A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | P2 | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | S3 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
[edit]This language has translations in 39 of 207516 (0.02%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- Mandinka (Noun: people)
- * Mandinka: {{t|mnk|Mandinkoo}} <!--might be plural-->
[edit]This language has translations in 87 of 207516 (0.04%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Manipuri: {{t-check|mni|ꯇꯦꯔꯥ|tr=terā}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
No translation target: 1 item
- dhole (Noun: Asian wild dog)
- * Manipuri: {{t|mni||tr=huithou}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is nty
- baobab (Noun: Adansonia digitata)
- * Mantsi: {{t|zns|ɓoko}}
[edit]This language has translations in 4834 of 207516 (2.33%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item
- spiderweb (Noun: net-like construct of a spider)
- * Manx: {{t|gv|sneeuane|m}}, {{t|gv|feegan|m}} {{a|en|round}}
Wrong language code: 3 items
Expected language code is gv
- cup of tea (Noun: container)
- * Manx: {{t|gd|[[cappan]] [[dy]] [[tey|hey]]|m}}
- lenition (Noun: weakening of consonant articulation)
- * Manx: {{t|pl|boggaghys|m}}
- prefer (Verb: to favor)
- * Manx: {{t|ga|share lesh}} {{qualifier|with subject and object reversed}}
[edit]This language has translations in 20366 of 207516 (9.81%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item
- wane (Verb: of the Moon, to become less visible)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|alt=tōriwha}}, {{t|mi|roku}}, {{t|mi|roroku}}
No translation template: 2 items
- cousin (Noun: child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|tungāne}} {{qualifier|male cousin of a female}}, {{t|mi|tuakana}}, {{qualifier|older male cousin of a male or older female cousin of a female}}, {{t|mi|teina}}, {{t|mi|taina}} {{qualifier|younger male cousin of a male or younger female cousin of a female}}, {{t|mi|tuahine}} {{qualifier|female cousin of a male}}
- shore (Noun: land adjoining a large body of water)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|taihua}}, {{qualifier|area between high and low levels}}
Uses l-template instead of t-template: 2 items
- unshapely (Adjective: {{l)
- * Maori: {{l|mi| pū(w)heti}}, {{l|mi| pū(w)heki}}
- unshapely (Adjective: {{l)
- * Maori: {{l|mi| pū(w)heti}}, {{l|mi| pū(w)heki}}
Unexpected template: 2 items
- girl (Noun: young female person)
- * Maori: {{tt|mi|taitamāhine}}, {{tt|mi|kōhine}} {{gloss|young woman}}, {{tt|mi|hine}}, {{tt|mi|kōtiro}}, {{tt|mi|kōhaia}}, {{tt+|mi|tamahine}}
- washer (Noun: something that washes)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|mīhini horoi rīhi}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}, {{t|mi|pūrere horoi rīhi}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}, {{t|mi|pūrere horoi kākahu}} {{gloss|clothes washer/washing machine}}, {{t|mi|kaihoroi}} {{qualifier|person}}
Wrong language code: 2 items
Expected language code is mi
- boxing (Noun: the sport of boxing)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|momoto}}, {{t|haw|motomoto}}, {{t|mi|mekemeke}}
- groove (Verb: to cut a furrow into a surface)
- * Maori: {{t|id|whakakōaka}}, {{t|mi|whakaawa}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 3 items
- boy (Noun: young male)
- * Maori: {{tt|mi|tamaiti tāne}}, {{tt+|mi|tama}} {{q|male child}}; {{tt|mi|taitama}} {{q|young man}}
- feather (Noun: branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|huru}}, {{t+|mi|whā}} {{q|general}}; {{t|mi|meremere}} {{qualifier|scapular}}; {{t|mi|kīra}} {{qualifier|wing}}; {{t|mi|hikurangi}}, {{t|mi|matakīrea}}, {{t|mi|matakīrea}} {{qualifier|primary}}; {{t|mi|waitiripapā}} {{qualifier|secondary}}; {{t|mi|hou}}, {{t|mi|kurutou}}, {{t+|mi|rau}}, {{t|mi|maeko}}, {{t|mi|marihope}}, {{t|mi|hūmaeko}}, {{t|mi|kōtore}} {{qualifier|tail}}, {{t|mi|remu}}, {{t|mi|kururemu}} {{t|mi|hukumaro}} {{qualifier|tail}}
- pluck (Verb: to pull something sharply; to pull something out)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|kato}}, {{t|mi|hīkaro}}, {{t|mi|kopikopi}}, {{t|mi|huti}} {{qualifier|of hair}}; {{t|mi|whaki}}, {{t|mi|whawhaki}}, {{t|mi|whakiwhaki}} {{qualifier|of fruit}}; {{t|mi|tīkaro}}
Multiple t-templates: 6 items
- PIN (Noun: personal identification number)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|tātai whaiaro}}, {{t|mi|tau tāututanga whaiaro}} ({{t|mi|TTW}}),
- barb (Noun: point that stands backward in an arrow, fishhook, etc)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|hoto}}, {{t|mi|tara}} {{q|of stingrays}} {{t|mi|kāniwha}}, {{t|mi|kātara}}, {{t|mi|keka}}
- intestine (Noun: alimentary canal)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|ngākau}} {{qualifier|archaic}}, {{t|mi|kōpiro}}, {{t|mi|piro}}, {{t|mi|piropiro}} {{t|mi|terotero}}
- reach (Noun: extended portion of land or water)
- * Maori: {{t+|mi|tai}} and {{t|mi|whanga}} {{qualifier|of the sea, not a river or land}}
- why (Adverb: for what reason)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|na}} {{t+|mi|te}} {{t+|mi|aha}}
- why (Adverb: for what reason)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|na}} {{t+|mi|te}} {{t+|mi|aha}}
text_outside_template: 11 items
- Newcastle (Proper noun: city)
- * Maori: {{t+|mi|Niukāhera}} (Australian city)
- dragon (Noun: mythical creature)
- * Maori: {{tt|mi|tarākona}}, {{tt|mi|taniwha}} (Maori mythological creature similar to a dragon), {{tt|mi|mokoahi}}
- hammerhead (Noun: shark)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|mangō pare}} (shark), {{t|mi|mangōpare}}, {{t|mi|kakere}}
- handle (Noun: part of an object held in the hand when used or moved)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|kakau}} (of tool), {{t|mi|puritanga}} (hand hold), {{t|mi|taukawe}} {{qualifier|of a basket}}, {{t|mi|kawau}} {{qualifier|of a tool}}, {{t|mi|karera}} {{qualifier|On a hand tool}}
- hum (Noun: indistinct sound resembling human humming)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|tāwara}} (of indistinct conversation), {{t|mi|rangorango}} {{qualifier|of insects}}, {{t|mi|rarā}}, {{t|mi|tāwara}} {{qualifier|of conversation}}, {{t|mi|hāmumumumu}}, {{t|mi|ngī}} {{qualifier|Of a bee}}
- literature (Noun: body of all written works)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|mātātuhi}} (written), {{t|mi|mātākōrero}}, {{t|mi|mātāwaha}} (oral)
- mustn't (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t|mi|me kaua}} + verb
- ransack (Verb: to loot or pillage)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|pāhuahua}}, {{t|mi|pāhua}}, {{t|mi|muru}} (-a)
- reach (Noun: extended portion of land or water)
- * Maori: {{t+|mi|tai}} and {{t|mi|whanga}} {{qualifier|of the sea, not a river or land}}
- stepsister (Noun: daughter from the previous marriage of a stepparent)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|tuahine kē}} (of a male)
- take the bull by the horns (Verb: to deal directly with a matter; to confront a difficulty)
- * Maori: {{t|mi|kua eke te waka ki te au moana}} (lit. ''the boat has reached the open sea'')
Entry HTML comment: 20 items
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Maori: {{t|mi|kuratopuni}}, {{t|mi|kauaeroa}}, {{t|mi|torohē}}, {{t|mi|urumaranga}}, {{t|mi|pūniho}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- comfortable (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|haumaru}} <!-- was under: leaving little risk, safely reliable -->
- curb (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t|mi|whakatina}} <!-- Was: "to restrain, rein in" -->
- depreciate (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t|mi|whakaheke uara}} <!-- Was under "to reduce in value over time" (unclear whether transitive, intransitive or both) -->
- frail (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|tūoi}}, {{t-check|mi|kopī}} <!-- Was under "mentally or physically fragile"; the senses have been separated since -->
- glasswort (Noun: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|ureure}} <!-- Was under "a plant" -->
- goatfish (Noun: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|āhuruhuru}}, {{t-check|mi|rarahi}} <!-- Was under ''Mullus barbatus'' -->
- grate (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|pakakū}} <!-- Was under deleted sense "to rub against" -->
- impassive (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|whakaririka}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense: "not reacting to provocation or stimuli" -->
- infer (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|hīkaro}} <!-- Was under: "(intransitive) to draw a conclusion (by reasoning)" -->
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|nō roto}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- lost (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|ngaro}} <!-- Was under: "unavailable" -->
- meander (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|whakatihake}}, {{t-check|mi|hāereere}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense "to wander idly" -->
- memory card (Noun: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|kāri mahara}} <!-- if this is for a "memory card" as in "flashcard", move there -->
- nasturtium (Noun: )
- * Maori: {{t|mi|natahama}} <!-- Was under "plant used in salads" -->
- node (Noun: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|tīpona}} <!--Was under "junction or intersection where things converge", but there isn't such definition-->
- overcome (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|ti}}, {{t-check|mi|where}}, {{t-check|mi|warea}} {{qualifier|only used in the passive}} <!-- Were under: "to overwhelm with emotions, tiredness etc." -->
- private (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|tūmataiti}}, {{t-check|mi|wāhi tapu}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
- raw (Adjective: )
- * Maori: {{t|mi|kohore}} {{qualifier|of a wound}} <!-- was under "irritated" -->
- run off (Verb: )
- * Maori: {{t-check|mi|puta}} <!-- which of the seven meanings above? -->
[edit]This language has translations in 8680 of 207516 (4.18%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item
- Pushkalavati (Proper noun: capital of Gandhara)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|पुष्कलावती|tr={{xlit|mr|पुष्कला्वती}}|f}}
Unexpected template: 1 item
- aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
- * Marathi: {{gloss|mother's sister}} {{t|mr|माउशी|f}}, {{gloss|mother's sister-in-law}} {{t+|mr|मामी|f}}, {{gloss|father's sister}} {{t|mr|आत्या|f}}, {{gloss|father's sister-in-law}} {{t|mr|काकी|f}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items
- abandon (Verb: to leave behind or desert; to forsake)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|त्यागणे}}, {{t|mr|सोडून देणे}}; {{t|mr|परित्याग करणे}} {{qualifier|to forsake}}
- all right (Adjective: good)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|ठीक}}; {{t|mr|बरा}}, {{t|mr|बरी}}, {{t|mr|बरे}}, {{t|mr|बर्या}}
Wrong language code: 2 items
Expected language code is mr
- highway (Noun: main public road)
- * Marathi: {{t|hi|महामार्ग|m}}
- monthly (Noun: a publication that is published once a month)
- * Marathi: {{t+|ml|മാസിക}}
text_outside_template: 3 items
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * Marathi: {{tt|mr|चार}} (numeral: [[४]])
- mons pubis (Noun: fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|उल्वामाथा|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिमाथा|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|सुघट|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिपुष्ठ|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|लज्जापुष्प|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|लज्जाकमल|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटकमल|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिकमल|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|अवनतपुष्प|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|इब्रित|f|sc=Deva}}(इभ्रत-या शब्दावरून){{t|mr|कुसुम|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t+|mr|सुमन|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटकुसुम|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटसुमन|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिकुसुम|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिसुमन|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|सुघटयोनि|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटयोनि|f|sc=Deva}}
- two (Numeral: numerical value)
- * Marathi: {{tt+|mr|दोन}} (numeral: [[२]])
Multiple t-templates: 7 items
- again and again (Adverb: repeatedly)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|परत परत}} {{t|mr|पुन्हापुन्हा}}
- menstruation (Noun: periodic discharging of the menses)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|मासिक पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t+|mr|ऋतु|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|ऋत्व|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|आर्तव|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|रजस्|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|कन्याव्रत|f|sc=Deva}}
- menstruation (Noun: periodic discharging of the menses)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|मासिक पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t+|mr|ऋतु|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|ऋत्व|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|आर्तव|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|रजस्|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|कन्याव्रत|f|sc=Deva}}
- menstruation (Noun: periodic discharging of the menses)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|मासिक पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t+|mr|ऋतु|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|ऋत्व|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|आर्तव|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|रजस्|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|कन्याव्रत|f|sc=Deva}}
- menstruation (Noun: periodic discharging of the menses)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|मासिक पाळी|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t+|mr|ऋतु|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|ऋत्व|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|आर्तव|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|रजस्|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|कन्याव्रत|f|sc=Deva}}
- mons pubis (Noun: fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|उल्वामाथा|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिमाथा|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|सुघट|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिपुष्ठ|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|लज्जापुष्प|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|लज्जाकमल|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटकमल|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिकमल|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|अवनतपुष्प|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|इब्रित|f|sc=Deva}}(इभ्रत-या शब्दावरून){{t|mr|कुसुम|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t+|mr|सुमन|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटकुसुम|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटसुमन|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिकुसुम|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|योनिसुमन|f|sc=Deva}} {{t|mr|सुघटयोनि|f|sc=Deva}}, {{t|mr|घटयोनि|f|sc=Deva}}
- repeatedly (Adverb: done several times)
- * Marathi: {{t|mr|सारखेसारखे|}} {{t|mr|वारंवार}}
Entry HTML comment: 10 items
- Maharashtrian (Noun: native or resident of Maharashtra)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|[[मराठी]] [[माणसं]]|sc=Deva}} <!-- was "मराठी माणसं" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|mr|महाराष्ट्रीय|sc=Deva}}<!-- transcription given was: Marathi manoos/Marathis/Maharashtrians; boy, what a mess. -->
- Maya (Proper noun: )
- * Marathi: {{t+check|mr|माया}} <!-- Was under "Maya people", no such entry, at least not anymore -->
- drink (Noun: action of drinking)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|पिणे}}, {{t+check|mr|पान}}, {{t-check|mr|[[पिण्याची]] [[क्रिया]]|sc=Deva}} <!-- was "पिण्याची क्रिया" - not sure how it is supposed to be linked -->
- drink (Verb: consume liquid through the mouth)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|पिणे}}, {{t-check|mr|([[द्रव]]) [[पान]]}}<!-- here. is this okay? -->, {{t-check|mr|पीना}}
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|सांवर}}, {{t-check|mr|काटेसांवर}} <!-- Were under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
- moth (Noun: Vigna aconitifolia)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|मटकी}}<!--I got this from Wikidata [[d:Q511249]]; please double-check-->
- penis (Noun: male organ for copulation and urination)
- * Marathi: {{tt|mr|बुल्ला|m}}, {{tt|mr|शिश्न|m}}<!--not sure, mr.pedia lists शिश्न {{tt|mr|शीश्न|m|tr=śīśna}}-->, {{tt|mr|नुन्नी|m}} {{qualifier|jocular reference while talking to a child}}, {{tt|mr|लवडा|m}} {{qualifier|vulgar slang}}, {{tt|mr|लंड|m}}, {{tt|mr|भुजंग|m}} {{qualifier|in {{w|lavani}} dance song}}, {{tt|mr|पोपट|m}}, {{tt|mr|बाबुराव|m}} {{qualifier|latest addition to {{w|lavani}} song}}, {{tt|mr|लिंग}}
- rain (Verb: of rain: to fall from the sky)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|आकाशपात}}, {{t-check|mr|आकाशातून पडणे}} <!-- was unlinked - link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- rain (Verb: to fall in large quantities)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|बृहद् वर्षाव}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- rain (Verb: to issue in large quantities)
- * Marathi: {{t-check|mr|मोठ्या प्रमाणावर देणे}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
[edit]This language has translations in 83 of 207516 (0.04%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- hello (Interjection: )
- * Marshallese: {{t-check|mh|yokwe}} <!-- uncertainty of orthography -->
No translation template: 1 item
- my name is (Phrase: a way to identify oneself)
- * Marshallese: [[eta in]]...
[edit]This language has translations in 51 of 207516 (0.02%) translation tables
Nested templates: 7 items
- Shekhawati (Proper noun: region in northwestern India)
- * Marwari: {{t|mwr|शेखावटी|tr={{xlit|mwr|शेखाव*टी}}}}
- bronze (Noun: alloy)
- * Marwari: {{t|mwr|कांसी|tr={{xlit|mwr|काँसी}}|f}}, {{t|mwr|कांही}}
- camel (Noun: beast of burden)
- * Marwari: {{tt|mwr|ओठारू}}, {{tt|mwr|करहलौ|tr={{xlit|mwr|कर्हलौ}}}}
- eyelash (Noun: hair growing on the edge of an eyelid)
- * Marwari: {{t|mwr|भांपणा|tr={{xlit|mwr|भाँपणा}}}}
- frog (Noun: amphibian)
- * Marwari: {{tt|mwr|मींडकौ|tr={{xlit|mwr|मीँडकौ}}|m}}
- smile (Noun: a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice)
- * Marwari: {{tt|mwr|मुळक|tr={{xlit|mwr|मुळ*क}}}}
- smile (Verb: to have a smile on one's face)
- * Marwari: {{tt|mwr|मुळकणौ|tr={{xlit|mwr|मुळ*कणौ}}}}
[edit]This language has translations in 256 of 207516 (0.12%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mzn
- wingnut (Noun: genus Pterocarya (botany))
- * Mazanderani: {{t+|fa|لرک|tr=lark}}, {{t+|fa|کهل|tr=kohol}} {{q|Deylami}}
Mecayapan Nahuatl
[edit]This language has translations in 4 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is nhx
- cotton (Noun: )
- * Mecayapan Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|ichcaꞌ}}
[edit]This language has translations in 153 of 207516 (0.07%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 2 items
- grasshopper (Verb: an insect of the order Orthoptera)
- * Mi'kmaq: {{t|mic|soqomgwewj|an}}, {{t|mic|ja'wa'lie'j|an}} {{a|en|Listuguj}}, {{t|mic|piptoqunge'wj|an}} {{a|en|Unama'kik}}
- spiderweb (Noun: net-like construct of a spider)
- * Mi'kmaq: {{t|mic|go'gwejijua'pi|in}}, {{t|mic|awo'wejituo'pi|in}} {{a|en|Bear River}}
Michoacán Mazahua
[edit]This language has translations in 1 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mmc
- Atlacomulco (Proper noun: Mexican city)
- * Michoacán Mazahua: {{t|mtm|Mbado}}
Middle English
[edit]This language has translations in 2835 of 207516 (1.37%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- Allerton (Proper noun: place name)
- * Middle English: {{t|enm|Alverton}}<ref name="H" />
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is enm
- surprisingly (Adverb: in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual)
- * Middle English: {{t|emn|straungely}}
Middle French
[edit]This language has translations in 238 of 207516 (0.11%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 2 items
Expected language code is frm
- feast (Noun: large, often ceremonial meal)
- *: Middle French: {{t|fro|feste|f}}
- flower (Noun: reproductive structure in angiosperms)
- *: Middle French: {{tt|fro|fleur|f}}
Middle High German
[edit]This language has translations in 79 of 207516 (0.04%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- fox (Noun: Vulpes)
- *: Middle High German: {{tt|gmh|vuhs|m}} (also: {{tt|gmh|vuohs}})
text_outside_template: 1 item
- fox (Noun: Vulpes)
- *: Middle High German: {{tt|gmh|vuhs|m}} (also: {{tt|gmh|vuohs}})
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is gmh
- zedoary (Noun: Curcuma zedoaria)
- *: Middle High German: {{t|de|zitwar|m}}
Middle Low German
[edit]This language has translations in 26 of 207516 (0.01%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- wisdom (Noun: )
- * Middle Low German: {{t-check|gml|wysheit}} ({{t-check|gml|Wysheit}}) <!-- term exist - sense? -->
Middle Persian
[edit]This language has translations in 263 of 207516 (0.13%) translation tables
No translation target: 51 items
- Afrasiab (Proper noun: mythical hero)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=plʾsy̲d̲ʾp̄'|ts=frāsiyāb|sc=Phlv}}
- Ahriman (Proper noun: the hypostasis of chaos, destruction, evil in Zoroastrianism)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|𐭠𐭧𐭫𐭬𐭭𐭩|ts=ahreman}}, {{t|pal|tr=[[ʾhlmn']]|ts=ahreman}}
- Alborz (Proper noun: mountain range)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[hlbwlc]]|ts=harborz}}
- Alexander (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|ts=Aleksandar}}, {{t|pal|ʾlksndl|ts=Aleksandar}}, {{t|pal|skndl}}
- Babylon (Proper noun: capital of Babylonia)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[bʾbyl]]|ts=bābēl}}
- Balkh (Proper noun: ancient city)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=bhl|ts=baxl}}
- Ctesiphon (Proper noun: ancient ruined city)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=tyspwn|ts=tēsifōn|sc=Phlv}}
- Darius (Proper noun: any of several Persian kings)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=dʾlʾḇ|ts=Dārā(y)|sc=Phlv}}
- God (Noun: an omnipotent being)
- * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|tr=yẕdt'|ts=yazd}}
- Iraq (Proper noun: country)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=Ērāg}}
- Jerusalem (Proper noun: city in the Holy Land)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=ʾwlyšlym}}
- Kabul (Proper noun: capital and largest city of Afghanistan)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=kʾpwl|ts=kābul}}
- Middle Persian (Proper noun: ancestor of New Persian spoken from around 300 BC till about 800 AD, evolving from Old Persian)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=pʾlsyk'|ts=Pārsīg}}
- Moesia (Proper noun: an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|𐭬𐭥𐭮𐭩𐭠𐭩 𐭱𐭲𐭥𐭩|tr=Mūsyā-šahr}}, {{t|pal|tr=mysyʾ}}
- Nowruz (Proper noun: Iranian New Year)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[nwklwc]]|ts=nōgrōz|sc=Phlv}}, {{t|pal|𐬥𐬋𐬭𐬋𐬰|ts=nōrōz}}
- Sogdiana (Proper noun: an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=wkwstʾn'|ts=Sōgestān|sc=Phlv}}
- Tabaristan (Proper noun: region)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=tapurestān}}
- Tapuria (Proper noun: region)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=tapurestān}}
- Urmia (Proper noun: lake in Iran)
- *: Middle Persian: {{t|pal|ts=čēčast}}
- Van (Proper noun: city)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=wn|ts=wan}}
- accelerate (Verb: to cause to move faster)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=awštāftan~ōštāftan}}
- adulterer (Noun: husband or wife who commits adultery)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=gʾtʾr|ts=gâdâr|sc=Phlv}}
- adultery (Noun: sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=gʾt'|ts=gād|sc=Phlv}}
- amber (Noun: fossil resin)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=khlpʾd|ts=kah-rubāy}}
- army (Noun: military force concerned mainly with ground operations)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=gwnd|ts=gund}}
- astrological sign (Noun: sign that is used as the basis of astrology)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=ʾhtl|ts=axtar}}
- backgammon (Noun: board game)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=nywʾlthšyl|ts=nēw-ardaxšēr|sc=Phlv}}
- citron (Noun: tree)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=wādrang}}
- citron (Noun: fruit)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=wādrang}}
- corpse (Noun: dead body)
- * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal||tr=ristag}}, {{tt|pal||tr=nasā}}
- denarius (Noun: silver coin)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=dynʾl|ts=dēnār|sc=Phlv}}
- diamond (Noun: uncountable: mineral)
- * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|tr=ʾlmʾs|ts=almās}}
- element (Noun: simplest or essential part or principle of anything)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=zʾhk'|ts=zāhag}}, {{t|pal||tr=lstk'|ts=rastag}}, {{t|pal||tr=ʾmycšn'|ts=āmēzišn}}
- epicycle (Noun: a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=ywg|ts=ǰuγ}}
- fasting (Noun: act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=lwck'|ts=rōzag}}, {{t|pal|tr=rwck|ts=rōzag}} {{q|Manichaean}}
- feminine (Adjective: of the female sex)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[m'tk']]}}
- feminine (Adjective: of the feminine grammatical gender distinction)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[m'tk']]}}
- hare (Noun: animal)
- *: Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|ts=sahōg}}
- lyre (Noun: stringed musical instrument)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=barbūt}}
- omen (Noun: something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=ytk|ts=ǰadag|sc=Phlv}}, {{t|pal|tr=yhyšn'|ts=ǰahišn|sc=Phlv}}, {{t|pal|tr=mwlwʾk'|ts=murwāg|sc=Phlv}}
- penis (Noun: male organ for copulation and urination)
- * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal||tr=kēr}}
- quince (Noun: fruit)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=byh|ts=bēh}}
- quince (Noun: tree)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=byh|ts=bēh}}
- rhinoceros (Noun: herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s))
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=klg|ts=karg}}
- ruddy shelduck (Noun: duck)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=cyhrʾp|ts=čixrāb|sc=Phlv}}
- scroll (Noun: roll of paper or parchment)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=plwltk'|ts=frawardag}}
- slave (Noun: person owned by another)
- * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|tr=anšahrīg}}
- sorcery (Noun: magical power)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[yʾtwkyh]]|ts=jādūgīh}}
- space (Noun: area beyond atmosphere of planets)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=spʾš|ts=spāš}}
- ten thousand (Numeral: 10,000)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=bywl}}, {{t|pal|𐫁𐫏𐫇𐫡}} {{q|Manichaean}}
- twin (Noun: either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects)
- * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=jamag}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is xrg
- tiger (Noun: The mammal Panthera tigris)
- * Minang: {{tt+|min|inyiak}}, {{tt|su|rimau}}
[edit]This language has translations in 10 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Miskito: [[nahkisma]]?
[edit]This language has translations in 87 of 207516 (0.04%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item
- rain (Noun: condensed water from a cloud)
- * Miyako: {{tt|mvi|アミ|tr=ami}}, {{tt|mvi|雨|tr={{lang|mvi|あみ}}, ami}}
Unexpected template: 1 item
- aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
- * Miyako: {{gloss|younger than one's parent}} {{t|mvi|ブバ|tr=buba}}, {{gloss|older or younger than one's parent}} {{t|mvi|ブバマ|tr=bubama}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mvi
- specially (Adverb: for a special purpose)
- * Miyako: {{t|ryn|わざわざ|tr=wazawaza}} {{q|Hirara dialect}}, {{t|mvi|うったーてぃー|tr=uttātī}} {{q|Ikema Nishihara dialect}} {{t|mvi|わじゃわじゃ|ts=ʋadʑaʋadʑa}} {{q|Tarama dialect}}
[edit]This language has translations in 68 of 207516 (0.03%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is moh
- Niagara River (Proper noun: river in North America)
- * Mohawk: {{t|mod|Oniahkarà:ke}}
[edit]This language has translations in 389 of 207516 (0.19%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- chariot (Noun: vehicle used in warfare)
- * Mon: {{t+|mnw|ရထာပၞာန်}}, {{t+|mnw|ကွဳပၞာန်}}, {{t-check|mnw|ယုဒ္ဓရထ|m}} <!-- Seems to be a lexicographic ghost -->
Unexpected template: 1 item
- Tenasserim (Proper noun: river)
- * Mon: {{t|mnw|ဏၚ်ကသဳ}} {{rftranslit|mnw}}, {{t|mnw|တနၚ်သြဳ}} {{rftranslit|mnw}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mnw
- Chin (Proper noun: )
- * Mon: {{t|mnw|ဂကူချေင်}}, {{t|my|ချေင်}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mgt
- Siberian tiger (Noun: Siberian tiger)
- * Mongol: {{t|mn|Сибирийн бар|m}}
[edit]This language has translations in 7724 of 207516 (3.72%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Mongolian: {{tt|mn|ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠭᠠ}}, {{tt|mn|᠖}} {{q-lite|numeral}}
No translation template: 2 items
- rubella (Noun: disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|улаан эсэргэнэ}}, {{t|mn|сэрхнэд}}, {{qual|medical}}, {{t+|mn|улаанууд}}, {{t|mn|салхин эсэргэнэ}} {{qual|China}}
- see you (Phrase: see you later)
- * Mongolian: дараа уулзая
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items
- scales (Noun: device for weighing goods for sale)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|жин}}, {{t|mn|жин хэмжүүр}}, {{t+|mn|жинлүүр}}; (''handheld'') {{t+|mn|дэнс}}
- with (Preposition: in the company of)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|-тай}}, {{t|mn|-той}}, {{t|mn|-тэй}}; {{t|mn|лугаа}}, {{t|mn|лүгээ}}
Entry HTML comment: 4 items
- as well as (Preposition: )
- * Mongolian: {{t-check|mn|түүнчлэн|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t-check|mn|[[бас]]...[[als]]|sc=Cyrl}} <!-- was "[[бас]]...[[als]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- shell (Noun: )
- * Mongolian: {{t+check|mn|хальс}}<!-- the comment for this table does not apply to this entry -->
- skirt (Noun: )
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+check|mn|банзал}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Mongolian: {{t+check|mn|жинхэнэ|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+check|mn|үнэн|sc=Cyrl}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
text_outside_template: 4 items
- napa cabbage (Noun: type of Chinese cabbage)
- * Mongolian: (Inner Mongolia) {{t|mn|ᠴᠠᠭᠠᠨ ᠨᠣᠭᠣᠭᠠ|}}
- sated (Adjective: in a state of complete satisfaction)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|цадсан}} (verb цадах)
- twenty (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Mongolian: {{t+|mn|хорь}} (numeral: {{t|mn|᠒᠐}})
- zero (Numeral: cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing)
- *: Cyrillic: {{tt+|mn|тэг}} (classical Mongolian numeral: {{tt|mn|᠐|tr=-}}), {{tt+|mn|бинт}}
Wrong language code: 21 items
Expected language code is mn
- Hungary (Proper noun: the country)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|Унгар}}, {{t|mn|Мажаар}}, {{t|sh|Угарска|f}} {{qualifier|historical}}
- Jerusalem (Proper noun: city in the Holy Land)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|Иерусалим}}, {{t|cu|Їєрусалимъ|m}}
- UN (Proper noun: Initialism of United Nations)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|НҮБ}}, {{t|sh|ОУН|f}}
- accountant (Noun: a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s))
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|нягтлан бодогч}}, {{t|sh|рачуно̀воткиња|f}}
- adventure (Noun: encountering of risks)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|адал явдал}}, {{t|sh|аванту́ра|f}}
- announcer (Noun: TV or radio announcer)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|хөтлөгч}}, {{t|sh|спи̏кер|m}}, {{t|sh|спи̏керица|f}}
- blanket (Noun: fabric)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|хөнжил}}, {{t|sh|покрѝва̄ч|m}}
- blender (Noun: machine)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|холигч}}, {{t|sh|блѐндер|m}}
- breakfast (Noun: first meal of the day)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|өглөөний цай|lit=morning tea}}, {{t|mn|[[өглөө|өглөөний]] [[хоол]]}}, {{t|sh|фру̀штик|m}}
- electricity (Noun: form of energy)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|цахилгаан}}, {{t|sh|муњина|f}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}
- freeze (Verb: to lower something's temperature to freezing point)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mi|ᠬᠥᠯᠳᠡᠭᠡᠬᠦ}}
- front (Noun: military: area or line of conflict)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|фронт}}, {{t|sh|фро̀нта|f}}
- garbage (Noun: waste material)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|хог}}, {{t+|mn|хаягдал}}, {{t|sh|ђубре|n}}
- human (Adjective: of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|хүн|alt=хүний}}, {{t|sh|човјек|m}}, {{t|sh|човек|m}}, {{t|sh|човик|m}}, {{t|sh|чловик|m}}, {{t|sh|чловек|m}} {{qualifier|archaic}}, {{t|sh|чловјек|m}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}, {{t|sh|чоек|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial, regional}}, {{t|sh|чојек|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial, regional}}, {{t|sh|чоик|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial, regional}}, {{t|sh|шловек|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial, regional}}, {{t|sh|шовек|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial, regional}}, {{t|sh|људи|m-p}}
- hymen (Noun: membrane which occludes the vagina)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|онгон хальс}}, {{t|sh|хи̑мен|m}}
- immigrant (Noun: person who comes to a country to settle)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|цагаач}}, {{t|mn|нүүсэн}}, {{t+|mn|шилжсэн}}, {{t+|mn|цагаачлагч}}, {{t|sh|имѝгранткиња|f}}
- interpreter (Noun: one who interprets a language)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|тайлбарлагч}}, {{t+|mn|хэлмэрч}}, {{t|sh|тумачица|f}}
- press (Noun: printed media)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|хэвлэл}}, {{t|sh|штампа|f|tr=štampa}}
- teahouse (Noun: a cafe that sells tea)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|цайны газар}}, {{t|sh|чаја̀на|f}}
- very (Adverb: to a high degree)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|жинхэнэ}}, {{t+|mn|үнэн}}, {{t|sh|вѐома}}
- white (Adjective: bright and colourless)
- *: Mongolian: {{tt|cmg|ᠴᠠᠭᠠᠨ}}
Multiple t-templates: 30 items
- Friday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠪᠠᠰᠠᠩ}} {{t|mn|ᠲᠠᠪᠤ ᠳᠠᠬᠢ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ}}, {{t|mn|ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠦᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠨ}}
- ace (Noun: card with a single spot)
- * Mongolian: {{t+|mn|тамга}} {{t|mn|ᠲᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠ|}}
- birch (Noun: tree)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|[[хус]]}} {{t|mn|ᠬᠤᠰᠤ}}, {{t|mn|[[хус]] [[мод]]}} {{t|mn|ᠬᠤᠰᠤ ᠮᠣᠳᠤ}}
- bra (Noun: brassiere)
- *: {{t|mn|хөхний даруулга|sc=Cyrl}} {{t|mn|ᠬᠥᠬᠦᠨ ᠦ ᠳᠠᠷᠤᠭᠤᠯᠭᠠ|}} {{qualifier|official}}
- bra (Noun: brassiere)
- *: {{t+|mn|лифчик|m}} {{t|mn|ᠯᠢᠹᠼᠢᠺ|}} {{qualifier|popular}}
- bra (Noun: brassiere)
- *: {{t+|mn|хөхөвч|m}} {{t|mn|ᠬᠥᠬᠦᠪᠴᠢ|}} {{qualifier|standard in Inner Mongolia}}
- café (Noun: coffee shop)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠻᠠᠹᠧ}} {{t|mn|ᠴᠠᠢ ᠶᠢᠨ ᠭᠠᠵᠠᠷ}}
- conditioned reflex (Noun: response acquired by operant conditioning)
- *: {{t|mn|нөхцөлт рефлекс}} {{t|mn|ᠨᠥᠬᠥᠴᠡᠯᠲᠦ ᠷᠧᠹᠯᠡᠺᠰ}}
- conditioned reflex (Noun: response acquired by operant conditioning)
- *: {{t|mn|болзолт ойлт}}{{t|mn|ᠪᠣᠯᠵᠣᠯᠲᠤ ᠣᠢᠢᠯᠲᠠ}} {{qualifier|Inner Mongolia}}
- descriptive (Adjective: describing a language)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠲᠣᠪᠴᠢᠶᠠᠯᠠᠬᠰᠠᠨ (ᠬᠡᠯᠡᠰᠢᠨᠵᠢᠯᠡᠯ)}} {{t|mn|ᠲᠣᠳᠤᠷᠬᠠᠶᠢᠯᠠᠭᠰᠠᠨ (ᠬᠡᠯᠡᠨ ᠦ ᠰᠢᠨᠵᠢᠯᠡᠯ)}}
- gasoline (Noun: motor fuel)
- *: {{t+|mn|бензин}} {{t|mn|ᠪᠧᠨᠽᠢᠨ}}
- generative grammar (Noun: system of rules)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|үүсгүүр хэлзүй|}} {{t|mn|ᠡᠭᠦᠰᠭᠡᠭᠦᠷ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ ᠵᠦᠢ|}}
- government (Noun: body with the power to make and/or enforce laws)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|засаг}}, {{t|mn|засгийн газар}} {{t|mn|засгийн ордон|}} {{qual|China}}
- knave (Noun: playing card)
- * Mongolian: {{t+|mn|боол}} {{t|mn|ᠪᠣᠭᠣᠯ|}}
- last year (Adverb: year before this one)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠥᠩᠭᠡᠷᠡᠭᠰᠡᠨ ᠵᠢᠯ}} {{t|mn|ᠨᠢᠳᠤᠨᠤᠨ}}
- make strange (Verb: behave shyly in presence of unfamiliar person)
- * Mongolian: {{t+|mn|бишүүрхэх|}} {{t|mn|ᠪᠢᠰᠢᠭᠦᠷᠬᠡᠬᠦ|}}
- meson (Noun: elementary particle)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|мезон}} {{t|mn|ᠮᠧᠽᠣᠨ}}
- molybdenum (Noun: chemical element)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|молибден}} {{t|mn|ᠮᠣᠯᠢᠪᠳᠡᠨ}}
- oil (Noun: petroleum-based liquid)
- *: {{tt+|mn|газрын тос}} {{tt|mn|ᠭᠠᠵᠠᠷ ᠤᠨ ᠲᠣᠰᠤ}}
- oil (Noun: petroleum-based liquid)
- *: {{tt|mn|чулуун тос}} {{tt|mn|ᠴᠢᠯᠠᠭᠤᠨ ᠲᠣᠰᠤ}} {{qualifier|Inner Mongolia}}
- photon (Noun: quantum of light)
- * Mongolian: {{t|mn|фотон}} {{t|mn|ᠹᠣᠲ᠋ᠣᠨ}}
- prefix (Noun: morpheme at the beginning of a word)
- * Mongolian: {{t+|mn|угтвар}} {{t|mn|ᠤᠭᠲᠤᠪᠤᠷᠢ}}
- red (Noun: colour)
- * Mongolian: {{tt+|mn|улаан|sc=Cyrl}} {{tt|mn|ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨ}}
- rubella (Noun: disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨ ᠡᠰᠡᠷᠭᠡᠨᠡ}}, {{t|mn|ᠰᠡᠷᠬᠡᠨᠦᠳ}}, {{t|mn|ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠤᠳ}} {{t|mn|ᠰᠠᠯᠬᠢᠨ ᠡᠰᠡᠷᠭᠡᠨᠡ}}
- scruffy (Adjective: untidy in appearance)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠬᠠᠰᠢ ᠶᠠᠰᠢ}} {{t|mn|ᠵᠠᠪᠠᠭᠠᠨ}}
- snail (Noun: any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell)
- *: Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠡᠮᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠬᠢᠮᠤᠰᠤ}} {{t|mn|ᠪᠦᠷᠢᠶᠡ ᠬᠣᠷᠣᠬᠠᠢ}}
- twenty (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Mongolian: {{t+|mn|хорь}} (numeral: {{t|mn|᠒᠐}})
- wallet (Noun: case for keeping money)
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|mn|түрийвч}} {{t+|mn|хэтэвч}}
- walrus (Noun: large Arctic marine mammal)
- *:Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠳᠠᠯᠠᠢ ᠶᠢᠨ ᠮᠣᠷᠢ}} {{t|mn|ᠳᠠᠯᠠᠢ ᠶᠢᠨ ᠵᠠᠭᠠᠨ}}
- zero (Numeral: cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing)
- *: Cyrillic: {{tt+|mn|тэг}} (classical Mongolian numeral: {{tt|mn|᠐|tr=-}}), {{tt+|mn|бинт}}
[edit]This language has translations in 77 of 207516 (0.04%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Montagnais: {{q-lite|Sheshatshiu Innu}} {{tt|moe|kutuasht}}, {{q-lite|Mushuau Innu}} {{tt|moe|ashutash}}
[edit]This language has translations in 156 of 207516 (0.08%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Moore: {{t-check|mos|voaaka}}, {{t-check|mos|vaaka}} <!-- Were under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
Moroccan Arabic
[edit]This language has translations in 1104 of 207516 (0.53%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 4 items
- believe (Verb: to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|امن|tr=amen}} (''present tense:'' {{t|ary|كَيَامِن|tr=kayamen}})
- root (Noun: part of a plant)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{tt|ary|جدر|m|tr=ždər}} ({{q|plural}} {{tt|ary|جدور|m-p|tr=ždur}})
- sock (Noun: covering for the foot)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|تقشيرة|tr=taqšīra|f}} (plural: {{t|ary|تقاشر|tr=tqāšer|p}})
- swimming pool (Noun: pool for swimming)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|مسبح|tr=masbaḥ}} {{t|ary|بيسين|tr=pisín}}
text_outside_template: 5 items
- almond (Noun: nut)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|لوز|m|tr=lūz}} {{qualifier|collective}}, {{t|ary|لوزة|f|tr=lūza}} (''[[singulative]]'')
- almond (Noun: tree)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|لوز|m|tr=lūz}} {{qualifier|collective}}, {{t|ary|لوزة|f|tr=lūza}} (''[[singulative]]'')
- believe (Verb: to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|امن|tr=amen}} (''present tense:'' {{t|ary|كَيَامِن|tr=kayamen}})
- onion (Noun: Allium cepa)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{tt|ary|بصل|m|tr=bṣal}} {{qualifier|collective}}, {{tt|ary|بصلة|f|tr=baṣla}} (''[[singulative]]'')
- sock (Noun: covering for the foot)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|تقشيرة|tr=taqšīra|f}} (plural: {{t|ary|تقاشر|tr=tqāšer|p}})
Wrong language code: 16 items
Expected language code is ary
- Wikipedia (Proper noun: online encyclopedia)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|arz|ويكيپيديا}}
- afterbirth (Noun: material expelled after childbirth)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|arz|خلاص|tr=khlaç}}, {{t|arz|سلة|tr=sla}} {{qualifier|of cows}}
- albumen (Noun: white part of an egg)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|بياض البيض|tr=byāḍ el-bayḍ, byāḍ el-bīḍ}}, {{t|arz|بياض|tr=bayāḍ|m}}
- always (Adverb: at all times)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ar|ديما|tr=dīma|sc=Arab}}
- angel (Noun: messenger from a deity)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{tt|ar|مَلَاك|m|tr=malāk}}
- dishcloth (Noun: for drying)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ary|منديل|m|tr=mandīl}}, {{t|ar|فوطة|f|tr=fūṭa}}
- goat (Noun: animal)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{tt|arz|عتروس|f|tr=ʕatrous}}
- grapefruit (Noun: fruit)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ar|پومْپلْموس|tr=pampelmūss}}
- listen (Verb: to pay attention to a sound)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{tt+|ar|سمع|tr=smaʕ}}
- octopus (Noun: mollusc)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ar|أَخْطَبُوط|m|tr=ʔuḵṭubūṭ}}, {{t|ary|روطالة|tr=rūṭāla}}, {{t|ary|زايس|tr=zāyis}}
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|arz|ديال|tr=dyāl}}
- salmon (Noun: fish)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|ar|سلمون|m|tr=salamun}}
- snake (Noun: legless reptile)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{tt|arz|حنش|m|tr=ḥanš}}
- sneeze (Noun: act of sneezing)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|arz|عطس|m|tr=ʕṭass}}
- spicy (Adjective: providing a burning sensation due to chilies and other spices)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t+|ar|حار|tr=ḥārr}}
- thus (Adverb: in this way or manner)
- *: Moroccan Arabic: {{t|arz|هكدا|tr=hākda}}
[edit]This language has translations in 31 of 207516 (0.01%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- * Mpade: {{t|mpi|sɨ}} ''(m.)'', {{t|mpi|ɨl}} ''(f.)'', {{t|mpi|i}} ''(pl.)''
[edit]This language has translations in 10 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- sister-in-law (Noun: wife's sister)
- * Murrinh-Patha: ''kartu'' [[purrima]]