Ancient Greek
sit, besit, set, beset, oversit, overset, soot, settle, stool, saddle, seld, nest, nestle, seat (non), Hanse (fr<la<goh), Hanseatic (fr<la<goh), Hansard (fr<la<goh), Hanse (de), hanse (fr<la<goh), saeter (nn,sv), sitzkrieg (De),
subside, subsidy, assess, assessor, assiduous, insidious, supersede, reside, residence, resident, residual, residuum, residue (fr), possess, possessive, possession, possessor, preside, president, presidential, presidio (es), presidium (ru), praesidium, obsess, obsession, dissident, dissidence, sedent, sedentary, sedilia, sedile, sedilium, sediment, sedimentary, sedate, sedation, sedative, sedulous, sedulity, see (fr), sellary, sessile, session, cede, cession, abscess, accede, access, accession, accessible, antecede, cease (fr), cess, concede, concession, decease (fr), decede, exceed, excessive, excess, recede, recess, recession, retrocede, succeed, succession, successive, successor, secede, secession, intercede, intercession, necessary, necessitate, necessarium, necessaire (fr), necessity, precede, procede, procession, process, nidus, nye (fr), nidify, nidificate, nidiform, niche (fr), nyas (fr), eyas (fr), nide (fr), size (fr)
hodo-, odo-, -ode, -hedron, cathedral (la), chaise (fr<la), cathedra (la), chair (fr<la), synedrion, Sanhedrin (he), anode, exodus (la), episode, cathode, method (la), methodical (la), methodic, siege (fr), besiege (fr), period (la), periodic (la), periodical (la), synod, exodos,
essedum (la<gaulish)
Sieg Heil (de), Siegfried (de), Sigmund (de), Seward, Kinsey, Sowards, Kelsey, swith, sound, gesundheit (de),
severe, severity, persevere,
Antioch (la), Antiochus (la), Antakya (tr<ar), Hatay (tr), Antiochia (la), epoch (la), epocha (la), eunuch (la), exo-, exotic, exoteric, schema, scheme, schola (la), school (gmw<la), shul (yi<gmw<la), scholastic (la), scholar (ang<la), ethic (fr<la), ethical (fr<la), hectic (la), Hector (la), Antisthenes, calisthenics, asthenia, Demosthenes, Eratosthenes, Clisthenes, Leosthenes, Megasthenes, Stheno, Timosthenes, entelechy, -exia, hector, ischemia, ischemic, Opiuchus, schemat, scholiast, scholiastic, sketch (nl,de<it<la), synechia
*seh₁- (sow)
sow, seed, earn, esne (ang)
reserate, season (fr), sative, semen, inseminate, disseminate, seminal, seminary, seminar (de), seminarian, seminate, Annona,
*seh₁- (long)
serotinal, serotine, serotinous
menhir (fr<'br)
sad, sade
sate, satiate, insatiable, satiable, satisfy, satisfaction, satiety, satispassion, satire, satirical, saturate, saturation, assets (fr), asset (fr), insatiate
sake, unsake, sackless, saught, seek, seech, soken, socage (fr<la<ang), soccage (fr<la<ang), withsake, forsake, socan and sacan (ang), soc and sac (ang), sake and soke, sac and soc (ang),
presage, sagacious, sagacity
epexegesis, exegesis, exegete, hegemon, hegemony, hegemonic, choregus, choragus, choregos, cynegetic
saint (fr), sanctity, sanctify, Sanctus, sanctimony, sanctimonious, sanctification, sanction, sanctum, sacred, sacellum, sacrament, Sacramento (es), sacerdotal, sacrifice, sacrificial, consecrate, consecration, sacrificant, sacrificator, sacrilegious, sacrilege, sacrum, sacrate, sacrify, sacrosanct, sacrification, sacramental, sacration, sacrarium, sacrist, sacristan, sacer vates, Santa Claus
hit, sedge, shide, skid (non), skeed (non), ski (no), shit, shite, skite (non), scheisse (de), shive, ship, skeevy (it<goh), skeeve (it<goh), skiff (fr<it<goh), shipman, equip (fr<gmw), skipper (dum), shed, sheitel (yi), sheath, sheathe, saw, sawer, sawyer, Sawyer, sax, zax, seax (ang), Saxon (fr<la<gmw), Saxony (fr<la<gmw), Sais (cy<bry<la<gmw), Saxton (ang<fr<la<gmw) sassenach (gd), sail,
desecate, bisect, resect, dissect, dissection, sect, section, insect, intersect, intersection, vivisection, secant, cosecant, segment, resect, sector, sectile, abscise, accident, circumcise, circumcision, incide, incise, incision, incisor, recision, precise, precision, concise, concision, decide, decision, decisive, excide, excise, excision, sallet (fr < es), salet (fr < es), salade (fr < es), celate (fr < es), Caelum, chisel (fr), caesura, -cide, feminicide, fratricide, parenticide, uxoricide, suicide, tyrannicide, homicide, hospiticide, infanticide, insecticide, matricide, parricide, patricide, cement, trucidation, cementum, précis (fr), conscience, science, sciscitation, nescient, prescience, prescient, scient, scientist, omniscience, omniscient, scilicet, scientific, scitament, écu (fr), escudo (pt), scute, Scutum, scutum, escutcheon (fr), inescutcheon (fr), esquire (fr), squire (fr), equerry (fr), scuttle (gmw), sign (fr), resign (fr), assign (fr), assignment (fr), resignation, signet (fr), signature, signatory (fr), signage (fr), signal, consign (fr), consignment (Fr), design (fr), designate, signate, designation, designatum, ensign (fr), insignia, obsign (fr), obsignate, sain (gmw), segno (it), signum, insignis, signifier, signify, significant, insignificance, insignificant, insignificance, insigne, seal (fr), sigil, enseal (gmw), seal (gmw), unseal (gmw), scarlet (fr<la<fa<ar<gkm), siglum, signifiance (fr), signifer, sickle (gmw), abscind, abscissa, abscission, exscind, rescind, shingle (gmw), shindle (gmw), scission, scissors, sex, sexual, sexuality, asexual
schizo-, schizoid, schizophrenia, schisis, schism (fr<la), schisma (la), schismatic (la)
skean (mga), skene (mga), skeyn (mga), sgian dubh (gd),
*sekʷ- (follow)
sign (fr), resign (fr), assign (fr), assignment (fr), resignation, signet (fr), signature, signatory (fr), signage (fr), signal, consign (fr), consignment (Fr), design (fr), designate, signate, designation, designatum, ensign (fr), insignia, obsign (fr), obsignate, sain (gmw), segno (it), signum, insignis, signifier, signify, significant, insignificance, insignificant, insignificance, insigne, seal (fr), sigil, enseal (gmw), seal (gmw), unseal (gmw), scarlet (fr<la<fa<ar<gkm), siglum, signifiance (fr), signifer, sue (fr), suant (fr), suit (fr), sequence, suite (fr), en suite (fr), segue (it), second, secundine, sequacious, sequacity, secondary, subsequent, persecute, persecution, persecutor, nolle prosequi, prosecute, prosecution, pursue (fr), prosecutor, consecute, consequence, consecutive, consequent, consequential, inconsequential, inconsequent, execute, executor, execution, executrix, obsequy (fr), exequies, ensue (fr), non sequitur, obsequious, obsequies, sequester, sequestrate, suitor (fr), sequela, sequel (fr), sequent, socio-, social, socialist, socialism, socius, sociology, sociable, unsociable, society, societal, sociality, associate, association, sociate, intrinsic, extrinsic, forinsecal
Achaemenes (grc<pal), Achaemenid (grc<pal)
*sekʷ- (see)
see, sight, seer
*sekʷ- (say)
say, foresay, saw, saga (non)
salacious, salient, salacity, assail (fr), assailant (fr), assault (fr), desultory, desultor, desultorious, insult, exult, exultant, exultation, resile, result, saltate, saltation, saltator, saltant, sally (fr), sally port (fr), sault (fr), salto (it), somersault (fr),
haltere, Sarmatia
sulky, sulk
sell, sale (non)
counsel (fr), consult, consultation, counselor (fr), consigliere (it), consul (ang), consulate, proconsul, consular, proconsular, proconsulate
sulfur, sulphur, sulfuric
sam, same (non), seem (non), some, same, sengreen
sempre (it), semper-, sic semper tyrannis, semper fi, sempitern, simple (fr), simplex, simplify, simplistic, simplification, simplicity, million (fr<it), mile (gmw), mijl (nl<gmw), millennial, millennium, milliary, milliard (fr<it), millionaire (fr<it), semi-, semi, sinciput, sincipital, semese, sesqui-, sesquialter, sesquidiurnal, sesquipedal, semiform, semitertian, sedition, seditious, solve, solution, soluble, solute, absolve, absolute, absolution, assoil (fr), dissolve, dissoluble, indissoluble, exolve, exsolve, resolve, resolute, resolution, sober (fr), single (fr), singular, singularity, secede, secession, secern, secretary, secretion, secrete, secret, secrecy, secretum, seclude, seclusion, secure, security, sure (fr), surety (fr), assure (fr), sicker (gmw), sedulous, seduce, seduction, segregate, segregation, sejoin (fr), select, selection, separate, separation, sever (fr), dissever (fr), simile, similar, similarity, assimilate, dissimilar, dissemble (fr), dissimulate, simulate, simulation, dissimilitude, similitude, verisimilitude, simulate, verisimilar, similiter, simulacrum, assemble (fr), assembly (fr), resemble (fr), resemblance (fr), semblance (fr), semblant (fr), semble (fr), simultaneous, ensemble (fr),
hapax, hecato-, hecatomb, hexacosichoron, hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, hetero-, heterogenous, Philadelphia, Hades, haplo-, hemi-, migraine (fr<la), hemicrania (la), hemicycle (la), hemionus (la), hemisphere (la), syn-, sym-, synagogue (fr<la), archisynagogue (fr<la), synapse (fr), synaptic, symbiosis, symbiotic, symbol, syngraph, syndesmosis, syndesmotic, asyndeton, syndic, syndicate (la), Sanhedrin (he), synedrion, synecdoche, synergy, synchronize (la), sync (en<la), synthetic, synthesis, idiosyncracy, system, systematic, synclite, syncretism, syncretic, syllepsis, syllable (fr<la), syllaba anceps (la), symmetry, symmetric, asymmetry, asymmetric, asymmetrical (la), symmetrical (la), synod, synonym, synonymous (la), synonymy (la), synopsis, sympathy (la), sympathetic (la), symposium (la), symptom, syptomatic (la), systole (la), syntagma, syntagmatarchy, syntax, syntactic, syntaxis, syntony, Simferopol (uk,ru), symphysis, symphony, tsampouna (el<it<la), sinfonia (it<la), symphonic, symphonia, synchondrosis, synchronicity (la), synchronous (la), asynchronous (la), synchronic (la), homo-, anomaly (la), anomalous (la), anormal (la),
Hazara (fa)
sing, song, besing
*sent- (go)
send, sand, sith, gesith (ang)
*sent- (perceive)
assent, consent, consensus, consensual, resentiment (fr), resentment (it,fr), resent (fr), ressentiment (fr), dissent, presentiment, sentiment, sentimental, sentimentality, sensible, sensibility, sensorium, sensory, sensate, sensation, sensual, sensuality, sensu lato, sensu stricto, sentence, sentental, sententious, sentient, sentience, scent (fr), sense (fr<la<frk)
sapio-, sapient, sapience, Homo sapiens, sapid, insipid, insipidity, sage (fr), savant (fr), savor (fr), savory (fr), sapor, savvy (tpi<pt,pcm<pt)
*ser- (flow)
serum, suero (es), Suarez (es)
logorrhea, diarrhea, rheum (la), rheumatic (la), catarrh (la), Rhea, rhythm, rhythmic, rhyme (fr<la), -rrhea, arrythmia, hormone, hormesis
Struma (bg<grc<txh), Strymonas (el<grc<txh)
*ser- (guard)
serve (fr), serf (fr), service (fr), deserve (fr), servile, servitude, subservient, reserve, reservation, conserve, conservatory, conservation, preserve, preservation, preservatory, reservatory, reservoir, reservoir (fr), observe, observation, observatory, reservation, conservative, preservative, observant, observance
hero (la), heroic (la), heroine (fr<la), heroism (la), heroin (fr<la),
*ser- (bind)
sark, berserk (non), berserker (non),
sermon (fr), sarmon (fr), sermonette (fr), sorcery (fr), sorceror (fr), ensorcel (fr), assort (fr), sort (fr), consort, consortium, sortie (fr), sortition
assert, assertive, assertion, insert, insertion, exert, exertion, desert, desertion, disert, series, serial, serry (fr), reserate, sere
Irene (la), Irenaeus (la), irenarch (la), Hermogenes, Hermarchus, Hermes, Hermaphroditus (la), hermaphrodite (la), Hermione, Ermioni (el), Hermolaus, Laertes, irenic (la)
*ser- (take)
heretic (la), heresy (fr<la), apheresis, diaeresis, exaeresis, synaeresis, heretical (la)
sartor, Sartre (fr), sartorial
Orcus (la), ogre (fr<la), orc (it<la), poliorcetics
serpent, serpentine, serpula, serpentaria,
herpet-, herpetology, herpes
son, -son (non), sow, swine, mereswine
suilline, succula,
hog (bry), hoggan (kw), socket (fr<la<gaulish)
haoma (ae), Haoma (ae), soma (sa), Amyrgian (grc<pal)
sie, sole, sye, sea
Seine (fr<la<cel)
earn, esne (ang)
sole, abseil (de), seal, soul
seta, saeculum, secle (fr), secular
scab, scabby, shabby, shab, shave,
scabious, scabies
shall, should, shild, schout (nl)
shide, skid (non), skeed (non), ski (no), shit, shite, skite (non), scheisse (de), shive, ship, skeevy (it<goh), skeeve (it<goh), skiff (fr<it<goh), shipman, equip (fr<gmw), skipper (dum), shed, sheitel (yi), sheath, sheathe,
conscience, science, sciscitation, nescient, prescience, prescient, scient, scientist, omniscience, omniscient, scilicet, scientific, scitament, écu (fr), scudo (it), escudo (pt), scute, Scutum, scutum, esquire (fr), squire (fr), equerry (fr), scuttle (gmw), abscind, abscissa, abscission, exscind, rescind, shingle (gmw), shindle (gmw), scission, scissors,
schizo-, schizoid, schizophrenia, schisis, schism (fr<la), schisma (la), schismatic (la)
skean (mga), skene (mga), skeyn (mga),
shit, shite, skite (non), scheisse (de), shive, ship, skeevy (it<goh), skeeve (it<goh), skiff (fr<it<goh), shipman, equip (fr<gmw), skipper (dum), shed, sheitel (yi), sheath, sheathe,
abscind, abscissa, abscission, exscind, rescind, shingle (gmw), shindle (gmw), scission, scissors,
schizo-, schizoid, schizophrenia, schisis, schism (fr<la), schisma (la), schismatic (la)
Skeen (gd)
lubric, lubricant, lubricity, lubricate, lubrication
slide, sleigh (nl), sled (dum), sledge (dum), slidder, slither
luge (fr-CH,frp<ML.<LL.<gaulish)
sempre (it), semper-, sic semper tyrannis, semper fi, sempitern, simple (fr), simplex, simplify, simplistic, simplification, simplicity, million (fr<it), mile (gmw), mijl (nl<gmw), millennial, millennium, milliary, milliard (fr<it), millionaire (fr<it),
hapax, hecato-, hecatomb, hexacosichoron, hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, hetero-, heterogenous, Philadelphia, Hades, haplo-
Hazara (fa)
mala, malar, maxilla, maxillar, maxillary
connubial, nubile, nuptial, nuptials
nymph, paranymph, lymph (la), lymphatic (la), nymphaeum (la)
snew, snow, snow-white,
Nevada (es), niveous, subnival, denivation
solid, sold (fr<it), soldo (it), sol (fr), solidus, solidate, consolidate, consound (fr), consolidation, safe (fr), salvation, salutation, salvific, salve, save (fr), savement (fr), salubrity, salubrious, insalubrious, salutary, salute, solemn, solemnity, solicit, solicitation, solicitude, salvage (fr), sou (fr)
holo-, holocaust, catholic (la), Catholic (la), holon,
Haurvatat (ae), Khordad (fa)
speed, Godspeed
sperate, despair (fr), desperate, desperation, prosper, prosperous, prosperity, Sospita, Esperanto (eo)
spy (fr<la<frk), espy (fr<la<frk), aspy (fr<la<frk), spae (sco<non), espionage (fr<la<frk),
aspect, expect, expectation, spectacle, spectator, aspectable, respect, respectable, inspect, inspector, introspect, introspection, conspicuous, despise (fr), despicable, spectate, speculum, spectacular, speculate, speculator, speculation, persipacious, perspective, perspicuous, prospect, respite (fr), suspect, suspicion, suspection, retrospect, retrospection, retrospective, special, specious, species, spice (Fr), spite (fr), specillum, especially, specimen, spectrum, specter (fr), auspice, auspicious, haruspex, haruspicy,
sceptic (la), skeptical (la), Skeptic (la), Skepticism (la), skepticism (la), scope (la), scepsis, -scope, Episcopal (la), Eposcopalian (la), bishop (gmw<la)
despondent, respond, response, sponsion, responsive, espouse (fr), spouse (fr), sponsor
spondee (la), spondaic (la)
spurn, spur, spear, speer
Speusippus (la)
spire, spitz (de), spit, spoke, spile (nl), spike (non), spiking, spatchcock, spitchcock
spine, spinal, spinney (fr), spinose, spinous, spinule
absorb, absorbtion, sorb
logorrhea, diarrhea, rheum (la), rheumatic (la), catarrh (la), Rhea, rhythm, rhythmic, rhyme (fr<la), -rrhea, arrythmia
Struma (bg<grc<txh), Strymonas (el<grc<txh)
staff, stave, bookstaff, bookstave, runestaff, runestave
stemma, Steven (fr<la), Stephen (fr<la)
stand, bestand, stead, stale, steady, shtetl (yi), standard (xno<gmw), understand, stone, stein (de), stain (non), stony, stonen, whetstone, saltstone, stean, stow, stall, stallion (fr<la<frk), stay, staid, stool, stoor, stour, stour (non), stir, stem, stud, studhorse, thew, thews
cost (fr), status, estate (fr), state (fr), statue (fr), statute, constitute, constitution, destitute, institute, institution, institutor, substitute, substitution, prostitute, prostitution, restitute, restitution, destitution, statuary (fr), contrast (fr<it), instant, instance, interstice, interstitium, oust (fr), nihil obstat, obstacle, obstetrix, obstetrics, obstetricious, prestate, imprest, prest (fr), prestation, rest (fr), stable (fr), stabile, establish (fr), establishment (fr), stability, stable (fr), constable (fr), stability, stamen, stamina, stage (fr), stat, superstition, exist, existence, insist, insistance, subsist, subsistence, persist, persistance, resist, resistance, assist, assistence, desist, stance (fr<it), stanza (it), station, stature, stare decisis, solstice, armistice, obstinate, destiny (fr), destination, store (fr), restaurant (fr), restore (fr), staunch (fr), attest, attestation, contest, detest, protest, testify, testament, test, testimony, testimonial,
anastasis, Anastasia (la), Anastasius (la), apostasy (la), apostate (la), ecstasy (la), ekstasis, ecstatic (la), metastasis, Stesichorus (la), histamine, system (la), systematic (la), astatine, stele, stela (la), stamnos, stasis, hypostasis, stater, apocatastasis, static, stearin (fr), stearine (fr), stadion, stadium (la), stade (fr<la), stoa, Stoic (la), Stoicism (la), stoic (la), stoicism (la), pygostyle, peristyle, stylite, stylobate, styloid
-stan (fa), stagnate (la<gaulish), stagnant (la<gaulish), stannum (la<gaulish)
stell, stall, stollen (De), stout (fr<frK), stilt, stale, stalk,
locus, local, locality, locate, location, allocate, allocation, couch (fr), collocate, collocation, loculus, locule, lieu (fr), milieu (fr), stultiloquy, stolon, stole, stoloniferous, stolid
apostle (la), apostolic (la), isapostle (la), epistle (fr<la), pistle (fr<la), epistolary (la), peristaltic, peristalsis, stola (la), stole (la), stele, stela (la)
stink, stench
distinguish (fr), extinguish (fr), extinct, instinct
sterile, sterility
strew, strow, straw
industrious, industry, construct, construe (fr), construction, constructive, destruct, destruction, destroy (fr), instrument, instruct, instruction, instructive, destructive, superstruct, superstructure, structure, obstruct, obstruction, substructure, substruction, instructor, infrastructure, stratus, stratum, strata, estrade (fr<es), prostrate, street (gmw), stragulum
Erasistratus (la), Herostratus (la), stroma, Lysistrata, Peisistratus (la), Pisistratus (la), sternum (la)
strath (gd), sarn (cy)
sty, stile, stair,
stoich., stoichedon, acrostic (fr<la)
stone, stein (de), stain (non), stony, stonen, whetstone, saltstone, stean
string, strong, strength
strew, strow, straw, strain
industrious, industry, construct, construe (fr), construction, constructive, destruct, destruction, destroy (fr), instrument, instruct, instruction, instructive, destructive, superstruct, superstructure, structure, obstruct, obstruction, substructure, substruction, instructor, infrastructure, stratus, stratum, strata, estrade (fr<es), prostrate, street (gmw), stragulum
strike, streak, stroke
astringent, constrict, constrain (fr), constraint (fr), strain (fr), restrict, restrain (fr), strict, stricture, restraint (fr), strait (fr), district, Detroit (fr), stringent, stress (fr), distress (fr), stria, strigil, striated
sweet, sweeten
suade, dissuade, dissuasion, persuade, persuasion, suasion, suasory, suave (enm), suavity,
hedonism (la), hedonic (la), hedonist (la), anhedonia (la), anhedonic (la), Hedone
Sadhbh (ga)
assonate, assonance, insonate, resonate, resound (fr), resonance, personate, sonorous, consonant, dissonate, dissonance, dissonant, sound (fr)
asweve, sweven, sweb,
somniferous, insomnia, insomniac, somniculous, sopor, soporific,
hypnotic (la), hypnotism (la), agrypnia, Hpynos, hypno-, hypnotize (la)
Cissonius (la<gaulish)
*swer- (ache)
*swer- (swear)
swear, answer, manswear, mainswear, forswear
surd, absurd, absurdity, susurrus
swart, swarth, swarthy
sudate, sudarium, sudary, sudorific, sudoriferous
sew, seam
accouter (fr), accouterment (fr), suture, couture (fr), souvlaki (el), sutorial, sutorian, souter (gmw)
hymen, Hymen
sutta (pi), sutra (sa), Kama Sutra (sa)
Ancient Greek