A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
[edit]This language has translations in 8432 of 208392 (4.05%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- pastor (Noun: minister or priest)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|傳道人<!--|tr=cyun4 dou6 jan4-->}}, {{t|yue|牧師<!--|tr=muk6 si1-->}} {{q|usually ordained}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- marry (Verb: to take a husband or wife)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|結婚|tr=git3 fan1}}, {{t+|yue|嫁|tr=gaa3}} {{qualifier|of a woman}}; {{t|yue|娶|tr=ceoi2}} {{qualifier|of a man}}
Nested templates: 3 items
- cousin (Noun: child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|堂大佬}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s son|[[oFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|堂細佬}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, father’s brother’s son|[[yFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|堂家姐}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s daughter|[[oFBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|堂妹}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s son|[[MBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|表哥}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|o[[MSiS]] or o[[FZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|表弟|tr=biu2 dai6-2}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|y[[MSiS]] or y[[FZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|表姐}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|o[[MSiD]] or o[[FZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|yue|表妹|tr=biu2 mui6-2}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|y[[MSiD]] or [[FZD]]|und=1}}}}
- flood (Verb: to overflow)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|水浸|tr=seoi{{sup|2}} zam{{sup|3}}}}
- when (Conjunction: during the time that)
- *: Cantonese: {{tt|yue|{{...}}[[嘅]][[時候]]|tr=ge3 si4 hau6}}
Unexpected template: 3 items
- -ese (Suffix: forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)
- *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ian (Suffix: related to)
- *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ish (Suffix: appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)
- *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
No translation template: 5 items
- -ese (Suffix: forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)
- *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ian (Suffix: related to)
- *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ish (Suffix: appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)
- *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- sham (Noun: trickery, hoaxing)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|迷雾}}, {{t|yue|迷思|tr=mai4 mou6}}, {{qualifier|figuratively}}
- wait (Verb: to serve customers)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|企檯|tr=kei5 toi4-2}}, {{qualifier|as a waiter, in a restaurant}}
Multiple t-templates: 14 items
- Cepheus (Proper noun: mythical husband of Cassiopeia)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|西福斯|tr=sai1 fuk1 si1}}, {{t|yue|克甫斯|tr=hak1 fu2 si1}}, {{t|yue|刻甫斯|tr=hak1 fu2 si1}} {{t|yue|西裴斯|tr=sai1 pui4 si1}} {{t|yue|賽福斯|tr=coi3 fuk1 si1}}
- Cepheus (Proper noun: mythical husband of Cassiopeia)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|西福斯|tr=sai1 fuk1 si1}}, {{t|yue|克甫斯|tr=hak1 fu2 si1}}, {{t|yue|刻甫斯|tr=hak1 fu2 si1}} {{t|yue|西裴斯|tr=sai1 pui4 si1}} {{t|yue|賽福斯|tr=coi3 fuk1 si1}}
- David (Proper noun: male given name)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|大衛}}/{{t|yue|大衞}}, {{t|yue|大卫|tr=daai6 wai6}}, {{t|yue|戴維|tr=daai3 wai4}}
- Illinois (Proper noun: a state of the United States of America)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|伊利諾}}{{t|yue|州}}, {{t|yue|伊利诺}}{{t|yue|州|tr=ji1 lei6 nok6 zau1}}
- different (Adjective: not the same)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|唔同|tr=m4 tung4}} {{t|yue|唔一樣|tr=m4 jat1 joeng6}}
- disaccharide (Noun: a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|雙醣}} or {{t|yue|雙糖|tr=soeng1 tong4}}, {{t|yue|二醣|tr=ji6 tong4}}
- guide (Noun: someone who guides)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|導遊}} or {{t|yue|導游}}
- instead of (Preposition: in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|而係|tr=ji4 hai6}}, {{t|yue|反而|tr=faan2 ji4}}
- last year (Adverb: year before this one)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|舊年|tr=gau6 nin4, gau6 nin4-2}} {{t|yue|上年}} {{t|yue|旧年|tr=soeng6 nin 4-2}}
- last year (Adverb: year before this one)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|舊年|tr=gau6 nin4, gau6 nin4-2}} {{t|yue|上年}} {{t|yue|旧年|tr=soeng6 nin 4-2}}
- miserable (Adjective: in a state of misery)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|悲慘|tr=bei1 caam2}}, {{t|yue|慘|tr=caam2}}, {{t|yue|淒慘}}/{{t|yue|悽慘|tr=cai1 caam2}}
- monosaccharide (Noun: a simple sugar, composed of a single ring)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|單醣}} or {{t|yue|單糖|tr=daan1 tong4}}
- whatever (Determiner: )
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|[[無論]][[咩]]|tr=mou4 leon6 me1}} {{t|yue|[[無論]][[乜嘢]]|tr=mou4 leon6 mat1 ye5}}
- whatever (Interjection: indicating the speaker does not care what someone says)
- *: Cantonese {{t|yue|[[求其]]啦|tr=kau4 kei4 laa1}} {{t|yue|[[是但]]啦|tr=si6 daan6 laa1}}
text_outside_template: 16 items
- David (Proper noun: male given name)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|大衛}}/{{t|yue|大衞}}, {{t|yue|大卫|tr=daai6 wai6}}, {{t|yue|戴維|tr=daai3 wai4}}
- civil rights (Noun: rights deserved by all people under all circumstances)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|民權}} (man4kyun4)
- disaccharide (Noun: a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|雙醣}} or {{t|yue|雙糖|tr=soeng1 tong4}}, {{t|yue|二醣|tr=ji6 tong4}}
- give a shit (Verb: to care)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|撚事}} {{qualifier|negative sense, vulgar}} (e.g.: 關我撚事)
- guide (Noun: someone who guides)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|導遊}} or {{t|yue|導游}}
- horse collar (Noun: a bitless headpiece)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|馬項圈|tr=maa5 hong6 hyun1}} /
- immoralism (Noun: rejection of moral principles)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|非道德}} (fei¹dou⁶dak¹)
- instant (Adjective: quickly prepared)
- *: Cantonese: (''of food'') {{t|yue|即食|tr=zik1 sik6}}
- instead of (Preposition: in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|而係|tr=ji4 hai6}}, {{t|yue|反而|tr=faan2 ji4}}
- miserable (Adjective: in a state of misery)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|悲慘|tr=bei1 caam2}}, {{t|yue|慘|tr=caam2}}, {{t|yue|淒慘}}/{{t|yue|悽慘|tr=cai1 caam2}}
- monosaccharide (Noun: a simple sugar, composed of a single ring)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|單醣}} or {{t|yue|單糖|tr=daan1 tong4}}
- mouse (Noun: computing: input device)
- *: Cantonese: {{tt|yue|滑鼠}} {{qualifier|Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia}}, {{t-check|yue|老鼠|tr=lou5 syu2}}, {{tt|yue|鼠標|tr=syu2 biu1}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{tt|yue|踎士|tr=mau1 si2}} {{qualifier|Hong Kong}} (loaned from English, though more commonly simply written as ''mouse'')
- no thank you (Interjection: polite way of saying no)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|[[唔使]][[喇]]|tr=m4 sai2 laa3}} (in this context, the word "thank you" is not necessary, and it's not impolite)
- no-brainer (Noun: an easy or obvious conclusion, decision, solution, task (idiomatic))
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|明顯}}[嘅決定]
- please (Interjection: interjection to make a polite request)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|請|tr=cing2}} (in formal writing), {{t+|yue|唔該|tr=m4 goi1}} (spoken language)
- she (Pronoun: person)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|yue|佢|tr=keoi5}} {{qualifier|both male and female}}, {{t|yue|她|tr=ta1}} (formal, from Mandarin), {{t|yue|姖|tr=keoi5}} {{qualifier|rare}}
Wrong language code: 17 items
Expected language code is yue
- Cameron Highlands (Proper noun: )
- *: Cantonese: {{t|cmn|金馬崙|tr=gam1 maa5 leon4}}, {{t|yue|金馬崙高原|tr=gam1 maa5 leon4 gou1 jyun4}}
- TWOC (Noun: the crime of taking without the consent of the owner)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|zh|[[未]][[獲]][[授權]][[而]][[取用]][[運輸]][[工具]]|tr=mei6 wok6 sau6 kyun4 ji4 ceoi2 jung6 wan6 syu1 gung1 geoi6}}
- breach of the peace (Noun: any public disturbance or disorderly behavior)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|zh|[[破壞]][[社會]][[安寧]]|tr=po3 waai6 se5 wui6-2 on1 ning4}}
- catenative verb (Noun: verb able to be immediately followed)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|cmn|連接動詞|tr=lin4 zip3 dung6 ci4}}
- chore (Noun: a difficult, unpleasant, or routine task)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|家務|tr=gaa1 mou6}}, {{t|yue|家事|tr=gaa1 si6}}
- compact star (Noun: type of celestial body)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|緻密星|tr=zi3 mat6 sing1}}
- derby (Noun: horse race)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|打吡|tr=daa2 bei2}}
- druid (Noun: one of an order of Celtic priests)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|德魯伊|tr=dak1 lou5 yi1}}
- eucalyptus (Noun: any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|桉樹|tr=on1 syu6}}
- first world problem (Noun: complaint or frustration)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|[[第一世界]][[問題]]}}, {{t|cmn|[[第一世界]][[问题]]|tr=dai6 jat1 sai3 gaai3 man6 tai4}}
- imperial system (Noun: system of measurement)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|cmn|英制|tr=jing1 zai3}}
- on one's last legs (Prepositional phrase: about to die)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|奄奄一息|tr=jim1 jim1 jat1 sik1}}
- polygon (Noun: plane figure bounded by straight edges)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|多邊形|tr=do1 bin1 jing4}}
- reality show (Noun: a reality television program)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|真人騷|tr=zan1 jan4 sou1}}
- roundabout (Noun: road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|yue|迴旋處|tr=wui4 syun4 cyu5}} {{q|Hong Kong}}, {{t+|cmn|環島|tr=waan4 dou2}} {{q|Guangdong}}
- tailor (Verb: make, repair, or alter clothing)
- *: Cantonese: {{t|cmn|度身訂造}}
- what the hell (Phrase: an intensive form of what)
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|cmn|乜鬼}}
[edit]This language has translations in 42867 of 208392 (20.57%) translation tables
Genders outside t-template
[edit]- 1 item
- forecastle (Noun: nautical: raised part of the upper deck at bow)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|castell}} de proa {{g|m}}
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 1 item
- so that (Conjunction: in order to)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|perquè}} {{q|+ subjunctive}}, {{qualifier|colloquial Valencian}} {{t+|ca|per a que}} {{q|+ subjunctive}}
Nested templates
[edit]- 2 items
- Francis (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|Francesc}}, {{qualifier|used only as equivalent to French {{l|fr|François}}}} {{t|ca|Francés}}
- the (Article: article)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|el|m}}, {{t+|ca|la|f}} {{t+|ca|els|m-p}} {{t+|ca|les|f-p}}, {{qualifier|salat dialects}} {{t+|ca|es|m}}, {{t+|ca|sa|f}}, {{t+|ca|es|m-p}}, {{t+|ca|ets|m-p}} {{qualifier|before a word beginning with a vowel sound}}, {{t+|ca|sos|m-p}} {{qualifier|after {{t+|ca|amb}} (with)}}, {{t+|ca|ses|f-p}},
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 2 items
- would like (Verb: transitive)
- * Catalan: ''Use the [[conditional]] of {{l|ca|voler}}''
- would like (Verb: intransitive)
- * Catalan: ''Use the [[conditional]] of {{l|ca|agradar}}''
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 13 items
- ablaze (Adjective: radiant with bright light and color)
- * Catalan: {{t-needed|ca}}<!--rogent was given in the First box-->
- blond (Noun: fair-haired person)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|ros|m}}<!--(only hair, not skin)-->
- boy (Noun: )
- * Catalan: {{t+check|ca|home|m}} <!-- Was under "adult male found attractive" -->
- breathe (Verb: )
- * Catalan: {{t+check|ca|respirar}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense: "to be relaxed" -->
- course (Noun: )
- * Catalan: {{t+check|ca|curs|m}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
- critical condition (Noun: medical condition)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|estat crític}} <!-- "critical state" -->
- five (Noun: five o'clock)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|cinc|f}} <!-- cinc is normally a masculine noun, but it is feminine in this usage -->
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|arbre del cotó}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
- lime (Noun: green citrus fruit)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|llima|f}} <!-- 2023-11-14 checked ok -->
- owl (Noun: bird)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|òliba|f}}, {{t+|ca|mussol|m}} <!--(little owl), tawny owl {{t+|ca|gamarús|m}}, eagle owl {{t|ca|gran duc|m}}-->
- thanks (Interjection: used to express appreciation or gratitude)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|gràcies}}, {{t+|ca|mercès}}, {{t+|ca|merci}}<!-- (not "mercí", a Gallicism)-->
- twelve-tone technique (Noun: system of musical composition)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|dodecafonisme|m}} <!--Used in Wikipedia-->
- when Hell freezes over (Adverb: never)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|a les calendes gregues}}<!--until the Greek calends-->, {{t|ca|la setmana dels tres dijous}}<!-- the week of three Thursdays -->, {{t+|ca|quan les gallines pixin}}<!-- “when chickens pee” -->
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 16 items
- Dutch (Noun: people (or person) from the Netherlands)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|neerlandesos|m-p}}, {{t+|ca|holandesos|m-p}} {{q|dated}}; {{t+|ca|neerlandès|m}}, {{t+|ca|neerlandesa|f}}, {{t+|ca|holandès|m}} {{q|dated}}, {{t+|ca|holandesa|f}}
- Syrian (Adjective: of, from, or pertaining to Syria, the Syrian people or the Syrian language)
- * Catalan: {{qualifier|Modern Syria}} {{t+|ca|sirià}}; {{qualifier|Ancient Syria}} {{t+|ca|siríac}}, {{t+|ca|siri}}
- Syrian (Noun: a person from Syria or of Syrian descent)
- * Catalan: Modern Syria {{t+|ca|sirià|m}}, {{t+|ca|siriana|f}}; Ancient Syria {{t+|ca|siri|m}}, {{t+|ca|síria|f}}
- are you single (Phrase: familiar)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|ets solter?|m}}, {{t|ca|ets soltera?|f}}; {{t|ca|que tens parella?}} {{q|do you have a mate}}
- are you single (Phrase: polite)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|és solter?|m}}, {{t|ca|és soltera?|f}}; {{t|ca|que té parella?}} {{q|do you have a mate}}
- foreign (Adjective: located outside one's own country or place)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|estranger|m}}, {{t+|ca|estrangera|f}} {{gloss|country}}; {{t+|ca|estrany|m}}, {{t+|ca|estranya|f}} {{gloss|place}}
- foreigner (Noun: person in a foreign land)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|foraster|m}}, {{t+|ca|forastera|f}}; {{t+|ca|estranger|m}}, {{t+|ca|estrangera|f}}
- heal (Verb: make better)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|guarir}}, {{t+|ca|curar}}, {{t+|ca|remeiar}}; {{t+|ca|cicatritzar}} (una ferida)
- inessential (Adjective: not essential)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|inessencial|m|f}}; {{t+|ca|extern|m}}, {{t+|ca|extern|f|alt=externa}}
- lump (Noun: something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|grumoll|m}}; {{t+|ca|bony|m}}, {{t+|ca|nyanyo|m}}
- place (Verb: to recruit or match an appropriate person for a job)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|col·locar}}, {{tt+|ca|posar}} {{gloss|match an appropriate person}} ; {{tt+|ca|contractar}}, {{tt+|ca|llogar}} {{gloss|recruit a new person}}
- quite (Adverb: in a fully justified sense; truly)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|completament}}, {{t+|ca|totalment}}, {{t+|ca|exactament}}; {{t|ca|verdaderament}}
- show off (Verb: to exhibit, to demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|voler parèixer}}, {{t|ca|voler fer-se veure}}; {{t+|ca|vantar-se}}
- skive (Verb: To slack off)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|escapolir-se}}, {{t|ca|fugir d'estudi}}; {{t+|ca|fer el dropo}}; {{t+|ca|fer campana}}, {{t|ca|fer safrà}}
- stash (Noun: collection)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|reserva|f}}; {{t+|ca|amagatall|m}}; {{t+|ca|partida|f}}, {{t+|ca|dipòsit|m}} (de droga, contraban, etc.)
- to (Particle: infinitive-marker)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|-ar}} {{qualifier|1st conjugation}}; {{tt+|ca|-er}}, {{tt|ca|-r}}, {{tt|ca|-re}} {{qualifier|2nd conjugation}}; {{tt+|ca|-ir}} {{qualifier|3rd conjugation}}
No translation template
[edit]- 17 items
- are your ears burning (Phrase: asked of somebody who was not present but was the topic of discussion)
- * Catalan: [[no et xiulaven les orelles]]?
- canary (Noun: bird from the Canary Islands)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|canari|m}}; [[canarí]] {{qualifier|Algherese}}
- candelabrum (Noun: candle holder)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|canelobre|m}}; [[candelobre]] {{qualifier|Algherese}}
- checksum (Noun: number serving to detect error)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|suma de verificació|f}}, checksum {{g|m}}
- cool (Adjective: having a slightly low temperature)
- * Catalan: [[fred#Catalan|fred]], {{t+|ca|fresc}}
- coppersmith (Noun: person)
- * Catalan: [[caldaerer]] {{qualifier|Algherese}}, {{t|ca|courer|m}}
- each other (Pronoun: to one another; one to the other)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|l'un a l'altre}}, {{t+|ca|mútuament}}, ''reflexive pronoun + plural verb form''
- foal (Noun: young horse)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pollí}}, {{t+|ca|poltre|m}}, {{g|f}}
- good luck (Interjection: used to wish fortune on someone or as encouragement)
- * Catalan: [[sort]]!, [[bona sort]]!, [[molta sort]]!
- hunt (Verb: to chase down prey)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|caçar}}; [[caça]] {{qualifier|Algherese}}
- silent film (Noun: film without sound)
- * Catalan: pel·lícula muda
- skin and bones (Noun: emaciated; very skinny)
- * Catalan: en la [[pell]] i els óssos
- there is (Verb: third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be)
- * Catalan: [[hi ha]] {{qualifier|singular and plural}}
- throng (Noun: group of people)
- * Catalan: [[gent assai]] {{qualifier|Algherese}}, {{t+|ca|munió|f}}
- wallpaper (Noun: decorative paper for walls)
- * Catalan: paper {{g|m}}, {{t|ca|paper pintat}}, {{t|ca|paper d'empaperar}}
- with (Preposition: as nourishment)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|amb}}, {{t+|ca|de}}, or not translated (direct object wih no preposition)
- would (Verb: indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
- * Catalan: ''Use the conditional tense''
Unexpected template
[edit]- 18 items
- anthill (Noun: home of ants and termites)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|formiguer|m}} {{gloss|ants}}, {{t|ca|termiter|m}} {{gloss|termites}}
- battery (Noun: device storing electricity)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pila|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|ca|bateria|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- cold (Adjective: of a person)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|fred}}, {{sense|to be cold}} {{tt|ca|[[tenir]] [[fred]]}}
- egret (Noun: Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|agró|m}} {{gloss|Egretta alba}}, {{t|ca|martinet|m}} {{gloss|Egretta garzetta}}
- fanfare (Noun: a flourish of trumpets or horns)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|fanfara|f}}, {{t|ca|fanfàrria|f}} {{gloss|accepted as such in DNV}}
- flag (Noun: piece of cloth or often its representation)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|bandera|f}}, {{tt+|ca|senyera|f}} {{gloss|this generally assumed to be the Catalan flag}}
- fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|fes-te fotre !}}, {{t|ca|que et fotin !}} {{gloss|go get fucked}}, {{t|ca|vés a la merda !}}, {{t|ca|vés-te'n a la merda !}}
- honk (Verb: to use a car horn)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|tocar la botzina}}, {{t|ca|tocar el clàxon}}, {{t|ca|pitar}} {{gloss|not standard}}
- hot (Adjective: of the weather)
- * Catalan: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|ca|[[fer]] [[calor]]}}
- hot (Adjective: feeling the sensation of heat)
- * Catalan: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|ca|[[tenir]] [[calor]]}}
- hungry (Adjective: affected by hunger; desirous of food)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|afamat}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|ca|[[tenir]] [[fam]]}}
- inside (Noun: side of a road that is farthest from the middle of the road)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|primer carril|m}} {{gloss|the right most lane in a road}}
- juicer (Noun: device)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|liquadora|f}}, {{t|ca|exprimidora|f}} {{gloss|reamer}}, {{t+|ca|espremedora|f}}
- lay something at the feet of (Verb: to assign responsibility for (something) to (someone))
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|responsabilitzar}}, {{t+|ca|endossar}} {{gloss|to assign something annoying to someone}}, {{t|ca|carregar el mort}} {{gloss|to blame something on someone}}
- leadership (Noun: office of leader)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|direcció}} ; {{t|ca|prefectura}} {{gloss|only if government office}}
- nape (Noun: back part of the neck)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|bescoll|m}} {{gloss|especially for animals}}, {{t+|ca|nuca|f}}, {{t+|ca|clatell|m}} {{gloss|especially for humans}}
- thirsty (Adjective: needing to drink)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|assedegat}}, {{t|ca|sedejant}}, {{t+|ca|sedegós}}, {{s|be thirsty}} {{t|ca|[[tenir]] [[set]]}}
- work (Verb: to shape, form, or improve a material)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|treballar}}, {{tt+|ca|afaiçonar}}, {{tt|ca|donar forma}} {{gloss|shaping}}, {{tt+|ca|tallar}} {{gloss|cutting}}, {{tt+|ca|preparar}} {{gloss|preparing}}
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 19 items
- Indian (Noun: a person from India)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|indià|m}} {{t+|ca|indiana|f}}
- Livonian (Noun: person)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|livonià|m}} {{t|ca|livoniana|f}}
- attempt (Noun: the action of trying at something)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|temptativa|f}}, {{t+|ca|assaig|m}}{{t+|ca|intent|m}}, {{t+|ca|prova|f}}, {{t+|ca|provatura|f}}
- circumvent (Verb: to outwit)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|burlar}} (no en el sentit de {{t+|ca|mofar}})
- coral (Noun: color)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|de}} {{t+|ca|color|m}} {{t+|ca|corall}}, {{t+|ca|coral·lí}}
- coral (Noun: color)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|de}} {{t+|ca|color|m}} {{t+|ca|corall}}, {{t+|ca|coral·lí}}
- crocodile (Noun: reptile)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|crocodil|m}} {{t+|ca|cocodril|m}} {{qualifier|hispanism}}
- crumble (Verb: to fall apart)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|esmicolar-se}} (most common {{t|ca|fer-se miques}}), {{t|ca|desmoronar-se}}, {{t|ca|derrumbar-se}}
- dead end (Noun: street or path that goes nowhere)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|cul-de-sac|m}} {{t+|ca|atzucac|m}}, {{t|ca|carreró sense sortida|m}}, {{t|ca|carreró sense eixida|m}}
- eggshell (Noun: object)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|closca|f}} d'{{t+|ca|ou|m}}
- inhale (Verb: to draw something into the nose or lungs)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|inhalar}}, {{t+|ca|aspirar}} {{t+|ca|inspirar}}
- kith (Noun: friends and acquaintances)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|conegut|alt=coneguts|m-p}}, {{t+|ca|amistat|alt=amistats|f-p}} i {{t|ca|parentela|f}}
- no biggie (Phrase: not a big deal)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|no ser gran cosa}} / {{t|ca|no ser un problema}}
- pimp (Noun: prostitution solicitor)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|proxeneta}} {{t+|ca|alcavot}}
- politeness (Noun: act of being polite)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|educació}} {{t+|ca|cortesia|f}}
- strongly (Adverb: in a strong or powerful manner)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|fort}} {{t|ca|de valent}}
- strongly (Adverb: very much)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|força}} {{t|ca|de valent}}
- suffocate (Verb: (intransitive) to suffer from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|ofegar}} (there is {{t+|ca|sufocar}} but it applies only to fires)
- sweet potato (Noun: vine)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|batata|f}}, {{t|ca|moniatera|f}} {{t+|ca|moniato|m}}
[edit]- 82 items
- -tion (Suffix: producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|-ció|f}} (always forms a feminine noun)
- French (Noun: people of France, collectively)
- * Catalan: els {{tt+|ca|francesos|m-p}}
- Netherlands (Proper noun: country in northwestern Europe)
- * Catalan: els {{t+|ca|Països Baixos|m-p}}, {{t|ca|Holanda|f}}
- Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|gitano|m}}, {{t|ca|bomià|m}} (obsolete)
- apple of someone's eye (Noun: object of somebody’s affections; person (or sometimes a thing) that someone strongly prefers)
- * Catalan: la {{t|ca|nina dels ulls|f}}
- arrange (Verb: to set up, organise)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|organitzar}}, {{t+|ca|planificar}}, {{t+|ca|arreglar}} (informal)
- as well as (Preposition: in addition to)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|a més}}, {{t+|ca|a més a més}} (most usually with reduplication)
- aurora (Noun: atmospheric phenomenon)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|aurora|f}} polar
- beer (Noun: alcoholic drink made of malt)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|cervesa|f}}, {{tt+|ca|birra|f}} (dialect of Maó)
- blackout (Noun: translations to be checked)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|blanc}} for a temporary loss of memory
- bypass (Noun: alternative passage for a bodily fluid)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|bypass|m}}, {{t|ca|anastomosi de derivació per a revascularització cardíaca|f}}<ref>[ Termcat]</ref> {{qualifier|cardiac bypass}}
- chick (Noun: young chicken)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pollet|m}}, {{t+|ca|butza|f}} (quan encara no té plomes)
- circumvent (Verb: to outwit)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|burlar}} (no en el sentit de {{t+|ca|mofar}})
- clock (Verb: measure the speed of)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|mesurar}} la [[velocitat]] de
- cockerel (Noun: young male chicken)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pollastre}}, {{t+|ca|pollet}}, {{t+|ca|butza}} (quan encara no té plomes)
- commute (Verb: to put or substitute something else in place of)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|commutar}} (unusual)
- cotton (Adjective: made of cotton)
- * Catalan: de {{tt+|ca|cotó|m}}
- crave (Verb: (transitive) to want strongly)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|ansiar}} (valencià), {{t+|ca|anhelar}}, {{t+|ca|delejar}}
- crumble (Verb: to fall apart)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|esmicolar-se}} (most common {{t|ca|fer-se miques}}), {{t|ca|desmoronar-se}}, {{t|ca|derrumbar-se}}
- dairy (Noun: shop selling dairy products)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|lleteria}}, {{t|ca|vaqueria}} (specifically, cows), {{t|ca|cabreria}} (specifically goats)
- date (Verb: to take (someone) on a series of dates)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|sortir}}, {{tt+|ca|quedar}} (amb algú)
- ebb (Verb: to fall away or decline)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|baixar}}, {{t+|ca|retirar-se}}, {{t+|ca|refluir}} (la marea)
- eggshell (Noun: object)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|closca|f}} d'{{t+|ca|ou|m}}
- endearment (Noun: an expression of affection)
- * Catalan: una mostra de {{t+|ca|tendresa}}, una mostra d' {{t+|ca|afecte}}
- feature (Verb: to star, to contain)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|protagonitzar}} per, {{t|ca|sortir-hi}}
- ff. (Phrase: and the following)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|s.}} (p. 3 s., p. 3s. - pàgina 3 i següents)
- forecastle (Noun: nautical: raised part of the upper deck at bow)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|castell}} de proa {{g|m}}
- foreign (Adjective: belonging to a different culture)
- * Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|estranger|m}}, {{t+|ca|estrangera|f}}, {{t+|ca|exòtic|m}}, {{t+|ca|exòtica|f}}
- gauze (Noun: wire gauze used as fence)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|tela|f}} [[metàl·lica]]
- gift (Verb: (transitive) to give as a gift)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|donar}}, {{tt+|ca|oferir}} (com a present), {{tt+|ca|regalar}}
- gorgeous (Adjective: very beautiful)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|esplèndit}}, {{t+|ca|magnífic}}, {{t|ca|maquíssim}} (aplicat a persones).
- hang (Verb: computing: to stop responding)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|encallar-se}}, {{tt+|ca|bloquejar-se}}, {{tt+|ca|penjar-se}} (col·loquialment)
- hang (Verb: computing: to cause (a program or computer) to stop responding)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|encallar}}, {{tt+|ca|bloquejar}}, {{tt+|ca|penjar-se}} (col·loquialment)
- hypocrite (Noun: person practising hypocrisy)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|hipòcrita}}v
- idiom (Noun: idiomatic expression)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|idiotisme|m}}, Catalan: {{t+|ca|frase feta|f}}
- iron (Adjective: made of iron)
- * Catalan: de {{tt+|ca|ferro}}
- judgment (Noun: conclusion or result of judging)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|judici|m}} (unfrequently), {{t|ca|veredicte|m}}
- keg (Noun: round container of lesser capacity than a barrel)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|barril|m}}, {{t+|ca|bóta|f}} (barril en anglès)
- kidnap (Verb: to seize and detain a person unlawfully)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|segrestar}}, {{t+|ca|raptar}} (with sexual intent)
- kith (Noun: friends and acquaintances)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|conegut|alt=coneguts|m-p}}, {{t+|ca|amistat|alt=amistats|f-p}} i {{t|ca|parentela|f}}
- laurel (Noun: crown of laurel)
- * Catalan: corona de {{t+|ca|llorer}}
- lump (Noun: small, shaped mass of sugar)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|terròs|m}} (de sucre)
- no biggie (Phrase: not a big deal)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|no ser gran cosa}} / {{t|ca|no ser un problema}}
- nosedive (Noun: a headfirst fall or jump)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|capbussada|f}}, {{t+|ca|capbussó|m}}, {{t+|ca|salt|m}} de cap
- nugget (Noun: small chunk or clump)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|gra|m}}, {{t+|ca|grumoll|m}}, {{t+|ca|palleta|f}} (d'or)
- o'clock (Adverb: indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock"))
- * Catalan: la {{t+|ca|una|f}}, la una {{t|ca|en punt}}
- o'clock (Adverb: the translations below are of "at one o’clock")
- * Catalan: a la una {{t|ca|en punt}}
- old (Adjective: having existed or lived for the specified time)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|tenir}} + period of time
- pants (Noun: undergarment covering the genitals)
- * Catalan: {{qualifier|for women}} {{t+|ca|bragues|f-p}}, {{qualifier|for men}} {{t+|ca|calçotets|m-p}}, {{t+|ca|calçons blancs|m-p}}e
- pave (Verb: (British) to cover with paving stones)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pavimentar}} (with asphalt), {{t+|ca|empedrar}} (with stones)
- pave (Verb: (North American) to cover with stones, asphalt, etc)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pavimentar}} (with asphalt), {{t+|ca|empedrar}} (with stones)
- piss (Noun: urine)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pixo|m}}, {{t+|ca|pipí|m}} (colloquial), {{t+|ca|pixat|m}}, {{t+|ca|pixada|f}}
- place (Verb: to earn a given spot in a competition)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|classificar}}-se, {{tt+|ca|col·locar}}-se, {{tt+|ca|posar}}-se
- place (Verb: passive: to rank at (a certain position))
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|classificar}}-se, {{tt+|ca|col·locar}}-se, {{tt+|ca|posar}}-se
- place (Verb: to arrange for, make (a bet))
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|apostar}}, {{tt+|ca|jugar}}-s'hi
- plot (Noun: area of land used for building on or planting on)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|solar|m}} (per construir-hi o genèric), {{t|ca|marjal|m}} (per plantar-hi), {{t+|ca|terreny|m}}
- preventive (Adjective: slowing the development of an illness)
- * Catalan: غار{{t|ca|profilàctic}}
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|cometa|f}} [«◌»] ''or'' [“◌”]
- rat (Verb: to tell on someone)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|delatar}}, {{t|ca|acuar}} (colloquial)
- relate (Verb: to identify with, understand)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|indentificar-se}} (amb)
- sharp (Adjective: )
- * Catalan: {{t+check|ca|llest}} (2), {{t-check|ca|punxegut}} (3), {{t+check|ca|sostingut}} (4)
- sheltered (Adjective: protected from wind etc.)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|a l'abric de}} ("sheltered from")
- shill (Verb: to promote or endorse in return for payment)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|traficar}}, fer {{t+|ca|tripijocs}}, fer {{t+|ca|trafiques}}, {{t+|ca|prevaricar}}, {{t+|ca|embrollar}}
- shits (Noun: vulgar slang for diarrhea)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|cagarro|m}} (sòlid), {{t+|ca|diarrea|f}} (líquid)
- smell (Verb: sense with nose)
- * Catalan: {{tt|ca|sentir olor}} de, {{tt+|ca|olorar}} (intentionally), {{tt+|ca|odorar}}, {{tt+|ca|ensumar}}, {{tt+|ca|flairar}}
- smell (Verb: to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of")
- * Catalan: {{tt|ca|fer olor}} de, {{tt+|ca|flairar}}
- stab (Noun: act of stabbing)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|punyalada|f}} (general), {{t+|ca|ganivetada|f}} (with knife)
- steer (Verb: direct the conversation)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|manejar}}, {{t+|ca|dur}} (la conversa), {{t+|ca|dirigir}}
- suddenly (Adverb: happening quickly and with little or no warning)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|de sobte}}, {{t+|ca|sobtadament}}, (colloquial) {{t+|ca|tot d'una}}, {{t|ca|de cop i volta}}
- suffocate (Verb: (intransitive) to suffer from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|ofegar}} (there is {{t+|ca|sufocar}} but it applies only to fires) (there is but it applies only to fires))
- ten (Noun: the number following nine)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|deu|m}} (1,2,3)
- text (Noun: a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|missatge de text}}, or simply {{t+|ca|missatge}}
- thousand (Numeral: cardinal number 1000)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|mil}} (exact); {{t+|ca|miler}} or {{t|ca|milenar}} (approximately, or a set of a size numbered in the thousands)
- underpants (Noun: type of underwear)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|calçotets|m-p}}, {{qualifier|Balears}} {{t+|ca|calçons blancs|m-p}} (for men), {{t+|ca|bragues|f-p}} (for women)
- venue (Noun: legal: place in which anything is alleged to have happened)
- * Catalan: {{t+|ca|escena|f}} del crim, {{t+|ca|jurisdicció|f}}
- whose (Determiner: of whom (relative))
- * Catalan: el subjecte del {{t+|ca|qual}}, de {{t+|ca|qui}}
- wonder (Verb: to be affected with surprise)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|sorprendre's}}, quedar-se {{t+|ca|estorat|m}}
- work (Verb: to exhaust)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|exhaurir}}-se, {{tt+|ca|consumir}}-se
- work (Verb: to move in an agitated manner)
- * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|moure}}'s
- would like (Verb: transitive)
- * Catalan: ''Use the [[conditional]] of {{l|ca|voler}}''
- would like (Verb: intransitive)
- * Catalan: ''Use the [[conditional]] of {{l|ca|agradar}}''
- wrinkle (Verb: to develop irreversibly wrinkles; to age)
- * Catalan: {{t|ca|sortir arrugues}} (+indirect object, ~to somebody)
[edit]This language has translations in 2092 of 208392 (1.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is ceb
- driver (Noun: person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus)
- * Cebuano: {{t+|tl|drayber}}
Entry HTML comment: 3 items
- conflict (Verb: be at odds (with))
- * Cebuano: {{t-check|ceb|[[wala]] [[nagtakdo]]}} <!-- was "wala nagtakdo" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Cebuano: {{t-check|ceb|taglinaw}}, {{t-check|ceb|duldol}}, {{t-check|ceb|durol}}, {{t-check|ceb|kapok}} {{q|rare}} <!-- Were under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
- lovely (Adjective: very nice, wonderful)
- * Cebuano: {{t-check|ceb|matahum, maanindot, gwapo}}<!-- looks like three separate translations -->
Multiple t-templates: 5 items
- listen (Verb: to pay attention to a sound)
- * Cebuano: {{tt|ceb|dungog}} ({{tt|ceb|pagdungog}}), {{t|ceb|mamati}} ({{tt|ceb|pagpamati}}), {{tt|ceb|paminaw}} ({{tt|ceb|pagpaminaw}})
- red (Noun: colour)
- * Cebuano: {{tt|ceb|pula}} ''or'' {{tt|ceb|puwa}}
- rice (Noun: seeds used as food)
- * Cebuano: {{tt|ceb|bugas}} (raw seed) {{tt|ceb|kan-on}} (cooked)
- subtrahend (Noun: A number or quantity to be subtracted from another)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|tigkuha}} ''or'' {{t|ceb|tagkuha}}
- that (Determiner: what is being indicated)
- * Cebuano: {{qualifier|closer to the listener}} {{t|ceb|kana}}, {{qualifier|far from the listener and speaker}} {{t|ceb|kadto}} (or {{t|ceb|kato}})
text_outside_template: 11 items
- brother-in-law (Noun: brother of one's husband)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|bayaw}}, {{t|ceb|bayaw nga lalaki}} (sa bana)
- brother-in-law (Noun: husband of one's sister)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|bayaw}}, {{t|ceb|bayaw nga lalaki}} (sa igsoong babaye)
- brother-in-law (Noun: husband of the sister of one's wife)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|bilas}}, {{t|ceb|bilas nga lalaki}} (sa igsoong babaye sa asawa)
- bud (Noun: newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|bayuos}} (''of a flower''), {{t|ceb|udlot}} (''of a leaf'')
- bud (Verb: to form buds)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|pamayuos}} (''of a flower''), {{t|ceb|pangudlot}} (''of a leaf'')
- jaw (Noun: bone of the jaw)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|apapangig}}, {{t|ceb|alungaing}} (''mandible'')
- mouth (Noun: the end of a river out of which water flows)
- * Cebuano: {{tt|ceb|sabang}}, {{tt|ceb|babababa}}, {{tt|ceb|baba}} (sa suba, wahig)
- red (Noun: colour)
- * Cebuano: {{tt|ceb|pula}} ''or'' {{tt|ceb|puwa}}
- rice (Noun: seeds used as food)
- * Cebuano: {{tt|ceb|bugas}} (raw seed) {{tt|ceb|kan-on}} (cooked) (raw seed) (cooked))
- subtrahend (Noun: A number or quantity to be subtracted from another)
- * Cebuano: {{t|ceb|tigkuha}} ''or'' {{t|ceb|tagkuha}}
- that (Determiner: what is being indicated)
- * Cebuano: {{qualifier|closer to the listener}} {{t|ceb|kana}}, {{qualifier|far from the listener and speaker}} {{t|ceb|kadto}} (or {{t|ceb|kato}})
[edit]This language has translations in 2 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item
- Zaragoza (Proper noun: city in Spain)
- * Celtiberian: {{t|xce|tr=salduba}}
Central Atlas Tamazight
[edit]This language has translations in 172 of 208392 (0.08%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- not (Adverb: negates meaning of verb)
- * Central Atlas Tamazight: {{t-check|tzm|ⵓⵔ|sc=Tfng}} ''+ verb'', {{t-check|tzm|ⵓⵔⴷ|sc=Tfng}} ''+ noun, pronoun''
Central Franconian
[edit]This language has translations in 137 of 208392 (0.07%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- potato (Noun: plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable)
- * Central Franconian: {{t|gmw-cfr|Grumber}}; {{t|gmw-cfr|Ärpel}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Grompere}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Schrumpern}} {{q|Eifel}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Grumbeer}} {{q|Hunsrückisch}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Krombier}} {{q|Koblenz}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Doffel}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Duffel}} {{q|Sieger}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Äpel}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|Erdäpel}} {{q|Kölsch}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- mouth (Noun: the opening of a creature through which food is ingested)
- *: Central Franconian: {{tt|gmw-cfr|Mond|m}}, {{tt|gmw-cfr|Muhl|m}}, {{tt|gmw-cfr|Möngksche|n}} (diminutive), {{tt|gmw-cfr|Schnüß|f}}
Central Huasteca Nahuatl
[edit]This language has translations in 32 of 208392 (0.02%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 2 items
Expected language code is nch
- human (Noun: human being)
- *: Central Huasteca: {{tt|nci|tlakatl}}
- quetzal (Noun: quetzal bird)
- * Central Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ketsaltototl}}
Central Kurdish
[edit]This language has translations in 3771 of 208392 (1.81%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 2 items
- congratulations (Interjection: expressing approbation)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|ckb|پیرۆز بێت}}, {{t|ckb|چاو'ت ڕون|tr=çaw't run}} (''singular''), {{t|ckb|چاو'تان ڕون|tr=çaw'tan run}} (''plural'')
- niece (Noun: fraternal or sororal niece)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t+|ckb|خوشکەزا}} (sister's son or daughter)
Wrong language code: 2 items
Expected language code is ckb
- Palestine (Proper noun: geographic region)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|kmr|فلستین|f}}
- Sicily (Proper noun: island in the Mediterranean Sea)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|kmr|سیسیلیا|f}}
Entry HTML comment: 3 items
- inside (Adjective: )
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t+check|ckb|ناو}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- skin (Noun: )
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t-check|ckb|چەرم}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t+check|ckb|زۆر}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
Multiple t-templates: 3 items
- belief (Noun: religious or moral convictions)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|ckb|بڕوا}}{{t|ckb|باوەر}}
- deception (Noun: instance of actions fabricated to mislead)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|ckb|بێ باوەڕی}}: {{t|ckb|چاوبەست}}, {{t|ckb|فڕوفێڵ}}
- what is your name (Phrase: what is your name?)
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|ckb|ناوت چیە؟}} {{t|ckb|ناوی تۆ چیە؟}}
[edit]This language has translations in 18 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Cerma: {{t-check|cme|tiriiŋgu}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
[edit]This language has translations in 11 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- hay (Noun: grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder)
- * Ch'orti': {{t|caa|ak}} {{t|caa|takin}}
[edit]This language has translations in 72 of 208392 (0.03%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item
- kaftan (Noun: long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean)
- * Chagatai: {{t|chg|tr=ermek}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is chg
- corvee (Noun: labor in lieu of taxes)
- * Chagatai: {{t|zkh|كوچ|tr=küç}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- work (Verb: )
- * Chamacoco: {{t-check|ceg|chɨpah}} <!-- meaning " to make to work (spanish) hacer trabajar" -->
[edit]This language has translations in 1708 of 208392 (0.82%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Chechen: {{t-check|ce|чӀогӀа}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
No translation template: 1 item
- western capercaillie (Noun: Tetrao urogallus)
- * Chechen: [[къоракуотам]] (q̇orakuotam)
text_outside_template: 1 item
- independence (Noun: state or quality of being independent)
- * Chechen: {{t|ce|лаамалла}} ''d'', {{t|ce|дозушцахилар|sc=Cyrl|alt=до̄зушцахилар}}
[edit]This language has translations in 2155 of 208392 (1.03%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- merry Christmas (Phrase: good wishes at Christmas time)
- * Cherokee: {{t|chr|ᎤᏬᏢᏗ ᏓᏂᏍᏓᏲᎯᎲ}} {{t|chr|ᎤᎵᎮᎵᏍᏗ ᏓᏂᏍᏓᏲᎯᎲ}}
Entry HTML comment: 2 items
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Cherokee: {{t|chr|ᎠᏓᎭᎷᏗ|sc=Cher}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- huh (Interjection: )
- * Cherokee: {{t-check|chr|hv}} <!-- wrong script, it seems, should be Cher -->
text_outside_template: 3 items
- Knoxville (Proper noun: A city in the United States)
- * Cherokee: (Tennessee) {{t|chr|ᎪᎲᏓᏓᎳ}}, {{t|chr|ᎾᎩᏏᏫᎵ}}
- mouse (Noun: rodent of the genus Mus)
- * Cherokee: (mouse or rat) {{tt|chr|ᏥᏍᏕᏥ}}
- rat (Noun: rodent)
- * Cherokee: (mouse or rat) {{tt|chr|ᏥᏍᏔᏥ}}
[edit]This language has translations in 216 of 208392 (0.10%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Cheyenne: {{t|chy|he'émáné'e}} {{qualifier|male-bodied trans person; hermaphrodite; gay man}}, {{t|chy|he'émane}} {{qualifier|male-bodied; lit. "pretends to be woman"}}; {{t|chy|hetanémáné'e}} {{qualifier|female-bodied trans person; lesbian; lit. "pretends to be man"}}
[edit]This language has translations in 58792 of 208392 (28.21%) translation tables
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 1 item
- what goes up must come down (Proverb: )
- * Chinese: {{l|zh|盛者必衰}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 2 items
- Gerdkuh (Proper noun: a mountain fortress)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|乞都卜|tr=Qǐdūbǔ}}<!-- Recorded in the Ming-era work [[w:History of Yuan]] -->
- tidal (Adjective: relating to tides)
- * Chinese: [[潮汐]]<!-- used without a following "de" -->
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 3 items
- abducens nerve (Noun: nerve)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|外展神經}}, {{t+|zh|外展神经|tr=wàizhǎnshénjīng}}; {{t|zh|外旋神經}}, {{t|zh|外旋神经|tr=wàixuánshénjīng}}
- parseltongue (Proper noun: language of snakes in Harry Potter)
- * Chinese: {{qualifier|Mainland China}} {{t|cmn|蛇佬腔|tr=shélǎoqiāng}}; {{qualifier|Taiwan}} {{t|cmn|爬說語}}, {{t|cmn|爬说语|tr=páshuōyǔ}}
- tautology (Noun: expression that features tautology)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|套套邏輯}}, {{t+|zh|套套逻辑|tr=tàotàoluóji}}; {{t+|zh|廢話}}, {{t+|zh|废话|tr=fèihuà}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 3 items
- English whisky (Noun: distilled alcoholic beverage)
- * Chinese {{t|zh|英国威士忌}} <ref>{{quote-web|zh|url=|title=2024年WWA最佳单一麦芽威士忌,是一款英格兰威士忌|work=365 Whisky|passage=}}</ref>
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Chinese: [[襟兄]] (jīnxiōng) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband, who is older than oneself}}; [[襟弟]] (jīndì) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband, who is younger than oneself}}
- red rail (Noun: bird of extinct Mauritian species)
- * Chinese: {{zh-l|紅秧雞|hóngyāngjī}}
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 8 items
- Goh (Proper noun: Chinese surname)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|吳}}/{{t+|zh|吴}}
- astride (Adverb: with one’s legs on either side)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|跨騎}},{{t|zh|橫跨兩側}}
- decompression (Noun: process of decompressing)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|減壓}}/{{t+|zh|减压}}
- decompression (Noun: restoration to atmospheric pressure of a person)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|減壓}}/{{t+|zh|减压}}
- for one (Adverb: as the first in a number of examples)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|帶頭}} {{t+|zh|為首}}
- haggard (Adjective: looking exhausted and unwell)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|憔悴}}(qiáocuì){{t+|zh|枯槁}} (kūgǎo)
- red-crowned crane (Noun: Grus japonensis)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|丹頂鶴}}/{{t+|zh|丹顶鹤|tr=dāndǐnghè}}
- sweet fermented rice (Noun: Chinese food)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|甜米酒}} {{qualifier|sweet rice wine}}, {{t+|zh|糯米酒}} {{qualifier|glutinous rice wine}}, {{t+|zh|酒酿}}/{{t+|zh|酒釀}} {{qualifier|fermented rice}}, {{t+|zh|醪糟}} {{qualifier|mash}}, {{t+|zh|米酒}} {{qualifier|rice wine}}, {{t+|zh|甜酒}} {{qualifier|sweet wine}}, {{t+|zh|酒糟}} {{qualifier|lees, distillers' grains}}, {{t+|zh|江米酒}} {{qualifier|Jiang rice wine}}, {{t|zh|甜白酒}} {{qualifier|sweet white wine}}
No translation template
[edit]- 19 items
- Trinitarian (Adjective: believing in the Trinity)
- * Chinese: (''Simplified Chinese'') [[相信三位一体]] (''Traditional Chinese'') [[相信三位一體]] (xiangxin sanweiyiti)
- angulospenial (Noun: )
- Chinese: [[隅夹板骨]]
- censorware (Noun: software or hardware used to filter content on the Internet)
- * Chinese: [[审查商品]] (shenzha shangpin), {{qualifier|software}} [[审查软件]] (shenzha ruanjian)
- centi- (Prefix: 10-2)
- * Chinese: [[厘]]- (lí-)
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Chinese: [[襟兄]] (jīnxiōng) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband, who is older than oneself}}; [[襟弟]] (jīndì) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband, who is younger than oneself}}
- deci- (Prefix: one tenth (1/10))
- * Chinese: [[分]]- (fēn-)
- eleemosynary (Adjective: relating to charity)
- * Chinese: [[施舍]]的
- eleemosynary (Adjective: given in charity)
- * Chinese: [[慈善]]的
- eleemosynary (Adjective: supported by charity)
- * Chinese: [[接受]][[接济]]的
- fistfight (Noun: a fight using bare fists)
- * Chinese: [[互]][[殴]] (hu4.ou1) (lit., "mutual affront"); [[拳]][[击]] (quan2.ji1) (lit., "fist attack", this is also the basic word for 'boxing' and 'to box')
- inside job (Noun: )
- * Chinese: [[幕]][[後]][[黑]][[手]]
- mild (Adjective: gentle; pleasant; kind; soft)
- * Chinese: [[溫和]]的, [[温和]]的
- my ass (Interjection: Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief)
- * Chinese:{{attention|zh}}
- red rail (Noun: bird of extinct Mauritian species)
- * Chinese: {{zh-l|紅秧雞|hóngyāngjī}}
- senior captain (Noun: navy)
- * Chinese: [[大校]] / [[海军大校]]
- shop stealer (Noun: shoplifter)
- * Chinese: [[入]][[店]][[行]][[窃]] (ru4.dian4.xing2.qie4)
- sub-bass (Noun: )
- *Chinese: [[超低音]], [[重低音]], [[亚低音]], [[次低音]], [[下低音]]
- swan song (Noun: a final performance)
- * Chinese: [[絕唱]]
- well, I never (Interjection: exclamation of great surprise)
- * Chinese: 真想不到;不敢相信
Wrong language code
[edit]- 59 items
Expected language code is zh
- Eucalyptus (Proper noun: a type of tree)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|桉树|tr=ānshù}}
- Iseult (Proper noun: female given name)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|伊索尔德}}
- Lombard (Noun: member of a Germanic people)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|伦巴底人|tr=lúnbadǐrén}}, {{t|cmn|伦巴第人|tr=lúnbadìrén}}
- Old High German (Proper noun: Old High German)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|古高地德语|tr=gǔgāodìdéyǔ}}
- Priam (Proper noun: king of Troy)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|普里阿摩斯}}
- Waray-Waray (Proper noun: central Philippine Visayan language)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|瓦瑞语|tr=wǎruìyǔ}}
- acme (Noun: the highest point)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|最高点}}, {{t+|cmn|最高峰}},{{t+|cmn|巅峰}}
- albacore (Noun: large marine fish)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|长鳍金枪鱼|tr=chángqíjīnqiāngyú}}
- alexithymia (Noun: deficiency in understanding emotions)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|述情障礙}}
- attest (Verb: to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|证实|sc=Hani}}
- bastard (Noun: mongrel)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|杂种|tr=zázhǒng}}
- bell pepper (Noun: spicy-sweet fruit)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|甜椒}}, {{t+|cmn|燈籠椒}}
- billiards (Noun: any cue sport)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|檯球}}, {{t+|cmn|桌球}}, {{t+|cmn|撞球}}, {{t+|cmn|彈子}}
- biometry (Noun: analysis of biological statistical data)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|指紋碼|tr=zhǐwénmǎ}}, {{t|cmn|指纹码|tr=zhǐwénmǎ}}
- cartel (Noun: group of businesses or nations that collude to fix prices)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|壟斷聯盟}}, {{t|cmn|行業聯合會}}, {{t|cmn|壟斷利益集團}}
- caustic soda (Noun: sodium hydroxide)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|燒鹼}}, {{t+|cmn|苛性鈉}}
- clog (Noun: a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|屐}}
- clog (Noun: a blockage)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|阻塞}}
- con- (Prefix: add a notion similar to those conveyed by with, together, or joint)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|並|tr=bìng}}-, {{t+|cmn|協|tr=xié}}-, {{t+|cmn|共|tr=gòng}}-, {{t+|cmn|同|tr=tóng}}-
- darken (Verb: to make dark by reducing light)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|变暗|tr=biànàn}}
- doddery (Adjective: doddering, trembly, shaky)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|顫巍巍|tr=chànwēiwēi|alt=顫顫巍巍}}
- dualism (Noun: the view that the world consists of two fundamental principles)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|二元论}}
- elaborate (Adjective: detailed)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|详尽的}}, {{t|cmn|复杂的}}
- elusive (Adjective: difficult to describe)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|难以描述的|tr=nányǐmiáoshùdē}}, {{t+|cmn|难以捉摸|tr=Nányǐzhuōmō}},{{t|cmn|难以琢磨|tr=Nányǐzhuómó}}
- ensmallen (Verb: Make smaller)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|缩小|tr=suōxiǎo}}
- grumbler (Noun: a person who persistently grumbles)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|发牢骚的人|tr=Fāláosāoderén}}
- heighten (Verb: to make higher)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|提高|tr=tígāo}}
- hurrah (Interjection: expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|萬歲|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|啦|sc=Hani}} (used in {{zh-l|啦啦隊}})
- hypermarket (Noun: combination of department store and supermarket)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|量販店|tr=liàngfàndiàn}}
- jade (Noun: gem)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|玉}}, {{t+|cmn|玉石}}
- least (Determiner: the smallest amount of)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|最少|tr=zuìshǎo|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|最小|tr=zuìxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|至少|tr=zhìshǎo}}
- like a chicken with its head cut off (Prepositional phrase: in a frantic, disorganized manner)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|像只没头苍蝇一样|tr=xiàng zhī méi tóu cāng ying yí yàng|sc=Hani}}
- mage (Noun: magician, wizard or sorcerer)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|法師|}}, {{t+|cmn|術士|}}
- masonry (Noun: )
- * Chinese: {{t-check|cmn|石工技藝}}
- monger (Noun: dealer)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|贩子|tr=fànzi}}
- movement control order (Noun: Malaysian nationwide quarantine order)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|行動管制令|tr=xíngdòng guǎnzhì lìng}}, {{t|cmn|行管令|tr=xíngdòng lìng}}, {{t|cmn|限行令|tr=xiànxíng lìng|lit=restriction order}}
- orthoclase (Noun: potassium aluminum silicate)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|正長石}}, {{t+|cmn|正长石|tr=zhèngchángshí|sc=Hani}}
- oviraptor (Noun: dinosaur)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|竊蛋龍|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|窃蛋龙|tr=qièdànlóng|sc=Hani}}
- pace stick (Noun: a stick used to measure the correct length of pace)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|步規|tr=bùguī}}
- parch (Verb: to dry to extremity)
- * Chinese: Mandain: {{t+|cmn|烘干|tr=hōnggān}}
- passion fruit (Noun: plant)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|西番蓮| sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|西番莲|tr=xīfānlián|sc=Hani}}
- passion fruit (Noun: flesh of the fruit)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|西番蓮果肉|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|西番莲果肉|tr=xīfānliánguǒ|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|百香果果肉|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|百香果果肉|tr=bǎixiāngguǒguǒròu|sc=Hani}}
- penance (Noun: voluntary self-imposed punishment)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|苦修|tr=kŭ xiū}}, {{t+|cmn|苦行|tr=kŭ xíng}}
- penance (Noun: sacrament in some churches)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|修和圣事|tr=xiū hé shèng shì}}, {{t|cmn|和好圣事|tr=hé hǎo shèng shì}}
- pharmacodynamics (Noun: branch of pharmacology)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|藥效動力學}}; {{t|cmn|药效动力学|tr=yàoxiào dònglìxué}}
- premarital (Adjective: before one’s marriage)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|婚前的|tr=hūnqiándē}}
- put one's cards on the table (Verb: to reveal one's true intentions)
- * Chinese: {{t|can|摊牌}}
- renown (Noun: Fame or wide recognition)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|名声|tr=Míngshēng}},{{t+|cmn|声望|tr=shēngwàng}},{{t+|cmn|声威|tr=shēngweī}}
- scavenge (Verb: to collect and remove refuse)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|拾荒|tr=shíhuāng}}
- self-inflicted (Adjective: Inflicted by oneself)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|自招的|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|自討的|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|自己釀成的|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|自己造成的|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|自作自受的|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|自我施加的|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|施於自身的|sc=Hani}}
- sisal (Noun: plant)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|劍麻|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|剑麻|tr=jiànmá|sc=Hani}}
- smartwatch (Noun: wristwatch)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|智能手錶}}; {{t|cmn|智能手表|tr=zhìnéngshǒubiǎo}}
- snappy (Adjective: rapid and without delay)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|迅速}}
- snub nose (Noun: a small stubby nose)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|豬鼻子}}
- spay (Verb: remove the ovaries)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|卵巢切除術}}
- stegosaur (Noun: dinosaur in Stegosauria)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|劍龍|tr=jiànlóng}}
- syncopation (Noun: rhythm quality)
- * Chinese: {{t|cmn|切分/切分音|tr=qiēfēn/qiēfēnyīn}}
- terminus (Noun: end point of a transport system)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|终点站}}
- woad (Noun: Isatis tinctoria)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|菘藍}}
[edit]- 61 items
- Bavarian (Proper noun: German dialect)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|巴伐利亚语}} (Bāfálìyà yǔ)
- Dayi (Proper noun: text-input method)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|大易輸入法}}, {{t|zh|大易输入法}} (dàyì shūrù fǎ)
- Elliott wave (Noun: wave pattern)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|艾略特波浪}} (Àilüètè bōlàng)
- English whisky (Noun: distilled alcoholic beverage)
- * Chinese {{t|zh|英国威士忌}} <ref>{{quote-web|zh|url=|title=2024年WWA最佳单一麦芽威士忌,是一款英格兰威士忌|work=365 Whisky|passage=}}</ref> (<ref></ref>))
- Eucalyptus (Proper noun: a type of tree)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|桉树|tr=ānshù}}
- Goh (Proper noun: Chinese surname)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|吳}}/{{t+|zh|吴}}
- Hidalgo (Proper noun: asteroid)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|希达尔戈}} (PRC), {{t|zh|希達戈}} (ROC)
- Lombard (Noun: member of a Germanic people)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|伦巴底人|tr=lúnbadǐrén}}, {{t|cmn|伦巴第人|tr=lúnbadìrén}}
- Newton's first law (Proper noun: observation)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|Newton第一定律}} (Newton dì-yī dìnglǜ)
- Newton's second law (Proper noun: Newton's observation)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|牛顿第二定律}} (niúdùn dì-èr dìnglǜ)
- Newton's third law (Proper noun: Newton's observation)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|Newton第三定律}} (Newton dì-sān dìnglǜ)
- Old High German (Proper noun: Old High German)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|古高地德语|tr=gǔgāodìdéyǔ}}
- Waray-Waray (Proper noun: central Philippine Visayan language)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|瓦瑞语|tr=wǎruìyǔ}}
- albacore (Noun: large marine fish)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|长鳍金枪鱼|tr=chángqíjīnqiāngyú}}
- astride (Adverb: with one’s legs on either side)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|跨騎}},{{t|zh|橫跨兩側}}
- audiology (Noun: study of hearing and hearing defects)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|聽力學}}, {{t|zh|听力学}} (tīng lìxué)
- bastard (Noun: mongrel)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|杂种|tr=zázhǒng}}
- cavort (Verb: move/play boisterously)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|嫐}} (nǎo), {{t+|zh|撕罗}} (sī luo)
- character encoding (Noun: well-defined correspondence between text characters and numeric values)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|编码}} (biānmă)
- cleanse (Verb: to clean, purify)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|清洗}} (qīngxǐ)
- closemouthed (Adjective: reticent, secretive or uncommunicative)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|嘴严}} (zuǐ yán)
- co-sister-in-law (Noun: )
- * Chinese: {{t+check|zh|妯娌|tr=zhóuli}} (collectively, refers to wives of brothers; addressing a single person, refers to a woman's husband's brother's wife)
- con- (Prefix: add a notion similar to those conveyed by with, together, or joint)
- * Chinese: {{t+|cmn|並|tr=bìng}}-, {{t+|cmn|協|tr=xié}}-, {{t+|cmn|共|tr=gòng}}-, {{t+|cmn|同|tr=tóng}}-
- cover charge (Noun: amount of money to be paid for entering a bar or restaurant)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|入场费}} (rùchǎngfèi)
- darken (Verb: to make dark by reducing light)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|变暗|tr=biànàn}}
- decompression (Noun: process of decompressing)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|減壓}}/{{t+|zh|减压}}
- decompression (Noun: restoration to atmospheric pressure of a person)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|減壓}}/{{t+|zh|减压}}
- elusive (Adjective: difficult to describe)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|难以描述的|tr=nányǐmiáoshùdē}}, {{t+|cmn|难以捉摸|tr=Nányǐzhuōmō}},{{t|cmn|难以琢磨|tr=Nányǐzhuómó}}
- ensmallen (Verb: Make smaller)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|缩小|tr=suōxiǎo}}
- feceate (Verb: to discharge feces from the digestive tract)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|排糞}}, {{t+|zh|排粪}} (pái-fèn)
- flag down (Verb: use a signal to get someone's attention)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|拦}} (lán)
- flesh out (Verb: complete)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|充实}} (chōngshí)
- foliation (Noun: topology: a set of subspaces coextensive with a manifold)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|叶层结构}} (yè céng jiégòu)
- friar (Noun: member of certain Christian orders)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|男修道士}} (nán xiū dào shì)
- gauche (Adjective: awkward, bumbling)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|粗魯的}} (cūlǔde)
- grumbler (Noun: a person who persistently grumbles)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|发牢骚的人|tr=Fāláosāoderén}}
- haggard (Adjective: looking exhausted and unwell)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|憔悴}}(qiáocuì){{t+|zh|枯槁}} (kūgǎo) ((qiáocuì) (kūgǎo))
- heighten (Verb: to make higher)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|提高|tr=tígāo}}
- joey (Noun: kangaroo joey)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|小袋鼠}} (xiǎo dàishǔ)
- least (Determiner: the smallest amount of)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|最少|tr=zuìshǎo|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|最小|tr=zuìxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|至少|tr=zhìshǎo}}
- lyre (Noun: stringed musical instrument)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|里拉}} (lǐlā)
- merge (Verb: (intransitive) to combine into a whole)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|合并}} (hébìng)
- monger (Noun: dealer)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|贩子|tr=fànzi}}
- motivate (Verb: to encourage)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|激发}} (jīfā)
- neglect (Noun: act of neglecting)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|疏忽}} (shūhū)
- parch (Verb: to dry to extremity)
- * Chinese: Mandain: {{t+|cmn|烘干|tr=hōnggān}}
- passivation (Noun: process of a making a material non-reactive)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|钝化}} (dùnhuà)
- pico- (Prefix: multiplying the unit by 10−12)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|皮-}} (pí)
- premarital (Adjective: before one’s marriage)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|婚前的|tr=hūnqiándē}}
- red-crowned crane (Noun: Grus japonensis)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|丹頂鶴}}/{{t+|zh|丹顶鹤|tr=dāndǐnghè}}
- renown (Noun: Fame or wide recognition)
- * Chinese: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|名声|tr=Míngshēng}},{{t+|cmn|声望|tr=shēngwàng}},{{t+|cmn|声威|tr=shēngweī}}
- shade horsetail (Noun: Equisetum pratense)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|草问荆}} (cǎo wèn jīng)
- straw mushroom (Noun: small edible mushroom, Volvariella volvacea)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|草菇}} (cǎogū)
- sweet fermented rice (Noun: Chinese food)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|甜米酒}} {{qualifier|sweet rice wine}}, {{t+|zh|糯米酒}} {{qualifier|glutinous rice wine}}, {{t+|zh|酒酿}}/{{t+|zh|酒釀}} {{qualifier|fermented rice}}, {{t+|zh|醪糟}} {{qualifier|mash}}, {{t+|zh|米酒}} {{qualifier|rice wine}}, {{t+|zh|甜酒}} {{qualifier|sweet wine}}, {{t+|zh|酒糟}} {{qualifier|lees, distillers' grains}}, {{t+|zh|江米酒}} {{qualifier|Jiang rice wine}}, {{t|zh|甜白酒}} {{qualifier|sweet white wine}}
- séance (Noun: a ceremony where people try to communicate with the spirits)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|降神会}} (jiàngshén huì)
- ume (Noun: Japanese apricot)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|梅}} (méi)
- unequal (Adjective: not the same)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|不公平}} (bù gōng píng)
- v-chip (Noun: censorship device)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|V 芯片}} (V xinpian)
- virion (Noun: particle of a virus)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|病毒体}} (bìngdútǐ)
- ward (Noun: part of a hospital where patients reside)
- * Chinese: {{t+|zh|病房}} (bìngfáng)
- weigh station (Noun: place to weigh trucks)
- * Chinese: {{t|zh|地磅站}} (dìbàngzhàn)
[edit]This language has translations in 17 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- baby (Noun: very young human being)
- * Chiricahua: [[’áłchiné]] (Chiricahua); [[’éłchiné]] (Mescalero)
text_outside_template: 1 item
- seat (Verb: )
- * Chiricahua: {{t|apm|binshdaah}} (I seat him)
Church Slavonic
[edit]This language has translations in 2 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is zls-chs
- many-eyed (Adjective: having many eyes)
- * Church Slavonic: {{t|cu|многоочи́тый}}, {{q|XV c.}} {{t|cu|многоꙮчитїй}}
Classical Nahuatl
[edit]This language has translations in 435 of 208392 (0.21%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- daughter (Noun: female offspring)
- *: Classical: {{tt|nci|ichpoch}}, {{tt|nci|ichpochtli}}, {{tt|nci|cihuaconetl}}; {{tt|nci|xocotzin}} {{q|last child}}
Entry HTML comment: 2 items
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Classical Nahuatl: {{t-check|nci|pōchōtl}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
- mosque (Noun: a place of worship for Muslims)
- * Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|mahomacalli}}, {{t|nci|mahomatlatlatlauhtilizcalli}}<!--both combining forms of Muhammad's name with the term for "house"...-->
No translation template: 2 items
- tlaquimilolli (Noun: a sacred bundle)
- * Classical Nahuatl: [[tlaquimilolli#Classical_Nahuatl|tlaquimilolli]]
- wash (Verb: to clean with water)
- * Classical Nahuatl: [[paca|pāca]]
Wrong language code: 5 items
Expected language code is nci
- Holy Spirit (Proper noun: Christian: person of the Holy Trinity)
- * Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nah|Spiritu Santo}}
- Ixmiquilpan (Proper noun: city and municipality)
- *: Classical: {{t|ote|Itzmiquilpan}}
- right hand (Noun: )
- * Classical Nahuatl: {{t|cni|mayectli}}
- shield (Noun: armor)
- *: Classical: {{tt+|nah|chimal}}, {{tt+|nah|chimalli}}
- wine cellar (Noun: underground place for storing wine)
- * Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|occalli}}, {{t|nci|vino calli}}, {{t|ncl|octlaliloyan|alt=octlālīlōyān}}
Classical Syriac
[edit]This language has translations in 658 of 208392 (0.32%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- preach (Verb: proclaim by public discourse)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{m|syc|ܟܪܰܙ|tr=kraz}}
Unexpected template: 1 item
- preach (Verb: proclaim by public discourse)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{m|syc|ܟܪܰܙ|tr=kraz}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items
- blackberry (Noun: shrub)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܢܝܐ|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state {{l|syc|ܣܢܐ|tr=sne}}; {{t|syc|ܦܛܠ|tr=pṭal}} {{q|indeclinable}} {{q|neither means blackberry reliably but also thornbush, bramble. briar}}
- blackberry (Noun: fruit)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܢܝܐ|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state {{l|syc|ܣܢܐ|tr=sne}}; {{t|syc|ܦܛܠ|tr=pṭal}} {{q|indeclinable}} {{q|neither means blackberry reliably but also thornbush, bramble. briar}}
text_outside_template: 2 items
- psyllium (Noun: Subgenus of Plantago)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܙܪܱܥ ܩܱܛܘܿܢܳܐ|tr=zəraʿ qaṭṭōnā|m}} or {{t|syc|ܙܪܱܥ ܩܷܛܘܿܢܳܐ|tr=zəraʿ qeṭōnā|m}}
- smith (Noun: craftsperson who works metal)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܑܝܢܳܝܳܐ|tr=qaynāyā}}, {{t|syc|ܚܵܫܘܿܠܵܐ|tr=ḥaššōlā}} / {{t|syc|ܚܵܫܘܿܠܵܝܵܐ|tr=ḥaššōlāyā}} {{q|Eastern Syriac}}, {{t|syc|ܚܰܫܳܠܴܐ|tr=ḥaššālā}} {{q|Western Syriac}}, {{t|syc|ܩܱܪܕܳܚܳܐ|tr=qardāḥā}}
Multiple t-templates: 3 items
- Christianity (Proper noun: monotheistic religion)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܫܝܚܝܘܬܐ|tr=mšīḥāyūṯā}} {{t|syc|ܟܪܣܛܝܢܘܬܐ}}
- psyllium (Noun: Subgenus of Plantago)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܙܪܱܥ ܩܱܛܘܿܢܳܐ|tr=zəraʿ qaṭṭōnā|m}} or {{t|syc|ܙܪܱܥ ܩܷܛܘܿܢܳܐ|tr=zəraʿ qeṭōnā|m}}
- smith (Noun: craftsperson who works metal)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܑܝܢܳܝܳܐ|tr=qaynāyā}}, {{t|syc|ܚܵܫܘܿܠܵܐ|tr=ḥaššōlā}} / {{t|syc|ܚܵܫܘܿܠܵܝܵܐ|tr=ḥaššōlāyā}} {{q|Eastern Syriac}}, {{t|syc|ܚܰܫܳܠܴܐ|tr=ḥaššālā}} {{q|Western Syriac}}, {{t|syc|ܩܱܪܕܳܚܳܐ|tr=qardāḥā}}
Wrong language code: 7 items
Expected language code is syc
- Lebanon (Proper noun: mountain range)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|arc|ܠܸܒܼܢܵܢ|tr=leḇnān}}
- March (Proper noun: third month of the Gregorian calendar)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|aii|ܐܕܪ|tr=ʾāḏār}}
- almond (Noun: nut)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|arc|ܠܘܙܐ|tr=lūzā}}, {{t|syc|ܫܓܕܐ|tr=šegdā}}
- almond (Noun: tree)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|arc|ܠܘܙܐ|tr=lūzā}}, {{t|syc|ܫܓܕܐ|tr=šegdā}}
- cyclamen (Noun: A type of plant)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{t|arc|ܥܲܪܛܵܢܝܼܬܵܐ|tr=ʿarṭānīṯā|f}}
- spoon (Noun: scooped utensil for eating (or serving))
- *: Classical Syriac: {{tt|arc|ܬܪܘܕܐ|m|tr=tarwāḏā}}
- zero (Numeral: cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing)
- *: Classical Syriac: {{tt|arc|ציפר|m|tr=ṣīpar}}, {{tt|arc|ܨܺܝܦܰܪ|tr=ṣīpar}}
[edit]This language has translations in 25 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- Comanche (Noun: member of the Comanche people)
- * Comanche: {{t|com|Nʉmʉnʉʉ}} (plural)
[edit]This language has translations in 703 of 208392 (0.34%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item
- Gundeshapur (Proper noun: Sassanian city)
- * Coptic: {{t|cop||tr=Bēlapat}}
Unexpected template: 1 item
- what is your name (Phrase: what is your name?)
- * Coptic: {{t|cop|ⲛⲓⲙ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲉⲕⲣⲁⲛ?}} {{gloss|[[Bohairic]]}}
text_outside_template: 2 items
- Osiris (Proper noun: Egyptian god of the dead and of the underworld)
- * Coptic: {{t|cop|ⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲉ}} (Sahidic), {{t|cop|ⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲓ}} (Bohairic)
- Ptah (Proper noun: Egyptian god of creativity)
- * Coptic: {{t|cop|ⲡⲑⲁϩ|m}} (Bohairic), {{t|cop|ⲡⲧⲁϩ|m}} (Sahidic)
Wrong language code: 2 items
Expected language code is cop
- acacia (Noun: shrub or tree)
- *: Sahidic: {{t|cop-sah|ϣⲟⲛⲧⲉ|f|tr=šonte}}
- acacia (Noun: shrub or tree)
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop-boh|ϣⲟⲛϯ|f|tr=šonti}}
Multiple t-templates: 3 items
- pillow (Noun: soft cushion used to support the head in bed)
- * Coptic: {{t|cop|ϣϣⲟⲧ|m}} {{t|cop|ⲙⲣⲱⲙ|m}}
- thy (Determiner: possessive determiner)
- * Coptic: {{qualifier|owner is male}} {{t|cop|ⲡⲉⲕ|m}} {{t|cop|ⲧⲉⲕ|f}} {{t|cop|ⲛⲉⲕ|m-p|f-p}}, {{qualifier|owner is female}} {{t|cop|ⲡⲉ|m}} {{t|cop|ⲧⲉ|f}} {{t|cop|ⲛⲉ|m-p|f-p}}
- thy (Determiner: possessive determiner)
- * Coptic: {{qualifier|owner is male}} {{t|cop|ⲡⲉⲕ|m}} {{t|cop|ⲧⲉⲕ|f}} {{t|cop|ⲛⲉⲕ|m-p|f-p}}, {{qualifier|owner is female}} {{t|cop|ⲡⲉ|m}} {{t|cop|ⲧⲉ|f}} {{t|cop|ⲛⲉ|m-p|f-p}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 4 items
- thine (Pronoun: possessive pronoun)
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop|ⲫⲱⲕ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲑⲱⲕ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩⲕ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is male}}; {{t|cop|ⲫⲱ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲑⲱ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is female}}
- thine (Pronoun: possessive pronoun)
- *: Sahidic: {{t|cop|ⲡⲱⲕ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲧⲱⲕ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩⲕ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is male}}; {{t|cop|ⲡⲱ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲧⲱ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is female}}
- yours (Pronoun: possessive pronoun, singular)
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop|ⲫⲱⲕ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲑⲱⲕ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩⲕ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is male}}; {{t|cop|ⲫⲱ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲑⲱ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is female}}
- yours (Pronoun: possessive pronoun, singular)
- *: Sahidic: {{t|cop|ⲡⲱⲕ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲧⲱⲕ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩⲕ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is male}}; {{t|cop|ⲡⲱ|m}}, {{t|cop|ⲧⲱ|f}}, {{t|cop|ⲛⲟⲩ|p}} {{qualifier|owner is female}}
[edit]This language has translations in 2138 of 208392 (1.03%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- have (Verb: to possess)
- * Cornish: {{t|kw|kavos}}, ''use'' {{t|kw|bos|alt=yma}} + ''object'' + {{t|kw|dhe}} + ''subject; literally "there is object to subject"''
text_outside_template: 3 items
- brown (Adjective: having a brown colour)
- * Cornish: {{t|kw|gell}} (''light brown''), {{t|kw|gorm}} (''dark brown'')
- brown (Noun: colour)
- * Cornish: {{t|kw|gell}} (''light brown''), {{t|kw|gorm}} (''dark brown'')
- neither (Determiner: not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y)
- * Cornish: {{t|kw|na}} X [[na]]; {{t|kw|naneyl}} X [[na]] Y
[edit]This language has translations in 1183 of 208392 (0.57%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- ecology (Noun: )
- * Corsican: {{t-check|co|ekologia}} <!-- was "[[ekologia]]?" -->
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- November (Proper noun: eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar)
- * Corsican: {{t+|co|nuvembre|m}} {{t+|co|nuvembri|m}}
[edit]This language has translations in 164 of 208392 (0.08%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- Cree (Proper noun: an aboriginal nation of North America)
- * Cree: no word common to all dialects, historically reconstructed *nêhiraw and *iriniw (man) are the sources of the decedents
Multiple t-templates: 2 items
- Waswanipi (Proper noun: )
- * Cree: {{t|cr|Wâswânipî}}, {{t|cr|Waaswaanipii}} {{t|cr|ᐙᔂᓂᐲ}}
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Cree: {{t|cr|ᐁᔨᐦᑵᐤ}} / {{t|cr|êyihkwêw}} {{qualifier|especially in Plains Cree; male-bodied trans-/bi-/third-gender person}}
text_outside_template: 4 items
- Canada goose (Noun: Branta canadensis)
- * Cree: {{t|cr|ᓂᔅᒃ}} (nisk)
- dove (Noun: bird of the family Columbidae)
- * Cree: {{t|cr|omîmîw}} ''NA'', {{t|cr|mîmêw}} ''NA''
- igloo (Noun: Inuit snow house)
- * Cree: {{t|cr|ᐄᔅᒌᒣᐅᑲᒥᒄ}} (iischiimeukamikw)
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Cree: {{t|cr|ᐁᔨᐦᑵᐤ}} / {{t|cr|êyihkwêw}} {{qualifier|especially in Plains Cree; male-bodied trans-/bi-/third-gender person}}
Crimean Tatar
[edit]This language has translations in 1697 of 208392 (0.81%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- lizard (Noun: reptile)
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|kesertki}} (northern dialect {{t|crh|kesquyruq}})
Unexpected template: 1 item
- become (Verb: to begin to be)
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|olmaq}}, {{gloss|Northern dialect}} {{t|crh|bolmaq}}
No translation template: 2 items
- advance guard (Noun: leading unit of an army)
- * Crimean Tatar: [[avangard#Crimean Tatar|avangard]]
- close (Verb: obstruct (an opening))
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|qapatmaq}}, (northern dialect: [[capmaq]])
Entry HTML comment: 3 items
- party (Noun: social gathering)
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t-check|crh|cıyın}}, {{qualifier|northern dialect}} {{t-check|crh|botqa}} <!-- I guess that is what was meant -->
- question (Noun: )
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t-check|crh|sual}} <!-- was under "something unknown" -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t-check|crh|çoq}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
text_outside_template: 3 items
- lizard (Noun: reptile)
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|kesertki}} (northern dialect {{t|crh|kesquyruq}})
- rooster (Noun: male chicken; male gallinaceous bird)
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|horaz}}, (''Northern dialect'') {{t|crh|qoraz}}
- thorn (Noun: sharp protective spine of a plant)
- * Crimean Tatar: {{t-check|crh|tiken}} (northern dialect [[tegenek]])
[edit]This language has translations in 6 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Multiple qualifiers: 1 item
- rice (Noun: seeds used as food)
- * Cuyunon: {{tt|cyo|begas}} {{q|raw seed}} {{tt|cyo|kanen}} {{q|cooked}}
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- rice (Noun: seeds used as food)
- * Cuyunon: {{tt|cyo|begas}} {{q|raw seed}} {{tt|cyo|kanen}} {{q|cooked}}
[edit]This language has translations in 41295 of 208392 (19.82%) translation tables
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 1 item
- will (Verb: indicating future action)
- * Czech: ''Use the future perfective'' or ''use the future of {{l|cs|být}} + imperfective infinitive''
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 3 items
- spring (Noun: season between winter and summer in temperate climates)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|jaro|n}}, {{qualifier|dated}}/{{qualifier|poetic}} {{tt+|cs|vesna|f}}
- them (Pronoun: third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jich}} {{qualifier|genitive, locative}}, {{t+|cs|nich}} {{qualifier|genitive, locative after preposition}}, {{t+|cs|jim}} {{qualifier|dative}}, {{t+|cs|nim}} {{qualifier|dative after preposition}}, {{t+|cs|je}} {{qualifier|accusative}}, {{t+|cs|ně}} {{qualifier|accusative after preposition}}, {{t+|cs|jimi}} {{qualifier|instrumental}} {{t+|cs|nimi}} {{qualifier|instrumental after preposition}}
- vole (Noun: small rodents of the subfamily Arvicolinae)
- * Czech: {{qualifier|every genus from Arvicolinae has got its specific Czech name}}: {{t|cs|hryzec}} {{qualifier|genus Arvicola}}, {{t+|cs|hraboš}} {{qualifier|genus Microtus}}, {{t+|cs|norník}} {{qualifier|genus Myodes}}
Nested templates
[edit]- 7 items
- HC (Noun: {{l)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|HK}} {{gloss|{{l|cs|hokejový klub}}}}
- adult (Noun: fully grown human)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|dospělý|m}} {{q|cf. {{t+|cs|dospělák|m}}}}, {{t|cs|dospělá|f}}
- bye (Interjection: short for goodbye)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|ahoj}}, {{t+|cs|čau}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|cs|nashle}} {{qualifier|shortened form of {{l|cs|na shledanou}}, informal}}
- give it up (Verb: welcome onto stage {{qualifier)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|potlesk}} {{qualifier|+ {{m|cs|pro}}}}, {{t|cs|přivítejte|pf}}
- partridge (Noun: any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|koroptev|f}} {{gloss|{{taxfmt|Perdix|genus}}}}, {{t|cs|orebice|f}} {{gloss|{{taxfmt|Alectoris|genus}}}}
- pochard (Noun: duck)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|polák}} {{gloss|{{taxfmt|Aythya|genus}}}}, {{t|cs|zrzohlávka}} {{gloss|''[[Netta]]''}}
- stubble (Noun: short stalks left in a field after harvest)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|strn|m}} {{q|a field with stubble being called {{m|cs|strniště|g=n}}}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 12 items
- Dutch (Noun: people (or person) from the Netherlands)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|Holanďané|m-p}}, {{t|cs|Holanďani|m-p}}; {{t+|cs|Holanďan|m}}, {{t+|cs|Holanďanka|f}}, {{t+|cs|Nizozemec|m}}, {{t+|cs|Nizozemka|f}}
- Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|Rom|m}}; {{t|cs|Cikán|m}}, {{t|cs|Cikánka|f}}
- and so forth (Phrase: indicates that a list continues in a similar manner)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|a tak dále}}, {{t+|cs|atd.}} / {{t+|cs|atd.}} {{gloss|a tak dále}}; {{t+|cs|aj.}} {{gloss|a jiné}}
- arrive (Verb: to reach)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|dorážet|impf}}, {{t+|cs|dorazit|pf}}; {{qualifier|on foot}} {{t+|cs|docházet|impf}}, {{t+|cs|dojít|pf}}; {{qualifier|by a wheeled vehicle}} {{t+|cs|dojíždět|impf}}, {{t+|cs|dojet|pf}}; {{qualifier|by plane}} {{t|cs|doletovat|impf}}, {{t|cs|dolétat|impf}}, {{t|cs|doletět|pf}}
- arrive (Verb: to get to a certain place)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|dorážet|impf}}, {{t+|cs|dorazit|pf}}; {{qualifier|on foot}} {{t+|cs|přicházet|impf}}, {{t+|cs|přijít|pf}}; {{qualifier|by a wheeled vehicle}} {{t+|cs|přijíždět|impf}}, {{t+|cs|přijet|pf}}; {{qualifier|by plane}} {{t|cs|přilétat|impf}}, {{t|cs|přiletět|pf}}; {{t|cs|přicestovat}}; {{t|cs|přibývat|impf}} {{t|cs|přibýt|pf}}
- beat it (Verb: to go away)
- * Czech: [[zmizet]], [[vypadnout]]; ''exemplum:'' Beat it! Zmiz!
- blimey (Interjection: used to express anger, excitement, surprise, etc.)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|no nazdar}}; {{t+|cs|páni}}; {{t|cs|přisámbu}}, {{t+|cs|jejdanánku}}, {{t+|cs|jémine}}, {{t+|cs|ajcem trajcem}}, {{t+|cs|šmankote}}; {{t|cs|ať do mě hrom uhodí}}; {{t|cs|sakryš}}
- chase (Verb: to pursue, to follow at speed)
- * Czech: {{qualifier|abstract}} {{t+|cs|honit}}, {{qualifier|concrete}} {{t+|cs|hnát}}; {{t|cs|pronásledovat}}
- come (Verb: to move nearer)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|přicházet|impf}}, {{tt+|cs|přijít|pf}}; {{tt+|cs|přijíždět|impf}}, {{tt+|cs|přijet|pf}} {{qualifier|by transport}}
- get married (Verb: become married to someone)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|brát|alt=brát si|impf}}, {{t+|cs|vzít|alt=vzít si|pf}}; {{t+|cs|ženit se|impf}}, {{t+|cs|oženit se|pf}} {{qualifier|of men}}; {{t+|cs|vdávat se|impf}}, {{t+|cs|vdát se|pf}} {{qualifier|of women}}
- meaty (Adjective: )
- * Czech: [1], [2] {{t+check|cs|masový}}; [4] {{t+check|cs|pořádný}}, ''figurative'' {{t-check|cs|výživný}}
- try (Verb: to attempt)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|zkoušet|impf}}, {{t+|cs|zkusit|pf}}; {{t|cs|pokoušet se|impf}}, {{t+|cs|pokusit se|pf}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 26 items
- any (Pronoun: Any things or persons)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|kdokoliv}} {{gloss|anyone}}, {{t+|cs|cokoliv}} {{gloss|anything}}
- back (Noun: a position behind most players on the team)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|obránce|m}}, {{tt|cs|bek|m}}, {{tt+|cs|útočník|m}} {{gloss|in rugby}}
- bell (Noun: percussive instrument)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|zvon|m}} {{gloss|church}}, {{tt+|cs|zvonek|m}} {{gloss|smaller}}, {{tt|cs|zvonec|m}} {{gloss|cattle}}, {{tt+|cs|zvoneček|m}} {{gloss|small}}
- brush (Noun: implement)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|štětec|m}} {{gloss|painting}}, {{t+|cs|štětka|f}} {{gloss|painting}}, {{t+|cs|kartáč|m}} {{gloss|cleaning}}
- bugbear (Noun: source of dread, resentment or irritation)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|strašák|m}} {{gloss|v hlavě}}
- double-edged sword (Noun: idiomatic)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|dvousečný meč|m}} {{gloss|a double-edged sword}}
- fisher (Noun: person who fishes)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|rybář|m}} {{gloss|person}}
- fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|pojeb se|alt=pojeb se!}} {{gloss|fuck yourself!}} {{t|cs|jdi do prdele|alt=jdi do prdele!}} {{gloss|go to ass!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do píči|alt=jdi do píči!}} {{gloss|go to cunt!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do hajzlu|alt=jdi do hajzlu!}} {{gloss|go to loo!}}
- fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|pojeb se|alt=pojeb se!}} {{gloss|fuck yourself!}} {{t|cs|jdi do prdele|alt=jdi do prdele!}} {{gloss|go to ass!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do píči|alt=jdi do píči!}} {{gloss|go to cunt!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do hajzlu|alt=jdi do hajzlu!}} {{gloss|go to loo!}}
- gay marriage (Noun: marriage between two people of the same sex)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|registrované partnerství|n}} {{gloss|civil union}}
- indulge (Verb: to yield to a temptation)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|oddávat se|impf}} {{gloss|pokušení}}, {{t|cs|dopřávat si|impf}}, {{t|cs|dopřát si|pf}}, {{t|cs|vychutnat si|pf}}
- indulge (Verb: to give way to (a habit or temptation), not to oppose or restrain)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|dát průchod|pf}} {{gloss|citům, návyku}}
- jar (Noun: small, approximately cylindrical container)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|sklenice|f}} {{gloss|glass jar only}}, {{t+|cs|nádoba|f}}, {{t|cs|nádobka|f}} {{gloss|a small jar}}
- kicker (Noun: sports: one who takes kicks)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|kopáč|m}} {{gloss|rugby}}
- purview (Noun: scope or range of interest or control)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|rozsah|m}} {{gloss|zájmu}}, {{t|cs|zorné pole|n}}, {{t+|cs|obzor|m}} {{gloss|vědění}}, {{t|cs|oblast zájmu|f}}, {{t|cs|rámec působnosti|m}}, {{t+|cs|kompetence|f}}, {{t+|cs|pravomoc|f}}
- render (Verb: to pass down)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vynést|pf}}, {{t+|cs|vynášet|impf}} {{gloss|rozsudek}}
- render (Verb: cover a wall with a layer of plaster)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|nahodit|pf}}, {{t|cs|nahazovat|impf}} {{gloss|omítku}}
- render (Verb: to pass; to run; said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc.)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|procházet|impf}} {{gloss|lano otvorem}}
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|šest}}, {{q-lite|collective}} {{tt|cs|šestery}}
- slinger (Noun: someone who slings or who uses a sling)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vazač|m}} {{gloss|crane slinger}}
- snare (Noun: mental trap)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|mam|m}}, {{t+|cs|klam|m}}{{gloss|in the phrase "mam a klam"}}
- teeter (Verb: tilt back and forth on an edge)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|kolísat}} {{gloss|na hraně}}
- teeter-totter (Noun: seesaw)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|houpačka}} {{gloss| s oporou uprostřed}}
- timetable (Noun: a structured schedule of events)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozvrh hodin|m}}, {{t+|cs|rozvrh|m}}, {{t+|cs|jízdní řád}} {{gloss|for transport}}
- tow (Noun: something that tows)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|tahač|m}} {{gloss|truck}}, {{t|cs|remorkér|m}} {{gloss|boat}}
- vacation (Noun: holiday, period of leisure time)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|prázdniny|f-p}} {{gloss|at school}}, {{t+|cs|dovolená|f}} {{gloss|at work}}, {{t+|cs|dovolená|f}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 27 items
- Alice (Proper noun: female given name)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|Alice|f}}<!--; [[Alenka]] (diminutive from [[Alena]])-->
- airworthy (Adjective: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|letuschopný}} <!--Was under non-surviving sense "being able to fly"-->
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|záloha|f}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- arbitrary (Adjective: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|libovolný|m}} <!-- Was under "chosen at random" -->
- binge (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|žravost|f}} <!-- Was under: "rapid and excessive consumption" -->
- bolt from the blue (Noun: something totally unexpected)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|blesk z čistého nebe}}<!-- (thunder from the clear sky)-->
- bounce (Verb: to change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle)
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|odrazit se}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- boy (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|chlapec|m}} <!-- Was under "adult male found attractive" -->
- course (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|průběh|m}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
- critical condition (Noun: medical condition)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|kritickém stavu}} <!-- "critical status" -->
- debenture (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|obligace|f}}, {{t+check|cs|dluhopis|m}} <!-- Which type of bond? -->
- design (Verb: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|navrhnout}} <!-- dubious header "intention" -->
- exception that proves the rule (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|výjimka potvrzující pravidlo|f}}, {{t+|cs|výjimka potvrzuje pravidlo}} <!-- Likely an inexact translation that seems to mean: "exception proves the rule" -->
- for all someone cares (Phrase: someone really doesn't care (if))
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|pro mě za mě}}<!--needs to be generalized from first person-->
- infer (Verb: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|vyvodit}}, {{t-check|cs|usoudit}}, {{t-check|cs|odvodit|pf}} <!-- Was under: "(intransitive) to draw a conclusion (by reasoning)" -->
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|uvnitř}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- ledger (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|účetní kniha|f}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
- lime (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|vápno|n}} <!-- was under "calcium oxide, quicklime -->
- nasturtium (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|řeřicha}} <!-- Was under "genus" -->
- off the top of one's head (Prepositional phrase: in an extemporaneous manner; without careful thought, preparation, or investigation)
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|(jen tak) z hlavy}}, {{t-check|cs|(takhle) z hlavy}}, {{t|cs|(takhle) z fleku}}<!-- link to lemmas or break up, don't include brackets-->
- overcome (Verb: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|přemoci}} <!-- Was under: "to overwhelm with emotions, tiredness etc." -->
- pundit (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|učenec|m}}, {{t+check|cs|vzdělanec|m}} <!-- Was under "scholar, teacher, or learned person" -->
- relax (Verb: to become loose)
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|uvolnit|alt=uvolnit se}} <!-- was "[[uvolnit]] se" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- shape (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|tvar|m}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|velmi}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
- when (Conjunction: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|když}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->
- yeah (Particle: yes)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jo}}, {{t+|cs|no}} <!-- Yes, this is in the right place, "no" means "yeah" or "yep" in Czech, Slovak, Polish -->
No translation template
[edit]- 48 items
- I'm a vegetarian (Phrase: I'm a vegetarian)
- * Czech: Já jsem vegetarián
- addict (Noun: person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|závislák|m}}, [[závislý]] ''adj''
- allegory (Noun: communication using such representation)
- * Czech: (''uses qualifying adjective'')
- allonge (Noun: attachment to negotiable instrument)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přívěsek|m}}, {{t|cs|alonž|f}}, allonge (''obsolete'')
- apple brandy (Noun: brandy made from apples)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jablkovice|f}}, [[jabkovice]] {{g|f}} (colloq.)
- assemble (Verb: to gather as a group)
- * Czech: [[shromáždit]] se
- assembly (Noun: congregation of people)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|shromáždění|n}}, [[shromažďování]] {{g|n}} {{qualifier|freedom of}}
- bona fide (Adjective: done in good faith)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|bona fide}}, v dobrém úmyslu
- burn the midnight oil (Verb: work through the night)
- * Czech: [[pracovat]] [[dlouho#Czech|dlouho]] [[do#Czech|do]] [[noc#Czech|noci]], {{t+|cs|ponocovat}}, {{t|cs|pracovat dnem i nocí}}
- celibacy (Noun: state of being unmarried)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|svobodný stav}}, {{t+|cs|celibát|m}}, (without women): bezženství, {{t+|cs|celibát|m}}
- celibate (Noun: person who is not married)
- * Czech: osoba žijící v celibátu
- decide (Verb: to cause someone to come to a decision)
- * Czech: {{q|uses dependent clause}}
- dividend (Noun: finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|dividenda|f}}, podíl na zisku, poměrný díl ze zisku
- embark (Verb: to get on a boat)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|nalodit}}, [[nalodit]] [[se]]
- emerge (Verb: to come into view)
- * Czech: [[objevit]] se
- erase (Verb: intransitive: to be erased)
- * Czech: {{qualifier|uses passive voice}}
- extinction (Noun: the action of making or becoming extinct)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|zánik|m}}, {{t|cs|vymření|n}}, [[vyhynutí]] {{g|n}} ''(dying out)''
- foreign currency (Noun: currency used in a foreign country)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|cizí měna|f}}, [[valuta#Czech|valuta]] {{g|f}} (''in cash''), [[deviza]] {{g|f}} (''not in cash'')
- freeze (Verb: to become motionless)
- * Czech: [[ztuhnout]] or [[znehybnět]]
- furnish (Verb: to provide with furniture or other equipment)
- * Czech: [[vybavit]] [[nábytek|nábytkem]]
- go (Verb: to move through space (especially from one place to another))
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|chodit}}, {{q|on foot}} {{t+check|cs|jít|impf}}, {{tt+|cs|jet}}, {{tt+|cs|jezdit}}, {{q|by transport}}
- grovel (Verb: to crawl)
- * Czech: [[plazit]] se
- guy (Noun: male, man)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|chlap}}, {{t+|cs|chlápek|m}}, {{t|cs|chlapík|m}}, {{t+|cs|maník|m}}, {{t+|cs|borec|m}}, colloquial, slang {{t+|cs|typ|m}}
- kit (Noun: equipment)
- * Czech: [[stavebnice]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|to be assembled together}}
- more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
- * Czech: (''uses a suffix'')
- nebulous (Adjective: )
- * Czech: [[mlhavý]] (1,2), mlhovinný (3)
- one moment, please (Phrase: one moment please)
- * Czech: [[moment#Czech|moment]], {{t+|cs|prosím}}
- overlap (Verb: to have an area, range, character or function in common)
- * Czech: [[překrývat]] se
- overwork (Verb: to work too hard)
- * Czech: [[přepracovat]] se
- piss (Verb: (vulgar) to urinate)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|čurat}}, [[chcát]] {{qualifier|vulgar}}
- rebel (Verb: to resist or become defiant towards)
- * Czech: [[bouřit]] se
- reconcile (Verb: to restore a friendly relationship (transitive))
- * Czech: [[usmířit]] se, {{t|cs|smířit se}}, {{t|cs|smířit}}
- ringtone (Noun: sound made by a telephone when ringing)
- * Czech: [[vyzváněcí melodie]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|of a cell phone}}, {{t|cs|vyzváněcí tón|m}}
- scrummage (Verb: engage in a scrum (in rugby))
- * Czech: [[utvořit]] [[mlýn]]
- snowdrop windflower (Noun: Anemone sylvestris)
- * Czech: [[sasanka]] lesní {{g|f}}
- spill (Verb: intransitive: to spread out or fall out)
- * Czech: [[rozlít]] se (''of fluid'')
- sprinkle (Verb: to cover an object)
- * Czech: [[posypat]] {{qualifier|solid substance}}, {{t|cs|postříkat}}, {{t|cs|pokropit}} {{qualifier|liquid substance}}
- tarpaulin (Noun: heavy, waterproof sheet of material)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|plachtovina|f}}, {{t+|cs|celtovina|f}}, nepromokavá (vodoodpudivá, vodoodpuzující) látka (tkanina)
- through (Preposition: from one side of an opening to the other)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|skrz}}, {{qualifier|or using the instrumental case}}
- through (Preposition: surrounded by (while moving))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|skrz}}, {{qualifier|or using the instrumental case}}
- through (Preposition: by means of)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|skrz}}, {{qualifier|or using the instrumental case}}
- to (Preposition: used to indicate the indirect object)
- * Czech: {{qualifier|uses [[dative case]]}}
- to (Preposition: used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship)
- * Czech: ''uses the dative case''
- twenty-fifth (Adjective: the ordinal form of the number twenty-five)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|dvacátýpátý}}, {{t+|cs|pětadvacátý}}, 25.
- upon (Preposition: )
- * Czech: (''uses the genitive or instrumental case'')
- with (Preposition: expressing manner)
- * Czech: {{qualifier|[[instrumental case]]}}
- with (Preposition: by means of)
- * Czech: {{qualifier|[[instrumental case]]}}, {{t+|cs|s}}, {{t+|cs|se}}
- work (Noun: literary, artistic, or intellectual production)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|dílo|n}}, (a master work, craftsmanship) mistrovská [[práce]] {{g|f}}
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 80 items
- AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|po Kr.}} ({{t+|cs|po Kristu}}), {{t+|cs|AD}}
- Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|léta Páně}}, {{t|cs|roku Páně}} (''abbr.'' {{t|cs|l.P.}}, {{t|cs|r.P.}}, {{t|cs|A.D.}})
- Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|léta Páně}}, {{t|cs|roku Páně}} (''abbr.'' {{t|cs|l.P.}}, {{t|cs|r.P.}}, {{t|cs|A.D.}})
- Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|léta Páně}}, {{t|cs|roku Páně}} (''abbr.'' {{t|cs|l.P.}}, {{t|cs|r.P.}}, {{t|cs|A.D.}})
- I think so (Phrase: I think so)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|myslím}} {{t+|cs|že}} {{t+|cs|ano}}
- I think so (Phrase: I think so)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|myslím}} {{t+|cs|že}} {{t+|cs|ano}}
- Turkish (Proper noun: official language of Turkey, Republic of Cyprus and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|[[turecký]] [[jazyk]]|m}} {{t+|cs|turečtina|f}}
- adulterer (Noun: husband or wife who commits adultery)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|cizoložník|m}} {{t|cs|cizoložnice|f}}
- affreightment (Noun: hire a vessel for cargo)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|nájem}} {{t+|cs|loď|alt=lodi|m}}
- avoid (Verb: to keep away from)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vyhnout|alt=vyhnout se|pf}} {{t|cs|vyhýbat|alt=vyhýbat se|impf}}
- boggle (Verb: to be bewildered, dumbfounded, or confused)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|být}} {{t|cs|zmaten}}
- boiled egg (Noun: boiled egg (generic))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vařený|alt=vařené}} {{t+|cs|vejce|n}}
- booth (Noun: a small stall for the display and sale of goods)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|stánek|m}} ({{t+|cs|prodejní}}, {{t+|cs|výstavní}})
- booth (Noun: a small stall for the display and sale of goods)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|stánek|m}} ({{t+|cs|prodejní}}, {{t+|cs|výstavní}})
- cacoethes (Noun: disposition in a disease)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|sklon|m-in}} k {{l|cs|churavost|churavosti}}
- chafe (Noun: injury or wear caused by friction)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|podráždění|n}} ({{t|cs|třením}})
- childminder (Noun: person who looks after other people's children)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|paní|f}} na {{t|cs|hlídání|n}} {{t+|cs|dětí|f-p}}
- childminder (Noun: person who looks after other people's children)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|paní|f}} na {{t|cs|hlídání|n}} {{t+|cs|dětí|f-p}}
- chirp (Verb: birds)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|štěbetat|impf}} {{t|cs|švitořit|impf}}, {{t|cs|šveholit|impf}}, {{t+|cs|cvrlikat|impf}}
- clipboard (Noun: physical object)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|podložka}} {{t+|cs|se}} {{t|cs|spona|alt=sponou}}
- clipboard (Noun: physical object)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|podložka}} {{t+|cs|se}} {{t|cs|spona|alt=sponou}}
- colliery (Noun: underground coal mine)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|uhelný}} {{t+|cs|důl|m}}
- comfortable (Adjective: in a state of comfort)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|v}} {{t+|cs|pohodlí}}
- compare (Verb: to be similar)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|být}} {{t|cs|srovnatelný}}
- complain (Verb: to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|podat}} {{t+|cs|stížnost|f}}
- conscious (Adjective: alert, awake)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|při}} {{t+|cs|vědomí}}
- covey (Noun: brood or family of partridges, which includes game birds such as grouse and ptarmigans)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rodinka|f}} ({{t+|cs|koroptví}})
- crew (Noun: group of people working on common task)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|pracovní}} {{t+|cs|skupina|f}}
- crew (Noun: member of a crew)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|člen|m}} {{t+|cs|posádka|f|alt=posádky}}
- croon (Noun: soft, low-pitched sound; soft or sentimental hum, song, or tune)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|broukání|n}}, {{t|cs|pobrukování|n}}, ({{t|cs|tiché}}) {{t|cs|prozpěvování|n}}
- crude (Adjective: being in a natural state)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|surový}} {{t+|cs|syrový}}
- damsel (Noun: young woman of noble birth)
- * Czech: ({{t+|cs|mladá}}) {{t+|cs|dáma|f}}, {{t|cs|milostslečna|f}}
- disenfranchise (Verb: to deprive someone of a franchise, generally their right to vote)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|odebrat}} {{t|cs|hlasovací}} {{t+|cs|právo}}
- disenfranchise (Verb: to deprive someone of a franchise, generally their right to vote)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|odebrat}} {{t|cs|hlasovací}} {{t+|cs|právo}}
- doily (Noun: ornamental piece)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozetka|f}}, ({{t+|cs|ozdobný}}) {{t+|cs|ubrousek|m}}, {{t+|cs|dečka|f}}
- ember (Noun: glowing piece of coal or wood)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|žhavý}} {{t+|cs|uhlík|m}}
- epitaph (Noun: inscription on a gravestone)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|epitaf|m}}, {{t+|cs|náhrobní}} {{t+|cs|nápis|m}}
- fail (Verb: cease to operate)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přestat}} {{t+|cs|fungovat}}
- fail (Verb: cause to fail)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|nechat}} {{t+|cs|propadnout}}
- football (Noun: ball)
- * Czech: ({{t|cs|fotbalový míč|m|alt=fotbalový}}) {{t+|cs|míč|m}}
- fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|pojeb se|alt=pojeb se!}} {{gloss|fuck yourself!}} {{t|cs|jdi do prdele|alt=jdi do prdele!}} {{gloss|go to ass!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do píči|alt=jdi do píči!}} {{gloss|go to cunt!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do hajzlu|alt=jdi do hajzlu!}} {{gloss|go to loo!}}
- glance (Noun: brief or cursory look)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|letmý}} {{t+|cs|pohled|m}}, {{t+|cs|pohled|m}}
- grape juice (Noun: grape juice)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|hroznový džus}} {{t|cs|hroznová sťava}}
- help (Verb: transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|pomáhat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|pomoct}} or {{t+|cs|pomoci|pf}}
- high tide (Noun: the time of day when the sea has risen to its highest level)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|doba|f}} {{t+|cs|příliv|m|alt=přílivu}}
- holystone (Verb: to scrub the decks with a holystone)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|drhnout}} {{t+|cs|paluba|f|alt=palubu}}
- hunt (Noun: organization)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|lovecký}} {{t+|cs|spolek|m}}
- inhibitor (Noun: substance slowing a reaction)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|inhibitor|m}} {{t|cs|zpomalovač|m}}
- jade (Noun: horse too old to be put to work)
- * Czech: ({{t+|cs|stará}}) {{t+|cs|herka|f}}
- kindle (Verb: to start (a fire))
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zažehnout|pf}}, {{t+|cs|zapálit|pf}}, {{t|cs|rozdělat|pf}} ({{t+|cs|oheň}})
- kindle (Verb: to arouse)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zažehnout|pf}}, {{t|cs|podnítit|pf}}, {{t|cs|roznítit|pf}}, {{t+|cs|vzbudit|pf}}, {{t+|cs|probudit|pf}} ({{t+|cs|emoce}})
- leer (Verb: to look with sexual desire or malicious intent)
- * Czech: ({{t|cs|chlípně}}) {{t|cs|pošilhávat|impf}}
- malfeasance (Noun: wrongdoing)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|zločin|m}}, {{t+|cs|trestný čin|m}}, {{t+|cs|přestoupení|n}} {{t+|cs|zákon|alt=zákona}}
- maul (Verb: handle in a rough way)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|hrubě}} {{t|cs|zacházet}}
- monopoly (Noun: privilege granting such control)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|monopolní}} {{t+|cs|postavení|f}}
- mortmain (Noun: inalienable possession of lands)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|nezcizitelný}} {{t+|cs|pozemek|m}}
- nationality (Noun: national character or identity)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|národní}} {{t+|cs|charakter|m}}
- never ever (Adverb: emphatic never)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vůbec}} {{t+|cs|nikdy}}
- outer ear (Noun: portion of ear)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|zevní ucho|n}} {{t+|cs|vnější ucho|n}}
- pigeonhole (Noun: one of an array of open compartments in a desk, set of shelves, etc., used for sorting and/or storing letters, papers, or other items; one of an array of open compartments for receiving mail and other messages at a college, office, etc.)
- * Czech: [{{t+|cs|poštovní}}] {{t+|cs|přihrádka|f}}
- recidivous (Adjective: prone to relapse into immoral or antisocial behavior)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|náchylný}} {{t+|cs|k}} {{t+|cs|recidiva|f|alt=recidivě}}
- recidivous (Adjective: prone to relapse into immoral or antisocial behavior)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|náchylný}} {{t+|cs|k}} {{t+|cs|recidiva|f|alt=recidivě}}
- rub it in (Verb: add insult to injury)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozmazávat}} {{t+|cs|to|n}}
- runner-up (Noun: the person who finishes in any position after the first)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|druhý}} {{t+|cs|v}} {{t+|cs|pořadí}}
- runner-up (Noun: the person who finishes in any position after the first)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|druhý}} {{t+|cs|v}} {{t+|cs|pořadí}}
- shell (Noun: engraved copper roller used in print works)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|hlubotiskový|?}} {{t+|cs|válec|m}}
- sphacelate (Verb: affect with gangrene)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|postihnout}} {{t+|cs|sněť|alt=snětí}}, {{t|cs|snětivět}}
- them (Pronoun: third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jich}} {{qualifier|genitive, locative}}, {{t+|cs|nich}} {{qualifier|genitive, locative after preposition}}, {{t+|cs|jim}} {{qualifier|dative}}, {{t+|cs|nim}} {{qualifier|dative after preposition}}, {{t+|cs|je}} {{qualifier|accusative}}, {{t+|cs|ně}} {{qualifier|accusative after preposition}}, {{t+|cs|jimi}} {{qualifier|instrumental}} {{t+|cs|nimi}} {{qualifier|instrumental after preposition}}
- thumbnail (Noun: fingernail on the thumb)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|nehet}} {{t+|cs|na}} {{t|cs|palci|m}}
- thumbnail (Noun: fingernail on the thumb)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|nehet}} {{t+|cs|na}} {{t|cs|palci|m}}
- tout (Verb: To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vnucovat|impf}}, {{t|cs|podstrkovat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|nabízet|impf}} ({{t|cs|dotěrně}})
- treasurer (Noun: government official in charge of the Treasury)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|ministr|m}} {{t+|cs|finance|alt=financí}}
- trifle (Noun: dessert)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|piškotový}} {{t+|cs|moučník|m}}
- ungainly (Adjective: difficult to move)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|nepraktický}}, {{t|cs|neohrabaný}}, {{t+|cs|těžko}} {{t|cs|ovladatelný}}
- urbanity (Noun: what is characteristically urban)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|městský}} {{t+|cs|charakter|m}}
- wangle (Verb: obtain through manipulative of deceitful methods)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|schrastit|pf}}, {{t+|cs|sehnat|pf}}, {{t|cs|vymámit|pf}} ({{t|cs|podloudně}})
- whose (Determiner: of whom (relative))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jehož|m|n}} {{t+|cs|jejíž|f}} {{t+|cs|jejichž|p}}
- whose (Determiner: of whom (relative))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jehož|m|n}} {{t+|cs|jejíž|f}} {{t+|cs|jejichž|p}}
- whose (Determiner: of which (relative))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jehož|m|n}} {{t+|cs|jejíž|f}} {{t+|cs|jejichž|p}}
- whose (Determiner: of which (relative))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jehož|m|n}} {{t+|cs|jejíž|f}} {{t+|cs|jejichž|p}}
[edit]- 217 items
- Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|léta Páně}}, {{t|cs|roku Páně}} (''abbr.'' {{t|cs|l.P.}}, {{t|cs|r.P.}}, {{t|cs|A.D.}})
- Flanders (Proper noun: community and region in the north of federal Belgium)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|Vlámsko|n}}0
- Orthodox (Adjective: of the Orthodox Churches)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|pravoslavný}}, (generic {{t|cs|pravověrný}})
- abate (Verb: to lower (something) in price or value)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|odečíst|pf}}, {{t|cs|odpočítat|pf}}, {{t+|cs|srazit|pf}} (cenu)
- absquatulate (Verb: to leave quickly or in a hurry; to take oneself off; to decamp; to depart)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zdejchnout}} se
- accede (Verb: to join a group)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přistoupit}} (ke skupině, ke smlouvě)
- accede (Verb: to agree to a proposal or view)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|souhlasit}}, {{t+|cs|přistoupit}} (na návrh)
- accede (Verb: to become a party to an agreement or a treaty)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přistoupit}} (na dohodu, uzavřít smlouvu)
- adherent (Noun: a person who has membership in some group)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|příznivec|m}} (''to a principle or rule''), {{t+|cs|stoupenec|m}}, {{t+|cs|člen}}, {{t+|cs|přívrženec|m}}
- afferent (Adjective: Carrying towards)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|dostředivý}} (''about nerves'')
- agile (Adjective: having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|pohyblivý|m}}, {{t|cs|hbitý|m}}, {{t+|cs|čilý|m}}, {{t|cs|svižný|m}}, {{t+|cs|bystrý|m}} (mentally)
- agree (Verb: harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|shodovat}} se, {{t+|cs|souhlasit|impf}}
- agree (Verb: to come to terms or to a common resolve)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|dohodnout}} se
- agree (Verb: to resemble, coincide, correspond)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|shodovat}} se
- agree (Verb: grammar: to correspond in gender, number, case, person, etc.)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|shodovat}} se
- amends (Noun: compensation for a loss or injury)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|odškodnění|n}}, {{t+|cs|odškodné|n}}, {{t+|cs|náhrada|f}} (škody)
- ask for (Verb: request)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|požádat}} o {{qualifier|accusative}}
- back (Noun: the part of something that goes last)
- * Czech: [[zadní]] {{tt+|cs|část|f}}
- ballot (Verb: to vote by ballot)
- * Czech: (tajně) {{t+|cs|hlasovat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|volit|impf}}
- bereave (Verb: take away someone or something important or close)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|připravit|pf}} ''o co''
- bereft (Adjective: pained by the loss of someone)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|připravený}} ''o co'', {{t+|cs|zbavený}} ''čeho''
- bereft (Adjective: deprived of)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|zbavený|m}} ''čeho''
- blip (Noun: short sound of a single pitch)
- * Czech: (krátké) {{t|cs|pípnutí|n}}
- blur (Verb: become indistinct)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozmazat}} se, {{t|cs|rozostřit}} se
- blusher (Noun: certain Amanita species)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|růžovka|f}} (Amanita rubescens)
- brag (Verb: to boast)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|chvástat}} se
- brash (Noun: rock fragments)
- * Czech: (kamenná) {{t+|cs|suť}}
- break (Verb: intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|rozbít}} se, {{t+|cs|zlomit}} se
- breaststroke (Noun: swimming stroke)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|prsa}} (plural)
- bulky (Adjective: large in size, mass, or volume)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|objemný}} (''in volume'')
- burn (Verb: to become overheated)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|spálit}} se
- burning (Adjective: so hot as to seem to burn (something))
- * Czech: {{t|cs|pálící}} (''of sun'')
- burning (Adjective: feeling very hot)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|pálivý}} (''of nettle'')
- burning (Adjective: feeling great passion)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|palčivý}} (''of problem'')
- buxom (Adjective: having a full, voluptuous figure)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|baculatá}}, {{t+|cs|kyprá}}, {{t|cs|vnadná}}, {{t|cs|vyvinutá}}, {{t|cs|krev a mlíko}} (o ženě)
- cacoethes (Noun: disposition in a disease)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|sklon|m-in}} k {{l|cs|churavost|churavosti}}
- carnet (Noun: a ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single tickets)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|blok|m}} (lístků), celní doklad pro vozidlo
- catch (Verb: to engage, stick, or grasp)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|chytit}} se, {{t+|cs|chytnout}} se
- chain (Noun: series of interconnected things)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|řetěz|m}}, {{t+|cs|řetězec|m}}, {{t|cs|zřetězení|n}} (fig.)
- chalk up to (Verb: idiomatic: to attribute something to something)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přisoudit|pf}}, {{t+|cs|přičíst|pf}} ''co čemu''
- cheroot (Noun: cigar)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|doutník|m}} (s ořezanými konci)
- chief (Noun: head of an organization)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|náčelník|m}} (''fire chief''), {{t+|cs|šéf|m}}
- childminder (Noun: person who looks after other people's children)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|paní|f}} na {{t|cs|hlídání|n}} {{t+|cs|dětí|f-p}}
- claw (Verb: use claws to climb)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|drápat}} se
- click (Verb: intransitive: get on well at a first meeting)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|sednout}} si
- cloud (Verb: to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zatemnit}} se
- coalesce (Verb: to join into a single mass)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|sloučit}} se, {{t+|cs|spojit}} se
- come (Verb: to orgasm)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|udělat}} se
- come by (Verb: to pass or visit (intrans.))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|stavit}} se
- complain (Verb: to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|stěžovat}} si
- comprise (Verb: compose)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|tvořit|impf}} (celek)
- concede (Verb: (sports) to have a point scored against)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|dostat|pf}} (gól), {{t+|cs|inkasovat|pf}}
- confer (Verb: (obsolete) to contribute, conduce)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vést|impf}} ''diskusi''
- contradictory (Adjective: that is itself a contradiction)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|protiřečící}} si
- control (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|ovládání|n}} (''method and means'')
- crawl (Verb: to move slowly)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|plazit}} se, {{t+|cs|lézt}}
- crawl (Verb: to act in a servile manner)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|plazit}} se
- crumple (Verb: to become wrinkled)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|mačkat}} se
- crumple (Verb: to collapse)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|hroutit}} se
- date (Verb: to take (someone) on a series of dates)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|chodit}} (s)
- decide (Verb: give judgement)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|rozhodnout}}, {{t+|cs|rozhodnout}} se
- desist (Verb: to cease to proceed or act)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přestat|pf}} (s čím), {{t|cs|ustat|pf}} (v čem), {{t|cs|upustit|pf}} (od čeho)
- detest (Verb: to dislike intensely)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|ošklivit}} si, {{t|cs|hnusit}} si
- develop (Verb: to progress)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vyvíjet}} se
- develop (Verb: to progress through stages)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vyvíjet}} se
- diagonal (Noun: geometry: diagonal line or plane)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|uhlopříčka|f}} (only line?), {{t|cs|diagonála|f}} (only line?)
- diatribe (Noun: bitter denunciation)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|jízlivost|f}}, ([[slovní]]) {{t|cs|výpad|m}}, {{t|cs|diatriba|f}}
- differ (Verb: not to have the same characteristics)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|lišit}} se
- diffract (Verb: intransitive)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|lomit}} '''se'''
- dig into (Verb: to research a particular subject)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|hrabat}} se
- din (Verb: to repeat continuously)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|hučet}} (do koho)
- divest (Verb: to strip, deprive, or dispossess of something)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|zbavit|pf}} (se)
- doss (Verb: sleep in the open)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|nocovat}} (nouzově), {{t+|cs|spát}}, {{t|cs|uložit se}} (k spánku), {{t|cs|přespávat|impf}}
- dream up (Verb: have an imaginative, unusual or foolish idea, invent something unreal)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vysnít}} si
- duck (Verb: to try to evade doing something)
- * Czech: {{tt|cs|vyhnout}} se
- durability (Noun: Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|životnost|f}}, {{t+|cs|trvanlivost|f}}, {{t|cs|výdrž|f}} (''of batteries'')
- echelon (Noun: (military) formation of troops)
- * Czech: (vojenský) {{t+|cs|útvar|m}}
- elude (Verb: to escape understanding of; to be incomprehensible to)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vymykat se|impf}} (chápání)
- encounter (Verb: meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|potkat}}, {{t+|cs|objevit}}, {{t+|cs|narazit}} na
- enjoin (Verb: to prohibit or restrain by judicial order)
- * Czech: (soudně) {{t+|cs|zakázat|pf}}
- eraser (Noun: thing used to erase something written or drawn)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|guma|f}} (''for lead''), {{t|cs|zmizík|m}} (''for ink'')
- even (Adverb: implying extreme example)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|dokonce}}, {{t+|cs|ještě}}, {{t+|cs|vůbec}}, {{t+|cs|i}} (different use cases)
- excuse (Noun: explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|omluva|f}} (''apology''), {{t|cs|výmluva|f}} (''dishonest''), {{t+|cs|záminka|f}} (''dishonest'')
- fealty (Noun: fidelity to one's lord)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|věrnost|f}} (panovníkovi)
- fear (Verb: venerate; to feel awe towards)
- * Czech: {{tt|cs|bát}} se
- fete (Noun: A festival open to the public, the proceeds from which are often given to charity.)
- * Czech: (dobročinná) {{t+|cs|slavnost|f}}
- fib (Noun: a more or less inconsequential lie)
- * Czech: (malá, nevinná) {{t+|cs|lež|f}}
- fiend (Verb: be desperate for something)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|být blázen|impf}} (do čeho, do koho)
- flop (Verb: to fall heavily, due to lacking energy)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zhroutit}} se
- flurry (Noun: brief snowfall)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|přeháňka|f}} (sněhová)
- gallivant (Verb: roam about for pleasure)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|toulat}} se
- gamut (Noun: all the colours available to a device)
- * Czech: (barevná) {{t+|cs|škála|f}}, {{t+|cs|paleta|f}}
- gasp (Verb: to draw in the breath suddenly)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zajíknout}} se
- gelid (Adjective: very cold; icy)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|ledový|m}}, (of water also:) {{t|cs|krahová|f}}
- given (Noun: condition assumed to be true)
- * Czech: (daný) {{t+|cs|fakt|m}}, {{t+|cs|axiom|m}}, {{t+|cs|postulát|m}}
- glance (Verb: to look briefly at (something))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|mrknout|pf}} ''(krátce se podívat)''
- glare (Noun: angry or fierce stare)
- * Czech: [[zlostný]] {{t+|cs|pohled|m}}
- glare (Verb: to stare angrily)
- * Czech: [[zlostně]] {{t+|cs|hledět|impf}}
- grapple (Verb: to ponder and intensely evaluate a problem)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|potýkat se|impf}}, {{t|cs|zápolit}} (s čím)
- grime (Noun: Dirt that is ingrained and difficult to remove)
- * Czech: ([[zažraná]]) {{t+|cs|špína|f}}
- guy (Noun: in plural: people)
- * Czech: (ty, Moravian ti) {{t+|cs|lidi}}, Moravian (ty) {{t+|cs|děcka}},
- hatch (Verb: to emerge from an egg)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vyklubat}} se, {{t|cs|vylíhnout}} se
- have (Verb: to partake of something)
- * Czech: of food: {{t|cs|dát si}}
- hawser (Noun: cable)
- * Czech: (uvazovací, kotevní) {{t+|cs|lano|n}}
- help (Verb: transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|pomáhat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|pomoct}} or {{t+|cs|pomoci|pf}}
- hero (Noun: role model)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vzor|m}} (also for females), {{t|cs|vzory|p}}
- hooch (Noun: inferior liquor)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|kořalka|f}}, {{t+|cs|samohonka|f}}, (domácí) {{t+|cs|pálenka|f}}
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|jak se máš}}? (''informal singular''), {{t+|cs|jak se máte}}? {{qualifier|formal or plural}}
- interject (Verb: to interpose onseself)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vložit}} se
- jeer (Verb: to scoff or mock)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|posmívat}} se
- jilt (Verb: to jilt)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|dát kopačky|pf}} (komu), {{t+|cs|pustit k vodě|pf}} (koho), {{t|cs|nechat plavat|pf}} (koho), {{t+|cs|dát košem|pf}}
- jostle (Verb: move through by pushing and shoving)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|tlačit}} se
- jostle (Verb: be close to or in physical contact with)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|tlačit}} se
- jostle (Verb: contend or vie in order to acquire something)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|tahat}} se, {{t|cs|drát se|impf}}, {{t+|cs|prát se|impf}}
- just deserts (Noun: a punishment or reward that is considered to be what the recipient deserved)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|po zásluze}} (literally "deservedly"), {{t|cs|spravedlivá odplata|f}}, {{t|cs|co komu patří}}
- knock up (Verb: practice or warm up before a tennis match)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozehrát}} se, {{t|cs|rozpinkat}} se
- laugh (Verb: be or appear cheerful)
- * Czech: {{tt|cs|smát}} se
- laugh (Verb: make an object of laughter or ridicule)
- * Czech: {{tt|cs|posmívat}} se
- learn (Verb: to acquire knowledge or ability)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|učit}} se
- learn (Verb: to attend educational activity)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|učit}} se
- let the cat out of the bag (Verb: to disclose a secret, often inadvertently)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|prořeknout}} se, {{t|cs|vybreptat to}}
- levy (Verb: to impose a tax)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|uvalit|pf}}, {{t+|cs|uložit|pf}} (daň)
- like (Verb: to find attractive)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|mít rád}}, {{t|cs|líbit}} se {{qualifier|with subject and object reversed}}
- lilt (Noun: melodious accent when speaking)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rytmičnost|f}}, {{t|cs|melodičnost|f}} (řeči)
- lunge (Verb: to make a sudden movement)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|skočit|pf}}, {{t|cs|vrhnout se|pf}} (vpřed), {{t|cs|udělat výpad|pf}}
- mack (Verb: To act as pimp; to pander)
- * Czech: ''(slang) ''{{t+|cs|pást|impf}}
- makings (Noun: )
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|ingredience|f-p}} (for food/product), {{t|cs|předpoklady|m-p}} (for role/skills)
- mapping (Noun: function that maps every element of a given set to a unique element of another set)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zobrazení|n}} (''any function'')
- may (Verb: possibly, but not certainly)
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|moci}} ([[moct]])
- meibomian gland (Noun: gland)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|Meibomova žláza}} (meibomská, Meibomická)
- miasma (Noun: noxious emanation that originates from swamps and causes disease)
- * Czech: [[těžké]]/[[jedovaté]] {{t|cs|výpary|m-p}}
- minesweeper (Noun: vehicle, device or person for the removal of mines)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|minolovka|f}} (a ship)
- miscalculate (Verb: incorrectly calculate)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|přepočítat}} se
- moot (Verb: to bring up as a subject for debate, to propose)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|předložit|pf}}, {{t+|cs|navrhnout|pf}} (k diskusi)
- moult (Verb: to shed in such a manner (transitive form))
- * Czech: {{t|cs|svlékat|impf}} (kůži, krunýř), {{t+|cs|shazovat|impf}} (paroží, srst)
- mouse (Noun: rodent of the genus Mus)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|myš|f}}, {{tt+|cs|myšák|m}} (male)
- mutter (Verb: speak under one's breath)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|mumlat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|bručet|impf}} (pod vousy)
- nationality (Noun: membership of a nation or state)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|národnost|f}} (''ethnicity''), {{t+|cs|občanství|n}} (''citizenship'')
- nationality (Noun: people belonging to a nation or state)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|národnost|f}} (''to an ethnicity''), {{t+|cs|občané|m-p}}, {{t+|cs|obyvatelé|m-p}} (''to a state'')
- neither (Determiner: not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|ani}} X, [[ani]] Y
- orb (Noun: spherical body)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|koule|f}}, {{t|cs|nebeské těleso}} (kulovité)
- orbit (Verb: place an object into an orbit)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vyslat}} na oběžnou dráhu
- outage (Noun: suspension of operation)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|prostoj|m}}; {{t+|cs|výpadek|m}} (of elektricity); {{t+|cs|porucha|f}} (function broken)
- own goal (Noun: goal scored by player against their own team)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vlastní gól|m}}, {{t|cs|vlastní branka|f}}, {{t+|cs|vlastňák|m}}''(colloquial)''
- pant (Verb: to breathe quickly or in a labored manner)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|supět|impf}}, {{t|cs|funět|impf}}, ztěžka/zrychleně {{t+|cs|dýchat|impf}}
- paw (Verb: to feel or scrape with a paw or hoof)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|škrábat|impf}}, {{t|cs|škrábnout|pf}}, {{t+|cs|hrabat|impf}} (tlapou, nohou)
- peach (Verb: to inform on someone)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|práskat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|bonzovat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|žalovat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|prásknout|pf}} (koho), {{t+|cs|udávat|impf}}
- picture (Noun: photograph)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|fotografie|f}}, {{t+|cs|snímek|m}}, (informal) {{t+|cs|fotka|f}}
- picture (Verb: to imagine or envision)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|představovat}} si
- pigeonhole (Noun: one of an array of open compartments in a desk, set of shelves, etc., used for sorting and/or storing letters, papers, or other items; one of an array of open compartments for receiving mail and other messages at a college, office, etc.)
- * Czech: [{{t+|cs|poštovní}}] {{t+|cs|přihrádka|f}} ([]))
- pity (Verb: to feel pity for someone or something)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|litovat|impf}}, {{t|cs|mít soucit|impf}} (s kým), {{t+|cs|být líto|impf}} (koho)
- polity (Noun: organizational structure and governance)
- * Czech: (politické) {{t|cs|zřízení|n}}
- portend (Verb: to signify)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|být předzvěstí}} (varovnou)
- pout (Verb: push out one’s lips)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|špulit|impf}} [[ústa]]
- prove (Verb: to turn out; to manifest)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|ukázat}} se
- pucker up (Verb: To contract a facial feature so as to form wrinkles)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|špulit|impf}} (ústa)
- qualm (Noun: sickly feeling of being ill at ease; sudden queasiness)
- * Czech: (lehká) {{t+|cs|nevolnost|f}}
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|uvozovky|f-p}} [„◌”]
- rage (Noun: a current fashion or fad)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|hit|m}}, {{t+|cs|móda|f}}, {{t+|cs|výkřik|m}} (módy)
- resile (Verb: to spring back; rebound)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|vrátit}} se
- resit (Verb: to take an examination second time)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|opakovat}} (zkoušku), {{t|cs|dělat reparát}}
- rhyme (Noun: verse, poetry)
- * Czech: ([[dětský|dětská]]) {{t+|cs|říkanka|f}}, {{t|cs|rýmovačka|f}}
- rhyme (Verb: transitive, to rhyme with)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rýmovat}} se
- rhyme (Verb: reciprocal)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rýmovat}} se
- right (Interjection: checking agreement)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|že}}, {{tt|cs|viďte}}, {{qualifier|informal}} {{tt+|cs|viď}}, ''(rather formal)'' {{tt|cs|že ano}}
- risk-averse (Adjective: unwilling to take risks)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|averzní}} k [[riziko|riziku]], {{t|cs|rizikově averzní}}
- rive (Verb: (reflexive) to be split or rent)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozštěpit}} se
- rota (Noun: schedule)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozpis|m}} ([[služba|služeb]], [[úkol|úkolů]])
- rough (Noun: unmowed part of golf-course)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|raf}} (vyšší tráva kolem fairwaye)
- rut (Noun: furrow, groove, or track worn in the ground)
- * Czech: (vyjetá) {{t+|cs|kolej|f}}, {{t+|cs|stopa|f}}
- satchel (Noun: bag or case with one or two shoulder straps)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|aktovka|f}} (''for pupils''), {{t|cs|brašna|f}}
- second lieutenant (Noun: the rank below a lieutenant)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|poručík}} (m)
- seize (Verb: take advantage of)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|chopit se|pf}} ''příležitosti''
- severity (Noun: state of being severe)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vážnost|f}} (situace), {{t|cs|kritičnost|f}}, {{t|cs|závažnost|f}}
- shaving (Noun: A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|špona|f}} (''metal'')
- shroud (Noun: a streamlined protective covering)
- * Czech: (aerodynamický) {{t+|cs|kryt|m}}
- shudder (Noun: moment of almost pleasurable fear; a frisson)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|zachvění|n}} se
- shudder (Verb: to shake nervously, as if from fear)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|třást}} se
- shudder (Verb: to vibrate jerkily)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|třást}} se
- slant (Verb: to lean, slope or incline)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|sklonit|pf}} (se), {{t+|cs|naklonit|pf}} (se), {{t|cs|sklánět|impf}} (se), {{t|cs|naklánět|impf}} (se)
- slice (Noun: thin, broad piece cut off)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|krajíc|m}} (''of bread''), {{t+|cs|plátek|m}} {{qualifier|of ham}}
- snort (Verb: to inhale (usually a drug) through the nose)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|šňupat|impf}}, {{t|cs|šňupnout|pf}} (si)
- spend (Verb: )
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|utratit}} (''of money''), {{t+check|cs|strávit}} (''of time'')
- spike (Noun: sharp peak in a graph)
- * Czech: prudký {{t+|cs|nárůst|m}}, prudké {{t+|cs|zvýšení|n}}
- spill (Verb: transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|rozlít}} (''of fluid''), {{t|cs|rozsypat}} (''solid substance'')
- splinter (Verb: to come apart into splinters)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|štěpit}} se
- splinter (Verb: to break or cause to break into factions)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|odštěpit}} se (''to break'')
- split (Noun: manoeuvre, acrobatic feat ("splits"))
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|provaz|m}}, {{t+|cs|roznožka|f}}, {{t|cs|rozštěp|m}} (a side split)
- spout (Noun: a stream of liquid)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|proud|m}}, {{t|cs|výtrysk|m}} (kapaliny)
- sprain (Noun: act or result of spraining)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vyvrtnutí|n}}, {{t|cs|zvrtnutí|n}}, {{t|cs|podvrtnutí|n}}, {{t|cs|výron|m}} (kotníku)
- sprain (Verb: to weaken a joint, ligament, or muscle)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vyvrtnout si|pf}}, {{t|cs|zvrtnout si|pf}}, {{t|cs|udělat si výron}}, {{t|cs|podvrtnout si|pf}} (kotník), {{t|cs|natáhnout si|pf}} (sval)
- spring (Noun: season between winter and summer in temperate climates)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|jaro|n}}, {{qualifier|dated}}/{{qualifier|poetic}} {{tt+|cs|vesna|f}}
- stand in someone's shoes (Verb: to be in situation of somebody else)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|být na něčím místě}}, {{t|cs|být někým}} (být tebou apod.), (in negative sentences - with ''not want to'':) {{t|cs|být v něčí kůži}}
- stint (Noun: a period of time spent doing or being something)
- * Czech: (pracovní) {{t+|cs|pobyt|m}}, {{t+|cs|působení|n}}, {{t+|cs|stáž|f}}
- swarm (Verb: to move as a swarm)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|hemžit}} se, {{t|cs|rojit se|impf}}
- swarm (Verb: to teem, or be overrun with insects)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|hemžit}} se, {{l|cs|být}} {{l|cs|plný}}
- synonymous (Adjective: having an identical meaning)
- * Czech: {{t+check|cs|synonymní}}, {{t+check|cs|souznačný}}\
- tackle (Verb: to face or deal with)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|řešit|impf}} ''(problém)'', {{t|cs|vypořádat se|pf}} ''(s čím)'', {{t|cs|chopit se|pf}} ''(čeho)'', {{t|cs|poprat se|pf}} ''(s čím)''
- take after (Verb: to resemble in appearance or habit)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|být po}} ([[někdo|někom]]), {{t|cs|zdědit podobu}}
- take offense (Verb: to feel and possibly show resentment)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|urazit}} se
- take place (Verb: to happen)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|konat}} se
- tarn (Noun: small mountain lake)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|karové jezero}}, {{t+|cs|pleso|n}}, {{t|cs|horské oko|n}}, (horské) {{t+|cs|jezírko|n}}
- ten (Noun: the number following nine)
- * Czech: {{tt+|cs|pětka|f}} (3)
- tergiversate (Verb: to evade, to equivocate using subterfuge; to deliberately obfuscate)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vytáčet}} '''se''', {{t|cs|vymlouvat se}}
- tiff (Noun: petty quarrel)
- * Czech: (drobná) {{t+|cs|hádka|f}}, {{t+|cs|rozepře|f}}, {{t|cs|rozmíška|f}}
- transfer (Verb: to be or become transferred)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|přenést}} se, {{t+|cs|převézt}} se
- vary (Verb: )
- * Czech: {{t-check|cs|různit}} se
- vent (Verb: to express a strong emotion)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vypustit|pf}} ("anger" - zlost, hněv)
- welch (Verb: fail to fulfill an obligation)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|vybodnout se|pf}}, {{t+|cs|vykašlat se|pf}}, {{t|cs|vyprdnout se|pf}} (na co), {{t|cs|vypustit|pf}}, {{t|cs|opominout|pf}}
- when the cat's away (Proverb: People take advantage of the absence of authority)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|když je kocour pryč}} (elipsis of [[Když je kcour pryč, myši mají pré]].)
- whine (Verb: to complain or protest with a whine or as if with a whine)
- * Czech: {{t+|cs|stěžovat si|impf}}, {{t|cs|naříkat|impf}} (si)
- will (Verb: indicating future action)
- * Czech: ''Use the future perfective'' or ''use the future of {{l|cs|být}} + imperfective infinitive'' (Use the future perfective'' or ''use the future of + imperfective infinitive))
- wince (Verb: to flinch as if in pain)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|ucuknout|pf}}, {{t|cs|škubnout sebou|pf}}, {{t+|cs|zašklebit se|pf}}, {{t|cs|svraštit|pf}} ([[obličej]])
- wisp (Noun: a small bundle, as of straw or other like substance)
- * Czech: {{t|cs|pramínek|m}} ([[vlasů]], [[trávy]]), {{t|cs|proužek|m}} ([[dýmu]]), {{t|cs|vích|m}}
- would (Verb: indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
- * Czech: ''Use conditional tense of {{t+|cs|být}} + infinitive'' (Use conditional tense of + infinitive))
- yokel (Noun: a person from or living in the countryside, viewed as being unsophisticated and/or naive)
- * Czech: (venkovský) {{t+|cs|balík|m}}, {{t+|cs|křupan|m}}, {{t+|cs|buran|m}}
- zest (Noun: outer skin of citrus)
- * Czech: (citrusová) {{t+|cs|kůra|f}}