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See also: cartapácio


un cartapacio


  • IPA(key): (Spain) /kaɾtaˈpaθjo/ [kaɾ.t̪aˈpa.θjo]
  • IPA(key): (Latin America) /kaɾtaˈpasjo/ [kaɾ.t̪aˈpa.sjo]
  • Rhymes: -aθjo
  • Rhymes: -asjo
  • Syllabification: car‧ta‧pa‧cio



cartapacio m (plural cartapacios)

  1. (Central and South America) binder, folder, notebook
    • 2005, Carlos Alvar, Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, Gran enciclopedia cervantina, page 1924:
      Y, en diciendo esto, sacó del pecho un cartapacio y le puso en las manos del licenciado, ...
      And, upon saying that, he drew from his breast a notebook and put it in the hands of the licensed ...
  2. (Central and South America) ring binder, three-ring binder
  3. (Central and South America) satchel, briefcase
    • 1996, Sandra Benítez, Allí donde el mar recuerda, page 63:
      Recogió los libros y papeles de su escritorio, y los colocó dentro del cartapacio que su madre le había regalado el día que empezó a enseñar.
      He gathered the books and papers on his desk, and placed them inside the briefcase that his mother had given him the day he began to teach.

Further reading
