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Wiktionary:About Chinese/Wenzhounese

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Wenzhounese is a variety of Wu Chinese, spoken by about 5 million people. It is native to Wenzhou, a city in Zhejiang, China. Wenzhounese is one of the most divergent modern varieties of Chinese with more than a million speakers, and has been dubbed the "Devil's Tongue" for its unintelligibility, even with Wu dialects in adjacent areas. This page describes the dialect spoken in the urban area of Wenzhou, specifically in Lucheng District.

Initials and finals

WT Romanisation Wu-Chinese MiniDict Shen Wugniu Voiced? IPA Examples
p p b p no [p]
ph ph p ph no [pʰ]
b b bb b yes [b]  /
m m m m yes [mɦ]  / (máo wǎng wà)
'm 'm - m no [ʔm]  /
f f f f no [f]
v v v v yes [v] (文)
- v - - no [ʔʋ] (白) / (白)
t t d t no [t]
th th t th no [tʰ]  /
d d dd d yes [d]  /
n n n n yes [nɦ]  /
'n 'n - n no [ʔn]
l l l l yes [lɦ]  /
'l 'l - l no [ʔl]
ts ts z ts no [t͡s]  / (zǒu zhuāng jī)
tsh tsh c tsh no [t͡sʰ]  /
dz dz zz dz yes [d͡z] (文) / (文)
s s s s no [s]
z z ss z yes [z]  /
j c j c no [t͡ɕ]  /
q ch q ch no [t͡ɕʰ]  /
jj j jj j yes [d͡ʑ]  / (qiáo qiú zhàng)
ny ny ny gn yes [n̠ʲɦ]  /
'ny 'ny - gn no [ʔn̠ʲ]  /
x sh x sh no [ɕ]
y y y y yes [j] (yí chuáng róu)
k k g k no [k] (白) / (白)
kh kh k kh no [kʰ] (白)
g g gg g yes [ɡ] (白)(白) / (白)(白)
ng ng ng ng yes [ŋɦ]  /
'ng 'ng - ng no [ʔŋ]
h h h h no [h]  /
gh gh hh gh yes [ɦ] (hái fèng wàng)
' ' - - no [ʔ]  /
WT Romanisation Wu-Chinese MiniDict Shen Wugniu IPA Examples Notes
r y ii y [z̩]  /
i i i i [i]
u u u u [u] (pǔ hé huǒ)
y iu v iu [y]  /
a a a a [a]  /
ia ia ia ia [ia] (文) / (文)
ua va ua ua [ua]  / (wān wā) seems to be 'v + a in Wu-Chinese
ae ae ae ae [ɛ]
iae iae ie iae [iɛ]  /
uiae viae uie - [uiɛ] (wěng) seems to be 'v + iae in Wu-Chinese
e e ee e [e]  /
eu eo e eo [ɜ] (文)
oe oe oe oe [ø]
uao uao uo uao [uɔ]
yao iuao uo iuao [yɔ]  / (n)y + iuao → (n)yuao
o o o o [o]
yo io vo iuo [yo] (n)y + io → (n)yo
ai ai ai ai [ai]
iai iai iai iai [iai] (n)y + iai → (n)yai
uai vai uai vai [uai] (白) seems to be 'v + ai in Wu-Chinese and Wugniu
ei ei - ei [ei]  /
au au au au [au]
iau iau iau iau [iau]  / (niǔ jiǔ yōu) (n)y + iau → (n)yau
ou ou eu ou [ɤu] (文) / (文)
iou iou ieeu? ou [ieu] (jiù zhōu zhú) (n)y + iou → (n)you; merged into ɤu in Wugniu
oey eu û eu [øy]  /
an an ang an [aŋ] (白) / (白)
ian ian iang ian [iaŋ]  / (n)y + ian → (n)yan
uan van uang van [uaŋ] (白) / (白) seems to be 'v + an in Wu-Chinese and Wugniu
en en eng en [eŋ]
on on ong on [oŋ]  /
yon ion vong ion [yoŋ]  / (n)y + ion → (n)yon
mm m m - [m̩]  / rime not found in Wugniu
nn n n n [n̩]
ngg ng ng ng [ŋ̍]  /



Tones for single syllables


There are eight tones organized into four groups of two tones. In each group, the voicing of the initial consonant determines the tone: voiceless consonants are dark and voiced consonants are light.

Tone number Tone name Tone value Example characters
1 dark level
˧˧ 33  / (gāo shān fān fēi)
light level
˧˩ 31 綿 /
2 dark rising
˦˥ʔ 45  / (gāo shān fān fēi)
light rising
˧˦ʔ 34 綿 /
3 dark departing
˦˨ 42  / (gāo shān fān fēi)
light departing
˩˩ 11 綿 /
4 dark entering
˧˩˧ 313  / (gāo shān fān fēi)
light entering
˨˩˨ 212 綿 /

Tone sandhi


Tone sandhi rules in the Wenzhou dialect are complex.

The table below shows the two-syllable tonal sandhi rules; the cells indicate the tone of the two syllables after tone sandhi. A is the dark tone and B is the light tone.

The table is mainly based on 《溫州方言詞典》. Differences in 《温州方言志》 from 《溫州方言詞典》 are noted in parentheses.

1st \ 2nd 1A
1 ˩˩ ˧˧
˩˩ ˩˧
˥˧ʔ ˦˥ʔ
˩˧ ˥˧ʔ
˥˧ʔ ˩˧
2 ˦˨ ˧˧
˦˨ ˩
˦˨ ˩
˦˨ ˩˩
3A ˩˩ ˩˧
3B ˦˨ ˩
4 ˩ ˧˧
˩˩ ˩˧
˩ ˦˥ʔ
˩ ˦˨
˩ ˩˩
˩ ˩˧


Dark level first syllable
先生 - ɕi33-11 siɛ33 豬油 - tsei33-11 jiau31-13 瓜子 - ko33-53 tsẓ35 蝦米 - ho33-53 mei24-35
注意 - siɛ33-13 i43-53 公事 koŋ33-13 zz̩11-53 資格 - tsẓ33-53 ka313-13 桑葉 - suɔ33-53 ji212-13
Light level first syllable
棉花 - mi31-11 ho33 黃魚 ɦuɔ31-11 ŋøy31-13 鞋底 - ɦa31-53 tei35 朋友 - boŋ31-53 jiau24-35
長凳 - d͡ʑi31-13 taŋ42-53 和尚 - vu31-13 ji11-53 頭髮 - dɤu31-53 ho313-13 茶葉 - dzo31-53 ji212-13
Dark rising first syllable
點心 - ti35-42 saŋ33 水牛 - sz̩35-42 ŋau33-1 手錶 - ɕieu35-53 piɛ35 早稻 - t͡sə35-53 də24-35
小氣 - ɕiɛ35-42 t͡sʰ42-1 子彈 - t͡s35-42 da11 粉筆 - faŋ35-53 pi313-13 火藥 - fu35-53 jia212
Light rising first syllable
Dark falling first syllable
Light falling first syllable
Dark checked first syllable
Light checked first syllable



See also
