User:JeffDoozan/lists/bare quotes/errors
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- ด้าว In whatever '''place''' where you can't find anyone that respects you, and none of your beloved friends or benevolent relatives exists, and no any man of wisdom is present, you shall not remain even for a day.|tr='''dâao''' dai chon náp nâa · rʉʉ mii · mít rák yâat aa-rii · mùu múuai · wít-tá-yaa châat grà-wii · waai sʉ̀ʉam · sîin naa · tîi nán yàa yùu dûuai · dtɛ̀ɛ sîin sàk wan
- ประชามติ The Kremlin engineered a rump '''referendum''' for secession in Crimea that was largely boycotted by the non-Russian-speaking citizens. The UN General Assembly condemned the '''referendum''' in late March by an overwhelming margin.|tr=taang-gaan kreem-lin dâai jàt gaan-long '''bprà-chaa-má-dtì''' pʉ̂ʉa gaan-yɛ̂ɛk-dtuua kɔ̌ɔng krai-miia sʉ̂ng bprà-chaa-chon tîi mâi-dâai pûut paa-sǎa rát-siia dtàang paa gan kwâm-bàat...sà-mát-chaa-yài-hɛ̀ng-sà-hà-bprà-chaa-châat dâai bprà-naam gaan-long '''bprà-chaa-má-dtì''' nai chûuang bplaai dʉʉan mii-naa-kom dûai ká-nɛɛn-sǐiang tûuam-tón
- พรสวรรค์ It has been said since antiquity that a man furnished with '''talents''' and a woman blessed with beauty make a well-matched couple. You and Lin Hong are a man of '''talents''' and a woman of beauty!|tr=kon boo-raan glàao wái wâa pûu-chaai mii '''pɔɔn-sà-wǎn''' pûu-yǐng mii rûup-chǒom ngót-ngaam bpen kûu tîi mɔ̀-sǒm gan mâak naai gàp lǐn-hǒng gɔ̂ɔ kʉʉ pûu-chaai mii '''pɔɔn-sà-wǎn''' pûu-yǐng mii rûup-chǒom ngót-ngaam
- รัติฟาย As for the frontier map, the viceroy of India was still working on it. Once it was finished, he would send it in [to Bangkok] to further be sealed and '''ratified.'''|tr=pɛ̌ɛn-tîi kèet-dɛɛn nán wai-sà-rɔɔi in-diia yang tam yùu tâa tam lɛ́ɛo jà sòng kâo maa bprà-táp dtraa '''rát-dtì-faai'''
- ส.ค.ส. I've heard that Chittima, Miss Thewan's daughter who worked as a part-time photographer, sent a special '''New Year card''' to Thakun.|tr=chǎn dâai-yin maa wâa yaai jìt-dtì-maa lûuk-sǎao kruu tee-wan sʉ̂ng mii aa-chîip-sə̌əm bpen châang-pâap sòng '''sɔ̌ɔ-kɔɔ-sɔ̌ɔ''' pí-sèet hâi tǎa-guun
- โยคี In the Ujjayini Kingdom, there were three persons born on the same date and at the same propitious time. The first is Your Majesty, who bears the name of Vikramāditya; the second, a son of an oil trader; the third, a '''yogī'''. Having killed the second person, the '''yogī''' went on to kill all the people whom he had opportunities to kill, for the purpose of worshipping Lady Durgā. Upon killing the oil trader's son, the '''yogī''' went to practice Tapas in a necropolis by hanging himself from a tree. He kept contemplating about murdering you, My Liege. And he too had put his own son to death.|tr=nai grung ùt-chá-yí-nii mii kon gə̀ət nai wan-dʉʉan-bpii diiao gan lɛɛ rə̂ək diiao gan sǎam kon · kon tîi nʉ̀ng kʉʉ prá-ong pûu song prá-naam wí-grom-maa-tít · kon tîi sɔ̌ɔng bpen bùt kon káa náam-man · kon tîi sǎam bpen '''yoo-kii''' · kâa kon tîi sɔ̌ɔng dtaai sǐia lɛ́ɛo · '''yoo-kii''' nán kâa kon táng-lǎai tîi mii oo-gàat kâa dâai pʉ̂ʉa buu-chaa naang tú-ra-kaa · krán kâa bùt kon káa náam-man lɛ́ɛo · '''yoo-kii''' gɔ̂ɔ bpai tam dtà-ba hɔ̂i dtuua ao hǔua long yùu bon dtôn-máai nai bpàa-cháa · mii kwaam-kít jà kâa prá-ong pûu bpen raa-chaa · lɛɛ dâai kâa lɛ́ɛo sʉ̂ng bùt kɔ̌ɔng dton
[edit]- 6 items
- buulla #*::: He really makes to much '''noise''' ... every night. (I [have direct knowledge of this, in that] hear it.)
- pooroʔ #*::: pig's eye
- pooroʔ #*::: family of pigs
- pooroʔ #*::: complaint about a pig
- tshàá #*::: there water exist Q exist
- tshàá #*:::: 'Is there water? There is.'
[edit]- 34 items
- creepify [[w:John J. McCloy|McCloy]] had the power to say yes, but said no / a no that '''creepifies''' his name in the time-track <!-- [sic] no terminal punctuation -->
- whistleblower Obamaregeringen, som har stået for flere retssager mod whistleblowere, end alle hans{{sic|dens}} forgængere til sammen, ...
- กินใจ {{th-x|นิสัย ชอบ จด วาทะ{วา-ทะ} กินใจ ช่วย ใน การพูด ของ เขา เป็นอย่างมาก{เป็น-หฺย่าง-มาก} |The habit of recording '''touching''' quotes helped him a lot in speaking.}}
- กินใจ {{th-x|ถึงแม้{ถึง-แม้} มัน จะ หมายความ{หฺมาย-คฺวาม} ว่า คุณ จะ ไม่มีวัน{ไม่-มี-วัน} ได้ เพลิดเพลิน{เพฺลิด-เพฺลิน} กับ รสชาติ อัน ซับซ้อน และ แสน จะ กินใจ ของ ผัก ประหลาด รส ขม ชนิด นี้ ก็ตาม{ก้อ-ตาม} |Even if that meant never again enjoying the complicated and '''overwhelming''' taste of this strange and bitter vegetable.}}
- กินใจ {{th-x|ใน ขณะ{ขะ-หฺนะ} ที่ คุณ ไป อ่าน หนังสือ อื่น ที่ ซับซ้อน และ กินใจ น้อย กว่า นี้ แทน|While you read something less complicated and '''overwhelming'''.}}
- จวัก [[คน]][[พาล]][[ยัง]][[ไป่]][[รู้]] [[ชาญ]][[ชิด]] [[ไป]][[สู่]][[หา]][[บัณฑิต]] [[ค่ำ]][[เช้า]] [[แสดง]][[ธรรม]][[ว่า]][[เนืองนิตย์]] [[ฤๅ]][[ซาบ]] [[ใจ]][[นา]] [[คือ]][[จวัก]][[ตัก]][[เข้า]] [[ห่อน]][[รู้]][[รส]][[แกง]]|tr=kon paan yan bpài rúu · chaan chít · bpai sùu hǎa ban-dìt · kâm cháao · sà-dɛɛng tam wâa nʉʉang-nít · rʉʉ sâap · jai naa · kʉʉ '''jà-wàk''' dtàk kâao · hɔ̀n rúu rót gɛɛng
- จำนำ {{th-x|คำ ว่า จำนอง แต่ก่อน{แต่-ก่อน} ใช้ ร่วม ไป ด้วย กับ คำ ว่า จำนำ และ มี ความ เหมือน กัน เพิ่ง ใช้ ตาม ความ ใน ประมวลกฎหมาย{ปฺระ-มวน-กด-หฺมาย} แพ่ง และ พาณิชย์ ใน สมัย ปัจจุบัน|The term ''chamnong'' was formerly used together with the term '''''chamnam''''' and the two were synonymous. They have just been used according to the Civil and Commercial Code in our days.}}
- จินตนาการ {{th-x|เขา รู้สึก ว่า เพื่อน ส่วนใหญ่{ส่วน-ไหฺย่} และ ศัตรู ทุก คน ที่ โรงเรียน ขาด จินตนาการ บาง อย่าง|He felt that most of his friends and all of his rivals at the school lacked certain kinds of '''imagination'''.}}
- จินตนาการ {{th-x|เมื่อ ไม่ มี ทาง ที่ จะ รู้ ได้ เรา จึง ได้ แต่ จินตนาการ และ ผม ก็ จินตนาการ ว่า เด็ก ๆ กำพร้า โบดแลร์{โบ้ด-แล} ตกใจ กลัว มาก ทีเดียว{ที-เดียว} |When there is no way of knowing, one can only '''imagine''', and I '''imagine''' that the Baudelaire orphans were quite frightened indeed}}
- จินตนาการ {{th-x|ก็ ขึ้น มา จาก มหา สระ จินตนาการ ว่า ท่าน ผู้ นี้ ชะรอย{ชะ-รอย} จะ เป็น เทพยดา พิเศษ|[The serpent] then came up from the great pond, '''thinking''' that this man was perhaps a wondrous deity.}}
- ชิงช้าสวรรค์ {{th-x|สัปดาห์ แรก ของ เดือน สิงหาคม แขวน ค้าง อยู่ ณ จุด สุดยอด ของ ฤดู ร้อน เป็น จุด สูง สุด ของ ช่วง ปี อัน ยาวนาน{ยาว-นาน} เหมือน กระเช้า{กฺระ-เช้า} ที่ ค้าง ลอย อยู่ สูง สุด ยาม ชิงช้าสวรรค์ หยุด หมุน|The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a '''Ferris wheel''' when it pauses in its turning.}}
- ชิงช้าสวรรค์ {{th-x|สนุกสนาน{สะ-หฺนุก-สะ-หฺนาน} ชม พระ จันทร์ บน ชิงช้าสวรรค์ ของ เรา สิ |Let's enjoy viewing the moon on our '''Ferris wheel'''!}}
- ชิงช้าสวรรค์ {{th-x|สิงคโปร์ ฟลายเออร์{ฟฺลาย-เอ้อ} เป็น ชิงช้าสวรรค์ ที่ มี ความสูง ถึง ๑{ร้อย} ๖{หก-สิบ} ๕{ห้า} เมตร สูง กว่า สตาร์ออฟหนานฉาง{สะ-ตา-อ๊อฟ-หฺนาน-ฉาง} ประเทศ จีน ๕{ห้า} เมตร และ สูง กว่า ลอนดอน อาย ของ อังกฤษ ๓๐{สาม-สิบ} เมตร|The Singapore Flyer is a '''Ferris wheel''' which is as high as 165 metres, even 5 metres higher than China's Star of Nanchang and 30 metres higher than the London Eye of England.}}
- ชิงช้าสวรรค์ {{th-x|ชิงช้าสวรรค์ ยักษ์ ลอนดอน อาย สูง ตระหง่าน{ตฺระ-หฺง่าน} เหมือน ม่าน ฉากหลัง{ฉาก-หฺลัง} |The giant '''Ferris wheel''', the London Eye, stood tall like a curtain in the background.}}
- ดิฉัน {{th-x|ขอ เตือน สงฆ์ จง ทราบ เมื่อ ครั้ง '''ดีฉัน''' เป็น ภิกษุ อยู่ '''ดีฉัน''' ได้ กล่าว วาจา นี้ เนือง ๆ|Let this be told and known unto the monastic order. At the time '''I''' [King Mongkut] was still a ''bhikṣu'', always had '''I''' uttered this word:}}
- นกหวีด {{th-x|เลื่อน จะ มา หา เมื่อ นาย เป่า นกหวีด|The sleigh will come when you blow the '''whistle'''.}}
- นกหวีด {{th-x|เขา จึง มอบ นกหวีด ให้ พนักงาน ทุก คน และ สั่ง ให้ เป่า ออก มา ดัง ๆ|He then gave '''whistles''' to all the members of the staff and told them to blow them out loud.}}
- นกหวีด {{th-x|ไวโอเล็ต{ไว-โอ-เหฺล็ด} กับ เคลาส์{เคฺล้า} ประหลาดใจ{ปฺระ-หฺลาด-ไจ} ที่ เห็น นกหวีด สี เงิน เป็น ประกาย สอง อัน|Violet and Klaus were surprised to see two shiny silver '''whistles''',}}
- นกหวีด {{th-x|"ดู นี่ สิ อาสาสมัคร{อา-สา-สะ-หฺมัก}" ผู้ชาย น่ากลัว{น่า-กฺลัว} พูด เสียง แหบ แล้ว คนร้าย{คน-ร้าย} ลึกลับ{ลึก-ลับ} น่ากลัว{น่า-กฺลัว} ทั้ง สอง ก็ เป่า นกหวีด|"Watch this, volunteers," said the sinister man in his hoarse voice, and the two mysterious villains blew their '''whistles'''.}}
- บถ {{th-x|จง จร{จะ-ระ} เที่ยว เทียว บท{บะ-ทะ} ไป พง พน{พะ-นะ} ไพร ไศล{ไส-ละ} ดำเนิน ดุ่ม บถ{บะ-ถะ} ด่วน ชวน จิต{จิ-ตะ} เพลิน ใด บ่ มิ เกิน เชิญ บทจร{บะ-ทะ-จอน}|Go travel! Make a trip to any jungle, forest, or hill! Start walking along this '''path''' at once, as it will lead your mind to pleasure! Nothing is more enjoyable than travel. Let's set out on a journey right away!}}
- บ่ {{th-x|จง จร{จะ-ระ} เที่ยว เทียว บท{บะ-ทะ} ไป พง พน{พะ-นะ} ไพร ไศล{ไส-ละ} ดำเนิน ดุ่ม บถ{บะ-ถะ} ด่วน ชวน จิต{จิ-ตะ} เพลิน ใด บ่ มิ เกิน เชิญ บทจร{บะ-ทะ-จอน}|Go travel! Make a trip to any jungle, forest, or hill! Start walking along this path at once, as it will lead your mind to pleasure! Nothing is more enjoyable than travel. Let's set out on a journey right away!}}
- ปลดแอก {{th-x|ผู้หญิง รุ่น ใหม่ ที่ ปลดแอก ตน จาก ประเพณี ล้าหลัง{ล้า-หฺลัง} |New-generation women that '''freed''' themselves from the conservative tradition.}}
- ปลดแอก {{th-x|จวบจน{จวบ-จน} อินเดีย ปลดแอก ตัวเอง จาก การยึดครอง{กาน-ยึด-คฺรอง} ของ อังกฤษ และ ประกาศ อิสรภาพ ได้ สำเร็จ ใน ปี ๑{พัน} ๙{ก้าว-ร้อย} ๔{สี่-สิบ} ๗{เจ็ด} |Until India '''liberated''' itself from British occupation and successfully declared independence in the year 1947.}}
- ปลดแอก {{th-x|แม้ จะ ปราชัย ย่อยยับ{ย็่อย-ยับ} ไม่ สามารถ ปลดแอก จาก จีน ได้ สำเร็จ แผ่นดิน เวียดนาม ไม่ เคย ลืม เธอ ใน ฐานะ{ถา-นะ} วีรสตรี{วี-ระ-สะ-ตฺรี} คน สำคัญ|Despite the destructive defeat and inability to succeed in '''liberating''' itself from China, the Vietnamese nation never forgets her as one of its important heroines.}}
- ปลาร้า [[ปลาร้า]][[หุ้มห่อ]][[ด้วย]] [[ใบ]][[คา]] [[คา]][[ติด]][[แปด]][[เหม็น]][[ปลา]] [[คละคลุ้ง]] [[คือ]][[คน]][[ผู้]][[ดี]][[หา]] [[คบ]][[เพื่อน]] [[พาล]][[นา]] [[ความชั่ว]][[ปน]][[ปาน]][[ฟุ้ง]] [[เนื่อง]][[ร้าย]][[เสมอ]][[กัน]]|tr='''bplaa-ráa''' hûm-hɔ̀ɔ dûuai · bai kaa · kaa dtìt bpɛ̀ɛt měn bplaa · klá-klúng · kʉʉ kon pûu dii hǎa · kóp pʉ̂ʉan · paan naa · kwaam-chûua bpon bpaan fúng · nʉ̂ʉang ráai sà-mə̌ə gan
- ฝรั่ง {{th-x|สมัย ก่อน ช่วง ฝรั่ง ไป ทำมาหากิน กับ จีน นั้น มัก เอา พ่อครัว จีน ลง เรือ ไป ทำ อาหาร ให้ กิน|In the past, whenever '''farangs''' travelled to trade with the Chinese, they usually brought Chinese cooks on board to prepare foods for them.}}
- ฝรั่ง {{th-x|" แล้ว ใคร ล่ะ ที่ เป็น ไส้ศึก{ไส้-สึก} ให้ ฝรั่ง " เป็น คำถาม ที่ ไม่ มี ใคร ตอบ ได้ " บางที ฝรั่ง อาจ จะ ส่ง พวก สายลับ{สาย-ลับ} เข้า มา ก่อน ไอ้ ยุ่น ก็ได้ "|"Then who are working as spies for the '''farangs'''?". It was a question which no one could answer. "Maybe the '''farangs''' have sent some spies in before the Japs."}}
- พิเศษ {{th-x|ก็ ขึ้น มา จาก มหา สระ จินตนาการ ว่า ท่าน ผู้ นี้ ชะรอย{ชะ-รอย} จะ เป็น เทพยดา พิเศษ|[The serpent] then came up from the great pond, thinking that this man was perhaps a '''wondrous''' deity.}}
- ยืน {{th-x|พญา ลแวก{ละ-แวก} ยก พล เข้า มา ยืน ช้าง ใน สาม พิหาร{พิ-หาน} |The Lord of Lawaek marched his men in to '''stand''' their elephants in Sam Phihan.}}
- รับประทาน {{th-x|ทหาร ไทย ทั้ง สิบเจ็ด คน ก็ '''รับ พระราชทาน''' โภชนาหาร{โพด-ชะ-นา-หาน} และ มัจฉมังสา{มัด-ฉะ-มัง-สา} สุราบาน{สุ-รา-บาน} เป็น ปรกติ{ปฺรก-กะ-ติ} |All the seventeen Thai soldiers '''enjoyed''' meals, as well as meat and liquor, as normal.}}
- อโห [[อโห]] [[หญิง]][[เวศยา]][[ไป]][[พา]][[โยคี]][[แบก]][[ทารก]][[มา]][[แล้ว]]|tr='''à-hǒo''' yǐng wêet-sà-yǎa bpai paa yoo-kii bɛ̀ɛk taa-rók maa lɛ́ɛo
- เสก {{th-x|จึ่ง โปรดเกล้าโปรดกระหม่อม ให้ พระยา มนตรี{มน-ตฺรี} สุริยวงษ{สุ-ริ-วง} คุม เครื่องอิสริยยศ{เคฺรื่อง-อิด-สะ-ริ-ยะ-ยด} สุพรรณบัฏ{สุ-พัน-นะ-บัด} ไป เสก องค์ พระ นโรดม{นะ-โร-ดม} ด้วย เรือรบ{เรือ-รบ} กลไฟ{กน-ไฟ} ฝรั่งเสศ{ฝะ-หฺรั่ง-เสด} |So [His Majesty], with his mercy upon all heads and crowns, allowed Duke Montri Suri Wong to escort the emblems of dignity and a golden card for '''anointing''' His Highness Prince Narodom [to Cambodia] via a French steam-powered warship.}}
- ใหญ่หลวง {{th-x|ถ้า คุณ ถูก ความเศร้า{คฺวาม-เซ่า} อัน ใหญ่หลวง ทำร้าย คุณ อาจ จะ รู้สึก ราว กับ ถูก ไฟ เผา|If you are stricken with a '''great''' sadness, you may feel as if you have been set aflame}}
- ใหญ่หลวง {{th-x|ครั้ง ที่ สอง ที่ คุณ เจอ หมุดหัวแบน{หฺมุด-หัว-แบน} ใน รูตเบียร์โฟลต{รู้ด-เบีย-โฟฺล้ด} ของ คุณ ความผิดหวัง{คฺวาม-ผิด-หฺวัง} ของ คุณ จะ ใหญ่ หลวง กว่า ครั้ง แรก มาก|the second time you find a thumbtack in your root beer float, your despair is much '''greater''' than the first time,}}
[edit]- 1501 items
- 'rari #* '''2015''', Fetty Wap, "679" (song), quoted in '''2018''', Matthew Oware, ''I Got Something to Say: Gender, Race, and Social Consciousness in Rap Music'', Springer ({{ISBN|9783319904542}}), page 51:
- 'splodey #* '''2011''', "Acknowledgements", in Anton Strout, ''Dead Waters'', Ace Books (2011), {{ISBN|9781101477229}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- -fold #* '''2010''', Knud H. Thomsen, Knud H. Thomsen (Pichard), ''Klokken i Makedonien'', Gyldendal A/S ({{ISBN|9788702104905}})
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- Aufgabenübertragungsgesetz #* '''2014''', Jörg Henkel, ''Die Kommunalisierung von Staatsaufgaben: Eine Herausforderung für die kommunale Selbstverwaltung und ihre Dogmatik'', Richard Boorberg Verlag ({{ISBN|9783415050495}}), <!-- page 79: {{...}} Regelungsgeflecht des '''Aufgabenübertragungsgesetzes''', ein auch den Einzelfall erfassendes Weisungsrecht einräumt, oder auch § 21 Nrn. 1 und 2 LVwGSH, der die Aufgabenwahrnehmung einer nicht begrenzten Fachaufsicht unterstellt. --> page 98:
- Azraël #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 166; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
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- Clausewitzian #* '''1958''', Paul Kecskemeti (RAND Corporation), ''Strategic Surrender: The Politics of Victory and Defeat'', Stanford University Press, {{ISBN|9780804705493}}, {{gbooks|IjisAAAAIAAJ|31}}:
- Cracov #* '''1999''', George Oscar Lee, ''Goat for Azazel: A World War II Story'', {{w|Xlibris}}, {{ISBN|0738805440}} (hardback), {{ISBN|0738805459}} (paperback), chapter 4, [ page 92]:
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- DIY-ing #* '''2003''', Rients Dijkstra, “Ladies and Gentlemen, We are <!-- [sic] non-capitalized verb --> Floating in Space”, in Jennifer Sigler (ed.), ''109 Provisional Attempts to Address Six Simple and Hard Questions about What Architects Do Today and Where Their Profession Might Go Tomorrow'',<sup >[ ]</sup > The Berlage Institute report No. 6/7, episode publishers, {{ISBN|9080536261}}, page 163,
- Darren #* '''1998''' Barbara Vine ( [[w:Ruth Rendell|Ruth Rendell]] ), ''The Chimney Sweeper's Boy'', {{ISBN|0670879274}}, page 315:
- Darth #* '''2000''', David G. Messerschmitt, ''Understanding Networked Applications: A First Course'' (textbook), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, {{ISBN|978-1-55860-537-4}}, [ page 400]:
- Dauer #* '''2008''', Frank Hentschel, {{lang|de|“Die Dauern der mittelalterlichen Musikgeschichte aus der Sicht des 19. Jahrhunderts.”}} In: {{lang|de|''Das Sein der Dauer'',}} ed. Andreas Speer and David Wirmer, Walter de Gruyter, {{ISBN|9783110212204}}, [ pp. 57–58]:
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- Disneyesque #* '''1995''', Ramona Fernandez, “Pachuco Mickey”, Elizabeth Bell, Lynda Haas, Laura Sells (ed.), ''From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture'', Indiana University Press, {{ISBN|0253329051}}, part 3, chapter 15, {{gbooks|pdCrF4JxKDIC|236|Disneyesque}}:
- Drarry #* '''2013''', Anne Jamison, ''Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World'', BenBella Books (2013), {{ISBN|9781939529190}}, [ unnumbered page]:draco malfoy is a beautiful creation and he should be protected by harry potter who is his second cousin and who cares if you think its gross they are adorable together let the gayness happen
- Dugi Otok #* '''2019''', Trevor and Dinah Thompson, ''Adriatic Pilot'', Imray, Laurie, Norie and Wilson Ltd ({{ISBN|9781846238062}}), page 297:
- Dutch hand #* '''1977''', Richard Daunton-Fear and Penelope Vigar, ''Australian Colonial Cookery'', Rigby, 1977, {{ISBN|0-7270-0187-6}} (discussing a typical kitchen of early colonial Australia)
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- Eirish #* '''1959''', Joyce Cary, [ ''The captive and the free''], (Penguin in association with Michael Joseph, 1985) {{ISBN|9780140081961}} p.309:
- Eliisa #* '''1955''' [[w:fi:Oiva Paloheimo|Oiva Paloheimo]], ''Lapsi ja enkeli'', in [[w:fi:Matti Paloheimo|Matti Paloheimo]]: ''Levoton Lippi―Isäni Oiva Paloheimo'', Kirjayhtymä (1985), {{ISBN|951-26-2756-6}}, page 180:
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- Emma #* '''1929''' Väinö Siikaniemi/folk melody, ''[[w:fi:Emma (kappale)|Emma]]'' (song), in ''Suuri Toivelaulukirja'', F-Kustannus Oy (2003), {{ISBN|951-643-668-4}}, page 210:
- English vice #* '''1978''', Ian Gibson, ''The '''English Vice''': Beating, Sex, and Shame in Victorian England and After'', Duckworth, {{ISBN|9780715612644}}, [ title].
- Enlightenment #* '''1997''', Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 36 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- Esperantism #* '''1993''', Pierre Janton [aut.], [[w:Humphrey Tonkin|Humphrey Tonkin]] [ed., tr.], Jane Edwards [tr.], and Karen Johnson-Weiner [tr.], ''Esperanto: Language, Literature, and Community'' ([[w:Albany, New York|Albany]]: [[w:State University of New York Press|State University of New York Press]]; {{ISBN|0791412539}}, 0791412547), chapter 4: “Expression”, <span class="plainlinks">[ page 87]</span>
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- Foucaldian #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 5 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- Foucault ##* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 5 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
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- Gallup poll #* '''1999''' (date of publication), The Freedom Writers and Erin Gruwell, ''The Freedom Writers <!--sic no apostrophe--> Diary'', {{ISBN|038549422X}}, Diary 54,
- Geocentric Co-ordinate Time #* '''2007''', Pranab Ghosh, ''World Scientific Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics'' X: ''Rotation and Accretion Powered Pulsars'' (<span class="plainlinks">[ World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.]; {{ISBN|9810247443}}, 9789810847447), chapter 7: “Properties of Rotation Powered Pulsars”, subchapter 7.2: ‘Timing Properties’, section 7.2.3: “<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Irregular Period Changes</span>”, subsection ‘<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Millisecond pulsars as stable clocks</span>’, [ page 338]</span>
- Gerald #* '''1998''' Barbara Vine ( Ruth Rendell ): ''The Chimney Sweeper's Boy''. {{ISBN|0670879274}} page 168:
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- Giganto #* '''2000''', Lee Murphy and Mariana Malkoskie, ''Where Legends Roam'', Defining Moments, {{ISBN|0966770447}} and {{ISBN|9780966770445}}, page 160
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- Grand Guignol #* '''1987''', Simon Watney, "The Spectacle of AIDS", reprinted as chapter 13 of, 1993, Henry Abelove, Michèle Aina Barale{{,}} and David M. Halperin (eds.), ''The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader'', Routledge, {{ISBN|0415905192}}, page 206
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- Karaim #* '''1970''', Alan W. Fisher, ''The Russian Annexation of the Crimea 1772-1783'' {{ISBN|0521076811}}, page 120<!--page number may be different in different editions-->:
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- Lovecraft Country #* '''2020''', Golden Goblin Press, "Children of Lovecraft Country", {{ISBN|9781734199642}}
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- Marie #* '''1993''', Barbara Vine (Ruth Rendell). ''Asta's Book'' {{ISBN|0517587963}}, page 105:
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- Metis #* '''1991''', Thomas C. Pocklington, University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research Center, ''The Government and Politics of the Alberta Metis Settlements'', University of Regina Press ({{ISBN|9780889770607}}), page 14:
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- Mordor #* '''2012''', Zygmunt Miłoszewski, ''A Grain of Truth: A Second Case for State Prosecutor Teodor Szacki'', Bitter Lemon Press (2012; original Polish book published 2011), {{ISBN|9781908524027}}, [ page 290]:
- Moussa #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 166; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- Murrumbidgee jam #* '''1977''', Richard Daunton-Fear and Penelope Vigar, ''Australian Colonial Cookery'', {{ISBN|0-7270-0187-6}} (discussing 19th century cookery)
- Nantucket sleigh ride #* '''1974''', [[w:Peter Benchley|Peter Benchley]], ''Jaws'' (2012 Random House edition), {{ISBN|9780307828668}}, [ p. 89 (Google preview)]:
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- Pearl Harbor #* '''2001''', Arthur C. Clarke, quoted in ''Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students'' (2004, {{ISBN|0415281059}}, page 143:
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- Perea #* '''2002''', [[w:Kenneth L. Barker|Kenneth L. Barker]] (general editor), ''[[w:NIV Study Bible|Zondervan NIV Study Bible]]'', [[w:Zondervan|Zondervan]], {{ISBN|978-0-310-93896-5}}, note on Luke 3:1:
- Persephone #* '''2008''', Gaynor McGrath, ''Lemniscate'', Transit Lounge Publishing (2011), {{ISBN|9781921924149}} (e-book), chapter 23, {{gbooks|YoaBAOcc8xoC|376|Persephone}}:
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- Piogre #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, pp. 393-394; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
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- R #* '''2007''', W. Ted Mahavier, “Syllabus for ''Analysis''” ([[w:Lamar University|Lamar University]] course syllabus), appendix II.A of Charles A. Coppin et al., ''The Moore Method: A Pathway to Learner-Centered Instruction'', Mathematical Association of America (2009), {{ISBN|978-0-88385-185-2}}, [ page 201]:
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- Rico Suave #* '''2009''', [] Reba Toney, "The Rating Game: The Foolproof Formula for Finding Your Perfect Soul Mate", pp. 181 {{ISBN|9780312383985}}
- Rico Suave #* '''2010''', [] Michelle Dupress, "Attract the Love You Want", pp.10, {{ISBN|9781609116446}}
- Ricœur ##* '''2003''', Zachàr Alexander Laskewicz, ''Music as Episteme, Text, Sign & Tool: Comparative approaches to musicality as performance'', {{ISBN|0935086358}}, chapter two: “The Musical Text”, [ § 2.10: ‘Conclusion: ''the importance of a new approach to text''’]:
- Romanophobe #* '''2006''', Randolph L. Braham, Brewster S. Chamberlin, ''The Holocaust in Hungary: Sixty Years Later'', East European Monographs ({{ISBN|9780880335768}}), page 25, discussing Transylvania:
- Rosenkrieg #* '''2013''', Jürgen Wirth, ''Manisch-Depressiv – Ein Mann sieht rot'', edition winterwork, {{ISBN|9783864684999}}, [ Kapitel 15, Tag 11]:
- Rosenkrieg #* '''2014''', Herbert Grziwotz, Susanne Kappler, and Tobias Kappler, ''Trennung und Scheidung richtig gestalten: Getrenntleben, Scheidung, Lebenspartnerschaftsaufhebung, Vermögensauseinandersetzung und Unterhalt'', C. H. Beck, {{ISBN|9783406637766}}, [ 3. Kapitel: Ohne Rosenkrieg ... Trennungs- und Scheidungsvereinbarungen]:
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- Rus #* '''1973''', Donald W. Treadgold, ''The West in Russia and China: Religious and Secular Thought in Modern Times'', v 1 (Russia, 1472–1917), {{ISBN|0521097258}}, p xxxv:
- Ruscism #* '''2015''', Elizaveta Gaufman, “Memory, Media, and Secularization: Russian Media Framing of the Ukrainian Crisis,” in ''Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society'' ({{ISSN|2364-5334}}), v 1, n 1, {{ISBN|978-3-8382-6726-5}}, pp 160–61:
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- Ruscism #* '''2020''', Marlene Lurelle, “''Reductio ad Hitlerum'' as a New Frame for Political and Geopolitical Conflicts,” in Eric Shiraev, Jennifer Keohane, Martijn Icks, and Sergei A. Samoilenko editors, ''Routledge Handbook of Character Assassination and Reputation Management'', New York and Abingdon: Routledge, {{ISBN|978-1-138-55658-4}}, p 315:
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- Shamy #* '''2012''', George Beahm, ''Unraveling the Mysteries of'' The Big Bang Theory: ''An Unabashedly Unauthorized TV Show Companion'', Smart Pop (2014), {{ISBN|9781941631133}}, [ page 86]:
- Sicilian #* '''2009''', [[w:Reg Keeland|Reg Keeland]], translator, [[w:The Girl Who Played with Fire|''The Girl Who Played with Fire'']] (translation of, 2006 (publication date), [[w:Stieg Larsson|Stieg Larsson]], [[w:sv:Flickan som lekte med elden (roman)|''Flickan som lekte med elden'']]), [[w:Knopf|Knopf]], {{ISBN|9780307269980}}, chapter 9, page 129:
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- Soviet Canuckistan #* '''2005''', Elizabeth Bear, ''Worldwired'', Spectra (2005), {{ISBN|9780553587494}}, [ unnumbered page] (acknowledgements):
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- Ste. #* '''1999''', Nancy Capace, Somerset Publishers, Incorporated, ''Encyclopedia of California'', North American Book Dist LLC ({{ISBN|9780403093182}}), page 85:
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- Stephanus number #* '''1974''': [[w:Plato|Plato]] [aut.] and Desmond Lee [tr.], ''[[w:The Republic (Plato)|The Republic]]'', Translator’s Introduction, page 56 (2<sup>nd</sup> ed. (revised); Penguin Classics; {{ISBN|0140440488}}
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- Summer Finding #* '''1985''' The Wisdom of the Runes, Michael Howard, Rider & Company, {{ISBN|0-09 159911 3}}, page 133.
- Summer Finding #* '''1989''' A Book of Troth, Eldred Thorsson, Llewellyn Publications, {{ISBN|0-87542-777-4}}, page 54.
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- Supergirl #* '''2012''', Trish Milburn, ''White Witch'', Bell Bridge Books ({{ISBN|9781611941111}}), page 73, referring to someone with magical powers:
- Superwholock #* '''2013''', Nistasha Perez, "Gif Fics and the Rebloggable Canon of ''SuperWhoLock''", in ''Fan Phenomenon: Doctor Who'' (ed. Paul Booth), Intellect Books (2013), {{ISBN|9781783200207}}, published 15 August 2013, [ page 152]:
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- Temple #* '''2007''', Kathryn Morris, Debora Richey, & Cathy Thomas, ''Fullerton'', Arcadia Publishing (2007), {{ISBN|9780738547886}}, [ page 6] (image caption):
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- Timonism ** '''1906''', Prof. {{w|Walter Raleigh (professor)|Walter Raleigh}}, letter pub. in 1926:<ref>Prof. {{w|Walter Raleigh (professor)|Walter Raleigh}} (1861–1922), letter to linguist {{w|John Sampson (linguist)|John Sampson}}, Oxford, 1 January 1906; pub. in ''The Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh (1879-1922)'', 2 vols. ed. by Lady Raleigh, Vol. 1, London: Methuen (1st ed.), London: Macmillan (2nd ed.), 1926; repr. in ''The Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh 1879 to 1922'', Kessinger Publishing, 2005, {{ISBN|9781417924769}}, p. [ 293 at Google Books]. (Note: letter popularized in various other works, including by poet and critic {{w|Herbert Read}} in ''The Anthology of English prose'' (1931, aka ''The London Book of English Prose'' and ''English Prose Style'', p. 252), and by Philip Wayne in ''The Personal Art: An Anthology of English letters'' (1949, p. 226).)</ref>
- Timonism ** '''1988''', Paul Ollswang, "Cynicism":<ref>Paul Ollswang, "Cynicism: A Series of Cartoons on a Philosophical Theme", January 1988, [ page B at official site]; repr. in ''The Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 Vol. 1'', Seattle: {{w|Fantagraphics Books}}, 1990, {{ISBN|1-56097-035-9}}, p. 23.</ref>
- Timonist #* '''1988''', Paul Ollswang, "Cynicism":<ref>Paul Ollswang, "Cynicism: A Series of Cartoons on a Philosophical Theme", January 1988, [ page at official site]; repr. in ''The Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 Vol. 1'', Seattle: {{w|Fantagraphics Books}}, 1990, {{ISBN|1-56097-035-9}}, p. 23.</ref>
- Timonist #* '''1988''', Maurice Charney, ''Hamlet's fictions'':<ref>Maurice Charney, ''Hamlet's fictions'', Routledge, 1988, {{ISBN|0415007038}}, p. [ 154] at Google Books.</ref>
- Timonists #* '''1988''', Paul Ollswang, "Cynicism":<ref>Paul Ollswang, "Cynicism: A Series of Cartoons on a Philosophical Theme", January 1988, [ page at official site]; repr. in ''The Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 Vol. 1'', Seattle: {{w|Fantagraphics Books}}, 1990, {{ISBN|1-56097-035-9}}, p. 23.</ref>
- Timonization #* '''1996''', Christopher Sten, ''The Weaver-God, He Weaves'':<ref>Christopher Sten, ''The Weaver-God, He Weaves: Melville and the poetics of the novel'', Kent State University Press, 1996, {{ISBN|0873385373}}, Chapter Seven "The Divided Self: ''Pierre'' as Psychological Novel", p. [ 240 at Google Books].</ref>
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- after-clap #* '''1782''', ''letter from [[w:Benjamin Franklin|Benjamin Franklin]] to Robert Morris, 9 January, 1782'', published in ''The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin: volume VII'' (John Bigelow, [[editor]]; {{ISBN|9781443755863}} in '''2008''':
- age of judgement #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 69 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
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- agnath #* '''2004''', Rüdiger Wehner and Walter Gehring, ''Zoologie'', twenty-fourth edition, Thieme, {{ISBN|978-3-13-367424-9}}, page 809:
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- baptizand #* '''1950''', {{w|John Norman Davidson Kelly|J. N. D. Kelly}}, translating the Latin translation of ''{{w|Testamentum Domini}}'' by I. E. Rahmani, quoted in ''Early Christian Creeds''<sup>[]</sup>, London: Longmans, Green and Co., <small>{{ISBN|978-0-8028-2748-7}}</small>, retrieved 26 January 2022, page 35:
- bar #* '''2014''', "Ikke provosèr ham", by Inger Torill Jørgensen, eBokNorden AS {{ISBN|829284404X}} []
- barba di frate #* '''2012''', Titty.m, ''Un mosaico di leggerezza e di piacere'', Titty.M ({{ISBN|9788863697926}})
- bare-bum #* '''1992''', Louise Leblanc, ''Maddie in Goal'' (trans. Sarah Cummins), Formac (1992; original French book published 1991), {{ISBN|0887802028}}, [ page 12]:
- batong #* '''2013''', "Politi", by Jo Nesbø, H. Aschehoug & Co. {{ISBN|8203355536}} []
- bauchoben #* '''1979''', [[w:Günter Grass|Günter Grass]]: ''[[w:The Flounder|Der Butt]].'' Roman. Unabridged edition, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, {{ISBN|3-596-22181-1}}, (edition published under licence of Luchterhand Verlag, Darmstadt/Neuwied 1977; [ Google Books]; retrieved October 15, 2015), page 82:<br />Translation:<br />'''1980''', Günter Grass: ''The Flounder.'' A novel. New York: Fawcest Crest, ([ GoogleBooks]; retrieved October 15, 2015), page 85:
- bauchoben #* '''1988''', [[w:Carlo Emilio Gadda|Carlo Emilio Gadda]]; Toni Kienlechner (translator): ''List und Tücke.'' Erzählungen. Berlin: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, {{ISBN|3-8031-0134-4}}, ([ Google Books]; retrieved October 15, 2015), page 19:
- bauchoben #* '''1994''', [[w:Siegfried Lenz|Siegfried Lenz]]: ''Die Auflehnung.'' Roman. 1st edition, Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, {{ISBN|3-455-04252-X}}, ([ Google Books]; retrieved October 15, 2015), page 139:
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- bauchoben #* '''2008''', [[w:Uwe Tellkamp|Uwe Tellkamp]]: ''Der Turm: Geschichte aus einem versunkenen Land.'' Roman. 1st edition. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, {{ISBN|978-3-518-42020-1}}, ([ Google Books]; retrieved October 15, 2015), page 657:
- bauchoben #* '''2011''', Norbert F. Schaaf: ''Afghanistan, Srebrenica & zurück.'' Kriegsreporter-Roman. Berlin: epubli, {{ISBN|978-3-8442-1507-6}}, (E-Book, [ Google Books]; retrieved October 15, 2015):
- bed tea #* '''1991''', [[w:Mark Tully|Mark Tully]], ''No Full Stops in India'' (1992 Penguin edition), {{ISBN|9780141927756}}, [ (Google preview)]:
- before someone's time #* '''1951''', Johnny Cash, letter to Vivian Cash dated 3 November 1951, reprinted in Vivian Cash (with Ann Sharpsteen), ''I Walked the Line: My Life with Johnny'', Scribner (2007), {{ISBN|9781416532927}}, [ page 38]:
- bel canto #* '''2012''' March 22nd, David Blockley, ''Engineering: [[w:Very Short Introductions|A Very Short Introduction]]'' (309), {{w|Oxford University Press}}, {{ISBN|9780199578696}}, chapter 1: “From idea to reality”, page 5:
- belfie #* '''2015''', Christmas Abbott (with Maggie Greenwood-Robinson), ''The Badass Body Diet: The Breakthrough Diet and Workout for a Tight Booty, Sexy Abs, and Lean Legs'', HarperCollins (2015), {{ISBN|9780062390974}}, [ unnumbered page], published 12 May 2015:
- belieber #* '''2007''', Lawrence W. Levine, ''Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom'' (30th annotated reprint edition; [[w:Oxford University Press|Oxford University Press]]; {{ISBN|0195305698}}, 9780195305692), [ page 38]:
- beration #* '''2009''', Jacques Khalip, ''Anonymous Life: Romanticism and Dispossession'',<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> Stanford University Press, {{ISBN|9780804758406}}, page 163:
- berøringsangst #* '''2015''', Jørgen Christensen (quoting [[:w:Poul Nyrup Rasmussen|Poul Nyrup Rasmussen]]), ''Muhammed-tegningerne, demokratiet og sikkerhedspolitikken'', BoD – Books on Demand {{ISBN|9788771706161}}, page 85
- berøringsangst #* '''2014''', Ahmed Akkari (dictated to Martin Kjær Jensen), ''Min afsked med islamismen: Muhammedkrisen, dobbeltspillet og kampen mod Danmark'', Art People {{ISBN|9788771378047}}
- besague * '''2003''', James Robinson Planché, ''An Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Costume: From the First Century B.C. to C. 1760'', Courier Corporation ({{ISBN|9780486423234}}), page 43: (Old French, besog; Latin, besogium)
- beside the point #* '''1944''', George Stimpson, ''A Book about a Thousand Things'', quoted in Marcus A.J. Smith and Julian Wasserman, "In the Sheriff's Court: {{...}}", in Thomas G. Hahn (editor), ''Robin Hood in Popular Culture'', Boydell & Brewer (2000), {{ISBN|978-0-85991-564-9}}, page 229:
- bests #* '''2010''', Hunter Allen, Andrew Coggan, ''Training and Racing with a Power Meter, 2nd Ed.'', {{ISBN|1937716090}} <sup>[ link]</sup>
- beta #* '''2000''', Elizabeth Durack, quoted in Angelina I. Karpovich, “The Audience as Editor: The Role of Beta Readers in Online Fan Fiction Communities” (essay), in Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse (editors), ''Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet'', McFarland (2006), {{ISBN|9780786426409}}, page 180,
- bi now, gay later #* '''2021''', Estella Ferraro, ''Wilful Blindness: On the Relationship of Identity, Agency and Personal'', Springer Nature ({{ISBN|9783658326548}}), page 162, quoting a man named John:
- big one #* '''2002''' September 23, [[w:Hunter S. Thompson|Hunter S. Thompson]], “Dr. Thompson Is Back from Beirut”, reprinted in ''[[w:Hey Rube (book)|Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness: Modern History from the Sports Desk]]'', Simon and Schuster (2004), {{ISBN|978-0-684-87319-0}}, [ page 144]:
- big one #* '''2007''', Wilson Marsh, ''Ouiji'' (novella), in ''Six After Midnight'', Steel Moon Publishing, {{ISBN|978-0-6151-5192-2}}, [ page 78]:
- binde op #* '''2017''', Diverse Diverse, ''Dansk Kriminalreportage 1983'', Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711750162}}
- biocoloniality #* '''2013''', Ernesto Schwartz-Martin and Eduardo Restrepo, '''''Biocoloniality''', Governance, and the Protection of 'Genetic Identities' in Mexico and Colombia'', in ''Sociology'', volume 47, issue 5<!-- quoted in '''2015''', Susan E. Bell, Anne E. Figert, ''Reimagining (Bio)Medicalization, Pharmaceuticals and Genetics: Old Critiques and New Engagements'', Routledge ({{ISBN|9781317643623}})-->
- biorg #* '''2021''', Florence Ashley, "'X' why? Gender Marks and Non-binary Transgender People", in Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Vélez, Laura Carlson (editors), ''Trans Rights and Wrongs: A Comparative Study of Legal Reform Concerning Trans Persons'', Springer Nature ({{ISBN|9783030684945}}), pages 33-34:
- birkebeiner #* '''2012''', Kateřina Krištůfková, tr. [[w:Jo Nesbø|Jo Nesbø]] ''[[w:The Redeemer (novel)|Spasitel]]'', Kniha Zlín, {{ISBN|978-80-87497-08-1}}, page [ 61]:
- blackify #* '''1995''', Lisa Block de Behar, ''A Rhetoric of Silence and Other Selected Writings'' {{ISBN|3110813556}}, translating a word by Manuel Puig, page 269:
- blueberried #* '''1983''', ''Paula Modersohn-Becker: The Letters and Journals'' (eds. Günter Busch & Liselotte Von Reinken; trans. Arthur S. Wensinger & Carole Clew Hoey), Northwestern University Press (1998), {{ISBN|0810116448}}, [ page 173]:
- blueberry #* '''2002''', Lois Kenyon Pesanelli, ''His Hand Upon Me for Miracles'', 1st Books Library (2002), {{ISBN|140330095X}}, [ page 14]:
- bluesnarfing #* '''2005''', Teck Sung Yap and Hong Tat Ewe, ''A Mobile Phone Malicious Software Detection Model with Behavior Checker'', in ''Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues — HSI 2005: 3rd International Conference on Human.Society@Internet — Tokyo, Japan, July 2005: Proceedings'' (edited by Shinji Shimojo, Shingo Ichii, Tok Wang Ling, and Kwan-Ho Song; {{ISBN|3540278303}} (10), {{ISBN|978-3540278306}} (13)), [ page 58]:
- bluesnarfing #* '''2006''' December 2, Eric Cole, Sandra Ring, ''Insider Threat: Protecting the Enterprise from Sabotage, Spying, and Theft'' {{ISBN|1597491012}} (10), {{ISBN|978-1597491013}} (13)), chapter 12: “Wireless Security Project Plan”, [,M1 page 462]:
- bluesnarfing #* '''2007''', James M. Byrne, Donald J. Rebovich (editors), ''The New Technology of Crime, Law and Social Control'' {{ISBN|1881798739}} (10), {{ISBN|978-1881798736}} (13)), [,M1 pages 29–30]:
- blunt instrument #* '''1987''', [[w:Iris Murdoch|Iris Murdoch]], in [[w:John Haffenden|John Haffenden]], ''Novelists in Interview'', {{ISBN|9780416376005}}, [ p. 202]:
- bon an mal an #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 298; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- boogerlee * '''2005''', Jonathon Green, ''Cassell's Dictionary of Slang'', Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ({{ISBN|9780304366361}}), page 157: "a person of mixed Black and White ancestry", "a Cajun"
- bookmanship #* '''2009''' Matthew Joseph Bruccoli, Judith Baughman [ ''F. Scott Fitzgerald in the Marketplace: The Auction and Dealer Catalogues, 1935-2006'' p.xv] (Univ of South Carolina Press, 2009) {{ISBN|157003799X}}:
- bookmanship #* '''1946''' [2001] Holbrook Jackson [ ''The reading of books'' p.10] (University of Illinois Press, 2001) {{ISBN|0252070410}}
- booktuber #* '''2012''', "Acknowledgements," in Daniel Marks, ''Velveteen'', Delacorte Press (2012), {{ISBN|9780385742245}}, [ page 450]:
- booktuber #* '''2015''', "Acknowledgements," in Leigh Bardugo, ''Six of Crows'', Henry Holt and Company (2015), {{ISBN|9781627792127}}, [ page 464]:
- booze bus #* '''1982''' December 2, ''Police ''''booze buses'''' gear up for the start of random breath tests'', ''[[w:Sydney Morning Herald|Sydney Morning Herald]]'', page 16, quoted in 1985, G. A. Wilkes, ''A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms'', second edition, [[w:Sydney University Press|Sydney University Press]], {{ISBN|0-424-00113-6}}.
- borzalom #* '''1974''', {{w|Leo Tolstoy}} (author), {{w|László Németh}} (translator), ''Anna Karenina'' [''{{w|Anna Karenina}}''], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), {{ISBN|9732600047}}, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 6 (English translation by Constance Garnett<sup>[]</sup>):
- boughten #* '''1954''', [[w:Beverly Cleary|Beverly Cleary]], [[w:Henry and Ribsy|''Henry and Ribsy'']], 2001 1st Scholastic edition, {{ISBN|0-439-38595-4}}, page 113:
- bougresse #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 163; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- boundures #* '''1933''' (2012 reprint) Montague Summers [ ''The Werewolf in Lore and Legend'' p.207] {{ISBN|0486122700}}:
- boy #* '''1970''' [earlier '''1963'''], Helen V. Wilson, Helen Van Pelt, ''Helen Van Pelt's African Violets'', Dutton Adult ({{ISBN|9780801538582}}):
- boydem #* '''2011''', Chyna, ''How I Escaped a Girl Gang: Rolling in a London Girl Gang'', Hachette UK {{ISBN|9781444714326}}
- boyfriend jeans #* '''2012''', Lois Joy Johnson, ''The Wardrobe Wakeup: Your Guide to Looking Fabulous at Any Age'', Running Press (2012), {{ISBN|9780762445844}}, [ page 115] (image caption):
- brain cramp #* '''1944''', [[w:D. H. Lawrence|D. H. Lawrence]] and [[w:Frieda von Richthofen|Frieda Lawrence]], ''The First Lady Chatterley'' (original version of ''[[w:Lady Chatterley's Lover|Lady Chatterley's Lover]]'', 2005 reprint), {{ISBN|9781419130595}}, ch. 20, [ p. 264]:
- brain cramp #* '''2009''', [[w:Stephen King|Stephen King]], ''Under the Dome'', {{ISBN|9781439149034}}, [ online preview edition]:
- brandofferen #* '''2007''', Rebecca Rupp, ''Die vier elementen'', abridged translation of ''Four Elements, Water, Air, Fire, Earth'', Pearson, {{ISBN|9043013609}}, page 176.
- brandsejl #* '''1987''', Hans-Eric Hellberg (tr. from Swedish by Erik Juul Clausen), ''Farlig landing'', Lindhardt og Ringhof ({{ISBN|9788711709863}})
- branquelo #* '''2015''', Soraggi, Paulo Lima, ''Formigas de Camisetas Pretas'', KBR EDITORA DIGITAL ({{ISBN|9788581800301}})
- breakfast muffin #* '''2005''', Anne Byrn, ''Cupcakes!: From the Cake Mix Doctor'', Workman Publishing ({{ISBN|9780761159544}}), page 222, recipe for Blueberry Yogurt Streusel Muffins baked in a cupcake/muffin tin:
- brevitic #* '''1931''': Francis W. Chapman, ''Great Pyramid of Ghizeh from the Aspect of Symbolism and Religion'', reprint edition (1997 September 1), [ page 139] (Kessinger Publishing Co; {{ISBN|0766100839}}
- brisky #* '''2010''', Robin Adair, ''Death and the Running Patterer'', {{ISBN|9780425237038}}, Penguin, [ online edition]:
- broccoli #* '''2010''', Sven Wombwell, ''Allotment Gardening For Dummies'', John Wiley & Sons ({{ISBN|9780470664483}}), [ Growing Oriental Leaf Vegetables]:
- brown bomber #* '''1971''', [[w:John O'Grady|John O'Grady]], ''Dealing with Cops'', from ''Aussie Etiket''. Quoted in ''Aussie Humour'', Macmillan, 1988, {{ISBN|0-7251-0553-4}}, page 200.
- brute fact #* '''1985''': Guy Mansini, OSB, ''Analecta Gregoriana — “What is a Dogma?”: The Meaning and Truth of Dogma in Edouard le Roy and His Scholastic Opponents'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 166] (Rome: [ Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana]</span>; {{ISBN|8876525467}}, 9788876525469)
- brute fact #* '''2008''': [[w:Le Corbusier|Charles-Édouard “Le Corbusier” Jeanneret-Gris]] [aut.] and John Goodman [tr.], ''Toward an Architecture'', <span class="plainlinks">[ pages 101–102] ([ Frances Lincoln Publishers]</span>; {{ISBN|9780711228085}}
- brute-fact #* '''2008''': Adrian Haddock [ed.] and Fiona Macpherson [ed.], ''Disjunctivism: Perception, Action, Knowledge'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 220] ([ Oxford University Press]</span>; {{ISBN|0199231540}}, 9780199231546)
- buck-hoist #* '''2014''', M. David Hornbuckle, editor, ''Steel Toe Review'', volume 3 ({{ISBN|0984949526}}), page 130:
- buffon * '''2013''', Mary Brooks Picken, ''The Language of Fashion Dictionary and Digest of Fabric, Sewing and Dress'', Read Books Ltd ({{ISBN|9781447493617}})<!--: buffon (bŭf′әn; ''buff''on) or buffont or buffant (bŭf′әnt; ''buff'' ant). Article of neckwear, usually of gauze, linen, or lace. Worn around neck, puffed out over bosom, pouterpigeon fashion.-->
- buffont * '''2013''', Mary Brooks Picken, ''The Language of Fashion Dictionary and Digest of Fabric, Sewing and Dress'', Read Books Ltd ({{ISBN|9781447493617}})<!--: buffon (bŭf′әn; ''buff''on) or buffont or buffant (bŭf′әnt; ''buff'' ant). Article of neckwear, usually of gauze, linen, or lace. Worn around neck, puffed out over bosom, pouterpigeon fashion.-->
- buggeress #*'''1945''' William Joyce, cited in Nigel Farndale (2005) ''Haw-Haw : the tragedy of William & Margaret Joyce'' (London: Macmillan) {{ISBN|0333989929}} [ p. 259]
- bullier #* '''2010''', Ethan Mordden, ''The Guest List: How Manhattan Defined American Sophistication—from the Algonquin Round Table to Truman Capote’s Ball'', Macmillan, {{ISBN|978-0-312-54024-1}}, [ unnumbered digital page]:
- bulo #* '''2015''', Eva Aladro Vico, Graciela Padilla Castillo, ''Aplicaciones actuales de la comunicación e interacción digitales'', ACCI (Asoc. Cultural y Científica Iberoameric.) ({{ISBN|9788416549115}}), page 426:
- bury the lead #* '''1977''', "''Don't '''bury the lead'''.'' This is similar to backing into the lead, except that the major element has been buried several paragraphs down"<ref>William Metz, ''Newswriting: From Lead to "30"'' {{ISBN|0136175147}}, p. [ 61]</ref>
- bury the lead #* '''2004''', "'''Don't bury the lead''' in the body of your story. As a TV news viewer, I'm poised to change the channel"<ref>Steve Garagiola, ''TV News: Writing and Surviving'' {{ISBN|0595302041}}, p. [ 20]</ref>
- busful #* '''2013''', Serge Quadruppani, ''The Sudden Disappearance of Worker Bees'', Arcade Publishing (2013; original French novel published 2011), {{ISBN|9781611458404}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- busted #* '''2009''', [[w:S. Bear Bergman|S. Bear Bergman]], “New Year” (essay), in ''The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You'', {{ISBN|9781458775856}}, (2010), [ page 66]:
- butch #* '''1997''', Bi Academic Intervention, ''Bisexual Imaginary: Representation, Identity, and Desire'', A&C Black ({{ISBN|9780304337453}}), page 30, quoting Jo Eadie:
- bystandership #* '''2011''', Ervin Staub, ''Overcoming Evil: Genocide, Violent Conflict, and Terrorism'', Oxford Universtiy Press (2013), {{ISBN|9780195382044}} (hardcover), {{ISBN|9780199775248}} (paperback), part I, chapter 7, {{gbooks|SepMAgAAQBAJ|198|bystandership}}:
- bærepose #* '''2011''', "En kule" by Tom Kristensen, H. Aschehoug & Co. {{ISBN|8203196861}} []
- cacophonous #* '''2012''', Michael D. Breed & Janice Moore, ''Animal Behavior'', Academic Press (2012), {{ISBN|9780123725813}}, [ page 199] (image caption):
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- cain't #* '''1985''', James A. Michener, ''Texas: A Novel''. Reprinted 2014, Random House Publishing Group, {{ISBN|9780804151412}}, ['t%22&pg=PT460#v=onepage&q=%22cain't%22&f=false page 460:]
- cake pop #* '''2010''', Bakerella, ''Cake Pops Holidays'', Chronicle Books (2010), {{ISBN|9781452111162}}, [ page 30]:
- call on #* '''2002''', Bruno Coppieters, “Legitimate Authority”, chapter 2 of Bruno Coppieters and Nick Fotion (editors), ''Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases'', Lexington Books, {{ISBN|978-0-7391-0437-8}}, [ page 46]:
- campout #* '''2004'''. Murray, Mary. ''Traits of Writing Skills Grade 2-3'' Creative Teaching Press, {{ISBN|159198081X}} p. 63
- canaries in the coal mine #* '''2011''', "Barefoot" Ken Bob Saxton & Roy M. Wallack, ''Barefoot Running Step by Step'', Fair Winds Press (2011), {{ISBN|9781592334650}}, [ page 101]:
- canion #* '''1999''' (quoting an earlier work), Martin Butler, ''Re-Presenting Ben Jonson: Text, History, Performance'', Springer ({{ISBN|9780230376724}}), page 138:
- careerist #* '''1980''', Alfred Kern, “Waiting for Euripides”, reprinted in Malham M. Wakin (editor), ''Military Ethics'', DIANE Publishing (1994), {{ISBN|9780788113116}}, [ page 121]:
- careerist #* '''1997''', Anita Blair, quoted in ''U.S. Society & Values'', June 1997: ''The Changing Roles of Women in the United States'', DIANE Publishing, {{ISBN|9781428967496}}, [ page 27]:
- case closed #* '''2011''', Dominick Ricca, "The Salvation of Satan", in ''Would You Like to Be White? and Other Stories'', [[w:Xlibris|Xlibris]] (self-published), {{ISBN|9781456863555}}, page 403 []:
- cat-flap #* '''1985''', Derek Albert Pearsall, ''The Canterbury Tales'' (in his introduction to Chaucer's ''Miller's Tale''), Routledge (UK), {{ISBN|0415094445}}, [,M1 p. 182],
- cataholic #* '''2000''', Bob Walker & Frances Mooney, ''Crazy Cats'', Andrews McMeel Publishing (2000), {{ISBN|9780740710261}}, [ unnumbered page] (acknowledgements):
- catch one's death #* '''1998''', {{w|George Packer}}, ''Central Square'', {{ISBN|1555972772}}, ch. 1 ([ ''New York Times'' reprint]):
- cawer #* '''1817''' April 17, John Keats, letter to J. H. Reynolds, number 22, quoted in '''2012''', Hyder Edward Rollins, ''The Letters of John Keats: Volume 1, 1814-1818: 1814-1821'', Cambridge University Press ({{ISBN|9781107608207}}), page 131:
- celebretard #* '''2009''', [[w:Zoey Dean|Zoey Dean]], ''Hollywood Is Like High School with Money'' [novel], Grand Central Publishing (2009), {{ISBN|9780446697194}}, [ page 147]:
- centenárium #* '''2010''', Gabriella Nikodém; Jenő Szabó, ''A magyar bélyeg története'' (“The History of Hungarian Stamps”), Kossuth Kiadó – Hírközlési Múzeumi Alapítvány {{ISBN|978-963-09-6158-5}}, page 186:
- check out #* '''2010''', Peterson's, ''Master the Corrections Officer Exam'', Peterson's ({{ISBN|9780768930306}}), page 9:
- chercher la petite bête #* '''2015''', Andrea Camilleri, Dominique Vittoz transl., ''La reine de Poméranie'', Fayard ({{ISBN|9782213679747}}), Trois:
- chops #* '''2016''', Christopher Duffy, Mohit,, Cameron Buchanan, Terry Ip, Andrew Mabbitt, Benjamin May, Dave Mound, ''Python: Penetration Testing for Developers'', Packt Publishing Ltd ({{ISBN|9781787120976}})
- chumpier #* '''2007''', Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson, ''Mistakes Were Made (but not by ''<u>me</u>''): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts'' (1st edition, Harcourt Books, {{ISBN|9780151010981}}, [ page 252], endnote 3:13:
- cicisbeo #* '''2016''', Sandra Heath, ''La lady mascherata'', tr. by Fabrizio Pezzoli, Edizioni Mondadori (publ.), {{ISBN|8852071407}}.
- clasificación periódica #* '''1974''', Rodolfo H. Busch (translator), Robert W. Parry (author), ''Química: Fundamentos Experimentales'' (translation of ''Chemistry: Experimental Foundations''), Reverte, {{ISBN|9788429174687}}, [ page 91]:
- clasificación periódica #* '''2007''', María Mercedes Bautista Arnedo, ''Nociones Esenciales de Química para Ciencias de la Vida'' (''Essentials of Chemistry for the Life Sciences''),, {{ISBN|978-1-84753-749-2}}, [ page 49]:
- classification #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 69 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- clientele #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 34 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}})
- climate system #* '''2011''', Detlev Möller, ''Chemistry of the Climate System'', Walter de Gruyter ({{ISBN|9783110228359}}), [ prologue]:
- clunker #* '''2004''', Teralee E. M. Bird, ''What the Herald Angel Sang'' (Seraphim Trilogy Book One), {{ISBN|9781411617216}}:
- coal cracker #* '''2008''', Gene Gomolka, '''''Coal Cracker's''' Son'', {{ISBN|9781462826438}}, [ Back cover (Google books)]:
- coalface #* '''2010''', Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, ''Exporting out of recession: third report of session 2009-10. Oral and written evidence'', The Stationery Office {{ISBN|9780215543554}}, page 20
- cob #* '''1863''', Susan Boggs, interview transcribed in ''Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Letters, Speeches, Interviews, and Autobiographies'', ed. [[w:John Wesley Blassingame|John Wesley Blassingame]], Louisiana State University Press (1977), {{ISBN|0-8071-0184-2}}, page 419:
- cob #* '''2002''', Christian Vogt & Wolfhard Symader, "Evaluation of Small Rivers by Combining Biological Sampling with a Structure Analysis of River Beds", in Fiona J. Dyer, Martin C. Thomas, & Jon M. Olley (eds.), ''The Structure, Function and Management Implications of Fluvial Sedimentary Systems'', International Association of Hydrological Sciences, {{ISBN|1-901502-96-1}}, page 71:
- cokebottle #* '''1983''', <!-- Jerry Pournelle ??? see {{ISBN|0671559680--}}--> Byte, Volume 8, page 312
- cold war #* '''1945''', [[w:George Orwell|George Orwell]], "You and the Atom Bomb", ''[[w:Tribune (magazine)|Tribune]]'', 19 October 1945; reprinted in Orwell, Sonia Orwell, and Ian Angus, ''George Orwell: The Collected Essays, Journalism & Letters, Volume 4: In Front of Your Nose (1946–1950)'', David R. Godine (2000), ISBN {{ISBN|1567921361}}, page [ 9],
- come again #* '''1955''', [[w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout]], "When a Man Murders...",<!--... in title--> in [[w:Three Witnesses (book)|''Three Witnesses'']], October 1994 [[w:Bantam Books|Bantam]] edition, {{ISBN|0553249592}}, page 120:
- commandité #* '''2014''', Valérie Simonart, ''Sociétés en nom collectif et sociétés en commandite'', Bruylant (eBook), {{ISBN| 9782802746096}}
- compersion #* '''2006''', Ronald C. Fox, Ph.D. (editor), ''Affirmative Psychotherapy with Bisexual Women and Bisexual Men'', Haworth Press, {{ISBN|1560232994}}, page 140
- complexification * '''2002''', Charles J. Kibert, Jan Sendzimir{{,}} and G. Bradley Guy (editors), Timothy F.<!--no space-->H. Allen, ''Construction Ecology'', ''Nature as the basis for green buildings'', page 114, Taylor & Francis, {{ISBN|0415260922}}, page 114
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- controller #* '''2004''', Paul K. Kroeger, ''Analyzing Syntax: A Lexical-Functional Approach'', Cambridge University Press, {{ISBN|0521816238}} (hardback), {{ISBN|0521016541}} (paperback), chapter 5.4, {{gbooks|fIAleOSnXpIC|117|controller}}:
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- coon #* '''2005''', Kermit Ernest Campbell, ''“gettin’ our groove on”''<!--quotations in title-->, ''rhetoric, language, and literacy for the hip hop generation'', Wayne State University Press, {{ISBN|081432925X}}, page 80:
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- copy-paste #* '''2007''', Katrien Herbert, Erik Duval, "Evaluating the ALOCOM Approach for Scalable Content Repurposing", ''Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale'' (), Springer {{ISBN|9783540751946}}, page 364
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- counterclockwisely #* '''1993''', Siu-Wing Cheng et al., "Optimal Rectilinear Steiner Tree for Extremal Point Sets", in K. W. Ng et al. (eds.), ''Algorithms and Computation: 4th International Symposium, ISAAC '93'', Springer-Verlag, {{ISBN|3-540-57568-5}}, page 531:
- counterimperialist #* '''1992''', Jay Parini, Axinn Professor of English Jay Parini, ''Gore Vidal: Writer Against the Grain'', Columbia University Press ({{ISBN|9780231072083}}), page 267:
- countify #* '''1992''', James F. Allen and Lenhart K. Schubert, “Language and Discourse in the TRAINS Project”, in Andrew Ortony, John Slack, and Oliviero Stock (editors), ''Communication From an Artificial Intelligence Perspective: Theoretical and Applied Issues'', NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 100, Springer, {{ISBN|3540558810}}, page 104,
- court card #* '''1999''': Simon Blackburn, ''Think: A compelling introduction to philosophy'', chapter 6: ''Reasoning'', section 5: ''Plausible Reasonings'', page 212 (Oxford University Press, paperback, {{ISBN|0199690871}}
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- crash dive #* '''2014''', Philip Kaplan, ''Grey Wolves: The U-Boat War'', {{ISBN|9781629140766}}, [ "Sit There and Take It" (Google online preview)]:
- cream #* '''2001''', Darwin Porter, ''Hollywood’s Silent Closet: The Lusty Saga of America’s First Star F*#%er!!''{{SIC}} (novel),<sup>[ ]</sup> Blood Moon Productions, Ltd., {{ISBN|0-9668030-2-7}}, page 155,
- creepify #* '''2007''', Harmon Leon, ''National Lampoon Road Trip USA: All the Places Your Dad Never Stopped At'',<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> National Lampoon, {{ISBN|9780978832308}}, page 295:
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- cruces #* '''1992''', David R. Slavitt (editor and translator), ''Seneca: The Tragedies'' (The Johns Hopkins University Press; {{ISBN|0801843081}}, 080184309X), volume 1, preface, page xvi:
- crusty #* '''2005''', Jeffrey Dinsmore, ''I, an Actress: The Autobiography of Karen Jamey'', <!-- [sic]: it's a misleadingly named novel --> Contemporary Press, {{ISBN|0974461490}}, page 51:
- cryosphere #* '''2009''', Olav Slaymaker, Richard Kelly, ''The Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change'', John Wiley & Sons ({{ISBN|9781444308969}}), [ preface]:
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- csörög #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 21, page 199:
- cualquiera #* '''2004''', Charles Dickens, translated by Gabriela de los Ángeles Santana and Mónica Jácome, ''Oliver Twist'' {{ISBN|9706437320}}, page 15:
- cuneal #* '''2004''', China Miéville, ''Iron Council'', p. 468 (2005 Trade paperback edition, {{ISBN|0-345-45842-7}} -- At their head a great earthmover, fronted by a '''cuneal''' plough that would push the matter of the barricade apart.
- cupboardy #* '''1969''', David Wright, ''Deafness: A personal Account'', Faber & Faber, read in Jill Jepson, ''No Walls of Stone: An Anthology of Literature by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers'', Gallaudet University Press (2002) {{ISBN|156368019X}}, [,M1 p. 156],
- dag #* '''2000''', Guy Ritchie, ''Snatch'', quoted in, Miguel Á. Bernal-Merino, ''Translation and Localisation in Video Games: Making Entertainment Software Global'', Routledge {{ISBN|9781317617846}}, page 68:
- damper #*'''1827''', {{w|Peter Cunningham}}, ''Two Years in New South Wales'', ii.190, quoted in G. A. Wilkes, ''A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms'', 1978, {{ISBN|0-424-00034-2}},
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- dansk #* '''1925''', Jacob Paludan, ''Fugle omkring Fyret'', reprint Gyldendal 2016 ({{ISBN|9788702204797}})
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- deconvert #* '''2005''', Alexander Gelbukh, LINK (Online service), ''Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 6th International Conference, CICLing 2005'', Springer, {{ISBN|3540245235}}, [ p.373],
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- demo #* '''2004''' June 29, Sonja, [ Salvage Materials before Demolition of House], quoted in ''The Owner-Builder Book: Construction Bargain Strategies'' {{ISBN|1932272054}}, page 336:
- dentulous #* '''1979''', William A. Clemens and Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska, "Multituberculata," in Jason A. Lillegraven ''et al.'' (eds.), ''Mesozoic Mammals'', {{ISBN|9780520039513}}, [ p. 112 (Google preview)]:
- derivednesses #* '''1997''': Charles E Oxnard, ''Human Adaptability: Future Trends and Lessons from the Past — The Interface of Function, Genes, Development and Evolution: Insights from Primate Morphometrics'', Abstract, [ page 85] ([ World Scientific]; {{ISBN|9810233566}}, 978-9810233563)
- di ex machinis #* '''1976''': Art Byrne and Seán McMahon, ''Faces of the West, 1875–1925: A Record of Life in the West of Ireland, Photographic [and] Literary'', [ page 33] (Appletree Press Ltd; {{ISBN|0904651126}}, 9780904651126); and reprinted in:
- dibble #* '''1955''', [[w:C. S. Lewis|C[live] S[taples] Lewis]], chapter 12, in ''{{w|The Magician's Nephew}}'' ({{w|The Chronicles of Narnia}}; 1), London: {{w|The Bodley Head}}, <small>{{OCLC|752428337}}</small>; republished London: [[w:William Collins, Sons|Collins]], 1998, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-00-711555-6}}</small>:
- dicacious #* '''2004''' July 2 {{qualifier|reprint date; date of first publication unknown}}, Hugh McAlister, ''The Flight of the Silver Ship: Around the World Aboard a Giant Dirigible'', [ p103] (Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints); {{ISBN|1417926163}}, {{ISBN|978-1417926169}})
- dick-headedly #* '''1995''', Steven Wells, "The Artful Codger", ''New Musical Express'', 25 November 1995, reprinted in ''Bowie on Bowie: Interviews and Encounters with David Bowie'' (ed. Sean Egan), Chicago Review Press (2015), {{ISBN|9781569769775}}, [ page 275]:
- dickheadedly #* '''1996''', Barry Dickins, "A Rugby League Reminiscence", reprinted in ''The Best Ever Australian Sports Writing: A 200 Year Collection'' (ed. David Headon), Black Inc. (2001), {{ISBN|9781863952668}}, [ page 363]:
- dii ex machina #* '''1891''': Viktor Rydberg and Rasmus B. Anderson (translator), ''Teutonic Mythology'', [ page 182] ('''2004''' reprint; [ Kessinger Publishing]; {{ISBN|0766188914}}, 9780766188914)
- dii ex machina #* '''1995''': Ioan Williams, ''George Meredith: the critical heritage'', [ page 204] ([ Routledge]; {{ISBN|041513465X}}, 978‒0415134651)
- dimensionality #* '''1995''', T. Ogawa, "'''Dimensionality''' and Optical Responses of Materials", chapter 1 in, T. Ogawa and Y. Kanemitsuu, editors, ''Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Materials'', {{ISBN|9810222319}}, page 6 []:
- dimensionality #* '''2010''', Lior Rokach and Oded Maimon, "Supervised Learning", chapter 8 in, Oded Maimon and Lior Rokach, editors, ''Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook'', second edition, {{ISBN|9780387098234}}, [[doi:10.1007/978-0-387-09823-4]], page 142 []:
- dimensionality #* '''2011''', [[w:Hermann Moisl|Hermann Moisl]], "Hypothesis Generation", chapter 4 in, Warren Maguire and April McMahon, editors, ''Analysing Variation in English'', {{ISBN|9780521898669}}, page 82 []:
- dining-room #* '''1969''', David Wright, ''Deafness: A personal Account'', Faber & Faber, read in Jill Jepson, ''No Walls of Stone: An Anthology of Literature by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers'', Gallaudet University Press (2002) {{ISBN|156368019X}}, [,M1 p. 156],
- directivity #* '''2014''', Oris, ''Interaction of Information and Energy as the Primary Cause for origination of the Creative Activity of Self-Consciousness Focus and the Macrocosmos in whole'', Ayfaar Foundation Inc. {{ISBN|9780989058957}}
- ditzy #* '''2013''', Francisco Goldman, ''The Long Night of White Chickens'', Grove Press ({{ISBN|9780802144607}}), [ Seven]:
- dizível #* '''2004''', Prado Jr., Bento, ''Erro, Ilusão, loucura: ensaios'', Editora 34 {{ISBN|9788573262964}}, page 127
- do with mirrors * '''1989''', Barbara Field, ''Playing With Fire'' (after ''Frankenstein''), Dramatists Play Service, Inc., {{ISBN|0822208997}} page 52
- do with mirrors * '''1998''', "Jesus Feeds Five Thousand", in Nick Page, ''The Tabloid Bible'', Westminster John Knox Press, {{ISBN|0664258433}}, page 123,
- does the Pope shit in the woods #* '''2009''', James R. Vance, ''Killer Butterfly'', The eBook Sale ({{ISBN|9781906806743}}), page 233:<!--context clarifies this means "yes"-->
- does the Pope shit in the woods #* '''2014''', George R. R. Martin, "Under Siege", in Ann VanderMeer, Jeff VanderMeer, ''The Time Traveler's Almanac'', Macmillan ({{ISBN|9780765374219}}), page 322:
- dollop #* '''1996''', {{w|Buck Ramsey}}, “Christmas Waltz”, in ''Christmas Waltz'' (Peregrine Smith book), Salt Lake City, Utah: {{w|Gibbs Smith}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-87905-754-1}}</small>; reprinted in “Remembrances of a Season: Sentiments on Waltzin’, Strollin’, Whittlin’, Roastin’, and Toastin’”, in Jesse Mullins, editor, ''American Cowboy'', Sheridan, Wyo.: American Cowboy L.L.C., November–December 1996, <small>{{ISSN|1079-3690}}</small>, [ page 82]:
- dollop #* '''2008''', {{w|Rachel Johnson}}, ''Shire Hell'', London: {{w|Penguin Books}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-14-103569-7}}</small>; republished as ''In a Good Place'', Touchstone trade paperback edition, New York, N.Y.: {{w|Simon & Schuster}}, June 2009, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4165-3208-8}}</small>, [ page 99]:
- donk #* '''2011''', Marjan Leunissen for On Track, ''Picknicken in de natuur. Verrassend op pad in de Randstad'', Unieboek | Het Spectrum (publ.), {{ISBN|9000305527}}, page 103.
- donkey dick #* '''2009''', Bill Simmons, ''The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy'', ESPN Books (2009), {{ISBN|9780345511768}}, [ page 349] (footnote):
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- doppich * '''2012''', H.L. Mencken, ''American Language Supplement 2'' (Knopf, {{ISBN|9780307813442}}): Doppich. Awkward (Ger. täppisch).
- dorry #* '''1962''' (quoting '''c. 1398''' text), {{w|Hans Kurath}} & Sherman M. Kuhn, editors, ''{{w|Middle English Dictionary}}'', Ann Arbor, Mich.: {{w|University of Michigan Press}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-472-01044-8}}</small>, page 1242:
- dorry #* '''1962''' (quoting '''1381''' text), Hans Kurath & Sherman M. Kuhn, editors, ''{{w|Middle English Dictionary}}'', Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-472-01044-8}}</small>, page 1242:
- dory #* '''2011''' (republished '''2014''' as an e-book), Chris McNab, ''A History of the World in 100 Weapons'', Oxford: Osprey Publishing, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4728-0832-5}}</small>, page 37:
- double file #* '''1942''', [[w:Francis Ernest Lloyd|Francis Ernest Lloyd]], ''The Carnivorous Plants'', READ BOOKS (publisher, 2007), {{ISBN|978-1-44372-891-1}}, [ page 100]:
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- dove #* '''2007''': Bob Harris, ''Who Hates Whom: Well-Armed Fanatics, Intractable Conflicts, and Various Things Blowing up: A Woefully Incomplete Guide'', §: ''Africa'', ''Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Côte d’Ivoire'', page 80, ¶ 4 (first edition; Three Rivers Press; {{ISBN|9780307394361}}
- dragony #* '''2008''', Anni Axworthy, ''The Dragon Who Couldn't Do '''Dragony''' Things (Zero to Ten, {{ISBN|9781840893441}}
- dreamlife #* '''1988''', Maurianne Adams, “''Jane Eyre'': Woman's Estate”, Arlyn Diamond, Lee R. Edwards (ed.), ''The Authority of Experience: Essays in Feminist Criticism'', University of Massachusetts Press, {{ISBN|0870236229}}, {{gbooks|VwF8p4s_60QC|150|dreamlife}}:
- drop bear #* '''1995''', {{w|John Marsden}}, ''The Third Day, the Frost'' (TCPA Tomorrow Series; 3), Sydney: [[w:Macmillan Publishers|Pan Macmillan]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-7329-0818-8}}</small>; republished as ''A Killing Frost'', New York, N.Y.: [[w:Doubleday (publisher)|Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers]], 1999, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-440-22832-5}}</small>, page 15:
- drop bear #* '''1998''', {{w|Terry Pratchett}}, ''{{w|The Last Continent}}'' ({{w|Discworld}}; 22), London: [[w:Doubleday (publisher)|Doubleday]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-385-40989-6}}</small>; republished London: [[w:Transworld Publishers|Corgi]], 2013, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-552-16760-4}}</small>, [ page 219]:
- druknede #* '''2009''', Kjeldsen,niels, ''Kort & Geografi'', Gyldendal Uddannelse ({{ISBN|9788702059328}}), page 43
- dummerik #* '''2010''', Yrsa Sigurdardottir (Translator anonymous), ''Aske'', Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711410660}}
- dummerik #* '''2017''', Leo Kessler (Translated by Poul Arends), ''Ilmarch'', Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711574973}}
- dyrke #* '''2013''', Chris Carter (tr by. Per Vadmand), ''Dødsshowet'', Katrin Agency ({{ISBN|9788771073065}})
- dyscrasied #* '''1906''', Henry Martyn Dexter and Morton Dexter, ''The England and Holland of the Pilgrims'', book ii: ''The Protestantism of our Fathers'', Chap. V — “More Battles of the Books”, §: ''Details of new eccles. govt.'' ([ 2004 republication]; [ Kessinger Publishing]; {{ISBN|1417946784}}, 9781417946785), [ page 153]:
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- ecodefence #* '''1994''': Richard Sylvan [aut.] and David Bennett [aut., ed.], ''The Greening of Ethics'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 211]</span> (White Horse Press; {{ISBN|0816515042}}, 9780816515042)
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- encourageable #* '''2005''', Lisa Scherff (editor), ''Thirteen Years of School'', ''What Students Really Think'', R&L Education, {{ISBN|1578862000}}, illustrated, page 165:
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- entier #* '''1992''', ''Stochastic and Chaotic Oscillations'' (translation of a 1987 work by Yu. I. Neimark), [[w:Kluwer Academic Publishers|Kluwer]], {{ISBN|0792315308}}, page 70 []:
- enturbulate #* '''1971''', William S. Burroughs[], ''The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead'', Grove Press, 1992, {{ISBN|039417819X}} [,M1]
- envelope stuffer #* '''2009''', [[w:Dan Fante|Dan Fante]], ''Spitting Off Tall Buildings: A Novel'', {{ISBN|9780061959912}}, [ "About the Author" p. 156 (Google preview)]:
- ephemeral #* '''1986''', W.H. Raymond, "Clinoptilolite Deposit in the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, U.S.A.", in Yūichi Murakami et al. (editors), ''New Developments in Zeolite Science and Technology'' (conference proceedings), Elsevier, {{ISBN|978-0-444-98981-9}}, [ page 80]:
- episteme #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', pages 65<sup>{1}</sup> and 71<sup>{2}</sup> (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- epitrachelion #* '''1984''', {{w|Robert Silverberg}}, “Thomas the Proclaimer”, in ''Sailing to Byzantium'', San Francisco, Calif.: {{w|Underwood–Miller}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-88733-008-7}}</small>; republished New York, N.Y.: IBooks, 2000, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-7434-0718-2}}</small>, page 232:
- epsila #* '''1993''', Staatliche Museen zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz, ''Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete'' (B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft; {{ISBN|3815475066}}, 9783815475065), volumes 39–40, <span class="plainlinks">[ page 84]</span>
- epsila #* '''1994''', Adam Bülow-Jacobsen [ed.], ''Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23–29 August, 1992'' (<span class="plainlinks">[ Museum Tusculanum Press], {{ISBN|9788772892641}}, [ page 286]</span>
- erection #* '''2006''', Lori Marso, ''Feminist Thinkers and the Demands of Femininity: The Lives and Work of Intellectual Women'', Routledge (2006), {{ISBN|0415979269}}, [ unnumbered pages] (quoting Simone Beauvoir):
- ethnoracialism #* '''1996''', Ruth Hutchison, Peter F. Alexander, Deryck Marshall Schreuder, ''Africa today: a multi-disciplinary snapshot of the continent in 1995'', African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific. Conference, Humanities Research Centre (Australia)<!--also printed in '''1999''', Alan C. Cairns, John C. Courtney, Peter MacKinnon, ''Citizenship, Diversity, and Pluralism: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives'', McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP ({{ISBN|9780773568020}}), page 232-->:
- eurogame #* '''2010''', István Szita, Guillaume Chaslot, & Pieter Spronck, "Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Settlers of Catan", in ''Advances in Computer Games: 12th International Conference, ACG 2009, Pamplona, Spain, May 11-13, 2009, Revised Papers'' (eds. H. Jaap Van den Herik & Pieter Spronck), Springer (2010), {{ISBN|9783642129926}}, [ page 72]:
- euskaltegi #* '''2010''', Patxi Baztarrika, ''The evolution of the Basque revival'', in ''Minority language protection in Europe: into a new decade: Regional or minority languages, No. 8'' (2010, {{ISBN|978-92-871-6727-9}}, published by the Council of Europe, page 142:
- eux-autres * '''2016''', Sylvain Detey, Jacques Durand, Bernard Laks, Chantal Lyche, ''Varieties of Spoken French'', Oxford University Press ({{ISBN|9780191075735}}), pages 454 and 483 (has this as a "traditional Laurentian form" and a Louisiana form)
- eventyrlig #* '''1883''', Henrik Pontoppidan, ''Sandinge Menighed: og andre Noveller og Skitser'', repr. 2015, Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702181357}}
- eventyrlig #* '''1792''', Jens Baggesen, ''Labyrinten'', repr. 2015, Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702107852}}
- evilist #* '''2010'''(?), Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, ''Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: The Letters'', Penguin ({{ISBN|9781101437131}}):
- exchange flesh #* '''1977''', [[w:Jane Lane (author)|Jane Lane]], ''A Secret Chronicle: Edward II'', {{ISBN|9780755108282}} (2002 House of Stratus reprint), [ page 140 (Google preview)]:
- exemplative #* '''1987''', "Some pitfalls in applied general equilibrium modeling", Jean Waelbroeck, in ''Advances in Econometrics: Fifth World Congress'', Truman Fassett Bewley (ed), Cambridge University Press, {{ISBN|0-52-146725-X}}, page 199,
- exoatmosphere #* '''2015'''; Michael D. Lemonick, "The Dawn of Distant Skies", ''Exoplanets: Worlds Without End'', Scientific American, [[pmid:23821863]]; {{ISBN|9781466858985}}
- expence #* '''1763''', [unknown translator], {{w|Le Page Du Pratz}}, ''{{w|History of Louisiana}}'', BiblioBazaar LLC, {{ISBN|1-4264-3406-5}} (2006), page 88,
- experientable #* '''1994''': Howard Robinson, ''Perception'', <span class="plainlinks">[,M1 page 126]</span> (<span class="plainlinks">[ Routledge]</span>; {{ISBN|0415033640}}, 978‒0415033640)
- exploitative #* '''2004''', Michael R. Heithaus, “Predator–Prey Interactions”, chapter 17 of Jeffrey C. Carrier et al. (editors), ''Biology of Sharks and their Relatives'', CRC Press, {{ISBN|978-0-8493-1514-5}}, [ page 501]:
- extrasomatic #* '''1999''', Claudio Zamitti Mammana, "The Natural History of Information Processors" in ''The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information, Vol. 13'', Wolfgang Hofkirchner (ed.), {{ISBN|9789057005312}}, [ p. 383 (Google preview)]:
- fabulate #* '''1992''', Donald C. Goellnicht, "Tang Ao in America: Male Subject Positions in ''China Men'', Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling (editors), ''Reading the Literatures of Asian America'', Temple University Press, {{ISBN|978-0-87722-936-0}}, [ page 205]:
- fabulate #* '''2006''', Jérémie Valentin, “Gille Deleuze’s Political Posture”, chapter 12 of Constantin V. Boundas (editor), ''Deleuze and Philosophy'', Edinburgh University Press, {{ISBN|978-0-7486-2480-5}}, [ page 196]:
- fada #* '''1993''', John Minahane, ''The Christian Druids: On the Filid or Philosopher-poets of Ireland'', Dublin: Sanas Press (reprinted Dublin: Howth Free Press, 2008, {{ISBN|9780955316302}} [ p. 35]:
- fag rag #* '''2011''', Karl Andersson, ''Gay Man's Worst Friend: The Story of Destroyer Magazine'', Entartetes Leben (2011; original Swedish book published 2010), {{ISBN|9789163368998}}, [ page 50]:
- fakce #* '''2004''', Josef Hanzlík, tr. [[w:Robin Cook (American novelist)|Robin Cook]] ''[[w:Seizure (Cook novel)|Záchvat]]'', Knižní klub, {{ISBN|80-242-1169-6}}, page n/a:
- famewhore #* '''2011''', Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, ''A Shore Thing'', Gallery Books (2011), {{ISBN|9781451623758}}, [ page 107]:
- fang job #* '''2012''', Roger Ebert, ''Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2013: 25th Anniversary Edition'', Andrews McMeel Publishing ({{ISBN|9781449423117}}), page 715 (quoting himself):
- fanwork #* '''2009''', Emily Turner, "Scary Just Got Sexy: Transgression in ''Supernatural'' and Its Fanfiction", in ''In the Hunt: Unauthorized Essays on ''Supernatural (ed., BenBella Books (2009), {{ISBN|9781933771632}}, [ page 159]:
- fart in a windstorm #* '''2013''', Carl Douglass, ''Saga of a Neurosurgeon Series Book Six: The Vulture and the Phoenix'' (ebook), {{ISBN|9781594333620}}, [ ch. 6 (Google preview)]:
- fat fantasy #* '''2005''', Vox Day, "C. S. Lewis and the Problem of Religion in Science Fiction and Fantasy", in Shanna Caughey, ''Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth And Religion in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles'', BenBella Books, {{ISBN|1932100636}}, page 225.
- fat fantasy #* '''2000''', Jack Dann, "An Angry Celebration", in Avram Davidson, ''Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven: Essential Jewish Tales of the Spirit'', Devora Publishing, {{ISBN|1930143109}}, page 10.
- fauxtograph #* '''1998''', Jordan Stump, ''Naming & Unnaming: On Raymond Queneau'', [,671433.aspx?skuid=8094 University of Nebraska Press], {{ISBN|9780803242685}}, [ page 89]:
- fauxtography #* '''2007''' November 28, Cynthia Baron, ''Adobe Photoshop Forensics: Sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography'', [ main title] (illustrated edition; Course Technology Printer; {{ISBN|1598634054}}, 9781598634051):
- façon de parler #* '''1999''': Simon Blackburn, ''Think: A compelling introduction to philosophy'', chapter 7: ''The World'', section 6: ''Kant’s Revolution'', pages 258–259 (Oxford University Press, paperback, {{ISBN|0199690871}}
- feather #* '''2005''', Radclyffe, ''Justice Served'', Bold Strokes Books Inc ({{ISBN|9781602822665}}):
- femalia #* '''1992''', [[w:Nicholson Baker|Nicholson Baker]] (1992), ''Vox: a novel'' (New York: [[w:Random House|Random House]]), {{ISBN|0-394-58995-5}}, pages 143–144 (ellipsis in the original):
- femalia #* '''1993''', [[w:Joani Blank|Joani Blank]] (ed., 1993), ''Femalia'' (1st ed.), photographs by [[w:Tee Corinne|Tee A. Corinne]], Michael Perry, [[w:Jill Posener|Jill Posener]], and Michael A. Rosen (San Francisco: [[w:Down There Press|Down There Press]]), {{ISBN|0-940208-15-6}}, front cover (book title: the book is a collection of full-color photographs of female genitalia):
- femalia #* '''1997''', [[w:Veronica Vera|Veronica Vera]] (1997), ''Miss Vera's finishing school for boys who want to be girls'' (1st ed.; New York: [[w:Doubleday (publisher)|Doubleday]]), {{ISBN|0-385-48456-9}}, page 16:
- femalia #* '''2004''', Catherine Blackledge (2004), ''The story of V: a natural history of female sexuality'' (New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: [[w:Rutgers University Press|Rutgers University Press]], {{ISBN|0-8135-3455-0}}, page 57 (chapter title):
- femcee #* '''2010''', Steve Jones, "Listen Up: Thank God for Nicki Minaj's ''Pink Friday''", ''USA Today'', 22 November 2010, quoted in Felicity Britton, ''Nicki Minaj: Conquering Hip-Hop'', Twenty-First Century Books (2013), {{ISBN|9781467710602}}, [ page 38]:
- fence sitter #* '''2007''', [[w:Adrian Tomine|Adrian Tomine]], ''Shortcomings'' (graphic novel), {{ISBN|978-1-897299-16-6}}, page 65:
- fermer à clef #* '''1908''', {{w|Gaston Leroux}}, ''Le Mystère de la chambre jaune'', 2009 ed., [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune|Wikisource]], [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune/1|chap. 1]]; translated '''1908''' by anonymous, Margaret Jull Costa (ed.), as ''{{w|The Mystery of the Yellow Room}}'', 2003 ed., {{w|Dedalus Books|Dedalus}}, {{ISBN|1-873982-38-0}}:
- festfragen #* '''1980''', Hildegard Irma Stielau: ''Nataler Deutsch: Eine Dokumentation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des englischen und afrikaansen Einflusses auf die deutsche Sprache in Natal'', Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden (Deutsche Sprache in Europa und Übersee. Berichte und Forschungen ; volume 7), {{ISBN|3-515-02635-5}}, p. 56:
- filk #* '''2006''', [[w:PartiallyClips|Robert T. Balder]], quoted in ''[[w:Attitude: The New Subversive Cartoonists|Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonists]]'',<sup>[]</sup> [[w:Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing|Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing]], {{ISBN|1-56163-465-4}}, page 97,
- filk #* '''2006''', [[w:PartiallyClips|Robert T. Balder]], quoted in ''[[w:Attitude: The New Subversive Cartoonists|Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonists]]'',<sup>[]</sup> [[w:Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing|Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing]], {{ISBN|1-56163-465-4}}, page 97,
- finocchie #* '''2002''', Platinette, '''''Finocchie''''' (Mondadori; {{ISBN|8804484578}}, 9788804484578), <span class="plainlinks">[ main title]</span>
- firecraft #* '''2016''', Department of the Army, ''The Complete U.S. Army Survival Guide to Firecraft, Tools, Camouflage, Tracking, Movement, and Combat'', Simon and Schuster ({{ISBN|9781510707498}}):
- firsproget #* '''2013''', Maj Sjöwall og Per Wahlöö (Translated by Bjarne Nielsen), ''Terroristerne'', Modtryk {{ISBN|9788771460834}}
- fishy #* '''1973''', {{w|Matt Braun}}, chapter 5, in ''El Paso'', New York, N.Y.: [[w:St. Martin's Press|St. Martin's Paperbacks]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-312-97074-1}}</small>; reprinted New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Paperbacks, July 1999, [ page 236]:
- fitspo #* '''2013''', book review from ''Elle'', quoted in Alexandra Heminsley, ''Running Like a Girl: Notes on Learning to Run'', Scribner (2013), {{ISBN|9781451697155}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- fizgig #* '''1594''', [[w:Thomas Nashe|Tho[mas] Nashe]], ''[[w:The Unfortunate Traveller|The Vnfortunate Traueller. Or, The Life of Iacke Wilton]]'', London: Printed by T[homas] Scarlet for [[w:Cuthbert Burby|C[uthbert] Burby]], & are to be sold at his shop adioyning to the [[w:Royal Exchange, London|Exchange]], <small>{{OCLC|84756922}}</small>; republished in {{w|Stanley Wells}}, editor, ''Thomas Nashe: Selected Works'' (Routledge Revivals), Abingdon, Oxon.; New York, N.Y.: {{w|Routledge}}, 2015, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-138-88759-6}}</small>, [ page 221]:
- fizgig #* '''2008''', {{w|Salvatore Scibona}}, in ''The End'', St. Paul, Minn.: {{w|Graywolf Press}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-55597-498-5}}</small>; republished London: {{w|Vintage Books}}, 2011, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-09-955576-6}}</small>, [ page 35]:
- flashfic #* '''2006''', L. D. Beghol, ''Magnetic Fields' '' 69 Love Songs'': A Field Guide'', Continuum (2006), {{ISBN|978-0826419255}}, [ page 103]:
- flat store #* '''2000''': Syngress Media, Inc, ''MCSE Windows 2000 Server Study Guide (exam 70–215)'', [ p75] ([ McGraw–Hill Professional]; {{ISBN|0072123869}} (10), {{ISBN|978-0072123869}} (13))
- flat store #* '''2001''': Elizabeth A. Wheeler, ''Uncontained: Urban Fiction in Postwar America'', [ p139] (The [ Rutgers University Press]; {{ISBN|0813529735}} (10), {{ISBN|978-0813529738}} (13)); quoting an unknown source
- flat-footed #* '''1892''', Frank Millet, quoted in '''2003''', {{w|Erik Larson}}, ''[[w:The Devil in the White City|The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America]]'', {{ISBN|0609608444}}, page 177.
- flatlander ##* '''2012''', Insight Guides, ''Insight Guides: New England'', Apa Publications (UK) Limited ({{ISBN|9781780055763}}):
- flatus #* '''2006''': Steve Nichols, <i>T<small>ARO</small> of the F<small>OUR</small> W<small>ORLDS</small></i>, [ p139] {{ISBN|1874603073}}
- floke #* '''2018''', ''Knokkelgraven'' by Simon Kernick, Front Forlag {{ISBN|8293430982}} []
- floppy-wristed #* '''2011''', Anna Humphrey, ''Mission (Un)Popular'', Disney·Hyperion Books (2011), {{ISBN|9781423154587}}, [ page 104]:
- fluid #* '''2017''', Rick Riordan, ''Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor'' ({{ISBN|978-1-4231-6092-2}}), page 274 (the genderfluid character Alex Fierro is speaking):
- folgerichtig #* '''2004''', Ilse Gattenhof (tr.), ''Die neue Wissenschaft der Politik'' (translation of [[w:Eric Voegelin|Eric Voegelin]], ''The New Science of Politics'', 1952), Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, {{ISBN|3-7705-4015-8}}, page 185:
- fondant #* '''2012''', Kathryn Williams, ''Pizza, Love, and Other Stuff That Made Me Famous'', Henry Holt and Company (BYR) ({{ISBN|9780805096347}}), page 182:
- fooligan #* '''2009''', Noire, ''Hittin' the Bricks'', One World Books (2009), {{ISBN|9780345512581}}, [ page 117]:
- for dælen #* '''2013''', Jonas Jonasson (Translated by Anders Johansen), ''Den hundredårige der kravlede ud ad vinduet og forsvandt'', Modtryk {{ISBN|9788770536912}}
- for dælen #* '''2016''', Andrzej Sapkowski (Translator unknown), ''Witcheren: Det sidste ønske'', Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702185331}}
- forestanding #* '''2003''', Zachàr Alexander Laskewicz, ''Music as Episteme, Text, Sign & Tool: Comparative approaches to musicality as performance'', {{ISBN|0935086358}}, chapter two: “The Musical Text”, [ § 2.10: ‘Conclusion: ''the importance of a new approach to text''’]:
- formellement #* '''1908''', {{w|Gaston Leroux}}, ''Le Mystère de la chambre jaune'', 2009 ed., [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune|Wikisource]], [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune/1|chap. 1]]; translated '''1908''' by anonymous, Margaret Jull Costa (ed.), as ''{{w|The Mystery of the Yellow Room}}'', 2003 ed., {{w|Dedalus Books|Dedalus}}, {{ISBN|1-873982-38-0}}:
- formoden #* '''2015''', Friedrich Nietzsche (translated by Louis Kohl), ''Således talte Zarathustra'', Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711450178}}. Translated
- fortnightly #* '''1970''', [[w:Lee Smith (fiction author)|Lee Smith]], "Between the Lines", as reprinted in, 2010, ''Mrs. Darcy and the Blue-Eyed Stranger'', 2011 paperback edition, {{ISBN|9781616200497}}, page 184 []:
- fravike #* '''2016''', ''Spirituell Intelligens (SQ)'' by Turid Torbergsen, EbnPublish {{ISBN|8269041807}} []
- frecency #* '''2008''' April 17, Deb Richardson, quoted in Bill Scott and Theresa Neil, ''Designing Web Interfaces'',<sup >[ ]</sup> O’Reilly Media (2009), {{ISBN|978-0-596-51625-3}}, page 264:
- frell #* '''2002''' August 13, "How to "whack" interactive web site, that has great content", in <tt>alt.html</tt>, ''Usenet'', quoted in Jeff Prucher, ''Brave new words'' ({{ISBN|9780195305678}}), page 68:
- frell #* '''2003''' February 27, "It's official...", in <tt></tt>, ''Usenet'', quoted in Jeff Prucher, ''Brave new words'' ({{ISBN|9780195305678}}), page 68:
- freshwater #* '''2012''', John Quiggin, ''Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Still Walk Among Us'', Princeton University Press (expanded paperback ed., 1st ed. from 2010), {{ISBN|1400842085}}, page 86.
- fried #* '''2012''', Harry W. Lawson, ''Standards for Fats & Oils'', Springer ({{ISBN|9781468468762}}), page 98:<!--showing use of "fried" to mean not just "subjected to frying" but "breaded", and not restricted to deep-frying but including pressure-frying-->
- friend #* '''2006''', David Fono and Kate Raynes-Goldie, "[ Hyperfriendship and Beyond: Friends and Social Norms on LiveJournal]" ([ PDF version]), ''Internet Research Annual Volume 4'', Peter Lang, {{ISBN|0820478571}}, page [ 99],
- frippery #* '''1892''' April, {{w|Frederick Law Olmsted}}, ''Report by F.L.O.'', quoted in '''2003''', [[w:Erik Larson|Erik Larson]], ''[[w:The Devil in the White City|The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America]]'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|Crown Publishing Group}}, {{ISBN|978-0-609-60844-9}}, page 170:
- from here to Sunday #* '''2004''' June 24–30, "Jeff Gordon Never Gets Tired Of Seeing Face On Cheap Plastic Crap", ''[[w:The Onion|The Onion]]'', available in ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, page 197,
- fromagerie #* '''2007''' May, back-cover blurb of, Maribeth Clemente, ''The Riches of Paris'', second edition, [[w:St. Martin's Press|St. Martin's]], {{ISBN|0312361637}} []:
- fuckest #* '''1991''', Hamish Whyte (editor) and Janice Galloway (editor), ''Scream, if you want to go faster'', [ page 120] (Association for Scottish Literary Studies; {{ISBN|094887712X}}, 9780948877124)
- fuckest #* '''1997''', Frankie Hucklenbroich, ''A Crystal Diary'', [ page unknown] (Firebrand Books; {{ISBN|1563410834}}, 9781563410833)
- fumer #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 164; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- få noget #* '''2016''', Jesicca Knoll (Translated by Do Windfeld Sabroe), ''Verdens heldigste kvinde'', Politikens Forlag {{ISBN|9788740032260}}
- galeanthropy #* '''1973''', M. E. Kerr [pseudonym; {{w|Marijane Meaker}}], chapter 5, in ''If I Love You, Am I Trapped Forever?'', New York, N.Y.: [[w:Harper (publisher)|Harper & Row]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-06-023148-4}}</small>; republished Tarrytown, N.Y.: {{w|Marshall Cavendish}}, 2009, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-7614-5545-5}}</small>, [ page 49]:
- gallimaufry #* '''1985''', J. Derrick McClure, “The Pinkerton Syndrome”, in ''[[w:Chapman (magazine)|Chapman: Scotland's Quality Literary Magazine]]'', Edinburgh: Chapman Magazine and Publications, <small>{{OCLC|55590049}}</small>, pages 2–8; reprinted in ''Scots and Its Literature'' (Varieties of English around the World, General Series; 14), Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Pa., {{w|John Benjamins Publishing Company}}, 1996, <small>{{ISBN|978-90-272-4872-5}}</small>, page 57:
- gangbange #* '''2015''', [[w:Mons Kallentoft|Mons Kallentoft]] (tr. from Swedish ''Sommerdöden'' by Lilian Kingo), ''Sommerdøden'', Art People ({{ISBN|9788771374582}})
- gangstafied #* '''2007''', Jason D. Haugen, "The Geto Boys", ''Icons of Hip Hop: An Encyclopedia of the Movement, Music, And Culture'' (Mickey Hess), Greenwood Press (2007), {{ISBN|9780313339028}}, [ page 249]:
- gastronaut #* '''2009''', James Steen, "Epilogue", in ''Stirred But Not Shaken'' (by [[w:Keith Floyd|Keith Floyd]]), Pan Books (2010), {{ISBN|9780330511582}}, [ page 353]:
- gaum #* '''2014''', Kenneth Wise, ''Hiking Trails of the Great Smoky Mountains'' {{ISBN|1621900681}}:-->
- geis #* '''2021''', Alethea Kontis, et al.<!--Colleen Gleason, C. Gockel, Rachel Morgan, Devon Monk, Phaedra Weldon, Shawntelle Madison, Kasey Mackenzie, Nikki Jefford, Christine Pope, Jenna Elizabeth Johnson, Julia Crane, Alexia Purdy, Jamie Ferguson, Anthea Sharp, Kay McSpadden-->, ''Once Upon A Wish: 16 Dreamy Faerie Tales'', Fiddlehead Press ({{ISBN|9781680130973}}):
- gelingen #* '''2011''', Lorett Sachs, ''Glück (k)ein Geheimnis: Lyrik für viele Stimmungen'', BoD – Books on Demand <small>{{ISBN|978-3-8423-1699-7}}</small>, page 7, poem ''Guten Morgen - neuer Tag'':
- genderswap #* '''2009''', Emily Turner, "Scary Just Got Sexy: Transgression in ''Supernatural'' and Its Fanfiction", in ''In the Hunt: Unauthorized Essays on ''Supernatural (ed., BenBella Books (2009), {{ISBN|9781933771632}}, [ page 162]:
- generalismo #* '''2006''', Gianfranco Minati, in Valerio Di Battista et al., ''Architettura e Approccio Sistemico'', Polimetrica S.a.s., {{ISBN|978-88-7699-020-5}}, [ page 155]:
- genomewide #* '''1995''', Somlo & Germino, "Polycystic Kidney Disease" in ''Molecular Nephrology: Kidney Function in Health and Disease'' [], {{ISBN|0824795083}}, page 830:
- getcho #* '''2009''', Edgewater Press, ''Barnaby'', Edgewater Press ({{ISBN|9780615332024}}), page 119:
- ghost skin #* '''2016''', Carmen M. Cusack, ''Hair and Justice: Sociolegal Significance of Hair in Criminal Justice, Constitutional Law, and Public Policy'', Charles C Thomas (publ.), {{ISBN|0398090963}}, page 84.
- giganto #* '''2004''', Gretchen Becker, ''Prediabetes'', ''What You Need to Know to Keep Diabetes Away'', Marlowe & Company, {{ISBN|1569244642}} and {{ISBN|9781569244647}}, page 112
- giganto #* '''2006''', Susan “Sue” Dunlap, ''A Single Eye'', Carroll & Graf Publishers, {{ISBN|0786718501}} and {{ISBN|9780786718504}}, page 94
- giganto #* '''2007''', Susan Isaacs, ''Past Perfect'', ''A Novel'', Simon and Schuster, {{ISBN|0743242165}} and {{ISBN|9780743242165}}, page 299
- giganto #* '''2007''', Susan R. S. K. Carlton, ''Lobsterland'', Macmillan, {{ISBN|0805080961}} and {{ISBN|9780805080964}}, page 76
- gill #* '''1971'''<!--?-->, Michael Culley, G. A. Kerkut, ''The Pilchard: Biology and Exploitation'' {{ISBN|1483186784}}, page 70:
- gin burglar #* '''1971''', K. Willey, ''Boss Drover'', quoted in 1990, [[w:R. M. W. Dixon|R. M. W. Dixon]], ''Australian Aboriginal Words'', Oxford University Press, {{ISBN|0-19-553099-3}}, page 167,
- girl #* '''1970''' [earlier '''1963'''], Helen V. Wilson, Helen Van Pelt, ''Helen Van Pelt's African Violets'', Dutton Adult ({{ISBN|9780801538582}}):
- give someone the business #* '''1973''', [[w:Rita Mae Brown|Rita Mae Brown]], ''Rubyfruit Jungle'' (1977 Randlom House edition), {{ISBN|9780553278866}}, [ p. 149]:
- glottogenetic #* '''1994''', I. Hegedüs, "Principles for palaeolinguistic reconstruction," in [ ''Archaeology and Language''] (edited by Roger M Blench and Matthew Spriggs, {{ISBN|0415117607}}, page 70:
- gloved #* '''1998''' Louise Simmers: Diversified Health Occupations Essentials, {{ISBN|0827378173}}. (page 249) []
- glögg #* '''2008''', Stieg Larsson, ''The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'' (trans. Reg Keeland), Borzoi Books (2008; original Swedish book published 2005), {{ISBN|9780307269751}}, [ page 457]:
- gnoquer #* '''1970''', Frank Straschitz, ''En Terre étrangère'', 1999 ed., {{ISBN|2-221-14157-1}}, p. 70 (translated from English: ''{{w|Stranger in a Strange Land}}'' by {{w|Robert A. Heinlein}})
- go #* '''2001''' June 18, a prophecy, quoted in ''Mary and the Unity of the Church'' {{ISBN|192658211X}}, page 49:
- go #* '''2011''', H. R. F. Keating, <!--added to show "go" in this sense without the word "without"-->''Zen there was Murder'' {{ISBN|1448202426}}:
- go to great lengths #* '''2008''', José Rodrigues does Santos, ''Codex 632: The Secret Identity of Christopher Columbus'' (trans. from the Portuguese by Alison Entrekin), William Morrow (2008), {{ISBN|9780061173189}}, [ page 262]:
- gobby #* '''2007''', Joe Lewis, ''The Insurmountable Malaise of Man'', [[w:Lulu (company)|Lulu]] (self-published), {{ISBN|9781847992444}}, page 278 []:
- godfamily #* '''1996''', Senior Lecturer in Medieval History Christopher Given-Wilson, ''An Illustrated History of Late Medieval England'', Manchester University Press ({{ISBN|9780719041525}}), page 119:
- golfozik #* '''1964''', {{w|J. D. Salinger}} (author), Judit Gyepes (translator), ''Zabhegyező'' [''{{w|The Catcher in the Rye}}''], Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó (1998), {{ISBN|9630764024}}, chapter 11, page 95:
- good book #* '''2021''', Capt. Zainal Abdin Yahaya (R) pck, ''Not a Failure... Just a Hiccup: From Bodyguard to Senior Vice-President'', Partridge Publishing Singapore ({{ISBN|9781543763072}}):
- good doctors #*'''2005''', Susan Carpenter (2005), [,+good+doctors%22&source=bl&ots=gR7CqguftN&sig=xshbIMtP2ikPWNkwKcK1ULAQOHo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit3JnHvIzXAhVD1mMKHW-jAIEQ6AEIbzAG#v=onepage&q=%22yes%2C%20good%20doctors%22&f=false Curse of the lyrestone: a Kingdom of Zhavahn novel], Lincoln, Nebraska, USA: [[w:iUniverse|iUniverse]], {{ISBN|978-0-595-34275-4}}, Chapter 11, "Bryson":
- goom #* '''1738''' November 24, Richard Kay, ''Diary'':<!--findable as-is on BGC, and reproduced in ''The Sociology of Health and Healing: A Textbook'', 2003, {{ISBN|1134897936}}-->
- goom #* '''1993''', Mudrooroo, ''The aboriginal protestors confront the declaration of the Australian Republic'', in ''The Mudrooroo/Müller Project: A Theatrical Casebook'' {{ISBN|0868402370}}, page 107
- grabass #* '''1977''', {{w|Philip Caputo}}, ''A Rumor of War'' (2014 Macmillan edition), {{ISBN|9781429959667}}, [ p. 46 (Google preview)]:
- grafter #* '''2007''', Rebecca Menes, "Limiting the Reach of the Grabbing Hand: Graft and growth in American Cities, 1880 to 1930", in Edward L. Glaeser, Claudia Goldin (eds.), ''Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America's Economic History'', ''National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report'', The University of Chicago Press, {{ISBN|0226299597}}, page 64.
- gray man #* '''2000''', "Cassidy's Run: The Secret Spy War Over Nerve Gas", David Wise, pg.13-3, {{ISBN|9780375505362}}
- greasy pole #* '''1869''', [[w:Benjamin Disraeli|Benjamin Disraeli]], quoted in ''Metaphor and Thought'', Cambridge University Press {{ISBN|9780521405614}}, page 238
- griller #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- grinded #* '''2013''' (printed; original 1795), American Antiquarian Cookbook Collection, ''One Thousand Valuable Secrets, in the Elegant and Useful Arts: Collected from the Practice of the Best Artists and Containing an Account of the Various Methods'', Andrews McMeel Publishing ({{ISBN|9781449431891}})
- grist to the mill #* '''1999''', [[w:Simon Blackburn|Simon Blackburn]], ''Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy'' (Oxford University Press paperback, {{ISBN|0199690871}}, ch. 7 section 6: "Kant’s Revolution", pp. 258–259:
- gropery #* '''1993''', Kenneth Branagh (screenplay and film notes), William Shakespeare, ''Much Ado about Nothing'', W. W. Norton & Company ({{ISBN|9780393311112}}), page 27:
- guardienne #* '''2008''': Stephen Platt and Scharlie Platt, ''Corsica GR20 South'', [ page 23] ([], Leveret Publishing; {{ISBN|9780955838408}})
- guerrilla #* '''1963''', {{w|Samuel B. Griffith}} (translator), {{w|Mao Zedong}}, ''{{w|On Protracted War|The Red Book of Guerrilla Warfare}}'', edited by Shawn Conners, {{ISBN|1-934255-27-0}}, published 2010, page 14, original 1937
- gullbarre #* '''2012''', "Doktor Proktor og det store gullrøveriet" by Jo Nesbø, H. Aschehoug & Co. {{ISBN|8203255523}} []
- gumph #* '''2000''' April, Linda Grant, ''Remind Me Who I Am, Again'', Granta Books, New Ed edition (July), {{ISBN|1862072442}}, page 266
- gumph #* '''2003''' June 6, Chris Wooding, ''Crashing'', Scholastic Point, Scholastic Paperbacks (November), {{ISBN|0439090121}}, pages 100-101
- gunmetal #* '''1984''', D[onald] A. Wight, “Materials”, in C[hristopher] T. Wilbur and D. A. Wight, ''Pounder’s Marine Diesel Engines'', 6th edition, London: [[w:LexisNexis|Butterworths]], reprinted 1986, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-408-01136-5}}</small>, [ page 593]:
- gup #* '''2006''', Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, ''Treasures of the Thunder Dragon: A Portrait of Bhutan'', Penguin Books India, {{ISBN|9780670999019}}, part 3, chapter 13, {{gbooks|T4BoEodH3JAC|173|gup}}:
- gup-shup #* '''2014''', Lakshmi C Radhakrishnan, ''Does Love Really Bite???'', Partridge India, {{ISBN|9781482818666}} (hardcover), {{ISBN|9781482818659}} (softcover), chapter 1, {{gbooks|ErGEAwAAQBAJ|5|gup-shups|altpg=4–5}}:
- gushy #* '''1994''', Houghton Mifflin Company, Insight, Insight Guides, ''Insight Guide Hawaii'', Insight Guides ({{ISBN|9780395682340}})
- gushy #* '''2007''', Rechella, ''Players Got Played'', Kensington Books ({{ISBN|9781601620200}}), page 112:
- gyalog #* '''1964''', {{w|J. D. Salinger}} (author), Judit Gyepes (translator), ''Zabhegyező'' [''{{w|The Catcher in the Rye}}''], Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó (1998), {{ISBN|9630764024}}, chapter 8, page 66:
- gyroscopic #* '''1990''' ''Operations Analysis in the U.S. Army Eighth Air Force in World War II'' Charles W McArthur: Publisher American Mathematical Society: {{ISBN|0821801589}} P142. "The [[bombardier]] then checked the '''gyroscopic''' [[stabilization]] of the bombsight and clutched in the electrical motor."
- gæstemad #* '''2010''', Susanne (red.). Bügel, Jørn (red.). Dyerberg, Steen (red.). Stender, ''Menneskets ernæring'', Munksgaard Danmark {{ISBN|9788762808843}}, page 252
- hac̬ek #* '''1992''', [[w:Kate Burridge|Kate Burridge]] and Werner Enninger [eds.], ''Diachronic Studies on the Languages of the Anabaptists'' (N. Brockmeyer; {{ISBN|381960054X}}, 9783819600548), <span class="plainlinks">[ page 76]</span>
- hairlore #* '''1988''', Remar Sutton, ''Body worry'', Penguin (Non-Classics) {{ISBN|9780140097443}}
- hairlore #* '''1992''', Norma J. Roberts, Columbus Museum of Art, ''Elijah Pierce, woodcarver'', University of Washington Press {{ISBN|9780295972527}}
- handedly #* '''2004''', Michael Hilburn, ''Travel Diary, Bolivia'', Trafford Publishing, {{ISBN|1412019095}}, illustrated, page 75:
- hasbian #* '''1989''' June, Patricia Roth Schwartz, “On the Hasbian Phenomenon”, in ''{{w|off our backs}}'', page 11; quoted in Arlene Stein, ''Sex and Sensibility: Stories of a Lesbian Generation'', Berkeley; Los Angeles, Calif.: {{w|University of California Press}}, 1997, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-520-20257-3}}</small>, [ page 228, footnote 10]:
- hasel #* '''2006''', Zosimo Quibilan (Jr), ''Pagluwas'', UP Press ({{ISBN|9789715425261}})
- hauberk #* '''2001''', Angeliki E. Láiou, Dumbarton Oaks Professor of Byzantine History Angeliki E Laiou, Angeliki E. Laiou, Roy P. Mottahedeh, ''The Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim World'', Dumbarton Oaks ({{ISBN|9780884022770}}), page 277:
- haustement #* '''2008'''(?), Charles John ffoulkes, ''The Armourer and His Craft'', Cosimo, Inc. ({{ISBN|9781605204123}}), page 161:
- hecatomb #* '''2007''', Homer, Rodney Merrill transl., ''The Iliad'', University of Michigan Press ({{ISBN|9780472116171}}), [ page 40]:
- hectacre #* '''2007''', Thomas T. Samaras, ''Human Body Size and the Laws of Scaling'' {{ISBN|1600214088}}, page 335 (list of abbreviations):
- heksedoktor #* '''2014''', "Brasil 2014" by Kjartan Fløgstad, Font Forlag AS {{ISBN|8281693282}} []
- helioform #* '''1986''', Wyatt MacGaffey, ''Religion and Society in Central Africa: The BaKongo of Lower Zaire'', page 124 (quoted in Grey Gundaker, ''Signs of Diaspora/Diaspora of Signs: Literacies, Creolization, and Vernacular Practice in African America'', Oxford University Press (1998), {{ISBN|9780195355383}}, [ page 90]):
- hengeyokai #* '''1985''', David Cook<!--I don't care what the cover says, it's well-known Gary Gygax did none of the writing-->, ''Oriental Adventures'', TSR Inc., {{ISBN|0-88038-099-3}}
- hermie #* '''2007''', KS Augustin, ''Hunted Hermaphrodite Lover'', Challis Tower (publ.), {{ISBN|0987544012}}.
- heterofascist #* '''2010''', Tristan Garcia, ''Hate: A Romance'' (trans. Marion Duvert & Lorin Stein), Faber and Faber (2010; original French novel published 2008), {{ISBN|9780865479111}}, [ page 68]:
- heterogenic #* '''2000''', Pirkko Moisala, "Finland: The Woman Composer as Nomadic Subject", in Pirkko Moisala, Beverley Diamond, ''Music and Gender'', University of Illinois Press ({{ISBN|9780252068652}}), page 166:
- hetsmut #* '''2006''', Kirby Crow, quoted in Eden Lackner, Barbara Lynn Lucas, & Robin Anne Reid, "Cunning Linguists: The Bisexual Erotics of ''Words/Silence/Flesh''", in ''Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays'' (eds. Karen Hellekson & Kristina Busse), McFarland & Company (2006), {{ISBN|9780786426409}}, [ page 203]:
- heverő #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 4, page 39:
- high #* '''1861''' (printed '''2003'''), Alexis de Tocqueville, ''Democracy in America'', Regnery Publishing ({{ISBN|9780895261601}})
- high #* '''2010''', Lena, quoted by S. Rosenbloom, ''The Multiracial Urban High School: Fearing Peers and Trusting Friends'' ({{ISBN|0230114733}}), chapter four:
- hijra #* '''1995''', Gayatri Reddy, ''With Respect to Sex: Negotiating Hijra Identity in South India'' (Worlds of Desire: The Chicago Series on Sexuality, Gender, & Culture), {{ISBN|0226707563}} []:
- himpathize #* '''2019''', L. H. Blumenfeld, ''Female Misogyny and Political Power'', in Maria B. Marron, ''Misogyny and Media in the Age of Trump'', Lexington Books ({{ISBN|9781793606198}}), page 4:
- horripilate #* '''1979''', {{w|Trevanian}} [pseudonym; Rodney William Whitaker], ''{{w|Shibumi}}'', New York, N.Y.: [[w:Crown Publishing Group|Crown Publishers]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-517-53243-0}}</small>; republished as ''Shibumi: A Novel'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|Three Rivers Press}}, 2005, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4000-9803-3}}</small>, [ page 330]:
- horse cock #* '''1925''', Ernest Hemingway, letter to Harold Loeb dated 5 January 1925, quoted in Kenneth Schuyler Lynn, ''Hemingway'', Harvard University Press (1995; first published 1987), {{ISBN|0674387325}}, [ page 266]:
- horsepower #* '''2012''' March 22nd, David Blockley, ''Engineering: [[w:Very Short Introductions|A Very Short Introduction]]'' (309), {{w|Oxford University Press}}, {{ISBN|9780199578696}}, chapter 2: “The age of gravity – time for work”, page 20:
- house in Virginia #* '''2010''', Badilisho, “Well It’s Official... Er’body Can Get Married In D.C.” In ''Mighty Real: An Anthology of African American Same Gender Loving Writing'', ed. R. Bryant Smith and Darius Omar Williams,, {{ISBN|9780557780686}}, [ p. 399]:
- houseboi #* '''1969''', Louis Johnson, “The Way to Train a Dog” (poem), reprinted in Louis Johnson (poet), Terry Sturm (editor), ''Selected Poems'', Victoria University Press (2000), {{ISBN|978-0-86473-350-4}}, [ page 101]:
- houseslave #* '''2012'''<!-- previously published sometime earlier, possibly with a different spelling; died 1986 -->, Fred R. Berger, edited by Bruce Russell, ''Freedom, Rights And Pornography: A Collection of Papers'', {{ISBN|9401133344}}, page 118
- howja #* '''1972''', [[w:Ian Whitcomb|Ian Whitcomb]], ''After the Ball'', 2nd Limelight Edition (1994), {{ISBN|0-87910-063-X}}, pages 112–113:
- hucklebuck #* '''1988''', Arthur Pfister, "My Name is New Orleans", re-printed in Arthur Pfister, ''My Name is New Orleans: 40 Years of Poetry & Other Jazz'', Margaret Media, Inc. (2009) {{ISBN|978-0-9616377-7-4}}, [ page 5]:
- hucklebuck #* '''1948''', Paul Williams, "The Hucklebuck", quoted in Jean-Paul Levet, ''Talkin' That Talk'', Soul Bag (1986), {{ISBN|2905980001}}, [ page 168]:
- hukbong-panghimpapawid #* '''1993''', National Historical Institute (Philippines), ''Historical Markers: Regions I-IV and CAR'', R & E Publishers ({{ISBN| 9789715380614}})
- hunty #* '''2015''', Yoshe, ''Crazy in Love 2'', Urban Books, LLC (2015), {{ISBN|9781622863884}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- hyperbolic #* '''1988''', R. F. Leftwich, "Wide-Band Radiation Thermometers", chapter 7 of, David P. DeWitt and Gene D. Nutter, editors, ''Theory and Practice of Radiation Thermometry'', {{ISBN|0471610186}}, page 512 []:
- hyperbolic #* '''1998''', Katsuhiko Matsuzaki and Masahiko Taniguchi, '''''Hyperbolic''' Manifolds and Kleinian Groups'', 2002 reprint, [[w:Oxford University Press|Oxford]], {{ISBN|0198500629}}, page 8, proposition 0.10 []:
- hyperbolic #* '''2001''', A. F. Beardon, "The Geometry of Riemann Surfaces", in, E. Bujalance, A. F. Costa{{,}} and E. Martínez, editors, ''Topics on Riemann Surfaces and Fuchsian Groups'', [[w:Cambridge University Press|Cambridge]], {{ISBN|0521003504}}, page 6 []:
- hyperbolic #* '''2001''', A. F. Beardon, "The Geometry of Riemann Surfaces", in, E. Bujalance, A. F. Costa{{,}} and E. Martínez, editors, ''Topics on Riemann Surfaces and Fuchsian Groups'', [[w:Cambridge University Press|Cambridge]], {{ISBN|0521003504}}, page 6 []:
- hyperellipse #* '''2003''', M. M. Yovanovich and E. E. Marotta, "Thermal Spreading and Contact Resistances", chapter 4 of Adrian Bejan and Allan D. Kraus (editors), ''Heat Transfer Handbook'', Wiley-IEEE, {{ISBN|978-0-471-39015-2}}, [ page 286]:
- hyperphoresy #* '''2011''', L. T. Sabagh, R. J. P. Dias, C. W. Branco, C. F. D. Rocha, ''New records of phoresy and hyperphoresy among treefrogs, ostracods, and ciliates in bromeliad of Atlantic forest'', in ''Biodivers. Conserv.'' 20, 1837–1841<!--cited in '''2014''', ''Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates: Ecology and General Biology'' {{ISBN|0123850274}}-->
- hyperregulate #* '''2008''': Gregory S. Parks [ed.], Julianne Malveaux [foreword], and Marc Morial [afterword], ''Black Greek-Letter Organizations in the Twenty-First Century: Our Fight Has Just Begun'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 331] ([ University Press of Kentucky]</span>; {{ISBN|9780813124919}}
- hypertext #* '''2009''', Christian Vandendorpe, Phyllis Aronoff, and Howard Scott (Phyllis Aronoff, Howard Scott, transl.), ''From Papyrus to Hypertext: Toward the Universal Digital Library'', University of Illinois Press, {{ISBN|0252076257}}, p 1:
- hæsitating #* '''1889''' {{C.E.}}, William Campbell Jr. and Casper Sibelius, ''An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa'', [ page 35] (1996 republication, [ SMC Pub.], {{ISBN|9576382998}}:
- hønsehus #* '''2015''', ''Mønsteret i Søkkene'' by Andrew Peterson, Lunde forlag as {{ISBN|825200332X}} []
- ichthyphagous #* '''2003''', Didier Paugy, Christian Lévêque, and Guy G. Teugels (editors), ''The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of West Africa'', {{w|Institut de recherche pour le développement}}, volume I, {{ISBN|9074752225}} (10), {{ISBN|9789074752220}} (13), [ unknown page]:
- igen #* '''1974''', {{w|Leo Tolstoy}} (author), László Németh (translator), ''Anna Karenina'' [''{{w|Anna Karenina}}''], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), {{ISBN|9732600047}}, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 7:
- iliotibial band #* '''2004''', Stuart C. Apfel, MD, David C Saidoff, PT, ''The Healthy Body Handbook: A Total Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Sports Injuries'', Demos Medical Publishing ({{ISBN|9781934559451}}), page 139
- iliotibial band friction syndrome #* '''2004''', Stuart C. Apfel, MD, David C Saidoff, PT, ''The Healthy Body Handbook: A Total Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Sports Injuries'', Demos Medical Publishing ({{ISBN|9781934559451}}), page 139
- ill #* '''2006''', Julia Borossa (translator), Monique Canto-Sperber (quoted author), in ''[[w:Libération|Libération]]'', 2002 February 2, quoted in [[w:Élisabeth Badinter|Élisabeth Badinter]] (quoting author), ''Dead End Feminism'', Polity, {{ISBN|9780745633800}}, [ page 40]:
- imbe #* '''2008''', National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Development, Security, and Cooperation, ''Lost Crops of Africa: Volume III: Fruits'', National Academies Press ({{ISBN|9780309105965}}), page 291:
- imbroglio #* '''2013''', Frances Whiting, chapter 19, in ''Walking on Trampolines'', Sydney, N.S.W.: [[w:Macmillan Publishers|Pan Macmillan Australia]], <small>{{ISBN|978-1-74261-120-4}}</small>; trade paperback edition, New York, N.Y.: [[w:Gallery Publishing Group|Gallery Books]], February 2015, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4767-8001-6}}</small> [ page 207]:
- immeritorious #* '''2004''': Damien Géradin, ''Modernisation and Enlargement: Two Major Challenges for EC Competition Law'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 137] ([ Intersentia]</span>; {{ISBN|9789050954327}}, 9050954324)
- in memoriam #* '''2004''', John P. Frayne and Madeleine Marchaterre, “Notes” to ''The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, Volume IX: Early Articles and Reviews'', Scribner, {{ISBN|0-684-80730-0}}, [ page 553]:
- in memoriam #* '''2009''', Zuzana Parusniková, review of David Miller’s ''Out of Error'', in Zuzana Parusniková and Robert S. Cohen (editors), ''Rethinking Popper'', Springer, {{ISBN|978-1-4020-9337-1}}, [ page 417]:
- in the hole #* '''1993''', Shelby Foote, introduction to Stephen Crane, ''The Red Badge of Courage'', The Modern Library (1993), {{ISBN|9780679641292}}, [ unnumbered pages]:
- including ##* '''2006''' March 27, John Whiting (of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC), transcribed in ''The 2006 Budget: Fourth Report of [United Kingdom House of Commons Treasury Committee] Session 2005-06'', Volume II, {{ISBN|978-0-215-02857-0}}, [ page 20]:
- incredible #* '''1980''' September 16, {{w|John Glenn|Senator John Glenn}}, quoted in William A. Schwartz et al., ''The Nuclear Seduction: Why the Arms Race Doesn’t Matter—And What Does'', University of California Press (1990, 1993), {{ISBN|0-520-06134-9}}, [ page 29]:
- incredulous #* '''1984''', [[w:Supreme Court of Illinois|Supreme Court of Illinois]], opinion in ''People v Terrell'', 459 N.E.2d 1337,<sup >[ ]</sup > quoted in David C. Brody, James R. Acker, and Wayne A. Logan, ''Criminal Law'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2001), {{ISBN|0-8342-1083-5}}, page 564,
- incremence #* '''1998''': Françoise Fogelman-Soulié (editor) and Patrick Gallinari (editor), ''Industrial Applications of Neural Networks'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 429] ([ World Scientific]</span>; {{ISBN|9789810231750}}, 981023175X)
- inferible #* '''1999''', Adolfo Critto, ''Choosing Models of Society and Social Norms: Improving Choices and Quality of Life'', {{w|Lanham, Maryland}}: {{w|University Press of America}}, {{ISBN|076181454X}}, chapter i: “Social Norms and Consistency”, § A.1.a., {{gbooks|vuicsOqYruwC|2|inferible}}:
- inferible #* '''2003''', Josep Miró, “A Formulation for Language Independent Prelogical Deductive Inference” in ''Computer Aided Systems Theory — EUROCAST 2003: 9th International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 24–28, 2003: Revised Selected Papers'' (LNCS 2809), eds. Roberto Moreno-Díaz and Franz Pichler, [[w:Springer Science+Business Media|Springer]], ISSN 0302‒9743, {{ISBN|3540202218}}, § 3.1: ‘Comments’, {{gbooks|BLXFUo03ADIC|81|inferible}}:
- infestivity #* '''1903''', Frederic Stewart Isham, ''Under the Rose'', {{ISBN|9781406853254}} (2009 reprint), [ p. 70]:
- infotaxis #* '''2009''', M.G. Velard et al., "Mathematical Approach to Sensory Motor Control and Memory", Chapter 5 of Paola Arena and Luca Patanè (editors), ''Spatial Temporal Patterns for Action-Oriented Perception in Roving Robots'', Springer, {{ISBN|9783540884637}}, [ page 260]:
- inhalere #* '''2015''', ''Rosens vinger'' by Marita Wennevold Hollen, Øivind Kylstad {{ISBN|8299949904}} []
- innerduce #* '''1952''', [[w:Flannery O'Connor|Flannery O’Connor]], ''[[w:Wise Blood|Wise Blood]]'', reprinted in ''Three by Flannery O’connor'', Signet Classic (1983), {{ISBN|978-0-451-52514-7}}, [ page 85]:
- inroetsjen #* '''1993''', Lieve Joris, ''De poorten van Damascus'', Augustus (14th print, 2008; 1st print from J.M. Meulenhoff), {{ISBN|9045703629}}.
- instigator #* '''1964''', Albert Pepitone, “The Reaction to Boastfulness”, in ''Attraction and Hostility: An Experimental Analysis of Interpersonal and Self Evaluation'' (The Atherton Press Behavioral Science Series), New York, N.Y.: Atherton Press, <small>{{w|OCLC}} [ 490312942]</small>; reprinted New Brunswick, N.J.: Aldine Transaction, {{w|Transaction Publishers}}, 2009, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-202-30886-9}}</small>, [ page 77]:
- int #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 21, page 199:
- interpretation #* '''1994''', Richard K. Seymour, University of Hawaii at Manoa. ''Translation and Interpreting: Bridging East and West : Selected Conference Papers'', University of Hawaii Press ({{ISBN|9780824816032}}), page 11
- intertwingle #* '''2015''' Theodor Holm Nelson, [ "What Box?" p.134] in [ '''''Intertwingled''': The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson''] Douglas R. Dechow and Daniele C. Strappa, eds. (2015) History of Computing {{ISSN|2190-684X}} {{ISBN|978-3-319-16924-8}}
- intervacuum #* '''1827''' April, [[w:Samuel Taylor Coleridge|Samuel Taylor Coleridge]] [aut.], and [[w:Kathleen Coburn|Kathleen Coburn]] and Anthony John Harding [eds.], ''The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge'', volume V: “1827–1834”, part 1: ‘Text’, (2002, <span class="plainlinks">[ Princeton University Press], {{ISBN|0691099073}}, [ entry 5504: ''ff11ᵛ–12'']</span>
- intimatopia #* '''2006''', Elizabeth Woledge, "Intimatopia: genre intersections between slash and the mainstream", chapter 3 (pages 97–114) in Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse, editors (2006), [ ''Fan fiction and fan communities in the age of the Internet: new essays''], (Jefferson, North Carolina, USA: McFarland), {{ISBN|978-0-7864-2640-9}}, page 106:
- intimatopias #* '''2006''', Elizabeth Woledge, "Intimatopia: genre intersections between slash and the mainstream", chapter 3 (pages 97–114) in Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse, editors (2006), [ ''Fan fiction and fan communities in the age of the Internet: new essays''], (Jefferson, North Carolina, USA: McFarland), {{ISBN|978-0-7864-2640-9}}, page 103:
- intimatopic #* '''2006''', Elizabeth Woledge, "Intimatopia: genre intersections between slash and the mainstream", chapter 3 (pages 97–114) in Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse, editors (2006), [ ''Fan fiction and fan communities in the age of the Internet: new essays''], (Jefferson, North Carolina, USA: McFarland), {{ISBN|978-0-7864-2640-9}}, page 104:
- intra-octaval #* '''2005''': Kenley Dove, “Aristotelian vs. Socratic Mimesis in Hegelian Perspective”; Dieter Wandschneider [ed.], ''Das Geistige und das Sinnliche in der Kunst: Ästhetische Reflexion in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus'' [''The Spiritual and the Sensual in Art: Æsthetic Reflexion in the Perspective of German Idealism''], <span class="plainlinks">[ page 40] ([ Königshausen & Neumann]</span>; {{ISBN|9783826031137}}
- intrapatient #* '''2001''', Matthew Miller, “Phase I Oncology Trials”, chapter 10-13 of Robert J. Amdur and Elizabeth A. Bankert (editors), ''Institutional Review Board: Management and Function'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Jones & Bartlett Publishers, {{ISBN|0763716863}}, page 470,
- intratribal #* '''2014''', Matthew L.M. Fletcher, ''[ American Indian Tribal Law]'' (Aspen Elective Series), Riverwoods, IL:Wolters Kluwer, {{ISBN|9781454824213}}, p. 118. See also M.L.M. Fletcher, "Toward a Theory of Intertribal and Intratribal Common Law", '''43''':3 ''Hous. L. Rev.'' 701 (2006-2007). [pp. 701-741, esp. 707].
- invasivore #* '''2012''', Matthew Weingarten, quoted on praise page of Jackson Landers, ''Eating Aliens: One Man's Adventures Hunting Invasive Animal Species'', Storey Publishing (2012), {{ISBN|9781612120270}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- inégalitarian #* '''1964''' June, [[w:Paul Samuelson|Paul A. Samuelson]], “A. P. Lerner at Sixty” in ''The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson'', volume 3 (June 1972, <span class="plainlinks">[ MIT Press], {{ISBN|026219080X}}, ed. [[w:Robert C. Merton|Robert C. Merton]], [ page 650]</span>
- isegory #* '''1993''', in ''Telos'', issues 95-97, page 70 (reprinted in '''2011''' by Alain de Benoist in ''The Problem of Democracy'' {{ISBN|1907166165}}, page 22):
- jabuti #* '''2006'''(?), Livia de Almeida, Ana Portella, ''Brazilian Folktales'', Libraries Unlimited ({{ISBN|9781563089305}}):
- jackassery #* '''1955''', [[w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout]], "When a Man Murders...",<!--... in title--> in [[w:Three Witnesses (book)|''Three Witnesses'']], October 1994 [[w:Bantam Books|Bantam]] edition, {{ISBN|0553249592}}, page 134:
- jedes Böhnchen gibt ein Tönchen #* '''2003''', {{w|Stephen King}}, translated by Joachim Körber: ''Drei: Der dunkle Turm. Roman.''<sup>[öhnchen+Tönchen ]</sup> München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, {{ISBN|978-3-89480-392-6}} (eBook):<br />Original:<br />'''1987''', Stephen King: ''The Drawing of the Three: The Dark Tower II''<sup>[,+beans,+the+musical+fruit ]</sup> New York/London/Toronto/Sydney/New Delhi: Pocket Books, published in 2017, {{ISBN|978-1-5011-4139-3}} (eBook):
- jerkwad #* '''2001''', [[w:Bill Roorbach|Bill Roorbach]], ''The Smallest Color'', Counterpoint, 2003 pbk ed., {{ISBN|1-5824-3252-X}}, p. 222:
- jiboya #* '''2011'''<!--?-->, Carlos Prieto, ''The Adventures of a Cello: Revised Edition, with a New Epilogue'', University of Texas Press ({{ISBN|9780292723931}})
- jump page #* '''1999''', Lawrence N. Strout, ''Covering McCarthyism: How the ''Christian Science Monitor'' Handled Joseph R. McCarthy, 1950–1954'', Greenwood Press, {{ISBN|0313310912}}, page 65,
- jump the shark #* '''2003''', Jon Hein, ''Jump the Shark'', <span class="plainlinks">[ book overview]</span> (revised edition; Plume; {{ISBN|0452284104}}, 9780452284104)
- just in case #* '''1629''', [[w:Roger Williams (theologian)|Roger Williams]] et al., ''The Correspondence of Roger Williams'', Brown University Press (reprinted 1988, {{ISBN|0874513863}}, page [ 204],
- játék #* '''1964''', {{w|J. D. Salinger}} (author), Judit Gyepes (translator), ''Zabhegyező'' [''{{w|The Catcher in the Rye}}''], Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó (1998), {{ISBN|9630764024}}, chapter 11, page 95:
- kadiri #* '''2008''', Khavn De La Cruz, Khavn, ''Ultraviolins'', UP Press ({{ISBN| 9789715425742}}), page 132
- kaliwete #* '''2008''', Nicanor David (Jr), ''Mga kwento ng Batang kaning-lamig: ang pagpapatuloy ng pakikipagsapalaran ng isang sira-ulong overseas filipino worker'' ({{ISBN| 9789719405108}})
- kanalje #* '''2016''', Emilio Salgari (anonymous translator), ''General Custers sidste kamp'', Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711664889}}
- kangaroo #* '''2017''', Jeff Madura, CHANDRASEKHAR & MADURA KRISHNAMURTI (JEFF & HOQUE, ARIFUL.), Ariful Hoque, ''International Financial Management with Student Resource Access 12 Months'', Cengage AU ({{ISBN|9780170386135}}), page 667:
- kayfabe #* '''2006''', [[:w:Superstar Billy Graham|Eldridge Wayne Coleman]] & al., [ ''Tangled Ropes''], {{ISBN|978-1-4165-0753-6}}, [ p. 143:]
- kayfabe #* '''2013''', Saul Lemerond, "Cowboys in Rainbow City", [ '''''Kayfabe''' & Other Stories''], {{ISBN|978-0-989607-11-7}}, [ p. 45:]
- kayfabe #* '''2013''', Saul Lemerond, "Cowboys in Rainbow City", [ '''''Kayfabe''' & Other Stories''], {{ISBN|978-0-989607-11-7}}, [ pp. 43–4:]
- kayfabe #* '''2006''', [[:w:Superstar Billy Graham|Eldridge Wayne Coleman]] & al., [ ''Tangles Ropes''], {{ISBN|978-1-4165-0753-6}}, [ p. 97:]
- keen #* '''2000''', [[w:Jane Green (author)|Jane Green]], ''Bookends'', London: {{w|Penguin Books}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-14-027652-7}}</small>; republished as ''Bookends: A Novel'', trade paperback edition, New York, N.Y.: {{w|Broadway Books}}, 2003, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-7679-0781-1}}</small>, page 304:
- key #* '''2007''', Stephen Blake Mettee, Michelle Doland{{,}} and Doris Hall, compilers, ''The American Directory of Writer's Guidelines'', 6th ("2007–2008") edition, {{ISBN|1884956580}}, page 757,
- khachapuri #* '''1993''', {{w|Darra Goldstein}}, “Breads and Grains”, in ''The Georgian Feast: The Vibrant Culture and Savory Food of the Republic of Georgia'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|HarperCollins}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-06-016646-5}}</small>; reprinted Berkeley; Los Angeles, Calif.: {{w|University of California Press}}, 1999, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-520-21929-8}}</small>, [ page 136]:
- khachapuri #* '''2014''', John Shiffman, “‘Very Rich Men’”, in ''Operation Shakespeare: The True Story of an Elite International Sting'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|Simon & Schuster}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4516-5513-1}}</small>; trade paperback edition, New York, N.Y.: [[w:Simon & Schuster|Simon & Schuster Paperbacks]], August 2015, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4516-5516-2}}</small>, [ page 213]:
- khaki #* '''2007''', Yuji Matsuki, American Fighters Over Europe: Colors & Markings of USAAF Fighters in WWII, page 4, {{ISBN|0890247110}}.
- kick #* '''2002''', Ellen and Michael Albertson, ''Temptations'', [[w:Fireside Books|Fireside]], {{ISBN|0743229800}}, page 124 []:
- kick the tires #* '''2003''', Martin Howell, ''Predators and Profits: 100+ Ways for Investors to Protect Their Nest Eggs'', Reuters (2003), {{ISBN|0131402447}}, [ page 189] (chapter title):
- kick the tires and light the fires #* '''1998''', {{w|Jimmy Buffett}}, ''A Pirate Looks at Fifty'' (2000 Random House edition), {{ISBN|9780449005866}}, [ p. 108 (Google preview)]:
- kid stuff #* '''1949''' January, {{w|John D. MacDonald}} , "Three's a Shroud" in ''New Detective'' (republished as "Verdict" in ''More Good Old Stuff'', {{ISBN|9781471913334}}, 2014):
- kifejezés #* '''1974''', {{w|Leo Tolstoy}} (author), László Németh (translator), ''Anna Karenina'' [''{{w|Anna Karenina}}''], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), {{ISBN|9732600047}}, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 6:
- kilt #* '''1970''' (reprinted 1999) Norman R. Yetman (ed.), ''Voices from Slavery: 100 Authentic Slave Narratives'', Courier Corporation, {{ISBN|9780486409122}}, [ p. 160:]
- klismaphile #* '''1993''', [[w:Gloria Brame|Gloria G. Brame]], William D. Brame, and [[w:Jon Jacobs|Jon Jacobs]], ''Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission'',<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> Random House (1996), {{ISBN|978-0-679-76956-9}}, page 489:
- know whether one is Arthur or Martha #* '''2012''', Marie-Therese Gould (Stein), ''Dirt to Scratch and Eggs to Lay: A Journey From Mitchell to Ma’s'', Xlibris Corporation ({{ISBN|9781477155165}}), page 241:
- koinëisation #* '''2011''', Richard J. Watts, ''Language Myths and the History of English'', Oxford Scholarship Online, {{ISBN|9780195327601}}, chapter 4: “The construction of a modern myth: Middle English as a creole”, [ chapter abstract]:
- koodoo #* '''1976''' Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, '''Jock of the Bushveld''' p. 190. Longman: {{ISBN|0582161231}} (The book was first published in 1907).
- krewe #* '''2001''', Bizier Richard, ''Louisiane'', Pelican Publishing ({{ISBN|9781455607945}}), page 165<!--also published as '''2001''', ''La Nouvelle-Orleans'', Pelican Publishing ({{ISBN|9781455609758}}), page 235-->:
- krydsild #* '''1977''', Merete Platz, Socialforskningsinstituttet (Denmark), ''Publikationer'' {{ISBN|9788774871248}}
- kuduro #* '''2014''', MARCOS DE DIOS, Ángel, ''La lengua portuguesa: Vol. I'', Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca {{ISBN|9788490124659}}, page 163
- kulcs #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 21, page 199:
- kupé #* '''2015''', "Kaputt" by Curzio Malaparte, Pelikanen forlag as {{ISBN|8293237538}} []
- kvira #* '''2010''', [ ''Queer warsaw : historical and cultural guide to Warsaw''], Lambda Warszawa {{ISBN|9788392696810}}, p. 237:
- kétségbeesés #* '''1974''', {{w|Leo Tolstoy}} (author), László Németh (translator), ''Anna Karenina'' [''{{w|Anna Karenina}}''], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), {{ISBN|9732600047}}, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 6:
- køn #* '''2015''', James Fenimore Cooper, ''Pionererne: eller Susquehannahs kilder'', Klim {{ISBN|9788771297096}}. Translated from English by Gerd Have.
- køn #* '''2015''', C. S. Lewis, ''Narnia 1 - Troldmandens nevø'', Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702177848}}. Translated from English by Niels Søndergaard.
- ladyporn #* '''2015''', Elana Levine (ed.), University of Illinois, {{ISBN|9780252097669}}, title:
- laisser sa peau #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 298; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- lamentable #* '''2001''', Julio Montes Ponce de León, ''Medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenido'', Univ Pontifica Comillas {{ISBN|9788484680338}}, page 64
- land poor #* '''1924''', [[w:Ambrose Elliott Gonzales|Ambrose Elliott Gonzales]], "The Quest of the Land" in ''The Captain: Stories of the Black Border'' (1972 reprint edition by Ayer Publishing), {{ISBN|9780836989694}}, [ p. 111]:
- landsbyboer #* '''2016''', "Kurdistan stiger fram" by Jan Bojer Vindheim, Kolofon Forlag {{ISBN|8230014949}} []
- landsbyboer #* '''2012''', "Imperium - Riket vokser" by Sam Barone, translated by Anlaug Lia, Front Forlag {{ISBN|8282601403}} []
- language #* '''1867''', ''Report on the Systems of Deaf-Mute Instruction pursued in Europe'', quoted in 1983 in ''History of the College for the Deaf, 1857-1907'' {{ISBN|0913580856}}, page 240:
- lappa #* '''1998''', Love P. Maya, ''Off the Village Mat: A Novel'', 2003 WRITERSWORLD edition [self-published?], {{ISBN|1904181147}}, page 56,
- laser card #* '''2013''', OECD, ''Tax Administration 2013 Comparative Information on OECD and Other Advanced and Emerging Economies: Comparative Information on OECD and Other Advanced and Emerging Economies'', OECD Publishing {{ISBN|9789264200814}}, page 266
- leather queen #* '''1997''', Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'' (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}, page 3:
- lebbepar #* '''2010''', Anne B. Ragde (translated by Dorthe de Neergaard & Karen Fastrup), ''Ligge i grønne enge'', Rosinante & Co {{ISBN|9788763817554}}
- leeboard #* '''2010''', George Sjouke Riemersma, ''''Sa Wie It'''' ({{ISBN|9781453587089}}), page 85:
- leeway #* '''2005''', James Gosling et al., ''The Java Language Specification, Third Edition'', Prentice Hall PTR, {{ISBN|0321246780}}, section 15.4 “FP-strict Expressions”,<sup >[ ]</sup>
- lentil-weaver #* '''2010''', "SerendipitousHarlot" on Mumsnet, quoted by Justine Roberts, ''Why Did Nobody Tell Me?: Home Truths Every Parent Needs to Know (Mumsnet)'', Bloomsbury Publishing {{ISBN|9781408811276}}, page 395
- lentil-weaver #* '''2011''', "Moondog" on Mumsnet, quoted by Bloomsbury Publishing, ''The Complete Mumsnet Guides: Pregnancy; Babies; Toddlers'', A&C Black {{ISBN|9781408824719}}
- lentil-weaving #* '''2012''', "Red Mist" on ''Mumsnet'', quoted by Natasha Joffe, Justine Roberts, ''Why Did Nobody Tell Me?'', A&C Black {{ISBN|9781408822265}}, page 55
- let's know #*'''2008''', Amar Tyagi, '''''Let's Know''' Handicrafts of India'' (Star Publications) {{ISBN|9781905863181}}
- lexeis #* '''1991''': Valerius Harpocration, Harpocration, and John J. Keaney [contrib.], '''''Lexeis''' of the ten orators'', [ title] (Adolf M. Hakkert; {{ISBN|902561017X}}, 9789025610173)
- liberticide #* '''1981''', [[w:Thomas Szasz|Thomas Szasz]], quoted in Margot Joan Fromer, ''Ethical Issues in Health Care'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Mosby, {{ISBN|9780801617287}}, page 399:
- lichyard #* '''1996''', George R. R. Martin, ''A Game of Thrones'', Bantam Specta, US (1996), {{ISBN|0-553-10354-7}}, Voyager Books, UK (1996), {{ISBN|0-00-224584-1}} [ Chapter 53, "Bran", unumbered page]:
- lifetime job #* '''1994''' January 24, Michael Williams, “Toyota Creates Work Contracts Challenging '''Lifetime-Job''' System”, in the ''Wall Street Journal'', page A10.<ref>Quoted in William Bridges, ''JobShift: How to Prosper in a Workplace without Jobs'', Perseus Books (1994), {{ISBN|978-0-201-48933-0}}, [ page 233].</ref>
- light someone's fire #* '''1985''', David Carkeet, ''I Been There Before''<sup >[ ]</sup> (novel), Harper & Row, {{ISBN|0060154268}}, page 61:
- light up #* '''2009''', ''President Nixon's Pilot'', Jim Bell, in ''The Propinquity Effect'' {{ISBN|1467870803}}:
- like a cow pissing on a flat rock * '''2005''', Jonathon Green, ''Cassell's Dictionary of Slang'', Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ({{ISBN|9780304366361}}), page 1170, entry ''rain like a cow pissing on a flat rock''
- likeness #* '''1857''', April 25, [[w:Alfred Lord Tennyson|Alfred Lord Tennyson]], letter to [[w:Reginald Southey|Reginald Southey]], in Cecil Y. Lang and Edgar F. Shannon Jr. (editors), ''The Letters of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Volume II: 1851-1870'', Belknap Press (1987), {{ISBN|0-674-52583-3}}, [ page 171]:
- listsib #* '''2005''', anonymous e-mail, quoted in Heidi Campbell, ''Exploring Religious Community Online: We Are One in the Network'', Peter Lang (2005), {{ISBN|9780820471051}}, [ page 144]:
- llamhidydd * '''2007''': Sally Harper, ''Music in Welsh Culture Before 1650: A Study of the Principal Sources'', [ page 11] ([ Ashgate Publishing]; {{ISBN|9780754652632}} — spelling modernised in the reprint
- llamhidydd * '''2008''': Arthur Hughes, ''Cywyddau Cymru'', [,M1 pages 179–180] ([ BiblioBazaar, LLC]; {{ISBN|9780559853197}} — spelling modernised in the reprint
- long drink #* '''2008''', Hamlyn, ''Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Cocktails: Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook'', Hachette UK ({{ISBN|9780600623083}})
- longitudinal #* '''2001''', ''Psicología infantil'', Grupo Planeta (GBS) {{ISBN|9788434408913}}, page 80
- lost in the sauce #* '''2021''', Tee, ''Trailblazing'', Fulton Books, Inc. ({{ISBN|9781646543977}}):
- louise #* '''2011''', SAN-ANTONIO, ''Princesse Patte-en-l'air'', 12-21 {{ISBN|9782265092242}}
- love ##* '''1864''', ''Utilitarianism Explained and Exemplified in Moral and Political Government''<!-- 2014 reprint:({{ISBN|1108071422}}-->:
- love button #* '''2013''', Jusme, "Twins", in ''Busy Bodies: Chocolate Flava 4'' (ed. Zane), Atria Books (2013), {{ISBN|9781451689648}}, [ page 247]:
- lucoddy #* '''1967''', Barry Took and Marty Feldmen, ''Round the Horne'', as quoted in Eric Partridge's [ ''The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: J-Z''] {{ISBN|9780415259385}}
- ludography ##*'''2019''' Nicolas Courcier, Mehdi El Kanafi, ''The Legend of Final Fantasy VII: Creation - Universe - Decryption'' [ "Nomura's Influence"] (Third Editions {{ISBN|9782377840021}})
- luna #* '''2010''', Sally Roth (contributor), in Judy Pray (compiler), ''Garden Wisdom & Know-How: Everything You Need to Know to Plant, Grow, and Harvest'', Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Inc., {{ISBN|978-1-57912-837-1}}, [ page 348]:
- lytter #* '''2016''', "Å sette verden i brann" by Bjørn Stærk, Humanist forlag As {{ISBN|8282821489}} []
- lángos #* '''2015''', Aarhus University Press, ''budapest'', ISD LLC ({{ISBN|9788771242300}}), page 257:
- lønne #* '''2016''', Heinz G. Konsalik (translated), ''Det røde sejl'', Lindhardt og Ringhof ({{ISBN|9788711499719}})
- macra #* '''1986''': Peter V. Jones and Keith C. Sidwell, ''Reading Latin: Grammar, vocabulary and exercises'', Introduction — ''General notes'' (note 1), page 2 (22<sup>nd</sup> printing (2007); Cambridge University Press; {{ISBN|9780521286220}}
- macrolanguage #* '''2006''', G. Brent Hall and Michael G. Leahy, "Internet-Based Spacial Decision Support Using Open Source Tools", Chapter XIII of Shivanand Balram and Suzana Dragićević, ''Collaborative Geographic Information Systems'', Idea Group Inc., {{ISBN|9781591408468}}, [ page 238]:
- macrolanguage #* '''1996''', Bertil Tikkanen, "Languages of interethnic communication on the Indian Subcontinent (excluding Nepal)", in Stephen Adolphe Wurm et al. (editors), ''Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas'', Volume II.1, Walter de Gruyter, {{ISBN|978-3-11-013417-9}}, [ page 787]:
- macrolanguage #* '''2007''', Jose A. Fadul (general editor), ''Encyclopedia [[w:José Rizal|Rizal]]iana: Student Edition'',, {{ISBN|978-1-4303-1142-3}}, [ page 6]:
- made in the shade #* '''2005''', Mark Anthony Jarmon, "Righteous Speedboat," in ''Our Game: An All-Star Collection of Hockey Fiction'' by [[w:Doug Beardsley|Doug Beardsley]], {{ISBN|9781551928234}}, [ p. 242]:
- magekreft #* '''1999''', Romsdal Sogelag Årskrift 1999, by Bjørn Austegard and Rolf Strand, Romsal Sogelag {{ISBN|8290169604}} []
- magjakol #* '''2008''', Nicanor David (Jr), ''Mga kwento ng Batang kaning-lamig: ang pagpapatuloy ng pakikipagsapalaran ng isang sira-ulong overseas filipino worker'' ({{ISBN| 9789719405108}})
- magnetoscillation #* '''1985''', ''Materials Science Monographs'', volume 26: Marc A. Meyers and Osman T. Inal [eds.], ''Frontiers in Materials Technologies'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 495]</span> (Elsevier; {{ISBN|0444416854}}, 9780444416858, 0444424628, 9780444424624)
- main de fer #* '''1522''' March, record, in '''1867''', ''Calendar of state papers'', pages 1557-8: also in '''2015''', J. S. Brewer, ''Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII'', Cambridge University Press ({{ISBN|9781108066068}}), page 1557-8:
- make a move #* '''2000''', [[w:Carola Dunn|Carola Dunn]], ''Rattle His Bones'' (2011 Macmillan ed.), {{ISBN|9781429924238}}, [ p. 173 (Google preview)]:
- make for #* '''1830''', E.S. Carlos (translator), [[w:Galileo Galilei|Galileo Galilei]] (author), “The Siderial{{SIC}} Messenger”, reprinted in Louise Fargo Brown and George Barr Carson, ''Men and Centuries of European Civilization'', Ayer Publishing (1971), {{ISBN|978-0-8369-2100-7}}, [ page 427]:
- make out #* '''2002''', {{w|Meg Cabot}}, [[w:All American Girl (novel)|''All-American Girl'']],<!-- sic. Despite the Wikipedia article, this edition has a hyphen on the cover, the title page, the spine, and the copyright page.--> 2003 Harper Trophy paperback edition, {{ISBN|0064472779}}, page 134:
- make strange #* '''2009''', {{w|Martha Long}}, ''Ma, It's a Cold Aul Night an I'm Lookin for a Bed'' (2015 Seven Stories Press edition), {{ISBN|9781609805999}}, [ (Google preview)]:
- malfeature #* '''1991''', Alan Jeffrey, "Abstract timed observation and process algebra", in, 1991, Jos C.M. Baeten and Jan Frisco Groote, editors, ''CONCUR '91'' (proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Amsterdam, 1991), [[w:Springer Verlag|Springer]], {{ISBN|3540544305}}, page 333 [//]:
- man ho #* '''2010''', Clifton G. Pickard, Jr., ''Stronger Than Gravity'',<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> Dorrance Publishing, {{ISBN|978-1-4349-9014-3}}, page 223:
- mana screw #* '''2006''', Michael J. Flores, ''Deckade: 10 Years of Decks, Thoughts, and Theory!'', To Be Continued LLC (2006), {{ISBN|9780977839506}}, [ page 8] (originally posted 13 October 1996 on [!original/ Usenet]):
- manascrew #* '''2006''', Michael J. Flores, ''Deckade: 10 Years of Decks, Thoughts, and Theory!'', To Be Continued LLC (2006), {{ISBN|9780977839506}}, [ page 8] (originally posted 13 October 1996 on [!original/ Usenet]):
- manna #* '''1966''', Bill Beatty, ''Tales of Old Australia'', National Distributors, {{ISBN|1-86436-013-5}}, page 14, discussing old Australian foods <!-- no publication year given for this edition, first edition was 1966 -->
- mannaz #* '''1995''', Jean Stewart, ''Warriors of Isis'', Rising Tide Press (AZ) ({{ISBN|9781883061036}}):
- manus #* '''2012''', Judit Szántó (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''Csont és bőr'' (''Death du Jour''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 598 1}}, chapter 11, page 169:
- marketing ##* '''1926''', {{w|George Herriman}}, comic strip ''Us Husbands'', June 12th, 1926 (reprinted in the back of ''Krazy & Ignatz'', vol. 1922–1924, Fantagraphics, 2012, {{ISBN|978-1-60699-477-1}}, p. 223):
- masculinism #* '''1996''', Peggy Watson, "The Rise of '''Masculinism''' in Eastern Europe", chapter 6 of Monica Threlfall (editor), ''Mapping the Women’s Movement'', Verso, {{ISBN|978-1-85984-984-2}}, [ page 216]:
- masculinism #* '''2007''', Satoshi Ikedia, “Masculinity and '''masculinism''' under globalization: Reflections on the Canadian case”, chapter 6 of Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Janine Brodie (editors), ''Remapping Gender in the New Global Order'', Routledge, {{ISBN|978-0-415-76997-6}}, [ page 112]:
- masculism #* '''1983''', Sheila Ruth, quoted in Judith Evans (1986), ''Feminism and Political Theory'' [], {{ISBN|0803997051}}, page 70:
- masculism #* '''2003''', ''Punishment and Social Control'', second edition (Thomas G. Blomberg, Stanley Cohen, {{ISBN|0202307018}}, page 125:
- massify #* '''1992''', James F. Allen and Lenhart K. Schubert, “Language and Discourse in the TRAINS Project”, in Andrew Ortony, John Slack, and Oliviero Stock (editors), ''Communication From an Artificial Intelligence Perspective: Theoretical and Applied Issues'', NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 100, Springer, {{ISBN|3540558810}}, page 104,
- massy #* '''2003''' October 5-8, J. A. Kosinski, ''2003 IEEE Symposium on Ultrasonics'', volume 1, {{ISBN|0-7803-7922-5}}, abstract, pages 70-73
- matandang dalaga #* '''2008''', Khavn De La Cruz, Khavn, ''Ultraviolins'', UP Press ({{ISBN|9789715425742}}), page 84:
- mathesis #* '''1997''', Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 69 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- matiz #* '''2006''', Alvaro Puig (J.), ''Recetas con aceite de oliva'', Imaginador ({{ISBN|9789507685552}})
- matrest #* '''2017''', "Magnus' apostrof" by Jon O. Lorentzen, Wigestrand forlag as {{ISBN|8281402075}} []
- matrixectomy #* '''2015''', Theresa M. Campo, DNP, RN, FNP-C, ENP-BC, FAANP, Keith A Lafferty, MD, ''Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Second Edition: A Clinical Companion'', Springer Publishing Company ({{ISBN|9780826171771}})
- mean #* '''1997''', {{w|Angus Deaton}}, ''The Analysis of Household Surveys: A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy'',<sup >[ ]</sup> World Bank Publications, {{ISBN|9780801852541}}, [ page 51]:
- meanless #* '''1990''', in ''Experimental Robotics I: The First International Symposium Montreal'',<sup >[ ]</sup>, Springer-Verlag, {{ISBN|9780387521824}}, page 208:
- mediamacro #* '''2016''', Felix R. FitzRoy, Elissaios Papyrakis, ''An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy'', Routledge (2nd revised ed., 1st ed. from 2009), {{ISBN|1317669061}}.
- meditar #* '''2015''', Paloma Sainz Martínez Vara de Rey, ''Mindfulness para niños'', Grupo Planeta Spain {{ISBN|9788408138587}}
- mellemmand #* '''2001''', ''<nowiki>''Tiden'' i bibelsk belysning, Museum Tusculanum Press →ISBN, page 81</nowiki>
- memester #* '''1996''', Douglas Rushkoff, quoted on the praise page, in ''Media Virus!: Hidden Agendas in Popular Culture'', Ballantine Books (1996; originally published 1995), {{ISBN|9780307775573}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- mencienda #* '''2015''', Donald Broadribb, in the preamble of ''La Respubliko (Traduko al Esperanto)'' (originally by [[w:Plato|Plato]]), Mondial {{ISBN|9781595692542}}, page 10
- mercy buckets #* '''1929''' "Franklin W. Dixon" (Penguin, {{ISBN|1101076224}}) ''Hardy Boys 7: The Secret of the Caves'', [ Chapter 16, p.89]:
- mercy buckets #* '''2008''' Jonathan Nasaw (Simon and Schuster, {{ISBN|1847396968}}) [ ''Fear Itself'' p.187]:
- merfamily #* '''2012''', MaryJanice Davidson, ''Swimming Without a Net'', Jove (2007), {{ISBN|9780515143812}}, [ back cover blurb]:
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- metal ##* '''2008''', Lunar and Planetary Institute, Geochemical Society, ''Oxygen in the solar system'', Mineralogical Society of Amer {{ISBN|9780939950805}}
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- miasmic #* '''1974''', [[w:Adi Da|Adi Da Samraj]], Saniel Bonder, and Terry Patten, ''Garbage and the Goddess: The Last Miracles and Final Spiritual Instructions of Bubba Free John'',<sup >[ ]</sup> {{ISBN|9780913922101}}, Dawn Horse Press, page 186:
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- mike #* '''1994''' September, Jim Gaines, transcribed in Alan di Perna, "Step Lively: Recalling the recording process of SRV’s IN STEP with album producer Jim Gaines", in ''Guitar World Magazine'', reprinted in ''Guitar World Presents Stevie Ray Vaughan: Stevie Ray In His Own Words'', Hal Leonard (1997), {{ISBN|0793580803}}, page 81,
- milab #* '''1999''', A letter from Dr. Helmut Lammer of the Austrian Space Agency to Dr. Steven Greer of the [[Disclosure Project]], published in Greer, Steven M. ''Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications''. Crossing Point Inc, {{ISBN|978-0967323800}}, page 8.
- milab #* '''2004''', Encyclopedic entry in William J. Birnes ''The UFO Magazine UFO Encyclopedia: The Most Comprehensive Single-Volume UFO Reference in Print'', Pocket Books, {{ISBN|978-0743466745}}, page 215
- military abduction #* '''1999''' A letter from Dr. Helmut Lammer of the Austrian Space Agency to Dr. Steven Greer of the [[Disclosure Project]], published in Greer, Steven M. ''Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications''. Crossing Point Inc, {{ISBN|978-0967323800}}, page 8.
- military abduction #* '''2004''' Encyclopedic entry in William J. Birnes ''The UFO Magazine UFO Encyclopedia: The Most Comprehensive Single-Volume UFO Reference in Print'', Pocket Books, {{ISBN|978-0743466745}}, page 215
- milk sister #* '''2007''', Jenny Erpenbeck, ''The Book of Words'' (trans. Susan Bernofsky), New Directions (2007; original German novel published 2004), {{ISBN|9780811217064}}, [ page 46]:
- minigarch #* '''2006''', Adrian Karatnycky, “The Fall and Rise of Ukraine’s Political Opposition: From Kuchmagate to the Orange Revolution,” in Anders Åslund, Michael McFaul, eds., ''Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine’s Democratic Breakthrough'', Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, {{ISBN|9780870032226}}, p 37:
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- mispraise #* '''2010''', Paul F. O'Rourke (quoting [[w:Jonathan Barnes|Jonathan Barnes]]), ''Offerings to the Discerning Eye'', Sue D'Auria (ed.), {{ISBN|9789004178748}}, [ p. 247 n.25 (Google preview)]:
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- mommick #* '''1968''', William Dean Howells, ''The Altrurian romances'', volume 20, page 430:<!--also found/quoted in '''1985''', Jean Pfaelzer, ''The Utopian Novel in America, 1886–1896: The Politics of Form'' {{ISBN|0822974428}}:-->
- monitorer #* '''2008''', Dominique Haas, ''La Pluie du siècle'', {{ISBN|978-2-258-07025-7}} (translated from English: ''{{w|Century Rain}}'' by {{w|Alastair Reynolds}})
- monogon #* '''2003''', Gordon Baker, translator and editor, [[w:Ludwig Wittgenstein|Ludwig Wittgenstein]] and [[w:Friedrich Waismann|Friedrich Waismann]], ''The Voices of Wittgenstein: The Vienna Circle'', Routledge, {{ISBN|0415056446}}, page 409,
- monogon #* '''1999''', William L. Wolfe, ''Infrared Design Examples'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Tutorial Texts in Optical Engineering Volume TT36, SPIE Press, {{ISBN|0-8194-3319-5}}, page 133,
- moonsickle #* '''1947''', {{w|Mari Sandoz}}, “Skyuglers”, in ''The Tom-Walker: A New Novel'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|Dial Press}}, <small>{{OCLC|909146360}}</small>; reprinted as ''The Tom-Walker: A Novel'' (Bison Book), Lincoln, Neb.: {{w|University of Nebraska Press}}, August 1984, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-8032-4150-3}}</small>, [ page 17]:
- mora #* '''2005''', J. M. Arribas Castrillo and Emilio Vallina Álvarez, ''Hematología Clínica: Temas de Patología Médica'' ' (''Clinical Hematology: Topics in Medical Pathology'', Universidad de Oviedo, {{ISBN|978-84-8317-519-4}}, [ page 230]:
- mora #* '''2009''', Luis Alberto Moreno (Spanish translator), R. A. Cawson and E. W. Odell (English authors), ''Cawson Fundamentos de Medicina y Patología Oral'', Octavo Edición (''Cawson’s Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine'', Eighth Edition), Elsevier España, {{ISBN|978-84-8086-430-5}}, [ page 207]:
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- moral order #* '''1758''', Margaret Cleeve, Ivison Macadam, ''The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year'' Vols. for 1784-85 issued in combined form; 1820, in 2 pts., facsimile reprinted, {{ISBN|0582061334}}, Longmans, Green (1957), [ p. 261],
- moral order #* '''1797''', Thomas Erskine Erskine, ''A View of the Causes and Consequences of the Present War with France'', J. Debrett, {{ISBN|0665208286}} (reproduction of original) [ p. 134],
- multifandom #* '''2003''', Afterword Q&A, in Gemma Files, ''Kissing Carrion'', Prime Books (2003), {{ISBN|9781894815635}}, [ page 222]:
- multifannish #* '''2011''', Lynn Zubernis & Katherine Larsen (quoting an Archive of Our Own policy page), ''Fandom at the Crossroads: Celebration, Shame and Fan/Producer Relationships'', Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2012), {{ISBN|9781443835565}}, [ page 19]:
- murram #* '''1991''', Bernard Verdcourt, ''Boraginaceae'', a volume of R.M. Polhill (Ed.), ''Flora of Tropical East Africa'', A.A. Balkema, {{ISBN|90-6191-354-3}}, page 108,
- mutat #* '''2009''', Jamal J. Ahmad Nasir (editor), ''The Status of Women under Islamic Law and Modern Islamic Legislation'' (third edition), [[w:Brill Publishers|BRILL]], {{ISBN|9789004172739}}, chapter thirteen: “The Dower”, § 5: ‘Entitlement to the Dower’, [ page 95]:
- muthua #* '''2018''' — [[w:Steven Barnes|Steven Barnes]], (2018) "Danakil" (Ch. 10), in ''Whose Future is It? : Cellarius Stories, Volume 1''. Cellarius, Ed., New York: 2018, {{ISBN|978-1-949688-02-3}}.
- mythology #* '''2000''' April 28, Caryn James (?), [ As Scheherazade Was Saying . . .], in ''The New York Times'', page E31, reproduced in ''The New York Times Television Reviews 2000'', Routledge (2001), {{ISBN|978-1-57958-060-5}}, [ page 198]:
- måne #* '''2015''', Linda Lay Shuler, ''Kvinden der husker'', Rosinante & Co {{ISBN|9788763839310}}. Translator anonymous.
- name #* '''2008''' edition of, 1998, S. B. Budhiraja and M. B. Athreya, ''Cases in Strategic Management'', {{ISBN|0074620975}} page 79 []:
- name #* '''2009''' third edition of, 1998, Martin Mowforth and Ian Munt, ''Tourism and Sustainability'', {{ISBN|0203891058}}, page 29 []:
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- nappali #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 4, page 39:
- nary #* '''1961''' March 20, Flannery O'Connor, letter to Maryat Lee, [ublished in '''1988''', ''The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor'', Farrar, Straus and Giroux ({{ISBN|9781466829015}}):
- nazumo #* '''1908''', Henri Vallienne, ''Ĉu li?'', eLibro/Inko (2003 edition), {{ISBN|9173031828}} page 139.
- neck guard #* '''2020''', DK, ''The Sports Book: The Sports*The Rules*The Tactics*The Techniques'', Penguin ({{ISBN|9780744022377}})
- need-fire * '''1993''' Our Troth, by Ring of Troth and other true folk, The Ring of Troth, {{ISBN|0-9623957-8-1}}, page 660.
- need-fire * '''2003''' The Runes of Elfland, Brian Froud & Ari Berk, Pavillion Books, {{ISBN|1 86205 647 1}}, page 51.
- neepery #* '''2006''', Nancy Holder, ''Daughter of the Flames'', Silhouette Books (2006), {{ISBN|9781426821189}}, [ unnumbered page] (acknowledgements):
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- negaholic #* '''2012''', Mark Dery, I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts: Drive-By Essays on American Dread, American Dreams, University of Minnesota Press (2012) {{ISBN|9780816677733}}, [ page 172]:
- negarchy #* '''1996''', [[w:Daniel Deudney|Daniel Deudney]], “Binding sovereigns: authorities, structures, and geopolitics in Philadelphian systems” in ''State Sovereignty as Social Construct'' ([ Cambridge University Press], {{ISBN|9780521565998}}, eds. [[w:Thomas J. Biersteker|Thomas J. Biersteker]] and [[w:Cynthia Weber|Cynthia Weber]], [ page 205]
- neknomination #* '''2015''', Jane Costello, ''The Love Shack'', Simon & Schuster (2015), {{ISBN|9781471129285}}, [ unnumbered pages], published 23 April 2015:
- neoglans #* '''2017''', L. Catania et al., ''Female Genital Mutilations'', collected in ''Good Practice in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology'', ed. Anna Maria Fulghesu, Springer ({{ISBN|9783319571621}}), [ page 188]:
- nerdom #* '''2009''', Mark Dalrymple, “Foreword”, in Jack Nutting; Dave Mark; Jeff LaMarche, ''Learn Cocoa on the Mac'' (Books for Professionals by Professionals), [New York, N.Y.]: {{w|Apress}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4302-1859-3}}</small>, [ page xi]:
- nest #* '''1993''' August, Bwolen Yang et al., "Do&Merge: Integrating Parallel Loops and Reductions", in ''Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing'' (workshop proceedings), Springer (1994), {{ISBN|978-3-540-57659-4}}, [ page 178]:
- neti neti #* '''1970''', Rohit Mehta, ''The Call of the Upanishads'' (1999 edition), {{ISBN|9788120807495}}, p. 257 (quoting the Upanishadic figure, Ajatasatru of Kasi):
- nettavis #* '''2017''', ''Presteskapet'' by Sonja Holterman, Front Forlag {{ISBN|8293430583}} []
- netter #* '''2004''', Cristiana S. Seixas and Fikret Berkes, “Stakeholder Conflicts and Solutions across Political Scales: the Ibiraquera Lagoon, Brazil”, chapter eight of Leontine E. Visser (editor), ''Challenging Coasts: Transdisciplinary Excursions into Integrated Coastal Zone Development'', Amsterdam University Press, {{ISBN|978-90-5356-682-4}}, [ page 190]:
- nettlesome #* '''1904''', [[w:Winston Churchill (novelist)|Winston Churchill]], ''The Crossing'' (2003 Kessinger reprint), {{ISBN|9780766169982}}, [ p. 61]:
- niding * '''1984''' Futharc A Handbook of Rune Magic, Edred Thorsson, Samuel Weiser Inc, {{ISBN|0-87728-548-9}}, page 151.
- niding * '''2006''' The Nature of Asatru, Mark Puryear, iUniverse, {{ISBN|978-0-595-38964-3}}, page 25.
- nitrat #* '''2012''', ''Grensesang'' by Jim Lynch, Font Forlag AS {{ISBN|8281691956}} []
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- nonillion #* '''2001''', Raymond E. Fowler, ''The Melchizedek Connection'' {{ISBN|0595183565}}, [ page 70]:
- nonspore #* '''1998''', National Research Council, {{...|Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, Standing Committee on Program and Technical Review of the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command}}, ''Review of Mass Spectrometry and Bioremediation Programs of the Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center'' (National Academies Press, {{ISBN|9780309062985}}), page 25:
- nope #* '''1981''', Tom Higgins, ''Practice quick...and swim'', read in ''Dale Earnhardt: Rear View Mirror'', Sports Publishing LLC, {{ISBN|1582614288}} (2001), [ p. 32]
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- nucleuslike #* '''1979''', John D. Dodge, “The Phytoflagellates: Fine Structure and Phylogeny”, M. Levandowsky, S. H. Hutner (ed.), ''Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa'', Academic Press, Inc., {{ISBN|0124446019}}, volume 1, chapter 1.II, {{gbooks|SznlULZ3hi0C|26|nucleuslike}}:
- nurture #* '''2009''', UNESCO, ''The United Nations World Water Development Report – N° 3 - 2009 – Freshwater and International Law (the Interplay between Universal, Regional and Basin Perspectives)'', page 10, {{ISBN|9231041363}}
- nutella #* '''2008''', Ebène, ''Poèmes en saisons'', Editions Publibook, {{ISBN|2748340221}}, page :
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- nykneppet #* '''2013''', Jo Nesbø (tr. from Norwegian by Allan Hilton Andersen), ''Frelseren'', Modtryk ({{ISBN|9788770537971}})
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- náttih #* '''1995''', Pamela Downing, Michael P. Noonan, ''Word Order in Discourse'' {{ISBN|902722921X}}, page 398, citing Chafe 1977:
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- observieren #* '''2009''', Thomas Bührke, Roland Wengenmayr (edd.): ''Geheimnisvoller Kosmos: Astrophysik und Kosmologie im 21. Jahrhundert.'' 1st edition, WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, {{ISBN|978-3-527-66148-0}} ([ GoogleBooks], retrieved January 13, 2016):
- ochlocracy #* '''2021''', Ronald T. Libby, ''American '''Ochlocracy''': Black Lives Matter & Mob Rule'', independently published {{ISBN|979-8504479545}}, back of the book:
- octodecillion #* '''2004''', Jay Carty, Darrell Waltrip (co-author), ''Darrell Waltrip One-On-One'', ''The Faith That Took Him to the Finish Line'', Gospel Light Publishing, {{ISBN|0830734635}}, “Day 23”, unpaged
- oculometry #* '''1998''', D. J. Callan, "Eyes Movement Relationships to Excessive Performance Error in Aviation," ''Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Proceedings'', {{ISBN|0945289111}}, [ p. 1132 (Abstract)]:
- oh my days #* '''2004''', "Kunjufu" (username), comment in "[ Fathers and Childbirth]" (online forum topic), quoted in Barbara M. Newman and Philip R. Newman, ''Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach'', Tenth Edition, Cengage Learning (2008), {{ISBN|978-0-495-55341-0}}, [ page 111]:
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- old maid #* '''2004''' April 29 – May 5, "Unpopped Kernels Costing U.S. Billions", ''[[w:The Onion|The Onion]]'', available in ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, page 147,
- oligopolize #* '''2006''', Japan Environemntal Council (JEC), ''The State of Environment in Asia: 2005/2006'', Springer Science & Business Media ({{ISBN|9784431274032}}), page 47:
- oliphaunt #* '''1954''', [[w:J. R. R. Tolkien|J. R. R. Tolkien]], ''[[w:The Two Towers|The Two Towers]]'' (second volume of ''[[w:The Lord of the Rings|The Lord of the Rings]]''), Random House (1982), {{ISBN|978-0-345-33971-3}}, [ page 283]:
- om #* '''2017''', Hjalmar Söderberg (Translated by Jørgen Årup Hansen), ''Doktor Glas'', Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702243574}}, page 28
- om #* '''2017''', Sacha Batthyany (Translated by Uffe Gardel), ''Og hvad har det med mig at gøre'', Art People {{ISBN|9788771599206}}
- om #* '''2013''', Gyldendal, ''Breve hjem: Danske soldater i Første Verdenskrig'', Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702152333}}
- omnibus #* '''2005''', {{w|Simon Schama}}, in Simon Schama; Paul Moorhouse; Colin Wiggins, ''John Virtue: London Paintings'', London: [[w:National Gallery, London|National Gallery Company]], <small>{{ISBN|978-1-85709-385-8}}</small>, page 23:
- on one's lonesome #* '''1996''', Joan Jonker, ''Sweet Rosie O'Grady'', {{ISBN|9780755391981}} (2012 Headline ebook edition), [ Google books online]:
- on the spectrum #* '''2002''', R. Wayne Gilpin, introduction to Jerry and Mary Newport, ''Autism-Asperger's & Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond'', Future Horizons, {{ISBN|978-1-885477-88-0}}, [ pages ix–x]:
- on the spectrum #* '''2006''', [[w:Temple Grandin|Temple Grandin]], forward to Chantal Sicile-Kira, ''Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum'', Perigee, {{ISBN|978-0-399-53236-8}}, [ page xv]:
- one-finger salute #* '''1951''', James Jones, ''From Here to Eternity'', Scribner(1951), [ page 761]; also Delta (1998), {{ISBN|978-0-385-33364-1}}, page 754:
- one-finger salute #* '''1997''', Gene Amole, "Put Water Bag On Front Bumper", in ''Rocky Mountain News'', 24 June 1997, reprinted in ''Amole One More Time'', Big Earth Publishing (1998), {{ISBN|978-1-55566-217-2}}, [ page 236]:
- op wieltjes #* '''2013''', Diederick Klein Kranenburg, ''‘Samen voor ons eigen’. De geschiedenis van een Nederlandse volksbuurt: de Haagse Schilderswijk, 1920–1985'', Uitgeverij Verloren (1st ed.), {{ISBN|9087043759}}, page 110, quoting a man named Gillian.
- operant #* '''1955''', [[w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout]], "When a Man Murders...",<!--... in title--> in [[w:Three Witnesses (book)|''Three Witnesses'']], October 1994 [[w:Bantam Books|Bantam]] edition, {{ISBN|0553249592}}, page 117:
- opere citato #* '''2004''', Subrata Kumar Mitra, Mike Enskat, and Clemens Spiess, ''Political Parties in South Asia'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 176], note 32 ([ Greenwood Publishing Group]</span>; {{ISBN|0275968324}}, 9780275968328)
- ordne #* '''1984''', Jens Michael Schau, ''Himlen begynder ved jorden'', repr. 2016, Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711582442}}
- ordne #* '''1983''', Christian Kampmann, ''Sunshine'', repr. 2017, Gyldendal A/S {{ISBN|9788702203196}}
- original character #* '''2013''', Peter Berg, "Hobbyhorsing", in Anne Jamison, ''Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World'', BenBella Books (2013), {{ISBN|9781939529190}}, [ unnumbered pages]:
- ottoman #* '''2011''', "Brødrene fra Iron House" by John Hart (translated by Christian Rugstad), Font Forlag AS {{ISBN|8281691719}} []
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- outside #* '''2002''', [[w:Jane Green (author)|Jane Green]], ''Bookends'', 2003 trade paperback edition, {{ISBN|0767907817}}, outside back cover:
- overinstruct #* '''1997''', Malcolm R. McNeil, Donald A. Robin, and Richard A. Schmidt, "Apraxia of Speech: Definition, Differentiation, and Treatment", chapter 14 of Malcolm R. McNeil (ed.), ''Clinical Management of Sensorimotor Speech Disorders'', Thieme, {{ISBN|0-86577-527-3}}, page 333:
- oystre #* '''1585''', Thomas Harriot, quoted in Steve Nicholls, ''Paradise Found: Nature in America at the Time of Discovery'', University of Chicago Press {{ISBN|9780226583426}}, page 73
- p.o.'ed #* '''1993''', Sandra Canfield, ''Just Married'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Harlequin Sales Corporation (Mm), {{ISBN|0373832583}}, page 17,
- pachorra #* '''2013''', Tito, ''Chile bicicleta. Una crónica de pedales y nostalgia.'', Aguilar {{ISBN|9789563475654}}
- paleoillustrator #* '''2003''', ''The Guild Handbook of Scientific Illustration'' (Elaine R. S. Hodges), John Wiley & Sons (2003), {{ISBN|9780471360117}}, [ page 330]:
- palitza #* '''2011''', Gregory W. Woolfenden, ''A Practical Handbook for Divine Services'', Holy Trinity Publications ({{ISBN|9780884652038}})3
- palooza #* '''2005''', John Lithgow, “Boredom Blasters”, “Rainy Day Fun Edition”, Running Press, {{ISBN|0762422122}}, page 5
- pantechnicon #* '''1978''', {{w|Lawrence Durrell}}, ''[[w:Livia (novel)|Livia: Or Buried Alive: A Novel]]'', London: {{w|Faber and Faber}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-571-11297-5}}</small>; republished in ''[[w:The Avignon Quintet|The Avignon Quintet: Monsieur, Livia, Constance, Sebastian, Quinx]]'', London: Faber and Faber, 1992, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-571-16328-1}}</small>, page 426:
- papier colle-mouches #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 164; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- parallelogram #* '''1907''' GAA, ''Official Guide'' "Football Rules"; quoted in Joseph Lennon, ''The playing rules of football and hurling, 1884-1995'' (Northern Recreation Consultants 1997) p.66 {{ISBN|978-1 902097 00 8}}:
- parallelogram #* '''1981''' GAA, ''The Playing Rules of Football and Hurling''; quoted in Joseph Lennon, ''The playing rules of football and hurling, 1884-1995'' (Northern Recreation Consultants 1997) p.358 {{ISBN|978-1 902097 00 8}}:
- parter #* '''1993''', Visiting Assistant Professor of Film Studies Charles Warren, Anne-Marie Mieville, ''Jean-Luc Godard's Hail Mary: Women and the Sacred in Film'', SIU Press ({{ISBN|9780809318247}}), page 78:
- pasguard #* '''2017''', Donald J. La Rocca, ''How to Read European Armor'', Metropolitan Museum of Art ({{ISBN|9781588396297}}), page 72 (has an image):
- pass-and-play #* '''2012''', Scott Rogers, ''Swipe This!: The Guide to Great Touchscreen Game Design'', John Wiley & Sons (2012), {{ISBN|9781119966968}}, [ unnumbered page 232]:
- passer #* '''1908''', {{w|Gaston Leroux}}, ''Le Mystère de la chambre jaune'', 2009 ed., [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune|Wikisource]], [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune/1|chap. 1]]; translated '''1908''' by anonymous, Margaret Jull Costa (ed.), as ''{{w|The Mystery of the Yellow Room}}'', 2003 ed., {{w|Dedalus Books|Dedalus}}, {{ISBN|1-873982-38-0}}:
- pasta #* '''2006''', Irvine Welsh, Federico Corriente Basús transl., ''Porno'', Anagrama ({{ISBN|9788433938565}})
- patamar #* '''2015''', José Manuel Moran, José Armando Valente, ''Educação a distância'', Summus Editorial ({{ISBN|9788532308870}}), [ Os processos de construçāo de conhecimento]:
- patchery #* '''1978''', Derek Roper, ''Reviewing Before the ''Edinburgh'' 1788-1802'', University of Delaware Press, {{ISBN|0874131286}}, page 281
- patchery #* '''1998''', Gioia Timpanelli, “Rusina, Not Quite in Love”, ''Sometimes the Soul'', ''Two Novellas of Sicily'', W. W. Norton & Company (Sicily), {{ISBN|0393027449}}, page 131
- pave the way #* '''1972''', “Revolution at Floodtide”, in Thomas G[arden] Barnes and [[w:Gerald Feldman|Gerald D[onald] Feldman]], editors, ''Nationalism, Industrialization, and Democracy 1815–1914'' (A Documentary History of Europe; III), Boston, Mass.: {{w|Little, Brown and Company}}, <small>{{OCLC|287083}}</small>; republished Lanham, Md.; London: {{w|University Press of America}}, 1980, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-8191-1079-4}}</small>, [ page 91]:
- pecan #* '''2005''', in ''The Condensed Encyclopedia of Healing Foods'' (Joseph Pizzorno, Lara Pizzorno; Atria Books, {{ISBN|978-0-7434-7402-3}}:
- pedosexual #* '''1994''', T. P. Smith, ''Effects of the child's relative age appearance and attractiveness on vulnerability to '''pedosexual''' interactions'' (Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1993; published by Dissertation Abstracts International, 54(12), 6472B)<!--mentioned in '''2008''' in ''Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment'' ({{ISBN|1593856059}}), page 181-->
- peeping tom #* '''2005''', a UM student quoted in ''College Prowler: University Of Michigan: off the record'' {{ISBN|1596581638}}, page 20:
- people #* '''2008''', Martine Delvaux, "''L’égoïsme romantique'' de Frédéric Beigbeder" ("Frédéric Beigbeder's ''L’égoïsme romantique'' {{qualifier|Romantic Egotism}}"), in Alain-Philippe Durand (editor), ''Frédéric Beigbeder et ses doubles'' (''Frédéric Beigbeder and His Doubles''), Rodopi, {{ISBN|978-90-420-2472-4}}, [ page 95]:
- peripubescent #* '''2007''': Zachary Child<!-- Ironic name, huh? -->, ''Basic Orthopedic Exams'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 190] ([ Wolters Kluwer Health]</span>; {{ISBN|0781763339}}, 9780781763332)
- pharate #* '''1981'''Thomson, John A. Speculations on the evolution of the insect storage proteins. Evolution and Speciation. {{ISBN|0 521 23823 4}}
- phet #* '''2015''', SPCK, ''Bare Freedom'', SPCK ({{ISBN|9781908713179}})
- physico-mental #* '''1997''': Georg Meggle [ed.], <i>{{lang|grc|ἀναλύωμεν}} — Analyōmen 2: Proceedings of the 2<sup>nd</sup> Conference “Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy”</i>, [ page 115] ([ Walter de Gruyter]; {{ISBN|3110152576}}, 978-3110152579)
- pickle #* '''1756''', {{w|Thomas Thistlewood}}, diary, quoted in '''2001''', Glyne A. Griffith, ''Caribbean Cultural Identities'', Bucknell University Press ({{ISBN|9780838754757}}), page 38:
- pigopolist #* '''2006''' March 28, “Alice”, comment in the blog ''Alex Moskalyuk Online'', quoted in Marjorie D. Kibby, “‘The Legal Bit’s in Russian’: Making Sense of Downloaded Music”, in Jeremy Hunsinger et al. (editors), ''International Handbook of Internet Research'', Springer (2010), {{ISBN|978-1-4020-9788-1}}, [ page 305]:
- pijo #* '''2006''', Irvine Welsh, Federico Corriente Basús transl., ''Porno'', Anagrama ({{ISBN|9788433938565}})
- pimp-slap #* '''2004''' December 29, Neil Prakash, "[ 9 November(D+1): Fire for Effect]", in Matthew Currier Burden, ''The Blog of War: front-line dispatches from soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan'', Simon and Schuster (2006), {{ISBN|0743294181}}, page 182,
- pirate #* '''2001''', unidentified insider, quoted in John Alderman, ''Sonic Boom: Napster, MP3, and the New Pioneers of Music'', Da Capo Press, {{ISBN|978-0-7382-0777-3}}, [ page 178]:
- piss #* '''1999''', ''Tin House #2'' ({{ISBN|0967384613}}, Win McCormack, Rob Spillman, Elissa Schappell), page 170:
- plaka #* '''2006''', Zosimo Quibilan (Jr), ''Pagluwas'', UP Press {{ISBN|9789715425261}}
- plaka #* '''2008''', Khavn De La Cruz, Khavn, ''Ultraviolins'', UP Press {{ISBN|9789715425742}}, page 36
- plat #* '''2011''', Gordon Kendall, ''MHRA Tudor & Stuart Translations, volume 7.II: Gavin Douglas, ''The Aenid'' (1513)'' {{ISBN|1907322493}}, page 638:<!--this is a modern English translation of a 1500s Scots or Middle Scots work, which has the line “The quhirland quheill and spedy swyft extre Smaite doun to ground, and on the erd lay plat”-->
- plat #* '''2015''', ''Frans Kellendonk. Verzamelt werk.'' 2nd ed. (as e-book; original 1st ed. printed 2015), Querido, 2015 <small>({{ISBN|978 90 214 0033 4}}; [ preview at Google Books])</small>
- plateaux #* '''1957''': Justin O’Brien, ''[[w:The Fall (novel)|The Fall]]'', 1976 reprint, ch. 2, pp20–21 ([[w:Penguin Books|Penguin Books]]; {{ISBN|0 14 00 1762 3}}; a translation from the original '''1956''' [[w:French language|French]] work ''La Chute'', by [[w:Albert Camus|Albert Camus]]
- play to win #* '''1988''', David Mahoney (chairman, Norton Simon Inc.), quoted in ''The Executive's Book of Quotations'' (Oxford, 1994), {{ISBN|9780195078367}}, [ p. 298]:
- podfic #* '''2014''', ''The Fan Fiction Studies Reader'' (Karen Hellekson & Kristina Busse), University of Iowa Press (2014), {{ISBN|9781609382278}}, [ pages 193-194]:
- polla #* '''2006''', Irvine Welsh, Federico Corriente Basús transl., ''Porno'', Anagrama ({{ISBN|9788433938565}})
- polyfamily #* '''2010''', Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, ''Polyfamilies Go to School'', chapter 18 of ''Understanding Non-Monogamies'', ed. Meg Barker, Darren Langdridge; Routledge ({{ISBN|9781135196301}}), [ page 185]:
- porn #* '''1982''', Florence King, “When Sisterhood Was in Flower”, reprinted in ''The Florence King Reader'', Macmillan (1996), {{ISBN|978-0-312-14337-4}}, [ page 181]:
- posset #* '''2003''', Pearson Education, Limited, ''Baby's First Year'', Pearson South Africa {{ISBN|9781868911875}}, page 23
- postlicensure #* '''2004''', FDA, ''The Bad Bug Book: Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook'', International Medical Pub ({{ISBN|9781588082664}})
- postlicensure #* '''2015''', Jennifer Hamborsky, MPH, MCHES, Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH, Charles (Skip) Wolfe, ''Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 13th Edition E-Book: The Pink Book'', Public Health Foundation ({{ISBN|9780990449126}})
- postsectarian #* '''2001''', Marion Maddox, ''For God and Country: religious dynamics in Australian federal politics'', Australia. Dept. of the Parliamentary Library, Information and Research Services, {{ISBN|9780642527240}}, [ chap. 1]:
- pottle #* '''2005''', Dan Keding and Amy Douglas (eds.), ''English Folktales'', World Folklore Series, Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, {{ISBN|1591582601}}, page 21,<sup>[]</sup>
- pottlepot #* '''2020'''(?), George Payne Rainsford James, ''Mary of Burgundy: The Revolt of Ghent'', Library of Alexandria ({{ISBN|9781465607331}})
- praziquantel #* '''1997''', {{w|Roy Porter}}, ''The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity from Antiquity to the Present'', London: [[w:HarperCollins|HarperCollins Publishers]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-00-215173-3}}</small>; republished London: {{w|Folio Society}}, 2016, <small>{{OCLC|954719670}}</small>, page 470:
- prebendary #* '''2009''', Fred W. Riggs, “Bureaucratic Links between Administration and Politics” and “Bureaucracy: A Profound Puzzle for Presidentialism”, chapters 5 and 9 of Ali Farazmand (editor), ''Bureaucracy and Administration'', CRC Press, {{ISBN|978-0-8247-2369-9}}, [ pages 89–90]:
- predisabled #* '''2019''', James M. Shultz, PhD, MS, Lisa Sullivan, PhD, MA, Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH, ''Public Health: An Introduction to the Science and Practice of Population Health'', Springer Publishing Company ({{ISBN|9780826177544}}), page 271:
- preprandial #* '''2006''', {{w|Daniel Kehlmann}}; {{w|Carol Brown Janeway}}, transl., ''{{w|Measuring the World}}'', 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.: {{w|Pantheon Books}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-375-42446-5}}</small>; republished London: [[w:Quercus (publisher)|Quercus]], 2007, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-84724-114-6}}</small>, page 251:
- preprandial #* '''1991''', Bernard Bannerman, chapter [ 4], in ''The Judge's Song'', [U.K.]: {{w|Sphere Books}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-7474-0520-7}}</small>; republished Sandy, Bedfordshire: Authors OnLine, 2009, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-7552-0469-4}}</small>:
- preprioception #* '''2010''', W. M. Brooks and B. A. Holshouser, case study 43.2 “Two-dimensional MRSI in traumatic brain injury with good outcome”, from ''Clinical MR Neuroimaging'', editors Jonathan H. Gillard, Adam Waldman, and Peter B. Barker, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, {{ISBN|978-0-521-51563-4}}, section 7 “Trauma”, [ page 665]:
- preprioceptive #* '''1993''', Sukhan Lee, “A New Neural Net Approach to Robot 3D Perception and Visuo-Motor Coordination”, from ''Neural Networks in Robotics'', editors George A. Bekey and Kenneth Y. Goldberg, Kluwer Academic Publishers, {{ISBN|0-7923-9268-X}}, [ page 332]:
- prerhotic #* '''2001''', James Harris, “Spanish Negative ''in-'': Morphology, Phonology, Semantics”, chapter 5 in ''[[w:Kenneth L. Hale|Ken Hale]]: A Life in Language'', ed. [[w:Michael Kenstowicz|Michael J. Kenstowicz]], {{w|MIT Press}}, {{ISBN|0262112574}} (hbk), {{ISBN|0262611600}} (pbk), [ page 179]:
- presence #* '''2005''', James Phillips, ''Heidegger's Volk: Between National Socialism and Poetry'', Stanford University Press, {{ISBN|0804750718}} (paperback), ['s+paranoiac+classifications%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=L-05UaOQA-vnmAXlyYCgCw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22From%20the%20overtaxing%20of%20the%20regime's%20paranoiac%20classifications%22&f=false page 118],
- print-disabled #* '''2001''', Larry Goldberg, “Universal Design in Film and Media”, chapter 67 of Wolfgang F. E. Preiser and Elaine Ostroff (editors), ''Universal Design Handbook'', McGraw-Hill Professional, {{ISBN|9780071376051}}, [ section 67.3]:
- private joke #* '''2003''', Justine Malle (translator), Greil Marcus (author), ''Dead Elvis: Chronique d’une obsession culturelle'', Éditions Allia, {{ISBN|9782844851208}}, [ page 35]; original English from Greil Marcus, ''Dead Elvis: A Chronicle of a Cultural Obsession'', Harvard University Press (1999), {{ISBN|978-0-674-19422-9}}, [ page 22]:
- private stock #* '''2004''', [[w:Robert Priest|Robert Priest]], ''How to Swallow a Pig'', {{ISBN|9781554902545}}, [ (Google preivew)]"
- problematik #* '''2016''', Bennike, Kathrine Bjerg, Faber, Stine Thidemann, Nielsen, Helene Pristed, ''Køn, uddannelse og befolkningsstrømme: Opsamling af tværnordiske indspil, erfaringer og praksiseksempler'', Nordic Council of Ministers {{ISBN|9789289345026}}
- promarket #* '''2006''', Michael Courville and Raj Patel, "The Resurgence of Agrarian Reform in the Twenty-first Century", introduction to ''Promised land: competing visions of agrarian reform'', Food First Books, {{ISBN|978-0-935028-28-7}}, pages 18–19:
- pronic #* '''1478''' - Pierpaolo Muscharello, ''Algorismus'' p.163.<ref>Jens Høyrup, [ "What did the abbacus teachers aim at when they (sometimes) ended up doing mathematics?"], ''New perspectives on mathematical practices'', pp.47-75, World Scientific, 2009 {{ISBN|9812812229}}.</ref>
- protologism #* '''2010''' August, Alexander Humez et al., ''Short Cuts'', ''A Guide to Oaths, Ring Tones, Ransom Notes, Famous Last Words, and Other Forms of Minimalist Communication'', Oxford University Press, {{ISBN|0195389131}}, preface, unpaged:
- protose #* '''1988''', John Weightman (tr.), translation of [[w:Jean Jules Verdenal|Jean Verdenal]]'s letter to [[w:T. S. Eliot|T. S. Eliot]] dated 1912 February 5, in ''The Letters of T. S. Eliot'', volume I ([[w:Valerie Eliot|Valerie Eliot]], ed.), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, {{ISBN|0-15-150885-2}}, page 31:
- prototherian #* '''2000''', Monroe W. Strickberger, ''Evolution'', third edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, {{ISBN|0-7637-1066-0}}, pages 446–447:
- prove #* '''1964''', [[w:Jean Merrill|Jean Merrill]], [[w:The Pushcart War|''The Pushcart War'']], 2014 [[w:The New York Review Children's Collection|The New York Review Children's Collection]] edition, {{ISBN|9781590178195}}, chapter 33, page 199:
- prædecessor #* '''1716''', John Flamsteed, ''Letter to Mr. Abraham Sharp''; letter 1,421 in ''The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, the First Astronomer Royal'' (CRC Press; {{ISBN|0750307633}}, 9780750307635) published in '''1997''' by Eric G Forbes, Murdin Lesley{{,}} and Frances Willmoth (editors), [,M1 page 790]:
- præface #* '''1890''', John Ashton, ''Curious Creatures in Zoology: with 130 Illustrations Throughout the Text'', “[ The Rhinoceros]” (2008 reprint; Ulwencreutz Media, []; {{ISBN|9781409231844}}
- public intellectual #* '''2005''', Louis Mazzari, "New Introduction" to ''Preface To Peasantry'' (1936) by Arthur Franklin Raper, {{ISBN|9781570036033}}, [ p. xvii (Google preview)]:
- puerilism #* '''1932''', [[w:Aubrey Lewis|Aubrey Lewis]], "The Experience of Time in Mental Disorder," reprinted in ''Inquiries in Psychiatry'' (Routledge, 2013), {{ISBN|9781134052431}}, [ p. 14 (Google preview)]:
- pulverulent #* '''2004''', [[w:Umberto Eco|Umberto Eco]] (Geoffrey Brock. trans.), ''The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana'', {{ISBN|9780156030434}}, p. 120,
- pump-fake #* '''2003''' December 18, "Bush Won't Put Down New Football", [[w:The Onion|The Onion]], available in, 2005, ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, p. 51:
- punishing #* '''2016''', Tamara Gill, ''Only an Earl Will Do'', Entangled: Select Historical ({{ISBN|9781633757301}})
- purrfect #* '''2013''', NPR book review, quoted on the praise page of John Bradshaw, ''Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet'', Basic Books (2013), {{ISBN|9780465064960}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- push off #* '''2007''' September 12, Christina Chaplain, [[w:Government Accountability Office|Government Accountability Office]], [ GAO-07-1088R ''Space Based Infrared System High Program and its Alternative''], DIANE Publishing, {{ISBN|9781422397930}}, [ page 3]:
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- put the screws #* '''1962''', John F. Kennedy, quoted in '''2003''' by Sheldon M. Stern in ''Averting 'the Final Failure': John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis meetings'' {{ISBN|0804748462}}:
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- pæninsula #* '''2007''', Janusz Krzysztof Kozłowski, Marek Nowak, and the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, ''Mesolithic/Neolithic interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube Basin'', page 1 (illustrated edition; Archaeopress; {{ISBN|1407301683}}, 9781407301686)
- quadfurcation * '''1988''', Raymond J. Lasek and Mark M. Black (editors), ''Intrinsic Determinants of Neuronal Form and Function'', Liss, {{ISBN|084512739X}}, illustrated, page 86:
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- que vaia ben #* '''2005''', Franz Kafka, ''Un artista da fame'', Editorial Galaxia ({{ISBN|9788482888507}}), page 12 (translation of the short story "New Lamps"):
- queer #* '''1955''', [[w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout]], "When a Man Murders...",<!--... in title--> in [[w:Three Witnesses (book)|''Three Witnesses'']], October 1994 [[w:Bantam Books|Bantam]] edition, {{ISBN|0553249592}}, page 78:
- quindenary #* '''1878''', James Joseph Sylvester, ''On an Applicaton of the New Atomic Theory, etc'', appendix 1, ''Remarks on Differentiants expressed in terms of the differences of the roots of their parent quantics'', originally published in the ''American Journal of Mathematics'', republished in ''The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester'' ('''2008''', {{ISBN|0821847201}}, page 170:
- quism #* '''1992''', Kathryn P. Hess, “Twisted tensor products of DGA’s and the Adams-Hilton model for the total space of a fibration”, in Nigel Ray and Spike Walker (editors), ''Adams Memorial Symposium on Algebraic Topology'' (proceedings of a July 1990 symposium), Volume I, Cambridge University Press, {{ISBN|978-0-521-42074-7}}, [ page 51]:
- quo pro quid #* '''1876''', February 24, unknown author, ''Daily Democratic Statesman'', quoted by Chuck Parsons in ''“Pidge,” Texas Ranger'', published 2013, {{ISBN|1-60344-974-4}}, page 185 in note 94 on chapter “Pidge and the Rio Grande Frontier”:
- race detractor #* '''2002''', Francisco Valdes & Jerome McCristal Culp & Angela P. Harris, "Battles Waged, Won, and Lost: Critical Race Theory at the Turn of the Millennium" (introduction), in Francisco Valdes & Jerome McCristal Culp & Angela P. Harris (eds.), ''Crossroads, Directions and A New Critical Race Theory'', Temple University Press, {{ISBN|1566399300}}, page 5.
- raceplay #* '''2012''', Sharon Collingwood, "Feminist Teaching in Virtual Worlds: Development Of A Pedagogy", in ''Feminist Cyberspaces: Pedagogies in Transition'' (eds. Sharon Collingwood, Alvina E, Quintana, & Caroline J. Smith), Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2012), {{ISBN|9781443836814}}, [ page 283]:
- rainbow bridge #* '''1993''' The Rites of Odin, Ed Fitch, Llewellyn, {{ISBN|0-87542-224-1}}, page 273.
- rainbow bridge #* '''2004''' The Book of Seithr, Runic John, Capall Bann Publishing, {{ISBN|186163 229 0}}, page 82.
- raketero #* '''2008''', Nicanor David (Jr), ''Mga kwento ng Batang kaning-lamig: ang pagpapatuloy ng pakikipagsapalaran ng isang sira-ulong overseas filipino worker'' ({{ISBN|9789719405108}})
- rappa #* '''2001''', Nzinga Regtuinah Chavis, “enter(f*#@ckin)tained” (poem), in Tony Medina and Louis Reyes Rivera (editors), ''Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam'', Random House, {{ISBN|9780609808405}}, [ page 224]:
- rate #* '''1955''', [[w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout]], "When a Man Murders...",<!--... in title--> in [[w:Three Witnesses (book)|''Three Witnesses'']], October 1994 [[w:Bantam Books|Bantam]] edition, {{ISBN|0553249592}}, page 101:
- ratelessly * '''2008''', Xu Li, Qinyu Zhang, Hui Li, Hongguang Xu, "Little Cycle Elimination of Fountain Codes Using Distilling Correlative Columns", in the journal of the ''Congress on Image and Signal Processing'', volume 2 {{ISBN|978-0-7695-3119-9}}:
- ratto #* '''2007''', Andrea Celestino Montanaro, ''Ruvo di Puglia e il suo territorio: le necropoli : i corredi funerari tra la documentazione del XIX secolo e gli scavi moderni'', L'Erma di Bretschneider (1st ed.), {{ISBN|8882654559}}, page 60.
- raï #* '''1997''': Karen Fog Olwig & Kirsten Hastrup, ''Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological Object — chapter 3: “Which world? On the diffusion of Algerian '''raï''' to the West”'' {{qualifier|by Marc Schade-Poulsen}}, [,M1 p59: I<small>NTRODUCTION</small>] {{ISBN|0415150027}} (10); {{ISBN|978-0415150026}} (13))<sup>†</sup>
- raï #* '''1999''': Marc Schade-Poulsen, ''Men and Popular Music in Algeria: The Social Significance of Raï'', [ p34] {{ISBN|029277740X}} (10); {{ISBN|978-0292777408}} (13))
- raï #* '''2003''': Tullia Magrini, ''Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean — chapter 14: “‘And She Sang a New Song’: Gender and Music on the Sacred Landscapes of the Mediterranean”'' {{qualifier|by Philip V. Bohlman}}, [,M1 p333] {{ISBN|0226501663}} (10); {{ISBN|978-0226501666}} (13))
- recc #* '''2015''', Jennifer Rosen, ''The Cork Jester's Guide to Wine: An Entertaining Companion'' ({{ISBN|157860396X}}), page 125, part 8, subsection title:
- rechten #* '''1970''', Hannah Arendt: ''Macht und Gewalt''. 25th edition. München/Berlin/Zürich: Piper, published 2015, {{ISBN|978-3-492-20001-1}}, page 80:<br />Translation:<br />'''1970''', [[w:Hannah Arendt|Hannah Arendt]]: ''On Violence''. Orlando/Austin/New York/San Diego/London: A Harvest Book Harcourt, Inc., [ page 81]:
- recitation #* '''1896''', [[w:Frank Norris|Frank Norris]], "The 'English Courses' of the University of California", reprinted in, 1986, ''Novels and Essays'', Library of America, {{ISBN|0940450402}}, page 1109,
- redress #* '''1847''', {{w|Augustin Thierry}}; {{w|William Hazlitt}}, transl., “The Anglo-Normans and the English by Race”, in ''History of the Conquest of England by the Normans: Its Causes, and Its Consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, and on the Continent'' [...] ''Translated from the 7th Paris edition by William Hazlitt,'' [...], volume II, London: D. Bogue, <small>{{w|OCLC}} [ 458279441]</small>; reprinted Cambridge: {{w|Cambridge University Press}}, 2011, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-108-03024-3}}</small>, [ pages=357–358, footnote]:
- redskapsskur #* '''2014''', ''Porto Francos voktere'' by Ann Rosman, Bazarforlag AS {{ISBN|8280876731}} []
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- requestress #* '''1979''': Ray Coryton Hutchinson [aut.], Martyn Skinner [aut.], and Rupert Hart-Davis [ed.], ''Two Men of Letters: Correspondence Between R.C. Hutchinson, Novelist, and Martyn Skinner, Poet, 1957–1974'', <span class="plainlinks">[ page 173]</span> (Joseph; {{ISBN|0718118413}}, 9780718118419)
- resign #* '''1996''', Robin Buss, ''The Count of Monte Cristo'', translation of, [[w:Alexandre Dumas, père|Alexandre Dumas]], [[w:The Count of Monte Cristo|''Le Comte de Monte-Cristo'']], 2003 [[w:Penguin Books|Penguin]] edition, {{ISBN|0140449264}}, page 394 []:
- rettent #* '''1936''', {{w|Attila József}}, ''Nagyon fáj (It Hurts So Much),''<sup>[]</sup> translated by {{w|Peter Zollman}},<ref>József, Attila. ''43 Poems.'' Translated by Peter Zollman. Budapest, Maecenas Könyvkiadó, 2005. {{ISBN|9632031202}} [ This passage in a snippet by Google Books]</ref> {{Wikidata entity link|Q1005876}},<sup>[]</sup> and {{Wikidata entity link|Q1103115}}<sup>[]</sup>
- revealed preference #* '''2011''', John C. Whitehead, Timothy C. Haab, and Ju-Chin Huang, chapter 1: "Introduction" (pages 1–9), in John C. Whitehead, Timothy C. Haab, and Ju-Chin Huang, editors (2011), [ ''Preference data for environmental valuation: combining revealed and stated approaches''], Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics (New York: [[w:Taylor & Francis|Routledge]]), {{ISBN|978-0-415-77464-2}}, page 1:
- rhatid * '''2016''', KD Harris, ''Bloodlines - Awakening: Prequel to Medusa from the Lark Song Chronicles'' ({{ISBN|9781514431931}}): ''Rhatid!'' Mild swearing (equivalent to – ''What the hell! Hell!'') - ''Rhatid hole!'' Stronger swearing.
- riddlee #*'''2008''' Sara Klein-Braslavsky [ "Interpretative Riddles in Maimonides' ''Guide of the Perplexed''"] ''Maimonidean Studies'', Vol.5 p.152 (KTAV; {{ISBN|9780881259414}}):
- rind #* '''2010''', {{w|David Stubbs}}, ''Send Them Victorious: England's Path to Glory 2006-2010'', O Books (Zero Books), {{ISBN|9781846944574}}, p. [ 12]:
- risk-taking #* '''2007''', David E. Woodward, quoted in ''I've Got This Friend Who: Advice for Teens and Their Friends on Alcohol, Drugs, Eating Disorders, Risky Behavior, and More'' (ed. Anna Radev), Hazelden (2007), {{ISBN|9781592854585}}, [ page 48]:
- rizzacazzi #* '''1998''', Gore Vidal, Alessandra Osti ''transl.'', ''La statua di sale'' [''The City and the Pillar''], Fazi Editore ({{ISBN|9788881120901}}), page {{gbooks|c3b13idT_A0C|21}}:
- roeptoeter #* '''2017''', Sophie Hannah, ''Beste vrienden'' (English title: ''The Narrow Bed''), tr. by Anna Livestro, De Fontein, {{ISBN|9026140398}}, page 156.
- roman #* '''2014''', "[ Novel and Romance: Etymologies]". Heyworth, Gregory; Logan, Peter Melville (ed.). ''[ Encyclopedia of the Novel]'', Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, p. 942. {{ISBN|978-1118723890}} <!-- Data on Google Books is wrong. The Routledge version has one edition, it seems, and fewer pages than 942. -->
- romantopia #* '''2001''', Catherine Salmon and [[w:Donald Symons|Donald Symons]] (2001), [ ''Warrior lovers: erotic fiction, evolution, and female sexuality''] (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: [[w:Yale University Press|Yale University Press]]), {{ISBN|978-0300093544}}, page 68:
- romantopia #* '''2006''', Elizabeth Woledge, "Intimatopia: genre intersections between slash and the mainstream", chapter 3 (pages 97–114) in Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse, editors (2006), [ ''Fan fiction and fan communities in the age of the Internet: new essays''], (Jefferson, North Carolina, USA: McFarland), {{ISBN|978-0-7864-2640-9}}, page 106:
- rompope #* '''2017''', Rachel Khong, the editors of Lucky Peach, ''Lucky Peach All About Eggs: Everything We Know About the World's Most Important Food'', Clarkson Potter ({{ISBN|9780804187763}}), page 192:
- rompopo #* '''2010''', Inc. Staff Fodor's Travel Publications, ''Fodor's Guatemala, 2nd Edition'', Fodor's ({{ISBN|9781400004218}}), page 149:
- rotund #* '''1992''', Hal R. Varian, ''Microeconomic Analysis'' (3rd ed.), W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., {{ISBN|0-393-95735-7}}, p. 96–97
- run ##* '''1977''', Richard P. Rettig, Manual J. Torres, Gerald R. Garrett, ''Manny: a criminal-addict's story'', Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) {{ISBN|9780395248386}}
- run hot #* '''1996''', Rolland D. King, ''Bus Occupant Safety'', Transportation Research Board, {{ISBN|9780309060042}}, [ p. 55, Appendix H: Compromises Made by Operators to Maintain Schedules:]
- run into #* '''2003''', Julie M. Crandall and Mary Helen Brown, "The Millennium Waltz: A Story in Three-Quarter Time", Chapter 18 in Robin Patric Clair (ed.), ''Expressions of Ethnography: Novel Approaches to Qualitative Methods'', SUNY Press, {{ISBN|0-7914-5824-5}}, page 189,
- rusche #* '''1600''', {{w|Olivier de Serres}}, ''Le Théâtre d'Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs'', 1996 ed., [[Paris]]: [[w:fr:Actes Sud|Actes Sud]], 631, {{ISBN|2-7427-0952-5}}
- ruscher #* '''1600''', {{w|Olivier de Serres}}, ''Le Théâtre d'Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs'', 1996 ed., [[Paris]]: [[w:fr:Actes Sud|Actes Sud]], 631, {{ISBN|2-7427-0952-5}}
- rávesz #* '''1964''', {{w|J. D. Salinger}} (author), Judit Gyepes (translator), ''Zabhegyező'' [''{{w|The Catcher in the Rye}}''], Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó (1998), {{ISBN|9630764024}}, chapter 11, page 95:
- régime #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', pages 5<sup>{1}</sup> and 46<sup>{2}</sup> (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- rôder #* '''1995''' [1999] Couton, Patrick (transl.), ''Trois Sœurcières'', Terry Pratchett, Pocket, 5721, {{ISBN|2-266-09134-4}}, p. 10:
- sabelmarter #* '''2004''', Anton Tsjechov, ''De reis naar Sachalin'', tr. by Anita Roeland, Uitgeverij Atlas (3rd print, 2010), {{ISBN|9045019442}}.
- saddle tramp #* '''1987''', {{w|George Bowering}}, ''Caprice'' (2010 New Star edition), {{ISBN|9781554200801}}, [ (Google preview)]:
- safe pair of hands #* '''1998''' Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller ''The Fifth French Republic: Presidents, Politics and Personalities'' (Routledge) [ p.34] {{ISBN|9780415187541}}
- salamander #* '''1977''', Richard Daunton-Fear, Penelope Vigar, ''Australian Colonial Cookery'' (discussing 19th century cookery), Rigby, 1977, {{ISBN|0-7270-0187-6}}, page 41
- salinize #* '''2004''', Dr Michael Mayerfeld Bell & Michael S. Carolan, ''An Invitation to Environmental Sociology'' (Second Edition), [ p14] ([ Pine Forge Press (SAGE Publications)]; {{ISBN|0761987754}} (10), {{ISBN|978-0761987758}} (13))
- saltwater #* '''2012''', John Quiggin, ''Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Still Walk Among Us'', Princeton University Press (expanded paperback ed., 1st ed. from 2010), {{ISBN|1400842085}}, page 86.
- samara #* '''1993''', R. H. Richens, "Ulmaceae", pages 95-96 ''in'', V. H. Heywood, ed., ''Flowering Plants of the World'', updated edition, New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, {{ISBN|0-19-521037-9}}, page 96:
- samkvem #* '''2017''', TruthBeTold Ministry, ''Dansk Parallel Bibel: Dansk 1931 - Dansk 1871'', TruthBeTold Ministry (PublishDrive) ({{ISBN|9788233917104}})
- sandland #* '''2004''' November 11–17, "U.S. To Send 30,000 Mall Security Guards To Iraq",<!--"To" sic--> ''[[w:The Onion|The Onion]]'', available in ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, page 311,
- sausage party #* '''1999''' March 1, Billy (an anonymous American teenager), journal entry, published in ''Real Teens, Volume 5: Diary of a Junior Year'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Scholastic Paperbacks (2000), {{ISBN|0-439-08412-1}}, page 76,
- sausage party #* '''2005''', Jessica Hopper, “Punk Is Dead! Long Live Punk!: A Report on the State of Teen Spirit from the Mobile Shopping Mall That Is the Vans Warped Tour”, originally in the ''[[wikipedia:Chicago Reader|Chicago Reader]]'', reprinted in J. T. LeRoy (guest editor) and Paul Bresnick (series editor), ''Da Capo Best Music Writing 2005: The Year’s Finest Writing on Rock, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Country, and More'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Da Capo Press, {{ISBN|0-306-81446-3}}, page 70,
- scat #* '''1988''', “Pete”, quoted in Seymour Kleinberg, ''Alienated Affections: Being Gay in America'', Macmillan, {{ISBN|978-0-312-02158-0}}, [ page 183]:
- scepticus #* '''2011''' (quoting an earlier text?), Bernard J. F. Lonergan, "De Conscientia Christi", in ''Early Latin Theology'', University of Toronto Press ({{ISBN|9781442612358}}), page 554:
- schlockfest #* '''2012''', Christopher M. O'Brien, ''The Forrest J Ackerman Oeuvre: A Comprehensive Catalog of the Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenplays, Film Appearances, Speeches and Other Works, with a Concise Biography'', McFarland & Company (2012), {{ISBN|9780786449842}}, [ page 49] (image caption):
- schnieke #* '''2012''', Johannes Mario Simmel, ''Lieb Vaterland magst ruhig sein'', Droemer eBook ({{ISBN|9783426419298}}), [ 15]:
- schnieke #* '''2015''', Edgar Rai, ''Berlin rund um die Uhr: Weltstadt mit Schnauze'', Gmeiner-Verlag ({{ISBN|9783839246924}}), [ 63]:
- scoodie #* '''2020''', Annie's, ''Hooded Pocket Scarves'', Annie's Wholesale ({{ISBN|9781640251076}}):
- scrobiculé #* '''1943''', {{w|Jean Ray (author)|Jean Ray}}, ''La Cité de l'indicible peur'', 2016 ed., Paris, Alma, {{ISBN|978-2-36-279179-6}}, chap. IV, p. 88
- sculptrix #* '''2001''', Larissa Golden Brown and Martin John Brown, ''Demystifying Grant Seeking: What You ''Really'' Need to Do to Get Grants'' (Jossey-Bass; {{ISBN|0787956503}}, 9780787956509), <span class="plainlinks">[ page ?]</span>
- scumball #* '''2007''', Haruki Murakami, ''After Dark'' (trans. Jay Rubin), Vintage International (2007; original Japanese novel published 2004), {{ISBN|9780307388889}}, [ page 84]:
- selaphobia #* '''2013''', Yun Feng, Yang Li, and Wei Wang, ''Reduced wavefront aberration influence the visual function after the senile cataract surgery with an aspherical intraocular lens''[], {{ISBN|9783656422181}}, abstract:
- selfie stick #* '''2014''', Mikkel Svane, ''Startupland: How Three Guys Risked Everything to Turn an Idea into a Global Business'', John Wiley & Sons (2014), {{ISBN|9781118980811}}, [ pages 176-177], published 8 December:
- seneschalk #* '''2006''', Jan Hosten, ''De tempeliers. De tempelorde tijdens de kruistochten en in de Lage Landen'', Pearson (2nd edition, same year), {{ISBN|9043010618}}, page 205.
- seropositivity #* '''1986''', Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, ''Confronting AIDS: Directions for Public Health, Health Care, and Research'',<sup >[ ]</sup> National Academy Press, {{ISBN|978-0-309-03699-3}}, page 127:
- sesquiannual #* '''1979''', R. E. Meyer, ''Sesquiannual Report – April 1977-September 1978, Fossil Energy Division/DOE'' (DOE/W-7405-eng–26-1; cited in ''Surface Phenomena in Enhanced Oil Recovery'' (2013, {{ISBN|1475703376}}, page 718)
- sesquiennial #* '''2009''', John K. Ling, ''Australian Sea Lion, Neophoca cinerea'', in the ''Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals'' {{ISBN|0080919936}}:
- set by the ears #* '''1913''', [[w:Fairfax Leighton Cartwright|Fairfax Cartwright]], in T. G. Otte, ''July Crisis'', Cambridge University Press (2014), {{ISBN|9781107064904}}, page [ 140]:
- settle #* '''1880''', Ellen Murray Beam, English translation of ''Captain Fracasse'' by Théophile Gautier ({{ISBN|9781465548160}}):
- settle someone's hash #* '''2004''' July 8–14, "Devious Rabbit Tricks Bush Into Signing Gun Ban", ''[[w:The Onion|The Onion]]'', available in ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, page 202,
- sexful #* '''1893''', [[w:George Moore (novelist)|George Moore]], ''Evelyn Innes'', {{ISBN|9781440075346}} (2010 reprint by Forgotten Books), [ p. 232]:
- sexuoerotic #* '''1987''', John Money, "Homosexual Gender Identity and [[psychoneuroendocrinology|Psychoneuroendocrinology]]", in ''American Psychologist'', volume 42, issue 4, pages 384–399, as reprinted in Stella Chess, Alexander Thomas, and Margaret Hertzig (editors), ''Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development, 1988: A Selection of the Year's Outstanding Contributions to the Understanding and Treatment of the Normal and Disturbed Child'',<sup >[ ]</sup> Brunner/Mazel Publishers (1988), {{ISBN|0876305389}}, page 41,
- sfiga #* '''2014''',, ''La vita è bella ma non ci vivrei: Storie dell'Italia al tempo della crisi (e di Twitter)'', Bur ({{ISBN|9788858670095}})
- shabby chic #* '''2012''', Fodor's, ''Fodor's England 2013: with the Best of Wales'', Fodor's Travel ({{ISBN|9780876371763}})
- shalionaire #* '''2013''', Bill Powers, ''Cold, Hungry and in the Dark: Exploding the Natural Gas Supply Myth'', [[w:Douglas & McIntyre|New Society Publishers]], {{ISBN|9780865717435}}, notes on chapter 5, [ page 237], endnote 9:
- shank #* '''1986''' March 6, "Factory Work" [''Poetry'', 147], quoted in '''2009''', Deborah Boe, ''The Girl of the Early Race: Poems'', Gegensatz Press ({{ISBN|9781933237244}}):
- shanker ##* '''1986''' March 6, "Factory Work" [''Poetry'', 147], quoted in '''2009''', Deborah Boe, ''The Girl of the Early Race: Poems'', Gegensatz Press ({{ISBN|9781933237244}}):
- shelf-stable #* '''1985''', National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Committee on Food Protection, Subcommittee on Microbiological Criteria, ''An Evaluation of the Role of Microbiological Criteria for Foods and Food Ingredients'', National Academies Press ({{ISBN|9780309074711}}), page 43:
- shild #* '''2001''', J. Douglas Canfield, Maja-Lisa von Sneidern, ''The Broadview Anthology of Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century Drama'', Broadview Press ({{ISBN|9781551112701}}), page 960, quoting some edition of John Lacy's ''The Old Troop: Or, Monsieur Raggou'' (originally from 1672):
- shinny #* '''2010''', [ Jason Blake], ''Canadian Hockey Literature: A Thematic Study'', {{w|University of Toronto Press}}, {{ISBN|9780802099846}} (cloth-bound), {{ISBN|9780802097132}} (paperback), chapter two: “The Hockey Dream: Hockey as Escape, Freedom, Utopia”, [ page 63]:
- shinplaster * '''1988''', Henry Clay, ''The Papers of Henry Clay'', [ The University Press of Kentucky]; {{ISBN|0813100593}} (10), {{ISBN|978-0813100593}} (13), [ p167],
- shoot the boots #* '''2006''', Paul Dupuis, ''Armageddon Forever'', Trinity Enterprise (Canada), {{ISBN|9781897306307}}, [ p. 2]:
- shovelware #* '''2008''', Tim Holmes, “Writing Online”, in Wynford Hicks, Sally Adams, Harriett Gilbert, and Tim Holmes, ''Writing for Journalists'', 2nd edition, Abingdon, Oxon.; New York, N.Y.: {{w|Routledge}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-415-46020-0}}</small>, [ pages 134 and 135]:
- show one's true stripes #* '''2002''', [[w:Jeffrey Eugenides|Jeffrey Eugenides]], ''Middlesex'', {{ISBN|9780307401946}} (2011 reprint), [ p. 363 (Google preview)]:
- sib-bred #* '''1919''' (printed 2013), Rosslyn Mannering, ''Mules and Hybrids - Production, Management, & Exhibition'' ({{ISBN|9781447492634}}):
- sick #* '''2001''' (publication date), Anna Heilman, ''Never Far Away: The Auschwitz Chronicles of Anna Heilman'', University of Calgary Press, {{ISBN|1552380408}}, page 82,
- side #* '''2006''', American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, ''Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured'' (Jones & Bartlett Learning, {{ISBN|9780763744069}}, [ p. 234]:
- similitude #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 67, ''The Renaissance Episteme'' (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- similitude #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 67, ''The Renaissance Episteme'' (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- simpatiya #* '''1997''', Mariano Ponce, Maria Luisa T. Camagay, Wystan Dela Peña, Sentro ng Wikang Filipino, University of the Philippines System. Office of Research Coordination, ''Mariano Ponce cartas sobre la revolucion'', Sentro Ng Wikang Filipino Sistemang Unibersidad Ng Pilipinas ({{ISBN|9789718781562}})
- site #* '''1991''', V. Yodaiken, K. Ramamritham, ''Verification of a Reliable Net Protocol'', read in J. (Jan) Vytopil (editor), ''Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: Second International Symposium, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January 1992: Proceedings'', Springer, {{ISBN|0387550925}}, [,M1 p. 208],
- site #* '''1999''', Publisher's notes on relevant web sites, in front of Charlotte Bronte, ''Jane Eyre'', Wordsworth Editions (1999), {{ISBN|1853260207}}, [,M1 p. xxvi],
- situationship #* '''2017''', Jamila Jasper, ''The Situationship: BWWM Romance Novel'', Publisher s23991 ({{ISBN|9788827511275}}):
- six o'clock * '''2005''', Jonathon Green, ''Cassell's Dictionary of Slang'', Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ({{ISBN|9780304366361}}), page 1377, "straight up six o'clock girl": [1940s] (US Black) a very thin woman
- skandieren #* '''2018''', {{w|Maryam Madjidi}}, ''Du springst, ich falle: Roman'', translated from the French by [[w:de:Julia Schoch|Julia Schoch]], Aufbau Digital ({{ISBN|9783841214881}})
- skiffer #* '''2014'''<!--?-->, Charles Francis Hall, ''Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition Made by Charles F. Hall'', Cambridge University Press ({{ISBN|9781108071468}}), page 582:
- skinheads on a raft #* '''2015''', Melanie Hudson (Fiction writer), ''The Wedding Cake Tree (Choc Lit)'', Choc Lit {{ISBN|9781781891537}}
- skvatten #* '''2016''', Katja Kettu (Translated by Birgita Bonde Hansen), ''Natsværmeren'', Art People {{ISBN|9788771804454}}
- skvatten #* '''2016''', Jane Austen (Translator unknown), ''Fornuft og følelse'', Lindhardt og Ringhof {{ISBN|9788711537695}}
- slam-bang #* '''2004''' March 18–24, Jack Harvey (pseudonym), "Once Again, Oscar Is King Of The Rings"<!--sic all words have initial caps-->, in ''[[w:The Onion|The Onion]]'', available in ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, page 114,
- slam-bang #* '''1985''', Paul Theroux, "Introduction", to, Henry James, ''What Maisie Knew'', Penguin Classics, {{ISBN|0140432485}}, page 13,
- sleep #* '''2019''', Jahangir Moini, ''Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals'', Jones & Bartlett Learning ({{ISBN|9781284151978}}), page 780, entry "Medial canthus":
- slide off #* '''1974''' June, {{w|John Le Carré}}, ''{{w|Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy}}'', London: {{w|Hodder & Stoughton}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-340-18879-8}}</small>; republished in ''[[w:Smiley Versus Karla|The Quest for Karla]]'', London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-340-28376-9}}</small>, page 162:
- slide off #* '''2003''', {{w|David Nobbs}}, “The Nervous Nineties”, in ''I Didn't Get Where I Am Today: An Autobiography'', London: [[w:Heinemann (publisher)|Heinemann]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-434-00897-1}}</small>; republished London: Arrow Books, [[w:Random House|The Random House Group]], 2004, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-09-942164-1}}</small>, [ page 444]:
- slipper #* '''1995''', Russ McDonald, “Sex, Lies, and Shakespearean Drama”, in Jeanne Addison Roberts (editor), part one of Peggy O’Brien (editor), ''Shakespeare Set Free: Teaching ''Twelfth Night'' and ''Othello, Simon and Schuster, {{ISBN|978-0-671-76047-2}}, [ page 3]:
- sloganizer #* '''2007''', Dean Lipton, "The Man Who Answered Marx," in ''Free Market Economics: A Reader'' (Bettina Bien Greaves, ed.), {{ISBN|9781610165464}}, [ p. 219 (Google preview)]:
- sloom #* '''2001''', Gemma O'Connor, ''Walking on Water'',<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> Berkley Publishing Group (2003), {{ISBN|978-0-515-13597-8}}, page 205:
- slop shoot #* '''2012''', Thomas L. Little, ''A Lonesome Warrior'', {{ISBN|1469153785}}, chapter 7 “Liberty Call”:
- slut-bag #* '''2006''', Blythe Dhia, "E-Date from Hell", in ''Chemistry and Numbers 2: Sexy, Funny, Horrifying, and Yes, Successful Online Dating Stories from More Than 50 Online Daters'' (compiled by Steve Monas), BookSurge (2006), {{ISBN|1419651676}}, [ page 202]:
- smell of an oily rag #* '''1998''', Ian Shaw, quoted in Richard Strauss, ''Up for Rego: A Social History of the Holden Kingswood'', Pluto Press Australia, {{ISBN|9781864030549}}, [,M1 pg. 33]:
- smiteful #* '''2010''', Karl E. Smith, ''Meaning, Subjectivity, Society: Making Sense of Modernity'', Brill (2010), {{ISBN|9789004181724}}, [ page 203] (footnote):
- snarktastic #* '''2008''', Alexa Young, ''Frenemies'', HarperTeen (2008), {{ISBN|9780061175619}}, [ age 177]:
- snatchier #* '''2008''', ''[ Linguistic Insights]'' (ISSN 14248689), volume 58, Carmen Frehner, “Email – SMS – MMS: The Linguistic Creativity of Asynchronous Discourse in the New Media Age” ([ Peter Lang], {{ISBN|9783039114511}}, [ page 133]
- snoggle #* '''2010'''<!-- ?--> ('''2012'''), Roger Ebert, "Chandi Chowk to China", Chicago Sun-Times, reprinted in ''A Horrible Experience of Unbearable Length: More Movies That Suck'', Andrews McMeel Publishing, {{ISBN|978-1-4494-1025-4}}, page 39
- snuba #* '''2001''', Christie Stilson, ''Maui and Lanaʻi'', Ninth Edition,<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> Prima, {{ISBN|9780761529576}}, page 400:
- snug #* '''1853''', Melville, Herman, ''Bartleby, the Scrivener'', in ''Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories'', New York: Penguin Books, 1968; reprint 1995 as ''Bartleby'', {{ISBN|0146000129}}, page 2:
- snug #* '''1853''', Melville, Herman, ''Bartleby, the Scrivener'', in ''Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories'', New York: Penguin Books, 1968; reprint 1995 as ''Bartleby'', {{ISBN|0146000129}}, page 2:
- socca #* '''2011''', Fodor's, ''Fodor's Provence & the French Riviera: with Paris'', Fodor's Travel ({{ISBN|9780307928498}})
- soccerer #* '''2013''', Helmut Digel, ''Sociological Aspects of Modern Sports'', Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., {{ISBN|9781841263571}}, chapter II.7, {{gbooks|7DD_HlL77XMC|161|soccerer}}:
- softnose #* '''2004''' October 28 – November 3, William Gussie (pseudonym), "Man, I Wish That Sniper Would Go Away", ''[[w:The Onion|The Onion]]'', available in ''Embedded in America'', {{ISBN|1400054567}}, page 300,
- soul-searching #* '''1974''' September 8, [[w:Jerald terHorst|Jerald F[ranklin] terHorst]], letter of resignation as {{w|White House Press Secretary}}<sup>[]</sup>, quoted in Jerald F. terHorst, ''Gerald Ford and the Future of the Presidency'', New York, N.Y.: Third Press, 1974, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-89388-191-7}}</small>, page 236:
- southerly buster #* '''1850''', B. C. Peck, ''Recollections of Sydney'', quoted in 1978, G. A. Wilkes, ''A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms'', {{ISBN|0-424-00034-2}},
- speaking of #* '''2009''', [[w:Wells Tower|Wells Tower]], “Executors of Important Energies” (short story), in ''Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned'', Macmillan, {{ISBN|978-0-374-29219-5}}, [ page 83]:
- special measures #* '''2015''', Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP), ''Good Governance Handbook'', Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) {{ISBN|9781907561047}}, page 22
- spectrumy #* '''2011''', Claire LaZebnik, ''Families and Other Nonreturnable Gifts'', 5 Spot (2011), {{ISBN|9781455505500}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- speedos #* '''2000''' July, Ian Jack (editor), ''[[w:Granta|Granta]]'', Issue 70: ''Australia: The New New World'', {{ISBN|1-929001-00-2}}, [ page 42],
- spellwork #* '''1993''', "''Celtic Magic'' by [[w:D. J. Conway|D. J. Conway]]" (advertisement) in Ted Andrews, ''Enchantment of the Faerie Realm'', {{ISBN|9780875420028}}, [ p. 224]:
- spider #* '''2005''', Marty Davidson, ''Grandma Grace's Southern Favorites'', recipe for “strawberry coconuts”, Rutledge Hill Press, {{ISBN|1-4016-0219-3}}, page 193:
- spider #* '''1996''', City and Guilds of London Institute, ''Food preparation and cooking. Cookery units. Student guide.'', Stanley Thornes, {{ISBN|0-7487-2566-0}}, unit 2ND5, element 2, page 157:
- squeeze box #* '''1998''' July, Andrew Todhunter, “Dark Passage: Descending into the Depths of California’s Longest Known Cave”, in ''[[w:The Atlantic|The Atlantic Monthly]]''<sup>[]</sup>, volume 282, number 1, archived from [ the original] on 21 September 2015, pages 90–94; reprinted in ''Dangerous Games: Ice Climbing, Storm Kayaking, and other Adventures from the Extreme Edge of Sports'', 1st Anchor Books edition, New York, N.Y.: Anchor Books, {{w|Random House}}, November 2001, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-385-48644-6}}</small>, pages 61–62:
- squillion #* '''1974''', Fynn, ''Mister God, This Is Anna'', Ballantine Books (2000), {{ISBN|0345441559}}, [ pages 102-103]:
- squirrel cage #* '''1986''', [[w:Madison Smartt Bell|Madison Smartt Bell]], ''Straight Cut'' (2011 Open Road Media edition), {{ISBN|9781453235515}}, [ (Google Preview)]:
- stack ##* '''2007''', Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Education and Skills Committee, ''Post-16 skills: ninth report of session 2006-07, Vol. 2: Oral and written evidence'', The Stationery Office {{ISBN|9780215036032}}, page 42
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- starfucker #* '''2003''', Robert A. Schanke, ''"That Furious Lesbian": The Story of Mercedes De Acosta'' {{ISBN|080932511X}} p. 1<!-- Note that the usage here is a quote. It would be good to track down the original -->
- stashbox #* '''2001''', Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill, Baen Books (2001), {{ISBN|0671319558}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- stel #* '''2017''', Kirk Hamilton (Inge Arends), ''En lejemorders kugle'', Lindhardt og Ringhof ({{ISBN|9788711496923}})
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- stocker #* '''1993''', Mike Mueller, ''Chrysler Muscle Cars'' {{ISBN|087938817X}}, MotorBooks/MBI Publishing Company, page 86:
- stocker #* '''2002''', Jim Richardson, How to Build a Small-Block Chevy for the Street {{ISBN|0760310963}}, page 58:
- straight r #* '''1989''', Arend Quak, Florus (Floor) Rhee, ''Palaeogermanica et onomastica.'', Rodopi ({{ISBN|9789051831474}}), page 3:
- studiefinanciering #* '''2005''', Annette A.M. Schrauwen, "Burgerschap, vrij verkeer en financiële solidariteit of hoe EU Lidstaten grip verliezen op studiefinanciering en sociale zekerheid", in Lia Versteegh et al. (ed.), ''De veelzijdige burger. Opstellen voor Prof.Mr. P.J.G. Kapteyn'', Pallas Publications/AUP, {{ISBN|9085553318}}, page 111.
- subcatastrophic #* '''2005''', Charles Richard Clark, Edward C. Benzel, Cervical Spine Research Society. Editorial Committee, ''The Cervical Spine'' (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, {{ISBN|9780781735766}}), page 126:
- subterrene #* '''2009''', November, {{w|Mark Ellis (writer)|Mark Ellis}} as {{w|James Axler}}, ''{{w|Outlanders}}'' 051: ''Warlord of the Pit'', {{ISBN|0-373-63864-7}}:
- summerfag #* '''2011''', unidentified 4chan poster, quoted in Cole Stryker, ''Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan's Army Conquered the Web'', The Overlook Press (2011), {{ISBN|9781590207383}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- summon #* '''2011''', Sister Louise Sweigart, cgs, ''Joseph: A Guiding Light'', Inspiring Voices {{ISBN|9781462400089}}, page 61
- superfood #* '''2015''', Sonoma Press, ''Quinoa: The Everyday Superfood: 150 Gluten-Free Recipes to Delight Every Kind of Eater'', Arcas Publishing {{ISBN|9781942411710}}
- supervacaneous #* '''1972''', Aiko Itō and Graeme Wilson, translating {{w|Natsume Sōseki}}, ''{{w|I Am a Cat}}'' (2002 combined edition, [[w:Tuttle Publishing|Tuttle Publishing]], {{ISBN|080483265X}}, volume one, chapter III, <span class="plainlinks">[ page 152]</span>:
- sura #* '''1985''', Kristina Nelson, ''The Art of Reciting the Qurʾan'', {{w|Cairo}}, {{w|Egypt}}: {{w|American University in Cairo Press}} (2001), {{ISBN|9774245946}}, chapter 2: “[[w:Tajwid|''Tajwīd'']]”, [ page 25]:
- suspension #* '''1979''', [[w:Irving Kaufman|Irving R[obert] Kaufman]], Chief Judge, {{w|United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit}}, “Thomas v. Board of Education”, in ''[[w:Federal Reporter|The Federal Reporter. Second Series. Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Courts of Appeals and District Courts of the United States and the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, with Key-number Annotations]]'', volume 607, St. Paul, Minn.: [[w:West (publisher)|West Publishing Company]], <small>{{OCLC|891573999}}</small>, page 1045; reprinted in Michael Imber; Tyll van Geel, “Student Freedom of Expression”, in ''Education Law'', 4th edition, New York, N.Y.; Abingdon, Oxon.: {{w|Routledge}}, 2010, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-415-99613-6}}</small>, [ page 158]:
- suwar #* '''1985''', Kristina Nelson, ''The Art of Reciting the Qurʾan'', {{w|Cairo}}, {{w|Egypt}}: {{w|American University in Cairo Press}} (2001), {{ISBN|9774245946}}, chapter 2: “[[w:Tajwid|''Tajwīd'']]”, [ page 25]:
- sweet on #* '''2007''', P. M. Carlson, "Frightened Out of Fear" in ''Sisters on the Case'', [[w:Sara Paretsky|Sara Paretsky]] (ed.), {{ISBN|9781440620331}}, [ p. 26 (Google preview)]:
- swinge #* '''1679''', {{w|Aphra Behn}}, ''The Feigned Courtesans'', in (The plays of) Aphra Behn, Oxford University press 2000, p.233. {{ISBN|0192834517}}
- szám #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 20, page 193:
- süt #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 15, page 139:
- sūtra #* '''2005''': Cynthia Joanne Brokaw & Kai-wing Chow, ''Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China'', <span style="font-variant:small-caps">essay ten:</span> ''Visual Hermeneutics and the Act of Turning the Leaf: A Genealogy of Liu Yuan’s Lingyan ge'', by Anne Burkus-Chasson, [ p371] (The [ University of California Press]; {{ISBN|0520231260}} (10), {{ISBN|978-0520231269}} (13))
- səndemə #* '''2017''', Cabbar Məmmədov, ''DİPLOMATİK PSİXOLOGİYA: Siyasi, ideoloji və psixoloji diversiya və anti-diversiyaların metodları'', "Political Technologies", USA ({{ISBN|9785861062251}}), page 161:
- table de nuit #* '''1908''', {{w|Gaston Leroux}}, ''Le Mystère de la chambre jaune'', 2009 ed., [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune|Wikisource]], [[s:fr:Le Mystère de la chambre jaune/1|chap. 1]]; translated '''1908''' by anonymous, Margaret Jull Costa (ed.), as ''{{w|The Mystery of the Yellow Room}}'', 2003 ed., {{w|Dedalus Books|Dedalus}}, {{ISBN|1-873982-38-0}}:
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- takatak boy #* '''2006''', Zosimo Quibilan (Jr), ''Pagluwas'', UP Press ({{ISBN| 9789715425261}})
- take the cash and let the credit go #* '''1977''', [[w:Philip K. Dick|Philip K. Dick]], ''[[w:A Scanner Darkly|A Scanner Darkly]]'' (2011 edition), {{ISBN|9780547601311}}, [ Author's Note (Google preview)]:
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- tell #* '''1990''', {{w|Stephen Coonts}}, Under Siege, 1991 {{w|Pocket Books}} edition, {{ISBN|0671742949}}, p.409:
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- terracide #* '''1998''', Daniel C. Maguire & Larry L. Rasmussen, ''Ethics for a Small Planet: New Horizons on Population, Consumption, and Ecology'', State University of New York Press (1998), {{ISBN|9780791436455}}, [ back cover blurb]:
- tertiary #* '''1831''', [{{w|Mary Shelley}}], chapter 2, in ''[[w:Frankenstein|Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus]]'' (Standard Novels; no. 9), rev. and corr. edition, London: {{w|Henry Colburn}} and [[w:Richard Bentley (publisher)|Richard Bentley]], {{w|New Burlington Street}}; Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute; Dublin: Cumming, <small>{{OCLC|858441409}}</small>; republished as Mary Shelley, ''Frankenstein'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|Bantam Books}}, November 1991, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-553-21044-6}}</small>, [ page 25]:
- tertiary #* '''2008''', Tamar Herzig, “The Power of Visions: Lucia Brocadelli and [[w:Osanna of Mantua|Osanna Andreasi]]”, in ''Savonarola’s Women: Visions and Reform in Renaissance Italy'', Chicago, Ill.; London: {{w|University of Chicago Press}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-226-32915-4}}</small>; large print edition, Richmond, B.C.: Ltd., 2010, <small>{{ISBN|978-1-4596-0628-9}}</small>, [ page 146]:
- texas #* '''2017''', Jean-Louis Adorsen, ''Høstmørke'', adorsen (e-publ.), {{ISBN|9788269092714}}.
- thakked #* '''1551''', ''York House Book'', quoted in: A. G. Dickens, ''Reformation Studies'', {{ISBN|082642449X}}.
- the good doctor #*'''2011''', Arthur T. White (2011), ''[ The 2012 Black Hole Killer]'', Bloomington, Indiana, USA: [[w:AuthorHouse|AuthorHouse]], {{ISBN|978-1-4567-3071-0}}, page 275:
- the pen is mightier than the sword #* '''2011''', Qazi Nasir Uddin, Ph.D., ''The Other Side'', Author House ({{ISBN|9781452079509}}), page [ 108]:
- the wheel turns #* '''2010''', Laurent Fignon, ''We Were Young and Carefree: The Autobiography of Laurent Fignon'' (trans. by William Fotheringham), Yellow Jersey Press (2010; original French version published 2009), {{ISBN|9780224083195}}, [ page 64]:
- theocrasy #* '''2007''': Isaac Bonewits, ''Neopagan Rites: A Guide to Creating Public Rituals That Work'', chapter 1: “Defining Our Terms”, page 3 (first edition; Llewellyn<!-- [sic] -->; {{ISBN|9780738711997}}
- they #* '''2008''', {{w|Michelle Obama}}, quoted in {{w|Lisa Rogak}}, ''Michelle Obama in Her Own Words'', New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2009. {{ISBN|978 1 58648 762 1}}, page 18:
- thin space #* '''2002''', [[w:Robert Bringhurst|Robert Bringhurst]], ''The Elements of Typographic Style'' (version 2.5), Vancouver, Hartley & Marks, {{ISBN|0-88179-133-4}}, p 43:
- thornback #* '''1710''', Isaac Bickerstaff (pseudonym), ''A Good husband for five shillings, or Esquire Bickerstaff's Lottery'', quoted in '''2016''', Amy M. Froide, ''Silent Partners: Women As Public Investors During Britain's Financial Revolution, 1690-1750'', Oxford University Press ({{ISBN|9780198767985}}), page 46:
- threaten #* '''2000''', Lew Freedman, Diamonds in the Rough: Baseball Stories from Alaska, {{ISBN|0945397828}}, page 69
- threequel #* '''1999''' June 30, Katherine Anne Ackley, ''Perspectives on Contemporary Issues'', ''Readings Across the Disciplines'', Harcourt, fourth edition, Thomson Wadsworth (2006), {{ISBN|1413010687}}, page 267
- thursty #* '''1548''' (in '''2006''', David A. Copeland, Daniel Schorr, ''The Idea of a Free Press: The Enlightenment and Its Unruly Legacy'', Northwestern University Press ({{ISBN|9780810123298}}), page 53):
- thésauriser #* '''1963''', {{w|Nicolas Bouvier}}, ''L'Usage du Monde'', 2005 ed., Payot & Rivages, {{ISBN|978-2-228-89401-2}}, p. 158; translated '''1992''' by Robyn Marsack as ''The Way of the World'', 2011 ed., {{w|Eland Books|Eland}}, {{ISBN|978-1-78060-090-1}}:
- tickbite #* '''1999''', M.D. Becker and J.T. Rosenbaum, “Essential Laboratory Tests in Uveitis”, David BenEzra (editor), ''Uveitis Update'', Volume 31 of W. Behrens-Baumann (editor), ''Developments in Ophthalmology'', Karger Publishers, {{ISBN|978-3-8055-6891-3}}, [ page 99]:
- time ##* '''2015''', Highfield, ''Arrow Of Time'', Random House {{ISBN|9780753551790}}
- tobacco mosaic #* '''1992''', {{w|James D. Watson}} and others, ''Recombinant DNA'', second edition, Scientific American Books, {{ISBN|0716719940}}, page 64:
- toe rag #* '''2001''', {{w|Eric Clapton}}, liner notes to ''{{w|Reptile (album)|Reptile}}''”, quoted in William Ruhlmann, “''Reptile'' / Mar. 13, 2001 / Reprise”, Vladimir Bogdanov et al., ''All Music Guide to the Blues: The Definitive Guide to the Blues'', Third Edition, Hal Leonard Corporation, {{ISBN|0879307366}}, [ page 116]:
- toepoke #* '''2004''', [[w:Ferdinand Mount|Ferdinand Mount]], ''Mind the Gap: The New Class Divide in Britain'',<sup >[ ][ ]</sup> Short Books, {{ISBN|9781904095941}}, page 250:
- token #* '''1398''', in {{w|Hans Kurath}} & Sherman M. Kuhn, eds., ''{{w|Middle English Dictionary}}'', Ann Arbor, Mich.: {{w|University of Michigan Press}} 1962, [[Special:BookSources/978-0-472-01044-8|{{ISBN|978-0-472-01044-8}}]], page 1242:
- toolcase #* '''2001''', Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill, Baen Books (2001), {{ISBN|0671319558}}, [ unnumbered page]:
- tootsie #* '''2006''', James W. Brann, MD, Women's Healthcare, ''Surviving the Joy of Pregnancy'', James Brann {{ISBN|9780978832605}}
- toroid * '''1994''', The photon belt, a huge '''torroid''' ''[sic]'' shaped object composed of photon light particles, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. — ''You are Becoming a Galactic Human'', by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidel, {{ISBN|0937147087}}, pp. 27–28
- torturee #* '''2007''', Mirko Bagaric and Julie Clarke, ''Torture: When the Unthinkable is Morally Permissible'', [[w:Albany, New York|Albany]]: {{w|State University of New York Press}}, {{ISBN|9780791471531}} (hardcover), {{ISBN|9780791471548}} (paperback), [ page 37]:
- trafikkulykke #* '''2017''', "Igor" by Simon Edvardsen, FH Forlag {{ISBN|826906551X}} []
- trainwreck #* '''2014''' (published), Paul Monette, ''West of Yesterday, East of Summer: New and Selected Poems (1973–1993)'' ({{ISBN|1480473731}}), ''Manifesto'':
- trampe #* '''2015''', "Rolf Sin" by Line Urke, Regionavisa {{ISBN|8230330743}} []
- trans womyn #* '''2011''', Laurie Penny, ''Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism'' (John Hunt Publishing, {{ISBN|9781846945212}}), quoting Marja Erwin:
- trans womyn #* '''2017''', Heath Fogg Davis, ''Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter?'', NYU Press ({{ISBN|9781479855407}}), page 91, quoting a MichFest statement:
- transcolonial #* '''2004''', Bill Nasson, Rob Siebörger, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa), ''Turning points in history'', Ste ({{ISBN|9781919855318}}):
- transdiscursive #* '''1997''': Chris Horrocks<!-- illustrated by Zoran Jevtic -->, ''Introducing Foucault'', page 5 (Totem Books, Icon Books; {{ISBN|1840460865}}
- transgender #* '''2002''' October 2, ''Boston Globe'', ''Group wants '''transgender''' bathrooms for UMASS'', quoted in '''2010''', Sheila L. Cavanagh, ''Queering Bathrooms'' {{ISBN|1442699973}}
- translesbian #* '''2008''', Audrey Yue, "King Victoria: Asian Drag Kings, Postcolonial Female Masculinity, and Hybrid Sexuality in Australia", in ''AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Genders and Sexualities'' (ed. Fran Martin, Peter A. Jackson, Mark McLelland, & Audrey Yue), University of Illinois Press (2008), {{ISBN|9780252091810}}, [ page 253]:
- translesbian #* '''2009''', Izzo Mirella (translated from the Italian by Simona Continente), ''AzioneTrans Manifesto'', (2009), {{ISBN|140927411X}}, [ page 7]:
- transluce #* '''1970''', Robert S. Hartman, Robert. E. Carter, "Dialogue on Intrinsic Value" (1970), pages 122-23, quoted in '''2014''', Rem B. Edwards, John W. Davis, ''Forms of Value and Valuation: Theory and Application'', Wipf and Stock Publishers ({{ISBN|9781625648471}}), page 119:
- transmisogynist #* '''2012''', Rachel Zall, quoted in Andrew Hickey, ''Preservation: The Kinks' Music 1964-1974'', (2012), {{ISBN|9781291049329}}, [ page 137], published 2 September 2012:
- transphobe #* '''1999''', Gordene O. Mackenzie, "50 Billion Galaxies of Gender: Transgendering the Millennium", in ''Reclaiming Genders: Transsexual Grammars at the'' Fin de Siècle (ed. Kate More & [[w:Stephen Whittle|Stephen Whittle]]), Cassell (1999), {{ISBN|0304337773}}, [ page 214]:
- trap #* '''2012''' (original 1981), Alix Kates Shulman, ''On the Stroll: A Novel'', Open Road Media ({{ISBN|9781453238370}}):
- trap house #* '''2015''', Anthony Abraham Jack, "Crisscrossing Boundaries: Variation in Experiences with Class Marginality Among Lower-Income, Black Undergraduates at an Elite College", in Elizabeth M. Lee & Chaise LaDousa (eds.), ''College Students’ Experiences of Power and Marginality: Sharing Spaces and Negotiating Differences'', Routledge, {{ISBN|1317664353}} reporting a respondent's statement.
- trefot #* '''1984''' Futharc A Handbook of Runic Magic, Eldred Thorson, Weser, {{ISBN|0-87728-548-9}}, page 108.
- trefot #* '''1993''' Our Troth, by the Ring of Troth and other true folk, The Ring of Troth, {{ISBN|0-9623957-8-1}}, page 668.
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- trepidate #* '''1878''', a Memphis newspaper, quoted in '''2015''', John H. Ellis, ''Yellow Fever and Public Health in the New South'', University Press of Kentucky ({{ISBN|9780813148229}}), page 51:
- triple goddesses #* '''2008''', Michelle Skye, ''Goddess Afoot!: Practicing Magic With Celtic & Norse Goddesses'', Llewellyn Publications (2008), {{ISBN|9780738713311}}, [ page 250] (footnote):
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- tumulosity #* '''1964''', Donald Barthelme, "A Picture History of the War", reprinted in ''Flying to America: 45 More Stories'', Shoemaker Hoard (2007), {{ISBN|9781582434438}}, [ page 259]:
- tura-lura #* '''1982''' June, unattributed/traditional, “Jug of Punch”, ''Soodlum's Irish Ballad Book'', Oak Publications, {{ISBN|9781783235278}}, unpaged:
- tura-lura #* '''2003''', Henri Godard, ''Fable for another time'', translation of ''Férie pour une autre fois'' (1952), University of Nebraska Press, {{ISBN|9780803264243}}, page 67:
- tweak #* '''1995''', Alida Brill, Feminist Press, ''A Rising Public Voice: Women in Politics Worldwide'', Feminist Press at CUNY ({{ISBN|9781558611115}}), page 177:
- tweetaholic #* '''2011''', John Mayer, quoted in Rena Bivens, ''Digital Currents: How Technology and the Public are Shaping TV News'', University of Toronto Press (2014), {{ISBN|9781442615861}}, [ page 17]:
- twilitten #* '''2008''': Terence Scott, ''Broken Poetry in Abstract Fragmentation'', “The Wind that Whispers Crystal Blue”, 2nd verse, on <span class="plainlinks">[ page 32] ([ AuthorHouse]</span>; {{ISBN|9781438917696}}
- twit #* '''1955''', [[w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout]], "When a Man Murders...",<!--... in title--> in [[w:Three Witnesses (book)|''Three Witnesses'']], October 1994 [[w:Bantam Books|Bantam]] edition, {{ISBN|0553249592}}, page 106:
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- uberfan #* '''2007''', Dave Fanning, "Forward", in Višnja Cogan, ''U2: An Irish Phenomenon'', Pegasus Books (2008), {{ISBN|9781933648712}}, [ page x]:
- ufoilla #* '''2013''', Åsa Lantz, ''Miehemme Shanghaissa'', (translation from Swedish by Marja Kyrö) Tammi {{ISBN|9789513169985}}
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- undry #* '''1947''', George Bijur, "Chicken Demi-Deuil", reprinted in, 2004, [[w:Ruth Reichl|Ruth Reichl]], editor, ''Remembrance of Things Paris: Sixty Years of Writing from ''[[w:Gourmet (magazine)|Gourmet]], 2005 edition, {{ISBN|0812971930}}, page 21 []:
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- upsila #* '''1991''', Jaan Puhvel, ''Hittite Etymological Dictionary: Words beginning with H'' (<span class="plainlinks">[ Walter de Gruyter], {{ISBN|9783110115475}}, [ pages 303–304]</span>
- upsila #* '''1994''', Adam Bülow-Jacobsen [ed.], ''Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23–29 August, 1992'' (<span class="plainlinks">[ Museum Tusculanum Press], {{ISBN|9788772892641}}, [ page 286]</span>
- usufruct #* '''1931''' September, [[w:H. L. Mencken|H[enry] L[ouis] Mencken]], “The Boon of Culture”, in ''{{w|The American Mercury}}'', Torrance, Calif.: American Mercury, <small>[[w:International Standard Serial Number|ISSN]] 0002-998X</small>, <small>{{OCLC|4712467}}</small>, page 36; reprinted in H. L. Mencken, editor, ''A Mencken Chrestomathy: Edited and Annotated by the Author'', New York, N.Y.: {{w|Vintage Books}}, May 1982, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-394-75209-9}}</small>, part XVII (Pedagogy), [ page 313]:
- usufruct #* '''1994''', Abdullah Alwi Haji Hassan, “Loans, Deposit and al-Ḥajr”, in ''Sales and Contracts in Early Islamic Commercial Law'', Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, [[w:International Islamic University, Islamabad|International Islamic University]], (Islamic Research Institute, Islamabad; no. 92), <small>{{ISBN|978-817151233-1}}</small>, <small>{{OCLC|818810087}}</small>; republished Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: The Other Press, 2007, <small>{{ISBN|978-983-9541-56-4}}</small>, [ page 199]:
- usufruction #* '''1994''', Abdullah Alwi Haji Hassan, “Loans, Deposit and al-Ḥajr”, in ''Sales and Contracts in Early Islamic Commercial Law'', Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, [[w:International Islamic University, Islamabad|International Islamic University]], (Islamic Research Institute, Islamabad; no. 92), <small>{{ISBN|978-817151233-1}}</small>, <small>{{OCLC|818810087}}</small>; republished Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: The Other Press, 2007, <small>{{ISBN|978-983-9541-56-4}}</small>, [ page 199]:
- vaporescent #* '''1993''', [[w:Donald Antrim|Donald Antrim]], ''Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World'', {{ISBN|9781429977371}} (2012 Macmillan edition), [ p. 35 (Google preview)]:
- vegephobia #* '''2013''', Mark Allerton, "[ Apart from shortness, '''vegephobia''' and addiction to technology, how are children different?]", in ''Children's Court of NSW Resource Handbook'', {{ISBN|9780731356324}}, page 23 (used in title only)
- velhængt #* '''2016''', Katja Kettu (Translated by Birgita Bonde Hansen), ''Natsværmeren'', Art People {{ISBN|9788771804454}}
- vendress #* '''2012''', Don Romesburg, “Longevity and Limits in Rae Bourbon’s ''Life in Motion''” in: Trystan T. Cotten (editor), ''Transgender Migrations: The Bodies, Borders, and Politics of Transition'', {{w|Routledge}}, {{ISBN|9780415888455}} (hardback), {{ISBN|9780415888462}} (paperback), {{ISBN|9780203808269}} (e-book), [ page 127]:
- verballhornen #* '''2013''', Bastian Sick, ''Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod - Folge 5: Folge 5'', Kiepenheuer & Witsch ({{ISBN|9783462307054}}) [a mentioning and no usage]
- verballhornen #* '''2014''', Peter J. Biel, ''Das kleine Lexikon der Druckersprache: Alte und neue Fachbegriffe rund um Buchdruck, Satz & Co.'', John Wiley & Sons ({{ISBN|9783527685714}}) [a mentioning and no usage]
- verbform #* '''1992''' August, Kees Hengeveld, "Structure of adverbial clauses", in Betty Devriendt, Louis Goossens, Johan van der Auwera, ''Complex Structures: A Functionalist Perspective'', Walter de Gruyter (1996), {{ISBN|3110143852}}, page 135,
- verwaisen #* '''1998''', Frieder R. Lang, Yvonne Schütze, in: Michael Wagner, Yvonne Schütze (eds.), ''Verwandtschaft: Sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu einem vernachlässigten Thema'', volume 14 of: ''Der Mensch als soziales und personales Wesen'', edited by L. Krappmann, K. A. Schneewind, L. A. Vaskovics, Enke {{ISBN|3-432-30151-0}}, page 176
- vettskremt #* '''2014''', "Dødens Engel" by Paul Hoffman, Front Forlag {{ISBN|8282603317}} []
- videmus #* '''1987''': A. van Dantzig and Adam Jones (editor), ''Fontes Historiae Africanae: Series Varia'', volume 5: Pieter de Marees, “Description and Historical Account of the Gold Kingdom of Guinea (1602)”, <span class="plainlinks">[ page 29]</span> (illustrated edition; Oxford University Press for The British Academy; {{ISBN|019726056X}}, 9780197260562)
- viskelær #* '''2016''', Lori Nelson Spielman, ''En liste for livet'' (English title: ''The Life List''), tr. by Kirsti Vogt, Cappelen Damm (publ.), {{ISBN|8202476739}}.
- voice in the wilderness #* '''1994''', [[w:David E. Mungello|David E. Mungello]]. ''The Forgotten Christians of Hangzhou'', {{ISBN|9780824815400}}, [ page 153 (Google books view)]:
- voos #* '''2015''', Simon Sebag Montefiore, ''Koude winternacht'', tr. of ''One Night in Winter'', by Richard Kruis, Meulenhoff Boekerij, {{ISBN|9402304495}}.
- vált #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 29, page 283:
- váratlanul #* '''1974''', {{w|Leo Tolstoy}} (author), László Németh (translator), ''Anna Karenina'' [''{{w|Anna Karenina}}''], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), {{ISBN|9732600047}}, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 7:
- værge #* '''1963''', – Homer (tr. by Mogens Boisen), ''Iliaden'', Gyldendal, reprinted 2017, Lindhardt og Ringhof ({{ISBN|9788711773024}})
- waking #* '''2003''', Moshe Gelbein (translator), Chaim Friedlander (author), quoted in Moshe Gelbein (translator), Meir Munk (author), ''Searching for Comfort: Coping with Grief'', Mesorah Publications, {{ISBN|978-1-57819-718-7}}, [ page 80]:
- walk the floor #* '''1998''', Linda O. McMurry, ''To Keep the Waters Troubled'', {{ISBN|0195088123}}, [ ch. 1 (excerpt at '''')]:
- walloper #* '''1971''', [[w:John O'Grady|John O'Grady]], ''Dealing with Cops'', in ''Aussie Etiket'', quoted in 1988, ''Aussie Humour'', Macmillan, {{ISBN|0-7251-0553-4}}, page 200,
- wane #* '''1853''', [[w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville]], "Bartleby, the Scrivener," in ''Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories'', New York: Penguin, 1968; reprinted 1995 as ''Bartleby'', {{ISBN|0146000129}}, p. 3,
- warish #* '''2004''', ''Instructor's Manual for Velasquez's ''Philosophy'', A Text with Readings'' ({{ISBN|9780534626150}}):
- warmongery #* '''1987''', Paul Roth, "The Soviet Union and the New World Information Order" in ''The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and the Third World'', {{w|Roger E. Kanet}} (ed.), {{ISBN|9780521344593}}, [ p. 76 (Google preview)]:
- warmongery #* '''1998''', {{w|Paul Michael Lützeler}}, "The American European Karl Postl/Charles Sealsfield" in ''Politics in German Literature'', Beth Bjorklund and Mark E. Cory (eds.), {{ISBN|9781571130822}}, [ p. 34 (Google preview)]:
- warwood #* '''1880''', [[w:Gerald Manley Hopkins|Gerald Manley Hopkins]], "Spring and fall to a young child" in T.M. Flormata-Ballesteros, ''Speech and Oral Communication'', page 144, {{ISBN|9715740693}}.
- weekdaily #* '''2002''', Roger Gorham, "Comparative Neighborhood Travel Analysis: An Approach to Understanding the Relationship Between Planning and Travel Behavior", chapter 11 of Hani S. Mahmassani (editor), ''In Perpetual Motion: Travel Behavior Research Opportunities and Application Challenges'', Elsevier Science Ltd, {{ISBN|978-0-08-044044-6}}, [ page 252]:
- wegtolerieren #* '''2000''', Britta Leifeld: ''Das Denkbild bei Walter Benjamin: Die unsagbare Moderne als denkbares Bild'', Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/New York/Oxford/Wien (Europäische Hochschulschriften : series 1, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur; volume 1766), {{ISBN|3-631-35890-3}}, page 63 ([ Google Books]; retrieved October 8, 2015):
- weidu #* '''2011''', A. A. Kibrik, ''Reference in Discourse'' {{ISBN|0199215804}}, page 200 (citing Laidig and Laidig 1990)
- werejaguar #* '''1973''', Nancy Garden, ''Werewolves'', Lippincott (1973), {{ISBN|0397314639}}, [ page 115] (image caption):
- wereowl #* '''1993''', Patricia Kindl, ''Owl in Love'', Graphia (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), {{ISBN|0618439102}}, page 42.
- wereporcupine #* '''2008''', Rich Burlew, ''The Order of the Stick'', [ #522] (published in ''Order of the Stick: Don't Split the Party'', {{ISBN|0976658062}}
- werweissen #* '''1990''', Felix Mettler: ''Der Keiler: Roman''. Ammann, Zürich, {{ISBN|3-250-10137-0}}, page 73 ([ Google Books]; retrieved October 11, 2015):
- wet one's beak #* '''1996''', [[w:Mario Puzo|Mario Puzo]], ''The Last Don'' (2004 Random House edition), {{ISBN|9780345480712}}, [ p. 5 (Google preview)]:
- whale #* '''2002''', Kathleen Benson, Philip M. Kayal, Museum of the City of New York, ''A Community of Many Worlds: Arab Americans in New York City'', Syracuse University Press {{ISBN|9780815607397}}, page 54
- what do you want, a cookie #* '''2001''', Mary Rogers, ''Drop Your Webbings!'' (from ''Class Acts: High School Plays by High School Writers'' {{ISBN|0738847402}} by Randy Lee Hartwig), p.30
- whatsoever #* '''2019''' — Dierdre Nicole Green, "'I'm the Bishop!' and other Reflections" ''A Place to Belong'', Deseret Book (2019), {{ISBN|1629726257}} page 141]:
- white wedding #* '''2013''', Obvious Vengeyi, "‘The Bible equals ''Gona''’: An Analysis of the Indigenous Pentecostal Churches of Zimbabwe's magical conception of the Bible", in Joachim Kügler & Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, ''From Text to Practice - The role of the Bible in daily living of African people today'', in ''Bible in Africa Studies'' (''BiAS'') 4, University of Bamberg Press (2nd ed.), {{ISBN|3863091310}}, page 91.
- white wedding #* '''2015''', Rebecca Probert, "From this Day Forward? Pre-Marital Cohabition and the Rite of Marriage from the 1960s to the Present Day", in Joanna K. Miles & Perveez Mody & Rebecca Probert, ''Marriage Rites and Rights'', Bloomsbury (1st ed.), {{ISBN|9781782259640}}.
- whitelisted #* '''2001''', Angelo Mouzouropoulos, quoted in Elizabeth R. DeSombre, ''Flagging Standards: Globalization and Environmental, Safety, and Labor Regulations at Sea'', MIT Press (2006), {{ISBN|978-0-262-54190-9}}, [ page 113]:
- whitelisted #* '''2010''', Philippe De Ryck et al., "CsFire: Transparent Client-Side Mitigation of Malicious Cross-Domain Requests", in Fabio Massacci et al. (editors), ''Engineering Secure Software and Systems'' (symposium proceedings), Springer, {{ISBN|978-3-642-11746-6}}, [ page 32]:
- whitewashed #* '''2012''', Stuart Hallerman, quoted in Mark Yarm, ''Everybody Loves Our Town: An Oral History of Grunge'', Crown ({{ISBN|9780307464446}}), page 59:
- why's #* '''1977''': ''I was never able to stop the search for the '''why's''' and how's of something so senseless as the arms race.'' (Nobel Peace Prize [[w:Alva Myrdal|Alva Myrdal]])<ref>[[w:Alva Myrdal|Myrdal, Alva]] (1977), ''The Game of Disarmament: How the United States and Russia Run the Arms Race'' (1st ed.), UK: Manchester University Press ND, {{ISBN|0-7190-0693-7}}, in "A Personal Note" (foreword), p. [ xxiii]</ref>
- wigs on the green #*'''1998''' Frank McCourt, [ ''Angela's Ashes'' Ch.XII] (Simon and Schuster, {{ISBN|9780684864839}}) p.272:
- wikification #* '''2009''', Ian H. Witten, abstract of the presentation “Semantic Document Processing Using Wikipedia as a Knowledge Base”, in Shlomo Geva et al. (editors), ''Focused Retrieval and Evaluation'' (INEX 2009 workshop proceedings), Springer (2010), {{ISBN|978-3-642-14555-1}}, [ page 3]:
- will-they-won't-they #* '''1996''' January 27, ''The Guardian'', quoted in Katarzyna Jaszczolt, Ken Turner, ''Meaning Through Language Contrast'', John Benjamins Publishing {{ISBN|9781588112071}}, page 133
- windcuffer #* '''2012''', GMW Wemyss, ''Sensible Places: essays on place, time, & countryside'' {{ISBN|1105868141}}, in Wiltonshire, England), page 6:
- windcuffer #* '''2012''', Caitlín Matthews (born in Portsmouth, England), ''Bone Song'', in John Matthews, ''The Book of Celtic Verse: A Treasury of Poetry, Dreams & Visions'' {{ISBN|1780283067}}:
- windfucker #* '''1648''' May 16 – June 2, ''Parliament-Kite'', volume II, page 9; quoted in Gordon Williams, “windfucker”, in ''A Dictionary of Sexual Language and Imagery in Shakespearean and Stuart Literature'', volume III (Q–Z), London; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: [[w:Continuum International Publishing Group|The Athlone Press]], 1994, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-485-11393-8}}</small>, [ pages 1540–1541]:
- window on the world #* '''1998''', William A. Sherden, ''The Fortune Sellers: The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions'', {{ISBN|0471181781}}, [ ch. 1] (reprinted in the ''New York Times''):
- windrow #* '''1990''', J. A. Epps, {{w|Transportation Research Board}}, ''NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice'', ISSN 0547-5570, [ “Cold-Recycled Bituminous Concrete Using Bituminous Materials”], {{ISBN|0-309-04911-3}}, “Blade Mixing”, page 13:
- witch-hunt #* '''2016''' May 15, Donald Trump, tweet quoted in '''2019''', Lindy West, ''The Witches Are Coming'', Hachette Books ({{ISBN|9780316449892}})
- woegeous #* '''2012''', Marian Keyes, [ ''The Mystery of Mercy Close'' Ch.5 p.35] (Penguin 2012, {{ISBN|0718198271}}:
- wojus #* '''2005''' Joseph O'Connor, [ "Two Little Clouds"] in Oona Frawley, ''New Dubliners'' (Pegasus 2005, {{ISBN|1933648090}} p.17:
- wolf ticket #* '''2002''', Jimmy Lerner, quoted in ''African American Slang: A Linguistic Description'' (2015, {{ISBN|1316240614}}:
- wont #* '''2001''', {{w|Orhan Pamuk}}; [[w:Erdağ Göknar|Erdağ M. Göknar]], transl., “I am Called Black”, in ''{{w|My Name Is Red}}'', London: {{w|Faber and Faber}}, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-571-20047-4}}</small>; paperback edition, London: Faber and Faber, 2002, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-571-21224-8}}</small>, [ page 62]:
- wordness #* '''1995''', Fran Zaidel, "Interhemispheric Transfer in the Split Brain: Long-term Status Following Complete Cerebral Commissurotomy", chapter 17 of Richard J. Davidson and Kenneth Hugdahl (editors), ''Brain Asymmetry'', MIT Press (1998), {{ISBN|978-0-262-54079-7}}, [ page 492]:
- woulder #* '''1583''', Robert Harrison, “A Little Treatise vppon the firste Verse of the 122. Psalm”, as printed in Leland Henry Carlson and Albert Peel (editors, 1953), ''Elizabethan Non-Conformist Texts, Volume II: The Writings of Robert Harrison and [[w:Robert Browne (Brownist)|Robert Browne]]'', Routledge (2003), {{ISBN|978-0-415-31990-4}}, [ pages 91–92]:
- write-off #* '''2005''', ''[[w:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development|OECD]] Economic Surveys'', Volume 2005/13 (September 2005): ''China'', OECD Publishing, {{ISBN|978-92-64-01182-3}}, [ page 146]:
- wrong number #* '''1984''', David Homel (translator), Jacques Renaud (author), ''Broke City'' (original French edition, ''Le cassé'', 1964), {{ISBN|9780919349377}}, [ p. 37 (Google preview)]:
- wub #* '''2003''', Alice Kennedy, ''Extraordinary Circumstances'', 1st Books Library (2003), {{ISBN|1403355525}}, [ page 219]:
- xanthophobia #* '''1997''', Kenneth J. Lohmann et al., “Orientation, Navigation, and Natal Beach Homing in Sea Turtles”, chapter 5 of John A. Musick et al. (editors), ''The Biology of Sea Turtles'', CRC Press, {{ISBN|978-0-8493-8422-6}}, [ page 111]:
- xeriscape #* '''1999''', {{w|Neal Stephenson}}, ''[[w:Cryptonomicon|Cryptonomicon]]'', London: [[w:Heinemann (publisher)|Heinemann]], <small>{{ISBN|978-0-434-00883-4}}</small>; republished London: Arrow Books, {{w|Random House}}, 2000, <small>{{ISBN|978-0-09-941067-6}}</small>, [ page 628]:
- yahoo #* '''1835''', James Holman, ''Travels'', quoted by Malcolm Smith, ''Bunyips and Bigfoots'' (Millennium Books, 1996, {{ISBN|1-86429-081-1}}), who notes that the Australian sense almost certainly derives from ''Gulliver's Travels'', despite Holman's report
- yellow copper #* '''1981''', Unesco. International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa, ''Ancient Civilizations of Africa'', Univ of California Press ({{ISBN|9780435948054}}), page 614:
- yelping #* '''1969''', Louis Johnson, “The Way to Train a Dog” (poem), reprinted in Louis Johnson (poet), Terry Sturm (editor), ''Selected Poems'', Victoria University Press (2000), {{ISBN|978-0-86473-350-4}}, [ page 101]:
- you can't put an old head on young shoulders #* '''1901''', Pauline E. Hopkins, ''Hagar's Daughter'', [ ch. 25 (Google preview)] (in ''The Magazine Novels of Pauline Hopkins'', Oxford, 1990, {{ISBN|9780195063257}}:
- you name it #* '''2017''', {{w|Robert Karjel}} (unknown translator), ''Der Vermittler: Thriller'', Blanvalet Taschenbuch Verlag {{ISBN|9783641200060}}
- youself #* '''2012''', James E. Ferrell, ''Cross-Pull'', CrossBooks, {{ISBN|9781462715091}} (softcover), {{ISBN|9781462715107}} (harcover), chapter 23, {{gbooks|Z746Rx0LU1MC|347|youself}}:
- zero à esquerda #* '''2013''', José Fernandes de Oliveira Pe. Zezinho, ''Reflexões ao longo de uma fé: Sobre as angústias e as alegrias do ser humano'', Ação Social Claretiana (Editora Ave-Maria) {{ISBN|9788527614863}}
- zigaboo #* '''1942''', [[w:Zora Neale Hurston|Zora Neale Hurston]], “Story in Harlem Slang”, in ''[[w:The American Mercury|The American Mercury]]'', Volume 45 (July 1942), reprinted in Alan Dundes (editor), ''Mother Wit from the Laughing Barrel'', University Press of Mississippi (1973), {{ISBN|0-87805-478-2}}, [ page 222]:
- zodi #* '''2011''', National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Studies Board, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Committee for a Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Program Prioritization Panels, Science Frontiers Panels, ''Panel Reportsâ¬"New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics'', National Academies Press ({{ISBN|9780309159623}}), page 294:
- zone pellucide #* '''1997''', Pierre Validire (French translator), Alan Stevens and James Lowe (English authors), ''Histologie humaine'' (English title ''Human Histology''), De Boeck Université, {{ISBN|9782804125745}}, [ page 340]:
- zweefteef #* '''2017''', Petra Vollinga, ''Vandaag houden we het droog. Hoe leef je met een geheim dat groter is dan jij?'', Meulenhoff Boekerij (publ.), {{ISBN|9789402307863}}.
- zünftig #* '''2008''', Alexandra-Kathrin Stanislaw-Kemenah, ''Spitäler in Dresden. Vom Wandel einer Institution (13. bis 16. Jahrhundert)'', Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH (publ.), {{ISBN|9783865831637}}, page 53, footnote 2.
- zünftig #* '''1995''', Fritz Peter Knapp, "Was heißt und zu welchem Ende schreibt man regionale Literaturgeschichte?", in Hartmut Kugler (ed.), ''Interregionalität der deutschen Literatur im europäischen Mittelalter'', Walter de Gruyter & Co. (publ.), {{ISBN|3110878798}}, page 11.
- Æsop #* '''1991''', [[w:Stephen Fry|Stephen Fry]], ''[[w:The Liar (novel)|The Liar]]'', chapter eleven, § I, page 316 (1992 paperback ed., Mandarin Paperbacks, {{ISBN|0749305401}}:
- Überrest #* '''2006''', Nino Luraghi, "Messenische Kulte und messenische Identität in hellenistischer Zeit", in Klaus Freitag, Peter Funke & Matthias Haake (eds.), ''Kult — Politik — Ethnos. Überregionale Heiligtümer im Spannungsfeld von Kult und Politik. Kolloquium, Münster, 23.-24. November 2001'', in ''Historia Einzelschriften'', vol. 189, Franz Steiner Verlag, {{ISBN|3515087184}}, page 188.
- æsteem #* '''1998''', Victor Houliston [ed.], ''The Christian Directory (1582)'', introduction, <span class="plainlinks">[ page xxvi] ([ BRILL]</span>; {{ISBN|9004110097}}, 9789004110090)
- æsthetic #* '''1995''', Richard Appignanesi [orig. ed.], {{w|Ziauddin Sardar}}, and Patrick Curry<!-- also, illustrations by Chris Garratt -->, ''Introducing Postmodernism'', page 47, “Eclectic Postmodernism” (Icon Books UK / Totem Books USA; {{ISBN|1840460563}}:
- égalitarian #* '''1965''' April, [[w:Paul Samuelson|Paul A. Samuelson]], “A Fallacy in the Interpretation of Pareto’s Law of Alleged Constancy of Income Distribution” in ''The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson'', volume 3 (June 1972, <span class="plainlinks">[ MIT Press], {{ISBN|026219080X}}, ed. [[w:Robert C. Merton|Robert C. Merton]], [ page 404]</span>
- égalitarian #* '''2004''' April 1, Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga, “Refugees in local stakes of North-East Congo (Rémy <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Bazenguissa</span>)” [''résumé''] in ''Exilés, réfugiés, déplacés en Afrique centrale et orientale'' (<span class="plainlinks">[ KARTHALA Editions]; {{ISBN|2845865252}}, 9782845865235), ed. André Guichaoua, [ page 17]</span>
- égalitarianism #* '''1964''' June, [[w:Paul Samuelson|Paul A. Samuelson]], “A. P. Lerner at Sixty” in ''The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson'', volume 3 (June 1972, <span class="plainlinks">[ MIT Press], {{ISBN|026219080X}}, ed. [[w:Robert C. Merton|Robert C. Merton]], [ page 650]</span>, footnote 1
- égalitarianism #* '''2000''', John Morgan, “Confucianism, cultural revolution and corporate classrooms: China’s attempts at ‘a Learning Society’” in ''Lifelong Learning: Education Across the Lifespan'' ([[w:Routledge|Routledge]]Falmer, {{ISBN|0203183320}}, eds. John Field and Mal Leicester, <span class="plainlinks">[ pages 187–188]</span>
- ér ##* '''1974''', {{w|Leo Tolstoy}} (author), László Németh (translator), ''Anna Karenina'' [''{{w|Anna Karenina}}''], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), {{ISBN|9732600047}}, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 7:
- íntegro #* '''2001''', Galen Grimes, ''Aprendiendo actualización y reparación de PCs en 24 horas'' [Learning PC construction and repair in 24 hours], Pearson Educación, {{ISBN|9702600359}}, page 84,
- øge #* '''2008''', John Andersen (red.), ''Ressourcemobiliserende beskaeftigelssespolitik strategier og erfaringer fra udsatte byomrader'', Samfundslitteratur {{ISBN|9788778673657}}, page 147
- überfreut #* '''1980''', Hildegard Irma Stielau: ''Nataler Deutsch: Eine Dokumentation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des englischen und afrikaansen Einflusses auf die deutsche Sprache in Natal'', Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1980 (Deutsche Sprache in Europa und Übersee. Berichte und Forschungen ; volume 7), {{ISBN|3-515-02635-5}}, p. 58:
- üzenetrögzítő #* '''2012''', Miklós Gábor Kövesdi (translator), {{w|Kathy Reichs}}, ''A csontok nem hazudnak'' (''Deadly Décisions''), Ulpius-ház {{ISBN|978 963 254 640 7}}, chapter 4, page 39:
- ɔ #* '''1999''', Bible Society of Ghana (tr.), ''Baiblo aloo Ngmani Klɔuklɔu '''ɔ''''' {{ISBN|9789964000134}}, ''Somi He '''ɔ''''' page 186<ref>The numbering in ''Baiblo aloo Ngmani Klɔuklɔu ɔ'' (Bible or [[Holy Writ]]) restarts at the beginning of ''Somi He ɔ'' (the [[New Testament]]), of which this quotation is part.</ref>:
- əksinə #* '''2018''', Daron Acemoğlu və Ceyms A. Robinson, ''Millətlər niyə tənəzzül edir'' [translation of ''Why Nations Fail''], BoD – Books on Demand ({{ISBN|9789952365788}}), page 220:
- голодомор #* '''2017''', Oleksandr Hrytsenko, ''Prezydenty I pamʺi͡atʹ. Polityka pamʺi͡ati prezydentiv Ukraïny (1994-2014): pidgrunti͡a, poslanni͡a, realizatsii͡a, rezulʹtaty'' (The presidents and memory: memory policies of the presidents of Ukraine [1994–2014]: background, messages, implementation, results), Kyiv: Institut Kulʹturolohiï NAM Ukraïny {{ISBN|978-617-684-188-3}}, p 680:
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- גרעיני #* '''2004''', ''{{lang|he|אוכל טוב לילדים}}'', translation of, 2001, Penny Stanway, ''Good Food for Kids'', {{ISBN|9655171841}}, page 138 []:
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- 𐪈𐪌 * '''2013''', Peter Alpass, ''The Religious Life of Nabataea'' {{ISBN|9004216235}}, page 129: A closer look at some dedications from Dadan reveals [...on the inscription] FD D119 [...] ''bn'' [...] "son of"
- 𐪈𐪓𐪇 * '''2013''', Peter Alpass, ''The Religious Life of Nabataea'' {{ISBN|9004216235}}, page 129: A closer look at some dedications from Dadan reveals [...on the inscription] FD D119 [...] ''b-Bdr'' [...] "in Bdr"
- 𐪋𐪁𐪁 * '''2005''', ''Literacy in an Oral Environment'', in ''Writing and Ancient Near East Society: Essays in Honor of Alan Millard'' {{ISBN|0567026914}}, page 99: a Hismaic inscription from central Jordan [...] Milik 1958–59: 349, no. 6 ...w ḏkrt lt N w kll ʿs²r ṣdq w kll mn yqry wqʿ-n ḏʾ '...and may Lt be mindful of N and of every true friend and of everyone who reads/recites this our inscription'. Note that the final letter, read as ''h'' in the edition, is clearly ''ʾ'' on the photograph.<!--Lt is the deity's name; kll is 'all'.-->