Appendix:Sherlock Holmes concordance/P
These are links to all words found in the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The full text of the stories may be found on Wikisource.
0–9 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
- p 3
- pâté 1
- pa 9
- pace 15
- paced 18
- paces 9
- Pacific 3
- pacify 1
- pacing 14
- pack 16
- packages 3
- packed 8
- packet 24
- packets 3
- packing 1
- pad 2
- Paddington 11
- paddled 1
- paddling 1
- paddock 2
- paddy 1
- padlocked 2
- padre 1
- pads 1
- Paganini 1
- page 50
- pages 15
- pagination 1
- paid 54
- pail 2
- pain 27
- pained 2
- painful 29
- painfully 3
- painless 1
- pains 18
- paint 5
- painted 4
- painter 1
- painting 3
- pair 54
- pairs 1
- Paisley 1
- pal 3
- palace 8
- palatable 1
- palate 1
- pale 81
- paled 1
- paleness 1
- paler 6
- palimpsest 3
- Pall 10
- Palladio 1
- pallet 1
- pallid 2
- pallor 5
- palm 15
- Palmer 6
- Palmyra 2
- palpable 1
- palpitating 5
- pals 5
- pamphlet 1
- pan 1
- Panama 1
- Pancras 1
- Pandies 1
- pane 6
- paned 3
- panel 6
- paneling 1
- panelled 3
- panelling 4
- panels 1
- panes 3
- pangs 1
- panic 1
- pannikin 1
- panoply 1
- panted 3
- panting 11
- pantry 7
- papa 3
- paper 284
- paperhanger 1
- papers 233
- Papier 1
- Parade 1
- Paradol 1
- paradoxes 1
- paradoxical 1
- paragon 1
- paragraph 10
- paragraphs 1
- parallel 9
- paralysis 1
- paralyze 1
- paralyzed 6
- paralyzing 3
- Paramore 2
- paramount 1
- parapet 2
- parcel 10
- parcels 1
- parched 1
- parchment 3
- pard 1
- pardon 8
- pardoned 1
- parent 1
- parents 8
- parietal 2
- Paris 18
- parish 8
- parishes 1
- Parisian 1
- park 34
- Parker 4
- parlance 1
- parley 1
- Parliament 4
- parliamentary 1
- parlor 2
- parlour 8
- paroxysm 7
- Parr 2
- parry 1
- parsley 1
- parson 2
- parsonage 1
- part 187
- partaken 1
- parted 19
- Parthian 1
- partial 1
- partiality 1
- partially 1
- participant 1
- participation 2
- participators 1
- particle 1
- particular 64
- particularly 26
- particulars 23
- particulary 1
- partie 1
- parties 6
- parting 5
- Partington 7
- partition 2
- partitions 1
- partly 18
- partner 13
- partners 1
- partnership 4
- partook 2
- parts 36
- party 34
- pas 1
- pass 89
- passage 93
- passages 8
- passbooks 1
- passed 248
- passenger 9
- passengers 3
- passers 5
- passes 11
- passing 46
- passion 21
- passionate 12
- passionately 5
- passions 5
- past 176
- paste 4
- pasted 2
- pastime 1
- pasting 2
- pasture 2
- pastures 1
- pasty 1
- pat 2
- patch 17
- patched 4
- patches 9
- patent 11
- patentee 1
- patently 1
- patents 1
- paternal 2
- paternity 1
- Patersons 1
- path 111
- Pathan 1
- pathetic 2
- pathological 3
- pathology 3
- paths 11
- pathway 13
- patience 25
- patient 34
- patiently 3
- patients 6
- patriarch 1
- Patrick 7
- patriotic 2
- patriotism 2
- patrolman 2
- patrolmen 3
- patron 2
- patted 5
- patter 2
- pattered 4
- pattering 3
- pattern 4
- Patterson 1
- patting 4
- Pattins 1
- Paul 6
- Paulo 1
- pauper 1
- pause 16
- paused 14
- pauses 1
- pausing 1
- paved 3
- pavement 18
- pavements 1
- paving 1
- paw 1
- pawing 1
- pawky 1
- pawn 1
- pawnbroker 8
- pawnbrokers 1
- pawned 1
- Pawnees 2
- pawner 1
- pay 67
- payer 2
- paying 11
- paymaster 1
- payment 3
- payments 2
- pays 8
- pea 5
- peace 32
- peaceable 1
- peaceful 15
- peacefully 1
- peaches 1
- peacock 1
- peajacket 1
- peak 4
- peaked 3
- peaks 4
- peaky 2
- peal 3
- pealed 2
- peals 1
- pearl 21
- pearls 7
- pearly 1
- peas 1
- peasant 4
- peasants 7
- peat 2
- peaty 2
- pebble 2
- pebbles 1
- Peckham 1
- peculiar 54
- peculiarities 4
- peculiarity 4
- peculiarly 13
- pedal 2
- pedalled 1
- pedals 1
- pedestal 3
- pedestalled 1
- pedestrians 1
- pedigree 1
- pedis 1
- pedlar 1
- Pedro 10
- peeled 3
- peeling 1
- peep 7
- peeped 17
- peeping 7
- peered 12
- peeress 1
- peering 23
- peg 7
- pegs 2
- peine 1
- pellet 3
- pelties 1
- pen 31
- penal 4
- penalties 1
- penalty 2
- Penang 2
- pence 4
- pencil 28
- pencils 2
- pendant 2
- pendants 1
- Pending 1
- pendulous 2
- penetrable 1
- penetrate 4
- penetrated 6
- penetrating 9
- Penge 2
- peninsula 3
- penitent 2
- penitentiary 2
- penitently 1
- penknife 2
- penknives 1
- penned 1
- pennies 6
- penniless 1
- Pennsylvania 2
- penny 8
- pennyworth 1
- Penrose 1
- pens 2
- pension 3
- pensioner 1
- pensioners 1
- pensions 1
- pensive 2
- pensively 3
- Pentonville 1
- people 167
- peoples 1
- peppery 1
- per 5
- perambulation 1
- perceive 43
- perceived 15
- perceiving 5
- percentages 1
- perceptible 3
- perceptibly 1
- perception 3
- perceptions 1
- perceptive 1
- perch 2
- perchance 1
- perched 5
- Percy 15
- peremptorily 1
- peremptory 1
- perennial 1
- perfect 35
- perfection 2
- perfectly 67
- perform 6
- performance 7
- performances 1
- performed 6
- performer 3
- performing 1
- performs 1
- perfumes 1
- perhaps 223
- pericolo 1
- peril 5
- perilous 2
- perils 2
- period 11
- periodically 1
- periodicals 1
- periods 2
- perish 1
- perished 1
- Perkins 5
- perl 1
- permanent 6
- permanently 5
- permissible 1
- permission 25
- permit 13
- permitted 7
- perpetrate 1
- perpetrated 3
- perpetration 1
- perpetrator 2
- perpetrators 1
- perpetual 7
- perplex 1
- perplexed 5
- perplexing 2
- perplexity 8
- persecuted 1
- persecuting 1
- persecution 6
- persecutors 2
- perseverance 6
- persevering 1
- Pershore 2
- Persia 2
- Persian 4
- persisted 3
- persistence 3
- persistent 2
- persistently 1
- person 153
- personage 1
- personal 33
- personality 10
- personally 14
- personate 1
- personification 1
- personify 1
- persons 11
- perspiration 5
- perspired 1
- persuade 10
- persuaded 8
- persuasion 4
- persuasions 1
- pertinacity 1
- pertinent 1
- perturbed 4
- pervades 1
- perversion 2
- pervert 1
- Peshawar 1
- pestered 2
- pestering 1
- Pesth 1
- pet 6
- Pete 1
- Peter 33
- petered 1
- Peters 12
- Petersburg 2
- Petersfield 1
- Peterson 11
- Petrarch 1
- petrel 2
- petrified 3
- petroleum 1
- pets 1
- petticoats 1
- petty 13
- petulance 2
- petulant 2
- petulantly 1
- pew 7
- Ph 1
- phantom 1
- pharmacopoeia 1
- phase 2
- pheasant 6
- pheasants 1
- Phelps 40
- phenomenal 1
- phenomenon 3
- phial 1
- Philadelphia 7
- philanthropist 2
- Philip 3
- Philippe 1
- philology 1
- philosopher 2
- philosophic 1
- philosophical 1
- philosophy 3
- phlegmatic 1
- Phoenician 1
- Phosphorus 1
- photograph 47
- photographs 3
- photography 3
- phrase 2
- phraseology 1
- phrases 3
- physic 1
- physical 14
- physically 2
- physician 4
- piano 1
- pick 33
- picked 85
- picker 1
- picketed 1
- picking 12
- pickpockets 1
- picks 1
- Pickwick's 1
- picnic 1
- picture 37
- pictured 4
- pictures 15
- picturesque 5
- pie 1
- piece 52
- pieces 19
- pierce 2
- pierced 9
- piercing 4
- Pierrot 6
- Pietro 6
- piety 1
- pig 3
- pigeon 4
- pigeonhole 1
- pigments 1
- pike 2
- pikestaff 1
- pile 23
- piled 8
- piles 3
- pilgrimage 2
- pilgrims 2
- piling 2
- pill 5
- pillar 4
- pillared 2
- pillars 2
- pillow 5
- pillows 4
- pills 10
- pilot 2
- pin 10
- pinafore 1
- pince 4
- pinch 4
- pinched 1
- Pinchin 3
- pinching 1
- pine 2
- pined 5
- pinfire 1
- pining 1
- pinion 1
- pinioned 1
- pink 15
- Pinkerton 16
- pinna 1
- pinnacle 5
- pinnacles 1
- pinned 6
- Pinner 13
- pinpoint 1
- pins 1
- Pinto 3
- pioneer 3
- Pioneers 1
- pious 1
- pipe 88
- pipes 8
- pipette 2
- piping 2
- pippin 1
- pips 11
- piquant 4
- piqued 1
- pirates 1
- pistol 40
- pistolling 1
- pistols 11
- piston 2
- pit 9
- pitch 13
- pitched 1
- pitcher 1
- pitches 1
- piteous 4
- piteously 1
- pith 2
- pithy 1
- pitiable 9
- pities 1
- pitiful 4
- pitiless 1
- pits 4
- Pitt 5
- pittance 3
- pity 26
- placard 2
- placards 1
- place 374
- placed 82
- places 36
- placid 9
- placidly 1
- placing 2
- plague 1
- plagued 1
- plaid 1
- plain 52
- plainer 3
- plainest 1
- plainly 22
- plainness 1
- plains 4
- plaintive 1
- plan 25
- plane 1
- planet 4
- planing 1
- plank 4
- planked 2
- planking 3
- planks 2
- planned 10
- planning 4
- plannings 1
- plans 61
- plant 6
- Plantagenet 1
- plantation 10
- planted 5
- planter 3
- planting 4
- plants 5
- plaster 30
- plastered 1
- plastering 1
- plate 14
- plateau 1
- plated 3
- plates 5
- platform 17
- platitudes 1
- platter 1
- Platz 1
- plaudits 1
- plaudo 1
- plausible 6
- plausibly 1
- play 66
- played 35
- player 5
- players 1
- playful 2
- playground 1
- playing 23
- plays 7
- plead 2
- pleaded 2
- pleading 2
- pleasant 31
- pleasantly 3
- pleasantry 1
- please 55
- pleased 23
- pleasing 8
- pleasure 43
- pleasures 1
- pledge 12
- pledged 3
- pledges 1
- plentiful 1
- plentifully 1
- plenty 19
- plethora 1
- plethoric 2
- plied 2
- plight 2
- plodded 1
- plodding 1
- plot 20
- plots 1
- plotting 2
- plough 1
- ploughed 2
- ploughs 1
- plover 2
- pluck 3
- plucked 13
- plucking 2
- plug 1
- plugs 4
- plum 2
- plumage 1
- Plumb 1
- plumber 6
- plumbers 1
- plume 3
- plumed 1
- plump 6
- plumped 1
- Plumstead 1
- plunder 5
- plunge 5
- plunged 19
- plunges 2
- plunging 2
- plural 3
- plus 1
- plush 3
- Plymouth 7
- poaching 2
- pocket 165
- pocketbook 5
- pocketed 1
- pockets 23
- pocks 1
- pocus 1
- Poe 4
- poetic 1
- poetry 1
- point 263
- pointed 62
- pointer 1
- pointing 33
- points 97
- poise 2
- poised 3
- poising 1
- poisions 1
- poison 27
- poisoned 9
- poisoner 2
- poisoning 5
- poisonous 11
- poisons 4
- poker 13
- pokers 1
- poking 2
- poky 1
- Poldhu 2
- pole 2
- police 283
- policeman 29
- policemen 13
- policy 6
- polished 6
- polishers 1
- polite 4
- politeness 1
- political 11
- politician 2
- politicians 4
- politics 15
- Pollack 1
- pollarded 1
- polo 1
- pology 1
- polygamy 1
- Polyphonic 2
- pomp 1
- Pompey 8
- pomposity 1
- pompous 5
- pompously 2
- Pon 3
- Poncho 1
- pond 7
- pondered 4
- pondering 5
- ponderous 2
- Pondicherry 15
- ponies 2
- pony 3
- pooh 5
- pool 25
- pools 2
- poop 2
- poor 151
- poorer 6
- poorly 2
- pop 1
- Pope 6
- Popham 1
- Poplar 1
- popped 2
- popular 19
- popularity 4
- population 4
- populous 1
- Populus 1
- porch 7
- Porlock 15
- port 9
- portal 1
- Portalis 1
- porter 30
- porters 2
- porticoed 2
- portiere 1
- portion 17
- portions 1
- Portland 1
- portly 5
- portmanteau 1
- portmanteaus 1
- portrait 14
- portraits 4
- Portsdown 1
- Portsmouth 5
- Portuguese 1
- pose 5
- poses 2
- Posilippo 2
- position 110
- positions 3
- positive 28
- positively 5
- possess 15
- possessed 19
- possesses 5
- possessing 2
- possession 47
- possessions 8
- possessor 1
- possibilities 6
- possibility 26
- possible 210
- possibly 96
- post 54
- posted 9
- posterior 1
- postern 1
- posting 2
- postman 4
- postmark 6
- postmarks 1
- postmaster 5
- postoffice 1
- postpone 6
- postponed 2
- posts 5
- postscript 5
- postulant 1
- posture 1
- pot 3
- potato 1
- potatoes 1
- potentate 3
- pots 2
- Pott 2
- Potter's 1
- pottery 1
- pouch 10
- pouches 4
- Poultney 4
- poultry 1
- pounced 1
- pounces 2
- pound 20
- pounds 93
- pour 5
- poured 20
- pouring 10
- pours 1
- poverty 3
- powder 21
- powdered 4
- power 88
- powerful 36
- powerfully 1
- powerless 6
- powerlessness 1
- powers 52
- practical 60
- practically 8
- practice 50
- practices 1
- practise 4
- practised 5
- practising 1
- practitioner 13
- pragmatical 1
- Prague 1
- prairie 3
- prairies 2
- praise 3
- praised 1
- praises 2
- pranced 1
- prank 3
- prattled 1
- prattling 1
- pray 76
- prayed 2
- prayer 6
- prayers 2
- praying 2
- pre 3
- preach 1
- preacher 1
- preaching 2
- preamble 1
- prearranged 9
- precaution 19
- precautions 15
- preceded 4
- precedence 1
- precedes 1
- preceding 5
- precept 1
- precepts 1
- precious 31
- precipice 2
- precipitance 1
- precipitate 1
- precipitated 4
- precipitation 1
- precipitous 4
- precise 11
- precisely 29
- precision 3
- preconcerted 1
- precursor 2
- predecessor 3
- Predergast 2
- predict 1
- prediction 2
- predispose 1
- predominant 2
- predominated 1
- predominates 2
- preface 1
- prefaced 2
- prefer 24
- preference 4
- preferred 4
- prefers 4
- prehistoric 5
- prejudice 2
- prejudices 1
- prejudicial 1
- preliminary 4
- prelude 3
- premature 8
- prematurely 3
- premeditated 1
- premier 10
- Premier's 2
- premises 14
- premonition 2
- Prendergast 9
- preoccupations 1
- preoccupied 3
- preparation 6
- preparations 7
- preparatory 4
- prepare 10
- prepared 43
- preparing 6
- preponderance 1
- preposterous 12
- prescribe 1
- prescribed 2
- prescription 1
- presence 93
- present 133
- presentable 1
- presentation 6
- presented 32
- presentiment 4
- presenting 2
- presently 35
- presentment 1
- presents 17
- preservation 3
- preservative 1
- preservatives 1
- preserve 14
- preserved 11
- preserver 6
- preserves 2
- preserving 2
- President 2
- presiding 1
- press 27
- pressed 23
- presses 3
- pressing 21
- pressmen 3
- pressure 14
- presumably 15
- presume 43
- presumed 1
- presuming 13
- presumption 6
- pretence 5
- pretend 11
- pretended 4
- pretending 3
- pretends 1
- pretense 1
- pretentious 2
- pretext 6
- pretexts 1
- prettier 1
- prettiest 1
- prettily 1
- pretty 74
- prevail 1
- prevaricate 1
- prevent 44
- prevented 10
- preventing 6
- prevents 3
- previous 13
- prey 7
- price 33
- prices 4
- prick 5
- pricked 3
- prickings 1
- pride 19
- pried 1
- priest 5
- prim 5
- Prima 1
- prime 15
- primitive 1
- primness 2
- Prince 4
- princely 3
- princess 3
- Princetown 5
- principal 16
- principally 5
- principle 3
- principles 3
- Pringle 1
- print 25
- printed 34
- printer 3
- printers 1
- printing 4
- prints 10
- prior 1
- priori 1
- Priory 5
- prison 15
- prisoner 63
- prisoners 10
- prisons 1
- Pritchard 1
- privacy 4
- private 75
- privately 2
- privation 1
- privations 2
- privet 1
- privilege 7
- privileged 1
- privileges 1
- prize 14
- prizes 2
- pro 1
- probabilities 1
- probability 20
- probable 42
- probably 86
- probe 1
- probed 2
- probing 1
- problem 101
- problems 20
- procedure 1
- proceed 24
- proceeded 22
- proceeding 11
- proceedings 15
- proceeds 1
- process 10
- processes 2
- procession 2
- proclaimed 7
- proclaiming 1
- proclaims 1
- procure 2
- procured 3
- prodigious 1
- prodigiously 1
- prodigy 1
- produce 11
- produced 32
- produces 2
- producing 6
- product 5
- production 2
- productions 1
- profane 1
- profess 4
- professed 3
- profession 30
- professional 45
- professionally 4
- professionals 2
- professions 2
- professor 78
- professors 3
- proffered 1
- proficiency 2
- proficient 1
- profile 4
- profiles 2
- profit 9
- profitable 3
- profitably 2
- profited 1
- profiting 1
- profitless 1
- profits 2
- profound 11
- profoundly 3
- profusion 2
- prognathous 1
- programme 3
- progress 20
- progressing 1
- prohibition 2
- Project 3
- projected 7
- projecting 11
- projection 1
- prolific 1
- prolong 2
- prolonged 5
- promenade 2
- prominence 3
- prominent 4
- prominently 1
- promiscuous 2
- promise 72
- promised 28
- promises 13
- promising 8
- promoted 2
- promoter 1
- promotion 1
- prompt 13
- prompted 2
- prompting 2
- promptings 1
- promptly 6
- promptness 2
- prone 1
- pronounce 5
- pronounced 6
- pronouncing 1
- proof 36
- proofs 21
- Proosia 1
- prop 1
- propagation 1
- proper 15
- properly 1
- properties 1
- property 34
- prophecy 1
- prophesied 1
- prophet 7
- propitiate 1
- propitious 1
- proportion 6
- proportions 1
- propos 1
- proposal 3
- propose 24
- proposed 8
- proposes 1
- proposition 11
- propositions 1
- propound 1
- propped 4
- proprieties 1
- proprietor 6
- propriety 4
- prosaic 8
- prosecute 2
- prosecuted 2
- prosecution 3
- prospect 12
- prospecting 2
- prospective 1
- prospectors 1
- prospects 3
- prosper 2
- prospered 7
- prosperity 5
- prosperous 4
- prostrate 6
- prostrated 1
- prostration 3
- protect 4
- protected 1
- protecting 1
- protection 13
- protective 1
- protector 1
- protects 1
- protest 7
- protestation 1
- protestations 1
- protested 5
- protesting 1
- protrude 1
- protruded 9
- protrudes 1
- protruding 9
- proud 28
- proudly 2
- prove 72
- proved 56
- proverb 1
- proves 12
- provide 3
- provided 14
- providence 6
- providential 1
- providing 1
- province 3
- provinces 4
- provincial 3
- provincials 1
- proving 2
- provision 2
- provisional 1
- provisioned 1
- provisions 4
- provocation 1
- provocative 1
- provoke 1
- provoked 2
- provoking 3
- prow 1
- prowled 2
- prowling 3
- prudence 1
- Prussian 3
- pry 1
- prying 1
- Pshaw 3
- psychologists 1
- Psychology 1
- pub 1
- public 97
- publican 2
- publicans 1
- publication 6
- publicity 6
- publicly 3
- publish 4
- published 4
- publishers 1
- publishing 2
- pucker 2
- puckered 7
- pudding 1
- puddle 1
- puerile 2
- puffed 8
- puffing 10
- puffs 2
- puffy 3
- pugilist 2
- pugnacious 1
- pull 27
- pulled 75
- pulley 1
- pulling 12
- Pullman 1
- pulp 2
- pulse 5
- pulsed 1
- pulses 1
- pump 1
- pumpkin 1
- punctual 1
- punctually 1
- puncture 2
- punctures 1
- pungent 5
- punish 6
- punished 6
- punishes 1
- punishment 12
- Punjaub 1
- Punjaubees 2
- punt 1
- punts 1
- puny 2
- pup 1
- pupil 3
- pupils 2
- puppets 1
- purchasable 1
- purchase 3
- purchased 7
- purchasing 1
- Purdley 1
- pure 20
- purely 12
- purest 2
- Puritan 1
- puritanical 1
- purity 1
- purloined 1
- purple 7
- purplish 1
- purport 3
- purpose 57
- purposeful 3
- purposeless 4
- purposes 14
- purred 1
- purse 11
- purses 1
- pursue 4
- pursued 18
- pursuer 6
- pursuers 7
- pursuing 8
- pursuit 18
- purveyor 2
- purview 1
- push 10
- pushed 64
- pushes 1
- pushing 19
- put 368
- puts 8
- putting 55
- putty 3
- puzzle 10
- puzzled 26
- puzzler 1
- puzzles 5
- puzzling 3
- Pycroft 23
- Pyland 11
- pyramid 1
- pyramidal 1
- pyramids 1