A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
[edit]This language has translations in 360 of 208392 (0.17%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- flaxseed oil (Noun: oil of flaxseed used in cooking)
- * Vilamovian: [[łȧjnȳł]] {{g|m}}<!--link does not work in {{t}}-->
[edit]This language has translations in 5261 of 208392 (2.52%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item
- brush (Noun: implement)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|kef}}, {{t|vo|svipül}}, {{gloss|paint}} {{t+|vo|pensit}}, {{gloss|wire}} {{t|vo|dratakef}}, {{t|vo|frotakef}}, {{t|vo|glimükamakef}}, {{gloss|shoe}} {{t|vo|jukikef}}, {{t|vo|lavädakef}}, {{t|vo|lekluinakef}}, {{t|vo|leröbakef}}, {{t|vo|miotakef}}, {{gloss|tooth}} {{t+|vo|tutikef}}, {{t|vo|veluvakef}}, {{gloss|hair}} {{t+|vo|heremikef}}
Nested templates: 3 items
- dictionary (Noun: publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words)
- * Volapük: {{tt+|vo|vödabuk}}, {{tt|vo|vödasbuk}} {{q|older term, now obsolete; compare {{l|de|Wörterbuch}}}}
- eyelash (Noun: hair growing on the edge of an eyelid)
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|logalipaher}} {{qualifier|[[logalip]] + {{l|vo|-a}} + {{l|vo|her}}}}
- infanticide (Noun: murder of an infant)
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|cililisasen}} {{q|cf. {{t+|vo|cilil}}}}
Entry HTML comment: 4 items
- invention (Noun: )
- * Volapük: {{t+check|vo|datuv}}, {{t-check|vo|datuvam}} <!-- was capacity to invent, act of inventing: which is it or both? -->
- print (Noun: )
- * Volapük: {{t+check|vo|bükot}} <!-- Was under "result of printing process" -->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+check|vo|tirenan}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t-check|vo|hitirenan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t-check|vo|jitirenan}} <!-- Were under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Volapük: {{t+check|vo|vemo}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
Multiple t-templates: 4 items
- Elector (Noun: German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|davälaplin}} {{qualifier|male or female}}, {{t|vo|davälahiplin}} {{qualifier|male}} ({{t+|vo|davälajiplin}} {{qualifier|Elector's wife}})
- hermaphrodite (Adjective: having both male and female gonads)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|of the condition}} {{t|vo|härmafroditik}}, {{qualifier|♂♀, of the person}} {{t|vo|härmafroditanik}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditanik}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditanik}}
- hermaphrodite (Noun: organism having both male and female gonads)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t|vo|härmafroditan}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditan}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditan}}
- hermaphroditic (Adjective: biology: possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀, of the person}} {{t|vo|härmafroditanik}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditanik}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditanik}}
No translation template: 5 items
- French (Adjective: of or relating to the French people)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|male and/or female}} {{tt|vo|Fransänanik}}, {{qualifier|male}}, {{tt|vo|hi-Fransänanik}}, {{qualifier|female}} {{tt|vo|ji-Fransänanik}}
- Russian (Verb: person from Russia)
- * Volapük: {{tt+|vo|Rusänan}}, {{tt|vo|hi-Rusänan}} {{q|male}}, {{tt|vo|ji-Rusänan}} {{q|female}}, {{tt|vo|Lusänel}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{tt|vo|Rusänel}}, {{q|obsolete}}
- betterer (Noun: one who makes something better)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|gudükuman}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|higudükuman}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jigudükuman}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}}
- doctor (Noun: person who has attained a doctorate)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|dokan}}, {{t|vo|hidokan}} {{q|male}}, {{t|vo|jidokan}} {{q|female}}, {{t|vo|dokel}}, {{q|older term, obsolete}}
- though (Adverb: however)
- * Volapük: [[do#Volapük|do]]
text_outside_template: 6 items
- bird cherry (Noun: Prunus padus)
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|padudabim}} [tree], {{t|vo|padudep}} [tree], {{t|vo|padud}} [fruit]
- but (Conjunction: )
- * Volapük: {{t+check|vo|ab}}, {{t+check|vo|efe}}, {{t+check|vo|sod}} (archaic)
- cobbler (Noun: person who repairs, and sometimes makes, shoes)
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|lujukel'}'}, {{t|vo|hilujukel}'} {{q|male}'}'}, {{t|vo|jilujukel}'} {{q|female}'}'}
- genus (Noun: rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|bid}}\
- hat (Noun: a head covering)
- * Volapük: {{tt+|vo|hät|m}} (1)
- or (Conjunction: conjunction)
- * Volapük: (before consonants) {{tt+|vo|u}}, (before vowels) {{tt+|vo|ud}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 7 items
- Samaritan (Adjective: of or relating to Samaria or the Samaritans)
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|Samaritänik}} {{qualifier|region}}; {{t|vo|Samaritänanik|m|f}}, {{t|vo|hi-Samaritänanik|m}}, {{t|vo|ji-Samaritänanik|f}}
- atheist (Noun: a person who doubts the existence of deities)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|Godinoan}}, {{t+|vo|godinoan}} {{qualifier|male or female}}; {{t|vo|Godihinoan}}, {{t|vo|godihinoan}} {{qualifier|male}}; {{t|vo|Godijinoan}}, {{t|vo|godijinoan}} {{qualifier|female}}
- birdling (Noun: small bird; birdie; nestling (young bird, baby bird))
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|bödil}}, {{t|vo|hibödil}} {{q|male}}, {{t|vo|jibödil}} {{q|female}}; {{t+|vo|bödül}}, {{t|vo|hibödül}} {{q|male}}, {{t|vo|jibödül}} {{q|female}}
- godchild (Noun: a child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|spönäb|m|f}}, {{t|vo|hispönäb|m}}, {{t|vo|jispönäb|f}}; {{t|vo|spönacil|m|f}}, {{t|vo|spönahicil|m}}, {{t|vo|spönajicil|f}}
- godparent (Noun: person who stood for a child during a naming ceremony or baptism)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|spönan|m|f}}, {{t|vo|hispönan|m}}, {{t|vo|jispönan|f}}; {{q|collective}} {{t+|vo|spönanef|m|f}}
- greengrocer (Noun: person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|vegetable ♂♀}} {{t|vo|härbatatedan}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|härbatahitedan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|härbatajitedan}}; {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t|vo|fluka- e härbatatedan}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|fluka- e härbatahitedan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|fluka- e härbatajitedan}}
- iguana (Noun: any member of the genus Iguana)
- * Volapük: {{t|vo|leguan|m|f}}, {{t|vo|hileguan|m}}, {{t|vo|jileguan|f}}; {{qualifier|offspring}} {{t|vo|leguanül|m|f}}, {{t|vo|hileguanül|m}}, {{t|vo|jileguanül|f}}
Multiple qualifiers: 11 items
- Elector (Noun: German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire)
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|davälaplin}} {{qualifier|male or female}}, {{t|vo|davälahiplin}} {{qualifier|male}} ({{t+|vo|davälajiplin}} {{qualifier|Elector's wife}})
- Eskimo (Noun: member of the Eskimo people(s))
- * Volapük: {{t+|vo|läskioman}} {{q|male or female}}, {{t|vo|hiläskioman}} {{q|male}}, {{t|vo|jiläskioman}} {{q|female}}, {{qualifier|older term}} {{t|vo|leskiman}} {{q|male or female}}
- clergyman (Noun: ordained (male) Christian minister, male member of the clergy)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|kultan}} {{qualifier|general}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hikultan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jikultan}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|pädan}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hipädan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jipädan}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|pastan}} {{qualifier|Evangelical, Protestant}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hipastan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jipastan}}
- clergywoman (Noun: ordained (female) Christian minister, female member of the clergy)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|kultan}} {{qualifier|general}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hikultan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jikultan}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|pädan}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hipädan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jipädan}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|pastan}} {{qualifier|Evangelical, Protestant}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hipastan}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jipastan}}
- eel (Noun: any fish of the order Anguilliformes)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|pil}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hipil}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t+|vo|jipil}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t|vo|snekafit}} {{qualifier|older term}}
- hermaphrodite (Adjective: having both male and female gonads)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|of the condition}} {{t|vo|härmafroditik}}, {{qualifier|♂♀, of the person}} {{t|vo|härmafroditanik}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditanik}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditanik}}
- hermaphrodite (Noun: organism having both male and female gonads)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t|vo|härmafroditan}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditan}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditan}}
- hermaphroditic (Adjective: biology: possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀, of the person}} {{t|vo|härmafroditanik}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditanik}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditanik}}
- milker (Noun: person who milks)
- * Volapük: {{q|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|tätan}}, {{q|♂}} {{t|vo|hitätan}}, {{q|♀}} {{t+|vo|jitätan}}, {{q|♀}} {{t|vo|jitetan}} {{q|older term}}
- suckling (Noun: infant that is still breastfeeding)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|sügäb}} {{qualifier|any mammal}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hisügäb}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jisügäb}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t|vo|sugäb}}
- suckling (Noun: young mammal which isn't weaned yet)
- * Volapük: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|vo|sügäb}} {{qualifier|any mammal}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hisügäb}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jisügäb}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t|vo|sugäb}}, {{qualifier|calf, ♂♀}} {{t|vo|sugabubül}}, {{qualifier|lamb, ♂♀}} {{t|vo|sugajipül}}, {{qualifier|piglet, ♂♀}} {{t+|vo|sugasvinül|}}
[edit]This language has translations in 232 of 208392 (0.11%) translation tables
No translation template: 26 items
- at (Preposition: in or very near a particular place)
- * Votic: ''adessive case'', ''inessive case''
- at (Preposition: indicating time)
- * Votic: ''adessive case''
- at (Preposition: in the direction of)
- * Votic: ''illative case'', {{t|vot|poolõ}}
- at (Preposition: denoting a price)
- * Votic: ''elative case''
- at (Preposition: occupied in (activity))
- * Votic: ''inessive case''
- into (Preposition: going inside)
- * Votic: ''illative case'', {{t|vot|süäme}}
- into (Preposition: going to a geographic region)
- * Votic: ''illative case''
- into (Preposition: against, with force)
- * Votic: ''illative case''
- into (Preposition: producing, becoming)
- * Votic: ''illative case''
- of (Preposition: containing, comprising or made from)
- * Votic: ''partitive or elative case''
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- * Votic: ''genitive case''
- of (Preposition: connecting numeral or quantifier with quantified)
- * Votic: ''partitive case''
- of (Preposition: objective genitive: connecting action noun with object)
- * Votic: ''genitive case''
- of (Preposition: linking class with example of class)
- * Votic: ''genitive case''
- onto (Preposition: upon; on top of)
- * Votic: ''allative case''
- to (Particle: infinitive-marker)
- * Votic: ''first infinitive''
- to (Preposition: used to indicate the indirect object)
- * Votic: ''allative case''
- to (Preposition: in the direction of, and arriving at)
- * Votic: ''illative case''
- to (Preposition: used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship)
- * Votic: ''e.g. allative case''
- with (Preposition: with)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
- with (Preposition: against)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
- with (Preposition: in the company of)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
- with (Preposition: in addition to)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
- with (Preposition: in support of)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
- with (Preposition: expressing manner)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
- with (Preposition: by means of)
- * Votic: ''comitative case''
[edit]This language has translations in 308 of 208392 (0.15%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- twilight (Noun: light before rising and after the setting of the Sun)
- * Võro: {{t|vro|ago}}; {{t|vro|hummogunõ ago}} {{qualifier|morning}}, {{t|vro|õdagunõ ago}} {{qualifier|evening}}