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Appendix:Hungarian words with alternating vowel length

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Hungarian words with alternating vowel length have their (usually last) vowel shortened before several inflectional and derivational suffixes.

List of words


The column “Ending” contains the last two consonants in reverse-alphabetized order, in invisible format, only to enable sorting by the ending (aside from the other headers).

Word Accusative Meaning Ending Front/back Note
agár agarat greyhound rg back
bél belet bowel, intestine, gut lb front unrounded
bogár bogarat beetle, bug rg back
cserép cserepet tile, (flower) pot pr front unrounded
cső csövet tube, pipe cs front rounded v-stem word, low-vowel word
darázs darazsat wasp zzr back
dél delet noon ld front unrounded its homonym dél (south) is chiefly regular
dér deret frost, hoarfrost rd front unrounded
derék derekat waist; (adj.) worthy, honest kr back antiharmonic; noun and adjective
ég eget sky g front unrounded
egér egeret mouse rg front unrounded
egyéb egyebet other, else bgy front unrounded adjective
elég eleget enough; quite, fairly gl front unrounded adjective and adverb
ér eret vein (or artery), blood vessel r front unrounded
ész eszet / észt intellect, reason sz front unrounded
fazék fazekat pot kz back
fedél fedelet lid ld front unrounded
fél felet half lf front unrounded unrelated to the homonymous verb fél (to be afraid)
fenék feneket bottom kn front unrounded
fonál fonalat yarn, thread ln back
füvet grass f front rounded v-stem word, low-vowel word
fűz füzet willow zf front rounded low-vowel word
gyökér gyökeret root rk front unrounded
hét hetet seven; week th front unrounded numeral as well as a noun
hév hevet ardor, fervor, zeal vh front unrounded
ín ínt BUT inak;
inam, inad, ina etc.
sinew n back antiharmonic
híd hidat bridge dh back antiharmonic
jég jeget ice gj front unrounded
kanál kanalat spoon ln back
kenyér kenyeret bread rny front unrounded
kerék kereket wheel kr front unrounded
kevés keveset few, little sv front unrounded indefinite numeral or adjective
kéz kezet hand zk front unrounded
követ stone, rock k front rounded v-stem word, low-vowel word
kosár kosarat basket rs back
kötél kötelet rope lt front unrounded
közép közepet middle, center pz front unrounded
kút kutat well tk back
légy legyet fly gyl front unrounded
lélek lelket soul kl front unrounded exceptionally its penultimate vowel gets shortened; its last vowel is a fleeting vowel
levél levelet leaf; letter (mail) lv front unrounded
lovat horse l back v-stem word, low-vowel word
lúd ludat goose dl back
madár madarat bird rd back
mész meszet lime, whitewash szm front unrounded
mocsár mocsarat marsh, swamp, bog rcs back
mozsár mozsarat mortar rzs back
nehéz nehezet difficult, heavy zh front unrounded adjective
név nevet name vn front unrounded
nyár nyarat summer rny back
nyél nyelet handle lny front unrounded
nyíl nyilat arrow lny back antiharmonic
nyúl nyulat rabbit, hare lny back
nyű nyüvet grub, maggot ny front rounded v-stem word, low-vowel word
parázs parazsat ember(s) zzr back
pohár poharat (drinking) glass rh back
réz rezet copper zr front unrounded
rúd rudat bar, rod, pole dr back
sár sarat mud rs back
sugár sugarat ray, (light)beam rg back
szamár szamarat donkey rm back
szekér szekeret cart, waggon, chariot rk front unrounded
szél szelet wind lsz front unrounded its homonym szél (edge, margin) is regular
szemét szemetet garbage, rubbish, waste tm front unrounded
szén szenet coal, charcoal nsz front unrounded
szú szuvat woodworm sz back v-stem word, low-vowel word
szűz szüzet virgin zsz front rounded low-vowel word
tehén tehenet cow nh front unrounded
tél telet winter lt front unrounded
tenyér tenyeret palm (of a hand) rny front unrounded
tér teret space; (town) square rt front unrounded
tövet stem t front rounded v-stem word, low-vowel word
tűz tüzet fire zt front rounded low-vowel word
úr urat sir, gentleman, lord r back
út utat road, way t back
veréb verebet sparrow br front unrounded
víz vizet water zv front unrounded



The vowel in the noun szív (heart) as well as in the numerals tíz (ten) and húsz (twenty) also become short before most of the same suffixes that shorten the vowel of the words above (szívet, szívek, szíven; szívem, szíved, szíve etc.; szíves, szívű — tízet, tízen, tíze etc., tízenként — húszat, húszak, húszan etc. pronounced [szivet] etc.), but this change is not reflected in their spelling. However, the forms tized, tizedik, tizen- and huszad, huszadik, huszon- do reflect the shortened pronunciation. Native speakers are advised to use kéz as a point of reference on spelling these forms (irrespective of pronunciation).[1]

Individual changes after derivational suffixes


Some words shorten their stem vowel before certain particular derivational suffixes but not before others. These are not productive processes and they are seen as matters of language history (etymology) only. These differences mainly affect close vowels such as i–í, u–ú, and ü–ű.

From nouns and adjectives
  • bűn (sin)büntet (to punish)
  • csín (neatness)csinos (pretty)
  • csúcs (peak, tip)csucsorít (to purse one’s lips) (also csücsörít)
  • hír (news item)hirdet (to advertise)
  • hús (meat, flesh)husi (little piece of meat)
  • húg (little sister)hugi (endearing form of address for a little sister)
  • pír (blush, flush, glow, rosiness)piros (red), pirít (to toast, sauté, grill)
  • sík (level, even, smooth)siklik (to glide), sikamlós (slippery, risqué)
  • szűk (narrow, tight)szükség (need, necessity, scarcity)
  • űr (void)üres (empty), ürít (to empty sth), ürül (to get empty), üreg (cavity)
  • víg (cheerful)vigad (to enjoy oneself), vigasz (comfort, solace), vigasság (merrymaking), vigalom
  • zsír (fat [grease])zsiradék (material mainly composed of fat [e.g. leaf fat, suet, butter]; glyceride [ester of glycerol and one or more fatty acid])
From verbs (for more comprehensive lists, see the “Derived terms” of the stem words)

See also



  1. ^ Section 27 in A magyar helyesírás szabályai, 12. kiadás (’The Rules of Hungarian Orthography, 12th edition’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015. →ISBN