té
              3rd plural *stn̥h₂énti *stn̥h₂ént *stn̥h₂éntu *stnéh₂onti *stn̥h₂ih₁ént
              Participle *stn̥h₂ónts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *stn̥h₂h₂ér *stn̥h₂h₂é *stnéh₂oh₂er *stn̥h₂ih₁h₂é
              2nd singular *stn̥h₂th₂ér *stn̥h₂th₂é *stn̥h₂só *stnéh₂eth₂er *stn̥h₂ih₁th₂é
              3rd singular *stn̥h₂tór, *stn̥h₂ór *stn̥h₂tó, *stn̥h₂ó *? *stnéh₂etor *stn̥h₂ih₁tó, *stn̥h₂ih₁ó
              1st dual *stn̥h₂wósdʰh₂ *stn̥h₂wédʰh₂ *stnéh₂owosdʰh₂ *stn̥h₂ih₁wédʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *stn̥h₂mósdʰh₂ *stn̥h₂médʰh₂ *stnéh₂omosdʰh₂ *stn̥h₂ih₁médʰh₂
              2nd plural *stn̥h₂dʰh₂wé *stn̥h₂dʰh₂wé *stn̥h₂dʰh₂wé *stnéh₂edʰh₂we *stn̥h₂ih₁dʰh₂wé
              3rd plural *stn̥h₂n̥tór, *stn̥h₂rór *stn̥h₂n̥tó, *stn̥h₂ró *? *stnéh₂ontor *stn̥h₂ih₁ró
              Participle *stn̥h₂m̥h₁nós




              1. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7)‎[26], Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Athematic root aorist of *telh₂- (to bear).



              *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1]

              1. to lift


              Perfective, athematic
              3rd singular *télh₂t
              3rd plural *tl̥h₂ént
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *télh₂m̥ *télh₂oh₂ *tl̥h₂yéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *télh₂s *tḗl, *tl̥h₂dʰí *télh₂esi *tl̥h₂yéh₁s
              3rd singular *télh₂t *télh₂tu *télh₂eti *tl̥h₂yéh₁t
              1st dual *tl̥h₂wé *télh₂owos *tl̥h₂ih₁wé
              2nd dual *tl̥h₂tóm *tl̥h₂tóm *télh₂etes *tl̥h₂ih₁tóm
              3rd dual *tl̥h₂tā́m *tl̥h₂tā́m *télh₂etes *tl̥h₂ih₁tā́m
              1st plural *tl̥h₂mé *télh₂omos *tl̥h₂ih₁mé
              2nd plural *tl̥h₂té *tl̥h₂té *télh₂ete *tl̥h₂ih₁té
              3rd plural *tl̥h₂ént *tl̥h₂éntu *télh₂onti *tl̥h₂ih₁ént
              Participle *tl̥h₂ónts
              Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tl̥h₂h₂é *télh₂oh₂er *tl̥h₂ih₁h₂é
              2nd singular *tl̥h₂th₂é *tl̥h₂só *télh₂eth₂er *tl̥h₂ih₁th₂é
              3rd singular *tl̥h₂tó, *tl̥h₂ó *? *télh₂etor *tl̥h₂ih₁tó, *tl̥h₂ih₁ó
              1st dual *tl̥h₂wédʰh₂ *télh₂owosdʰh₂ *tl̥h₂ih₁wédʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *tl̥h₂médʰh₂ *télh₂omosdʰh₂ *tl̥h₂ih₁médʰh₂
              2nd plural *tl̥h₂dʰh₂wé *tl̥h₂dʰh₂wé *télh₂edʰh₂we *tl̥h₂ih₁dʰh₂wé
              3rd plural *tl̥h₂n̥tó, *tl̥h₂ró *? *télh₂ontor *tl̥h₂ih₁ró
              Participle *tl̥h₂m̥h₁nós




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[27], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Reduplicated stative of the root *telh₂- (to bear).



              *PIE verbs k-y (stative)[1]

              1. to be holding up


              3rd singular *tetólh₂e
              3rd plural *tetl̥h₂ḗr
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tetólh₂e *tetélh₂oh₂ *tetl̥h₂yéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *tetólth₂e *tetṓl, *tetl̥h₂dʰí *tetélh₂esi *tetl̥h₂yéh₁s
              3rd singular *tetólh₂e *tetóltu *tetélh₂eti *tetl̥h₂yéh₁t
              1st dual *tetl̥h₂wé *tetélh₂owos *tetl̥h₂ih₁wé
              2nd dual *? *tetl̥h₂tóm *tetélh₂etes *tetl̥h₂ih₁tóm
              3rd dual *? *tetl̥h₂tā́m *tetélh₂etes *tetl̥h₂ih₁tā́m
              1st plural *tetl̥h₂mé *tetélh₂omos *tetl̥h₂ih₁mé
              2nd plural *tetl̥h₂é *tetl̥h₂té *tetélh₂ete *tetl̥h₂ih₁té
              3rd plural *tetl̥h₂ḗr *tetl̥h₂éntu *tetélh₂onti *tetl̥h₂ih₁ént
              Participle *tetl̥h₂wṓs




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[28], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Reduplicated stative of the root *terp- (to satisfy).



              *PIE verbs k-y (stative)[1]

              1. to be satisfied


              3rd singular *tetórpe
              3rd plural *tetr̥pḗr
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tetórph₂e *tetérpoh₂ *tetr̥pyéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *tetórpth₂e *tetórp, *tetr̥pdʰí *tetérpesi *tetr̥pyéh₁s
              3rd singular *tetórpe *tetórptu *tetérpeti *tetr̥pyéh₁t
              1st dual *tetr̥pwé *tetérpowos *tetr̥pih₁wé
              2nd dual *? *tetr̥ptóm *tetérpetes *tetr̥pih₁tóm
              3rd dual *? *tetr̥ptā́m *tetérpetes *tetr̥pih₁tā́m
              1st plural *tetr̥pmé *tetérpomos *tetr̥pih₁mé
              2nd plural *tetr̥pé *tetr̥pté *tetérpete *tetr̥pih₁té
              3rd plural *tetr̥pḗr *tetr̥péntu *tetérponti *tetr̥pih₁ént
              Participle *tetr̥pwṓs




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[29], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *telh₂- (to bear) +‎ *-né- (nasal infix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to be lifting


              Imperfective, athematic
              3rd singular *tl̥néh₂ti
              3rd plural *tl̥nh₂énti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tl̥néh₂mi *tl̥nā́m *tl̥néh₂oh₂ *tl̥nh₂yéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *tl̥néh₂si *tl̥néh₂s *tl̥néh₂, *tl̥nh₂dʰí *tl̥néh₂esi *tl̥nh₂yéh₁s
              3rd singular *tl̥néh₂ti *tl̥néh₂t *tl̥néh₂tu *tl̥néh₂eti *tl̥nh₂yéh₁t
              1st dual *tl̥nh₂wós *tl̥nh₂wé *tl̥néh₂owos *tl̥nh₂ih₁wé
              2nd dual *tl̥nh₂tés *tl̥nh₂tóm *tl̥nh₂tóm *tl̥néh₂etes *tl̥nh₂ih₁tóm
              3rd dual *tl̥nh₂tés *tl̥nh₂tā́m *tl̥nh₂tā́m *tl̥néh₂etes *tl̥nh₂ih₁tā́m
              1st plural *tl̥nh₂mós *tl̥nh₂mé *tl̥néh₂omos *tl̥nh₂ih₁mé
              2nd plural *tl̥nh₂té *tl̥nh₂té *tl̥nh₂té *tl̥néh₂ete *tl̥nh₂ih₁té
              3rd plural *tl̥nh₂énti *tl̥nh₂ént *tl̥nh₂éntu *tl̥néh₂onti *tl̥nh₂ih₁ént
              Participle *tl̥nh₂ónts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tl̥nh₂h₂ér *tl̥nh₂h₂é *tl̥néh₂oh₂er *tl̥nh₂ih₁h₂é
              2nd singular *tl̥nh₂th₂ér *tl̥nh₂th₂é *tl̥nh₂só *tl̥néh₂eth₂er *tl̥nh₂ih₁th₂é
              3rd singular *tl̥nh₂tór, *tl̥nh₂ór *tl̥nh₂tó, *tl̥nh₂ó *? *tl̥néh₂etor *tl̥nh₂ih₁tó, *tl̥nh₂ih₁ó
              1st dual *tl̥nh₂wósdʰh₂ *tl̥nh₂wédʰh₂ *tl̥néh₂owosdʰh₂ *tl̥nh₂ih₁wédʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *tl̥nh₂mósdʰh₂ *tl̥nh₂médʰh₂ *tl̥néh₂omosdʰh₂ *tl̥nh₂ih₁médʰh₂
              2nd plural *tl̥nh₂dʰh₂wé *tl̥nh₂dʰh₂wé *tl̥nh₂dʰh₂wé *tl̥néh₂edʰh₂we *tl̥nh₂ih₁dʰh₂wé
              3rd plural *tl̥nh₂n̥tór, *tl̥nh₂rór *tl̥nh₂n̥tó, *tl̥nh₂ró *? *tl̥néh₂ontor *tl̥nh₂ih₁ró
              Participle *tl̥nh₂m̥h₁nós




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[30], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *ten- (to stretch, extend) +‎ *-néwti.



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to be stretching


              Imperfective, athematic
              3rd singular *tn̥néwti
              3rd plural *tn̥n‌wénti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tn̥néwmi *tn̥nḗm *tn̥néwoh₂ *tn̥n‌uyéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *tn̥néwsi *tn̥néws *tn̥néw, *tn̥n‌udʰí *tn̥néwesi *tn̥n‌uyéh₁s
              3rd singular *tn̥néwti *tn̥néwt *tn̥néwtu *tn̥néweti *tn̥n‌uyéh₁t
              1st dual *tn̥n‌uwós *tn̥n‌uwé *tn̥néwowos *tn̥n‌wih₁wé
              2nd dual *tn̥n‌utés *tn̥n‌utóm *tn̥n‌utóm *tn̥néwetes *tn̥n‌wih₁tóm
              3rd dual *tn̥n‌utés *tn̥n‌utā́m *tn̥n‌utā́m *tn̥néwetes *tn̥n‌wih₁tā́m
              1st plural *tn̥n‌umós *tn̥n‌umé *tn̥néwomos *tn̥n‌wih₁mé
              2nd plural *tn̥n‌uté *tn̥n‌uté *tn̥n‌uté *tn̥néwete *tn̥n‌wih₁té
              3rd plural *tn̥n‌wénti *tn̥n‌wént *tn̥n‌wéntu *tn̥néwonti *tn̥n‌wih₁ént
              Participle *tn̥n‌wónts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tn̥n‌uh₂ér *tn̥n‌uh₂é *tn̥néwoh₂er *tn̥n‌wih₁h₂é
              2nd singular *tn̥n‌uth₂ér *tn̥n‌uth₂é *tn̥n‌usó *tn̥néweth₂er *tn̥n‌wih₁th₂é
              3rd singular *tn̥n‌utór, *tn̥n‌wór *tn̥n‌utó, *tn̥n‌wó *? *tn̥néwetor *tn̥n‌wih₁tó, *tn̥n‌wih₁ó
              1st dual *tn̥n‌uwósdʰh₂ *tn̥n‌uwédʰh₂ *tn̥néwowosdʰh₂ *tn̥n‌wih₁wédʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *tn̥n‌umósdʰh₂ *tn̥n‌umédʰh₂ *tn̥néwomosdʰh₂ *tn̥n‌wih₁médʰh₂
              2nd plural *tn̥n‌udʰh₂wé *tn̥n‌udʰh₂wé *tn̥n‌udʰh₂wé *tn̥néwedʰh₂we *tn̥n‌wih₁dʰh₂wé
              3rd plural *tn̥n‌wn̥tór, *tn̥n‌urór *tn̥n‌wn̥tó, *tn̥n‌uró *? *tn̥néwontor *tn̥n‌wih₁ró
              Participle *tn̥n‌wm̥h₁nós




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[31], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *ten- (to stretch, extend) +‎ *-éyeti (causative verbal suffix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to extend


              Imperfective, thematic
              3rd singular *tonéyeti
              3rd plural *tonéyonti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tonéyoh₂ *tonéyom *tonéyōh₂ *tonéyoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *tonéyesi *tonéyes *tonéye *tonéyēsi *tonéyoys
              3rd singular *tonéyeti *tonéyet *tonéyetu *tonéyēti *tonéyoyt
              1st dual *tonéyowos *tonéyowe *tonéyōwos *tonéyoywe
              2nd dual *tonéyetes *tonéyetom *tonéyetom *tonéyētes *tonéyoytom
              3rd dual *tonéyetes *tonéyetām *tonéyetām *tonéyētes *tonéyoytām
              1st plural *tonéyomos *tonéyome *tonéyōmos *tonéyoyme
              2nd plural *tonéyete *tonéyete *tonéyete *tonéyēte *tonéyoyte
              3rd plural *tonéyonti *tonéyont *tonéyontu *tonéyōnti *tonéyoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *tonéyonts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *tonéyoh₂er *tonéyoh₂e *tonéyōh₂er *tonéyoyh₂e
              2nd singular *tonéyeth₂er *tonéyeth₂e *tonéyeso *tonéyēth₂er *tonéyoyth₂e
              3rd singular *tonéyetor *tonéyeto *? *tonéyētor *tonéyoyto, *tonéyoyh₁o
              1st dual *tonéyowosdʰh₂ *tonéyowedʰh₂ *tonéyōwosdʰh₂ *tonéyoywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *tonéyomosdʰh₂ *tonéyomedʰh₂ *tonéyōmosdʰh₂ *tonéyoymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *tonéyedʰh₂we *tonéyedʰh₂we *tonéyedʰh₂we *tonéyēdʰh₂we *tonéyoydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *tonéyontor *tonéyonto *? *tonéyōntor *tonéyoyro
              Participle *tonéyomnos




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[32], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ Abajev, V. I. (1979) Историко-этимологический словарь осетинского языка [Historical-Etymological Dictionary of the Ossetian Language] (in Russian), volume III, Moscow and Leningrad: Academy Press, pages 262, 301–303
              3. ^ Steblin-Kamenskij, I.M. (1999) Etimologičeskij slovarʹ vaxanskovo jazyka [Etymological Dictionary of the Wakhi Language] (in Russian), Saint Petersburg: Peterburgskoje Vostokovedenije, →ISBN, pages 367—368
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Thematic root present of *weǵʰ- (to transport).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to be transporting


              Imperfective, thematic
              3rd singular *wéǵʰeti
              3rd plural *wéǵʰonti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéǵʰoh₂ *wéǵʰom *wéǵʰōh₂ *wéǵʰoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wéǵʰesi *wéǵʰes *wéǵʰe *wéǵʰēsi *wéǵʰoys
              3rd singular *wéǵʰeti *wéǵʰet *wéǵʰetu *wéǵʰēti *wéǵʰoyt
              1st dual *wéǵʰowos *wéǵʰowe *wéǵʰōwos *wéǵʰoywe
              2nd dual *wéǵʰetes *wéǵʰetom *wéǵʰetom *wéǵʰētes *wéǵʰoytom
              3rd dual *wéǵʰetes *wéǵʰetām *wéǵʰetām *wéǵʰētes *wéǵʰoytām
              1st plural *wéǵʰomos *wéǵʰome *wéǵʰōmos *wéǵʰoyme
              2nd plural *wéǵʰete *wéǵʰete *wéǵʰete *wéǵʰēte *wéǵʰoyte
              3rd plural *wéǵʰonti *wéǵʰont *wéǵʰontu *wéǵʰōnti *wéǵʰoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *wéǵʰonts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéǵʰoh₂er *wéǵʰoh₂e *wéǵʰōh₂er *wéǵʰoyh₂e
              2nd singular *wéǵʰeth₂er *wéǵʰeth₂e *wéǵʰeso *wéǵʰēth₂er *wéǵʰoyth₂e
              3rd singular *wéǵʰetor *wéǵʰeto *? *wéǵʰētor *wéǵʰoyto, *wéǵʰoyh₁o
              1st dual *wéǵʰowosdʰh₂ *wéǵʰowedʰh₂ *wéǵʰōwosdʰh₂ *wéǵʰoywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wéǵʰomosdʰh₂ *wéǵʰomedʰh₂ *wéǵʰōmosdʰh₂ *wéǵʰoymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *wéǵʰedʰh₂we *wéǵʰedʰh₂we *wéǵʰedʰh₂we *wéǵʰēdʰh₂we *wéǵʰoydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wéǵʰontor *wéǵʰonto *? *wéǵʰōntor *wéǵʰoyro
              Participle *wéǵʰomnos


              • Proto-Albanian: *wedza
              • Proto-Balto-Slavic: *weźtei (see there for further descendants)
              • Proto-Germanic: *weganą (see there for further descendants)
              • Proto-Hellenic: *wékʰō (see there for further descendants)
              • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *wáȷ́ʰati (see there for further descendants)
              • Proto-Italic: *weɣō (see there for further descendants)


              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[33], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *weǵʰ- (to transport) +‎ *-st (perfective verbal suffix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1]

              1. to transport


              Perfective, athematic
              3rd singular *wḗǵʰst
              3rd plural *wéǵʰsn̥t
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wḗǵʰsm̥ *wḗǵʰsoh₂ *wéǵʰsyeh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wḗǵʰs *wḗǵʰs, *wéǵʰsdʰi *wḗǵʰsesi *wéǵʰsyeh₁s
              3rd singular *wḗǵʰst *wḗǵʰstu *wḗǵʰseti *wéǵʰsyeh₁t
              1st dual *wéǵʰswe *wḗǵʰsowos *wéǵʰsih₁we
              2nd dual *wéǵʰstom *wéǵʰstom *wḗǵʰsetes *wéǵʰsih₁tom
              3rd dual *wéǵʰstām *wéǵʰstām *wḗǵʰsetes *wéǵʰsih₁tām
              1st plural *wéǵʰsme *wḗǵʰsomos *wéǵʰsih₁me
              2nd plural *wéǵʰste *wéǵʰste *wḗǵʰsete *wéǵʰsih₁te
              3rd plural *wéǵʰsn̥t *wéǵʰsn̥tu *wḗǵʰsonti *wéǵʰsih₁n̥t
              Participle *wéǵʰsn̥ts
              Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéǵʰsh₂e *wḗǵʰsoh₂er *wéǵʰsih₁h₂e
              2nd singular *wéǵʰsth₂e *wéǵʰso *wḗǵʰseth₂er *wéǵʰsih₁th₂e
              3rd singular *wéǵʰsto, *wéǵʰso *? *wḗǵʰsetor *wéǵʰsih₁to, *wéǵʰsih₁o
              1st dual *wéǵʰswedʰh₂ *wḗǵʰsowosdʰh₂ *wéǵʰsih₁wedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wéǵʰsmedʰh₂ *wḗǵʰsomosdʰh₂ *wéǵʰsih₁medʰh₂
              2nd plural *wéǵʰsdʰh₂we *wéǵʰsdʰh₂we *wḗǵʰsedʰh₂we *wéǵʰsih₁dʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wéǵʰsn̥to, *wéǵʰsro *? *wḗǵʰsontor *wéǵʰsih₁ro
              Participle *wéǵʰsm̥h₁nos




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[34], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ Weiss, Michael L. (2009) Outline of the Historical and Comparative Grammar of Latin[35], Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, →ISBN, § I E, page 412
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Athematic root present of *wert- (to turn, rotate).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to be turning around


              Imperfective, athematic, active only
              3rd singular *wértti
              3rd plural *wr̥ténti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wértmi *wértm̥ *wértoh₂ *wr̥tyéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wértsi *wérts *wért, *wr̥tdʰí *wértesi *wr̥tyéh₁s
              3rd singular *wértti *wértt *wérttu *wérteti *wr̥tyéh₁t
              1st dual *wr̥twós *wr̥twé *wértowos *wr̥tih₁wé
              2nd dual *wr̥ttés *wr̥ttóm *wr̥ttóm *wértetes *wr̥tih₁tóm
              3rd dual *wr̥ttés *wr̥ttā́m *wr̥ttā́m *wértetes *wr̥tih₁tā́m
              1st plural *wr̥tmós *wr̥tmé *wértomos *wr̥tih₁mé
              2nd plural *wr̥tté *wr̥tté *wr̥tté *wértete *wr̥tih₁té
              3rd plural *wr̥ténti *wr̥tént *wr̥téntu *wértonti *wr̥tih₁ént
              Participle *wr̥tónts


              • Proto-Germanic: *werþaną (to happen, to become) (see there for further descendants)
              • Proto-Italic: *wertō
                • Latin: vertō (see there for further descendants)


              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[36], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, pages 34, 157
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *werh₁- (to speak, say) +‎ *-yeti, with regular deletion of the laryngeal between a consonant and *y.



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2]

              1. to be saying


              Imperfective, thematic, active only
              3rd singular *wéryeti
              3rd plural *wéryonti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéryoh₂ *wéryom *wéryōh₂ *wéryoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wéryesi *wéryes *wérye *wéryēsi *wéryoys
              3rd singular *wéryeti *wéryet *wéryetu *wéryēti *wéryoyt
              1st dual *wéryowos *wéryowe *wéryōwos *wéryoywe
              2nd dual *wéryetes *wéryetom *wéryetom *wéryētes *wéryoytom
              3rd dual *wéryetes *wéryetām *wéryetām *wéryētes *wéryoytām
              1st plural *wéryomos *wéryome *wéryōmos *wéryoyme
              2nd plural *wéryete *wéryete *wéryete *wéryēte *wéryoyte
              3rd plural *wéryonti *wéryont *wéryontu *wéryōnti *wéryoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *wéryonts




              1. ^ Kloekhorst, Alwin (2008) “u̯er(ii̯e/a)-zi”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 5), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 1002-1003
              2. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[37], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Athematic Narten root verb of *wes- (to dress, clothe).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2]

              1. to be wearing


              Imperfective, athematic, middle only
              3rd singular *wéstor, *wésor
              3rd plural *wésn̥tor, *wésror
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wésh₂er *wésh₂e *wésoh₂er *wésih₁h₂e
              2nd singular *wésth₂er *wésth₂e *wéso *wéseth₂er *wésih₁th₂e
              3rd singular *wéstor, *wésor *wésto, *wéso *? *wésetor *wésih₁to, *wésih₁o
              1st dual *wéswosdʰh₂ *wéswedʰh₂ *wésowosdʰh₂ *wésih₁wedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wésmosdʰh₂ *wésmedʰh₂ *wésomosdʰh₂ *wésih₁medʰh₂
              2nd plural *wésdʰh₂we *wésdʰh₂we *wésdʰh₂we *wésedʰh₂we *wésih₁dʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wésn̥tor, *wésror *wésn̥to, *wésro *? *wésontor *wésih₁ro
              Participle *wésm̥h₁nos



              Derived terms



              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[38], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ (for the Narten ablaut) Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, pages 133-134
              3. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) “ἕννυμι”, in Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 428-9:*ϝέσ-μαι
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Thematic reduplicated root aorist of *wekʷ- (to speak, sound out).



              *PIE verbs k-y (perfective)[1]

              1. to say


              Perfective, thematic
              3rd singular *wéwket
              3rd plural *wéwkont
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéwkom *wéwkōh₂ *wéwkoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wéwkes *wéwke *wéwkēsi *wéwkoys
              3rd singular *wéwket *wéwketu *wéwkēti *wéwkoyt
              1st dual *wéwkowe *wéwkōwos *wéwkoywe
              2nd dual *wéwketom *wéwketom *wéwkētes *wéwkoytom
              3rd dual *wéwketām *wéwketām *wéwkētes *wéwkoytām
              1st plural *wéwkome *wéwkōmos *wéwkoyme
              2nd plural *wéwkete *wéwkete *wéwkēte *wéwkoyte
              3rd plural *wéwkont *wéwkontu *wéwkōnti *wéwkoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *wéwkonts
              Middle voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéwkoh₂e *wéwkōh₂er *wéwkoyh₂e
              2nd singular *wéwketh₂e *wéwkeso *wéwkēth₂er *wéwkoyth₂e
              3rd singular *wéwketo *? *wéwkētor *wéwkoyto, *wéwkoyh₁o
              1st dual *wéwkowedʰh₂ *wéwkōwosdʰh₂ *wéwkoywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wéwkomedʰh₂ *wéwkōmosdʰh₂ *wéwkoymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *wéwkedʰh₂we *wéwkedʰh₂we *wéwkēdʰh₂we *wéwkoydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wéwkonto *? *wéwkōntor *wéwkoyro
              Participle *wéwkomnos




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[39], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Reduplicated stative of the root *wert- (to turn, rotate).



              *PIE verbs k-y (stative)[1][2]

              1. to be turned towards


              3rd singular *wewórte
              3rd plural *wewr̥tḗr
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wewórth₂e *wewértoh₂ *wewr̥tyéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wewórtth₂e *wewórt, *wewr̥tdʰí *wewértesi *wewr̥tyéh₁s
              3rd singular *wewórte *wewórttu *wewérteti *wewr̥tyéh₁t
              1st dual *wewr̥twé *wewértowos *wewr̥tih₁wé
              2nd dual *? *wewr̥ttóm *wewértetes *wewr̥tih₁tóm
              3rd dual *? *wewr̥ttā́m *wewértetes *wewr̥tih₁tā́m
              1st plural *wewr̥tmé *wewértomos *wewr̥tih₁mé
              2nd plural *wewr̥té *wewr̥tté *wewértete *wewr̥tih₁té
              3rd plural *wewr̥tḗr *wewr̥téntu *wewértonti *wewr̥tih₁ént
              Participle *wewr̥twṓs




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[40], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 691-692
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *weyd- (to see) +‎ *-(h₁)seti (desiderative verbal suffix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to want to see


              Imperfective, thematic
              3rd singular *wéydseti
              3rd plural *wéydsonti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéydsoh₂ *wéydsom *wéydsōh₂ *wéydsoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wéydsesi *wéydses *wéydse *wéydsēsi *wéydsoys
              3rd singular *wéydseti *wéydset *wéydsetu *wéydsēti *wéydsoyt
              1st dual *wéydsowos *wéydsowe *wéydsōwos *wéydsoywe
              2nd dual *wéydsetes *wéydsetom *wéydsetom *wéydsētes *wéydsoytom
              3rd dual *wéydsetes *wéydsetām *wéydsetām *wéydsētes *wéydsoytām
              1st plural *wéydsomos *wéydsome *wéydsōmos *wéydsoyme
              2nd plural *wéydsete *wéydsete *wéydsete *wéydsēte *wéydsoyte
              3rd plural *wéydsonti *wéydsont *wéydsontu *wéydsōnti *wéydsoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *wéydsonts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wéydsoh₂er *wéydsoh₂e *wéydsōh₂er *wéydsoyh₂e
              2nd singular *wéydseth₂er *wéydseth₂e *wéydseso *wéydsēth₂er *wéydsoyth₂e
              3rd singular *wéydsetor *wéydseto *? *wéydsētor *wéydsoyto, *wéydsoyh₁o
              1st dual *wéydsowosdʰh₂ *wéydsowedʰh₂ *wéydsōwosdʰh₂ *wéydsoywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wéydsomosdʰh₂ *wéydsomedʰh₂ *wéydsōmosdʰh₂ *wéydsoymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *wéydsedʰh₂we *wéydsedʰh₂we *wéydsedʰh₂we *wéydsēdʰh₂we *wéydsoydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wéydsontor *wéydsonto *? *wéydsōntor *wéydsoyro
              Participle *wéydsomnos


              • Proto-Italic: *weissō
              • Proto-Balto-Slavic:
                • East Baltic:
                  • Latgalian: vaicuot (to want to see, to look for)


              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[41], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *wert- (to turn, rotate) +‎ *-éyeti (causative verbal suffix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to turn (transitive)


              Imperfective, thematic
              3rd singular *wortéyeti
              3rd plural *wortéyonti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wortéyoh₂ *wortéyom *wortéyōh₂ *wortéyoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wortéyesi *wortéyes *wortéye *wortéyēsi *wortéyoys
              3rd singular *wortéyeti *wortéyet *wortéyetu *wortéyēti *wortéyoyt
              1st dual *wortéyowos *wortéyowe *wortéyōwos *wortéyoywe
              2nd dual *wortéyetes *wortéyetom *wortéyetom *wortéyētes *wortéyoytom
              3rd dual *wortéyetes *wortéyetām *wortéyetām *wortéyētes *wortéyoytām
              1st plural *wortéyomos *wortéyome *wortéyōmos *wortéyoyme
              2nd plural *wortéyete *wortéyete *wortéyete *wortéyēte *wortéyoyte
              3rd plural *wortéyonti *wortéyont *wortéyontu *wortéyōnti *wortéyoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *wortéyonts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wortéyoh₂er *wortéyoh₂e *wortéyōh₂er *wortéyoyh₂e
              2nd singular *wortéyeth₂er *wortéyeth₂e *wortéyeso *wortéyēth₂er *wortéyoyth₂e
              3rd singular *wortéyetor *wortéyeto *? *wortéyētor *wortéyoyto, *wortéyoyh₁o
              1st dual *wortéyowosdʰh₂ *wortéyowedʰh₂ *wortéyōwosdʰh₂ *wortéyoywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wortéyomosdʰh₂ *wortéyomedʰh₂ *wortéyōmosdʰh₂ *wortéyoymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *wortéyedʰh₂we *wortéyedʰh₂we *wortéyedʰh₂we *wortéyēdʰh₂we *wortéyoydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wortéyontor *wortéyonto *? *wortéyōntor *wortéyoyro
              Participle *wortéyomnos




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[42], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ Le Mair, Esther (2011 September 30) Secondary Verbs in Old Irish: A comparative-historical study of patterns of verbal derivation in the Old Irish Glosses, Galway: National University of Ireland, page 200
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *wes- (to dress, clothe) +‎ *-éyeti (causative verbal suffix).



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

              1. to clothe, to put clothes onto


              Imperfective, thematic
              3rd singular *woséyeti
              3rd plural *woséyonti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *woséyoh₂ *woséyom *woséyōh₂ *woséyoyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *woséyesi *woséyes *woséye *woséyēsi *woséyoys
              3rd singular *woséyeti *woséyet *woséyetu *woséyēti *woséyoyt
              1st dual *woséyowos *woséyowe *woséyōwos *woséyoywe
              2nd dual *woséyetes *woséyetom *woséyetom *woséyētes *woséyoytom
              3rd dual *woséyetes *woséyetām *woséyetām *woséyētes *woséyoytām
              1st plural *woséyomos *woséyome *woséyōmos *woséyoyme
              2nd plural *woséyete *woséyete *woséyete *woséyēte *woséyoyte
              3rd plural *woséyonti *woséyont *woséyontu *woséyōnti *woséyoyh₁n̥t
              Participle *woséyonts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *woséyoh₂er *woséyoh₂e *woséyōh₂er *woséyoyh₂e
              2nd singular *woséyeth₂er *woséyeth₂e *woséyeso *woséyēth₂er *woséyoyth₂e
              3rd singular *woséyetor *woséyeto *? *woséyētor *woséyoyto, *woséyoyh₁o
              1st dual *woséyowosdʰh₂ *woséyowedʰh₂ *woséyōwosdʰh₂ *woséyoywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *woséyomosdʰh₂ *woséyomedʰh₂ *woséyōmosdʰh₂ *woséyoymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *woséyedʰh₂we *woséyedʰh₂we *woséyedʰh₂we *woséyēdʰh₂we *woséyoydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *woséyontor *woséyonto *? *woséyōntor *woséyoyro
              Participle *woséyomnos




              1. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “1. *u̯es-”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, page 692
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              Root stative/perfect of *weyd- (to see).



              *PIE verbs k-y (stative)

              1. to have seen, to know


              3rd singular *wóyde
              3rd plural *widḗr
              Active voice Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wóydh₂e *wéydoh₂ *widyéh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wóydth₂e *wóyd, *widdʰí *wéydesi *widyéh₁s
              3rd singular *wóyde *wóydtu *wéydeti *widyéh₁t
              1st dual *widwé *wéydowos *widih₁wé
              2nd dual *? *widtóm *wéydetes *widih₁tóm
              3rd dual *? *widtā́m *wéydetes *widih₁tā́m
              1st plural *widmé *wéydomos *widih₁mé
              2nd plural *widé *widté *wéydete *widih₁té
              3rd plural *widḗr *widéntu *wéydonti *widih₁ént
              Participle *widwṓs




              1. ^ Mayrhofer, Manfred (1996) “VED”, in Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen [Etymological Dictionary of Old Indo-Aryan]‎[43] (in German), volume 2, Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, page 579:dazu sekundäre Präsensformen wie AV + vettu
              2. ^ Cheung, Johnny (2007) “*u̯aid1”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 408
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





              From *werǵ- (to make) +‎ *-yéti.



              *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1][2][3][4]

              1. to be working, to be at work


              Imperfective, thematic
              3rd singular *wr̥ǵyéti
              3rd plural *wr̥ǵyónti
              Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wr̥ǵyóh₂ *wr̥ǵyóm *wr̥ǵyṓh₂ *wr̥ǵyóyh₁m̥
              2nd singular *wr̥ǵyési *wr̥ǵyés *wr̥ǵyé *wr̥ǵyḗsi *wr̥ǵyóys
              3rd singular *wr̥ǵyéti *wr̥ǵyét *wr̥ǵyétu *wr̥ǵyḗti *wr̥ǵyóyt
              1st dual *wr̥ǵyówos *wr̥ǵyówe *wr̥ǵyṓwos *wr̥ǵyóywe
              2nd dual *wr̥ǵyétes *wr̥ǵyétom *wr̥ǵyétom *wr̥ǵyḗtes *wr̥ǵyóytom
              3rd dual *wr̥ǵyétes *wr̥ǵyétām *wr̥ǵyétām *wr̥ǵyḗtes *wr̥ǵyóytām
              1st plural *wr̥ǵyómos *wr̥ǵyóme *wr̥ǵyṓmos *wr̥ǵyóyme
              2nd plural *wr̥ǵyéte *wr̥ǵyéte *wr̥ǵyéte *wr̥ǵyḗte *wr̥ǵyóyte
              3rd plural *wr̥ǵyónti *wr̥ǵyónt *wr̥ǵyóntu *wr̥ǵyṓnti *wr̥ǵyóyh₁n̥t
              Participle *wr̥ǵyónts
              Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
              1st singular *wr̥ǵyóh₂er *wr̥ǵyóh₂e *wr̥ǵyṓh₂er *wr̥ǵyóyh₂e
              2nd singular *wr̥ǵyéth₂er *wr̥ǵyéth₂e *wr̥ǵyéso *wr̥ǵyḗth₂er *wr̥ǵyóyth₂e
              3rd singular *wr̥ǵyétor *wr̥ǵyéto *? *wr̥ǵyḗtor *wr̥ǵyóyto, *wr̥ǵyóyh₁o
              1st dual *wr̥ǵyówosdʰh₂ *wr̥ǵyówedʰh₂ *wr̥ǵyṓwosdʰh₂ *wr̥ǵyóywedʰh₂
              2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
              1st plural *wr̥ǵyómosdʰh₂ *wr̥ǵyómedʰh₂ *wr̥ǵyṓmosdʰh₂ *wr̥ǵyóymedʰh₂
              2nd plural *wr̥ǵyédʰh₂we *wr̥ǵyédʰh₂we *wr̥ǵyédʰh₂we *wr̥ǵyḗdʰh₂we *wr̥ǵyóydʰh₂we
              3rd plural *wr̥ǵyóntor *wr̥ǵyónto *? *wr̥ǵyṓntor *wr̥ǵyóyro
              Participle *wr̥ǵyómnos




              1. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[44], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
              2. ^ Rix, Helmut, editor (2001), “2. *u̯erg̑-”, in Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben [Lexicon of Indo-European Verbs] (in German), 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, →ISBN, pages 686-687
              3. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) “ἔρδω”, in Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), volume I, with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 450-451
              4. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) “ῥέζω 1”, in Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), volume II, with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 1278-1279
              This entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





                From *yewg- (to join, tie together) +‎ *-né- (nasal infix).



                *PIE verbs k-y (imperfective)[1]

                1. to be joining


                Imperfective, athematic
                3rd singular *yunégti
                3rd plural *yungénti
                Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
                1st singular *yunégmi *yunégm̥ *yunégoh₂ *yungyéh₁m̥
                2nd singular *yunégsi *yunégs *yunég, *yungdʰí *yunégesi *yungyéh₁s
                3rd singular *yunégti *yunégt *yunégtu *yunégeti *yungyéh₁t
                1st dual *yungwós *yungwé *yunégowos *yungih₁wé
                2nd dual *yungtés *yungtóm *yungtóm *yunégetes *yungih₁tóm
                3rd dual *yungtés *yungtā́m *yungtā́m *yunégetes *yungih₁tā́m
                1st plural *yungmós *yungmé *yunégomos *yungih₁mé
                2nd plural *yungté *yungté *yungté *yunégete *yungih₁té
                3rd plural *yungénti *yungént *yungéntu *yunégonti *yungih₁ént
                Participle *yungónts
                Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
                1st singular *yungh₂ér *yungh₂é *yunégoh₂er *yungih₁h₂é
                2nd singular *yungth₂ér *yungth₂é *yungsó *yunégeth₂er *yungih₁th₂é
                3rd singular *yungtór, *yungór *yungtó, *yungó *? *yunégetor *yungih₁tó, *yungih₁ó
                1st dual *yungwósdʰh₂ *yungwédʰh₂ *yunégowosdʰh₂ *yungih₁wédʰh₂
                2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
                3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
                1st plural *yungmósdʰh₂ *yungmédʰh₂ *yunégomosdʰh₂ *yungih₁médʰh₂
                2nd plural *yungdʰh₂wé *yungdʰh₂wé *yungdʰh₂wé *yunégedʰh₂we *yungih₁dʰh₂wé
                3rd plural *yungn̥tór, *yungrór *yungn̥tó, *yungró *? *yunégontor *yungih₁ró
                Participle *yungm̥h₁nós


                • Balto-Slavic:
                • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *yunákti (see there for further descendants)
                • Proto-Italic: *jungō (see there for further descendants)


                1. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7)‎[45], Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN