Appendix:Sherlock Holmes concordance/C
These are links to all words found in the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The full text of the stories may be found on Wikisource.
0–9 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
- c'est 2
- C2 2
- célèbres 1
- cañon 3
- cañons 2
- cab 153
- cabaret 2
- cabbage 1
- cabbing 1
- cabby 9
- cabdriver 1
- cabin 15
- cabinet 16
- cabinets 1
- cable 9
- cabled 1
- cablegram 1
- cabman 25
- cabowner's 1
- cabs 3
- Cabul 1
- cadaverous 2
- cadet 1
- Cadogan 18
- Cadogen 3
- café 1
- cage 6
- caged 1
- cages 2
- cairns 5
- cajoled 1
- cake 1
- cakes 1
- Cal 1
- calamity 1
- calculate 1
- calculated 6
- calculating 1
- calculation 7
- calculations 4
- Calcutta 2
- caldron 1
- calendar 1
- calf 2
- Calhoun 2
- calibre 1
- California 14
- Californian 1
- Californians 2
- call 153
- called 134
- callers 3
- calling 25
- callosities 2
- callous 4
- calls 11
- calm 13
- calmer 1
- calmly 10
- calmness 1
- caltrops 1
- calves 1
- cam 2
- Camberwell 14
- Cambridge 12
- Cambridgeshire 1
- Camden 1
- came 804
- camel 1
- cameos 1
- camera 2
- camp 9
- campaign 12
- campaigner 2
- Campden 2
- camped 1
- camps 2
- can 1125
- can't 114
- Canada 5
- Canadian 1
- Canal 1
- canary 2
- cancelling 1
- Candahar 1
- candelabra 1
- candid 2
- candidacy 1
- candidate 4
- candle 65
- candles 9
- candlesticks 1
- cane 8
- canine 3
- canna 1
- cannibal 4
- cannibalism 1
- Cannon 1
- cannot 241
- canoe 1
- canon 3
- canopy 1
- canteen 1
- canteens 1
- Canterbury 3
- cantered 1
- cantering 1
- canters 1
- canting 1
- cantonments 1
- canvas 5
- canvassing 1
- cap 36
- capable 36
- capacities 1
- capacity 11
- Cape 2
- capital 29
- capitalist 1
- capitalists 2
- capitalized 2
- capitals 1
- capped 3
- capricious 1
- caps 13
- Capsules 1
- captain 59
- caption 4
- captive 4
- captor 1
- capture 11
- captured 5
- capturing 1
- Capus 2
- car 15
- carafe 4
- caraffe 1
- caravan 6
- carbine 2
- carbolic 1
- carbolised 1
- Carbonari 2
- carboy 1
- carboys 1
- carbuncle 5
- carbuncles 1
- carcass 1
- card 65
- cardboard 7
- cardiac 1
- cardinal 2
- cards 34
- care 83
- cared 19
- career 44
- careful 33
- carefully 68
- careless 12
- carelessly 7
- carelessness 3
- Carere 2
- cares 3
- caress 1
- caressing 2
- caressingly 1
- caretaker 1
- careworn 1
- Carey 24
- Carfax 8
- cargo 3
- cargoes 1
- caribou 1
- caricature 1
- caricatures 1
- Carlo 1
- Carlsbad 1
- Carlton 3
- Carlyle 2
- Carnaway 4
- carnivorous 1
- Carolina 1
- Carolinas 1
- carolled 1
- carotid 1
- carouse 1
- carpenter 2
- carpet 41
- carpeted 2
- carpetless 1
- carpets 2
- carrée 1
- carriage 98
- carriages 7
- carried 105
- carries 5
- Carruthers 32
- carry 61
- carrying 28
- cars 1
- Carson 2
- Carstairs 1
- Carston 2
- cart 26
- carte 2
- carted 1
- Carter 2
- cartilage 1
- cartridge 3
- cartridges 5
- carts 2
- Cartwright 10
- carve 1
- carved 4
- carving 1
- cascade 1
- case 606
- caseful 1
- casement 1
- casements 1
- cases 105
- cash 4
- cashbox 1
- cashed 3
- cashier 2
- cask 2
- casket 1
- casks 1
- Cassel 1
- cassock 1
- cast 37
- Castalotte 5
- castaways 4
- caste 1
- casting 5
- castle 3
- castor 1
- casts 5
- casual 4
- casually 2
- cat 12
- catalepsy 3
- cataleptic 2
- cataract 3
- catastrophe 10
- catch 49
- catcher 1
- catches 1
- catching 9
- catchy 1
- catechism 1
- category 2
- Cathcart 1
- cathedral 1
- Catherine 2
- Catholic 3
- catkins 1
- catlike 3
- cats 1
- cattle 7
- caught 98
- Caulfield 6
- Caunter 1
- cause 85
- caused 62
- causeless 1
- causes 11
- causeway 1
- causing 6
- caution 11
- cautioned 1
- cautioning 1
- cautions 1
- cautious 5
- cautiously 4
- cavalcade 1
- cavalier 4
- cavalierly 1
- cavalry 1
- cave 2
- caved 1
- Cavendish 4
- cavity 1
- Cawnpore 2
- cease 6
- ceased 26
- ceaseless 2
- ceases 1
- ceasing 1
- Cecil 27
- Cedars 3
- ceiling 24
- ceilinged 1
- celebrate 1
- celebrated 6
- celebrities 1
- celebrity 1
- celibate 1
- cell 9
- cellar 22
- cells 5
- Celt 1
- Celtic 4
- celts 1
- cemented 1
- censure 1
- cent 5
- center 2
- centers 1
- centipedes 1
- central 35
- centre 77
- centred 3
- centres 2
- centuries 8
- century 17
- ceremony 12
- certain 141
- certainly 278
- certainties 2
- certainty 14
- certificate 8
- certificates 1
- cesspool 1
- ceux 1
- Ceylon 1
- chafed 1
- chaff 4
- chaffed 3
- chaffering 1
- chafing 2
- chagrin 4
- chagrined 1
- chain 53
- chained 3
- chains 5
- chair 255
- chairman 14
- chairs 19
- Chaldean 2
- chalk 12
- chalky 1
- challenge 3
- challenged 2
- chamber 38
- chambermaid 1
- chambers 8
- chamois 1
- champagne 1
- champion 2
- champions 1
- chance 166
- chanced 17
- Chancelleries 1
- chancellor 1
- chances 11
- chandelier 1
- chandler 1
- Chandos 1
- change 73
- changeable 1
- changed 30
- changes 9
- changing 5
- channel 5
- channels 4
- chant 1
- chaos 1
- chaotic 1
- chap 22
- chaparral 1
- chapel 3
- chaplain 6
- chaplet 5
- chaps 5
- chapter 52
- chapters 2
- char 1
- character 83
- characterises 1
- characteristic 13
- characteristics 9
- characterized 1
- characters 12
- Charasiab 1
- charcoal 4
- charge 60
- charged 7
- charges 1
- charging 1
- charing 21
- charitable 2
- charities 2
- charity 5
- charlatanism 1
- Charles 117
- Charlie 1
- Charlington 14
- charm 7
- charmed 1
- charming 18
- Charpentier 11
- charred 10
- chart 13
- charters 1
- charts 4
- charwomen 1
- Charybdis 1
- chase 11
- chased 4
- chasing 6
- chasm 5
- chastened 1
- chat 6
- Chatham 6
- chatted 6
- chattered 3
- chattering 3
- chatting 6
- chauffeur 3
- cheap 3
- cheaper 1
- cheat 1
- cheating 2
- check 36
- checked 2
- checkered 2
- checking 6
- checkmate 1
- checkmated 1
- checks 6
- cheek 12
- cheekbones 1
- cheeked 1
- cheeks 32
- cheer 4
- cheered 1
- cheerful 13
- cheerfully 8
- cheerily 6
- cheeriness 1
- cheering 1
- cheerless 1
- cheery 9
- cheese 1
- cheetah 6
- chemical 20
- chemically 1
- chemicals 5
- chemist 3
- chemistry 3
- cherished 1
- cheroot 1
- cheroots 1
- cherry 1
- chest 35
- chested 4
- Chester 5
- Chesterfield 5
- Chesterton 1
- chestnut 4
- chestnuts 3
- chevron 1
- chevy 1
- chewed 2
- chewing 1
- Chianti 1
- Chicago 39
- chicken 4
- chief 31
- chiefs 1
- chiffon 1
- child 78
- childbed 1
- childhood 4
- childish 8
- childless 1
- children 47
- Chilian 1
- chill 20
- chilled 3
- chilling 1
- chills 1
- Chiltern 2
- chimed 2
- chimerical 2
- chimes 2
- chiming 3
- chimney 7
- chimneys 8
- chimpanzee 1
- chin 36
- china 7
- chinchilla 1
- Chinese 5
- chink 3
- chins 3
- chip 3
- chipped 1
- chips 1
- chirrup 1
- chisel 4
- chiseled 1
- Chiselhurst 2
- chiselled 1
- Chiswick 4
- chivalrous 6
- chloroform 4
- chloroformed 1
- chocolate 1
- choice 12
- choicest 1
- choke 1
- choked 7
- chokey 1
- choking 6
- choleric 1
- choose 26
- chooses 4
- choosing 7
- Chopin's 1
- chords 1
- chorus 3
- choruses 1
- chose 14
- chosen 24
- Chowdar 4
- Christ 3
- Christian 3
- Christians 1
- Christmas 10
- chronic 1
- chronicle 10
- chronicled 3
- chronicler 3
- chronicles 2
- Chubb 2
- chubby 1
- chucked 1
- chucking 1
- chuckle 6
- chuckled 24
- chuckles 1
- chuckling 7
- chum 1
- chummy 1
- chums 1
- chunks 1
- church 28
- churches 1
- churchman 1
- churlish 1
- churned 1
- cigar 65
- cigarette 38
- cigarettes 14
- cigars 16
- cinder 1
- cinders 1
- Cinnamon 1
- cipher 18
- ciphers 2
- circle 36
- circled 2
- circles 8
- circlet 2
- circuitous 1
- circular 5
- circulated 1
- circulation 3
- circumlocution 2
- circumspect 2
- circumspectly 1
- circumstance 5
- circumstances 57
- circumstantial 4
- circus 4
- citadel 1
- cities 1
- citizen 9
- citizens 10
- city 75
- civil 10
- civilian 1
- civilians 3
- civilisation 2
- civilised 1
- civilization 2
- civilized 3
- civilly 2
- clackin 1
- clad 29
- claim 46
- claimant 1
- claimed 6
- claiming 2
- claims 6
- Clair 27
- clambered 5
- clambering 1
- clammy 1
- clamor 2
- clamped 3
- clandestine 1
- clang 7
- clanged 1
- clanging 2
- clank 2
- clanked 2
- clanking 4
- Clapham 3
- clapped 22
- clapping 5
- Clara 1
- Clarendon 1
- claret 4
- Claridge's 2
- clarifying 1
- Clark 1
- clash 1
- clasp 2
- clasped 11
- clasping 2
- claspings 1
- class 28
- classes 9
- classic 2
- classical 2
- classified 1
- classifying 1
- clatter 11
- clattered 7
- clattering 2
- claw 1
- clawed 2
- clawing 3
- claws 2
- clay 27
- Clay's 1
- clayey 1
- Clayton 3
- clean 58
- cleaned 9
- cleaner 2
- cleaners 1
- cleaning 1
- cleanliness 2
- cleanly 2
- cleans 1
- cleanser 1
- clear 304
- cleared 48
- clearer 15
- clearest 2
- clearing 22
- clearinghouse 1
- clearings 1
- clearly 82
- clearness 3
- clears 3
- cleaver 2
- cleft 3
- clenched 17
- clergyman 17
- clerical 3
- clerk 27
- clerks 10
- clerkship 2
- Cleveland 9
- clever 30
- cleverest 1
- cleverly 2
- cleverness 5
- click 11
- clicked 3
- client 88
- clients 7
- cliff 8
- cliffs 6
- climate 3
- climax 1
- climb 8
- climbed 10
- climber 1
- climbing 5
- climbs 1
- clinched 4
- cling 3
- clinging 1
- clings 1
- clinical 1
- clink 3
- clinked 1
- clinkers 1
- clinking 2
- clipped 4
- clipper 2
- clippers 1
- clipping 1
- clippings 1
- clips 2
- cloak 12
- clock 18
- clocks 1
- clogs 1
- close 132
- closed 96
- closely 27
- closeness 1
- closer 12
- closest 1
- closeted 1
- closing 20
- cloth 17
- clothed 2
- clothes 57
- clothing 6
- Clotilde 1
- clotted 3
- cloud 31
- clouded 8
- cloudless 3
- clouds 23
- cloudy 2
- cloven 1
- club 36
- clubbed 2
- clubs 6
- clue 85
- clues 12
- clump 8
- clumped 1
- clumps 6
- clumsily 2
- clumsiness 1
- clumsy 12
- clung 5
- cluster 6
- clustered 2
- clutch 1
- clutched 10
- clutches 6
- clutching 6
- clutchings 1
- cmp 1
- co 17
- coach 3
- coaching 1
- coachman 23
- coal 21
- Coaling 1
- coals 5
- coarse 22
- coarsely 1
- coarseness 2
- coarser 1
- coast 13
- coaster 1
- coat 75
- coated 5
- coats 9
- coax 3
- coaxed 1
- coaxing 5
- Cobb 1
- cobbler's 1
- cobras 1
- cobs 1
- Coburg 9
- cobwebby 1
- cobwebs 1
- cocaine 9
- cock 15
- cocked 14
- cocking 4
- cockneys 1
- cockroaches 1
- Cocks 1
- cocksure 2
- cocktail 1
- cocoa 4
- cocoanut 4
- code 9
- codes 1
- coerced 1
- coeur 1
- coffee 31
- coffers 1
- coffin 19
- cogent 1
- coherent 2
- coherently 2
- coil 5
- coiled 4
- coils 1
- coin 1
- coincide 1
- coincided 2
- coincidence 18
- coincidences 1
- coincident 1
- coiner 1
- coiners 1
- coining 3
- coins 6
- coke 1
- cold 117
- colder 2
- coldly 12
- coldness 2
- colds 1
- Coldstream 1
- Colin 1
- collaborating 1
- collaborator 1
- collapse 1
- collapsed 7
- collapsing 1
- collar 28
- collars 1
- colleague 17
- colleagues 5
- collect 5
- collected 6
- collecting 4
- collection 22
- collector 4
- colleen 1
- college 20
- collieries 1
- colliery 2
- collision 1
- colonel 151
- Colonial 1
- colonials 1
- colonies 5
- Colonna's 1
- colony 3
- color 11
- Colorado 1
- colored 15
- colors 2
- colossal 4
- colour 51
- coloured 30
- colouring 2
- colourless 4
- colours 3
- Columbine's 1
- column 28
- columns 12
- combated 1
- combination 14
- combinations 2
- combine 1
- combined 7
- combustion 2
- come 958
- comely 3
- comer 1
- comers 2
- comes 106
- comet 1
- comfort 8
- comfortable 22
- comfortably 6
- comforted 1
- comfortless 1
- comforts 1
- comic 6
- comical 5
- comin 1
- coming 170
- comma 1
- command 25
- commandant 2
- commanded 9
- commander 1
- commanding 2
- commands 6
- commemorate 1
- commemorated 1
- commence 6
- commenced 5
- commencement 4
- commend 7
- commendation 2
- comment 6
- commented 4
- commenting 1
- comments 3
- commerce 1
- commercial 3
- commiserating 1
- commiseratingly 1
- commiseration 1
- commission 16
- commissionaire 6
- commissioned 4
- commissioner 1
- commissionnaire 13
- commissions 3
- commit 7
- commits 2
- committed 47
- committee 3
- Committees 1
- committing 1
- common 80
- commoner 1
- commoners 1
- commonly 2
- commonplace 30
- commonplaceness 1
- commonplaces 2
- Commons 2
- commotion 1
- communal 1
- communicate 17
- communicated 14
- communicating 2
- communication 10
- communications 3
- communicative 6
- community 13
- commutation 1
- commuted 1
- commuting 1
- compact 1
- companies 9
- companion 210
- companions 28
- companionship 2
- company 88
- comparative 2
- comparatively 6
- compare 11
- compared 11
- comparing 5
- comparison 4
- compartment 2
- compartments 1
- compass 5
- compassed 1
- compasses 2
- compassion 1
- compel 2
- compelled 27
- compensated 1
- compensation 4
- compete 2
- competence 2
- competent 2
- competition 2
- compilation 1
- complacent 1
- complacently 2
- complain 6
- complained 4
- complaining 1
- complaint 9
- complete 96
- completed 13
- completely 29
- completing 1
- complex 23
- complexion 7
- complexioned 2
- compliance 2
- complicate 2
- complicated 10
- complicates 2
- complication 4
- complications 1
- complied 2
- compliment 10
- complimentary 1
- complimented 2
- complimenting 2
- compliments 5
- comply 3
- compose 1
- composed 13
- composer 3
- composition 4
- compositor 1
- compositors 3
- composure 8
- compound 1
- comprehension 3
- comprehensive 1
- compress 3
- compressed 8
- comprises 1
- comprising 2
- compromise 4
- compromised 3
- compromising 4
- compunction 5
- computes 1
- comrade 14
- comrades 15
- comradeship 1
- Conan 13
- concatenated 2
- concave 1
- conceal 37
- concealed 36
- concealing 4
- concealment 11
- conceit 2
- conceited 1
- conceits 1
- conceivable 15
- conceivably 5
- conceive 9
- conceived 7
- conceives 1
- concentrate 4
- concentrated 9
- concentrating 1
- concentration 10
- conception 5
- concern 10
- concerned 45
- concerning 8
- concerns 6
- concert 4
- concerts 2
- concise 3
- concisely 1
- concluded 16
- concluding 2
- conclusion 55
- conclusions 24
- conclusive 8
- conclusively 5
- concocted 1
- concoction 2
- concussion 1
- condemn 1
- condemned 7
- condemning 1
- condensation 1
- condense 1
- condensed 1
- condensing 2
- condescend 3
- condescended 1
- condition 22
- conditions 13
- condone 1
- condoned 1
- condonement 2
- condonment 1
- conducing 1
- conducive 1
- conduct 35
- conducted 7
- conducting 1
- conductor 3
- Conduit 1
- cones 1
- confectioner's 1
- confederacy 2
- confederate 24
- confederates 3
- confer 1
- confess 79
- confessed 15
- confessing 3
- confession 18
- confidant 4
- confide 6
- confided 5
- confidence 69
- confidences 6
- confident 10
- confidential 8
- confidentially 3
- confidently 5
- confine 6
- confined 9
- confinement 1
- confining 1
- confirm 8
- confirmation 1
- confirmed 14
- confirms 2
- confiscated 1
- conflagration 1
- conflict 1
- conflicting 1
- conform 1
- conformed 1
- confound 4
- confounded 1
- confounding 1
- confronted 9
- confused 11
- confusing 1
- confusion 7
- congenial 8
- congested 1
- congrat 1
- congratulate 20
- congratulated 2
- congratulation 3
- congratulations 3
- congratulatory 1
- conical 1
- conjecture 15
- conjectured 10
- conjectures 2
- conjunction 2
- conjure 2
- conjured 2
- conjurer 2
- conjuring 1
- conjuror 1
- Conk 1
- connect 8
- connected 40
- connection 61
- connects 1
- connivance 2
- connive 1
- connoisseur 7
- conquered 1
- Conqueror 1
- Conquest 1
- conscience 21
- conscientious 1
- conscious 32
- consciousness 12
- consecutive 1
- conseedar 2
- consent 9
- consented 4
- consequence 13
- consequences 11
- consequent 1
- consequential 2
- conservative 2
- conservatory 1
- consider 50
- considerable 81
- considerably 24
- considerate 3
- considerately 1
- consideration 16
- considerations 3
- considered 17
- considering 13
- considers 1
- consigned 1
- consignment 1
- consist 1
- consisted 11
- consistence 1
- consistent 2
- consisting 1
- consists 5
- consolation 4
- consoled 1
- consolidated 1
- consoling 2
- conspicuous 4
- conspicuously 1
- conspiracy 11
- conspirators 3
- conspire 3
- conspiring 2
- constable 40
- constables 13
- constabulary 8
- constancy 2
- constant 10
- constantly 5
- consternation 3
- constitution 10
- constitutional 1
- constitutions 1
- constraint 3
- construct 4
- constructed 7
- construction 3
- constructor 1
- consult 20
- consultant 3
- consultation 8
- consultations 2
- consulted 10
- consulting 22
- consults 1
- consume 1
- consumed 11
- consuming 3
- consummate 1
- consumption 3
- consumptive 1
- contact 12
- contagious 2
- contain 6
- contained 33
- containing 14
- contains 8
- contemplating 1
- contemplation 3
- contemplative 1
- contemplor 1
- contemporaries 1
- contemporary 1
- contempt 4
- contemptuous 1
- contend 1
- contending 1
- content 12
- contented 6
- contentment 2
- contents 29
- contest 2
- context 1
- Continent 9
- Continental 5
- continents 4
- contingencies 2
- continual 3
- continually 21
- continuation 1
- continue 28
- continued 83
- continues 1
- continuing 2
- continuous 6
- continuously 2
- contorted 5
- contortion 4
- contortions 2
- contract 2
- contracted 11
- contraction 7
- contractor 2
- contradict 1
- Contralto 1
- contraption 1
- contrary 43
- contrast 14
- contretemps 1
- contribute 1
- contributed 1
- contribution 1
- contrition 1
- contrivance 1
- contrived 4
- control 11
- controlled 3
- controlling 1
- controls 1
- conundrum 1
- conundrums 1
- convalescent 3
- convenience 6
- conveniences 1
- convenient 13
- conveniently 2
- conventional 7
- conventionalities 2
- conventions 2
- conversant 1
- conversation 65
- conversations 1
- converse 3
- conversed 2
- conversing 1
- convert 2
- converted 2
- convex 2
- convey 10
- conveyed 14
- conveying 1
- conveys 2
- convict 41
- convicted 2
- conviction 18
- convictions 2
- convicts 8
- convince 7
- convinced 63
- convincing 6
- convolution 1
- convoy 1
- convulse 2
- convulsed 12
- convulsing 1
- convulsion 4
- convulsive 11
- convulsively 3
- Cooee 7
- cook 15
- cooked 2
- cooking 2
- cool 16
- cooled 1
- cooler 1
- coolest 1
- coolie 1
- coolies 2
- cooling 1
- coolly 7
- coolness 2
- Coombe 18
- cooped 3
- cooperation 4
- cope 1
- Copenhagen 2
- Copernican 1
- copied 6
- copier 1
- copies 5
- coping 1
- copious 1
- copper 17
- coppers 4
- cops 1
- copses 1
- Coptic 1
- copy 27
- copying 4
- coquettish 1
- coquettishly 1
- coral 1
- Coram 9
- cord 19
- cordial 2
- cordiality 2
- cordially 7
- cords 1
- cork 8
- corkcutters 1
- corkscrew 1
- Cormac 7
- corn 1
- Cornelius 5
- corner 136
- corners 13
- cornfields 1
- Cornish 10
- Cornwall 6
- coroner 23
- coronet 27
- Corot 1
- corporal 2
- Corporation 3
- corporations 2
- corps 4
- corpse 3
- corpulent 1
- corpuscles 1
- correct 46
- corrected 1
- correction 1
- correctly 4
- correspond 11
- corresponded 6
- correspondence 10
- correspondent 7
- correspondents 3
- corresponding 9
- corresponds 3
- corridor 41
- corridors 10
- corroborate 5
- corroborated 8
- corroborates 2
- corroboration 4
- corroborative 1
- corroding 1
- corruption 1
- corrupts 1
- coruscation 1
- cosey 1
- Cosmopolitan 3
- cost 22
- Costa 2
- coster's 1
- costly 1
- costs 3
- costume 6
- cosy 1
- cottage 48
- cottages 5
- cotton 4
- cottonwoods 1
- couch 12
- couched 1
- coud 1
- cough 4
- coughing 3
- could 1642
- couldn't 33
- council 8
- councillor 24
- councils 2
- counsel 8
- counsellor 1
- count 8
- counted 4
- countenance 10
- countenances 1
- counter 7
- counteracting 1
- counterfeited 1
- counterfoil 2
- counterfoils 2
- counterpaned 1
- counterpart 1
- countersign 3
- countersigns 1
- Countess 10
- counties 5
- counting 3
- countless 3
- countries 8
- countrified 1
- country 205
- countryman 6
- countrymen 2
- countryside 17
- countrywoman 1
- counts 3
- county 46
- coup 4
- couple 63
- coupled 3
- couples 1
- courage 20
- course 318
- coursed 1
- courses 2
- court 50
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- courtiers 1
- courting 2
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- courts 5
- courtyard 3
- cousin 7
- cousins 4
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- Covent 4
- Coventry 2
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- covered 58
- covering 9
- coverings 2
- coverlet 2
- covers 6
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- cowered 2
- cowering 3
- Cowper 2
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- Coxon 6
- coyote 1
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- Crabbe 1
- crabbed 1
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- cracking 2
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- crackling 4
- cracks 2
- cracksman 1
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- craggy 5
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- crammed 1
- cramp 2
- cramped 1
- Crane 1
- craned 3
- craning 1
- craniology 1
- cranium 1
- crank 1
- cranny 1
- crash 10
- crashed 2
- crashing 2
- crate 3
- crates 2
- cravat 12
- cravats 3
- crave 1
- craved 1
- Craven 1
- craving 1
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- crawled 9
- crawling 8
- craze 1
- crazed 4
- crazy 9
- creak 5
- creaked 4
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- creation 1
- creature 71
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- credulous 1
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- Creek 1
- Creep 1
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- Creina 1
- Cremona 1
- crenelated 1
- Creole 1
- creosote 1
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- crests 1
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- crevices 1
- crew 7
- Crewe 1
- crews 1
- crib 3
- cribs 1
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- criminology 1
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- criss 1
- Criterion 1
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- criticizing 1
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- croaking 2
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- crocuses 2
- crone 2
- crony 2
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- crooked 3
- crooks 2
- Crooksbury 2
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- croquet 1
- Crosby 1
- cross 77
- crossed 26
- crosses 1
- crossing 10
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- crossroad 1
- crossroads 1
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- crowded 17
- Crowder 3
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- crowned 1
- crowning 1
- crowns 4
- Croy 1
- Croydon 10
- crucial 3
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- Cruise 1
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- cry 97
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- cub 2
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- cudgelled 2
- cue 2
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- cuisine 1
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- culminates 1
- culminating 1
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- culprits 1
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- cultivating 1
- cultivations 1
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- cultured 2
- Culverton 9
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- cumulative 2
- cunning 38
- Cunningham 31
- Cunninghams 6
- cunningly 3
- cup 21
- cupboard 14
- cupboards 1
- cuplike 1
- cups 1
- cur 1
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- curves 3
- curving 7
- Curzon 1
- Cusack 3
- Cushing 28
- cushion 6
- cushioned 1
- cushions 5
- custody 7
- custom 19
- customary 3
- customer 5
- customers 1
- cut 129
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- cuts 6
- cutter 3
- cutting 9
- cuttings 2
- Cuvier 1
- cycle 7
- cycling 1
- cyclist 13
- cyclists 1
- Cyclopides 2
- cylinder 5
- cylinders 2
- cynical 4
- Cyril 10