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Classical Nahuatl


Alternative forms




cuāuhiztetl, cuāuhiztitl "eagle's talon" + xōchitl "flower"


  • IPA(key): /kʷaːwisteʃoːtʃitɬ/
  • IPA(key): /kʷaːwistiʃoːtʃitɬ/




  1. A kind of flower.
    • 16C: Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex, book 11, chapter 7, paragraph 10
      QUAUHIZTESUCHITL, QUAVIZTISUCHITL, xivitl, xoxoctic in jatlapal: texoti in jcueponca, coltic: iuhqujn quauhtli izti ic ca
      (QUAUHIZTEXOCHITL, QUAUHIZTIXOCHITL. It is an herb. Its leaves are green; its blossom is blue. It is curved, like an eagle talon.)
    • 17C: Lope de Vega, Bartolomé de Alva (tr.), La madre de la mejor, f. 64v.
      Cuecuepocatimani in quauhyztexochitl.
      (The eagle-talon flower [etc.] spread about bursting into bloom.)


  • Sahagún, Bernardino de (1963) Charles E. Dibble, Arthur J. O. Anderson, transl., Florentine Codex, Book 11 - Earthly Things, Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, published 2007, →ISBN, page 211
  • Sell, Barry D., Louise M. Burkhart, Elizabeth R. Wright (ed. and tr.) (2008) Nahuatl Theater, Volume 3: Spanish Golden Age Drama in Mexican Translation, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, →ISBN, page 361