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User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-z

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-z {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a noun to form a verb
z {letter} :: letter:
Z {letter} :: letter:
zab {n} :: oat
zabál {vit} :: to gobble (to eat hastily or greedily)
zabla {n} :: bit (a piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal)
zablakarika {n} :: bit ring (the ring on the side of a horse's bit)
zabliszt {n} :: oat flour
zabolátlan {adj} :: unbridled, unrestrained
zabpehely {n} :: rolled oats (oat groats that have been rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers)
zabpehely {n} :: oatmeal (meal made from rolled or round oats)
zacc {n} [colloquial] :: grounds (the sediment at the bottom of a liquid, especially coffee)
zacskó {n} :: bag (a flexible container made of cloth, paper, plastic, etc.)
zacskó {n} :: sac (a bag or pouch inside a plant or animal that typically contains a fluid)
zacskós {adj} :: bagged, in a bag, baglike, saclike
zacskóz {vt} :: to bag (to put into a bag)
zafír {n} :: sapphire (a precious stone)
zaft {n} :: alternative form of szaft
Zágráb {prop} :: Zágráb (capital city)
zagyva {adj} :: confused, muddled
zagyvább {adj} :: comparative of zagyva
zagyvál {vt} :: to muddle, to gibber (to talk nonsense)
zagyvaság {n} :: nonsense, gibberish
zaj {n} :: noise (various sounds, usually unwanted or unpleasant)
zaj {n} [photography] :: image noise (random variation of brightness or color information in photographs)
zajlik {vi} :: to take place, to happen (eventfulness is often implied)
zajlik {vi} [of a river] :: to drift (when the ice breaks and flows down in the river)
zajong {vi} :: to make lots of annoying noise
zajong {vi} [archaic, literary] :: to clamor (to express dissatisfaction or discontent; to influence by outcry)
zajos {adj} :: noisy, loud (making an unwanted or unpleasant sound)
zajos {adj} :: resounding, sensational
zajos {adj} [photography] :: containing image noise (random variation of brightness or color information in photographs)
zajosabb {adj} :: comparative of zajos
zajtalan {adj} :: noiseless, soundless, silent
zajtalanabb {adj} :: comparative of zajtalan
Zakariás {prop} :: given name
zakatol {vi} [of a machine, train] :: to clatter, to pound
zakatol {vi} [of heart] :: to pound
zakatol {vi} [dated, of circle dancing in the street] :: to make merry, to dance
zaklat {vt} :: to molest, trouble, annoy, bother
zaklatott {adj} :: worried, tormented
zaklatottabb {adj} :: comparative of zaklatott
zaklatottság {n} :: trepidation, disquiet, distraction
zakó {n} :: (suit) jacket, suit coat (the upper piece of a suit or a short, elegant coat)
zakó {n} [colloquial, also, sports] :: beating, thrashing
Zala {prop} :: given name
Zala {prop} :: Zala (administrative county)
Zalaegerszeg {prop} :: Zalaegerszeg (city)
zálog {n} :: pawn
zamat {n} :: flavor, aroma, bouquet (wine)
zamatos {adj} :: tasty, aromatic, flavoured
zamatos {adj} [by extension] :: spicy, racy
zamatosabb {adj} :: comparative of zamatos
Zambia {prop} :: Zambia (country)
zápfog {n} :: molar (back tooth)
zápor {n} :: shower, downpour, rainstorm
zápor {n} [by extension] :: flood, stream
zár {n} :: lock, latch, fastener
zár {n} [photography] :: shutter (part of a camera that opens for a controlled period of time to let light in)
zár {vt} :: to close, shut, lock (often but not necessarily with a key)
zár {vt} [typography] :: to align text (in a direction ra)
záradék {n} [legal] :: clause
záradék {n} [legal] :: endorsement, validation (with a clause, by an authoritative office)
záradékol {vt} [law] :: to endorse, to validate with an official clause
zarándok {n} :: pilgrim
zarándoklat {n} :: pilgrimage
zarándokol {vi} :: to go on a pilgrimage, to pilgrimize
zárat {vt} :: to make someone close something
zárda {n} :: cloister, convent, nunnery
zargat {vt} :: to bother, to disturb (continually)
zárható {adj} :: lockable
záridő {n} [photography] :: shutter speed (duration of time for which the shutter of a camera remains open for an exposure)
zárja a sorait {v} [idiomatic] :: to finish a letter, an article, etc
zárja a sorait {v} [idiomatic] :: to close ranks (to regroup forces in order to face a challenge)
zárkózik {vir} :: to lock oneself up
zárkózott {adj} :: uncommunicative, close, withdrawn, reticent, reserved
zárkózottabb {adj} :: comparative of zárkózott
zárlat {n} :: lockdown
zárlat {n} [electricity] :: short circuit
záró {adj} :: closing
zárójel {n} :: parenthesis (parentheses), bracket(s)
zárol {vt} [law, formal] :: to lock down
zárol {vt} [of a bank account] :: to freeze
záróra {n} :: closing time
záróvizsga {n} :: final (a test or examination given at the end of a term or class; the test that concludes a class)
zársebesség {n} [photography] :: shutter speed (duration of time for which the shutter of a camera remains open for an exposure)
zárszerkezet {n} [photography] :: shutter (part of a camera that opens for a controlled period of time to let light in)
zárt {adj} :: closed (not open)
zártabb {adj} :: comparative of zárt
zárt ajtók mögött {phrase} [idiomatic] :: behind closed doors
zárt körű {adj} :: private, exclusive
zártkörű {adj} :: superseded spelling of zárt körű
zártkörűen működő részvénytársaság {n} :: private limited liability company
zárul {vi} :: to close, lock
zárva {adv} :: closed, locked (in a closed or locked state; especially with the verbs van, lesz, marad, tart, and talál)
zárvány {n} [geology] :: inclusion, xenolith
zászló {n} :: flag
zászlóalj {n} :: battalion
zászlóvivő {n} :: flag-bearer
-zat {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun to form an abstract noun or a collective noun
zátony {n} :: reef, shoal (a chain or range of rocks, sand, or coral lying at or near the surface of the water)
zavar {n} :: confusion, disorder, muddle, chaos
zavar {n} :: malfunction, disturbance, hitch, fault
zavar {n} [medical] :: dysfunction, disorder, trouble, problem, dys- (as in dyspepsia), in- (as in indigestion), mal- (as in malabsorption)
zavar {n} [psychology, with the verbs ejt, esik, hoz, jön, van] :: embarrassment, being ill at ease, self-consciousness, discomfiture
zavar {n} [telecommunications] :: interference
zavar {vt} :: to bother, trouble, molest
zavar {vt} :: to disturb (to confuse a quiet, constant state or a calm, continuous flow)
zavar {vt} :: to chase, to drive
zavarba hoz {vt} [idiom] :: to embarrass someone (to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort)
zavarog {vi} :: to riot, to raise an upheaval or turmoil
zavaros {adj} [of liquid] :: cloudy, muddy
zavaros {adj} [of eye] :: dim
zavaros {adj} :: confused, muddled, perplexed, chaotic
zavaros {n} [rare, usually with third-person possessive suffix] :: sediment at the bottom of a liquid
zavarosabb {adj} :: comparative of zavaros
zavarosság {n} :: muddiness, cloudiness (in liquids)
zavarosság {n} :: dimness (of eye)
zavarosság {n} :: confusion, distraction
zavarosság {n} :: incoherence (of speech)
zavart {adj} :: perplexed, puzzled, bewildered (person, behavior)
zavart {adj} :: confused, disturbed, disoriented (mind)
zavartabb {adj} :: comparative of zavart
zavartalan {adj} :: undisturbed, untroubled, unperturbed
{n} :: letter: z
zebra {n} [biology] :: zebra (animal)
zebra {n} [road transport] :: pedestrian crossing, crosswalk, zebra crossing
zebrapinty {n} :: zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
zefír {n} [textiles] :: zephyr (light fabric)
zefír {n} [archaic] :: zephyr (gentle breeze)
zeke {n} :: doublet (a man's short jacket)
zeller {n} :: celery
zelóta {n} :: zealot (a fanatic)
zelóta {n} [historical] :: zealot (a member of the Zealot movement)
zendülés {n} :: rebellion
zene {n} :: music (sound, organized in time in a melodious way)
zenede {n} [dated] :: music school (a school whose main objective is teaching music)
zenedei {adj} :: of or relating to music school
zenei {adj} :: musical (of or relating to music)
zeneiség {n} :: musicality
zeneiskola {n} :: music school (a school whose main objective is teaching music)
zenekar {n} :: orchestra
zenekar {n} :: band (a group of musicians)
zenekari {adj} :: orchestra (of or relating to orchestra)
zenekíséret {n} :: musical accompaniment
zenél {vi} :: to make/play music (to play on a musical instrument)
zenél {vt} :: to play a piece on a musical instrument
zenerajongó {n} :: music lover
zenerajongó {adj} :: music-loving
zenés {adj} :: musical, with music
zenész {n} :: musician (a person who plays or sings music)
zeneszerzés {n} [of music] :: composition, composing
zeneszerző {n} :: composer
zeneterápia {n} :: music therapy
zeng {vi} :: to resound
zeng {vt} [poetic] :: to express something by singing and with music
zeng {vt} [literary] :: to praise someone or something in a song or a poem
Zephürosz {prop} [Greek god] :: Zephyrus or Zephyr (the Greek god of the west wind)
zerge {n} :: chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
zéró {adj} [colloquial] :: zero, none whatsoever, none at all
zéró {num} :: [dated] zero
zéró {n} [dated] :: zero
zéró morféma {n} [linguistics] :: null morpheme, zero morpheme (a morpheme that has no phonetic form; it is represented as the empty set symbol Ø or its alternative )
-zet {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun to form an abstract noun or a collective noun
Zeusz {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Zeus (the king of gods)
zigóta {n} [biology] :: zygote (a fertilized egg cell)
zihál {vi} :: to pant, to breathe heavily
zihál {vt} :: to speak, to say something while panting, breathing quickly in a labored manner, as after exertion or from eagerness or excitement
-zik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a noun to form a verb
Zika-vírus {n} [pathology] :: Zika virus
zimankó {n} [folksy or literary] :: cold, bitter winter weather with drifting snow or sleet
Zimbabwe {prop} :: Zimbabwe (country)
-zis {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix
zivatar {n} :: rainstorm
zizeg {vi} :: to rustle (to move with a soft fluttering sound)
zizeg {vt} [poetic, rare] :: to utter something in such a sound
zodiákus {n} :: zodiac
zokni {n} :: sock (a knitted or woven covering for the foot)
zokog {vi} :: to sob
zokog {vt} :: to say something while sobbing
zokogás {n} :: sob, sobbing
Zoli {prop} :: given name
Zoltán {prop} :: given name
zománc {n} [anatomy] :: enamel, tooth enamel
zománc {n} :: enamel, glaze (an opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects)
zombi {n} :: zombie
zombiapokalipszis {n} :: zombie apocalypse
zóna {n} :: zone (area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic)
zongora {n} :: piano
zongoraművész {n} :: concert pianist, classical pianist, piano player, pianist
zongoraóra {n} :: piano lesson
zongorapad {n} :: piano bench
zongoraszék {n} :: piano stool
zongoraverseny {n} :: piano concerto
zongoraverseny {n} :: piano competition
zongorázik {vi} :: to play the piano
zongorázik {vt} :: to play something on the piano
zongorista {n} :: pianist
zoológia {n} :: zoology
zoológiai {adj} :: zoological
zoológus {n} :: zoologist
zoomobjektív {n} [photography] :: zoom lens (lens containing a mechanical assembly of inner lenses)
zord {adj} :: grim, severe, morose, stern
zordabb {adj} :: comparative of zord
zordon {adj} :: bleak, dismal
zordonabb {adj} :: comparative of zordon
zökkenőmentes {adj} :: smooth, even (free from bumps)
zökkenőmentesebb {adj} :: comparative of zökkenőmentes
zöld {adj} :: green (having a color between yellow and blue)
zöld {adj} :: green (densely planted with trees and other vegetation)
zöld {adj} [figurative] :: green (environmentally friendly)
zöld {adj} :: unripe, green (not yet ready for reaping or gathering)
zöld {adj} [card games] :: of leaves (of the suit of German playing cards marked with a leaf symbol)
zöldcitrom {n} :: lime (citrus fruit)
zöldebb {adj} :: comparative of zöld
zöldell {vi} :: to (be) green
zöldellő {adj} :: verdant, verdurous
zöldellőbb {adj} :: comparative of zöldellő
zöld fény {n} :: green light (a traffic light in its green state)
zöld fény {n} [idiomatic] :: green light (approval or permission to proceed)
Zöld-foki Köztársaság {prop} :: Zöld-foki Köztársaság (archipelago/and/country)
Zöld-foki-szigetek {prop} [plural only] :: Zöld-foki-szigetek (archipelago/and/country)
zöldfülű {adj} [idiomatic] :: wet behind the ears, green, callow, inexperienced, naive (immature, lacking in life experience)
zöldfülű {n} [idiomatic] :: greenhorn, tenderfoot (an inexperienced person; a novice, beginner or newcomer)
zöldkártya {n} :: green card (US work permit)
zöldkártya {n} :: green card (proof of environmental test for vehicles in Hungary)
zöld küllő {n} :: green woodpecker (Picus viridis)
zöldpaprika {n} :: green pepper
zöldség {n} :: vegetable
zöldség {n} [figuratively, derogatory] :: nonsense, rubbish, blather (meaningless statement)
zöldségárus {n} :: greengrocer
zöldséges {adj} :: with vegetables (containing or prepared with vegetables)
zöldséges {n} :: greengrocer (the person)
zöldséges {n} :: greengrocer's, greengrocery (GB), produce store, produce shop (US)
zöldségesebb {adj} :: comparative of zöldséges
zöld tea {n} :: green tea (leaves of the tea plant that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong tea and black tea)
zöld tea {n} :: green tea (a beverage brewed from green tea leaves)
zöld út {n} [idiomatic] :: green light (approval, or permission to proceed)
zöngés {adj} [phonetics] :: voiced (sounded with vibration of the vocal cords)
zöngésség {n} [phonetics] :: voicing (the quality of a sound being voiced or unvoiced)
zöngésség {n} [phonetics, rare] :: voicedness (the quality of a sound being voiced)
zöngétlen {adj} [phonetics] :: voiceless, unvoiced
zöngétlenebb {adj} :: comparative of zöngétlen
zöngétlenség {n} [phonetics] :: voicelessness
zörej {n} :: noise (a sound caused by clashing objects)
zörej {n} [of phone line] :: static
zörej {n} [medicine] :: murmur (the sound made by any condition which produces noisy, or turbulent, flow of blood through the heart)
zrt. {n} :: abbreviation of zártkörűen működő részvénytársaság
zubbony {n} :: jacket (clothing for the upper body worn by workers; also the top piece of a military and civilian uniform)
zug {n} :: nook, corner, recess (a small corner or a hidden or secluded spot)
zug {n} [figuratively, in certain compounds] :: illicit, black, closet, secret
zúg {vi} :: to rumble, buzz, hum
zúg {vt} [literary] :: to shout, to say something in a frightening, loud voice
zúgolódik {vi} :: to complain about, grumble about, murmur (to express discontent at or against someone or something)
zuhan {vi} :: to fall (from a great height)
zuhany {n} :: shower (a device for bathing by which water is made to fall on the body from a height, either from a tank or by the action of a pump)
zuhany {n} [figuratively] :: cold water, damper, shock (an unexpected turn of events, an unpleasant surprise, or sobering discovery that has an effect similar to a sudden cold shower)
zuhanyozik {vi} :: to shower oneself (to bathe using a shower)
zuhanyzik {vi} :: to shower oneself (to bathe using a shower)
zuhatag {n} :: waterfall, cascade
zuhog {vi} [impersonal] :: to pour, shower, fall (rain)
zuhog, mintha dézsából öntenék {v} [simile] :: to rain cats and dogs
zúz {vt} :: to crush, smash
zúzmara {n} :: rime, hoar frost, hoarfrost
zuzmó {n} :: lichen
zülleszt {vt} :: to demoralize, corrupt, debauch
züllik {vi} :: to decay, to become depraved, to fall into degradation (to decline in quality in a moral sense)
zümm {interj} :: buzz, hum (the characteristic sound of a bee; can be used repetitively)
zümmög {vi} :: to buzz, hum
zűr {n} :: mess, confusion, trouble
zürjén {adj} :: Komi (of or relating to a Finno-Ugric ethnic group or their language)
zürjén {n} :: Komi (person)
zürjén {n} [singular only] :: Komi, Komi-Zyryan (language)
zűrzavar {n} :: chaos, disorder, confusion, clutter
zűrzavaros {adj} :: chaotic
zűrzavarosabb {adj} :: comparative of zűrzavaros
zs {letter} :: letter: zsé
Zs {letter} :: letter: zsé
zsabó {n} :: jabot
zsák {n} :: bag (smaller), sack (larger)
zsakett {n} :: morning coat, cutaway
zsákfutás {n} :: sack race
zsákmány {n} :: plunder, loot (the goods attained via an act of plundering)
zsákmány {n} :: prey (a living thing that is eaten by another living thing)
zsákmányol {vt} :: to loot, capture, seize
zsáknyi {adj} :: sackful, bagful
zsákutca {n} :: dead-end, blind alley, cul-de-sac, impasse (a street that leads nowhere)
zsákutca {n} :: impasse (a deadlock or stalemate situation in which no progress can be made)
zsalu {n} :: shutter, jalousie, louver (protective panels, usually wooden, placed over windows to block out the light)
zsalugáter {n} :: shutter, jalousie, louver (protective panels, usually wooden, placed over windows to block out the light)
zsálya {n} :: salvia, sage
zsámoly {n} :: footstool, stool, taboret, tabouret
zsandár {n} [archaic] :: gendarme
Zsanett {prop} :: given name
zsarátnok {n} [literary] :: embers (smoldering remains of a fire)
zsargon {n} :: jargon
zsarnok {n} :: tyrant, despot
zsarnok {adj} [archaic] :: tyrannical, despotic, dictatorial
zsarnoki {adj} :: tyrannical, despotic
zsarnokibb {adj} :: comparative of zsarnoki
zsarnokoskodik {vi} :: to tyrannize
zsarnokoskodik {vi} :: to boss, bully
zsarnokság {n} :: tyranny
zsarol {vt} :: to blackmail
zsarolás {n} :: extortion, blackmail
zsaroló {n} :: extortionist, blackmailer
zsarolóprogram {n} [computing] :: ransomware
zsarolószoftver {n} [computing, rare] :: ransomware
zsaru {n} [slang] :: cop, bobby [UK], copper
Zsazsa {prop} :: given name
zsé {n} :: letter: zs
zseb {n} :: pocket
zsebel {vt} :: to fleece, bleed (to take money from)
zsebel {vt} :: to line one's pockets
zsebes {adj} :: pocketed (having pockets, with pockets)
zsebes {n} [slang] :: pickpocket
zsebkendő {n} :: handkerchief
zsebkés {n} :: pocketknife
zseblámpa {n} :: flashlight, torch (a portable source of electric light)
zsebmetsző {n} :: pickpocket
zsebóra {n} :: pocket watch
zsebpénz {n} :: pocket money, allowance
zsebre vág {vt} :: to pocket something (to put something in one's pocket)
zsebre vág {vt} [idiom] :: to pocket (to take and keep (especially money) that which is not one's own)
zsebre vág {vt} [idiom] :: to pocket (to receive (an insult, an affront, etc.) without open resentment, or without seeking redress)
zsebszótár {n} :: pocket dictionary, small dictionary, minidictionary (with fewer than approximately 30 thousand entries)
zsebtolvaj {n} :: pickpocket
zselatin {n} :: gelatine, gelatin
zselé {n} :: jelly
zselé {n} :: gel (for cosmetic use)
Zselyke {prop} :: given name
zsémbes {adj} :: grumbling, nagging, grumpy, cantankerous
zsémbesebb {adj} :: comparative of zsémbes
zsémbeskedik {vi} :: to nag (to continuously complain)
zsemle {n} :: bun, roll
zsenánt {adj} [colloquial] :: embarrassing, awkward
zsenántabb {adj} :: comparative of zsenánt
zseni {n} :: genius (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill)
zseniális {adj} :: genial, inspired, brilliant (full of genius)
zseniális {adj} :: brilliant, magnificent, wonderful
zseniálisabb {adj} :: comparative of zseniális
zseniálisan {adv} :: brilliantly
zsenialitás {n} :: brilliance, genius
zsepi {n} [colloquial] :: hanky, handkerchief
zseton {n} :: chip, token (coin-like object used instead of coins in casinos, subways, etc.)
zsib {n} [obsolete] :: thief
zsib {n} [obsolete] :: junk, odds and ends
zsibbad {vi} :: to become numb
zsibbadt {adj} :: numb
zsibbadtabb {adj} :: comparative of zsibbadt
zsibbaszt {vt} :: to make numb
zsibbasztó {adj} :: numbing, benumbing, tingling
zsibbasztóbb {adj} :: comparative of zsibbasztó
zsibbasztó rája {n} :: torpedo (fish)
zsibvásár {n} :: flea market
zsidó {adj} :: Jewish
zsidó {n} :: Jew (an adherent of Judaism, independently of descent)
zsidó {n} :: Jew (a member or descendent of the Jewish people, independently of religion)
Zsidó Autonóm Terület {prop} :: Jewish Autonomous Oblast
zsidóság {n} :: Jewry (Jews in general)
zsidó vagyok {phrase} :: I'm Jewish (indicating that the speaker is of Jewish ethnic descent)
zsidó vagyok {phrase} [ambiguous] :: I'm Jewish (indicating that the speaker is a follower of Judaism)
zsiger {n} [anatomy] :: viscus, entrail, gut (the intestine)
Zsigmond {prop} :: given name. Cognates to Sigismund
zsilip {n} [nautical] :: sluice, floodgate, lock
zsinagóga {n} :: synagogue
zsinat {n} [religion] :: synod (an ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters)
zsinat {n} [figuratively, colloquial] :: clatter, noise, clamor (noisy talk or chatter)
zsindely {n} :: shingle, tile (a small, thin piece of building material for laying in overlapping rows as a covering for the roof of a building)
zsindelyez {vt} :: to shingle (to cover with small, thin pieces of building material, with shingles)
zsineg {n} :: string
zsinór {n} :: string
zsinór {n} :: cord
zsír {n} :: fat
zsír {n} [chemistry, adjectival usage] :: fatty, adipose
zsír {adj} [slang] :: awesome, cool, rad
zsiráf {n} :: giraffe
zsírkő {n} :: talc, soapstone
zsírkréta {n} :: crayon (a stick of colored chalk or wax used for drawing)
zsíros {adj} :: fat, fatty (containing fat/lard)
zsíros {adj} [of hair, skin] :: oily
zsíros {adj} [by extension] :: rich, fat
zsírosabb {adj} :: comparative of zsíros
zsíroz {vt} :: to grease, oil, lubricate (to put grease or fat on something)
zsírsav {n} [chemistry] :: fatty acid (a carboxylic acid with a long aliphatic chain, which is either saturated or unsaturated)
zsírszövet {n} [anatomy] :: adipose tissue (connective tissue which stores fat, and which cushions and insulates the body)
zsírtartalom {n} :: fat content
zsivány {n} [dated] :: bandit, brigand, outlaw, rogue (one who robs travelers in forests and flat plains)
zsivány {n} :: rascal (a dishonest, deceitful person; a rogue; a scoundrel; a trickster)
zsivány {n} :: rascal, imp (mischievous child)
zsizsik {n} :: weevil
Zsó {prop} :: given name
Zsófi {prop} :: given name
Zsófia {prop} :: given name
zsoké {n} :: jockey
zsold {n} :: (soldier's) pay, wage
zsoldos {n} :: mercenary
zsoldoskatona {n} :: mercenary
Zsolt {prop} :: given name
zsoltár {n} [religion, music] :: psalm
zsoltár {n} [religion] :: psalmody (a collection of psalms)
zsoltáréneklés {n} :: psalmody (the singing of psalms)
zsoltárkönyv {n} :: psalmody (a collection of psalms)
zsoltáros {adj} :: psalmodic
zsoltáros {n} :: psalmist
zsoltároskönyv {n} :: psalmody (a collection of psalms)
Zsolti {prop} :: given name
Zsombor {prop} :: given name
zsong {vi} :: to hum, buzz (to drone like certain insects naturally do in motion, or sounding similarly)
zsong {vi} [literary, of music, songs, sounds] :: to hum, ring, echo, resound
zsong {vi} [figuratively] :: to buzz (of a thought, emotion, memory: to continuously come up in one's mind)
zsonglőr {n} :: juggler
zsorzsett {n} :: georgette
zsömle {n} :: alternative form of zsemle
zsörtölődés {n} :: nagging, grumbling, complaining (usually about insignificant matters)
zsörtölődik {vi} :: to nag (to continuously remind or complain to someone in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters)
Zsu {prop} :: given name
Zsu {prop} :: given name
zsúfol {vt} :: to cram, stuff, jam, pack, squeeze
zsúfolt {adj} :: packed, crammed, crowded
zsúfoltabb {adj} :: comparative of zsúfolt
zsúfoltság {n} :: crowdedness
zsuga {n} [slang] :: card (for playing card games)
zsugori {adj} :: sordid, stingy
zsugoribb {adj} :: comparative of zsugori
zsugorít {vt} :: to shrink
zsugorodik {vi} :: to shrink
zsúp {n} :: thatch, haulm (stacks of rye straw used for making roofs)
zsúr {n} :: party
Zsurk {prop} :: Zsurk (village)
Zsuzsa {prop} :: given name
Zsuzsanna {prop} :: given name
zsűri {n} :: jury (a group of judges in a competition)