Appendix:Sherlock Holmes concordance/A
These are links to all words found in the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The full text of the stories may be found on Wikisource.
0–9 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
- a 13146
- a'most 1 (almost with an accent.)
- àamanger 1 (part of “the Strasburg salle-àamanger” in The Final Problem. This is a typo for salle à manger.)
- aback 6
- abandon 13
- abandoned 12
- abandoning 2
- abandons 2
- abashed 1
- Abbey 9
- Abbots 1 (refers to the abbot definitions in an encyclopedia.)
- abduction 4
- abductor 1
- Abdullah 8 (the name Abdullah Khan in The Sign of the Four.)
- Abe 7 (the name Abe Slaney in The Adventure Of The Norwood Builder.)
- Abelwhite 4 (a name of an indigo planter in The Sign of the Four.)
- Aberdeen 3 (city in northeastern Scotland.)
- Aberdonian 2
- Abergavenny 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Priory School.)
- Abermarle 1 (the name of Abermarle Mansion in Kensington, in The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge.)
- Abernetty 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Six Napoleons.)
- aberration 1
- abetted 1
- abetting 1
- abhor 2
- abhorrent 4
- abhors 1
- abide 2
- abiding 3
- abilities 3
- ability 10
- abjure 1
- able 173
- abnormal 2
- abnormally 2
- aboard 11
- abode 7
- abominable 4
- abomination 1
- aborigines 1
- abortive 2
- abound 1
- about 946
- above 144
- Abrahams 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax.)
- abrasion 1
- abreast 2
- abroad 8
- abrupt 7
- abruptly 8
- abruptness 1
- absconding 1
- absence 33
- absent 25
- absentee 1
- absentees 1
- absolute 50
- absolutely 91
- absolved 2
- absorb 2
- absorbed 26
- absorbing 6
- absorption 2
- abstainers 1
- abstract 4
- abstracted 10
- abstraction 3
- abstruse 6
- absurd 32
- absurdity 1
- absurdly 7
- abundant 2
- abuse 2
- abused 2
- abusing 1
- abusive 1
- abut 1
- abutted 3
- abyss 6
- ac 1
- academic 1
- acceding 1
- accent 15
- accentuated 1
- accept 18
- acceptable 1
- acceptance 2
- accepted 10
- accepting 3
- access 6
- accessible 2
- accessories 1
- accessory 4
- accident 25
- accidental 4
- accidentally 2
- accidents 2
- accommodate 3
- accommodating 1
- accompanied 9
- accompaniment 1
- accompaniments 3
- accompany 6
- accompanying 4
- accompli 1 (actually part of fait accompli.)
- accomplice 16
- accomplish 2
- accomplished 7
- accomplishment 2
- accomplishments 4
- accord 3
- accordance 3
- according 21
- accordingly 4
- accosted 4
- account 145
- accountant 2
- accounted 3
- accounts 17
- accredited 1
- accumulated 5
- accumulating 1
- accumulation 1
- accuracy 4
- accurate 9
- accurately 3
- accursed 4
- accusation 4
- accuse 3
- accused 15
- accuser 2
- accustomed 25
- acetones 1 (an archaic [or merely obsolete] term for the group of chemicals now called ketones.)
- ached 3
- achieved 2
- achievements 2
- Achillis 1 (part of tendo Achillis)
- Achmet 11 (name of a character in The Sign of the Four)
- acid 5
- acids 1
- acknowledge 14
- acknowledged 2
- acknowledges 3
- acknowledging 1
- acquaintance 46
- acquaintances 4
- acquainted 4
- acquiesce 1
- acquiesced 1
- acquiescence 3
- acquire 3
- acquired 8
- acquirement 1
- acquiring 3
- acquittal 1
- acquitted 3
- acres 6
- acrid 2
- acrobat 1
- across 239
- act 56
- acted 31
- acting 18
- action 66
- actionable 2
- actions 17
- active 29
- actively 1
- activity 7
- Acton 15 (a character's name in The Musgrave Ritual)
- actor 4
- actors 4
- actress 2
- acts 4
- actual 15
- actually 51
- acumen 1
- acushla 4
- acute 10
- acutely 1
- acuteness 1
- Adair 14 (the Honourable Ronald Adair, the victim in The Adventure of the Empty House)
- Adams 2 (a name mentioned in a conversation in The Greek Interpreter)
- adapt 2
- adaptable 1
- adapted 4
- add 32
- added 43
- adder 1 (the snake)
- addicted 2
- addiction 1
- adding 5
- addition 11
- additional 6
- additions 1
- Addleton 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez)
- address 95
- addressed 24
- addresses 6
- addressing 9
- adds 2
- Adelaide 6 (place name)
- adequate 2
- adhere 1
- adhered 1
- adherents 2
- adhering 3
- adhesive 1
- adieu 2
- adjacent 1
- adjective 1
- adjectives 2
- adjoining 3
- adjusted 5
- adjusting 1
- Adler 16 (the name Irene Adler in A Scandal in Bohemia, mentioned again in other stories)
- admeet 1
- administered 1
- administration 5
- administrator 1
- admirable 24
- admirably 8
- admiral 5
- Admiralty 6 (all references are to the Admiralty with a capital A)
- admiration 26
- admire 3
- admired 2
- admirer 3
- admirers 2
- admiring 3
- admission 2
- admit 46
- admits 3
- admittance 1
- admitted 14
- admitting 1
- admonish 1
- admonishing 1
- ado 2
- Adolph 1 (the name Adolph Mayer, mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans)
- adopt 4
- adopted 12
- adorn 1
- adorned 6
- adrift 1
- adroit 1
- adult 1
- adults 1
- advance 27
- advanced 28
- advancement 1
- advances 4
- advancing 3
- advantage 37
- advantages 8
- advent 2
- adventure 58
- adventurer 2
- adventurers 2
- adventures 28
- adventuress 1
- adventurous 3
- advertise 4
- advertised 6
- advertisement 46
- advertisements 8
- advertising 2
- advice 72
- advices 1
- advisability 2
- advisable 1
- advise 24
- advised 8
- adviser 3
- advises 1
- advising 1
- advocate 1
- advocated 1
- advocating 1
- aeroplanes 1
- aery 1
- afar 1
- afeared 2
- affable 2
- affably 2
- affair 112
- affaire 1 (part of "affaire de coeur")
- affairs 44
- affect 9
- affectation 2
- affected 14
- affecting 1
- affection 10
- affectionate 5
- affectionately 1
- affections 2
- affects 1
- affiliated 1
- affirmative 1
- afflicted 1
- affliction 2
- affluent 1
- afford 21
- afforded 4
- Afghan 5
- Afghanistan 12
- Afghans 1
- afoot 9
- afore 1
- afraid 66
- afresh 1
- Africa 19
- African 9
- aft 1
- after 601
- afternoon 63
- afterthoughts 1
- afterward 2
- afterwards 100
- again 483
- against 335
- agape 1
- Agar 1 (the name Dr. Moore Agar, in The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot)
- agates 1
- Agatha 2 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton)
- agave 1 (probably a typo for gave in the sentence “The man mopped his forehead with his handkerchief and agave a long sigh of relief.”)
- age 68
- aged 23
- agencies 6
- agency 11
- agenda 3
- agent 46
- agents 25
- Ages 2 (part of Middle Ages)
- aggravated 1
- aggregate 2
- aggressive 3
- aggressively 1
- aggrieved 1
- aghast 1
- agile 2
- agility 1
- agin 2 (the word against spoken with an accent in A Study in Scarlet)
- agitated 17
- agitation 26
- ago 119
- agonies 1
- agonized 2
- agonizing 1
- agony 20
- Agra 23 (place name in The Sign of the Four)
- agree 21
- agreeable 2
- agreed 26
- agreement 9
- agrees 2
- agricultural 3
- ague 2
- ah 162
- Aha 1
- ahead 12
- aid 34
- aided 10
- aiding 1
- ailed 1
- ailing 1
- ails 1
- aim 3
- aimed 4
- aimless 4
- aims 2
- ain't 19
- Ainstree 1 (the name Dr. Ainstree is mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Dying Detective)
- air 136
- airgun 1
- airily 2
- airs 3
- airy 2
- aisle 1
- ajar 6
- Akbar 7 (the name Dost Akbar in The Sign of the Four)
- akimbo 2
- akin 5
- al 1
- alarm 58
- alarmed 11
- alarming 2
- alarms 2
- alas 9
- Albert 5 (Albert chain in The Red-Headed League, A Study in Scarlet, and A Case of Identity, Albert Dock place-name in The Five Orange Pips and The Adventure of the Cardboard Box. name Countess d'Albert in The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton.
- Aldersgate 1
- Aldershot 9
- Aldgate 6
- Aldrige 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Cardboard Box)
- ale 1
- Alec 23 (Alec Fairbairn in The Adventure of the Cardboard Box, Alec Cunningham in The Reigate Puzzle, Alec MacDonald in The Valley of Fear)
- alert 30
- alertness 3
- Alexander 1 (the name Alexander Holder in The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet)
- Alexandria 1
- Alexandrian 1
- Alexis 3 (a name in The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez)
- Algar 2 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of the Cardboard Box)
- alias 1
- alibi 6
- Alice 17 (a name in The Boscombe Valley Mystery and A Study in Scarlet.)
- Alicia 1 (the name Lady Alicia Whittington, mentioned in The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor)
- alien 1
- alienating 1
- alight 3
- alighted 7
- alighting 3
- alike 3
- Alison 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Sign of the Four)
- alive 43
- alkali 4
- alkaloid 5
- all 2124
- Allan 2 (the banks of Allan Water in The Valley of Fear, the name Allen Brothers in The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge)
- Allardyce 1 (a name mentioned in passing in The Adventure of Black Peter)
- allay 1
- alleging 1
- Allegro 2 (name of a theater where ballet is shown)
- Allen 11 (Edgar Allen Poe is mentioned in A Study in Scarlet, Mrs. Allen is a character in The Valley of Fear)
- alley 21
- alleys 1
- alliance 3
- allied 2
- allies 2
- allotment 1
- allotted 2
- allow 39
- allowance 7
- allowed 35
- allowing 7
- allows 3
- allude 5
- alluded 9
- alludes 1
- alluding 3
- alluring 1
- allusion 11
- allusions 4
- ally 11
- almanac 4
- almighty 2
- almoner 1
- almost 85
- aloft 1
- alone 132
- along 146
- alongside 1
- aloof 3
- aloud 21
- Aloysius 6 (the name Aloysius Doran in The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, and Mr. Aloysius Garcia in The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge)
- alpha 8
- alphabet 2
- Alpine 5
- already 253
- also 262
- Altamont 8 (a name in His Last Bow)
- altar 7
- alter 2
- alteration 3
- alterations 2
- alterative 1
- altercation 4
- altered 4
- altering 2
- alternate 3
- alternated 1
- alternately 3
- alternating 1
- alternation 1
- alternative 23
- alternatives 2
- although 38
- altogether 26
- Alton 1
- aluminium 1
- aluminum 1
- always 266
- am 857
- amalgam 1
- amass 1
- amassed 2
- amassing 1
- amateur 16
- Amati 1
- amaze 4
- amazed 10
- amazement 61
- amazing 14
- amazingly 1
- ambassador 1
- ambassadorial 1
- amber 6
- ambiguous 1
- ambition 2
- ambitions 3
- ambitious 3
- ambuscade 3
- ambush 2
- Amen 2
- amendment 1
- amends 2
- amenities 1
- America 53
- American 69
- Americans 4
- Ames 33 (a name in The Valley of Fear)
- amethyst 1
- amiabilities 1
- amiability 2
- amiable 14
- amid 39
- amidst 1
- amiss 13
- ammonia 1
- ammunition 1
- amnesty 1
- among 210
- amongst 4
- amount 18
- amounted 3
- amounts 1
- Amoy 1
- ample 11
- amplifying 1
- amply 2
- amuse 6
- amused 14
- amusement 18
- amuses 1
- amusing 5
- amyl 1 (refers to amyl nitrate)
- an 2017
- anaemic 1
- analogous 1
- analysis 18
- analytical 7
- analytically 2
- analyze 2
- anarchist 1
- anatomical 1
- anatomy 4
- ancestor 2
- ancestors 5
- ancestral 2
- ancestry 1
- anchor 2
- anchored 1
- ancient 23
- ancles 1
- and 15654
- Andaman 9 (Andaman Islands)
- Andamans 5
- Anderson 2 (names in The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Five Orange Pips)
- Andover 1
- Andrew 1 (name Andrew Rae in The Valley of Fear)
- Andrews 5 (name in The Valley of Fear)
- anecdote 3
- anecdotes 1
- Anerley 1
- aneurism 4
- angel 5
- Angel 21 (name Hosmer Angel in A Case of Identity)
- angelic 1
- angels 2
- anger 44
- angle 20
- angled 1
- angles 2
- Anglia 1
- Anglo 2
- angrily 5
- angry 34
- anguish 2
- angular 3
- animal 28
- animals 6
- animated 3
- animation 2
- animosity 1
- aniseed 2
- ankle 5
- ankles 4
- Anna 4 (name mentioned in The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez)
- annals 10
- Anne 1 (a Queen Anne house)
- Annie 6 (a name mentioned in passing in The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax; Annie Morrison in The Reigate Puzzle; Annie Harrison in The Naval Treaty;
- annihilation 1
- announce 3
- announced 12
- announcement 7
- announcing 1
- annoy 2
- annoyance 12
- annoyed 12
- annoying 2
- annoys 1
- annual 2
- annuity 1
- anoints 1
- anomaly 1
- anon 1
- anonymous 1
- another 235
- Anstruther 1 (name mentioned in passing in The Boscombe Valley Mystery)
- answer 153
- answerable 2
- answered 289
- answering 8
- answers 12
- antagonist 6
- antagonistic 1
- ante 1 (part of ante-room)
- antecedents 4
- antennae 1
- anteroom 1
- Anthony 2 (name mentioned in The Hound of the Baskervilles)
- anthropological 2
- anthropologists 1
- anticipate 3
- anticipated 5
- anticipates 1
- anticipation 3
- antics 2
- antidote 1
- antimacassar 2
- antipathy 1
- antiquarian 1
- antiquity 1
- Antonio 1 (name mentioned in The Hound of the Baskervilles)
- anxieties 2
- anxiety 23
- anxious 46
- anxiously 7
- any 844
- anybody 5
- anyhow 47
- anyone 121
- anything 297
- anyway 5
- anywhere 15
- aortic 2
- Apache 1
- Apaches 1
- apart 18
- apartment 21
- apartments 2
- apathetic 1
- ape 3
- aperture 4
- apes 1
- apex 1
- apiece 6
- apocrypha 1
- apologetic 2
- apologies 7
- apologise 1
- apologize 6
- apologized 3
- apologizing 1
- apology 17
- apoplexy 2
- apostolic 1
- appalled 2
- appalling 3
- apparelled 1
- apparent 5
- apparently 36
- apparition 7
- appeal 17
- appealed 5
- appealing 5
- appealingly 1
- appeals 4
- appear 62
- appearance 100
- appearances 1
- appeared 152
- appearing 1
- appears 68
- appeased 1
- appended 2
- appertaining 2
- appetite 6
- applauded 2
- applauding 1
- applause 7
- apple 4
- Appledore 4
- applicant 2
- application 5
- applied 11
- applies 2
- apply 22
- applying 4
- appointed 6
- appointment 40
- apportioned 1
- appreciable 2
- appreciate 13
- appreciated 4
- appreciating 1
- appreciation 7
- apprehend 1
- apprehended 2
- apprehension 8
- apprenticed 1
- approach 20
- approached 50
- approaches 1
- approaching 19
- approbation 1
- appropriate 3
- approval 1
- approve 2
- approving 1
- approvingly 6
- approximate 1
- April 9
- apron 3
- aproned 2
- apropos 1
- apt 1
- aptitudes 1
- aqua 1
- aquiline 8
- Arab 3
- Arabian 1
- arable 1
- Arabs 3
- arbitrary 3
- arbour 3
- arc 1
- arca 1
- Arcade 3
- Arcadia 1
- arch 3
- archaeologist 2
- arched 3
- Archery 1
- Archie 3
- architect 1
- architects 1
- architectural 1
- architecture 3
- archives 1
- archway 1
- archways 1
- Arctic 2
- ardent 4
- ardour 1
- arduous 1
- are 1870
- area 7
- aren't 2
- Argentine 1
- argue 12
- argued 12
- argues 2
- arguing 3
- argument 19
- arguments 2
- arid 2
- aright 3
- arise 7
- arises 1
- aristocrat 1
- aristocratic 7
- Arizona 1
- arm 89
- armchair 31
- armchairs 1
- armed 25
- Armitage 6
- armor 1
- armory 1
- Armour 1
- arms 77
- Armstrong 17
- army 16
- Arnsworth 1
- aromatic 1
- arose 7
- around 36
- arouse 5
- aroused 22
- arousing 1
- arrange 13
- arranged 36
- arrangement 6
- arrangements 17
- arranges 1
- arranging 4
- array 3
- arrears 1
- arrest 53
- arrested 43
- arresting 8
- arrests 2
- Arriance 1
- arrival 27
- arrive 20
- arrived 70
- arrives 3
- arriving 2
- arrow 2
- arrowheads 1
- arrows 3
- arsenal 3
- Arson 1
- art 26
- arteries 2
- artery 2
- Arthur 53
- article 24
- articles 17
- articulate 3
- artificial 7
- artillery 5
- artisan 1
- artist 11
- artistic 2
- artists 1
- arts 2
- as 4184
- asa 1
- ascend 5
- ascendancy 2
- ascended 18
- ascending 4
- ascends 1
- ascertain 9
- ascertained 10
- ascertaining 3
- ascetic 6
- asceticism 1
- ascribed 1
- ash 14
- ashamed 22
- ashen 4
- ashes 18
- ashore 2
- ashy 2
- Asiatic 1
- aside 28
- ask 228
- askance 4
- asked 465
- asking 44
- asks 3
- asleep 22
- aspect 7
- aspects 1
- asperities 1
- asperity 5
- asphalt 2
- aspiration 1
- aspirations 1
- aspired 2
- asprawl 1
- ass 2
- assailant 4
- assailants 6
- assassin 15
- assassination 1
- assassinations 1
- assassins 3
- assault 7
- assaulted 2
- assaults 1
- assemblage 1
- assembled 5
- assembly 4
- assent 6
- assented 3
- assert 3
- asserted 2
- assertion 2
- Assessments 1
- asset 1
- assiduous 1
- assiduously 1
- assignation 2
- assist 11
- assistance 46
- assistant 20
- assistants 2
- assisted 3
- assisting 5
- assizes 9
- associate 14
- associated 22
- associates 9
- associating 1
- association 4
- associations 4
- assorted 2
- assortment 2
- assuage 1
- assume 5
- assumed 16
- assumes 2
- assuming 3
- assurance 12
- assure 69
- assured 32
- assuredly 4
- assures 4
- assuring 2
- Asteroid 1
- asthmatic 2
- astir 2
- astonish 2
- astonished 20
- astonishing 2
- astonishingly 1
- astonishment 56
- astounded 3
- astounding 1
- astrakhan 5
- astray 2
- astride 1
- astronomer 1
- astronomers 1
- astronomy 2
- astute 6
- astutely 1
- astuteness 3
- asunder 1
- asylum 3
- at 4082
- atavism 2
- ate 5
- Athelney 18
- Athene 1
- Atheney 1
- Athens 5
- athlete 4
- athletes 1
- athletic 6
- athwart 2
- Atkinson 1
- Atlanta 4
- Atlantic 5
- atmosphere 25
- atoms 1
- atone 3
- atonement 1
- atones 1
- atrocious 5
- atrocity 1
- attach 3
- attached 25
- attaches 1
- attachment 3
- attack 25
- attacked 15
- attacks 9
- attain 9
- attained 6
- attainments 1
- attempt 58
- attempted 15
- attempting 4
- attempts 10
- attend 9
- attendance 2
- attendant 10
- attended 6
- attending 2
- attends 2
- attention 127
- attentions 7
- attentive 2
- attentively 3
- attenuated 1
- attic 7
- Attica 1
- attics 1
- attire 5
- attired 2
- attitude 16
- attorney 1
- attract 2
- attracted 14
- attraction 2
- attractions 4
- attractive 6
- attracts 2
- attribute 1
- attributed 2
- Atwood 1
- au 6
- Auckland 1
- auction 1
- audacious 3
- audacity 7
- audible 4
- audience 4
- auditors 1
- audits 1
- Audley 3
- augmented 1
- august 10
- Augustine 1
- Augusto 1
- Augustus 3
- aunt 4
- Auntie's 1
- Aurora 19
- aus 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- auspicious 1
- austere 8
- austerity 3
- Austerlitz 1
- Australia 11
- Australian 5
- Australians 1
- authenticity 2
- author 9
- authoritative 2
- authorities 12
- authority 14
- authorship 1
- autobiography 1
- autocrat 1
- autograph 1
- automatic 1
- automaton 1
- autumn 9
- autumnal 2
- auxiliary 1
- avail 11
- available 3
- availed 2
- avarice 1
- avay 1
- Aveling 1
- avenge 4
- avenged 2
- avenger 6
- avengers 1
- avenges 1
- avenging 3
- avenue 18
- average 7
- averse 8
- aversion 5
- avert 4
- averted 3
- aviary 1
- avidity 1
- avoid 27
- avoided 7
- avoiding 2
- avoids 1
- avowed 1
- await 9
- awaited 9
- awaiting 19
- awaits 9
- awake 10
- awakened 12
- awakens 1
- aware 83
- away 484
- awe 4
- awesome 2
- awful 17
- awfull 1
- awhile 1
- awkward 10
- awoke 6
- awoken 1
- awry 3
- axe 2
- axed 2
- axiom 2
- ay 13
- Aye 1
- Ayrshires 1
- Azof 1 (an older transliteration for Azov)
- Azure 1