A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
[edit]This language has translations in 86 of 208392 (0.04%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- porcupine (Noun: large rodent)
- * Abenaki: {{t|abe|kôgw}}<!-- (kɔ̃ɡʷ)-->
[edit]This language has translations in 914 of 208392 (0.44%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Abkhaz: {{t-check|ab|даара|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t-check|ab|даараӡа|sc=Cyrl}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
[edit]This language has translations in 264 of 208392 (0.13%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 2 items
- daughter (Noun: female offspring)
- * Acehnese: {{tt|ace|aneuk}} {{tt|ace|inöng}}
- earwax (Noun: waxy substance secreted by the ear)
- * Acehnese: {{t|ace|èk}} {{t|ace|geulunyueng}}
[edit]This language has translations in 11 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- cedi (Noun: the currency of Ghana)
- * Adangme: [[sidi#Adangme|sidi]]
[edit]This language has translations in 204 of 208392 (0.10%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- sailor (Noun: worker on a ship, seafarer, mariner)
- * Afar: {{t|aa|doniki}} {{t|aa|num}}
[edit]This language has translations in 9504 of 208392 (4.56%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is af
- music (Noun: sound, organized in time in a melodious way)
- * Afrikaans: {{tt+|af|musiek|f}}, {{tt|sq|mëzikë|f}}
Multiple t-templates: 3 items
- battery (Noun: device storing electricity)
- * Afrikaans: {{t+|af|battery}} {{t|af|akkumlator}}
- daughter (Noun: female offspring)
- * Afrikaans: {{tt+|af|dogter}} {{tt+|af|meisie}}
- get up on the wrong side of the bed (Verb: to feel irritable without a particular reason)
- * Afrikaans: {{t+|af|met die verkeerde been uit die bed klim|lit=get out of bed on the wrong leg}} {{t+|af|met die verkeerde voet uit die bed klim|lit=get out of bed on the wrong foot}}
No translation template: 5 items
- accountable (Adjective: obliged to answer for one’s deeds)
- * Afrikaans: verantwoordelik, aanspreeklik
- even (Adverb: emphasising comparative)
- * Afrikaans: [[nog]]...[[nog]]
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Afrikaans: [[hoe gaan dit]]?
- outlawed (Adjective: )
- * Afrikaans: [2] [[voëlvry]]
- virgin (Adjective: of olive oil)
- * Afrikaans: {{t|af|suiwer}}, virgin
text_outside_template: 5 items
- No. (Noun: abbreviation of "number")
- * Afrikaans: {{t+|af|nr.}} ([[nommer]])
- addict (Noun: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t-check|af|verslaafde}} (1)
- hand (Verb: to give, pass or transmit with the hand)
- * Afrikaans: {{q|hand to}} {{t-check|af|aangee}} [[afgee]] (hand away)
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Afrikaans: {{t|af|aanhalingstekens}} [“◌”]
- rubber (Noun: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t+check|af|rubber|n}} (1), {{t+check|af|gomlastiek|n}} (2), {{t+check|af|uitveër|n}} (3), {{t+check|af|kondoom|n}} (4)
Entry HTML comment: 8 items
- lady (Noun: title for the wife a lord)
- * Afrikaans: {{t-check|af|[[haar ladyskap]] [[edele]]}} <!-- was "[[haar ladyskap]] [[edele]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- light (Adjective: pale in colour)
- * Afrikaans: {{t+check|af|lig}}, {{qualifier|pale face}} {{t-check|af|[[bleek]] [[gesig]]}} <!-- was "[[bleek]] gesig" -->, {{qualifier|light complexion, pale skin}} {{t-check|af|[[blas]] [[vel]]}} <!-- was "[[blas]] vel" - check if [[WT:IDIOM]], unlink if it is -->
- private (Adjective: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t-check|af|privaat}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
- skirt (Noun: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t+check|af|rok}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
- two (Numeral: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t+check|af|paar}} <!-- Was under "describing set or group with two components". This appears to be noun for "set or group with two components". -->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t-check|af|tiran}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Afrikaans: {{t+check|af|baie}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
- whom (Pronoun: what person or people, object of a preposition (dative))
- * Afrikaans: {{t-check|af|[[met]] [[wie]]}} <!-- was "[[met]] [[wie]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|af|[[van]] [[wie]]}} <!-- was "[[van]] [[wie]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|af|etc.}}
[edit]This language has translations in 353 of 208392 (0.17%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- panorama (Noun: )
- * Ainu: {{t-check|ain|ニスス}} (nisusu)
[edit]This language has translations in 205 of 208392 (0.10%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- smith (Noun: craftsperson who works metal)
- * Akkadian: {{t|akk|𒄥𒄥|tr=gur-gur|ts=qurqurru}}, {{t|akk|𒈾𒉺𒄷|tr=na-pa-ḫu|ts=nappāḫu}}, {{t|akk|𒋼𒁉𒊒|tr=te-bi-ru|ts=tebīru}} {{q|uncommon}}<!--Hurrian apparently-->, {{t|akk|𒈾𒍣𒆪|tr=na-si<sub>2</sub>-ku|ts=nāsiku}} {{q|{{w|Emar}}, from West-Semitic}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- steppe (Noun: the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia)
- * Akkadian: {{t|akk|𒂔𒈾|tr=ṣēru|sc=Xsux}} ([[Image:B300ellst.png|30px]][[Image:B110ellst.png|30px]]), {{t|akk|𒂔|tr=ṣēru|sc=Xsux}} ([[Image:B300ellst.png|30px]])
Alas-Kluet Batak
[edit]This language has translations in 3 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- welcome (Interjection: )
- * Alas-Kluet Batak: {{t-check|btz|[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!}} <!-- was "[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
[edit]This language has translations in 9551 of 208392 (4.58%) translation tables
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 1 item
- Albanian (Proper noun: language)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|shqip}}, ({{l|sq|gjuha}}) {{t+|sq|shqipe|f}}, {{i|Old Albanian}} {{t+|sq|arbërisht}}, {{t|sq|Arbërishtja|f}}, {{t|sq|T'arbrisht}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 1 item
- news (Noun: new information of interest)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|lajm|m}}, {{t+|sq|kumt}} {{gloss|random bad news}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 1 item
Expected language code is sq
- Sarmatian (Adjective: of or relating to Sarmatia)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|sarmat|m}}, {{t|ro|sarmate|f}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 3 items
- AIDS (Noun: acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|SIDA|f}}, {{t|sq|sida|f}}; {{t|sq|AIDS|m}}, {{t|sq|aids|m}}
- Albanian (Adjective: of or pertaining to Albania)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|shqip}}, {{t|sq|shkyp}}, {{t|sq|Sccyp}}; {{i|archaic}} {{t+|sq|arbërisht}}, {{t|sq|arbënisht}}
- American (Noun: person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|amerikan|m}}, {{t|sq|banor i SHBA|m}}; {{t|sq|amerikane|f}}, {{t|sq|banore e SHBA|f}}
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 3 items
- France (Proper noun: country)
- * Albanian: {{tt|sq|Francë|f}} {{qualifier|indefinite}} {{tt+|sq|Franca|f}} {{qualifier|definite}}, {{tt|sq|Frëngjia|f}}, {{tt|sq|Frângjia|f}}
- Gjakova (Proper noun: seventh largest city in Kosovo)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|Gjakova}} {{qualifier|definite}} {{t|sq|Gjakovë}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}
- head of state (Noun: the chief public representative of a nation)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|krye i shtetit|m}} {{q|indefinite}} {{t|sq|kreu i shtetit|m}} {{q|definite}}
No translation template
[edit]- 6 items
- Luxembourg (Proper noun: country)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Luksemburg|m}}, {{t+|sq|Luksemburgu|m}}, {{qualifier|definite}}
- Luxembourg (Proper noun: capital city)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Luksemburg|m}}, {{t+|sq|Luksemburgu|m}}, {{qualifier|definite}}
- fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
- * Albanian: {{t-check|sq|zhduku|alt=zhduku!}}, {{qualifier|offensive}} {{t-check|sq|qerohu|alt=qerohu!}}, {{qualifier|vulgar}}, {{t-check|sq|ik qiu|alt=ik qiu!}} {{qualifier|taboo; curse}} {{t-check|sq|[[ik, or, pirdhu]]!, [[vafsh ne djall]]!}}
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Albanian: [[si jeni]]? {{qualifier|formal}}, [[qysh je]]? {{qualifier|informal}}
- maternal uncle (Noun: brother of one's mother)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|dajë}}; [[xhaxha]] {{qualifier|mother's brother-in-law}}
- popcorn (Noun: a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|kokoshka}}, {{t+|sq|pupagjel}} {{q|Albania}}, {{t|sq|palagaçe|f}}, {{q|Kosovo}}, {{t|sq|kupaça|f}} {{q|central Kosovo}}, {{t|sq|pucka|f}} {{q|southeastern Kosovo}}, {{t|sq|kokoroshka|f}} {{q|northwestern Kosovo}}, {{t|sq|kokica|f}} {{q|Prishtina}}, {{t|sq|kupa|f}} {{q|northeastern Kosovo}}, {{t|sq|pupacela}} {{q|Northern Albania}}, {{t|sq|laradasha}}{{q|northwestern Albania}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 8 items
- defeat (Verb: to overcome in battle or contest)
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|gand}} <!-- it's a noun and probably a wrong sense -->
- detainee (Noun: one who is detained)
- * Albanian: {{qualifier|i/e}}<!-- ??? --> {{t+check|sq|arrestuar}}
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|brenda}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- lime (Noun: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|gëlqere|f}} <!-- was under "calcium oxide, quicklime -->
- now (Adverb: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|atëherë}} <!-- 3,4 -->
- skirt (Noun: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|fund|alt=?}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|tiran|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|shumë}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 17 items
- Albanian (Proper noun: language)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|shqip}}, ({{l|sq|gjuha}}) {{t+|sq|shqipe|f}}, {{i|Old Albanian}} {{t+|sq|arbërisht}}, {{t|sq|Arbërishtja|f}}, {{t|sq|T'arbrisht}}
- Aromanian (Noun: person)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|arumun|m}}, {{t|sq|arumune|f}} {{t+|sq|vllah|m}}, {{t+|sq|vllahe|f}}, {{t|sq|rëmër|m}}, {{t|sq|rëmen|m}}, {{t|sq|maqedorumun|m}}, {{t|sq|maqedorumune|f}}, {{t|sq|gogë|m}}, {{t|sq|gogeshë|f}}
- Bernard (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Benárd|m}} {{t|sq|Bernárd|m}}, {{t|sq|Bernhárd|m}}, {{t|sq|Binárd|m}}, {{t|sq|Birnárd|m}}
- France (Proper noun: country)
- * Albanian: {{tt|sq|Francë|f}} {{qualifier|indefinite}} {{tt+|sq|Franca|f}} {{qualifier|definite}}, {{tt|sq|Frëngjia|f}}, {{tt|sq|Frângjia|f}}
- Gjakova (Proper noun: seventh largest city in Kosovo)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|Gjakova}} {{qualifier|definite}} {{t|sq|Gjakovë}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}
- Paramithia (Proper noun: a town in Greece)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Ajdonat}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonat}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|sq|Ajdonati}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonati}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- Paramythia (Proper noun: a town in Greece)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Ajdonat}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonat}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|sq|Ajdonati}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonati}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- banquet (Noun: large celebratory meal)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|banket}}, {{t+|sq|çabulle}} {{t+|sq|gosti}}
- cucumber (Noun: edible fruit)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|trangull|m}} {{t+|sq|kastravec|m}}
- floor (Noun: bottom part of a room)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|lëmë|f}} {{t+|sq|dysheme|f}}
- fox (Noun: Vulpes)
- * Albanian: {{tt|sq|dhelpën|f}} {{tt+|sq|dhelpër|f}}, {{tt|sq|dhelpra}}
- golden eagle (Noun: large bird of prey)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|shqipe mali|f}} {{t|sq|shqiponjë e maleve|f}}, {{t+|sq|larash|m}}
- guest (Noun: recipient of hospitality)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|mnor}} {{t+|sq|mysafir|m}}, {{t+|sq|vizitor|m}}
- head of state (Noun: the chief public representative of a nation)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|krye i shtetit|m}} {{q|indefinite}} {{t|sq|kreu i shtetit|m}} {{q|definite}}
- help (Noun: person or persons who provides assistance with some task)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|ndihmes}} {{t+|sq|asistent}}
- help (Verb: contribute in some way to)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|ndihmë}} {{t|sq|kontribo}}
- lyre (Noun: stringed musical instrument)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|jongar}}{{t+|sq|sharki}}, {{t+|sq|sharkë}} {{q|archaic}}
[edit]- 42 items
- Alexander (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Lleshdër}} [[Lleshdri]] (definite)
- Aromanian (Proper noun: language)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|arumanisht}}, {{t+|sq|arumanishte|f}}, {{t|sq|arumunisht}}, {{t|sq|[[gjuha]] [[arumune]]|f}}, {{t|sq|[[gjuha]] [[vllahe]]|f}}, {{t+|sq|vllahçe}}, {{t+|sq|vllahisht}}, {{t+|sq|vllahishte|f}}, {{t|sq|gogërisht|m}} (tosk), {{t|sq|gogënisht|m}} (gheg)
- Carl (Proper noun: transliterations and equivalents of "Carl")
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Kërl}} (Tosk), {{t|sq|Karl}} (Gheg)
- Greek (Proper noun: language of the Greek people)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|greqisht}} (''adverb''), {{t+|sq|greqishte|f}}, {{t+|sq|gjuha greke|f|}}
- Istro-Romanian (Proper noun: language)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|istrorumanisht}} (''adverb''), {{t|sq|istrorumanishte|f}}, {{t|sq|gjuha istrorumune|f}}
- Paramithia (Proper noun: a town in Greece)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Ajdonat}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonat}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|sq|Ajdonati}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonati}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- Paramythia (Proper noun: a town in Greece)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Ajdonat}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonat}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|sq|Ajdonati}} / {{t|sq|Ajdhonati}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- Romanian (Noun: official language of Romania)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|rumanisht}} (''adverb''), {{t+|sq|rumanishte}}, {{t|sq|rumunisht}} (''adverb''), {{t|sq|rumunishte}}, {{t|sq|[[gjuha]] [[rumune]]|f}}
- Stephen (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|Shtjefën|m}}, {{t|sq|Shqefn|m}} (Gheg)
- Wallachian (Noun: person from Wallachia or of Wallachian descent)
- * Albanian:*: {{t|sq|gogë}}, {{t|sq|gogeshë}}
- administration (Noun: the act of administering)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|qeveri}} Government, {{t+|sq|administratë|f}}
- alien (Noun: person, etc. from outside)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|huaj|m}} (i/e)
- alien (Noun: foreigner)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|huaj|m}} (i/e)
- anger (Noun: strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|inat|m}}, {{t+|sq|zemërim|m}}, {{t+|sq|mëri|f}}, {{t+|sq|mëri|alt=mnia}} (gheg)
- bewitch (Verb: to cast a spell upon)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|ysht}}, {{t+|sq|mësysh}} (evil eye)
- blue (Adjective: blue-coloured)
- * Albanian: {{tt+|sq|kaltër}} (light blue), {{tt+|sq|blu}}
- burn (Verb: to cause to be consumed by fire)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|djeg}}, (''dialectal'') {{t+|sq|kall}}, {{t+|sq|flakërij}}
- confront (Verb: to come up against; to encounter)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|kundërvihem}} (i)
- create (Verb: to put into existence)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|mbaroj}} (gheg), {{t+|sq|krijoj}}, {{t+|sq|sajoj}}, {{t+|sq|lentoj}}
- curdle (Verb: to form or cause to form curds)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|mpiks}}, {{t|sq|mpiksem}} (Tosk)
- daisy (Noun: Bellis perennis)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|margaritë}}, {{t+|sq|luleshqerrë}}, {{t|sq|lule delme}} (tosk), {{t|sq|lule dele}} (gheg), {{t|sq|lule kacidhe}}, {{t|sq|lule buke}} (Pogradec), {{t|sq|lule dhensh}} (Elbasan), {{t|sq|lule dheshë}} (Vuthaj)., {{t+|sq|luledele|f}}
- diaper (Noun: absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|shpargër|f}}, {{t|sq|shpargën|f}} (gheg), {{t+|sq|pelenë|f}}
- dirge (Noun: mournful poem or piece of music)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|ligje}}, {{t+|sq|gjëmë}}, {{t|sq|gjâmë}}(Gheg), {{t+|sq|vajtim}}, {{t|sq|pleqërishtë}}, {{t|sq|lashtërishtë}}
- evening star (Proper noun: planet Venus seen in the evening)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|yll i mbrëmjes|m}} (indefinite), {{t|sq|ylli i mbrëmjes|m}} (definite)
- expel (Verb: to eject)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|përzë}}, {{t|sq|përzân}} (gheg)
- family (Noun: immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children)
- * Albanian: {{tt+|sq|familje|f}}, {{tt+|sq|tym|m}} (archaic)
- free (Adjective: not imprisoned)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|lirë}} (i/e)
- heaven (Noun: sky)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|qiell}}, {{t|sq|pjetë}} (poetic)
- hemp (Noun: Cannabis sativa)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|kërp}}, {{t|sq|kânp}} (Gheg)
- judge (Noun: public judicial official)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|gjykatës|m}}, {{t|sq|gikue|f}} (Gheg), {{t+|sq|gjyqtar|m}}
- kingdom (Noun: realm having as supreme ruler a king or queen)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|mbretëri|alt=mbretëria|f}}, {{t|sq|mretëni|alt=mretënía|f}} (Gheg)
- legend (Noun: story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|gojëdhënë|f}}(tosk), {{t|sq|gojdhânë|f}}(gheg), {{t+|sq|legjendë|f}}
- prophet (Noun: one who speaks by divine inspiration)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|profet|m}}, {{t|sq|mrrim|m}} (Shala)
- rye (Noun: the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|thekër|f}}, {{t|sq|thekën|f}} (gheg)
- sleeve (Noun: part of a garment that covers the arm)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|mëngë|f}}, {{t|sq|mângë|f}} (gheg)
- stop (Verb: to cease moving)
- * Albanian: {{tt+|sq|ndalem}}, {{tt|sq|nalna}} (Gheg)
- stream (Noun: small river)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|lise|m}},, {{t|sq|lyse|m}} (gheg), {{t+|sq|përrua|m}}, {{t+|sq|rrymë|f}}, {{t|sq|rrua|f}}, {{t+|sq|lumth|m}}
- superior (Adjective: higher in rank or quality)
- * Albanian: i {{t+|sq|epërm}}, e {{t|sq|epërme|f}}
- swell (Verb: intransitive: to become bigger, especially due to being engorged)
- * Albanian: {{t|sq|ënj}} (tosk), {{t|sq|âj}} (gheg)
- swim (Verb: move through water)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|notoj}}, {{t|sq|luoz|f}} (Arbëresh)
- tall (Adjective: )
- * Albanian: {{t+check|sq|gjatë}} (i/e)
- wheat (Noun: grain)
- * Albanian: {{t+|sq|grurë|m}}, {{t|sq|grûnë|m}} (gheg)
Alemannic German
[edit]This language has translations in 865 of 208392 (0.42%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- mountain (Noun: large mass of earth and rock)
- *: Alemannic German: {{t|gsw|Berg}}; {{t|gsw|Bärg}}, {{t|gsw|Bäärg}}, {{t|gsw|Bèèrg}}, {{t|gsw|Bërg}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- wing (Noun: part of an animal)
- *: Alemannic German: {{tt|gsw|Fëcke|m}}, (Low Alemannic/Alsatian) {{tt|gsw|Fattig|m}}
Algerian Arabic
[edit]This language has translations in 61 of 208392 (0.03%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is arq
- nerd (Noun: intellectual, skillful person, generally introverted)
- *: Algerian Arabic: {{t|ar|خَبَّاش|m}}, {{t|ar|قَرَّاي|m}}
[edit]This language has translations in 74 of 208392 (0.04%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Alutiiq: {{t|ems|aranu'tiq}} {{qualifier|Chugach dialect}}<!-- sometimes said to refer specifically to male-bodied people and mean, literally, "man-woman"-->
[edit]This language has translations in 30 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation target: 2 items
- hey (Interjection: informal greeting)
- * Alutor: {{t|alr|tr=mej}}
- people (Noun: the mass of community as distinguished from a special class)
- * Alutor: {{tt|alr|tr=ʡujamtawilʔ}}
American Sign Language
[edit]This language has translations in 413 of 208392 (0.20%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 2 items
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: {{t-check|ase|Image:LSQ 5.jpg|alt=25px|sc=Sgnw}} <!-- was "[[Image:LSQ 5.jpg|25px]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation fixing]] -->, {{t|ase|𝡌}}
- miss the boat (Verb: fail to take advantage of an opportunity)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|(TRAIN) 1@NearHand-FingerUp-1@InsideChesthigh-FingerUp 1@NearHand-FingerForward-1@DistalInsideChesthigh-FingerForward A@Chest-PalmBack CirclesVert|tr=[[TRAIN GO SORRY]]}} <!-- apologies for the messy link; common ASL idiom, expressed as best I can -->
Unexpected template: 2 items
- fifteen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: {{t-image|ase|LSQ 15.jpg|35px|OpenB@Side-PalmBack Flatten}}
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * American Sign Language: {{t-image|ase|LSQ 4.jpg|25px|4@Side-PalmBack}}
Multiple t-templates: 3 items
- good morning (Interjection: when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|OpenB@Chin-PalmBack-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp OpenB@Palm-PalmUp-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp|alt=GOOD}} + {{t|ase|FlatB@NearShoulder-PalmBack-FlatB@BaseInForearm-PalmBack FlatB@SideAbdomenhigh-PalmUp-FlatB@BaseInForearm-PalmBack|alt=MORNING}}
- my name is (Phrase: a way to identify oneself)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|FlatB@Chest-PalmBack|alt=MY}} + {{t|ase|H@RadialFinger-H@CenterChesthigh Contact Contact|alt=NAME}} + (fingerspell name)
- what is your name (Phrase: what is your name?)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|H@RadialFinger-H@CenterChesthigh Contact Contact|alt=NAME}} + {{t|ase|1@InsideChesthigh-RadialUp|alt=YOU}}?
text_outside_template: 4 items
- good morning (Interjection: when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|OpenB@Chin-PalmBack-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp OpenB@Palm-PalmUp-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp|alt=GOOD}} + {{t|ase|FlatB@NearShoulder-PalmBack-FlatB@BaseInForearm-PalmBack FlatB@SideAbdomenhigh-PalmUp-FlatB@BaseInForearm-PalmBack|alt=MORNING}}
- my name is (Phrase: a way to identify oneself)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|FlatB@Chest-PalmBack|alt=MY}} + {{t|ase|H@RadialFinger-H@CenterChesthigh Contact Contact|alt=NAME}} + (fingerspell name) (+ + (fingerspell name))
- thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 13.jpg|35px]] {{t|ase|Hu@Side-PalmBack Flatten}}
- what is your name (Phrase: what is your name?)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|H@RadialFinger-H@CenterChesthigh Contact Contact|alt=NAME}} + {{t|ase|1@InsideChesthigh-RadialUp|alt=YOU}}?
No translation template: 15 items
- I'm mute (Phrase: I'm mute)
- * American Sign Language: CAN'T SPEAK (tap left pointer with right pointer; hold flat hand with folded thumb towards your mouth, tap)
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 8.jpg|30px]]
- eighteen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 18.jpg|35px]]{{attention|ase|convert to notation}}
- fifteen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: {{t-image|ase|LSQ 15.jpg|35px|OpenB@Side-PalmBack Flatten}}
- fifty (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 50.jpg|35px]]
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * American Sign Language: {{t-image|ase|LSQ 4.jpg|25px|4@Side-PalmBack}}
- nineteen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 19.jpg|35px]]
- ninety (Numeral: 90)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 90.jpg|35px]]
- seventeen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 17.jpg|35px]]
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 6.jpg|25px]]
- thirty (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * American Sign Language: [[Image:LSQ 30.jpg|35px]]
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * American Sign Language: [[File:LSQ 3.jpg|25px]], {{t|ase|𝠞}}
- we (Pronoun: generic we (the speaker and at least one other person, regardless of whether it's the person being addressed))
- * American Sign Language: [[1^o-f@IpsiChest-FingerBack RoundHoriz 1^o-f@ContraChest-FingerBack]] (also inclusive and exclusive forms (not listed), as well as numeral incorporation)
- wrong (Adverb: wrongly, incorrectly)
- * American Sign Language: {{t|ase|Y@Chin-PalmBack}}, ''TH'' mouthing
- zero (Noun: numeric symbol of zero)
- * American Sign Language: see last row of [[w: American Sign Language alphabet#Chart|chart]]
[edit]This language has translations in 1988 of 208392 (0.95%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- the (Article: article)
- * Amharic: (-u, -w) (''masculine'') (-wa, -itwa, -ätwa) (''feminine'') {{qualifier|final enclitic suffixes}}
No translation target: 1 item
- straitjacket (Verb: to put someone into a straitjacket)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|tr=tuta}}
Multiple qualifiers: 1 item
- do you speak English (Phrase: do you speak English? (English specifically))
- * Amharic: {{t|am|እንግሊዝኛ፡ትችላለህ|tr=ʾənglizəñña təčəlalläh}} {{qualifier|male}}, {{t|am|እንግሊዝኛ፡ትችያለሽ|tr=ʾənglizəñña təčəyalläš}} {{qualifier|female}} {{t|am|እንግሊዝኛ፡ይችላሉ|tr=ʾənglizəñña yəčəlallu}} {{qualifier|polite}}
Unexpected template: 2 items
- Mekele (Proper noun: Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|መቀሌ}} {{gloss|[[Mek’elē]]}}
- Paris (Proper noun: capital of France)
- * Amharic: {{tt|am|ፓሪስ}}, {{tt|am|ፓሪ}} {{a|en|French form}}
Entry HTML comment: 5 items
- breastplate (Noun: horse tack)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|ኣምበል|m}} <!-- ex Leslau Comp. p. 231 -->
- hemlock (Noun: poisonous plant of genus Conium)
- * Amharic: {{t-needed|am}}<!--native to Ethiopia!-->
- myrtle (Noun: evergreen shrub)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|ኣደስ}}, {{t|am|አደስ}}, {{t|am|ባርሰነት}}, {{t|am|የሚለመልም}}, {{t|am|ምርሰኔ}}<!-- ምርሰኔ is not yet on the web. Only from Leslau. It’s μυρσίνη. -->
- promise (Verb: to commit to something)
- * Amharic: {{t-check|am|[[ቃል]] [[ገባ]]}} <!-- was "[[ቃል]] [[ገባ]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|am|[[ቃል]] [[መግባት]]}} <!-- was "[[ቃል]] [[መግባት]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- vinegar (Noun: condiment)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|መጻጻ|?}}, {{t|am|ኮምጣጤ|?|tr=komṭaṭṭe}}, {{t|am|ከል|?|tr=käll}}<!--this last from Arabic-->
text_outside_template: 10 items
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ስምንት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፰}})
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|አምስት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፭}})
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|አራት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፬}})
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ዘጠኝ}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፱}})
- penis (Noun: male organ for copulation and urination)
- * Amharic: {{tt|am|ቁላ}}, {{tt|am|ሙርጥ}} {{qualifier|slang}}, {{tt|am|ልምቡጥ}} and {{tt|am|ልንቡጥ}} {{qualifier|both uncircumcised}}
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ስድስት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፮}})
- ten thousand (Numeral: 10,000)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|እልፍ|sc=Ethi}} (numerals: {{t-check|am|፼}})
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ሦስት}}, {{tt|am|ሶስት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፫}})
- twenty (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|ሐያ}}, {{t|am|ሃያ}} (numeral: [[፳]])
- two (Numeral: numerical value)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ሁለት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፪}})
Multiple t-templates: 12 items
- do you speak English (Phrase: do you speak English? (English specifically))
- * Amharic: {{t|am|እንግሊዝኛ፡ትችላለህ|tr=ʾənglizəñña təčəlalläh}} {{qualifier|male}}, {{t|am|እንግሊዝኛ፡ትችያለሽ|tr=ʾənglizəñña təčəyalläš}} {{qualifier|female}} {{t|am|እንግሊዝኛ፡ይችላሉ|tr=ʾənglizəñña yəčəlallu}} {{qualifier|polite}}
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ስምንት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፰}})
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|አምስት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፭}})
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|አራት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፬}})
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ዘጠኝ}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፱}})
- penis (Noun: male organ for copulation and urination)
- * Amharic: {{tt|am|ቁላ}}, {{tt|am|ሙርጥ}} {{qualifier|slang}}, {{tt|am|ልምቡጥ}} and {{tt|am|ልንቡጥ}} {{qualifier|both uncircumcised}}
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ስድስት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፮}})
- ten thousand (Numeral: 10,000)
- * Amharic: {{t|am|እልፍ|sc=Ethi}} (numerals: {{t-check|am|፼}})
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ሦስት}}, {{tt|am|ሶስት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፫}})
- two (Numeral: numerical value)
- * Amharic: {{tt+|am|ሁለት}} (numeral: {{tt|am|፪}})
- welcome (Interjection: greeting given upon someone's arrival)
- * Amharic: {{tt|am|እንኳን ደህና መጣህ|m}} {{tt|am|እንኳን ደህና መጣሽ|f}} {{tt|am|እንኳን ደህና መጡ|p}}
- welcome (Interjection: greeting given upon someone's arrival)
- * Amharic: {{tt|am|እንኳን ደህና መጣህ|m}} {{tt|am|እንኳን ደህና መጣሽ|f}} {{tt|am|እንኳን ደህና መጡ|p}}
Ancient Greek
[edit]This language has translations in 12478 of 208392 (5.99%) translation tables
Unexpected template
[edit]- 1 item
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Ancient: {{tt|grc|ἕξ}}, {{tt|grc|ϛ΄}} {{q-lite|numeral}}
Nested templates
[edit]- 3 items
- Royal Road (Proper noun: ancient road in Persia)
- * Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ βασιληΐη}} {{q|{{grc-ion}}}}
- except (Conjunction: Introducing a non-noun complement forming an exception or qualification)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|πλήν}} (usually {{q|with {{m|grc|ὅτι}}}})
- heliotrope (Noun: plant of the genus Heliotropium; any of various plants resembling those of the genus Heliotropium)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ἡλῐοτρόπῐον|n}} {{qualifier|{{taxlink|Heliotropium europaeum|species}}}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 5 items
Expected language code is grc
- frost (Noun: cover of minute ice crystals)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|κρυμός|m}}, {{t+|el|πάγος|m}}, {{t|grc|πάχνη|f}}
- meditation (Noun: devotional contemplation)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|μελετήματα}}, {{t+|el|διαλογισμός|m}}, {{t|grc|σύννοια|f}}
- nuance (Noun: minor distinction)
- *: Ancient: {{t+|el|νύξις|f}}
- nuance (Noun: subtlety or fine detail)
- *: Ancient: {{t+|el|νύξις|f}}
- pain (Noun: suffering or anguish, especially mental)
- *: Ancient: {{tt|grc|ἄλγος|n}}, {{tt|el|ὀδύνη|f}}
No translation template
[edit]- 8 items
- Dionne (Proper noun: given name)
- * Ancient Greek: Διώνη
- have (Verb: auxiliary used in forming the perfect and the past perfect tenses)
- *: Ancient: {{qualifier|use aorist, perfect, or pluperfect tense}}
- hyacinth bean (Noun: the plant or its produce of seed)
- *: Ancient Greek: ''the Ancients only knew the [[cowpea]], perhaps extending its names in a generic fashion.''
- on (Preposition: at the date of)
- * Ancient Greek: {{qualifier|dative case of noun}}, {{t|grc|ἐν}} {{qualifier|+ dative}}
- than (Preposition: Introduces a comparison)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἤ}}, {{qual|genitive case of noun}}, {{t|grc|ἤπερ}}
- that (Conjunction: connecting a noun clause)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ὅτι}}, {{t|grc|ὡς}}, {{qual|or rendered with an infinitive or participle}}
- to (Preposition: used to indicate the indirect object)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{qualifier|uses [[dative case]]}}
- will (Verb: indicating future action)
- *: Ancient: ''Use the future tense''
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 8 items
- aorist (Noun: a grammatical aspect)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀόριστος}} ({{l|grc|χρόνος}})
- converse (Verb: to engage in conversation)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|διαλέγομαι}} {{t|grc|[[ἔντευξις]] [[ποιέω|ποιῶ]]}} {{qualifier|+ dative}}
- hartwort (Noun: plant of Europe)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|σέσελῐς|f}}, {{t|grc|τόρδῡλον|n}} / {{t|grc|τορδίλιον|n}}
- parchment (Noun: material)
- *: Ancient: [[Koine]] {{t|grc|Περγαμηνή|f}} ({{t|grc|διφθέρα|f}}, {{t|grc|μεμβράνα|f}})
- parchment (Noun: material)
- *: Ancient: [[Koine]] {{t|grc|Περγαμηνή|f}} ({{t|grc|διφθέρα|f}}, {{t|grc|μεμβράνα|f}})
- shore (Noun: land adjoining a large body of water)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|αἰγιαλός|m}} {{qualifier|of the sea or ocean}}, {{t|grc|ἠϊών|f}} {{t|grc|ὄχθη|f}} {{qualifier|of a river or lake}}
- squirting cucumber (Noun: Ecballium elaterium)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἐλατήριον|n}}, {{t|grc|βουβάλιον|n}} {{t|grc|νότιον|n}}, {{t|grc|φέρομβρον|n}}, {{t|grc|βάλλις|f}}, {{t|grc|σκόπιον|n}}, {{t|grc|γρῦνον|n}}, {{t|grc|πευκέδανον|n}}, {{t|grc|σκόρπιον|n}}, {{t|grc|σίκυς άγριος|m}}, {{t|grc|σικύδιον|n}}
- vain (Adjective: pointless, futile)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀποφώλιος}}, {{t|grc|μάταιος}}, {{t|grc|τηΰσιος}} {{t|grc|ψαινύθιος}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 9 items
- Urim and Thummim (Noun: sacred devices used for casting lots)
- * Ancient Greek: {{t-check|grc|[[δῆλος|δῆλοι]] [[καί|καὶ]] [[ἀλήθεια]]}} <!-- was "[[δῆλος|δῆλοι]] [[καί|καὶ]] [[ἀλήθεια]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- ambiguous (Adjective: )
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t-check|grc|ἀμφίβολος}} <!-- Was under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἐνέδρα|f}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- breastplate (Noun: horse tack)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|στηθόδεσμος|m}}, {{t|grc|στηθοδέσμη|f}} <!-- theoretically {{t|grc|μαστόδεσμος|m}} but this is not well attested, apparently only for the context of the human female’s breast --->, {{t|grc|λέπαδνον|n}}, {{t|grc|λέπαμνον|n}}
- goatfish (Noun: )
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t-check|grc|τρίγλη|f}} <!-- Was under ''Mullus barbatus'' -->
- horehound (Noun: Marrubium vulgare)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|μαυρόμαρσον|n}}, {{t|grc|φαράσιον|n}}, {{t|grc|πράσιον|n}} <!-- {{t|grc|ἄφεδρος}} --> <!-- -->
- houseleek (Noun: Sempervivum)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀείζωον}}<!-- a lot of hapaxes here: -->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- *: Ancient: {{t-check|grc|τύραννος|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t-check|grc|μάλα}}, {{t-check|grc|ἀγα-}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
[edit]- 23 items
- Laconia (Proper noun: region in the southern Peloponnese)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|Λᾰκωνῐκή|f}} ([[γῆ]]), {{t|grc|Λᾰκεδαίμων|f}}
- about (Preposition: on every side of)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|περί}} (+ acc.), {{t|grc|ἀμφί}} (+ dat.)
- around (Preposition: forming a circle or closed curve containing)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|περί}} (+ acc.)
- as far as (Preposition: in the scope of)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|μέχρι}} (+ gen.)
- by (Preposition: with the authority of)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{tt|grc|νή}} (+ acc.)
- capture (Verb: take control of)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ζωγρέω}}, {{t|grc|ἁλίσκομαι}} ''(with subject and object reversed)''
- from (Preposition: with the source or provenance of or at)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀπό}} (+ gen.); {{t|grc|παρά}} (+ gen.)
- from (Preposition: with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀπό}} (+ gen.)
- hartwort (Noun: plant of Europe)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|σέσελῐς|f}}, {{t|grc|τόρδῡλον|n}} / {{t|grc|τορδίλιον|n}}
- instead of (Preposition: in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀντί}} (+ genitive)
- out (Preposition: away from the inside)
- * Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ἐξ}} (+ gen.)
- out of (Preposition: from the inside to the outside of)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ἐξ}} (+ gen.), {{t|grc|ἐκ|}} (+ gen.)
- over (Preposition: physical positioning: on top of; above)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ὑπέρ}} (+ acc.)
- parchment (Noun: material)
- *: Ancient: [[Koine]] {{t|grc|Περγαμηνή|f}} ({{t|grc|διφθέρα|f}}, {{t|grc|μεμβράνα|f}})
- under (Preposition: at a lower level than)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ὑπό}} (+ acc.)
- under (Preposition: beneath the surface of)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ὑπό}} (+ acc.)
- until (Preposition: up to the time of)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἕως}} (+ gen.), {{t|grc|μέχρι}} (+ gen.), {{t|grc|μέσφα}} (+ gen.), {{t|grc|ἄχρι}} (+ gen.)
- upon (Preposition: )
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ἐπί}} (+ gen.)
- with (Preposition: in the company of)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|μετά}} (+ gen.), {{t|grc|σύν}} (+ dat.)
- with (Preposition: by means of)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{t|grc|ἐν}} (+ dat.)
- work (Noun: )
- * Ancient Greek: {{t-check|grc|ἔργον|n}} (1,2,5,7,8)
- would (Verb: indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
- *: Ancient: Use the optative mood + {{t|grc|ἄν}}
- would (Verb: indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly)
- *: Ancient: ''Use imperfect tense alone or past tense with'' {{t|grc|ἄν}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 24 items
- Venetian (Adjective: relating to Venice)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|Ἐνετικός}}, {{t|grc|Ἐνέτης}} {{q|Koine}}; {{t|grc|Βενετικός}} {{q|Byzantine}}
- all (Determiner: every individual of the given class)
- *: Ancient: {{tt|grc|πᾶς|m}}, {{tt|grc|πᾶσα|f}}, {{tt|grc|πᾶν|n}}; {{qual|emphatic}} {{tt|grc|ἅπᾱς|m}}, {{tt|grc|ἅπᾱσα|f}}, {{tt|grc|ἅπαν|n}}
- combat (Noun: a battle; a fight)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|μάχη|f}}; {{q|epic}} {{t|grc|δηϊοτής|f}}, {{t|grc|ὑσμίνη|f}}
- ex-slave (Noun: a former or emancipated slave)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἐξελεύθερος|m}}, {{t|grc|ἀπελεύθερος|m}}; {{t|grc|ἐξελευθέρα|f}}, {{t|grc|ἀπελευθέρα|f}}
- farewell (Interjection: Goodbye)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἔρρωσο|s}}, {{t|grc|ἔρρωσθε|p}}; {{t|grc|χαῖρε|s}}, {{t|grc|χαίρετε|p}}
- goodbye (Interjection: farewell)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἔρρωσο|s}}, {{t|grc|ἔρρωσθε|p}}; {{t|grc|χαῖρε|s}}, {{t|grc|χαίρετε|p}}
- hear (Verb: to perceive with the ear)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀκούω}}; {{qual|poetic}} {{t|grc|κλύω}}, {{t|grc|ἀΐω}}
- him (Pronoun: dative / indirect object)
- *: Ancient: {{qual|personal pronouns}} {{t|grc|αὐτῷ}}, {{t|grc|οἷ}}; {{qual|medial, proximal, distal demonstratives}} {{t|grc|τούτῳ}}, {{t|grc|τῷδε}}, {{t|grc|ἐκείνῳ}}; {{qual|Epic demonstratives}} {{t|grc|τῷ}}, {{t|grc|ᾧ}}
- him (Pronoun: objective after preposition)
- *: Ancient: {{qual|after preposition that governs accusative}} {{t|grc|αὐτόν}}, {{t|grc|ἕ}}, {{t|grc|τοῦτον}}, {{t|grc|τόνδε}}, {{t|grc|ἐκεῖνον}}, {{t|grc|τόν}}, {{t|grc|ὅν}}; {{qual|after preposition that governs dative}} {{t|grc|αὐτῷ}}, {{t|grc|οἷ}}, {{t|grc|τούτῳ}}, {{t|grc|τῷδε}}, {{t|grc|ἐκείνῳ}}, {{t|grc|τῷ}}, {{t|grc|ᾧ}}; {{qual|after preposition that governs genitive}} {{t|grc|αὐτοῦ}}, {{t|grc|οὗ}}, {{t|grc|τούτου}}, {{t|grc|τοῦδε}}, {{t|grc|ἐκείνου}}, {{t|grc|τοῦ}}
- his (Determiner: attributive: belonging to him)
- *: Ancient: {{q|genitive of personal pronoun}} {{t|grc|αὐτοῦ}}; {{q|medial, proximal, distal demonstrative}} {{t|grc|τούτου}}, {{t|grc|τοῦδε}}, {{t|grc|ἐκείνου}}; {{q|Epic demonstrative}} {{t|grc|τοῦ}}; {{q|Epic possessive adjective}} {{t|grc|ὅς}}, {{t|grc|ἑός}}
- it (Pronoun: subject — inanimate thing)
- *: Ancient: {{qual|subject pronouns are usually omitted, or a demonstrative is used: medial, proximal, and distal demonstratives:}} {{tt|grc|τοῦτο}}, {{tt|grc|τόδε}}, {{tt|grc|ἐκεῖνο}}; {{qualifier|Epic demonstratives:}} {{tt|grc|τό}}, {{tt|grc|ὅ}}
- it (Pronoun: object)
- *: Ancient: {{qual|neuter personal pronoun, when referring to inanimate thing or neuter noun}} {{tt|grc|αὐτό|n}}; {{qualifier|medial, proximal, distal demonstratives:}} {{tt|grc|τοῦτο|n}}, {{tt|grc|τόδε|n}}, {{tt|grc|ἐκεῖνο|n}}; {{qualifier|Epic demonstratives}} {{tt|grc|τό}}, {{tt|grc|ὅ}}; {{qual|when referring to feminine noun:}} {{tt|grc|αὐτήν}}, {{tt|grc|ταύτην}}, {{tt|grc|ἥνδε}}, {{tt|grc|ἐκείνην}}, {{tt|grc|τήν}}, {{tt|grc|ἥν}}; {{qual|when referring to masculine noun:}} {{tt|grc|αὐτόν}}, {{tt|grc|τοῦτον}}, {{tt|grc|τόνδε}}, {{tt|grc|ἐκεῖνον}}, {{tt|grc|τόν}}, {{tt|grc|ὅν}}
- leader (Noun: one having authority)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἡγεμών|m}}; {{q|Epic}} {{t|grc|ἡγήτωρ|m}}, {{t|grc|ὄρχαμος|m}}
- libation (Noun: act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice)
- *: Ancient: {{q|for the gods}} {{t|grc|σπονδή|f}}, {{t|grc|λοιβήή|f}}; {{q|for the dead}} {{t|grc|χοή|f}}
- mine (Pronoun: that which belongs to me)
- *: Ancient: {{qualifier|Attic Greek, possessive adjective with article in appropriate gender and number}} {{tt|grc|[[ὁ]] [[ἐμός]]}}, {{tt|grc|οὑμός}} {{q|[[crasis]]}}; {{qualifier|Epic Greek, without article}} {{tt|grc|ἐμός}}
- more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
- *: Ancient: {{qual|adjective}} {{t|grc|-τερος}}, {{t|grc|-ίων}}; {{qual|adverb}} {{t|grc|-τερον}}, {{t|grc|-ιον}}
- she (Pronoun: person)
- *: Ancient: {{qual|subject pronouns usually omitted, or a demonstrative is used: medial, proximal, and distal:}} {{t|grc|αὕτη|f}}, {{t|grc|ἥδε|f}}, {{t|grc|ἐκείνη|f}}; {{qualifier|Epic}} {{t|grc|ἡ|f}}, {{t|grc|ἥ|f}}
- spear (Noun: long stick with a sharp tip)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀρίγων|m}}, {{t|grc|δόρυ|n}}, {{t|grc|ἐγχείη|f}}, {{t|grc|ἔγχος|n}}, {{t|grc|κοντάριον|n}}, {{t|grc|λόγχη|f}}, {{t|grc|μελία|f}}, {{t|grc|ξυστόν|n}}, {{t|grc|σιβύνη|f}}, {{t|grc|σιγύνης|m}}, {{t|grc|χαλκός|m}}; secondarily: {{t|grc|αἰχμή|f}}
- that (Determiner: what is being indicated)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἐκεῖνος|m}}, {{t|grc|ἐκείνη|f}}, {{t|grc|ἐκεῖνο|n}}; {{t|grc|οὗτος|m}}, {{t|grc|αὕτη|f}}, {{t|grc|τοῦτο|n}}
- there (Adverb: in or at that place)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἐκεῖ}}; {{qual|Epic}} {{t|grc|κεῖ}}, {{t|grc|ἐκεῖθι}}, {{t|grc|κεῖθι}}; {{t|grc|ἐνταῦθα}}, {{t|grc|ἔνθα}}, {{t|grc|αὐτοῦ}}, {{qual|poetic}} {{t|grc|τόθι}}; {{qual|Ionic}} {{t|grc|ἐνθαῦτα}}
- they (Pronoun: third-person plural pronoun)
- *: Ancient Greek: {{tt|grc|οὗτοι|m}}, {{tt|grc|αὗται|f}} {{tt|grc|ταῦτα}}; {{tt|grc|σφεῖς}}
- this (Determiner: the (thing) here)
- *: Ancient: {{tt|grc|οὗτος|m}}, {{tt|grc|αὕτη|f}}, {{tt|grc|τοῦτο|n}}; {{tt|grc|ὅδε|m}}, {{tt|grc|ἥδε|f}}, {{tt|grc|τόδε|n}}
- when (Adverb: at what time, as an indirect question)
- *: Ancient: {{tt|grc|ὁπότε}}, {{tt|grc|πότε}}; {{qualifier|time of day}} {{tt|grc|ὁπηνίκα}}, {{tt|grc|πηνίκα}}
- wooden (Adjective: made of wood)
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ξύλινος}}, {{t|grc|ξυλικός}}, {{t|grc|κάλινος}}, {{t|grc|ἔγξυλος}}, {{t|grc|δορήϊος}}; {{qual|made of wooden planks}} {{t|grc|δουράτεος}}, {{t|grc|δούρειος}}, {{t|grc|δούριος}}
Angkola Batak
[edit]This language has translations in 2 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- welcome (Interjection: )
- * Angkola Batak: {{t-check|akb|[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!}} <!-- was "[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
Antillean Creole
[edit]This language has translations in 167 of 208392 (0.08%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- orange (Noun: tree)
- * Antillean Creole: {{t|gcf|oranjé|m}}, {{t|gcf|owanjé|m}} {{t|gcf|pyé zoranj}}
[edit]This language has translations in 4 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item
- Tibet (Proper noun: region in Inner Asia)
- * Apatani: {{t|apt||tr=ñi-mé}}
[edit]This language has translations in 27712 of 208392 (13.30%) translation tables
No translation target
[edit]- 2 items
- where (Adverb: at or in which place)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|}}, {{tt|ar|حَيْث}}
- where (Adverb: to which place or situation)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|}}
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 2 items
- abroad (Adverb: in foreign countries)
- * Arabic: {{qualifier|where}} {{t|ar|فِي الْخَارِج}} {{q|place}}, {{t|ar|اِلَى الْخَارِج}} {{q|direction}}
- remainder (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{qualifier|indefinite}} {{t-check|ar|بَاقٍ}}, {{qualifier|definite}} {{qualifier|indefinite}} {{t-check|ar|بَاقٍ}}, {{qualifier|definite}} {{t-check|ar|اَلْبَاقِي}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 2 items
Expected language code is ar
- headstall (Noun: part of the bridle that fits over the horse's head)
- * Arabic: {{t|av|عِذَار|m}}
- interesting (Adjective: arousing or holding the attention)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مُشَوِّق|m}}, {{t|arz|ممتع|tr=mumtiʕ}}, {{t|ar|مُسَلٍّ}}
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 4 items
- bell (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{l|ar|جرس}} (jaras), {{t-check|ar|نَاقُوس}}
- sheep (Noun: animal)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|خَرُوف|m}}, {{l|ar|ضَأْن}}{{q|collective}}, {{l|ar|غَنَم}} {{q|collective}}, {{tt|ar|شاء}} {{q|collective}}, {{tt+|ar|حَمَل|m}} {{q|lamb}}
- sheep (Noun: animal)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|خَرُوف|m}}, {{l|ar|ضَأْن}}{{q|collective}}, {{l|ar|غَنَم}} {{q|collective}}, {{tt|ar|شاء}} {{q|collective}}, {{tt+|ar|حَمَل|m}} {{q|lamb}}
- suitable (Adjective: appropriate to a certain occasion)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مُنَاسِب}}, {{l|ar|مُلَائِم}}, {{t|ar|لَائِق}}
Nested templates
[edit]- 7 items
- Comorian (Adjective: pertaining to the Comoros)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جُزُر اَلْقَمَر}} {{qualifier|'iDaafa ({{m|ar|إضافَة}}) is used}}
- I'm (Contraction: Contraction)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|أنا|alt=أَنَا ...}}; {{t|ar|أَكُونُ}} {{qualifier|verb {{t+|ar|كان}} is rarely used in the present tense}}
- cousin (Noun: child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِبْن عَمّ|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s son|[[FBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|بِنْت عَمّ|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s daughter|[[FBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|اِبْن عَمَّة|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s son|[[FZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|بِنْت عَمَّة|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s daughter|[[FZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|اِبْن خَال|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s son|[[MBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|بِنْت خَال|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s daughter|[[MBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|اِبْن خَالَة|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s sister’s son|[[MZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|ar|بِنْت خَالَة|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s sister’s daughter|[[MZD]]|und=1}}}}
- do without (Verb: manage)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِسْتَغْنَى}} {{q|+ {{m|ar|عَن}}}}
- polygamy (Noun: the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَعَدُّدُ الأَزْوَاج|m}} {{q|usually understood as “polygyny”, but may include “polyandry”, unlike {{m|ar|تَعَدُّدُ الزَّوْجَات}}}}
- rue (Noun: any of various perennial shrubs of the genus Ruta)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سُذَاب|m}}, {{t|ar|فَيْجَن|m}}, {{t|ar|حَزَاء|m}} {{q|obsolete already by 1000 {{CE}}}}
- yoke (Noun: bar or frame by which two oxen or other draught animals are joined at their necks enabling them to pull a cart, plough, etc.; device attached to a single draught animal for the same purpose)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|نِير|m}} {{q|most standard}}, {{t|ar|مِضْمَدَة|f}}, {{t|ar|مِضْمَد|m}} {{q|West Yemen, and from there Al-Andalus, Morocco, Algeria}}, {{t|ar|وَيْج|m}} {{q|now in all of Oman}}, {{t|ar|أُرْعُوَّة|f}} {{q|now extinct in this form but used in spots in North Yemen as {{t|ar|رِعْوَة|f}}, {{t|ar|رَعْوَة|f}} – compare the Ge'ez}}; in Ḥaḍramawt {{t|ayn|هِجّ|m|tr=hijj}}; in Lower Egyptian Arabic {{t|arz|نَاف|m|tr=nāf}}, in Upper Egyptian Arabic {{t|arz|كَرَب|m|tr=kaṛab}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 17 items
- -'s (Suffix: possessive marker)
- * Arabic: ''genitive construction is used - the thing owned is followed by the owner in the genitive case - ({{lang|ar|[[إضافَة]]}} iḍāfa)''
- Paris (Proper noun: capital of France)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|بَارِيس|f}}, {{qualifier-lite|archaic}} {{tt|ar|بَارِيز|f}}
- QL (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|QL|m|tr=-|sc=Latn}},{{LR}} {{t|ar|كْيُو إِل|tr=kyū ʔel|m}}, {{t|ar|كْيُو إلْ|m}}
- X (Numeral: unknown quantity or unknown value)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|س|tr=sīn}} {{q-lite|unknown variable}}
- beebrush (Noun: plant of the genus Aloysia)
- * Arabic: {{no equivalent translation|ar|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, even for {{taxfmt|Verbena|genus}} species''
- beebrush (Noun: plant of the genus Aloysia)
- * Arabic: {{no equivalent translation|ar|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, even for {{taxfmt|Verbena|genus}} species''
- bless you (Interjection: said to somebody who has sneezed)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|صِحَّة}} {{gloss|health}}, {{t|ar|اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰه|tr=al-ḥamdu li-llāh}} {{gloss|praise God}}, {{t|ar|يَرْحَمْكُم اللّٰه}} {{gloss|(may) Allah have mercy on you}}, {{t|ar|يَرْحَمْكُم}} {{gloss|mercy on you}}
- cyclamen (Noun: A type of plant)
- * Arabic: {{t-ws|بخور مريم}}
- get used (Verb: to become accustomed (intransitive))
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِعْتَادَ}} ({{m|ar|عَلَى}})
- phone (Verb: to call (someone) on the telephone)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَلْفَنَ}} ({{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ل|لـِ]]}} ''li-'')
- runner-up (Noun: the person who finishes in any position after the first)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|وَصِيفَة|f}} {{gloss|in beauty contest}}
- shout (Verb: to utter a sudden and loud outcry)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|صَرَخَ}} (present tense: {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[يصرخ]]}} ''yaṣruxu''), {{t+|ar|صَاحَ}}
- still (Adverb: up to a time, as in the preceding time)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لَا يَزَال}} (negative form of {{m|ar|زَالَ}}), {{t|ar|مَا زَالَ}}, {{t|ar|اِلَى اَلْأٰن}}
- telephone (Verb: to call someone)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَلْفَنَ}} ({{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ل|لـِ]]}} ''li-'')
- the (Adverb: the + comparative, the + comparative)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|[[كُلَّمَا]] [[كَانَ]]... [[كَانَ]] ...}} (example: {{lang|ar|كلما كان أرخص كان أفضل}} (''kúllama kāna ʾárḵaṣ kāna ʾáfḍal'' ‘the cheaper the better’) *(''used with a verb in the past tense, "kāna" or others'')
- thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ثَلَاثَةَ عَشَرَ}} (numeral: {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[١٣]]}})
- worst (Adjective: most inferior)
- * Arabic: (+ {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ال|الـ]]}} + al-) {{t|ar|أَسْوَأ}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 22 items
- God bless you (Interjection: said as a short prayer for the recipient)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَيَّاك اَللّٰه}}; {{t|ar|بَارَكَ اَللّٰه فِيكَ}} {{qualifier|to a man}}, {{t|ar|بَارَكَ اَللّٰه فِيكِ}} {{qualifier|to a woman}}
- Good Friday (Proper noun: The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|الْجُمْعَة الْعَظِيمَة|f|tr=al-jumʕa al-ʕaẓīma}}; {{t|ar|جُمْعَة الْآلَام|f|tr=jumʕat al-ʔālām}},
- Gregorian calendar (Proper noun: calendar)
- * Arabic: {{q|as opposed to the Julian calendar}} {{t|ar|تقويم الغربي|alt=التَقْوِيم الغَرْبِيّ|m}}; {{q|as opposed to the Islamic calendar}} {{t|ar|تقويم الميلادي|alt=التَقْوِيم المِيلَادِيّ|m}}, {{q|combining both specifications}} {{t|ar|تقويم الميلادي الغربي|alt=التَقْوِيم المِيلَادِيّ الغَرْبِيّ|m}}
- I like you (Phrase: I like you)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|أَنَا مُعْجَب بِك}} {{qualifier|to a male}}, {{t|ar|أَنَا مُعْجَب بِكِي}} {{qualifier|to a female}}; {{qualifier|may mean [[love]] as well}} {{t|ar|أُحِبُّكَ}}, {{t|ar|أُحِبَّك}} {{qualifier|to a male}}, {{t|ar|أُحِبُّكِ}}, {{t|ar|أُحِبِّك}} {{qualifier|to a female}}
- Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|رُومَانِيّ|m}}; {{t|ar|غَجَرِيّ|m}}, {{t+|ar|غَجَر}}
- aloe vera (Noun: Aloe vera)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|صَبِر|m}}; {{q|specifically}} {{t|ar|صَبِر حَقِيقِيّ}}, {{t|ar|أَلُوفِيرَا|tr=ʔalōvēra|f}}
- artist (Noun: person who creates art)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|فَنَّان|m}}, {{t|ar|فَنَّانَة|f}}; {{t|ar|رَسَّام|m}}, {{t|ar|رَسَّامَة|f}}
- aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
- * Arabic: {{q|father's sister}} {{t+|ar|عَمَّة|f}}, {{q|mother's sister}} {{t+|ar|خَالَة|f}}, {{q|wife of father's brother}} {{t|ar|زَوْجةُ العَمّ}}; {{q|wife of mother's brother}} {{t|ar|زَوْجةُ الخال}}
- depose (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{l|ar|عزل}} (ʕázala), {{t-check|ar|خَلَعَ}}, {{t+check|ar|قال|alt=أَقَالَ}}; {{t-check|ar|[[شَهِدَ]] [[أَمَامَ]] [[مَحْكَمَة]]}}
- director (Noun: supervisor, manager)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مُدِير|m}}, {{t|ar|مُدِيرَة|f}}; {{t|ar|مُخْرِج|m}} {{q|film}}
- double-u (Noun: name of the letter W, w)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|دَابِلْيُو|m|tr=dabelyū}}, {{t|ar|دَابْلِيُو|m|tr=dabliyū}}, {{t|ar|دوبلڤه}}, {{t|ar|دُوبِلِڥِه|m|tr=dubleveh}}
- farmer (Noun: person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|فَلَّاح|m}}, {{t|ar|فَلَّاحَة|f}}; {{t|ar|مُزَارِع|m}}, {{t|ar|مُزَارِعَة|f}}
- further (Adverb: moreover)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كَذَلِكُمْ}}, {{t|ar|فضلا عن ذلك}}, {{t|ar|َيْضًا}};{{t+|ar|ثم}}, {{t|ar|هَكَذَا}}, {{t|ar|َ كَذَلك}}
- gardener (Noun: one who gardens)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بُسْتَانِيّ|m}}, {{t|ar|بُسْتَانِيَّة|f}}; {{t|ar|جَنَائِنِيّ|m}}, {{t|ar|جَنَائِنِيَّة|f}}
- good day (Phrase: greeting between sunrise and sunset)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|نَهَارَك سَعِيد}}, {{t|ar|مَسَاء اَلْخَيْر}}; {{t|ar|مَسَاء اَلنُّور}} {{qualifier|response}}
- high (Adjective: elevated; tall)
- * Arabic: {{qualifier|indefinite}} {{tt|ar|عَالٍ}}, {{qualifier|definite}} {{tt|ar|عال|alt=اَلْعَالِي}}; {{tt+|ar|طَوِيل}}
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كَيْف الْحال؟}}, {{t+|ar|كَيْفَ حَالُكَ؟}} {{qualifier|to a male, formal}}, {{t+|ar|كَيْف حَالَك؟}} {{qualifier|to a male, informal}}; {{t+|ar|كَيْفَ حَالُكِ؟}} {{qualifier|to a female, formal}}, {{t+|ar|كَيْف حَالِك؟}} {{qualifier|to a female, informal}}
- kajawah (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|هَوْدَج|tr=hawdaj}}, {{t|ar|مَحْمَل|tr=maḥmal}}; {{t|ar|مِحَفَّة|tr=miḥaffa}} {{q|covered, for women}}
- nest (Noun: bird-built structure)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|عُشّ|m}}, {{tt|ar|أَعْشَاش|m-p}}; {{tt|ar|وَكْر|m}}
- paramour (Noun: illicit lover)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|خَلِيل|m}}, {{t|ar|خَلِيلَة|f}}; {{t|ar|عَشِيق|m}}, {{t|ar|عَشِيقَة|f}}
- somebody (Pronoun: some unspecified person)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|أَحَد|m}}; ''as a subject, the participle of the verb is also used, e.g.'' {{l|ar||سَأَلَ سائِلٌ|t=somebody asked|lit=an asker asked}}
- tile (Noun: sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|قِرْمِيدَة|f}}, {{t|ar|قِرْمِيد}} {{qualifier|collective}}; {{t|ar|بَلَاط|m}}
No translation template
[edit]- 23 items
- -'s (Suffix: possessive marker)
- * Arabic: ''genitive construction is used - the thing owned is followed by the owner in the genitive case - ({{lang|ar|[[إضافَة]]}} iḍāfa)''
- -ness (Suffix: appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ـِيَّة}}, {{qualifier|several internal vowel patterns are used}}
- -th (Suffix: used to form the ordinal numeral)
- * Arabic: {{qualifier|no specific suffixes are used}}
- beebrush (Noun: plant of the genus Aloysia)
- * Arabic: {{no equivalent translation|ar|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, even for {{taxfmt|Verbena|genus}} species''
- cicely (Noun: Myrrhis odorata)
- * Arabic: ''probably no definite term''
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Arabic: [[عديل]]
- cyclamen (Noun: A type of plant)
- * Arabic: {{t-ws|بخور مريم}}
- dowager (Noun: widow)
- * Arabic: أرملة
- false flax (Noun: Camelina gen. or Camelina sativa (unspecific))
- * Arabic: ''none, outside the range''
- have (Verb: to possess)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|مَلَكَ}}, {{t|ar|اِمْتَلَكَ}}, {{t|ar|تَمَلَّكَ}}, ''usually no verb is used'', prepositions: {{t+|ar|عِنْدَ}}, {{t+|ar|لِـ}}, etc. + noun or pronoun are used, e.g. {{t|ar|عِنْدِي}} - I have, {{t|ar|عِنْدَك}}, {{t|ar|عِنْدَك}} - you have (''m/f''), etc.
- honesty (Noun: ornamental plant)
- * Arabic: ''not known in Arabic lands''
- nurture (Noun: that which nourishes; food; diet)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|تنشئَة}}, {{t+|ar|تَرْبِيَة}}, (tarbyah)
- of (Preposition: subjective genitive: connecting action noun with subject)
- * Arabic: ''genitive construction is used - the verbal noun is followed by the subject in the genitive case''
- of (Preposition: objective genitive: connecting action noun with object)
- * Arabic: ''genitive construction used - a verbal noun is modified by the object in the genitive''
- office boy (Noun: boy or junior clerk employed in a professional office)
- * Arabic: راش (farrá:š) {{g|m}}
- pinnacle (Verb: put something on a pinnacle)
- * Arabic: [[يضع]] [[شيء]] [[على]] [[قمة]] [[عالية]]
- promontory (Noun: a high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff)
- * Arabic: (ras)
- see you soon (Interjection: goodbye)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|أَرَاكَ قَرِيبًا}}, {{qualifier|to a woman: ʾarāki qarīban}}, {{t|ar|إِلَى اللِّقَاء قَرِيبًا}}
- show of force (Noun: open demonstration of power)
- * Arabic: استعراض للقوة
- soap opera (Noun: television serial)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَمْثِيلِيَّة|f}}, {{qualifier|literal}}, {{t|ar|مُسَلْسَلَات تِلِفِزْيُونِيَّة|f-p}}, {{t|ar|مُسَلْسَلَات|p}}
- svelte (Adjective: )
- * Arabic: هيفاء,رشيق, ممشوق القامة
- when push comes to shove (Phrase: when the pressure is on)
- * Arabic: عندما يجدّ الجدّ
- would (Verb: indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
- * Arabic: ''Use the conditional tense''
Entry HTML comment
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- Byzantine fault tolerance (Noun: dependability of a fault-tolerant computer system)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|مَسْأَلَةُ الْجَنَرَالِ البِيزَنْطِي|f}} <!-- seems to mean "Byzantine generals' problem" -->
- Colombo (Proper noun: capital of Sri Lanka)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كُولُومْبُو|f|tr=kolombō}}<!-- "kolombō" reading is per Hans Wehr dictionary -->
- DVD player (Noun: DVD player)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مَشْغَل دِي فِي دِي|m}}, {{t|ar|مَشْغَل DVD|m|tr=mašḡal dī fī dī}} <!-- please don't change the order -->
- Latin (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|رُومِيّ}} <!-- Was under "person who is descended from the ancient Romans" -->
- Mother of God (Proper noun: Mary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|والدة الإله|f|tr=Wālidatu l-ʔIlāhi}}, {{t-check|ar|ام الاله|f|tr=ʔUmmu l-ʔIlāhi}}, {{t-check|ar|أُمُّ اللهِ}}, {{t-check|ar|والِدةُ اللهِ}}<!--are all spellings OK?-->
- abate (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|هَزَم}}<!--Was under "to be defeated"-->
- abate (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|نَقَّص}}<!--Was under: "to bring down or reduce to a lower state"-->
- agouti (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|أَغُوطِي}}<!-- / machine translation -->
- alcazar (Noun: Moorish fortress in Spain)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|[[قَصْر]] [[أَنْدَلُسِيّ]]|m}}<!-- "castle of Arabian Spain" -->
- although (Conjunction: in spite of the fact that)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|رَغْم أَنَّ}}<!-- please the 2nd part -->, {{t|ar|مَعَ أَنَّ}}, {{t|ar|وَلَوْ}}
- amberjack (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|الاغوطي}} <!-- / machine translation -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كَمِين|m}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- arum (Noun: flower or plant in the genus Arum)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لُوف|m}}, {{t|ar|شَارُه|m}} / {{t|ar|صَارُه|m}} {{q|Al-Andalus}}, {{t|ar|أَرُون|m}} {{q|obsolete}}<!-- see Simonet Glosario p. 510 on شَارَة / صَارُه and أُرُون -->
- assistant (Noun: person who assists)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|مُسَاعِد|m}}, {{t|ar|مُسَاعِدَة|f}}, {{t+|ar|مُعَاوِن|m}}, {{t|ar|مُعَاوِنَة|f}} <!-- verifiable entries created -->
- drown (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|غَرْق}} <!-- was "[[gharq]] [[غرق]]" -->
- fag (Noun: homosexual man)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لُوطِيّ|m}}<!--sodomite-->, {{t-check|ar|خَنِيث}}<!--hermaphrodite-->, {{t+|ar|مثلي الجنس|m}}, {{t|ar|سِحَاقِيَّة|f}}<!--lesbian-->
- fairy tale (Noun: folktale)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|قِصَّة خُرَافِيَّة|f|tr=qiṣṣa ḵurāfiyya}}<!-- manual translit required-->, {{t+|ar|خُرَافَة|f}}, {{t|ar|أُسْطُورَة|f}}, {{t|ar|حِكَايَة رَمْزِيَّة|f|tr=ḥikāya ramziyya}}<!-- manual translit required-->
- houseleek (Noun: Sempervivum)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَيّ الْعَالَم|m}}<!-- other terms, not yet on the web, in كتاب عمدة الطبيب في معرفة النبات لكل لبيب III.1 p. 186-->
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Arabic: {{t+check|ar|فِي}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- interference (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|تَدَاخُل|m}} <!-- Was under: "intrusion into the scope of protection of a guaranteed right" -->
- laugh one's head off (Verb: laugh uproariously)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|[[ضحك|لضحك]] [[شكل|بشكل]] [[صاخب]]}} <!-- best guess at wikilinking IP's contribution-->
- leaf (Noun: sheet of a book)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|وَرَقَة|f}}, {{t-check|ar|اوراق|p|alt=أَوْرَاق}} <!-- was "[[اوراق|أوْرَاق]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t|ar|صَحِيفَة}}
- maize (Noun: corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ذُرَة|f}}<!-- tr=ðora ? -->
- mayor (Noun: leader of a city)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عُمْدَة|m}} <!-- it's masculine -->
- mob (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|[[مجموعَة]] [[من]] [[الناس]] [[الخارجين]] [[عن]] [[السيطرَة]]}} <!-- was "مجموعة من الناس الخارجين عن السيطرة" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- oh my God (Interjection: excitement or shock)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|يَا إِلٰهِي}}<!-- calling to generic "God", not "Allah" here -->, {{t|ar|يَا سَلَام}}
- one-night stand (Noun: sexual encounter)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لِقَاء جِنْسِيّ لِلَيْلَة وَاحِدَة|tr=liqāʔ jinsiyy li-layla wāḥida}} <!-- that's a description, not ideomatic at all: lit. "sexual encounter for one night" -->
- private (Adjective: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|خَاصّ|m}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
- protocol (Noun: computing)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بْرُوتُوكُول|m|tr=brotokōl}}<!--reading per Hans Wehr dictionary-->
- skirt (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|التنورَة|f}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
- stick (Noun: gearstick, stickshift)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|عَصًا|m}}, {{t|ar|عُصِيّ|f-p}}, {{t|ar|عِصِيّ|f-p}}, {{t-check|ar|اعص|p|alt=أَعْصٍ}}, {{t+check|ar|عُود|m}}, {{t-check|ar|اعواد|p|alt=أَعْوَاد}}, {{t-check|ar|عُكَّاز|m}}, {{t-check|ar|عُكَّازَات|p}}, {{t-check|ar|عَكَاكِيز|p}} <!-- all assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|ar|ذِرَاع|m}}
- stonecrop (Noun: Sedum)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَيّ الْعَالَم|m}}<!-- other terms, not yet on the web, in كتاب عمدة الطبيب في معرفة النبات لكل لبيب III.1 p. 185–186-->
- talk (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|خِطَاب|m}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->
- the bill, please (Phrase: the bill, please)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اَلْحِسَابُ مِن فَضْلَك}}, {{t|ar|اَلْحِسَابُ مِن فَضْلِك}} {{qualifier|to a man / to a woman}} <!-- the endings are simplified, please don't change -->
- tragacanth (Noun: milkvetch gum)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كَثِيرَاء|f}}, {{t|ar|نَكَأَة|f}} ~ {{t|ar|نَكَعَة|f}} {{q|obsolete}}<!--about which Löw Flora II 420–421-->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|طَاغِيَة|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- warm up (Verb: to reach a normal operating temperature)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|دَفَّأَ}} {{qualifier|transitive}}, {{qualifier|imperfect}} {{t-check|ar|يُدَفِّئ}}<!-- is this supposed to be here at all? -->, {{t|ar|أَدْفَأَ}}, {{qualifier|imperfect}} {{t-check|ar|يُدْفِئ}}
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Arabic: {{t+check|ar|جِدًّا}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
- winnowing fork (Noun: fork used to winnow)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مِذْرًى|m}}, {{t+|ar|مِذْرَاة|f}}<!--Nota: ex quo Pantesco miźźirè midirè, malt. midra; et in dialectis multis: Wortatlas II № 282 worfeln-->
- zebu (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|درباني}} <!-- / machine translation -->
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- COVID-19 (Proper noun: disease)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كوفيد-19|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-19|tr=kōvid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوفيد-١٩|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-١٩|tr=kōvid-19}}
- COVID-19 (Proper noun: disease)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كوفيد-19|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-19|tr=kōvid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوفيد-١٩|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-١٩|tr=kōvid-19}}
- COVID-19 (Proper noun: disease)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كوفيد-19|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-19|tr=kōvid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوفيد-١٩|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-١٩|tr=kōvid-19}}
- Cancún (Proper noun: city in Quintana Roo, Mexico)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كَانْكُون}} {{t|ar|كَنْكُوْن}}
- I have a cold (Phrase: I have a cold)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عِنْدِي رَشْح}} / {{t|ar|لَدَي رَشْح}}, {{t|ar|عِنْدِي بَرْد}} / {{t|ar|لَدَي بَرْد}}, {{t|ar|عِنْدِي زُكَام}} / {{t|ar|لَدَي زُكَام}}
- Lower Egypt (Proper noun: Northern Egypt)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اَلدِّلْتَا}} {{t|ar|اَلْوَجْهُ ٱلْبَحْرِيُّ|m}}
- Rosh Hashanah (Proper noun: Jewish holiday)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|رَأْس السَّنَة}}, {{t|ar|رَاش هَشَنَه}} {{t|ar|رُوش هَاشَنَاه}}
- Temple in Jerusalem (Proper noun: Temple in Jerusalem)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بَيْت المُقَدَّس|f}} / {{t|ar|بَيْت المَقْدِس|f}}, {{t|ar|المَسْجِد الأَقْصَى|m}}
- appear (Verb: to seem; to have a certain semblance; to look)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|ظَهَرَ}}, {{t+|ar|بَدَا}} ({{q|present tense:}} {{t|ar|يَبْدُو}})
- attack (Noun: attempt to cause damage, injury, or death)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|هُجُوم|m}} {{t|ar|هَجْمَة|f}}, {{t|ar|حَمْلَة|f}}
- avarice (Noun: excessive or inordinate desire of gain)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|طَمَع}}، {{t|ar|شُحُّ|m}}
- believe (Verb: to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|آمَنَ}} (''present tense:'' {{t|ar|يُؤْمِن}}), {{t|ar|صَدَّقَ}}
- columnist (Noun: regular writer of a column)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عَمُود|tr=-}} {{t+|ar|كَاتِب|m|tr=kātib ʕamūd}}
- consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَكَوَّنَ}} (of: {{l|ar|مِن}}), {{t|ar|تَأَلَّفَ}}
- corridor (Noun: tract of land)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|طَرِيق|m}} {{t|ar|ضِيق|m}}
- corridor (Noun: airspace)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مَمَرّ}} {{t|ar|جو|alt=جَوِّيّ}}, {{t+|ar|خرق|alt=مُـخـتَرَق|tr=muḵtaraq}} {{t|ar|جو|alt=جَوِّيّ}}
- deceased (Adjective: no longer alive)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مَيِّت}} {{t|ar|مَيْت}}, {{t|ar|مُتَوَفًّى}}
- deflower (Verb: to take the virginity of a woman or girl)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِفْتَضَّ}}, ''or'' {{t|ar|فَضَّ}} + {{t|ar|عُذْرِيّة}} ''or'' {{t|ar|بَكَارَة}} ''vel sim.''
- deflower (Verb: to take the virginity of a woman or girl)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِفْتَضَّ}}, ''or'' {{t|ar|فَضَّ}} + {{t|ar|عُذْرِيّة}} ''or'' {{t|ar|بَكَارَة}} ''vel sim.''
- detrimental (Adjective: causing damage or harm)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ضَارّ}} {{t|ar|مُضِرّ}}
- divisibility (Noun: property of being divisible)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|قَابِلِيَّةُ الْقِسْمَةِ|f}} (''or, equivalently'' {{t|ar|الْقَابِلِيَّةُ لِلْقِسْمَةِ|f}})
- door (Noun: portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|بَاب|m}} (plural: {{tt+|ar|أَبْوَاب|m-p}})
- dovetail (Verb: to combine or fit (things) together well)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِنْسَجَمَ|tr=-}} {{t+|ar|مَعَ|tr=insajama maʕa}}, {{t+|ar|رَكَّبَ}}, {{t|ar|تَرَابَطَ|tr=-}} {{t+|ar|بَيْنَ|tr=tarābaṭa bayna}}, {{t|ar|تَوَافَقَ|tr=-}} {{t+|ar|مَعَ|tr=tawāfaqa maʕa}}, {{t|ar|تَوَاصَلَ|tr=-}} {{l|ar|مَعَ|tr=tawāṣala maʕa}}
- dragonwort (Noun: Dracunculus vulgaris)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لُوف الحَيّة|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف الجَعْد|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف جَعْدِيّ|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف أَرْقَط|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف كَبِير|m}}, {{t|ar|صَرَّاخَة|f}} {{q|Al-Andalus}}, {{t|ar|فِيلْجُوش|m}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|طُرْقُنْطِيَة|m}} / {{t|ar|طَرْقِنْطِيَة|f}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|خُبْز الْغُرَاب|m}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|دْرَاقُنْطِيُون|m}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|قُلُبْرِيَالَّة|f}} {{q|Al-Andalus}}
- eat (Verb: to ingest)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|أَكَلَ}} imperfective: {{tt|ar|يَأْكُلُ}}
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|ثَمَانِيَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٨}})
- emirate (Noun: country ruled by an emir)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|إِمَارَة|f}} (''plural'': {{t|ar|إِمَارَات|f-p}})
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|خَمْسَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٥}})
- genie (Noun: an unseen being in Muslim theology)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|جَاْنّ}} {{t|ar|جِنّ|p}}, {{t+|ar|جِنَّة|p}}
- gold (Adjective: made of gold, golden)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|مُذَهَّب|m}} {{t|ar|ذَهَبِي|m}}
- harm (Verb: cause damage)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ضَرَّ}} {{t|ar|أَضَرَّ}}
- heaven (Noun: sky)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سَمَاء|f}} ({{t|ar|سَمَاوَات|p}}), {{t+|ar|فَلَك|f}} ({{t|ar|أَفْلَاك|p}})
- heaven (Noun: paradise and upper-world)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سَمَاء|f}} ({{t|ar|سَمَاوَات|p}}) {{t+|ar|جَنَّة|f}} {{t+|ar|فِرْدَوْس|m|f}}
- heaven (Noun: paradise and upper-world)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سَمَاء|f}} ({{t|ar|سَمَاوَات|p}}) {{t+|ar|جَنَّة|f}} {{t+|ar|فِرْدَوْس|m|f}}
- heaven (Noun: paradise and upper-world)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سَمَاء|f}} ({{t|ar|سَمَاوَات|p}}) {{t+|ar|جَنَّة|f}} {{t+|ar|فِرْدَوْس|m|f}}
- heaven (Noun: blissful place or experience)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|جَنَّة|f}} {{t+|ar|فِرْدَوْس|m|f}}
- ice cream (Noun: dessert)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بُوظَة|f}}, {{t|ar|آيْس كِرِيم|m}}, {{t|ar|مُثَلَّجَات|f-p}} {{t|ar|جِيلَاتِيّ|m}}, {{t|ar|دُنْدُرْمَة|f}}
- inmate (Noun: one confined to institution, such as a prison)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سَجِين|m}} {{t|ar|سَجِينَة|f}} {{q|in a prison}}, {{t|ar|نَزِيل|m}} {{t|ar|نَزِيلَة|f}} {{q|in a hospital}}
- jerk (Noun: unlikable person)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|أحمق}} or {{t-check|ar|مغفل}}
- leftist (Adjective: pertaining to the political left)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|يَسَارِيّ|m}} {{t|ar|يَسَارِيّة|f}}
- leftist (Noun: a person who holds views associated with the political left)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|يَسَارِيّ|m}} {{t|ar|يَسَارِيّة|f}}
- lira (Noun: currency of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, former currency of Italy, etc.)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لِيرَة|f}} or {{t|ar|لَيْرَة|f}}, {{t|ar|لِيرَا|f}}
- martyr (Noun: one willing to be killed for religion)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|شَهِيد|m}}, {{t|ar|شَهِيدَة|f}} (plural: {{t|ar|شُهَدَاء|m-p}})
- meanwhile (Adverb: during the intervening time)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|أَمَّا}}, {{t|ar|لَمَّا}} {{t|ar|فِي الأَثْنَاءِ}}
- moon letter (Noun: moon letter)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَرْف قَمَرِيّ|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|حُرُوف قَمَرِيَّة|m-p}})
- mushroom (Noun: fruiting body of a fungus)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|فُطْر|m}} {{tt|ar|عَيْش الْغُرَاب|m}}
- must (Verb: be required to)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|وَجَبَ}} (present tense: {{t|ar|يَجِب}}), {{t|ar|يَتَحَتَّم}}, {{t|ar|يَلْزَم}}, {{t|ar|لَا بُدَّ}}
- news (Noun: new information of interest)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|أَخْبَار}}{{t|ar|أَنْبَاء|p}}, {{t|ar|خَبَر|m}}
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|تِسْعَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٩}})
- option (Noun: one of the choices that can be made)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|خِيَار|m}} {{t|ar|اِخْتِيَار|m}}
- outsourcing (Noun: transfer business)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَعْهِيد|m}} {{t|ar|أَوْتْسُورْسِينْغ|m}}
- overlook (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|أَطَلَّ}} ({{l|ar|عَلَى}})
- parenthesis (Noun: either of a pair of brackets ( ))
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|قَوْس|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|أَقْوَاس|m-p}}, {{t|ar|قَوْسَانِ|m-d}} {{qualifier|two}}
- parenthesis (Noun: either of a pair of brackets ( ))
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|قَوْس|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|أَقْوَاس|m-p}}, {{t|ar|قَوْسَانِ|m-d}} {{qualifier|two}}
- podcast (Noun: type of audio program)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بُودْكَاسْت|m}} {{t|ar|پُودْكَاسْت|m}}
- pound (Noun: unit of currency)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جُنَيْه|m}} {{qualifier|UK, Egyptian or Sudanese pound}}, {{t|ar|لِيرَة|f}} or {{t|ar|لَيْرَة|f}} {{qualifier|Syrian or Lebanese pound}}
- presumably (Adverb: able to be sensibly presumed)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|افترض|alt=الْمُفْتَرَض|tr=-}} {{t+|ar|مِنْ|tr=min al-muftaraḍ}}
- road (Noun: a way for travel)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|طَرِيق|m|f}} ({{t+|ar|طُرُق|m-p}}), {{t|ar|سِكَّة|f}}
- root (Noun: of a tooth)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|جَذْر|m}} ({{q|plural}} {{tt|ar|جُذُور|m-p}})
- root (Noun: primary source)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|أَصْل|m}} ({{q|plural}} {{tt+|ar|أُصُول|m-p}})
- root (Noun: arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|جَذْر|m}} ({{q|plural}} {{tt|ar|جُذُور|m-p}})
- root (Noun: philology: word from which another word or words are derived)
- * Arabic: {{tt|ar|أَصْل|m}} ({{q|plural}} {{tt+|ar|أُصُول|m-p}})
- round bracket (Noun: parenthesis, bracket)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|قَوْس|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|أَقْوَاس|m-p}})
- seem (Verb: to appear)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|بَدَا}} ({{qualifier|present tense:}} {{t|ar|يَبْدُو}}), {{t+|ar|ظَهَرَ}}
- sock (Noun: covering for the foot)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جَوْرَب|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|جَوَارِب|m-p}})
- spoke (Noun: part of a wheel)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|سِلْك|m}} {{t|ar|شُعَاع|m}}
- stocking (Noun: garment (for translations of "sock", see sock))
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جَوْرَب|m}} (pl: {{t|ar|جَوَارِب|m-p}})
- strangles (Noun: disease of horses)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|خُنَان|m}} {{t|ar|خُنَاق|m}}
- subtitle (Noun: heading below a title)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عُنْوَان فَرْعِيّ|m}} (''plural:'' {{t|ar|عَنَاوِين فَرْعِيَّة|m-p}})
- subtitle (Noun: textual versions of the dialog in films)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|تَرْجَمَة|f}}{{t|ar|سَتْرَجَة|f}}
- sun letter (Noun: sun letter)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَرْف شَمْسِيّ|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|حُرُوف شَمْسِيَّة|m-p}})
- ten (Noun: the number following nine)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|عَشَرَة|m}}, {{tt|ar|عَشْر|f}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|١٠}})
- theirs (Pronoun: that which belongs to them)
- * Arabic: {{qualifier|belonging to two persons}} {{t|ar|لَهُمَا|m|f}}, {{qualifier|belonging to many persons}} {{t|ar|لَهُم|m}} {{t|ar|لَهُن|f}}
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|ثَلَاثَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٣}}), {{t|ar|ثَلَاث}}
- ton (Noun: various units of mass notionally equivalent to a tun)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|طُن|m}} ({{qualifier|plural:}} {{t|ar|أَطْنَان|m-p}})
- turn on one's heel (Verb: to turn around and leave the other way)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِنْقَلَبَ عَلَى عَقِبَيْهِ}} {{t|ar|نَكَصَ عَلَى عَقِبَيْهِ}}
- two hundred (Numeral: cardinal number 200)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مِئَتَان}} (numeral: {{l|ar|٢٠٠}})
- tzitzit (Noun: knots on a tallit)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|صِيصِيَة}}, {{t|ar|ضِيضِيَة}} {{t|ar|تِزِيتِزِيت}}
- whatever (Pronoun: )
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مَهْمَا}} {{t+|ar|مَا}}
- zombie (Noun: the undead)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|زُومْبِي|m}}{{t|ar|المَيِّتُ الحَيّ|m}}
[edit]- 96 items
- American (Adjective: of or pertaining to the U.S., its people or its culture)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|أَمْرِيكِيّ}}v
- Bermuda grass (Noun: a perennial grass, Cynodon dactylon, native to Africa and Asia, used in warm areas of the world for pasture, lawn and making hay)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ثَيِّل|m}}, or {{t|ar|ثِيل|m}}
- COVID-19 (Proper noun: disease)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كوفيد-19|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-19|tr=kōvid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوفيد-١٩|tr=kōfid-19}}، {{t|ar|كوڤيد-١٩|tr=kōvid-19}} (، ، ،))
- Goth (Noun: member of the East Germanic people)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|قُوطِيّ|m}}, (''collective'') {{t|ar|قُوط|m}}
- I have a cold (Phrase: I have a cold)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عِنْدِي رَشْح}} / {{t|ar|لَدَي رَشْح}}, {{t|ar|عِنْدِي بَرْد}} / {{t|ar|لَدَي بَرْد}}, {{t|ar|عِنْدِي زُكَام}} / {{t|ar|لَدَي زُكَام}}
- I wish (Phrase: I would very much like that to be so)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|لَيْتَ}}, {{t|ar|تَمَنَّى}} (''a sentence in subjunctive mood follows'')
- Mandarin (Noun: Standard Mandarin)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اَللُّغَة اَلصِّينِيَّة اَلشَّمَالِيَّة|f|tr=al-luḡa ṣ-ṣīniyya š-šamāliyya}} (''Northern Chinese language''), {{t|ar|مَنْدَرِينِيَّة|f}}
- Temple in Jerusalem (Proper noun: Temple in Jerusalem)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بَيْت المُقَدَّس|f}} / {{t|ar|بَيْت المَقْدِس|f}}, {{t|ar|المَسْجِد الأَقْصَى|m}}
- animate (Adjective: in grammar)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|عَاقِل}} ("intelligent", used for intelligent beings)
- as regards (Preposition: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|بالنسبَة ل}} (bil-nisba li-)
- avarice (Noun: excessive or inordinate desire of gain)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|طَمَع}}، {{t|ar|شُحُّ|m}}
- believe (Verb: to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|آمَنَ}} (''present tense:'' {{t|ar|يُؤْمِن}}), {{t|ar|صَدَّقَ}}
- bell (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{l|ar|جرس}} (jaras), {{t-check|ar|نَاقُوس}}
- boiled egg (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|بَيْضَة مَسْلُوقَة|tr=bayḍa maslūqa|f}} ''([[singulative]])'', {{t-check|ar|بَيْض مَسْلُوق|m}} ''([[collective]])''
- boot (Noun: heavy shoe that covers part of the leg)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جَزْمَة|f}}, {{t|ar|بسطار|tr=busṭār}} <i>(army boots)</i>
- canaigre (Noun: Rumex hymenosepalus)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كانيجري}} (kanyjry)
- change (Verb: to become something different)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|تَغَيَّرَ}}ƒ
- comfort woman (Noun: forced prostitute)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|إِمْرَأَة مِتْعَة|f}}, {{t|ar|نِسَاء مِتْعَة|f-p}} (plural)
- conjugation (Noun: act of conjugating a verb)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِقْتِرَان|m}}, {{t|ar|تَصْرِيف الْأَفْعَال|m}} (''inflection of verbs''), {{t|ar|تَصْرِيف|m}}
- consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَكَوَّنَ}} (of: {{l|ar|مِن}}), {{t|ar|تَأَلَّفَ}}
- convene (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t+check|ar|عَقَدَ}} (ʕaqada)
- convenience (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|رَاحَة|f}} (leisure)
- craving (Noun: strong desire; yearning)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَوْق|m}}, {{t|ar|تَشَوُّق|m}}, {{t|ar|شَبَق|m}} [sexual craving], {{t|ar|غُلْمَة|m}} [sexual craving]
- craziness (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t+check|ar|جنون}} (junoon)
- daddy (Noun: father)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|بَابَا|m}}, {{t+|ar|أَبِي|m}} (''my father'')
- deflower (Verb: to take the virginity of a woman or girl)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِفْتَضَّ}}, ''or'' {{t|ar|فَضَّ}} + {{t|ar|عُذْرِيّة}} ''or'' {{t|ar|بَكَارَة}} ''vel sim.'' (or'' + ''or'' ''vel sim))
- design (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|صمم|alt=يصمم}} (yusámmem)
- divisibility (Noun: property of being divisible)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|قَابِلِيَّةُ الْقِسْمَةِ|f}} (''or, equivalently'' {{t|ar|الْقَابِلِيَّةُ لِلْقِسْمَةِ|f}})
- don't (Verb: do not)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|لَا}} (+ [[jussive]] of the verb)
- don't worry (Phrase: indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لا تقلق|tr=la taqlaq}} ''m. sg.'', {{t|ar|لا تقلقي|tr=la taqlaqī}} ''f. sg.'', {{t|ar|لا تقلقوا|tr=taqlaqū}} ''m. pl.''
- door (Noun: portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|بَاب|m}} (plural: {{tt+|ar|أَبْوَاب|m-p}})
- dragonwort (Noun: Dracunculus vulgaris)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لُوف الحَيّة|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف الجَعْد|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف جَعْدِيّ|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف أَرْقَط|m}}, {{t|ar|لُوف كَبِير|m}}, {{t|ar|صَرَّاخَة|f}} {{q|Al-Andalus}}, {{t|ar|فِيلْجُوش|m}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|طُرْقُنْطِيَة|m}} / {{t|ar|طَرْقِنْطِيَة|f}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|خُبْز الْغُرَاب|m}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|دْرَاقُنْطِيُون|m}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|ar|قُلُبْرِيَالَّة|f}} {{q|Al-Andalus}}
- eat (Verb: to ingest)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|أَكَلَ}} imperfective: {{tt|ar|يَأْكُلُ}}
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|ثَمَانِيَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٨}})
- emirate (Noun: country ruled by an emir)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|إِمَارَة|f}} (''plural'': {{t|ar|إِمَارَات|f-p}})
- fisher (Noun: person who fishes)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|صَيَّاد|m}} which refers alike to a hunter, poetically {{t|ar|عَرَكِيّ|m}} which is singulative of {{l|ar|عَرَك}} and {{l|ar|عُرُوك}}
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|خَمْسَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٥}})
- fresh (Adjective: new or clean)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|طَازَج}}, {{t|ar|طَازَة}} <i>(dialectal)</i>
- go up (Verb: to move upwards)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|صَعِدَ}}, imperfective: {{t|ar|يَصْعَدُ}}
- good afternoon (Phrase: greeting said in the afternoon)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مَسَاء الْخَيْر}}, {{t|ar|مَسَاء النُّور}} (''the answer''), {{t+|ar|السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم}}, {{t|ar|نَهَارُكُم سَعِيد}}
- have (Verb: to partake of something)
- * Arabic: of food: {{t|ar|تَنَاوَلَ}}
- hula hoop (Noun: toy in the form of a large hoop)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|هولا هوب}} (hūla hūb)
- iced tea (Noun: cold tea)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|شَاي مُثْلِج|m}}, {{t|ar|آيس تي|m}} (‘āys tī)
- jaguar (Noun: Panthera onca)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|يغور|m}} (yağwar)
- jargon (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t+check|ar|مُصْطَلَح|m}} (1), {{t-check|ar|لُغَة غَيْر مَفْهُومَة|tr=luḡa ḡayr mafhūma|f}} (2)
- jerk (Noun: unlikable person)
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|أحمق}} or {{t-check|ar|مغفل}}
- latte (Noun: caffè latte)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لَاتَيه}} (lātēh)
- lira (Noun: currency of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, former currency of Italy, etc.)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لِيرَة|f}} or {{t|ar|لَيْرَة|f}}, {{t|ar|لِيرَا|f}}
- martyr (Noun: one willing to be killed for religion)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|شَهِيد|m}}, {{t|ar|شَهِيدَة|f}} (plural: {{t|ar|شُهَدَاء|m-p}})
- meninx (Noun: membrane)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|سحاءة}} (siḥā'ah), {{t|ar|سحايا|p}} (saḥāya)
- monotonicity (Noun: mathematics, physics: the state of being monotonic)
- * Arabic: (monotonicity of a function) {{t|ar|اِطِّرَادُ دَالَّةٍ|m}}
- moon letter (Noun: moon letter)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَرْف قَمَرِيّ|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|حُرُوف قَمَرِيَّة|m-p}})
- muslin (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t+check|ar|شاش}} (šāš)
- must (Verb: be required to)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|وَجَبَ}} (present tense: {{t|ar|يَجِب}}), {{t|ar|يَتَحَتَّم}}, {{t|ar|يَلْزَم}}, {{t|ar|لَا بُدَّ}}
- neigh (Verb: (of a horse) to make its cry)
- * Arabic: noun {{t+|ar|صَهِيل}}, verb {{t|ar|صَهَل}}
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|تِسْعَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٩}})
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- * Arabic: ''genitive construction ({{t|ar|إِضَافَة}}) is used – i.e. the thing owned is followed by the owner in the genitive case'', {{t+|ar|ل|tr=li-}}, {{t|ar|لدى|tr=ladā}} (genitive construction () is used – i.e. the thing owned is followed by the owner in the genitive case))
- oppose (Verb: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|اعترض}} (iʕtáraɖa)
- orange (Noun: fruit)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|بُرْتُقَال|m}} {{qualifier|collective}}, {{tt+|ar|بُرْتُقَالَة|f}} (''[[singulative]]'')
- orrery (Noun: clockwork model)
- * Arabic: (transcription) {{t|ar|أُورُرِي|?}}, {{t|ar|أُورُورِي|?}}
- parenthesis (Noun: either of a pair of brackets ( ))
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|قَوْس|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|أَقْوَاس|m-p}}, {{t|ar|قَوْسَانِ|m-d}} {{qualifier|two}}
- partially ordered set (Noun: set having a specified partial order)
- * Arabic: (Arabic Academy term) {{t|ar|فِئَةٌ مُرَتَّبَةٌ جُزْئِيًّا|f}}, (common in educational communities) {{t|ar|مَجْمُوعَةٌ مُرَتَّبَةٌ جُزْئِيًّا|f}}
- phone (Verb: to call (someone) on the telephone)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَلْفَنَ}} ({{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ل|لـِ]]}} ''li-'')
- pia mater (Noun: innermost of the meninges)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|الأم الحنون}} (al-umm al-ḥanūn)
- please sit down (Phrase: please sit down)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|[[جلس|إِجْلِس]] [[مِن فَضْلَك]]|}}, {{t|ar|[[جلس|إِجْلِس]] [[مِن فَضْلِك]]|}} (''to a man / to a woman'')
- pound (Noun: unit of currency)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جُنَيْه|m}} {{qualifier|UK, Egyptian or Sudanese pound}}, {{t|ar|لِيرَة|f}} or {{t|ar|لَيْرَة|f}} {{qualifier|Syrian or Lebanese pound}}
- priest (Noun: clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson))
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كَاهِن|m}} <i>(generic term - for example for the “High Priest” of Judaism or Samaritanism; not used in Christianity)</i>, {{t+|ar|قِسِّيس|m}}, {{t|ar|قِسّ|m}}, {{t|ar|قَسّ|m}}, {{t|ar|خُورِيّ|m}}
- reproach (Noun: mild rebuke, or an implied criticism)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَأْنِيب|m}}, {{t|ar|عَذَل|m}}, {{t|ar|مَلاَمَة|f}} (malāma)
- round bracket (Noun: parenthesis, bracket)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|قَوْس|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|أَقْوَاس|m-p}})
- sarcocolla (Noun: A. sarcocolla resin; closely similar resins)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عَنْزَرُوت|m}}, less often {{t|ar|أَنْزَرُوت|m}}
- shout (Verb: to utter a sudden and loud outcry)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|صَرَخَ}} (present tense: {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[يصرخ]]}} ''yaṣruxu''), {{t+|ar|صَاحَ}} (present tense: ''yaṣruxu))
- slave (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|رَقِيق}} (1, 2)
- sock (Noun: covering for the foot)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جَوْرَب|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|جَوَارِب|m-p}})
- sodomite (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|لُوطِيّ|m}} (lūʈi)
- still (Adverb: up to a time, as in the preceding time)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|لَا يَزَال}} (negative form of {{m|ar|زَالَ}}), {{t|ar|مَا زَالَ}}, {{t|ar|اِلَى اَلْأٰن}}
- stocking (Noun: garment (for translations of "sock", see sock))
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|جَوْرَب|m}} (pl: {{t|ar|جَوَارِب|m-p}})
- structure (Noun: )
- * Arabic: {{t-check|ar|و مبنى/شكل}} (mabna / shakel)
- subtitle (Noun: heading below a title)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|عُنْوَان فَرْعِيّ|m}} (''plural:'' {{t|ar|عَنَاوِين فَرْعِيَّة|m-p}})
- sun letter (Noun: sun letter)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|حَرْف شَمْسِيّ|m}} (plural: {{t|ar|حُرُوف شَمْسِيَّة|m-p}})
- teal (Noun: duck)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|شرشير}} (šaršīr), {{t|ar|حَذَف|m}}
- teal (Noun: colour)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|شرشيري}} (šaršīriyy)
- telephone (Verb: to call someone)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَلْفَنَ}} ({{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ل|لـِ]]}} ''li-'')
- ten (Noun: the number following nine)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|عَشَرَة|m}}, {{tt|ar|عَشْر|f}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|١٠}})
- the (Adverb: the + comparative, the + comparative)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|[[كُلَّمَا]] [[كَانَ]]... [[كَانَ]] ...}} (example: {{lang|ar|كلما كان أرخص كان أفضل}} (''kúllama kāna ʾárḵaṣ kāna ʾáfḍal'' ‘the cheaper the better’) *(''used with a verb in the past tense, "kāna" or others'') (example: (''kúllama kāna ʾárḵaṣ kāna ʾáfḍal'' ‘the cheaper the better’) *(''used with a verb in the past tense, "kāna" or others))
- thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ثَلَاثَةَ عَشَرَ}} (numeral: {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[١٣]]}})
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|ثَلَاثَة}} (numeral: {{tt|ar|٣}}), {{t|ar|ثَلَاث}}
- thy (Determiner: possessive determiner)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|ك|alt=ـك}} (-ak, -uk(a), etc. pronunciation differs according to case or level of language formality, 'ism''ak'' - "your name"")
- to err is human (Proverb: Everybody makes mistakes)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|كُلّ اِبْن آدَم خَطَّاء}} (''lit: every Adam's son errs much / meaning.: all Adam's descendants err much'')
- topic (Noun: subject; theme)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|مَوْضُوع|m}}, plural: {{t|ar|مَوَاضِيع|m-p}}
- trapezium (Noun: polygon with two parallel sides)
- * Arabic: (used in Egypt) {{t|ar|شِبْهُ مُنْحَرِفٍ}}
- trapezium (Noun: polygon with no parallel sides and no equal sides)
- * Arabic: (used in Egypt) {{t|ar|شِبْهُ مُنْحَرِفٍ}}
- two hundred (Numeral: cardinal number 200)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|مِئَتَان}} (numeral: {{l|ar|٢٠٠}})
- used to (Verb: formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|كَانَ}} + ''present tense''
- vinyl (Noun: univalent radical)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|فاينيل}} (fāynel, vāynel)
- will (Verb: indicating future action)
- * Arabic: {{t+|ar|سَوْفَ}} + ''present tense'', {{t+|ar|سَـ}} + ''present tense''
- worst (Adjective: most inferior)
- * Arabic: (+ {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ال|الـ]]}} + al-) {{t|ar|أَسْوَأ}} (+ + al-))
[edit]This language has translations in 1172 of 208392 (0.56%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- chard (Noun: Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla)
- * Aragonese: {{t|an|berza}}, (Benasquese dialect) {{t|an|blleda}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1124 of 208392 (0.54%) translation tables
Nested templates
[edit]- 1 item
- threshing floor (Noun: floor of a threshing house)
- * Aramaic: {{t|arc|בַּי דְּרִי|tr=bay dərī|m}}, {{t|arc|אִידְּרָא|tr=ʾeddərā|m}}, {{t|arc|ܐܶܕܪܳܐ|tr=ʾeddərā|m}} {{q|absolute state {{m|arc|אִידַּר|tr=ʾeddar}} / {{m|arc|ܐܶܕܰܪ|tr=ʾeddar}}}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 2 items
- blackberry (Noun: shrub)
- *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|סַנְיָא|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state {{l|arc|סְנֶה|tr=sne}}; {{t|arc|פטל|tr=*pṭal}} {{q|indeclinable}} {{q|neither means blackberry reliably but also thornbush, bramble. briar}}
- blackberry (Noun: fruit)
- *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|סַנְיָא|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state {{l|arc|סְנֶה|tr=sne}}; {{t|arc|פטל|tr=*pṭal}} {{q|indeclinable}} {{q|neither means blackberry reliably but also thornbush, bramble. briar}}
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 2 items
- terebinth (Noun: a Mediterranean tree)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|arc|בוטמא|m|tr=buṭma}} / {{t|arc|בטמא|m|tr=buṭma, beṭma}}, {{t|arc|בוטנא|m|tr=buṭnā}} / {{t|arc|בטנא|m|tr=buṭnā, beṭna}}
- thornbush (Noun: thorny shrub or bush)
- * Aramaic: {{t|arc|סַנְיָא|tr=sanyā}} / {{t|syc|ܣܢܝܐ|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state {{l|arc|סְנֶה|tr=sne}} / {{l|syc|ܣܢܐ|tr=sne}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 3 items
- cast pearls before swine (Verb: to cast pearls before swine)
- *: Syriac: {{t-check|arc|[[ܬܪܡܐ]] [[ܡܪܓܢܝܬܐ]] [[ܩܕܡ]] [[ܚܙܝܪܐ]]|tr=tarme’ margānyātā’ qdām ħzīre’|sc=Syrc}} <!-- was "[[ܬܪܡܐ]] [[ܡܪܓܢܝܬܐ]] [[ܩܕܡ]] [[ܚܙܝܪܐ]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- houseleek (Noun: Sempervivum)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|arc|חַיָּיא לְעָלְמָא|m|tr=ḥayyā lə-ʿāləmā}}<!--found in Assaf Harofeh’s of Medicine-->
- oleaster (Noun: plant in the family Elaeagnaceae, especially, a plant in the genus Elaeagnus, especially, the species Elaeagnus angustifolia)
- * Aramaic: ''no classical term is known''<!--Löw Flora 1 p. 590-->
Unexpected template
[edit]- 4 items
- almond (Noun: nut)
- *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|לוּזָא|tr=lūzā|c}}, {{t|arc|שִׁגּדּא|tr=šigdā}} / {{m|arc|שִׁיגּדּא|tr=šigdā}}
- almond (Noun: tree)
- *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|לוּזָא|tr=lūzā|c}}, {{t|arc|שִׁגּדּא|tr=šigdā}} / {{m|arc|שִׁיגּדּא|tr=šigdā}}
- where (Adverb: at what place; to what place; from what place)
- * Aramaic: {{tt|arc|איכא}} {{rftranslit|arc}}
- zaatar (Noun: herb)
- * Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܡܲܪܘܵܐ|sc=Syrc}} / {{m|arc|מַרְוָא|g=m|tr=marwā|sc=Hebr}}
[edit]- 7 items
- almond (Noun: nut)
- *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|לוּזָא|tr=lūzā|c}}, {{t|arc|שִׁגּדּא|tr=šigdā}} / {{m|arc|שִׁיגּדּא|tr=šigdā}}
- almond (Noun: tree)
- *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|לוּזָא|tr=lūzā|c}}, {{t|arc|שִׁגּדּא|tr=šigdā}} / {{m|arc|שִׁיגּדּא|tr=šigdā}}
- how many (Determiner: what number)
- *: Hebrew: {{t|arc|כמא}} (kmā, kmo)
- how many (Determiner: what number)
- *: Syriac: {{t|arc|ܟܡܐ}} (kmā, kmo)
- terebinth (Noun: a Mediterranean tree)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|arc|בוטמא|m|tr=buṭma}} / {{t|arc|בטמא|m|tr=buṭma, beṭma}}, {{t|arc|בוטנא|m|tr=buṭnā}} / {{t|arc|בטנא|m|tr=buṭnā, beṭna}}
- thornbush (Noun: thorny shrub or bush)
- * Aramaic: {{t|arc|סַנְיָא|tr=sanyā}} / {{t|syc|ܣܢܝܐ|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state {{l|arc|סְנֶה|tr=sne}} / {{l|syc|ܣܢܐ|tr=sne}}
- zaatar (Noun: herb)
- * Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܡܲܪܘܵܐ|sc=Syrc}} / {{m|arc|מַרְוָא|g=m|tr=marwā|sc=Hebr}}
No translation template
[edit]- 8 items
- daytime (Noun: the time of daylight)
- *: Hebrew: [[איממא]] (īmāmā, īmomo) {{g|m}}
- daytime (Noun: the time of daylight)
- *: Syriac: [[ܐܝܡܡܐ]] (īmāmā, īmomo) {{g|m}}
- eight hundred (Numeral: cardinal number 800)
- *: Hebrew: [[תמנמאא]] (tmānēm'ā, tmonēm'o) {{g|c}}
- eight hundred (Numeral: cardinal number 800)
- *: Syriac: [[ܬܡܢܡܐܐ]] (tmānēm'ā, tmonēm'o) {{g|c}}
- separation (Noun: act of disuniting two or more things)
- *: Hebrew: [[אבדלתא]] (’abdāltā’) {{g|f}}
- separation (Noun: act of disuniting two or more things)
- *: Syriac: [[ܐܒܕܠܬܐ]] (’abdāltā’) {{g|f}}
- seventeen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Hebrew: [[שבעסר]] (shba‘sar) {{g|m}}, [[שבעסרא]] (shba‘esrē) {{g|f}}
- seventeen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Syriac: [[ܫܒܥܣܪ]] (shba‘sar) {{g|m}}, [[ܫܒܥܣܪܐ]] (shba‘esrē) {{g|f}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 116 items
Expected language code is arc
- Abraham (Proper noun: prophet in the Old Testament)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܒܪܗܡ}}, {{t|syc|ܐܒܖܗܡ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Adam (Proper noun: first man in Abrahamic religions)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܕܡ|tr=ʾāḏām|m}}, {{t|syc|ܐܖܡ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Ali (Proper noun: male given name from Arabic)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܥܠܝ}}
- Arab (Noun: Semitic person)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܛܝܝܐ}}, {{t|syc|ܥܪܒܝܐ}}, {{t|syc|ܥܖܒܝܐ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Arabic (Proper noun: language)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܥܪܒܝܐ}}, {{t|syc|ܥܪܒܝܬ}}
- Babylon (Proper noun: capital of Babylonia)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܒܒܠ|tr=bāḇel}}
- Cain (Proper noun: son of Adam and Eve)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܐܝܢ}}
- David (Proper noun: king of Israel)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܕܘܝܕ}}
- Elijah (Proper noun: biblical prophet)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܠܝܐ|tr=eliya}}
- Enoch (Proper noun: biblical character)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܚܢܘܟ}}
- Eve (Proper noun: the first woman)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܚܘܐ}}
- Gabriel (Proper noun: male given name)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܓܒܪܐܝܠ}}, {{t|syc|ܓܒܪܝܐܝ}}
- Gabriel (Proper noun: archangel)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܓܒܪܐܝܠ}}, {{t|syc|ܓܒܪܝܐܝ}}
- Ibrahim (Proper noun: the prophet Abraham in Islam)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܒܪܗܡ}}, {{t|syc|ܐܒܖܗܡ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Iran (Proper noun: country in Western Asia)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܐܝܪܐܢ}}, {{tt|syc|ܐܝܖܐܢ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Iraq (Proper noun: country)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܥܝܖܐܩ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Isaac (Proper noun: son of Abraham and Sarah)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܝܤܚܩ}}
- Israel (Proper noun: the state)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܐܝܣܪܐܝܠ}}
- Jack (Proper noun: anglicized form of Jacques)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܝܥܩܘܒ}}
- Jacob (Proper noun: one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܝܥܩܘܒ}}
- Mani (Proper noun: founder of Manichaeism)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܐܢܝ|tr=mānī}}
- Mark (Proper noun: male given name)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܪܩܘܣ|tr=Marqōs}}
- Mark (Proper noun: the Evangelist)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܪܩܘܣ|tr=Marqōs}}
- Mark (Proper noun: book of the Bible)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܡܪܩܘܣ|tr=Kārōzūtā’ d'Marqōs}}
- Maronite (Noun: member of the Maronite Church)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܪܘܢܝܐ|m}}, {{t|syc|ܡܪܘܢܝܬܐ|f}}
- Moon (Proper noun: sole natural satellite of the Earth)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܗܪܐ|c|tr=sahrā, sahro}}, {{t|syc|ܣܝܢܐ|m|tr=sīnā}}
- Noah (Proper noun: biblical character)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܢܘܚ}}
- Persian (Noun: Persian language)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܦܪܣܐܝܬ}}, {{t|syc|ܦܪܣܬ}}, {{t|syc|ܦܖܣܐܝܬ}} {{q|archaic}}, {{t|syc|ܦܖܣܬ}} {{q|archaic}}
- Persian (Noun: person from Persia)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܦܪܣܝܐ}}, {{t|syc|ܥܓܡܝܐ}}, {{t|syc|ܦܖܣܝܐ}} {{q|archaic}}
- Philistine (Noun: non-Semitic person from ancient Philistia)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܦܠܫܬܝ̈ܐ}}
- Ramesses (Proper noun: name of pharaohs)
- * Aramaic: {{t|syc|ܪܲܥܡܣܝܼܣ|tr=raʿmsīs}}
- Seth (Proper noun: the third son of Adam and Eve)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܝܬ}}
- Sinai (Proper noun: peninsula)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܝܢܝ}}
- Sinai (Proper noun: mountain)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܛܘܪܐ ܕܣܝܢܝ}}, {{t|syc|ܛܘܪܐ ܕܡܘܫܐ}}
- Solomon (Proper noun: king of Israel)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܠܝܡܘܢ|tr=šlēmōn}}
- beehive (Noun: home of bees)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܟܘܪܬܐ|tr=kawwārtā|f}}, {{t|syc|ܟܘܪܐ|tr=kawwārā|m}}
- beehive (Noun: man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܟܘܪܬܐ|tr=kawwārtā|f}}, {{t|syc|ܟܘܪܐ|tr=kawwārā|m}}
- bell (Noun: percussive instrument)
- *: Hebrew: {{tt|he|זגא|tr=zagā, zago|m}}
- breastplate (Noun: armor)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܪܝܢܐ|tr=šeryānā|m}}
- carpenter (Noun: one who practices carpentry)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|נַגָּרָא|m|tr=naggārā}}
- catfish (Noun: type of fish)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܱܠܽܘܪܴܐ|tr=sallūrā, səlōrā|m}}
- censer (Noun: religious ornamental container for burning incense)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|בָזִיכָא|m|tr=bāzīḵā}}
- co-wife (Noun: in a polygamous marriage, another wife of a woman's husband)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܥܲܪܬܼܵܐ|f|tr=ʿarrəṯā}}
- coal (Noun: uncountable: carbon rock)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܓܡܘܪܬܐ|f|tr=gmurtā}}
- count (Verb: to enumerate or determine number)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܢܐ|tr=mna|sc=Syrc}}
- cross (Noun: wooden post with a perpendicular beam, used for crucifixion)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܨܠܝܒܐ|m|tr=ṣlīwā, ṣlīwo}}, {{t|syc|ܙܩܝܦܐ|m|}}
- cumin (Noun: its seed used as spice)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|כַּמּוֹנָא|tr=kammōnāʾ|m}}, {{t|tmr|כְּמוֹנָא|m|tr=kəmōnāʾ}}
- dandruff (Noun: skin flakes)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܪܳܨܺܝܢܽܘܬܳܐ|sc=Syrc}}
- diamond (Noun: uncountable: mineral)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܐܵܠܡܵܣ}}, {{tt|syc|ܐܵܕܵܡܘܿܣ}}, {{tt|syc|ܡܵܫܘܿܫܵܐ}}
- dig (Verb: to move hard-packed earth out of the way)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܚܦܪ|tr=ħpar|sc=Syrc}}
- distaff (Noun: device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܥܱܪܢܳܣܴܐ|tr=ʿarnāsā|m}}
- drink (Verb: consume liquid through the mouth)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܫܬܐ|tr=šθa}}
- east (Noun: compass point)
- *: Hebrew: {{tt|he|מדנחא|f|tr=madnkhā, madnkho}}
- eighty (Numeral: 80)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܬܡܢܐܝܢ|tr=tmān'īn|c}}
- emery (Noun: mineral)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܡܝܪܐ|tr=šāmīrā|m}}
- emir (Noun: Islamic prince or leader)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܡܝܪ}}, {{t|syc|ܐܡܝܖ}} {{q|archaic}}
- eye for an eye (Noun: compensation for an injury)
- * Aramaic: {{t|syc|ܥܲܝܢܵܐ ܚܠܵܦ݂ ܥܲܝܢܵܐ|tr=ʿaynā ḥlāp̄ ʿaynā}}
- fall (Verb: move to a lower position under the effect of gravity)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܢܦܠ|tr=npal|sc=Syrc}}
- fasting (Noun: act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܨܰܘܡܳܐ}}
- fasting (Noun: period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܨܰܘܡܳܐ}}
- fight (Verb: (intransitive) to contend in physical conflict)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܟܬܫ|tr=kθaš}}
- fly (Verb: to travel through air)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܦܪܚ|tr=praħ}}
- forest (Noun: dense collection of trees)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܥܒܐ|m|tr=ʿāḇāʾ}}
- frog (Noun: amphibian)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{tt|tmr|אַקְרוֹקָא|m|tr=ʾaqrôqâ}}, {{tt|tmr|אַקְרוֹקְתָא|f|tr=ʾaqrôqtâ}}
- garden (Noun: piece of land outside with flowers and plants)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܓܢܬܐ|f|tr=gannəṯā, ginnəṯā}}
- give (Verb: transfer the possession of something to someone else)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܝܗܒ|tr=yav}}
- gum (Noun: flesh around teeth)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|דּוּר שֶׁנֵּי|tr=dur shennē}}, {{t|tmr|דּרָרָא|tr=dərārā}}
- hallelujah (Interjection: exclamation to praise God)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܗܲܠܹܠܘܼܝܵܐ|tr=hallēlūyā}}
- heifer (Noun: young cow)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܥܶܓܠܬܳܐ|f|tr=ʿeglatā}}, {{t|syc|ܐܰܪܘܢܺܝܬܳܐ|f|tr=ʾarwanītā}}
- holm oak (Noun: evergreen tree, Quercus ilex)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܕܝܢܐ|ts=seḏyānā|m}}
- hundred (Numeral: cardinal number 100)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܡܐܐ|c|tr=m’ā’}}, {{tt|syc|ܡܐܬܐ|f|tr=ma’tā’}}
- ink (Noun: coloured fluid used for writing)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|דְּיוּתָא|tr=dəyūṯā|f}}
- instead (Adverb: in the place of (it))
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܚܠܦ|tr=ħlap|sc=Syrc}}
- knock (Verb: to rap one's knuckles against something)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܢܩܫ|tr=nqaš|sc=Syrc}}
- lion's leaf (Noun: Leontice leontopetalum)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|עַרְטָנִיתָא|f|tr=ʿarṭānīṯā}}, {{t|tmr|רקפתא|f|ts=*raqəp̄tā}}
- madder (Noun: plant)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܦܽܘܬܳܐ|tr=pūṯā|f}}
- mathematics (Noun: field of study)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܢܝܘܬܐ|f|tr=mannāyūṯāʾ}}
- miracle (Noun: wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܬܶܕܡܪ̈ܳܬܳܐ}}, {{t|syc|ܬܶܕܡܽܘܪ̈ܳܬܳܐ}}
- number (Verb: label with numbers; assign numbers to)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܡܢܐ|tr=mna|sc=Syrc}}
- peel (Noun: spadelike implement for removing loaves from an oven)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|מַסָּא|tr=massāʾ}}
- play (Verb: act in a manner such that one has fun)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܫܥܐ|tr=šʿa}}
- plummet (Noun: lead on a line, plumb bob, plummet line)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܰܫܩܠܳܐ|tr=mašqəlā|m}}, {{t|syc|ܡܰܬܩܳܠܴܐ|tr=maṯqālā|m}}
- pray (Verb: to petition a higher being)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܨܠܝ|tr=ṣalé}}
- sailor (Noun: worker on a ship, seafarer, mariner)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܡܠܚܐ|m|tr=mallāḥā}}, {{t|syc|ܢܘܛܐ|m|tr=nawṭā}}
- say (Verb: to pronounce)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܐܡܪ|tr='émar}}
- school (Noun: an institution dedicated to teaching and learning)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܡܕܪܫܬܐ|f|tr=maḏreštāʾ}}
- sing (Verb: to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܙܡܪ|tr=zmer}}
- sit (Verb: of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܝܬܒ|tr=ʼitev|sc=Syrc}}
- slip (Noun: small piece of paper)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{t|tmr|פִּיתְקָא|m|tr=piṯqā}}
- small (Adjective: not large)
- *: Hebrew: {{tt|arc|זעורא|tr=z‘ūrā, z‘ūro}}, {{tt|he|קטנה|f|tr=katanah}}, {{tt|he|קטנים|m-p|tr=katanim}}, {{tt|he|קטנות|f-p|tr=katanot}}
- snake (Noun: legless reptile)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܚܘܝܐ|m|tr=ḥewyā}}, {{tt|syc|ܚܘܘܝܬܐ|f|tr=ḥwāwwīṯā}} {{qualifier|female}}
- south (Noun: )
- *: Hebrew: {{tt|he|תימנא|f|tr=taymnā, taymno}}
- stubble (Noun: short stalks left in a field after harvest)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܷܫܳܐ|tr=qeššā|m}}
- swim (Verb: move through water)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܣܚܐ|tr=sħā|sc=Syrc}}
- take (Verb: to get into one's hands or control)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܐܚܕ|tr=ʼeħað}}
- think (Verb: communicate to oneself in one’s mind)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܚܫܒ|tr=ḥŝab}}
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܬܠܬܐ|m|tr=təlāṯā}}, {{tt|syc|ܬܠܬ|f|tr=təlāṯ}}
- thyme (Noun: plant of the genus Thymus)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܚܫܐ|tr=ḥāšā|m}}, {{t|syc|ܚܐܫܐ|tr=ḥāšā|m}}
- tin (Noun: element)
- *: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: {{tt|tmr|אָנְכָא|tr=ʾānəḵāʾ}}
- truth (Noun: true facts)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܘܫܬܐ|m|tr=quštāʾ|sc=Syrc}}
- truth (Noun: conformity to fact or reality)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܘܫܬܐ|m|tr=quštāʾ|sc=Syrc}}
- truth (Noun: state or quality of being true to someone or something)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܪܪܐ|m|tr=š(ə)rārāʾ|sc=Syrc}}
- truth (Noun: pledge of loyalty or faith)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܪܪܐ|m|tr=š(ə)rārāʾ|sc=Syrc}}
- truth (Noun: that which is real)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܩܘܫܬܐ|m|tr=quštāʾ|sc=Syrc}}
- twelve (Numeral: cardinal number 12)
- * Aramaic: {{t|he|תרעסר|tr=tre‘sar|m}}, {{t|he|תרתעסרא|tr=tarta‘esrē|f}}
- twelve (Numeral: cardinal number 12)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܬܪܥܣܪ|tr=treʿsar|m}}, {{t|syc|ܬܪܬܥܣܪܐ|tr=tartaʿesrē|f}}
- vinegar (Noun: condiment)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܚܠܐ|m|tr=ḥallā}}
- wash (Verb: to clean with water)
- *: Syriac: {{tt|syc|ܣܚܐ|tr=sħā}}
- weep (Verb: to cry, shed tears)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܒܟܐ|tr=bka}}
- wick (Noun: the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning)
- *: Syriac: {{t|arc|ܦܬܺܝܠܳܐ|tr=ptīlā|m}}, {{t|arc|ܦܬܺܝܠܬܳܐ|tr=ptīltā|f}}, {{t|syc|ܒܽܘܨܝܺܢܳܐ|tr=būṣīnā|m}}
- write (Verb: to form letters, etc.)
- *: Hebrew: {{tt+|he|כתב|tr=kātēb}}
- yield (Verb: to give as required)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܢܬܠ|tr=netel|sc=Syrc}}
- yoke (Noun: bar or frame by which two oxen or other draught animals are joined at their necks enabling them to pull a cart, plough, etc.; device attached to a single draught animal for the same purpose)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܢܺܝܪܳܐ|tr=nīrā|m}}
- yoke (Noun: pair of draught animals yoked together to pull something)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܦܰܕܳܢܳܐ|m|tr=paddānā}}, {{t|syc|ܙܲܘܓܿܵܐ|m|tr=zawgā}}
- yoke (Noun: something which represses or restrains a person)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܢܺܝܪܳܐ|tr=nīrā|m}}
- youth (Noun: quality or state of being young)
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܛܰܠܝܽܘܬ݂ܳܐ|f|tr=ṭalyūṯāʾ|sc=Syrc}}
[edit]This language has translations in 24 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Arapaho: [[kooni'ííni]]?
[edit]This language has translations in 23768 of 208392 (11.41%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item
- CD (Noun: abbreviation of compact disc)
- * Armenian: {{t|hy||alt=CD|tr=-}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- question mark (Noun: punctuation mark)
- * Armenian: [[՞]] {{qualifier|symbol}}, {{t+|hy|հարցական նշան}}
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- terrorist (Noun: person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle)
- * Armenian: {{t+|hy|ահաբեկիչ}},{{t+|hy|տեռորիստ}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is hy
- obviously (Adverb: in an obvious manner; clearly apparent)
- * Armenian: {{t|be|ակնհայտ}}
Entry HTML comment: 2 items
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Armenian: {{t+|hy|դարան}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- podstakannik (Noun: tea glass holder)
- * Armenian: {{t-needed|hy}}<!--գավաթակալ?-->
text_outside_template: 5 items
- kid (Noun: child (colloq.))
- * Armenian: {{t+|hy|բալիկ}}, Armenian: {{t+|hy|երեխա}}
- not (Adverb: negates meaning of verb)
- * Armenian: {{tt|hy|չ-}} + {{qualifier|verb}}
- terrorist (Noun: person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle)
- * Armenian: {{t+|hy|ահաբեկիչ}},{{t+|hy|տեռորիստ}}
- to (Preposition: used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship)
- * Armenian: ''uses the dative case or'' {{tt+|hy|նկատմամբ}}
- to (Preposition: used to indicate ratios)
- * Armenian: ''uses the dative case or'' {{tt+|hy|նկատմամբ}}
Unexpected template: 5 items
- 610 Office (Proper noun: The Public Security Anti-Xie-Jiao Organization)
- * Armenian: {{no attested translation|hy|noend=1}}
- aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
- * Armenian: {{t+|hy|հորաքույր}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t+|hy|մորաքույր}} {{gloss|maternal}}, {{t+|hy|քեռակին}} {{gloss|in law}}
- bell (Noun: percussive instrument)
- * Armenian: {{tt+|hy|զանգ}} {{gloss|big}}, {{tt+|hy|զանգակ}} {{gloss|small}}
- brush (Noun: implement)
- * Armenian: {{t+|hy|խոզանակ}}, {{t+|hy|վրձին}} {{gloss|for painting}}
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Armenian: [[քենակալ]] (k’enakal) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband}}; {{qualifier|less precisely}} [[փեսա]] (p’esa) {{gloss|husband of any close relative, including one's sister or sister-in-law}}
No translation template: 7 items
- 610 Office (Proper noun: The Public Security Anti-Xie-Jiao Organization)
- * Armenian: {{no attested translation|hy|noend=1}}
- by (Preposition: indicates the agent of a passive verb)
- * Armenian: {{qualifier|use the instrumental case of the noun}}
- car (Noun: automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver)
- * Armenian: {{tt+|hy|մեքենա}}, {{tt+|hy|ավտոմեքենա}}, {{tt+|hy|ավտո}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Armenian: [[քենակալ]] (k’enakal) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband}}; {{qualifier|less precisely}} [[փեսա]] (p’esa) {{gloss|husband of any close relative, including one's sister or sister-in-law}}
- of (Preposition: containing, comprising or made from)
- * Armenian: {{qualifier|ablative case}}
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- * Armenian: {{qualifier|dative case}}
- to (Preposition: used to indicate the indirect object)
- * Armenian: ''uses the dative case''
[edit]This language has translations in 1676 of 208392 (0.80%) translation tables
No translation template: 2 items
- Bulgaria (Proper noun: country)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|Bulgãrii}}, {{t|rup|Bulgãrie}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgarii|}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgãrii|}}, {{t|rup|Vurgãrie}}, {{tt|rup|Vãryãrii|}}, {{t|rup|Vãryãrie}}, {{q|feminine}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|Bulgãria|}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgaria|}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgãria|}}, {{tt|rup|Vãryãria|}}, {{q|feminine}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- Ersekë (Proper noun: town and former municipality in southeastern Albania)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|Urseacã|f}}, {{t|rup|Ursecã|f}}, {{t|rup|Urseche|f}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|Urseaca|f}}, {{t|rup|Urseca|f}}, {{qualifier|definite}}
Multiple qualifiers: 2 items
- Bulgaria (Proper noun: country)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|Bulgãrii}}, {{t|rup|Bulgãrie}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgarii|}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgãrii|}}, {{t|rup|Vurgãrie}}, {{tt|rup|Vãryãrii|}}, {{t|rup|Vãryãrie}}, {{q|feminine}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|Bulgãria|}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgaria|}}, {{tt|rup|Vurgãria|}}, {{tt|rup|Vãryãria|}}, {{q|feminine}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- police (Noun: local or general law enforcement agency)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|pulitsii}}, {{t|rup|pulitsie}}, {{t|rup|astinumii}}, {{t|rup|astinumie}} {{q|female}} {{q|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|pulitsia}}, {{t|rup|astinumia}} {{q|female}}, {{q|definite}}
text_outside_template: 3 items
- Greek (Proper noun: language of the Greek people)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|gãrtseashti}}, {{t|rup|gãrtseashte}} (''adverb''), {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[gãrtseascã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[greacã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[grache]]|f}}
- Romanian (Noun: official language of Romania)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|limba rumãneascã|f}}, {{t|rup|rumãnã|f}}, {{t|rup|[[limbã|limba]] [[rumãnã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|rumãneashti}} {{qualifier|adverb}}, {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[vlãhuteascã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[vluhuteascã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|vlãhuteashti}}, {{t|rup|vluhuteashti}} (''adverbs'')
- trust (Verb: to place confidence in)
- * Aromanian: mi-{{t|rup|ncred}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 4 items
- Aromanian (Proper noun: language)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[armãneascã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[armãnã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|[[armãnã]]|f}}; {{t|rup|armãneashti}}, {{t+|rup|armãneashte}}, {{t|rup|armãneashci}}, {{t+|rup|armãneashce}}; {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[rãmãneascã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|[[limba]] [[rãmãnã]]|f}}, {{t|rup|rrãmãneshti}}, {{t|rup|rãmãneshti}}
- Normandy (Proper noun: region of France)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|Nurmandii|f}}, {{t|rup|Nurmandie|f}}, {{t|rup|Nurmãndii|f}}, {{t|rup|Nurmãndie|f}} {{q|indefinite}}; {{t|rup|Nurmandia|f}}, {{t|rup|Nurmãndia|f}} {{q|definite}}
- corpse (Noun: dead body)
- * Aromanian: {{tt|rup|cuhmã|f}}, {{tt|rup|lesh|n}}, {{tt|rup|mãrshi|f}}, {{tt|rup|murtãciuni|f}}; {{tt|rup|psutimi|f}} {{q|animal}}
- geographer (Noun: a specialist in geography)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|gheográf|m}}, {{t|rup|gheográfu|m}}; {{t|rup|gheográfã|f}}, {{t|rup|gheográfa|f}}
Multiple t-templates: 5 items
- Armenia (Proper noun: ancient kingdom and country)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|Arminii|f}}, {{t|rup|Arminie|f}}, {{t|rup|Armenii|f}}, {{t|rup|Armenie|f}}, {{t|rup|Ermenii|f}}, {{t|rup|Ermenie|f}} {{q|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|Arminia|f}}, {{t|rup|Armenia|f}} {{t|rup|Ermenia|f}} {{q|definite}}
- Laconian (Adjective: having to do with Laconia)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|lãcunescu|m}} {{t|rup|lacunescu|m}}, {{t|rup|lãcuneascã|f}}, {{t|rup|lacuneascã|f}}
- drug (Noun: psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|droagã|f}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|droaga|f}} {{qualifier|definite}}, {{t|rup|drogã|f}} {{t|rup|droghe|f}} {{qualifier|indefinite}}, {{t|rup|droga}} {{qualifier|definite}}
- ocean (Noun: one of the large bodies of water)
- * Aromanian: {{t|rup|uchean|n}}, {{t|rup|uchian|m}}, {{t|rup|ochean|m}} {{q|singular}}, {{t|rup|ucheani|f}}, {{t|rup|ucheane|f}}, {{t|rup|uchiani|f}} {{t|rup|uchiane|f}}, {{t|rup|uchianj|m}}, {{t|rup|ocheanj|m}} {{q|plural}}
- tree (Noun: large woody plant)
- * Aromanian: {{tt|rup|arburi|m}}, {{tt|rup|arbure}}, {{tt|rup|cupaci|m}}, {{tt|rup|cupaciu|m}} {{tt|rup|lemnu}}
[edit]This language has translations in 2623 of 208392 (1.26%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- spud (Noun: )
- * Assamese: {{t-check|as|খন্তি}} <!-- Was under: tool used for digging out weeds (but is it fork or spade?) -->
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- billy goat (Noun: male goat)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|মতা ছাগলী}}; {{sense|uncastrated}} {{t|as|ভোবোলা}}, {{t|as|ভোবোলা ছাগলী}} {{t|as|ভোবোৰা}}, {{t|as|ভোবোৰা ছাগলী}}
No translation target: 2 items
- Tom, Dick and Harry (Noun: )
- * Assamese: {{t-check|as|tr=nodaai bhodaai}}
- pot calling the kettle black (Noun: )
- * Assamese: {{t-check|as|tr=Khaale Hkhingik haanhe|lit=the Shaal fish laughs at the Shingifish}}
Multiple t-templates: 5 items
- choose (Verb: to pick)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|বাছা}} {{t|as|বাছনি}}, {{t|as|নিৰ্বাচন কৰা}}
- choose (Verb: to elect)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|বাছা}} {{t|as|বাছনি}}, {{t|as|নিৰ্বাচন কৰা}}
- dragonfly (Noun: insect of the infraorder Anisoptera)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|জিঞাঁ}} / {{t|as|জিয়াঁ}}
- potbellied (Adjective: having a potbelly)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|পেটুৱা}}, {{t|as|পেটুলা}} {{t|as|গেৰেলা}}
- thou (Pronoun: singular nominative form of you)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|তই}}, {{t|as|তুমি}} {{t|as|আপুনি}}
text_outside_template: 7 items
- dragonfly (Noun: insect of the infraorder Anisoptera)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|জিঞাঁ}} / {{t|as|জিয়াঁ}}
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * Assamese: {{tt|as|চাৰি}} (numeral: [[৪]])
- illegal (Adjective: contrary to or forbidden by law)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|চোৰাং}}, {{t|as|আইন বিৰোধী}}, {{t|as|অবৈধ}}, {{t|as|বেআইনী}}
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Assamese: {{tt|as|ছয়}} (numeral: [[৬]])
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * Assamese: {{tt|as|তিনি}} (numeral: [[৩]])
- two (Numeral: numerical value)
- * Assamese: {{tt|as|দুই}} (numeral: [[২]])
- yesterday (Noun: day before today)
- * Assamese: {{t|as|কালি}} (may refer to [[tomorrow]], depending on the context), {{t|as|যোৱাকালি}}
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic
[edit]This language has translations in 1071 of 208392 (0.51%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{q|father's sister}} {{t|aii|ܥܲܡܬܵܐ|tr=ʿamtā|f}}, {{q|mother's sister}} {{t|aii|ܚܵܠܬܵܐ|tr=ḥāltā|f}}, {{q|wife of father's brother}} {{t|aii|ܒܲܟ݂ܬ ܥܲܡܵܐ|tr=baḵt ʿamā|f}}; {{q|wife of mother's brother}} {{t|aii|ܒܲܟ݂ܬ ܚܵܠܵܐ|tr=baḵt ḥālā|f}}
Nested templates: 1 item
- cousin (Noun: child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ ܥܲܡܵܐ|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s son|[[FBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ݇ܬ ܥܲܡܵܐ|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s daughter|[[FBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ ܥܲܡܬܵܐ|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s son|[[FZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ݇ܬ ܥܲܡܬܵܐ|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s daughter|[[FZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ ܚܵܠܵܐ|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s son|[[MBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ݇ܬ ܚܵܠܵܐ|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s daughter|[[MBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ ܚܵܠܬܵܐ|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s sister’s son|[[MZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|aii|ܒܲܪ݇ܬ ܚܵܠܬܵܐ}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s daughter|[[FZD]]|und=1}}}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: [«◌»] ''or'' [“◌”] {{t|aii|ܫܘܼܘܕܵܥܹ̈ܐ ܕܡܸܬܬܣܝܼܡܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ|m-p}}
No translation template: 2 items
- speak (Verb: to communicate with one's voice using words)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|aii|ܗܲܡܙܸܡ|tr=hāmzim}}, {{m|aii|ܡܲܠܸܠ|tr=mālil}}, {{m|aii|ܡܨܵܘܹܬ݂|tr=mṣaweṯ}}
- speak (Verb: to be able to communicate in a language)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|aii|ܗܲܡܙܸܡ|tr=hāmzim}}, {{m|aii|ܡܲܠܸܠ|tr=mālil}}
Uses l-template instead of t-template: 2 items
- January (Proper noun: first month of the Gregorian calendar)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{t|aii|ܟܵܢܘܿܢ ܬܪܲܝܵܢܵܐ|m}}, {{t|aii|ܟܵܢܘܿܢ ܐ݇ܚܵܪܵܝܵܐ|m}}, {{l|aii|ܝܲܢܘܵܪܝܘܿܣ}}
- show (Verb: to display)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{t|aii|ܡܲܚܙܹܐ}}, {{t|aii|ܡܲܚܘܹܐ}}, {{l|aii|ܡܲܪܗܹܐ}}
Unexpected template: 2 items
- speak (Verb: to communicate with one's voice using words)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|aii|ܗܲܡܙܸܡ|tr=hāmzim}}, {{m|aii|ܡܲܠܸܠ|tr=mālil}}, {{m|aii|ܡܨܵܘܹܬ݂|tr=mṣaweṯ}}
- speak (Verb: to be able to communicate in a language)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|aii|ܗܲܡܙܸܡ|tr=hāmzim}}, {{m|aii|ܡܲܠܸܠ|tr=mālil}}
Wrong language code: 4 items
Expected language code is aii
- Nineveh (Proper noun: ancient capital of Assyria)
- *: Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{t|syc|ܢܝܢܘܐ|tr=nīnwē}}
- dictionary (Noun: publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words)
- *: Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|arc|ܦܘܫܩ ܡܠܐ|tr=pušāq millē}}, {{tt|arc|ܠܟܣܝܩܘܢ|tr=liksīqon}}
- today (Adverb: on the current day)
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|syc|ܐܕܝܘܡ|tr=ɛdjawm}}
- today (Noun: today (noun))
- * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|syc|ܐܕܝܘܡ}}
[edit]This language has translations in 6082 of 208392 (2.92%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Asturian: {{t+check|ast|mui}}, {{t+check|ast|per-}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
text_outside_template: 1 item
- one (Pronoun: indefinite personal pronoun; any person, people in general)
- * Asturian: {{tt+|ast|ún|m}} ~ {{tt+|ast|unu|m}}, {{tt+|ast|una|f}}
Multiple t-templates: 2 items
- my name is (Phrase: a way to identify oneself)
- * Asturian: {{t|ast|llámome|alt=llámome ...}} {{t|ast|el mio nome ye|alt=el mio nome ye ...}}
- one (Pronoun: indefinite personal pronoun; any person, people in general)
- * Asturian: {{tt+|ast|ún|m}} ~ {{tt+|ast|unu|m}}, {{tt+|ast|una|f}}
[edit]This language has translations in 12397 of 208392 (5.95%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- republic (Noun: a type of state)
- * Azerbaijani: {{t+|az|respublika}}, {{t|az|cümhuriyyət}}, imrək
Nested templates: 1 item
- cousin (Noun: child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister)
- * Azerbaijani: {{t|az|əmioğlu}} {{q|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s son|[[FBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|az|əmiqızı}} {{q|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s daughter|[[FBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|az|dayıoğlu}} {{q|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s son|[[MBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|az|dayıqızı}} {{q|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s daughter|[[MBD]]|und=1}}}}, [[bibioğlu]] {{q|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s son|[[FZS]]|und=1}}}}, [[bibiqızı]] {{q|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s daughter|[[FZD]]|und=1}}}}, [[xalaoğlu]] {{q|{{tooltip|mother’s syster’s son|[[MZS]]|und=1}}}}, [[xalaqızı]] {{q|{{tooltip|mother’s sister’s daughter|[[MZD]]|und=1}}}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is az
- tanbur (Noun: instrument)
- * Azerbaijani: {{t|ar|طنبور|m|tr=tanbūr}}
text_outside_template: 2 items
- ad hoc (Adjective: for this particular purpose)
- * Azerbaijani: {{t|az|әd hak}} ([[amaca özәl]])
- how much does it cost (Phrase: how much is it?)
- * Azerbaijani: {{t|az|neçiyədir}}?, (genitive) + {{t|az|qiyməti nə qədərdir}}?
Entry HTML comment: 3 items