User:Hippietrail/Current reading
Negra espalda del tiempo by Javier Marías
[edit]Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
[edit]- Aesculapian
- bosky
- cornstook
- dendroglyph
- guerno
- harebell
- laphrydictic
- mannikin
- mollyhawk
- percipience
- restroussé
- sheog
- terraqueous
- toadflax
- urussium
- chervil
- cosset
- dace
- dodecaphonist
- hollyhock
- House of Usher
- louche
- motet
- noddle
- pass muster
- pauperize
- runnelling
De brug by Geert Mak
[edit]- aardappelveldje
- avondmaaltijd
- cruiseschip
- damespistooltje
- fundamentalistenpaar
- gezondheidsschandaal
- hefinstallatie
- koopmanspaleizen
- kunstmestzakken
- lotenverkoopster
- parapluhandelaar
- puntschoenen
- sigarettenjongen
- spijkers
- terechtgekomen
- toeristencampagne
- treurigmakende
- uitzonderingen
- voorbijgekabbeld
- vrachtkonvooien
- vreugdedansje
- winkelpassage
- zakkenroller
- alsof
- capuchon
- colbertje
- dwarsgang
- ene
- inlegzooltje
- kou
- kraken
- leuning
- muts
- nota bene
- parapluverkoper
- pijnlijke
- schoenpoetser
- stuift
- thee
- toonbank
- zesde
Plateforme by Michel Houellebecq
[edit]- acharnement
- agi
- baie f
- bienfaisante
- envahir
- frotté
- haine f
- sol m
- adipeux
- aguicheur
- bagarre
- beauf
- beuverie
- bite f
- bougre
- cafard m
- cajou
- catho
- chichiteuse
- chochotte
- ciller
- clopinante
- connerie
- couille
- crashs
- darwinisme
- dès
- égard
- egrillard
- enjeu
- étalage
- étatique
- étau
- faisaient or taisaient ??
- femelle
- flou
- francilienne
- gouine
- grêle
- gueule f
- homard m
- honte f
- immuable
- laïque
- lutter
- malin
- m’y
- nénuphar
- n’est
- pénible
- périple
- péter
- pirogue
- pudibonderie
- rasade
- saleté
- séropositive
- tâche
- torchan
- affalée
- ancienneté
- angoisse
- banlieu
- bilan m
- bouch bée
- boursière
- catogan
- chiffre
- chute libre
- cible
- collier
- connard
- corail
- creuse
- croisière
- dépité
- dorénavant
- ébauche
- échouèrent
- épuisse
- fausse
- fordiste
- grisâtre
- heureux
- nanti
- nuisible
- paisible
- panacher
- plainte
- plu
- pompier
- prirent
- remercie
- repli
- scinder
- sois
- souci m
- souvent
- surcrôit
- tablé
- taux
- témoigner
- tergiversent
- acharnement
- agaçant
- aiguille
- aisément
- alcôve
- amertume
- arnaquer
- astucieuse
- autochtone
- bagarre f
- bâillonnée
- baratin
- barbiche f
- basané
- batifoler
- beur
- bicoque f
- bilan
- blafard
- bottée
- bouffi
- bourreau
- cahier
- calèche
- calepin m
- caoutchouteuse
- castriste
- cendre
- cendrier
- cerner
- chaleureux
- chameau
- chauve
- cheville
- chier
- cible
- cloutée
- conçoit
- conne
- couille
- coupée
- créneaux
- crapule
- creux
- cruauté
- dalle f
- datée
- déçu
- décalage
- déchirée
- dégueulasse
- délice
- dérive f
- désaxe
- dodelinait
- doux
- drôle
- échangiste
- écoeurement
- écoperait
- édulcorée
- égaré
- embauche
- empêcher
- empala
- enchère
- enculer
- étagère
- entamée
- entravée
- envoûta
- féerie
- felouque
- fesse
- feu
- feutre
- ficeler
- foutre
- frôlement
- gamme
- gant
- gantée
- garce
- garé
- gifle
- gosse
- guêpière
- guère
- hameçon
- harcèlement
- hebdomadaire
- hébergement
- immeuble
- Ivoirienne
- karaoké
- lâchait
- lâcher
- laissant
- lance-roquette
- lanière
- lié
- livrer
- louer
- maquereaux
- marteau m
- mécénat
- mégot
- mêler
- m'en
- mendiant
- menotte
- menottée
- merdique
- meurtrière
- meute
- mimer
- moeur
- moisson
- molle
- mordilla
- moule
- nappe f
- narquoise
- natte
- nier
- novateur
- oiseau m
- ongle
- ornière
- pagne
- pareil
- partouze
- paupière
- perça
- pété
- piécette
- pierraille
- pire
- poing
- poliment
- portefeuille
- pouilleux
- poupin
- pourrir
- puéricultrice
- quitte
- râtelier
- récolté
- réseau
- réseaux
- rabattis
- racaille
- rachat
- racheter
- rejoindre
- retint
- retraite
- roller
- rubrique
- sacoche
- serein
- sirotait
- skaï
- sous-chapitre
- sucer
- tagine
- taux
- télécommande
- tenaille
- tendu
- têtu
- thune
- torchon
- truquage
- vacarme m
- vainqueurs
- ventripotent
- vernissage
- vide m
- vide-couille
- vierge f
- vînmes
- voûtée
Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins
[edit]- alder
- boof
- bullet train
- cilia
- cordon bleu
- dogshit
- doorsill
- enfleurage
- exudate
- fandango
- fie
- frig
- gazpacho
- gorse
- hexane
- josh
- love seat
- lutefisk (Norwegian?)
- moviehouse
- namby-pamby
- pellucid
- pinecone
- pit stop
- prima donna
- raison d’être
- sphenoethmoidal
- summa cum laude
- turbinate
Rayuela by Julio Cortázar
[edit]- acechar
- agolpar
- antilugio
- calcinar
- charlar
- chillón
- cine-club
- cinocéfalo
- dentífrico
- engaño
- enturbia
- eones
- esponjar
- faisandées (French)
- filoso
- fruto
- ghetto
- hueco
- maraña
- mentón
- mojo
- moldura
- musgo
- pactar
- parvo
- paulatino
- piyama
- pretil
- tarjeta postal
- Tatigkeit (German)
- trabar
- triturar
- ventanita
- vos
- alfil
- baldío
- borravino
- cafecito
- canturrear
- chaparrón
- despedida
- desencajada
- destello
- dibujito
- félonesse (French)
- helecho
- historiografía
- innoble
- inostentoso
- jalea
- jirón
- medialuna
- melopea
- mirlo
- película muda
- pinaza
- pisotear
- proa
- proceloso
- puentecito
- tacho
- ticket
- varia
- vereda
- vidente
- walkyria
- autarquía
- barriguita
- bullir
- casilla
- chirriante
- encandilar
- ex officio (Latin?)
- latita
- lauchita
- lío
- luciérnaga
- patafísica
- peluso
- pissotiere (French?)
- prorroga
- tabúes
- terrón
- tótems
- astenia
- buhardilla
- cebar
- cosmovisión
- esquiran
- fiaca
- joroba
- malbaratado
- merma
- parvedad
- pis (needs Spanish)
- radiactivo
- rehusar
- rosarino
- saborear
- scotch tape
- acolchado (needs noun sense)
- acurrucar
- bobalina
- callo (needs Spanish)
- cicuta (needs Spanish)
- falleba
- grupa (needs Spanish)
- iracunda
- nimio
- pachorriento
- piolín
- quejumbroso
- roñoso
- sirio
- vaivén
A Void by Georges Perec
[edit]- ablation
- allobarbital
- blackfish
- boston (no entry missing)
- burin
- cachalot
- chipolata
- confocal
- cotillion
- croup
- finback
- formol
- hospodar
- hussar
- in toto
- kapok
- mucal
- ochrous
- osso bucco
- otolaryngologist
- palpation
- quiddity
- rollmop
- torticollis
- whodunit
- yataghan
- amaryllis
- Armagnac
- astragal
- Bassalian
- basso profundo
- bistoury
- bootikin
- brazza
- buckskin
- columbarium
- connubial
- dominus vobiscum (or robiscum?)
- factotum
- flunky
- frostwork
- homburg
- inamorata
- jabot
- mainmast
- maraschino
- mulligrub
- nabob
- orotund
- pawlonia
- phthisic
- plain song
- poniard
- postprandial
- raglan
- riband
- rigadoon
- roan
- rondo
- rorqual
- spiv
- stygian
- tumulus
- uninominal
- viridian
- antico rosato
- Arras
- aslant
- Astaroth
- au fait
- avoirdupois
- Boyar
- burnou
- calvados
- canalising
- cardoon
- coruscating
- duckbill
- farrago
- gigot
- hautboy
- lacunary
- octant (nonce word to replace sextant without using "e"?)
- olla podrida
- ortolan
- outwarn
- purblind
- satsuma
- scission
- sharkskin
- soi-disant
- Stilton
- tallboy
- tarbrush
- tintinnabula
- tocsin
- touchwood
- urial
- ’varsity
- xiphidon
- Zahir
- Zohar
- zorilla
- ab ovo
- aconita
- amontillado
- bon vivant
- caldarium
- cataplasm
- chiaroscuro
- chiasmus
- cockboat
- convulvulus
- donjon
- halva
- harnass
- hrivna
- irroration
- irruption
- kaolin
- kir
- loukoum
- lupin
- maharani
- maulstick
- mimosa
- opopanax
- phthiriasis
- plastron
- poltroon
- quipos
- stomatologist
- tarlatan
- tarn
- thuja
- toil Template:pos n
- tuna fish (used in a British English context)
- woodcock
- alit
- alluvium
- auroch
- boxroom
- burnous
- cithara
- cor anglais
- dahu
- Davy lamp
- dunghill
- Girl Friday
- goum
- goura
- hydrobromidum
- hydrocution
- inguinal
- ischium
- izard
- kuru
- lamantin
- lascar
- lorgnon
- Manatus inunguis
- Manatus latirostris
- marasquino
- mithridatisation
- picklock
- pitchman
- plainsong
- simony
- spahi
- taw
- tintack
- toothcomb
- zanzi
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
[edit]- airspeed
- black box
- blah
- bloodstain
- campylobacter (disease?)
- case history
- chicken (a small lobster)
- china silk
- community college
- cornmeal
- cornstarch
- crepe de chine
- crusher (a lobster's larger claw)
- cull (a lobster with a missing claw)
- cutter (a lobster's smaller claw)
- daiquiri
- dander (see also dust, fluff ...)
- davenport
- delphinium (flower?)
- demitasse
- deplaning
- endive (food plant?)
- finger-bowl
- firstborn
- flame out (when a jet engine runs out of fuel)
- flight recorder
- four-o’clock (flower? plant?)
- gill bailer (lobster anatomy)
- hands-free
- highball
- hollyhock (flower? plant?)
- hydrangea (flower? plant?)
- jet (old type of plastic? no it's a form of coal)
- jumbo (large lobster)
- nutpick
- out-of-doors
- peonies (flower? plant?)
- poly-silk
- presoak
- rayon (needs English)
- rebar
- résumé
- saltcellar
- salvia (flower? plant?)
- seafood fork
- sericin (consituent of silk?)
- shigella (disease)
- snapdragon (flower? plant?)
- soufflé (acute here but other diacritics avoided)
- speakerphone
- squab (type of game bird)
- styptic pencil
- swimmeret (lobster anatomy)
- telson
- tomalley
- venturi effect
- Walkman
- wanteth
- wiretap
- alkalosis
- anaerobic
- bard (verb)
- baseboard
- belowdecks
- bolus
- calla lily
- capri pants
- cypionate
- decayeth
- droppeth
- endura
- facade (no cedilla here but acute used in other words)
- fennel
- frou-frou
- garotte
- geophagy
- hangnail
- houseplant
- imipramine
- kith
- knowest
- levothyroxine
- meetinghouse
- mysophobic
- naturalistic
- rainbow hands
- retardant
- saleslady
- salespeople
- sati
- schizotypal
- seppuku
- thyroxine
- transdermal
- yarrow
- w:Bishop Nikon
- w:Cathari
- w:Masada
- w:Millerite
- w:Onan
- backslide
- bazillion
- blasé
- botulinum
- brainchild
- broadloom
- candelabras
- circumoral
- dead air
- dummied up
- earmark
- glory hole
- green room
- honeysuckle
- insectile
- Jezebel
- justice of the peace
- medicine cabinet
- naiveté
- outplacement
- paresthesia
- perc test
- psychogenic
- rip-stop
- sales floor
- sharps
- skin magazine
- slattern
- superfund
- tidal wave
- tooth and nail
- tote bag
- understudy
- wicking
Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
[edit]- Antillenflüchtling
- bekränzte
- dämmrige
- dringlich
- erhellte
- Feldbett
- gebracht
- gebunden
- gerufen
- Goldzyaniddämpfen
- hingestrecht
- Martern
- Morgenrots
- Schachgegner
- Schimmer
- stets
- trat
- unvermeidbar
- vernagelt
- wahrgenommen
- zugleich
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages by Umberto Eco
[edit]- aesthetics (not the US spelling Brits might expect a US edition to use)
- anagogical
- ascetical
- asceticism
- canticle
- carbuncle
- Carthusian
- chrysolite
- Cistercian
- effulgent
- epistemology
- joie de vivre (French used in English)
- kolossal (German?)
- Mannerist
- medieval (the US spelling Brits might expect a US edition to use)
- medievalist
- overluxuriant
- patristic
- phenomenology
- pulchrum (Latin)
- sardius
- Schoolmen
- syncretism
- teratology
- Albigensian
- alleluia
- Areopagite
- Aristotelian
- Bauhütte (German)
- cithera
- concomitant
- conductus
- congenial
- descant
- diaphony
- diastema
- dyptych
- eurhythmy
- Hypophrygian
- interpenetration
- kalòn (Greek)
- kalokagathìa (Greek)
- kàllos (Greek)
- lunette
- Manichaeism
- neume
- noumena
- organum
- pancalism
- pancalistic
- pentad
- premiss
- Scholasticism
- spondaic
- systematise (-ise ending in an American edition)
- writ large
- apposite
- Augustinian
- Bergsonian
- blazonry
- concretion
- corporeity
- Dorian mode
- Emanationism
- hylomorphic
- laity
- Monasticism
- mythopoeic
- opusculum (needs English)
- primitism
- Lydian mode
- par excellence
- poetics
- sfumatura
- stained glasswork
- theophanic
- theophany
- Thomistic
- Vitruvian
- actualise
- affective
- architectonic
- colour (proof we're dealing with British orthography)
- delectation
- emotionalism
- entelechy
- eurythmy
- focussed (double s?)
- psalter
- reciprocity
- tropological
- Victorine
- come to grief
- dicta
- haecceitas (Latin)
- individuate
- Ockhamist
- particularise
- Schöpfertung (German)
- Scotist
Remembering Babylon by David Malouf
[edit]- all fours
- blackfeller
- caul
- char Template:pos n
- codger
- dillybag
- firelight
- foc’s’le lamp
- lean-to
- myall
- overbalance
- parting (hair)
- sea-calf
- seacalf
- shamefaced
- skirl
- treetops
- winkle out
- axiliary
- bacon-and-eggs bush
- bedpost
- bluebell
- bob (money)
- bombazine
- bone china
- bronze-wing
- bunya
- bushcraft
- cherubic
- chide
- clink (jail)
- confab
- coon
- cove (person)
- copperplate
- doited
- duckboard
- earthbound
- ’em
- exemplum
- feller
- flat iron
- fob off
- forbad
- fruit pigeon
- fucken
- greenfly
- Greria (plant)
- hove
- imaginitis
- indrawn
- inkstand
- ironbark
- ironwork
- judder
- larkspur
- lingo
- loudmouth
- matchflare
- off-chance
- Ourai (plant)
- pendicale
- pot (attempt to shoot)
- powwow
- putti
- putto
- quid (money)
- rouseabout
- scrub turkey
- sidetrack
- soreheaded
- soulcase
- stringybark
- sunbonnet
- ti tree
- tongue-and-groove
- topknot (type of bird)
- water butt
- westering
- whitefeller
- wickerwork
- wide-awake hat
- antigonon (not antignon)
- barefooted
- blackbirding
- brolga
- caneland
- canna
- caraway
- cassia
- cattlemen
- chiacking
- columnated
- coster
- dandified
- demigorgon
- dreamtime
- firebrand
- flatlands
- frig
- gibe
- ginger beer
- gingham
- heartsick
- hillslope
- hitching post
- illimitable
- kelpie
- kilting
- magicked
- make-believe
- moll
- Mother Superior
- mudflats
- newel
- no-man’s-land
- overboard
- overfurnished
- penny-gaff
- pipe up
- plumbago
- poulterer
- rag-and-bone shop
- ragman
- railhead
- ringbarking
- road gang
- rucked up
- rundown
- sideline
- silkie
- sorrowed
- squattocracy
- stook
- strop
- table d'hôte
- underfoot
- whet
Pantaleón y las visitadoras by Mario Vargas Llosa
[edit]- alféjizar
- alférez
- anisado
- anteojos de sol
- antorcha
- aspa
- bemoles
- bizco
- borrachín
- bulines
- cafiche
- calabozo
- carraspear
- cartapacio
- caseríos
- caspa
- chacra
- chasquear
- chola
- cuco
- estribo
- estupro
- fideo
- frota
- galón
- granel
- hacer ojitos
- jalonear
- jefazo
- lisura
- loretano
- manicomio
- mariconería
- matadero
- mozo
- ojo vivo
- paiche
- pellizcar
- pendejón
- pinga
- porquería
- pucuna
- puna
- puterío
- quepí
- radioescuchas
- ronsoco
- sonso
- trocha
- ultrajar
- uy
- zambo
- ademán
- alimaña
- aparador
- apático
- ayahuasca
- bajetón
- baldear
- barcito
- barnizar
- bilis
- bochinchero
- bulines
- cafiche
- canchón
- carroña
- chancro
- chonta
- chuchupo
- chuncho
- coja
- conchudo
- convoyes
- creso
- dense
- desconchar
- doquier
- enchufar
- entarimado
- esputo
- farrista
- gallinazo
- gilas
- guarismo
- jaranista
- lelo
- madriguera
- matorral
- mella
- noctámbulo
- organigrama
- palpa
- paño
- picardía
- pije
- plantel
- puchero
- putañero
- ralega
- standards
- taponear
- tótems
- visillo
- zarrapastroso
- auscultar
- bisturí
- bombo
- casa de pes
- cervalmente
- cristina
- chiclayana
- chorrito
- escudriña
- escupitajo
- furriel
- huidizo
- idóneo
- izango
- lúcuma
- mamarracho
- mujeril
- piraña
- pompis
- rebuscar
- relincho
- requetejura
- so
- sonrojo
- tetera
- vendar
- ayahuasquera
- chapar
- charapa m
- cochino
- cura m
- de cuando en cuando
- desfachatez
- fachosa
- guantes
- huachafita
- lagrimones
- mecha
- pío
- regio
- sonsaco
- zas
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
[edit]- [[]]
Hvis en reisende en vinternatt by Italo Calvino
[edit]- antall
- distre
- feid
- flokk
- fordypet
- føle
- globusen
- gnager
- gyngestolen
- håpe
- høyt
- idé
- igjen
- krøll
- lesepulf
- manøver
- nettopp
- noe
- rop
- rotter
- sikksakkbevegelser
- spesiell
- står
- unngå
- usedvanlige
- utstillingsvindu
- øver
Cent’anni di solitudine by Gabriel García Márquez
[edit]- alambicco
- arruffata
- astrolabio
- belve
- bussola
- caldaia
- caparbietà
- capotavola
- cenciosi
- chiarezza
- chiarore
- chiodi
- cinabro
- cofano
- corrotto
- dissotterrare
- dovunque
- filza
- lebbra
- legno
- maiale
- malanga
- malattia
- mancanza
- mucchio
- nazianzeni
- orecchie
- oropimento
- orto
- padelle
- padronanza
- paioli
- panciotto
- paura
- pellagra
- piombo
- pomeriggio
- poté
- rafano
- rame
- ricciolo
- salotto
- sarebbe
- sbigottirono
- sbrancata
- sciroppo
- scorbuto
- smisurati
- sviscerare
- tegame
- velluto
- zolfo
- zucca
- zufoli
- appena
- armeno
- begli
- bollente
- brodo
- cetacei
- chiaroveggenza
- chimeriche
- fargli
- gigli
- giovani
- lontananza
- malafede
- metà
- migliaio
- muoia
- musco
- nonno
- ormai
- papaveri
- pentola
- pifferi
- pioggia
- saltimbanchi
- sboco
- scafo
- scalzi
- sciamazzo
- sciroppo
- sentiero
- stanzino
- stecco
- stralcio
- terraferma
- tetto
- turbò
- vizi
- zaino
- bruciaticcio
- buco
- cammin
- cavaturacciolo
- corredo
- ebbe
- gonfiore
- micco
- mucchio
- né
- orcio
- osò
- pazzia
- pirata
- po’
- portò
- rimbombo
- sfogo
- sgozzò
- sponda
- tampone di sparto
- tele
- traccia
- vagabondaggio
- vecchiaia
Le démon by Hubert Selby Jr.
[edit]- afin
- arrangé
- barbouillé
- barman
- bavarder
- boitillant
- bolide
- bourrade
- branles
- câlin
- cheville
- ciment
- cingle
- cinoche
- claudication
- collyre
- cuisse
- cure-dents
- déambuler
- douteuse
- ébats
- égosillaient
- férir
- fétiche
- flacon
- fric
- gamins
- gant
- gencives
- gosse
- grillage
- haie
- hein
- inouïe
- loupé
- mec
- nana
- nez à nez
- pagaille
- pognon
- pote
- rouqin
- tir
- tiroir
- tocard
- trottinant
- vœu
Kangaroo Notebook by Kobo Abe
[edit]- bandicoot
- damselfly
- dasyure
- fingerwork
- pâté
- phalanger
- skyrocketing
- suggestion box
- Tasmanian wolf
- VD
- yogurt
- anuria
- cordovan
- ebonite
- handcar
- homeroom
- IV
- milksop
- motion sickness
- noctilucent
- police box
- seasickness
- snuffling
- sodium lamp
- terry-cloth
- touch-me-not
Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
[edit]- baseboard
- bloodstain
- club soda
- cut-work
- gut reaction
- halftime
- hammy
- hobble skirt
- hoopskirt
- jones (see p14: Invisible Monsters, Chuck Palahniuk)
- latte
- knock-off
- mark-up
- marquise
- organza
- peplum
- rubrum
- shotgunned
- sociopolitical
- stigmata
- tulle
- zillion
- butt floss
- cat nap
- clutch bag
- Doberman
- fiancé
- georgette
- gurney
- hot spot
- lamé
- loon
- loonies
- prèt-à-porter
- rosacea
- sunblock
- wolfhound
- antiandrogen
- begonia
- biokinesis
- bolero (clothing)
- boob job
- butthole
- canapé
- chateau
- cinderblock
- cocktail ring
- crème
- estradiol
- ethinyl
- eyelet
- flesh-tone
- free-range
- grits
- guiche (includes def.; this sense not in Wiktionary)
- hemline
- hospice
- I.D.
- informercial
- I.V.
- leg-hold trap shoe
- marabou
- matchbook
- micronized
- mud flats
- name-brand
- Nativity
- nose job
- puréed
- scrambled egg whites
- semicomatose
- space heater
- spironolactone
- spokesmodel
- tennis bracelet
- bleachers
- chenille
- chiffon
- chock full
- cleanability
- close-up
- colorfast
- crewcut
- damask
- déjà vu
- doorjamb
- eyebrow pencil
- felching
- fisting
- flatbed
- fletching
- frug
- go-go
- hypoallergenic
- jag
- kiltie
- letterman
- lipline
- mash potato
- mohair
- observation deck
- peekaboo
- poly-blend
- pine cone
- rhinestone
- rimming
- scat
- side effect
- snow bird
- soundbite
- tweeze
- voiceover
- write-off
- zoom in
- air bag
- armoire
- aught
- bronzer
- caseworker
- cervecitis
- cha-cha
- combat boot
- contagiosum
- deadbolt
- dental dam
- end table
- granuloma
- hate crime
- house-sitter
- inguinale
- jackknife
- koala bear
- lymphogranuloma
- malachite
- misshapen
- mix-and-match
- molluscum
- mucal
- mule (type of shoe)
- nongonococcal
- papilloma
- peignoir
- perianal
- pinworm
- portiere
- pussy strip (includes definition)
- seatbelt
- strep throat
- tabletop
- urethritis
- vaginosis
- wind tunnel
Life: A User’s Manual by Georges Perec
[edit]- AF (missing sense: opposed to metric)
- alabandite
- ammonite
- arras
- arum lily
- balancelle
- bentwood
- billhook
- blowlamp
- BSP (used in descriptions of tools such as spanners and sockets)
- burn-baited (something like slash and burn?)
- calvary (lowercase, can be plural, a kind of religious knickknack?)
- cart stall
- cassiterite
- cheesebox
- chock-full
- coach lamp
- convexity
- cornelian (older spelling of carnelian)
- cretonne
- Dasogale fontoynante
- Devil’s Rings
- doorframe
- Dorothy bag
- easy chair
- endpaper
- fibula
- firebrass
- fitment
- free zone
- gimlet
- gingernut
- grease gun
- gugglet
- handlamp
- headship
- heteroclite
- hit parade (seems old fashioned now)
- hygrographic
- jointer
- kingwood
- kneehole desk
- lancet
- lounge suit
- madder
- maleficent
- Monachus tropicalus
- mortise
- nest egg
- novelette
- octobass a string instrument related to the double bass requiring two musicians to play
- oilcan (single word variant)
- opaline
- ormolu
- parallelepipedal
- pastille
- perspicacious
- Pinchart stool
- a pink (not the colour, perhaps a flower?)
- polka-dot (hyphenated variant)
- procurator
- propitiatory
- Ptyx
- rabbet
- shako
- shopfloor
- sprat
- sunstone
- suzerain
- swearword (single word variant)
- tendrac
- tenon saw
- tergal
- trionix
- Troides allotte
- twibill
- unicum (plural unica)
- verbena
- wallpress
- warehousemen
- wing chair
- witches’ mirrors
- vulcanite
- zorille
- zucchetto (needs English)
- æolian harp
- agnate
- ahistorical
- angelica
- angosfura
- anthurium
- aphetism
- arthrosis
- assay-dish
- babouche
- baize
- bearskin
- bedjacket
- bicorne
- bird pepper
- bisque
- blackout lamp
- boletus
- bootees
- bootlace
- bosky
- breitschwanz
- bricked up
- brucellosis
- burnous
- cake-slice
- calvados
- carriage clock
- case clock
- cephalalgias
- cess-pit
- châteaux
- charlady
- chervil
- chiffomier
- chintz
- clematis
- cloche
- Coco weddelliana
- comfit boy
- copper (horse-drawn vehicle?)
- corolla
- costermonger
- curare
- debag
- debouch
- descaling
- dishstand
- Djakarta
- djellaba
- dolman
- domino costume
- dram
- dubbin
- dura mater
- dustbin
- dustcover
- dyne
- elucubrating
- emerised
- emery
- encephalum
- épaulette
- erg
- esparto
- eyebath
- ferrocerium
- fibrotoxin
- firedog
- flatlet
- floorcloth
- floortile
- fluidic
- flyleaf
- foodpack
- footstool
- forename
- fortalice
- fretwork
- frogging
- galalith
- galena
- gewgaw
- gingham
- glory-hole
- go to ground
- gunflint
- gunwale
- haitué
- harissa
- harkis
- haversack
- hide-out
- Hitlerian
- hole up
- hour-book
- hydantergotine
- ill at ease
- incrusted
- innervated
- Jack-o’-the-clock
- job lot
- kirsch
- koulibiaca
- librettist
- liguite
- loss leader
- lubricious
- lumpfish
- manageress
- mandola
- marguerite
- marquetry
- martingale
- mashie
- maxiton
- medina
- medius finger
- mignonette
- moleskin
- monkish
- moonflower
- Moses basket
- naevus
- nelumbia
- night bird
- œsophagus
- open-work
- orreries
- osier
- palæopedology
- paperknife
- parfit
- pegamoid
- peripeteia
- piecework
- Pigeon lamp
- porterage
- prayermat
- propelling pencil
- proteolytic
- pseudohallucinatory
- purplewood
- quattrocentro
- quenelles
- quetsch
- rachidian bulb
- Ragusa -- former name of Dubrovnik
- rebab
- restaurateur
- retsina
- Rexist
- rigmarole
- rivière (needs English)
- sabretache
- salsify
- saponified
- saucerful
- schmecker
- schoolma’am
- schussing
- scialytic lamp
- scot-free
- scrapmerchant
- scree
- scrimshanker
- sestet
- settle down
- seyalitic
- siphonapteroid
- soliflor
- spinet
- staddle
- stalag
- stopcock
- strongroom
- take a shine to
- tam o’shanter
- theorbo
- thermophonic
- through-stone
- toothmug
- toothpuller
- topazine
- toyshop
- trapezial
- trichinosis
- tromp-l’oeil
- turbot
- turnip watch
- untellable
- usufruct
- vitrified
- war machine
- whitewood
- wishy-washy
- woggle
- worktop
- zenana
- aegipanes
- agripanes
- aide-de-camp
- alosa
- alpenstock
- amaurosis
- appanage
- ashlar
- autarchic
- bandoneon
- besmocked
- bezant
- boozer
- borshch
- bourdon
- boxword
- brilliants
- canaliculi
- catalyses
- chador
- chalybeate
- cheval glass
- chit
- cloissonné
- commissionaire
- communiqué
- coney
- cordiform
- curundum
- cyclostyled
- dirk
- disjunctor
- draisienne
- entrains
- espalier
- ex-libris
- faro
- fly-box
- flyleaves
- foot-slog
- foxed
- galliot
- glomerulus
- goatskin
- goniometer
- gorse
- groschen
- gules
- hawkweed
- hearth-point
- hellbent
- hemihedral
- herbarium
- hereinafter
- hide-out
- hogshead
- holohedral
- horsecloth
- houselights
- huckster
- שרי
- intagliated
- ithyphallic
- jardinière
- landslip
- lares
- liriodendron
- locum
- logogriph
- malosol
- Mameluke
- manometer
- manufactory
- mezuzah
- middy
- muzhik
- olivewood
- outfaced
- ovoid
- oystermen
- patten
- pelmet
- period piece
- phylactery
- planisphere
- podgy
- retimitis
- romper
- roup sale
- run-of-the-mill
- saveloy
- sealskin
- shagreen
- shantung
- sine die
- sound box
- sporran
- spurge
- streetseller
- suedette
- supranational
- Swissess
- sylvans
- tarry-torch
- through-stone
- torero
- trencher
- tricorn
- tub chair
- ultraselect
- uropoïesis
- uroscopy
- vibraphone
- vicar apostolic
- visiting card
- wadi
- washhouse
- watercolourist
- wolfram
- yachtswoman
- yardstick
- zakuski
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
[edit]Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino translated by William Weaver
[edit]- abaci
- a-flutter
- alabaster
- arabesque
- armature
- augur
- bituminous
- bollard
- brand-new Template:pos a
- brocade
- burgeon Template:pos vi
- burgeonings
- cataclism
- catwalk
- confraternity
- consist of
- cuirass
- dead end
- decadences
- demijohn
- detritus
- elytra
- flotsam
- funerary
- gimcrack
- grandfather’s clock
- hircocerri
- incunabula
- Janizaries
- labile
- laden
- lampblack
- larvum
- leftovers
- lymph
- majolica
- metope
- miasmata
- mid-air Template:pos n
- noble metal
- obverse
- odalisque
- pediment
- penumbra
- plashing
- porphyry
- quince
- repertory
- sackcloth
- sawhorse
- scales (singular)
- sea urchin
- serpentine Template:pos n
- signal fire
- slough off
- soldiered
- staved-in
- stevedore
- triglyph
- usurper
- vicissitude
- woof
Which Moped with Chrome-Plated Handlebars at the Back of the Yard? by Georges Perec
- adjutant
- anachronism
- babouches
- bedsit
- blow torch
- bonce
- cavil
- centaurianly
- charcutery
- chirruped
- civvies
- clodhopper
- crewneck
- cubitus
- disincrust
- dolt
- dowar
- entrechat
- erythrophobic
- footicapped
- gaspers
- gendarmerie
- genned up
- heart of hearts
- hectometre
- humeroclastic
- in camera
- interstices
- intramuscular
- jebels
- kegs
- kepi
- locum
- mufti
- murtricidal
- ne’er-do-well
- neurophysiologist
- nutbrown
- oddbodkin
- offprint
- parquet
- parson’s nose
- pedectomy
- phlegmon
- platitudinous
- po-faced
- podagrous
- point of order
- psychopathology
- psychotherapeutic
- quincunxes
- ringroad
- saucisson
- screw-whiff
- sincipat
- Solucrivine
- sonofabitch
- strass
- synovial
- tee-shirt
- ultramarine
- usherette
- ventripotent
- vermifugal
- versicle
- zwounds
Snow by Orhan Pamuk
[edit]- apple of somebody's eye
- atelier
- backwardness
- baseless
- belly-dancer
- blood feud
- blow one's fuse
- borderlands
- brickette
- chain-smoked
- cock-fight
- copycat
- cruellest
- dog rose
- doorkey
- effete
- fervour
- field-glasses
- frisson
- gunshot
- hairdryer
- headscarf
- hors d'oeuvre
- imam
- inspectorate
- Islamist
- Karapapak
- lamplight
- lamppost
- lifelong
- lycée
- make-up
- manoeuvre
- Mortalin
- Mughal
- naïve
- newspaperman
- oleaster
- pasha, Pasha
- 'pech' stove
- Penal Code
- plainclothes
- plane tree
- plexiglass
- politicise
- poseur
- prayer rug
- raki
- revivalist
- salep
- samovar
- schoolfriend
- secularist
- self-possessed
- shanty town
- sherbet
- skullcap
- soup kitchen
- stovepipe
- tea-house
- Terekemian
- thrall
- time-out
- travelogue
- Tsar
- tulle curtain
- turn up one's nose
- upbringing
- Westernised
- Westernising
- wipe out
- womenfolk
- woodstore
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
[edit]- ambuscade
- averred
- babel
- baggageman
- bellying
- besetting
- bologna
- breastband
- brumal
- cayuses
- chaffering
- clannish
- conjuration
- deathless
- deerhound
- demesne
- disburden
- divers — alternate spelling of diverse
- downcoming
- enormousness
- ferine
- firescorched
- footsore
- forbiddingly
- forebore
- forefeet
- forevalued
- gee pole
- grubstaked
- half-breed
- innutritious
- journeyer
- kidnaped
- kidnaper
- lawgiver
- main strength
- Manila rope
- mongrel
- nigger-head
- none the less
- obscureness
- odds and ends
- oftener
- onlooker
- outdistance
- overfeeding
- overspilling
- palmated
- pent
- pepperbox
- perambulating
- placer
- plethoric
- poling boat
- pre-eminently
- Pullman
- purposed Template:pos v
- quoth
- resiliency
- rove — past participle of ?
- ruction
- saloonkeeper
- shoreward
- slipshod
- snowshoe rabbit
- sou
- squarehead
- streamlet
- surcharged
- swart
- thenceforward
- tidal wave
- timber line
- timber wolf
- tomfool
- ’tween
- underfeeding
- underjaw
- unfed
- unwonted
- wayfarer
- weazened
- wheeler
- whipsawed
- whoso
- wonted
White Fang by Jack London
[edit]- Leghorn
- appurtenance
- chickenhouse
- chickenyard
- chummed
- disported
- hitching-post
- jackrabbit
- mete Template:pos n
- natural history
- onrushing
- outmanœuvered
- perceptibly
- porte-cochière
- recrudescence
- ridgepole
- rightabout
- sheepfold
- sicced
- traproof
The Good Earth
[edit]by Pearl S. Buck
- all at once
- asperity
- babyhood
- bade
- beancake
- beancurd
- bedgown
- bedstead
- begot
- beleaguer
- betroth
- black-eyed pea
- blackwood
- blowsy
- byplay
- carven
- comfit
- crosspiece
- dickering
- dooryard
- dotard
- downtrodden
- drowsing
- dwelt
- finicking
- firestick
- firewagon
- forebore
- furthermost
- gateman
- gayety
- geomancer
- greybeard
- guaranty
- haw
- heedless
- heretofore
- hind (missing noun sense)
- hindermost
- husbanded
- jinricksha
- larded
- lief
- lordly
- lordship
- mandarin fish
- marriageable
- meet (missing adjective sense)
- middleaged
- millstone
- moon cake
- murmurous
- overweening
- pettishly
- prodigally
- repine
- ricksha
- scampish
- scornful
- sewed
- shepherd's purse
- silken
- slavey
- sleeveless
- softhearted
- sparrow dominoes
- spill (missing noun sense)
- springtime
- sundered
- superintended
- tamped
- unyoke
- wagonload
- well-to-do
- wherewith
- windbitten
- with child
- wizened
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
[edit]- abutment
- advisee
- alongside
- altarpiece
- amputee
- an arm and a leg
- athleticism
- ball peen hammer
- beachfront
- bedspring
- beetleskin
- believeth
- birdshit
- black angus
- black ice
- bloodless
- blowgun
- boarder
- boathouse
- bobble
- bracing
- bread box
- bucket brigade
- candlelit
- chinchilla
- choirmaster
- Christmasy
- citybound
- Classicist
- clerical collar
- clockface
- common cold
- condemnatory
- contra – A Prayer for Owen Meany →ISBN, page 306
- costar
- counselee
- countinghouse
- crèche
- daredevil
- day boy
- derrickman
- dirgeful
- displeasure
- dogsledding
- drawing room
- earflap
- Epiphany
- eyeliner
- farfetched
- farmhouse
- finagle
- finger painting
- flub
- flying buttress
- footbridge
- forepaw
- fraught
- fretfully
- fruitcake – A Prayer for Owen Meany →ISBN, page 262
- fuddy-duddy
- full-tilt
- fussbudget
- go-getter
- goosed
- hanky-panky
- hardwood
- hatbox
- hatless
- headless
- heartfelt
- heavyset
- henceforward
- high chair
- homesickness
- housemother
- hymnal
- in a state
- in one’s cups
- in spite of
- inexorable
- interdemoninational
- Ivy League
- jump shot
- killdeer
- knee socks
- know-it-all
- laundry chute
- leg-warmer
- lengthwise
- linemen
- litanic
- liveth
- long-winded
- loquacity
- lose count
- loved one
- lumberjack
- lumberyard
- master key
- Maundy Thursday
- middie
- middle ground
- mill around
- mistook
- mountaintop
- murderous
- narthex
- Nicene Creed
- nondenominational
- nonlubricated
- nonspecific
- nubbin
- nursing bra
- oafish
- old school – A Prayer for Owen Meany →ISBN, page 296
- onstage
- orchestrate
- outdoorsman
- overlarge
- overtired
- palaver
- panicked
- parishioner
- pass-and-catch
- pep talk
- peppermill
- pinkeye
- powerboat
- preadolescent
- presexual
- protrusive
- provincialism
- railroad tie
- rawhide
- recessional
- red-letter day
- reform school
- remindful
- Rev.
- rite of passage
- role model
- roofline
- roughneck
- running board
- saith
- saltbox
- savagery
- sawyer
- scatter rug
- Scotch tape
- scot-free
- sea wall
- shooed
- shopworn
- short stop
- sidesmen
- signalman
- slam-dunk – A Prayer for Owen Meany →ISBN, page 303
- sleep in
- small hours
- snowshoe
- sodden
- speech impediment
- spiral pass
- stableman
- stage fright
- stage mother
- stairwell
- staple gun
- stonecutter
- stonecutter
- storm door
- stuporous
- supplicant
- swaddling clothes
- swamplife
- take for granted
- testy
- theatergoing
- throwback
- toddy
- tongue-tied
- topcoat
- trestle bridge
- trestlework
- tripartite
- triptych
- troublemaker
- trouper
- turkey vulture
- turtledove
- undaring
- underbelly
- unloved
- unmuddied
- unsubtle
- unthinking
- upthrust
- varsity
- waders
- water-ski
- widow’s peak
- workmanship
- worshipful
- would-be
- yuletide
- Zürich – A Prayer for Owen Meany →ISBN, page 305
Cien años de soledad
[edit]by Gabriel García Márquez
- abrir fuego
- agrimensor
- ajá!
- alféizar m
- ametralladora
- antillano
- apelmazado
- aposento m
- apretujar(se)
- armero
- arrojar
- arrumar
- aspa f -- sail; blade (of a fan)
- babilónico
- bacinilla f
- bando m
- bangaña
- barrida f
- botellazo
- callecita
- catre
- cielorraso m
- clarín
- coletazo m
- colorín m
- cucaña f
- culata f
- culatazo
- desgarramiento m
- despabilar
- desparramado
- desvencijado
- encinta
- engañifa
- escampar
- escupitajo
- farragoso
- gallinero m
- granatorio
- haz m
- humanizar(se)
- inermes m plural
- jolgorio
- letrina
- linterna f
- malhechor
- metralla f
- moreliana
- navajina
- pasmada
- pavorreal -- alternative spelling of pavo real?
- pelotera f
- pilotes plural
- plazoleta f
- poltrona
- remilgo
- requisa f
- sefáfico
- suspicaz Template:pos a
- torbellino m
- trompada Template:pos n
- vislumbrar
- zanja f
The History of the Conquest of Mexico
[edit]by William H. Prescott
Being 150 years old and on an exotic topic, it has quite a few rare words, senses, and uses. It even has some interesting Spanish and Nahuatl.
- anaglyphs Template:pos n
- aright Template:pos vt or Template:pos adv - better check again.
- wampum belt Template:pos n, wampum Template:pos n
- aloe = agave = maguey - book says these are synonyms but from different source languages.
- damps Template:pos n - as a plural noun.
- obloquy Template:pos n
- thorough-bred - as a hyphenated compound.
- Hindostan Template:pos n - another alt. spelling for Hindustan / Hindoostan, now India.
- peruke Template:pos n
- month - do we have a sense for speaking about months of various lengths in exotic cultures?
- week - do we have a sense for speaking about weeks of various lengths in exotic cultures?
- intercalation Template:pos n, intercalated
- Gregorian
- inappreciable
- tropical year Template:pos n
- civil time Template:pos n
- solar time Template:pos n
- cumbrous
- solar calendar Template:pos n
- nowise
- necromancy Template:pos n
- compact Template:pos n
- tardily Template:pos adv
- divinar
- Chapoltepec - obsolete spelling of Chapultepec?
- presage Template:pos n
- genii Template:pos n - irregular plural of genie?
- augury Template:pos n
- hearthstone Template:pos n
- chaplets Template:pos n - used several times, sometimes along with garland.
- ablations Template:pos n
- his lordship
- thither
- codices - irregular plural of codex.
- munificent
- born at Mexico - rather than the usual modern born in Mexico.
- antiquary
- credulity Template:pos n
- eulogiums Template:pos n
- raiment Template:pos n
- Indian corn Template:pos n - older synonym for maize and corn when the primary meaning of the latter was not restricted to this specific grain. Also synonyms of sweetcorn / sweet corn?
- improvident
- equinoctal Template:pos a
- coronals Template:pos n
- stuffs Template:pos n - used a couple of times so far in the plural!
- Tasco - obs. spelling of Taxco?
- silicious
- portraiture
- animadversion footnote 68
- "animals of draught" - rather than draught animals?
- lackered - alt. spelling of laquered?
- humming-bird - hyphenated
- whither
- grandee Template:pos n
- an hereditary - is h pronounced or is this an example of the "an also before h" rule?
- preferment
- refractory footnote 72
- tyro footnote 72
- fulness - single l
- tranquillity - double l
- traditionary - not in Collins or Encarta
- ewers
- paneayrized footnote 73 - shoul be panegyrized?
- Panamá - accent even in English
- deglutition footnote 74
- usages - used in plural several times which seems rare these days
- encomium
- preceptor
- making away with - seems archaic, is in Encarta
- Tlascala - obs. spelling of Tlaxcala?
- misrule
- judicature
- censorial
- of some moment - do we cover this old sense?
- minstrelsy
- fadeth - archaic inflection
- shalt - archaic inflection
- hast - archaic inflection
- ere - archaic / poetical
- to-day - archaic or obsolete spelling
- to-morrow - archaic or obsolete spelling
- numerous household - do we cover this old sense with a singular noun?
- to hold converse - noun sense
- brilliancy
- freemen - irregular plural of old word
- allurements
- cuia - Spanish: obs. spelling of cuya?
- noontide - attributive noun
- embowering Template:pos a
- coeval
- Phœnicia - with oe ligature
- blood royal - not in Collins or Encarta - is it a set phrase or just an old/special use of an adjective following a noun?
- Tlascalans - obs. spelling of Tlaxcalans?
- circumstantiality
- laws full as severe - full as an adverb
- woodman
- chaffering
- mendicity - Collins has it - related to mendicant - not a mispelling of mendacity
- but was not blessed with issue - do we cover this old sense?
- io - Spanish: obs. spelling of yo?
- á - Spanish: obs. spelling of a?
- sallies
- arrogated
- fué - Spanish: obs. spelling of fue?
- adieu - used several times in English context
- mas - Spanish: obs. spelling of más?
- sugeto - Spanish: obs. spelling of sujeto?
- intrepidity
- Fleming - noun related to Flemish
- archiepiscopal see - as a set phrase or just an adjective and a noun?
- usurpations
- cupidity
- Columbus launched his bold bark - alt. spelling of barque
- caravel
- to win the meed of glory - probably homophone of mead
- descried
- Caribbee Islands - some old name for some part of the Caribbean?
- sugar-cane - hyphenated
- dye-woods - set phrase or just a noun used attributively?
- remonstrances
- Hieronymite - used a couple of times - not in Collins or Encarta
- Fernandina - old name for Cuba
- Juana - old name for Cuba
- Page 106 lists 3 possible etymologies for Yucatan / Yucatán
- Campeachy - old spelling of Campeche?
- Rio de Vanderas - is vandera an obs. spelling of bandera?
- cacique
- doubling a boisterous headland - do we cover this sense?
- captious
- importunities
- auidaban - obs. spelling of ayudaban?
- i - obs. spelling of y?
- bade
- dismasted
- topmast
- so many blanks to a prize - what sense is this and do we cover it?
- scutcheons
- jocund
- requital
- durance
- Spanish: alguacil
- gibbet
- Spanish: ó - obs. spelling of o?
- Spanish: dixo - obs. spelling of dijo?
- Spanish: estava - obs. spelling of estaba?
- intrusted, intrust - isn't the usual modern spelling entrusted, entrust?
- importunate
- toilsome
- redound
- Spanish: hazer - obs. spelling of hacer?
- misconstructions
- Spanish: avia - obs. spelling of había?
- morrow
- made sale - wouldn't "made sail" be correct?
- the Havana - I know it's La Habana in Spanish, but it looks like English also used to use a definite article but since it was not capitalised, it was not an actual part of the name...
- soldiery
- ungenerous
- impracticability
- tranquillize - double l
- brigantine
- crossbowmen
- arquebusiers
- falconets
- after-ages
- countrymen
- carry to a glorious issue - another old sense?
- Spanish: é - obs. spelling of y?
- Spanish: deve - obs. spelling of debe?
- unlettered
- Mohometanism
- after-time
- lineaments
- profanation
- continence
- salutary
- hawk-bells
- brigantines
- habiliments
- mangrove-trees
- billets
- arquebuses
- breastwork
- buckler
- gainsay
- vaunting
- chivalric
- potentate
- fain
- Lady-day
- musketry
- war-instruments
- war-horse
- Pompey - obs. spelling of Pompeii, or the Roman military leader?
- heathenish
- proselytism
- lee
- pirogue
- obsequies - what is the singular?
- mart - didn't know this was so old
- malignity
- innoxious
- wrought gold - does this mean wrought iron is not idiomatic, or that this also is?
- casque
- impolitic
- unintermitting
- exactions
- enginery
- Spanish: prophetas
- Spanish: avian
- Spanish: rriquezas
- Spanish: avia
- Spanish: çiertas
- Spanish: dias
- Spanish: vivia
- Spanish: tristeça
- pine-apples
- divers - alt. spelling or error for diverse?
- rivalled - double l
- weighed 50 marks - do we cover this unit of weight?
- Spanish: artifiçiadas
- roadstead
- vespers
- orisons
- importunities
- countermand
- magistracy
- high-mettled
- usurpation
- indissolubly
- weal - in the probable set phase for weal or for woe
- diadem
- intendancy (footnote)
- bivouacked
- variegated convolvuli
- sweet-swelling buds - typo for sweet-smelling?
- Spanish: mui
- Spanish: ansí
- Spanish: apaçibles
- Spanish: oy
- exactions
- enormities
- vaunt
- concert Template:pos v
- market-place
- conciliate
- expiation
- peremptorily
- evinced
- panegyrist
- affrighted
- overawe
- wonted
- Spanish: antepassados
- Spanish: auian
- besought
- venality
- alguacil
- Spanish: dejasse
- cordage
- Spanish: dixéron
- Spanish: savia
- Spanish: haçer
- Spanish: rrespondióles
- Spanish: estavan
- Spanish: al cavo
- Spanish: ayna
- able-bodied
- Spanish: dexado
- curacy
- overleaped
- temporizing
- peculation
- obloquy
- chimerical
- narrow-minded
- goodwill - closed compound
- misdeeds
- rapine
- enfranchisement
- bishopric
- preferment
- expostulations
- disapprobation
- vituperation
- over-colouring
- unwarrantable
- crimination
- table-land - arch. spell. of tableland
- half-a-dozen - hyphenated compound
- Spanish: nauìos - navios
- Spanish: coraçones
- Spanish: vna - una
- Spanish: ordenasse
- Spanish: estaua - estaba
- Nature - often / usually capitalized at least when personified
- declivities
- a ragged defile - defile is used as noun and verb in an old sense
- coffer-like rock
- scoriæ
- wayworn
- organum
- Spanish: calaueras
- Spanish: estauan - estaban
- Spanish: cient mill - cien mil ?
- ground-swell
- fructify
- amity
- indited
- van - an old sense probably related to vanguard
- Spanish: aora
- Spanish: viessemos
- a half broad
- Cyclopean
- suzerain
- sierra
- intermarriages
- co-operate
- rode at the head of his body of horse - singular form used in plural or uncountable or invariant manner
- Spanish: puescueço
- peasantry
- tuna syn. Indian fig
- Spanish: rompiessemos
- Spanish: lleuassen
- Spanish: lanças
- Spanish: lançadas
- Spanish: parassen
- Spanish: echassen
- battle-cry
- a narrow glen or defile
- war-cry
- serried
- panoplies
- manœuvres
- panic-struck - rather than modern panick-stricken
- inroad
- two leagues' distance
- pertinacious
- lion-hearted
- betide
- inspiriting
- intrenchments - rather than modern en-
- arquebusiers, crossbowmen
- unintermitted - modern is unintermitting no?
- meadow-ground
- phosporic
- feather-mail
- cuirasses
- leathern - modern is just leather
- surcoat
- minstrelsy
- atabal
- bowshot
- arrowy
- war-shriek
- war-party
- discomfiture
- night-attack
- vedettes
- mid-air
- evidences - modern is uncountable with no plural besides "pieces of evidence" etc
- lenity
- soever - related to whatsoever, whosoever, etc?
- Spanish: fuerças
- vapouring
- suing for peace - do we cover this sense?
- slunk
- exercrations
- caparisons
- volumes of incense - do we cover this sense?
- the air was rent
- unprovided
- dark-green
- infidelity - related to infidel?
- polytheistic
- abjure