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Appendix:Hungarian antiharmonic words

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The following words, though having (unrounded) front vowels only (e, é, i, í), take back-vowel suffixes (those with a, á, o, ó, u, ú) for all their inflections and derivations, therefore they are called antiharmonic (contradicting the usual vowel harmony of Hungarian).

Nouns and adjectives


The column “Ending” contains reverse-alphabetized forms in invisible format, only to enable sorting by the ending (aside from the other headers).

Word Plural Meaning Ending Note
cél célok aim, purpose, goal, target léc
csík csíkok stripe, band kísc
csín csínok neatness nísc archaic or literary
derék derekak waist kéred low-vowel stem, shortening the stem vowel
díj díjak prize, award, fee jíd low-vowel stem
fi fiak son if low-vowel stem; archaic or literary; compare related, regular fiú and fia
fing fingok fart gnif compare the related verb fingik
gyík gyíkok lizard kíyg
héj héjak shell, peel, skin, rind jéh low-vowel stem
híd hidak bridge díh low-vowel stem, shortening the stem vowel
híg hígak thin, diluted gíh
íj íjak bow low-vowel stem
ín inak tendon, sinew low-vowel stem, shortening the stem vowel
ír írok balm, ointment may also take front vowels as a noun;
see also the antiharmonic, unrelated verb ír
kín kínok agony, anguish ník
lik likak hole kil low-vowel stem; dialectal, compare standard, regular lyuk
nyíl nyilak arrow líyn low-vowel stem, shortening the stem vowel
nyír nyírok frog of a horse's hoof ríyn only in the given rare sense (but regular in the more common noun sense “birch”),
also antiharmonic as a verb “to shear, trim”
pír pírok flush, blush, glow ríp archaic or literary; compare the related adjective piros
and the similarly antiharmonic verb pirít
sík síkok flat, level, plane kís adjective and noun
síp sípok whistle pís
sír sírok tomb, grave rís see also the unrelated verb sír (also antiharmonic)
szíj szíjak belt jízs low-vowel stem
tik tikok hen kit dialectal; compare standard, regular tyúk
víg vígak cheerful gív adjective; literary or archaic
zsír zsírok fat, grease rísz
  • The noun szirt (cliff, crag) used to be inflected with back-vowel suffixes but it is now uncommon.
  • The noun szil (elm [tree]) was originally antiharmonic but now it is more commonly used with front-vowel suffixes.
  • The antiharmonic noun ih (sheep) is dialectal or regional, mostly superseded by its standard, regular variant juh.
  • The forms híja and híján are sometimes given as derivatives of an antiharmonic híj (lack), but they actually derive from the regular, archaic noun hiu (vacuity, lack).
  • The forms nyirk and gyilk are rare, archaic (antiharmonic) alternatives of the regular nouns nyirok (lymph) and gyilok (dagger, stiletto, archaic), respectively.



The column “Ending” contains reverse-alphabetized forms in invisible format, only to enable sorting by the ending (aside from the other headers).

Word 1st person Meaning Ending Note
bénít bénítok to paralyze tínéb from the back-vowel adjective béna
bír bírok to bear, endure ríb
bíz bízok to entrust zíb
bízik bízom
to trust zíb
csitít csitítok to hush, quieten títisc
dívik dívok to be in vogue víd compare the more common noun divat
fingik fingok to fart gnif compare the related noun fing
hígít hígítok to dilute tígíh from the similarly antiharmonic adjective híg
hívok to call, invite víh not to be confused with the regular front-vowel verb hisz,
or with the adjective and noun hív, related to
hízik hízom
to gain weight zíh
ifjít ifjítok to rejuvenate tíjfi from the back-vowel adjective ifjú; literary
illik illok to disappear, run away lli obsolete, except in its derivations illan, illat, illó;
not to be confused with the regular front-vowel verb illik (to fit, suit, match)
indít indítok to start, prompt (tr.) tídni also the derived noun indíték (motive);
from the same stem as the regular back-vowel indul
ing ingok to wobble gni alternative form of regular back-vowel inog; unrelated to the noun ing (shirt)
ír írok to write only as a verb (and regular as the unrelated noun and adjective “Irish [person]”),
also mostly antiharmonic as a noun in the sense “balm”
irt irtok to exterminate tri
iszik iszom
to drink zsi
ívik ívok to spawn
izzik izzok
to glow, incandesce zzi from the same stem as izzít
izzít izzítok to make sth glow tízzi from the same stem as izzik
némít némítok to mute tímén from the back-vowel adjective néma
nyí nyívok to mew, caterwaul íyn with v-stem; folksy, onomatopoeic
nyílik nyílok to open (refl.) líyn from the same stem as nyit
nyír nyírok to shear, trim ríyn only as a verb (and regular in the unrelated noun sense “birch”;
antiharmonic as a noun only in the rare sense given above)
nyit nyitok to open (trans.) tiyn from the same stem as nyílik
pirít pirítok to toast, sauté tírip compare the related, similarly antiharmonic noun pír
piszkít piszkítok to soil tíkzsip from the back-vowel noun piszok
rívok to weep ír with v-stem; folksy, onomatopoeic
rikít rikítok to shriek; to glare tíkir
ring ringok to rock, swing (refl.) gnir
ritkít ritkítok to thin (sth) out tíktir from the back-vowel adjective ritka
sívok to shriek, scream ís with v-stem; folksy, archaic; onomatopoeic; related to sír (below);
unrelated to the regular noun (ski)
sikít sikítok to scream tíkis
siklik siklok
to glide, slide lkis
simít simítok to smooth, even tímis from the back-vowel adjective sima
sipít sipítok to screech, shrill típis
sír sírok to cry, weep rís related to the verb (above);
see also the unrelated noun sír (also antiharmonic)
sivít sivítok to scream, screech tívis
szid szidok to scold, tell off dizs
szít szítok to excite, incite tízs
szívok to suck, absorb vízs only as a verb (and regular in the unrelated noun sense)
tilt tiltok to forbid, prohibit tlit
tisztít tisztítok to clean títzsit from the back-vowel adjective tiszta
vidít vidítok to cheer (sb) up tídiv from the stem of the back-vowel adjective vidám
virít virítok to bloom tíriv from the stem of the back-vowel verb virul
visít visítok to shriek tísiv
vív () vívok to fence vív