Appendix:Sherlock Holmes concordance/D
These are links to all words found in the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The full text of the stories may be found on Wikisource.
0–9 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
- d 4
- d'Albert 1
- d'ye 5
- d'you 8
- dénouement 1
- dabbed 1
- dabble 1
- dabbled 3
- dabbler 1
- dabbling 1
- Dacre 1
- dad 10
- dagger 3
- dailies 1
- daily 24
- daintiest 1
- daintily 1
- dainty 8
- dairy 1
- dais 1
- damage 1
- damaged 2
- damn 3
- damned 6
- damning 4
- damp 14
- damper 1
- dance 5
- danced 4
- dances 1
- dancing 18
- dandled 1
- dandy 1
- Dane 1
- danger 121
- dangerous 82
- dangerously 1
- dangers 11
- dangled 1
- dangling 6
- Danish 1
- Danite 1
- dank 2
- danseuse 1
- Danton 1
- Dantzig 1
- dapper 6
- darbies 1
- dare 53
- dared 18
- daren't 1
- dares 2
- daresay 13
- daring 9
- Darjeeling 1
- dark 266
- dark lantern 4
- darken 2
- darkened 9
- darkening 2
- darkens 2
- darker 8
- darkest 6
- darkling 1
- darkly 2
- darkness 77
- darlin 1
- darling 10
- Darlington 1
- darned 5
- dart 4
- darted 17
- darting 9
- Dartmoor 16
- darts 7
- Darwin 1
- Darwinian 1
- das 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- dash 11
- dashed 29
- dashes 1
- dashing 13
- dass 1
- data 22
- date 45
- dated 10
- dates 14
- dating 1
- daubed 1
- Daubensee 1
- daubing 1
- daughter 77
- Daulat 2
- daunted 2
- dauntless 1
- Davenport 1
- David 4
- Davos 1
- dawdling 1
- dawn 11
- dawned 1
- Dawning 1
- Dawson 6
- day 516
- daybreak 3
- daylight 15
- days 219
- daytime 2
- dazed 16
- dazing 1
- dazzle 1
- dazzled 2
- de 22
- Deacon 1
- dead 214
- deadened 1
- deader 1
- deadliest 2
- deadlock 2
- deadly 29
- deaf 7
- deal 101
- dealer 5
- dealers 2
- dealing 11
- dealings 4
- deals 4
- dealt 5
- dear 296
- dearest 5
- dearie 4
- dearly 1
- death 262
- deathbeds 1
- deathly 3
- deaths 3
- debate 2
- debates 1
- debonair 1
- debris 5
- debt 13
- debtor 1
- debts 4
- debutante 1
- decade 3
- Decameron 1
- decamping 1
- decanter 4
- decanters 1
- decay 6
- decaying 1
- decease 1
- deceased 18
- Deceit 1
- deceive 9
- deceived 9
- deceives 1
- deceiving 1
- December 4
- decent 7
- decentralized 1
- deception 8
- deceptive 3
- decide 14
- decided 11
- decidedly 4
- deciding 1
- decipher 1
- deciphered 1
- deciphering 1
- decision 10
- decisions 1
- decisive 2
- deck 9
- decks 2
- declaration 2
- declare 3
- declared 10
- declares 8
- declaring 2
- decline 3
- declined 2
- declining 2
- decorated 3
- decoration 1
- decorations 1
- decorators 1
- decoy 1
- decoyed 6
- decreased 1
- decrees 1
- decrepit 4
- decrepitude 1
- deduce 22
- deduced 13
- deduction 25
- deductions 20
- deductive 2
- deed 27
- deeds 10
- deeficulty 1
- deemed 1
- deep 136
- deepen 1
- deepened 2
- deepening 2
- deepens 1
- deeper 16
- deepest 18
- deeply 45
- deepset 1
- deer 4
- defaced 2
- defeat 3
- defeated 1
- defect 2
- defects 2
- defence 15
- defences 1
- defend 4
- defended 3
- defenders 2
- defending 1
- defends 1
- defense 5
- defer 1
- deference 3
- deferred 1
- defiance 4
- defiant 7
- defiantly 5
- deficiencies 1
- deficient 3
- deficit 1
- defied 3
- defiers 1
- defile 3
- defiled 3
- defiles 3
- define 7
- defined 7
- definite 35
- definitely 8
- definition 2
- deformed 3
- deformity 2
- defray 1
- deftly 2
- defy 1
- defying 1
- degenerate 1
- degenerating 1
- degraded 1
- degree 15
- degrees 8
- Deher 1
- deigned 1
- deigning 1
- dejected 3
- dejection 3
- del 1
- delay 21
- delayed 4
- Delegate 3
- delete 4
- Delhi 1
- deliberate 8
- deliberately 7
- deliberation 3
- delicacy 13
- delicate 35
- delicately 2
- delicious 1
- deliciously 1
- delight 22
- delighted 26
- delightful 1
- delinquencies 1
- delirious 12
- delirium 6
- deliver 5
- delivered 15
- deliverer 1
- delivers 1
- deluded 1
- deluged 2
- delusion 3
- delusions 1
- delved 1
- demand 6
- demanded 3
- demands 5
- demeanor 1
- demeanour 5
- demented 2
- democratic 1
- demon 6
- demoniacal 1
- demonstrably 1
- demonstrate 1
- demonstrated 3
- demonstrating 1
- demonstration 5
- demonstrations 1
- demur 1
- demure 5
- demurely 3
- den 20
- Dene 3
- denial 4
- denied 7
- denies 1
- denizens 1
- Denn 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- Dennis 3
- denouement 1
- denounce 2
- dense 14
- deny 21
- denying 4
- deparate 1
- depart 5
- departed 22
- department 6
- departmental 2
- departments 3
- departs 2
- departure 20
- depend 18
- dependant 1
- depended 3
- dependent 4
- dependents 1
- depending 1
- depends 17
- depicted 2
- depicting 1
- depleted 2
- deplorable 6
- deplorably 1
- deplore 1
- deportment 1
- depose 1
- deposed 4
- deposes 1
- deposit 6
- deposited 1
- deposition 1
- depositors 1
- depot 5
- depravity 2
- deprecating 1
- deprecatingly 1
- deprecation 1
- depreciating 1
- depreciatory 1
- depressed 7
- depressing 4
- depression 10
- deprivation 1
- deprive 1
- deprived 5
- Deptford 1
- depth 4
- depths 11
- deputy 1
- der 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- derailed 1
- deranged 1
- derbies 1
- Derby 1
- Derbyshire 5
- derelict 1
- derision 1
- derisively 1
- derivatives 1
- derive 1
- derived 3
- derives 1
- des 1
- Desborough 5
- descend 8
- descendant 2
- descended 24
- descending 7
- descends 2
- descent 5
- describe 21
- described 31
- describes 4
- describing 2
- description 42
- descriptions 3
- desert 9
- deserted 27
- deserting 1
- desertion 1
- deserts 6
- deserve 3
- deserved 9
- deserves 3
- deserving 2
- design 12
- designed 2
- designs 5
- desirable 4
- desire 54
- desired 21
- desires 8
- desiring 2
- desirous 2
- desk 31
- Desmond 3
- Desmonds 1
- desolate 11
- desolation 1
- despair 33
- despaired 3
- despairing 3
- despatch 12
- despatched 2
- despatches 1
- desperate 30
- desperately 5
- desperation 2
- despised 1
- despite 1
- despondent 2
- despondently 1
- despot 1
- despotism 2
- despotisms 1
- dessert 1
- desserts 1
- destination 5
- destined 11
- destiny 6
- destitute 2
- destitution 1
- destroy 9
- destroyed 14
- destroying 3
- destruction 11
- destructive 3
- desultory 4
- detach 2
- detached 5
- detaching 1
- detachment 3
- detail 35
- detailed 7
- detailing 1
- details 86
- detain 6
- detained 3
- detect 4
- detected 10
- detection 12
- detective 107
- detectives 25
- determination 7
- determine 11
- determined 60
- determines 1
- determining 2
- deterred 1
- detour 2
- detracted 1
- Detroit 1
- deuce 5
- deuced 1
- Deutsche 1
- deveil 1
- develop 5
- developed 9
- developing 2
- development 24
- developments 16
- develops 1
- device 12
- devices 4
- devil 61
- devilish 6
- devilry 3
- devils 5
- deviltry 4
- Devine 7
- devious 2
- devise 3
- devised 8
- devoid 6
- devolved 1
- devolves 1
- Devon 5
- Devonshire 18
- devote 14
- devoted 26
- devotedly 2
- devoting 1
- devotion 3
- devoured 4
- devouring 2
- devoutly 1
- Devoy 2
- dew 1
- dewlap 1
- dexterity 2
- dexterous 1
- diabetes 1
- diaboli 1
- diabolical 6
- diadem 2
- diagnosis 1
- diagram 2
- diagrams 1
- dial 1
- dialect 1
- dialogue 2
- diamond 10
- diamonds 4
- diaphanous 1
- diaries 1
- diary 9
- dibbs 1
- dictate 2
- dictated 1
- dictates 1
- dictating 1
- dictation 2
- dictator 1
- dictionary 2
- did 846
- didactic 2
- didn't 70
- die 26 (25 English, 1 in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- died 85
- Dieppe 1
- dies 4
- diet 1
- differ 2
- difference 20
- differences 3
- different 64
- differentiate 1
- differently 2
- differs 2
- difficult 73
- difficulties 37
- difficulty 79
- diffidence 2
- diffident 1
- diffidently 1
- diffused 1
- dig 3
- digesting 1
- digestion 1
- digger 2
- digging 4
- diggings 6
- dignified 3
- dignitaries 1
- dignitary 1
- dignity 10
- digression 1
- digs 1
- Dike 3
- dilapidated 1
- dilate 1
- dilemma 3
- dilettante 1
- diligence 1
- diligently 1
- dim 24
- dime 3
- diminish 1
- diminishing 1
- Diminutive 1
- dimly 16
- dimmed 2
- dimming 1
- dimpled 1
- dine 8
- dinghy 1
- dingiest 1
- Dingle 1
- dingy 5
- dining 36
- dinner 45
- dint 2
- dinted 1
- Dio 1
- Diogenes 6
- dip 3
- diphtheria 1
- diplomacy 1
- diplomas 1
- diplomatic 2
- diplomatist 4
- dipped 8
- dipping 1
- dips 1
- Dir 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- direct 24
- directed 20
- directing 1
- direction 122
- directions 12
- directly 5
- directness 2
- director 6
- directors 4
- directory 3
- dirge 1
- dirt 3
- dirtiest 1
- dirty 22
- disadvantage 3
- disadvantages 2
- disagreeable 4
- disagreeably 1
- disagreements 1
- disappear 5
- disappearance 44
- disappeared 43
- disappearing 6
- disappears 2
- disappoint 1
- disappointed 12
- disappointing 3
- disappointingly 1
- disappointment 19
- disapprobation 1
- disarm 2
- disarmed 3
- disarranged 6
- disaster 8
- disastrous 1
- disbelieve 1
- disbelieved 1
- disc 4
- discern 5
- discharge 4
- discharged 6
- discharging 1
- discipline 5
- disclose 2
- disclosed 8
- discloses 2
- disclosing 2
- disclosures 1
- discolored 1
- discolouration 2
- discolourations 2
- discoloured 14
- discomforts 1
- disconnected 4
- disconsolate 2
- discontent 1
- discount 1
- discourage 2
- discouraged 2
- discouraging 1
- discoursed 1
- Discourses 1
- discourteous 1
- discover 19
- discovered 50
- discoverer 1
- discoveries 1
- discovering 14
- discovery 27
- discredit 1
- discreet 11
- discreetly 3
- discrepancy 1
- discretion 14
- discriminate 1
- discs 3
- discuss 22
- discussed 5
- discussing 3
- discussion 10
- disdain 2
- disease 24
- diseased 1
- diseases 1
- disengaged 1
- disentangled 1
- disfavour 1
- disfigured 2
- disgrace 13
- disgraceful 5
- disguise 18
- disguised 6
- disguises 2
- disgust 8
- disgusted 1
- disgustingly 1
- dish 12
- disheartened 2
- dishes 2
- disheveled 1
- dishevelled 1
- dishonest 1
- dishonour 1
- dishonourable 1
- dishonoured 3
- disillusion 1
- disinclination 2
- disjecta 1
- disk 2
- disks 1
- dislike 8
- disliked 2
- dislodged 1
- disloyal 4
- dismal 7
- dismantled 2
- dismay 8
- dismayed 1
- dismiss 7
- dismissal 3
- dismissed 7
- dismounted 2
- disobedience 1
- disobey 1
- disorder 1
- disordered 2
- disorganization 1
- disorganized 1
- disown 1
- disowning 1
- disparity 1
- dispatch 1
- dispatched 12
- dispatching 2
- dispel 1
- dispelled 1
- dispensary 1
- dispense 3
- dispensed 1
- dispenser 1
- displaced 1
- displacement 1
- displaces 1
- display 4
- displayed 2
- displeased 1
- displeasure 2
- disposal 11
- dispose 5
- disposed 4
- disposes 1
- disposing 1
- disposition 16
- dispossess 1
- disproportionately 1
- disproved 2
- disproves 1
- disputatious 1
- dispute 4
- disqualified 1
- disqualify 1
- disquieting 1
- disquisition 1
- disregard 6
- disregarded 2
- disregarding 3
- disremember 1
- disrepair 1
- disreputable 6
- disrepute 1
- dissatisfied 7
- dissecting 5
- dissent 1
- dissimulation 1
- dissipated 2
- dissipation 1
- dissolute 1
- dissolved 3
- dissolves 1
- dissolving 1
- dissuaded 1
- dissuading 2
- distaff 1
- distance 66
- distant 32
- distasteful 1
- distend 1
- distilled 1
- distilling 1
- distinct 15
- distinction 4
- distinctions 1
- distinctive 9
- distinctly 16
- distinguish 10
- distinguished 15
- distinguishing 1
- distorted 8
- distortion 3
- distracted 6
- distractedly 1
- distracting 2
- distraction 1
- distractions 2
- distracts 1
- distrait 5
- distress 4
- distressed 2
- distributed 1
- distribution 1
- district 32
- districts 3
- distrust 1
- distrusted 4
- distrustful 2
- disturb 8
- disturbance 6
- disturbed 25
- disturbing 2
- ditch 4
- ditching 1
- ditchlike 1
- ditty 1
- divan 1
- dived 2
- diversity 1
- divert 2
- diverted 1
- diverting 2
- divide 3
- divided 13
- dividing 2
- divined 3
- diving 2
- division 11
- divorce 6
- divulge 2
- Dixon 3
- dizziness 1
- do 1368
- Dobney 6
- docile 1
- docilely 1
- dock 10
- docker's 1
- docket 2
- docketing 2
- dockmen 1
- docks 3
- Dockyard 1
- doctor 164
- doctored 1
- doctors 7
- doctrine 2
- doctrines 1
- document 41
- documents 18
- doddering 2
- dodge 3
- dodged 1
- doer 3
- does 207
- doesn't 5
- dog 107
- dogcart 1
- dogged 9
- dogging 3
- doggy 1
- dogmatic 2
- dogs 10
- doin 2
- doing 118
- doings 12
- dolichocephalic 1
- dollar 9
- dollars 10
- Dolores 1
- dolorously 1
- Dolsky 1
- domes 1
- domestic 6
- domi 1
- domicile 1
- domiciliary 1
- dominant 2
- dominate 1
- dominated 2
- domineering 1
- Don 3
- don't 397
- donations 1
- Doncaster 1
- done 426
- donna 1
- Donnithorpe 4
- doodle 1
- Dook 2
- doom 1
- doomed 1
- door 687
- doors 34
- doorstep 4
- doorway 24
- dooties 1
- Doran 12
- Dorking 1
- dose 1
- doses 1
- dossier 3
- Dost 5
- dot 3
- doth 1
- dots 3
- dotted 3
- dottles 1
- double 53
- doubled 4
- doubly 3
- doubt 303
- doubted 10
- doubtful 3
- doubtfully 1
- doubting 1
- doubtings 1
- doubtless 9
- doubts 17
- dough 2
- doughy 2
- Douglas 109
- Douglases 2
- dour 3
- dove 3
- Dovercourt 2
- down 1121
- downcast 3
- downfall 3
- Downing 3
- downright 2
- downs 8
- downstairs 29
- downward 6
- downwards 1
- dowry 3
- Doyle 13
- dozen 44
- dozens 1
- dozing 1
- Dr 265
- drab 4
- drabs 1
- draft 3
- drag 9
- dragged 26
- dragging 3
- draghound 1
- draghounds 1
- dragon 2
- drags 1
- drain 3
- drained 2
- draining 2
- drains 4
- drama 14
- dramatic 17
- dramatically 1
- dramatist 2
- drank 11
- draped 6
- Draper's 1
- draught 9
- draughts 1
- draughtsman 1
- draw 53
- drawback 3
- drawbridge 11
- drawer 21
- drawers 11
- drawing 49
- drawings 2
- drawled 1
- drawn 118
- draws 4
- dread 9
- dreadful 76
- dreadfully 3
- dreads 1
- dream 18
- dreamed 9
- dreamer 2
- dreamily 1
- dreaming 5
- dreamless 1
- dreams 8
- dreamy 4
- dreariest 1
- dreary 13
- Drebber 62
- dregs 3
- drenched 2
- drenching 1
- dress 61
- dressed 78
- dresser 2
- dresses 2
- dressing 58
- drew 109
- dribbling 1
- dried 16
- drift 4
- drifted 10
- drifting 10
- drifts 2
- drilled 1
- drills 1
- drily 1
- drink 39
- drinking 11
- drinks 3
- dripped 1
- dripping 7
- drive 102
- driven 50
- driver 28
- drives 2
- driving 34
- drizzle 1
- drizzly 1
- drone 1
- droned 2
- droning 4
- droop 1
- drooped 6
- drooping 10
- drop 37
- dropped 74
- dropping 9
- drops 7
- drought 1
- drove 89
- droves 1
- drowned 6
- drowsiness 1
- drowsy 2
- drug 11
- drugged 4
- drugget 6
- drugs 3
- drum 1
- drummed 2
- drumming 3
- drums 1
- drunk 17
- drunkard 5
- drunken 17
- dry 28
- drygoods 2
- drying 2
- dryly 3
- du 1
- dual 1
- dubbed 1
- dubious 2
- Dublin 2
- Dubugue 1
- ducal 2
- Duchess 8
- duck 1
- due 37
- duel 2
- dug 8
- duke 34
- Duke's 7
- Dukes 1
- dull 47
- dulled 1
- dullest 1
- Dulong 1
- duly 7
- dumb 17
- dumfoundered 1
- dummy 5
- dumps 2
- dun 6
- Duncan 9
- Dundas 1
- Dundee 9
- dunderheads 1
- dungaree 1
- Dunlop 5
- Dunn 3
- duns 1
- dupe 1
- Dupin 3
- duplicate 13
- duplicates 2
- Durando 1
- dure 1
- during 176
- dusk 9
- dusky 3
- dust 32
- dustcoat 1
- dusted 1
- duster 1
- dusty 8
- Dutch 3
- duties 26
- duty 63
- dwarf 1
- dwarfish 2
- dwell 7
- dweller 2
- dwellers 1
- dwelling 9
- dwellings 4
- dwelt 2
- dwindled 1
- dwindling 2
- dying 33
- Dynamics 1
- dynamite 1
- dyspnoea 1