User:Robert Ullmann/Redirects
Analysis of redirects in the wikt.
Total of 17114 redirects in dump of 26 November 2008.
classification | occurs | notes |
English forms from conversion | 8 | (mostly) English forms that start with capital, redirecting to infinitive or singular, from conversion |
Arabic vowel forms | 289 | Arabic redirects to forms without vowels and similar; these are not checked to see if they really are |
Hebrew vowel forms | 347 | Hebrew redirects to forms without vowels and similar; likewise |
Japanese forms | 251 | Japanese redirects from verb and adjective forms, not checked |
Case forms (needed) | 7091 | variant cases needed for searches |
Case forms (tbd) | 261 | variant cases that will be deleted, but still have links |
Idioms | 1354 | redirects to different form of idiom |
Proverbs | 134 | redirects to different form of proverb |
Phrases (other) | 689 | other phrases or multi-word titles that closely match |
Full stop (abbreviations) | 192 | redirect from form with dot(s) to without, presumably an abbrevation |
Main page | 6 | redirects to Wiktionary:Main Page |
Bad | 551 | bad redirects between English (a-z) forms, etc, listed below |
Others | 5941 | others not classified, listed below (maximum of 1000) |
Bad redirects
[edit]- redirects between single word forms
- these focus on English, only redirects where entry and target are a-z
- includes cases of capitalized word redirecting to different lc target (first class in table supra)
- should be entries for forms, alternate spellings, or may be errors
- none are valid
aaaaaaaaahdeleted entry → aahaaaaaaaahdeleted entry → aah- aaaaaaah → aah
- aaaaaah → aah
- aaaaah → aah
- aaaah → aah
- aaah → aah
- aarrgh → argh
- abbitis → abatis
- abiectic → abietic
- accapparare → accaparrare
- acolhuahcanotza → aculhuacanotza
- acquies → acquises
- adferrent → adferre
- aelurophilia → ailurophilia
- aflplatting → afplatting
- agneciar → agenciar
- ahhh → ahh
- ahhhh → ahh
- ahhhhh → ahh
- Airlines → airline
- airwave → airwaves
- aivo → aivot
- ajovalo → ajovalot
- akaasia → akasia
- akikiy → aqiqiy
- aktive → aktiv
- alkalinophile → alkaliphile
- alkalinophilic → alkaliphilic
- alkalkyli → akalkyli
- alkama → aloittama
- alodium → allodium
- ameebamainen → amebamainen
- amenuensis → amanuensis
- amerikanarar → amerikanari
- anapaest → anapest
- andramur → andrammur
- androgeny → androgyny
- aniliha → anihila
- anisogamist → anisonogamist
- anobing → anubing
- anteflex → anteflexed
- antidisestablismentarianism → antidisestablishmentarianism
- aphol → apful
- apholtra → apfultra
- apopros → apropos
- apothesis → apotheosis
- arabaya → abaraya
- asshatery → asshat
- asshattery → asshat
- augerer → augurer
- auringonpisto → auringonpistos
- autocratical → autocratic
- awww → aww
- ayaqap → ayaqqap
- babycare → childcare
- babyroussa → babiroussa
- backy → baccy
- badigionner → badigeonner
- badonakdonk → badonkadonk
- bailza → baliza
- baklawa → baklava
- baldric → baldrick
- balleek → belleek
- bandileer → bandoleer
- barbarization → barbarisation
- basist → bassist
- bawbles → bawbels
- bawdrick → baldrick
- beancurd → tofu
- beelding → uitbeelding
- bionde → bionda
- biondi → biondo
- blacksploitation → blaxploitation
- blusen → blussen
- borborygmous → borborygmus
- bowmen → bowman
- bracmard → braquemard
- Brains → brain
- Broadcasting → broadcast
- brrrrr → brr
- bubkes → bupkis
- bumboclot → bumbaclot
- bumph → bumf
- bupkes → bupkis
- bushwacked → bushwhacked
- cacciucci → cacciucchi
- calashs → calashes
- calcaneum → calcaneus
- calif → caliph
- Camping → camp
- cannibalisation → cannibalization
- cappucino → cappuccino
- capuccino → cappuccino
- capucino → cappuccino
- cardie → cardi
- cardiograph → electrocardiograph
- cardy → cardi
- cataloger → cataloguer
- cataphor → cataphora
- cca → circa
- chachahuatl → chachauatl
- changements → changement
- cherubin → cherub
- chipless → chip
- chooseable → choosable
- chotchke → tchotchke
- chronicidal → chronocidal
- cihuatotolixpopoyotl → ciuatotolixpopoyotl
- circumfluous → circumfluent
- citrous → citrus
- clutron → cluon
- coagulateing → coagulating
- codices → codex
- coelacanthe → coelacanth
- commencait → commencer
- complin → compline
- condusive → conducive
- conquies → conquises
- contextualisation → contextualization
- convalesceed → convalesced
- convalesceing → convalescing
- corollaries → corollary
- coynte → cunt
- crioulu → crioulo
- cromulence → cromulent
- csillagom → csillag
- cuauhchimal → quauhchimal
- cuauhiztixochitl → cuauhiztexochitl
- cuitlatlohtli → cuitlatlotli
- cujcujtzcatl → cuicuitzcatl
- cujiatl → cuiiatl
- cumman → cumann
- cummin → cumin
- cuspidus → cuspidatus
- daarnast → daarnaast
- debauchs → debauches
- decentralisation → decentralization
- decieve → deceive
- decimotecero → decimotercero
- defnyddiwyr → defnyddiwr
- deinem → dein
- deines → dein
- demobilisation → demobilization
- demythologisation → demythologize
- desarollo → desarrollo
- descopulustrate → descopulustrare
- deserves → deserve
- detracts → detract
- devolvuta → devoluta
- devolvute → devolute
- devolvuti → devoluti
- diadochokenesis → diadochokinesis
- dickwod → dickwad
- dindanel → dindalel
- diplomacys → diplomacies
- distrophy → dystrophy
- doline → sinkhole
- domesday → doomsday
- dosemeter → dosimeter
- dougsjunk → fusillades
- doyley → doily
- draconology → dracology
- eave → eaves
- eccoriate → excoriate
- eew → ew
- effrontory → effrontery
- eleillyt → elellyt
- emaljoinut → emaloinut
- embriona → embrional
- emerger → emergir
- ennska → enska
- enquirer → inquirer
- epilymnion → epilimnion
- epyollohtli → epyollotli
- eqinecessary → equinecessary
- esthetics → aesthetics
- eurhythmics → eurythmics
- ewww → ew
- excludent → discriminative
- excrutiate → excruciate
- exiplex → exciplex
- Exposed → expose
- exposed → expose
- extirpative → extirpate
- faclempt → faklempt
- falooting → highfalooting
- farctus → fartus
- farklempt → faklempt
- fatwah → fatwa
- feathers → feather
- fegeleh → feygele
- ferclempt → faklempt
- ferklempt → faklempt
- ferravecchio → ferrovecchio
- feuilles → feuille
- fewmets → fewmet
- finanssin → finanssien
- floccipaucinihilipilification → floccinaucinihilipilification
- florvitnilegur → forvitnilegur
- folkloric → folklore
- footsy → footsie
- forgoe → forgo
- fortunada → afortunada
- fortunadamente → afortunadamente
- fortunado → afortunado
- fuinnoige → fuinneoige
- fulgaration → fulguration
- galhinas → galinhas
- gallesi → gallese
- gammafunktion → gammafunktionen
- gedreosan → dreosan
- geimin → geimien
- gelle → gijle
- gelosa → geloso
- gelose → geloso
- gelosi → geloso
- genitaalin → genitaalien
- gesprochen → sprechen
- getrunken → trinken
- giuvaer → giuvaier
- gleeba → gleba
- grrr → grr
- gwailo → gweilo
- haemorrhoidectomy → hemorrhoidectomy
- haligan → halligan
- halwa → halva
- handrailing → railing
- hangers → hanger
- havannoida → havainnoida
- headphone → headphones
- hehehe → hehe
- heheheheh → hehe
- heheheheheh → hehe
- heilsgeschicte → heilsgeschichte
- heimlandinum → heimland
- helveten → helvete
- helvetena → helvete
- helvetenas → helvete
- helvetens → helvete
- helvetes → helvete
- helvetet → helvete
- helvetets → helvete
- hemophilia → haemophilia
- heptology → heptalogy
- hevos → hevonen
- hickie → hickey
- hijja → hajj
- hippopotomonstroses → hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
- hmmmm → hmm
- hmmmmmmmm → hmm
- homeier → homier
- horseyculture → horsiculture
- houdingetje → houdinkje
- houdingetjes → houdinkjes
- huitztzitzilin → huitzitzilin
- huntsmen → huntsman
- huolissamme → huolissaan
- huolissani → huolissaan
- huolissanne → huolissaan
- huolissansa → huolissaan
- huolissasi → huolissaan
- hypercalciuria → hypercalcinuria
- hypermilling → hypermiling
- ichteccatetlatzontequiliani → ychteccatetlatzontequiliani
- ignites → ignite
- iminent → imminent
- impro → improv
- injunct → injunction
- inmissio → immissio
- intefadah → intifada
- intepretiere → interpretiere
- interretia → interrete
- intifadah → intifada
- inuendo → innuendo
- irrascible → irascible
- ishkoba → ishkobo
- Islands → island
- isoaivot → isotaivot
- isst → essen
- jabonarse → jabonar
- jacere → iacere
- janizary → janissary
- jejunus → ieiunus
- jimadore → jimador
- jolog → jologs
- jonte → jonta
- jubatus → iubatus
- juggling → juggle
- juridic → juridical
- juris → iuris
- kaffiyeh → keffiyeh
- kaikkineen → kaikkine
- kalenteroida → kalanteroida
- kaliph → caliph
- kameez → kamees
- katagelophobia → catagelophobia
- kehilla → kehillah
- keimten → keimen
- keskiavot → keskiaivot
- kestan → kestane
- khalif → caliph
- khalifa → caliph
- kibbitzing → kibitzing
- kinesitherapist → physiotherapist
- kinesthesics → kinesthetics
- kirjottelee → kirjoittelee
- klippdassar → klippdass
- koph → kaph
- kurfuffle → kerfuffle
- labryses → labrys
- lagenolith → asteriscus
- lanciarazza → lanciarazzi
- legisrupa → legirupa
- lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon → lepadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiotyromelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptokephaliokinklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetragalopterygon
- lueskennella → lueskella
- lumps → lump
- luthi → ruti
- luvvie → luvvy
- lyb → lybb
- maccuauhtopilli → maquauhtopilli
- macroscopical → macroscopic
- macuauhtopilli → maquauhtopilli
- madrasa → madrassah
- mailmanlaajuinen → maailmanlaajuinen
- majora → maiora
- malemaroking → mallemaroking
- manumitt → manumit
- marinnettes → marionnettes
- markkina → markkinat
- marscecence → marcescence
- matlequiqztli → matlequiquiztli
- mauhcatzahtzi → mauhcatzatzi
- mayiili → mayili
- mediatary → mediatory
- mef → meff
- meines → mein
- melitus → mellitus
- meneuctli → menecuhtli
- mentule → mentula
- meople → meeple
- metingarnar → meting
- metzli → metztli
- meyhani → meyhane
- meztli → metztli
- mictli → miqui
- misercordia → misericordia
- mittaristo → mittarit
- mmmmmm → mmm
- mobilario → mobiliario
- mochicahua → chicahua
- monophysism → monophysitism
- morotrohpium → morotrophium
- mosquitoe → mosquito
- mret → mpret
- munayki → munay
- murmullos → murmullo
- mutsu → muttsu
- myndugleikarnir → myndugleiki
- myriagramme → myriagram
- nadzuke → nazuke
- nafka → nakfa
- nalgas → nalga
- narcisism → narcissism
- nascitur → nasci
- netcast → podcast
- netz → nertz
- nonpareils → nonpareil
- nopp → noppa
- norskir → norskur
- novantaotto → novantotto
- numara → nomera
- nunchuck → nunchucks
- obligations → obligation
- ohh → oh
- ohhh → oh
- ohja → ohjat
- okchakka → okchakko
- oligarchies → oligarchy
- olosuhde → olosuhteet
- ombedoeld → onbedoeld
- oneriomancy → oneiromancy
- oopses → oops
- oortuigen → oortuig
- oversexedness → oversexed
- oww → ow
- pajama → pajamas
- palaeontologist → paleontologist
- pannekoek → pannenkoek
- papistcal → papistical
- paraguayana → paraguaya
- parapluverkpoer → parapluverkoper
- pasciutto → pasciuto
- pastores → pastoris
- patlachhuia → patlachuia
- pekeapoo → peekapoo
- peleton → peloton
- penginar → peningar
- pentire → pentirsi
- peperci → parcere
- perigrinar → peregrinar
- permittiivisyys → permitiivisyys
- perogative → prerogative
- perq → perquisite
- perseverence → perseverance
- persuant → pursuant
- perveensie → pervincie
- philoprogenitiveness → philoprogenitive
- pitchs → pitches
- pizzaz → pizzazz
- plebians → plebian
- politikarar → politikari
- potentiostatic → potentiostat
- poxie → poxy
- pppppp → ppp
- praebere → praebeo
- prevaricating → prevaricate
- prikaatinkenraali → prikaatikenraali
- profectus → proficisci
- profilemetry → profilometry
- profundities → profundity
- pucka → pukka
- putoisi → putoaisi
- putrefata → putrefatta
- pygmyies → pygmies
- quantus → quantum
- quattrecento → quattrocento
- quauhcihmal → quauhchimal
- questionaire → questionnaire
- quezhuia → ezhuia
- quimatoca → matoca
- quippedaliophobia → hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
- quitonehua → tonehua
- raivoissani → raivoissaan
- rakkaani → rakas
- recklass → reckless
- reconquies → reconquises
- recursivities → recursivity
- remanere → remaneo
- requests → request
- revery → reverie
- revontuli → revontulet
- rifiiutarsi → rifiutarsi
- rikt → rik
- roundheals → roundheels
- rrrr → rrr
- samber → samanber
- sambera → samanbera
- satai → satay
- scrutinzing → scrutinizing
- scuttled → scuttle
- secateur → secateurs
- seiving → sieving
- seracious → sericious
- servelet → servlet
- sesquippedalophobia → sesquipedalophobia
- shazam → shazaam
- shitake → shiitake
- shnaffle → snaffle
- snefitta → snedfitta
- somatype → somatotype
- soonds → soond
- sopravvivrai → sopravviverai
- sopravvivranno → sopravviveranno
- sopravvivrebbe → sopravviverebbe
- sopravvivrebbero → sopravviverebbero
- sopravvivrei → sopravviverei
- sopravvivremmo → sopravviveremmo
- sopravvivremo → sopravviveremo
- sopravvivreste → sopravvivereste
- sopravvivresti → sopravviveresti
- sopravvivrete → sopravviverete
- sosialidemokraattinen → sosiaalidemokraattinen
- sourireez → sourirez
- sournesss → sournesses
- speechlessnesss → speechlessnesses
- spicket → spigot
- spokojenosti → spokojenost
- spritzs → spritzes
- ssss → sss
- staples → staple
- starchs → starches
- stateman → politician
- subhead → subheading
- sucia → sucio
- sujerir → sugerir
- sunnudagin → sunnudagur
- supercessionism → supersessionism
- supressed → suppressed
- supresses → suppresses
- supressing → suppressing
- surffata → surfata
- suscinto → sucinto
- sutanstvo → sultanstvo
- tabarnaque → tabarnak
- tabvla → tabula
- tecaltia → caltia
- tecontradeciroa → contradeciroa
- teilaqujliztli → teilaquiliztli
- tepatlachhuiani → tepatlachuiani
- tepoztzotzopatztli → tepoztzotzopaztli
- testigar → testiguar
- tetlacatilia → tlacatilia
- tetlahuelilocamati → tlahuelilocamati
- tetlazohtla → tlazohtla
- theocracist → theocrat
- thingumabob → thingamabob
- thumbtacs → thumbtacks
- thunderbold → thunderbolt
- titll → titill
- tlacatlahcuiloliztli → tlacatlacuiloliztli
- tlilctic → tliltic
- tracheoles → tracheole
- transluscency → translucency
- tribach → tribrach
- triufar → triunfar
- trumpinnefinger → trumpinnefingrar
- tryggingarfelagnum → tryggingarfelag
- twon → twih
- tzahtzi → tzatzi
- umhugsar → umhugsa
- uniquer → unique
- uniquest → unique
- unitalla → unitaglia
- unobtainium → unobtanium
- unsere → unser
- unseren → unser
- unserer → unser
- unseres → unser
- unupdate → update
- uppruna → uppruni
- usharo → ushar
- utrus → utrum
- uyat → uyatmaq
- vandalisieren → vandalieren
- varatoimenpide → varotoimenpide
- Varied → vary
- veiteggi → veitiggi
- venente → veniente
- verklinie → verklinje
- viduoklis → vaiduoklis
- vierotusoire → vieroitusoire
- vierotusoireet → vieroitusoireet
- viitos → viitonen
- vinarligur → vinaligur
- vorige → vorig
- Weeks → week
- wherewithall → wherewithal
- whoah → whoa
- wordssmith → wordsmith
- wynful → wynfull
- xero → xeriscaping
- xochicualli → xochihcualli
- yabbie → yabby
- yemine → yeminet
- zhaaganaashimowin → zhaaganaashiimowin
- zoea → zoaea
- zweiter → zweite
- zzzzz → zzz
[edit]- other redirects not classified above (maximum of 1000)
- may be errors, may not be, simply not classified at this time
- !Xu → !Xũ
- !Xû → !Xũ
- !Xũũ → !Xũ
- !āo → ǃāo
- 'burb → burb
- 'Eid ul-Fitr → Eid ul-Fitr
- 'fraid not → I'm afraid not
- 'ilio → ‘īlio
- 'iriwity → ʼiriwity
- 's Gravenhage → 's-Gravenhage
- 'tache → tache
- 'taches → tache
- 'tain't → 'taint
- 'The → the
- 'uku → ʻuku
- 've → -'ve
- 'óola → óola
- 'Ρῶμος → Ῥῶμος
- (A) → circle-A
- *Topics → Category:*Topics
- -'s → 's
- -) → -)
- -acx- → -aĉ-
- -ateur → -eur
- -bi- → bi-
- -cīda → -cida
- -enn- → enna-
- -gramme → gramme
- -hex- → hexa-
- -induced → induced
- -isimo → -ísimo
- -ix → -rix
- -kkäin → -kkain
- -kkö → -kko
- -kohtainen → kohta
- -käs → -kas
- -lokk → lokk
- -menni → menni
- -mäinen → -mainen
- -oct- → octa-
- -oir → -oire
- -onomy → -nomy
- -pent- → penta-
- -quad- → quadri-
- -sation → -isation
- -sept- → hepta-
- -skii → -sky
- -skij → -sky
- -sson → -son
- -t- → t
- -tella → -lla
- -teur → -eur
- -thon → -athon
- -tri- → tri-
- -trix → -rix
- -tön → -ton
- -volmente → -evolmente
- -vä → -va#Finnish
- -wards → -ward
-à → -ità- -ова → -ов
- -ово → -ов
- -овы → -ов
- -ון → ־ון
- -ות → ־ות
- -י → ־י
- -ים → ־ים
- -ית → ־ית
- -ם → ־ם
- -ال → ال
- -’d → -'d
- -へ → へ
- -まで → まで
- -を → を
- . . . → …
- /dev/null → bit bucket
- 1 Esd. → Esd.
- 1 Esdras → Esdras
- 1 L → one L
- 1-2-1 → 121
- 1-L → one L
- 1-Sfhead-Splane-Claw5-Side-Radial Hold Claw5-MedialSfhead-Hplane-Claw5-Side-Radial RoundHplane-RoundHplane → 1@Sfhead-PalmDown Claw5@InsideChesthigh-PalmDown-Claw5@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmUp RoundHoriz-RoundHoriz
- 19th hole → nineteenth hole
- 1@Sfhead-PalmDown Claw5@InsideChesthigh-PalmDown-Claw5@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmUp RoundHplane-RoundHplane → 1@Sfhead-PalmDown Claw5@InsideChesthigh-PalmDown-Claw5@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmUp RoundHoriz-RoundHoriz
- 2 Esd. → Esd.
- 2 Esdras → Esdras
- 2 point perspective → two-point perspective
- 2-L → 2L
- 20 → twenty
- 21 → twenty-one
- 22 → twenty-two
- 23 → twenty-three
- 24 → twenty-four
- 25 → twenty-five
- 26 → twenty-six
- 27 → twenty-seven
- 28 → twenty-eight
- 29 → twenty-nine
- 3 Esd. → Esd.
- 3 Esdras → Esdras
- 3 L → three L
- 3-L → three L
- 30 → thirty
- 31 → thirty-one
- 32 → thirty-two
- 34 → thirty-four
- 35 → thirty-five
- 36 → thirty-six
- 37 → thirty-seven
- 38 → thirty-eight
- 39 → thirty-nine
- 3K行業 → 3K產業
- 3rd bridge guitar → third bridge guitar
- 4 Esd. → Esd.
- 4 Esdras → Esdras
- 4 L → four L
- 4-L → four L
- 40 → forty
- 41 → forty-one
- 42 → forty-two
- 43 → forty-three
- 44 → forty-four
- 46 → forty-six
- 47 → forty-seven
- 48 → forty-eight
- 49 → forty-nine
- 49th parallel → forty-ninth parallel
- 4L → four L
- 5 finger exercise → five-finger exercise
- 5-0 → 5-O
- 5-finger exercise → five-finger exercise
- 50 → fifty
- 51 → fifty-one
- 52 → fifty-two
- 53 → fifty-three
- 54 → fifty-four
- 55 → fifty-five
- 56 → fifty-six
- 57 → fifty-seven
- 58 → fifty-eight
- 59 → fifty-nine
- 5@ChestMiddle-Wiggle → 5@Chest-PalmAcross Wiggle
- 60 → sixty
- 61 → sixty-one
- 62 → sixty-two
- 63 → sixty-three
- 64 → sixty-four
- 65 → sixty-five
- 66 → sixty-six
- 67 → sixty-seven
- 68 → sixty-eight
- 69 → sixty-nine
- 7 чудес света → семь чудес света
- 70 → seventy
- 71 → seventy-one
- 72 → seventy-two
- 73 → seventy-three
- 74 → seventy-four
- 75 → seventy-five
- 76 → seventy-six
- 77 → seventy-seven
- 86ed → 86
- 9-11 → 9/11
- ;-) → ;)
- ?מה שלומך → מה שלומך
- A B C → ABC
- A frame → A-frame
- a lua în consideraţie → lua în consideraţie
- a pat on the back → pat on the back
- a per se → A-per-se
- a piece of piss → piece of piss
- a seeing to → seeing to
- a swear word → swear word
- a traduce → traduce
- A&Bfd → A&B
- A&E2 → A&E
- A' Chuimrigh → Cuimrigh
- A' Ghearmailt → Gearmailt
- A' Ghrèig → Grèig
- A'asia2 → A'asia
- A- → A−
- a- ... -ing → a- -ing
- A-'s → A−'s
- a--ing → a- -ing
- a-...-ing → a- -ing
- A-bomb22 → A-bomb
- a-jak-tuk → ayak-tuk
- A-rập TN Ê-mi-rát → A-rập thống nhất Ê-mi-rát
- a.s.a.p. → ASAP
- A@Forehead-5Chest Vert → A@Forehead 5@Chest-ThumbBack
- aaltoiset → -aaltoiset
- Aarò → Adrià
- aatteiset → -aatteiset
- abbicci → abbiccì
- Abd-ul-Aziz → Abdulaziz
- abdabs → screaming abdabs
- Abdjw → AbDw
- Abe Lincoln → Abraham Lincoln
- abekku → abékku
- abekkuhomuran → abekkuhōmuran
- abekkuhoomuran → abekkuhōmuran
- Abfluß → Abfluss
- Abflußleitung → Abflussleitung
- abhist → অভীষ্ট
- abhāva → अभाव
- Ablaß → Ablass
- Ablaßhandel → Ablasshandel
- Ablaßventil → Ablassventil
- abogacia → abogacía
- Abraam → Αβραάμ
- Abstaende → Abstände
- Accouterment → accoutrement
- accroupir → s'accroupir
- acinetæ → acinetae
- action film → action movie
- acute-angled triangle → acute triangle
- acérrimo → acerrimo
- acētum → acetum
- acız → aciz
- AD&D → ADD
- ad-hominem → ad hominem
- Adaptor → adapter
- Adj → adj.
- adj → adj.
- Adm → Adm.
- adm → Adm.
- Adolphos → Αδόλφος
- Adrianos → Αδριανός
- adv. → adverb
- aebelskiver → æbleskive
- aepa → æpa
- Afon Tawe → Tawe
- Afraid so → 'fraid so
- African-american → African American
- Afro pessimism → Afro-pessimism
- Afropessimism → Afro-pessimism
- Afsakið, ... → afsakið
- after cast → after-cast
- after the jump → more after the jump
- after- → after
- aftokinito → αυτοκίνητο
- afɑ̃ → afã
- afɑ̃kaka → afakaka
- afɔmizi → fɔmizi
- Agassiz → Lake Agassiz
- Agellus → agrellus
- agenda’s → agenda's
- ageometretos → ἀγεωμέτρητος
- ageométretos → ἀγεωμέτρητος
- aghavni → աղավնի
- agric. → agriculture
- Aife → Aífe
- aiheiset → -aiheiset
- aint → ain't
- ain’t → ain't
- air freight → airfreight
- air-conditioning → air conditioning
- air-sea rescue → Air Sea Rescue
- Airgun → air gun
- airtaxi → air taxi
- ajere → ajére
- ajx- → aĵ-
- AK47 → AK-47
- akečios → akėčios
- Akhtar → اختر
- akilleen kantapää → akilleenkantapää
- Akita dog → 秋田犬
- Al Alamayn → El Alamein
- Al Alamein → El Alamein
- Al Madinah → Medina
- al Qaeda → al-Qaeda
- Al-Alamein → El Alamein
- Albertos → Αλβέρτος
- Alburquerque → Albuquerque
- Aldersgate → Aldersgate Street
- Alekos → Αλέκος
- aleph-zero → aleph-null
- aletheia → αλήθεια
- Alfheim → Álfheim
- Alfredos → Αλφρέδος
- alhwez → alc'hwez
- Alicorne → Alicorn
- Alkoholkranker → Alkoholkranke
- alkuiset → -alkuiset
- all hepped up → hepped up
- all his marbles → all one's marbles
- all or nothing → all-or-nothing
- all she wrote → that's all she wrote
- all talk → all talk and no action
- all your base → All your base are belong to us
- all-a-gog → agog
- all-in → all in
- allah akbar → Allahu akbar
- Allahu a'alam → الله اعلم
- Allahu A`alam → الله اعلم
- alley-oop → alley oop
- alleğim → allegim
- aloitteiset → -aloitteiset
- Alphonsos → Αλφόνσος
- alter Knacker → Knacker
- alto-cumulus → altocumulus
- alto-stratus → altostratus
- alueiset → -alueiset
- Alzheimer’s → Alzheimer's
- Ambience → ambiance
- ambulāre → ambulare
- amheug → 암흑
- amuse bouche → amuse-bouche
- amābimus → amabimus
- Amścislaŭ → Amścisłaŭ
- An Danmhairg → Danmhairg
- An Eadailt → Eadailt
- An Fhraing → Fraing
- An Ostair → Ostair
- An Rìoghachd Aonaichte → Rìoghachd Aonaichte
- An Rìoghachd Aonaichte na Breatainn Mhòr agus Eirinn a Tuath → Rìoghachd Aonaichte na Breatainn Mhòr agus Eirinn a Tuath
- An Spàinn → Spàinn
- An t-Eilean Sgitheanach → Eilean Sgitheanach
- An t-Suain → Suain
- An Zhi Ruo Su → 安之若素
- Anakin Skywalker → Skywalker
- Analingus → anilingus
- anami'e-giizhig → anami'e-giizhik
- anarâškiellâ → anarâškielâ
- Ancient Greek language → Ancient Greek
- and raise you → I'll see your X and raise you Y
- andalus → Al-Andalus
- Anders nog iets? → anders nog iets
- andket → عندقت
- angali-kingachxicax → angali kingachxicax
- Angeles → ángeles
- angeles → ángeles
- Anglosaxon → Anglo-Saxon
- Animé → anime
- aniya → ᠠᠨᡳᠶᠠ
- annai → an'nai
- annoksiset → -annoksiset
- Anousheh → انوشه
- ante meridian → antemeridian
- ante-room → anteroom
- Antediluvial → antediluvian
- antemeridiem → ante meridiem
- Antennae → antenna
- Anthocauli → anthocaulus
- Anthroplogy → anthropology
- Anthropological → anthropologic
- anti-aliasing → antialiasing
- anti-miscegenation → antimiscegenation
- anticlimb → anti-climb
- Antinoethisch → antinoetisch
- Antonymy → antonym
- aoiki → aoiki toiki
- Aotearoaian → Aotearoan
- Aoteroan → Aotearoan
- aout → août
- ape shit → apeshit
- Apices → apex
- Apophthegm → apothegm
- Appal → appall
- apparātus → apparatus#Latin
- apple corer → apple-corer
- apple green → apple-green
- apple-dumpling → apple dumpling
- approx → approx.
- apres → après
- ap’t → ap't
- aqueduct of sylvius → cerebral aqueduct
- Arabic language → Arabic
- Arachnephobia → arachnophobia
- Araks → Aras
- Arameic → Aramaic
- Arax → Aras
- Araxes → Aras
- ARB2 → ARB
- Arbeitsloser → Arbeitslose
- arbeiðinum → arbeiði
- arch-nemesis → archnemesis
- Archæan → Archaean
- arcuate-decurrant → arcuate-decurrent
- ardal → Árdal
- Ardal → Árdal
- Ardour → ardor
- aren’t → aren't
- arigato → ありがとう
- arigatō → ありがとう
- Ariz → Ariz.
- Armenian language → Armenian#Proper noun
- Arnhemland → Arnhem Land
- aromiset → -aromiset
- arse-hole → arsehole
- Artefact → artifact
- artichokebottom → artichoke bottom
- Artisanal → artisan
- artél' → артель
- Arvaker → Arvak
- arēnārius → arenarius
- arşımaq → arçımaq
- as a lamb to the slaughter → like a lamb to the slaughter
- as American as apple pie → American as apple pie
- as cool as a cucumber → cool as a cucumber
- as daft as a brush → daft as a brush
- as dry as a dead dingo's donger → dry as a dead dingo's donger
- as dry as a dead dingo’s donger → dry as a dead dingo's donger
- as good as gold → good as gold
- as hot as hell → hot as hell
- as keen as mustard → keen as mustard
- as naked as the day he was born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day I was born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day it was born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day one was born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day she was born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day they were born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day we were born → naked as the day one was born
- as naked as the day you were born → naked as the day one was born
- as old as the hills → old as the hills
- as poor as a church mouse → poor as a church mouse
- as pure as the driven snow → pure as the driven snow
- as queer as a clockwork orange → queer as a clockwork orange
- as right as a trivet → right as a trivet
- as sick as a dog → sick as a dog
- as soon as possible → ASAP
- Asbed → Ասպետ
- aseiset → -aseiset
- asenteiset → -asenteiset
- asentoiset → -asentoiset
- AsH3 → AsH₃
- ashtarak → աշտարակ
- askeliset → -askeliset
- assed → -assed
- Asseverational → asseveration
- Astantine → astatine
- asteelaiset → -asteelaiset
- asteikkoiset → -asteikkoiset
- asteinen → -asteinen
- asteiset → -asteiset
- astron → ἄστρον
- Astros → Astro
- astynomia → αστυνομία
- astyphylakas → αστυφύλακας
- asuinen → -asuinen
- asuiset → -asuiset
- Asuncion → Asunción
- AT Attachment → ATA
- Atrabiliousness → atrabilious
- attorney-general → attorney general
- Au.BAFIcBAFI.INMPBAVP.Au.BAFIcm0ST.INMPBAVP ... B~u.ULcUL.BKHPBAVP.B~u.ULcm0ST.BAHPBAVP . 1o-p.cm0ST.TIFIVPMP → BentB@BackFinger-PalmBack-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack C@Ulnar-PalmUp-C@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp 1@CenterChesthigh-TipFingerForward
- aud → aud.
- audio-animatronics → animatronics
- AusAID → AID
- Ausserirdische → Außerirdische
- Auszubildender → Auszubildende
- Authoring tool → authoring program
- auto-da-fe → auto-da-fé
- auxiliary language → international auxiliary language
- avant garde → avant-garde
- avast ye → avast
- averia → avería
- avg → avg.
- Avi → אבי
- away swing → outswing
- aß → essen
- að vera með kvef → vera með kvef
- aðaláhugamal → aðaláhugamál
- aĉet- → aĉeto
- aşıkmaq → aşıqmaq
- aşşı → aççı
- aƕa → 𐌰𐍈𐌰
- Aετός → αετός
- A’asia → A'asia
- B'alam → balam
- B- → B−
- B-In-Vplane-B-Chesthigh-Back Hold Short B-InFinger-Vplane-B-Chesthigh-Back Short B-In-Vplane-B-Chesthigh-Back Short B-InFinger-Vplane-B-Chesthigh-Back Hold → B@RadialWrist-PalmForward-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown Sidetoside
- b-to-b → B2B
- B@Chin-PalmBack-B@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp B@Palm-PalmUp-B@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp → OpenB@Chin-PalmBack-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp OpenB@Palm-PalmUp-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp
- B@RadialWrist-PalmAway-OpenB@CenterChesthigh Sidetoside → B@RadialWrist-PalmForward-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown Sidetoside
- ba-nem mia → ba-nem-mia
- Babilónie → Babilonie
- baby-snatching → baby snatching
- babytalk → baby talk
- back benches → backbenches
- back of the envelope → back-of-the-envelope
- back teeth are floating → my back teeth are floating
- back to back → back-to-back
- back-bench → backbench
- back-bencher → backbencher
- back-benches → backbenches
- back-breaking → backbreaking
- back-crawl → back crawl
- back-date → backdate
- back-handed → backhanded
- back-hander → backhander
- back-light → backlight
- back-number → back number
- back-pack → backpack
- Back-up → backup
- bad job → give something up as a bad job
- bad mannered → bad-mannered
- bafana bafana → bafana
- Bagpipe → bagpipes
- bagă → băga
- Baha'i → Bahá'í
- baha'is → Bahá'ís
- bahai → Bahá'í
- bahais → Bahá'ís
- Bahá'í Faith → Bahá'í
- Baháí → Bahá'í
- bahča → bašta
- Bailey's → Baileys
- baisakhi → Vaisakhi
- baited breath → with baited breath
- Bajillion → -illion
- balalayka → балалайка
- balaŋ → bɑlɑŋ
- Baleygr → Báleygr
- ball-tampering → ball tampering
- ballcarrier → ball carrier
- balls up → balls-up
- baltarùsis → baltarusis
- Baluchistan → Balochistan
- Bandarikin → Bandaríkin
- bande de → bande
- bandy legged → bandy-legged
- bangud → bangud sa
- Banilud → badinilud
- banjyō → banjō
- Bannister → banister
- banyū → ban'yū
- banäna → banaana
- Baptise → baptize
- bar graph → bar chart
- Barbarin → Barbar
- barbe-à-papa → barbe à papa
- barbed-wire → barbed wire
- barley corn → barleycorn
- baros → βάρος
- bashkan → başkan
- Bastardi → bastardo
- bat shit → batshit
- bat1jat1joeng6 → 不一樣
- bataná' → batanáʼ
- bathy scaphe → bathyscaphe
- bathy sphere → bathysphere
- batr → bátr
- battle-axe → battle-ax
- Battleax → battle-ax
- Bazillion → -illion
- bağçe → bahçe
- bche' → bcheʼ
- be as cool as a cucumber → cool as a cucumber
- be at great pains → be at pains
- be cool as a cucumber → cool as a cucumber
- be ourselves → be oneself
- be themselves → be oneself
- be yourselves → be oneself
- bean counter → bean-counter
- Bean curd → tofu
- Beancurd → bean curd
- bear-hug → bear hug
- bearla → Béarla
- beatemest → beat'emest
- beat’emest → beat'emest
- Beaṉ → Bcaṉ
- becwēþan → becweþan
- Bed Bug → bedbug
- bed Bug → bedbug
- bed ridden → bedridden
- bed-wetter → bedwetter
- bed-wetters → bedwetters
- Beduin → bedouin
- beedxe' → beedxeʼ
- befehden → sich befehden
- beissen → beißen
- Beledie Han → Беледие хан
- belg → bælg
- bell bottoms → bell-bottoms
- bellards formula → Bellard's formula
- Belly-button → belly button
- Ben sana aşığım → Sana aşığım
- Bengali language → Bangla
- benkyo → benkyō
- benkyou → benkyō
- beri-beri → beriberi
- Bertrand's postulate → Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem
- beruehren → berühren
- Berwick upon Tweed → Berwick-upon-Tweed
- berēofan → bereofan
- Beschiss → Beschiß
- best seller → bestseller
- best-looking → good-looking
- best-seller → bestseller
- beta carotene → beta-carotene
- better-looking → good-looking
- betwēonum → betweonum
- betwēox → betweox
- betōn → beton
- beğitmek → begitmek
- beġeondan → begeondan
- beġietan → begietan
- beşıncı → beşinci
- beǽwnian → beæwnian
- Bhai → भाई
- Bhfuil → fuil
- bi-monthly → bimonthly
- bi-weekly → biweekly
- bible-thumper → Bible thumper
- biblical proportions → of biblical proportions
- bibliotheque → bibliothèque
- bibēn → biben
- bic ber-becka-luni → bic-ber-becka-luni
- bicurious → bi-curious
- bicycle-kick → bicycle kick
- Biggie → biggy
- bikini-babe → bikini babe
- Bilagaana → Bilagáana
- bilge water → bilgewater
- bindle punk → bindle stiff
- BIOT → B. I. O. T.
- bird shit → birdshit
- Bird song → birdsong
- Birre → birra
- birth-certificate → birth certificate
- bisiġ → bisig
- bit map → bitmap
- bitchslap → bitch slap
- bizzeffe → a bizzeffe
- Biß → Biss
- biða → bíða
- Bjork → Björk
- Black Rod → Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod
- blame America → blame America first
- blase → blasé
- blasto → blasto-
- Bldg → Bldg.
- blind side → blindside
- blind-side → blindside
- blow by → blow-by
- blow job → blowjob
- blow one's brains out → blow someone's brains out
- blue pencil → blue-pencil
- Blue-green algae → blue-green alga
- blvd → blvd.
- BLVD → blvd.
- blóstmian → blostmian
- blāo → blao
- blēat → bleat
- blētsian → bletsian
- blētsunġ → bletsung
- blīo → blio
- blōdi → blodi
- blōz → bloz
- bobbie → Bobby
- Boddhisatva → bodhisattva
- Bodice-ripper → bodice ripper
- bodiġ → bodig
- boeuf → bœuf
- boeufs → bœufs
- boglins → Boglin
- Bollock → bollocks
- boltrope → bolt-rope
- bomb-site → bomb site
- bone-ash → bone ash
- book worm → bookworm
- bookkeep → book-keep
- booru → ボール
- boqşa → boqça
- borgēn → borgen
- borġian → borgian
- borōn → boron
- BOT. → botany
- Botevgrad → Appendix:Place names/Botevgrad
- Bothrín → bóithrín
- bouken → bōken
- bourèe → bourrèe
- bow-chaser → bow chaser
- box spring → box-spring
- Brainwashing → brain-washing
- Brand name → trade name
- brand name → trade name
- brand-new → brand new
- bras snik → bras-snik
- bread-basket → breadbasket
- breeze block → breeze-block
- breitī → breiti
- breġdan → bregdan
- brick-a-brack → bric-a-brac
- brick-and-mortar → bricks and mortar
- bricks-and-mortar → bricks and mortar
- brinġan → bringan
- broad-church → broad church
- brockle-faced → brockle
- brow beat → browbeat
- brown coal → lignite
- brujeria → brujería
- brycġ → brycg
- brycġian → brycgian
- brād → brad
- brāto → brato
- brēad → bread
- brēost → breost
- brēowan → breowan
- brīdel → bridel
- brīo → brio
- brūt → brut
- brūtigomo → brutigomo
- Bubble gum → bubblegum
- bubble gum → bubblegum
- buchner flask → Büchner flask
- buchner funnel → Büchner funnel
- bucket truck → cherry picker
- bucknaked → buck naked
- Buckthorn → Rhamnus catharticus
- bucky-ball → buckyball
- Buddha hand squash → 佛手瓜
- Built-in → built in
- buird → bùird
- Bulimia → bulimia nervosa
- Bull's-Eye → bull's eye
- Bulls Eye → bull's eye
- bum somebody out → bum out
- bum someone out → bum out
- bump-'n'-grind → bump and grind
- bungee line → bungee cord
- buom buom → bươm bướm
- buongiorno → buon giorno
- Burgundy wine → Burgundy
- bush baby → bushbaby
- business-as-usual → business as usual
- bustenhalter → Büstenhalter
- Bustenhalter → Büstenhalter
- butcher’s → butcher's
- buttsex → butt sex
- buxeto metala → buxo
- BVDs → BVD's
- By Topic → Wiktionary:Topics
- bycġan → bycgan
- bye bye → bye-bye
- byrġan → byrgan
- byt' → byť
- bzw → bzw.
- bànfă → bànfǎ
- bádian → badian
- básnung → basnung
- bælġ → bælg
- bêche de mer → bêche-de-mer
- bólkurin → bólkur
- bô-kâng-khóan → 无仝款
- bô-kāng-khóan → 无共款
- bù yīyàng → 不一样
- bú kèqi → 不客气
- búðarborðið → búðarborð
- bûn-giân → 文言
- büdjet → bücet
- bülbül yuvası → bülbülyuvası
- bār → bar
- bāra → bara
- bāro → baro
- bāt → bat
- bāyuè → 八月
- bē-tàng → 未當
- bēde → bede
- bēod → beod
- bēr → ber
- bīdan → bidan
- bītan → bitan
- bīzan → bizan
- bōc → boc
- bōe-tàng → 未當
- bōg → bog
- bōk → bok
- bōna → bona
- bōsi → bosi
- bōġ → bog
- būan → buan
- būr → bur
- būtan → butan
- bǫl → böl
- C ++ → C++
- C plus plus → C++
- C- → C−
- c.f. → cf.
- C/o → care of
- C@sfhead-FlatB@InsideChestHigh C@Palm-FlatB@CenterChesthigh → C@Sfhead-PalmForward-FlatB@InsideChestHigh-PalmAcross C@Palm-PalmForward-FlatB@CenterChesthigh-PalmAcross
- ca va → ça va
- cable TV → cable television
- cacalōtl → cacalotl
- Caerphilly cheese → caerphilly
- caida → caída
- cailin → cailín
- Cailin → cailín
- Cainte → caint
- Cainteanna → caint
- caire → Le Caire
- Caire → Le Caire
- Cairistìona → Cairistiona
- Calcaneum → calcaneus
- Calcium carbonat → calcium carbonate
- Caldron → cauldron
- Calif → Calif.
- call down on the carpet → call on the carpet
- call somebody on the carpet → call on the carpet
- call someone on the carpet → call on the carpet
- Calumniously → calumny
- Camboj → Kamboj
- camboj → Kamboj
- camboja → Kamboja
- Cambyses → Kambujiya
- can't be arsed → arsed
- cancao → canção
- Canonic → canonical
- canóaa → canoaa
- canı → cañı
- can’t → can't
- Cape hunting dog → African hunting dog
- Capisce? → capisce
- capitao → capitão
- CAPVT → caput
- carameliser → caraméliser
- Carbolic acid → phenol
- Cardinal Tetras → cardinal tetra
- Cardinals → Cardinal
- Cards → card game
- care giver → care-giver
- Carousel → carousal
- carry one's bat → carry the bat
- carry-out → carryout
- cash back → cash-back
- cashback → cash-back
- cat got your tongue → cat got someone's tongue]]
- cat in a strange garret → like a cat in a strange garret
- cat o' nine tails → cat-o'-nine-tails
- Catalog → catalogue
- Catch 22 → Catch-22
- catch as catch can → catch-as-catch-can
- catspaw → cat's-paw
- catōblepas → catoblepas
- caucus-race → caucus race
- Caucus-race → caucus race
- Caucus-Race → caucus race
- Caxtillan xochitl → castillan xochitl
- caſtillã → castillã
- Ceilidhean → ceilidh
- Ceithernn → ceithern
- cell-phone → cell phone
- Cellphone → cell phone
- Cellulose nitrate → nitrocellulose
- cent- → centi-
- Centra → centrum
- cepek → cepé
- cerebromedullary cistern → cisterna magna
- cet. par. → ceteris paribus
- ch'ał → ch’ał
- chaabi → شعبي
- chachayāhua → chachayahua
- chaching → cha-ching
- chalk it up to → chalk up
- Chamomile → camomile
- changi → ჩანგი
- Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg → Chaubunagungamaug
- Charlie Card → CharlieCard
- Charnel-house → charnel house
- Chassidism → Hassidism
- chat room → chat-room
- cheat-sheet → cheat sheet
- cheatsheet → cheat sheet
- cheaw jak → cheaw-jak
- cheeslaw → cheese slaw
- chef-d’œuvre → chef-d'œuvre
- chem → chem.
- Chem → chem.
- Chemical elements → Appendix:Chemical elements
- chheng-liû → 清流
- chick pea → chickpea
- chicken pox → chickenpox
- chicken shit → chicken-shit
- chimney money → chimney-money
- chin chin → chin-chin
- chinchin → chin-chin
- Chinenſis → Chinensis
- Chinese calendar → 农历
- Chinese radical index → Index:Chinese radical
- chingon → chingón
- Chionin Temple → 知恩院
- chlēo → chleo
- chock-full → chock full
- choeur → chœur
- chomage → chômage
- chonguri → ჩონგური
- choot → चूत
- chop chop → chop-chop
- chrono → chrono-
- chronus → Chronos
- Chronus → Chronos
- Chthonophagy → chthonophagia
- chu nom → chữ Nôm
- chuniri → ჭუნირი
- chuugoku → chūgoku
- chuugokugo → chūgokugo
- chāsi → chasi
- ch’osh → ch'osh
- ci4din2 → 辭典
- cia lu-ten → cia-luten
- cinderblock → cinder block
- CIR → cır
- cirro-cumulus → cirrocumulus
- cirro-stratus → cirrostratus
- Cis-trans isomer → geometric isomer
- Citric acid cycle → Krebs cycle
- city-state → city state
- ciunas → ciúnas
- Cl2 → Cl₂
- Clamour → clamor
- Class of X → class of
- Clayton's → Claytons
- Claytons' → Claytons
- clear-cut → clear cut
- Cliche → cliché
- client/server → client-server
- cloak and dagger → cloak-and-dagger
- Cloath → clothes
- clēofan → cleofan
- cnāwan → cnawan
- co-ordinately → coördinately
- co-ordinateness → coördinateness
- co-ordinative → coördinative
- co-pilot → copilot
- co-recursive acronym → recursive acronym
- CO2 → CO₂
- Coalescence → coalesce
- Coca Cola → Coca-Cola
- cock sucker → cocksucker
- cock-a-doodle-do → cock-a-doodle-doo
- cockadoodledoo → cock-a-doodle-doo
- cocto bik → cocto-bik
- Code of Military Justice → Uniform Code of Military Justice
- code talker → codetalker
- cods wallop → codswallop
- Coeur → cœur
- coincider → coïncider
- cojon → cojón
- cola baska → cola-baska
- Color wheel → colour wheel
- comak luk → comak-luk
- come like a lamb to the slaughter → like a lamb to the slaughter
- comme les doigts de la mains → unis comme les doigts de la main
- commenca → commença
- Community Portal → Wiktionary:Community Portal
- compar. → comparative
- complex compound → coordination compound
- computer programming → programming
- con-man → con man
- concavo-concave → biconcave
- conf → conf.
- Cong → Cong.
- conj. → conjunction
- connettè → connetté
- convexo-convex → biconvex
- cool cucumber → cool as a cucumber
- coon cat → Maine Coon
- coordinated complex → coordination compound
- coordinately → coördinately
- coordinateness → coördinateness
- copy-and-paste → cut-and-paste
- corazon → corazón
- cornelian cherry → cornel
- corner stone → cornerstone
- correlation does not equal causation → correlation does not imply causation
- cortauñas → cortaúñas
- coryphee → coryphée
- Cosmocrator → cosmocrat
- Could I be any more → could one be any more
- Could I be any more... → could one be any more
- counter clockwise → counter-clockwise
- counter espionage → counter intelligence
- counter-intuitive → counterintuitive
- counterclockwise → counter-clockwise
- coup-de-grace → coup de grâce
- couple-ongles → coupe-ongles
- cousin german → cousin-german
- cow lick → cowlick
- coyo̱ʼ → coyo̱'
- crab apple → crabapple
- crab-apple → crabapple
- crane fly → cranefly
- crane-fly → cranefly
- crank shaft → crankshaft
- crawl with → crawl
- creampuff → cream puff
- creche → crèche
- Credit deposit ratio → credit-deposit ratio
- creep out → creep someone out
- crepe-de-chine → crepe de Chine
- cronos → Cronus
- cross your fingers → cross one's fingers
- cross-section → cross section
- crudan → crūdan
- crunk rap → crunk
- crushhat → crush hat
- crushroom → crush room