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This language has translations in 728 of 208392 (0.35%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

Jankoy (Proper noun: raion of Crimea, Ukraine)
* Udmurt: {{t-check|udm|[[Джанкой]] [[ёрос]]}}<!-- Not « Джанкой ёросэз »? -->

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item

corpse (Noun: dead body)
* Udmurt: {{tt|udm|шӧй}}, {{tt|udm|ӧлемсэй}}; {{tt|udm|ӧлакса}} {{q|animal}}



This language has translations in 574 of 208392 (0.28%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

myrtle (Noun: evergreen shrub)
* Ugaritic: ''unknown, absent from the texts''<!-- says Watson, Wilfred G. E. (2004), “A Botanical Snapshot of Ugaritic” p. 143 -->



This language has translations in 31545 of 208392 (15.14%) translation tables

No translation template

1 item
have (Verb: to possess)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|ма́ти|impf}}, ''usually expressed with expressions:'' {{m|uk||у/в мене (є)}} - I have, {{m|uk||у/в тебе (є)}} - I have - you have, etc. See {{m|uk|у}} / {{m|uk|в}}

Uses l-template instead of t-template

1 item
angiotensin converting enzyme (Noun: enzyme)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|ангіотензинперетворювальний фермент}}, {{l|uk|АПФ}}

Wrong language code

2 items

Expected language code is uk

orkish (Adjective: of, pertaining to, or sharing similarities with an orc)
* Ukrainian: {{t|ru|о́ркський}}
predatory (Adjective: (figuratively) exploiting or victimizing others for personal gain)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|ru|хи́жий}}, {{t|uk|хижа́цький}} {{q|action, behaviour}}

Nested templates

3 items
Common Era (Proper noun: secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нашої ери|m}}, {{q|genitive of {{t|uk|наша ера}}}}
I'm Jewish (Phrase: I'm Jewish (ethnic))
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|я жид|m}}, {{t|uk|я жидо́вка|f}}, {{t|uk|я євре́й|m}}, {{t|uk|я євре́йка|f}} {{qualifier|note that the former {{m|uk|жид}} is more common in Western Ukraine but may sound pejorative in Eastern Ukraine}}
inform on (Verb: to act as an informant against)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|доно́сити|impf}}, {{t|uk|донести́|pf}} {{q|+ {{m|uk|на|tr=-}}}}

Unexpected template

3 items
bell (Noun: percussive instrument)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|дзвін|m}} {{qualifier|big}}, {{tt|uk|дзво́ник|m}} {{gloss|small}}
have (Verb: to possess)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|ма́ти|impf}}, ''usually expressed with expressions:'' {{m|uk||у/в мене (є)}} - I have, {{m|uk||у/в тебе (є)}} - I have - you have, etc. See {{m|uk|у}} / {{m|uk|в}}
six (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|шість}}, {{tt|uk|ше́стеро}} {{q-lite|collective}}

Entry HTML comment

11 items
Afrikaans (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t-check|uk|африканс}}, {{t-check|uk|Африкаанс}}, {{t+check|uk|африкаанс}} <!-- from af.wikt-->
cattle (Noun: domesticated bovine animals)
* Ukrainian: {{t-check|uk|вели́ка рога́та худо́ба|f}}<!--is this really idiomatic?-->, {{t+|uk|би́дло|n}}, {{t|uk|скоти́на|f}}, {{t+|uk|буга́й|m}}, {{t+|uk|бик|m}}, {{t+|uk|коро́ва|f}}
dick (Noun: penis)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|хуй|m}}, {{qualifier|of children}} {{t+|uk|пісю́н|m}} <!-- [[піпа]] ?-->
drain (Verb: )
* Ukrainian: {{t-check|uk|со́хнути}}<!--was "[[:uk:сохнути|со́хнути]]"-->
lime (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|ва́пно|n}}, {{t+check|uk|палене ва́пно|n}}, {{t+check|uk|негашене в́апно|n}} <!-- was under "calcium oxide, quicklime -->, {{t+check|uk|гашене ва́пно|n}} <!-- was under "calcium hydroxide" -->
shape (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t-check|uk|фігу́ра}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
surplus (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t-check|uk|ли́шок|m}}, {{t-check|uk|зайвина́|f}}, {{t-check|uk|ре́шта|f}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
thumb (Noun: digit)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|вели́кий па́лець|m}} <!-- removed {{t|uk|полекс|m}} User:Atitarev-->
tyrant (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t-check|uk|тира́н|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|ду́же}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
zedoary (Noun: Curcuma zedoaria)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|цитва́рь|m}}, {{t|uk|цетва́рь|m}}<!--from Polish, from MHG-->, {{t|uk|цедоа́рия|f}}

Multiple t-templates

21 items
Kentucky (Proper noun: US state)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|Кенту́кі|m}} {{t|uk|Кенту́ккі|m}} {{qualifier|obsolete since 2019}}
accelerate (Verb: to cause to move faster)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|приско́рювати|impf}} {{t|uk|приско́рити|pf}}
agreement (Noun: legally binding contract)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|уго́да|f}}, {{t|uk|до́говір|m}} {{t+|uk|умо́ва|f}}
bungle (Verb: to incompetently perform (a task); to ruin (something) through incompetent action)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|халтурити}}, {{t|uk|партачити}}, {{t|uk|капарити}} {{t|uk|провалитися}}
caw (Verb: to make the cry of a crow, rook, or raven)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|кря́кати|impf}}, {{t|uk|кря́кнути|pf}} {{t|uk|ка́ркати|impf}}
cook (Noun: person who prepares food)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|ку́хар|m}}, {{tt+|uk|ку́харка|f}}/{{tt+|uk|куха́рка|f}}
discuss (Verb: to converse or debate concerning a particular topic)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|дискутува́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|обгово́рювати|impf}} {{t|uk|обговори́ти|pf}}
everyone (Pronoun: every person)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|усі́|p|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|uk|всі́|p|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+|uk|ко́жний|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+|uk|вся́кий}}
eyewitness (Noun: person who has seen and can testify about an event)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|очеви́дець|m|sc=Cyrl}} {{t|uk|самови́дець|m|sc=Cyrl}}
game (Noun: playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|гра|f}} / {{tt|uk|ігра́|f}}
go (Verb: to move through space (especially from one place to another))
* Ukrainian: {{q|abstract|on foot}} {{tt+|uk|ходи́ти}}, {{q|concrete|on foot}} {{tt+|uk|іти́}}, {{tt+|uk|йти|impf}}, {{tt|uk|піти́|pf}}, {{q|abstract|by transport}} {{tt+|uk|ї́здити|impf}}, {{tt|uk|пої́здити|pf}} {{q|concrete|by transport}}, {{tt+|uk|ї́хати|impf}} {{tt|uk|пої́хати|pf}}
hypothesize (Verb: to believe or assert)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|будувати}} {{t|uk|гіпотеза|alt=гіпотезу}}, {{t|uk|висувати}} {{t|uk|гіпотеза|alt=гіпотезу}}, {{t+|uk|робити}} {{t|uk|припущення}}
joint-stock company (Noun: company with transferable ownership and limited shareholder liability)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|акціоне́рне товари́ство|n}} {{t|uk|АТ|n}}
probable (Adjective: likely to be true)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|правдоподі́бний|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+|uk|імові́рний|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|uk|ймові́рний|sc=Cyrl}}
probable (Adjective: likely to happen)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|імові́рний|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|uk|ймові́рний|sc=Cyrl}}
probably (Adverb: in all likelihood)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|пе́вно}}, {{t|uk|імові́рно}} / {{t|uk|ймові́рно}}
self-reference (Verb: act or process of referring to itself)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|автореференція|f}} {{t|uk|самореференція|f}}
slimeball (Noun: person who is slimy or otherwise undesirable)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|слима́к|m}} {{t|uk|слизня́к|m}} {{q|rare}}
stationary (Adjective: not moving)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нерухо́мий}}* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нерухо́мий}}
urinate (Verb: to pass urine from the body)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|мочи́тися|impf}}, {{t+|uk|пісяти|impf}} {{t|uk|сцяти|impf}}
whisk (Noun: kitchen utensil)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|ві́ничок|m}} {{t|uk|колоті́вка|f}}, {{t|uk|збива́лка|f}}


29 items
Latin (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|латинська}} (1)
Orthodox (Adjective: of the Orthodox Churches)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|правосла́вний}}, (generic {{t+|uk|правові́рний}} or relating to the Ukrainian orthodox Greek Catholic church) (generic or relating to the Ukrainian orthodox Greek Catholic church))
adder stone (Noun: stone with a naturally formed hole)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|курячий бог|m}}
black pudding (Noun: a blood sausage with much cereal)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|кров'яна ковбаса|f}} (krowjan'''a''' kowbas'''a'''), {{t|uk|кров'янка|f}} (krowj'''a'''nka)
breast (Noun: milk-producing organ)
* Ukrainian: {{tt|uk|грудь|f}}, usually plural: {{tt|uk|гру́ди|f-p}}
button (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|ґу́дзик|m}} (1), {{t-check|uk|кнопка|f}} (2), {{t-check|uk|кла́віша|f}} (3)
cartridge box (Noun: case for cartridges)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|патронта́ш|m}}, {{t|uk|ладівни́ця|f}}, less often {{t|uk|лядівни́ця|f}}, even less often and probably ousted {{t|uk|ладу́нка|f}} and {{t|uk|ляду́нка|f}}
cook (Noun: person who prepares food)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|ку́хар|m}}, {{tt+|uk|ку́харка|f}}/{{tt+|uk|куха́рка|f}}
dote (Verb: to be foolishly fond of)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|кохати до нестями|}}, {{t|uk|гинути}} (за кимсь)
everyone (Pronoun: every person)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|усі́|p|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|uk|всі́|p|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+|uk|ко́жний|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+|uk|вся́кий}}
game (Noun: playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|гра|f}} / {{tt|uk|ігра́|f}}
give a shit (Verb: to care)
* Ukrainian {{t+|uk|по́хуй}} {{qualifier|negative sense, vulgar}} (e.g.: мені похуй)
listen (Verb: to accept advice or obey instruction)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|слу́хати|impf}}, {{tt|uk|послу́хати|pf}}, {{tt|uk|слу́хатися|impf}} ''reflexive'', {{t|uk|послу́хатися|pf}}
nerve (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: (1) {{t-check|uk|нерв|m}}
non-player character (Noun: character in a role-playing game or computer game)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|неігрови́й персона́ж|m}} ([[НІП]])
parrot (Verb: to repeat exactly without showing understanding)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|наслі́дувати|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|uk|мавпува́ти|sc=Cyrl}} (lit. 'to ape')
probable (Adjective: likely to be true)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|правдоподі́бний|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t+|uk|імові́рний|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|uk|ймові́рний|sc=Cyrl}}
probable (Adjective: likely to happen)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|імові́рний|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|uk|ймові́рний|sc=Cyrl}}
probably (Adverb: in all likelihood)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|пе́вно}}, {{t|uk|імові́рно}} / {{t|uk|ймові́рно}}
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|лапки́|f-p}} [«◌»] or [„◌“]
rock (Noun: precious stone or gem)
* Ukrainian: (дорогоці́нний) {{tt+|uk|ка́мінь|m}}
sink (Verb: descend into liquid, etc)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|опуска́тися}}, {{t|uk|зни́жуватися}}, {{t|uk|па́дати}}, {{t|uk|впада́ти}}, {{t|uk|запада́ти}}, of the sun {{t|uk|заходи́ти}}, {{t|uk|тону́ти}}, {{t|uk|зану́рюватися}}, {{t|uk|іти́ на дно}}, {{t|uk|потупа́ти}}, of a foundation {{t|uk|осіда́ти}}, into the mind {{t|uk|[[запа́сти]] [[в]] [[па́м’ять]]}}, {{t|uk|[[врізатися]] [[в]] [[па́м’ять]]}}, weaken or die {{t|uk|слабша́ти}} {{t|uk|ги́нути}}, into poverty {{t|uk|зубожі́ти}}, have one's spirits sink {{t|uk|[[занепа́сти]] [[ду́хом]]}}.
sink (Verb: submerge)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|топи́ти}}, a well {{t|uk|[[копа́ти]] [[колодя́зь]]}}, {{t|uk|[[ри́ти]] [[колодя́зь]]}}, capital {{t|uk|невда́ло покла́сти}}
smell (Verb: sense with nose)
* Ukrainian: {{tt|uk|ню́хати|impf}}, {{tt|uk|чу́яти|impf}}, {{tt+|uk|чу́ти|impf}} (но́сом)
stationary (Adjective: not moving)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нерухо́мий}}* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нерухо́мий}}
store (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|крамни́ця|f}} (1), {{t+check|uk|комо́ра|f}} (2), {{t-check|uk|запа́с|m}} (3), {{t-check|uk|па́м'ять|f}} (4)
structure (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|будова|f}} (1,2,3,4)
three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|три}}, {{qualifier|collective}} {{tt|uk|тро́є}}, {{tt|uk|трі́йко}} ''colloquial'', {{tt|uk|трі́єчко}} ''colloquial diminutive'', {{tt+|uk|трі́йка|f}}
touch (Noun: )
* Ukrainian: {{t+check|uk|до́тик|m|sc=Cyrl}} (1), {{t-check|uk|до́торк|m|sc=Cyrl}} (1), {{t-check|uk|конта́кт|m|sc=Cyrl}} (2), {{t-check|uk|чуття́ до́тику|n|sc=Cyrl}} (3)

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

49 items
I don't care (Phrase: I don't care)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|мені однаково}}, {{t|uk|мені байдуже}}; {{t|uk|мені́ до пизди́}} {{qualifier|rude, slangy}}
Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|ром|m}}; {{t|uk|цига́н|m}}, {{t|uk|цига́нка|f}}
Vilnius (Proper noun: capital of Lithuania)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|Ві́льнюс|m}}; {{t|uk|Ві́льно|n}}, {{t|uk|Ви́льно|n}}, {{t|uk|Ві́льна|f}} {{qualifier|dated}}
abnegation (Noun: denial; renunciation)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|зречення|n}}, {{t|uk|запере́чення|n}}; {{t|uk|самопожертва|f}}
ache (Verb: be in pain)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|болі́ти|impf}}; {{t|uk|хворі́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|захворі́ти|pf}}
admonish (Verb: To instruct or direct; to inform; to notify)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|напоумити}}, {{t|uk|наставляти}}; {{t|uk|нагадувати}}
aircraft (Noun: machine capable of atmospheric flight)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|літа́льний апара́т|m}}, {{t|uk|пові́тря́не судно́|n}}; {{t+|uk|літак|m|}} {{q|airplane}}
arrive (Verb: to reach)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|on foot}} {{t|uk|дохо́дити|impf|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|uk|дійти́|pf|sc=Cyrl}}; {{qualifier|by vehicle}} {{t|uk|доїжджа́ти|impf|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|uk|дої́хати|pf|sc=Cyrl}}
arrive (Verb: to get to a certain place)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|on foot}} {{t+|uk|прихо́дити|impf}}, {{t+|uk|прийти́|pf}}; {{qualifier|by vehicle}} {{t|uk|приїжджа́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|приїзди́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|приї́хати|pf}}
assist (Verb: help)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|допомага́ти|impf}}; {{t|uk|допомогти́|pf}}; {{t|uk|сприя́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|посприя́ти|pf}}
avoid (Verb: to keep away from)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|уника́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|уни́кнути|pf}}; {{t|uk|ухиля́тися|impf}}, {{t|uk|ухили́тися|pf}}
be able to (Verb: have ability to)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|могти́|impf}}, {{t|uk|змогти́|pf}}; {{qualifier|know how to}} {{t|uk|вмі́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|умі́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|зумі́ти|pf}}
begin (Verb: to start, to initiate or take the first step into something)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|transitive}} {{t+|uk|почина́ти|impf}}, {{t+|uk|поча́ти|pf}}; {{qualifier|intransitive}} {{t|uk|почина́тися|impf}}, {{t|uk|поча́тися|pf}}
burlap (Noun: strong cloth)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|мішковина|f}}, {{t|uk|ряднина|f}}; {{t|uk|рогожа|f}}
call (Verb: to request, summon, or beckon)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|кли́кати|impf}}, {{t|uk|покли́кати|pf}}; {{t|uk|зва́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|позва́ти|pf}}
can (Verb: to be able to)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|могти́|impf}}, {{tt|uk|змогти́|pf}}; {{qualifier|know how to}} {{tt|uk|вмі́ти|impf}}, {{tt|uk|умі́ти|impf}}, {{tt|uk|зумі́ти|pf}}
carry (Verb: to transport by lifting)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|abstract|on foot}} {{t|uk|носи́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|поноси́ти|pf}}; {{qualifier|concrete|on foot}} {{t|uk|нести́|impf}}, {{t|uk|понести́|pf}}, {{qualifier|abstract|by vehicle}} {{t|uk|вози́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|повози́ти|pf}}; {{qualifier|concrete|by vehicle}} {{t|uk|везти́|impf}}, {{t|uk|повезти́|pf}}
chase (Verb: to pursue, to follow at speed)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|abstract}} {{t|uk|ганя́ти|impf|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|uk|поганя́ти|pf|sc=Cyrl}}; {{qualifier|concrete}} {{t|uk|гна́ти|impf|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|uk|погна́ти|pf|sc=Cyrl}}
collaboration (Noun: treasonous cooperation)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|зрадницька}} {{t+|uk|співпра́ця|f}}; {{t+|uk|колабораціоні́зм|m}}, {{t|uk|колабора́ція|f}}, {{t|uk|колабора́нтство|n}}
come (Verb: to move nearer)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|прихо́дити|impf}}, {{tt+|uk|прийти́|pf}}; {{tt|uk|приїжджа́ти|impf}}, {{tt|uk|приї́хати|pf}}, {{tt|uk|приїзди́ти|impf}} {{qualifier|by transport}}
commence (Verb: begin, start)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|transitive}} {{t+|uk|почина́ти|impf}}, {{t+|uk|поча́ти|pf}}; {{qualifier|intransitive}} {{t|uk|почина́тися|impf}}, {{t|uk|поча́тися|pf}}
cryptographer (Noun: person)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|крипто́граф|m}}; {{t|uk|криптографі́ст|m}}, {{t|uk|криптографі́стка|f}}
curdle (Verb: to form or cause to form curds)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|ґляґа́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|ву́рдити|impf}}, {{t|uk|зву́рджувати|impf}}, {{t|uk|зву́рдити|pf}} {{qualifier|transitive}}; {{t|uk|зґля́ґатися|pf}}, {{t|uk|зґляґа́тися|impf}}, {{t|uk|зву́рджуватися|impf}}, {{t|uk|зву́рдитися|impf}} {{qualifier|intransitive}}
escalate (Verb: to intensify)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|заго́стрювати|impf}}, {{t|uk|загостри́ти|pf}} {{q|transitive senses}}; {{t|uk|заго́стрюватися|impf}}, {{t|uk|загостри́тися|pf}} {{q|intransitive senses}}
evanescence (Noun: fading and vanishing from sight)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|зникання|n}}, {{t|uk|щезання|n}}; {{t|uk|швидкоплинність|f}}
fight (Verb: (intransitive) to contend in physical conflict)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|би́тися|impf}}; {{t+|uk|боро́тися|impf}}, {{t|uk|воюва́ти|impf}}
fracture (Verb: break)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|transitive}} {{t|uk|лама́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|злама́ти|pf}}; {{qualifier|intransitive}} {{t|uk|лама́тися|impf}}, {{t|uk|злама́тися|pf}}
fraternal nephew (Noun: brother's son)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|брата́н|m}}, {{t+|uk|брата́нець|m}}, {{t+|uk|брата́нич|m}} {{qualifier|all dialectal}}; {{t|uk|племі́нник|m}}, {{t+|uk|не́бі́ж|m}} {{qualifier|generic "nephew"}}
fraternal niece (Noun: brother's daughter)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|брата́ниця|f}} {{qualifier|dialectal}}; {{t|uk|племі́нниця|f}}, {{t+|uk|небо́га|f}} {{qualifier|generic "niece"}}
hype (Noun: promotion)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|шуми́ха|f}}; {{t|uk|хайп|m}}, {{t+|uk|гайп|m}} {{qualifier|neologisms}}
import (Verb: to bring in from a foreign country)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|імпортува́ти}}; {{t|uk|уво́зити}}, {{t+|uk|вво́зити|impf}}, {{t|uk|увезти́}}, {{t|uk|ввезти́|pf}}
jag (Verb: To cut unevenly)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|кремсати}}, {{t|uk|криво різати}}; {{t|uk|зазублювати}}, {{t|uk|робити зазублини}}
official (Noun: office holder invested with powers and authorities)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|посадо́ва осо́ба|f}}, {{t|uk|посадо́вець|m}}, {{t|uk|службо́ва осо́ба|f}}, {{t+|uk|службо́вець|m}}, {{t+|uk|службо́вка|f}}; {{q|government}} {{t|uk|урядо́ва осо́ба|f}}, {{t|uk|урядо́вець|m}}; {{qualifier|in the Russian Empire}} {{t|uk|чино́вник|m}}
rebuke (Noun: harsh criticism)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|докір|m}}, {{t|uk|дорікання|n}}; {{t|uk|догана|f}}, {{t|uk|зауваження|n}}
researcher (Noun: one who researches)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|дослі́дник|m}}, {{t|uk|дослі́дниця|f}}; {{qualifier|official title}} {{t+|uk|науко́вий співробі́тник|m}}, {{t|uk|науко́ва співробі́тниця|m}}
scientist (Noun: one whose activities make use of the scientific method)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|вче́ний|m}} / {{t|uk|уче́ний|m}}, {{t|uk|вче́на|f}} / {{t|uk|уче́на|f}}; {{t|uk|науко́вець|m}}, {{t|uk|науко́виця|f}}
shell (Noun: hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|черепа́шка|f}}, {{t|uk|ско́йка|f}}, {{t|uk|му́шля|f}}; {{t|uk|па́нцер|m}}, {{t|uk|па́нцир|m}} {{qualifier|of an arthropod or a turtle}}
sororal niece (Noun: sister’s daughter)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|сестре́ниця|f}}, {{t|uk|сестри́ниця|f}}, {{t|uk|сестрі́ниця|f}}, {{t|uk|сестрі́нка|f}} {{qualifier|all dialectal}}; {{t|uk|племі́нниця|f}}, {{t+|uk|небо́га|f}} {{qualifier|generic "niece"}}
speak (Verb: to communicate with one's voice using words)
* Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|говори́ти|impf}}, {{tt+|uk|сказа́ти|pf}}; {{tt+|uk|розмовля́ти|impf}},
storyteller (Noun: person who relates stories to an audience)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|оповіда́ч|m}}, {{t|uk|опові́дач|f}}, {{t|uk|оповіда́чка|f}}, {{t|uk|опові́дачка|f}}, {{t|uk|розповіда́ч|m}}, {{t|uk|розпові́дач|m}}, {{t|uk|розповіда́чка|f}}, {{t|uk|розпові́дачка|f}}; {{t+|uk|казка́р|m}}, {{t+|uk|казка́рка|f}} {{qualifier|fairy-tales}}
swim (Verb: move through water)
* Ukrainian: {{qualifier|abstract}} {{t+|uk|пла́вати|impf}}, {{t|uk|попла́вати|pf}}; {{qualifier|concrete}}, {{t|uk|плисти́|impf}}, {{t|uk|поплисти́|pf}}
tentatively (Adverb: of, or having to do with being tentative)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нерішуче}}, {{t|uk|невпевнено}}; {{t|uk|попередньо}}, {{t|uk|орієнтовно}}
trounce (Verb: to chastise or punish physically or verbally)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|лаяти}}, {{t|uk|вичитувати}}; {{t|uk|карати}}
turkey (Noun: flesh or meat of this bird)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|індича́тина|f}}, {{t|uk|інди́чина|f}}; {{t|uk|інди́к|m}}, {{t|uk|інди́чка|f}}
upstairs (Adverb: up the stairs; on or to a higher floor or level)
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|нагорі́}} {{q|location}}, {{t|uk|наверху́}} {{q|location}}; {{t|uk|наго́ру}} {{q|direction}} {{t|uk|наве́рх}} {{q|direction}}
use (Verb: employ, apply)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|ужива́ти|impf}}, {{t+|uk|вжива́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|ужи́ти|pf}}, {{t|uk|вжи́ти|pf}}; {{t+|uk|використо́вувати|impf}}, {{t|uk|ви́користати|pf}}
will (Verb: indicating future action)
* Ukrainian: ''Use the future perfective'' or ''use the future of {{l|uk|бу́ти}} + imperfective infinitive''; special endings, e.g. "I will walk": {{lang|uk|ходи́тиму}} ({{l|uk|ходи́ти}} + {{lang|uk|иму}})
yonder (Adverb: in a distant, indicated place)
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|он}}, {{t+|uk|там}}, {{t|uk|отам}}, {{t|uk|онде}}; {{t|uk|тамо}}, {{t|uk|оно}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
you hear me (Interjection: )
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|[[чути|чу́єш]]?}} (singular present), {{t|uk|[[чути|чу́єте]]?}} (plural present); {{t|uk|[[чути|чув]]?}} (masculine singular past), {{t|uk|[[чути|чу́ла]]?}} (feminine singular past), {{t|uk|[[чути|чу́ло]]?}} (neuter singular past), {{t|uk|[[чути|чу́ли]]?}} (plural past)

Upper Sorbian


This language has translations in 1592 of 208392 (0.76%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item

Whitsunday (Noun: the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{t|hsb|}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items

afford (Verb: to incur, stand, or bear)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{t|hsb|sej dowolować|impf}}, {{t|hsb|sej dowolić|pf}}; {{t|hsb|sej popřewać|impf}}, {{t|hsb|sej popřeć|pf}}
carry (Verb: to transport by lifting)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{qualifier|abstract, on foot}} {{t|hsb|nosyć|impf}} {{qualifier|concrete, on foot}} {{t|hsb|njesć|impf}}, {{t|hsb|znjesć|pf}}; {{qualifier|abstract, by vehicle}} {{t|hsb|wozyć|impf}}, {{qualifier|concrete, on foot}} {{t|hsb|wjezć|impf}}, {{t|hsb|zawjezć|pf}}

Multiple t-templates: 2 items

arrive (Verb: to reach)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{qualifier|on foot}} {{t|hsb|dochadźeć|impf}}, {{t+|hsb|dóńć|pf}}: {{qualifier|by vehicle}} {{t|hsb|přijěć|pf}}
flush toilet (Noun: toilet that uses water to remove waste)
* Upper Sorbian: {{t|hsb|hajzl|n}} {{t|hsb|nuznik}}, {{t|hsb|wustup}}

Wrong language code: 5 items Expected language code is hsb

cotoneaster (Noun: Cotoneaster)
* Upper Sorbian: {{t|sh|kisalnik|m}}
elephant (Noun: mammal)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{tt+|hsb|elefant|m}}, {{tt|dsb|słon|m}}
mercury (Noun: Mercurialis gen. et spp.)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{t|dsb|šćěr|m}}
run (Verb: to move quickly on two feet)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{tt|dsb|běhać|impf}} {{qualifier|abstract}}, {{tt|hsb|běžeć|impf}} {{qualifier|concrete}}
weasel (Noun: least weasel, Mustela nivalis)
*: Upper Sorbian: {{t|dsb|kohlica|f}}



This language has translations in 7592 of 208392 (3.64%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

must (Verb: be required to)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|چاہئے|tr=cāhie}}, {{t|ur|پڑنا|tr=paṛnā}}, (pattern: dative + verb + [[ہونا]] (hōnā)), {{t|ur|ہو گا|tr=hogā|sc=ur-Arab}}

No translation target: 1 item

witness (Noun: )
* Urdu: {{t-check|ur||m|tr=gawah}}

Nested templates: 1 item

village (Noun: a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|گاؤں|m}}, {{t|ur|دیہات|m-p}} {{q|slightly formal, used as singular and plural}}, {{t|ur|دیہ|m|f}} {{q|rare, singular of {{lang|ur|دیہات}}}}

Entry HTML comment: 2 items

pundit (Noun: )
* Urdu: {{t-check|ur|پنڈت|m|tr=panḍit|sc=ur-Arab}} <!-- Was under "scholar, teacher, or learned person" -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Urdu: {{t-check|ur|بہت|tr=bahut}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

Unexpected template: 4 items

Apostle (Noun: any of the group of twelve disciples)
* Urdu: {{t+|ur|نبی|m|tr=nabī}}, {{t+|ur|رسول|m|tr=rasūl}}, {{t+|ur|رسل|m-p|tr=rusul}}, {{t+|ur|حواری|m|tr=ḥavārī}} {{gl|in the plural form only}}
Saturday (Noun: day of the week)
* Urdu: {{t+|ur|ہَفْتَہ|m}}, {{t|ur|سَنِیچَر|m}}, {{t|ur|شَن٘بَہ|m}} {{gloss|rare}}
ant (Noun: insect)
* Urdu: {{tt|ur|چیونٹی|f|tr=cyūnṭī}}, {{tt|ur|چینٹی|f|tr=cīnṭī}} {{gl|rare, mainly India}}
week (Noun: period of seven days)
* Urdu: {{tt+|ur|ہَفْتَہ|m}}, {{tt|ur|سَپْتاہ|m}} {{gl|rare}}

Multiple t-templates: 5 items

age (Noun: particular period of time in history)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|زَمانَہ|m}} {{t|ur|دَور|m}}, {{t|ur|عَصْر|m}}, {{t|ur|زَمان|m}}
appointment (Noun: arrangement for a meeting; an engagement)
* Urdu: {{t+|ur|تاریخ|tr=tārīx|f}} {{t|ur|اپوائنٹمنٹ|m|tr=apoāinṭmanṭ|sc=ur-Arab}}
era (Noun: time period)
* Urdu: {{tt|ur|زَمانَہ|m}} {{tt|ur|دَور|m}}, {{tt|ur|عَصْر|m}}, {{tt|ur|زَمان|m}}
jasmine (Noun: plant of genus Jasminum)
* Urdu: {{t+|ur|چنبیلی|f|tr=caṉbelī|sc=ur-Arab}}, {{t|ur|چمبیلی|f|tr=cambelī|sc=ur-Arab}}, {{t|ur|یاسمین|f|tr=yasmīn|sc=ur-Arab}} {{t|ur|چمیلی|f|tr=camelī|sc=ur-Arab}}
lunch (Noun: meal around midday)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|ظُہْرانَہ|m}} {{t|ur|لَنْچ|m}}, {{t|ur|دوپَہَر کا کھانا|m}}

text_outside_template: 15 items

God willing (Interjection: God willing)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|اَللّٰہ کَرے}}, {{t|ur|اِن شاء اَللّٰہ}}, {{t|ur|اَللّٰہ چاہے}} ''("Allah" can be replaced with any term relating to God''), {{t|ur|اَگَر اَللّٰہ نے چاہا}}
Naqshbandi (Adjective: )
* Urdu: {{t|ur|نقشبندی|tr=naqśbandī}}l
Silk Road (Proper noun: routes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|شاہراہ ریشم}} (śāhrāh-e-reśam)
capitalism (Noun: socio-economic system based on private property rights)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|سرمایہ داری|tr=sarmāya dārī}}, {{t|ur|سَرْمایَہ دارانَہ نظام|tr=sarmāya dārāna nizām}} ''('capitalist system')''
cartel (Noun: group of businesses or nations that collude to fix prices)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|مافیا|tr=māfiyā}} ''(literally '[[mafia]]')''
corridor (Noun: tract of land)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|راہداری|f|tr=rāhdārī}} ''(example [[Kartarpur corridor]])''
each (Determiner: every)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|ہر}} (har)
fervor (Noun: )
* Urdu: {{t-check|ur|سرفروش}} (n)
hollow (Adjective: having an empty space inside)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|کھوکھلا}} (khokhlā)
of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|کا|alt=... کا|tr=... kā}} ''(see inflection)'', ''izāfa ({{l|ur|اِضافَہ}})''
oh (Interjection: expression of surprise)
* Urdu: {{t+|ur|آہ}} (ʾāh)
password (Noun: word used to gain admittance)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|پاسورڈ|m|tr=pāsvarḍ}}, , {{t|ur|پار لفظ|tr=pār lafz}}, {{t|ur|شناختی لفظ⁩|tr=śanāxtī lafz}}, {{t|ur|خفیہ لفظ⁩|tr=xufiya lafz}}, {{t|ur|گزر لفظ⁩|tr=guzar lafz}}, {{t|ur|کلمۂ شناخت|tr=kalama-e-śanāxt|}}
thanks (Interjection: used to express appreciation or gratitude)
* Urdu: {{t+|ur|شُکْرِیَہ}}, {{t|ur|نَوَازِش}}, {{t|ur|مِہَرْبانی|tr=meharbānī}}, {{t|ur|دھنیہ واد|tr=dhanya-vād}} ''(rarely by Hindus)''
tomorrow (Noun: the day after the present day)
* Urdu: {{tt|ur|کل|tr=kal}} - can also refer to [[yesterday]], depending on context
yesterday (Noun: day before today)
* Urdu: {{t|ur|کل|tr=kal}} (may refer to [[tomorrow]], depending on the context)



This language has translations in 10 of 208392 (0.00%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 3 items

Moon (Proper noun: sole natural satellite of the Earth)
* Ute: {{qualifier|i}} {{t-check|ute|mi'jarogopic}} (Chemehuevi)
about (Preposition: over or upon different parts of)
* Ute: {{t-check|ute|-vacɨ}} ([[Chemehuevi]])
afraid (Adjective: impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive)
* Ute: {{t|ute|i'javaga}} (Chemehuevi)



This language has translations in 4358 of 208392 (2.09%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

way too (Adverb: )
* Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|بەك|sc=ug-Arab}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

No translation template: 1 item

buoy (Noun: moored float)
* Uyghur: لەيمىلەك (Leymilek)

text_outside_template: 2 items

felt (Noun: cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
* Uyghur: {{t|ug|kigiz}} (''Latin'')
frost (Noun: cover of minute ice crystals)
* Uyghur: {{t|ug|qiro}} (''Latin'')

No translation target: 6 items

claw (Noun: )
* Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|tr=bemelchek}}
membership (Noun: fact of being a member)
* Uyghur: {{t|ug|}}
murder (Noun: )
* Uyghur: {{t-check|ug||tr=adem ötlürgen}}
peace (Noun: )
* Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|tr=saq}}, {{t-check|ug|tr=tenchliq-peqet}}
property (Noun: )
* Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|tr=ewqat}}
where (Adverb: at or in which place)
* Uyghur: {{tt|ug|}}



This language has translations in 6710 of 208392 (3.22%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item

sad (Adjective: feeling sorrow)
* Uzbek: {{tt+|uz|qaygʻuli}}, {{tt|uz||alt=gʻamgin}}

Multiple qualifiers: 1 item

do you speak English (Phrase: do you speak English? (English specifically))
*: Cyrillic: {{t|uz|Инглизча гапирасизми}} {{qualifier|plural or formal}}{{qualifier|plural or formal}}

Wrong language code: 1 item Expected language code is uz

ruble (Noun: Russian monetary unit)
*: Cyrillic: {{t|uk|сўм}}

Entry HTML comment: 3 items

hemlock (Noun: poisonous plant of genus Conium)
* Uzbek: {{t-needed|uz}}<!--native!-->
tyrant (Noun: )
* Uzbek: {{t+check|uz|tiran}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Uzbek: {{t+check|uz|oʻlgunday}}, {{t+check|uz|oʻlguncha}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->