User:So9q/translations without gender/no
- 15 minutes of fame
- abandon
- abatement
- abbacy
- abbey
- abbot
- abbotship
- abeyance
- abortion
- abstract
- absurdism
- Abyssinian
- accomplice
- ace up one's sleeve
- acetamide
- acid rain
- aconite
- acquaintance
- actinium
- address
- addressing
- admiration
- adulation
- adult
- advance
- advertisement
- adynaton
- aetiology
- affirmative
- affixoid
- afterglow
- afterword
- agorism
- albino
- ale
- algebra
- alibi
- aligot
- alkalinity
- alkyne
- all
- allative case
- alphabet
- alphabetisation
- alpine chough
- ambergris
- ambigram
- amenorrhoea
- American bison
- americium
- amoeba
- ampersand
- amylase
- anabolism
- anagram
- analysis
- anamnesis
- anarchism
- anarcho-capitalism
- animal magnetism
- anime
- anisomorphism
- announcement
- anorexia nervosa
- antagonist
- anthropology
- anticline
- antimony
- antonym
- antonymy
- anxiety
- apanage
- apex
- aposematism
- apparel
- appendix
- apple tree
- applicant
- application
- arachnid
- archeopteryx
- Archimedes' screw
- arctic raspberry
- argent
- Arian
- arm/translations
- Arminianism
- armoured train
- arrow
- art
- arthropod
- artifact
- ashy tit
- Asian
- asparagus
- assault
- assault rifle
- asshole
- asterisk
- at sign
- Atlantic puffin
- atmosphere
- atomic nucleus
- attachment
- au pair
- audiology
- Audouin's gull
- avalanche
- awareness
- aye-aye
- babysitter
- bachelorette party
- back matter
- background check
- bad trip
- Baird's sandpiper
- baked beans
- bakery
- Balkanization
- ball lightning
- ballad
- ballistic missile
- balrog
- balustrade
- band-aid
- baptismal font
- bar
- barber surgeon
- barcarole
- barcode
- bardo
- barn owl
- barrack
- base
- Basenji
- bass
- batch
- bath
- bathroom
- bathyscaphe
- bayonet
- beach ball
- beach volleyball
- beak
- bearberry
- bee sting
- beer
- beet
- beetroot
- behavior
- being
- bejel
- Belarusian
- benediction
- benefactive case
- benefit of the doubt
- bequest
- berkelium
- berserk
- berth
- best
- best regards
- bestiary
- betrayer
- biangbiang noodles
- bias
- bill
- bill of materials
- billion
- bipolar disorder
- bird cherry
- birdie
- birthday party
- birthday suit
- black grouse
- black hole
- black light
- black metal
- black rhinoceros
- black-capped chickadee
- black-crested titmouse
- black-winged pratincole
- black/translations
- blasphemy
- blast
- block
- blond
- blood diamond
- bloody mary
- blue
- blue cheese
- blue screen of death
- blue-winged kookaburra
- blunderbuss
- bluster
- board
- board member
- boat lift
- bodice
- bohrium
- boiled egg
- bollocks
- Bonaparte's gull
- bone marrow
- bookend
- bookshelf
- boom barrier
- booth
- Bose-Einstein condensate
- bother
- bottom
- bougainvillea
- bouldering
- boulevard
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- bow and arrow
- bowl cut
- boy
- brain
- brambling
- bream
- breaststroke
- bridled tern
- broad-billed sandpiper
- bromine
- bronchoscopy
- brooch
- broom
- brown
- buckle
- buff-breasted sandpiper
- buffalo
- building
- bulimia
- bullseye
- bullshit
- bunch
- bureau de change
- burn
- burr
- butt plug
- buzzard
- bye-bye
- cabbage
- cable car
- Caesarism
- caiman
- calamari
- calandra lark
- calends
- californium
- canary
- Cancer
- candidate
- candle
- cannabis
- canning
- Cantopop
- canyon
- cap
- Cape gooseberry
- capercaillie
- capital
- capon
- caravanserai
- caravel
- caraway
- cardinality
- cargo
- carol
- carrack
- carrion crow
- Cartesian coordinates
- carton
- case
- Caspian gull
- Caspian tit
- castle
- catacomb
- Catalan
- catnap
- catnip
- caucus
- cease-fire
- celerity
- celery
- centennial
- cerebral palsy
- cerium
- chador
- chaffinch
- chainplate
- chairman
- chamois
- chance
- chancellor
- chaos
- chaos theory
- character
- charter
- chase
- chasma
- cheat
- Cheddar cheese
- chemical energy
- Chernobyl
- cherry
- chest
- chestnut
- chick
- chicory
- chin
- Chinese
- chisel
- chit-chat
- chive
- chlamydia
- chocolate milk
- choice
- choke
- chord
- Christmas seal
- cigarette
- cinereous tit
- cinnamon
- circle
- citizen
- citizen journalism
- citron
- civil disobedience
- clairvoyance
- clam
- clap
- clapperboard
- claw hammer
- clef
- cleft
- clerk
- clinical psychology
- cloudberry
- cluster
- coal tit
- coast
- cochlea
- coercion
- coffee
- cog
- cogeneration
- cognitive psychology
- coitus interruptus
- collaboration
- collared dove
- collared pratincole
- college town
- Colombian necktie
- colposcope
- comb
- combat
- comeuppance
- comitative case
- common greenshank
- common gull
- common kestrel
- common law
- common noun
- common redshank
- common sandpiper
- comparative
- comparison
- compersion
- competition
- composition
- computer science
- comrade
- concept
- conditional
- condolence
- cone
- conformity
- Congolese
- connection
- connective tissue
- conniption
- consistency
- conspiracy
- constitution
- container
- continental drift
- contraction
- conventicle
- copy
- coriander
- cormorant
- corn
- corn poppy
- corner kick
- cornrow
- corrugated iron
- corruption
- cosmic ray
- cot
- course
- courtyard
- cowrie
- crash
- crash course
- cream
- cream-colored courser
- credit
- creek
- crime scene
- cripple
- crispbread
- crosier
- cross-reference
- crossword
- crowberry
- crowd
- crowdfunding
- crown
- crucifix
- Crusade
- cryovolcano
- crème de la crème
- cue
- cumin
- cup
- curium
- curl
- curlew sandpiper
- current events
- cursor
- cutlass
- cutting
- cuttlefish
- dacha
- dacite
- dad
- dartboard
- date palm
- daughter
- dawn
- dead ice
- death
- death adder
- death cap
- debate
- debauchery
- decimal
- decline
- decrease
- deed
- deer
- defendant
- defense
- defenselessness
- defiance
- deficit
- delay
- deliberation
- demand
- demeanor
- demonology
- denizen
- department store
- deposit
- designation
- desire
- dessert
- destroying angel
- detritivore
- deuce
- deus ex machina
- dewberry
- dextrose
- diamond
- dichasium
- dick
- differentiation
- digit
- dimension
- dinitrogen tetroxide
- director
- dirt
- discussion
- disobedience
- dispute
- dissatisfaction
- distress
- ditch
- divisor
- dobra
- docudrama
- documentation
- dolphin
- Donaldism
- dormouse
- download
- draft
- draw
- dried fruit
- drinking
- drinking song
- drunk driving
- dubnium
- dulcimer
- duma
- dunce cap
- dune
- dusky tit
- dyscalculia
- dysphoria
- dysprosium
- E-flat
- eagle owl
- ear
- earphone
- earth
- earwig
- easement
- Easter egg
- ebb
- ecclesiology
- ecliptic
- ecomusicology
- econometrics
- economics
- ecotone
- ecstasy
- edit
- eeny, meeny, miny, moe
- eggplant
- egoist
- egotism
- eiderdown
- einsteinium
- electoral fraud
- electric field
- electron
- electrostatics
- elevator
- embers
- emergence
- emperor penguin
- empowerment
- emptiness
- encyclical
- encyclopedic dictionary
- endosymbiotic theory
- energy
- enigma
- enterprise
- enthalpy
- entrainment
- entrance
- epicanthus
- epicentre
- epicrisis
- epicycle
- epididymis
- epithelium
- epitome
- equation
- erbium
- erectile dysfunction
- escape velocity
- esoterism
- ethnomusicology
- eukaryote
- Eurasian pygmy owl
- European bison
- europium
- euthanasia
- evil eye
- example
- Excellency
- excerpt
- excess
- exchange student
- exempt
- exorcism
- exposition
- expressway
- expulsion
- extension cord
- extrasensory perception
- eye for an eye
- eye of the beholder
- fable
- facticity
- fairy
- fall
- fallow deer
- fan
- fan base
- farsightedness
- fascination
- father
- Father's Day
- fathom
- female
- fenugreek
- fermium
- ferret
- festschrift
- fetial
- few-flowered sedge
- fichu
- field hospital
- fight
- fighting game
- figure skating
- fin
- finance
- finiteness
- Fiordland penguin
- firework
- first-degree murder
- fish finger
- fishhook
- fission
- flavor
- flint
- floorball
- flyer
- flying saucer
- foot
- foot-and-mouth disease
- football
- force
- forefoot
- Forster's tern
- fortune
- forum
- foundation
- fountain
- four-stroke engine
- fragrance
- francium
- Franklin's gull
- freedom to roam
- freelancer
- freestyle
- freezer
- freshman
- Friday
- fringe
- Frisbee
- fructose
- fuchsia
- fuck you
- full throttle
- fun
- fundamental
- fungus
- furore
- fursuit
- fusion
- fuss
- fynbos
- g-force
- gadolinium
- Gaelic
- galactose
- gale
- galette
- gallium
- gallop
- game
- game theory
- garbage bag
- garbage can
- garlic mustard
- gas chamber
- Gatling gun
- Gemütlichkeit
- gendarme
- gendarmerie
- genocide
- gens
- gentoo penguin
- geographic information system
- geoid
- germanium
- gerundive
- ghost story
- ginger
- give-away shop
- given
- glans penis
- glasnost
- glass harmonica
- glucose
- gnomon
- goal
- goldeneye
- gonorrhea
- good evening
- goose bump
- goose pimple
- gopher wood
- goshawk
- grade
- grammar
- grand slam
- granddaughter
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grappa
- grass snake
- gratefulness
- gratification
- gray
- great northern diver
- great snipe
- great spotted woodpecker
- great-aunt
- greater yellowlegs
- greatest common divisor
- Greek
- green sandpiper
- green tea
- greeting
- grey
- grey heron
- grey-headed chickadee
- grey-tailed tattler
- greylag goose
- grief
- grievance
- grinder
- grocery
- ground
- growth
- guava
- guest book
- guideline
- guild
- gull-billed tern
- gum arabic
- gun
- gymnastics
- habit
- haemophilia
- hafnium
- hag
- haggis
- hairball
- hamlet
- hammer and sickle
- handkerchief
- handle
- hankering
- hard drive
- hard-on
- harmonica
- harpy eagle
- harvestman
- hashish
- hassium
- hawfinch
- heads or tails
- headscarf
- heap
- hearse
- heart attack
- hearth
- hearts
- heat capacity
- Hellene
- help
- hemisphere
- hemlock
- hemp milk
- hemp-nettle
- hendiadys
- henotheism
- hentai
- herd
- heritage
- hermit
- hernia
- heron
- herpes zoster
- hexadecimal
- hiatus
- hiccup
- hick
- hierophany
- high school
- highway
- hip bone
- hippogriff
- hiss
- hoe
- hogshead
- hogweed
- hole punch
- holmium
- home
- homesickness
- homophobia
- honk
- horizon
- horned lark
- horned melon
- horology
- horror
- horse-leech
- horsepower
- hour
- house music
- house sparrow
- hp
- Hudsonian godwit
- human shield
- husband
- hut
- hydrogen peroxide
- hylic
- hyperglycemia
- hypernova
- hypotrochoid
- Iceland gull
- ideal gas
- identity matrix
- idiom
- igneous rock
- Illuminati
- imagination
- impetus
- implementation
- inbox
- inception
- inclination
- increment
- indentation
- indictment
- indium
- indri
- inertia
- infarct
- inflammation
- inflation
- inner emigration
- instruction
- instrument
- instrumental case
- insurrection
- interoperability
- interpreter
- interval
- interview
- iodine
- Iriomote tit
- Irish wolfhound
- irony
- Islamization
- Islamophobia
- ivory gull
- jab
- jack of all trades
- jackhammer
- jade
- jail
- jalopy
- jam
- jar
- Java sparrow
- jaw
- jaywalker
- jeerer
- jellyfish
- jeremiad
- jiffy
- John Doe
- joule
- journalism
- journey
- judo
- juice
- jump rope
- junk food
- K-pop
- Kannada
- keep
- kestrel
- kettlebell
- keystone
- khat
- Khmer
- kick
- kicksled
- kilt
- kinetic energy
- king cobra
- kingdom
- kitty
- kiwi
- kleptomania
- knight
- knot
- kogel mogel
- kookaburra
- kowtow
- krypton
- kurta
- label
- lacrosse
- ladies and gentlemen
- lady
- ladybird
- lamia
- lammergeier
- lamppost
- lamprey
- lanthanum
- larynx
- Latin
- laughing kookaburra
- laughter
- law
- lawrencium
- leaf
- league table
- lean-to
- leapfrog
- least weasel
- leave
- leech
- leek
- lemon balm
- lemon squeezer
- Leninism
- Leo
- lesser spotted eagle
- lesser spotted woodpecker
- lesser yellowlegs
- lettuce
- lexicography
- libation
- Libra
- lichenometry
- lid
- ligation
- lightning
- lightweight
- limit
- limousine
- lindworm
- lindwyrm
- linear algebra
- lion
- lip service
- lip sync
- liquidation
- liquor store
- lisp
- lithium
- little gull
- little owl
- little stint
- loan
- lobster
- lobster pot
- locative case
- loggerhead duck
- logistics
- loneliness
- long-billed dowitcher
- long-eared owl
- long-tailed jaeger
- long-toed stint
- loquacity
- lordosis
- lot
- love
- loved one
- Ltd.
- lumpsucker
- lutetium
- lychee
- macaroni
- mackerel
- macroeconomics
- maelstrom
- magazine
- Magellanic penguin
- maggot
- magnetic tape
- mailman
- major arcana
- mallard
- mallow
- malthouse
- man/translations
- mandarin duck
- mandola
- Mandopop
- mandrake
- manna ash
- manticore
- manul
- Manx cat
- Maoism
- maple
- marine biology
- mark
- marker pen
- market
- marriage agency
- marsh marigold
- marsh sandpiper
- marsh tit
- marshmallow
- marten
- martial art
- massacre
- masturbation
- match
- material
- matter of course
- May Day
- maypole
- me/translations
- meadow pipit
- meadowsweet
- meaning
- measurement
- mechanics
- medal table
- Mediterranean gull
- meitnerium
- melancholy
- melon
- melting
- melting pot
- meme
- mendelevium
- menstruation
- mental hospital
- meow
- mercy
- mesh
- mess
- metal
- metamorphic rock
- metempsychosis
- metropolis
- metropolitan
- Mexican wolf
- mica
- mid-air
- midbrain
- millennium
- minesweeper
- minibar
- ministry
- miscarriage of justice
- Miss
- missile
- mission statement
- Mississippi
- mister
- mitre
- moa
- mock exam
- mode
- Mohawk
- molybdenum
- moment
- Monday
- monochasium
- monocotyledon
- monstrosity
- month
- mood
- moor
- morion
- morna
- morning gift
- mortise-and-tenon joint
- motorway
- mouflon
- mousetrap
- mouthbrooder
- movement
- Mrs
- muffin
- mullet
- mumps
- murder
- muscle
- muse
- museum
- muskrat
- mussel
- mustard
- mustard gas
- myrrh
- myrtle
- mâche
- namaste
- name day
- nametag
- narcolepsy
- nationalism
- navy
- nearsightedness
- nebula
- neigh
- neighborhood
- net
- New Age
- new age
- newbie
- nigger
- nitrogen
- nix
- No.
- nobelium
- nocebo
- non-aggression principle
- non-governmental organization
- nonkilling
- noodle
- norm
- north
- north-northeast
- northern fulmar
- northern goshawk
- notebook
- nothingness
- Nowheresville
- nudging
- nutmeg
- nutrition
- oatmeal
- obedience
- obesity
- object language
- oblast
- occultation
- oddball
- odds and ends
- odor
- Oedipus complex
- oenology
- oil
- oil rig
- OK
- old wives' tale
- olive
- oneirology
- onomatopoeia
- opera
- opinion
- opposite
- optical illusion
- oregano
- oriental pratincole
- origin
- ornithopter
- orthodoxy
- orthogonality
- orthorexia
- ossuary
- osteopenia
- other
- otolaryngology
- outboard
- outer space
- outing
- ovenbird
- overhead
- oviduct
- oxalis
- oxeye daisy
- pace
- packet
- packing needle
- pagoda
- pain
- paint
- painting
- pale
- Pallas's gull
- palmistry
- pan-Arabism
- panarchism
- Panchen Lama
- panda
- pandeism
- pansexuality
- pants
- papaya
- paper
- paper clip
- pappardelle
- paradox
- paragliding
- paragraph
- parallax
- paranoia
- parapsychology
- pardon
- parenchyma
- parking lot
- parkland
- parliament
- parsnip
- part of speech
- particle physics
- passive voice
- past
- pasta
- paternal grandfather
- patience
- pavement
- pea
- pebble
- pectin
- pectoral sandpiper
- pedestrian crossing
- pedophile
- pen pal
- penance
- pencil
- people
- pepper spray
- perch
- percussion instrument
- peregrine falcon
- perfect number
- perfect tense
- perfume
- perineum
- period
- perjurer
- persimmon
- personnel
- pet name
- petasus
- petroglyph
- phantom
- Philippine eagle
- philosopher's stone
- photography
- photon
- photophobia
- phrase book
- pick
- picture dictionary
- piece of cake
- piemontite
- pier
- pig in a poke
- pile driver
- pillow fight
- pin
- pinna
- piracy
- piranha
- Planck's constant
- playlist
- pleasing fungus beetle
- pleiochasium
- pleurisy
- plight
- plumber's snake
- plummet
- pocketbook
- poem
- point
- poison
- polar night
- polar willow
- pole
- police department
- police dog
- pollock
- poltergeist
- polygon
- pomelo
- pond
- porcupine
- porosity
- Portuguese Water Dog
- positron emission tomography
- post-it note
- postcard
- pot calling the kettle black
- powdered sugar
- power
- power supply
- praseodymium
- prattle
- preacher
- precaution
- precognition
- pregnancy
- prepositional case
- prescience
- present perfect
- presidency
- price
- prick
- Prince Charming
- private candidate
- product
- product placement
- promethium
- prominence
- propeller
- propensity
- prosopagnosia
- protactinium
- protoplanet
- protractor
- proverb
- proxy
- pseudoephedrine
- psychology
- pubic hair
- public law
- pudding
- pulp
- pumice
- punching bag
- purple
- purple sandpiper
- purple swamphen
- purse
- pyometra
- pyroclastic flow
- pyrotechnics
- quack
- quadragenarian
- quality
- quarantine
- quarter
- queen
- quiz
- quotation marks
- radio drama
- rail
- raised bog
- rasp
- rat race
- rate
- rattle
- rawhide
- ray
- razor
- real estate
- realm
- reason
- receipt
- receptivity
- recompense
- reconnoiter
- recreation
- rectangle
- recumbent
- recycle bin
- red panda
- red phalarope
- red-necked phalarope
- red-necked stint
- redirection
- redundancy
- reflexive pronoun
- refrain
- regards
- region
- Reich
- Reichian
- reification
- reinforced concrete
- relationship
- relative pronoun
- relativity
- remuneration
- repechage
- requirement
- reservation
- resident
- restructuring
- return ticket
- revenant
- revenge
- reward
- rhenium
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rift
- ring-billed gull
- ringtone
- rise
- rivet
- rock
- rock dove
- rode
- roentgenium
- Romansch
- rook
- rosehip
- Ross's gull
- round trip
- roundpole fence
- rubidium
- rue
- ruff
- rumba
- rumor
- rumpus
- run
- running text
- rutabaga
- rutherfordium
- sack
- safe room
- saffron
- sail
- sailboat
- saint
- salad dressing
- samarium
- samovar
- sand
- sanding sheet
- sandpaper
- sangfroid
- Sanskrit
- sarcasm
- satchel
- satellite
- save
- scabies
- scalability
- scale model
- scam
- scandium
- scene
- scenery
- schizoid personality disorder
- scholar's mate
- Scottish Gaelic
- scree
- screech owl
- screen printing
- screwdriver
- scrutiny
- scull
- seaborgium
- seafood
- seat
- second
- second person
- sedimentary rock
- seeker
- selenium
- self
- self-image
- semipalmated sandpiper
- senate
- Seneca
- sentry-box
- seraph
- serf
- serfdom
- serif
- service tree
- serviceberry
- set theory
- settlement agreement
- sexual reproduction
- shahada
- shame
- shareholder
- shari'a
- sharp-tailed sandpiper
- shashlik
- shchi
- sheatfish
- sheet
- shell
- shelter
- shield
- shinbone
- shingles
- Shiraz
- shooting range
- shoplifting
- short-billed dowitcher
- short-toed snake eagle
- shrine
- shroud
- shuttle
- Siamese fighting fish
- Siberian Husky
- Sichuan tit
- sick
- side
- side cap
- silence
- silkworm
- silovik
- silver
- silverfish
- silverweed
- Simon says
- sinicization
- Sinosphere
- sissy
- sister
- sixty-nine
- skald
- skateboard
- skepticism
- skyscraper
- slap
- Slav
- slender-billed gull
- slob
- slowness
- slumber
- smetana
- smew
- smithsonite
- snack
- snitch
- snow leopard
- snowflake
- snowstorm
- social
- sock puppet
- sodium benzoate
- sodomy
- sofa
- solace
- solitary sandpiper
- sombre tit
- son-in-law
- song sparrow
- sonnet
- soprano saxophone
- sorghum
- sorrel
- sound card
- south
- space
- spacetime
- spangled kookaburra
- Spanish Water Dog
- spat
- spatula
- specialist
- specialty
- spelt
- sphinx
- spice
- spin
- spinach
- spirits
- splenectomy
- splits
- spoke
- spot
- spotted dragonet
- sprachbund
- spreader
- spring balance
- spyware
- square root
- squat
- St. Elmo's fire
- stack
- staff
- stag
- stage
- stage fright
- stained glass
- Stalinism
- stalker
- standard time
- standpoint
- standstill
- star anise
- star fruit
- state
- stationery
- statistics
- steak
- steatosis
- Steller sea lion
- step
- stile
- stilt
- stilt sandpiper
- stinginess
- stinkhorn
- storm petrel
- strait
- strawberry
- streetlight
- string
- strontium
- study
- stuff
- stye
- style
- substance
- suction
- sum
- sumac
- summer
- summer camp
- sundew
- sunfish
- sunglasses
- superlative
- supermodel
- superstition
- supper
- support
- Supreme Leader
- sura
- surgeonfish
- surprise
- surrealism
- surveillance camera
- survival of the fittest
- sweetie
- swimming pool
- swine flu
- swordfish
- swordplay
- sycophant
- symbiogenesis
- synclinal
- synergy
- table of contents
- table tennis
- tablespoon
- tag
- taiga
- tajine
- tank
- tantalum
- tapir
- target
- tarn
- tarsier
- tart
- Taurus
- tawny owl
- tax evasion
- taxi
- technetium
- technobabble
- telemarketing
- telepath
- telepathy
- teller
- tellurium
- Temminck's stint
- tenant
- tension
- tensor
- terbium
- terraforming
- tether
- text
- thaler
- thallium
- Thanatos
- the icing on the cake
- theology
- thermodynamic equilibrium
- thermosphere
- thesaurus
- thick-billed murre
- Thing
- third person
- thirst
- thulium
- thumbnail
- Thursday
- tic-tac-toe
- tiddlywinks
- time
- time capsule
- time interval
- tin
- tit for tat
- titanium
- title
- titmouse
- tobacco
- today
- toddler
- tofu
- toilet brush
- toilet paper
- Tom, Dick and Harry
- tombstone
- tone
- tongue and groove
- tonight
- toothbrush
- torment
- tourism
- tourist
- town walls
- trademark
- traffic
- transclusion
- transit
- translation dictionary
- transliteration
- transrealism
- transsexual
- transsexuality
- trap
- treat
- trichotillomania
- tricycle
- trident
- trimaran
- triphthong
- triskaidekaphobia
- trolley bus
- trouble in paradise
- trough
- trust
- truth or dare
- Tuesday
- tufted duck
- tughra
- turbot
- turmeric
- turtle dove
- TV
- twaddle
- ugli
- uhlan
- ulcer
- umlaut
- unbibium
- unbinilium
- unbiunium
- undoing
- ununbium
- ununennium
- ununhexium
- ununoctium
- ununpentium
- ununquadium
- ununseptium
- ununtrium
- update
- upland sandpiper
- upwelling
- urethra
- user
- uvula
- vagrant
- vair
- value added tax
- vandalism
- Varangian
- varied tit
- veganism
- vegetarian
- vegetarianism
- vendace
- venial sin
- verb
- version
- vestige
- vibraphone
- vicinity
- Victory Day
- video game console
- village
- villain
- Virgo
- visa
- vizier
- vocabulary
- vocal sac
- voice-over
- voucher
- voyage
- vulva
- waist
- waiting
- walk-on
- want
- war
- ward
- wardrobe malfunction
- ware
- water dog
- water parsnip
- water strider
- watercress
- waxwing
- way
- weapon of mass destruction
- wee
- weed
- weightlifting
- welfare state
- well
- western barn owl
- western sandpiper
- westside
- whimbrel
- whip
- whiskered tern
- white wagtail
- white-backed black tit
- white-browed tit
- white-eyed gull
- white-naped tit
- white-rumped sandpiper
- white-winged tern
- Whitsun
- who's who
- whorl
- why
- widget
- wiki
- wild goose
- Wild Hunt
- wild service tree
- wild strawberry
- wild turkey
- will o' the wisp
- willow warbler
- wind farm
- windfall
- window-seat
- wine
- wire netting
- wisent
- wizard
- wolf in sheep's clothing
- wollastonite
- wonton
- wood
- wood cudweed
- wood sandpiper
- wood sorrel
- woodlouse
- woodwind instrument
- woof
- Worcestershire sauce
- word order
- work
- workbook
- workout
- workshop
- world cup
- World Exposition
- wrinkle
- writing as separate words
- xebec
- yard
- yeast
- yellow
- yellow tit
- yellow-billed loon
- yellow-eyed penguin
- yellow-legged gull
- yesteryear
- yodel
- Young's modulus
- youth
- yttrium
- zander
- zirconium
- zugzwang