Appendix:Sherlock Holmes concordance/O
These are links to all words found in the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The full text of the stories may be found on Wikisource.
0–9 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
- o 30
- o'clock 138
- o'Groat's 1
- oak 25
- oaken 6
- Oakington 1
- oaks 4
- Oakshott 7
- oar 1
- oasis 1
- oath 16
- oaths 7
- obedience 4
- Oberstein 16
- obese 2
- obey 5
- obeyed 8
- obeying 1
- object 89
- objected 2
- objection 17
- objections 8
- objective 1
- objectless 1
- objects 13
- objet 1
- obligations 5
- oblige 6
- obliged 28
- obliging 3
- oblique 1
- obliquity 1
- obliterate 1
- obliterated 5
- obscene 1
- obscure 18
- obscured 3
- obscurities 1
- obscurity 4
- observance 2
- observant 7
- observation 31
- observations 11
- observe 66
- observed 110
- observer 12
- observes 3
- observing 8
- obstacle 7
- obstacles 1
- obstinacy 3
- obstinate 7
- obtain 13
- obtained 24
- obtaining 5
- obtrude 1
- obtruded 3
- obtrusive 4
- obtrusively 1
- obtuse 3
- obvious 95
- obviously 32
- occasion 54
- occasional 22
- occasionally 41
- occasions 9
- occipital 1
- occupant 6
- occupants 6
- occupation 11
- occupations 1
- occupied 16
- occupies 1
- occupy 4
- occupying 2
- occur 20
- occurred 126
- occurrence 9
- occurrences 4
- occurring 1
- occurs 3
- ocean 4
- Oct 2
- octavo 1
- October 7
- odd 16
- odds 9
- Odessa 2
- odious 7
- odor 3
- odour 4
- of 14754
- off 423
- offence 4
- offences 1
- offend 5
- offended 6
- offender 1
- offenders 1
- offense 5
- offensive 6
- offer 29
- offered 27
- offering 4
- offers 2
- offhand 4
- office 113
- officer 27
- officers 21
- offices 21
- official 67
- officially 1
- officials 11
- officious 1
- often 83
- oh 226
- Ohio 2
- oil 10
- oilcan 1
- oiled 1
- oily 2
- ointment 1
- old 526
- Oldacre 25
- Oldacres 1
- older 28
- oldest 7
- Oldmore 2
- olds 1
- oldsters 1
- olive 3
- Oliver's 1
- Olympia 1
- ome 1
- omened 9
- ominous 5
- omission 2
- omissions 1
- omit 4
- omitted 3
- omitting 2
- ommunicate 1
- Omne 1
- omnipotent 2
- omniscience 1
- omniscient 1
- on 2456
- once 499
- one 2274
- onerous 1
- ones 37
- only 933
- ont 1
- onto 8
- onward 13
- onwards 3
- onyxes 1
- ooze 1
- oozed 1
- opal 1
- opalescent 1
- open 299
- opened 198
- opener 1
- opening 37
- openings 1
- openly 6
- openness 1
- opens 9
- Openshaw 16
- opera 2
- operate 1
- operatic 1
- operating 2
- operation 9
- operations 8
- operator 3
- opinion 77
- opinions 2
- opium 21
- Oporto 1
- opponent 8
- opponents 2
- opportune 1
- opportunities 3
- opportunity 26
- oppose 1
- opposed 5
- opposing 2
- opposite 52
- opposition 3
- oppressed 2
- oppressive 2
- oppressively 1
- oppressors 1
- opprobrium 1
- optician 3
- opticians 2
- option 1
- opulence 1
- opus 1
- or 1184
- orange 10
- oranges 1
- orbit 1
- orbital 2
- orchard 6
- orchestra 1
- orchid 1
- orchids 2
- ordained 1
- ordeal 7
- order 129
- ordered 27
- Ordering 1
- orderly 3
- orders 28
- ordinary 47
- ordnance 3
- ore 3
- organic 3
- organisation 3
- organism 1
- organization 17
- organizations 1
- organize 1
- organized 5
- organizer 3
- organizing 1
- orgies 1
- Oriental 3
- Orientals 1
- origin 7
- original 34
- originality 1
- originally 9
- originals 5
- Orleans 1
- Orme 1
- Ormstein 2
- ornament 3
- ornamental 1
- ornaments 1
- Orontes 1
- orphan 5
- orphanage 1
- orthodox 5
- Oscar 1
- oscillated 1
- oscillates 1
- oscillating 1
- Oscillation 1
- ostensibly 1
- ostentatiously 2
- ostler 2
- ostlers 2
- ostrich 2
- other 793
- others 114
- otherwise 32
- ought 29
- ounce 6
- our 1488
- ours 18
- ourselves 116
- out 1655
- outbreak 2
- outbreaks 1
- outburst 4
- outbursts 3
- outcast 1
- outcasts 1
- outcome 5
- outcry 2
- outdoor 1
- outer 21
- outfit 1
- Outfitter 1
- outflame 1
- outhouse 10
- outing 1
- outlandish 1
- outlawed 1
- outlay 1
- outline 17
- outlined 13
- outlook 1
- outlying 6
- outmanoeuvred 1
- outnumbered 1
- outpaced 2
- outré 4
- outrage 13
- outrageous 4
- outrages 5
- outre 3
- outs 2
- outset 6
- outside 140
- outsider 5
- outsiders 1
- outsides 1
- outskirts 6
- outspoken 3
- outstanding 3
- outstretched 12
- outward 5
- outwardly 2
- outweigh 1
- outweighed 1
- outwitted 2
- ouvrier 1
- oval 3
- oven 3
- over 983
- overacting 1
- overawed 1
- overbearing 2
- overboard 5
- overcame 2
- overcoat 26
- overcoats 1
- overcome 6
- overdid 2
- overdue 1
- overfast 1
- overfed 1
- overflowed 1
- overgrown 1
- overhanging 2
- overhaul 1
- overhauled 2
- overhead 3
- overhear 3
- overheard 2
- overhearing 1
- overhung 7
- overjoyed 3
- overlaid 2
- Overland 1
- overlap 1
- overlook 3
- overlooked 16
- overlooking 2
- overlooks 1
- overmastering 1
- overnight 1
- overpitched 1
- overpower 2
- overpowered 3
- overpowering 6
- overriding 2
- overrun 1
- oversaturated 1
- overseen 1
- overseer 1
- overshadowed 1
- overshadows 1
- oversight 2
- overspread 1
- overstatement 1
- overstayed 1
- overstimulation 1
- overstrung 1
- overtake 12
- overtaken 14
- overtaking 2
- overthrow 1
- Overton 14
- overtook 5
- overtopped 1
- overturned 1
- overwhelmed 5
- overwhelming 3
- overwhelmingly 1
- overwork 1
- overwrought 1
- owe 31
- owed 2
- Owen 2
- owes 1
- owing 4
- owl 1
- own 629
- owned 4
- owner 31
- owners 4
- ownership 1
- owning 1
- owns 3
- ox 1
- oxen 1
- Oxford 19
- Oxfordshire 1
- Oxshott 8
- oyster 1
- oysters 4