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German Low German


This language has translations in 945 of 208392 (0.45%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 2 items

New Year (Noun: the first few days of a calendar year)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Nijaohr|n}}/{{t|nds-de|Niejaohr|n}} {{q|Münsterländisch}}, {{t|nds-de|Nijohr|n}} {{q|Paderbornisch; Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch}}, {{t|nds-de|Niejohr|n}}, {{t+|nds-de|Neejohr|n}}
first (Adjective: numeral first)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds-de|ȩrst-}} (definite neuter singular: {{tt|nds-de|ȩrste}}), {{tt+|nds-de|eerst}}

Entry HTML comment: 3 items

a little (Adverb: )
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds-de|biëtken}} {{q|Münsterland}}, {{t+|nds-de|kitsken}} {{q|Münsterland}}, {{t+|nds-de|beten}} {{qualifier|Northern Germany}} <!-- Were under "bit" sense "to a small extent" but do not appear quite correct. -->
stork (Noun: large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Stork|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Störk|m}}, {{t+|nds-de|Aadboor|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Eebeer|m}}<!--; {{t+|nds|Oodboor|m}}, {{t+|nds|Adeboor|m}}, {{t|nds|Odeboor|m}}, {{t+|nds|Ebeer|m}}-->
talk (Noun: )
*: German Low German: {{t-check|nds-de|Gespreek|n}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->

text_outside_template: 3 items

New Year (Noun: the first few days of a calendar year)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Nijaohr|n}}/{{t|nds-de|Niejaohr|n}} {{q|Münsterländisch}}, {{t|nds-de|Nijohr|n}} {{q|Paderbornisch; Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch}}, {{t|nds-de|Niejohr|n}}, {{t+|nds-de|Neejohr|n}}
first (Adjective: numeral first)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds-de|ȩrst-}} (definite neuter singular: {{tt|nds-de|ȩrste}}), {{tt+|nds-de|eerst}}
going to (Phrase: will (future tense))
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds-de|gahn}} (''+ infinitive'')

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 10 items

-ing (Suffix: act of doing something)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|-en|f}}; {{t|nds-de|-inge|alt=-inge, -ing|f}}, {{t|nds-de|-unge|alt=-unge, -ung}}
April (Proper noun: fourth month of the Gregorian calendar)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds-de|April|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Aprilmaand|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Oostermaand|m}}; {{t|nds-de|Pröl|m}} {{qualifier|Low Prussian}}
February (Proper noun: second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds-de|Februar|m}}; {{t|nds-de|Horning|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Hornung|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Heering}}, {{t|nds-de|Höring}}; {{t|nds-de|Kleenhorn|m}} {{qualifier|in the Baltic dialects}}, {{t|nds-de|Iesmoand|m}} {{qualifier|Münsterland}}, {{t|nds-de|Lammermoand|m}} {{qualifier|Münsterland}}
again (Adverb: another time)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|nochmaal}}, {{t+|nds-de|wedder}}, {{t|nds-de|noch eenmaal}}; {{t+|nds-de|wier}} {{q|Paderbornisch}}
bread (Noun: baked dough made from cereals)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds-de|Braud|n}} {{qualifier|Paderbornisch}}; {{tt+|nds-de|Brod|n}}, {{tt+|nds-de|Broot|n}}, {{tt+|nds-de|Brot|n}}
butterfly (Noun: insect)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds-de|Bottervagel|m}}, {{tt|nds-de|Sommervagel|m}}; {{tt|nds-de|Botterlicker|m}}, {{tt|nds-de|Fleerling|m}}; {{tt|nds-de|Sommerlott|m}}; {{tt|nds-de|Pennvogel|m}}, {{tt|nds-de|Bottervögel|m}}
color (Noun: spectral composition of visible light)
*: German Low German: {{tt+|nds-de|Farv}}; {{t-check|nds-de|farv}}, {{t+check|nds-de|klöör}}
dialect (Noun: particular variety of a language)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Mundort}}, {{t|nds-de|Mundaart}}, {{t|nds-de|Mundart}}; {{t|nds-de|Dialekt|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Diälekt|m}} {{q|Westphalian, regional}}
grandfather (Noun: grandfather (from either side))
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Grautvader}} {{q|Paderbornisch}}, {{t|nds-de|Grotvader}} {{q|Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch; Dithmarsisch}}, {{t|nds-de|Grotvader}} & {{t|nds-de|Großvader}} {{q|Schleswig-Holsteinisch; the latter influenced by High German}}; {{t|nds-de|Grootvader|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Grootvoder|m}}, {{t|nds-de|Grootvadder|m}}
lark (Noun: bird)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds-de|Lark|f}}, {{t|nds|Lurk|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Lörk|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Lörke|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Lerke|f}}; {{t|nds-de|Lewark|f}}, {{t+|nds-de|Levark|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Levalk|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Lewrik|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Lewrink|f}}, {{t+|nds-de|Leerk|f}}, {{t+|nds-de|Lauerk|f}}, {{t+|nds-de|Leving|f}}

Wrong language code: 19 items Expected language code is nds-de

Estonia (Proper noun: country)
*: German Low German: {{tt+|nds|Eestland}}
Friday (Noun: day of the week)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds|Freedag|m}}
Mexico (Proper noun: country)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds|Mexiko|n}}
Thursday (Noun: day of the week)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds|Dunnersdag|m}}, {{t+|nds|Dunnerdag|m}}, {{t|nds|Dünnersdag|m}}, {{t|nds|Dünnerdag|m}}, {{t|nds|Dönnerdag|m}}, {{t|nds|Dörndag|m}}, {{t|nds|Dundersdag|m}}
Tuesday (Noun: day of the week)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds|Dingsdag|m}}, {{t|nds|Deensdag|m}}
Westphalia (Proper noun: province of Germany)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Westfalen}}, {{t|nds|Westfolen}} {{q|Paderbornisch}}, {{t|nds|Westfaolen}} {{q|Münsterländisch}}
congratulations (Interjection: expressing approbation)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds|hartlichen Glückwunsch}}
cotton (Noun: fiber)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds|Kattuun}}
dove (Noun: bird of the family Columbidae)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds|Duuv|f}}
duck (Noun: aquatic bird of the family Anatidae)
*: German Low German: {{tt+|nds|Aant|f}}, {{tt|nds|Oont|f}}, {{tt|nds|Eunt|f}}
emergency physician (Noun: emergency physician)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds|Nootdokter|m}}, {{t|nds|Nootdokterin|f}}, {{t|nds|Nootdoktersch|f}}, {{t|nds|Nootdoktersche|f}}
goose (Noun: a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds|Goos|f}}
rice (Noun: plants)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds|Ries|m}}
rice (Noun: seeds used as food)
*: German Low German: {{tt|nds|Ries|m}}
sororal niece (Noun: sister’s daughter)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Süsterdeern|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Swesterdeern|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Süsterdochter|f}}, {{t|nds-de|Swesterdochter|f}}, {{t|nds|Süsterkind|n}} {{q|male or female}}, {{t|nds|Swesterkind|n}} {{q|male or female}}
spaceship (Noun: vehicle that flies through space)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds|Ruumschipp|n}}, {{t|nds|Ruumfohrtüüg|n}}
stallion (Noun: uncastrated male horse)
*: German Low German: {{t+|nds|Hingst|m}}, {{t+|nds|Hengst|m}}
timeship (Noun: vehicle)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds|Tietschipp|n}}
turtle dove (Noun: bird in the genus Streptopelia)
*: German Low German: {{t|nds|Turtelduuv|f}}



This language has translations in 2 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

associate (Noun: )
* Ghotuo: {{t-check|aaa|mojah}}<!--was in the "person united with others in an act or business, partner" section, but I suspect it and other aaa translations may have been added as nonsense using the trans-adder; it was added by an IP from Boston; restore it if you can verify it; -sche-->



This language has translations in 75 of 208392 (0.04%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

Kiribati (Proper noun: Republic of Kiribati)
* Gilbertese: i-{{t|gil|Kiribati}}



This language has translations in 2450 of 208392 (1.18%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

easy (Adjective: requiring little skill or effort)
* Gothic: *{{t|got|[[Reconstruction:Gothic/𐌰𐌶𐌴𐍄𐍃|𐌰𐌶𐌴𐍄𐍃]]}}

Unexpected template: 1 item

that (Determiner: what is being indicated)
* Gothic: {{t|got|𐍃𐌰}}, {{t|got|𐌾𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃}} {{gloss|distant}}



This language has translations in 14 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

kapok tree (Noun: )
* Gourmanchéma: {{t-check|gux|fùòbu}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->



This language has translations in 44076 of 208392 (21.15%) translation tables

Genders outside t-template

1 item
USB port (Noun: port for USB connection)
* Greek: {{t+|el|θύρα}} USB {{g|f}}

No translation target

2 items
Joshua (Proper noun: male given name)
* Greek: {{t|el||m}}, {{t|el|Ιησούς του ναυή|m}}
astrobiology (Noun: astrobiology)
* Greek: {{t|el||tr=astroviología|f}}

Nested templates

2 items
God bless you (Interjection: said to somebody who has sneezed)
* Greek: {{qualifier|diminutive of plural form of {{l|el|υγεία||health}}}} {{t+|el|γείτσες|f-p}}
write (Verb: to send a letter to)
* Greek: {{tt+|el|γράφω}} {{qualifier|+ {{m|el|σε}}}}

Genders in t-template and g-template

4 items
Honshu (Proper noun: the main island of the Japanese Archipelago)
* Greek: {{t+|el|Χόνσου|f}} (''rare'' {{g|n}})
Honshu (Proper noun: the main island of the Japanese Archipelago)
* Greek: {{t+|el|Χόνσου|f}} (''rare'' {{g|n}})
pink (Noun: pale red colour)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ροζ|n}} (the {{g|n}} noun [[χρώμα]] is implied)
pink (Noun: pale red colour)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ροζ|n}} (the {{g|n}} noun [[χρώμα]] is implied)

Unexpected template

10 items
CP (Proper noun: Communist Party)
* Greek: {{t|el|ΚΚ}} {{gloss|Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα}}
English whisky (Noun: distilled alcoholic beverage)
* Greek {{t|el|Αγγλικό ουίσκι}} <ref>{{quote-web|el|url=https://www.diffordsguide.com/el-gr/encyclopedia/1261/bws/english-whisky|title=To Αγγλικό ουίσκι|work=Diffords Guide|author=Ian Wisniewski|passage=}}</ref>
Malay (Adjective: of the Malay people)
* Greek: {{t|el|της Μαλαισίας|f}} {{gloss|genitive of Malaya}}
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (Proverb: small but certain advantage is preferable)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κάλλιο πέντε και στο χέρι παρά δέκα και καρτέρει}} {{gloss|rather hold five in hand than wait for ten to come}}
a lot (Pronoun: a large amount)
* Greek: {{sense|uncountably}}{{t+|el|πολλά}}, {{sense|countably}}{{t+|el|πολύ}}
cold (Adjective: of the weather)
* Greek: {{sense|it is cold}} {{tt|el|κάνει κρύο}} {{qualifier|idiom in Greek; there is no translation for the adjective alone}}
extradite (Verb: to remove a person from one jurisdiction to another by legal process)
* Greek: {{sense|from}} {{t+|el|απελαύνω}}, {{sense|to}} {{t+|el|εκδίδω}}
fair (Adjective: light in color or pale)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ξανθός}} {{gloss|hair}}, {{t+|el|ανοιχτός}} {{gloss|skin}}
frustum (Noun: truncated cone or pyramid)
* Greek: {{gloss|cone}} {{t|el|κόλουρος κώνος|m}}, {{gloss|pyramid}} {{t|el|κόλουρη πυραμίδα|f}}
six (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Greek: {{tt+|el|έξι}}, {{tt|el|στ΄}} {{q-lite|numeral}}

Wrong language code

10 items

Expected language code is el

G-d (Proper noun: deliberately incomplete spelling of God)
* Greek: {{t|grc|ΘΣ}}
bind (Verb: transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.)
* Greek: {{t|grc|δένω}}
black caraway (Noun: spice)
*: Modern: {{t|grc|μαύρο κύμινο|n}}
coming (Noun: act of arriving; an arrival)
* Greek: {{t|grc|ερχομός|m}}
firm (Adjective: steadfast, secure (position))
* Greek: {{t+|el|σταθερός|m}}, {{t+|el|στιβαρός|m}}, {{t|grc|ναστός}}
gateless (Adjective: without a gate)
* Greek: {{t|grc|ἀπύλωτος}}
hostile (Adjective: belonging or appropriate to an enemy)
* Greek: {{t+|el|εχθρικός|m}}, {{q|Epic}} {{t|grc|δάϊος}}
hunger (Noun: need for food)
* Greek: {{t+|el|πείνα|f}} {{q|daily/ordinary need of food}}, {{t|grc|λιγούρα|f}} {{q|desperate need of food}}, {{t|grc|σιτοδεία|f}}, {{t|grc|ασιτία|f}} {{q|scarcity of food due to natural disaster}}, {{t|grc|λιμός|m}} {{q|scarcity of food due to war}}
plunder (Noun: loot attained by plundering)
* Greek: {{t+|el|λάφυρα|n-p}}, {{t+|el|λεία|f}}, {{t|grc|σκῦλα|n-p}}
° (Symbol: )
* Greek: {{t|grc|μ̊}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

11 items
Australian (Noun: a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent)
* Greek: {{t+|el|Αυστραλός|m}}, {{t+|el|Αυστραλέζος|m}}; {{t+|el|Αυστραλή|f}}, {{t+|el|Αυστραλέζα|f}}
Cambridge (Proper noun: city in England)
* Greek: {{t|el|Καίμπριτζ|n}}, {{t|el|Κέμπριτζ|n}}; {{q|Katharevousa}} {{t+|el|Κανταβριγία|f}}
I beg your pardon (Phrase: )
* Greek: {{t+|el|παρακαλώ}};, {{t|el|πώς είπατε παρακαλώ}};
MP (Noun: Military Police)
* Greek: {{t|el|ΣΝ}}, {{t|el|Στρατονομία|f}}; {{t+|el|στρατονόμος|m}}
anthropogeny (Noun: study of human origins and development)
* Greek: {{t|el|ανθρωπογένεια|f}}; ''anthropogenesis, a hyponym'': {{t|el|ανθρωπογένεση|f}}
arbitrary (Adjective: determined by impulse)
* Greek: {{qualifier|adjective}} {{t+|el|αυθαίρετος}}, {{t+|el|δεσποτικός}}, {{t+|el|αυταρχικός}}, {{t+|el|παρορμητικός}}, {{t+|el|αυθόρμητος}}; {{qualifier|noun}} αυθαίρετος αριθμός, τυπογραφικό στοιχείο εκτός "οικογένειας", παράταιρο και ανομοιογενές στοιχείο
happy Easter (Phrase: an expression used during Easter)
* Greek: {{t|el|Καλό Πάσχα}}; {{t+|el|Χριστός ανέστη}} {{q|greeting}}, {{t+|el|αληθώς ανέστη}} {{q|reply}}
paternal aunt (Noun: the sister or sister-in-law of someone's father)
* Greek: {{t+|el|θεία|f}}; {{t+|el|θεια|f}}, {{t+|el|θείτσα|f}} {{q|affectionate terms but also pejoratives}}
rally (Noun: public gathering for a cause)
* Greek: {{t+|el|συγκέντρωση|f}}; demonstration: {{t|el|πολιτική συγκέντρωση|f}}, {{t+|el|διαδήλωση|f}}
translator (Noun: someone or something that translates meaning from one language to another)
*: Modern: {{t+|el|μεταφραστής|m}}, {{t+|el|μεταφράστρια|f}}; {{q|machine}} {{t|el|μηχανικός μεταφραστής|m}}
uncut (Adjective: not cut)
* Greek: {{t+|el|άκοπος}}, {{t+|el|ακομμάτιαστος}}; {{t+|el|ακλάδευτος}}

Entry HTML comment

25 items
-ly (Suffix: used to form adverbs from adjectives)
* Greek: {{t+|el|-α}}, {{t+|el|-ως}} {{qualifier|each replacing the final syllable of the adjective}}<!--unlike a suffix, which is appended-->
I could eat a horse (Phrase: I am very hungry)
* Greek: {{t|el|πεινάω σαν λύκος}}<!-- ''"I'm hungry as a wolf"'' -->
a.m. (Adverb: before noon)
* Greek: {{t+|el|π.μ.}} (p.m.)<!--sic-->
ambush (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+|el|ενέδρα|f|sc=Grek}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
boy (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|αγόρι|n}} <!-- Was under "adult male found attractive" -->
first (Noun: person or thing in the first position)
* Greek: {{tt+|el|πρώτος|m}}<!--, [[πρώτη]] {{f}}, [[πρώτο]] {{n}}-->
goad (Verb: )
* Greek: {{t+|el|κεντώ}} <!-- Was under "to prod with a goad; to encourage, stimulate, incite or provoke" -->
goatfish (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|μπαρμπούνι|n}} <!-- Was under ''Mullus barbatus'' -->
infer (Verb: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|συμπεραίνω}} <!-- Was under: "(intransitive) to draw a conclusion (by reasoning)" -->
ledger (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|ημερολόγιο|n}}, {{t+check|el|καθολικό|n}}, {{t+check|el|τεφτέρι|n}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
liver (Noun: organ of the body)
* Greek: {{tt+|el|ήπαρ|n}}, {{tt+|el|συκώτι|n}} <!-- {{tt+|el|ηπατικός|m}} -->
meander (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+|el|μαίανδρος|m}} <!-- Was under discontinued sense "winding, crooked or involved course" -->
milk (Verb: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|εξαντλώ}} <!-- Was under: "to talk or write at length" -->
nychthemeron (Noun: one day and one night)
* Greek:<!--the word is now an adverb-->
please (Verb: to make happy or satisfy)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ευχαριστώ}}, {{t+|el|τέρπω}}, {{t|el|δίνω ευχαρίστηση}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
raw (Adjective: )
* Greek: {{t+|el|γδαρμένος|m}} <!-- was under "irritated" -->
schizo (Noun: (slang) schizophrenic)
* Greek: <!-- {{t+|el|σχιζοφρενής|m|f}}, {{t|el|σχιζοφρενές|n}},--> {{t+|el|τρελός|m}}, {{qualifier|slang}} {{t+|el|ψυχάκιας|m}}
serpent (Noun: snake)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ερπετό|n}}, {{t+|el|φίδι|n}} <!--ερπετό means snake as well, in a general sense (see G. Babiniotis Dictionary)-->
skin (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|δέρμα|n}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
talk (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|θέμα|n}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->
threshing sledge (Noun: rectangular table of wood used to separate grain from straw)
*: Modern: {{t+|el|τσουκάνι|n}} <!-- which is from the variants τύκανον → τνκάνιον -->
treat (Verb: )
* Greek: {{t-check|el|κάνω [[δώρο]]}}, {{t+check|el|χαρίζω}} <!-- Was under "to celebrate or reward with a present" -->
tyrant (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|τύραννος|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
what time is it (Phrase: what is the time of day?)
* Greek: {{t+|el|τι ώρα είναι;}}<!--note: Greek uses a semicolon as the symbol marking a question-->
when (Conjunction: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|όταν}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->

Multiple t-templates

28 items
-ing (Suffix: to form gerunds)
* Greek: ''Use {{t+|el|το}} {{t+|el|να}} + second person singular present verb form''
Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
* Greek: {{t|el|μετά Χριστόν}} (''abbr.'' {{t+|el|μ.Χ.}})
Aromanian (Proper noun: language)
* Greek: {{t|el|Βλάχικη γλώσσα|f}}, {{t+|el|Βλάχικα|n}}, {{t|el|Αρωμουνική γλώσσα|f}}, {{t+|el|αρωμουνικά|n|}}, {{t|el|Αρωμανική γλώσσα|f}} {{t+|el|αρωμανικά|n}}, {{t+|el|αρμάνικα|n}}, {{t|el|αρμανικά|n}}, {{t+|el|ρεμένικα|n}}, {{t+|el|ρεμενικά|n}}, {{t+|el|ριμένικα|n}}, {{t|el|Κουτσοβλαχική γλώσσα|f}}, {{t+|el|κουτσοβλάχικα}}, {{t+|el|αρβανιτοβλάχικα|n}}, {{t+|el|αρβαντοβλάχικα}}, {{t|el|Μακεδονοβλάχικη γλώσσα}}, {{t|el|μακεδονοβλάχικα}}
BC (Adverb: before Christ)
* Greek: {{t+|el|π.Χ.}} ({{t|el|''προ Χριστού''}})
ISBN (Noun: International Standard Book Number)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ΔΠΑΒ|sc=Grek}} ({{t|el|διεθνής πρότυπος αριθμός βιβλίου|sc=Grek}})
ISIS (Proper noun: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
* Greek: {{t|el|ΙΚΙΣ|n}} ({{t|el|Ισλαμικό Κράτος στο Ιράκ και την Συρία}})
RAM (Noun: random access memory)
* Greek: {{t|el|ΜΤΠ|f}} ({{t+|el|μνήμη τυχαίας προσπέλασης|f}})
URL (Noun: Uniform Resource Locator)
* Greek: {{t|el|ΟΕΠ}} ({{t|el|ομοιόμορφος εντοπιστής πόρων}}), {{t|el|ιστοδιεύθυνση|f}}
Uniform Resource Locator (Noun: URL)
* Greek: {{t|el|ΟΕΠ}} ({{t|el|ομοιόμορφος εντοπιστής πόρων}}), {{t|el|ιστοδιεύθυνση|f}}
activate (Verb: to put into operation)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ενεργοποιώ}} ({{t+|el|ανοίγω}})
blunder (Noun: mistake)
* Greek: {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|el|γκάφα|f}} {{t+|el|σφάλμα|n}}, {{t+|el|λάθος|n}}, {{t+|el|παραδρομή|f}}
do you have any pets (Phrase: do you have pets?)
* Greek: {{qualifier|polite, plural}} {{t+|el|έχω|alt=Έχετε}} {{t|el|κατοικίδιο|alt=κατοικίδια}};
fireproof (Adjective: resistant to damage from fire)
* Greek: {{t+|el|πυρίμαχος|m}} {{t+|el|αλεξίπυρος|m}}
inter alia (Adverb: among other things)
* Greek: {{t+|el|μεταξύ|sc=Grek}} {{t+|el|άλλος|alt=άλλων|sc=Grek}}
jewellery (Noun: personal ornamentation)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κοσμήματα|f-p}} (pl. of {{t+|el|κόσμημα|n}})
lovebird (Noun: affectionate couple (or a person thereof))
* Greek: {{t+|el|τρυγονάκια|n-p}} ({{t+|el|τρυγονάκι|n}})
media (Noun: the journalists and other professionals who comprise the mass communication industry)
* Greek: {{t+|el|μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης|n-p}} ({{t+|el|ΜΜΕ}})
navel (Noun: remnant of umbilical cord)
* Greek: {{t+|el|αφαλός|m}} {{t+|el|ομφαλός|m}}
painless (Adjective: without pain or trouble)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ανώδυνος}} {{t+|el|άπονος}}
portrait (Noun: print mode)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κατακόρυφος}} {{t+|el|προσανατολισμός}} (εκτύπωσης-χαρτιού)
postscriptum (Noun: something written afterward)
* Greek: {{t+|el|υστερόγραφο}} ''or'' {{t+|el|Υ.Γ.}}
prescription (Noun: the act of establishing a law or regulation in writing; an instance of this)
* Greek: {{t+|el|παραγραφή|f}} ({{t+|el|δικαιώματος|n}})
prettify (Verb: make pretty or prettier)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ωραιοποιώ}}{{t+|el|εξωραΐζω}}
q.v. (Adverb: which see)
* Greek: {{t+|el|βλ.}} ({{t+|el|βλέπε}})
superluminal (Adjective: having a speed greater than light)
* Greek: {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχικός|m}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχική|f}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχικό|n}}, (unpreferred translation due to [[hyperphoton]], [[hyperphotonic]]: {{t|el|υπερφωτονικός|m}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτονική|f}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτονικό|n}})
superluminal (Adjective: having a speed greater than light)
* Greek: {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχικός|m}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχική|f}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχικό|n}}, (unpreferred translation due to [[hyperphoton]], [[hyperphotonic]]: {{t|el|υπερφωτονικός|m}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτονική|f}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτονικό|n}})
tailor (Noun: person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ράπτης|m}}, {{t+|el|ράφτης|m}}, {{t+|el|μόδιστρος|m}} {{t+|el|μοδίστρα|f}}
volatile (Adjective: (computing, of memory) whose content is lost when the computer is powered down)
* Greek: {{t+|el|πτητική}} ({{t+|el|μνήμη}})

No translation template

41 items
* Greek: ''as in English''
Dionne (Proper noun: given name)
* Greek: Διώνη
a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle (Phrase: a woman is capable of living a complete and independent life)
* Greek: ''literal translation if quoting the English phrase''
absence makes the heart grow fonder (Proverb: When someone or something is far away, one realizes how much one loves or misses them or it)
* Greek: ''only the opposite phrase exists''
anthology (Noun: collection of literary works)
* Greek: [[ανθολογία]] (''anthología'') {{g|f}}
armband (Noun: band worn around the arm)
* Greek: {{t+|el|περιβραχιόνιο|n}}, [[πένθος]] (penthos) (mourning) {{g|n}}
at (Preposition: denoting a price)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
at (Preposition: occupied in (activity))
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
availability (Noun: the quality of being available)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''; ''spurious:'' {{t+|el|διαθεσιμότητα|f}}
beer belly (Noun: protruding abdomen)
* Greek: {{t+|el|προκοίλι|n}}, (slang) [[μπυροκοίλι]] (birokili) {{g|n}}, {{t+|el|σκεμπές|m}}
do away with (Verb: have someone killed)
* Greek: {{t+|el|σκοτώνω}}, βγάζω από τη μέση
flute (Noun: glass)
* Greek: ''as in French''
garden (Verb: grow plants)
* Greek: {{tt+|el|κηπεύω}}, {{tt|el|καλλιεργώ κήπο}}, [[περιποιούμαι κήπο]] (peripiúme cípo) (cultivate or farm a garden)
herbivorous (Adjective: feeding only on plants)
* Greek:Τρέφεται μόνο με φυτά
it (Pronoun: subject of impersonal statement)
* Greek: Ancient: {{qual|third person verb without subject}}
it (Pronoun: impersonal pronoun, used without referent)
* Greek: Ancient: {{qual|third person verb without subject}}
lingua franca (Noun: common language)
* Greek: ''as in Italian'', {{t+|el|κοινή|f}} {{t+|el|γλώσσα|f}}
of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
* Greek: ''genitive case''
of (Preposition: introducing topic or subject matter)
* Greek: ''verb + usually accusative case''
of (Preposition: connecting numeral or quantifier with quantified)
* Greek: ''genitive case''
of (Preposition: objective genitive: connecting action noun with object)
* Greek: ''genitive case''
of (Preposition: linking class with example of class)
* Greek:''genitive case''
on (Adjective: destined)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Adverb: to an operating state)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Adverb: continuing an action)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Adverb: along, forwards (continuing an action))
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Preposition: at the date of)
* Greek: ''articles'', {{t+|el|σε}} + ''articles''
on (Preposition: because of, or due to something)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Preposition: paid for by)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Preposition: used to indicate means or medium)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
on (Preposition: )
* Greek: ''articles''
pilot (Verb: to control an aircraft or watercraft)
* Greek: [[πιλοτάρω]] (pilotáro) (1), [[διευθύνω]] (ðiefthíno) {{qualifier|rare}}, {{t+|el|κυβερνώ}}, [[χειρίζομαι]] (çirízome) (1, 2), {{t+|el|πλοηγώ}}
shut up (Interjection: "Stop talking.")
* Greek: {{t+|el|σκασμός}}, {{t+|el|σκάσε}}, {{t|el|βούλωσέ το}}, [[ησυχία]] (isikhía) ''informal'', [[πάψε]] (pápse) ''informal''
sketch (Noun: brief musical, dramatic or literary work etc.)
* Greek: ([[θεατρικό]]) [[σκετς]] ((theatriko) skets), {{t+|el|νούμερο|n}}
square centimeter (Noun: unit of area)
* Greek: {{t|el|τετραγωνικό εκατοστό|n}}, {{qualifier|symbol}} εκ<sup>2</sup>
superhighway (Noun: US An expressway especially one designed for high speeds)
* Greek: (hyperautokinetodromos), (autokinetodromos)
there (Pronoun: expletive subject of verb of existence: "there is")
* Greek: Ancient: {{qual|third person of verb with no subject, often at beginning of phrase}}
when in Rome, do as the Romans do (Proverb: behave as those around do)
* Greek: ''quoted in English''
will (Verb: indicating future action)
* Greek: ''Use [[θα]] + subjunctive verb form ([[future simple]]) or present verb form ([[future]] [[continuous]] e.g. [[θα]] [[δω]] or [[θα]] [[βλέπω]] ''
with (Preposition: expressing manner)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''
with (Preposition: as nourishment)
* Greek: ''periphrastically''


64 items
-ing (Suffix: to form gerunds)
* Greek: ''Use {{t+|el|το}} {{t+|el|να}} + second person singular present verb form'' (Use + second person singular present verb form))
-ology (Suffix: branch of learning)
* Greek: [[-ο-]]{{t+|el|-λογία|f}}
AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
* Greek: {{t+|el|μ.Χ.|sc=Grek}} (metá Christón)
Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
* Greek: {{t|el|μετά Χριστόν}} (''abbr.'' {{t+|el|μ.Χ.}})
English whisky (Noun: distilled alcoholic beverage)
* Greek {{t|el|Αγγλικό ουίσκι}} <ref>{{quote-web|el|url=https://www.diffordsguide.com/el-gr/encyclopedia/1261/bws/english-whisky|title=To Αγγλικό ουίσκι|work=Diffords Guide|author=Ian Wisniewski|passage=}}</ref> (<ref></ref>))
Honshu (Proper noun: the main island of the Japanese Archipelago)
* Greek: {{t+|el|Χόνσου|f}} (''rare'' {{g|n}})
Kefalovryssion (Proper noun: Kefalovrysi)
*: Modern: {{t|el|Κεφαλοβρύσιο}} (Kefalovrysio)
Maniot (Adjective: relating to Mani)
* Greek: {{t+|el|μανιάτικος}}, {{t+|el|Μανιάτικα}} ''(the idiom)''
Metsovon (Proper noun: form of Metsovo)
*: Modern: {{t|el|Μετσόβο}} (Metsovo)
Paul (Proper noun: male given name)
* Greek: {{t+|el|Παύλος|m}}, ''transliterations:'' {{t+|el|Πολ}}, ''dated'' {{t+|el|Πωλ}}
Spetse (Proper noun: an older name)
* Greek: {{t|el|Σπέτσαι|n}} (Naxos)
USB port (Noun: port for USB connection)
* Greek: {{t+|el|θύρα}} USB {{g|f}}
against (Preposition: in contrast or comparison with)
* Greek: ''see:'' {{t+|el|σχέση|f}}
antitheft (Adjective: preventing from being stolen)
* Greek: {{t|el|αντικλεπτικό}} ([[μηχάνημα]],[[σύστημα]]), {{t|el|αντικλεπτικός}} ([[μηχανισμός]])
battle cry (Noun: something the troops yell out when going to war or battle)
* Greek: ([[πολεμική]]) {{t+|el|ιαχή|f}}
blood relation (Noun: person)
* Greek: ''see:'' {{t+|el|σχέση|f}}
bullshit (Verb: tell lies, exaggerate)
* Greek: {{t+|el|δουλεύω}} (somebody)
burp (Verb: to emit a burp)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ρεύομαι}}, {{t+|el|ερεύγομαι}} (rare)
check in (Verb: to record one's arrival)
* Greek: {{t|el|κάνω check-in}} (expression)
check-in (Noun: act of checking in)
* Greek: {{t|el|κάνω check-in}} (expression)
conjugate (Verb: to inflect (a verb) for each person)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κλίνω}}, {{t|el|κλίνομαι}} [passive (proportional attitude)]
cost (Verb: to incur a charge, a price)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κοστίζω}} (means also "to cause damage or distress"), {{t+|el|στοιχίζω}} (means also "to inflict" and "to align"), {{t+|el|τιμώμαι}}, {{t+|el|κάνω}} [colloquial (has a huge number of meanings, one of them is "to cost")]
expansion (Noun: act of expanding)
* Greek: {{t+|el|διαστολή|f}} (for metals), {{t+|el|επέκταση|f}}
few (Determiner: indefinite, usually small number)
* Greek: [[λίγοι]] (pl. of {{t+|el|λίγος}}), {{t+|el|μερικοί}}
goodwill (Noun: favorably disposed attitude)
* Greek: καλή {{t+|el|θέληση|f}}, {{t+|el|εύνοια|f}}, {{t+|el|ευμένεια|f}}
half-life (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t|el|περίοδος ημιζωής|m}} (1)
incident (Adjective: physics: falling on a surface)
* Greek: {{t|el|προσπίπτουσα}} (ακτίνα), {{t|el|προσπίπτων}}
interpellate (Verb: interrupt so as to inform or question)
* Greek: {{t+|el|επερωτώ}} διακοπτω
it (Pronoun: subject — inanimate thing)
* Greek: {{tt+|el|το}}, {{tt+|el|αυτό}} (sometimes not translated), {{tt+|el|τούτος}}
jewellery (Noun: personal ornamentation)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κοσμήματα|f-p}} (pl. of {{t+|el|κόσμημα|n}})
knifeman (Noun: someone who uses a knife as a weapon)
* Greek: ''criminal'': {{t+|el|μαχαιροβγάλτης|m}}
long live (Verb: prosper)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ζήτω}} {{q|singular and plural}}, {{t|el|ζήτωσαν}} {{q|plural}} (''[[Katharevousa]]'')
movie (Noun: motion picture)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ταινία|f}} {{qualifier|film, abbreviation of cinematographic film}}, {{t+|el|έργο|n}} (work, abbreviation of cinematographic work), {{t+|el|φιλμ|n}}
never (Adverb: at no time)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ποτέ}} (with δεν)
nipple (Noun: projection of mammary gland)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ρώγα|f}} (1), {{t+|el|θηλή|f}} {{qualifier|formally}}
nozzle (Noun: inlet or outlet pipe)
* Greek: {{t+|el|στόμιο|n}} (in), {{t+|el|σιφόνι|n}} (out)
p. (Noun: page)
* Greek: {{t|el|σ.}}, ''pl.'' {{t|el|σσ.}}
participant (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|συμμέτοχος|m|f}} ''(noun)''; {{t+check|el|συμμετέχων}} ''(present participle)''
patch (Noun: computing: piece of executable code for correcting an error)
* Greek: {{t+|el|επίθεμα|n}}, (slang) {{t+|el|μπάλωμα|n}}
pink (Noun: pale red colour)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ροζ|n}} (the {{g|n}} noun [[χρώμα]] is implied) (the noun [[χρώμα]] is implied))
portrait (Noun: print mode)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κατακόρυφος}} {{t+|el|προσανατολισμός}} (εκτύπωσης-χαρτιού)
postscriptum (Noun: something written afterward)
* Greek: {{t+|el|υστερόγραφο}} ''or'' {{t+|el|Υ.Γ.}}
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* Greek: {{t+|el|εισαγωγικά|n-p}} [«◌»] ''or'' [“◌”]
radiographic (Adjective: of or pertaining to radiography)
* Greek: {{t+|el|ακτινολογικός}}, {{t+|el|ακτινογραφικός}}, {{t+|el|ακτινοσκοπικός}}, {{t+|el|ραδιογραφικός}}(rarely)
reflection (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t+check|el|αντανάκλαση|f}} (1,2,3), {{t+check|el|είδωλο|n}} (3), {{t+check|el|σκέψη|f}} (4)
runaway (Noun: a person or organization that escapes captivity or restrictions)
* Greek: {{t+|el|δραπέτης|m}}, {{t+|el|δραπέτις|f}}n
seasoned (Adjective: containing seasonings)
* Greek: [[με]] {{t+|el|καρυκεύματα}}
self-evidency (Noun: quality of being self-evident)
* Greek: ''certain'': {{t|el|αυταποδεικτότητα|f}}, ''for potential analyses'': {{t|el|αυταποδειξιμότητα|f}}
shaving (Noun: A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material)
* Greek: {{t|el|πριονίδια|n-p}} (''wood''), {{t+|el|ρινίσματα|n-p}} (''metal'')
stress (Noun: (physics) internal force across a boundary per area)
* Greek: (''Biology'') {{t+|el|καταπόνηση|f}}
superluminal (Adjective: having a speed greater than light)
* Greek: {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχικός|m}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχική|f}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτοταχικό|n}}, (unpreferred translation due to [[hyperphoton]], [[hyperphotonic]]: {{t|el|υπερφωτονικός|m}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτονική|f}}, {{t|el|υπερφωτονικό|n}})
supper (Noun: dinner at night)
* Greek: {{t+|el|δείπνο|n}} ''(before 8 PM, larger meal)'', {{t+|el|βραδινό|n}} ''(8 PM to before 11 PM, smaller meal)''
supper (Verb: to eat dinner)
* Greek: {{t|el|αποδειπνώ}} (1), {{t+|el|δειπνώ}} (2)
suspended cymbal (Noun: cymbal that is suspended horizontally)
* Greek: (''see'' {{t+|el|πιατίνι|n}})
sycophant (Noun: one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person.)
* Greek: {{t+|el|κόλακας|m}}, false friend: {{t+|el|συκοφάντης|m}}
thereby (Adverb: by that)
* Greek: (λόγιο) {{t+|el|ως εκ τούτου}}
to (Adverb: )
* Greek: {{tt+|el|σε}} + ''articles'', {{tt+|el|προς}}
triplet (Noun: one of three siblings born at the same time of the same mother)
* Greek: {{t+|el|τρίδυμος}} (''adjective'')
typographer (Noun: person skilled in typography)
* Greek: {{t+|el|τυπογράφος|m}} (1)
unitarity (Noun: representation by a unitary operator)
* Greek: {{t|el|μονοτέλεια|f}}, ''rare'': {{t|el|μονοπιθανοτικότητα|f}}
versus (Preposition: compared with)
* Greek: ''see:'' {{t+|el|σχέση|f}}
wooded (Adjective: )
* Greek: {{t+|el|δασωμένος}} (1), {{t+|el|δασοσκεπής}} (1), {{t+|el|δασόφυτος}} (1)
wordfilter (Noun: )
* Greek: {{t|el|υβρεοκλείδωμα}} (το), ''neuter''
world's oldest profession (Noun: euphemism for prostitution)
* Greek: το {{t|el|αρχαιότερο επάγγελμα|n}}



This language has translations in 1567 of 208392 (0.75%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

but (Conjunction: rather)
* Greenlandic: {{t|kl|kisianni}}, {{t|kl|-li}} (enclitic only)



This language has translations in 901 of 208392 (0.43%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

acidic (Adjective: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|ái}} (t-) <!-- wtf is this???? -->

No translation template: 1 item

flame (Noun: visible part of fire)
* Guaraní: [[tata]][[rendy]]

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item

older sister (Noun: single-word translations)
* Guaraní: {{t|gn|eindy}} {{qualifier|of a male}}; {{t|gn|ykéra}}, {{t|gn|yke}} {{qualifier|of a female}}

text_outside_template: 19 items

arrow (Noun: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|hu'y}} (1)
birth (Verb: to give birth (to))
* Guaraní: {{qualifier|t-}} {{t-check|gn|eñõi}} (1)
bright (Adjective: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|esakã}} (h), {{t-check|gn|ory}} (h)
chat (Noun: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|ñomongeta}} (1)
chat (Verb: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|mongeta}} (interlocutor explicit) (1); {{t-check|gn|ñemongeta}} (interlocutor implicit) (1); {{t-check|gn|ñomongeta}} (to each other) (1)
daughter (Noun: female offspring)
* Guaraní: {{tt|gn|ajýra}} (tajýra/rajy/itajýra) {{qualifier|of a man}}, {{tt|gn|memby}} {{qualifier|of a woman}}
foot (Verb: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|epyme'ẽ}} (h-)
football (Noun: )
* Guaraní: {{t+check|gn|vakapi}} (1)
guts (Noun: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|py'aguasu}} (2)
hard (Adjective: )
* Guaraní: {{t+check|gn|atã}} (h-) (1), {{t-check|gn|asy}} (h-) (2)
hot (Adjective: having a high temperature)
* Guaraní: {{tt|gn|aku}} (h-)
kiss (Noun: a touch with the lips)
* Guaraní: {{tt|gn|etũ}} (h-), {{tt|gn|ñehetũ}}
pumpkin (Noun: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|andai}} (1)
read (Verb: to speak aloud words or other information that is written)
* Guaraní: {{tt|gn|moñe'ẽ}} I
road (Noun: a way for travel)
* Guaraní: {{t|gn|ape}}, {{t|gn|ape guasu}}, {{t|gn|apehũ}} ''(paved with asphalt, lit. "black road")''
street (Noun: paved part of road in a village or a town)
* Guaraní: {{t|gn|ape}} (t-), {{t+|gn|tape}}
warm (Adjective: having a temperature slightly higher than usual)
* Guaraní: {{tt|gn|aku}} (h-)
wife (Noun: married woman)
* Guaraní: {{t|gn|embireko}} (t-)
write (Verb: )
* Guaraní: {{t-check|gn|ai}} (h-) (1)



This language has translations in 3031 of 208392 (1.45%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 3 items

debenture (Noun: )
* Gujarati: {{t-check|gu|ઋણપત્ર}} <!-- Which type of bond? -->
ledger (Noun: )
* Gujarati: {{t-check|gu|ચોપડો|m}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
moth (Noun: Vigna aconitifolia)
* Gujarati: {{t-check|gu|મઠ}}<!--I got this from Wikidata [[d:Q511249]]; please double-check-->

Multiple t-templates: 3 items

paddy (Noun: rice unmilled)
* Gujarati: {{t+|gu|ધાન}} {{t|gu|સાળ}} {{t+|gu|ડાંગર}}
paddy (Noun: rice unmilled)
* Gujarati: {{t+|gu|ધાન}} {{t|gu|સાળ}} {{t+|gu|ડાંગર}}
wheat (Noun: grain)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|ગહું|m}} {{t|gu|ઘઉં|m}}

Nested templates: 7 items

Amraiwadi (Proper noun: neighborhood of Ahmedabad)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|અમરાઈવાડી|f|tr={{xlit|gu|અમ્રાઈવાડી}}}}
Indore (Proper noun: city in India)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|ઈંદોર|tr={{xlit|gu|ઈન્દોર}}}}
Karnavati (Proper noun: historical name for Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|કર્ણાવતી|tr={{xlit|gu|કર્ણા્વતી}}|f}}
Maninagar (Proper noun: suburb in Ahmedabad)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|મણિનગર|tr={{xlit|gu|મણિ્નગર}}|n}}
Pushkalavati (Proper noun: capital of Gandhara)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|પુષ્કલાવતી|tr={{xlit|gu| પુષ્કલા્વતી}}|f}}
Surendranagar (Proper noun: )
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|સુરેન્દ્રનગર|tr={{xlit|gu|સુરેન્દ્ર}}{{xlit|gu|નગર}}}}
want (Verb: to desire)
* Gujarati: {{tt|gu|*જોઈવું|tr=*{{xlit|gu|જોઈવું}}}}

text_outside_template: 12 items

Malagasy (Noun: )
* Gujarati: {{t-check|gu|માલાગાસી|f}} (1), {{t-check|gu|માલાગાસી|m|f}} (2)
Persian (Noun: )
* Gujarati: {{t+check|gu|ફારસી}} (1)
eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
* Gujarati: {{tt+|gu|આઠ}} (numeral: [[૮]])
eleven (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|અગિયાર}} (numeral: [[૧૧]])
five (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Gujarati: {{tt+|gu|પાંચ}} (numeral: [[૫]])
four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
* Gujarati: {{tt+|gu|ચાર}} (numeral: [[૪]])
how are you (Phrase: greeting)
* Gujarati: {{t|gu|તમે કેમ છો}}? (tame kem chho) {{qualifier|formal}}, {{t|gu|કેમ છે}}? (kem chhe) {{qualifier|informal}}
nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Gujarati: {{tt+|gu|નવ}} (numeral: [[૯]])
six (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Gujarati: {{tt+|gu|છ}} (numeral: [[૬]])
thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
* Gujarati: {{t+|gu|તેર}} (numeral: [[૧૩]])
twelve (Numeral: cardinal number 12)
* Gujarati: {{t+|gu|બાર}} (numeral: [[૧૨]])
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* Gujarati: {{tt+|gu|બે}} (numeral: [[૨]])

Gulf Arabic


This language has translations in 496 of 208392 (0.24%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 10 items Expected language code is afb

because (Adverb: on account)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{t+|ar|عشان|tr=ʕašān}}, {{t+|ar|علشان|tr=ʕalašān}}
funeral (Noun: ceremony to honour a deceased person)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{t|acw|عزا|m|tr=ʕaza}}
just (Adverb: recently)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{t|ar|تو|tr=taw[+ suffix]}}
later (Adverb: more late)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{t+|ar|بعدين|tr=baʕdēn|sc=Arab}}
louse (Noun: an insect of the order Psocodea)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{t|afb|قمل|m|tr=gamiḷ}} {{qualifier|collective}}, {{t|arz|قملة|f|tr=gamḷa}} {{qualifier|singulative}}
of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{t+|ar|مال|tr=mal}}
table (Noun: item of furniture)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{tt|arz|ميز|f|tr=meyz}}
what (Pronoun: what? (interrogative pronoun))
*: Gulf Arabic: {{tt|apc|شُو|tr=šū}}, {{tt|afb|شنو|tr=šinu}}
when (Adverb: at what time, as a direct question)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{tt|acw|متى|tr=meta, mita}}
where (Adverb: at what place; to what place; from what place)
*: Gulf Arabic: {{tt|acm|وَيْن|tr=wēn}}



This language has translations in 11 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation template: 5 items

God (Proper noun: single deity of monotheism)
* Gun: Maáwó Mawü Mahou Manwu
Sun (Proper noun: star)
* Gun: (Ogoun) Owhé (whé)Hwé
eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
* Gun: Shi'athon
nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Gun:[[ogun|Ogoun]]. Shi'ènin
ten (Noun: the number following nine)
* Gun: Awo

Guugu Yimidhirr


This language has translations in 25 of 208392 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

sister-in-law (Noun: wife's sister)
* Guugu Yimidhirr: [[dyiiral]]; [[munamuna]] {{lb|en|avoidance}}

text_outside_template: 1 item

son-in-law (Noun: son-in-law)
* Guugu Yimidhirr: {{t|kky|biidyirr}} (of a female), {{t|kky|ngalaadhin}} (of a male)