A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | P2 | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | S3 | T | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z | ǃ
[edit]This language has translations in 24325 of 207516 (11.72%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item
- stubble (Noun: short stalks left in a field after harvest)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|стрн|f}} {{q|a field on which there is stubble being called {{m|mk|стрниште|g=n}}}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mk
- pregnancy test (Noun: a piece of test equipment)
- * Macedonian: {{t|bg|тест за бременост}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items
- I'm in love with you (Phrase: declaration of romantic feeling)
- * Macedonian: {{qualifier|male speaker}} {{t|mk|заљубен сум во тебе}}, {{t|mk|вљубен сум во тебе}}; {{qualifier|female speaker}} {{t|mk|заљубена сум во тебе}}, {{t|mk|вљубена сум во тебе}}
- cheap (Adjective: low and/or reduced in price)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|евтин}} {{q|low}}; {{t|mk|намален|m}}, {{t|mk|снижен|m}}, {{t|mk|поевтинет|m}} {{q|reduced}}
No translation target: 3 items
- Samkov (Proper noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|tr=Šamkov}}
- Samkova (Proper noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|tr=Šamková}}
- Ulrica (Proper noun: female given name)
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|tr=Ulrika}}
No translation template: 4 items
- Falkland Islander (Noun: person from the Falkland Islands)
- * Macedonian: [[Фолкландски Острови]] (Fólklandski Óstrovi) {{g|p}}
- cue sport (Noun: game played with cue and balls)
- * Macedonian: [[билијардска игра]] (bilijárdska ígra) {{g|f}}
- kaval (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: [[кавал]]
- the (Article: article)
- * Macedonian: ''see [[Appendix:Macedonian articles]]''
Unexpected template: 4 items
- bell (Noun: percussive instrument)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|ѕвоно|n}} {{gloss|big}}, {{tt|mk|ѕвонче|n}} {{gloss|small}}
- hot (Adjective: feeling the sensation of heat)
- * Macedonian: {{sense|I am hot}} {{tt|mk|[[топло]] [[ми]] [[е]]}}, {{tt|mk|[[жешко]] [[ми]] [[е]]}}
- oven (Noun: chamber used for baking or heating)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|ре́рна|f}} {{gloss|electrical appliance}}, {{t|mk|пе́чка|f}} {{qualifier|built}}, {{t+|mk|фурна|f}}
- shard (Noun: piece of glass or pottery)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|откршок|m}}, {{t|mk|срча|f}} {{gloss|glass}}, {{t|mk|цреп|m}}
Multiple t-templates: 11 items
- RNA (Noun: abbreviation of ribonucleic acid)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|РНК|f}} ({{t|mk|рибонуклеинска киселина|f}})
- candid (Noun: A spontaneous or unposed photograph)
- * Macedonian: {{t+|mk|слика|f}}, {{t|mk|фо́тка|f}} {{t+|mk|фотогра́фија|f}}
- goodbye (Interjection: farewell)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|збогум}}, {{t|mk|со здравје}}, {{t|mk|на добар час}}, {{t|mk|ча́о}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|mk|пријатно}} {{t|mk|довидување}} {{qualifier|formal}}
- infatuation (Noun: An unreasoning love or attraction)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|непро́мислен}} {{t|mk|страст|f}}, {{l|mk|страстен|стра́сна}} {{t|mk|вљу́беност|f}}
- landowner (Noun: a person who owns land)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|земјопо́седник|m}}, {{t|mk|земјопосе́дничка|f}}, {{t|mk|земјовла́делец|m}} {{t|mk|земјовладе́лица|f}}, {{t|mk|земјовла́дејач|m}}, {{t|mk|земјовладе́јачка|f}}
- noblewoman (Noun: a woman of noble rank)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|благоро́дничка|f}}, {{t|mk|благоро́дница|f}} {{t|mk|дво́рјанка|f}}
- old (Adjective: having existed or lived for the specified time)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|има}} + number + {{tt|mk|години}}
- pathology (Noun: abnormality)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|нено́рмалност|f}}, {{t|mk|изро́деност|f}} {{t|mk|патоло́гија|f}}
- pen (Noun: enclosure (enclosed area) for animals)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|тр́ло|n}} {{q|for sheep}}, {{tt|mk|ко́тар|m}}/{{tt|mk|ко́тара|f}} {{q|for cattle}},
- shop (Verb: to visit shops)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|купува}} {{tt|mk|пазари}}
- understand (Verb: to grasp the meaning of)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|ра́збира|impf}} {{t|mk|ра́збере|pf}}
Entry HTML comment: 15 items
- Latin (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|Латин|m}}, {{t|mk|Латинка|f}} <!-- Was under "person who is descended from the ancient Romans" -->
- Luke (Proper noun: gospel of Luke)
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|[[евангелие|Евангелие]] [[според]] [[Лука]]|n}} <!-- was "[[евангелие|Евангелие]] [[според]] [[Лука]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- Southern Ireland (Proper noun: short-lived autonomous region)
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|Јужна Ирска|f}}<!--translation was not added to either sense in particular, check which sense(s) it applies to-->
- airworthy (Adjective: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|во летна состојба}} <!--Was under non-surviving sense "being able to fly"-->
- ambiguous (Adjective: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|нејасен|m}} <!-- Was under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|заседа|f|sc=Cyrl}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- driver (Noun: one who drives something, e.g. cattle)
- * Macedonian: {{t+check|mk|возач|m}} <!-- not a vehicle driver-->
- ferret (Noun: the mammal Mustela putorius furo)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|ласица|f}} <!-- weasel ?-->
- gentleman (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|машки тоале́т|m}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|внатрешен|m}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- lime (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|вар|f}} <!-- was under "calcium oxide, quicklime -->
- perestroika (Noun: reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s)
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|перестро́јка|f}} <!-- Is the accent mark correct? -->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|тиранин|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Macedonian: {{t+check|mk|многу}}, {{t-check|mk|мошне}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
- when (Conjunction: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|кога}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->
text_outside_template: 24 items
- BCE (Adverb: before the common era)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|п.н.е.}} (пред нашата ера=pred nášata éra)
- Khinalug (Proper noun: language)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|хиналугски}} јазик
- Udi (Proper noun: language)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|удиски}} јазик
- carrier (Noun: person or object that carries someone or something else)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|носач|m}} (''generic''), {{t|mk|амал|m}} (''person'')
- cellular (Adjective: of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|клеточен}} (''of organisms''), {{t|mk|ќелиен}}
- commander (Noun: one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|команда́нт|m}}, {{t|mk|запо́ведник|m}}, {{t|mk|команди́р|m}}, {{t|mk|нара́чател|m}} (not very common)
- excuse me (Phrase: request to repeat)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|молам}}? (mólam?)
- fairy godmother (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|добра вила|f}} (dóbra víla)
- flaunt (Verb: to parade, display with ostentation)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|шепури}} (šépuri), {{t|mk|фали}} (fáli)
- font (Noun: typesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs)
- * Macedonian: {{t+|mk|тип|m}} (1, 2), {{t|mk|фонт|m}} (3)
- gosh (Interjection: mild expression of surprise or enthusiasm)
- * Macedonian: {{t+|mk|ле́ле}}, ([[О]]) {{t|mk|Бо́же}}!
- housing (Verb: )
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|здомување|n}} (1), {{t|mk|куќиште|n}} (3)
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|ка́ко си?}} (''informal or singular''), {{t|mk|ка́ко сте?}} (''formal or plural''), {{t|mk|што правиш}}, {{t|mk|што правите}}
- ingrained (Adjective: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|вроден|m}} (1), {{t-check|mk|вкоренет|m}} (2)
- lemon (Noun: citrus fruit)
- * Macedonian: {{t+|mk|ли́мон|m}}, ''colloq.'' {{t|mk|цитро́н|m}}
- old (Adjective: having existed or lived for the specified time)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|има}} + number + {{tt|mk|години}}
- online (Adjective: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|на линија}}, {{t-check|mk|вклучен}}, {{t-check|mk|интернет|alt=интернет-}} (3)
- pardon (Interjection: interjection, request to repeat)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|мо́лам?}}, ''(plain)'' {{t|mk|што?}}, ''(plain)'' {{t|mk|ка́ко?}}
- pen (Noun: enclosure (enclosed area) for animals)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|тр́ло|n}} {{q|for sheep}}, {{tt|mk|ко́тар|m}}/{{tt|mk|ко́тара|f}} {{q|for cattle}},
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|наводник|m}}, {{t|mk|наводници|p}} [„◌“]
- squadron (Noun: )
- * Macedonian: {{t-check|mk|коњарство|n}} (2)
- take off (Verb: to remove)
- * Macedonian: {{t|mk|си́мнува}}, {{t|mk|тр́гнува}}, (''clothing'') {{t|mk|сле́кува}}, {{t|mk|собле́кува}}
- teacher (Noun: person who teaches)
- * Macedonian: {{tt+|mk|учител|m}} (''elementary school''), {{tt|mk|наставник|m}} (''intermediate school''), {{tt|mk|воспитувач|m}} (''preschool''), {{tt|mk|професор|m}} (''high school & university''), {{tt|mk|пре́давач|m}} (''university lecturer'')
- teacher (Noun: female who teaches)
- * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|учи́телка|f}} (''elementary school''), {{tt|mk|наста́вничка|f}} (''intermediate school''), {{tt|mk|воспиту́вачка|f}} (''preschool''), {{tt|mk|профе́сорка|f}} (''high school & university''), {{tt|mk|пре́давачка|f}} (''university lecturer'')
[edit]This language has translations in 67 of 207516 (0.03%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- await (Verb: intransitive, to stay in waiting)
- * Magahi: {{t|mag|𑂃𑂮𑂩𑂰⸱𑂡𑂩𑂪|tr=asrā dharal}}, {{t|mag|𑂃𑂮𑂩𑂰⸱𑂥𑂰𑂢𑂹𑂯𑂪|tr=asrā bānhal}} {{t|mag|𑂥𑂱𑂪𑂧𑂪|tr=bilmal}}
[edit]This language has translations in 209 of 207516 (0.10%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 5 items
- gem (Noun: precious stone)
- * Maguindanao: {{t|mdh|imu}} {{t|mdh|na}} {{t|mdh|babay}}
- gem (Noun: precious stone)
- * Maguindanao: {{t|mdh|imu}} {{t|mdh|na}} {{t|mdh|babay}}
- week (Noun: period of seven days)
- * Maguindanao: {{tt|mdh|saka}} {{tt|mdh|padian}}
- yolk (Noun: yellow of egg)
- * Maguindanao: {{t|mdh|mariga}} {{t|mdh|sa}} {{t|mdh|leman}}
- yolk (Noun: yellow of egg)
- * Maguindanao: {{t|mdh|mariga}} {{t|mdh|sa}} {{t|mdh|leman}}
[edit]This language has translations in 145 of 207516 (0.07%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item
- katara (Noun: Indian dagger)
- * Maithili: kaṭārī
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mai
- flattened rice (Noun: )
- * Maithili: {{t|bn|চুরা}}
[edit]This language has translations in 1032 of 207516 (0.50%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- ancient (Adjective: )
- * Malagasy: {{t+check|mg|ela}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
No translation template: 1 item
- sated (Adjective: in a state of complete satisfaction)
- * Malagasy: {{t+|mg|voky}}; Sakalava & Tsimiety Malagasy: [[voky|vôky]]
Multiple qualifiers: 1 item
- full (Adjective: )
- * Malagasy: {{t+check|mg|feno}}, {{t+check|mg|voky}} {{q|2}}, {{qualifier|Sakalava & Tsimiety Malagasy}} {{t+check|mg|vôky}} {{q|2}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- when (Adverb: at what time, as a direct question)
- * Malagasy: {{tt|mg|ovìana}} (past), {{tt+|mg|rahoviana}} (future)
[edit]This language has translations in 13532 of 207516 (6.52%) translation tables
Nested templates
[edit]- 1 item
- sponsorship (Noun: state or practice)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|tajaan|tr={{m|ms|تاجاءن}}}}
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 2 items
- up (Adverb: away from earth’s surface)
- * Malay: {{l|ms|ke}} {{t+|ms|atas}}
- up (Preposition: toward the top)
- * Malay: {{l|ms|ke}} {{t+|ms|atas}}, {{t+|ms|naik}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 4 items
- ball up (Verb: to crush into a ball)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kepal}} {{qualifier|of rice, ice, snow}}; {{t|ms|remuk}}, {{t|ms|kerumuk}} {{qualifier|of paper}},
- goddamn (Interjection: an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|tak guna!}} {{qualifier|less vulgar}}; {{t+|ms|sial!}}, {{t|ms|jahanam!}} {{qualifier|more vulgar}}
- rhubarb (Noun: any plant of the genus Rheum)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|rubarb}}, {{t|ms|rawand}} {{qualifier|R. rhabarbarum}}; {{t|ms|kelembak}} {{qualifier|R. officinale}};
- slice (Noun: thin, broad piece cut off)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|hiris}}, {{t|ms|potong}} {{q|as measure words}}; {{t|ms|hirisan}}, {{t|ms|potongan}}
Unexpected template
[edit]- 4 items
- AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
- * Malay: [[M]] {{gloss|Masihi}}
- Gros Michel (Noun: )
- * Malay: {{t|ms|Pisang Ambon}}, {{rfscript|ms|sc=Arab}}
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Malay: [[biras]] {{gloss|co-sibling-in-law}}
- rat (Noun: rodent)
- * Malay: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|ms|tikus}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 5 items
Expected language code is ms
- electricity (Noun: form of energy)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kuasa elektrik}}, {{t+|ms|elektrik}}, {{t+|id|listrik}}
- fig (Noun: fruit)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|buah ara}}, {{t+|id|buah tin}}
- money can't buy happiness (Proverb: true happiness comes from inside)
- * Malay: {{t|mas|duit tidak boleh membeli kebahagiaan}}
- saffron (Noun: spice)
- * Malay: {{t|id|koma-koma}}, {{t|ms|kuma-kuma}}, {{t|ms|kumkuma}}
- spades (Noun: suit of playing cards)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|sekopong}}, {{t|mi|sped}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 8 items
- apparatus (Noun: )
- * Malay: {{t+check|ms|radas}} <!-- Was under: given system of procedures -->
- color (Noun: human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity)
- * Malay: {{t-check|ms|[[warna]] [[kulit]]}} <!-- was "[[warna]] [[kulit]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- print (Noun: )
- * Malay: {{t+check|ms|cetakan}} <!-- Was under "result of printing process" -->
- private (Adjective: )
- * Malay: {{t+check|ms|peribadi}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
- skin (Noun: )
- * Malay: {{t+check|ms|kulit}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
- turtle (Noun: sea turtle)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|penyu}}<!-- {{q|sea turtle}}-->
- veterinarian (Noun: doctor who treats animals)
- * Malay: {{t-check|ms|doktor haiwan}} <!-- was unlinked - use {{t-SOP}} if non-idiomatic -->
- when (Conjunction: )
- * Malay: {{t+check|ms|apabila}}, {{t+check|ms|semasa}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->
No translation template
[edit]- 11 items
- -in-law (Suffix: related through marriage)
- * Malay: {{qualifier|special words are used for common "-in-law" terms}}
- AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
- * Malay: [[M]] {{gloss|Masihi}}
- BC (Adverb: before Christ)
- * Malay: [[SM]] (''[[Sebelum Masihi]]'')
- Gros Michel (Noun: )
- * Malay: {{t|ms|Pisang Ambon}}, {{rfscript|ms|sc=Arab}}
- New Year's resolution (Noun: vow one makes for the coming year)
- * Malay: azam Tahun Baru
- Russian (Verb: person from Russia)
- * Malay: [[orang]] [[Rusia]]
- Singaporean (Noun: a person from Singapore)
- * Malay: [[orang]] [[Singapura]]
- act (Noun: deed)
- * Malay: [[buat|perbuatan]], [[tindak|tindakan]]
- actress (Noun: female actor)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|pelakon}} {{q|not gendered}}, [[pelakon|pelakon wanita]]
- addition (Noun: arithmetic: process of adding)
- * Malay: [[tambah|penambahan]], [[jumlah|penjumlahan]]
- co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
- * Malay: [[biras]] {{gloss|co-sibling-in-law}}
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 27 items
- ability (Noun: quality or state of being able)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|kebolehan}} {{t|ms|کبوليهن}}
- ash (Noun: solid remains of a fire)
- * Malay: {{tt+|ms|ابو}} {{tt+|ms|abu}}, {{tt|ms|دبو}} {{tt+|ms|debu}}, {{tt|ms|دولي}} {{tt+|ms|duli}} {{q|poetic}}, {{tt|ms|لبو}} {{tt+|ms|lebu}}
- bamboo (Noun: plant)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|buluh}} {{t|ms|بولوه}}, {{t+|ms|bambu}} {{t|ms|بمبو}}, {{t+|ms|aur}} {{t|ms|اءور}}, {{t|ms|pering}} {{t|ms|ڤريڠ}}
- banteng (Noun: Bos javanicus)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|banting}} / {{t+|ms|banteng}}, {{t|ms|tembadau}}
- casuarina (Noun: trees of the genus Casuarina)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|ارو}} / {{t|ms|رو}}, {{t|ms|چمارا}}
- casuarina (Noun: trees of the genus Casuarina)
- *: Rumi: {{t|ms|eru}} / {{t+|ms|ru}}, {{t|ms|cemara}}
- cinema (Noun: a film/movie theatre)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|panggung wayang gambar}} (usually abbreviated as {{t+|ms|pawagam}}), {{t+|ms|sinema}}
- coal (Noun: uncountable: carbon rock)
- * Malay: {{tt+|ms|arang}} {{tt+|ms|batu}}
- coconut heart (Noun: coconut heart)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|tombong}}, {{t|ms|tumbong}}, {{t|ms|tumbung}} {{q|Kedah}} / {{t|ms|تمبڠ}}, {{t|ms|تومبوڠ}}
- cult (Noun: sect)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kultus}}, {{t|ms|taifah}}, {{t+|ms|sekte}}/{{t|ms|sekta}}, {{t|ms|sinanjung}}
- fire brigade (Noun: organization for preventing and putting out fires)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|pasukan}} {{t+|ms|bomba}}
- interest (Verb: to attract attention or concern)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|tarik|alt=menarik}} {{t+|ms|minat}}
- mine (Pronoun: that which belongs to me)
- * Malay: {{tt|ms|milik saya}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan saya}} {{q|formal}}, {{tt|ms|milik aku}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan aku}} ({{tt|ms|milikku}} / {{tt|ms|kepunyaanku}}) {{q|informal}}, {{tt|ms|milik daku}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan daku}} {{q|poetic}}, {{tt|ms|milik hamba}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan hamba}} {{q|by person of very low rankings}}, {{tt|ms|milik patik}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan patik}} {{q|while facing royalties}}, {{tt|ms|milik beta}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan beta}} {{q|by royalties}}
- mine (Pronoun: that which belongs to me)
- * Malay: {{tt|ms|milik saya}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan saya}} {{q|formal}}, {{tt|ms|milik aku}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan aku}} ({{tt|ms|milikku}} / {{tt|ms|kepunyaanku}}) {{q|informal}}, {{tt|ms|milik daku}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan daku}} {{q|poetic}}, {{tt|ms|milik hamba}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan hamba}} {{q|by person of very low rankings}}, {{tt|ms|milik patik}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan patik}} {{q|while facing royalties}}, {{tt|ms|milik beta}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan beta}} {{q|by royalties}}
- pistachio (Noun: tree)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pistacio}}, {{t|ms|pistasio}}, {{t+|ms|pokok}} {{t|ms|kacang cerdik}}
- pubic hair (Noun: collectively)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|bulu}} {{t|ms|ari-ari}}
- questionnaire (Noun: form containing a list of questions)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|daftar}} {{t+|ms|pertanyaan}}, {{t|ms|soal selidik}}
- resin (Noun: secretion of plants)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|دامر}} / {{t|ms|سالڠ}}
- resin (Noun: secretion of plants)
- *: Rumi: {{t|ms|damar}} / {{t|ms|salang}}
- seashore (Noun: the coastal land bordering a sea or ocean)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|tepi}} {{t+|ms|pantai}}
- terms and conditions (Noun: legal restriction on use)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|ترما}} {{t|ms|دان}} {{t|ms|شرط}}
- terms and conditions (Noun: legal restriction on use)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|ترما}} {{t|ms|دان}} {{t|ms|شرط}}
- thud (Noun: the sound of a dull impact)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|دبق}} / {{t|ms|لبق}}
- thud (Noun: the sound of a dull impact)
- *: Rumi: {{t|ms|debak}} / {{t+|ms|lebak}}
- towkay (Noun: business owner)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|tokeh}} / {{t+|ms|tauke}}
- up (Adverb: away from earth’s surface)
- * Malay: {{l|ms|ke}} {{t+|ms|atas}}
- up (Preposition: toward the top)
- * Malay: {{l|ms|ke}} {{t+|ms|atas}}, {{t+|ms|naik}}
[edit]- 119 items
- Doctor of Philosophy (Noun: one of the highest doctorates)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|Doktor Falsafah}}
- Kannada (Noun: language)
- * Malay: bahasa {{t|ms|Kannada}}
- Monday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|اثنين}}, {{t|ms|ثنين}}, {{t|ms|هاري ساتو}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- Monday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Rumi: {{t+|ms|Isnin}}, {{t+|ms|Senin}}, {{t+|ms|Senayan}}, {{t+|ms|Hari Satu}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- New Year (Noun: the first few days of a calendar year)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|Tahun Baru}}, {{t|ms|Tahun Baharu}}
- New Year (Noun: January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|Tahun Baru}}, {{t|ms|Tahun Baharu}}
- Telugu (Proper noun: Dravidian language of India)
- * Malay: bahasa {{t|ms|Telugu}}
- Thursday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Jawi: {{t+|ms|خميس}}, {{t|ms|هاري امڤت}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- Thursday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Rumi: {{t+|ms|Khamis}}, {{t+|ms|Kamis}}, {{t+|ms|Hari Empat}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- Tuesday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Jawi: {{t+|ms|ثلاث}}, {{t|ms|هاري دوا}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- Tuesday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Rumi: {{t+|ms|Selasa}}, {{t+|ms|Hari Dua}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- Wednesday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Jawi: {{t+|ms|رابو}}, {{t|ms|اربع}}, {{t|ms|هاري تيݢ}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- Wednesday (Noun: day of the week)
- *: Rumi: {{t+|ms|Rabu}}, {{t+|ms|Arbaa}}, {{t+|ms|Hari Tiga}} (Sabah, Singapore)
- apartheid (Verb: policy of racial separation in South Africa)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|aparteid}}, {{t|ms|pengasingan kaum}}
- apartheid (Verb: any policy of racial separation)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|aparteid}}
- apartheid (Verb: a policy or situation of separation based on some specified attribute)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pengasingan}}, {{t+|ms|pemisahan}}
- aspect (Noun: any specific feature, part, or element of something)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|aspek}}, {{t+|ms|segi}}, {{t+|ms|sudut}}
- bachelor's degree (Noun: first or lowest academic degree)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|ijazah sarjana muda}}, {{t|ms|prasiswazah}}
- banteng (Noun: Bos javanicus)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|banting}} / {{t+|ms|banteng}}, {{t|ms|tembadau}}
- beam (Noun: large piece of timber or iron)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|rasuk}} {{qualifier|of a floor}}, {{t|ms|alang}} {{qualifier|of a roof}}, {{t+|ms|galang}} {{qualifier|of a bridge}}, {{t|ms|pelancar}} {{qualifier|of a ship}}, {{t+|ms|balak}}
- beam (Noun: principal horizontal beam in a building)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|rasuk}} {{qualifier|of a floor}}, {{t|ms|alang}} {{qualifier|of a roof}}, {{t+|ms|galang}} {{qualifier|of a bridge}} ( ))
- betel leaf (Noun: leaf of the betel)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|sirih}}, {{t|ms|[[daun]] [[sirih]]}}
- betel pepper (Noun: Piper betle)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|sirih}}, {{t|ms|daun sirih}} ( ))
- brother-in-law (Noun: husband of the sister of one's husband)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|biras}}, {{t|ms|abang ipar}} {{qualifier|elder}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar lelaki}} {{qualifier|younger}}, {{t|ms|ipar lelaki}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar}} {{qualifier|younger}}, {{t|ms|ipar}}
- brother-in-law (Noun: husband of the sister of one's wife)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|biras}}, {{t|ms|abang ipar}} {{qualifier|elder}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar lelaki}} {{qualifier|younger}}, {{t|ms|ipar lelaki}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar}} {{qualifier|younger}}, {{t|ms|ipar}}
- by any chance (Prepositional phrase: possibly; perhaps)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|agaknya}}, {{t|ms|agak-agaknya}}, {{t|ms|kalau boleh}} ( ))
- callus (Noun: material of repair in fractures of bone)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kalus}}
- casuarina (Noun: trees of the genus Casuarina)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|ارو}} / {{t|ms|رو}}, {{t|ms|چمارا}}
- casuarina (Noun: trees of the genus Casuarina)
- *: Rumi: {{t|ms|eru}} / {{t+|ms|ru}}, {{t|ms|cemara}}
- centaur (Noun: mythical half-man, half-horse)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|sentora}}, {{t|ms|sentaur}}
- cinema (Noun: a film/movie theatre)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|panggung wayang gambar}} (usually abbreviated as {{t+|ms|pawagam}}), {{t+|ms|sinema}}
- coconut heart (Noun: coconut heart)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|tombong}}, {{t|ms|tumbong}}, {{t|ms|tumbung}} {{q|Kedah}} / {{t|ms|تمبڠ}}, {{t|ms|تومبوڠ}}
- cognitive behavioral therapy (Noun: psychotherapeutic approach)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|terapi tingkah laku kognitif}}, {{t|ms|terapi kognisi dan perilaku}} ( ))
- coincidence (Noun: of objects, property of being coincident)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|serentak|alt=keadaan serentak}}
- commencement (Noun: graduation ceremony)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|majlis konvokesyen}}, {{t|ms|istiadat konvokesyen}}, {{t|ms|upacara konvokesyen}}, {{t|ms|majlis penyampaian ijazah}}, {{t|ms|majlis graduasi}}
- conjunction (Noun: logic: proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the and operator)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|konjungsi}}
- convocation (Noun: academic assembly)
- *Malay: {{t+|ms|konvokesyen}}
- copulation (Noun: the coming together of male and female in sexual intercourse)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kopulasi}}, {{t+|ms|persetubuhan}}, {{t|ms|persanggamaan}}, {{t|ms|hubungan jenis}}, {{qualifier|of animals}} {{t|ms|mengawan}} ( ))
- copy (Verb: produce something identical)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|salin}}
- culmination (Noun: astronomy: attainment of the highest point)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|perembangan}}
- cult (Noun: sect)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kultus}}, {{t|ms|taifah}}, {{t+|ms|sekte}}/{{t|ms|sekta}}, {{t|ms|sinanjung}}
- doctorate (Noun: highest degree awarded by a university faculty)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|ijazah kedoktoran}}, {{t|ms|siswazah}}
- elongate (Verb: to make long)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|memperpanjang}}, {{t|ms|memanjang}}
- enmity (Noun: hostile or unfriendly disposition)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|permusuhan}}
- fibrillation (Noun: contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pemfibrilan}}
- give (Verb: transfer the possession of something to someone else)
- * Malay: {{tt|ms|memberi}} (for indirect objects), {{tt|ms|memberikan}} (for direct objects), {{tt+|ms|beri}}, {{tt+|ms|bagi}}
- glossary (Noun: list of words with their definitions)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|glosari}}
- grape (Noun: fruit)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|anggur}}, {{t|ms|jabit}} (in Kelantan)
- hardcore pornography (Noun: hardcore pornography)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pornografi berat}}
- headache (Noun: pain or ache in the head)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|sakit kepala}}
- hemp (Noun: Cannabis sativa)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|ganja}}
- hemp (Noun: a coarse fibre)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|rami}}
- hopefully (Adverb: it is hoped that)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|semoga}}, {{t|ms|mudah-mudahan}}, {{t|ms|moga-moga}}
- hostility (Noun: state of being hostile)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|permusuhan}}
- hostility (Noun: hostile action, especially a military action)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|pertempuran}}
- hull (Noun: outer covering of a fruit or seed)
- * Malay: {{q|grains}} {{t|ms|sekam}}, {{q|peas}} {{t|ms|lenggai}}
- hull (Noun: the body or frame of a vessel)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|badan kapal}}, {{t|ms|kung}} ( ))
- hull (Verb: to remove the hull of a fruit or seed; to peel)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|menguliti}}, {{t|ms|mengopek}}
- jambul (Noun: fruit)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|[[buah]] [[jiwat]]}}, {{t|ms|jambelang}}, {{t|ms|jambulan}}
- joist (Noun: piece of timber)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|gelegar}} {{qualifier|of a floor}}, {{t|ms|jeliau|}} {{qualifier|of a roof}} ( ))
- judicial (Adjective: of or relating to a court of law)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|[[kehakiman]]}}
- judiciary (Noun: the judicial branch of government)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|[[badan]] [[kehakiman]]|alt=hakim}}
- keel (Noun: beam along the underside of a ship’s hull)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|lunas}}
- launder (Verb: to wash and iron)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|mencuci}}, {{t|ms|membasuh}} ( ))
- laxative (Adjective: causing movement of the bowels)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|julap}}, {{t|ms|pelawas}} ( ))
- legislative body (Noun: A political institution which holds the legislative power in a state)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|[[badan]] [[perundangan]]}}
- lemon basil (Noun: basil)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|kemangi}}, {{t|ms|ruku-ruku}}, {{t|ms|selasih hutan}}, {{t|ms|selasih jantan hitam}}
- lost (Adjective: not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|hilang}}, {{t+|ms|lenyap}}
- lost (Adjective: ruined or destroyed)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|binasa}}
- mine (Pronoun: that which belongs to me)
- * Malay: {{tt|ms|milik saya}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan saya}} {{q|formal}}, {{tt|ms|milik aku}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan aku}} ({{tt|ms|milikku}} / {{tt|ms|kepunyaanku}}) {{q|informal}}, {{tt|ms|milik daku}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan daku}} {{q|poetic}}, {{tt|ms|milik hamba}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan hamba}} {{q|by person of very low rankings}}, {{tt|ms|milik patik}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan patik}} {{q|while facing royalties}}, {{tt|ms|milik beta}}, {{tt|ms|kepunyaan beta}} {{q|by royalties}}
- mint (Noun: plant)
- * Malay: {{tt+|ms|pudina}}, {{tt|ms|neknak}} (in Kelantan)
- pantomime (Noun: traditional theatrical entertainment, mostly for children)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pantomim}}
- pantomime (Noun: gesturing without speaking)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pantomim}}, {{t|ms|kialan}}
- parking (Noun: action)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|parkir}}
- parking (Noun: space)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|tempat parkir}}, {{t|ms|tempat letak kereta}}
- penetration (Noun: act of penetrating)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|penerobosan}}, {{t|ms|penembusan}}, {{t+|ms|penyusupan}} {{qualifier|military}}, {{t|ms|penusukan}}, {{t|ms|pemantakan}} {{qualifier|medical}}, {{t|ms|pengumbian}} {{qualifier|philosophy}}
- poached egg (Noun: type of cooked egg)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|telur carak}}, {{t|ms|telur rebus carak}}
- postscript (Noun: addendum to a letter)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|catatan tambahan}}, {{t|ms|pascatulisan}}, {{t|ms|poskrip}}
- procrastinate (Verb: put off; to delay taking action)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|melambat-lambatkan}}, {{t|ms|melewat-lewatkan}}, {{t|ms|menangguh-nangguhkan}}, {{t|ms|bertangguh-tangguh}}, {{t|ms|menunda-nunda}}
- procrastinate (Verb: put off; delay something)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|menangguhkan}}, {{t|ms|memperlambat}}
- register (Noun: formal recording)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|daftar}}
- register (Noun: act of registering)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|mendaftar}}, {{t|ms|mencatat}}
- register (Noun: device that automatically records a quantity)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|alat daftar}}
- register (Noun: computing: part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|peranti daftar}}
- register (Noun: telecommunications: list of received calls)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|daftar panggilan masuk}}
- register (Noun: printing: exact alignment of lines, margins and colors)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|daftar penyorong}}
- register (Noun: music: range of a voice or instrument)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|tingkat nada}}, {{t|ms|tingkat suara}} {{qualifier|of a voice}}, {{t|ms|tingkat register}} {{qualifier|of an instrument}}
- register (Noun: linguistics: style of a language used in a particular context)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|laras bahasa}}
- register (Noun: grille at the outflow of a ventilation duct)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|jerejak register}}
- rename (Verb: to give a new name to)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|namakan semula}}
- resin (Noun: secretion of plants)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|دامر}} / {{t|ms|سالڠ}}
- resin (Noun: secretion of plants)
- *: Rumi: {{t|ms|damar}} / {{t|ms|salang}}
- right (Interjection: yes, that is correct; I agree)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|ya}}, {{t+|ms|betul}}, {{t|ms|begitulah}}, {{t|ms|ha'a}}
- save (Verb: computing: to write a file to a storage medium)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|simpan}}
- scrambled egg (Noun: dish)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|telur masak hancur}}, {{t|ms|telur orak arik}}, {{t|ms|telur dadar hancur}}
- search (Noun: an attempt to find something)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|cari}}
- segregation (Noun: setting apart or separation)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pengasingan}}, {{t+|ms|pemisahan}}, {{t|ms|segregasi}}
- segregation (Noun: biology)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|segregasi}}
- segregation (Noun: mineralogy)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|segregasi}}
- segregation (Noun: politics, public policy)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pengasingan}}, {{t+|ms|pemisahan}}, {{t|ms|pemencilan}}, {{t|ms|pemulauan}}
- segregation (Noun: sociology)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|pengasingan}}, {{t+|ms|pemisahan}}, {{t|ms|pemencilan}}, {{t|ms|pemulauan}}
- sense (Noun: meaning or reason)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|makna}}, {{t+|ms|maksud}}, {{t|ms|erti}}
- sense (Noun: semantics term)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|maksud}}, {{t|ms|erti}}
- sexual intercourse (Noun: sexual interaction)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|persetubuhan}}, {{t+|ms|jimak}}
- shunt (Verb: to move a train or carriages)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|memiraukan}}
- simultaneous (Adjective: mathematics)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|serentak}}
- sister-in-law (Noun: wife's sister)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kakak ipar}} {{q|wife's elder sister-in-law}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar}} {{q|wife's younger sister-in-law}}
- sister-in-law (Noun: husband's sister)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kakak ipar}} {{q|husband's older sister}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar}} {{q|husband's younger sister}}, {{t|ms|ipar}} ( ))
- sister-in-law (Noun: brother's wife)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kakak ipar}} {{q|older brother's wife}}, {{t|ms|adik ipar}} {{q|younger brother's wife}} ( ))
- sister-in-law (Noun: wife's brother's wife)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|biras}}
- sister-in-law (Noun: husband's brother's wife)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|biras}}
- solar system (Noun: any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|sistem suria}}
- spell (Verb: to write or say the letters that form a word)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|mengeja}}
- spell (Verb: to compose a word)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|mengeja}}
- stampede (Noun: crowd trying to move in the same direction at the same time)
- * Malay: {{t+|ms|rempuhan}} (رمڤوهن)
- termite (Noun: insect)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|anai-anai}}, (winged, alate types) {{t|ms|kelekatu}}
- thud (Noun: the sound of a dull impact)
- *: Jawi: {{t|ms|دبق}} / {{t|ms|لبق}}
- thud (Noun: the sound of a dull impact)
- *: Rumi: {{t|ms|debak}} / {{t+|ms|lebak}}
- towkay (Noun: business owner)
- * Malay: {{t|ms|tokeh}} / {{t+|ms|tauke}}
[edit]This language has translations in 6322 of 207516 (3.05%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item
- aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
- * Malayalam: {{t+|ml|അമ്മായി}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|ml|മേമ}}, {{t+|ml|മാമി}}, {{gloss|father's elder sister}} {{t|ml|വല്യമ്മ}}, {{gloss|father's younger sister}} {{t+|ml|ചെറിയമ്മ}}
No translation template: 2 items
- Mangalorean (Noun: Resident of the city of Mangalore)
- * Malayalam: Maikaaltanga ([[Beary bashe]])
- son of a bitch (Noun: objectionable person)
- * Malayalam: (pulayadi mone)
No translation target: 2 items
- Justin (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Malayalam: {{t|ml|tr=justin}}
- tilak (Noun: symbol worn on the forehead)
- * Malayalam: {{t|ml|tr=tilakam}}
Multiple t-templates: 3 items
- inject (Verb: to administer an injection to)
- * Malayalam: {{t|ml|കുത്തിവെയ്ക്കുക}} {{t|ml|ഇൻഞ്ചക്റ്റ്}}
- injection (Noun: medicine: something injected)
- * Malayalam: {{t|ml|കുത്തിവെയ്പു്}} {{t|ml|ഇൻഞ്ചക്ഷൻ}}
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|ഒമ്പത്}}, {{tt+|ml|ഒൻപത്}} (numeral: {{tt+|ml|൯}} {{qualifier|obsolete}})
Entry HTML comment: 4 items
- inside (Adjective: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|അകം}} <!-- Was under "within" -->
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|പൂള}}, {{t+check|ml|മുള്ളിലവ്}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
- key (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t-check|ml|താക്കോല്|alt=താക്കോല്}} <!-- was "[[താക്കോല്]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|ml|ചാവി}}
- skin (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|തൊലി}}, {{t-check|ml|ചര്മ്മം}} <!-- Were under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
text_outside_template: 18 items
- aboriginal (Adjective: original; indigenous)
- * Malayalam: {{t+|ml|ആദിവാസി}} (human tribes or groups)
- conch (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|ശംഖ്}} (4)
- cuckoo (Noun: the bird)
- * Malayalam: {{t+|ml|കുയിൽ}}; {{t+|ml|കോകിലം}} (poetic)
- education (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം}} (1), {{t+check|ml|വിദ്യ}} (2)
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|എട്ടു|sc=Mlym}}, {{tt+|ml|എട്ട്|sc=Mlym}} (numeral: [[൮]])
- fashion (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|പരിഷ്കാരം}} (1,2,3)
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|അഞ്ചു}}, {{tt+|ml|അഞ്ച്}} (numeral: [[൫]])
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|നാലു}}, {{tt+|ml|നാല്}} (numeral: [[൪]])
- loan (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|കടം}} (1)
- model (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|മാതൃക}} (maathruka)
- money (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|പണം}} (3)
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|ഒമ്പത്}}, {{tt+|ml|ഒൻപത്}} (numeral: {{tt+|ml|൯}} {{qualifier|obsolete}})
- oil (Noun: petroleum-based liquid)
- * Malayalam: {{tt+|ml|എണ്ണ}} (fuel), {{tt+|ml|പെട്രോളിയം}}
- planet (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|ഗ്രഹം}} 1, 2
- result (Noun: )
- * Malayalam: {{t+check|ml|ഫലം}} (2)
- six (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|ആറു}}, {{tt+|ml|ആറ്}} (numeral: [[൬]])
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- * Malayalam: {{tt|ml|മൂന്നു}}, {{tt+|ml|മൂന്ന്}} (numeral: [[൩]])
- two (Numeral: numerical value)
- * Malayalam: {{tt+|ml|രണ്ടു}}, {{tt+|ml|രണ്ട്}} (numeral :[[൨]])
[edit]This language has translations in 4491 of 207516 (2.16%) translation tables
Genders outside t-template: 1 item
- how much does it cost (Phrase: how much is it?)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|kemm iqum?}} {{q|m}}, {{t|mt|kemm tqum?}} {{g|f}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item
- blue (Adjective: blue-coloured)
- * Maltese: {{tt+|mt|blu}}; {{q|dated for specific tones}} {{l|mt|ikħal}}, {{l|mt|iżraq}}
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- station (Noun: place where a vehicle may stop)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|[[il-|l-]]}}{{t|mt|istazzjon|f}} {{q|definite}}, {{t|mt|stazzjon|f}} {{q|indefinite}}
Wrong language code: 1 item
Expected language code is mt
- hide and seek (Noun: game)
- * Maltese: {{t+|de|noli|m}}
Entry HTML comment: 6 items
- Easter Island (Proper noun: Island in the Pacific)
- * Maltese: {{t-check|mt|Gżira ta' l-Għid|alt=il-Gżira ta' l-Għid}} <!-- was "il-[[Gżira ta' l-Għid]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|mt|Gżira Easter|alt=il-Gżira Easter}} <!-- was "il-[[Gżira Easter]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- Joseph (Proper noun: male given name)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|Ġużepp|m}}, {{t|mt|Ġużeppi|m}}<!--add to the Maltese entry: [[Ġużi]] {{m}}, [[Pinu]] {{m}}, [[Ġużeppa]] {{f}}, [[Ġużeppina]] {{f}}, [[Ġuża]] {{f}}, [[Pina]] {{f}}-->
- Lent (Noun: Christian period of penitence before Easter)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|Randan}}<!-- capitalization? -->
- craft (Noun: )
- * Maltese: {{t-check|mt|artiġjanatur|m}} <!-- was under "people who perform a particular kind of skilled work" -->
- second (Noun: another chance to achieve what should have been done the first time)
- * Maltese: {{t-check|mt|[[it-tieni]] [[darba]]}} <!-- was "[[it-tieni]] [[darba]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- way too (Adverb: )
- * Maltese: {{t+check|mt|ħafna}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
No translation template: 6 items
- Gulf of Riga (Proper noun: inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia)
- * Maltese: il-[[Golf ta' Riga]]
- can you tell us (Phrase: begins a polite request)
- * Maltese: [[tista' tgħidilna]] {{qualifier|formal}}, {{t|mt|jekk joġbgħok tista' tgħid lilna}}
- get out of here (Interjection: command to leave)
- * Maltese: [[itlaq]]! ''(for person)'', [[mur l'hemm]]! ''(for person)'', [[kixxi]]! ''(for animal)''
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- * Maltese: [[kif int]]? {{g|s}}, [[kif intkom]]? {{g|p}}
- is it going to rain (Phrase: is it going to rain)
- * Maltese: [[ġej il-maltemp]]?
- my name is (Phrase: a way to identify oneself)
- * Maltese: [[jisimni]]...
text_outside_template: 53 items
- Aegean Sea (Proper noun: sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Baħar Eġew}}
- Anno Domini (Adverb: in the year of our Lord)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|Wara Kristu}} (''abbr.'' [[W.K.]])
- Arabic (Proper noun: language)
- * Maltese: l-{{t+|mt|Għarbi|m}}
- BC (Adverb: before Christ)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|Q.K.}} (''Qabel Kristu'')
- Benin (Proper noun: country)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Benin}}
- Bulgaria (Proper noun: country)
- * Maltese: il-{{tt|mt|Bulgarija}}
- Cameroon (Proper noun: country in Central Africa)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Kamerun}}
- Cape Verde (Proper noun: country in Western Africa)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Kape Verde}}
- Cuba (Proper noun: country and largest island in Caribbean)
- * Maltese: il-{{tt|mt|Kuba}}
- Denmark (Proper noun: country in Northern Europe)
- * Maltese: id-{{t|mt|Danimarka}}
- Ethiopia (Proper noun: country in Eastern Africa)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Etjopja}}
- French (Proper noun: principal language of France and other related countries)
- * Maltese: il-{{tt+|mt|Franċiż}}
- Gambia (Proper noun: The Republic of The Gambia)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Gambja}}
- German (Proper noun: the German language)
- * Maltese: il-{{tt+|mt|Ġermaniż}}
- Great Britain (Proper noun: island)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Gran Brittanja|f}}
- Grenada (Proper noun: Caribbean country)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Grenada|f}}
- Haiti (Proper noun: a country in the Caribbean)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Ħajiti}}
- Indian Ocean (Proper noun: the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Oċean Indjan}}
- Ionian Sea (Proper noun: European sea)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Baħar Jonju}}
- Iraq (Proper noun: country)
- * Maltese: l-{{t+|mt|Iraq}}
- Ireland (Proper noun: island)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Irlanda}}
- Italian (Noun: language)
- * Maltese: it-{{t+|mt|Taljan}}
- Kazakhstan (Proper noun: country in Central Asia)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Każakistan}}
- Kiribati (Proper noun: Republic of Kiribati)
- * Maltese: il-{{t+|mt|Kiribati}}
- Macedonia (Proper noun: Republic of North Macedonia)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|Maċedonja|f|alt=il-Maċedonja}}, ir-{{t|mt|Repubblika tal-Maċedonja}}
- Manoel Island (Proper noun: island)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Gżira Manwel}}
- Marsaxlokk (Proper noun: port)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|Marsaxlokk}}, il-{{t|mt|Port ta' Marsaxlokk}}
- Mozambique (Proper noun: country in Southern Africa)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Możambik}}
- Nigeria (Proper noun: a country in Western Africa)
- * Maltese: in-{{t|mt|Niġerja}}
- North Sea (Proper noun: a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Baħar ta' Tramuntana|m}}
- Pacific Ocean (Proper noun: the world's largest body of water)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Oċean Paċifiku|m}}
- Palau (Proper noun: Republic of Palau)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Palaw}}
- Panama (Proper noun: country)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Panama}}
- Red Sea (Proper noun: sea between Africa and Arabia)
- * Maltese: il-{{t|mt|Baħar l-Aħmar}}
- Republic of Macedonia (Proper noun: Republic of Macedonia)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Repubblika Maċedonja}}
- Rwanda (Proper noun: country)
- * Maltese: ir-{{t|mt|Ruanda}}
- Senegal (Proper noun: Republic of Senegal)
- * Maltese: is-{{t|mt|Senegal}}
- Singapore (Proper noun: an island and city-state in Southeast Asia)
- * Maltese: is-{{t|mt|Singapor}}
- Slovenia (Proper noun: country in Europe)
- * Maltese: is-{{t|mt|Slovenja}}
- Somalia (Proper noun: country in the Horn of Africa)
- * Maltese: is-{{t|mt|Somalja|f}}
- Soviet Union (Proper noun: USSR)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Unjoni Sovjetika}}
- Taiwan (Proper noun: East Asian country)
- * Maltese: it-{{tt|mt|Tajwan}}
- Tanzania (Proper noun: United Republic of Tanzania)
- * Maltese: it-{{t|mt|Tanżanija|f}}
- Thailand (Proper noun: country in Southeast Asia)
- * Maltese: it-{{t|mt|Tajlandja}}
- Turkmenistan (Proper noun: Central Asian country)
- * Maltese: it-{{t+|mt|Turkmenistan}}
- Uzbekistan (Proper noun: Republic of Uzbekistan)
- * Maltese: l-{{t|mt|Użbekistan}}
- Vietnam (Proper noun: country in Southeast Asia)
- * Maltese: il-{{tt|mt|Vjetnam}}
- deer (Noun: animal of the family Cervidae)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|ċerf}} (ċerf l-aħmar), {{t|mt|ċerv|m}}
- fart (Noun: an emission of flatulent gases)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|bassa|f}}, {{t|mt|fiswa|f}} ''(silent)''
- get lost (Interjection: Go away!)
- * Maltese: {{t|mt|itlaq}}! ''(for person)'', {{t|mt|mur l'hemm}}! ''(for person)'', {{t|mt|kixxi}}! ''(for animal)''
- have (Verb: to possess)
- * Maltese: ''use'' [[preposition]] {{t|mt|għand}} + [[pronominal]] [[suffix]], e.g. {{t|mt|għandi|tr=I have}}, {{t|mt|għandek|tr=you (sg.) have}}, {{t|mt|għandu|tr=he has}}, etc. (use'' [[preposition]] + [[pronominal]] [[suffix]]))
- morning (Noun: the part of the day after midnight and before midday)
- * Maltese: {{tt|mt|għodwa|f}}, {{tt|mt|filgħodu}} (in the morning)
- motor (Noun: machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy)
- * Maltese: {{tt|mt|mutur|m}}, {{tt-check|mt|magna|f}} {2}
[edit]This language has translations in 9 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item
- curassow (Noun: birds of the family Cracidae)
- * Mam: {{t|mam|paẍa}} ({{taxfmt|Pauxi pauxi|species}})
[edit]This language has translations in 1821 of 207516 (0.88%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- tent (Noun: portable lodge)
- * Manchu: {{t-check|mnc|ᠮᠠᡳᡴᠠᠨ}} <!-- it looks like it was copied from Mongolian -->
Multiple qualifiers: 1 item
- since (Preposition: from (time))
- * Manchu: {{qualifier|both postposition}} {{t|mnc|ᠴᡳ}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|mnc|ᡩᡝᡵᡳ}}
Multiple t-templates: 1 item
- since (Preposition: from (time))
- * Manchu: {{qualifier|both postposition}} {{t|mnc|ᠴᡳ}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|mnc|ᡩᡝᡵᡳ}}
text_outside_template: 1 item
- Evenki (Proper noun: language)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|ᡝᠸᡝᠩᡴᡳ ᡤᡳᠰᡠᠨ}}, {{t|mnc|ᠰᠣᠯᠣᠨ ᡤᡳᠰᡠᠨ}}(historical)
No translation template: 5 items
- east (Noun: compass point)
- * Manchu: (dergi)
- fifth (Adjective: Ordinal form of the number 5)
- * Manchu: ([[sunjaci]])
- good (Noun: the forces of good)
- * Manchu: (sain)
- third (Adjective: the ordinal form of the cardinal number three)
- * Manchu: ([[ilaci]])
- thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
- * Manchu: ([[juwan]] [[ilan]]), {{t|mnc|ᠵᡠᠸᠠᠨ ᡳᠯᠠᠨ}}
No translation target: 17 items
- after (Preposition: )
- * Manchu: {{t-check|mnc|tr=[[manggi]]}}
- before (Preposition: )
- * Manchu: {{t-check|mnc|tr=onggolo}}
- calf (Noun: anatomy: back of the leg below the knee)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc||tr=holhon}}
- eighth (Adjective: ordinal form of the number eight)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=jakūci}}
- eleventh (Adjective: ordinal form of eleven)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan emuci}}, {{t|mnc|ᠵᡠᠸᠠᠨ ᡝᠮᡠᠴᡳ}}
- fourteen (Numeral: cardinal number)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc||tr=juwan duin}}, {{t|mnc|ᠵᡠᠸᠠᠨ ᡩᡠᡳᠨ}}
- fourteenth (Adjective: ordinal form of the number fourteen)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan duici}}, {{t|mnc|ᠵᡠᠸᠠᠨ ᡩᡠᡳᠴᡳ}}
- fourth (Adjective: ordinal form of the number four)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=duici}}
- our (Determiner: belonging to us)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=musei}} {{q|inclusive}}, {{t|mnc|tr=meni}} {{q|exclusive}}
- pea (Noun: plant)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=bohori}}
- seventh (Adjective: ordinal form of the number seven)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=nadaci}}
- tenth (Adjective: ordinal form of ten)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwanci}}
- thirteenth (Adjective: ordinal form of thirteen)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan ilaci}}, {{t|mnc|ᠵᡠᠸᠠᠨ ᡳᠯᠠᠴᡳ}}
- twelfth (Adjective: ordinal form of twelve)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan juweci}}
- waiter (Noun: a server in a restaurant or similar)
- * Manchu: {{t|mnc||tr=albasi}}
- week (Noun: period of seven days)
- * Manchu: {{tt|mnc|tr=barun}}
- west (Noun: compass point)
- * Manchu: {{tt|mnc||tr=wargi}}
Mandailing Batak
[edit]This language has translations in 6 of 207516 (0.00%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item
- welcome (Interjection: )
- * Mandailing Batak: {{t-check|btm|[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!}} <!-- was "[[menjuah-juah]]! [[horas]]!" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
[edit]This language has translations in 57416 of 207516 (27.67%) translation tables
Multiple qualifiers
[edit]- 11 items
- Mandarin (Noun: Standard Mandarin)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|普通話|tr=Pǔtōnghuà}} {{qualifier|PRC, [[Putonghua]]}}, {{qualifier|Taiwan}} {{t+|cmn|國語|tr=Guóyǔ}} {{qualifier|Taiwan, [[Guoyu]]}}, {{t+|cmn|華語|tr=Huáyǔ}}
- Marawi (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|馬拉維}} {{q|Mainland China|Hong Kong}} {{t+|cmn|馬拉威}} {{q|Taiwan}}
- RFID (Noun: radio-frequency identification (initialism))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|射頻識別}} {{qualifier|traditional}} {{t+|cmn|射频识别}} {{qualifier|simplified}}
- argumentative (Adjective: prone to argue or dispute)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|矯情|tr=jiǎoqíng}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|cmn|便便|tr=piánpián}} {{qualifier|literary}}
- high school (Noun: secondary school)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|高級中學|tr=gāojí zhōngxué}}, {{t+|cmn|高中|tr=gāozhōng}} {{q|in the East}}, {{t+|cmn|中學|tr=zhōngxué}} {{q|in the West}}{{q|secondary}}
- play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|演奏|tr=yǎnzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|cmn|彈|tr=tán}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|彈奏|tr=tánzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments with a bow such as violin}} {{tt+|cmn|拉|tr=lā}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|cmn|吹|tr=chuī}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|吹奏|tr=chuīzòu}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially gong}} {{tt+|cmn|敲|tr=qiāo}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially drum}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}
- play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|演奏|tr=yǎnzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|cmn|彈|tr=tán}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|彈奏|tr=tánzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments with a bow such as violin}} {{tt+|cmn|拉|tr=lā}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|cmn|吹|tr=chuī}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|吹奏|tr=chuīzòu}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially gong}} {{tt+|cmn|敲|tr=qiāo}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially drum}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}
- play (Verb: participate in (a sport or game))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|參與|tr=cān yù}}, {{tt+|cmn|參加|tr=cān jiā}}, {{qualifier|games}} {{tt+|cmn|玩|tr=wán}}, {{qualifier|sports with pedal hitting, such as football}} {{tt+|cmn|踢|tr=tī}}, {{qualifier|sports with manual hitting, such as basketball and badminton}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}, {{qualifier|sports with throwing, such as discus throw}} {{tt+|cmn|擲|tr=zhì}}&{{qualifier|colloquial&informal}} {{tt+|cmn|扔|tr=rēng}}, {{qualifier|sports with pushing, such as shot put}} {{tt+|cmn|推|tr=tuī}}, {{qualifier|sports with running, such as marathon}} {{tt+|cmn|跑|tr=pǎo}}
- second helping (Noun: a second portion of the same thing (usually of food))
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no exact equivalent exists}} {{t|cmn|[[再來]][[一]][[份]]}}, {{qualifier|food}} {{t|cmn|[[再来]][[一]][[份]]|tr=zàilái yī fèn}} {{qualifier|food}}, {{t|cmn|[[再來]][[一]][[杯]]|tr=zàilái yī bēi}} {{qualifier|drinks}}
- shaved ice (Noun: jellylike dessert)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|刨冰|tr=bàobīng}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}} {{t|cmn|刨雪|tr=báoxuě}} {{qualifier|Malaysia}}
- solution (Noun: liquid mixture)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|溶液}} (róngyè {{qualifier|PRC}} or róngyì {{qualifier|Taiwan}})
Uses l-template instead of t-template
[edit]- 12 items
- brat (Noun: a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|小子|tr=xiǎozi}}, {{l|cmn|臭}}{{l|cmn|小孩兒}}, {{l|cmn|臭}}{{l|cmn|小孩儿}} (chòu xiǎoháir), {{t+|cmn|小淘氣|tr=xiǎotáoqì}}, {{l|cmn|小屁孩}}
- congratulations (Interjection: expressing approbation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|恭喜|tr=gōngxǐ}}, (usually duplicated) {{l|cmn|恭喜|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|恭喜|sc=Hani}} (gōngxǐ gōngxǐ)
- consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
- *: Mandarin: (of: {{l|cmn|由|tr=yóu}} ...) {{t+|cmn|組成|tr=zǔchéng}}, (of: {{l|cmn|由|tr=yóu}} ...) {{t+|cmn|構成|tr=gòuchéng}}
- guillemet (Noun: either of the punctuation marks « or »)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|書名號|tr=shūmínghào}}, symbols: {{l|cmn|《|sc=Hani}} and {{l|cmn|》|sc=Hani}}, {{l|cmn|〈|sc=Hani}} and {{l|cmn|〉|sc=Hani}}
- nymphomania (Noun: excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|女|sc=Hani}}{{t+|cmn|色情狂}} (nǚ sèqíngkuáng), {{t+|cmn|慕男狂|tr=mùnánkuáng}} {{q|andromania}}
- renounce (Verb: decline association with)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|斷絕|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|關係|sc=Hani}}, {{l|cmn|断绝|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|关系|sc=Hani}} (duànjué guānxì)
- spur (Verb: to prod)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|策}}({{l|cmn|馬}}){{l|cmn|前進}}, {{l|cmn|策}}({{l|cmn|马}}){{l|cmn|前进}} (cè (mǎ) qiánjìn)
- spur (Verb: to urge or encourage to action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鞭策}}, {{t+|cmn|激勵}}, {{t+|cmn|刺激}}, {{t+|cmn|鼓舞}}, {{t+|cmn|促進}}, {{l|cmn|刺激}}({{l|cmn|某事}}){{l|cmn|發生}}, {{t+|cmn|帶動}}
- systematize (Verb: to arrange into a systematic order)
- *: Mandarin: ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t+|cmn|系統化}}, ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t+|cmn|系统化|tr=(shǐ) xìtǒnghuà}}, ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t|cmn|條理化}}, ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t|cmn|条理化|tr=(shǐ) tiáolǐhuà}}
- tabbouleh (Noun: Middle Eastern salad)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|塔布勒}}{{l|cmn|沙拉}} (tǎbùlēi shālā)
- too much (Adverb: excessively)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}} (tài duō) (verb + {{l|cmn|得|tr=de}} + {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}})
- used to (Verb: formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
- *: Mandarin: ''use the past tense with an indication of time in the past such as {{l|cmn|曾經|tr=céngjīng}}''
Unexpected template
[edit]- 37 items
- -ese (Suffix: forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)
- *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ian (Suffix: related to)
- *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ish (Suffix: appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)
- *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- Cagayan de Oro (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|卡加延德奧羅}}
- Guinea-Bissau (Proper noun: Republic of Guinea-Bissau)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|幾內亞比紹|tr=Jǐnèiyà Bǐshào}} {{gl|Mainland China}}, {{t+|cmn|幾內亞比索|tr=Jǐnèiyà Bǐsuǒ}} {{gl|Taiwan}}
- I'm allergic to pollen (Phrase: I'm allergic to pollen)
- *: Mandarin: {{lang|und|sc=Hant|[[我]][[對]][[花粉]][[過敏]]}}, {{lang|und|sc=Hans|[[我]][[对]][[花粉]][[过敏]]}} (wǒ duì huāfěn guòmǐn)
- Tuguegarao (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|土格加勞}}
- Zhejiang (Proper noun: a province in China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|浙江}}, {{sense|abbr.}} {{t+|cmn|浙|tr=Zhè}}
- adoptee (Noun: adopted son or daughter)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|adopted son}} {{t+|cmn|養子|tr=yǎngzǐ}}, {{qualifier|adopted daughter}} {{t+|cmn|養女|tr=yǎngnǚ}}, {{gloss|adoptee}} {{t|cmn|被收養人|tr=bèishōuyǎngrén}}
- all thumbs (Adjective: clumsy (idiom))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|笨手笨腳|tr=bènshǒu-bènjiǎo}} {{gloss|stupid hands, stupid feet}}
- anew (Adverb: again)
- *: Mandarin: {{gloss|of future events}} {{t+|cmn|再|tr=zài}}, {{gloss|of past events}} {{t+|cmn|又|tr=yòu}}, {{gloss|once again}} {{t+|cmn|遍|alt=再...一遍|tr=zai4... yíbiàn}}, {{t+|cmn|重新|tr=chóngxīn}}
- audience (Noun: group of people seeing a performance)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|觀眾|tr=guānzhòng}}, {{gloss|listeners}} {{t+|cmn|聽眾|tr=tīngzhòng}}
- bless you (Interjection: said to somebody who has sneezed)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|uncommon}} {{t|cmn|一百歲|tr=yībǎi suì}} {{gloss|(live up to) 100 years}}
- brachial plexus (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|臂神經叢}}
- deadpan (Adjective: deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or look))
- *: Mandarin: {{no equivalent translation|cmn}} {{t|cmn|故作嚴肅的|tr=gǔzuò yánsùde}}
- let's (Verb: let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|我們|tr=wǒmen}} + {{qualifier|verb}} (''optional:'' {{zh-l|吧|tr=ba}})
- let's (Verb: let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|我們|tr=wǒmen}} + {{qualifier|verb}} (''optional:'' {{zh-l|吧|tr=ba}})
- memory lane (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{no equivalent translation|cmn}} {{t+|cmn|懷舊|tr=huáijiù}}
- metastasis (Noun: transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|轉移|tr=zhuǎnyí}}, {{t|cmn|遠處轉移|tr=yuǎnchù zhuǎnyí}}, {{t|cmn|遠端轉移|tr=yuǎnduān zhuǎnyí}}, {{gloss|of a tumour}} {{t|cmn|腫瘤轉移|tr=zhǒngliú zhuǎnyí}}, {{t|cmn|轉移灶|tr=zhuǎnyízào}}, {{t|cmn|轉移瘤|tr=zhuǎnyíliú}}, {{gloss|of a cancer}} {{t|cmn|癌轉移|tr=áizhuǎnyí}}
- minimum (Noun: lowest limit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|最小|tr=zuìxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|最低|tr=zuìdī}}, {{t+|cmn|極小|tr=jíxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|最小值|tr=zuìxiǎozhí}} {{gloss|lowest value}}
- momo (Noun: type of dumpling)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|饃饃}}
- mujahid (Noun: a Muslim engaging in jihad)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|聖戰者|tr=shèngzhànzhě}}, {{t|cmn|聖戰士|tr=shèngzhànshì}}, {{t|cmn|奮戰者|tr=fènzhànzhě}} (a number of other translations exist with a {{m|zh|聖戰|tr=-}} "holy war" part)
- not only … but also (Conjunction: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- not only … but also (Conjunction: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- not only … but also (Conjunction: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- not only … but also (Conjunction: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- palmaris longus (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|掌長肌}}
- parasol tree (Noun: Polyscias kikuyuensis)
- *: Mandarin: {{taxlink|Polyscias kikuyuensis|species}}
- piece of furniture (Noun: item of furniture)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[一]][[件]][[家具]]|tr=yī jiàn jiājù}} {{gloss|one piece of furniture}}
- political commissar (Noun: supervisory political officer)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|政治委員|tr=zhèngzhì wěiyuán}}, {{t+|cmn|政委|tr=zhèngwěi}}, {{t|cmn|政戰官|tr=zhèngzhàn guān}} {{gl|Taiwan}}
- rat (Noun: rodent)
- *: Mandarin: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|cmn|老鼠|tr=lǎoshǔ}}, {{tt+|cmn|鼠|tr=shǔ}}, {{qualifier|uncommon variant}} {{tt+|cmn|鼡|tr=shǔ}}, {{tt+|cmn|大鼠|tr=dàshǔ}}
- romaji (Noun: romanization of Japanese)
- *: Mandarin: ({{m|cmn|日語|tr=-}}~){{t+|cmn|羅馬字}}, ({{m|cmn|日语|tr=-}}~){{t+|cmn|罗马字|tr=luómǎzì}}
- shoot (Verb: to hit with a shot)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|射|tr=shè}}, {{t+|cmn|槍斃|tr=qiāngbì}} {{gloss|to execute by firing squad}}
- studying (Noun: the action of the verb to study)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|學習|tr=xuéxí}}, {{t+|cmn|研究|tr=yánjiū}} {{gloss|research}}
- surprise (Verb: cause (someone) to feel surprise)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[使]][[吃驚]]|tr=shǐ chījīng}} (be surprised: {{zh-l|吃驚}})
- taste of one's own medicine (Noun: harsh treatment)
- *: Mandarin: {{no equivalent translation|cmn}} {{t+|cmn|以其人之道,還治其人之身|tr=yǐ qí rén zhī dào, huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn}}
- whereas (Conjunction: but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|然而}}
List items separated by both comma and semicolon
[edit]- 44 items
- COVID-19 (Proper noun: disease)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|新冠肺炎|tr=xīnguān fèiyán}}; {{qualifier|literal}} {{t+|cmn|2019冠狀病毒病|tr=2019 Guānzhuàng Bìngdú Bìng}}, {{t|cmn|[[新型冠状病毒]][[肺炎]]|tr=xīnxíng guānzhuàng bìngdú fèiyán}}
- Führer (Noun: leader exercising the powers of a tyrant)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|also: head of state}} {{t+|cmn|元首|tr=yuánshǒu}}, Führer {{qualifier|untranslated}}, {{t+|cmn|領袖}} {{qualifier|leader}}, {{t+|cmn|领袖|tr=lǐngxiù}}; {{t|cmn|富勒爾|tr=Fùlēi'ěr}} {{qualifier|rare transliteration, also used for the surname}}
- Green Island (Proper noun: island east of Taiwan)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|綠島|tr=Lǜdǎo}}; {{t|cmn|火燒島|tr=Huǒshāo Dǎo}}, {{t|cmn|火燒嶼|tr=Huǒshāo Yǔ}} {{q|historical}}
- Huaqiao (Noun: overseas Chinese)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|華僑|tr=huáqiáo}}; {{t|cmn|[[海外]][[華人]]|tr=hǎiwài huárén}}, {{t+|cmn|华裔|tr=huáyì}}, {{t+|cmn|僑胞|tr=qiáobāo}}
- Illinois (Proper noun: a state of the United States of America)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|伊利諾伊}}{{t+|cmn|州}}, {{t+|cmn|伊利诺伊}}{{t+|cmn|州|tr=Yīlìnuòyī zhōu}}; {{t+|cmn|伊利諾}}{{t+|cmn|州}}, {{t+|cmn|伊利诺}}{{t+|cmn|州|tr=Yīlìnuò zhōu}}
- Johnson (Proper noun: transliterations of the surname)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|約翰遜|tr=Yuēhànxùn}}, {{t+|cmn|詹森|tr=Zhānsēn}}; {{t|cmn|強森|tr=Qiángshēn}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}; {{t+|cmn|強生|tr=Qiángshēng}}
- Manchukuo (Proper noun: former puppet state of Imperial Japan)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|滿洲國|tr=Mǎnzhōuguó}}; {{t|cmn|大滿洲帝國|tr=Dà Mǎnzhōu Dìguó}}, {{t+|cmn|偽滿洲國}}, {{t|cmn|偽滿}}
- Manchuria (Proper noun: historical region in Northeast Asia)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|滿洲|tr=Mǎnzhōu}}; {{t+|cmn|關東|tr=Guāndōng}}, {{t+|cmn|東三省|tr=Dōngsānshěng}}
- Traditional Chinese (Proper noun: traditional characters)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|complex characters}} {{t+|cmn|繁體字|tr=fántǐzì}}; {{qualifier|traditional characters}} {{t+|cmn|正體字|tr=zhèngtǐzì}}, {{qualifier|old characters}} {{t+|cmn|老字|tr=lǎozì}}, {{t+|cmn|繁體|tr=fántǐ}}
- Tsushima (Proper noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|對馬}} {{q|modern}}; {{t|cmn|鳳馬}}, {{t|cmn|鳯馬}} {{q|historical}}
- adenoid (Noun: folds of lymphatic tissue)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|腺樣體|tr=xiànyàngtǐ}}; {{t|cmn|增殖體|tr=zēngzhítǐ}}, {{t|cmn|咽扁桃體|tr=yān biǎntáotǐ}}
- brother-in-law (Noun: brother of one's wife)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|内兄|tr=nèixiōng}} {{t+|cmn|大舅子|tr=dàjiùzi}} {{qualifier|older brother}}; {{t+|cmn|内弟|tr=nèidì}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}, {{t+|cmn|婦兄|tr=fùxiōng}} {{qualifier|wife's older brother}}, {{t+|cmn|小舅子|tr=xiǎojiùzi}} {{qualifier|wife's younger brother}}, {{t+|cmn|大舅|tr=dàjiù}} {{qualifier|wife's older brother}}, {{t|cmn|小舅|tr=xiǎojiù}} {{qualifier|wife's younger brother}}, {{t+|cmn|婦弟|tr=fùdì}} {{qualifier|wife's younger brother}}
- catch (Verb: to capture or snare)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|捉|tr=zhuō}}; {{t+|cmn|捕獲|tr=bǔhuò}}, {{t+|cmn|捕|tr=bǔ}}
- comfort (Verb: to provide comfort to)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|安慰|tr=ānwèi}}, {{t+|cmn|寬慰|tr=kuānwèi}}; {{t-check|cmn|使宽慰}}
- contact (Noun: an establishment of communication)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|聯繫|tr=liánxì}}; {{t+|cmn|交往|tr=jiāowǎng}}; {{t+|cmn|通訊|tr=tōngxùn}}, {{t+|cmn|聯絡|tr=liánluò}}
- dense (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|高[[密度]]的}}, {{t-check|cmn|浓密的}}; {{t-check|cmn|稠密的}}; {{t-check|cmn|密集的}}; {{t-check|cmn|不透明的}}; {{t-check|cmn|愚蠢的}}, {{t-check|cmn|理解能力差的}}
- dockyard (Noun: ship repair place)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|船廠|tr=chuánchǎng}}, {{t+|cmn|造船所|tr=zàochuánsuǒ}}; {{t+|cmn|造船廠|tr=zàochuánchǎng}}
- drunk (Noun: habitual drinker)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|醉漢|tr=zuìhàn}}, {{t|cmn|[[醉酒]][[者]]}}, {{t|cmn|[[酗酒]][[者]]|}}; {{t+|cmn|酒鬼|tr=jiǔguǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|醉鬼|tr=zuìguǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|酒徒|tr=jiǔtú}}, {{t+|cmn|酒客|tr=jiǔkè}}
- dura mater (Noun: outermost layer of the meninges)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|硬腦膜|tr=yìngnǎomó}}; {{t|cmn|硬脊膜|tr=yìngjǐmó}}, {{t|cmn|硬膜}}
- easy does it (Phrase: do something gently or slowly)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|慢慢來|tr=mànmàn lái}}; [[別著急]], [[别着急]] (bié zháojí); [[慢一點]], [[慢一点]] (màn yīdiǎn); [[小心一點]], [[小心一点]] (xiǎoxīn yīdiǎn)
- get married (Verb: become married to someone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|結婚|tr=jiéhūn}}; {{t+|cmn|嫁|tr=jià}} {{qualifier|of a woman}}, {{t+|cmn|成家}} {{qualifier|of a man}}, {{t+|cmn|娶|tr=qǔ}} {{qualifier|of a man}}, {{t|cmn|做妻子|tr=zuò qīzi}} {{qualifier|of a man}}
- giant panda (Noun: mammal)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|熊貓|tr=xióngmāo}}; {{t+|cmn|大熊貓|tr=dàxióngmāo}}; {{t+|cmn|貓熊|tr=māoxióng}}, {{t+|cmn|大貓熊|tr=dàmāoxióng}}
- godparent (Noun: person who stood for a child during a naming ceremony or baptism)
- *: Mandarin: {{q|male}} {{t+|cmn|乾爹|tr=gāndiē}}, {{t+|cmn|教父|tr=jiàofù}}; {{q|female}} {{t+|cmn|乾娘|tr=gānniáng}}, {{t+|cmn|教母|tr=jiàomǔ}}
- hoppo (Noun: Qing imperial customs official)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|關部|tr=guānbù}}; {{t+|cmn|粵海}}{{t|cmn|關部}}, {{t+|cmn|粤海}}{{t|cmn|关部|tr=Yuèhǎi guānbù}} {{q|Guangzhou official}}
- luggage (Noun: traveller's containers)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|行李|tr=xínglǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|行李箱|tr=xínglixiāng}}, {{t+|cmn|旅行箱|tr=lǚxíngxiāng}} {{q|for cases}}; {{t|cmn|[[行李]][[包]]|tr=xíngli bāo}}, {{t|cmn|[[旅行]][[包]]|tr=lǚxíng bāo}} {{q|for bags}}; {{t+|cmn|箱籠|tr=xiānglǒng}}
- marry (Verb: to take a husband or wife)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|結婚|tr=jiéhūn}}; {{t+|cmn|嫁|tr=jià}} {{qualifier|of a woman}}, {{t+|cmn|娶|tr=qǔ}} {{qualifier|of a man}}, {{t|cmn|做妻子|tr=zuò qīzi}} {{qualifier|of a man}}
- maternal aunt (Noun: one's mother's sister)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|any age|formal}} {{t+|cmn|姨母|tr=yímǔ}}; {{qualifier|any age|informal|affectionate}} {{t+|cmn|阿姨|tr=āyí}}; {{qualifier|married|informal}} {{t+|cmn|姨媽|tr=yímā}}; {{qualifier|mother's eldest sister|if older than her}} {{t+|cmn|大姨|tr=dàyí}}; {{qualifier|middle daughters in mother's family in [[Appendix:Numbers|numerical rank]] following eldest}} {{t|cmn|[[二]][[姨]]|tr=èr yí}}, etc.; {{qualifier|mother's youngest sister|if younger than her}} {{t+|cmn|小姨|tr=xiǎoyí}}
- nuisance (Noun: minor annoyance or inconvenience)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[討厭]][[的]][[事]]|tr=tǎoyàn de shì}}, {{t|cmn|[[麻煩]][[事]]|tr=máfan shì}} {{qualifier|thing}}; {{t|cmn|[[討厭]][[的]][[人]]|tr=tǎoyàn de rén}}, {{t|cmn|[[麻煩]][[人]]|tr=máfan rén}} {{qualifier|person}}
- nuisance (Noun: person or thing causing annoyance or inconvenience)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|麻煩事|tr=máfan shì}}, {{t|cmn|討厭的事|tr=tǎoyàn de shì}} {{qualifier|thing}}; {{t|cmn|麻煩人|tr=máfan rén}}, {{t|cmn|討厭的人|tr=tǎoyàn de rén}}, {{t+|cmn|討厭鬼|tr=tǎoyànguǐ}} {{qualifier|person}}
- or (Conjunction: conjunction)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|或|tr=huò}}, {{tt+|cmn|或者|tr=huòzhě}}; {{tt+|cmn|還是|tr=háishi}} {{qualifier|in questions}}
- panda (Noun: Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|熊貓|tr=xióngmāo}}; {{t+|cmn|大熊貓|tr=dàxióngmāo}}; {{t+|cmn|貓熊|tr=māoxióng}}, {{t+|cmn|大貓熊|tr=dàmāoxióng}}
- paramour (Noun: illicit lover)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|姦夫|tr=jiānfū}} {{qualifier|male}}; {{t|cmn|姦婦|tr=jiānfù}} {{qualifier|female}}, {{t+|cmn|情婦|tr=qíngfù}} {{qualifier|female}}, {{t+|cmn|相好|tr=xiānghǎo de|alt=相好的}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|cmn|男妾}} {{qualifier|male}}, {{t+|cmn|姘頭|tr=pīntóu}} {{qualifier|male and female}}
- quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|引號|tr=yǐnhào}} [「◌」] ''or'' [“◌”] [“◌”]; ''see also:'' {{t+|cmn|「}}, {{t+|cmn|」}} {{q|traditional Chinese, vertical writing}}, {{t+|cmn|“}}, {{t+|cmn|”}}
- ride (Noun: lift (in a vehicle))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|運輸|tr=yùnshū}}, {{t+|cmn|運到|tr=yùndào}}; {{t|cmn|讓[[搭車]]|tr=ràng dāchē}}
- romance (Noun: music: sentimental ballad)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|浪漫曲|tr=làngmànqǔ}}; {{t+|cmn|羅曼司|tr=luómànsī}}, {{t|cmn|浪漫史|tr=làngmànshǐ}}
- sauce (Noun: liquid condiment)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|醬|tr=jiàng}} {{qualifier|savoury}}; {{t+|cmn|汁|tr=zhī}} {{qualifier|sweet}}; {{t+|cmn|醬汁|tr=jiàngzhī}}, {{t+|cmn|沙司|tr=shāsī}}
- shy (Adjective: reserved)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|矜持|tr=jīnchí}}, {{t+|cmn|含蓄|tr=hánxù}}; {{q|of child towards strangers}} {{t+|cmn|怕生|tr=pà shēng}} (verb)
- society (Noun: group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|會|tr=huì}}; {{t+|cmn|會社}}; {{t+|cmn|學會}}, {{t+|cmn|協會}}
- square peg in a round hole (Noun: someone or something that does not fit well or at all in a certain setting)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|方枘圓鑿|lit=a square handle on a round chisel}}; {{t+|cmn|格格不入|lit=unable to enter the squares}}; {{t+|cmn|六不答對|lit=six not answering correctly}} {{qualifier|Yangzhou}}, {{t|cmn|驢脣不對馬嘴|lit=a donkey’s lips don’t fit with a horse’s mouth}} {{qualifier|idiom}}
- state (Noun: a State, a sovereign polity or community, the government of a country or city-state)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|國家}}; {{tt+|cmn|國|tr=guó}}; {{tt+|cmn|邦|tr=bāng}}, {{tt+|cmn|邦國}};
- stem (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|茎|tr=jìng}}; {{t+check|cmn|詞根}}, {{t+check|cmn|词根|cí gēn}}
- temple (Noun: place of worship)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|寺廟|tr=sìmiào}}, {{t+|cmn|寺|tr=sì}} {{q|Buddhist}}; {{t+|cmn|庙|tr=miào}} {{q|Taoist, Confucian}}, {{t+|cmn|寺院|tr=sìyuàn}}, {{t+|cmn|神殿|tr=shéndiàn}}
- twenty (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|二十|tr=èrshí}} (numeral: {{t|cmn|貳拾}}); {{t+|cmn|廿|tr=niàn}}, {{qualifier|obsolete}} {{t+|cmn|念|tr=niàn}}
- what goes around comes around (Proverb: actions have consequences)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|善有善報,惡有惡報|tr=shànyǒushànbào, èyǒu'èbào}}; {{t+|cmn|種瓜得瓜|tr=zhòngguādéguā}}; {{t+|cmn|種豆得豆|tr=zhòngdòudédòu}}, {{t+|cmn|媳婦熬成婆|tr=xífù áo chéng pó}}, {{t|cmn|因果循环,报应不爽。}}
Entry HTML comment
[edit]- 54 items
- Hinayana (Proper noun: school of Buddhism)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|小乘|tr=xiǎo chéng}} <!-- which literally means ''small (小) vehicle (乘)'') -->
- Immaculate Conception (Proper noun: feast)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[聖母]][[無]][[染]][[原罪]][[瞻禮]]|tr=shèngmǔ wú rǎn yuánzuì zhānlǐ}} <!-- was "[[聖母]][[無]][[染]][[原罪]][[瞻禮]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[圣母]][[无]][[染]][[原罪]][[瞻礼]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|cmn|[[聖母]][[無]][[原罪]][[始胎]][[節]]|tr=shèngmǔ wú yuánzuì shǐtāi jié}} <!-- was "[[聖母]][[無]][[原罪]][[始胎]][[節]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[圣母]][[无]][[原罪]][[始胎]][[节]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|cmn|[[聖母]][[無]][[原罪]][[日]]|tr=shèngmǔ wú yuánzuì rì}} <!-- was "[[聖母]][[無]][[原罪]][[日]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[圣母]][[无]][[原罪]][[日]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- Maya (Proper noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|瑪雅人|tr=Mǎyǎ rén}} <!-- Was under "Maya people", no such entry, at least not anymore -->
- Roma (Proper noun: the Romani people)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|羅姆|tr=Luómǔ}}<!--not sure if this should be moved-->
- Urim and Thummim (Noun: sacred devices used for casting lots)
- * Mandarin: {{t|cmn|烏陵與土明|sc=Hani}} <!-- possibly not the only way -->
- WTF (Phrase: What the fuck)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|我操|tr=wǒcāo!}} <!-- to check but don't ttbc yet -->
- abate (Verb: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|廢除|tr=fèichú}}<!--Was under "to be defeated"-->
- abate (Verb: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|減弱|tr=jiǎnruò}}, {{t+check|cmn|減輕|tr=jiǎnqīng}}<!--Was under: "to bring down or reduce to a lower state"-->
- amberjack (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|大頭魚|sc=Hani}}, {{t+check|cmn|大头鱼|sc=Hani}} <!-- / machine translation -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|埋伏|tr=máifu}}, {{t+|cmn|伏擊|tr=fújī}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
- ambush (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|埋伏}} <!-- Was under "a concealed station" -->
- baffle (Verb: to confuse or perplex (someone) completely)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|迷惑|<!--tr=míhuò-->}}, {{t|cmn|[[使]][[困惑]]<!--|tr=shǐ kùnhuò-->}}
- boy (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|男人}} <!-- Was under "adult male found attractive" -->
- bullshit (Interjection: expression of disbelief)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|狗屁|tr=gǒupì}}<!-- (literally "dog fart")-->
- bumblebee (Noun: genus of bee)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|大黃蜂|tr=dàhuángfēng}}, {{t+|cmn|熊蜂|tr=xióngfēng}} <!-- [[土蜂]] (tǔfēng) -->
- chastise (Verb: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|训斥}} <!-- Was under "punish or scold" and now they are two separate senses -->
- cigarette (Noun: tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|香煙|tr=xiāngyān}}, {{t|cmn|紙煙|tr=zhǐyān}}, {{t+|cmn|捲煙|tr=juǎnyān}}, {{t+|cmn|煙|tr=yān}} <!-- 烟 can also be used on its own, e.g.: 他给我一支烟 (by user atitarev)-->, {{t+|cmn|煙捲兒|tr=yānjuǎnr}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- debenture (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|債券|tr=zhàiquàn}} <!-- Which type of bond? -->
- deca- (Prefix: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|十|tr=shí|alt=十-}} (1) <!-- was "[[十]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- diagrammatically (Adverb: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[以]][[圖表]][[來]][[展示]]|tr=yǐ túbiǎo zhǎnshì}} <!-- was "[[以]][[圖表]][[來]][[展示]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[以]][[图表]][[来]][[展示]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- dimple (Verb: create a dimple in)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[起]][[漣漪]]|tr=qǐ liányí}} <!-- was "[[起]][[漣漪]]" --> <!-- was "[[起]][[涟漪]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- dimple (Verb: create dimples in face by smiling)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[使現]][[酒窩]]|tr=shǐxiàn jiǔwō}} <!-- was "[[使現]][[酒窩]]" --> <!-- was "[[使现]][[酒窝]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- distraint (Noun: right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[扣押]][[財物]]|tr=kòuyā cáiwù}} <!-- was "[[扣押]][[財物]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[扣押]][[财物]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- elbow grease (Noun: effort or hard work)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[賣力氣]][[的]][[活]]|tr=mài lìqi de huó}} <!-- was "[[賣力氣]][[的]][[活]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[卖力气]][[的]][[活]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|cmn|苦幹|tr=kǔgàn}}, {{t+check|cmn|苦力|tr=kǔlì}}
- facetious (Adjective: pleasantly humorous, jocular)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|轻率的}}, {{t-check|cmn|滑稽的}} <!-- was "Chinese"; please verify correctness, check script variant (|sc=Hani or |sc=Hans; see [[Template:t/documentation]]) -->
- forgetful (Adjective: liable to forget)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|健忘|tr=jiànwàng}}, {{t+|cmn|丟三落四|tr=diūsānlàsì}} <!-- "lit.: lose three, drop four" -->
- fornication (Noun: sexual intercourse considered illicit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|通奸|tr=tōngjiān}}, {{t+|cmn|姦淫|tr=jiānyín}} <!-- also used as traditional Chinese -->, {{t+|cmn|亂倫|tr=luànlún}} <!-- it's not just "incest", "fornication" is the 2nd meaning -->
- frail (Adjective: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|虛弱|tr=xūruò}}, {{t+check|cmn|體弱|tr=tǐruò}} <!-- Were under "mentally or physically fragile"; the senses have been separated since -->
- fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|幹你媽|tr=gàn nǐ mā}} <!--, {{t+|cmn|他媽的}}, {{t+|cmn|他妈的|tr=tā mā-de}} -->
- gentleman (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|男廁所|tr=náncèsuǒ}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
- handle (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|摸|sc=Hani}} (1), {{t+check|cmn|举|sc=Hani}} (1), {{t+check|cmn|握|sc=Hani}} (1), {{t+check|cmn|操作|sc=Hani}} (2), {{t+check|cmn|处理|sc=Hani}} (3), {{t+check|cmn|柄|sc=Hani}} (4), {{t-check|cmn|[[句柄]]([[计算机科学]])|sc=Hani}} (5) <!-- {{t}} if idiomatic; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- hesitant (Adjective: tending to hesitate)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|猶豫不決|tr=yóuyùbùjué}}, {{t-check|cmn|[[下不了]][[決心]]|tr=xiàbuliǎo juéxīn}} <!-- was "[[下不了]][[決心]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[下不了]][[决心]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- horny (Adjective: hard or bony)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[粗]][[硬]][[的]]|tr=cū yìng de}} <!-- was "[[粗]][[硬]][[的]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- horny (Adjective: sexually aroused)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no real equivalent exists; lit. "lust consumes the body"}} {{t+check|cmn|慾火焚身|tr=yùhuǒfénshēn}}, {{qualifier|lit. "burning up"}} {{t-check|cmn|[[慾火]][[中]][[繞]]|tr=yùhuǒ zhōng rào}} <!-- was "[[慾火]][[中]][[繞]]" --> <!-- was "[[欲火]][[中]][[绕]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{qualifier|euphemism; "wanting"}} {{t+check|cmn|想要|tr=xiǎngyào}}, {{qualifier|"sexually frustrated"}} {{t-check|cmn|[[慾求]][[不滿]]|tr=yùqiú bùmǎn}}, {{qualifier|"in heat"}} {{t+check|cmn|發春|tr=fāchūn}}, {{t+|cmn|騷|tr=sāo}}
- inessive (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|向格|tr=zàinèigé}} - <!-- wrong pinyin and probably wrong word -->
- irritating (Adjective: causing irritation, annoyance or pain)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|煩|tr=fán}}, {{t-check|cmn|[[令人]][[討厭]]|tr=lìngrén tǎoyàn}} <!-- was "[[令人]][[討厭]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> <!-- was "[[令人]][[讨厌]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- kapok tree (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|木棉|tr=mùmián}} <!-- Was under ''Bombax costatum'' -->
- lattice (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|梯|tr=tī}} <!-- was "Chinese"; please verify correctness, check script variant (|sc=Hani or |sc=Hans; see [[Template:t/documentation]]) and put under "Chinese" group -->
- lime (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|石灰|tr=shíhuī}} <!-- was under "calcium oxide, quicklime -->
- lone (Adjective: having no companion)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|孤独|tr=gūdú de|alt=孤独的}} <!-- was "[[孤独]]的" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- marrowbone (Noun: bone with edible marrow)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|髓骨|tr=suǐgǔ}}<!-- is this used with this meaning or in the sense of "essence"?-->
- may (Verb: possibly, but not certainly)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|可能|tr=kěnéng}} <!-- ''may be, possible'' -->
- pastor (Noun: minister or priest)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|傳道人<!--|tr=chuándàorén-->}}, {{t+|cmn|牧師<!--|tr=mùshī-->}} {{q|usually ordained}}
- phony (Adjective: fraudulent; fake)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|假|tr=jiǎ}}<!--[[伪]] (wěi), [[冒牌]] (màopái)?-->
- private (Adjective: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[私人]]的|tr=sīrén de}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
- rook (Noun: chesspiece)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|車|tr=jū}}<!-- chē is reserved for vehicle-->, {{t+|cmn|城堡|tr=chéngbǎo}}
- shape (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|形狀|tr=xíngzhuàng}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->, {{t+check|cmn|外形|tr=wàixíng}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
- skin (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|皮|tr=pí}}, {{t+check|cmn|皮膚|tr=pífū}} <!-- Were under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
- smiley (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|[[笑]][[臉]][[符]][[號]]|tr=xiào liǎn fúhào|sc=Hani}} <!-- "smiling face mark" -->, {{t-check|cmn|[[臉]][[譜]]|tr=liǎn pǔ|sc=Hani}} <!-- "facial mask" -->, {{t-check|cmn|[[情]][[緒]][[圖]][[標]]|tr=qíngxù túbiāo|sc=Hani}} <!-- "emotion pictorial mark" -->, {{t-check|cmn|[[表]][[情]][[符]]|tr=biǎoqíng fú|sc=Hani}} <!-- "emotional mark" - all assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- spacetime (Noun: four dimensional continuum)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|時空|tr=shí-kōng}} <!--This pinyin is hyphenated because it is an abbreviation-->
- straight (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|直|tr=zhí de|alt=直的|sc=Hani}} <!-- was "[[直]]的" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|cmn|笔直的|tr=bǐzhí de|sc=Hani}}
- throw cold water on (Verb: to belittle or dismiss)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|潑冷水|tr=pōlěngshuǐ}}<!--Yes, Mandarin shares the same idiom as English.-->
- tyrant (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|暴君|tr=bàojūn}}, {{t+check|cmn|僭主|tr=jiànzhǔ}} <!-- Were under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
- wiretap (Verb: to install or to use such a device)
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|安裝竊聽器}}, {{t-check|cmn|安装窃听器|tr=ān zhuāng qiē tīng qì|sc=Hani}}<!-- one is Hant an the other Hans? looks so. how are we supposed to format it anyway? -->
Nested templates
[edit]- 66 items
- HTTP cookie (Noun: packet of information)
- *: Mandarin: {{q|no exact equivalent exists, the English {{m|en|cookie}} is usually used, often capitalised}}, {{t|cmn|[[小型]][[文字]][[檔案]]|tr=xiǎoxíng wénzì dǎng'àn}}, {{t|cmn|小甜餅|tr=xiǎotiánbǐng}}
- Pu (Proper noun: county)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|蒲|tr=Pú}} {{gloss| {{t|cmn|Pu2}}, {{t+|cmn|Pú}}, {{t|cmn|ㄆㄨˊ}} }}
- about to (Phrase: indicating imminence)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|for both forms, particle {{m|zh|了|tr=le}} is used after verb}} {{t+|cmn|就要|tr=jiùyào}}, {{t+|cmn|快要|tr=kuàiyào}}, {{t|cmn|剛要|tr=gāngyào}}
- alleviate (Verb: make less severe)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|減輕|tr=jiǎnqīng}}, {{t+|cmn|緩和|tr=huǎnhé}} {{qualifier|as in {{m|cmn|[[减轻]][[痛苦]]||to alleviate suffering}}.}}
- arsine (Noun: AsH3)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|胂|tr=shèn {{qualifier|mainland}}, shēn {{qualifier|Taiwan}}}}
- can (Verb: to be able to)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|會|tr=huì}}, {{tt+|cmn|能|tr=néng}}, {{qualifier|the ability/inability to achieve a result is expressed with various verb complements, e.g. {{tt+|cmn|得了|tr=-deliǎo}}/{{tt+|cmn|不了|tr=-buliǎo}}}}, {{tt+|cmn|能夠|tr=nénggòu}}
- carbonyl (Noun: functional group -CO-)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|羰基|tr=tāngjī {{qualifier|mainland}}, tànjī {{qualifier|Taiwan}}}}
- cavity (Noun: hole or hollow depression)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|孔穴|tr=kǒngxué, {{q|Taiwan}} kǒngxuè}}, {{t+|cmn|空腔|tr=kōngqiāng}}
- cochlear (Adjective: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|耳蝸|alt=耳蝸的|tr=ěrwōde, ěrguāde {{q|Taiwan}}}}
- cochlear nerve (Noun: nerve)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|耳蝸神經|tr=ěrwōshénjīng, ěrguāshénjīng {{q|Taiwan}}}}
- costocervical (Adjective: relating to the ribs and the neck)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|肋頸|tr=lèijǐng, {{q|Taiwan}} lèjǐng}}
- costocervical trunk (Noun: branch of the subclavian artery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|肋頸幹|tr=lèijǐng gàn, {{q|Taiwan}} lèjǐng gàn}}
- cousin (Noun: child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|堂兄}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s son|[[oFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|堂哥}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s son|[[oFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|堂弟}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, father’s brother’s son|[[yFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|堂姐}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s daughter|[[oFBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|堂姊}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s daughter|[[oFBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|堂妹}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, father’s brother’s daughter|[[yFBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|表兄}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|o[[MSiS]] or [[oFZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|表哥}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|o[[MSiS]] or [[oFZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|表弟}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|y[[MSiS]] or [[yFZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|表姐}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|o[[MSiD]] or [[oFZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|表姊}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|o[[MSiD]] or [[oFZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|cmn|表妹}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|y[[MSiD]] or [[yFZD]]|und=1}}}}
- cunt (Noun: genitalia)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|屄|tr=bī}}, {{t+|cmn|逼|tr=bī}} {{qualifier|used instead of a more vulgar character {{l|cmn|屄}}}}, {{t+|cmn|雞掰|tr=jībāi}} {{qualifier|Taiwan, also}}
- discover (Verb: find something for the first time)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|發現|tr=fāxiàn}} {{q|also spelled {{m|cmn|發見}}/{{m|cmn|发见}}}}, {{t+|cmn|發覺|tr=fājué}}, {{t+|cmn|查出|tr=cháchū}}
- fall pregnant (Verb: to become pregnant)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|懷孕|tr=huáiyùn}} {{qualifier|typically with {{zh-l|了}} to mark the change of state}}
- fornix (Noun: archlike or vaulted structure or fold)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|穹窿|tr=qiónglóng, {{q|Taiwan}} qiōnglóng}}
- fornix (Noun: brain part)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|穹窿|tr=qiónglóng, {{q|Taiwan}} qiōnglóng}}
- frontal process (Noun: plate of the maxilla)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|額突|tr=é tū, {{q|Taiwan}} é tú}}
- frontal process (Noun: process of the zygomatic bone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|額突|tr=é tū, {{q|Taiwan}} é tú}}
- genioglossus (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|頦舌肌|tr=kēshéjī, {{q|Taiwan}} háishéjī}}
- geniohyoid muscle (Noun: muscle)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|頦舌骨肌|tr=kēshégǔjī, {{q|Taiwan}} háishégǔjī}}
- hairpin (Noun: pin or fastener for the hair)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|釵|tr=chāi}}, {{t+|cmn|簪|tr=zān}}, {{t+|cmn|髮夾|tr=fàjiā {{q|chiefly Taiwan}}, fǎjiā {{q|chiefly China}}}}, {{t+|cmn|髮卡|tr=fàqiǎ, fǎqiǎ}}
- inferior orbital fissure (Noun: opening between the sphenoid bone and the maxilla)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶下裂|tr=kuàngxiàliè, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxiàliè}}
- infraorbital (Adjective: below the orbit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶下|tr=kuàngxià, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià}}
- infraorbital artery (Noun: branch of the maxillary artery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶下動脈|tr=kuàngxià dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià dòngmài}}
- infraorbital foramen (Noun: opening in the maxilla)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶下孔|tr=kuàngxià kǒng, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià kǒng}}
- infraorbital groove (Noun: groove in the floor of the orbit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶下溝|tr=kuàngxià gōu, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngxià gōu}}
- internal occipital protuberance (Noun: prominence on the occipital bone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|枕內隆凸|tr=zhěnnèilóngtū, {{q|Taiwan}} zhěnnèilóngtú}}
- levator veli palatini (Noun: muscle)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|腭帆提肌}}, {{t|cmn|顎帆提肌|tr=èfān tíjī, {{q|Taiwan}} èfán tíjī}}; {{t|cmn|提腭帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|提顎帆肌|tr=tí'èfānjī, {{q|Taiwan}} tí'èfánjī}}
- mandible (Noun: lower jaw)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|下頜|tr=xiàhé, xiàgé {{q|Taiwan}}}}, {{t+|cmn|下頜骨|tr=xiàhégǔ, xiàgégǔ {{q|Taiwan}}}}
- mandibular (Adjective: of or pertaining to the mandible)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|下頜|alt=下頜的|tr=xiàhé de, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgé de}}
- mandibular canal (Noun: canal in the mandible)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|下頜管|tr=xiàhé guǎn, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgé guǎn}}
- maxilla (Noun: bone of upper jaw)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|上頜骨|tr=shànghégǔ, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggégǔ}}
- maxillary (Adjective: of or pertaining to the jaw)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|上頜|alt=上頜的|tr=shànghé de, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggé de}}
- maxillary artery (Noun: artery to deep facial structures and the meninges)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|上頜動脈|tr=shànghé dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggé dòngmài}}
- maxillary vein (Noun: venous trunk of the face)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|上頜靜脈|tr=shànghé jìngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} shànggé jìngmài}}
- mental (Adjective: relating to the chin)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|頦|alt=頦的|tr=kē de, {{q|Taiwan}} hái de}}
- mental artery (Noun: branch of the inferior alveolar artery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|頦動脈|tr=kē dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} hái dòngmài}}
- mental foramen (Noun: branch of the inferior alveolar artery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|頦孔|tr=kē kǒng, {{q|Taiwan}} hái kǒng}}
- mentalis (Noun: muscle)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|頦肌|tr=kējī, {{q|Taiwan}} háijī}}
- mylohyoid muscle (Noun: muscle)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|下頜舌骨肌|tr=xiàhéshégǔ jī, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgéshégǔ jī}}
- one and a half (Numeral: one and a half)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[一個]][[半]]|tr=yīge bàn}} {{qualifier|replace {{l|cmn|個}} / {{l|cmn|个}} with any other [[counter]]}}
- orbital (Adjective: of or relating to the eye socket)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|眼眶|alt=眼眶的|tr=yǎnkuàng de, {{q|Taiwan}} yǎnkuāng de}}, {{t+|cmn|眶|alt=眶的|tr=kuàng de, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāng de}}
- orbital fissure (Noun: opening to the orbit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶裂|tr=kuàng liè, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāng liè}}
- orbital process (Noun: process of the palatine bone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶突|tr=kuàng tū, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāng tú}}
- partridge (Noun: any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|山鶉|tr=shānchún}} {{gloss|{{taxfmt|Perdix|genus}}}}, {{t+|cmn|石雞|tr=shíjī}} {{gloss|{{taxfmt|Alectoris|genus}}}}, {{t+|cmn|鷓鴣|tr=zhègū}} {{gloss|francolin, but often translated as partridge}}
- pterygomaxillary (Adjective: relating to the pterygoid process and the maxilla)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|翼上頜|tr=yìshànghé, {{q|Taiwan}} yìshànggé}}
- pterygomaxillary fissure (Noun: gap between the sphenoid bone and the maxilla)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|翼上頜裂|tr=yìshànghé liè, {{q|Taiwan}} yìshànggé liè}}
- pterygomaxillary fossa (Noun: pterygopalatine fossa)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|翼上頜窩|tr=yìshànghé wō, {{q|Taiwan}} yìshànggé wō}}
- sphenomaxillary fossa (Noun: pterygopalatine fossa)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|蝶上頜窩|tr=diéshànghé wō, {{q|Taiwan}} diéshànggé wō}}
- submandibular (Adjective: below the mandible)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|下頜下|tr=xiàhéxià, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgéxià}}; {{t+|cmn|頜下|tr=héxià, {{q|Taiwan}} géxià}}
- submandibular ganglion (Noun: autonomic ganglion)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|下頜下神經節|tr=xiàhéxià shénjīngjié, {{q|Taiwan}} xiàgéxià shénjīngjié}}; {{t|cmn|頜下神經節|tr=héxià shénjīngjié, {{q|Taiwan}} géxià shénjīngjié}}
- submental (Adjective: beneath the chin)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|頦下|tr=kēxià, {{q|Taiwan}} háixià}}
- summer school (Noun: academic sessions held in the summer)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|暑期學校|tr=shǔqī xuéxiào {{qualifier|mainland}}, shǔqí xuéxiào {{qualifier|Taiwan}}}}
- superior orbital fissure (Noun: opening between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶上裂|tr=kuàngshàngliè, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàngliè}}
- supraorbital (Adjective: located immediately above the eye sockets)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶上|tr=kuàngshàng, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàng}}
- supraorbital artery (Noun: branch of the ophthalmic artery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶上動脈|tr=kuàngshàng dòngmài, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàng dòngmài}}
- supraorbital nerve (Noun: branch of the frontal nerve)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|眶上神經|tr=kuàngshàng shénjīng, {{q|Taiwan}} kuāngshàng shénjīng}}
- temporal (Adjective: of limited time)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|短暫|tr=duǎnzàn, {{q|Taiwan}} duǎnzhàn}}
- tensor veli palatini (Noun: muscle)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|腭帆張肌}}, {{t|cmn|顎帆張肌|tr=èfān zhāngjī, {{q|Taiwan}} èfán zhāngjī}}; {{t|cmn|張腭帆肌}}, {{t|cmn|張顎帆肌|tr=zhāng'èfānjī, {{q|Taiwan}} zhāng'èfánjī}}
- vaginal process (Noun: lamina on the temporal bone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|鞘突|tr=qiào tū, {{q|Taiwan}} qiào tú}}
- vaginal process (Noun: outpouching of peritoneum)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|鞘突|tr=qiào tū, {{q|Taiwan}} qiào tú}}
- vaginal process (Noun: plate on the sphenoid bone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|鞘突|tr=qiào tū, {{q|Taiwan}} qiào tú}}
- vestibulocochlear (Adjective: relating to the vestibule and the cochlea)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|前庭耳蝸的|tr=qiántíng'ěrwōde, {{q|Taiwan}} qiántíng'ěrguāde}}
- vestibulocochlear nerve (Noun: eighth cranial nerve)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|前庭耳蝸神經|tr=qiántíng ěrwō shénjīng, {{q|Taiwan}} qiántíng ěrguā shénjīng}}
No translation template
[edit]- 144 items
- -ese (Suffix: forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)
- *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ian (Suffix: related to)
- *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -in-law (Suffix: related through marriage)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|special words are used for common "-in-law" terms}}
- -ing (Suffix: act of doing something)
- *: Mandarin: {{q|with no suffix, verbs can be used as nouns}}
- -ish (Suffix: appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)
- *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- Cagayan de Oro (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|卡加延德奧羅}}
- I'm allergic to pollen (Phrase: I'm allergic to pollen)
- *: Mandarin: {{lang|und|sc=Hant|[[我]][[對]][[花粉]][[過敏]]}}, {{lang|und|sc=Hans|[[我]][[对]][[花粉]][[过敏]]}} (wǒ duì huāfěn guòmǐn)
- SARS (Noun: severe acute respiratory syndrome)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|非典}}, SARS
- Tuguegarao (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|土格加勞}}
- Unix (Noun: operating system)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|尤內克斯|tr=yòunèikèsī}}, Unix
- aitch (Noun: name of the letter H, h)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English; no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- antipasto (Noun: Italian starter for a meal)
- *: Mandarin: [[意大利]][[式]][[餐]][[前]][[小吃]] (Yìdàlì shì cān qián xiǎochī), {{t+|cmn|拼盤|tr=pīnpán}}, {{t+|cmn|冷盤|tr=lěngpán}}
- anywhere else (Adverb: in any other place)
- *: Mandarin: [[其它]][[地方]] (qítā dìfang)
- ar (Noun: name of the letter R, r)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- be that as it may (Prepositional phrase: nevertheless)
- *: Mandarin: [[儘管]][[如此]], [[尽管]][[如此]] (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ)
- bee (Noun: name of the letter B, b)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- begrudge (Verb: give reluctantly)
- *: Mandarin: [[勉強]]([[給]]), [[勉强]]([[给]]) (miǎnqiǎng [gěi]), [[不愿]]([[給]]), [[不愿]]([[给]]) (bùyuàn [gěi]), {{t+|cmn|吝惜|tr=lìnxī}}
- beguine (Noun: music)
- *: Mandarin: [[比跟]][[音樂]], [[比跟]][[音乐]] (bǐgēn yīnyuè)
- big cheese (Noun: very important figure)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|in any field}} {{t+|cmn|大人物|tr=dàrénwù}}, {{qualifier|political or military VIP}} {{t+|cmn|要人|tr=yàorén}}, {{qualifier|political or military VIP}}, {{t|cmn|權勢之人|tr=quánshìzhīrén}}, {{qualifier|colloquial; celebrity}} {{t|cmn|大腕兒|tr=dàwànr}}, {{t+|cmn|頭面人物|tr=tóumiànrénwù}}, {{t+|cmn|龍頭老大|tr=lóngtóulǎodà}}
- brachial plexus (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|臂神經叢}}
- bring home the bacon (Verb: to make a living)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|earn enough money to support one's family}} [[掙錢]][[養家]], [[挣钱]][[养家]] (zhèngqián yǎngjiā), {{qualifier|earn a living}} {{t+|cmn|謀生|tr=móushēng}}
- cameltoe (Noun: clear visible presence of a woman's vulva)
- *: Mandarin: ''no equivalent exists, explanatory:'' {{t|cmn|[[駱駝]][[趾]]|tr=luòtuo zhǐ}}
- carpe diem (Proverb: seize the day)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|及時行樂|tr=jíshíxínglè}}, [[把握]][[今朝]] (bǎ wò jīnzhāo), {{qualifier|literary}} {{t|cmn|花開堪折直須折|tr=huā kāi kān zhé zhí xū zhé}}
- casualty (Noun: person)
- *: Mandarin: [[傷亡]][[者]], [[伤亡]][[者]] (shāngwáng zhě), [[死傷]][[者]], [[死伤]][[者]] (sǐshāng zhě), {{qualifier|number of casualties}} [[死傷]][[人數]], [[死伤]][[人数]] (sǐshāng rénshù)
- cee (Noun: name of the letter C, c)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- challenging (Adjective: difficult; hard to do)
- *: Mandarin: [[很]][[有]][[挑戰性]], [[很]][[有]][[挑战性]] (hěn yǒu tiǎnzhànxìng), {{t|cmn|困难的}}
- chicken fillet (Noun: piece of chicken's breast)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|long piece}} [[雞]][[條]], [[鸡]][[条]] (jītiáo), {{qualifier|small piece}} [[雞]][[柳]], [[鸡]][[柳]] (jīliǔ), {{qualifier|big piece}} [[鸡]][[片]], [[鸡]][[片]] (jīpiàn), {{qualifier|steak-size}} [[雞]][[排]], [[鸡]][[排]] (jīpái)
- children should be seen and not heard (Proverb: children should be quiet)
- *: Mandarin: [[小]][[孩子]][[應該]][[少]][[說話]], [[小]][[孩子]][[应该]][[少]][[说话]] (xiǎo háizi yīnggāi shǎo shuōhuà), [[大人]][[說話]],[[小孩子]][[別]][[插嘴]], [[大人]][[说话]],[[小孩子]][[别]][[插嘴]] (dàrén shuōhuà, xiǎoháizi bié chāzuǐ)
- chug (Verb: to drink a large amount in a single action)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|formal}} [[一口氣]][[喝完]], [[一口气]][[喝完]] (yīkǒuqì hēwán), {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|cmn|乾|alt=乾(了)|tr=gān [le]}}, {{qualifier|slang; interjection}} {{t|cmn|走一個|tr=zǒuyīgè}}
- chugalug (Verb: swallow without pausing)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|formal}} [[一口氣]][[喝完]], [[一口气]][[喝完]] (yīkǒuqì hēwán), {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|cmn|乾|alt=乾(了)|tr=gān [le]}}, {{qualifier|slang; interjection}} {{t|cmn|走一個|tr=zǒuyīgè}}
- cinder cone (Noun: conical deposit of rock fragments)
- *: Mandarin: [[火山]][[渣錐]], [[火山]][[渣锥]] (huǒshān zhāzhuī)
- cloisonne (Noun: collective noun for these objects)
- *: Mandarin: [[景泰藍]][[瓷器]] (jǐngtàilán cíqì)
- coffeeless (Adjective: without coffee)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[咖啡]], [[没有]][[咖啡]] (méiyǒu kāfēi)
- comedienne (Noun: female comedian)
- *: Mandarin: [[喜劇]][[女]][[演員]], [[喜剧]][[女]][[演员]] (xǐjù nǚyǎnyuán)
- comparable (Adjective: able to be compared)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|比得上|tr=bǐdeshàng}}, [[可]][[比較]][[的]], [[可]][[比较]][[的]] (kě bǐjiào de)
- computer technician (Noun: person who repairs computers)
- *: Mandarin: [[電腦]][[技術員]], [[电脑]][[技术员]] (diànnǎo jìshùyuán)
- cuddle (Verb: cradle in one's arms)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no exact term exists}} [[輕輕]][[地]][[抱]][[著]], [[轻轻]][[地]][[抱]][[着]] (qīngqīng de bào zhe)
- cue (Noun: name of the letter Q, q)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- cuneiformist (Noun: specialist or expert in cuneiform)
- *: Mandarin: [[楔形文字]][[專家]], [[楔形文字]][[专家]] (xiēxíng wénzì zhuānjiā)
- dee (Noun: name of the letter D, d)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- dissatisfied (Adjective: feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|不滿|tr=bùmǎn}}, [[不]][[滿足]], [[不]][[满足]] (bù mǎnzú), [[不]][[滿意]], [[不]][[满意]] (bù mǎnyì), {{t+|cmn|不平|tr=bùpíng}}
- dissatisfied (Adjective: not satisfied (with the quality of something))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|不滿|tr=bùmǎn}}, [[不]][[滿足]], [[不]][[满足]] (bù mǎnzú), [[不]][[滿意]], [[不]][[满意]] (bù mǎnyì)
- double-u (Noun: name of the letter W, w)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- drinkless (Adjective: without a drink)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[飲料]], [[没有]][[饮料]] (méiyǒu yǐnliào)
- earless (Adjective: lacking ears)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[耳朵]], [[没有]][[耳朵]] (méiyǒu ěrduo)
- ef (Noun: name of the letter F, f)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- el (Noun: name of the letter L, l)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- electioneering (Noun: campaigning for elective office)
- *: Mandarin: [[競選]][[活動]], [[竞选]][[活动]] (jìngxuǎn huódòng)
- em (Noun: name of the letter M, m)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- emotional blackmail (Noun: psychological misuse of a person's emotions)
- *: Mandarin: [[情感]][[威脅]], [[情感]][[威胁]] (qínggǎn wēixié), [[情感]][[操縱]], [[情感]][[操纵]] (qínggǎn cāozòng), [[拿]][[感情]][[作為]][[資本]], [[拿]][[感情]][[作为]][[资本]] (ná gǎnqíng zuòwéi zīběn), [[感情]][[訛詐]], [[感情]][[讹诈]] (gǎnqíng ézhà)
- empty nester (Noun: person whose children have left home)
- *: Mandarin: [[空巢]][[老人]], (kōngcháo lǎorén) [[空巢]][[主]] (kōngcháo zhǔ)
- equal (Verb: be equal to)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|等於|tr=děngyú}}, {{t+|cmn|倫比|tr=lúnbǐ}}, {{qualifier|literary}}, {{t+|cmn|匹敵|tr=pʻi3-ti2}}
- erinaceous (Adjective: Of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog)
- *: Mandarin: [[相似]][[刺蝟]][[的]], [[相似]][[刺猬]][[的]] (xiāngsì cìwei de)
- ess (Noun: name of the letter S, s)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- ex (Noun: name of the letter X, x)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- exhausted (Adjective: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|疲憊|tr=píbèi}}, {{t+|cmn|精疲力盡|tr=jīngpílìjìn}}, {{t+|cmn|精疲力竭|tr=jīngpílìjié}}, {{t+|cmn|累死|tr=lèisǐ}}, {{qualifier|depleted}} [[被]][[用盡]][[的]], [[被]][[用尽]][[的]] (bèi yòngjìn de), [[被]][[耗盡]][[的]], [[被]][[耗尽]][[的]] (bèi hàojìn de), [[被]][[用光]][[的]] (bèi yòngguāng de)
- fallibilism (Noun: doctrine that knowledge is never certain)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|可謬論|tr=kěmiùlùn}}, [[無法]][[獲得]][[明確]][[知識]][[的]][[理論]], [[无法]][[获得]][[明确]][[知识]][[的]][[理论]] (wúfǎ huòdé míngquè zhīshi de lǐlùn)
- fine print (Noun: details printed in small type)
- *: Mandarin: [[極小]][[的]][[字體]], [[极小]][[的]][[字体]] (jíxiǎo de zìtǐ)
- flat-chested (Adjective: having small breasts)
- *: Mandarin: [[胸部]][[平坦]][[的]] (xiōngbù píngtǎn de), [[沒有]][[胸]][[的]], [[没有]][[胸]][[的]] (méiyǒu xiōng de), {{t+|cmn|飛機場}}, [[平]][[胸]][[的]] (píng xiōng de), {{qualifier|slang, noun}} {{t+|cmn|飞机场|tr=fēijīchǎng}} (airport), {{qualifier|Taiwan, slang, noun}} {{t+|cmn|洗衣板|tr=xǐyībǎn}} (washboard)
- foodless (Adjective: lacking food)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[食物]], [[没有]][[食物]] (méiyǒu shíwù)
- foreseeably (Adverb: in a manner that could be foreseen)
- *: Mandarin: [[可]][[預知]][[地]],[[可]][[预知]][[地]] (kě yùzhī de), [[可]][[預見]][[地]], [[可]][[预见]][[地]] (kě yùjiàn de), [[能]][[預測]][[地]], [[能]][[预测]][[地]] (néng yùcè de)
- freckle (Verb: cover with freckles)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no such verb exists}} [[有]][[雀斑]] (yǒu quèbān), [[長]][[雀斑]], [[长]][[雀斑]] (zhǎng quèbān)
- freckle (Verb: become covered with freckles)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no such verb exists}} [[有]][[雀斑]] (yǒu quèbān), [[長]][[雀斑]], [[长]][[雀斑]] (zhǎng quèbān)
- free spirit (Noun: nonconformist)
- *: Mandarin: [[無拘無束]][[的]][[人]], [[无拘无束]][[的]][[人]] (wújūwúshù de rén), [[隨]][[性]][[的]][[人]], [[随]][[性]][[的]][[人]] (suí xìng de rén)
- frontline (Adjective: most advanced; most important)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|most advanced}} [[最]][[先進]][[的]], [[最]][[先进]][[的]] (zuì xiānjìn de), {{qualifier|most important}} [[最]][[重要]][[的]] (zuì zhòngyào de)
- furcula (Noun: forked bone in birds)
- *: Mandarin: ([[鳥]][[的]])[[鎖骨]], ([[鸟]][[的]])[[锁骨]] (niǎo de suǒgǔ)
- gee (Noun: name of the letter G, g)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- girlfriend (Noun: a female friend)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[女性]][[朋友]]|tr=nǚxìng péngyǒu}}, {{t+|cmn|朋友|tr=péngyou}}, {{qualifier|male or female}}
- giver (Noun: one who gives)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no exact term exists, literally:}} [[給予]][[者]], [[给予]][[者]] (jǐyǔ zhě), {{qualifier|one who donates}} [[捐贈]][[者]], [[捐赠]][[者]] (juānzèng zhě), {{qualifier|one who gives presents}} [[送禮]][[者]], [[送礼]][[者]] (sònglǐ zhě)
- grapholect (Noun: a written variant of a language)
- *: Mandarin: ''(no exact term exists)'' [[書寫]][[的]][[方言]], [[书写]][[的]][[方言]] (shūxiě de fāngyán)
- gray water (Noun: non-potable, but non-toxic water)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|中水|tr=zhōngshuǐ}}, {{t|cmn|灰水|tr=huīshuǐ}}, [[可]][[再]][[利用]][[廢水]], [[可]][[再]][[利用]][[废水]] (kě zài lìyòng fèishuǐ)
- high-quality (Adjective: of very good quality)
- *: Mandarin: [[高]][[質量]][[的]], [[高]][[质量]][[的]] (gāo zhìliàng de), {{qualifier|high-class}} {{t+|cmn|高檔|tr=gāodàng}}
- humiliated (Adjective: deprived of dignity or self-respect)
- *: Mandarin: [[受到]][[侮辱]] (shòudào wǔrǔ), [[使]][[丟臉]], [[使]][[丟臉]] (shǐ diūliǎn)
- hydrometeor (Noun: precipitation due to atmospheric condensation)
- *: Mandarin: 水汽凝结
- if (Conjunction: whether)
- *: Mandarin: (usually not used), {{t+|cmn|是否|tr=shì-fǒu}}
- ill-advised (Adjective: carried out without wise counsel)
- *: Mandarin: [[欠]][[考慮]][[的]], [[欠]][[考虑]][[的]] (qiàn kǎolǜ de), {{t+|cmn|失策|alt=失策的|tr=shīcè de}}
- importantly (Adverb: used to mark a statement as having importance)
- *: Mandarin: [[重要]][[的]][[是]]... (zhòngyào de shì...)
- in terms of (Preposition: In relation to, concerning, regarding)
- *: Mandarin: [[就]]...[[而言]] (jiù... éryán)
- incorrect (Adjective: erroneous)
- *: Mandarin: [[不]][[對]], [[不]][[对]] (bù duì), [[不]][[正確]], [[不]][[正确]] (bù zhèngquè)
- invoice (Verb: to bill)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|to send bill}} [[寄送]][[發票]], [[寄送]][[发票]] (jìsòng fāpiào), {{qualifier|to issue bill}} [[發]][[貨單]], [[发]][[货单]] (fā huòdān), {{qualifier|to write up bill}} [[開]][[發票]], [[开]][[发票]] (kāi fāpiào)
- jay (Noun: name of the letter J, j)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- kay (Noun: name of the letter K, k)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- lamprophony (Noun: loudness and clarity of enunciation)
- *: Mandarin: [[發音]][[的]][[響亮]][[和]][[清晰]], [[发音]][[的]][[响亮]][[和]][[清晰]] (fāyīn de xiǎngliàng hé qīngxī)
- lay claim (Verb: say that something belongs to oneself)
- *: Mandarin: [[要求]][[承認]], [[要求]][[承认]] (yāoqiú chéngrèn), [[請求]][[權利]], [[请求]][[权利]] (qǐngqiú quánlì)
- learn the hard way (Verb: learn by experiencing the consequences of making mistakes)
- *: Mandarin: [[艱難]][[地]][[學到]][[某事]], [[艰难]][[地]][[学到]][[某事]] (jiānnán de xuédào mǒushì), [[通過]][[艱難困苦]][[而]][[學到]], [[通过]][[艰难困苦]][[而]][[学到]] (tōngguò jiānnánkùnkǔ ér xuédào)
- let's (Verb: let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|我們|tr=wǒmen}} + {{qualifier|verb}} (''optional:'' {{zh-l|吧|tr=ba}})
- little (Adjective: (of a sibling) younger)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|uses different words for each familial title}}
- loose ends (Noun: leftover items)
- *: Mandarin: [[零碎]][[的]][[事兒]], [[零碎]][[的]][[事儿]] (língsuì de shìr)
- lopsided (Adjective: not balanced)
- *: Mandarin: [[倾向]][[一方]][[的]] (qīngxiàng yīfāng de), [[不]][[平衡]][[的]] (bù pínghéng de), {{t+|cmn|斜倚|tr=xiéyǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|畸形|tr=jīxíng}}
- lose touch (Verb: lose contact with)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|cease contact with}} [[失去]][[聯繫]], [[失去]][[联系]] (shīqù liánxì), {{qualifier|be out of touch with something}} {{t+|cmn|脫節|tr=tuōjié}}
- mashed potatoes (Noun: dish)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|馬鈴薯泥|tr=mǎlíngshǔ ní}}, {{t+|cmn|薯蓉|tr=shǔróng}}, {{t+|cmn|洋芋泥|tr=yángyùní}}, {{t+|cmn|薯泥|tr=shǔní}}, {{t+|cmn|土豆泥|tr=tǔdòuní}}, {{qualifier|Hong Kong}}
- misbehavior (Noun: conduct that is inappropriate)
- *: Mandarin: [[不當]][[行為]], [[不当]][[行为]] (bùdàng xíngwéi), [[行為]][[不端]], [[行为]][[不端]] (xíngwéi bùduān), [[不良]][[行为]], [[不良]][[行為]] (bùliáng xíngwéi)
- mixologist (Noun: person who creates cocktails)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no exact term exists}} [[善]][[調製]][[雞尾酒]][[的]][[酒吧]][[調酒生]], [[善]][[调制]][[鸡尾酒]][[的]][[酒吧]][[调酒生]] (shàn tiáozhì jīwěijiǔ de jiǔbā diàojiǔshēng)
- momo (Noun: type of dumpling)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|饃饃}}
- neat freak (Noun: person obsessed with tidiness or cleanliness)
- *: Mandarin: [[有]][[潔癖]][[的]][[人]], [[有]][[洁癖]][[的]][[人]] (yǒu jiépǐ de rén)
- nevertheless (Adverb: in spite of what preceded)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|還是|tr=háishi}}, {{t+|cmn|然而|tr=rán'ér}}, {{t+|cmn|仍然|tr=réngrán}}, [[儘管]][[如此]], [[尽管]][[如此]] (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ)
- nonexperimental (Adjective: not experimental)
- *: Mandarin: [[非]][[試驗]], [[非]][[试验]] (fēi shìyàn)
- nuanced (Adjective: having nuances)
- *: Mandarin: [[具有]][[細微]][[差別]][[的]], [[具有]][[细微]][[差别]][[的]] (jùyǒu xìwéi chābié de), [[細緻]][[入微]], [[细致]][[入微]] (xìzhì rùwēi), {{t+|cmn|精確|tr=jīngquè}}, {{t+|cmn|複雜|tr=fùzá}}
- obmutescent (Adjective: refusing to speak)
- *: Mandarin: [[死不]][[吭聲]][[的]], [[死不]][[吭声]][[的]] (sǐbù kēngshēng de)
- one (Pronoun: impersonal pronoun; one thing or person)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|measure words are used}}, {{qualifier|adjectives with}} {{tt+|cmn|的|tr=de}}
- one (Pronoun: indefinite personal pronoun; any person, people in general)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|subjectless clauses are used}}, {{tt+|cmn|人人|tr=rénrén}}, {{qualifier|when talking about self}} {{tt+|cmn|自己|tr=zìjǐ}}
- opine (Verb: have or express an opinion)
- *: Mandarin: [[表述]][[觀點]], [[表述]][[观点]] (biǎoshù guāndiǎn), {{t+|cmn|覺得|tr=juéde}}
- or words to that effect (Phrase: used to indicate a paraphrase)
- *: Mandarin: [[之類]][[的]][[話]], [[之类]][[的]][[话]] (zhīlèi de huà), [[或]][[諸如此類]][[的]][[話]], [[或]][[诸如此类]][[的]][[话]] (huò zhūrúcǐlèi de huà)
- otaku (Noun: one with an obsessive interest in something such as anime or manga)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|宅男|tr=zháinán}} {{qualifier|male nerd/introvert}} , {{t+|cmn|宅女|tr=zháinǚ}} {{qualifier|female nerd/introvert}} , {{t+|cmn|粉絲|tr=fěnsī}} , {{t+|cmn|二次元|tr=èrcìyuán}} , [[ACG]] {{qualifier|fan}} , {{t+|cmn|御宅族|tr=yùzháizú}}, {{t+|cmn|哈日族|tr=hāRìzú}}, {{t|cmn|死宅|tr=sǐzhái}} {{qualifier|one obsessed with Japanese things/[[weeaboo]]}}
- ovenless (Adjective: without an oven)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[烤爐]][[的]], [[没有]][[烤炉]][[的]] (méiyǒu kǎolú de)
- overachievement (Noun: greater than anticipated achievement)
- *: Mandarin: [[超過]][[預期]][[的]][[成就]], [[超过]][[预期]][[的]][[成就]] (chāoguòyùqīdechéngjiù)
- overemphasize (Verb: place too much emphasis on)
- *: Mandarin: [[過分]][[強調]], [[过分]][[强调]] (guòfèn qiángdiào)
- palmaris longus (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|掌長肌}}
- paraprosdokian (Noun: figure of speech)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no corresponding term exists}} [[句子]][[在]][[最後]][[有]][[意想不到]][[的]][[結尾]], [[句子]][[在]][[最后]][[有]][[意想不到]][[的]][[结尾]] (jùzi zài zuìhòu yìxiǎngbudào de jiéwěi)
- parasol tree (Noun: Polyscias kikuyuensis)
- *: Mandarin: {{taxlink|Polyscias kikuyuensis|species}}
- pee (Noun: name of the letter P, p)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- people person (Noun: one who interacts skilfully with others)
- *: Mandarin: [[喜歡]][[社交]][[的]][[人]], [[喜欢]][[社交]][[的]][[人]] (xǐhuān shèjiāo de rén)
- piece (Noun: single item belonging to a class of similar items)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|classifiers are used}}
- pigmentation (Noun: coloration of tissue)
- *: Mandarin: [[皮膚]][[色素]], [[皮肤]][[色素]] (pífū sèsù), [[天然]][[顏色]] (tiānrán yánsè)
- platypusary (Noun: place where platypuses are nurtured)
- *: Mandarin: [[鴨嘴獸]][[飼養場]], [[鸭嘴兽]][[饲养场]] (yāzuǐshòu sìyǎngchǎng), [[鴨嘴獸]][[圈養]][[地]], [[鸭嘴兽]][[圈养]][[地]] (yāzuǐshòu juànyǎng dì)
- psychoactive (Adjective: pharmacology: affecting the mind or mental processes)
- *: Mandarin: [[作用]][[於]][[精神]][[的]], [[作用]][[于]][[精神]][[的]] (zuòyòng yú jīngshén de), [[影響]][[心理]][[狀態]][[的]], [[影响]][[心理]][[状态]][[的]] (yǐngxiǎng xīnlǐ zhuàngtài de)
- publishable (Adjective: able to be published)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier||can be published}} [[可]][[發表]][[的]], [[可]][[发表]][[的]] (kě fābiǎo de), {{qualifier||suitable for publishing}} [[適於]][[出版]][[的]], [[适于]][[出版]][[的]] (shìyú chūbǎn de)
- re-examine (Verb: to examine again)
- *: Mandarin: [[再]][[調查]], [[再]][[调查]] (zài diǎochá), {{t+|cmn|覆審}}, {{t+|cmn|复审|tr=fùshěn}}
- scull (Verb: drink entire contents)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|formal}} [[一口氣]][[喝完]], [[一口气]][[喝完]] (yīkǒuqì hēwán), {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|cmn|乾|alt=乾(了)|tr=gān [le]}}, {{qualifier|slang; interjection}} {{t|cmn|走一個|tr=zǒuyīgè}}
- senior captain (Noun: navy)
- * Mandarin: [[dai xiao]] / [[hai jun da xiao]]
- sham (Noun: trickery, hoaxing)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|迷雾}}, {{t|cmn|迷思|tr=míwù}}, {{qualifier|(figuratively}}
- solo (Verb: to perform a solo)
- *: Mandarin: no corresponding word known
- sophocracy (Noun: political rule by philosophers)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no such term exists; literally:}} [[聖賢]][[政治]], [[圣贤]][[政治]] (shèngxián zhèngzhì), [[聖賢]][[之]][[道]], [[圣贤]][[之]][[道]] (shèngxián zhī dào)
- stand a chance (Verb: have a chance)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|have an opportunity}} [[有]][[機會]], [[有]][[机会]] (yǒu jīhuì), {{qualifier|have a possibility}} [[有]][[可能性]] (yǒu kěnéngxìng), {{qualifier|have a hope}} [[有]][[希望]] (yǒu xīwàng)
- taunt (Verb: to make fun of (someone); to goad into responding)
- *: Mandarin: 奚落 (zh) (xīluò)
- tee (Noun: name of the letter T, t)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- the thing is (Phrase: introduce main point)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|問題|alt=問題是...|tr=wèntí shì...}}, [[是]][[這樣]][[的]]..., [[是]][[这样]][[的]]... (shì zhèyàng de...)
- therapeutic (Adjective: having a positive effect on the body or mind)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[可以]][[起]][[到]][[療法]][[作用]][[的]]}}, {{t|cmn|[[可以]][[起]][[到]][[疗法]][[作用]][[的]]|
- toeless (Adjective: without toes)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[腳趾]], [[没有]][[脚趾]] (méiyǒu jiǎozhǐ)
- turn of events (Noun: deviation from the expected)
- *: Mandarin: [[事件]][[的]][[發展]], [[事件]][[的]][[发展]] (shìjiàn de fāzhǎn), [[形勢]][[的]][[變化]], [[形势]][[的]][[变化]] (xíngshì de biànhuà)
- u (Noun: name of the letter U, u)
- *: Mandarin: {{q|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- unable (Adjective: not able)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|different words for "able" - see entries}} [[不]][[能]] (bù néng), [[不]][[能夠]], [[不]][[能够]] (bù nénggòu), [[不]][[会]] (bù huì), [[不]][[可以]] (bù kěyǐ)
- unnecessary (Adjective: not necessary)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|多餘|alt=多餘的|tr=duōyú de}}, [[不]][[必要]] (bù bìyào)
- unpredictable (Noun: unpredictable thing)
- *: Mandarin: [[不]][[可]][[預知]][[的]][[事情]], [[不]][[可]][[预知]][[的]][[事情]] (bù kě yùzhī de shìqíng)
- vee (Noun: name of the letter V, v)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- vent one's spleen (Verb: to openly express pent-up anger)
- *: Mandarin: [[向]]…[[發脾氣]], [[向]]…[[发脾气]] (xiàng...fā píqi)
- verbosity (Noun: the excess use of words; long-windedness)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|冗句|tr=rǒngjù}}, {{qualifier|in composition}}
- walk on eggshells (Verb: to act carefully to avoid upsetting someone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|伴君如伴虎|tr=bàn jūn rú bàn hǔ}} {{qualifier|for superiors only}}, [[謹慎]][[行事]], [[谨慎]][[行事]] (jǐnshèn xíngshì)
- whereas (Conjunction: but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…)
- *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|然而}}
- whether (Conjunction: introducing indirect questions)
- *: Mandarin: (usually not used), {{t+|cmn|是否|tr=shìfǒu}}
- worthlessness (Noun: quality of lacking worth)
- *: Mandarin: [[沒有]][[價值]], [[没有]][[价值]] (méiyǒu jiàzhí), [[無]][[價值]], [[无]][[价值]] (wú jiàzhí)
- wye (Noun: name of the letter Y, y)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
- yes (Particle: word used to indicate agreement or acceptance)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|是|tr=shì}}, {{tt+|cmn|對|tr=duì}}, {{tt+|cmn|啊|tr=à}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, (repeating the verb/attribute used in the question to mean "yes" 你'''知道'''吗? '''知道''')
- zee (Noun: name of the letter Z, z)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists}}
Multiple t-templates
[edit]- 169 items
- 3D job (Noun: dirty, dangerous, demanding job)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|3K產業|tr=sān kèi chǎnyè}}, {{t+|cmn|3K行業|tr=sān kèi hángyè}} (number {{l|cmn|3|sc=Hans}} can also be replaced with {{l|cmn|三|tr=sān|sc=Hans}} - "three")
- 3D job (Noun: dirty, dangerous, demanding job)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|3K產業|tr=sān kèi chǎnyè}}, {{t+|cmn|3K行業|tr=sān kèi hángyè}} (number {{l|cmn|3|sc=Hans}} can also be replaced with {{l|cmn|三|tr=sān|sc=Hans}} - "three")
- Ao (Proper noun: river in Zhejiang, China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|鰲}}{{t+|zh|江|tr=Áojiāng}}
- Ao (Proper noun: river in Fujian, China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|敖}}{{t+|zh|江|tr=Áojiāng}}
- Bavaria (Proper noun: state)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|巴伐利亚|tr=Bāfálìyà}}{{t+|cmn|拜恩|tr=Bái'ēn}}, {{t|cmn|拜仁|tr=báirén}}
- Chinese Taipei (Proper noun: a name under which Taiwan participates in international organisations)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|中華臺北}} or {{t+|cmn|中華台北|tr=Zhōnghuá Táiběi}}
- David (Proper noun: male given name)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|大衛}}/{{t+|cmn|大衞}}, {{t+|cmn|大卫|tr=Dàwèi}}, {{t|cmn|戴維|tr=Dàiwéi}}
- I don't speak English (Phrase: I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language))
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[我]][[不會]][[說]][[中文]]|tr=wǒ bùhuì shuō zhōngwén}}, {{t|cmn|[[我]][[不會]][[講]][[中文]]|tr=wǒ bùhuì jiǎng zhōngwén}} {{qualifier|Chinese, generally}} {{t|cmn|[[我]][[不會]][[說]][[官話]]|tr=wǒ bùhuì shuō guānhuà}}, {{t|cmn|[[我]][[不會]][[講]][[官話]]|tr=wǒ bùhuì jiǎng guānhuà}} {{qualifier|Mandarin, specifically}}
- I'm (Contraction: Contraction)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|是|tr=wǒ shì|alt=我是}}, {{t+|cmn|我|tr=wǒ ...|alt=我...}} ({{l|cmn|是|sc=Hani}} is not used with adjectives)
- Marawi (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|馬拉維}} {{q|Mainland China|Hong Kong}} {{t+|cmn|馬拉威}} {{q|Taiwan}}
- Peugeot (Noun: car manufactured by Peugeot)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|標致汽車}}/{{t|cmn|標緻汽車|tr=Biāozhì qìchē}}
- Peugeot (Proper noun: French manufacturer of cars)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|標致}}/{{t+|cmn|標緻|tr=Biāozhì}}
- RFID (Noun: radio-frequency identification (initialism))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|射頻識別}} {{qualifier|traditional}} {{t+|cmn|射频识别}} {{qualifier|simplified}}
- Republic of China (Proper noun: country in East Asia)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|中華民國|tr=Zhōnghuá Mínguó}}, {{t+|cmn|臺灣}} ''or'' {{t+|cmn|台灣|tr=Táiwān}}
- U-turn (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{q|Taiwan}} {{t+|cmn|迴轉}} {{t|cmn|迴車}}
- Walloon (Proper noun: Romance language)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|瓦龍語|tr=Wǎlóngyǔ}},{{t|cmn|瓦隆语|tr=wǎlóngyǔ}}
- Windows (Proper noun: Microsoft Windows)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|視窗|tr=Shìchuāng}},{{t+|cmn|微軟視窗|tr=wēiruǎnshìchuāng, wéiruǎnshìchuāng}}
- Yantai (Proper noun: a city of China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|煙臺}} or {{t+|cmn|煙台|tr=Yāntái}}
- ahjussi (Noun: (Korea) a middle-aged Korean man)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|阿加西}}, {{t|cmn|阿扎西}} {{t|cmn|阿澤西}}
- allow (Verb: to not bar or obstruct)
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|讓|sc=Hani}} {{t+check|cmn|让|tr=ràng|sc=Hani}}
- amenity (Noun: unit of community infrastructure)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|福利}}{{t+|cmn|設施}}, {{t|cmn|便民}}{{t+|cmn|設施}}
- ancient history (Noun: period of history)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[古代]][[歷史]]|tr=gǔdài lìshǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|古代史|tr=gǔdàishǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|古史|tr=gǔshǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|上古史|tr=shànggǔshǐ}}
- argumentative (Adjective: prone to argue or dispute)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|矯情|tr=jiǎoqíng}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|cmn|便便|tr=piánpián}} {{qualifier|literary}}
- arrowhead (Noun: the pointed part of an arrow)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|箭頭|tr=jiàntóu}},{{t+|cmn|箭鏃|tr=jiànzú}}
- as if (Conjunction: as though)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|仿佛|tr=fǎngfú}} or {{t+|cmn|彷彿|tr=fǎngfú}} {{q|variant characters}}, {{t+|cmn|似乎|tr=sìhū}}, {{t+|cmn|好像|tr=hǎoxiàng}}
- as if (Conjunction: in mimicry of)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|仿佛|tr=fǎngfú}} or {{t+|cmn|彷彿|tr=fǎngfú}} {{q|variant characters}}, {{t+|cmn|似乎|tr=sìhū}}, {{t+|cmn|好像|tr=hǎoxiàng}}
- as though (Conjunction: as to suggest that)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|仿佛|tr=fǎngfú}} or {{t+|cmn|彷彿|tr=fǎngfú}} (''variant characters''), {{t+|cmn|似乎|tr=sìhū}}, {{t+|cmn|好像|tr=hǎoxiàng}}
- assist (Verb: help)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|幫|tr=bāng}}, {{t+|cmn|幫助|tr=bāngzhù}}, {{t+|cmn|協助|tr=xiézhù}},{{t+|cmn|辅助|tr=fǔ zhù}}
- at (Preposition: indicating time)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no preposition is used, e.g.:}} {{tt|cmn|[[五]][[點鐘]]}} or {{tt|cmn|[[五]][[點]]|lit=at five o'clock}}
- blowjob (Noun: the act of fellatio)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|吹功|tr=chuīgōng}}, {{t+|cmn|吹簫|tr=chuīxiāo}}, {{t+|cmn|口交|tr=kǒu jiāo}}
- brat (Noun: a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|小子|tr=xiǎozi}}, {{l|cmn|臭}}{{l|cmn|小孩兒}}, {{l|cmn|臭}}{{l|cmn|小孩儿}} (chòu xiǎoháir), {{t+|cmn|小淘氣|tr=xiǎotáoqì}}, {{l|cmn|小屁孩}}
- brittle (Adjective: able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|易碎的}},{{t|cmn|易损坏的}}
- bullet time (Noun: visual effect)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|子弹时间|tr=zǐdànshíjiān}} {{t|cmn|子彈時間|tr=zǐdànshíjiān}}
- cancel (Verb: cross out)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|划}},{{t+|cmn|勾}}
- candleholder (Noun: device for holding one or more lit candles)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|燭臺}} or {{t+|cmn|燭台|tr=zhútái}}
- chaperone (Verb: act as a chaperone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|陪伴|tr=péibàn}},{{t+|cmn|监护|tr=jiānhù}},{{t|cmn|分子伴侣|alt=起到分子伴侣作用|tr=qǐdào fēnzǐbànlǚ zuòyòng}}{{qualifier|biochemistry}}
- chaperone (Verb: act as a chaperone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|陪伴|tr=péibàn}},{{t+|cmn|监护|tr=jiānhù}},{{t|cmn|分子伴侣|alt=起到分子伴侣作用|tr=qǐdào fēnzǐbànlǚ zuòyòng}}{{qualifier|biochemistry}}
- chatter (Noun: talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|廢話|tr=fèihuà}}, {{t+|cmn|閒話}} or {{t+|cmn|閑話|tr=xiánhuà}}
- cheat (Verb: violate rules to gain advantage)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|作弊|tr=zuòbì}},{{t|cmn|使诈|tr=shǐzhà}},{{t|cmn|使詐|tr=shǐzhà}}
- cheat (Verb: violate rules to gain advantage)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|作弊|tr=zuòbì}},{{t|cmn|使诈|tr=shǐzhà}},{{t|cmn|使詐|tr=shǐzhà}}
- cheat (Verb: being unfaithful to sexual partner)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腳踏兩條船|tr=jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán}},{{t+|cmn|不忠|tr=bùzhōng}},{{t+|cmn|出軌|tr=chūguǐ}}
- cheat (Verb: being unfaithful to sexual partner)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腳踏兩條船|tr=jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán}},{{t+|cmn|不忠|tr=bùzhōng}},{{t+|cmn|出軌|tr=chūguǐ}}
- cheer (Verb: to applaud or encourage with cheers or shouts)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|歡呼|tr=huānhū}}, {{t+|cmn|喝彩|tr=hècǎi, hēcǎi}}/{{t+|cmn|喝采|tr=hècǎi, hēcǎi}}, {{t+|cmn|助威|tr=zhùwēi}}, {{t+|cmn|助陣|tr=zhùzhèn}}
- congratulations (Interjection: expressing approbation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|恭喜|tr=gōngxǐ}}, (usually duplicated) {{l|cmn|恭喜|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|恭喜|sc=Hani}} (gōngxǐ gōngxǐ)
- consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
- *: Mandarin: (of: {{l|cmn|由|tr=yóu}} ...) {{t+|cmn|組成|tr=zǔchéng}}, (of: {{l|cmn|由|tr=yóu}} ...) {{t+|cmn|構成|tr=gòuchéng}}
- corrugated iron (Noun: building material)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|波紋鐵|tr=bōwéntiě}} {{t+|cmn|鐵皮|tr=tiěpí}}
- cramped (Adjective: uncomfortably restricted in size)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|狹窄|tr=xiázhǎi}}, {{t+|cmn|狹小|tr=xiáxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|擁擠|tr=yōngjǐ}}, {{t|cmn|狹促|tr=xiácù}}, {{t+|cmn|狹隘|tr=xiá'ài}}
- cramped (Adjective: overcrowded or congested)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|狹窄|tr=xiázhǎi}}, {{t+|cmn|狹小|tr=xiáxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|擁擠|tr=yōngjǐ}}, {{t|cmn|狹促|tr=xiácù}}, {{t+|cmn|狹隘|tr=xiá'ài}}
- cursor (Noun: part of scientific instruments that indicates position)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|遊標}} or {{t|cmn|游標}}, {{t+|cmn|光標|tr=guāngbiāo}}
- curtail (Verb: shorten or abridge)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|缩减}},{{t+|cmn|精简}}
- curtail (Verb: limit or restrict)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|限制}},{{t+|cmn|制约}}
- decease (Verb: to die)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|死亡}},{{t+|cmn|去世}}
- desktop (Noun: a desktop computer)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|桌機|tr=zhuōjī}}, {{t|cmn|檯式機}} or {{t|cmn|枱式機}}, {{t|cmn|台式机|tr=táishìjī}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t|cmn|檯式電腦}} or {{t|cmn|枱式電腦}}, {{t|cmn|台式电脑|tr=táishì diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t+|cmn|桌上型電腦|tr=zhuōshàngxíng diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t|cmn|桌面電腦|tr=zhuōmiàn diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- desktop computer (Noun: a computer of a size designed to be used on a desk)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|桌機|tr=zhuōjī}}, {{t|cmn|檯式機}} or {{t|cmn|枱式機}}, {{t|cmn|台式机|tr=táishìjī}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t|cmn|檯式電腦}} or {{t|cmn|枱式電腦}}, {{t|cmn|台式电脑|tr=táishì diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t+|cmn|桌上型電腦|tr=zhuōshàngxíng diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t|cmn|桌面電腦|tr=zhuōmiàn diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- disaccharide (Noun: a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|雙醣}} or {{t+|cmn|雙糖|tr=shuāngtáng}}, {{t+|cmn|二醣|tr=èrtáng}}
- discredit (Verb: harm reputation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|抹黑|tr=mǒhēi}},{{t+|cmn|敗壞|tr=bàihuài}} {{t+|cmn|名聲|tr=míngshēng}}
- discredit (Verb: harm reputation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|抹黑|tr=mǒhēi}},{{t+|cmn|敗壞|tr=bàihuài}} {{t+|cmn|名聲|tr=míngshēng}}
- donate (Verb: to give away something of value)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|捐獻|tr=juānxiàn}}, {{t+|cmn|捐贈|tr=juānzèng}}, {{t+|cmn|捐助|tr=juānzhù}},{{t+|cmn|抖內|tr=dǒunèi}}
- drivel (Verb: to talk nonsense)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|胡说}},{{t+|cmn|胡扯}}
- eaves (Noun: underside of a roof that extends beyond the external walls of a building)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|宸|tr=chén}}, {{t+|cmn|滴水|tr=dīshuǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|樀|tr=dí}}, {{t+|cmn|房簷|tr=fángyán}}, {{t+|cmn|核|tr=kài}}, {{t+|cmn|屋檐|tr=wūyán}}, {{t+|cmn|簷}} {{t+|cmn|沿|tr=yán}}, {{t+|cmn|𡧃}}, {{t+|cmn|宇|tr=yǔ}}
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|八|tr=bā}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|捌}})
- elegy (Noun: mournful or plaintive poem or song)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|挽歌|tr=wǎngē}} (trad. variant: {{t+|cmn|輓歌}}), {{t+|cmn|哀歌|tr=āigē}}
- employment (Noun: act of employing)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|就業|tr=jiùyè}}, {{t+|cmn|僱用}} or {{t+|cmn|僱傭}}, {{t+|cmn|雇用|tr=gùyòng}}
- employment (Noun: state of being employed)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|就業|tr=jiùyè}}, {{t+|cmn|僱用}} or {{t+|cmn|僱傭}}, {{t+|cmn|雇用|tr=gùyòng}}
- extrinsic (Adjective: not belonging to, outside)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|非|tr=fēi}}{{t+|cmn|本質|tr=běnzhí}}, {{t+|cmn|非}}{{t+|cmn|固有|tr=gùyǒu}}, {{t+|cmn|外在|tr=wàizài}}
- factory (Noun: manufacturing place)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|工廠}},{{t+|cmn|廠家}}, {{t+|cmn|廠|tr=chǎng}}
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|五|tr=wǔ}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|伍}})
- flout (Verb: to express contempt for the rules by word or action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|公然}}{{t+|cmn|藐視|tr=miǎoshì}}、{{t+|cmn|違背|tr=wéibèi}}
- flout (Verb: to express contempt for the rules by word or action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|公然}}{{t+|cmn|藐視|tr=miǎoshì}}、{{t+|cmn|違背|tr=wéibèi}}
- flout (Verb: to scorn)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|藐視|tr=miǎoshì}}、{{t+|cmn|鄙視|tr=bǐshì}}、{{t+|cmn|不屑|tr=bùxiè}}
- flout (Verb: to scorn)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|藐視|tr=miǎoshì}}、{{t+|cmn|鄙視|tr=bǐshì}}、{{t+|cmn|不屑|tr=bùxiè}}
- footnote (Noun: comment at the bottom of a printed page)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腳註}} or {{t+|cmn|腳注|tr=jiǎozhù}}
- forehead (Noun: part of face above eyebrows)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|前額|tr=qián'é}}, {{t+|cmn|額頭|tr=étóu}}, {{t+|cmn|額}} or {{t+|cmn|頟|tr=é}}, {{t|cmn|額門|tr=émén}}, {{t+|cmn|眉宇|tr=méiyǔ}} {{qualifier|literary}}
- ginseng (Noun: root of such a plant, or the extract)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|人蔘根}}/{{t|cmn|人參根|tr=rénshēn gēn}}
- go through (Verb: to examine or scrutinize)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|經歷}}(jīnglì),{{t+|cmn|歷經}}(lìjīng)
- gold farming (Noun: farming/grinding for in-game currency for for-profit resale outside of the game)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|打钱|tr=dǎqián}} {{t+|cmn|打錢|tr=dǎqián}}
- gorgon (Noun: monster in Greek mythology)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|戈耳工|tr=gē'ěrgōng}}, {{t|cmn|戈耳贡|tr=gē'ěrgòng}},{{t|cmn|戈尔贡|tr=gē'ěrgòng}}
- graveyard (Noun: tract of land in which the dead are buried)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|公墓|tr=gōngmù}} {{t+|cmn|墓地|tr=mùdì}}, {{t+|cmn|墳地|tr=féndì}}
- guide (Noun: someone who guides)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|導遊}} or {{t+|cmn|導游|tr=dǎoyóu}}
- guillemet (Noun: either of the punctuation marks « or »)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|書名號|tr=shūmínghào}}, symbols: {{l|cmn|《|sc=Hani}} and {{l|cmn|》|sc=Hani}}, {{l|cmn|〈|sc=Hani}} and {{l|cmn|〉|sc=Hani}}
- hang up (Verb: terminate a phone call)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|掛斷}} ({{t+|cmn|電話}}), {{t+|cmn|挂断|tr=guàduàn}} ({{t+|cmn|电话|tr=diànhuà}})
- hearsay (Noun: information that was heard by one person about another)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|傳聞|tr=chuánwén}}, {{t+|cmn|風聞|tr=fēngwén}},{{t+|cmn|流言|tr=liúyán}}
- hi (Interjection: friendly, informal greeting)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|你好|tr=nǐ hǎo}} {{qualifier|the most common}}, {{tt+|cmn|嗨|tr=hāi}} {{tt+|cmn|哈囉|tr=hāluō}} {{qualifier|slang}}
- hooliganism (Noun: behavior)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|流氓|tr=liúmáng}} ({{t+|cmn|行為|tr=xíngwéi}})
- horizontal bar (Noun: horizontally-aligned bar used in gymnastics)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|單杠}} or {{t+|cmn|單槓|tr=dāngàng}}
- instead of (Preposition: in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|而是|tr=ér shì}}, {{t+|cmn|反而|tr=fǎn ér}}
- interrelated (Adjective: having a mutual or reciprocal relation or parallelism)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|互联的}},{{t|cmn|互相关联的}}
- jewel box (Noun: box for storing jewels)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|珠宝}}{{t+|cmn|盒}}, {{t+|cmn|首饰}}{{t+|cmn|盒}}
- jewel box (Noun: plastic container for optical disc)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|CD}}{{t+|cmn|盒}}
- lasagna (Noun: flat sheet of pasta)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|麵皮|tr=miànpí}}{{t+|cmn|千層麵|tr=qiāncéngmiàn}}
- leash (Noun: long cord for dogs)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|皮帶|tr=pídài}}, {{t+|cmn|紲}} or {{t+|cmn|絏|tr=xiè}}
- leprosy (Noun: infectious disease caused by M. leprae)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|麻風病}} or {{t|cmn|痲瘋病}}, {{t+|cmn|麻风病|tr=máfēngbìng}}, {{t+|cmn|癩病|tr=làibìng}}
- lethal (Adjective: of, pertaining to, or causing death; deadly; mortal; fatal)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|致命|tr=zhìmìng de|alt=致命的}},{{t|cmn|致死的|tr=zhìsǐdē}}
- level (Noun: gaming: discrete segment of a game)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|關|tr=guān}},{{t+|cmn|關卡|tr=guānkǎ, guānqiǎ}}, {{t+check|cmn|層|tr=céng}}
- look out (Verb: to be vigilant and aware)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|当心}}, {{t+|cmn|小心}},{{t+|cmn|注意}}
- minion (Noun: loyal servant of another more powerful being)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|奴才}},{{t+|cmn|奴仆}}
- miserable (Adjective: in a state of misery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|悲慘|tr=bēicǎn}}, {{t+|cmn|慘|tr=cǎn}}, {{t|cmn|淒慘}}/{{t+|cmn|悽慘|tr=qīcǎn}}
- modificand (Noun: word, phrase, or clause which has been modified)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|被修飾詞|tr=bèixiūshìcí}}, {{t|cmn|被限定詞|tr=bèixiàndìngcí}}
- monolithic (Adjective: having a massive, unchanging structure that does not permit individual variation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|整體}}{{t+|cmn|一統|tr=zhěngtǐyītǒng}}, {{t|cmn|坚如磐石的}}
- monosaccharide (Noun: a simple sugar, composed of a single ring)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|單醣}} or {{t+|cmn|單糖|tr=dāntáng}}
- nausea (Noun: feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|惡心}} or {{t+|cmn|噁心}}, {{t+|cmn|恶心|tr=ěxīn}}
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|九|tr=jiǔ}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|玖}})
- nymphomania (Noun: excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|女|sc=Hani}}{{t+|cmn|色情狂}} (nǚ sèqíngkuáng), {{t+|cmn|慕男狂|tr=mùnánkuáng}} {{q|andromania}}
- off-the-wall (Adjective: wildly unconventional; bizarre; absurd)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|荒诞}}的, {{t+|cmn|疯狂}}的
- optical fibre (Noun: fibre used for transmitting light)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|光導纖維|tr=guāngdǎoxiānwéi}};{{t+|cmn|光纖|tr=guāngxiān}}
- paralysis (Noun: loss of muscle control)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|癱瘓|tr=tānhuàn}}, {{t+|cmn|麻痹|tr=mábì}} (traditional variant: {{t+|cmn|痲痺}})
- pederast (Noun: practitioner of pederasty)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|雞奸者}} (traditional also: {{t|cmn|雞姦者|tr=jījiānzhě}}), {{t|cmn|男色者|tr=nánsèzhě}}, {{t|cmn|好男色者|tr=hàonánsèzhě}}
- philia (Noun: psychological disorder)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|嗜好|tr=shìhào}}, {{t+|cmn|癖好|tr=pǐhào}}
- pickle (Verb: to preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腌菜|tr=yāncài}} (traditional also: {{t+|cmn|醃菜}}), {{t+|cmn|鹹菜|tr=xiáncài}}, {{t+|cmn|泡菜|tr=pàocài}}, {{t+|cmn|腌|tr=yān}}
- play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|演奏|tr=yǎnzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|cmn|彈|tr=tán}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|彈奏|tr=tánzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments with a bow such as violin}} {{tt+|cmn|拉|tr=lā}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|cmn|吹|tr=chuī}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|吹奏|tr=chuīzòu}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially gong}} {{tt+|cmn|敲|tr=qiāo}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially drum}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}
- play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|演奏|tr=yǎnzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|cmn|彈|tr=tán}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|彈奏|tr=tánzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments with a bow such as violin}} {{tt+|cmn|拉|tr=lā}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|cmn|吹|tr=chuī}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|吹奏|tr=chuīzòu}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially gong}} {{tt+|cmn|敲|tr=qiāo}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially drum}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}
- play (Verb: participate in (a sport or game))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|參與|tr=cān yù}}, {{tt+|cmn|參加|tr=cān jiā}}, {{qualifier|games}} {{tt+|cmn|玩|tr=wán}}, {{qualifier|sports with pedal hitting, such as football}} {{tt+|cmn|踢|tr=tī}}, {{qualifier|sports with manual hitting, such as basketball and badminton}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}, {{qualifier|sports with throwing, such as discus throw}} {{tt+|cmn|擲|tr=zhì}}&{{qualifier|colloquial&informal}} {{tt+|cmn|扔|tr=rēng}}, {{qualifier|sports with pushing, such as shot put}} {{tt+|cmn|推|tr=tuī}}, {{qualifier|sports with running, such as marathon}} {{tt+|cmn|跑|tr=pǎo}}
- pneumoconiosis (Noun: disease of the lungs)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|塵肺|tr=chénfèi}} {{t+|cmn|黑肺病|tr=hēifèibìng}}, {{t+|cmn|塵肺病}}
- precipitate (Verb: to send violently into a certain state or condition)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|促使}}, {{t+|cmn|突然}}{{t+|cmn|陷入}}
- predisposition (Noun: the state of being predisposed)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|傾向}} or {{t+|cmn|傾嚮|tr=qīngxiàng}}
- progress (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|进程|sc=Hani}},{{t+check|cmn|过程|sc=Hani}}
- rebellious (Adjective: showing rebellion)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|叛逆的}}, {{t|cmn|造反的}},{{t|cmn|反抗的}}
- reinforce (Verb: to emphasize or review)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|再次鼓励}},{{t|cmn|再次强调}}
- rekindle (Verb: To kindle once again)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|重拾}}{{t|cmn|重新点燃}}
- renounce (Verb: decline association with)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|斷絕|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|關係|sc=Hani}}, {{l|cmn|断绝|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|关系|sc=Hani}} (duànjué guānxì)
- reprimand (Verb: to reprove in a formal or official way)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|责骂}}, {{t+|cmn|责怪}},{{t+|cmn|谴责}}
- robe (Noun: long, loose outer garment)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|礼袍}},{{t+|cmn|长袍}}
- rotate (Verb: to spin, turn, or revolve)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|旋转}},{{t+|cmn|转动}}
- rotate (Verb: to advance through a sequence; to take turns)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|轮换}},{{t+|cmn|轮流}}
- rout (Verb: to completely defeat and force into disorderly retreat)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|擊潰|tr=jīkuì, jíkuì}},{{t+|cmn|击退|tr=jītuì, jítuì}}
- rub (Verb: to spread a substance thinly over; to smear)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|抹}},{{t+|cmn|擦}}
- sardine (Noun: fish)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|沙丁|tr=shādīng}}, {{t+|cmn|沙丁魚|tr=shādīngyú}}, {{t+|cmn|鰮}}/{{t+|cmn|鰛|tr=wēn}}, {{t|cmn|鰮魚}}, {{t|cmn|鰮鱼|tr=wēnyú}}
- sawdust (Noun: dust created by sawing)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鋸末|tr=jùmò}},{{t+|cmn|鋸屑|tr=jùxiè}}, {{t+|cmn|木屑|tr=mùxiè}}
- shaved ice (Noun: jellylike dessert)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|刨冰|tr=bàobīng}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}} {{t|cmn|刨雪|tr=báoxuě}} {{qualifier|Malaysia}}
- shudder (Noun: shivering tremor)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|戰慄}} or {{t+|cmn|戰栗|tr=zhànlì}}, {{t+|cmn|觳觫}}
- signal (Noun: sign made to give notice)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|信號|tr=xìnhào}}, {{t+|cmn|訊號|tr=xùnhào}}
- snowball's chance in hell (Noun: Little or no likelihood of occurrence or success)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|希望|tr=}}{{t+|cmn|渺茫|tr=}}
- socialize (Verb: to interact with others)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|與|tr=yǔ}} / {{q|with}} {{t+|cmn|交往|tr=jiāowǎng}}, {{t+|cmn|交際|tr=jiāojì}}, {{t+|cmn|應酬|tr=yìngchou}}
- spur (Verb: to prod)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|策}}({{l|cmn|馬}}){{l|cmn|前進}}, {{l|cmn|策}}({{l|cmn|马}}){{l|cmn|前进}} (cè (mǎ) qiánjìn)
- spur (Verb: to prod)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|策}}({{l|cmn|馬}}){{l|cmn|前進}}, {{l|cmn|策}}({{l|cmn|马}}){{l|cmn|前进}} (cè (mǎ) qiánjìn)
- spur (Verb: to urge or encourage to action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鞭策}}, {{t+|cmn|激勵}}, {{t+|cmn|刺激}}, {{t+|cmn|鼓舞}}, {{t+|cmn|促進}}, {{l|cmn|刺激}}({{l|cmn|某事}}){{l|cmn|發生}}, {{t+|cmn|帶動}}
- spur (Verb: to urge or encourage to action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鞭策}}, {{t+|cmn|激勵}}, {{t+|cmn|刺激}}, {{t+|cmn|鼓舞}}, {{t+|cmn|促進}}, {{l|cmn|刺激}}({{l|cmn|某事}}){{l|cmn|發生}}, {{t+|cmn|帶動}}
- stream (Verb: to flow)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|涌出|tr=yǒngchū}} {{t+|cmn|湧出|tr=yǒngchū}}
- sweltering (Adjective: hot and humid)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|悶熱}}{{t+|cmn|的}}, {{t+|cmn|闷热}}{{t+|cmn|的|tr=mēnrè de}}
- systematize (Verb: to arrange into a systematic order)
- *: Mandarin: ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t+|cmn|系統化}}, ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t+|cmn|系统化|tr=(shǐ) xìtǒnghuà}}, ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t|cmn|條理化}}, ({{l|cmn|使|sc=Hani}}){{t|cmn|条理化|tr=(shǐ) tiáolǐhuà}}
- tabbouleh (Noun: Middle Eastern salad)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|塔布勒}}{{l|cmn|沙拉}} (tǎbùlēi shālā)
- tasting (Noun: taking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|品嘗}} or {{t+|cmn|品嚐|tr=pǐncháng}}
- teach to read and write (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[教給]][[學生]][[閱讀]][[和]][[寫作]]|tr=jiāogěi xuésheng yuèdú hé xiězuò}}, {{t|cmn|[[教]][[閱讀]][[和]][[寫作]]|tr=jiāo yuèdú hé xiězuò}} {{t|cmn|[[教]][[讀寫]]|tr=jiāo dúxiě}}
- teethe (Verb: grow teeth)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|長牙|tr=zhǎngyá}}; {{t+|zh|齔}} or {{t+|zh|齓}}/{{t+|zh|龀|tr=chèn}} {{q|lose baby teeth & grow permanent teeth, literary}}
- teethe (Verb: grow teeth)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|長牙|tr=zhǎngyá}}; {{t+|zh|齔}} or {{t+|zh|齓}}/{{t+|zh|龀|tr=chèn}} {{q|lose baby teeth & grow permanent teeth, literary}}
- television station (Noun: studio from where a television channel is broadcasted)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|電視台}} or {{t+|cmn|電視臺|tr=diànshìtái}}
- tempting (Adjective: attractive, appealing, enticing)
- *: Mandarin: 有{{t+|cmn|吸引力}}的,{{t+|cmn|吸引}}人的
- tempting (Adjective: seductive, alluring, inviting)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|誘人}}的,{{t+|cmn|誘惑}}的
- theocracy (Noun: government under the control of a Church)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|神權政治|tr=shénquán zhèngzhì}},{{t+|cmn|政教合一|tr=zhèngjiào héyī}}
- thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|十三|tr=shísān}} (numeral: {{t|cmn|拾參}})
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|三|tr=sān}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|參}})
- thumbstick (Noun: joystick)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|类比摇杆|tr=lèibǐyáogǎn}} {{t|cmn|類比搖桿|tr=lèibǐyáogǎn}}
- too much (Adverb: excessively)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}} (tài duō) (verb + {{l|cmn|得|tr=de}} + {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}})
- too much (Adverb: excessively)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}} (tài duō) (verb + {{l|cmn|得|tr=de}} + {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}})
- too much (Adverb: excessively)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}} (tài duō) (verb + {{l|cmn|得|tr=de}} + {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}})
- too much (Adverb: excessively)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}} (tài duō) (verb + {{l|cmn|得|tr=de}} + {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}})
- tour guide (Noun: guide on organised tours)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|導遊}} or {{t+|cmn|導游|tr=dǎoyóu}}
- trip (Verb: to make a trip)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|旅行}},{{t+|cmn|旅遊}}
- ummah (Noun: the worldwide Muslim community)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|烏瑪|tr=wūmǎ}},{{t|cmn|稳麦|tr=wěnmǎi}},{{t|cmn|文麦提|tr=wénmàití}}
- ummah (Noun: the worldwide Muslim community)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|烏瑪|tr=wūmǎ}},{{t|cmn|稳麦|tr=wěnmǎi}},{{t|cmn|文麦提|tr=wénmàití}}
- unrest (Noun: state of trouble)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|動亂|tr=dòngluàn}}, {{t+|cmn|動蕩}} or {{t+|cmn|動盪|tr=dòngdàng}}
- untitled (Adjective: having no title)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|無}}{{t+|cmn|標題}}, {{t+|cmn|无}}{{t+|cmn|标题|tr=wú biāotí}}
- watch one's step (Verb: to move cautiously)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|走路}}{{t+|cmn|小心}}
- watch one's step (Verb: to be cautious)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|谨慎}}{{t+|cmn|行事}}
- weeaboo (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|死宅}} or {{t+|cmn|御宅族}}
- weekly (Noun: publication that is published once a week)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|周刊|tr=zhōukān}} ({{qualifier|traditional also:}} {{t+|cmn|週刊}})
- workout (Noun: an exercise session; a period of physical exercise)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鍛煉}} or {{t+|cmn|鍛鍊|tr=duànliàn}}
- yearn (Verb: to have a strong desire for something or to do something)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|想念|tr=xiǎngniàn}}, {{t+|cmn|思念|tr=sīniàn}}, {{t+|cmn|盼念|tr=pànniàn}},{{t+|cmn|向往|tr=xiàngwǎng}}
- zombie (Noun: the undead)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|僵屍}} or {{t+|cmn|殭屍|tr=jiāngshī}}, {{t+|cmn|喪屍|tr=sàngshī}}
Wrong language code
[edit]- 192 items
Expected language code is cmn
- Aeschines (Proper noun: Greek statesman and Canonical Attic Orator (389–314 BC))
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|埃斯基涅斯}}
- American lobster (Noun: Homarus americanus)
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|波士頓龍蝦}}
- Ao (Proper noun: river in Zhejiang, China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|鰲}}{{t+|zh|江|tr=Áojiāng}}
- Ao (Proper noun: river in Fujian, China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|敖}}{{t+|zh|江|tr=Áojiāng}}
- Ashina (Proper noun: Turkic tribe, ruling dynasty of the Göktürks)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|阿史那}}
- Balakliia (Proper noun: city in Balakliia, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|巴拉克利亚}}
- Boten (Proper noun: town in Laos)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|磨丁}}
- Bulhakivka (Proper noun: village in Rubizhne, Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|布爾哈基夫卡}}
- Chinese gall (Noun: Plant gall produced by Chinese sumac)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|五倍子}}
- Christie (Proper noun: surname)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|克里斯蒂}}, {{t|cmn|克莉絲蒂}}, {{t|cmn|姬絲蒂}}
- Cochrane (Proper noun: surname)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|科克倫}}
- Dipolog (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|迪波洛格}}
- Dudleya (Proper noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|[[仙女杯]][[屬]]}}
- ECOWAS (Proper noun: Economic Community of West African States)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|西共體}}
- Empire of China (Proper noun: )
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|中華帝國}}
- Enter (Noun: key)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|回車鍵}}
- Feng (Proper noun: River in Shaanxi Province, China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|灃水}}
- Fiery Cross Reef (Proper noun: island)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|永暑礁}}
- Fort McMurray (Proper noun: hamlet and former city in Alberta, Canada)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|麥克默里堡}}
- Gandino (Proper noun: comune of Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|甘迪诺}}
- Genk (Proper noun: city)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|亨克|tr=hēng kè}}
- Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Proper noun: large Pacific trash gyre)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|太平洋垃圾帶|tr=Tàipíngyáng Lājīdài}}
- Hambantota (Proper noun: town in Sri Lanka)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|漢班托塔}}
- Hati (Proper noun: village in Semenivka, Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernihiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|加季}}
- Horozhanivka (Proper noun: village in Shevchenkove, Kupiansk, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|霍羅扎尼夫卡}}
- Horozhanka (Proper noun: river in Ukraine, left tributary of the Dniester)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|戈羅然卡|alt=戈羅然卡河}}
- Horozhene (Proper noun: village in Bashtanka, Bashtanka, Mykolaiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|戈羅熱涅}}
- Hromokliia (Proper noun: river in Ukraine, right tributary of the Inhul)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|赫罗莫克利亚|alt=赫罗莫克利亚河}}
- Hvidovre (Proper noun: town in Denmark)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|維茲奧勒|tr=Wéizīàolē}}
- Izeh (Proper noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|伊澤}}
- Jabalya (Proper noun: city in the Gaza Strip)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|賈巴利亞}}
- Kadiivka (Proper noun: city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|斯達漢諾夫|tr=Sīdáhànnofu}}
- Kare (Proper noun: village in Mykolaivka, Berezivka, Odesa, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|卡列}}
- Keramik (Proper noun: rural settlement in Ocheretyne, Pokrovsk, Donetsk, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|凯拉米克}}
- Kitchener (Proper noun: city in Ontario, Canada)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|基奇納}} {{q|mainland China}}, {{t|zh|基秦拿}} {{q|chiefly Taiwan}}
- Klyazma (Proper noun: river in Russia, left tributary of the Oka)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|克利亞濟馬}}
- Krynky (Proper noun: village in Oleshky, Kherson, Kherson, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|克伦基}}
- Kyslivka (Proper noun: village in Petropavlivka, Kupiansk, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|基斯利夫卡}}
- Kyslivka (Proper noun: village in Tarashcha, Bila Tserkva, Kyiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|基斯利夫卡}}
- Laredo (Proper noun: city in Texas)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|拉雷多}}
- Leon (Proper noun: city in Spain)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|萊昂}}
- Liuzhi (Proper noun: special district)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|yue|六枝}}
- Luang Namtha (Proper noun: province of Laos)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|瑯南塔}}
- Luang Namtha (Proper noun: city in Laos)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|瑯南塔}}
- Lyptsi (Proper noun: village in Lyptsi, Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- * Mandarin: {{t|zh|利普齊}}
- Miconia (Proper noun: genus of Melastomaceae)
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|絹木}}
- Milova (Proper noun: river in Ukraine, left tributary of the Komyshna)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|米洛瓦|alt=米洛瓦河}}
- Milova (Proper noun: village in Balakliia, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|米洛瓦}}
- Mkhy (Proper noun: village in Semenivka, Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernihiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|姆希}}
- Mohan (Proper noun: town in China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|磨憨}}
- Moshoryne (Proper noun: village in Subottsi, Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|莫紹里涅}}
- Noida (Proper noun: city in India)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|諾伊達}}
- Nubian ibex (Noun: C. nubiana)
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|努比亞羱羊}}
- Nueva Vizcaya (Proper noun: province of the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|新比斯開}}
- Okotoks (Proper noun: town in Alberta, Canada)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|奧克托克斯}}
- Oleshky (Proper noun: city in Oleshky, Kherson, Kherson, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|奧萊什基}}
- Olhivka (Proper noun: village in Borova, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|奧利吉夫卡}}
- Olhivka (Proper noun: village in Tiahynka, Beryslav, Kherson, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|奧利希夫卡}}
- Olhivka (Proper noun: village in Tavrychanka, Kakhovka, Kherson, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|奧利希夫卡}}
- Olhivka (Proper noun: village in Kozelshchyna, Kremenchuk, Poltava, Ukraine)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|奧利吉夫卡}}
- Pagadian (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|帕嘎蒂安}}
- Pherecrates (Proper noun: celebrated Athenian poet of the Old Comedy)
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|斐勒克拉忒斯}}
- Preston (Proper noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+|zh|普雷斯顿|tr=Pǔléisīdùn}}
- Rødovre (Proper noun: town in Denmark)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|勒藻勒|tr=Lēzǎolē}}
- Sakha Republic (Proper noun: republic and federal subject of Russia)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|薩哈共和國}}
- Shuicheng (Proper noun: district)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|yue|水城}}
- Silves (Proper noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|錫爾維什|tr=Xī'ěrwéishén}}
- Sizhou (Proper noun: Qing-era subprefecture and subprefectural seat in Jiangnan)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|泗州|tr=Sìzhōu}}
- Sizhou (Proper noun: Imperial prefecture and prefectural seat in Shanxi)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|肆州|tr=Sìzhōu}}
- Spratly Island (Proper noun: island)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|南威島}}
- Staffordshire (Proper noun: ceremonial county of England)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|斯塔福德郡}}
- Stigmata (Proper noun: Stigmata)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|聖傷|tr=shèngshāng}}
- Taiping Island (Proper noun: island)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|太平島}}
- Thitu Island (Proper noun: island)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|中業島}}
- Vuladdore Reef (Proper noun: reef)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|烏拉多礁}}
- Wu (Proper noun: river)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|烏江}}
- Wu (Proper noun: surname)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|烏}}
- Wu (Proper noun: river)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|巫水}}
- Wu (Proper noun: surname)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|巫}}
- Wu (Proper noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|㵲水}}
- Yenish (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|耶尼什人}}
- Zamboanga Sibugay (Proper noun: province of the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|三寶顏錫布格}}
- Zamboanga del Norte (Proper noun: province of the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|北三寶顏}}
- Zamboanga del Sur (Proper noun: province of the Philippines)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|南三寶顏}}
- Zhvanets (Proper noun: village in Zhvanets, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)
- * Mandarin: {{t|zh|日瓦內茨}}
- aftercare (Noun: affection given to a partner after a BDSM activity)
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|[[事後]][[照顧]]}}
- alginate (Noun: salt or ester of alginic acid)
- * Mandarin: {{t|zh|海藻酸鹽}}, {{t|zh|海藻酸盐|tr=hǎizǎo suān yán}}
- alginic acid (Noun: colloidal acid)
- * Mandarin: {{t|zh|海藻酸|tr=hǎizǎo suān}}
- armed (Adjective: equipped, especially with a weapon)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|武裝的}}
- beaksedge (Noun: any plant of the genus Rhynchospora)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|刺子莞属}}
- belfry (Noun: tower or steeple specifically for containing bells, especially as part of a church)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|鐘樓}}
- belfry (Noun: moveable tower used in sieges)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|攻城塔}}
- bilgewater (Noun: slang: nonsense)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|幹話}}
- bollocks (Noun: slang: complete nonsense or worthless misinformation deliberately intended to mislead)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|放屁}}
- bosozoku (Noun: bosozoku gang)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|暴走族}}
- buckle up (Verb: to fasten one’s seat belt or safety belt)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|[[繫上]][[安全帶]]|tr=jìshang ānquándài}}
- bury (Verb: to inter a corpse in a grave or tomb)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|埋葬|tr=máizàng}}, {{t+|cmn|埋|tr=mái}}, {{t+|zh|下葬}}
- buxom (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|zh|凹凸有致|tr=āotūyǒuzhì}}
- can I help you (Phrase: offering of assistance)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|我可以幫你嗎?|tr= wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ ma?}}
- casiornis (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|卡西霸鶲}}
- champac (Noun: Magnolia champaca)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|黃玉蘭|tr=huángyùlán}}, {{t|zh|黄玉兰|tr=huángyùlán}}, {{t|zh|黃蘭|tr=huánglán}}, {{t|zh|黄兰|tr=huánglán}}
- cheer up (Interjection: an encouragement)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|開心點}}
- city state (Noun: sovereign city)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|城邦|tr=chéngbāng}}, {{t|yue|城國|tr=chéngguó}}, {{t+|cmn|市國|tr=shìguó}}, {{t|cmn|城市國家|tr=chéngshì guójiā}}, {{t+|cmn|都市國家|tr=dūshì guójiā}}
- corduliid (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|弓蜓}}
- crescendo (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|zh|漸強}}, {{t-check|zh|渐强|tr=jianqiang}}
- cromulent (Adjective: fine, acceptable or correct)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|還行}}
- daoshi (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|道士|tr=dàoshì}}
- defect (Verb: to join the enemy)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|投敵|tr=toúdí}}
- deponent (Adjective: of a verb: having a passive form with an active meaning)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|異態}}, {{t+|zh|異相}}
- desert island (Noun: an uninhabited island)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|無人島}}, {{t+|zh|无人岛|tr=wúréndǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|荒岛|tr=huāngdǎo}}
- done for (Adjective: without hope)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|沒救了}}
- draft (Noun: preliminary sketch or outline)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|草案}}
- ecdysozoan (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|蛻皮動物|tr=tuìpí dòngwù}}
- economic corridor (Noun: )
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|经济走廊}}
- fanservice (Noun: often racy or sexual material included in fiction merely to excite the viewer)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|殺必死|tr=shābìsǐ}}
- fanservice (Noun: special interactions from idols to their fans)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|飯撒}}
- faux (Adjective: fake or artificial)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|仿製}}
- federal district (Noun: type of federal subdivision)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|聯邦區}}
- fender-bender (Noun: minor car accident)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|輕微擦撞}}
- fistball (Noun: Sport)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|浮士德球|tr=fúshìdéqiú}}
- forte (Adjective: music: loud)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|強}}
- gizmo (Noun: thingy)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|東西}}, {{t+|zh|玩意兒}}
- heliconia (Noun: Heliconia genus plant)
- ** Mandarin: {{t|zh|赫蕉}}
- human body (Noun: )
- ** Mandarin: {{t+|zh|人體}}, {{t+|zh|軀}}
- hustler (Noun: a male prostitute who sells his services to men)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|面首|tr=miànshǒu}}, {{t+|cmn|妓男|tr=jìnán}}, {{t+|zh|牛郎}}
- immaculate (Adjective: having no blemish or stain; absolutely clean and tidy)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|純潔的|tr=chúnjiéde}}, {{t|zh|無瑕疵的|tr=wúxiácīde}}, {{t+|cmn|一塵不染}}, {{t+|cmn|整潔}}
- intelligent (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|zh|聪颖|alt=聪颖的|tr=cōngying de}}
- jequirity (Noun: Abrus precatorius)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|相思子|tr=xiāngsīzi}}
- learned helplessness (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|習得性失助}}
- leper colony (Noun: isolated community of lepers)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|麻風村|tr=máfēngcūn}}
- lieutenant colonel (Noun: military rank)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|中校}}
- lopsided (Adjective: biased)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|偏頗}}
- marlin (Noun: game fish with a pointed upper jaw)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|槍魚}}
- medium (Noun: format for communicating or presenting information)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|媒體}}
- micro- (Prefix: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|zh|微|tr=wēi}}
- military parade (Noun: A show of troops, especially for regular inspection)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|閱兵}}
- millennium (Noun: thousand-year period)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|千年|tr=qiānnián}}, {{t+|cmn|千紀}}
- modulate (Verb: to move from one key to another (intransitive))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|轉調}}, {{t+|zh|移調}}
- mogul (Noun: a rich or powerful person)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|巨头}}, {{t+|zh|大亨}}, {{t+|zh|大佬}}
- monopoly (Noun: situation of exclusive supply)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|專賣}}
- monopoly (Noun: privilege granting such control)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|專賣}}
- mopane (Noun: Colophospermum mopanea, a tree of southern Africa)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|可樂豆樹}}, {{t|zh|蝴蝶樹}}
- nut (Noun: slang: testicle)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|球}}, {{t+|zh|蛋}}
- ocean current (Noun: movement of water)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|海流|tr=hǎiliú}}
- octave (Noun: pitch octave higher than a given pitch)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|高八度}}
- orecchiette (Noun: type of pasta)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|貓耳朵麵}}
- orientation (Noun: introduction to a new environment)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|新生訓練}}
- paisley (Noun: fabric)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|佩斯利花布}}, {{t|zh|變形蟲花布}}
- paper anniversary (Noun: 1st anniversary)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|紙婚}}, {{t+|zh|纸婚|tr=zhǐhūn}}
- pick one's battles (Verb: to only involve oneself in disputes that one is likely to win)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|選邊站}}
- presidency (Noun: office or role of president)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|主席席位}}
- presidency (Noun: time during which one is president)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|任期}}
- propanoic acid (Noun: systematic name of a kind of fatty acid)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|丙酸}}
- puya (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|普亞鳳梨}}
- rehabilitate (Verb: to return to original condition)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|回復}}
- rehabilitate (Verb: to restore or repair)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|修復}}
- rehabilitate (Verb: to restore into society)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|回歸}}
- rehabilitate (Verb: to return to good health after illness)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|康復}}
- rehabilitate (Verb: to recover)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|復原}}
- repercussion (Noun: consequence, result of action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|後果}}, {{t|zh|連帶影響}}
- replica (Noun: exact copy)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|複製品|tr=fùzhìpǐn}}, {{t+|zh|仿製品}}
- replica (Noun: smaller-scale model)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|縮小模型}}, {{t|zh|袖珍模型}}
- sandbox (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|zh|沙盒|tr=shāhé}}
- scrunchie (Noun: small elasticated ring of fabric)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|髮圈|tr=fàquān}}, {{t|zh|大腸圈束}}
- sell (Verb: to be sold)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|被賣出}}
- sell (Verb: to promote a particular viewpoint)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|傳遞}}
- sell (Verb: to trick, cheat, or manipulate someone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|耍弄}}
- septuagenarian (Adjective: Of or related to people between 70 and 79 years of age)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|[[古稀]]}}
- sharecropper (Noun: a farmer paying rent with crops to the landowner)
- ** Mandarin: {{t+|zh|佃農|tr=diàn nóng}}
- shrivel (Verb: collapse inward)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|向內捲曲}}
- shrivel (Verb: become wrinkled)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|起皺}}
- shrivel (Verb: draw into wrinkles)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|弄皺}}
- skip (Verb: skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|彈}}
- smirk (Noun: smile that is insolent, offensively self-satisfied or scornful)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|壞笑}}
- stereotype (Verb: make a stereotype, or characterize someone by a stereotype)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|以刻板印象为特征|tr=Yǐ kèbǎn yìnxiàng wèi tèzhēng}}
- straight pride (Noun: pride in one's heterosexuality in reaction to gay pride)
- ** Mandarin {{t|zh|[[直人]][[驕傲]]|tr=zhírén jiāo'ào}}
- strain (Noun: particular variety of microbe, organism etc.)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|株}}
- street racing (Noun: Motorsport held on public roads)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|街头赛车}}
- supposedly (Adverb: as a matter of supposition)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|應該}}
- teethe (Verb: grow teeth)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|長牙|tr=zhǎngyá}}; {{t+|zh|齔}} or {{t+|zh|齓}}/{{t+|zh|龀|tr=chèn}} {{q|lose baby teeth & grow permanent teeth, literary}}
- these (Pronoun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|zh|這些}}, {{t+check|zh|这些|tr=zhèxiē}}
- toise (Noun: former French unit of length)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|土瓦兹}}
- up (Adverb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|zh|向上|tr=xiàngshàng}}
- v.s. (Phrase: vide supra)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|見上文}}
- water deer (Noun: Hydroptes inermis)
- *: Mandarin {{t+|zh|獐}}
- wealth (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|zh|財富}}, {{t+check|zh|财富|tr=cáifù}}
- what (Interjection: expression of surprise)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|什麼|tr=shénme}}, {{t+|zh|啥?|tr=shá?}}, {{t+check|zh|哈?|tr=ha?}}
- white beaksedge (Noun: Rhynchospora alba)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|白穗刺子莞}}
- white meat (Noun: light-coloured meat)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|白肉}}
- whoremonger (Noun: frequent customer of whores)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|外送茶客}}
- work-to-rule (Noun: labor protest in which the minimum work is carried out)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|zh|按章工作}}
- wumao (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|zh|五毛|tr=wǔmáo}}
[edit]- 244 items
- -cide (Suffix: killing of)
- *: Mandarin: -{{t+|cmn|殺|tr=shā}}
- 3D job (Noun: dirty, dangerous, demanding job)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|3K產業|tr=sān kèi chǎnyè}}, {{t+|cmn|3K行業|tr=sān kèi hángyè}} (number {{l|cmn|3|sc=Hans}} can also be replaced with {{l|cmn|三|tr=sān|sc=Hans}} - "three") (number can also be replaced with - "three"))
- Bahraini (Noun: a person from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|巴林人}} (Bālín rén)
- Canada goose (Noun: Branta canadensis)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|加拿大雁}} (Jiānádà yàn)
- Chinese Taipei (Proper noun: a name under which Taiwan participates in international organisations)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|中華臺北}} or {{t+|cmn|中華台北|tr=Zhōnghuá Táiběi}}
- DVD player (Noun: DVD player)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|DVD播放機|tr=DVD-bōfàngjī}} (''read'': dī-vī-dī-bōfàngjī)
- David (Proper noun: male given name)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|大衛}}/{{t+|cmn|大衞}}, {{t+|cmn|大卫|tr=Dàwèi}}, {{t|cmn|戴維|tr=Dàiwéi}}
- Didymos (Proper noun: asteroid)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|雙生星}} (the binary system), <br>{{t|cmn|孿大星}} (the parent body)
- I came, I saw, I conquered (Phrase: used to indicate a total swift victory)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|我來,我見,我勝}} (wǒ lái, wǒ jiàn, wǒ shèng)
- I'm (Contraction: Contraction)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|是|tr=wǒ shì|alt=我是}}, {{t+|cmn|我|tr=wǒ ...|alt=我...}} ({{l|cmn|是|sc=Hani}} is not used with adjectives)
- Jurchen (Noun: Tungusic people)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|女真|tr=Nǚzhēn}}, {{t+|cmn|女貞|tr=Nǚzhēn}}, {{t+|cmn|女直|tr=Nǚzhí}}(rare)
- Peugeot (Noun: car manufactured by Peugeot)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|標致汽車}}/{{t|cmn|標緻汽車|tr=Biāozhì qìchē}}
- Peugeot (Proper noun: French manufacturer of cars)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|標致}}/{{t+|cmn|標緻|tr=Biāozhì}}
- Republic of China (Proper noun: country in East Asia)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|中華民國|tr=Zhōnghuá Mínguó}}, {{t+|cmn|臺灣}} ''or'' {{t+|cmn|台灣|tr=Táiwān}}
- Taichung (Proper noun: a large city in Taiwan)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|臺中|tr=Táizhōng}} (''seldom, trad. only'') (''simplified and traditional'')
- Tungusic (Proper noun: language family)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|滿-通古斯語系}}(Mǎn-Tōnggǔsī Yǔxì)
- Walloon (Proper noun: Romance language)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|瓦龍語|tr=Wǎlóngyǔ}},{{t|cmn|瓦隆语|tr=wǎlóngyǔ}}
- Windows (Proper noun: Microsoft Windows)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|視窗|tr=Shìchuāng}},{{t+|cmn|微軟視窗|tr=wēiruǎnshìchuāng, wéiruǎnshìchuāng}}
- Xibe (Noun: people)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|錫伯|tr=xībó}}, {{t+|cmn|錫伯族}}, {{t|cmn|席北|tr=Xíběi}}(historical)
- Yantai (Proper noun: a city of China)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|煙臺}} or {{t+|cmn|煙台|tr=Yāntái}}
- a stitch in time saves nine (Proverb: a timely effort can prevent larger problems)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|小洞不補,大洞吃苦|tr=xiǎo dòng bù bǔ, dà dòng chīkǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|防微杜漸|tr=fángwēidùjiàn}}, {{t+|cmn|事半功倍|tr=shìbàngōngbèi}} (''half the work, twice the effect'')
- ace (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|王牌|tr=wángpái}} (ace, king, trump - all three meanings?)
- achievable (Adjective: capable of being achieved)
- *: Mandarin: (''explanatory'') {{t|cmn|[[可]][[完成]][[的]]|tr=kě wánchéng de}}, {{t|cmn|[[可]][[實現]][[的]]|tr=kě shíxiàn de}}, {{t|cmn|[[可行]][[的]]|tr=kěxíng de}}
- across (Adverb: from one side to the other)
- *: Mandarin: (''no corresponding word, literally:'') {{t+|cmn|一邊|alt=從一邊到另一邊|tr=cóng yībiān dào lìng yībiān}}
- across (Adverb: in a particular direction)
- *: Mandarin: (''no corresponding word, literally:'') {{t+|cmn|一邊|alt=從...的一邊向|tr=cóng yībiān dào lìng yībiān}}
- across (Adverb: crosswords: horizontally)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|橫寫|alt=橫寫的|tr=héngxiě de}},
- across (Preposition: from one side to another)
- *: Mandarin: (''no corresponding word, literally:'') {{t+|cmn|一邊|alt=從一邊到另一邊|tr=cóng yībiān dào lìng yībiān}}
- actions speak louder than words (Proverb: it is more effective to act than speak)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[行]][[勝]][[於]][[言]]}} (xíng shèng yú yán), {{t+|cmn|事實勝於雄辯|tr=shìshí shèng yú xióngbiàn}}
- activate (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|使活动}} (shǐ huódòng), {{t+check|cmn|啟動}}, {{t+check|cmn|启动}} (qǐdòng), {{t+check|cmn|触发}} (chùfā)
- ancient history (Noun: period of history)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[古代]][[歷史]]|tr=gǔdài lìshǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|古代史|tr=gǔdàishǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|古史|tr=gǔshǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|上古史|tr=shànggǔshǐ}}
- arrowhead (Noun: the pointed part of an arrow)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|箭頭|tr=jiàntóu}},{{t+|cmn|箭鏃|tr=jiànzú}}
- as if (Conjunction: as though)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|仿佛|tr=fǎngfú}} or {{t+|cmn|彷彿|tr=fǎngfú}} {{q|variant characters}}, {{t+|cmn|似乎|tr=sìhū}}, {{t+|cmn|好像|tr=hǎoxiàng}}
- as if (Conjunction: in mimicry of)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|仿佛|tr=fǎngfú}} or {{t+|cmn|彷彿|tr=fǎngfú}} {{q|variant characters}}, {{t+|cmn|似乎|tr=sìhū}}, {{t+|cmn|好像|tr=hǎoxiàng}}
- as though (Conjunction: as to suggest that)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|仿佛|tr=fǎngfú}} or {{t+|cmn|彷彿|tr=fǎngfú}} (''variant characters''), {{t+|cmn|似乎|tr=sìhū}}, {{t+|cmn|好像|tr=hǎoxiàng}} (or (''variant characters))
- assist (Verb: help)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|幫|tr=bāng}}, {{t+|cmn|幫助|tr=bāngzhù}}, {{t+|cmn|協助|tr=xiézhù}},{{t+|cmn|辅助|tr=fǔ zhù}}
- at (Preposition: indicating time)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|no preposition is used, e.g.:}} {{tt|cmn|[[五]][[點鐘]]}} or {{tt|cmn|[[五]][[點]]|lit=at five o'clock}}
- back cover (Noun: cover on the opposite side of the front cover)
- * Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|封底}} (fēngdǐ)
- bash the bishop (Verb: slang for masturbate)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|打飛機|tr=dǎ fēijī}} ''(to beat the aeroplane)''
- bee-eater (Noun: bird in the family Meropidae)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|食蜂鳥|tr=shífēngniǎo}}, {{t|cmn|蜂虎科|tr=fēnghǔ-kē}} ''(family)''
- black speargrass (Noun: Heteropogon contortus)
- *: Mandarin: or {{t|cmn|黃茅|tr=''[[huángmáo]]''}}
- blog (Noun: a personal or corporate website)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|博客|tr=bókè}} (''most common term''), {{t+|cmn|部落格|tr=bùluògé}}, {{t|cmn|博落|tr=bóluò}}, {{t+|cmn|網誌|tr=wǎngzhì}}
- blowjob (Noun: the act of fellatio)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|吹功|tr=chuīgōng}}, {{t+|cmn|吹簫|tr=chuīxiāo}}, {{t+|cmn|口交|tr=kǒu jiāo}}
- boarding gate (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|登機口}}, {{t|cmn|登機閘口|tr=dēngjī zhákǒu}}
- bohrium (Noun: chemical element)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|𨨏|tr=bō}} (钅波)
- brilliant (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|光明}}, {{t+check|cmn|燦爛}}, {{t+check|cmn|灿烂}} (chán làn)
- brittle (Adjective: able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|易碎的}},{{t|cmn|易损坏的}}
- budget (Adjective: of, or relating to a budget)
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|預算}}, {{t+check|cmn|预算}} (yù suàn)
- budget (Adjective: appropriate to a restricted budget)
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|預算}}, {{t+check|cmn|预算}} (''yù suàn'')
- burn the midnight oil (Verb: work through the night)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|開夜車|tr=kāi yèchē}} ''("to drive the night car")'', {{t+|cmn|焚膏繼晷|tr=féngāojìguǐ}}, {{t+|cmn|挑燈夜戰|tr=tiǎodēngyèzhàn}}
- cancel (Verb: cross out)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|划}},{{t+|cmn|勾}}
- candleholder (Noun: device for holding one or more lit candles)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|燭臺}} or {{t+|cmn|燭台|tr=zhútái}}
- cannot (Verb: cannot)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|不會|tr=bù huì}}, {{t+|cmn|不要|tr=bù yào}}, {{t+|cmn|不能|tr=bù néng}}, {{t+|cmn|不行|tr=bù xíng}}, {{qualifier|negative verb complements used}} e.g.: {{t+|cmn|不了|alt=...不了|tr=...bùliǎo}}
- care (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|擔心}}, {{t+check|cmn|担心}}, {{t+check|cmn|關心}}, {{t+check|cmn|关心}} <sup>1</sup>
- carjack (Verb: to steal an automobile forcibly)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|劫車}} (jiéchē)
- chaperone (Verb: act as a chaperone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|陪伴|tr=péibàn}},{{t+|cmn|监护|tr=jiānhù}},{{t|cmn|分子伴侣|alt=起到分子伴侣作用|tr=qǐdào fēnzǐbànlǚ zuòyòng}}{{qualifier|biochemistry}} (,,))
- chatter (Noun: talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|廢話|tr=fèihuà}}, {{t+|cmn|閒話}} or {{t+|cmn|閑話|tr=xiánhuà}}
- cheat (Verb: violate rules to gain advantage)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|作弊|tr=zuòbì}},{{t|cmn|使诈|tr=shǐzhà}},{{t|cmn|使詐|tr=shǐzhà}} (,,))
- cheat (Verb: being unfaithful to sexual partner)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腳踏兩條船|tr=jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán}},{{t+|cmn|不忠|tr=bùzhōng}},{{t+|cmn|出軌|tr=chūguǐ}} (,,))
- cheer (Verb: to applaud or encourage with cheers or shouts)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|歡呼|tr=huānhū}}, {{t+|cmn|喝彩|tr=hècǎi, hēcǎi}}/{{t+|cmn|喝采|tr=hècǎi, hēcǎi}}, {{t+|cmn|助威|tr=zhùwēi}}, {{t+|cmn|助陣|tr=zhùzhèn}}
- comma (Noun: punctuation mark ',')
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|逗號|tr=dòuhào}}, {{t+|cmn|逗點|tr=dòudiǎn}}, {{t+|cmn|頓號|tr=dùnhào}} (special comma - "、")
- conative (Adjective: of a striving action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|意动的}} (yì dòng de)
- congratulations (Interjection: expressing approbation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|恭喜|tr=gōngxǐ}}, (usually duplicated) {{l|cmn|恭喜|sc=Hani}}{{l|cmn|恭喜|sc=Hani}} (gōngxǐ gōngxǐ) (usually duplicated) (gōngxǐ gōngxǐ))
- consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
- *: Mandarin: (of: {{l|cmn|由|tr=yóu}} ...) {{t+|cmn|組成|tr=zǔchéng}}, (of: {{l|cmn|由|tr=yóu}} ...) {{t+|cmn|構成|tr=gòuchéng}}
- couple (Noun: two partners)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|伴侶|tr=bànlǚ}}, {{t+|cmn|一對|tr=yīduì}}, {{t+|cmn|夫妻|tr=fūqī}} (''married''), {{t+|cmn|夫婦|tr=fūfù}} (''married''), {{t+|cmn|情侣|tr=qínglǚ}} (''unmarried'')
- cramped (Adjective: uncomfortably restricted in size)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|狹窄|tr=xiázhǎi}}, {{t+|cmn|狹小|tr=xiáxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|擁擠|tr=yōngjǐ}}, {{t|cmn|狹促|tr=xiácù}}, {{t+|cmn|狹隘|tr=xiá'ài}}
- cramped (Adjective: overcrowded or congested)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|狹窄|tr=xiázhǎi}}, {{t+|cmn|狹小|tr=xiáxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|擁擠|tr=yōngjǐ}}, {{t|cmn|狹促|tr=xiácù}}, {{t+|cmn|狹隘|tr=xiá'ài}}
- cursor (Noun: part of scientific instruments that indicates position)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|遊標}} or {{t|cmn|游標}}, {{t+|cmn|光標|tr=guāngbiāo}}
- curtail (Verb: shorten or abridge)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|缩减}},{{t+|cmn|精简}}
- curtail (Verb: limit or restrict)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|限制}},{{t+|cmn|制约}}
- decease (Verb: to die)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|死亡}},{{t+|cmn|去世}}
- deep water (Noun: difficult or embarrassing situation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|水深火熱|tr=shuǐ shēn huǒ rè}} ''("deep water, hot fire")''
- desktop (Noun: a desktop computer)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|桌機|tr=zhuōjī}}, {{t|cmn|檯式機}} or {{t|cmn|枱式機}}, {{t|cmn|台式机|tr=táishìjī}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t|cmn|檯式電腦}} or {{t|cmn|枱式電腦}}, {{t|cmn|台式电脑|tr=táishì diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t+|cmn|桌上型電腦|tr=zhuōshàngxíng diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t|cmn|桌面電腦|tr=zhuōmiàn diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- desktop computer (Noun: a computer of a size designed to be used on a desk)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|桌機|tr=zhuōjī}}, {{t|cmn|檯式機}} or {{t|cmn|枱式機}}, {{t|cmn|台式机|tr=táishìjī}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t|cmn|檯式電腦}} or {{t|cmn|枱式電腦}}, {{t|cmn|台式电脑|tr=táishì diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|mainland China}}, {{t+|cmn|桌上型電腦|tr=zhuōshàngxíng diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t|cmn|桌面電腦|tr=zhuōmiàn diànnǎo}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- devil (Noun: thing that is awkward or difficult to understand)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|家伙|tr=jiāhuǒ}}, traditional variant: {{tt+|cmn|傢伙}}
- disaccharide (Noun: a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|雙醣}} or {{t+|cmn|雙糖|tr=shuāngtáng}}, {{t+|cmn|二醣|tr=èrtáng}}
- disagree (Verb: to fail to agree)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|不同意|tr=bù tóngyì}} (opposite of [[同意]]), {{t+|cmn|反對|tr=fǎnduì}}
- discredit (Verb: harm reputation)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|抹黑|tr=mǒhēi}},{{t+|cmn|敗壞|tr=bàihuài}} {{t+|cmn|名聲|tr=míngshēng}}
- dishwasher (Noun: person)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[洗碗]][[工]]|tr=xǐwǎn gōng}} (one who is hired)
- don't count your chickens before they're hatched (Proverb: one should not depend upon a favorable outcome to one's plans until it is certain to occur)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|([[勿]][[打]])[[如意算盤]]|tr=wù dǎ rúyìsuànpán}}, ([[別]]){{t+|cmn|一廂情願|tr=bié yīxiāngqíngyuàn}}, {{t|cmn|([[別]][[做]])[[白日夢]]|tr=bié zuò báirìmèng}}
- donate (Verb: to give away something of value)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|捐獻|tr=juānxiàn}}, {{t+|cmn|捐贈|tr=juānzèng}}, {{t+|cmn|捐助|tr=juānzhù}},{{t+|cmn|抖內|tr=dǒunèi}}
- drama (Noun: brought through the media)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[電視]][[連續劇]]|tr=diànshì liánxùjù}} {{qualifier|TV}}, {{t+|cmn|電視劇|tr=diànshìjù}} (TV), {{t+|cmn|連續劇|tr=liánxùjù}}
- drivel (Verb: to talk nonsense)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|胡说}},{{t+|cmn|胡扯}}
- eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|八|tr=bā}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|捌}})
- elegy (Noun: mournful or plaintive poem or song)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|挽歌|tr=wǎngē}} (trad. variant: {{t+|cmn|輓歌}}), {{t+|cmn|哀歌|tr=āigē}}
- employment (Noun: act of employing)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|就業|tr=jiùyè}}, {{t+|cmn|僱用}} or {{t+|cmn|僱傭}}, {{t+|cmn|雇用|tr=gùyòng}}
- employment (Noun: state of being employed)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|就業|tr=jiùyè}}, {{t+|cmn|僱用}} or {{t+|cmn|僱傭}}, {{t+|cmn|雇用|tr=gùyòng}}
- eventually (Adverb: in the end)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|最後|tr=zuìhòu}}, {{t+|cmn|終於|tr=zhōngyú}} (used in the present), {{t+|cmn|終究|tr=zhōngjiǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|終歸|tr=zhōngguī}}, {{t+|cmn|始終|tr=shǐzhōng}}
- eye candy (Noun: attractive person)
- *: Mandarin: (''adjectives'') {{t+|cmn|養眼|tr=yǎngyǎn}}, {{t+|cmn|秀色可餐|tr=xiùsèkěcān}}
- factory (Noun: manufacturing place)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|工廠}},{{t+|cmn|廠家}}, {{t+|cmn|廠|tr=chǎng}}
- fever (Noun: higher than normal body temperature)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|發熱|tr=fārè}}, {{t+|cmn|發燒|tr=fāshāo}} ''(verb; "to have a fever")'', {{t+|cmn|熱病}}, {{t+|cmn|熱病|tr=rèbìng}}
- five (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|五|tr=wǔ}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|伍}})
- flout (Verb: to express contempt for the rules by word or action)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|公然}}{{t+|cmn|藐視|tr=miǎoshì}}、{{t+|cmn|違背|tr=wéibèi}}
- flout (Verb: to scorn)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|藐視|tr=miǎoshì}}、{{t+|cmn|鄙視|tr=bǐshì}}、{{t+|cmn|不屑|tr=bùxiè}} (、、))
- footnote (Noun: comment at the bottom of a printed page)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腳註}} or {{t+|cmn|腳注|tr=jiǎozhù}}
- forehead (Noun: part of face above eyebrows)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|前額|tr=qián'é}}, {{t+|cmn|額頭|tr=étóu}}, {{t+|cmn|額}} or {{t+|cmn|頟|tr=é}}, {{t|cmn|額門|tr=émén}}, {{t+|cmn|眉宇|tr=méiyǔ}} {{qualifier|literary}}
- four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|四}} (numeral: [[肆]])
- freebie (Noun: something which is free)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|免費的東西}} (miǎnfèi de dōngxi), {{t+|cmn|贈品}}
- full stop (Noun: The punctuation mark “.”)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|句號}}, {{t+|cmn|句點}} (European dot: “.”), {{t+|cmn|。}} {{qualifier|Chinese symbol}}
- game show (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|電視播送的遊戲}}, {{t-check|cmn|电视播送的游戏}} (dian shibosong deyouxi)
- ginseng (Noun: root of such a plant, or the extract)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|人蔘根}}/{{t|cmn|人參根|tr=rénshēn gēn}}
- give a shit (Verb: to care)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|屁事}}, {{t|cmn|屌事}} {{qualifier|negative sense, vulgar}} (e.g.: 关我屁事)
- glue stick (Noun: solid adhesive tube)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|固體膠|tr=gùtǐjiāo}}, {{t|cmn|膠水棒|tr=jiāoshuǐbàng}}, ''(Taiwan)'' {{t|cmn|口紅膠|tr=kǒuhóngjiāo}}
- go through (Verb: to examine or scrutinize)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|經歷}}(jīnglì),{{t+|cmn|歷經}}(lìjīng) (jīnglì),(lìjīng))
- gorgon (Noun: monster in Greek mythology)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|戈耳工|tr=gē'ěrgōng}}, {{t|cmn|戈耳贡|tr=gē'ěrgòng}},{{t|cmn|戈尔贡|tr=gē'ěrgòng}}
- guide (Noun: someone who guides)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|導遊}} or {{t+|cmn|導游|tr=dǎoyóu}}
- guillemet (Noun: either of the punctuation marks « or »)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|書名號|tr=shūmínghào}}, symbols: {{l|cmn|《|sc=Hani}} and {{l|cmn|》|sc=Hani}}, {{l|cmn|〈|sc=Hani}} and {{l|cmn|〉|sc=Hani}} (symbols: and))
- hash (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|砍}} (kǎn)
- hearsay (Noun: information that was heard by one person about another)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|傳聞|tr=chuánwén}}, {{t+|cmn|風聞|tr=fēngwén}},{{t+|cmn|流言|tr=liúyán}}
- hemlock (Noun: poisonous plant of genus Conium)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|毒芹|tr=dúqín}} (Cicuta virosa), {{t|cmn|毒参|tr=dúcān}} (Conium maculatum)
- horizontal bar (Noun: horizontally-aligned bar used in gymnastics)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|單杠}} or {{t+|cmn|單槓|tr=dāngàng}}
- horse collar (Noun: a bitless headpiece)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|馬項圈|tr=mǎxiàngquān}} /
- how are you (Phrase: greeting)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|你好嗎|alt=你好嗎?|tr=nǐhǎo ma?}} (''informal singular'')
- immoralism (Noun: rejection of moral principles)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|非道德}} (fēidàodé)
- in full swing (Prepositional phrase: proceeding fully)
- *: Mandarin: 正{{t|cmn|全面展开}}, {{t+|cmn|全力}}{{t+|cmn|进行}}中
- including (Preposition: Such as, among which)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|包括}} (bāokuò - ''mainland China''; bāoguā - ''Taiwan'')
- inefficient (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|无结果}} (wú jié guǒ)
- initiate (Verb: )
- *: Mandarin: 伊始{{t+check|cmn|开始}}, {{t+check|cmn|着手}}
- instead of (Preposition: in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|而是|tr=ér shì}}, {{t+|cmn|反而|tr=fǎn ér}}
- interrelated (Adjective: having a mutual or reciprocal relation or parallelism)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|互联的}},{{t|cmn|互相关联的}}
- intifada (Noun: intifada)
- *: Mandarin: ([[巴勒斯坦]]...) {{t+|cmn|起義|tr=qǐyì}}, {{t|cmn|大起義|tr=dà qǐyì}}
- inverse trigonometric function (Noun: function)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|反三角函數}} (fǎnsānjiǎohánshù)
- jargon (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|行話|sc=Hani}}, {{t+check|cmn|行话|tr=háng huà|sc=Hani}} (1, 2), {{t+check|cmn|隱語|sc=Hani}}, {{t+check|cmn|隐语|tr=yǐn huà|sc=Hani}}, {{t+check|cmn|黑話|tr=hēihuà|sc=Hani}} (3), {{t+check|cmn|黑话|tr=hēihuà|sc=Hani}} (3)
- jihadist (Noun: one who participates in a jihad)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|聖戰者|tr=shèngzhànzhě}}, {{t|cmn|聖戰士|tr=shèngzhànshì}}, {{t|cmn|奮戰者|tr=fènzhànzhě}} (a number of other translations exist with a [[圣战]] "holy war" part)
- leash (Noun: long cord for dogs)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|皮帶|tr=pídài}}, {{t+|cmn|紲}} or {{t+|cmn|絏|tr=xiè}}
- leprosy (Noun: infectious disease caused by M. leprae)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|麻風病}} or {{t|cmn|痲瘋病}}, {{t+|cmn|麻风病|tr=máfēngbìng}}, {{t+|cmn|癩病|tr=làibìng}}
- lethal (Adjective: of, pertaining to, or causing death; deadly; mortal; fatal)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|致命|tr=zhìmìng de|alt=致命的}},{{t|cmn|致死的|tr=zhìsǐdē}}
- leucoderm (Noun: leucoderm)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|癜|tr=diàn}}<ref>[ leucoderm - Chinese translation - Linguee]</ref>
- level (Noun: gaming: discrete segment of a game)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|關|tr=guān}},{{t+|cmn|關卡|tr=guānkǎ, guānqiǎ}}, {{t+check|cmn|層|tr=céng}}
- look out (Verb: to be vigilant and aware)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|当心}}, {{t+|cmn|小心}},{{t+|cmn|注意}}
- mari complaisant (Noun: husband who tolerates his wife's adultery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|乌龟}}, 戴{{t+|cmn|绿帽子}}的人 (戴的人))
- markswoman (Noun: woman skilled in shooting target)
- *: Mandarin: ([[女]]){{t+|cmn|射手|tr=[nǚ] shèshǒu}}
- meddle (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|干涉}} (gan she)
- metro station (Noun: railway station for a rapid transit system)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|地鐵站|tr=dìtiězhàn}}, {{t+|cmn|捷運站|tr=jiéyùnzhàn}} (Taiwan)
- minion (Noun: loyal servant of another more powerful being)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|奴才}},{{t+|cmn|奴仆}}
- minus (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|減去}}, {{t+check|cmn|减去}} (jiǎn qù)
- miscalculate (Verb: incorrectly calculate)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|算错}} (suàncuò)
- miserable (Adjective: in a state of misery)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|悲慘|tr=bēicǎn}}, {{t+|cmn|慘|tr=cǎn}}, {{t|cmn|淒慘}}/{{t+|cmn|悽慘|tr=qīcǎn}}
- modificand (Noun: word, phrase, or clause which has been modified)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|被修飾詞|tr=bèixiūshìcí}}, {{t|cmn|被限定詞|tr=bèixiàndìngcí}}
- momentum (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|動量}} (1), {{t+check|cmn|衝力}} (2)
- monosaccharide (Noun: a simple sugar, composed of a single ring)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|單醣}} or {{t+|cmn|單糖|tr=dāntáng}}
- monsoon season (Noun: part of the year when monsoons occur)
- * Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|梅雨|tr=méiyǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|雨期|tr=yǔqī}}, Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|雨季|tr=yǔjì}}
- moonstone (Noun: translucent gemstone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|月長石|tr=yuèzhǎngshí}} (or yuèchángshí)
- mujahid (Noun: a Muslim engaging in jihad)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|聖戰者|tr=shèngzhànzhě}}, {{t|cmn|聖戰士|tr=shèngzhànshì}}, {{t|cmn|奮戰者|tr=fènzhànzhě}} (a number of other translations exist with a {{m|zh|聖戰|tr=-}} "holy war" part) (a number of other translations exist with a "holy war" part))
- mâche (Noun: Valerianella locusta)
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|萵苣纈草|tr=gao ju xie cao}} (Taiwan), (ye ju)
- nap (Noun: a short period of sleep, especially during the day)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|小睡|tr=xiǎoshuì}}, (''in the afternoon'') {{t+|cmn|午睡|tr=wǔshuì}}
- nap (Verb: to have a nap)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|打盹|tr=dǎdǔn}}, {{t+|cmn|小睡|tr=xiǎoshuì}}, (''in the afternoon'') {{t+|cmn|午睡|tr=wǔshuì}}
- nausea (Noun: feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|惡心}} or {{t+|cmn|噁心}}, {{t+|cmn|恶心|tr=ěxīn}}
- nectar (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|花蜜|tr=huāmì}} (liquid secreted by flowers)
- nephrite (Noun: semi-precious stone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|軟玉|tr=ruǎnyù}}, (''formerly'') {{t+|cmn|玉|tr=yù}}
- next (Adjective: following in a sequence)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[下]]一個|tr=xià yī ge}} (with any other [[measure word]]), {{t+|cmn|下|tr=xià}}, {{t|cmn|[[下]][[一次]]|tr=xià yī cì}}
- nice (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|宜人的}} (yírén de)
- nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|九|tr=jiǔ}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|玖}})
- no-brainer (Noun: an easy or obvious conclusion, decision, solution, task (idiomatic))
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|明顯}}[的決定]
- not only … but also (Conjunction: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}}) (can be replaced with , or))
- nucleus (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|原子核}} (1)
- nymphomania (Noun: excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|女|sc=Hani}}{{t+|cmn|色情狂}} (nǚ sèqíngkuáng), {{t+|cmn|慕男狂|tr=mùnánkuáng}} {{q|andromania}}
- of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|的|alt=...的|}}, {{t+|cmn|之|alt=...之|tr=...zhī}} (''in classical Chinese and in set expressions'')
- off-the-wall (Adjective: wildly unconventional; bizarre; absurd)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|荒诞}}的, {{t+|cmn|疯狂}}的 (的, 的))
- on and off (Adverb: intermittently)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|断断续续地}} (duànduànxùxùdì)
- on the street (Prepositional phrase: without a home)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|无家可归}}, 在街上{{t+|cmn|游荡}}
- optical fibre (Noun: fibre used for transmitting light)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|光導纖維|tr=guāngdǎoxiānwéi}};{{t+|cmn|光纖|tr=guāngxiān}}
- paddlefish (Noun: fish of the family Polyodontidae)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|匙吻鱘|tr=chíwěnxún}} ''(American paddlefish)'', {{t|cmn|白鱘|tr=báixún}} ''(Chinese paddlefish)''
- paralysis (Noun: loss of muscle control)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|癱瘓|tr=tānhuàn}}, {{t+|cmn|麻痹|tr=mábì}} (traditional variant: {{t+|cmn|痲痺}})
- pederast (Noun: practitioner of pederasty)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|雞奸者}} (traditional also: {{t|cmn|雞姦者|tr=jījiānzhě}}), {{t|cmn|男色者|tr=nánsèzhě}}, {{t|cmn|好男色者|tr=hàonánsèzhě}}
- period (Noun: punctation mark “.”)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|。}} {{qualifier|Chinese symbol}}, {{t+|cmn|句號}}, {{t+|cmn|句點}} (European dot: “.”)
- petroleum jelly (Noun: pale yellow semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|scientific}} {{t+|cmn|礦脂|tr=kuàngzhī}}, ''([[Vaseline]]'') {{t+|cmn|凡士林|tr=Fánshìlín}}
- philia (Noun: psychological disorder)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|嗜好|tr=shìhào}}, {{t+|cmn|癖好|tr=pǐhào}}
- pickle (Verb: to preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|腌菜|tr=yāncài}} (traditional also: {{t+|cmn|醃菜}}), {{t+|cmn|鹹菜|tr=xiáncài}}, {{t+|cmn|泡菜|tr=pàocài}}, {{t+|cmn|腌|tr=yān}}
- play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|演奏|tr=yǎnzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|cmn|彈|tr=tán}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|彈奏|tr=tánzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments with a bow such as violin}} {{tt+|cmn|拉|tr=lā}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|cmn|吹|tr=chuī}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|吹奏|tr=chuīzòu}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially gong}} {{tt+|cmn|敲|tr=qiāo}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially drum}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}
- play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|演奏|tr=yǎnzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|cmn|彈|tr=tán}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|彈奏|tr=tánzòu}}, {{qualifier|string instruments with a bow such as violin}} {{tt+|cmn|拉|tr=lā}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|cmn|吹|tr=chuī}}&{{qualifier|formal}}{{tt+|cmn|吹奏|tr=chuīzòu}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially gong}} {{tt+|cmn|敲|tr=qiāo}}, {{qualifier|percussion instruments, especially drum}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}
- play (Verb: participate in (a sport or game))
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|參與|tr=cān yù}}, {{tt+|cmn|參加|tr=cān jiā}}, {{qualifier|games}} {{tt+|cmn|玩|tr=wán}}, {{qualifier|sports with pedal hitting, such as football}} {{tt+|cmn|踢|tr=tī}}, {{qualifier|sports with manual hitting, such as basketball and badminton}} {{tt+|cmn|打|tr=dǎ}}, {{qualifier|sports with throwing, such as discus throw}} {{tt+|cmn|擲|tr=zhì}}&{{qualifier|colloquial&informal}} {{tt+|cmn|扔|tr=rēng}}, {{qualifier|sports with pushing, such as shot put}} {{tt+|cmn|推|tr=tuī}}, {{qualifier|sports with running, such as marathon}} {{tt+|cmn|跑|tr=pǎo}}
- polyphone (Noun: polyphone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|多音字|tr=duōyīnzì}} ([[homograph]], refers to characters with more than one reading)
- poste restante (Noun: a service where the post office holds mail until the recipient calls for it)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|存局候領|tr=cúnjúhòulǐng}} (China, Macao, and Taiwan); {{t|cmn|存局待領|tr=cúnjúdàilǐng}} (Hong Kong); {{t+|cmn|留局候領|tr=liújúhòulǐng}} (dated)
- predisposition (Noun: the state of being predisposed)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|傾向}} or {{t+|cmn|傾嚮|tr=qīngxiàng}}
- procedure (Noun: computing: subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|過程|tr=guòchéng}} (Chiefly Mainland China), {{t+|cmn|子程序|tr=zǐchéngxù}}
- progress (Verb: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|进程|sc=Hani}},{{t+check|cmn|过程|sc=Hani}}
- prototype (Noun: original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|原型|tr=yuánxíng}}, {{t+|cmn|雏形|tr=chúxíng}}, (of a machine) {{t+|cmn|樣機|tr=yàngjī}}
- providence (Noun: careful guardianship exercised by a deity)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|天意|tr=tiānyì}}, {{t+|cmn|眷顧}}, {{t+|cmn|眷顾|tr=juàngù}} (Christianity)
- pull an all-nighter (Verb: work throughout the night)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|開夜車|tr=kāi yèchē}} ''("to drive the night car")'', {{t|cmn|熬通宵|tr=áotōngxiāo}}
- pull someone's leg (Verb: to tease someone)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|開玩笑|tr=kāiwánxiào}} (usage: [[开]]...[[的]][[玩笑]]), {{t+|cmn|嘲弄|tr=cháonòng}}
- rebellious (Adjective: showing rebellion)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|叛逆的}}, {{t|cmn|造反的}},{{t|cmn|反抗的}}
- recorder (Noun: recording device)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|錄音機|tr=lùyīnjī}} ''tape recorder'', {{t+|cmn|錄像機|tr=lùxiàngjī}} ''video recorder''
- refugee (Noun: person seeking political asylum)
- *: Mandarin: ([[政治]] ''zhèngzhì'') {{t+|cmn|難民}}, {{t|cmn|避難者}}
- refugee (Noun: person seeking economic asylum)
- *: Mandarin: ([[經濟]] / [[经济]] ''jīngjì'') {{t+|cmn|難民}}
- reinforce (Verb: to emphasize or review)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|再次鼓励}},{{t|cmn|再次强调}}
- reprimand (Verb: to reprove in a formal or official way)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|责骂}}, {{t+|cmn|责怪}},{{t+|cmn|谴责}}
- rescue (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|救援}}, {{t+check|cmn|營救}} (1), {{t+check|cmn|救護}} (2)
- revenue (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|收支}} (shouzhi)
- robe (Noun: long, loose outer garment)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|礼袍}},{{t+|cmn|长袍}}
- romaji (Noun: romanization of Japanese)
- *: Mandarin: ({{m|cmn|日語|tr=-}}~){{t+|cmn|羅馬字}}, ({{m|cmn|日语|tr=-}}~){{t+|cmn|罗马字|tr=luómǎzì}}
- rotate (Verb: to spin, turn, or revolve)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|旋转}},{{t+|cmn|转动}}
- rotate (Verb: to advance through a sequence; to take turns)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|轮换}},{{t+|cmn|轮流}}
- rout (Verb: to completely defeat and force into disorderly retreat)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|擊潰|tr=jīkuì, jíkuì}},{{t+|cmn|击退|tr=jītuì, jítuì}}
- rub (Verb: to spread a substance thinly over; to smear)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|抹}},{{t+|cmn|擦}}
- sardine (Noun: fish)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|沙丁|tr=shādīng}}, {{t+|cmn|沙丁魚|tr=shādīngyú}}, {{t+|cmn|鰮}}/{{t+|cmn|鰛|tr=wēn}}, {{t|cmn|鰮魚}}, {{t|cmn|鰮鱼|tr=wēnyú}}
- sawdust (Noun: dust created by sawing)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鋸末|tr=jùmò}},{{t+|cmn|鋸屑|tr=jùxiè}}, {{t+|cmn|木屑|tr=mùxiè}}
- scalar (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: traditional: {{t+check|cmn|標量}}, simplified: {{t+check|cmn|标量}}
- scrawl (Noun: irregular handwriting)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|塗鴉|tr=túyā}}, (''variants:'' {{t+|cmn|塗鴨|tr=túyā}})
- sequence (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|序列}} (xù liè)
- shudder (Noun: shivering tremor)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|戰慄}} or {{t+|cmn|戰栗|tr=zhànlì}}, {{t+|cmn|觳觫}}
- signal (Noun: sign made to give notice)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|信號|tr=xìnhào}}, {{t+|cmn|訊號|tr=xùnhào}}
- sleep paralysis (Noun: inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon awakening)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[睡眠]][[癱瘓]][[症]]|tr=shuìmián tānhuànzhèng}}, (''colloquial'') {{t|cmn|鬼壓床|tr=guǐyāchuáng}}, {{t|cmn|鬼壓身|tr=guǐyāshēn}}
- soap opera (Noun: television serial)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|肥皂劇|tr=féizàojù}}, {{t+|cmn|電視劇|tr=diànshìjù}} (TV), {{t+|cmn|連續劇|tr=liánxùjù}}
- socialize (Verb: to interact with others)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|與|tr=yǔ}} / {{q|with}} {{t+|cmn|交往|tr=jiāowǎng}}, {{t+|cmn|交際|tr=jiāojì}}, {{t+|cmn|應酬|tr=yìngchou}}
- soggy (Adjective: soaked with liquid)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|湿透}} (shītòu)
- solstice (Noun: point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|至日|tr=zhìrì}}, {{t+|cmn|至點|tr=zhìdiǎn}}, {{t+|cmn|冬至|tr=dōngzhì}} (''winter solstice''), {{t+|cmn|夏至|tr=xiàzhì}} (''summer solstice'')
- solution (Noun: liquid mixture)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|溶液}} (róngyè {{qualifier|PRC}} or róngyì {{qualifier|Taiwan}}) (róngyè or róngyì))
- squint (Verb: to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|眯|tr=mī}} (traditional also [[瞇]]), {{t+|cmn|眯縫|tr=mīfeng}}, {{t+|cmn|乜斜|tr=miēxie}}
- stir-fry (Noun: dish)
- *: Mandarin: ''(fried with rice)'' {{t+|cmn|炒飯|tr=chǎofàn}}, ''(fried with noodles)'' {{t+|cmn|炒麵|tr=chǎomiàn}}, {{t|cmn|小炒|tr=xiǎochǎo}}
- surprise (Verb: cause (someone) to feel surprise)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[使]][[吃驚]]|tr=shǐ chījīng}} (be surprised: {{zh-l|吃驚}})
- sweat like a pig (Verb: sweat profusely)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[全身]][[冒汗]]|tr=quánshēn màohàn}} (to sweat all body)
- tabbouleh (Noun: Middle Eastern salad)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|塔布勒}}{{l|cmn|沙拉}} (tǎbùlēi shālā)
- tasting (Noun: taking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|品嘗}} or {{t+|cmn|品嚐|tr=pǐncháng}}
- teethe (Verb: grow teeth)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|長牙|tr=zhǎngyá}}; {{t+|zh|齔}} or {{t+|zh|齓}}/{{t+|zh|龀|tr=chèn}} {{q|lose baby teeth & grow permanent teeth, literary}} (or /))
- television station (Noun: studio from where a television channel is broadcasted)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|電視台}} or {{t+|cmn|電視臺|tr=diànshìtái}}
- tempo (Noun: music: number of beats per minute)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|拍子|tr=pāizǐ}}, (音乐的){{t+|cmn|速度|tr=sùdù}}
- tempting (Adjective: attractive, appealing, enticing)
- *: Mandarin: 有{{t+|cmn|吸引力}}的,{{t+|cmn|吸引}}人的 (有的,人的))
- tempting (Adjective: seductive, alluring, inviting)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|誘人}}的,{{t+|cmn|誘惑}}的 (的,的))
- the (Adverb: the + comparative, the + comparative)
- *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|the adjectives are in a dictionary form}} {{t|cmn|越……越……|tr=yuè...yuè...}} (example: [[越]]<u>[[热]]</u>[[越]]<u>[[好]]</u> ''yuè rè yuè hǎo'' "the hotter the better"), {{t|cmn|愈……愈……|tr=yù...yù...}}
- theocracy (Noun: government under the control of a Church)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|神權政治|tr=shénquán zhèngzhì}},{{t+|cmn|政教合一|tr=zhèngjiào héyī}}
- thick as a brick (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|愚不可及|tr=yúbùkějí|sc=Hani}} ("so thick that no one else in the world can compare")
- thirteen (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|十三|tr=shísān}} (numeral: {{t|cmn|拾參}})
- three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
- *: Mandarin: {{tt+|cmn|三|tr=sān}} (numeral: {{tt+|cmn|參}})
- too much (Adverb: excessively)
- *: Mandarin: {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}} (tài duō) (verb + {{l|cmn|得|tr=de}} + {{l|cmn|太}}{{l|cmn|多}}) (tài duō) (verb + +))
- top up (Verb: to extend credit)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|充值|tr=chōngzhí}} (China), {{t+|cmn|加值}} (Taiwan)
- tour guide (Noun: guide on organised tours)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|導遊}} or {{t+|cmn|導游|tr=dǎoyóu}}
- trance (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|着迷}} (zháomí)
- transit (Verb: to pass over, across or through something)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|通過}}''(general)'', {{t+|cmn|穿過}}(''specifically'' “to pass through”), {{t+|cmn|越過}}(''specifically'' “to pass over”, ''or'' “to cross a river or a mountain”)
- transport (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|運輸}}, {{t+check|cmn|运输}} (yùnshū)
- trip (Verb: to make a trip)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|旅行}},{{t+|cmn|旅遊}}
- true (Adjective: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|真实}} (zhēnshí), {{t+check|cmn|真的}} (zhēnde), {{t+check|cmn|正确}} (zhèngquè)
- twelve (Numeral: cardinal number 12)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|十二|tr=shí'èr}} (numeral: [[拾貳]])
- ummah (Noun: the worldwide Muslim community)
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|烏瑪|tr=wūmǎ}},{{t|cmn|稳麦|tr=wěnmǎi}},{{t|cmn|文麦提|tr=wénmàití}} (,,))
- unrest (Noun: state of trouble)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|動亂|tr=dòngluàn}}, {{t+|cmn|動蕩}} or {{t+|cmn|動盪|tr=dòngdàng}}
- used to (Verb: formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
- *: Mandarin: ''use the past tense with an indication of time in the past such as {{l|cmn|曾經|tr=céngjīng}}''
- wallflower (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|香罗兰|sc=Hani}} (xiāng luó lán), {{t+check|cmn|局外人|sc=Hani}} (júwàirén)
- weeaboo (Noun: )
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|死宅}} or {{t+|cmn|御宅族}}
- what's up (Phrase: How are you?)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|怎麼樣}} (zěnmeyàng)
- when the cat's away (Proverb: People take advantage of the absence of authority)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|天高皇帝遠|tr=tiāngāo huángdìyuǎn}} ''("The sky is high and the emperor far away")''
- whether (Conjunction: if, whether or not)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|還是|tr=háishi}}, ...{{t+|cmn|不|tr=...bù...}} ''(whether or not)''
- wire (Noun: )
- * Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|铁丝}} (tiěsī)
- workout (Noun: an exercise session; a period of physical exercise)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|鍛煉}} or {{t+|cmn|鍛鍊|tr=duànliàn}}
- yearn (Verb: to have a strong desire for something or to do something)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|想念|tr=xiǎngniàn}}, {{t+|cmn|思念|tr=sīniàn}}, {{t+|cmn|盼念|tr=pànniàn}},{{t+|cmn|向往|tr=xiàngwǎng}}
- zombie (Noun: the undead)
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|僵屍}} or {{t+|cmn|殭屍|tr=jiāngshī}}, {{t+|cmn|喪屍|tr=sàngshī}}