Appendix:Sherlock Holmes concordance/M
These are links to all words found in the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The full text of the stories may be found on Wikisource.
0–9 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
- m 1
- M's 1
- métier 1
- Mac 27
- MacDonald 39
- mace 1
- Machiavellian 1
- machine 25
- machinery 6
- mackintosh 1
- Mackleton 5
- MacNamara's 2
- MacPherson 2
- MacSomebody 1
- mad 50
- madam 38
- Madame 7
- maddening 6
- maddest 1
- made 568
- Mademoiselle's 1
- madly 5
- madman 7
- madness 10
- Madras 2
- Madrid 3
- Mafia 3
- magazine 2
- Maggie 2
- magic 4
- magical 1
- magician 1
- magistrate 7
- magistrates 5
- magnates 3
- magnetic 1
- magnetism 1
- magnificent 12
- magnificently 2
- magnifico 1
- magnifiques 1
- magnifying 7
- magnum 1
- mahogany 3
- Mahomet 9
- Mahratta 2
- maid 96
- maiden 18
- maids 11
- maidservants 1
- mail 5
- main 43
- maintained 2
- maintenance 1
- maitre 1
- maitres 1
- Maiwand 2
- majestic 2
- majestically 1
- Majesty 20
- major 38
- majority 1
- make 458
- maker 5
- makers 2
- makes 37
- making 85
- makings 2
- malady 2
- Malay 2
- malcontents 1
- male 7
- malefactor 1
- malevolence 2
- malevolent 2
- malice 2
- malicious 5
- malignancy 1
- malignant 13
- malignantly 1
- Malingering 1
- Mall 10
- malodorous 3
- Malplaquet 1
- Malthus 1
- maltreated 1
- man 1990
- manacled 3
- manage 18
- managed 34
- management 7
- manager 36
- manageress 1
- managing 7
- Manchester 1
- mandate 1
- Manders 2
- mane 3
- maned 2
- mangled 3
- Mangles 1
- mangrove 1
- manhood 3
- mania 3
- maniac 1
- manifest 1
- manifestations 2
- manifested 1
- manifesting 1
- manifold 1
- manipulating 1
- manipulation 1
- mankind 5
- manly 3
- Mann 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- manned 1
- manner 134
- mannered 3
- mannerism 1
- manners 9
- manoeuvred 1
- manoeuvres 3
- manor 33
- manorial 1
- Mansel 1
- manservant 6
- mansion 4
- mansions 3
- Manson 1
- mantel 3
- mantelpiece 32
- mantle 6
- manual 2
- manufactory 1
- manufacture 1
- manufactured 1
- manufacturers 1
- manufactures 1
- manuscript 10
- many 246
- map 19
- Mapleton 13
- maps 3
- mar 2
- marauding 1
- Marbank 2
- marble 8
- march 18
- marched 3
- marching 2
- Marchioness 1
- Marcini's 1
- Marconi 1
- mare 7
- Marengo 1
- Margate 1
- margin 5
- margins 2
- Marie 9
- marine 2
- mariner 2
- mariners 1
- marines 4
- maritime 1
- mark 97
- marked 64
- markedly 1
- marker 7
- market 20
- marking 4
- markings 2
- marks 71
- marksman's 1
- Marley 1
- marm 1
- Marquess 1
- marred 4
- marriage 68
- married 88
- marrow 1
- marry 23
- marrying 5
- Marseilles 1
- marsh 1
- marshalled 1
- Marsham 1
- marshes 2
- marshy 2
- Martha 7
- martial 1
- martialled 1
- Martin 12
- Martini 1
- martyrdom 2
- Martyrs 1
- marvel 2
- marvelled 4
- marvelling 1
- marvellous 5
- Marvin 14
- Marx 2
- Mary 50
- Marylebone 1
- masculine 3
- mask 14
- masked 5
- masks 3
- Mason 29
- masonic 1
- masonry 2
- masqueraded 1
- mass 8
- massacres 1
- massage 1
- massed 1
- masses 3
- massive 20
- master 108
- mastered 6
- masterful 17
- mastering 2
- masterly 2
- masterpiece 2
- masters 5
- mastery 2
- mastiff 5
- masts 1
- mat 5
- match 48
- matched 1
- matches 10
- mate 16
- material 28
- materialism 1
- materialized 1
- mates 5
- matey 1
- mathematical 6
- mathematics 1
- Matheson 1
- Mathews 1
- matted 3
- matter 485
- mattered 2
- matters 62
- matting 8
- mature 2
- maturing 1
- Maudsley 1
- Maupertuis 1
- Mauritius 1
- mauvais 1
- maw 1
- Mawson 18
- Max 1
- maxillary 1
- maxim 1
- may 963
- maybe 51
- Mayer 1
- Mayfield 1
- Maynooth 2
- mayor 1
- maze 2
- mazes 1
- McCarthy 37
- McCarthys 3
- McCauley 2
- McFarlane 26
- McGinty 95
- McGregor 1
- McLaren 1
- McMurdo 210
- McQuire's 1
- me 3246
- meadow 1
- meadows 3
- meagre 1
- meal 13
- meals 6
- mealy 1
- mean 140
- meandered 1
- meanderings 1
- meaning 42
- meaningless 2
- meanly 2
- means 126
- meant 56
- meantime 19
- meanwhile 32
- measles 1
- measure 8
- measured 12
- measurement 2
- measurements 6
- measures 5
- measuring 4
- meat 4
- Mecca 1
- mechanic 2
- mechanical 2
- mechanism 1
- medal 1
- medallion 1
- meddle 3
- meddled 1
- meddler 1
- meddlesome 1
- meddling 2
- mediaeval 2
- medical 49
- medicine 8
- medico 3
- medicos 1
- medieval 1
- mediocre 1
- Mediocrity 1
- meditated 1
- meditation 2
- meditations 2
- meditative 2
- Mediterranean 1
- medium 2
- meek 4
- meekly 3
- meenister 1
- meet 86
- meeting 24
- meetings 5
- meets 8
- Meiringen 5
- melancholy 25
- Melas 19
- Melbourne 1
- mellow 3
- melodious 1
- melon 1
- melted 2
- melting 1
- Melville 2
- member 27
- members 20
- membership 2
- membra 1
- memento 1
- memoir 1
- memoirs 5
- memorable 4
- memoranda 4
- memorandum 3
- memories 3
- memory 39
- men 309
- menace 4
- menaced 2
- menacing 10
- menage 1
- mend 1
- mended 2
- Mendelssohn's 1
- Mendicant 1
- mendicants 1
- mends 1
- mene 1
- menial 1
- Meningen 1
- Mensch 1 (in a German verse in The Sign of the Four)
- Menschen 1
- mental 19
- mentally 1
- mention 27
- mentioned 41
- mentioning 1
- mentions 1
- Menzies 3
- mercenary 1
- merchant 14
- merchants 3
- mercifully 1
- Mercury 1
- mercy 28
- mere 68
- Meredith 1
- Mereer 1
- merely 23
- merest 9
- meretricious 2
- merged 1
- merit 3
- merits 3
- Merona 1
- Merridew 1
- merrily 1
- merriment 4
- Merripit 15
- Merrow 1
- merry 10
- Merryweather 12
- Merton 4
- meshes 3
- meshwork 1
- mesmeric 1
- mess 6
- message 92
- messages 11
- messenger 13
- messengers 1
- messing 1
- Messrs 1
- met 167
- metal 24
- metallic 10
- metals 3
- meted 1
- method 22
- methodical 11
- methodically 3
- methods 52
- metier 1
- metropolis 7
- Metropolitan 6
- mettle 1
- Meunier 1
- mews 5
- Mexborough 1
- Mexico 1
- Meyers 1
- miasmatic 1
- mica 1
- mice 1
- Michaelmas 1
- Michigan 1
- microbe 1
- microscopic 1
- mid 4
- midday 7
- middle 79
- Middlesex 2
- Middleton's 1
- Midianites 1
- Midland 6
- Midlands 2
- midnight 21
- midst 10
- midway 4
- might 611
- mighty 13
- migratory 1
- mihi 1
- Mike 3
- mild 5
- mildew 1
- mile 38
- miles 82
- military 6
- milk 14
- mill 1
- Millar 5
- Millbank 2
- Miller 3
- milliner 3
- million 16
- millionaire 3
- millions 10
- mills 2
- Milman 1
- Milner 1
- Milverton 39
- minatory 1
- mincing 1
- mind 343
- minded 8
- minds 22
- mine 107
- miner 3
- Minerals 1
- miners 15
- mines 12
- mingled 5
- miniature 2
- minimize 1
- minimized 1
- minimum 2
- mining 5
- minister 21
- Minister's 1
- ministers 3
- minor 9
- minstrel's 1
- mint 1
- minted 1
- minute 67
- minutely 10
- minuteness 1
- minutes 168
- minutiae 1
- mio 1
- miracle 1
- mire 27
- mirror 7
- mirrors 1
- miry 2
- misadventures 1
- misanthropy 1
- misbehave 1
- miscalculated 1
- miscalculation 1
- miscarried 1
- miscarry 1
- mischance 1
- mischief 13
- mischievous 8
- mischievously 1
- misconstrued 1
- miscreant 1
- miscreants 1
- misdeeds 1
- misdirected 2
- miser 3
- miserable 9
- misery 8
- misfortune 26
- misfortunes 2
- misgivings 3
- mishandled 1
- misjudged 2
- mislaid 2
- misleading 1
- misplaced 1
- misread 1
- miss 246
- missed 26
- misses 2
- misshapen 3
- missing 67
- mission 20
- missionary 4
- missions 1
- Mississippi 1
- Missouri 1
- misspent 1
- mist 4
- mistake 40
- mistaken 36
- mistakes 1
- mistaking 4
- mister 24
- mistook 3
- mistress 27
- mists 5
- misty 3
- misunderstanding 1
- mitigating 1
- mitral 2
- Mitton 6
- mixed 12
- mixing 1
- mixture 15
- Mlle 2
- Mme 5
- moan 6
- moaned 1
- moaning 5
- moat 21
- moated 2
- moats 1
- mob 1
- mobile 2
- mock 1
- mocking 2
- model 4
- moderate 3
- modern 22
- modest 8
- modestly 1
- modesty 2
- modified 3
- modifies 1
- Moffat 1
- Mogul 1
- Mohammedan 1
- Mohammedans 1
- moidores 1
- moist 5
- moisten 1
- moistened 2
- moistening 1
- moisture 5
- mole 2
- molehills 1
- moles 1
- Molesey 1
- molest 3
- molested 3
- molests 1
- moment 266
- momentary 4
- momento 1
- momentous 3
- moments 18
- momentum 1
- Monaghan 1
- monarch 1
- monarchy 1
- monasteries 1
- Monday 60
- money 159
- Money's 1
- monger 1
- mongoose 1
- mongrel 3
- Monica 3
- monkey 6
- monogram 4
- monograph 13
- monographs 2
- monoliths 1
- monomania 1
- monomaniac 2
- monopoly 1
- monosyllable 1
- monosyllables 1
- monotone 2
- monotonous 4
- monotony 4
- Monsieur 3
- monster 7
- monstrous 12
- Montague 3
- Montalva 1
- Montana 1
- Montgomery 1
- month 41
- monthly 1
- months 86
- Montpellier 7
- Montpensier 1
- monument 1
- monumental 1
- monuments 2
- mood 13
- moodily 2
- moods 3
- moody 1
- moon 27
- moonbeam 1
- moonless 1
- moonlight 12
- moonlit 2
- moonshine 4
- moor 200
- Moore 1
- Moorhouse 1
- moorland 9
- moorlands 2
- moors 6
- moped 1
- moping 3
- mopped 2
- mopping 3
- mor 1
- moral 5
- morally 5
- Moran 30
- morass 9
- morbid 2
- morbidly 1
- Morcar 4
- Mordecai 9
- more 1071
- more'n 1
- Morgan 1
- Moriarty 53
- Morland 2
- Mormon 12
- Mormonism 1
- Mormons 9
- mornin 1
- morning 471
- mornings 5
- morocco 3
- morose 9
- morphine 1
- Morris 38
- Morrison 8
- morrow 88
- Morse 9
- Morstan 70
- mortal 10
- mortals 4
- mortar 1
- mortem 1
- mortgage 1
- mortgages 1
- mortification 1
- mortifying 1
- Mortimer 121
- Mortimers 1
- mortis 1
- Morton 7
- mortuary 2
- Moser 2
- mosquitoes 1
- moss 8
- mossy 1
- most 515
- mostly 6
- Motets 2
- moth 4
- mother 74
- motherly 2
- moths 1
- motion 9
- motioned 5
- motioning 3
- motionless 19
- motive 37
- motives 13
- motley 1
- motor 2
- mottled 12
- mould 6
- moulded 1
- moulder 1
- mouldering 1
- moulding 5
- moulds 2
- mouldy 1
- Moulton 4
- mound 1
- mounds 1
- Mount 13
- mountain 8
- mountains 33
- mounted 18
- mounting 1
- Mounts 1
- mourn 1
- mourned 2
- mournfully 1
- mourning 2
- mouse 5
- mousseline 1
- moustache 19
- moustached 6
- mouth 70
- mouthed 6
- mouthful 2
- mouthpieces 1
- mouths 2
- move 43
- moved 58
- movement 17
- movements 17
- moves 2
- moving 40
- Mr 1387
- Mrs 264
- much 579
- mud 23
- muddy 9
- muff 1
- muffled 12
- muffler 2
- mug 1
- mulatto 4
- mule 2
- mules 1
- Muller 1
- mullioned 3
- multiplex 1
- multiplied 1
- multiply 1
- multitude 1
- mum 1
- mumble 2
- mumbled 5
- mumbling 2
- mummified 1
- munched 1
- Munich 1
- municipal 2
- munificent 1
- munitions 1
- Munro 10
- Munsters 3
- Murcher 4
- murder 149
- murdered 46
- murderer 59
- murderers 15
- murdering 6
- murderous 17
- murders 10
- Murdoch 1
- Murger's 1
- Murillo 8
- murky 5
- murmur 15
- murmured 18
- murmuring 1
- murmurings 1
- Murphy 6
- Murray 2
- muscle 5
- muscles 7
- muscular 4
- mused 1
- museum 13
- Musgrave 27
- Musgraves 2
- mushroomed 1
- music 16
- musical 4
- musician 2
- musket 5
- muskets 3
- musky 1
- must 819
- mustache 1
- mustang 3
- mustard 1
- muster 2
- mustn't 3
- mute 2
- mutilated 3
- mutilation 1
- mutiny 5
- mutter 2
- muttered 18
- muttering 6
- mutton 4
- Muttra 1
- mutual 7
- muzzle 10
- my 4616
- Mycroft 56
- Myrtles 2
- myself 364
- mysteries 11
- mysterious 39
- mystery 108
- mystification 2
- mystified 2
- myth 1
- mythical 1