Appendix:Spanish verbs/a
[edit]- abalanzar (abalanz-) weigh,balance
- abalanzarse (abalanz-) rush, pounce
- abandonar (abandon-) to abandon, leave, forsake, give up
- abanicar (abanic-) to fan
- abanicarse (abanic-) to fan oneself
- abaratar abarat-) to make cheaper
- abaratarse (abarat-) to go down in price
- abarcar (abarc-)to cover, embrace, take in
- abarrotar (abarrot-) to stow, pack tightly
- abdicar (abdic-) to abdicate, relinquish
- abjurar (abjur-) to forswear, abjure
- ablandar (abland-) to soften, soothe
- abnegarse (abneg-) to deny oneself
- abocar (aboc-) to seize with the mouth
- abocarse (aboc-) to approach, meet
- abochornar (abochorn-) to embarrass, burn up, overheat
- abofetear (abofete-) to slap in the face
- abogar (abog-) to advocate, plead
- abollar (aboll-) to dent, bruise
- abombar (abomb-) to warp, make convex, stun
- abominar (abomin-) to abominate, abhor
- abonar (abon-) to guarantee
- abonarse (abon-) to subscribe
- abordar (abord-/to board, dock
- aborregar (aborreg-) to tame, subdue
- aborregarse (aborreg-) to follow, cloud over
- abortar (abort-) to abort
- abotargarse (abotargar-) to be unable to think straight
- abotonar (aboton-) to button up
- abrasar (abras-) to burn up, scorch
- abrasarse (abras-) to be parched
- abrazar (abraz-, 1st z-c /θ/) to hug, embrace, clasp, cling
- abreviar (abrevi-) to abreviate, reduce
- abrigar (abrig-) to shelter, protect
- abrigarse (abrig-) to take shelter, wrap up
- abrochar (abroch-) to button, hook
- abrumar (abrum-) to crush, oppress
- abuchear (abuche-) to boo at, jeer/at
- abultar (abult-) to make large, enlarge
- abundar (abund-) to abound in, be rich in
- abusar (abus-) to abuse, misuse
- acabar (acab-) to complete, finish, end
- acabarse (acab-) to stop, come to an end
- acallar (acall-) to silence, hush
- acalorar (acalor-) to get warm, make hot
- acalorarse (acalor-) to get too hot, become overheated
- acampar (acamp-) to camp, go camping
- acanallar (acanall-) to debase, humiliate
- acaparar (acapar-) to monopolize, corner/the market in
- acariciar (acarici-) to pet, caress, fondle
- acarrear (acarre-) to transport, cart, haul
- acartonarse (acarton-) to get stiff, become wizened
- acatar (acat-) to respect, esteem
- acaudillar (acaudill-) to lead, command
- accionar (accion-) to work, gesticulate, signal
- acechar (acech-) to spy on, lie in wait for
- acelerar (aceler-) to accelerate, hasten, hurry, speed
- acentuar (u-ú acentú-) to stress, accent, accentuate
- acentuarse (u-ú acentú-) to make more noticable
- aceptar (acept-) to accept
- acercar (acerc-, 1stc-qu /k/ ) to bring close, place close/by, to approach
- acercarse (acerc-, 1stc-qu) to approach, come nearer
- acertar (aciert-, e-ie) to hit the mark, hit upon, succeed
- achacar (achac-/1stc-qu) to attribute to, impute to
- achantar (achant-) to scare
- achantarse (achant-) to back down, go on
- achicar (achic-/1stc-qu) to make smaller, intimidate
- achicarse (achic-/1stc-qu) to lose/heart
- achicharrar (achicharr-) to fry crisp, overcook,burn
- achicharrarse (achicharr-) to get burnt
- achuchar (achuch-) to squeeze, urge on
- acicalar (acical-) to polish, clean, dress up
- acicalarse (acical-) to get dressed up
- aclamar (aclam-) to acclaim, applaud, shout, hail
- aclarar (aclar-) to explain, clarify, make clear/
- aclararse (aclar-) to make up one’s mind
- aclimatar (aclimat-) to acclimatize, get used to
- aclimatarse (aclimat-) to get acclimatized
- acobardar (acobard-) to intimidate
- acobardarse (acobard-) to flinch, shrink
- acolchar (acolch-) to quilt, pad
- acomodar (acomod-) to arrange, find room for, fit
- acomodarse (acomod-) to comply, adapt
- acompañar (acompañ-) to accompany, go along
- acomplejar (acomplej-) to give a complex
- acomplejarse (acomplej-) to develop a complex
- acondicionar (acondicion-) to arrange, prepare
- acongojar (acongoj-) to distress, aggrieve
- acongojarse (acongoj-) to become distressed
- aconsejar (aconsej-) to counsel, advise
- acopiar (acopi-) to gather/together, collect
- acoplar (acopl-) to join, couple, fit together
- aconquinar (aconquin-) to pay
- acordar (o-ue/acuerd-) to remember, resolve, decide, agree upon
- acordarse (o-ue/acuerd-;acord-) to agree, remember
- acordonar (acordon-) to tie up, cordon off
- acorralar (acorral-) to pen, corral
- acortar (o-ue acuert-) to shorten, cut down
- acosar (acos-) to pursue, harrass
- acostar (o-ue/acuest-) to put to bed, lay down, stretch
- acostarse (o-ue acuest-) to go do bed, lie down
- acostumbrar (acostumbr-) to be accustomed, be in the habit of
- acostumbrarse (acostumbr-) to accustom oneself
- acotar (acot-) to survey, mark out, annotate
- acrecentar (acrecent-) to increase, promote
- acreditar (acredit-) to accredit, credit
- acribillar (acribill-/to pepper, riddle, pester
- activar (activ-) to activate, energize, speed up
- actualizar (actualic-/1stc-qu) to realize, make happen
- actuar (-úo/actú-) to put into action, act
- acuchillar (acuchill-) to knife, cut, cut open, slash
- acuciar (acuci-) to urge on, hasten, prod (on)
- acumular (acumul-) to accumulate
- acumularse (acumul-) to build up, accumulate, gather
- acunar (acun-) to rock (a cradle)
- acuñar (acuñ-) to mint, coin, strike
- acurrucarse/acurruc-/1stc-qu/to squat, curl up, snuggle
- acusar/acus-/to accuse/
- acusarse/acus-/to confess
- adaptar/adapt-/to adapt
- adaptarse/adapt-/to adapt oneself (to)
- adecentar/adecent-/to make decent, tidy up
- adecuar/u-ú/adecú-/to fit, adapt
- adelantar/adelant-/to advance, front, keep on, gain
- adelantarse/adelant-/to go forward, go ahead
- adelgazar (adelgaz-/to make thin, purify, refine
- adentrar/adentr-/to go into, get into
- adentrarse/adentr-/to go into get into
- aderezar/aderez-/to prepare, get ready, embellish
- aderezarse/aderez-/to prepare
- adeudar (adeud-/to owe, be liable for
- adeudarse/adeud-/to run into debt
- adherir/i-ie adhier-/to stick to
- adherirse/i-ie adhier-/to espouse
- adiestrar/adiestr-/to train, guide
- adivinar/adivin-/to guess, divine, foretell
- adivinarse/adivin-/to prophesy, foretell
- adjetivar/adjetiv-/to describe
- adjudicar/1stc-qu adjudic-/to adjudge, pronounce, award
- adjudicarse/1stc-qu adjudic-/to appropriate
- adjuntar (adjunt-/to append, enclose
- administrar (administr-/to administer/
- admirar (admir-/to admire
- admirarse/admir-/to be suprised, wonder
- admitir (admit-/to admit, accept
- adobar/adob-/to dress, prepare
- adoptar/adopt-/to adopt
- adorar/ador-/to adore, worship
- adornar/adorn-/to adorn, decorate
- adueñarse/adueñ-/to take over
- adular/adul-/to flatter, make up to
- adulterar/adulter-/to adulterate, make impure
- afanar/afan-/to nick, pinch
- afanarse/afan-/to toil, work hard
- afear/afe-/to make ugly
- afectar/afect-/to affect, feign, pretend
- afeitar/afeit-/to shave
- afeitarse/afeit-/to have a shave
- aferrar/aferr-/to grapple, seize
- aferrarse/aferr-/to grapple, cling
- afianzar/afianz-/to support
- afianzarse/afianz-/to support, prop up
- aficionar/aficion-/to make someone keen
- aficionarse/aficion-/to get fond of, take (a fancy) to
- afilar (afil-) to sharpen
- afilarse (afil-) to get sharp
- afinar/afin-/to perfect, polish, tune
- afincarse/afinc-/to settle down
- afirmar/afirm-/to affirm
- aflojar/afloj-/to slacken, loosen, release
- aflojarse/afloj-/to slack off, work loose
- aflorar/aflor-/to crop out, crop up, outcrop
- afrontar/afront-/to confront, bring face to face
- agachar/agach-/to lower, bend down
- agacharse/agach-/to crouch, duck
- agarrar/agarr-/to grab, seize, grasp, get hold of
- agarrarse/agarr-/to grasp one another, grapple
- agasajar/agasaj-/to treat kindly, make much of
- agilizar/agiliz-/to speed up
- agitar/agit-/to shake up, agitate, stir/up, wave
- agitarse/agit-/to shake, wave to and fro
- aglomerar/aglomer-/to form a mass, crowd together
- aglomerarse/aglomer-/to crowd together
- agobiar/agobi-/to weigh down, burden
- agobiarse/agobi-/to be weighed down with
- agolparse/agolp-/to crowd together, throng
- agonizar/agoniz-/1stz-c/to be dyin
- agotar/agot-/to use/up, exhaust
- agotarse/agot-/to be(come) exhausted
- agradar/agrad-/to please, be pleasing to
- agrandar/agrand-/to enlarge, grow larger, increase/
- agrandarse/agrand-/to grow, make bigger, enlarge
- agravar/agrav-/to aggravate, make/worse, burden
- agravarse/agrav-/to worsen
- agraviar/-ío/agraví-/to offend, outrage, hurt, wrong
- agregar/agreg-/1stg-gu/to add, collect, collate, gather/
- agriar/(-ío)/(agrí-) agri-/to sour, embitter, turn sour
- agriarse/(-ío)/(agrí-) agri-/to turn sour
- agrietar/agriet-/to crack open
- agrietarse/agriet-/to get cracked, chap
- agrupar/agrup-/to group, form groups
- agruparse/agrup-/to crowd together
- aguantar/aguant-/to endure, tolerate, put up with
- aguantarse/aguant-/to hold oneself back
- aguardar/aguard-/to expect, wait for/
- agudizar/agudiz-/1stz-c to intensify
- agudizarse/agudiz-/1stz-c to intensify
- aguijonear/aguijone-/to spurr/on
- agujerear/agujere-/to pierce, perforate, puncture, bore
- aguzar/aguz-/1stz-c to sharpen
- aguzarse/aguz-/1stz-c to sharpen
- ahogar (ahog-/1stg-gu to drown, choke, smother, suffocate
- ahogarse/ahog-/1stg-gu to drown onself, suffocate
- ahondar (ahond-/to deepen, penetrate
- ahorcar (ahorc-/1stc-qu/to hang
- ahorcarse (ahorc-/1stc-qu/to be hanged
- ahorrar (ahorr-/to save (not waste)
- ahorrarse/ahorr-/to spare oneself, save oneself
- ahuecar (ahuec-/1stc-qu/to hollow out
- ahumar (u-ú, ahúm-/to cure, smoke
- ahuyentar (ahuyent-/to drive away, scare away
- airear (aire-/to air, ventilate
- aislar (i-í, aísl) to isolate
- ajustar (ajust-/to fit, fasten, adjust
- ajusticiar (ajustici-/to execute
- alabar (alab-/to praise/
- alardear/alarde-/to boast, brag
- alargar/alarg-/1stg-gu/to lengthen, prolong
- alargarse/alarg-/1stg-gu/to draw out, lengthen
- alarmar/alarm-/to alarm
- alarmarse/alarm-/to be(come) alarmed
- albergar/alberg-/to shelter, lodge
- albergarse/alberg-/to find shelter, lodge
- alborotar/alborot-/to disturb, agitate, stir/up
- alborotarse/alborot-/to get excited, riot
- alcanzar/alcanz-/1stz-c/to reach, overtake, make it, suffice
- aleccionar/aleccion-/to teach, coach
- alegar (aleg-/1stg-gu to plead, allege
- alegrar alegr-/to gladden, cheer/up
- alegrarse (alegr-/to be glad, be happy
- alejar/alej-/to move away
- alejarse (alej-/to move something away
- alentar (e-ie alient-/to encourage, inspire
- aliar (i-í, -ío/alí-; ali-/to ally, league, unite
- alicatar/alicat-/to tile
- alienar/alien-/to alienate, isolate
- aligerar/aliger-/to lighten, ease, relieve
- alimentar/aliment-/to feed, nourish, sustain
- alimentarse/aliment-/to feed oneself
- alinear/aline-/to align, line (up)
- alinearse/aline-/to line up
- aliñar/aliñ-/to season
- alisar/alis-/to smooth, polish
- alisarse (alis-/to straighten, smooth
- alistar (alist-/to put on a list
- alistarse (alist-/to enroll, enlist, join up
- aliviar/alivi-/to lighten, unburden, alleviate, relieve
- aliviarse/alivi-/to get relief
- allanar (allan-) to level out, flatten
- almacenar (almacen-) to store
- almidonar (almidon-) to starch
- almorzar (almuerz-, o-ue, /θ/)to eat lunch
- alojar (aloj-) to lodge, house, quarter/
- alojarse (aloj-) to lodge, be billeted
- alquilar (alquil-) to rent, hire
- alterar (alter-) to alter, change, disturb, upset
- alterarse (alter-) to be disturbed, to change
- alternar (altern-) to alternate, interchange, vary
- alternarse (altern-) to take turns
- alucinar (alucin-) to hallucinate
- alumbrar (alumbr-) to illuminate, light, enlighten
- alzar (alz-/1stz-c /θ/)to store, lift, raise, pick up, put up
- alzarse (alz-/1stz-c) to rise/up, revolt
- amaestrar (amaestr-)to train, break in
- amagar/amag-/1stg-gu to threaten, show signs of
- amainar/amain-/to take in, shorten
- amalgamar (amlgam-/to almalgamate
- amamantar/amamant-/to suckle
- amansar/amans-/to tame, break in, subdue
- amañar (amañ-) to do skillfully, do cleverly, fake
- amañarse (amañ-) to be handy, be expert
- amar (am-) to love
- amarse/am-/to love one another
- amarar (amar-/to land (on (from the sea))
- amargar (amarg-/1stg-gu to make bitter, embitter, spoil
- amargarse/amarg-/1stg-gu/to get bitter
- amasar/amas-/to knead, mix, mash
- ambicionar (ambicion-/to strive after, seek
- ambientar (ambient-/to liven up
- ambientarse/ambient-/to get used to adapte
- amedrentar/amedrent-/to scare, intimidate
- amedrentarse/amendrent-/to get scared
- amenazar/amenac-/1stc-qu/to threaten, menace
- amenizar (ameniz-/1stz-c to liven up
- amerizar (ameriz-/1stz-c to land (on (from the sea))
- ametrallar (ametrall-/to machine-gun, shoot
- amilanar/amilan-/to intimidate, cow
- amilanarse/amilan-/to be cowed, be scared
- aminorar/aminor-/to lessen, cut down, slacken
- amnistiar/-ío/amnistí-/to amnesty
- amodorrarse/amodorr-/to get sleepy, get drowsy
- amohinar (i-í, amohín-) to vex, annoy
- amohinarse/i-í amohín-/to get vexed, get annoyed, sulk
- amoldar (amold-/to mould, adjust, adapt
- amoldarse/amold-/to adapt oneself, adjust oneself
- amonestar/amonest-/to warn, remind, reprove, admonish
- amontonar/amonton-/to heap (up), pile (up), accumulate
- amontonarse/amonton-/to pile (up), accumulate, collect
- amordazar (amordaz-/1stz-c) to muzzle, gag
- amortajar (amortaj-/to shroud, lay out
- amortiguar (amortigu-/1stgu-gü, /gw/)to cushion, muffle
- amortizar (amortiz-/1stz-c) to amortize, pay off
- amotinar (amotin-/to intice into riot
- amotinarse/amotin-/to rise/up, revolt
- amparar (ampar-/to help, protect, shelter
- ampararse/ampar-/to seek help, seek protection
- ampliar (i-í amplí-/to amplify, enlarge, extend
- amplificar (amplific-/1stc-qu/to enlarge, amplify, magnify
- amputar (amput-/to amputate, cut off
- amueblar (amuebl-/to furnish, appoint
- amurallar (amurall-/to wall (in)
- analizar (analiz-/1stz-c) to analyze
- anclar (ancl-) to anchor
- andar (and-, anduv-) to go, be about, be out and about
- anegar (e-ie, anieg-;aneg-/1stg-gu) to drown, flood
- anegarse (e-ie, anieg-;aneg-/1stg-gu) to drown, be flooded
- anestesiar (anestesi-/to anesthetize, numb
- anexionar (anexion-/to annex
- angustiar (angusti-/to grieve, distress
- anhelar (anhel-/to be eager/for, yearn for, yearn to, gasp
- anidar (anid-/to shelter, take in, live, make one’s home
- animar (anim-) to give life to, animate, cheer/up
- animarse/anim-/to brighten up, cheer/up
- aniquilar/aniquil-/to annihiate, destroy
- anotar/anot-/to annotate, interpret
- ansiar (ansi-, i-í)to long for, yearn for, covet
- anticipar/anticip-) to advance, bring forward
- anticiparse (anticip-) to take place early
- antojarse (antoj-) to take a fancy to
- anudar (anud-) to knot, tie, join
- anular (anul-) to annul, cancel
- anunciar (anunci-) to announce, foretell, proclaim
- anunciarse (anunci-) to announce, proclaim, advertise
- añorar (añor-) to long for, pine for, grieve for
- apabullar (apabull-/to bewilder
- apaciguar (apacigü-)to pacify
- apaciguarse to calm down, quieten down
- apadrinar (apadrin-/to sponsor
- apagar (apag-/1stg-gu, /g/)to turn off, turn out, extinguish
- apalabrar/apalabr-/to make a verbal agreement on
- apalancar/apalanc-/1stc-qu/to lever/(up)
- apalancarse/apalanc-/1stc-qu/to settle in
- apalear/apale-/to beat, thrash
- apañar (apañ-/to pick up, take hold of
- apañarse (apañ-) to contrive to
- aparcar/aparc-/1stc-qu/to park (a vehicle)
- aparear/apare-/to make even, level up
- aparearse/apare-/to make even, level up
- aparentar/aparent-/to feign, affect, look
- apartar/apart-/to separate, divide, part
- apartarse/apart-/to separate, move away
- apasionar/apasion-/to stir/deeply
- apear/ape-/to dispose, get rid of
- apearseape-/to dismount, get down, get off
- apechugar (apechug-/1stg-gu/to shoulder
- apedrear (apedre-/to throw stones at
- apegarse/apeg-/to become attached to, grow fond of
- apelar (apel-/to appeal
- apelotonar (apeloton-/to make into a ball,pile up
- apelotonarse/apeloton-/to crowd together
- apenar/apen-/to trouble, sadden
- apenarse/apen-/to grieve
- apencar (apec-/1stc-qu/to put up, bear
- apesadumbrar/ apesadumbr-/to grieve, distress, sadden
- apestar/apest-/to corrupt, sicken, nauseate, plague
- apiadar (apiad-/to take pity on
- apiadarse/apiad-/to take pity on
- apilar
- aplicar/aplic-/1stc-qu/to apply
- apoyar/apoy-/to support, back, favor, lean on
- apoyarse/apoy-/to be based on, to lean on
- apreciar (apreci-) to appreciate, appraise, esteem
- apretar/e-ie/apriet-/to tighten
- aprobar/o-ue/aprueb-/to approve, pass a test
- apuntar/apunt-/ to note
- apurarse/apur-/to grieve, worry, fret
- argumentar/argument-/to reason, dispute
- armar/arm-/to arm
- arrancar (arranc-, 1stc-qu, /k/)to root up, pull up, pull away, tear/off, snatch
- arrasar/arras-/ to devastate
- arreglar (arregl-) to arrange, set in order, settle, repair, adjust
- arrestar/arrest-/to arrest
- arriar/-ío/arrí-/to lower, strike (boat), to flood, be flooded
- arrojar (arroj-/to fling, throw, hurl
- articular (articul-/to articulate, pronounce clearly
- asaltar asalt-/to assault, storm, assail
- asar /as-/ to roast
- asegurarasegur-/to assure, affirm, insure, assert
- asesinar (asesin-)to assassinate, murder/
- asignar (asign-/to assign, allot
- asociar (asoci-/to associate
- aspiraraspir-/to vacuum, inhale, breathe in, draw
- asustarasust-/to scare, frighten
- atacar/atac-/1stc-qu/to attack
- atrapar/atrap-/to overtake, catch
- atravesar (e-ie/atravies-/to go through, cross, run through
- aumentar aument-/to augment, increase, magnify, gain weight
- autorizar (autoriz-, orth./θ/) to authorize
- avanzar (avanz-, 1stz-c) to advance, go forward
- avergonzar (o-ue, avergüenc-, 1stz-c)to embarrass oneself, be ashamed
- averiguar (averigu-, 1stu-ü, /gw/) to verify, inquire, ascertain, find out
- ayudar (ayud-) to help, assist, aid, succour/
- ayunar (ayun-) to fast
[edit]- abastecer (abastec-) to supply, provide
- aborrecer (aborrec-) to hate, detest
- absolver (o-ue/absuelv-) to absolve, acquit
- absorber (absorb-) to absorb
- abstenerse (e-ie, -go/absteng-/abstuv-/abstendr-) to abstain, refrain from, forbear/
- abstraer/abstra-/to abstract
- abstraerse/abstra-/to be absorbed, abstracted
- acoger/-jo/acog-/to welcome, receive
- acogerse/-jo/acog-/to take refuge in
- acometer/acomet-/to attack, set upon
- acaecer/-zco acaec-/to happen, occur
- acontecer/acontec-/to happen, occur
- acceder (acced-/to accede, agree to
- agradecer (-zco/agradec-/agradezc-) to thank for, acknowledge
- amanecer (-zco amanec-/to dawn, get light, wake up at dawn
- anochecer (-zco/anochec-/to become night, get dark
- anteceder/anteced-/to precede, go before
- anteponer (-pongo/to place in front of, prefer
- apetecer (-zco/apetec-/to feel like
- aparecer (-zco/aparec-) to show up, appear
- aparecerse/-zco/aparec-/to appear
- aprehender (aprehend-) to apprehend
- aprender (aprend-) to learn
- ascender (e-ie, asciend-) to ascend, promote
- atender (e-ie, atiend-) to attend, pay attention, heed
- atraer (-igo, atraig-, atraj-) to attract
- atrever /atrev-/ to dare
[edit]- abatir (abat-)to overthrow, knock down, throw down
- abolir (abol-) to abolish
- abrir (abr-) to open
- abrirse (abr-) to open out
- aburrir (aburr-) to bore, be boring
- aburrirse (aburr-) to be bored, get bored
- acudir (acud-/to attend, answer/a call, come to rescue
- admitir/admit-/to admit, grant, permit
- adquirir (i-ie/adquier-) to get, acquire, obtain
- adscribir (adscrib-) to ascribe, appoint
- adscirbirse (adscrib-) to affiliate
- aducir (aduc-/to adduce; ) bring forward
- advertir (e-ie adviert-/3rd e-i to advise, give warning
- afligir (-jo, aflig-, /x/) to afflict, be afflicted
- afligirse (-jo aflig-)to grieve
- afluir (-yo/afluy-/3rd i-y) to flow in, into, to, or/towards
- agredir/agred-/to assault
- aludir/alud-/to allude to, mention
- añadir (añad-/to join, augment, increase
- aplaudir (aplaud-) to applaud
- apercibir (apercib-) to prepare, provide
- apercibirse (apercib-) to prepare, provide
- asistir (asist-) to attend (classes)
- asumir (asum-) to assume
- atribuir (-yo, atribui-, 3rd i-y)to attribute