- See: FileDrawer, WorkShop
Work bench
- Canes Venatici (Cor Caroli) - Canis Major (Sirius, Dog Star) - Canis Minor (Procyon) - Carina (Canopus) - Cassiopeia - Coma Berenices - Corona Australis - Corona Borealis (Gemma) - Corvus - Cygnus (Northern Cross, Deneb, Albireo)
- Equuleus - Eridanus
- Ophiuchus - Orion (Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Saiph, Orion Nebula, Orion's Belt, Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka)
- Sagitta - Sculptor - Scutum - Serpens (Serpens Caput, Serpens Cauda)
- Volans - Vulpecula
- nōmen, cognōmen, gēns
- Category:Latin praenomina
- Category:Latin nomina gentilia
- Category:Latin cognomina
- Category:Latin agnomina
- e.g. Gallius, Iūlius
Substantive nouns primer
- A - agnus anguis, apis, arbor, avis
- B - barba, bōs, bracchium, brassica, bucca
- C - canis, clāvis, cornu
- D - dēns, digitus
- E - ebur, echīnus, equus
- F - favus, fēlēs, flōs
- G - gallus, genū, gladius
- H - hasta, homō
- I - īnsula, iūdex
- L - lanterna, leō, lepus, lūna
- M - malleus, mālum, manus, māter, mūlus
- N - nāsus, nāvis, nūbēs
- O - oculus, olīva, os/ōs, ōvum
- P - palma, pānis, pēs, piscis, porcus, porta
- Q - quadrātum, quadrīgae
- R - rēgīna, rosa, rota
- S - sagitta, saxum, scorpiō/scorpius, scūtum, serpēns, serra, sōl
- T - taurus, tīgris, toga, tunica
- U - urbs, urna, ursus, ūva
- V - vacca, vēlum, vermis, vīnum, vulpēs
- X - xiphiās
- Z - zīzania, zōdiacus, zōna
Category:Requests for pronunciation (Latin)
- nōbilitō - A - nobilit ; B - nōbilit ; C - nobilitav ; D - nōbilitāv
1st Conjugation
- īnsimulō
- īnsinuō
- īnspectō
- īnspīrō
- īnstaurō
- īnstīgō
- īnstillō
- īnsultō
- invigilō
- iugulō
- iūrō
- īnsimulāns
- īnsinuāns
- īnspectāns
- īnspīrāns
- īnstaurāns
- īnstīgāns
- īnstillāns
- īnsultāns
- invigilāns
- iugulāns
- iūrāns
- īnsimulātus
- īnsinuātus
- īnspectātus
- īnspīrātus
- īnstaurātus
- īnstīgātus
- īnstillātus
- īnsultātus
- invigilātus
- iugulātus
- iūrātus
- īnsimulāre
- īnsinuāre
- īnspectāre
- īnspīrāre
- īnstaurāre
- īnstīgāre
- īnstillāre
- īnsultāre
- invigilāre
- iugulāre
- iūrāre
- iactō
- īgnōrō
- illigō
- illūminō
- illūstrō
- immolō
- immūtō
- imperitō
- impetrō
- implicō
- implōrō
- impugnō
- imputō
- inaugurō
- inaurō
- incitō
- inclāmō
- inclīnō
- incohō
- inculcō
- incursō
- incurvō
- incūsō
- indāgō
- indicō
- indūrō
- inēbriō
- īnfāmō
- īnfestō
- īnfirmō
- īnflammō
- īnflō
- īnfōrmō
- ingeminō
- inhiō
- initiō
- inquiētō
- inquinō
- īnsimulō - CONJ
- īnsinuō
- īnspectō
- īnspīrō
- īnstaurō
- īnstīgō
- īnstillō
- īnsultō
- integrō
- interpellō
- interpolō
- interrogō
- intrō
- inundō
- investīgō
- invigilō
- invītō
- invocō
- involō
- irrigō
- irrītō
- irrogō
- irrōrō
- iterō
- iūdicō
- iugulō
- iūrō
4th Conjugation
Tool box
Character sets
- Latin: Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū ā ē ī ō ū
IPA resources
- Wiktionary:IPA pronunciation key
- IPA(key): /hʏˈː/
- IPA(key): /ˈnoː.men/
- Consonants: b (ps, pt) k d f g (ŋ) h j k l m n p kw r s t w ks z kʰ pʰ tʰ
- Other: ˈ ˌ ː .
ā | ē | ī | ō | ū | y | |
long | aː | eː | iː | oː | uː | ʏː |
short | a | e | ɪ, i | ɔ, o | u | ʏ |
diphthongs | ae | au | ei | eu (rare) | oe | ui (rare) |
ɛː | aʊ | eɪ | ɛʊ ? | ɔɪ | ʊɪ ? |
Quotations Timeline
- to avoid; to shun
1599 | 1927 | |||||||||||||||||||
1st c. | 2nd c. | 3rd c. | 4th c. | 5th c. | 6th c. | 7th c. | 8th c. | 9th c. | 10th c. | 11th c. | 12th c. | 13th c. | 14th c. | 15th c. | 16th c. | 17th c. | 18th c. | 19th c. | 20th c. | 21st c. |
- 1599 — William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor v 5
- What cannot be eschew'd must be embrac'd.
- 1927 — H.P. Lovecraft, The Horror at Red Hook
- He could afford no servants, and would admit but few visitors to his absolute solitude; eschewing close friendships and receiving his rare acquaintances in one of the three ground-floor rooms which he kept in order.
Latin Templates
- la
- lat
- la-i-j
- latinindex
- la-timeline
Participle tables
- la-partl-1st
- la-partl-1st-wide
- la-partl-2nd
- la-partl-2nd-wide
- la-partl-3rd
- la-partl-3rd-IO
- la-partl-3rd-IO-wide
- la-partl-3rd-wide
- la-partl-4th
- la-partl-4th-wide
- la-partl-IO
- la-partl-are
- la-partl-are-wide
Noun taglines
- la-noun
- ladecl1
- ladecl1&2
- ladecl2
- ladecl2er
- ladecl2n
- ladecl3
- ladecl3:2e
- ladecl3:b2c
- ladecl3com
- ladecl3n
- ladecl3par
- ladecl4
- ladecl5
- ladecl5vow
Noun decl tables
- la-decl-1&2
- la-decl-1st
- la-decl-1st-Greek
- la-decl-2nd
- la-decl-2nd-ER
- la-decl-2nd-N
- la-decl-3rd
- la-decl-3rd-1E
- la-decl-3rd-2E
- la-decl-3rd-B2C
- la-decl-3rd-COM
- la-decl-3rd-N
- la-decl-3rd-PAR
- la-decl-4th
- la-decl-5th
- la-decl-5th-CONS
- la-decl-5th-VOW
Verb conj. tables
- la-conj-1st
- la-conj-1st-nopass
- la-conj-1st-depon
- la-conj-2nd
- la-conj-2nd-nopass
- la-conj-2nd-depon
- la-conj-2nd-semi
- la-conj-3rd
- la-conj-3rd-nopass
- la-conj-3rd-depon
- la-conj-3rd-semi
- la-conj-3rd-IO
- la-conj-3rd-IO-nopass
- la-conj-3rd-IO-depon
- la-conj-3rd-IO-facio
- la-conj-4th
- la-conj-4th-nopass
- la-conj-4th-depon