A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
[edit]This language has translations in 1345 of 208392 (0.65%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Yakut: {{t-check|sah|олус|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t-check|sah|наһаа|sc=Cyrl}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
No translation template: 1 item
- cloudberry (Noun: fruit)
- * Yakut: ыт тиҥилэҕэ (yt tingileghe)
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items
- Chinese (Proper noun: the standard language of China)
- * Yakut: {{t|sah|[[кытай]] [[тыла]]}}, {{t|sah|кытайдыы}}; {{t|sah|[[китай]] [[тыла]]}}, {{t|sah|китайдыы}}
- rain (Verb: of rain: to fall from the sky)
- * Yakut: {{tt|sah|самыырдаа}}, {{tt|sah|ардаа}}; {{tt|sah|самыыр түс}}, {{tt|sah|ардах түс}}; {{tt|sah|самыыр кут}}, {{tt|sah|ардах кут}}
[edit]This language has translations in 7722 of 208392 (3.71%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- farmer (Noun: person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock)
- * Yiddish: {{t|yi|פֿאַרמער|m}}, {{t|yi|פֿאַרמערין|f}}; {{t|yi|ערדאַרבעטער|m}}; {{t|yi|פּויער|m}}
Genders in t-template and g-template: 2 items
- wife (Noun: married woman)
- * Yiddish: {{t|yi|ווײַב|n}} or {{g|f}}, {{t|yi|פֿרוי|f}}
- wife (Noun: married woman)
- * Yiddish: {{t|yi|ווײַב|n}} or {{g|f}}, {{t|yi|פֿרוי|f}}
Unexpected template: 2 items
- nacho (Noun: tortilla chip)
- * Yiddish: {{t|yi|נאַטשאָ|m}}, {{sense|tortilla chip}} {{t|yi|טאָרטיִע־טשיפּקעלע|n}}
- soggy (Adjective: soaked with liquid)
- * Yiddish: {{sense|food}} {{t|yi|צעווייקט}}, {{t|yi|צעקוואַטשעט}}, {{sense|grass}} {{t|yi|נאַס}}, {{t|yi|נאַסלעך}}, {{t|yi|דורכגעווייקט}}, {{t|yi|אַדורכגעווייקט}}
text_outside_template: 4 items
- church (Noun: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|קירך|f}} (2)
- reason (Verb: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|סיבה|f|tr=sibe}} (1), {{t-check|yi|שׂכל|m|tr=seykhl}} (2)
- take (Verb: to get into one's possession)
- * Yiddish: {{tt|yi|נעמען'}}'}}
- wife (Noun: married woman)
- * Yiddish: {{t|yi|ווײַב|n}} or {{g|f}}, {{t|yi|פֿרוי|f}}
Entry HTML comment: 5 items
- Berezhany (Proper noun: city)
- * Yiddish: {{t|yi|ברעזשאַן}}<!--, {{t-check|yi|בּז'יז'אני}}, {{t-check|yi|בּז'ז'ני}}-->
- dismiss (Verb: to discharge)
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|משלח זײַן|tr=meshaleyekh zayn}}<!-- זײַן "to be"??? -->
- memory card (Noun: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|זכּרון־קאַרטעלע|tr=zikorn-kartele|n}} <!-- the CEYD does not specify which type of memory card -->
- skirt (Noun: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|קליידל|n}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|זייער}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
No translation target: 7 items
- banner (Adjective: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=fon}}
- behind (Preposition: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=hinten}}, {{t-check|yi|tr=hinter}}
- conscious (Adjective: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=bavustsinik}}
- damage (Verb: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=hesek}}
- murder (Noun: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=mord}}
- statement (Noun: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=aroiszogung}}
- value (Noun: )
- * Yiddish: {{t-check|yi|tr=vert}}
[edit]This language has translations in 67 of 208392 (0.03%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item
- rain (Noun: condensed water from a cloud)
- * Yonaguni: {{tt|yoi|雨|tr={{lang|yoi|あみ}}, ami}}
[edit]This language has translations in 30 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item
- rain (Noun: condensed water from a cloud)
- * Yoron: {{tt|yox|雨|tr={{lang|yox|あみ}}, ami}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1287 of 208392 (0.62%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 2 items
- tusk (Noun: pointed tooth)
- * Yoruba: {{t|yo|eyín erin}} ''(elephant's)''
- yam (Noun: any Dioscorea vine)
- * Yoruba: {{t|yo|iṣu}}, {{t|yo|iyán}} ''(pounded)''
[edit]This language has translations in 2 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Yuki: {{t|yuk|í-wa-musp}} {{qualifier|male-bodied, lit. "man-woman"}}, {{t|yuk|íwap náip}} / {{t|yuk|ipnaip}} {{qualifier|male-bodied, lit. "man-girl"}}, {{t|yuk|musp-íwap náip}} {{qualifier|female-bodied, lit. "woman man-girl"}}; {{t|yuk|iwap kuti}} {{qualifier|Huchnom; male-bodied, lit. "man-woman"}}
[edit]This language has translations in 498 of 208392 (0.24%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is esu
- thousand (Numeral: cardinal number 1000)
- * Yup'ik: {{t|ems|tiisiqaq}}, {{t|esu|tiissitsaaq}}
[edit]This language has translations in 72 of 208392 (0.03%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 3 items
- trans woman (Noun: a transgender or transsexual woman)
- * Yurok: {{t|yur|wergern}} / {{t|yur|wrgrn}}<!--linguistic orthography--> {{q|person assigned male at birth who lives as a woman}}
- transgender (Noun: transgender person)
- * Yurok: {{t|yur|wergern}} / {{t|yur|wrgrn}}<!--linguistic orthography--> {{qualifier|male-bodied person who lives as a woman}}
- two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
- * Yurok: {{t|yur|wergern}} / {{t|yur|wrgrn}}<!--linguistic orthography--> {{qualifier|male-bodied}}