[edit]From Old Norse auka, from Proto-Germanic *aukaną, cognate with Swedish öka, English eke. The word goes back to Proto-Indo-European *h₂ewg-, *h₂weg-, which is also the source of Latin augeō, Ancient Greek αὐξάνω (auxánō), and Danish vokse.
[edit]øge (past tense øgede, past participle øget)
- (transitive) to increase, enhance
- Hvad sker der, hvis vi øger trykket?
- What happens if we increase pressure?
- 2008, John Andersen (red.), Ressourcemobiliserende beskaeftigelssespolitik strategier og erfaringer fra udsatte byomrader, Samfundslitteratur →ISBN, page 147
- Synes du, at aktiveringen har øget dine muligheder for at få et arbejde?
- Do you think that the activation has increased your opportunities of getting a job?
- 2003, Nordisk Råd, Oversigt over træforskningen i Norden, Nordic Council of Ministers, →ISBN, page 27:
- Nordic Wood programmet har øget opmærksomheden på og anvendelsen af træ.
- The Nordic Wood programme has increased the attention to and the use of wood.
- 2015, Nan Dahlkild, Huse der har formet os: Arkitekturhistorien bag danskernes institutioner og offentlige rum, Museum Tusculanum Press, →ISBN, page 117:
- De overlevende og de nye har ændret sig i retning af større lærreder, som har øget den særlige biografoplevelse i forhold til den hjemlige skærm, kombineret med opdeling i mange mindre biografrum.
- The surviving ones and the new ones have changed in the direction of larger canvases, which have enhanced the special cinema experience compared to the screen at home, combined with compartmentalisation in many smaller rooms.
- (intransitive) to increase
- 1905, Johannes V. Jensen, Hjulet, page 223:
- der laa en halv Alen Sne i Gaderne, og nu gav det ned fra Nordøst med en Storm, der stadig øgede i Styrke.
- There was one foot of snow in the streets, and from north east there now came a storm that increased constantly in its force.
- 2014, Anne-Marie Glistrup, Mogens Glistrup: Provokatøren og systemkritikeren[1]:
- Den økonomiske vækst var øget betragteligt gennem de glade 60'ere.
- The economic growth had increased significantly in the happy 60s.
[edit]Further reading
- Danish terms inherited from Old Norse
- Danish terms derived from Old Norse
- Danish terms inherited from Proto-Germanic
- Danish terms derived from Proto-Germanic
- Danish terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European
- Danish terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Danish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Danish lemmas
- Danish verbs
- Danish transitive verbs
- Danish terms with usage examples
- Danish terms with quotations
- Danish intransitive verbs