A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
Dairi Batak
[edit]This language has translations in 5 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- welcome (Interjection: )
- * Dairi Batak: {{t-check|btd|[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!}} <!-- was "[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
[edit]This language has translations in 65 of 208392 (0.03%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Dakota: {{t|dak|wiŋkta}}/{{t|dak|winkta}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Dakota: {{t|dak|wiŋkta}}/{{t|dak|winkta}}
[edit]This language has translations in 34089 of 208392 (16.36%) translation tables
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 2 items
- grandfather clock (Noun: freestanding weight-driven pendulum clock)
- * Danish: {{t|da|bornholmerur|n}} {{qualifier|generic term or from Bornholm}}, {{t|da|standur|n}}, {{t|da|diernæsklokke|c}} {{qualifier|from Diernæs, Funen}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- sniper (Noun: a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position)
- * Danish: {{t|da|skarpskytte|c}} {{q|army, ordinary soldier}} {{t|da|finskytte|c}} {{q|army, specialist soldier}}
Nested templates
[edit]- 4 items
- United Kingdom (Proper noun: sovereign state in Europe)
- * Danish: {{t|da|Forenede Kongerige|n}} {{q|but it is more often to be referred as {{m|da|Storbritannien||Great Britain}}}}, {{t+|da|Storbritannien}}
- e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|f.eks.}}, {{t+|da|fx}} {{qualifier|{{t+|da|for eksempel}}}}
- fawn (Noun: young deer)
- * Danish: (hjorte){{t+|da|kalv}}, {{qualifier|of a {{t+|da|roe}}}} (rå){{t+|da|lam}}
- miller (Noun: person)
- * Danish: {{t|da|møller|c}}, {{t|da|møllerske|c}} {{q|female}} {{q|cf. {{t|da|møllerinde|c}} (female)}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 4 items
Expected language code is da
- correct me if I'm wrong (Phrase: used before stating something the speaker believes is true)
- * Danish: {{t|da|ret mig hvis jeg tager fejl}}, {{t|sv|sig hvis jeg tager fejl}}, {{t|sv|medmindre jeg tager fejl}}
- first aid kit (Noun: collection of first aid supplies)
- * Danish: {{t|sv|førstehjælpskasse|c}}, {{t|da|forbindskasse|c}}, {{t|da|forbindingskasse|c}}, {{t|da|medicinkasse|c}}
- first-aid box (Noun: box containing first aid and medical supplies)
- * Danish: {{t|sv|førstehjælpskasse|c}}, {{t|da|forbindskasse|c}}, {{t|da|forbindingskasse|c}}, {{t|da|medicinkasse|c}}
- retention (Noun: portion of any potiential damage that must be paid for by the holder of an insurance policy)
- * Danish: {{t|fr|selvrisiko|c}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 6 items
- Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
- * Danish: {{t|da|roma|c}}, {{t|da|romani|c}}; {{t|da|sigøjner}}
- blond (Noun: fair-haired person)
- * Danish: {{t|da|lyshåret}}; blond, {{t+|da|blondine}}
- evidence (Noun: anything admitted by a court as proof)
- * Danish: {{q|spoken}} {{t|da|vidneudsagn|n}}, {{t|da|vidneforklaring|c}}; {{qualifier|artifacts}} {{t+|da|bevismateriale|n}}
- fast food (Noun: type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly)
- * Danish: {{t|da|[[forbehanele|forbehandlet]] [[mad]]}}; {{t|da|[[sammensat]] [[fødevare]]}}, {{t|da|fastfood|c}}
- mind (Noun: ability for rational thought)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|sind|n}}, {{tt+|da|sjæl|c}}; {{tt+|da|indstilling|c}}
- tear (Verb: to rend)
- * Danish: {{t|da|flå}}, {{t+|da|rive}}; {{t|da|revne}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 15 items
- AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
- * Danish: {{t|da|e.Kr.}} {{gloss|efter Kristus}}
- Q (Noun: playing card)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|D}} {{q-lite|dame}}
- about to (Phrase: indicating imminence)
- * Danish: {{t|da|være ved at}} {{gloss|be about to}}
- afford (Verb: to incur, stand, or bear)
- * Danish: {{t|da|have råd til}} {{gloss|to be able to afford}}
- alleviate (Verb: make less severe)
- * Danish: {{t|da|lindre}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t|da|mildne}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t|da|hjælpe på}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t+|da|lette}} {{gloss|make easier}}, {{t|da|dulme}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t|da|tage brodden af}} {{qual|of pain}}
- ball (Noun: object, generally spherical, used for playing games)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|bold|c}}, {{gloss|hard}} {{tt+|da|kugle}}
- bolt from the blue (Noun: something totally unexpected)
- * Danish: {{t|da|som et lyn fra en klar himmel}} {{gloss|like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky}}
- bullion (Noun: bulk quantity of precious metal)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|barre|c}}, {{t|da|guldbarre|c}} {{gloss|gold bullion}}, {{t|da|sølvbarre|c}} {{gloss|silver bullion}}
- gaseous (Adjective: of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy)
- * Danish: {{t|da|gasholdig}}, {{t|da|kulsyreholdig}} {{gloss|of carbonated beverages}}
- mister (Noun: title of adult male)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|hr.}} (rarely written {{m|da|herr}}, a short form of {{m|da|herre}})
- mister (Noun: title of adult male)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|hr.}} (rarely written {{m|da|herr}}, a short form of {{m|da|herre}})
- octopus (Noun: mollusc)
- * Danish: {{t|da|ottearmet blæksprutte|c}} {{gloss|eight-armed cephalopod}}, but usually just {{t|da|blæksprutte|c}} in common speech
- resuscitate (Verb: restore consciousness)
- * Danish: {{t-|da|genoplive}}
- shiver my timbers (Interjection: mild oath stereotypically regarded as being uttered by pirates)
- * Danish: {{t|da|splitte mine bramsejl}} {{gloss|break my topgallant sails}}
- unit of alcohol (Noun: various units of alcohol content; possibly defined differently)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|genstand|c}} {{gloss|12 g, 15 mL}}
No translation template
[edit]- 25 items
- acquiesce (Verb: concur upon conviction)
- * Danish: [[finde sig i|finde sig]] (''followed by'' i), {{t|da|indvillige}} (i)
- antepenultimate (Adjective: two before the last)
- * Danish: {{t|da|antepenultimær}}, [[tredjesidst]] or [[trediesidst]]
- behind (Preposition: to the back of)
- * Danish: [[bag]] ved, {{t|da|bagefter}}
- contempt (Noun: law: open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|foragt|c}}, {{t|da|foragt for retten}}, {{qualifier|disrespect of a court of law}}
- dining room (Noun: room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|restaurant|c}} {{qualifier|hotel}}, {{t|da|spisesal|c}}, {{qualifier|hotel}}, {{t+|da|spisestue|c}} {{qualifier|large, in a private home}}
- expatriate (Verb: withdraw from one’s country)
- * Danish: {{t|da|udvandre}}, gå i [[eksil]]
- extinguish (Verb: to eclipse or obscure (someone or something))
- * Danish: {{t+|da|slukke}}, [[skygge]] for
- glare (Noun: light)
- * Danish: [[blændende]] [[lys]]
- gofer (Noun: worker)
- * Danish: {{t|da|stikirenddreng}}, [[fidibus]] {{qualifier|slang}}
- mouthpiece (Noun: spokesman who speaks on behalf of someone else)
- * Danish: {{t|da|talsrør|n}}, {{qualifier|often pejorative}}, {{t|da|talsmand|c}}
- one (Pronoun: indefinite personal pronoun; any person, people in general)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|man}}, {{tt+|da|en}}, {{tt+|da|én}}, ''expressed by nominalization when following an adjective''
- pasha (Noun: title)
- * Danish: pasha, {{t|da|sværmeri}}
- queue up (Verb: add something to a queue)
- * Danish: [[sætte]] i [[kø]], [[stille]] i [[kø]]
- renounce (Verb: make renunciation)
- * Danish: [[give]] [[afkald]]
- resuscitate (Verb: restore consciousness)
- * Danish: {{t-|da|genoplive}}
- security guard (Noun: person employed to provide security)
- * Danish: {{t|da|sikkerhedsvagt|c}}, {{t|da|sikkerhedsfolk|p}}, {{qualifier|plural}}
- squat (Verb: to bend at the knees)
- * Danish: [[sidde]] på [[hug]]
- staff (Verb: to supply with employees)
- * Danish: forsyne med personale
- stumble upon (Verb: to come across by accident; to discover by accident)
- * Danish: {{t|da|falde over}}, [[støde]] [[tilfældig]]t [[på]]
- there is (Verb: third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be)
- * Danish: [[der findes]] {{qualifier|singular and plural}}, {{t|da|der er}}
- transfer (Verb: to be or become transferred)
- * Danish: blive [[forflytte]]t, {{t|da|stige om}}, {{t+|da|skifte}}
- triphthong (Noun: monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another)
- * Danish: triftong, trelyd
- wafer (Noun: biscuit)
- * Danish: {{t|da|vaffel|c}}, {{q|flat cake}}, {{t|da|vafferør|n}}, {{q|rolled cake}}
- water opossum (Noun: Chironectes minimus)
- * Danish: pungodder
- well, I never (Interjection: exclamation of great surprise)
- * Danish: [[Nu har jeg aldrig]]!
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 34 items
- Donaldism (Noun: Disney fan culture)
- * Danish: {{t|da|Donaldisme}} <!--(In the danish translation of the mentioned book the term was andelogi/andelog)-->
- Latin (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t|da|latiner}} <!-- Was under "person who is descended from the ancient Romans" -->
- Laurel and Hardy (Proper noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|Gøg og Gokke}} <!-- This is the translation for the characters "Laurel and Hardy", not necessarily for "any humorous duo" -->
- ambiguous (Adjective: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|dunkel}}, {{t-check|da|forblommet}} <!-- Were under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t|da|bagholdsangreb|n}}, {{t|da|baghold|n}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->; {{t|da|baghold|n}} <!-- Was under "a concealed station" -->
- arbitrary (Adjective: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|arbitrær}} <!-- Was under "chosen at random" -->
- box (Verb: to fight against (a person) in a boxing match)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|bokse}} (med)<!--with-->
- boy (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|fyr|c}} <!-- Was under "adult male found attractive" -->
- cf. (Verb: compare)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|jf.}}<!--{{t+|da|jævnfør}}-->
- chastise (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|tugte}} <!-- Was under "punish or scold" and now they are two separate senses -->
- course (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|forløb|n}}, {{t+|da|gang|c}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
- craft (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|håndværker|c}} <!-- was under "people who perform a particular kind of skilled work" -->
- decline (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|nedgang|c}} <!-- Was under: "Period before the end" -->
- diversify (Verb: to make diverse)
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|variere}}, {{t-check|da|afvekslende|alt=gøre afvekslende}} <!-- was "gøre [[afvekslende]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|da|forandre}}
- exception that proves the rule (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|undtagelsen bekræfter regelen}} <!-- Inexact translation that means: "exception proves the rule" -->
- gentleman (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|herrer|c-p}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
- grate (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|gnide}} <!-- Was under deleted sense "to rub against" -->
- hand-me-down (Noun: a piece of clothing that is passed along for a younger sibling to use)
- * Danish: {{t|da|[[aflagt]] [[stykke]] [[tøj]]|n}}<!-- not wikified as a unit since doesn't seem to be idiomatic as a unit -->
- hesitate (Verb: to stop or pause respecting decision or action)
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|tøve}}, {{t-check|da|nøle}}, {{t-check|da|vakle}}, <!-- marked up badly and renders badly --> have/nære {{t-check|da|betænkelighed}}er
- inflection (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t|da|vendepunkt}} <!-- Was translation for "change in curvature" but appears to incicate "point of inflection". i.e. the point in which the change takes place-->
- instant (Noun: point in time)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|øjeblik}}<!-- [[he]] [[died]] *[[instantly]] = {{t+|da|han}} {{t+|da|døde}} *{{t|da|øjeblikkeligt}}-->
- palanquin (Noun: an enclosed litter, particularly in Indian contexts)
- * Danish: {{t|da|palankin}}<!--bærestol is a generic sedan chair-->
- place (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|gård|c}} <!-- Was under "group of houses" -->
- polish (Verb: to refine; improve imperfections from)
- * Danish: {{t|da|forfine}}, {{t-check|da|pudse|alt=pudse af}} <!-- was "[[pudse]] af" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- religious (Noun: member of religious order)
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|[[religiøs]] [[person]]|c}} <!--doesn't this mean "religious person"?-->
- shape (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|form|c}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
- shortstop (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|kortslutning}} <!-- from article "short", sense "shortstop" -->
- skin (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|skræl|c}}, {{t+check|da|skind|n}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
- sloe (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|slåen}} <!-- Was given under ''Prunus spinosa'' but unclear whether means fruit or tree -->
- sound (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t+|da|udtale}} <!-- Was under "to state or utter, especially with deliberation; to repeat" -->
- talk (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|snak|c}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->
- twelve-tone technique (Noun: system of musical composition)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tolvtonemusik}} <!--Used in Wikipedia-->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|tyran|c}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- when (Conjunction: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|da}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 99 items
- AI (Noun: artificial intelligence)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|KI}} or {{t+|da|ki}}, {{t+|da|AI}}
- Attila the Hun (Proper noun: king of the tribes of Huns)
- * Danish: {{t|da|hunnerkonge|alt=hunnerkongen}} {{t|da|Attila}}
- Elector (Noun: German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire)
- * Danish: {{t|da|kurfyrste|c}} ({{t|da|kurfyrstinde|f}} {{qualifier|Elector's wife}})
- Lord (Proper noun: God)
- * Danish: {{t|da|Herre|c}} ({{t|da|Herren|c}})
- Lord (Proper noun: Jesus)
- * Danish: {{t|da|Herre|c}} ({{t|da|Herren|c}})
- a little (Adverb: to a small extent or degree)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|lidt}}, {{t+|da|en}} ({{t+|da|lille}}) {{t|da|smule}}
- a little (Adverb: to a small extent or degree)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|lidt}}, {{t+|da|en}} ({{t+|da|lille}}) {{t|da|smule}}
- and the like (Phrase: and the like)
- * Danish: {{t|da|og lignende}} ({{t|da|og lign.}}, {{t|da|o.l.}}, {{t|da|o.lign.}}, {{t|da|o. lign}})
- and the like (Phrase: and the like)
- * Danish: {{t|da|og lignende}} ({{t|da|og lign.}}, {{t|da|o.l.}}, {{t|da|o.lign.}}, {{t|da|o. lign}})
- and the like (Phrase: and the like)
- * Danish: {{t|da|og lignende}} ({{t|da|og lign.}}, {{t|da|o.l.}}, {{t|da|o.lign.}}, {{t|da|o. lign}})
- and the like (Phrase: and the like)
- * Danish: {{t|da|og lignende}} ({{t|da|og lign.}}, {{t|da|o.l.}}, {{t|da|o.lign.}}, {{t|da|o. lign}})
- arrear (Noun: unpaid debt)
- * Danish: ({{t|da|udestående}}, {{t|da|ubetalt}}) {{t+|da|gæld|c}}
- arrear (Noun: unpaid debt)
- * Danish: ({{t|da|udestående}}, {{t|da|ubetalt}}) {{t+|da|gæld|c}}
- at the ready (Prepositional phrase: ready; in a state of preparation or waiting; in position or anticipation)
- * Danish: med {{qualifier|genstand/våben}} {{t+|da|parat}}/{{t+|da|klar}}
- automation (Noun: converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system)
- * Danish: {{t|da|automatik|c}} {{t|da|automatisering|c}}
- bit by bit (Adverb: a small amount at a time)
- * Danish: {{t|da|lidt efter lidt}}, {{t|da|peu à peu}} {{t|da|pø om pø}}
- box (Verb: to place inside a box)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|lægge}} i en {{tt|da|æske}}, {{tt+|da|pakke}} i en {{tt|da|æske}}, {{tt+|da|kasse}}
- can't be bothered (Verb: lacks the enthusiasm)
- * Danish: {{t|da|gide}} {{t+|da|ikke}}
- capricious (Adjective: impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim)
- * Danish: {{t|da|uberegnelig}}, {{t|da|uforudsigbar}}/{{t|da|uforutsigbar}}, {{t|da|lunefuld}}
- chemistry (Noun: application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|kemi|c}}, {{t|da|kemiske}} {{t|da|egenskab|c}}
- choice (Noun: definite: best or most preferable part)
- * Danish: {{t|da|elite}}, {{t|da|bedste}} {{t+|da|del}}
- control (Verb: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|styre}} (Do not confuse with {{t+|da|kontrollere}}, which means to check and/or to verify)
- count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
- * Danish: {{t|da|stole}} ({{l|da|på}})
- cover one's tracks (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t+|da|slette}} {{t+|da|sine}} {{t|da|spor}}
- cover one's tracks (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t+|da|slette}} {{t+|da|sine}} {{t|da|spor}}
- cream (Verb: to cream vegetables)
- * Danish: {{t|da|purere}}, {{t+|da|røre}} til {{t+|da|creme}}
- cross over (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t|da|krydse}} {{t+|da|over}}
- cycle (Verb: to turn power off and back on)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tænde for}}/{{t|da|slå til}} (turn on), {{t|da|slukke for}}/{{t|da|slå fra}} (turn off)
- decommission (Verb: take out of service or render unusable)
- * Danish: tage ud af/fjerne fra {{t+|da|tjeneste}}/{{t+|da|arbejde}}/{{t+|da|drift}}, {{t|da|nedlægge}}
- decommission (Verb: take out of service or render unusable)
- * Danish: tage ud af/fjerne fra {{t+|da|tjeneste}}/{{t+|da|arbejde}}/{{t+|da|drift}}, {{t|da|nedlægge}}
- dig (Verb: slang: to appreciate, or like)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|kunne}} {{t+|da|lide}}
- disgust (Verb: to cause an intense dislike for something)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|fremkalde}} {{t|da|væmmelse}}
- emergency department (Noun: (healthcare) a department of a hospital)
- * Danish: {{t|da|akutmodtagelse|c}}, {{t+|da|skadestue|c}} {{t|da|modtagelsesafdeling|c}}
- face (Verb: have its front closest to)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|være}} {{t|da|vendt}} {{t+|da|mod}}
- face (Verb: have its front closest to)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|være}} {{t|da|vendt}} {{t+|da|mod}}
- female (Adjective: belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it)
- * Danish: {{t|da|hun-}} or {{t|da|hunlig}} {{q|of plants and animals}}, {{t+|da|kvindelig}} {{q|of humans}} (1,2 & 3)
- flag (Verb: lay down flagstones)
- * Danish: {{t|da|belægge}} med {{t|da|flise}}r
- flash drive (Noun: storage device)
- * Danish: {{t|da|usb-stik}} / {{t|da|USB-stik|n}}, {{t|da|usb-nøgle}} / {{t|da|USB-nøgle|c}}
- garbage truck (Noun: waste collection vehicle)
- * Danish: {{t|da|skraldebil|c}}, {{t|da|skraldevogn|c}} {{t|da|renovationsvogn|c}}
- gist (Noun: main idea or substance, or the most essential part, of a longer or more complicated matter)
- * Danish: {{t|da|essens|c}} {{t|da|kvintessens|c}}
- go towards (Verb: to contribute to)
- * Danish: {{t|da|bidrage}} {{t+|da|til}}
- hit like a truck (Verb: To hit in an extremely powerful manner)
- * Danish: gøre {{t|da|hamrende}}/{{t|da|mega}} ondt
- incompatible (Adjective: impossible to coexist; irreconcilable)
- * Danish: {{t|da|inkompatibel}} {{t|da|uforenelig}}
- isn't (Verb: is not)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|er}} {{t+|da|ikke}}
- it (Pronoun: subject — inanimate thing)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|den|c}} {{tt+|da|det|n}}
- lane (Noun: division of roadway)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|kørebane|c}}, {{t+|da|vognbane|c}}, {{t|da|vejbane|c}}, {{t+|da|bane|c}}{{t|da|spor|c}}
- laugh (Verb: make an object of laughter or ridicule)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|le ad}}, {{tt+|da|gøre}} {{tt+|da|sig}} {{tt|da|lystig}} {{tt+|da|over}}
- laugh (Verb: make an object of laughter or ridicule)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|le ad}}, {{tt+|da|gøre}} {{tt+|da|sig}} {{tt|da|lystig}} {{tt+|da|over}}
- laugh (Verb: make an object of laughter or ridicule)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|le ad}}, {{tt+|da|gøre}} {{tt+|da|sig}} {{tt|da|lystig}} {{tt+|da|over}}
- look (Verb: to appear, to seem)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|se ud}}, {{tt+|da|synes}}, {{t+|da|tegne}} {{tt|da|virke}}
- lord (Verb: to lord over)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|spille}} {{t+|da|herre}}
- lunch (Verb: to eat lunch)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|spise}}, {{t+|da|spise}} {{t+|da|frokost}}
- metrical foot (Noun: basic unit of verse)
- * Danish: {{t|da|versefod}}/{{t|da|versfod|c}} ({{t|da|versefødder}}/{{t|da|versfødder|p}})
- metrical foot (Noun: basic unit of verse)
- * Danish: {{t|da|versefod}}/{{t|da|versfod|c}} ({{t|da|versefødder}}/{{t|da|versfødder|p}})
- metrical foot (Noun: basic unit of verse)
- * Danish: {{t|da|versefod}}/{{t|da|versfod|c}} ({{t|da|versefødder}}/{{t|da|versfødder|p}})
- mortise-and-tenon joint (Noun: joint)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tapsamling}}, {{t|da|mortise og tenon}} {{t+|da|samling}}
- namesake (Noun: person with the same name as another)
- * Danish: {{t|da|navnefælle|c}}, {{t|da|navne|c}} {{qual|archaic}}, {{t|da|navnebroder|c}}/{{t|da|navnebror|c}} {{qual|male}}, {{t|da|navnesøster|c}} {{qual|female}}
- natural number (Noun: (only) positive integer)
- * Danish: {{t|da|positivt}} {{t+|da|heltal}}
- natural number (Noun: (only) non-negative integer)
- * Danish: {{t|da|ikke-negativt}} {{t+|da|heltal}}
- neuter (Noun: grammar: noun of the neuter gender)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|intetkøn|n}} {{t|da|intetkønsord|n}}, {{t+|da|neutrum|n}}
- nightfall (Noun: the close of the day; the coming of night)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|skumring}}, {{t|da|mørkets}} {{t|da|frembrud}}
- nineteenth hole (Noun: pub/bar where golfers go for drinks after a game of golf)
- *Danish: {{t+|da|nittende}} {{t+|da|hul}}
- on television (Prepositional phrase: broadcast through television)
- * Danish: i/på {{t+|da|fjernsyn}} or {{t+|da|tv}}
- once (Adverb: one and only one time)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|en}} {{t+|da|gang}}
- one (Determiner: a single, unspecified thing)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|den}}, {{tt+|da|det}} {{tt+|da|ene}}
- one (Determiner: sole, only)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|den}}, {{tt+|da|det}} {{tt+|da|ene}}, {{tt|da|eneste}}
- perdition (Noun: eternal damnation)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|evig}} {{t|da|fordømmelse}}
- queue (Verb: put oneself at the end of a queue)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|stille}} sig i {{t|da|kø}}
- queue (Verb: arrange into a queue)
- * Danish: {{t|da|danne}} {{t|da|kø}}
- reaccept (Verb: to accept again)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|acceptere}} {{t+|da|igen}}, {{t+|da|modtage}} igen
- recover (Verb: transitive: to get back, regain)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|redde}}, {{t+|da|få}}/{{t|da|hente}}/{{t|da|skaffe}} tilbage/igen
- recover (Verb: transitive: to get back, regain)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|redde}}, {{t+|da|få}}/{{t|da|hente}}/{{t|da|skaffe}} tilbage/igen
- refuck (Verb: to fuck again (vulgar))
- * Danish: {{t+|da|kneppe}} {{t+|da|igen}}
- report for duty (Verb: show up for work)
- * Danish: {{t|da|melde sig til tjeneste}}, {{t+|da|stille}} til {{t+|da|tjeneste}}
- restart (Verb: To start again)
- * Danish: {{t|da|starte}}/{{t|da|starte}} forfra
- right (Noun: right, not left, side)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|højre}} {{tt+|da|side}}
- sail (Verb: to move briskly but sedately)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|sejle}}, {{t+|da|komme}} {{t|da|bruse}}nde
- set (Verb: to introduce)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|præsentere}} (set the scene: {{tt|da|lægge op til}})
- sniper (Noun: a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position)
- * Danish: {{t|da|skarpskytte|c}} {{q|army, ordinary soldier}} {{t|da|finskytte|c}} {{q|army, specialist soldier}}
- solid (Noun: chemistry: fundamental state of matter)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|fast}} {{t+|da|stof|n}}
- sound (Verb: to cause to produce a sound)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|lade}} {{tt|da|lyde}}
- stand (Verb: to remain motionless)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|stå}}, {{tt+|da|stå}} {{tt+|da|stille}}
- the (Article: article)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|-en|c}} or {{t+|da|-et|n}} {{q|singular|no adjective or genitive}}, {{t+|da|den|c}} or {{t+|da|det|n}} {{q|singular|before adjective or genitive}}, {{t|da|-ene}} or {{t|da|-ne|p}} {{q|plural|no adjective or genitive}}, {{t+|da|de|p}} {{q|plural|before adjective or genitive}}
- to date (Prepositional phrase: until now)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|til}}/{{t+|da|fra}} {{t+|da|dags dato}}, {{t+|da|til}} {{t+|da|dato}}
- to date (Prepositional phrase: until now)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|til}}/{{t+|da|fra}} {{t+|da|dags dato}}, {{t+|da|til}} {{t+|da|dato}}
- tool (Verb: to equip with tools)
- * Danish: {{t|da|udstyre}} med {{t+|da|maskine}}r
- truck (Verb: drive a truck)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|køre}} {{t+|da|en}} {{t+|da|lastbil}}
- truck (Verb: drive a truck)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|køre}} {{t+|da|en}} {{t+|da|lastbil}}
- trumpet (Verb: play the instrument)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|spille}} {{t+|da|trompet}}, {{t|da|trompetere}} {{q|archaic}}
- turn (Verb: go bad)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|blive}} {{t+|da|sur}}
- two years ago (Adverb: two years ago)
- * Danish: {{t|da|i forfjor}}, {{t|da|året}} {{t+|da|før}} {{t+|da|sidste}} {{t+|da|år}}
- two years ago (Adverb: two years ago)
- * Danish: {{t|da|i forfjor}}, {{t|da|året}} {{t+|da|før}} {{t+|da|sidste}} {{t+|da|år}}
- two years ago (Adverb: two years ago)
- * Danish: {{t|da|i forfjor}}, {{t|da|året}} {{t+|da|før}} {{t+|da|sidste}} {{t+|da|år}}
- up (Preposition: toward the top)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|op}} {{t+|da|i}}
- vehicle (Noun: conveyance)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|køretøj|c}}, {{t+|da|fartøj|n}}, {{t|da|vehikel|n}} {{t|da|farkost|c}}
- warm (Verb: to make or keep warm)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|varme}}, {{tt|da|opvarme}}, {{tt+|da|holde}} {{tt+|da|varm}}
- which (Determiner: (relative) designating the one(s) mentioned)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|som}}, {{t+|da|der}} {{t+|da|hvilken}}, {{t+|da|hvilket}}, {{t+|da|hvilke|c-p|n-p}}
- wing (Noun: part of an aircraft)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|vinge|c}} (''aircraft wing'') {{tt|da|flyvinge|c}}
- world cup (Noun: event; competition)
- * Danish: {{t|da|verdensmesterskab|n}} {{t+|da|VM}}, {{t|da|vm}}
[edit]- 162 items
- AI (Noun: artificial intelligence)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|KI}} or {{t+|da|ki}}, {{t+|da|AI}}
- Falkland Islander (Noun: person from the Falkland Islands)
- * Danish: {{t|da|falklænder|c}}, {{t|da|malviner|c}} (according to political standpoint)
- Hellas (Proper noun: Greek name for Greece)
- * Danish: {{t|da|Hellas|n}} (''ancient Greece''), {{t+|da|Grækenland|n}}
- Tallinn (Proper noun: capital of Estonia)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|Tallinn}}, {{t|da|Reval}} (old name)
- aboard (Preposition: on board of)
- * Danish: {{t|da|om bord}} (på)
- about (Adverb: in circuit)
- * Danish: i {{t|da|omkreds}}
- access (Verb: to gain or obtain access to)
- * Danish: {{t|da|komme ind}} (i), skaffe/få {{t+|da|adgang|c}} (til)
- across (Preposition: bridging a gap)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|gennem}} (''of time'')
- additive (Adjective: math: that can be added)
- * Danish: {{t|da|additiv}} ''(rare)''
- almost (Adverb: very close to)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|næsten}}, være {{t|da|lige ved at}}, {{t|da|nærved}}
- alone (Adverb: )
- * Danish: {{t+check|da|alene}} (1), {{t-check|da|udelukkende}} (2), {{t+check|da|kun}} (3)
- amount (Verb: to total or evaluate)
- * Danish: {{t|da|beløbe}} sig, {{t|da|løbe op}}, være {{t|da|det samme}}, være {{t|da|ensbetydende}}
- and whatnot (Phrase: and whatnot)
- * Danish: {{t|da|og jeg skal komme efter dig}}, (og) {{t|da|jeg skal give dig}} (skal jeg), {{t|da|og alt det der}} (og) (skal jeg))
- anxious (Adjective: earnestly desirous)
- * Danish: {{t|da|ivrig}} (efter), {{t|da|opsat}} (på), {{t|da|spændt}} (på)
- at the ready (Prepositional phrase: ready; in a state of preparation or waiting; in position or anticipation)
- * Danish: med {{qualifier|genstand/våben}} {{t+|da|parat}}/{{t+|da|klar}} (med /))
- at this rate (Prepositional phrase: continuing at the current pace)
- * Danish: i det her {{t+|da|tempo}}, i den her {{t+|da|fart}}
- backlash (Noun: sudden backward motion)
- * Danish: pludselig {{t+|da|reaktion|c}}
- backlash (Noun: violent or abrupt reaction)
- * Danish: voldsom {{t+|da|reaktion|c}}, voldsom {{t|da|protestreaktion|c}}
- beat it (Verb: to go away)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|skride}}, {{t+|da|skrubbe af}}, * Danish: {{t|da|smutte}}, {{t+|da|forsvinde}}
- become (Verb: to look attractive on, be suitable for)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|passe}} godt
- belong (Verb: have its proper place)
- * Danish: have sin {{t+|da|plads}}, {{t+|da|passe}}, {{t|da|tilhøre}}
- belong (Verb: be accepted in a group)
- * Danish: høre {{t+|da|hjemme}}
- belong (Verb: be the property of)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tilhøre}}, {{t+|da|høre}} til
- belong (Verb: be the guardian, spouse or partner of)
- * Danish: {{t|da|henhøre}} (under)
- between (Preposition: combined by effort or ownership)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tilsammen}} (adverb), {{t+|da|ved}} {{t|da|fælles}} {{t+|da|hjælp}} (by combined forces), {{t|da|i forening}}
- bird cherry (Noun: Prunus padus)
- * Danish: {{t|da|hæg|c}} [tree], {{t|da|[[almindelig]] hæg|c}} [tree], {{t|da|majtræ|n}} [tree], {{t|da|hæggebær|n}} [fruit], {{t|da|hægebær|n}} [fruit]
- box (Noun: blow with the fist)
- * Danish: bokse{{tt+|da|slag|n}}, {{tt+|da|slag|n}}
- box (Verb: to place inside a box)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|lægge}} i en {{tt|da|æske}}, {{tt+|da|pakke}} i en {{tt|da|æske}}, {{tt+|da|kasse}}
- box (Verb: to strike with the fists)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|slå}} på
- bra (Noun: brassiere)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|brystholder}}, {{t+|da|bh|c}}, (''underwired bra'') {{t|da|bøjle-bh|c}}
- buffalo (Verb: hunt buffalo)
- * Danish: {{t|da|jage}} bøfler, {{t|da|gå på jagt}} (gå på bøffeljagt)
- building (Noun: act or process of building)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|byggeri|n}}, {{t|da|opførelse|c}} (af en bygning)
- butter (Verb: to spread butter on)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|smøre}} brødet
- cancel (Verb: mark to prevent reuse)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|stemple}} (''cancelling stamps'')
- capricious (Adjective: impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim)
- * Danish: {{t|da|uberegnelig}}, {{t|da|uforudsigbar}}/{{t|da|uforutsigbar}}, {{t|da|lunefuld}}
- change (Verb: to become something different)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|ændre}} sig, {{t+|da|forandre}} sig
- chemistry (Noun: as modifier: relating to or using chemistry)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|kemi}}-
- child neglect (Noun: form of child abuse)
- * Danish: {{t|da|omsorgssvigt|c}}, {{t|da|omsorgssvigtede børn|c}} (neglected children)
- claw (Verb: use claws to climb)
- * Danish: slå en {{t|da|klo}} i (slå en i))
- collective agreement (Noun: contract on terms and conditions of employment)
- * Danish: {{t|da|kollektiv overenskomst|c}}, {{t+|da|overenskomst|c}} (loosely)
- colloquial (Adjective: of oral communication language)
- * Danish: {{t|da|dagligsprog}}s-
- come in handy (Verb: to prove to be useful or helpful)
- * Danish: {{t|da|få brug for}}, blive/være {{t|da|nyttig}}
- come to a close (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{qualifier|ved at}} være {{t+|da|slut}}, {{t|da|slutte}}, {{qualifier|ved at}} {{t+|da|afslutte}}
- complete (Verb: to finish)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|afslutte}}, {{t|da|fuldføre}}, {{t+|da|færdiggøre}}, gøre {{t|da|færdig}}
- confuse (Verb: to embarrass)
- * Danish: bringe en i {{t|da|forlegenhed}}
- control (Verb: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|styre}} (Do not confuse with {{t+|da|kontrollere}}, which means to check and/or to verify) (Do not confuse with , which means to check and/or to verify))
- couch (Verb: lie down (on a couch))
- * Danish: {{t+|da|lægge}} sig
- cream (Verb: to cream vegetables)
- * Danish: {{t|da|purere}}, {{t+|da|røre}} til {{t+|da|creme}}
- cross (Verb: make the sign of the cross over oneself)
- * Danish: {{t|da|korse}} [[sig]], {{t+|da|gøre}} {{t|da|korsets tegn|n}}
- cut (Verb: colloquial, not to attend a class)
- * Danish: {{t|da|pjække}} fra
- cycle (Verb: to turn power off and back on)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tænde for}}/{{t|da|slå til}} (turn on), {{t|da|slukke for}}/{{t|da|slå fra}} (turn off) (/ (turn on))
- dead (Adverb: very, absolutely, extremely, suddenly)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|død}}-
- decommission (Verb: take out of service or render unusable)
- * Danish: tage ud af/fjerne fra {{t+|da|tjeneste}}/{{t+|da|arbejde}}/{{t+|da|drift}}, {{t|da|nedlægge}} (tage ud af/fjerne fra //))
- dig into (Verb: to research a particular subject)
- * Danish: {{t|da|grave}} sig ned i, {{t|da|begrave}} sig i
- doughnut (Noun: deep-fried piece of dough or batter)
- * Danish: {{t|da|donut|c}}, {{qualifier|rare}} {{t|da|munkering}}, {{t+|da|berliner|c}} (with filling)
- drain (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|flyde}} bort
- dress (Verb: to put on clothes)
- * Danish: {{t|da|klæde}} sig på
- dwarf (Verb: to make appear much smaller)
- * Danish: {{t|da|rage op over}} (with respect to height)
- eat (Verb: to ingest)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|spise}}, {{tt+|da|æde}} (used for animals and ill-mannered people)
- explore (Verb: to travel somewhere in search of discovery)
- * Danish: {{t|da|udforske}}, tage på {{t|da|opdagelsesrejse}}
- feceate (Verb: to discharge feces from the digestive tract)
- * Danish: {{t|da|kaste fækalier}} ''(bookish)''; {{t|da|møge sig}} {{qualifier|vulgar}}
- female (Adjective: belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it)
- * Danish: {{t|da|hun-}} or {{t|da|hunlig}} {{q|of plants and animals}}, {{t+|da|kvindelig}} {{q|of humans}} (1,2 & 3)
- fifth (Noun: person or thing in the fifth position)
- * Danish: den {{t+|da|femte|c}}
- fiftieth (Adjective: the ordinal form of the number fifty)
- * Danish: {{t|da|halvtredsindstyvende}} (''abbreviation'' 50.)
- finger (Verb: to identify or point out)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|udpege}}, {{t|da|pege}} på
- finger (Verb: to poke)
- * Danish: {{t|da|fingerere}}, {{t|da|famle}} ved
- finger (Verb: to provide instructions about the use of fingers in music)
- * Danish: angive {{t|da|fingersætning}} i (angive i))
- finish off (Verb: to kill)
- * Danish: {{t|da|gøre det af}} (med)
- five (Noun: banknote)
- * Danish: {{t|da|femmer|c}} (also used for the Danish 5-krone coin)
- five-hundredth (Adjective: the ordinal form of the number five hundred)
- * Danish: {{t|da|fem hundrede}} (''abbreviation'': 500.)
- flag (Verb: lay down flagstones)
- * Danish: {{t|da|belægge}} med {{t|da|flise}}r (med r))
- flash drive (Noun: storage device)
- * Danish: {{t|da|usb-stik}} / {{t|da|USB-stik|n}}, {{t|da|usb-nøgle}} / {{t|da|USB-nøgle|c}}
- flatulence (Noun: state of having gas in digestive system)
- * Danish: {{t|da|fjært}} (old-fashioned); {{t+|da|vind}} {{qualifier|medical}}; {{t|da|fis}} {{qualifier|vulgar}}
- focus (Verb: (intransitive) to concentrate one's attention)
- * Danish: {{t|da|fokusere}}, {{t|da|koncentrere}} sig
- focus (Verb: (intransitive) to concentrate one's attention on something)
- * Danish: {{t|da|fokusere}} på, {{t|da|koncentrere}} sig om
- garden (Verb: grow plants)
- * Danish: lave {{tt+|da|havearbejde}}
- govern (Verb: to exercise sovereign authority in)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|regere}} over, {{t|da|beherske}}, {{t+|da|styre}}
- half-timbered (Adjective: constructed using a load-bearing timber frame with the spaces between the timbers filled with bricks, etc.)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|bindingsværk}}s-
- handfast (Noun: contract)
- * Danish: {{t|da|håndfæstning}} (XIII-XVII centuries: contract between King and Nobility)
- hesitate (Verb: to stammer; to falter in speaking)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|stamme}}, {{t|da|hakke}} i det
- high school (Noun: secondary school)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|gymnasium}} (''ca.'')
- hit like a truck (Verb: To hit in an extremely powerful manner)
- * Danish: gøre {{t|da|hamrende}}/{{t|da|mega}} ondt (gøre / ondt))
- husband (Verb: to economise)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|spare}} på
- incense (Noun: material burnt for fragrant smoke)
- * Danish: {{t|da|røgelse|c}}, {{t+|da|virak|c}} ''(dated)''
- insertion (Noun: act of inserting, or something inserted)
- * Danish: (''of coins'') {{t|da|indkast|n}}
- invoke (Verb: solicit, petition for)
- * Danish: {{t|da|appellere}} til
- jazz (Verb: to play jazz music)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|spille}} jazz
- jump on the bandwagon (Verb: to profit from a craze)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|hoppe på}}, {{t|da|springe på}}, (med) {{t|da|på vognen}}
- keep track (Verb: monitor)
- * Danish: have/holde {{t+|da|overblik|n}} (over), have/holde {{t+|da|rede}} på (have/holde (over))
- lend (Verb: to allow to be used temporarily)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|låne}} (ud)
- level (Adjective: at the same height as some reference)
- * Danish: {{t|da|i vater}} med
- lift (Verb: to raise or rise)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|løfte}}, {{tt|da|hæve}}, {{tt|da|ophæve}} (ban, embargo etc.)
- masculine (Adjective: grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|hankøn}}s-
- metrical foot (Noun: basic unit of verse)
- * Danish: {{t|da|versefod}}/{{t|da|versfod|c}} ({{t|da|versefødder}}/{{t|da|versfødder|p}}) (/ (/))
- mister (Noun: title of adult male)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|hr.}} (rarely written {{m|da|herr}}, a short form of {{m|da|herre}}) (rarely written , a short form of))
- moron (Noun: person of borderline intelligence)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|debil}} person
- move (Verb: to change the place of a piece)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|trække}} (in chess)
- namesake (Noun: person with the same name as another)
- * Danish: {{t|da|navnefælle|c}}, {{t|da|navne|c}} {{qual|archaic}}, {{t|da|navnebroder|c}}/{{t|da|navnebror|c}} {{qual|male}}, {{t|da|navnesøster|c}} {{qual|female}}
- neither (Determiner: not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y)
- * Danish: {{t|da|hverken}} X [[eller#Danish|eller]] Y
- on television (Prepositional phrase: broadcast through television)
- * Danish: i/på {{t+|da|fjernsyn}} or {{t+|da|tv}} (i/på or))
- once (Conjunction: as soon as)
- * Danish: {{t|da|så snart}} (som), {{t|da|bare}}, {{t|da|når først}}
- overspeak (Verb: say too much)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tale over}} (sig)
- phraseology (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|fraseologi}} (1)
- plum (Noun: colour)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|blomme}}farve
- possibly (Adverb: adverb indicating that an action may successfully be performed)
- * Danish: {{t|da|muligvis}}, negated: {{t|da|umuligt}}
- poultice (Noun: soft, moist mass applied topically to a part of the body)
- * Danish: {{t|da|omslag|n}}, {{t|da|grødomslag|n}} (porridge-poultice)
- property (Noun: computing: an editable parameter associated with an application)
- * Danish: {{t|da|egenskab|c}} (''property'' often used untranslated)
- pupate (Verb: to become a pupa)
- * Danish: {{t|da|forpuppe}} sig
- pussywhipped (Adjective: submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner)
- * Danish: {{t|da|under tøflen}}, {{t+|da|tøffelhelt|c}} (noun)
- put a name to (Verb: to attribute a person's name to)
- * Danish: {{t|da|sætte ansigt på}}, * Danish: {{t|da|sætte navn på}}
- queen (Verb: chess: to convert a pawn into a queen)
- * Danish: gøre til {{t+|da|dronning}}
- queue (Verb: put oneself at the end of a queue)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|stille}} sig i {{t|da|kø}}
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Danish: {{t|da|anførelsestegn|n}} [»◌«], {{t|da|citationstegn|n}}
- recover (Verb: transitive: to get back, regain)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|redde}}, {{t+|da|få}}/{{t|da|hente}}/{{t|da|skaffe}} tilbage/igen (// tilbage/igen))
- reload (Verb: load a gun or cartridge again)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|lade}} igen
- report for duty (Verb: show up for work)
- * Danish: {{t|da|melde sig til tjeneste}}, {{t+|da|stille}} til {{t+|da|tjeneste}}
- restart (Verb: To start again)
- * Danish: {{t|da|starte}}/{{t|da|starte}} forfra (/ forfra))
- reunite (Verb: to unite again)
- * Danish: {{t|da|genforene}}, {{t|da|genforenes}} (reciprocal)
- rim (Noun: edge around something)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|rand}}, {{t|da|indfatning}} (for any shape), {{t+|da|fælg}} (only for wheels)
- rub (Verb: )
- * Danish: {{t|da|gnide}} (1,2); {{t|da|skave}} (3)
- sail (Verb: to move briskly but sedately)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|sejle}}, {{t+|da|komme}} {{t|da|bruse}}nde
- scene (Noun: )
- * Danish: {{t-check|da|optrin|?}} (7)
- sclerosis (Noun: abnormal hardening of body tissues)
- * Danish: {{t|da|sklerose|c}}, {{t|da|sclerose|c}} (informal)
- secede (Verb: To split from or to withdraw from membership of a political union, an alliance or an organisation)
- * Danish: {{t|da|løsrive}} (sig)
- semi-identical (Adjective: result of two sperm cells entering one embryo)
- * Danish: {{t|da|enægget}} med to spermier
- series (Noun: a number of things that follow on one after the other)
- * Danish: {{t|da|serie|c}}, {{t+|da|rækkefølge|c}}, * Danish: {{t+|da|række|c}}
- set (Verb: to introduce)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|præsentere}} (set the scene: {{tt|da|lægge op til}})
- shitter (Noun: coarse slang for toilet)
- * Danish: {{t|da|lokum}} (2), {{t|da|skidehus}} {{qualifier|slang}}
- signal (Verb: to indicate)
- * Danish: give {{t+|da|signal}}, {{t|da|signalere}}
- silencer (Noun: attachment)
- * Danish: (''firearms'') {{t|da|lyddæmper|c}}, (''vehicles'') {{t|da|lydpotte|c}}
- sink (Noun: basin)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|vask|c}}, (''kitchen sink'') {{t+|da|køkkenvask|c}}, {{t+|da|håndvask|c}}
- soil (Verb: to make dirty)
- * Danish: {{t|da|tilsøle}}, {{t|da|svine}} til, {{t|da|besudle}}
- sound (Verb: to dive downwards, of a whale)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|dykke}} (ned)
- spew (Verb: To speak or write quickly and voluminously, especially words that are not worth listening to or reading)
- * Danish: {{t|da|spy}}, {{t|da|udspy}} (to speak voluminously)
- stamp (Verb: to apply postage stamps to)
- * Danish: {{t|da|frankere}}, sætte {{t+|da|frimærke}} på (sætte på))
- stand (Verb: to rise to one’s feet)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|rejse}} sig
- stand one's ground (Verb: to hold a position in battle)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|holde}} (stillingen)
- steep (Verb: to make tea or other beverage)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|trække}} (tea)
- stone (Adverb: absolutely, completely)
- * Danish: {{t|da|stok}} (døv), {{t|da|[[sten-|sten]]}}død
- strawberry (Adjective: flavour)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|jordbær}}-
- strike up (Verb: to start something, e.g. a relationship)
- * Danish: {{t|da|stifte}} [venskab]
- string (Verb: put strings on)
- * Danish: {{t|da|opstrenge}}, {{t|da|strenge}} op
- subject (Verb: to cause to undergo)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|udsætte}} for
- switch on (Verb: to turn a switch to the "on" position)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|tænde}}, {{t|da|starte}} (op)
- tan (Verb: to become tan due to exposure to sun)
- * Danish: blive {{t+|da|brun}}
- ten (Noun: the number following nine)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|tital|n}} (1), {{tt|da|tier|c}} (2, 3)
- the (Article: article)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|-en|c}} or {{t+|da|-et|n}} {{q|singular|no adjective or genitive}}, {{t+|da|den|c}} or {{t+|da|det|n}} {{q|singular|before adjective or genitive}}, {{t|da|-ene}} or {{t|da|-ne|p}} {{q|plural|no adjective or genitive}}, {{t+|da|de|p}} {{q|plural|before adjective or genitive}}
- thick as a brick (Adjective: )
- * Danish: {{t|da|dum som et bræt}} ("dumb as a plank"), {{t|da|dum som en skovl}} ("dumb as a shovel"), {{t|da|dum som en dør}} ("dumb as a door")
- tissue (Noun: sheet of absorbent paper)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|serviet}}, (handkerchief) {{t+|da|lommetørklæde}}, (toilet paper) {{t+|da|toiletpapir}}
- to date (Prepositional phrase: until now)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|til}}/{{t+|da|fra}} {{t+|da|dags dato}}, {{t+|da|til}} {{t+|da|dato}}
- tool (Verb: to equip with tools)
- * Danish: {{t|da|udstyre}} med {{t+|da|maskine}}r (med r))
- turn (Verb: become)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|blive}}, {{t|da|forvandle}} sig
- turn into (Verb: intransitive: become)
- * Danish: {{t|da|forvandle}} sig til
- turn on (Verb: (transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|tænde}}, {{t|da|starte}} (op)
- turn on (Verb: (intransitive) to power up)
- * Danish: {{t|da|starte}} (op), {{t+|da|tænde}}
- two-thousandth (Adjective: the ordinal form of the number two thousand)
- * Danish: {{t|da|to tusinde}} (''abbreviation'': 500.)
- uber- (Prefix: slang: super, really, mega-)
- * Danish: {{t|da|mega-}}, {{t|da|over-}}, {{t+|da|super-}} (sarcastically or rarely used), {{t|da|hyper-}} (exaggerative)
- warm (Verb: to favour increasingly)
- * Danish: blive {{tt|da|interessere}}t i (blive t i))
- watch (Verb: to look at for a period of time)
- * Danish: {{t+|da|se}} på, {{t|da|holde øje med}}
- whatever (Pronoun: )
- * Danish: {{t+|da|hvad som helst}}, (det er) {{t|da|ligegyldigt}}
- wing (Noun: part of an aircraft)
- * Danish: {{tt+|da|vinge|c}} (''aircraft wing'') {{tt|da|flyvinge|c}}
- work (Verb: to cause to move or progress)
- * Danish: {{tt|da|bane sig vej}}, {{tt+|da|arbejde}} sig
[edit]This language has translations in 6 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is afn
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Defaka: {{t|def|mããŋgo}}
[edit]This language has translations in 6 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item
- pastophorus (Noun: type of priest in ancient Egypt)
- * Demotic: {{t|egx-dem|{{t2i-Egyd|D40-2|pr}}|tr={{l|egx-dem|jrj-ꜥꜣ}}}}
[edit]This language has translations in 34 of 208392 (0.02%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- Dena'ina (Proper noun: language)
- * Dena'ina: [[Dena'inaq'|Dena’inaq’]]
[edit]This language has translations in 923 of 208392 (0.44%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- lemon (Noun: tree)
- * Dhivehi: (lumbo)
[edit]This language has translations in 809 of 208392 (0.39%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- hero (Noun: person of great bravery)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|йинщун}} ([[英雄]])
Unexpected template: 3 items
- Dungan (Noun: people)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|хуэйзў}}, {{t|dng|хуэйхуэй}}, {{t|dng|хуэйзўжын}}, {{t|dng|хуэймин}}, {{t|dng|җун-янжын}} ({{zh-l|中原人}}), {{t|dng|лохуэйхуэй}}, {{t|dng|дунган}}
- Dungan (Proper noun: language)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|хуэйзў йүян}} ({{zh-l|回族語言}}), {{t|dng|җун-ян хуа}} ({{zh-l|中原話}})
- study (Verb: to acquire knowledge)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|щищүә}} ({{zh-l|習學}})
Multiple t-templates: 5 items
- ape (Noun: primate of the clade Hominoidea)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|жынху}} ({{t|dng|人猴}})
- bun (Noun: a small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|бозы}} ({{t|dng|包子}})
- number (Noun: abstract entity used to describe quantity)
- *: Dungan: {{tt|dng|фур}} ({{tt|dng|數兒}}), {{tt|dng|фурму}} ({{tt|dng|數兒目}})
- silk (Noun: fiber)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|сыщян}} ({{t|dng|絲線}})
- silk (Noun: fabric)
- *: Dungan: {{t|dng|сычу}} ({{t|dng|絲綢}})
[edit]This language has translations in 55221 of 208392 (26.50%) translation tables
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 2 items
- forsooth (Adverb: indeed, truthfully, really)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voorwaar}} {{qualifier|archaic}} {{t+|nl|waarlijk}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- mica (Noun: hydrous aluminosilicate minerals)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mica|n}}, {{t+|nl|glimmer|n}} {{qualifier|uncountable}} {{g|m}} {{qualifier|countable}}
Nested templates
[edit]- 3 items
- e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bv.}}, {{t+|nl|bijv.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|nl|bijvoorbeeld}}}}
- loin (Noun: part of the body)
- * Dutch: {{qualifier|often in the plural: [[lenden]] or Archaic [[lendenen]] {{g|p}}}} {{t+|nl|lende}}
- would like (Verb: intransitive)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|{{l|nl|zullen|zou|id=conditional}} willen}}, {{t|nl|[[zin hebben]] om te}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 4 items
Expected language code is nl
- fumigate (Verb: disinfect)
- * Dutch: {{t|da|uitroken}} {{qualifier|by using smoke}}
- nominal (Adjective: of or relating to a noun)
- * Dutch: {{t|br|naamwoordelijk}}, {{t+|nl|nominaal}}
- one and the same (English: )
- * Dutch: {{t|de|een en dezelfde}}
- what's it to you (Phrase: (defensively) why are you asking?)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|[[wat]] [[aangaan|gaat]] [[jou]] [[dat]] [[aangaan|aan]]?}}, {{t|de|[[waarvoor]] [[wil]] [[je]] [[dat]] [[weten]]?}}
Genders in t-template and g-template
[edit]- 6 items
- loins (Noun: the lower abdomen, groin and genitalia)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|lende|f-p|alt=lenden}} (archaic also [[lendenen]]) {{g|p}}, {{t+|nl|schaamstreek|f}}
- loins (Noun: the lower abdomen, groin and genitalia)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|lende|f-p|alt=lenden}} (archaic also [[lendenen]]) {{g|p}}, {{t+|nl|schaamstreek|f}}
- mica (Noun: hydrous aluminosilicate minerals)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mica|n}}, {{t+|nl|glimmer|n}} {{qualifier|uncountable}} {{g|m}} {{qualifier|countable}}
- mica (Noun: hydrous aluminosilicate minerals)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mica|n}}, {{t+|nl|glimmer|n}} {{qualifier|uncountable}} {{g|m}} {{qualifier|countable}}
- pinna (Noun: visible part of the ear)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oorschelp|f}}/{{g|m}}
- pinna (Noun: visible part of the ear)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oorschelp|f}}/{{g|m}}
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 14 items
- abscond (Verb: to flee, often secretly)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|heimelijk}} {{t+|nl|vertrekken}} (van/uit), {{t|nl|zich stilletjes uit de voeten maken}}, {{t|nl|zijn biezen pakken}}
- accelerate (Verb: to become faster)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|versnellen}}, {{l|nl|sneller}} {{l|nl|gaan}}
- bulllike (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|stierachtig}}
- convention (Noun: generally accepted principle, method or behaviour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|conventie|f}}, {{l|nl|vast}}e {{t+|nl|praktijk}}
- demigod (Noun: a lesser deity)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|godje|n}}, {{l|nl|lagere}} {{l|nl|godheid}}
- encounter (Noun: unplanned meeting)
- * Dutch: (ongeplande) {{l|nl|ontmoeting}}, {{t+|nl|treffen|n}}
- eternity (Noun: period of time that elapses after death)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|eeuwigheid|f}} (definite article required; often capitalized)
- gladly (Adverb: in a glad manner)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gaarne}}, {{t+|nl|graag}}, {{l|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|plezier}}
- house brand (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|huismerk}}
- lose face (Verb: lose respect of others)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|het gezicht verliezen}}, {{l|nl|gezichtsverlies}} {{l|nl|lijden}}
- output (Verb: send data to out of a computer)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|als}} [[uitvoer]] [[geven]], {{t+|nl|uitvoeren}}
- rejoice (Verb: to be happy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|jubelen}}, {{l|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|verheugen}}
- tout (Verb: To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|klanten lokken}} {{t+|nl|scharrelen}}, {{t+|nl|verhandelen}}, {{t+|nl|sjacheren}}, {{t+|nl|werven}},
- utilise (Verb: to make use of; to use)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gebruiken}}, {{t+|nl|toepassen}}, {{l|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|bedienen}} {{t+|nl|van}} {{qualifier|reflexive}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 24 items
- AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|n. Chr}} {{gloss|na Christus}}
- Q (Noun: playing card)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|V}} {{q-lite|vrouw}}
- Santa Claus (Proper noun: fictional figure)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|Kerstman|m}} {{gloss|Christmas}}, {{t+|nl|Sinterklaas|m}} {{gloss|5-6 December}}, {{t+|nl|Sint-Nicolaas|m}} {{gloss|5-6 December}}
- abate (Verb: (obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|neerslaan}} {{gloss|physically}}, {{t+|nl|vernederen}} {{gloss|mentally}}, {{t+|nl|humiliëren}}
- abjure (Verb: (transitive) to solemnly reject (someone or something); to abandon (someone or something) forever; (intransitive) to solemnly reject; to abandon forever)
- * Dutch: ({{m|nl|aan}}) {{t+|nl|verzaken}}, {{t+|nl|afzweren}}, {{t+|nl|herroepen}}
- accede (Verb: to enter upon an office or dignity)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aanvaarden}}, {{gloss|throne}} {{t+|nl|bestijgen}}
- appliance (Noun: a device in its own right)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toestel|n}}, {{gloss|domestic}} {{t|nl|huishoudstoestel|n}}
- attempt (Noun: the action of trying at something)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|poging|f}} {{qualifier|an action}}, {{t+|nl|probeersel|n}} {{gloss|making something}}
- birthday boy (Noun: a male of any age whose birthday it is)
- * Dutch: {{m|nl|Jarige Job}}, {{t+|nl|jarige|m|f}}
- bollard (Noun: post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verkeerspaal|m}} {{gloss|road bollard}}, {{t+|nl|poller|m}} {{gloss|retractible road bollard}}
- brush (Noun: implement)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|borstel|m}}; {{gloss|paint-}} [[verfborstel]]; {{gloss|hair-}} [[haarborstel]]; {{gloss|tooth-}} [[tandenborstel]]
- bullion (Noun: bulk quantity of precious metal)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|staaf}}, {{t+|nl|goudstaaf}} {{gloss|gold bullion}}, {{t|nl|zilverstaaf}} {{gloss|silver bullion}}
- disgusted (Adjective: filled with disgust)
- * Dutch: {{no equivalent translation|nl}} {{t+|nl|walgelijk}}
- enthronement (Noun: the act of enthroning or the state of being enthroned)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|troonsbestijging|f}} {{gloss|act of enthroning}}, {{t|nl|intronisatie|f}} {{q|formal}}
- fly (Verb: to cause to travel through the air)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|besturen}} {{gloss|aircraft}}
- fodder (Noun: food for animals)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|veevoeder|n}}, {{t+|nl|veevoer}}, {{t+|nl|kanonnenvoer}} {{gloss|cannon fodder}}, {{t+|nl|voer|n}}
- get some air (Verb: invigorate oneself by breathing refreshing outdoor air)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitwaaien}} {{gloss|literally, "to walk in the wind"}}
- indulge (Verb: to yield to a temptation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toegeven}}, {{t+|nl|zwichten}} {{gloss|voor de verleiding}}
- more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
- * Dutch: (''usually uses the suffix'' {{m|nl|-er}}), {{qualifier|sometimes}} {{t+|nl|meer}}
- moult (Verb: to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ruien}} {{gloss|feathers}}, {{t+|nl|muiten}} {{gloss|falcons}}, {{t+|nl|vervellen}} {{gloss|skin}}, {{t+|nl|verharen}} {{gloss|fur}}
- on (Preposition: positioned at or resting against the outer surface of; attached to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bij}} {{gloss|on me}}, {{t+|nl|aan}} {{gloss|on a tree}}
- stock company (Noun: theater)
- * Dutch: {{nl|toneelgezelschap|n}}
- terrapin (Noun: any of several small turtles of the families Emydidae and Geoemydidae)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|moerasschildpad}}, specifically the genus {{t|nl|doosschildpad}} ({{taxfmt|Terrapene|genus}} sp.)
- washer (Noun: person who washes for a living)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|[[wasserette]][[juffrouw]]|f}} {{gloss|launderette woman}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 28 items
- Dutch (Noun: people (or person) from the Netherlands)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|Nederlanders|m-p}}; {{t+|nl|Nederlander|m-s}}, {{t+|nl|Nederlandse|f-s}}
- abandon (Verb: to leave behind or desert; to forsake)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|achterlaten}}, {{t+|nl|in de steek laten}}; {{t+|nl|verzaken}}, {{t+|nl|verlaten}}, {{t+|nl|begeven}} {{qualifier|to forsake}}
- actions speak louder than words (Proverb: it is more effective to act than speak)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|geen woorden maar daden}}; {{t|nl|daden zeggen meer dan woorden}}, {{t|nl|niet lullen maar poetsen}}
- appreciate (Verb: to be grateful for something)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|waarderen}}; {{t+|nl|appreciëren}}, {{t|nl|dankbaar zijn voor}}
- baleful (Adjective: ominous)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onheilspellend}} (1), {{t+|nl|miserabel}} ; {{t+|nl|wanhopig}} (2)
- brush (Verb: to clean (with a brush))
- * Dutch: [[borstelen]]; [[poetsen]]; [[vegen]], {{gloss|brushing teeth}} {{t+|nl|tandenpoetsen}}
- butterfly (Noun: insect)
- * Dutch: {{qualifier|neutral}} {{tt+|nl|vlinder|m}}; {{qualifier|dated}} {{tt+|nl|kapel|f}}, {{tt|nl|pepel|m}}, {{tt|nl|vijfwouter|m}}; {{qualifier|archaic}} {{tt|nl|boterschijte|f}}, {{tt|nl|botervlieg|f}}, {{tt|nl|pennenvogel|m}}, {{tt+|nl|schoenlapper|m}}, {{tt|nl|zomervogel|m}}; {{qualifier|poetic}} {{tt|nl|fladderaar|m}}
- bye (Interjection: short for goodbye)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|dag}}, {{t+|nl|doei}}, {{t+|nl|doeg}}; {{t+|nl|tot ziens}} {{qualifier|‘see you’}}, {{t+|nl|tot weerziens}} {{qualifier|‘see you again’|dated}}, {{t|nl|tot kijk}} {{qualifier|‘see you’}}, {{t|nl|tot gauw}} {{qualifier|‘see you soon’}}, {{t+|nl|laters}} {{qualifier|informal|‘until later’}}; {{t|nl|hoie}} (Limburgish), {{t+|nl|houdoe}} (Brabantian); {{t+|nl|zwaai}} {{qualifier|informal}}; {{t|nl|toedels}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|nl|toedeltjes}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|nl|toedelpip}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|nl|toedeloe}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|nl|toedeledokie}} {{qualifier|informal|can signify disapproval}}; {{t+|nl|tabee}} {{qualifier|informal}}; {{t+|nl|moi}} {{qualifier|informal|also used for hello}}; {{t+|nl|adieu}} {{qualifier|a bit formal}}, {{t+|nl|aju}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|nl|ajuus}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|nl|joe}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|nl|jo}} {{qualifier|informal}}; {{t+|nl|ciao}} {{qualifier|informal}}
- clasp (Noun: fastener or holder)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kram|f}}, {{t+|nl|haak|m}}, {{t+|nl|gesp|m}}, {{t+|nl|knip|f}}, {{t+|nl|slot|n}}; {{t+|nl|schakel|f}}, {{t+|nl|greep|m}}
- composer (Noun: one who composes; an author)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|auteur|m}}; {{t+|nl|opsteller|m}}, {{t+|nl|maker|m}}
- corpse (Noun: dead body)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|lijk|n}}, {{tt+|nl|kreng}}; {{tt+|nl|kadaver}} {{q|animal}}
- crucifix (Noun: sculptural representation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kruis|n}}; {{t+|nl|crucifix|n}}, {{t+|nl|kruisbeeld|n}}
- derelict (Adjective: given up by the guardian or owner)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|instorten}}, {{t+|nl|uiteenvallen}}; {{t+|nl|verlaten}}, {{t+|nl|verwaarloosd}}
- dissipate (Verb: to use up or waste)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verbruiken}};{{t+|nl|verspillen}}, {{t+|nl|verkwisten}}
- eighties (Noun: the decade of the 1980s)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|jaren tachtig|n-p}}, {{t|nl|jaren 80|n-p}}; {{t|nl|jaren 1980|n-p}}
- for ever and ever (Adverb: eternally)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|van eeuwigheid tot eeuwigheid}}, {{l|nl|in alle eeuwigheid}}; {{q|chiefly Catholic mass}} {{l|nl|door alle eeuwen der eeuwen}}, {{l|nl|in de eeuwen der eeuwen}}
- get off (Verb: to disembark from)
- * Dutch: uit ... {{t+|nl|stappen}}, {{t+|nl|afstappen}} van ... {{q|transitive}}; {{t+|nl|afstappen}}, {{t+|nl|uitstappen}} {{q|intransitive}}
- good afternoon (Phrase: greeting said in the afternoon)
- * Dutch: (''Flanders'') {{t|nl|goedenamiddag}}, {{t|nl|goeienamiddag}}; (''Netherlands'') {{t+|nl|goedemiddag}}, {{t+|nl|goeiemiddag}}, {{t+|nl|goedendag}}
- grow (Verb: (transitive) to cause something to become bigger)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|doen [[groeien]]}}; {{q|cultivate}} {{t+|nl|telen}}, {{t+|nl|kweken}}
- native (Noun: person who is native to a place)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|autochtoon|m}}, {{t+|nl|inwoner|m}}; {{t+|nl|inboorling|m}} {{q|pejorative}}
- obsidional (Adjective: pertaining to a siege)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|belegerkundig}}, {{l|nl|obsidionaal}}; in compounds: {{t+|nl|beleger}}-, {{t+|nl|belegering}}s-
- overnight (Adverb: in a very short amount of time)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|van de ene dag op de andere}}; {{t|nl|van vandaag op morgen}}, {{t|nl|overnachts}}
- postscriptum (Noun: something written afterward)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|postscriptum|n}}, {{t|nl|P.S.}}; {{t+|nl|nota bene}}, {{t+|nl|NB}}
- procure (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verwerven}} (1); {{t+|nl|aanschaffen}} (2), {{t+|nl|schaffen}}
- silk (Noun: fiber)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zijde|f}} (from silk worm); {{t+|nl|rag|n}}, {{t+|nl|spinrag|n}} (from spider)
- thine (Determiner: possessive determiner)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|jouw}}, {{t+|nl|je}}; {{q|dated or Belgium}} {{t+|nl|uw}}; {{q|obsolete}} {{t+|nl|dijn}}
- western (Noun: film or other dramatic work)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|western|m}}; {{t+|nl|cowboyfilm|m}}, {{t+|nl|wildwestfilm|m}} {{qualifier|film}}; {{t+|nl|wildwestverhaal|n}} {{qualifier|story}}
- what goes around comes around (Proverb: actions have consequences)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|wie wind zaait, zal storm oogsten}}; {{t|nl|dat komt ervan}}, {{t|nl|wie de bal kaatst, moet hem terug verwachten}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 142 items
- Daniel (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|Daniël|m}}, {{t|nl|Daneel|m}}<!-- no pet forms please: [[Daan]] {{m}}-->
- Eeyore (Noun: negative or pessimistic person)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|iejoor|m}} <!--is this correctly spelled with a lower-case 'i'?-->
- I love you (Phrase: affirmation of romantic feeling)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ik houd van je}}, {{t+check|nl|ik hou van je}}, {{t+check|nl|ik houd van jou}}, {{qualifier|emphasizes ''you''}} {{t+check|nl|ik hou van jou}}, {{qualifier|poetic}} {{t-check|nl|ik heb je lief}}, {{t+check|nl|ik zie je graag}}, {{qualifier|Flemish}} {{t+check|nl|ik zie u graag|alt=ik zie u graag}} <!-- was "[[ik zie u graag|ik zie u graag]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{qualifier|Flemish}} {{t-check|nl|ik hou van u}}
- Lord (Proper noun: God)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|Heer|alt=de Heer}} <!-- was "de [[Heer]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- Luke (Proper noun: gospel of Luke)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[evangelie|Evangelie]] [[naar]] [[Lucas]]}} <!-- was "[[evangelie|Evangelie]] [[naar]] [[Lucas]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- Sarah (Proper noun: given name from Hebrew)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|Sara}}, {{t+|nl|Sarah}}<!--, Saar, Saartje-->
- a lie has no legs (Proverb: you can't get away with a lie)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|al is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaalt haar wel<!--|lit=no matter how fast the lie is, the truth will overtake her anyway-->}}
- abate (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|verliezen}}<!--Was under "to be defeated"-->
- abate (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|verlagen}}, {{t+check|nl|reduceren}}, {{t+check|nl|verminderen}}, {{t+check|nl|verlichten|alt=verlichten}} (pijn) <!--Was under: "to bring down or reduce to a lower state"-->
- abdicate (Verb: to renounce a throne or other high office)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|aftreden}}, {{t-check|nl|[[troonsafstand]] [[doen]]}} <!-- was "[[troonsafstand]] [[doen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|nl|abdiceren}}
- abort (Verb: to miscarry)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|(een) [[miskraam]] [[hebben]]}}, {{t-check|nl|voortijdig bevallen}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- abort (Verb: to cause a premature termination)
- * Dutch: ([[doen]]) [[aborteren]], {{t+check|nl|beëindigen}}, {{t-check|nl|doen mislukken}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- abuse (Noun: improper usage)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|misbruik|n}}, {{t-check|nl|verkeerd gebruik|n}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- abuse (Verb: to use improperly)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|misbruiken}}, {{t|nl|verkeerd gebruiken}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- accent (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|accent|n}} <!-- Was: coating that contrasts with the surroundings -->
- acclamation (Noun: election of a standby)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|zonder hoofdelijke stemming}}, {{t-check|nl|met algemene instemming}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- airworthy (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|luchtwaardig}} <!--Was under non-surviving sense "being able to fly"-->
- all (Determiner: throughout the whole of (a stated period of time))
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|heel}}, {{t+check|nl|hele}} {{qualifier|adjective}}, {{t+check|nl|gans|alt=gans de}} ''+period of time'' <!-- was "[[gans]] de" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{qualifier|adjective}} {{t+check|nl|ganse|alt=de ganse}} ''+period of time'' <!-- was "de [[ganse]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- alternating (Adjective: such that it alternates)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|wissel|alt=wissel-}} <!-- was "[[wissel]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|nl|afwisselend}}
- ambiguous (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|vaag}}, {{t+check|nl|onduidelijk}}, {{t+check|nl|ambigu}} <!-- Were under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hinderlaag|m|f}} <!-- Was under "a concealed station" -->; {{t+|nl|hinderlaag|m|f}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- appropriate (Verb: to take to oneself in exclusion of others)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|toeëigenen|alt=zich toeëigenen}} <!-- was "zich [[toeëigenen]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- arbitrary (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|willekeurig}} <!-- Was under "chosen at random" -->
- arbitrary (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|arbitrair}}, {{t+check|nl|willekeurig}} <!-- Were under "unrestrained by law; tyrannical" -->
- bastard (Adjective: of or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant))
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|onwettig}}, {{t+check|nl|onecht}}, {{t+check|nl|bastaard|alt=bastaard-}} <!-- was "[[bastaard]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- bastard (Adjective: of or like a bastard (bad person))
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|gemeen}}, {{t+check|nl|smerig}}, {{t+check|nl|kloot|alt=kloot-}} <!-- was "[[kloot]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- bastard (Adjective: of or like a mongrel, bastardized creature/cross)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|bastaard|alt=bastaard-}} <!-- was "[[bastaard]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- bastard (Adjective: spurious, lacking genuinity of authenticity)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|onecht}}, {{t+check|nl|nep}}, {{t+check|nl|vals}}, {{t+check|nl|namaak|alt=na(ge)maak(t)}} <!-- was "[[namaak|na(ge)maak(t)]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- beggar (Noun: person suffering poverty)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|armoedzaaier|m}}, {{t+|nl|bedelaar|m}}, {{t+|nl|haveloze|m}} <!--As "Beggar" it is also used for the origial meaning "Geus" and "Sea Beggar" incorrectly for "Watergeus" (see translation in French for etymology) -->
- belt (Verb: beat with a belt)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|van de [[riem]] [[geven]]}} <!-- was "van de [[riem]] [[geven]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- bend someone's ear (Verb: talk too long)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|iemand de oren van het hoofd kletsen}}<!--to chat the ears off someone's head-->
- binge (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|vreetbui|f}} <!-- Was under: "rapid and excessive consumption" -->
- boy (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|kerel|m}}, {{t+check|nl|knaap|m}} <!-- Were under "adult male found attractive" -->
- cane (Noun: the cane: corporal punishment consisting of a beating with a cane)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|stokslagen|m-p}}, {{t+check|nl|stok|m|alt=de stok}} <!-- was "de [[stok]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- clover (Noun: plant in genus Trifolium)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|klaver|f}} <!-- (might be {{m}} in Flemish) -->
- club (Verb: to join together to form a group)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|zich groeperen}}, {{t-check|nl|zich verenigen}}, {{t+check|nl|samengaan}}, {{t-check|nl|een club vormen}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- comfortable (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|comfortabel}}, {{t+check|nl|veilig}} <!-- was under: leaving little risk, safely reliable -->
- cornet (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kornet}} <!-- was under "cone" -->
- counterbalance (Noun: force or influence balancing an opposite one)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|tegenkracht|n}}, {{t-check|nl|gelijke kracht}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- counterbalance (Verb: to apply weight in order to balance)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|opwegen tegen}}, {{t-check|nl|een tegengewicht vormen voor}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- counterbalance (Verb: to match or equal in effect when applying opposing force)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|opwegen tegen}}, {{t-check|nl|een tegenkracht vormen voor}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- course (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|loop|m}}, {{t+check|nl|koers|m}}, {{t+check|nl|gang}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
- craft (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ambacht|n}}, {{t+check|nl|ambachtslui|m-p}}, {{t+check|nl|vaklui|m-p}}, {{t+check|nl|stielmannen|m-p}} <!-- was under "people who perform a particular kind of skilled work" -->
- critical condition (Noun: medical condition)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|kritieke toestand}} <!-- "critical situation" -->
- curb (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|intomen}}, {{t+|nl|beteugelen}} <!-- Was: "to restrain, rein in" -->
- debenture (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|obligatie}} <!-- Which type of bond? -->
- decline (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|verval|n}} <!-- Was under: "Period before the end" -->
- detail (Verb: to explain in detail)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|gedetailleerd uitleggen}}, {{t+check|nl|detailleren}}, {{t-check|nl|[[gedetailleerd]] [[beschrijven]]}} <!-- was "[[gedetailleerd]] [[beschrijven]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- detail (Verb: US: to clean carefully (particularly a car))
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[uitgebreid]] [[schoonmaken]]}} <!-- was "[[uitgebreid]] [[schoonmaken]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- dilettante (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|kunstliefhebber|m}}, {{qualifier|e}} {{t+check|nl|dilettant}} <!-- Was under non-existent sense: person who enjoys the arts, regardless of expertise -->
- disagree (Verb: to fail to agree)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[het]] [[niet]] [[eens]] [[zijn]]}} <!-- was "het niet eens zijn" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|nl|[[het]] [[oneens]] [[zijn]]}} <!-- was "het oneens zijn" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- discourse (Verb: write or speak formally and at length)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|betogen}}, {{t-check|nl|een [[betoog]] [[houden]]}} <!-- was "een [[betoog]] houden" -->, {{t-check|nl|een [[rede]](voering) [[houden]]}} <!-- check if [[WT:IDIOM]]s, blah blah blah -->
- disparate (Adjective: composed of inherently different elements)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[duidelijk]] [[verschillend]]}} <!-- was "duidelijk verschillend" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+|nl|onsamenhangend}}
- dispense (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|afschaffen}} <!-- Was under: "to eliminate or do without" -->
- distil (Verb: to exude (a liquid) in small drops; to give off (a vapour) which condenses in small drops)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[druppelsgewijs]] [[afscheiden]]}}<!--was "[[druppelsgewijs]] [[afscheiden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]]-->
- distil (Verb: to make (something, especially spirits) by distillation)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[via]] [[distillatie]] [[vervaardigen]]}}<!--was "[[via]] [[distillatie]] [[vervaardigen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]]-->, {{t+check|nl|branden}}, {{t+check|nl|stoken}}
- distil (Verb: to turn into a vapour and then condense back into a liquid; to undergo or be produced by distillation)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[gedistilleerd]] [[worden]]}}<!--was "[[gedistilleerd]] [[worden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]]-->
- dive (Verb: to descend)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|duiken}}, {{t+check|nl|duikvlucht|alt=een duikvlucht maken}} <!-- was "een [[duikvlucht]] maken" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- donkey (Noun: a stubborn person)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ezel|m}}, {{t-check|nl|[[koppige]] [[ezel]]|m}} <!-- was "[[koppige]] ezel" - check if [[WT:IDIOM]], unlink if yes -->
- donkey (Noun: a fool)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ezel|m}}, {{t-check|nl|[[domme]] [[ezel]]|m}} <!-- was "[[domme]] ezel"; unlink if [[WT:IDIOM]] -->
- draft (Verb: to write a first version)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|schetsen}}, {{t-check|nl|[[in]] [['t]] [[klad]] [[maken]]}}<!-- how to link this? -->
- drawers (Noun: long underpants)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|([[lang]]e) [[onderbroek]]}}<!-- looks SOPpy, but I am no expert -->
- existential (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|existentiële}}<!-- existentiël ? -->
- fate (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|vertrouwen|n}} <!-- Was under "confidence" -->
- feeler (Noun: someone or something that feels)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|voeler|m}}, {{t+check|nl|voelend|m|alt=voelende}} <!-- was "[[voelend]]e" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- front page (Noun: initially visible page of a publication)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voorpagina}} <!-- {{f}} ({{m}}) -->
- gentleman (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|heren}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
- goad (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aanporren}} <!-- Was under "to prod with a goad; to encourage, stimulate, incite or provoke" -->
- gradation (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|gradatie|f}} <!-- which of the six meanings? -->
- grate (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|wrijven}} <!-- Was under deleted sense "to rub against" -->
- hang (Verb: to be executed using gallows)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|hangen}}, {{t+check|nl|opgehangen|alt=opgehangen worden}} <!-- was "[[opgehangen]] worden" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- heartbeat (Noun: driving impulse)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[kloppend]] [[hart]]|n}} <!-- was "kloppend [[hart]]" - remove [[links]] to [[words]] if idiom -->, {{t+check|nl|motor}}
- hey (Interjection: exclamation to get attention)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hé}}, {{t-check|nl|[[hé]] [[daar]]}} <!-- was "he daar" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hitchhike (Verb: to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|liften}}, {{qualifier|Belgium}} {{t-check|nl|[[autostop]] [[doen]]}} <!-- was "[[autostop]] [[doen#Dutch|doen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hole (Noun: weakness, flaw)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|gat|n}}, {{t+check|nl|leemte}}, {{t-check|nl|[[zwak]]ke [[plek]]}} <!-- was "[[zwak]]ke [[plek]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hole (Noun: place where a prisoner is kept)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|put|m|alt=de put}} <!-- was "de [[put]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|nl|vergeetput}}, {{t+check|nl|bajes}}, {{t+check|nl|lik}}, {{t+check|nl|nor}}
- hole (Noun: undesirable place)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|put|m|alt=de put}} <!-- was "de [[put]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|nl|[[zwart]] [[gat]]|n}} <!-- was "[[zwart]] [[gat]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- honeymoon (Verb: to travel on a honeymoon)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|een [[huwelijksreis]] [[maken]]}} <!-- was "een [[huwelijksreis]] [[maken]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hook (Verb: to catch with a hook)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[aan]] [[de]] [[haak]] [[slaan]]}} <!-- was "aan de haak slaan" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hook (Verb: to connect)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[in]] [[elkaar]] [[haken]]}} <!-- was "in elkaar haken" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- husband (Verb: to conserve)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[zuinig]] [[beheren]]}} <!-- was "[[zuinig]] [[beheren]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the embedded wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hybrid (Adjective: consisting of diverse components)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|hybridisch}}, {{t+check|nl|hybride|alt=hybride-}} <!-- was "[[hybride]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|nl|gehybridiseerd}}, {{t-check|nl|gekruisd}}
- identify (Verb: to associate oneself with some group)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|identificeren|alt=zich identificeren met}} <!-- was "zich [[identificeren]] met" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- infinitesimal (Adjective: very small)
- * Dutch: {{qualifier|jargon}} {{t+|nl|infinitesimaal}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|nl|oneindig klein}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- inflection (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|buigpunt|n}} <!-- Was translation for "change in curvature" but appears to incicate "point of inflection". i.e. the point in which the change takes place-->
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|binnen}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- install (Verb: establish or settle in)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|installeren|alt=zich installeren}} <!-- was "zich [[installeren]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- itch (Noun: a desire)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|jeuk in de vingers}}, {{t-check|nl|jeuk in de handen}}<!-- not sure if this is an idiom. [[link]] [[individual]] [[words]] if not. -->
- itch (Verb: to want or desire)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|jeuken in de vingers}} <!-- was "[[jeuken]] in de vingers" - [[link]] [[words]] if not idiomatic -->, {{t-check|nl|jeuken in de handen}}
- its (Pronoun: that which belongs to it)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[ervan|het]] ... [[ervan]]}} <!-- was "[[ervan|het]] ... [[ervan]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|nl|de zijne}}
- jointer (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|dagge}}, {{t-check|nl|dagijzer|n}}, {{t-check|nl|voegijzer|n}}<!--in building-->
- juxtapose (Verb: to place side by side)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[naast]] [[elkaar]] [[leggen]]}} <!-- was "[[naast]] [[elkaar]] [[leggen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove links to words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- labial (Noun: consonant articulated by the lips)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|labiaal|f|m}}<!-- it just looks fishy. but maybe this is just my paranoia. please check. -->
- land (Verb: to bring to land)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|landen|alt=doen landen}} <!-- was "doen [[landen]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|nl|[[aan]] [[de]] [[grond]] [[zetten]]}} <!-- was "aan de grond zetten" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- land ahoy (Interjection: interjection shouted by the ship's watch)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[land]] [[in]] [[zicht]]}} <!-- was "land in zicht" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- lawyer (Noun: layman who argues points of law)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|pleiter|m}}, (juridisch) [[raadsman]] {{g|m}}, {{t+check|nl|advocaat|m|alt=informally also advocaat}} <!-- was "informally also [[advocaat]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- ledger (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|legger|m}}, {{t+check|nl|kladblok}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
- lens (Verb: to film)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|filmen}}, {{t+check|nl|verfilmen}}, {{t-check|nl|[[op]] [[de]] [[gevoelige]] [[plaat]] [[vastleggen]]}} <!-- was "op de gevoelige plaat vastleggen" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- levitation (Noun: technical suspension without mechanical support)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[draadloze]] [[ophanging]]}} <!-- was "draadloze [[ophanging]]" - check if [[WT:IDIOM]] -->
- like the back end of a bus (Prepositional phrase: very unattractive)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|een gezicht om leer op te kloppen}} <!--move the transliteration to the Dutch entry: {{qualifier|''a face to work leather on'' — refers only to extreme ugliness}} -->
- locale (Noun: place where something happens)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oord|n}}, {{t|nl|[[plaats]] [[van]] [[gebeuren]]}}<!-- converted to SOP because it looked so. -->
- lovely (Adjective: inspiring love or friendship)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|(teer)[[geliefd]]}}<!-- one word or two? one translation or two? -->, {{t-check|nl|lievenswaardig}}
- magic (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|([[tevoorschjn]]) [[toveren]]}}<!-- {{t-SOP}}? -->
- may (Verb: subjunctive)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mogen}}<!-- ; come what may - ''komen wat komen moge'' -->
- measure (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afstand|m}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense "designated distance" -->
- mishear (Verb: to hear wrongly)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|misverstaan}}, {{t|nl|[[verkeerd]] [[verstaan]]}} <!-- was "[[verkeerd]][[verstaan]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|nl|[[slecht]] [[horen]]}} <!-- was "[[slecht]] [[horen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- mishear (Verb: to understand wrongly)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|[[slecht]] [[begrijpen]]}} <!-- was "[[slecht]] [[begrijpen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t|nl|verkeerd begrijpen}}
- misnomer (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[slecht]] [[gekozen]] [[term]]}} ''de'' <!-- was "slecht gekozen term" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- move (Verb: to change the place of a piece)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zetten}}, {{t-check|nl|een [[zet]] [[doen]]}} <!-- was "een [[zet]] [[doen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- nowadays (Adverb: in the current era)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|heden ten dage}}, {{t+|nl|tegenwoordig}}, {{t-check|nl|vandaag de dag}}, {{t-check|nl|[[dezer]] [[dagen]]}} <!-- was "dezer dagen" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- paternal uncle (Noun: brother of one's father)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|oom|m}}<!--this is also wrong, it's just "uncle", from a root for "maternal uncle"-->, {{q|Flemish}} {{t+|nl|nonkel|m}}
- private (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[in]] [[privé]]}}, {{t+check|nl|privaat}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
- proprietor (Noun: sole owner of an unincorporated business, also called sole proprietor)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|([[enig]]e) [[eigenaar]]|m}}<!-- ??? -->
- quality (Adjective: being of good worth)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|kwaliteit|alt=kwaliteits-}} <!-- was "[[kwaliteit]]s-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- question (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|vraag|f}} <!-- was under "something unknown" -->
- really (Interjection: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[werkelijk]] [[echt]]}} <!-- was "[[werkelijk]] [[echt]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- relax (Verb: to become loose)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[losser]] [[worden]]}} <!-- was "[[losser]] [[worden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- relax (Verb: to become less severe or tense)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ontspannen}}, {{t-check|nl|[[losser]] [[worden]]}} <!-- was "[[losser]] [[worden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- relax (Verb: to become more lenient)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ontspannen}}, {{t-check|nl|[[losser]] [[worden]]}} <!-- was "[[losser]] [[worden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- represent (Verb: to portray by pictorial or plastic art)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|voorstellen}}, {{t+check|nl|uitbeelden}}, {{t-check|nl|voor staan|alt=ergens voor staan}} <!-- was "ergens [[voor staan]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- sally (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|wilgenroede}} <!-- Was under "willow rod" -->
- screwdriver (Noun: tool)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|schroevendraaier|m}} <!-- [[schroevedraaier]] is not official Dutch spelling -->
- second (Noun: manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|tweede keus|m|f}} <!-- [[tweede soort]] -->
- shape (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|vorm}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->, {{t+check|nl|fysiek}} (Flemish) <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
- shh (Interjection: requesting silence)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|sst}} <!-- no exact equivalents: [[zwijg]]!; [[stil]]! -->
- shit (Noun: not anything, nothing)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[geen]] [[reet]]}} <!-- was "[[geen]] [[reet]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- skin (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|huid|f}}, {{t+check|nl|vel|n}} <!-- Were under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
- snotty (Adjective: dirtied with snot)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|snot-}} <!-- was unlinked -->
- some (Determiner: certain, unspecified or unknown)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|een}}, {{t-check|nl|[[een]] [[zeker]]}} <!-- was "[[een]] [[zeker]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|nl|een of ander}}
- some (Determiner: considerable quantity or number of)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[aardig]] [[wat]]}} <!-- was "[[aardig]] [[wat]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- some (Pronoun: indefinite amount, part)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|wat}}, {{t-check|nl|[[een]] [[deel]]}} <!-- was "[[een]] [[deel]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- squint (Verb: to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight)
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[ogen]] [[dichtknijpen]]}} <!-- was "[[ogen]] [[dichtknijpen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|nl|gluren}}
- stop (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|register|n}} <!-- Was under: "short for stopper" -->
- strip (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|asfalt}}, {{t+|nl|strook}} <!-- Was under header "metaphore for road" -->
- substitute (Noun: replacement or stand-in)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vervanger|m}} <!-- plaatsvervangend -->, {{t+|nl|plaatsvervanger|m}}, {{t+|nl|vervanging|f}}
- thou (Verb: to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tutoyeren}}, {{t+|nl|jijen}}<!--{{t|nl|jij en jou zeggen}}-->, {{t+|nl|jouen}}
- tidal (Adjective: relating to tides)
- * Dutch: [[getijde-]]<!-- a prefix used in compounds -->
- twelve-tone technique (Noun: system of musical composition)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|dodecafonie}} <!--Used in Wikipedia-->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|tiran|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- understand (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|verstaan}}, {{t+check|nl|begrijpen}}, {{t-check|nl|but “begrijpen” or “snappen” a concept or idea or decision.}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- when (Conjunction: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|toen}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->
- when Hell freezes over (Adverb: never)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|wanneer Pasen en Pinksteren op een dag vallen}}<!-- “when Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day” -->, {{t|nl|met sint-juttemis}}, {{t|nl|als Pasen en Pinksteren op een dag vallen}}
No translation template
[edit]- 226 items
- -ly (Suffix: used to form adverbs from adjectives)
- * Dutch: {{q|the adverb is usually the same as the adjective: no change in form}}, {{t+|nl|-erwijs}}, {{t+|nl|-lijk}}, {{t+|nl|-jes}}, {{t+|nl|genoeg}} {{qualifier|following the adjective}}
- Baumé scale (Proper noun: liquids density scale)
- * Dutch: Baumé-[[schaal]]
- Capeverdean Crioulo (Proper noun: creole language spoken in Cape Verde)
- * Dutch: [[Kaapverdisch]] [[creools]]
- Gobelin (Noun: a mainly French and Flemish type of tapestry)
- * Dutch: [[gobelin]] {{g|m}} and {{g|n}}, {{t+|nl|wandtapijt|n}}
- Martial (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|Martialis}}, [[#Dutch|Martial]]
- OK (Adverb: satisfactorily, sufficiently well)
- * Dutch: [[oké]]/[[oke#Dutch|oke]], [[goed]]
- U-turn (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|rechtsomkeert}}, [[draai]] van 180 graden
- Warsaw Convention (Proper noun: international treaty)
- * Dutch: Conventie van Warschau
- abomination (Noun: something abominable)
- * Dutch: (een) [[afschuwelijk]] [[iets]], {{t+|nl|gruwel|m}}, {{t+|nl|abominatie|f}}
- above board (Prepositional phrase: honestly)
- * Dutch: volgens het boekje, {{t+|nl|eerlijk}}, {{t+|nl|loyaal}}
- abseil (Noun: a descent by abseil)
- * Dutch: het [[abseilen]], [[gezekerd]]e [[afdaling]]
- acclaim (Verb: to declare by acclamations)
- * Dutch: [[uitroepen]] ([[tot]])
- accumulate (Verb: to grow in number)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|zich opstapelen}}, (zich) [[vermeerderen]], {{t+|nl|accumuleren}}
- accustom (Verb: to make familiar by use)
- * Dutch: doen [[wennen]] (aan), (to accustom oneself) [[wennen]] (aan)
- acknowledge (Verb: to own with gratitude)
- * Dutch: [[erkentelijk]] zijn, {{t+|nl|erkennen}}
- acknowledge (Verb: to notify receipt)
- * Dutch: [[ontvangst]] [[bevestigen]]/[[melden]]
- against (Conjunction: by the time that)
- * Dutch: [[tegen]] [[dat]], {{t+|nl|totdat}}, {{t+|nl|voordat}}
- against (Preposition: close to)
- * Dutch: [[tegen]] (... [[aan]])
- ail (Verb: to be ill)
- * Dutch: [[ziek]] [[zijn]], [[iets]] [[mankeren]], {{t+|nl|sukkelen}}
- amen (Interjection: expression of strong agreement)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|amen}}, amen en uit
- amen (Noun: )
- * Dutch: amen, {{t+|nl|beaming}}
- ampersand (Noun: the symbol &)
- * Dutch: [[en-teken]] (''also'' [[et-teken]]), ampersand
- anchor (Verb: to hold an object to a fixed point)
- * Dutch: het [[anker]] uitwerpen, {{t+|nl|verankeren}}, {{t+|nl|ankeren}}
- anyway (Adverb: regardless)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toch}}, {{t+|nl|desondanks}}, [[trots dat]] {{qualifier|archaic}}
- aroused (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: [[geil]], (seksueel) [[opgewonden]]/ [[verhit]], [[heet]](staand)
- balding (Adjective: becoming bald)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kalen}}, [[kaal]] [[worden]]
- barber (Verb: to cut the hair)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|haarknippen}}, haren [[knippen]], [[scheren]] (to shave)
- bask (Verb: to take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warm or happiness)
- * Dutch: (zich) [[koesteren]] (in), [[genieten]] (van), [[zwelgen]] (in), zijn hartje ophalen
- be like (Verb: be similar to something)
- * Dutch: [[gelijk]] [[zijn]]
- bear witness (Verb: deliver testimony)
- * Dutch: (een) [[getuigenis]] [[afleggen]], {{t+|nl|getuigen}}
- bell (Verb: to attach a bell to)
- * Dutch: de bel aanbinden
- belt (Verb: scream)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|brullen}}, (het) [[uitbrullen]]
- benefit (Noun: advantage, help or aid)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voordeel|n}}, idiomatic expression: [[ten voordele van]], {{t+|nl|nut|n}}
- birthday boy (Noun: a male of any age whose birthday it is)
- * Dutch: {{m|nl|Jarige Job}}, {{t+|nl|jarige|m|f}}
- bison (Noun: American bison, Bison bison)
- * Dutch: [[Amerikaanse]] [[bizon]] {{g|m}}
- boost (Verb: to lift or push from behind)
- * Dutch: een zetje geven, een duwtje geven, een duwtje in de rug geven
- bootstrap (Verb: to help (oneself) without the aid of others)
- * Dutch: [[zelfredzaam]] zijn, zichzelf ([[behelpen|be]])[[helpen]]
- brain (Verb: to strike on the head)
- * Dutch: iemand [[op z'n kop slaan]]
- brain (Verb: to kill a person by smashing the skull)
- * Dutch: iemand [[de kop inslaan]]
- brake (Verb: to operate brakes)
- * Dutch: [[remmen]], op de [[rem]] staan/trappen
- brat (Noun: a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
- * Dutch: (verwend) [[nest]] {{g|n}}
- bring about (Verb: to accomplish)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bewerkstelligen}}, {{t+|nl|verwezenlijken}}, tot stand brengen
- bring forth (Verb: to adduce)
- * Dutch: naar voren [[brengen]], [[tevoorschijn]] halen
- brush (Noun: implement)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|borstel|m}}; {{gloss|paint-}} [[verfborstel]]; {{gloss|hair-}} [[haarborstel]]; {{gloss|tooth-}} [[tandenborstel]]
- burn the midnight oil (Verb: work through the night)
- * Dutch: [[tot#Dutch|tot]] [[laat#Dutch|laat]] [[in#Dutch|in]] [[de#Dutch|de]] [[nacht#Dutch|nacht]] [[werken#Dutch|werken]], [[het#Dutch|het]] [[nachtje#Dutch|nachtje]] [[doordoen]]
- burst (Verb: to cause to burst)
- * Dutch: doen [[barsten]]
- by-product (Noun: secondary product)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bijproduct|n}}, {{t+|nl|nevenproduct|n}}, (''waste'') [[afvalproduct]] {{g|n}}
- carmine (Noun: purplish-red pigment)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|karmijn|n}}, (Archaic) [[karmozijn]] {{g|n}}
- carmine (Noun: purplish-red colour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|karmijn|n}}, (Archaic) [[karmozijn]] {{g|n}}, {{t+|nl|karmijnrood|n}}, {{t+|nl|karmozijnrood|n}}
- castrato (Adjective: having, using or containing the voice of a castrato)
- * Dutch: [[castraat]]-, [[castrato]]-
- changeroom (Noun: changing room)
- * Dutch: [[kleedkamer]] {{g|f}} or {{g|m}}, {{t|nl|kleedlokaal|n}}
- checksum (Noun: number serving to detect error)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|controlecijfer|n}}, checksum
- chickenhawk (Noun: adult man who seeks out boys as his sexual partners)
- * Dutch: {{q|offensive}} [[knapenschenner]] {{g|m}}, {{q|abusive}} [[pedofiel]] {{g|m}}
- clamor (Verb: intransitive: to become noisy insistently)
- * Dutch: zich [[roeren]], van zich laten horen
- cloister (Verb: become a Catholic religious)
- * Dutch: in het [[klooster]] [[treden]]
- closemouthed (Adjective: reticent, secretive or uncommunicative)
- * Dutch: niet [[spraakzaam]], {{t+|nl|gesloten}}
- cocker spaniel (Noun: either breed)
- * Dutch: cocker spaniel
- combustion (Noun: violent agitation, commotion)
- * Dutch: [[verhitte]] [[gemoederen]], {{t+|nl|commotie}}
- conclusion (Noun: of a syllogism)
- * Dutch: [[logisch]] [[gevolg]], {{t+|nl|conclusie}}
- congregation (Noun: religious gathering of people in a place of worship)
- * Dutch: (kerk)[[gemeente]], {{t+|nl|congregatie}}, {{t+|nl|kudde}}
- conscious (Adjective: alert, awake)
- * Dutch: bij [[bewustzijn]], {{t+|nl|alert}}, {{t+|nl|wakker}}
- cool (Adjective: colloquial: of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave in any situation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|koelbloedig}}, (ijzig) [[kalm]], {{t+|nl|beheerst}}, {{t+|nl|zelfzeker}}
- cool (Adjective: colloquial: in fashion)
- * Dutch: [[#Dutch|cool]], in (de mode), [[hip#Dutch|hip]], {{t+|nl|blits}}
- cool (Verb: to make colder (literally))
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afkoelen}}, {{t+|nl|bekoelen}}, {{t+|nl|koelen}}, {{t+|nl|verkoelen}}, (mildy) [[verfrissen]], (much) [[verkillen]]
- cool (Verb: to become less intense, e.g. less amicable)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afkoelen}}, {{t+|nl|bekoelen}}, {{t+|nl|verkoelen}}, (much) [[verkillen]]
- cool (Verb: to make less intense, e.g. less amicable)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afkoelen}}, {{t+|nl|koelen}}, {{t+|nl|verkoelen}}, (much) [[verkillen]]
- correlate (Verb: intransitive: to be related by a correlation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|correleren}}, in wederkerige betrekking staan
- creatural (Adjective: of or relating to a creature)
- * Dutch: [[schepsel]]-
- crew (Verb: to be a member of a vessel’s crew)
- * Dutch: (in een bemanning/aan boord) [[dienen]]
- crew (Verb: nautical: to recruit a crew)
- * Dutch: een [[bemanning]] [[werven]]
- cuff on the ear (Noun: smack on the side of the head)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|muilpeer}}, {{t+|nl|oorvijg}}, [[draai]] om de [[oren]]
- cybernetic (Adjective: relating to computers and the Internet)
- * Dutch: [[cyber]]-, computer-
- cytology (Noun: biology: the study of cells)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|cytologie|f}}, [[celleer]] ''de''
- daddy (Noun: father)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|papa|m}}, {{t+|nl|pappa|m}}, {{t+|nl|pappie|m}}, [[vake]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}
- depose (Verb: to remove (a leader) from office)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afzetten}}, [[onttronen]] (monarch only), uit het [[ambt]] [[ontzetten]]
- depose (Verb: to give evidence or testimony)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|getuigen}}, [[getuigenis]] [[afleggen]]
- depose (Verb: to take an oath)
- * Dutch: een/de [[eed]] [[afleggen]]/ [[zweren]]
- depose (Verb: to interrogate and elicit testimony)
- * Dutch: laten [[getuigen]], [[onttronen]], uit het [[ambt]] [[ontzetten]], [[eed]] [[getuigenis]]/ [[afleggen]] afnemen, verhoren
- disconcert (Verb: upset the composure)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verstoren}}, {{t+|nl|verwarren}}, [[in de war]] [[brengen]]
- disconcert (Verb: bring into confusion)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verstoren}}, {{t+|nl|verwarren}}, [[in de war]] [[brengen]]
- doughboy (Noun: A kind of dumpling)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|infanterist|m}},(1), {{t+|nl|knoedel|f}} (2), {{t|nl|gebakken brood|n}} (3)
- emanate (Verb: To come from a source)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitstralen}}, {{t|nl|ontstaan uit}}, [[voortkomen]] uit
- encounter (Verb: engage in conflict)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|confronteren}}, het hoofd bieden
- epic (Noun: events appropriate to an epic)
- * Dutch: [[episch]] [[gebeuren]]/[[verhaal]] {{g|n}}, [[heldendaden]] {{g|p}}
- escape (Verb: to avoid capture)
- * Dutch: er vanaf [[komen]]
- ethnic (Noun: ethnic minority)
- * Dutch: (etnische) [[minderheid]](sgroep)
- even (Adverb: implying extreme example)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zelfs}}, (niet) [[eens]]
- eviscerate (Verb: to disembowel)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ontdarmen}}, {{t+|nl|ontweiden}}, van ingewanden ontdoen
- exceed (Verb: to go beyond the limits of something)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|overschrijden}}, te buiten gaan, {{t+|nl|overstijgen}}
- exclusive (Noun: information granted exclusively)
- * Dutch: [[exclusief]](je) {{g|n}}
- expletive (Adjective: marked by phrase-fillers)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|expletief}}, vol krachttermen
- explore (Verb: to travel somewhere in search of discovery)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verkennen}}, {{t+|nl|exploreren}}, op/een [[ontdekkingsreis]] gaan naar/maken in
- fancy (Verb: To imagine)
- * Dutch: [[zich]] [[voorstellen]]
- finger-wag (Verb: to move the index finger vertically, as to threaten or reprimand someone)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|vingerschudden}}, met de vinger dreigen
- flop (Noun: poned package of dung)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|drol}}, (euphemism) [[vlaai]]
- forge (Verb: to move forward gradually in the face of resistance)
- * Dutch: met [[moeite]]/[[langzaam]] [[vorderen]]
- front door (Noun: main entrance)
- * Dutch: [[voordeur]] {{g|f}}/{{g|m}}
- good offices (Noun: good offices)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|invloed|m}}, goede diensten ({{g|m-p}}, conciliatory mediation)
- gossamer (Noun: cobwebs floating in the air)
- * Dutch: [[herfstdraad]] {{g|m}} (usually in the plural: herfstdraden)
- greatcoat (Noun: heavy overcoat)
- * Dutch: (uniform)[[overjas]] {{g|m}}
- gym shorts (Noun: type of shorts)
- * Dutch: (korte) [[turnbroek]](je)
- hamlet (Noun: small village)
- * Dutch: (boeren)[[gat]] {{g|n}}, {{t+|nl|gehucht|n}}, {{t+|nl|negorij}}, {{t+|nl|uithoek}}
- hang (Verb: to float as if suspended)
- * Dutch: (in de lucht) [[hangen]], {{tt+|nl|zweven}}
- harden (Verb: to become hard)
- * Dutch: [[hard]] [[worden]], {{t+|nl|verharden}}, {{t+|nl|verstijven}}
- hood (Adjective: Relating to inner-city everyday life, both positive and negative aspects)
- * Dutch: [[wijk]]-, [[buurt]]-
- injurious (Adjective: causing harm to one's reputation)
- * Dutch: iemands reputatie beschadigen
- invoke (Verb: bring about as an inevitable consequence)
- * Dutch: over (zich) [[afroepen]]
- invoke (Verb: solicit, petition for)
- * Dutch: [[beroep doen]] op
- irony (Noun: condition contrary to expectations)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ironie|f}}, het [[ironische]] {{g|n}}
- is it going to rain (Phrase: is it going to rain)
- * Dutch: [[zou het gaan regenen]]? [[gaat het regenen]]?
- jump rope (Verb: to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|touwtjespringen}}, [anglicism] (rope)[[skipping]]/skippen
- junk food (Noun: food with little or no nutritional value)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|junkfood|n}}, [[troepvoedsel]] {{qualifier|unusual}}, [[vulvoer]] {{qualifier|unusual}}
- lovely (Noun: lovely object)
- * Dutch: (iets) [[liefs]] {{g|n}}, {{t+|nl|schat}}
- lust (Noun: strong desire, especially of a sexual nature)
- * Dutch: ([[zinnelijk]]e) [[begeerte]], {{t+|nl|lust}}, {{t+|nl|wellust}}
- maneuver (Noun: a large training exercise of military troops)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|manoeuvre|m|f}}, (veld)[[oefening]]
- men (Noun: human people)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mensen|m-p}}, men (collective singular)
- mentor (Noun: wise and trusted counselor or teacher)
- * Dutch: [[mentor#Dutch|mentor]] {{g|m}}, {{t+|nl|leidsman|m}}
- missionary (Noun: person traveling to spread a religion)
- * Dutch: ''(Roman Catholic)'' [[missionaris]] {{g|m}}, ''(Protestant in a non-Christian environment)'' [[zendeling]] {{g|m}}, ''(Protestant in a Christian environment)'' [[evangelist]] {{g|m}}
- modal (Adjective: of or relating to a mode or modus)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|modaal}}, modus-
- modal (Adjective: music: of, relating to, or composed in the musical modi by which an octave is divided)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|modaal}}, modus-
- modal (Adjective: relating to the statistical mode)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|modaal}}, modus-
- modal (Noun: modal proposition)
- * Dutch: [[modale]] [[propositie]]
- modal (Noun: modal form, notably a modal auxiliary)
- * Dutch: [[modale]] [[vorm]]
- moderate (Verb: to become less excessive)
- * Dutch: zich [[matigen]]
- moot (Verb: to bring up as a subject for debate, to propose)
- * Dutch: ter [[discussie]] stellen, {{t|nl|ter tafel brengen}}, {{t|nl|ter sprake brengen}}
- more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
- * Dutch: (''usually uses the suffix'' {{m|nl|-er}}), {{qualifier|sometimes}} {{t+|nl|meer}}
- naked seed (Noun: gymnosperm seed which isn't enclosed in a plant ovary)
- * Dutch: [[naakt]] [[zaad]] {{g|n}}
- natural fiber (Noun: fiber which is obtained naturally)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|natuurvezel|m|f}}, [[natuurlijk]]e [[vezel]] {{g|m|f}}
- neglect (Verb: omit to notice; slight; disregard)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verwaarlozen}}, {{t+|nl|negeren}}, [[uit het oog]] [[verliezen]], {{t|nl|buiten beschouwing laten}}, {{t+|nl|veronachtzamen}}
- neither (Determiner: not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y)
- * Dutch: ''[[noch]]'' X ''[[noch]]'' Y; X ''[[noch]]'' Y
- northern lights (Noun: the aurora of the northern hemisphere)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|noorderlicht|n}}, [[aurora borealis#Dutch|aurora borealis]] {{g|n}}
- not even (Interjection: used to express strong disappointment)
- * Dutch: [[zelfs]] [[dat]] [[niet]]
- nowise (Adverb: in no manner)
- * Dutch: in geen geval, absoluut niet
- odds (Noun: the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening)
- * Dutch: de [[kans]]en
- offensive foul (Noun: offensive foul)
- * Dutch: [[aanvallende]] [[fout]]
- optimize (Verb: to act optimistically)
- * Dutch: [[optimistisch]] [[zijn]]/[[handelen]]
- out of (Preposition: not having anymore)
- * Dutch: [[door]] ... [[heen]]
- outgrow (Verb: to become too big or mature for some object, practice, condition, belief, etc)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ontgroeien}}, (Archaic) [[ontwassen]]
- outlawed (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: [1] [[verboden]], [2] [[vogelvrij]]
- outpatient (Noun: patient)
- * Dutch: [[poliklinisch]]e [[patiënt]]
- overcast (Verb: to be or become cloudy)
- * Dutch: [[bewolkt]] [[zijn]]
- overrun (Verb: to defeat an enemy and invade in great numbers)
- * Dutch: [[onder de voet]] lopen, {{t+|nl|overstromen}}
- overrun (Verb: to infest, swarm over)
- * Dutch: [[onder de voet]] lopen, {{t+|nl|overrompelen}}, [[zwermen]] over, {{t+|nl|overstromen}}
- overrun (Verb: to continue for too long)
- * Dutch: te lang [[doorbijlopen]]
- oversee (Verb: to supervise, guide, review or direct the actions of a person or group)
- * Dutch: [[toezien]] op, [[toezicht]] houden op, een oog(je) houden op
- oversee (Verb: to inspect, examine)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bekijken}}, [[toezien]] op
- pagan (Noun: uncivilized or unsocialized person)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|heiden|m}}, {{t+|nl|barbaar|m}}, [[wilde]](man) {{g|m}}
- pantograph (Noun: rail transport: device that collects electric current from overhead lines)
- * Dutch: (tram)[[beugel]], {{t|nl|stroomafnemer}}, {{t+|nl|pantograaf|m}}
- parenthesis (Noun: (mathematics, logic) brackets used to clarify expressions by grouping terms affected by a common operator)
- * Dutch: [[haakje]] (''plural'' [[haakjes]])
- past imperfect tense (Noun: grammatical tense)
- * Dutch: [[onvoltooid]] [[verleden]] [[tijd]] (O.V.T.)
- paternal (Adjective: received or inherited from one's father)
- * Dutch: van [[vaderskant]], {{t+|nl|paternaal}}
- pension (Verb: to grant a pension)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|pensioneren}}, een pensioen [[verlenen]]
- pension (Verb: to force to retire)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|pensioneren}}, met pensioen [[sturen]]
- perishable (Adjective: liable to perish)
- * Dutch: [[beperkt]] [[houdbaar]], {{t+|nl|bederfelijk}}
- pickle (Verb: to preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|inmaken}}, (brine only) [[pekelen]]
- picture (Verb: to imagine or envision)
- * Dutch: zich [[verbeelden]]
- plot (Noun: course of a story)
- * Dutch: plot {{g|m}}/{{g|n}}, intrige, verhaal {{g|n}}
- plus (Noun: useful addition)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|meerwaarde|f}}, {{g|m}}
- point out (Verb: tell, remind, indicate to someone)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uiteenzetten}}, {{t+|nl|aanduiden}}, {{t+|nl|aangeven}}, erop [[wijzen]]
- posh (Adjective: stylish, elegant, exclusive)
- * Dutch: [[chic#Dutch|chic]], [[bekakt]] {{qualifier|pejorative}}
- possible (Noun: a possible choice)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mogelijke|n}}, {{t+|nl|mogelijkheid}}, [[mogelijke]] [[kandidaat]] {{g|m}}
- post hoc (Adverb: after the fact)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|nadien}}, [[na de]] [[gebeurtenis]].
- present continuous (Noun: tense that describes an ongoing action in the present)
- * Dutch: [[duurvorm]] [[onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd]] (d.o.t.t.) {{g|m}}
- pride (Noun: that of which one is proud; that which excites boasting or self-gratulation; the occasion or ground of self-esteem)
- * Dutch: (bron van) [[trots]]
- printed press (Noun: part of the press using printed media)
- * Dutch: [[geschreven]] [[pers]]
- qualm (Noun: sickly feeling of being ill at ease; sudden queasiness)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|braakkneiging}}, (plotse) [[onpasselijkheid]], ([[aanval]] van) [[misselijkheid]]
- queer (Adjective: slightly unwell)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|slecht}}, ('''to feel queer''' zich slecht in zijn vel voelen)
- raspberry (Adjective: containing or having the flavor/flavour of raspberries)
- * Dutch: met [[frambozensmaak]], {{t|nl|frambozen-}}
- rectal (Adjective: Of, via or related to the rectum)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|rectaal}}, rectum-
- recurring (Adjective: happening frequently)
- * Dutch: (zich) [[herhalend]], {{t+|nl|terugkerend}}
- redden (Verb: to make red)
- * Dutch: [[rood]] [[maken]]
- redirect (Verb: to give new direction to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bijsturen}}, {{t+|nl|verwijzen}}, van [[richting]] [[veranderen]]
- renounce (Verb: make renunciation)
- * Dutch: [[verzaken]] ([[aan]]) (4)
- rib cage (Noun: part of skeleton)
- * Dutch: [[ribbenkast]] {{g|f}} or {{g|m}}
- rib cage (Noun: cavity created by the ribs)
- * Dutch: [[ribbenkast]] {{g|f}} or {{g|m}}, {{t+|nl|borstholte|f}}
- run over (Verb: to continue for too long)
- * Dutch: te lang [[doorbijlopen]]
- rutter (Noun: a pilot book)
- * Dutch: [[logboek]] or [[scheepsjournaal]]
- sally (Verb: to make a sudden attack)
- * Dutch: een uitval doen
- scratch (Noun: disruption or mark on a surface)
- * Dutch: [[kras]] {{g|f}} ''or'' {{g|m}}
- scratch (Noun: money)
- * Dutch: [[cent]]en {{g|m-p}}
- self-respecting (Adjective: having self-respect)
- * Dutch: [[zichzelf]] [[respecterend]]
- sense (Noun: sound judgement)
- * Dutch: ([[gezond verstand|gezond]]) [[verstand]] {{g|n}}
- sensible (Adjective: aware of something)
- * Dutch: ([[zich]]) [[bewust]]
- shish kebab (Noun: roasted meat)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|shish kebab}}, {{t+|nl|kebab}}, [[sjaslik]]?, {{t+|nl|sjasliek}}
- shoo-in (Noun: candidate that is the presumptive winner)
- * Dutch: [[gedoodverfd]]e [[winnaar]], {{t|nl|kat in't bakkie}}
- shut up (Interjection: "I don't believe it!")
- * Dutch: [[ga weg]]!, [[dat meen je niet]]!, [[nooit]]!
- simple present (Noun: present tense)
- * Dutch: [[onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd]] ''v'' [[O.V.T.]]
- sixtieth (Adjective: the ordinal form of the number sixty)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zestigste}}, 60<sup>e</sup>
- soft drink (Noun: sweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|frisdrank}}, {{t+|nl|prik}}, [[limonade#Dutch|limonade]], {{t+|nl|priklimonade}}
- speck (Noun: tiny spot)
- * Dutch: [[vlek]] ''de'', {{t+|nl|stip}}
- spell (Verb: to work in place of someone)
- * Dutch: [[invallen]] voor
- square (Adjective: forming a right angle)
- * Dutch: met [[rechte]] hoek
- square centimeter (Noun: unit of area)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vierkante centimeter}}, {{qualifier|symbol}} cm<sup>2</sup>
- step- (Prefix: prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative)
- * Dutch: [[stief-]] (e.g. [[stiefdochter]], [[stiefmoeder]], [[stiefvader]], [[stiefzoon]])
- stock company (Noun: theater)
- * Dutch: {{nl|toneelgezelschap|n}}
- suck into (Verb: cause someone to become slowly more and more involved in a business or situation that is often not to that person's liking)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|inzuigen}}, [[ingezogen]] worden
- sulk (Verb: to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn)
- * Dutch: [[sikkeneurig]] zijn, {{t+|nl|mokken}}, {{t+|nl|pruilen}}
- swoop (Verb: )
- * Dutch: ''(verb)'' met een forse beweging de hoogte ingaan,
- take the bull by the horns (Verb: to deal directly with a matter; to confront a difficulty)
- * Dutch: [[de koe bij de hoorns vatten]] (lit. ''take the cow by the horns'')
- there is (Verb: third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|er is}}, {{qualifier|plural}} [[er zijn]]
- this (Determiner: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|deze|m}}, {{g|f}}, {{g|p}}, {{t+check|nl|dit|n}}
- titular see (Noun: type of episcopal see)
- * Dutch: [[titulair]] [[bisdom]] {{g|n}}
- toast (Verb: to engage in a salutation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toasten}}, drinken op, proosten
- transitional (Adjective: of or relating to a transition)
- * Dutch: [[overgang]]s-, {{t+|nl|transitorisch}}
- trifle (Noun: insignificant amount)
- * Dutch: onbelangrijke hoeveelheid, {{t+|nl|aalmoes}}, {{t+|nl|een beetje}}
- trip up (Verb: make a mistake)
- * Dutch: in de fout gaan
- trip up (Verb: cause to commit an error)
- * Dutch: tot een fout [[verleiden]]
- turnkey (Noun: slang: warder)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|cipier|m}},DE
- unattached (Adjective: not attached)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|los}}, [[niet]] [[gebonden]]
- up for grabs (Prepositional phrase: available for anyone to obtain, claim, decide, or win)
- * Dutch: te [[grabbel]], [[vrij]] [[beschikbaar]]
- upon (Preposition: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bij}}, {{t|nl|op het moment van}}, (also [[op het moment dat]], but this needs a verb etc.)
- upset (Noun: sports: unexpected victory of a competitor)
- * Dutch: [[verassend]]e [[nederlaag]]
- upset (Verb: tip, overturn)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|omstoten}}, [[doen]] [[kapzeizen]]
- virgin birth (Noun: birth in a virginal mother; parthenogenesis)
- * Dutch: [[maagdelijk]]e [[geboorte]]
- viz. (Adverb: abbreviation for namely)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|nl.}}, {{t+|nl|d.w.z.}}, {{qualifier|Belgium}}, {{t|nl|t.t.z.}}
- wager (Verb: put up as collateral)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wedden}}, [[weddenschap]] afsluiten, {{t+|nl|verwedden}}
- waver (Noun: act of wavering, vacillating)
- * Dutch: ''translated by nominalizing the verb''
- wee small hours (Noun: very early morning)
- * Dutch: de [[vroege]] [[uurtjes]]
- wildling (Noun: wild plant)
- * Dutch: [[wilde]] [[plant]]
- wildling (Noun: wild animal)
- * Dutch: [[wild]] [[dier]]/ [[beest]]
- windrow (Noun: line heaped up by the wind)
- * Dutch: [[wal]] (also specified by substance, e.g. [[turfwal]])
- would (Verb: indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
- * Dutch: [[zou]]/[[zouden]] (past tense of [[zullen]])
- would (Verb: indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state)
- * Dutch: [[zou]]/[[zouden]] (past tense of [[zullen]])
- would (Verb: indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended)
- * Dutch: [[zou]]/[[zouden]] (past tense of [[zullen]])
- would (Verb: indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly)
- * Dutch: ''Use the past tense with voorheen or vroeger''
- would (Verb: used to express a polite request)
- * Dutch: [[zou]]/[[zouden]] (past tense of [[zullen]]), [[gelieve]]
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 241 items
- -ed (Suffix: having an object of a particular quality)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|-ig}}, also as a past participle: {{t+|nl|ge-}} + {{t+|nl|-d}}
- Easter Sunday (Proper noun: Easter Sunday)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|eerste paasdag|m}} {{t+|nl|paaszondag|m}}
- I have cancer (Phrase: I have cancer)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ik}} {{t+|nl|heb}} {{t+|nl|kanker}}
- I have cancer (Phrase: I have cancer)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ik}} {{t+|nl|heb}} {{t+|nl|kanker}}
- I wish (Phrase: I would very much like that to be so)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|was het maar zo dat}}, or use auxiliary {{t+|nl|hebben}} with inversion and {{t+|nl|maar}} ('''''Had''' ik '''maar''' veel geld.'' – If only I had lots of money!)
- Middle Low Franconian (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|Middelnederfrankisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|Middelnederfrankisch}})
- abbozzo (Noun: rough drawing/model)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|ruwe schets|m}} {{t|nl|ruw model|n}}
- able (Adjective: permitted to)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|in staat}} ({{t+|nl|om}}), {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|mogelijkheid}} {{t+|nl|hebben}} (om {{t+|nl|te}}), {{t+|nl|bekwaam}}
- above (Adjective: heavenly)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hemels}} {{t|nl|in de lucht}}
- above-cited (Adjective: cited before)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bovengenoemd}} {{t+|nl|bovenvermeld}}
- abrade (Verb: figurative: to wear down)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afmatten}} {{t+|nl|uitputten}}
- abscond (Verb: to flee, often secretly)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|heimelijk}} {{t+|nl|vertrekken}} (van/uit), {{t|nl|zich stilletjes uit de voeten maken}}, {{t|nl|zijn biezen pakken}}
- absent (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afwezig}} {{t+|nl|zijn}}, {{t+|nl|verwijderen|alt=zich verwijderen}}, {{t+|nl|vertrekken}}
- absorbing (Adjective: engrossing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|boeiend}}, {{t+|nl|grijpend}} {{t+|nl|meeslepend}}
- absorption (Noun: act or process of being absorbed and made to disappear)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|absorptie|f}} {{t+|nl|incorporatie|f}}
- accelerate (Verb: to become faster)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|versnellen}}, {{l|nl|sneller}} {{l|nl|gaan}}
- acquit (Verb: to bear or conduct oneself; to perform one's part)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vervullen}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|bewijzen}}
- acquit (Verb: to clear oneself)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|bevrijden}}
- acute (Adjective: (orthography) after a letter of the alphabet: having an acute accent)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|accent aigu}}
- affix (Verb: to attach)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vastmaken}} {{t+|nl|aan}}, {{t+|nl|aanhangen}}
- aggregate (Noun: the full chromatic or the set of all twelve pitch classes)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|twaalftonenreeks}} {{t+|nl|chromatische toonladder}}
- antic (Verb: to perform antics)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kuur|alt=kuren}} {{t+|nl|uithalen}}, {{t+|nl|zot}} {{t+|nl|doen}}
- asseverate (Verb: declare earnestly)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|betuigen}}, {{t+|nl|verzekeren}}{{t|nl|plechtig verklaren}}
- bauble (Noun: cheap showy ornament piece of jewellery)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|prulletje}}{{t+|nl|snuisterij}}
- bear (Verb: to be equipped with)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|dragen}}, {{tt+|nl|uitgerust}} {{tt+|nl|zijn}} {{tt+|nl|met}}
- bear (Verb: to be equipped with)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|dragen}}, {{tt+|nl|uitgerust}} {{tt+|nl|zijn}} {{tt+|nl|met}}
- bear (Verb: to be in a specific direction)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|gelegen}} {{tt+|nl|zijn}}
- belch (Verb: expel gas from the stomach through the mouth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|boeren}}, een {{t+|nl|boer}} {{t+|nl|laten}}
- believe (Verb: to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|geloven}} ({{t+|nl|in}})
- belong (Verb: be part of a group)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|horen}} {{t+|nl|bij}}, {{t+|nl|thuishoren}} bij
- belong (Verb: be the property of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toebehoren}} {{t+|nl|aan}}, {{t+|nl|van}} {{t+|nl|iemand}} {{t+|nl|zijn}}
- belong (Verb: be the guardian, spouse or partner of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|horen}} {{t+|nl|bij}}, bij {{t+|nl|iemand}} [[zijn]]
- belong (Verb: set theory: be an element of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|behoren}} {{t+|nl|tot}}
- boot (Noun: heavy shoe that covers part of the leg)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|laars|f}}, {{t+|nl|bot|f}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}, {{t+|nl|hoge}} {{t+|nl|schoen|m}}
- brittle (Adjective: emotionally fragile, easily offended)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kribbig}}{{t+|nl|koel}}{{t+|nl|afstandelijk}}
- brittle (Adjective: emotionally fragile, easily offended)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kribbig}}{{t+|nl|koel}}{{t+|nl|afstandelijk}}
- budget (Verb: construct or draw up a budget)
- * Dutch: een begroting/budget {{t+|nl|opmaken}}/{{t+|nl|opstellen}}
- burn (Verb: to overheat so as to make unusable)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|laten}} {{tt+|nl|aanbranden}}, {{tt+|nl|verbranden}}
- butt in (Verb: to join conversation when not welcome)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onderbreken}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|moeien}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|inmengen}}
- captain (Noun: the person lawfully in command of a sea-going vessel)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gezagvoerder|m}}{{t+|nl|kapitein|m}}
- carpet (Verb: to lay carpet)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tapijt}} {{t+|nl|leggen}}, {{t+|nl|vloerkleed}} {{t+|nl|leggen}}
- cash (Noun: money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|contanten|p}}, {{t+|nl|cash|m}}, {{t+|nl|baar}} {{t+|nl|geld|n}} {{qualifier|money}}
- cast (Noun: squint)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|blik|m}}, {{t+|nl|zijwaartse}} {{t+|nl|blik|m}}
- cast (Verb: to assign a role in a play or performance)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|een}} {{t+|nl|rol|f}} {{t+|nl|toewijzen}}, {{t+|nl|geven}}
- cast (Verb: to assign a role in a play or performance)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|een}} {{t+|nl|rol|f}} {{t+|nl|toewijzen}}, {{t+|nl|geven}}
- cf. (Verb: compare)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|cf.}} or {{t+|nl|vgl.}} or {{t|nl|verg.}}
- cf. (Verb: compare)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|cf.}} or {{t+|nl|vgl.}} or {{t|nl|verg.}}
- cheers (Interjection: informal: goodbye)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tot ziens}}, {{t|nl|tot later}}, {{t+|nl|ciao}}, {{qualifier|Netherlands}} {{t+|nl|hoi}}, {{qualifier|Netherlands}} {{t+|nl|doei}}, {{t+|nl|doeg}}, {{t|nl|ik zie je}}, {{t+|nl|later}}, {{qualifier|Flemish}} {{t|nl|salu}}/{{t+|nl|salut}}, {{t|nl|slukes}}
- cheers (Interjection: informal: thank you)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|dank je}}, {{t+|nl|dankjewel}}/{{t+|nl|dank je wel}}, {{t+|nl|bedankt}}, {{t+|nl|jo}}, {{t+|nl|joe}}, {{t+|nl|thanks}}, {{t+|nl|merci}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}, {{t|nl|mercikes}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}
- cog (Noun: trick or deception)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vals}} {{t+|nl|spel|n}}
- coin-op (Adjective: operated by coins)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|op}} {{t+|nl|munten}}, {{t+|nl|munt|alt=munt-}}
- complaisant (Adjective: compliant)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voldoend}} ({{t+|nl|aan}}), {{t+|nl|passend}}
- concern (Verb: to relate to or be of importance to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|belang}} {{t+|nl|hechten}} aan, zich {{t+|nl|inlaten}}
- concuss (Verb: injure the brain)
- * Dutch: een {{t+|nl|hersenschudding}} {{t+|nl|veroorzaken}}, {{t+|nl|door elkaar}} {{t+|nl|schudden}}
- conflict (Verb: be at odds (with))
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|conflicteren}} ({{t+|nl|met}}), {{t|nl|confligeren}} ({{t+|nl|met}}), {{t+|nl|strijdig}} {{t+|nl|zijn}} ({{t+|nl|met}})
- contrite (Adjective: sincerely penitent)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|rouwvol}}, {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|berouw}}, {{t+|nl|berouwvol}}
- control (Verb: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|besturen}}, {{t+|nl|beheersen}} (in modern usage also {{t+|nl|controleren}}, though this is still considered an anglicism by many)
- contumely (Noun: offensive and abusive language or behaviour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|spot|m}}, {{t+|nl|hoon|m}}, {{t+|nl|belediging|f}}, {{t+|nl|grof|alt=grove}} {{t+|nl|taal|f}}
- convention (Noun: generally accepted principle, method or behaviour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|conventie|f}}, {{l|nl|vast}}e {{t+|nl|praktijk}}
- copy (Verb: produce something identical)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kopiëren}} {{t+|nl|nabootsen}}, {{t+|nl|nadoen}}, {{t+|nl|naäpen}}
- copy (Verb: imitate)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kopiëren}} {{t+|nl|nabootsen}}, {{t+|nl|nadoen}}, {{t+|nl|naäpen}}
- count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|rekenen}} {{t+|nl|op}}
- courtesy of (Preposition: thanks to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|dank}} {{t+|nl|aan}}, {{t+|nl|dankzij}}
- courtesy of (Preposition: thanks to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|dank}} {{t+|nl|aan}}, {{t+|nl|dankzij}}
- courtesy of (Preposition: as allowed by)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|toestemming}} {{t+|nl|van}}
- courtesy of (Preposition: as allowed by)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|toestemming}} {{t+|nl|van}}
- cross bike (Noun: cyclocross bicycle)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|cyclocrossfiets}}{{t|nl|veldritfiets}}, , {{t|nl|veldrijdfiets}}, {{t|nl|veldrijfiets}}
- darken (Verb: to make dark(er) in colour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|donkerder}} {{t+|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|donkerder}} {{t+|nl|kleuren}}
- demigod (Noun: a lesser deity)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|godje|n}}, {{l|nl|lagere}} {{l|nl|godheid}}
- dent (Verb: develop a dent)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|deuk|alt=deuken}} {{t+|nl|krijgen}}
- deride (Verb: to harshly mock; ridicule)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ridiculiseren}}, {{t+|nl|belachelijk}} {{t+|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|bespotten}}
- dissociate (Verb: chemistry: to undergo dissociation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|scheiden}}, {{t+|nl|dissociëren}}
- distress (Verb: to cause strain or anxiety)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onder}} {{t+|nl|druk}} {{t+|nl|zetten}}, {{t+|nl|benauwen}}
- distress (Verb: to cause strain or anxiety)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onder}} {{t+|nl|druk}} {{t+|nl|zetten}}, {{t+|nl|benauwen}}
- don (Verb: put on clothes)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aantrekken}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|uitdossen}}
- down (Verb: to drop)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|laten}} {{t+|nl|vallen}}, {{t+|nl|droppen}}
- earthy (Adjective: down to earth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|voet|alt=voeten}} {{t+|nl|op}} de {{t+|nl|grond}}, {{t+|nl|natuurlijk}}
- earthy (Adjective: down to earth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|voet|alt=voeten}} {{t+|nl|op}} de {{t+|nl|grond}}, {{t+|nl|natuurlijk}}
- earthy (Adjective: down to earth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|voet|alt=voeten}} {{t+|nl|op}} de {{t+|nl|grond}}, {{t+|nl|natuurlijk}}
- earthy (Adjective: down to earth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|voet|alt=voeten}} {{t+|nl|op}} de {{t+|nl|grond}}, {{t+|nl|natuurlijk}}
- ecliptic (Noun: Earth's orbital plane)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ecliptica|f}}, {{t+|nl|schijnbaar|alt=schijnbare}} {{t+|nl|zonneweg|m}}
- endemic (Noun: individual or species that is endemic)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|inheems|alt=inheemse}} {{t+|nl|soort|f}}, {{t+|nl|inboorling|m}}
- enhanced (Adjective: improved)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|versterkt}} {{t+|nl|vermeerderd}}, {{t+|nl|benadrukt}}
- entrench (Verb: establish financial position)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|vestigen}}
- epitomize (Verb: be an epitome)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|belichamen}}, {{t+|nl|in}} {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|verenigen}}
- epitomize (Verb: be an epitome)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|belichamen}}, {{t+|nl|in}} {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|verenigen}}
- espouse (Verb: to marry)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|trouwen}} {{t+|nl|met}}, {{t|nl|in het huwelijk treden}} {{t+|nl|met}}, {{t|nl|tot man nemen}}, {{t|nl|tot vrouw nemen}}
- estate (Noun: historical: major social class or order of persons)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|stand}}{{t+|nl|adel}},
- eternity (Noun: period of time that elapses after death)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|eeuwigheid|f}} (definite article required; often capitalized)
- even though (Conjunction: although)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ook al}}, {{t+|nl|ondanks}} {{t+|nl|dat}}, {{t+|nl|hoewel}}
- evisceration (Noun: A disemboweling)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|van ingewanden ontdoen}}{{t+|nl|ontweien}}
- excuse (Noun: explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitvlucht|m|f}}, {{t+|nl|excuus|n}} {{t+|nl|smoes|m}}
- exposure (Noun: lack of protection)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|blootstelling}} {{t+|nl|aan}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|elementen}}
- exposure (Noun: lack of protection)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|blootstelling}} {{t+|nl|aan}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|elementen}}
- exposure (Noun: lack of protection)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|blootstelling}} {{t+|nl|aan}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|elementen}}
- feature (Verb: ascribe the greatest importance)
- * Dutch: ({{t+|nl|laten}}) {{t+|nl|oplichten}}, {{t+|nl|benadrukken}}
- fight (Verb: to strive for)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opkomen}} {{t+|nl|voor}}, {{t+|nl|ijveren}} voor
- fight (Verb: (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vechten}} {{t+|nl|tegen}}, vechten {{t+|nl|met}}, {{t+|nl|bevechten}}
- forsooth (Adverb: indeed, truthfully, really)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voorwaar}} {{qualifier|archaic}} {{t+|nl|waarlijk}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- frighten (Verb: to disturb with fear)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bang}} {{t+|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|beangstigen}}
- fruition (Noun: condition of bearing fruit)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vrucht}} {{t+|nl|dragen}}
- gait (Noun: manner of walking)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gang|m}} {{t+|nl|pas|m}} {{t+|nl|loop|m}}
- gait (Noun: manner of walking)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gang|m}} {{t+|nl|pas|m}} {{t+|nl|loop|m}}
- gamahuche (Noun: oral sex)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oraal|alt=orale}} {{t+|nl|sex|m|f}}
- geminate (Verb: to arrange in pairs)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|paren}}, {{t+|nl|in}} {{t+|nl|paar|alt=paren}} {{t+|nl|ordenen}}
- geminate (Verb: to arrange in pairs)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|paren}}, {{t+|nl|in}} {{t+|nl|paar|alt=paren}} {{t+|nl|ordenen}}
- geminate (Verb: to occur in pairs)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|paarwijze}} {{t+|nl|voorkomen}}
- gerbil (Noun: small rodent)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gerbil|m}}, {{t+|nl|springmuis|f}} {{t|nl|renmuis|f}}, {{t+|nl|woestijnrat|f}}
- get along (Verb: interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opschieten}} {{t+|nl|met}}, {{t+|nl|overeenkomen}}
- get along (Verb: survive; to do well enough)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|overleven}}, {{t+|nl|doorgaan}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|erdoorheen}} {{t+|nl|slaan}}
- get along (Verb: survive; to do well enough)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|overleven}}, {{t+|nl|doorgaan}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|erdoorheen}} {{t+|nl|slaan}}
- give someone the cold shoulder (Verb: snub)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|iemand}} {{t|nl|links laten liggen}}
- gladden (Verb: to cause to become more glad)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|blij}} {{l|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|verheugen}}
- gladly (Adverb: in a glad manner)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gaarne}}, {{t+|nl|graag}}, {{l|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|plezier}}
- globe-trot (Verb: travel all over the world)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|globetrotten}}, {{t+|nl|een}} {{t+|nl|wereldreis}} {{t+|nl|maken}}
- globe-trot (Verb: travel all over the world)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|globetrotten}}, {{t+|nl|een}} {{t+|nl|wereldreis}} {{t+|nl|maken}}
- guff (Verb: break wind)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|protten}}, {{t+|nl|scheet|alt=scheten}} {{t+|nl|laten}}, {{t+|nl|wind|alt=winden}} {{t+|nl|laten}}
- habit (Verb: to clothe)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|kleden}}
- halo (Verb: encircle with a halo)
- * Dutch: van een {{t+|nl|aureool}} {{t+|nl|voorzien}}
- hang (Verb: computing: to cause (a program or computer) to stop responding)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|laten}} {{tt+|nl|vastlopen}}, laten {{tt+|nl|hangen}}
- harrow (Verb: traumatise, frighten)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doen}} {{t+|nl|schrikken}}, {{t+|nl|angst}} {{t+|nl|aanjagen}}
- haze (Verb: to perform an initiation ritual)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ontgroenen}}, {{t+|nl|dopen}} (as in {{t+|nl|studentendoop}})
- heavens above (Interjection: expression of surprise)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|goeie hemel !}} {{t|nl|lieve help !}} {{t+|nl|goeie genade !}}
- heavens above (Interjection: expression of surprise)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|goeie hemel !}} {{t|nl|lieve help !}} {{t+|nl|goeie genade !}}
- henceforth (Adverb: from now on)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voortaan}}, {{t+|nl|vanaf}} {{t+|nl|nu}}
- how much does it cost (Phrase: how much is it?)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|hoe duur is het?}} {{t|nl|hoeveel kost het?}}
- if only (Conjunction: signifies a wish or desire for the present or the future)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|was het maar zo dat}}, or use auxiliary {{t+|nl|hebben}} with inversion and {{t+|nl|maar}}
- imperious (Adjective: domineering, overbearing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|heerszuchtig}}{{t+|nl|dominant}}{{t+|nl|hooghartig}}
- imperious (Adjective: domineering, overbearing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|heerszuchtig}}{{t+|nl|dominant}}{{t+|nl|hooghartig}}
- interact (Verb: act upon each other)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|interageren}}, {{t+|nl|elkaar}} {{t+|nl|beïnvloeden}}, {{t|nl|in wisselwerking zijn met}}
- invariably (Adverb: always)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onveranderlijk}} {{t+|nl|steevast}}
- judge (Verb: to have as an opinion, consider, suppose)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oordelen}}, {{t+|nl|achten}}, {{t+|nl|houden}} {{t+|nl|voor}}
- junction (Noun: a place where two things meet)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|knooppunt|n}} {{t+|nl|verbindingspunt|n}}, {{t+|nl|aansluiting|f}}, {{t+|nl|samenkomst|f}}
- kowtow (Verb: kneel such that forehead touches ground)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|knielen}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|buigen}}
- kowtow (Verb: bow deeply)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} ({{t+|nl|diep}}) {{t+|nl|buigen}}
- kowtow (Verb: bow deeply)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} ({{t+|nl|diep}}) {{t+|nl|buigen}}
- kowtow (Verb: act submissively)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|aanpassen}}, {{t+|nl|onderdanig}} {{t+|nl|zijn}}
- label (Verb: put a ticket or sign on)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|etiketteren}}, {{t+|nl|etiket|alt=etiketten}} {{t+|nl|aanbrengen}}, {{t+|nl|prijzen}}
- labyrinthine (Adjective: physically resembling a labyrinth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|als}} {{t+|nl|een}} {{t+|nl|doolhof|m}}
- labyrinthine (Adjective: physically resembling a labyrinth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|als}} {{t+|nl|een}} {{t+|nl|doolhof|m}}
- laches (Noun: legal doctrine)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verwijtbaar|alt=verwijtbare}} {{t+|nl|nalatigheid|f}}
- landlocked (Adjective: surrounded by land)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|binnen|alt=binnen-}}, {{t+|nl|door}} {{t+|nl|land}} {{t+|nl|omgeven}}
- landlocked (Adjective: surrounded by land)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|binnen|alt=binnen-}}, {{t+|nl|door}} {{t+|nl|land}} {{t+|nl|omgeven}}
- largesse (Noun: (countable) specific gift of money, etc., given in this way)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gul|alt=gulle}} {{t+|nl|gift|alt=giften}}
- leaf (Verb: to produce leaves)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bladeren}} {{t+|nl|krijgen}}
- license (Verb: to authorize officially)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toelaten}}, {{t+|nl|licentiëren}}, {{t+|nl|vergunnen}} {{t+|nl|toekennen}}
- license (Verb: to give formal authorization to use)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|licentiëren}}, {{t+|nl|vergunnen}} {{t+|nl|toekennen}}
- like (Verb: to enjoy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|houden van}}, {{t+|nl|graag}} ({{t+|nl|hebben}}), {{t+|nl|lusten}}, {{t+|nl|graag}} {{t+|nl|lusten}}, {{t+|nl|leuk}} {{t+|nl|vinden}}
- line (Verb: to mark with a line)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tekenen}}, van {{t+|nl|lijn|alt=lijnen}} {{t+|nl|voorzien}}
- line (Verb: of a dog: impregnate)
- * Dutch: ({{t+|nl|laten}}) {{t+|nl|dekken}}
- look (Verb: to appear, to seem)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|lijken}} (+ {{tt+|nl|op}}), er {{tt+|nl|uitzien}} (+ {{tt+|nl|als}})
- look (Verb: to face)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|uitzien}} (+{{tt+|nl|over}})
- lose face (Verb: lose respect of others)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|het gezicht verliezen}}, {{l|nl|gezichtsverlies}} {{l|nl|lijden}}
- maven (Noun: expert in a given field)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|zelf-benoemde}} {{t+|nl|expert|m}}, {{t|nl|zelf-benoemde}} {{t+|nl|specialist|m}}
- meddle (Verb: to interfere in affairs)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|moeien}}, {{t+|nl|tussenkomen}}, {{t+|nl|bemoeien}}
- merge (Verb: to blend gradually into something else)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|samenvloeien}} {{qualifier|liquids}}, {{t+|nl|overgaan}} {{t+|nl|in}}
- miss (Verb: to fail to understand)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|niet}} {{t+|nl|snappen}}, {{t+|nl|ergens}} {{t+|nl|overheen}} {{t+|nl|kijken}} {{qualifier|also figuratively: to ignore}}, {{t+|nl|ergens}} {{t+|nl|overheen}} {{t+|nl|lezen}} {{qualifier|when reading}}
- nest (Verb: to successively neatly fit)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|in}} {{tt+|nl|elkaar}} {{tt+|nl|passen}}
- nest (Verb: to successively neatly fit)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|in}} {{tt+|nl|elkaar}} {{tt+|nl|passen}}
- nest (Verb: to successively place inside another)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|in}} {{tt+|nl|elkaar}} {{tt+|nl|stapelen}}
- nest (Verb: to successively place inside another)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|in}} {{tt+|nl|elkaar}} {{tt+|nl|stapelen}}
- not at all (Interjection: conventional reply to expression of gratitude)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|geen probleem}}, {{t|nl|geen dank}} {{t+|nl|graag gedaan}}
- obviate (Verb: to bypass a requirement)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|overbodig}} {{t+|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|omzeilen}}
- occur (Verb: present itself)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|aanbieden}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|voordoen}}, {{t+|nl|plaatsvinden}}, {{t+|nl|voorkomen}}, {{t+|nl|gebeuren}}
- of (Preposition: linking class with example of class)
- * Dutch: Noun compound through infixes: {{t+|nl|-s-}}{{t+|nl|-e-}}{{t+|nl|-en-}}
- of (Preposition: linking class with example of class)
- * Dutch: Noun compound through infixes: {{t+|nl|-s-}}{{t+|nl|-e-}}{{t+|nl|-en-}}
- one (Determiner: of a period of time)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|op}} {{tt+|nl|een}}, {{tt+|nl|eens}}, {{tt+|nl|ooit}}
- one (Determiner: a single, unspecified thing)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|de}}, {{tt+|nl|het}} {{tt+|nl|ene}}, {{tt+|nl|één}}
- oregano (Noun: plant)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wilde marjolein}}< {{t+|nl|oregano}}
- out (Adverb: away from, at a distance)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uit}}: {{t+|nl|weg}}
- page (Verb: turn several pages of a publication)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|bladeren}} {{tt+|nl|in}}, {{tt+|nl|doorbladeren}}
- parenthesize (Verb: place in parentheses)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|tussen haakjes}} {{t+|nl|zetten}}
- pejorative (Adjective: disparaging, belittling or derogatory)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kleinerend}} {{t+|nl|denigrerend}}
- perdition (Noun: eternal damnation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|eeuwige}} {{t+|nl|verdoemenis}}
- perquisite (Noun: benefit beyond salary)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|extralegaal}} {{t+|nl|voordeel|n}}, {{t+|nl|supplementair}} {{t+|nl|inkomen|n}}
- perseverate (Verb: behaviour of exclusive and lasting obsession to a detail others consider minor)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|volharden}} {{t+|nl|volhouden}}
- prefix (Verb: set or appoint beforehand)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|op}} {{t+|nl|voorhand}} {{t+|nl|vastleggen}}, {{t+|nl|arrangeren}}, {{t+|nl|regelen}}
- prefix (Verb: set or appoint beforehand)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|op}} {{t+|nl|voorhand}} {{t+|nl|vastleggen}}, {{t+|nl|arrangeren}}, {{t+|nl|regelen}}
- punt (Verb: retreat from one's objective)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|terugtrekken}}
- query (Verb: ask a question)
- * Dutch: ({{t+|nl|zich}}) {{t+|nl|informeren}}
- rapture (Noun: extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verrukking|f}}{{t+|nl|vervoering|f}}{{t+|nl|extase|f}}
- rapture (Noun: extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verrukking|f}}{{t+|nl|vervoering|f}}{{t+|nl|extase|f}}
- ravish (Verb: transport with joy or delight; delight to ecstasy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|in}} {{t+|nl|vervoering}} {{t+|nl|brengen}}, {{t+|nl|vervoeren}}
- ravish (Verb: transport with joy or delight; delight to ecstasy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|in}} {{t+|nl|vervoering}} {{t+|nl|brengen}}, {{t+|nl|vervoeren}}
- re (Preposition: regarding)
- * Dutch: ({{t+|nl|wat}}) {{t+|nl|betreft}}
- re-solve (Verb: to solve again)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opnieuw}} {{t+|nl|oplossen}}
- recede (Verb: move back, move away)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|terugtrekken}}
- regards (Noun: greeting to pass to another person)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|groeten|p}} or {{t+|nl|groetjes|p}}
- regards (Noun: greeting at the end of a letter)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|groeten|p}} or {{t+|nl|groetjes|p}}
- rejoice (Verb: to be happy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|jubelen}}, {{l|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|verheugen}}
- resolve (Verb: to make a firm decision)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|besluiten}}, {{t+|nl|beslissen}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|voornemen}}
- sacrosanct (Adjective: sacred, very holy)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|sacrosant}}, {{t+|nl|gewijd}} {{t+|nl|heilig}}, {{t+|nl|allerheiligst}}
- sag (Verb: to cause to bend)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doen}} {{t+|nl|zakken}}, {{t+|nl|plooien}}
- scaffold (Verb: set up scaffolding)
- * Dutch: een {{t+|nl|stelling}} {{t+|nl|bouwen}}
- segue (Verb: to move smoothly from one topic to another)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|van}} {{t+|nl|thema}} {{t+|nl|wisselen}}
- segue (Verb: to move smoothly from one topic to another)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|van}} {{t+|nl|thema}} {{t+|nl|wisselen}}
- self-raising flour (Noun: a type of flour that contains an agent, such as baking powder, which makes baked goods expand and rise when cooked)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zelfrijzend}} {{t+|nl|bakmeel|n}}
- shoe (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|schoenen}} {{t+check|nl|aantrekken}}, {{t+check|nl|schoeien}}
- singleton (Noun: playing card)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bloot|alt=blote}} {{t+|nl|kaart|f}}, {{t|nl|singleton|m}}
- singleton (Noun: math: set)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|singleton|n}}, {{t|nl|eenelementig|alt=eenelementige}} {{t+|nl|verzameling|f}}
- skim (Verb: read quickly, skipping some detail)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doorbladeren}}, {{t+|nl|diagonaal}} {{t+|nl|lezen}}
- slate (Verb: schedule)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|plannen}}, {{t+|nl|vastleggen}} {{t+|nl|op}}, {{t+|nl|voor}}
- smooth (Verb: make smooth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|glad}} {{t+|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|gladstrijken}}
- smoothen (Verb: make smooth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|glad}} {{t+|nl|maken}}, {{t+|nl|gladstrijken}}, {{t+|nl|afvlakken}}
- smoothen (Verb: become smooth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|glad}} {{t+|nl|worden}}, {{t+|nl|afvlakken}}
- sneer (Verb: raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|neus}} {{t+|nl|optrekken}}/{{t+|nl|ophalen}}, {{t+|nl|grimlachen}}
- sneer (Verb: raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|neus}} {{t+|nl|optrekken}}/{{t+|nl|ophalen}}, {{t+|nl|grimlachen}}
- sneer (Verb: raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|neus}} {{t+|nl|optrekken}}/{{t+|nl|ophalen}}, {{t+|nl|grimlachen}}
- spot (Verb: stain; leave a spot)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bevlekken}}, {{t+|nl|vlek|alt=vlekken}} {{t+|nl|maken}}
- spurn (Verb: to reject disdainfully)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|versmaden}} {{t+|nl|minachten}}
- stand (Verb: to place in an upright or standing position)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|stellen}}, {{tt+|nl|neerzetten}}, {{tt+|nl|overeind}} {{tt+|nl|zetten}}
- stout (Noun: large clothing size)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|grote}} {{t|nl|(kleding)[[maat]]}}
- suffice (Verb: satisfy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voldoen}} ({{t+|nl|aan}})
- suffice (Verb: furnish)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|voorzien}} ({{t+|nl|van}})
- tag along (Verb: To accompany, join, or follow; to go with)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|meegaan}} {{t+|nl|volgen}} {{t+|nl|begeleiden}}
- tag along (Verb: To accompany, join, or follow; to go with)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|meegaan}} {{t+|nl|volgen}} {{t+|nl|begeleiden}}
- tamper (Verb: alter by making unauthorized changes)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|prutsen}} {{t+|nl|met}}, {{t+|nl|manipuleren}}
- task (Verb: assign a task to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opdragen}}, een {{t+|nl|taak}} {{t+|nl|toekennen}}
- there be (Verb: to exist)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|er}} ''+ any of the existence verbs'' {{t+|nl|zijn}}, {{t+|nl|bestaan}}, {{t+|nl|staan}}, {{t+|nl|zitten}}, {{t+|nl|liggen}}
- tide (Verb: cause to float with the tide)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|met het getij [[meevoeren]]}} {{t|nl|met de vloed [[meevoeren]]}}
- tout (Verb: To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|klanten lokken}} {{t+|nl|scharrelen}}, {{t+|nl|verhandelen}}, {{t+|nl|sjacheren}}, {{t+|nl|werven}},
- trait (Noun: an identifying characteristic, habit or trend)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|karaktereigenschap}} {{t+|nl|trek}}
- truncate (Verb: shorten a decimal number by removing trailing (or leading) digits; to chop)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afronden}} {{t+|nl|naar}} {{t+|nl|beneden}}
- truncate (Verb: shorten a decimal number by removing trailing (or leading) digits; to chop)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afronden}} {{t+|nl|naar}} {{t+|nl|beneden}}
- untidy (Adjective: sloppy)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|slordig}}{{t+|nl|morsig}}
- untoward (Adjective: unfavourable, adverse, or disadvantageous)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ongunstig}}{{t+|nl|schadelijk}}
- untoward (Adjective: unseemly, improper)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onbetamelijk}}{{t+|nl|onwelvoeglijk}}
- up (Adjective: facing upwards)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} ... {{t+|nl|omhoog}}
- up to (Preposition: capable of)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|bereid}}, {{t+check|nl|in}} {{t+check|nl|staat}}
- utilise (Verb: to make use of; to use)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gebruiken}}, {{t+|nl|toepassen}}, {{l|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|bedienen}} {{t+|nl|van}} {{qualifier|reflexive}}
- utilise (Verb: to make use of; to use)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gebruiken}}, {{t+|nl|toepassen}}, {{l|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|bedienen}} {{t+|nl|van}} {{qualifier|reflexive}}
- view (Verb: to look at)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bekijken}}, {{t+|nl|kijken}} {{t+|nl|naar}}
- vivid (Adjective: bright, intense or colourful)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|helder}}, {{t+|nl|intens}}, {{t+|nl|kleurrijk}}{{t+|nl|levendig}}
- vouch for (Verb: affirm the truth or reliability of)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|instaan}} {{t+check|nl|voor}}
- wanton (Adjective: undisciplined)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onbeheerst}} {{t+|nl|onkuis}}
- well-formed (Adjective: syntactically correct)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|welgevormd}}, {{t+|nl|goed}} {{t+|nl|gevormd}}
- whimper (Verb: to cry or sob softly and intermittently)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zuchten}}{{t+|nl|kreunen}}, {{t+|nl|dreinen}}
- whittle (Noun: knife)
- * Dutch: ({{t+|nl|groot}}) {{t+|nl|mes|n}}
- wright (Noun: (obsolete) builder or maker of something)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|wrecht|m}}, {{t+|nl|maker|m}}, {{t+|nl|maakster|f}}, {{t+|nl|schepper|m}} {{t|nl|schepster|f}}
- wry (Verb: to turn away)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wegdraaien}}, {{t+|nl|zich}} {{t+|nl|afkeren}}
- yen (Verb: have strong desire for)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hartstochtelijk}} {{t+|nl|verlangen}}, {{t+|nl|smachten}}
[edit]- 286 items
- -able (Suffix: )
- * Dutch: {{qualifier|before the infinitive}} {{t+|nl|te}} (5)
- -ed (Suffix: having an object of a particular quality)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|-ig}}, also as a past participle: {{t+|nl|ge-}} + {{t+|nl|-d}} (also as a past participle: +))
- -ible (Suffix: relevant or suitable to, in accordance with)
- * Dutch: various suffixes: {{t+check|nl|-ig}}, {{t+check|nl|-lijk}}, {{t+check|nl|-baar}}, {{t-check|nl|-ieus}}, etc.
- Assam (Noun: black tea)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|Assamthee}}, {{t|nl|Assam-thee}} (sometimes not capitalized)
- BC (Adverb: before Christ)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|[[v. Chr.]]}} (''[[voor Christus]]'')
- Brussels sprout (Noun: vegetable)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|spruit|s}}, {{t+|nl|spruiten|p}}, usually in the diminutive plural form: {{t+|nl|spruitje}}, {{t+|nl|spruitkool}}
- Channel Islands (Proper noun: group of islands in the English Channel)
- * Dutch: de {{t+|nl|Kanaaleilanden}}
- DC (Noun: direct current)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gelijkspanning}} (What can be measured '''over''' an open circuit or a resistance)
- Flanders (Proper noun: two provinces in Belgium)
- * Dutch: de {{t|nl|Vlaanders|p}}
- I wish (Phrase: I would very much like that to be so)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|was het maar zo dat}}, or use auxiliary {{t+|nl|hebben}} with inversion and {{t+|nl|maar}} ('''''Had''' ik '''maar''' veel geld.'' – If only I had lots of money!) (or use auxiliary with inversion and ('''''Had''' ik '''maar''' veel geld.'' – If only I had lots of money))
- Knight Templar (Noun: crusader)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|tempelheer|m}}, {{t+|nl|tempelier|m}}, (specifically knights only) {{t|nl|tempelridder|m}}
- Middle Low Franconian (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|Middelnederfrankisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|Middelnederfrankisch}})
- OAS (Proper noun: Organization of American States)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|OAS}} (Organisatie van Amerikaanse Staten)
- Samson (Proper noun: Israelite judge)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|Samson|m}} (Catholic), {{t|nl|Simson|m}} (Protestant)
- Sleeping Beauty (Proper noun: fairy tale)
- * Dutch: De {{t|nl|Schone Slaapster}}, {{t|nl|Doornroosje}}
- abscond (Verb: to flee, often secretly)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|heimelijk}} {{t+|nl|vertrekken}} (van/uit), {{t|nl|zich stilletjes uit de voeten maken}}, {{t|nl|zijn biezen pakken}}
- abstain (Verb: refrain from)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onthouden|alt=zich onthouden}} (van), {{t+|nl|abstineren}}
- accompany (Verb: obsolete: to keep company)
- * Dutch: zich {{t|nl|samensluiten}}, {{t+|nl|samenwerken}}
- accompany (Verb: obsolete: to cohabit with)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|samenwonen}} met
- accompany (Verb: to be found at the same time)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gepaard}} gaan met
- account (Noun: an authorization to use a service)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|account|m|n}} (to an electronic service)
- act (Verb: to perform a theatrical role)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|optreden}} (on stage), {{t+|nl|spelen}} (general), {{t+|nl|opvoeren}} (on stage), {{t+|nl|acteren}} (general), {{t+|nl|toneelspelen}} (on stage)
- against (Preposition: in a contrary direction to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tegen}} (... [[in]])
- aggregate (Verb: To amount in the aggregate to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bedragen}} Zijn inkomen bedraagt 100.000 €
- all (Adverb: apiece)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|elk}}, per {{tt+|nl|stuk}}
- anguish (Noun: extreme pain)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doodsangst|m}}, {{t+|nl|agonie|f}}, {{t+|nl|doodsstrijd|m}}, hevig {{t+|nl|lijden|n}}, {{t+|nl|martelgang|m}}
- annulment (Noun: legal invalidation of a marriage)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ontbinding}}, {{t+|nl|nietigverklaring|f}} (van een huwelijk)
- appeal (Verb: to be attractive)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aantrekkelijk}} zijn, {{t+|nl|aantrekken}}, {{t+|nl|aanspreken}}
- application (Noun: the act of directing or referring something to a particular case)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toepassing|f}} in de praktijk
- apply (Verb: to submit oneself as a candidate)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|solliciteren}} (for a job), {{t+|nl|aanvragen}} ([[request]])
- armband (Noun: band worn around the arm)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|rouwbandje|n}} (mourning), {{t|nl|protestbandje|n}} (protest)
- arrive (Verb: to obtain a level of success or fame)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bereiken}}, het {{t+|nl|gemaakt}} hebben (het hebben))
- articulate (Verb: to speak clearly)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|articuleren}}, goed/correct {{t+|nl|uitspreken}}, uitspraak {{t+|nl|verzorgen}}
- articulate (Verb: to hinge)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|geleed}} zijn
- ascribe (Verb: to attribute a cause or characteristic to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toeschrijven}} aan, {{t+|nl|wijten}} aan
- ascribe (Verb: to attribute a work to its creator)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toeschrijven}} aan
- attract (Verb: arouse interest)
- * Dutch: aandacht {{t+|nl|trekken}}
- auxiliary (Adjective: of a ship, having both sails and an engine)
- * Dutch: met {{t+|nl|hulpmotor}}
- auxiliary (Noun: sailing vessel equipped with an engine)
- * Dutch: zeilboot met {{t+|nl|hulpmotor}}
- bag (Verb: to put into a bag)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|verpakken}}, {{tt+|nl|inpakken}}, in een zak {{tt+|nl|stoppen}}, in een zak {{tt+|nl|steken}} ''(may be Belgian)''
- batter (Verb: to hit or strike violently and repeatedly)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|inslaan}}, (of doors) {{t+|nl|rammen}}
- belch (Verb: expel gas from the stomach through the mouth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|boeren}}, een {{t+|nl|boer}} {{t+|nl|laten}}
- bias (Noun: electronics: voltage or current applied to electronic device)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|voorspanning|f}}, {{t|nl|voormagnetisatie|f}} of a [[magnetic tape]]
- bit (Noun: small amount of something)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|beetje}}, {{tt+|nl|hapje}} (of food)
- bloody (Adjective: intensifier)
- * Dutch: (''only with idiot'') {{t+|nl|stomme}}
- branch (Noun: area in business or of knowledge, research)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|branch}} (of business), {{tt+|nl|bedrijfstak}} (of business), {{tt+|nl|vakgebied}} (of knowledge), {{tt+|nl|branche|f}}
- break a leg (Interjection: expression of best wishes to a performer)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|zet hem op}}, {{t|nl|... ze!}} {{qualifier|preceded by an imperative}}, e.g. {{t|nl|speel ze}}, {{t|nl|toi toi toi!}}
- break in (Verb: to make something new function well through use)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|inlopen}} (for shoes)
- breakfast cereal (Noun: food made from processed grains)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ontbijtgranen|n-p}} (if used in singular it merely means cereal eaten in any form at breakfast)
- broach (Verb: begin discussion about)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|ter sprake brengen}}, {{t+|nl|aansnijden}}, {{t+|nl|aankaarten}} (informal)
- broadcast (Verb: to appear as a performer, presenter, or speaker in a broadcast programme)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|omroepen}} (excludes performer)
- budget (Verb: construct or draw up a budget)
- * Dutch: een begroting/budget {{t+|nl|opmaken}}/{{t+|nl|opstellen}} (een begroting/budget /))
- cable (Noun: assembly of wires for electricity)
- * Dutch: (electrische) {{t+|nl|kabel|m}}
- canal (Noun: artificial waterway)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kanaal|n}}, {{t+|nl|vaart|f}}, {{t+|nl|gracht|f}} (in a city, more commonly used in Holland)
- canter (Noun: gait)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|galop|m}} ''(both canter and gallop)'', {{t|nl|arbeidsgalop|m}}
- carpet (Verb: to cover like a carpet)
- * Dutch: een {{t+|nl|tapijt}} vormen, {{t+|nl|bedekken}} (met) (een vormen))
- cf. (Verb: compare)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|cf.}} or {{t+|nl|vgl.}} or {{t|nl|verg.}} (or or))
- check (Noun: mark used as an indicator)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vinkje|n}} (v-shaped), {{t+|nl|kruisje|n}} (x-shaped)
- cheek (Noun: part of face)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wang|f}}, {{t+|nl|koon|f}}, {{t+|nl|kaak|f}}, ''(in compounds)'' {{t+|nl|bak|m}}
- cheers (Interjection: informal: goodbye)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tot ziens}}, {{t|nl|tot later}}, {{t+|nl|ciao}}, {{qualifier|Netherlands}} {{t+|nl|hoi}}, {{qualifier|Netherlands}} {{t+|nl|doei}}, {{t+|nl|doeg}}, {{t|nl|ik zie je}}, {{t+|nl|later}}, {{qualifier|Flemish}} {{t|nl|salu}}/{{t+|nl|salut}}, {{t|nl|slukes}}
- cheers (Interjection: informal: thank you)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|dank je}}, {{t+|nl|dankjewel}}/{{t+|nl|dank je wel}}, {{t+|nl|bedankt}}, {{t+|nl|jo}}, {{t+|nl|joe}}, {{t+|nl|thanks}}, {{t+|nl|merci}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}, {{t|nl|mercikes}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}
- cherry (Adjective: flavour)
- * Dutch: met {{tt|nl|kersensmaak}}, {{tt+|nl|kers|alt=kersen-}}
- chic (Adjective: elegant, stylish)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|chic}}, ''(inflected)'' {{t+|nl|chique}}
- clothes peg (Noun: an object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wasknijper|m}}, {{t+|nl|wasspeld|f}} (Flanders)
- cobble (Verb: to assemble in an improvised manner)
- * Dutch: ineen {{t+|nl|knutselen}}
- cobblestone (Noun: a rounded stone)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|keisteen}}; (for paving) {{t+|nl|kassei}}; {{t|nl|kasseisteen}}
- collaboration (Noun: act of collaborating)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|samenwerking|f}}, het {{t+|nl|samenwerken}}
- color (Verb: become red through increased blood flow)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|blozen}}, een {{tt+|nl|kleur}} krijgen, {{tt+|nl|kleuren}} (een krijgen))
- compact disc (Noun: optical disc used to store data)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|cd|m}} (lower case)
- complain (Verb: to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge)
- * Dutch: een {{t+|nl|klacht}} indienen, {{t+|nl|klagen}}, {{t+|nl|zeiken}}, {{t+|nl|kankeren}} (een indienen))
- compliant (Adjective: compatible with or following guidelines)
- * Dutch: (untranslatable; see {{t+|nl|voldoen}})
- concern (Verb: to relate to or be of importance to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|belang}} {{t+|nl|hechten}} aan, zich {{t+|nl|inlaten}}
- concern (Verb: to make somebody worried)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ongerust}} maken, {{t+|nl|verontrusten}}
- concuss (Verb: injure the brain)
- * Dutch: een {{t+|nl|hersenschudding}} {{t+|nl|veroorzaken}}, {{t+|nl|door elkaar}} {{t+|nl|schudden}}
- conductor (Noun: person who takes tickets on public transportation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|conducteur|m}}, {{t+|nl|treinbegeleider|m}} (Belgium)
- consent (Verb: to express willingness)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toestemmen}} (in), {{t+|nl|instemmen}} (met)
- control (Verb: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|besturen}}, {{t+|nl|beheersen}} (in modern usage also {{t+|nl|controleren}}, though this is still considered an anglicism by many) (in modern usage also , though this is still considered an anglicism by many))
- convention (Noun: generally accepted principle, method or behaviour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|conventie|f}}, {{l|nl|vast}}e {{t+|nl|praktijk}}
- cool (Adjective: not showing emotion, calm)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kil}}, {{t+|nl|kalm}} (pjes), {{t+|nl|koel}} (tjes)
- covet (Verb: to wish for with eagerness)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|begeren}}, {{t+|nl|hunkeren}}, {{t+|nl|verlangen}}, {{t+|nl|smachten}} (naar)
- crucifixion (Noun: death of Jesus Christ on the Cross)
- * Dutch: de {{t+|nl|kruisiging|f}}, de {{t|nl|kruisdood|f|m}}
- cut (Verb: to reduce)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|snijden}} in, {{t+|nl|verminderen}}
- dative (Adjective: grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object)
- * Dutch: in de {{t+|nl|datief|m}}
- dear (Adjective: loved; lovable)
- * Dutch: (teer){{t+|nl|geliefd}}, {{t+|nl|bemind}}, {{t+|nl|lief}}, {{t+|nl|beminnelijk}}, {{t+|nl|kostbaar}}
- dear (Adjective: an ironic way to start (often after my) addressing an inferior)
- * Dutch: (mijn) {{t+|nl|beste}}
- debris (Noun: large rock fragments left by a melting glacier etc.)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|gletjserpuin|n}} etc.
- deliberate (Adjective: intentional)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opzettelijk}}, {{t+|nl|opzettelijke}}, {{t|nl|met opzet}}, {{t|nl|voor expres}} (Flanders)
- depravity (Noun: The state or condition of being depraved)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verdorvenheid|f}}, * {{t+|nl|ontaarding|f}}
- desert (Verb: to abandon)
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|achterlaten}}, {{t+check|nl|verlaten}}, {{t-check|nl|aan m}} 'n lot [[overlaten]]
- deteriorate (Verb: make worse)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verslechteren}}, [[slecht]]er {{t+|nl|maken}}
- detour (Verb: intransitive: to make a detour)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|omlopen}}, {{t+|nl|omrijden}} etc.
- disagree (Verb: to fail to conform or correspond with)
- * Dutch: niet {{t+|nl|overeenkomen}}, {{t|nl|niet overeenstemmen}}
- disgust (Verb: to cause an intense dislike for something)
- * Dutch: doen {{t+|nl|walgen}}
- dish out (Verb: to put (food) on to a dish)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opdienen}}, {{t+|nl|dienen}}, {{t+|nl|dissen}} (''only in very specific context or expressions'', [[dis]] is an old word for dining table, so it literally means: [[put on the table]]), {{t+|nl|opdissen}} (''only in very specific context or expressions'')
- dissuade (Verb: convince not to try or do)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|uit het hoofd praten}}, {{t+|nl|afbrengen}} [[van]], {{t+|nl|afraden}}
- don't (Verb: do not)
- * Dutch: ''imperative'' + {{t+|nl|niet}}, {{t+|nl|niet}} + ''infinitive''
- doughnut (Noun: deep-fried piece of dough or batter)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|donut}}, {{t+|nl|berlinerbol}} (with filling)
- earthy (Adjective: down to earth)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|met}} {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|voet|alt=voeten}} {{t+|nl|op}} de {{t+|nl|grond}}, {{t+|nl|natuurlijk}}
- eat (Verb: to ingest)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|eten}}, {{tt+|nl|vreten}} (used for animals; vulgar when applied to people), {{tt+|nl|consumeren}}
- educe (Verb: to infer, deduce)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|deduceren}}, {{t+|nl|afleiden}}, {{t+|nl|opmaken}}(2)
- elative case (Noun: case used to indicate movement out of something)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|elatief|m}}, elatieve {{t+|nl|naamval|m}}
- encounter (Noun: unplanned meeting)
- * Dutch: (ongeplande) {{l|nl|ontmoeting}}, {{t+|nl|treffen|n}}
- eternity (Noun: infinite time)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|eeuwigheid|f}} (definite article only)
- eternity (Noun: period of time that elapses after death)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|eeuwigheid|f}} (definite article required; often capitalized)
- eternity (Noun: informal: a comparatively long time)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|eeuwigheid|f}} (indefinite article only)
- eve (Noun: day or night before)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vooravond|m}}, (''Church'') {{t+|nl|vigilie|f}}
- exterior (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitwendig}} (1), {{t+|nl|buitenlands}} (2)
- exterior (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|buitenland|n}} (2)
- face to face (Adverb: in person)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|in het echt}}, {{t|nl|oog in oog}} (''somewhat literary'')
- fall apart (Verb: disintegrate, break into pieces)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uiteenvallen}} (e.g. books), {{t|nl|uit elkaar vallen}} (e.g. books), {{t+|nl|instorten}} (e.g. buildings)
- fare (Noun: paying passenger)
- * Dutch: [[betalend]]e {{t+|nl|passagier|m|f}}, {{t+|nl|reiziger|m}}, {{qualifier|on a vessel}} {{t+|nl|opvarende|m|f}}
- feel (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|voelen}} (touch), {{t-check|nl|zich voelen}} (5)
- fiend (Noun: demon)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|demoon|m}}, kwade {{t+|nl|geest|m}},
- flag (Noun: use of a flag)
- * Dutch: (het) {{tt+|nl|vlaggen|n}}
- flake (Verb: To prove unreliable or impractical; to abandon or desert, to fail to follow through)
- * Dutch: niet komen {{t+|nl|opdagen}}, (iemand) {{t|nl|laten stikken}}
- flibbertigibbet (Noun: offbeat, skittish person)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|fratsenmaker, wispelturig iemand}}(1), {{t|nl|duiveltje, deugniet}}(2), {{t+|nl|roddelaar}}(3)
- foist (Verb: pass off as genuine)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opdringen}}, {{t+|nl|opzadelen}} met
- frame (Noun: structural elements of a building or other constructed object)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|raamwerk|n}}, {{t+|nl|frame|n}} (''bicycle'')
- free of charge (Adjective: not requiring any payment - adjective)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gratis}}, {{t|nl|kostenloos}}, {{t+|nl|kosteloos}}, {{t+|nl|kosteloze}}, {{t|nl|verniet}} (Flanders)
- fun (Adjective: enjoyable, amusing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|plezierig}}, {{t+|nl|leuk}}, {{t+|nl|lollig}}, {{t+|nl|plezant}} (Flanders)
- gallop (Noun: fastest gait of a horse)
- * Dutch: ''strictly speaking'' {{t|nl|rengalop|m}}, ''usually'' {{t+|nl|galop|m}}
- get off (Verb: to move from being on top of (something))
- * Dutch: van ... {{t+|nl|afgaan}}
- get off (Verb: to move (something) from being on (something else))
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|afhalen}} van ...
- get off (Verb: to incur only mild consequences)
- * Dutch: ervan {{t+|nl|afkomen}}
- git (Noun: A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|ouwe lul|m}} (literally "old dick")
- going to (Phrase: will (future tense))
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gaan}} (''+ infinitive'')
- going to (Phrase: past progressive)
- * Dutch: past tense of {{t+|nl|gaan}} (''+ infinitive'') (past tense of (''+ infinitive))
- gossamer (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|flodder}} (tje)
- halcyon days (Noun: halcyon days)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|[[rustig]] [[weer]]}}(1), {{t|nl|[[vredig]]e [[tijd]]en}} (2)
- halo (Verb: encircle with a halo)
- * Dutch: van een {{t+|nl|aureool}} {{t+|nl|voorzien}}
- hammer (Verb: figuratively: to emphasize a point repeatedly)
- * Dutch: op {{t|nl|doorhameren}}, {{t+|nl|inhameren}}
- have a bone to pick (Verb: have a complaint or grievance)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|een appeltje te schillen hebben}} (met)
- haze (Verb: to perform an initiation ritual)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ontgroenen}}, {{t+|nl|dopen}} (as in {{t+|nl|studentendoop}})
- hazing (Noun: humiliating initiation practices)
- * Dutch: (Netherlands) {{t+|nl|ontgroening|f}}, (Belgium) {{t+|nl|doop|m}}, (for students:) {{t+|nl|studentendoop|m}}
- heads (Noun: side of coin)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kop|m}}, (''less common'') {{t+|nl|kruis|n}}
- hinder (Verb: to make difficult to accomplish)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hinderen}} {{qualifier|hinder}}, [[moeilijk]] {{t+|nl|maken}} {{qualifier|make difficult}}
- homicide (Noun: the killing of one person by another)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doodslag|m}} (''unintentional''), {{t+|nl|moord|m}} (''intentional'')
- hopeful (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hoopvol}} (feeling hope), {{t+|nl|hoopgevend}} ([[promising]])
- horsepower (Noun: non-metric)
- * Dutch: ([[mechanisch]]e) {{t+|nl|paardenkracht}}
- horsepower (Noun: metric)
- * Dutch: ([[metriek]]e) {{t+|nl|paardenkracht}}
- hum (Verb: to drone like certain insects naturally do in motion)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zoemen}}, {{t+|nl|brommen}} (depending on the species' precise sound)
- if only (Conjunction: signifies a wish or desire for the present or the future)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|was het maar zo dat}}, or use auxiliary {{t+|nl|hebben}} with inversion and {{t+|nl|maar}} (or use auxiliary with inversion and))
- indetermination (Noun: )
- * Dutch: [1] {{t+check|nl|besluiteloosheid}}, {{t+check|nl|stuurloosheid}}, [2] {{t+check|nl|vaagheid}}, {{t-check|nl|ongerichtheid}}
- indication (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aanwijzing|f}} (2)
- injury (Noun: damage or violation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verwonding|f}}, {{t+|nl|letsel|n}},(1) {{t+|nl|belediging|f}}, {{t|nl|verongelijking|f}}, {{t+|nl|schade|f}}, {{t+|nl|nadeel|n}}, {{t+|nl|onrecht|n}},(2)
- intelligence (Noun: entity that has such capacities)
- * Dutch: [[intelligent]] {{t+|nl|wezen|n}}
- interfere (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hinderen}} {{qualifier|hinder}}, [[moeilijk]] {{t+|nl|maken}} {{qualifier|make difficult}}
- interpolation (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|interpolatie}} (2)
- invite (Verb: ask for the presence or participation of someone)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitnodigen}}, {{t+|nl|nodigen}}, (formal) {{t+|nl|inviteren}}, (archaic) {{t+|nl|laden}}
- kip (Noun: sleep, snooze, nap)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|dut|n}} (usually in the diminutive, [[dutje]]), {{t|nl|hazeslaapje|n}}
- lack (Verb: be without, need, require)
- * Dutch: (''archaic'') {{t+|nl|derven}}, {{t+|nl|ontberen}}, {{t+|nl|missen}}, {{t|nl|gebrek hebben}} {{qualifier|[[aan]]}}
- last night (Adverb: during the night before today)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|gisteravond}}, {{t+|nl|gisterenavond}}, {{t+|nl|gisterennacht}}, {{t+|nl|vannacht}} (used to both last night and coming night)
- like (Preposition: similar to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zoals}}, {{t+|nl|als}}, {{t|nl|lijkend op}}, {{t+|nl|gelijk}} (maybe only in [[Flanders]])
- like (Verb: to find attractive)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|graag hebben}}, {{t|nl|graag zien}}, zich {{t|nl|aangetrokken voelen tot}}, {{t|nl|leuk vinden}}
- line (Verb: to mark with a line)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tekenen}}, van {{t+|nl|lijn|alt=lijnen}} {{t+|nl|voorzien}}
- line up (Verb: get into a line)
- * Dutch: zich {{t+|nl|opstellen}}
- loins (Noun: the lower abdomen, groin and genitalia)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|lende|f-p|alt=lenden}} (archaic also [[lendenen]]) {{g|p}}, {{t+|nl|schaamstreek|f}}
- look (Verb: to appear, to seem)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|lijken}} (+ {{tt+|nl|op}}), er {{tt+|nl|uitzien}} (+ {{tt+|nl|als}})
- look (Verb: to face)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|uitzien}} (+{{tt+|nl|over}})
- make (Verb: to cause to do)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doen}}, [[ertoe]] {{t+|nl|brengen}}
- make (Verb: to force to do)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|doen}}, [[ertoe]] {{t+|nl|brengen}}
- make it (Verb: to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, or getting there on time)
- * Dutch: het {{t+|nl|halen}}
- make sense (Verb: to be coherent)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|kloppen}}, {{t+|nl|zinvol}} [[zijn]], {{t+|nl|betekenisvol}} [[zijn]]
- match (Verb: make a successful pairing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|overeenkomen}} met
- me too (Phrase: I agree)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|ik ook}} (I also want to participate), [[ik ben het er mee eens]] (I agree), [[ik stem ermee in]] (I agree).
- mine (Pronoun: that which belongs to me)
- * Dutch: de {{tt+|nl|mijne}}, het {{tt+|nl|mijne}}
- minus (Adjective: on the negative part of a scale)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|min}}, {{t|nl|onder nul}} (''after the noun'')
- model (Verb: display)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|tonen}}, [[#Dutch|model]] {{t+|nl|staan}}
- model (Verb: be a model)
- * Dutch: [[#Dutch|model]] {{t+|nl|staan}}
- move (Verb: to cause to change place or posture; to set in motion)
- * Dutch: ([[doen]]) {{t+|nl|bewegen}}, {{t+|nl|verroeren}}, {{t+|nl|roeren}}
- name after (Verb: to give someone the same name)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vernoemen}} naar, {{t+|nl|noemen}} naar
- neighborhood (Noun: inhabitants of a residential area)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|buurt}} (gemeenschap)
- next (Adjective: nearest date, time, space or order)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|volgend}}, {{t+|nl|aanstaand}} (chronology)
- next (Noun: the one that follows after this one (in languages with a definite article that is generally required in this sense))
- * Dutch: de {{t+|nl|volgende|m}}
- north (Noun: north pole of a magnet)
- * Dutch: ([[magnetisch]]) {{tt+|nl|noorden|n}}
- not even (Adverb: constitutes an emphatic negation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|niet eens}}, {{t|nl|nog niet}}, {{t|nl|zelfs niet}} (''each can however be split'')
- notice (Verb: )
- * Dutch: (2) {{t+|nl|inzien}}
- nun (Noun: member of a Christian religious community of women)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|non|f}}, (klooster-, slot-){{t+|nl|zuster|f}}
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|van}} (''the car of Peter'' = ''de auto van Peter'')
- of (Preposition: introducing topic or subject matter)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|over}}, {{t+|nl|aan}} (''Ik denk aan jou'' = ''I am thinking of you''), {{t+|nl|van}}
- of (Preposition: linking class with example of class)
- * Dutch: Noun compound through infixes: {{t+|nl|-s-}}{{t+|nl|-e-}}{{t+|nl|-en-}}
- offend (Verb: to feel or become offended)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|zich ergeren}} (reflexive), {{t|nl|aanstoot nemen}}
- office boy (Noun: boy or junior clerk employed in a professional office)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|kantoorknecht}} (je)
- oregano (Noun: plant)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wilde marjolein}}< {{t+|nl|oregano}}
- output (Verb: send data to out of a computer)
- * Dutch: {{l|nl|als}} [[uitvoer]] [[geven]], {{t+|nl|uitvoeren}}
- overplay (Verb: To overestimate one's strength in a game or event)
- * Dutch: zich {{t+|nl|overschatten}}
- overwhelm (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|overweldigen}} (2)
- palm off (Verb: to sell or dispose of something with the intent to deceive)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opdringen}}, {{t+|nl|opzadelen}} met
- particular (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|specifiek}} (1), {{t+check|nl|bepaald}} (1), {{t+check|nl|nauwkeurig}} (2), {{t+check|nl|nauwgezet}} (2), {{t+check|nl|precies}} (2)
- pass (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|aanreiken}} (8)
- peripatetic (Adjective: walking about; itinerant)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|rondreizend}} (1), {{t+|nl|rondzwervend}} (2), {{t+|nl|peripatetisch}}, {{t+|nl|aristotelisch}} (3)
- pertinacious (Adjective: holding tenaciously to an opinion or purpose)
- * Dutch: [[vast]] {{t+|nl|overtuigd}}
- petal (Noun: one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower)
- * Dutch: (botanical) {{t+|nl|kroonblad|n}}, (when brightly colored) {{t+|nl|bloemblaadje|n}}, {{t|nl|petaal|m|n}}, {{t|nl|petalum|n}}
- pickle (Noun: preserved cucumber)
- * Dutch: (ingemaakte) {{t+|nl|augurk}}
- pillion (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|duo}} (2)
- pinna (Noun: visible part of the ear)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oorschelp|f}}/{{g|m}}
- pitiful (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zielig}}, {{t+check|nl|triest}} (1), {{t+check|nl|deplorabel}} (1)
- poo (Noun: feces)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|poep|m}} (also a fart)
- poor as a church mouse (Phrase: very poor)
- * Dutch: {{qualifier|vulgar'}'} {{t|nl|geen nagel hebben om zijn gat mee af te krabben|lit=to not have a nail with which to scratch a hole}'}, {{t|nl|zo arm als Job| lit=poor like Job}'}'}, {{t|nl|zo arm als een kerkrat}'}
- pouch (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zak}} ''de''
- pout (Verb: push out one’s lips)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|pruilen}}, de lippen {{t+|nl|tuiten}}
- presentation (Noun: something presented to an audience)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|presentatie|f}}, or less accurately {{t+|nl|voorstelling|f}}, {{t+|nl|voordracht}}
- presupposition (Noun: act of presupposing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|veronderstelling|f}}, (het) {{t+|nl|veronderstellen}}, {{t+|nl|aanname|f}}, (het) {{t+|nl|aannemen}}
- probable (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|waarschijnlijk}} (1,2,3)
- project (Verb: to extend beyond a surface)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitsteken}}, (zich) {{t+|nl|uitstrekken}}
- pronounce (Verb: to declare authoritatively or as formal opinion)
- * Dutch: zich {{t+|nl|uitspreken}} (reflexive) (zich (reflexive))
- property tax (Noun: tax based on the value of property)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|onroerende voorheffing|f}} ''(Belgium)'', {{t+|nl|onroerendezaakbelasting|f}} ''(Netherlands)''
- proselyte (Noun: one who has converted to a religion)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bekeerling|m}}, {{t|nl|jodengenoot|m}} ''(a gentile converted to Judaism)''
- pupate (Verb: to become a pupa)
- * Dutch: zich {{t+|nl|verpoppen}}
- pylon (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|pyloon|m|m}} [[ingang]], {{t+check|nl|pyloon|m}}
- quenching (Noun: rapid cooling of hot metal object)
- * Dutch: ''formed by nominalization of the verb:'' {{t+|nl|harden}}, {{t+|nl|schrikken}}, {{t+|nl|afschrikken}}
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aanhalingsteken|n}} [„◌”]
- race (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|wedstrijd|f}} (1), {{t+check|nl|race|f}} (1), {{t+check|nl|wedloop|m}} (1), {{t+check|nl|ras|n}} (5)
- raise (Verb: to collect)
- * Dutch: (''an army'') {{t|nl|op de been brengen}}
- raise (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ophogen}} (1)
- reality (Noun: entirety of all that is real)
- * Dutch: de {{t+|nl|werkelijkheid|f}}, de {{t+|nl|realiteit|f}} (definite article only)
- reality (Noun: an individual observer's subjective perception)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|werkelijkheid|f}}, {{t+|nl|realiteit|f}} (indefinite article only)
- record-breaking (Adjective: exceeding the highest previously recorded level in that activity)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|record}} (prefix)
- redcap (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|militaire politieagent}} (1), {{t-check|nl|stationskruier}} (2)
- regards (Noun: greeting to pass to another person)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|groeten|p}} or {{t+|nl|groetjes|p}}
- regards (Noun: greeting at the end of a letter)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|groeten|p}} or {{t+|nl|groetjes|p}}
- renew (Verb: to make new again)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hernieuwen}} (used more in The Netherlands), {{t+|nl|vernieuwen}} (used more in Flanders)
- renew (Verb: to substitute for a new one of the same nature)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|hernieuwen}} (used more in The Netherlands), {{t+|nl|vernieuwen}} (used more in Flanders)
- result (Verb: to lead to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opleveren}}, {{t+|nl|resulteren}} (in), {{t+|nl|uitkomen}}
- right (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|rechts}}, {{t+check|nl|rechtse}} (1), {{t+check|nl|recht}} (2), {{t+check|nl|correct}} (3), {{t+check|nl|juist}} (3), {{t+check|nl|rechtschapen}} (3), {{t+check|nl|rechtvaardig}} (3), {{t+check|nl|eerlijk}} (3), {{t+check|nl|billijk}} (3)
- roast (Verb: to process by drying through heat-exposure)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|branden}} (e.g. coffee), {{t+|nl|roosteren}}
- rubber (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|rubber|n}} (1), {{t-check|nl|kunstrubber|n}} (2), {{t+check|nl|gom|m}} (3)
- ruckus (Noun: a row, fight)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|oproer|n}}, {{t+|nl|opstoot|m}}, {{t+|nl|rel}} (letje)
- sad (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{tt+check|nl|bedroefd}}, {{tt+check|nl|droevig}}, {{tt+check|nl|treurig}}, {{tt+check|nl|triest}}, {{tt+check|nl|verdrietig}} (3, 4)
- sag (Noun: state of sinking or bending)
- * Dutch: (het) {{t+|nl|zakken}}
- sandbox (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zandbak|m}} (1,2)
- scaffold (Verb: set up scaffolding)
- * Dutch: een {{t+|nl|stelling}} {{t+|nl|bouwen}}
- schlimazel (Noun: a chronically unlucky person)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|pechvogel}},<ref name=ef>{{cite-web|title=Words hardest to translate - The list by Today Translations |url= |accessdate=16 August 2010 |archiveurl= |archivedate=25 January 2009 |site=Global Oneness}}</ref> {{t+|nl|schlemiel}} (<ref name=ef></ref>))
- seat (Noun: part of an object or individual directly involved in sitting)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zitmeubel|n}} (''object''), {{t+|nl|zitvlak|n}} (''person'')
- secrete (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|verbergen}} (1), {{t+check|nl|verstoppen}} (1), {{t+check|nl|wegstoppen}} (1), {{t+check|nl|ontvreemden}} (2), {{t+check|nl|stelen}} (2), {{t+check|nl|verduisteren}} (2), {{t+check|nl|ontfutselen}} (2)
- severance (Noun: act of severing)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|scheiding|f}}, (het) {{t+|nl|lossnijden}}, (het) {{t+|nl|los}} {{t+|nl|zijn}}
- shallow (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ondiep}} (1, 2), {{t+check|nl|oppervlakkig}} (3, 4)
- shape (Noun: condition of personal health, especially muscular health)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|vorm|m}}, {{t+|nl|conditie}}, {{t+|nl|fysiek}} (Flemish)
- shibboleth (Noun: a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth)
- * Dutch: according to the particular context: {{t+|nl|visie}}, {{t+|nl|cliché}}, {{t+|nl|woord}}, {{t+|nl|slagzin}}, {{t+|nl|slogan}}
- shipment (Noun: the act of transporting goods)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|verscheping}}, (het) {{t+|nl|verschepen|n}}
- shive (Noun: wood fragment of the husk of flax or hemp)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|scheef|f}}, ''(Belgian)'' {{t+|nl|leem|f}}
- sibling (Noun: person who shares same parents)
- * Dutch: (''uncommon'') {{t+|nl|brus|m|f}}, (''chiefly academic'') {{t+|nl|sibling|m}}
- sickness (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|ziekte}} ''de''
- skin (Verb: to remove the skin of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|villen}}, {{t|nl|onthuiden}}, (de huid) {{t+|nl|afstropen}}
- skin (Verb: to use a replacement image for the graphical user interface of)
- * Dutch: een skin {{t+|nl|gebruiken}}
- sneer (Verb: raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|de}} {{t+|nl|neus}} {{t+|nl|optrekken}}/{{t+|nl|ophalen}}, {{t+|nl|grimlachen}}
- soapberry (Noun: woody plant)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zeepboom|m}}, {{t|nl|sapindus|m}} (Latin)
- some (Determiner: certain proportion of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|enige}} (countable), {{t+|nl|sommige}} (countable), {{t+|nl|enkele}} (countable)
- some (Determiner: unspecified quantity or number of)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wat}} (countable/uncountable), {{t+|nl|enkele}} (countable), {{t+|nl|enige}} (countable)
- some (Pronoun: indefinite quantity or number)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wat}} (quantity), {{t+|nl|enige}} (number), {{t+|nl|enkele}} (number)
- speak out (Verb: assert or promote one's opinion; to make one's thoughts known)
- * Dutch: zich {{t+|nl|uitspreken}}
- spoon-feed (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|oplepelen}} (1)
- still (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|stilte}} (1), {{t+check|nl|still}} (2)
- stretch (Verb: to extend from limit to limit)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|reiken}}, (zich uit){{t+|nl|strekken}}
- stretch (Verb: to extend one’s limbs or body, for example in order to improve the elasticity the muscles)
- * Dutch: zich (uit){{t+|nl|rekken}}
- stub (Verb: to remove a plant by pulling it out by the roots)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wieden}} (2)
- subject (Verb: to cause to undergo)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onderwerpen}} (aan)
- substratum (Noun: a layer that lies underneath another)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|laag}} (1), {{t|nl|onderliggende reden}} (2), {{t+|nl|substraat}} (3)
- succeed (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|navolgen}} (3), {{t+check|nl|slagen}} (8), {{t+check|nl|lukken}} (8)
- such (Determiner: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zulke}} (1,4), {{t+check|nl|zo}} (2,3,4)
- suspect (Verb: distrust, have doubts about)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|wantrouwen}}, {{t+|nl|twijfelen}} aan, {{t+|nl|betwijfelen}}
- suspect (Verb: have suspicion)
- * Dutch: iets {{t+|nl|verdacht}} vinden (iets vinden))
- suture (Noun: seam)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|naad|m}}, {{t+|nl|hechting|f}} (of skin)
- take aim (Verb: position oneself and/or one's weapon)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|mikken}} (op)
- task (Verb: assign a task to)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|opdragen}}, een {{t+|nl|taak}} {{t+|nl|toekennen}}
- tease (Verb: to show as forthcoming)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zinspelen}} op
- ten (Noun: the number following nine)
- * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|tien|f}} (1,2), {{tt+|nl|tientje|n}} (3)
- terrapin (Noun: any of several small turtles of the families Emydidae and Geoemydidae)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|moerasschildpad}}, specifically the genus {{t|nl|doosschildpad}} ({{taxfmt|Terrapene|genus}} sp.) (specifically the genus ( sp))
- there be (Verb: to exist)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|er}} ''+ any of the existence verbs'' {{t+|nl|zijn}}, {{t+|nl|bestaan}}, {{t+|nl|staan}}, {{t+|nl|zitten}}, {{t+|nl|liggen}}
- thick as a brick (Adjective: )
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|plank voor het hoofd}} ("a beam in front of the head")
- travail (Noun: )
- * Dutch: (1) {{t-check|nl|hard labeur}}, (2) {{t-check|nl|[[werk]][[arbeid]]}}, (3) {{t+check|nl|barensweeën}}, (4) {{t+check|nl|beproeving}}, {{t+check|nl|smart}}, {{t-check|nl|zielskwelling}}
- travail (Verb: )
- * Dutch: (1) {{t-check|nl|hard zwoegen}}, {{t+check|nl|slaven}}, (2) {{t-check|nl|in barensnood verkeren}}
- trice (Verb: to haul or hoist and tie up)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ophalen}} (''nautical''), {{t+|nl|optrekken}}
- turn (Noun: change of direction or orientation)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|draai}}, {{t+|nl|bocht}} (in traffic)
- unjust enrichment (Noun: benefit unlawfully gained at another's expense)
- * Dutch: ''(Netherlands)'' {{t+|nl|ongerechtvaardigde verrijking|f}}, ''(Belgium)'' {{t|nl|verrijking zonder oorzaak|f}}
- wallow (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|zwelgen}} (1,2,3)
- way off (Adjective: very wrong)
- * Dutch: [[helemaal]] {{t|nl|ernaast zitten}}
- wildland (Noun: natural area)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onbebouwd}}(e) land/grond, {{t+|nl|wildernis}}, {{t+|nl|woestenij}}
- withhold (Verb: to retain)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|onthouden}}, {{t+|nl|onttrekken}} (aan)
- without loss of generality (Prepositional phrase: without loss of generality)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|zonder verlies van algemeenheid}} (z.v.v.a.)
- woodie (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t-check|nl|[[houtig]] (houtige)}} (1,2), {{t-check|nl|[[verhouten|verhout]]}} (2)
- world's oldest profession (Noun: euphemism for prostitution)
- * Dutch: het {{t|nl|oudste beroep ter wereld|n}}
- worry (Verb: to be troubled)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bezorgd}} zijn, {{t|nl|zorgen maken}}
- yearn (Verb: to have a strong desire for something or to do something)
- * Dutch: {{t+|nl|smachten}}, {{t+|nl|zuchten}}, {{t+|nl|verlangen}} (naar)
- zoom (Noun: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zoem|m}} (1), {{t+check|nl|zoom}} (4)
- zoom (Verb: )
- * Dutch: {{t+check|nl|zoeven}} (1), {{t+check|nl|zoemen}} (4)