Wiktionary:Todo/long usage examples
Very long usage examples (as measured by number of characters in the wikitext), extracted from the 2023-05-20 dump.
Possible actions:
- Shorten the usage example. Encyclopedic information is not required - we should delegate to Wikipedia.
- If a book reference or URL is present, it is likely that the sentence is a quotation, not a usage example (noting that usage examples are supposed to be original compositions of Wiktionary editors or our out-of-copyright source dictionaries). Reformat the quotation using a suitable template such as
. - If the usage example sounds like a quotation, Google it to see if you can find the source, then proceed as above.
- Foreign usage examples containing an em dash (— or —) should be formatted to use
. - The Sign Language entry clearly is a false positive. There are no doubt others like it.
Usex length | Page | Usex | |||
1503 | Boolean lattice | #: A Boolean lattice always has 2n elements for some cardinal number 'n', and if two Boolean lattices have the same size, then they are isomorphic. A Boolean lattice can be defined "inductively" as follows: the base case could be the "degenerate" Boolean lattice consisting of just one element. This element is less than or equal to itself, which reflects the first "law of thought". Inductive step: given the structure of a 2n-element Boolean lattice, make an exact and separate duplicate of it, which preserves the order relation isomorphically. Then connect the two lattices as follows: choose one as the "bottom" and one as the "top", then draw an arrow connecting each element of the "bottom" lattice to its corresponding element of the "top" lattice. The result is the 2n+1-element Boolean lattice (unique up to order-isomorphism). The 0 of the bottom lattice becomes the new 0, and the 1 of the top lattice becomes the new 1. Note that the 4-element (Boolean) lattice is a square, the 8-element lattice is a cube, the 16-element lattice is a tesseract, and higher-order lattices are higher-dimensional hypercubes in general, with the 0 and 1 always diagonally opposite, i.e., at the highest possible Hamming/taxicab distance from each other (equal to 'n' for an n-dimensional hypercube) and the edges directed so as to connect the vertex closer to 0 to the vertex further away from 0 (in terms of Hamming/taxicab distance). | |||
1076 | p-adic number | #: In the set of 3-adic numbers, the closed ball of radius 1/3 "centered" at 1, call it B, is the set This closed ball partitions into exactly three smaller closed balls of radius 1/9: and Then each of those balls partitions into exactly 3 smaller closed balls of radius 1/27, and the sub-partitioning can be continued indefinitely, in a fractal manner. Likewise, going upwards in the hierarchy, B is part of the closed ball of radius 1 centered at 1, namely, the set of integers. Two other closed balls of radius 1 are "centered" at 1/3 and 2/3, and all three closed balls of radius 1 form a closed ball of radius 3, which is one out of three closed balls forming a closed ball of radius 9, and so on. | |||
909 | free group | #: Given a set S of "free generators" of a free group, let be the set of inverses of the generators, which are in one-to-one correspondence with the generators (the two sets are disjoint), then let be the Kleene closure of the union of those two sets. For any string w in the Kleene closure let r(w) be its reduced form, obtained by cutting out any occurrences of the form or where . Noting that r(r(w)) = r(w) for any string w, define an equivalence relation such that if and only if . Then let the underlying set of the free group generated by S be the quotient set and let its operator be concatenation followed by reduction. | |||
827 | ultrafilter | #: A proper filter of a set has these three properties: (1) it does not contain the empty set, (2) if it contains a subset then it contains all supersets of that subset, and (3) if it contains a pair of subsets then it also contains their intersection. To make it into an ultrafilter it must be made as large as possible without including the empty set. That can be prevented by not allowing any pair of disjoint sets to be both included. If, given a pair of complementary subsets, one of them is prevented from being included, then all subsets of it should be prevented from being included as well, by the second rule. That takes care of all subsets disjoint from the other complementary subset, which should then be included, in order to make the filter approach maximality, i.e., turn it into an ultrafilter. | |||
817 | Pauli vector | #: The eigenvectors of the first Pauli matrix "encode" — as it were — the +X and −X directions. Likewise, the eigenvectors of the second Pauli matrix "encode" the +Y and −Y directions and those of the third Pauli matrix, the +Z and −Z directions. The dot product of the Pauli vector with any unit vector yields a matrix which likewise has eigenvalues +1 and −1 and a pair of eigenvectors; the eigenvector with positive eigenvalue "encodes" the +N direction and the eigenvector with negative eigenvalue "encodes" the −N direction. The dot product of any two such "encoded" directions yields the probability amplitude that the spin of an electron prepared in the first direction will collapse to the second direction when measured along that second direction. | |||
719 | liquid document | #: NEDCOR BANK LTD v LISINFO 61 TRADING (PTY) LTD 2005 (2) SA 432 (C) is a trite principle of our law that the term 'liquid document' for purposes of summary judgment proceedings has the same meaning as a 'liquid document' for purposes of provisional sentence proceedings. In Rich and Others v Lagerwey 1974 (4) SA 748 (A) at 754H, the Court said that, if a document in question, upon a proper construction thereof, evidences by its terms and without resort to evidence extrinsic thereto, an unconditional acknowledgment of indebtedness in an ascertained amount of money, the payment of which is due to the creditor, it is one upon which provisional sentence may properly be granted. | |||
704 | phenomenologically | #: The DSM may be viewed as a behavioristically, phenomenologically oriented nosology which often groups unlike disease states together into categories, and in its behaviorist approach, can ignore distinctions between pathophysiological processes within the brain and normal human response to stressors. Because of this and the modern access, via the techniques of molecular biology, to molecular processes in the human brain and other bodily systems, there is growing call in the psychiatric community to reformulate the mental health nosology, basing it rather upon the pathophysiological processes which may, or may not, underlie problematic behavioral phenomena. | |||
692 | Mazur game | #: In the Mazur game, the unit interval [0,1] is initially divided into two complementary sets, A and B. Player 1 then chooses a closed interval in [0,1] of length and greater than zero. Player 2 then chooses an interval within the previously chosen interval, of length and greater than zero. Player 1 then chooses an interval within the previous interval, of length and greater than zero, and so on. After infinitely many steps, the intersection of all the chosen intervals is a single point: if it falls within set A, then player 1 wins; if it falls within set B, player 2 wins. | |||
685 | giria | #: Gũthiĩ gũtigiragia mũndũ acoke.[1][2] - To go does not prevent a person from returning. | |||
681 | vote mob | #: The organizers claim these fun, upbeat gatherings are non-partisan in nature and have nothing to do with political protest. In particular, the event has also been called a "surprise party," as evidenced by a You-Tube video in which a vote mob comes out of the woods and rolls out a banner that reads, "Surprise! We are voting!" ― Michael Taube[1]
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675 | brivla | #: Brivla are "content words", i.e., categorematic. When acting as selbri they are roughly comparable to verbs (or adjectives (or even nouns), if the selbri's arity is one), and when acting as sumti (e.g., due to being prefixed with "le") they are comparable to nouns. If a brivla modifies another one (thereby forming a "tanru"), the modifying brivla would be comparable to an adverb or adjective (*), depending on whether the modified brivla is acting as selbri or sumti, respectively. // Footnote: (*) - the modifying brivla could instead be comparable, in some cases, to the modified brivla's predicate. | |||
674 | reprocessing | ##: Nuclear reprocessing is a highly-controversial issue; proponents point to the massive reduction in the amount of radioactive waste requiring secure disposal, the utilisation of the remaining uranium and plutonium in the used fuel rods which would otherwise go to waste, and the opportunity to recover valuable fission byproducts such as platinum-group metals and silver, while opponents of reprocessing argue that it delays the switch away from nuclear power and results in massive toxic and radioactive contamination of the reprocessing sites, and that the separation of useable fissile material presents an unjustifiable proliferation risk.
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671 | besin | #: 2013, Özkan Evcin et al., "Anadolu ağaç sincabinin (Sciurus anomalus (Güldenstaedt, 1785)) ekolojisi: kastamonu-araç merkez orman işletme şefliği örneği"[15]: | |||
649 | bytewise | #: Our bitwise multiset attacks naturally extend to bytewise multiset attacks, because the multiset characteristics are based on the bytewise XOR-sum property. Tetsu Iwata, Jung Hee Cheon (2015 November 26) Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2015: 21st International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Auckland, New Zealand, November 29 -- December 3, 2015, Proceedings[16], Springer | |||
647 | Yoneda lemma | #: As a corollary of the Yoneda lemma, given a pair of contravariant hom functors and , then any natural transformation from to is determined by the choice of some function to map the identity to, by the component of . This implies that the Yoneda functor is fully faithful, which in turn implies that Yoneda embeddings are possible.
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639 | inverse limit | #: An inverse limit has “natural projections” which are restrictions of the projections of the Cartesian product (to a domain which is the inverse limit). The reason why the projections are described as “natural” would be the following: besides the functor from an index poset to the inverse system, there is another functor from the same index poset to the inverse limit of that system, this functor being a constant functor. Then there is a natural transformation from the constant functor to the inverse limit’s functor: the components of such natural transformation are the said “natural projections”.
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638 | en | #: Rannsókn embættis sérstaks saksóknara á meintum innherjasvikum Baldurs Guðlaugssonar stóð yfir í rúmlega ár, en FME kærði málið með bréfi til embættisins hinn 9. júlí á síðasta ári.[1]
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635 | ergativity | #: Ergativity entails that the grammar give treatment to the subject (A) of a transitive verb that is differentiated from the treatment given to the object (O) of such a verb and the subject (S) of an intransitive verb, which are treated similarly to each other. Such differential treatment may take the form of a special case marker (such as an affix or a particle) used with A but not with O or S, or of a specific agreement pattern (for example, the verb may agree in person and number with A, but not with O and S).
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634 | stuwend | #: Autofabrikant André Citroën besloot in 1935 een auto te ontwikkelen die geschikt zou moeten zijn voor het ruige Franse platteland: de TPV, oftewel Toute Petite Voiture . Projectleider en stuwende kracht Pierre-Jules Boulanger omschreef het doel als 'een paraplu op vier wielen'[17]— Auto manufacturer André Citroën decided in 1935 to develop a car that would be suitable for the rough French countryside: the TPV, that is Toute Petite Voiture. Project leader and driving force Pierre-Jules Boulanger described the objective as 'an umbrella on four wheels.' | |||
614 | daarom | #: Polymethylmethacrylaat laat ongeveer 90% van het licht door en wordt daarom vaak gebruikt ter vervanging van glas, ten opzichte waarvan het een aantal voordelen biedt: het is lichter, het versplintert niet, het is eenvoudig in allerlei vormen te produceren, het laat meer licht door dan gewoon glas. — PMMA lets through approximately 90% of light and is thereby often used as a substitute for glass, with respect to which it offers a number of advantages: it is lighter, it does not break in shards, it is simpler to produce into all kinds of forms, it lets through more light than normal glass. | |||
594 | onbeteugeld | #: Katholieken gaan ervan uit dat alle mensen in principe goed zijn, maar de zonde heeft de mensheid al meteen in het begin als een spirituele ziekte besmet en kan haar in spiritueel opzicht te gronde richten als hij onbeteugeld zijn gang kan gaan.[1] — Catholics take it as given that all people in principle are good, but that sin has infected humanity immediately from the beginning as a spiritual sickness and can lead humanity aground in spiritual matters if it can get its way unbridled. | |||
593 | pranic | #: In Yoga, we do not look at foods in terms of vitamins, minerals or proteins. We categorize food in the three following ways – positive pranic food, negative pranic food, and zero pranic food. Positive substances are those which, when consumed, add prana to the system. The pranic energy, the vital energy in the body, will increase. If you consume negative pranic substances, they will take away prana from the system. They will stimulate you on a nervous level but they will take away your vital energies. Zero pranic food neither adds nor takes away. It is only eaten for taste. | |||
589 | opwekking | #: Milieugroepen hebben zware kritiek op het klimaatplan. Ze wijzen erop dat Australië 85 procent van de elektriciteitsopwekking haalt uit kolencentrales, die weinig milieuvriendelijk zijn. — Environmental groups have placed heavy criticism upon the climate plan. They point out that Australia gets 85 percent of its electricity generation out of coal plants, which are not very environment-friendly. [1]
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584 | fiber bundle | #: A Möbius strip is a fiber bundle which looks locally (i.e., over a connected proper subset of its base space) like the corresponding part of a cylinder (a Möbius strip and a cylinder have isomorphic base spaces). A Klein bottle is a fiber bundle which looks locally like the corresponding part of a torus (again they could be thought of as sharing the same base space ; cutting out even a single point of that base space makes the cut Klein bottle isomorphic to the cut torus).
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582 | préface | #: Je suis convaincu que les oeuvres qui durent ne durent que par des malentendus, par toute la littérature dont la postérité les entoure, littérature où les intentions véritables des auteurs finissent par être noyées du tout et perdues de vue. Cela peut se faire déjà de leur vivant. Quelque temps ils luttent : préfaces, interviews, notes et éclaircissements... Puis, comme ils aiment créer, et que tout le temps donné à ces commentaires est perdu pour une création nouvelle, un moment vient où, de guerre lasse, ils laissent dire. (Montherlant, Notes théâtre, 1954) | |||
582 | OpenA@InsideChesthigh-ThumbBack-OpenA@InsideChesthigh-ThumbBack CirclesMidline-CirclesMidline | #: OpenA@InsideChesthigh-ThumbBack-OpenA@InsideChesthigh-ThumbBack CirclesMidline-CirclesMidline 1@CenterChesthigh-FingerBack Open8@NearChest-PalmBack 8@FromChest-PalmBack-8@DistalChest-PalmBack Bent5@InsideChesthigh-PalmAcross-Bent5@InsideChesthigh-PalmAcross Round-Round Bent5@SideChesthigh-PalmAcross-Bent5@SideChesthigh-PalmAcross OpenB@NearSfhead-ThumbAside Y@FromSfhead-ThumbAside V@TipFinger-FingerUp-V@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp V@SideChesthigh-FingerUp-V@SideChesthigh-FingerUp H@Nose-FingerUp Contact N@NearNose-PalmBack H@Nose-FingerUp Contact N@NearNose-PalmBack | |||
573 | topological soliton | #: One of the simplest and most commonplace examples of a topological soliton occurs in old-fashioned coiled telephone handset cords, which are usually coiled clockwise. Years of picking up the handset can end up coiling parts of the cord in the opposite counterclockwise direction, and when this happens there will be a distinctive larger loop that separates the two directions of coiling. This odd looking transition loop, which is neither clockwise nor counterclockwise, is an excellent example of a topological soliton.[Wikipedia]
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573 | minimal polynomial | #: Each root of the minimal polynomial of a matrix M is an eigenvalue of M and a root of its characteristic polynomial. (A root of the minimal polynomial has a multiplicity that is less than or equal to the multiplicity of the same root in the characteristic polynomial. Thus the minimal polynomial divides the characteristic polynomial. Also, any root of the characteristic polynomial is also a root of the minimal polynomial, so the two kinds of polynomial have the same roots, only (possibly) differing in their multiplicities.)
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572 | Kripke model | #: If a given world (in a Kripke model (for intuitionistic logic)) forces neither nor then there is some possible "future" world (accessible from the "present" one) in which is forced true. In particular, if eventually becomes forced somewhere along any possible time thread (towards the "future"), then the present world would force to be true, but if this does not happen there there exists some possible future world in which becomes true. | |||
558 | stiff peaks | #: Whisk your egg whites until you have stiff peaks and then the bowl can be held upside down over your head and the egg whites stay put.[1][2]
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557 | sub-rectangular | #: The domestic architecture within settlements conformed to no particular plan, and could consist of free-standing circular to subrectangular houses with one or two rooms...[1] | |||
552 | Peirce's law | #: Consider Peirce's law, . If Q is true, then is also true so the law reads "If truth implies P then deduce P" which certainly makes sense. If Q is false, then so the law reads , which is intuitionistically false but equivalent to the classical axiom . | |||
548 | DCG | #: The AGFL formalism for the syntactic description of Natural Languages has been developed by the Computer Science Department of the Radboud University of Nijmegen. It is a formalism in which large context free grammars can be described in a compact way. AGFLs belong to the family of two level grammars, along with attribute grammars and DCG's: a first, context-free level is augmented with set-valued features for expressing agreement between constituents.[18] | |||
536 | canonical form | #: A canonical form is an element of a set of representatives of equivalence classes of forms such that there is a function or procedure which projects every element of each equivalence class onto that one element, the canonical form of that equivalence class. The canonical form is expected to be simpler than the rest of the forms in some way. For example, for cubic polynomials acted upon by the group of translations along the abscissa, the canonical forms are cubic polynomials without a quadratic term. | |||
519 | inzetten | #: De Gargariërs werden onderdrukt, en ingezet voor de huishoudelijke taken zoals het bewerken van textiel en het bereiden van voedsel, terwijl de Amazonen hun gebied uitbreidden via de kustlijn van Kaukasus tot Thracië.[19] — The Gargarians were oppressed, and used for housekeeping tasks such as the working of textiles and the preparation of nutrients, while the Amazons extended their region via the coastline of the Caucasus up to Thrace. | |||
506 | historico-grammatical | #: In biblical exegesis, the historico-grammatical approach tries to avoid extremes: that of dismissing the use of figurative language in the text on the one hand, versus dismissing the possibility of the miraculous and the supernatural on the other; that of ignoring what the original authors intended, versus ignoring relevance for modern readers; that of forcing the text into a preconceived theology, versus interpreting in isolation from the larger story of the gospel.
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506 | burn-in | #: | |||
503 | intermissionless | #: For roughly the next hour of the play's intermissionless 100 minutes, this sense of song weaving awkwardly through the prosaic, repetitive business of a party that changes little from year to year is wonderfully sustained, and it is a compliment to say that you are rarely aware of the period scenery (David Jenkins), costumes (Jane Greenwood) or the subtly shifting lighting (Jennifer Tipton). - [20] | |||
502 | category | #: Just as a monoid consists of an underlying set with a binary operation "on top of it" which is closed, associative and with an identity, a category consists of an underlying digraph with an arrow composition operation "on top of it" which is transitively closed, associative, and with an identity at each object. In fact, a category's composition operation, when restricted to a single one of its objects, turns that object's set of arrows (which would all be loops) into a monoid.
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495 | faith-based | #: You are requesting a $2,100,000 increase for a "Faith Based and Community Initiatives," for a total of $37,432,000 [...]. What distinguishes these projects from faith-based initiatives of the Employment and Training Administration? (1988)[21] | |||
494 | contact geometry | #: The contact geometry is in many ways an odd-dimensional counterpart of the symplectic geometry, a structure on certain even-dimensional manifolds. The concepts of contact geometry and symplectic geometry are both motivated by the mathematical formalism of classical mechanics, where one can consider either the even-dimensional phase space of a mechanical system or the constant-energy hypersurface, which, being of codimension 1, has odd dimension.
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493 | Open8@Finger-TipUp-Open8@CenterChesthigh-TipUp Contact | #: 1@Sternum-FingerBack Open8@Finger-TipUp-Open8@CenterChesthigh-TipUp Contact OpenB@Chest-PalmBack X@Finger@PalmDown-X@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp X@Finger@PalmUp-X@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown Y@InsideSternumhigh-PalmBack-Y@InsideSternumhigh-PalmBack Y@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmBack-Y@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmBack D@Thumb-FingerUp-D@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp Contact 1@Sfhead-FingerContact 1@NearSfhead-PalmForward FlatO@Mough-FingerBack Contact BentB@BackHand-PalmDown-FlatB@CenterChesthigh-PalmDown | |||
492 | volkenrecht | #: Hugo de Groot was een Nederlands rechtsgeleerde en schrijver. [...] Zijn beroemdste werk is "De iure belli ac pacis" (Over het recht van oorlog en vrede) uit 1625. Dit werk vormt de basis voor het moderne volkenrecht.[22] — Hugo Grotius was a Dutch jurisconsult and writer. His most famous work is "De iure belli ac pacis" (On the law of war and peace) of 1625. This work forms the basis for modern international law. | |||
491 | self-soar | #: I'll self-soar today using my hang glider. Many intrepid flyers joined the 70s' Self-Soar Association [S-SA] that had "Otto" memberships and membership numbers in honor of Otto Lilienthal who self-soared off a hill he had built. The booklet series Low & Slow and the Hang Glider Weekly (together 216 editions) frequently used the term "self-soar" to describe flying using an unpowered glider flown after launching by some system without the aid of motors or other persons. | |||
488 | kĩhaaro | #: Cira wa mũciĩ ndumagĩrio kĩharo.[1] - Domestic issues are not addressed in public. | |||
486 | spalt | #: Note: (US) Spalted wood is that which has been cut from a naturally cured, dead, or dying hardwood tree whose wood is normally light in color (such as pecan), and which exhibits patterns of dark stain (crazed) lines and splotches caused by microorganisms and/or fungus. Although slightly more brittle and porous than normal wood from the same species of tree, spalted wood nevertheless can be used to make decorative items and small pieces of furniture. | |||
486 | gin's piss | ||||
481 | European miracle | #: As Karl Ferdinand Werner has pointed out, the 'European miracle' 'did not take place after the 'Middle Ages' or in spite of the 'Middle Ages', but because of the existence of a Christian world dominated in the West by Catholic doctrines, a world we have become accustomed to call the Middle Ages.' (Hans Albert, Between social science, religion and politics: essays in critical rationalism, 1999, p. 205, citing K. F. Werner in Baechler/Hall/Mann (eds.), 1988, p. 172.) | |||
479 | servlet | #: The difference between servlets and JSP is that servlets typically embed HTML inside Java code, while JSPs embed Java code in HTML.[1]
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478 | heartwood | #: The staves are split from the heartwood. The heartwood is composed of dead cells; it supports the tree, but no longer has any physiological purpose. The staves must follow the grain of the wood to achieve a watertight cask, so they are split rather than sawn. — L'encyclopédie du Cognac: From log to stave | |||
478 | cograph | #: Given a function whose graph is , append an apostrophe to the abscissas so that they will not be confused with ordinates when obtaining their disjoint union, which is: . The cograph then is . | |||
472 | streight | #: While we were in this situation, one day the admiral, with most of the principal officers, and many people of all stations, being on shore, about seven o'clock in the evening we were alarmed by signals from the frigates stationed for that purpose; and in an instant there was a general cry that the French fleet was out, and just passing through the streights. - "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano", by Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa | |||
472 | noscitur a sociis | #: Foster v Diphwys Casson (1887) 18 QBD 428, involved a statute which stated that explosives taken into a mine must be in a "case or canister". Here the defendant used a cloth bag. The courts had to consider whether a cloth bag was within the definition. Under noscitur a sociis, it was held that the bag could not have been within the statutory definition, because parliament's intention was referring to a case or container of the same strength as a canister. | |||
468 | slavisme | #: le texte dit : “des étoiles pendaient au ciel, comme de gros haricots”. J’ai choisi de garder l’image littérale dans la traduction française, dans le mesure où il ne s’agit pas d’un cliché de langue bulgare mais (…) d’une métaphore délibérément créée et qui s’accorde bien avec le monde intérieur de ce personnage. Dans la marge, il m’a été déclaré qu’il s’agissait sans doute d’un slavisme, et qu’en français, on disait que “les “étoiles brillent” [sic]. | |||
468 | linear independence | #: The linear independence of a set of vectors can be determined by calculating the Gram determinant of those vectors; if their Gram determinant is zero, then they are linearly dependent, and if their Gram determinant is non-zero, then they are linearly independent. Incidentally, the same Gram determinant can be used to calculate the hyper-volume of a hyper-parallelepiped (whose edges which "radiate" from an "origin" vertex are described by the vectors). | |||
467 | no | #: Gĩkũrũ kĩega no kĩratina.[1] - The only good old thing is a sausage tree fruit (for fermenting muratina). | |||
465 | spherical geometry | #: Due to the way the geometry of a sphere's surface differs from that of the plane, spherical geometry has some features of a non-Euclidean geometry and is sometimes described as being one. Historically, however, spherical geometry was not considered a fully fledged (non-Euclidean) geometry capable of resolving the question of whether the parallel postulate is a logical consequence of the rest of Euclid's axioms of plane geometry.
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465 | onjuistheid | #: In 1951 stelde Linus Pauling een model op voor de structuur van DNA. Dit model ging er vanuit dat DNA de structuur had van een helix, maar bevatte op andere punten belangrijke onjuistheden.[23] — In 1951 Linus Pauling formulated a model for the structure of DNA. This model assumed from the outset that DNA had the structure of a helix, but contained important errors on other points. | |||
463 | nonclinical | ###: Unprofessional attitude is betrayed by nonclinical reactions to clinical photos, such as complaining about even having to glance at photos of bloody injuries, let alone examining them competently. Health care professionals don't have the luxury of such unprofessionalism and don't suffer it gladly from paraprofessional colleagues either; if you want to be a medical scribe or an editor, you can grow up too, or just go work in another field.
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463 | Eusebiusses | #: But besides the Eusebiusses and the Eutropiusses, the History of the Empire of the Orient wants not many such shameful examples: It shews us miserable Eunuchs, who had only learn’d how to comb women and how to spin, lifted up all at once to be Heads of the Council and Captains General.[24]
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462 | antilepton | #: When a W+ boson decays into a positron and a neutrino, lepton number is conserved because the W+ boson is a non-lepton, the neutrino is a lepton, and the positron is an antilepton. Likewise, when a W− boson decays into an electron and an antineutrino, lepton number is conserved because the W− boson is a non-lepton, the electron is a lepton, and the antineutrino is an antilepton.
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461 | no | #: Mĩano ndĩtukanagio no kanua. - The diviner's gourds do not get confused, but a mouth does.[1] | |||
461 | hermicity | #: Unitarity is to hermicity what orthogonality is to symmetry. (That is, conjugation by unitary matrices preserves a Hermitian matrix’s hermicity, just as conjugation by orthogonal matrices preserves a symmetric matrix’s symmetry: ; . | |||
457 | laf | #: Maar de algemene regel is dat de man, "zwak of sterk", volgens Kuyper "Koning in zijn huis" is en dat "Een man die zijn vrouw in huis 'de baas laat spelen' laf en onmannelijk is.[25] — But the general rule is that the man, "weak or strong," according to Kuyper "is king of his house" and that "a man who lets his wife 'play the boss' is cowardly and unmanly." | |||
457 | Atalanta | #: It is the Arcadian Atalanta, the daughter of Iasus and Clymene, who is primarily known from the tales of the Calydonian boar hunt and the Argonauts. The Boeotian version of Atalanta is the daughter of King Schoeneus and is primarily noted for her skill in the footrace. In both versions of the myth, Atalanta was a local figure allied to the goddess Artemis.[Wikipedia]
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456 | toeval | #: In september 1928 ontdekte Fleming eigenlijk bij toeval dat in de buurt van een bepaalde schimmel die per ongeluk bij een van zijn bacteriekoloniën was gekomen geen bacteriën groeiden.[26] — In September 1928 Fleming discovered, actually by serendipity, that in the neighborhood of a certain fungus that through bad luck had come into one of his bacteria colonies, no bacteria grew. | |||
455 | Langschwert | #: 1867 Das Langschwert ward an einem Gürtel an der linken Hüfte getragen, das Halbschwert and der rechten, in der Regel mit Ketten am Ringhemd befestigt. ("[in the context of Waltharius, c. AD 920] the long-sword [spatha] was worn on a baldric on the left hip, the half-sword [scramasax] on the right, usually attached to the mail-shirt [hauberk] with chains.") Albert Schulz, Zur Waffenkunde des älteren deutschen Mittelalters, p. 131. | |||
454 | Funj | #: It is known that the Funj rose from southern Nubia (present-day southern Sudan) to overthrow the kingdom of Alodia, but their origins before that remain obscure and disputed. The Funj themselves claimed descent from the Umayyad dynasty through those who escaped slaughter at the hands of the Abbasids and fled to Abyssinia. A currently more accepted theory is that they are Nubians who mixed with Arabs.
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451 | doorsnede | #: De grootte van Eris is echter met behulp van de Hubble-telescoop direct gemeten, en hieruit is gebleken dat deze in doorsnede inderdaad ongeveer 2400 km bedraagt.[1] — The size of Eris has been measured, however, directly with the help of the Hubble telescope, and from this it has become apparent that it indeed amounts to approximately 2400 km in diameter. | |||
450 | implicit function | #: An important class of implicit functions comprises those defined by equations of the form . Choosing as the value means that the implicit function is the inverse of . This type of implicit function is of particular interest when that inverse is not expressible as a closed-form expression, and thus is difficult to study directly.
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450 | haica | #: Ndegwa nyinyi ĩhaicaga ng'ombe na mũtwe. - A young bull mounts a cow from her head.[1] | |||
450 | Albanologist | #: In 1987, a few years before her death, the great Russian Albanologist Agnija Vasil'evna Desnickaja published a study in Albanian literature and language, of which about half is devoted to the development of Albanian letters. Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer, History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2004, →ISBN. | |||
449 | eejo | #: Irixulakume eu whun, a-MU-naun wiu. A-MU-naun whun... Itsa kala onu katiwhun... Etsunajatawinejo yiu. Iyawi uleitaku wi, ah kaliwhun, Irixulakume. Iyawi uleitaku wi. Iyawi uleitaku wi. Onai hiya we, onai hiya we. Onumanaitsa eejowehene yiu. Eejo-TA amunaun. Tueneu, salaleneu amakua. Sukuti wasityuene okupwi eu — Tum! — iyene okupwi eu. Eh, onai ha pai nananaun. Eh, onai ahojokajotakonehene amunaun. Au ha wi... Kuyekuyejukuma — | |||
448 | good standing | #: A corporation may be convicted of crimes, have its entire board of direcors be indicted for price fixing, be sued for nonpayment of state payroll taxes, have its property seized by the IRS for unpaid income taxes, and be under state and federal investigation for securities fraud, and other things, but as long as its paperwork and fees are current with the chartering agency, it will still be a corporation in good standing.
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445 | ũra | #: Mũũria njĩra ndooraga.[1] - One who asks the way does not get lost.
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445 | Galois field | #: A Galois field is isomorphic to the quotient of the polynomial ring adjoin over the ideal generated by a monic irreducible polynomial of degree . Such an ideal is maximal and since a polynomial ring is commutative then the quotient ring must be a field. In symbols: .
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443 | kuyekuyeju | #: Irixulakume eu whun, a-MU-naun wiu. A-MU-naun whun... Itsa kala onu katiwhun... Etsunajatawinejo yiu. Iyawi uleitaku wi, ah kaliwhun, Irixulakume. Iyawi uleitaku wi. Iyawi uleitaku wi. Onai hiya we, onai hiya we. Onumanaitsa eejowehene yiu. Eejo-TA amunaun. Tueneu, salaleneu amakua. Sukuti wasityuene okupwi eu — Tum! — iyene okupwi eu. Eh, onai ha pai nananaun. Eh, onai ahojokajotakonehene amunaun. Au ha wi... Kuyekuyejukuma — | |||
441 | fétichisme | #: Si les fétichismes du pied ou de la chevelure, pour ne retenir que les deux extrêmes de notre géographie physique, semblent présenter des accointances moins directes avec la sexualité que l'attention portée aux orifices, ils attestent que les conséquences érotiques des fixations secondaires sont souvent, dans la littérature, provocatrices d'un imaginaire plus distrayant que celui qu'inspirent les sempiternelles pénétrations. | |||
440 | exterior product | #: The exterior product between a multivector of grade k and a multivector of grade n is commutative if k times n is even and anti-commutative if k times n is odd. (This is related to what is meant when it is said that the exterior product is alternating. It means that a permutation of the factors of a wedge product of vectors changes the sign of the product if and only if the permutation is odd.) | |||
439 | tiga | #: Tiga kuonia ngarĩ kũhaica mũtĩ. - Stop teaching a leopard how to climb up a tree.[1] | |||
438 | noa | #: The power of the spoken word has meant that some dangerous things are not mentioned by their "real" names, but by noa terms, like gullfot (literally "golden foot") for "wolf", or tallbjörn (literally "pine bear"), granoxe (literally: "fir ox"), trädräv (literally: "tree fox") or granälg (literally: "fir elk") for "squirrel".[1] | |||
436 | destructive read | #: Although ferroelectric RAM has many advantages over conventional DRAM, it does share one of DRAM's disadvantages: as with DRAM, reading a FeRAM cell is a destructive read process which erases any data in the cell. When using FeRAM for persistent nonvolatile storage, this destructive-read nature can potentially result in data loss or corruption if power to the device is suddenly lost during a read operation.
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435 | domatium | #: A domatium typically takes the form of a hollow under a leaf, or a system of tunnels in a thorn or stem. Ideally, it is a mutualistic adaptation and should not be confused with simple damage by a borer or gall-forming pest, although commonly there is no sharp distinction between domatia of value to the plant and galls caused by harmful aphids and mites, for example.
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434 | opvangen | #: Chlorofyl is de groene bladkleurstof van planten die zich in chloroplasten bevindt en met behulp waarvan zij licht opvangen en de energie daarvan omzetten in chemische energie die wordt gebruikt voor fotosynthese. — Chlorophyll is the green dye of plant leaves that is found in chloroplasts and with the help of which they catch light whose energy they convert into chemical energy that is used for photosynthesis. | |||
434 | executie | #: De politie in het Amerikaanse Webster (Texas) sluit niet uit dat een jongen die zichzelf ophing de executie van Saddam Hussein nadeed. — The police in the American town of Webster (Texas) do not discard the possibility that a youngster, who hanged himself, imitated the execution of Saddam Hussein. (Het Algemeen Dagblad, 4 January 2007) | |||
432 | opening | #: The opening act of the battle for Fort Sumter was the firing of a single 10-inch mortar round from Fort Johnson at 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, by Lt. Henry S. Farley, who acted upon the command of Capt. George S. James, which round exploded over Fort Sumter as a signal to open the general bombardment from 43 guns and mortars at Fort Moultrie, Fort Johnson, the floating battery, and Cummings Point. | |||
431 | ideal | #: The product of two ideals and is an ideal which is a subset of the intersection of and . This should help to understand why maximal ideals are prime ideals. Likewise, the union of and is a subset of . | |||
430 | cone | #: A cone is an object (the apex) and a natural transformation from a constant functor (whose image is the apex of the cone and its identity morphism) to a diagram functor. Its components are projections from the apex to the objects of the diagram and it has a “naturality triangle” for each morphism in the diagram. (A “naturality triangle” is just a naturality square which is degenerate at its apex side.)
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428 | toevloed | #: Door de toevloed van grote aantallen vluchtelingen was de bevolking aan het eind van die oorlog aangezwollen tot ongeveer 2,5 miljoen inwoners, waarvan het grootste deel dakloos was.[27] — Due to the influx of great numbers of refugees, the population at the end of the war had surged to approximately 2.5 million inhabitants, the greater part of which was homeless. | |||
427 | tertiary | #: A gigaton-scale weapon would of necessity be a three-stage design (incorporating a fusion tertiary - likely with its own massive fission tamper - in addition to the fission primary and fission-jacketed fusion secondary), as a reasonably-sized primary would likely have difficulty imploding to ignition the enormous secondary that would be required to reach a one-gigaton yield with a two-stage thermonuclear.
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426 | successively | #: December 20, 1787 My last to you was of Oct. 8 by the Count de Moustier. Yours of July 18. Sep. 6. & Oct. 24. have been successively received, yesterday, the day before & three or four days before that. — Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison. | |||
426 | Hausdorff dimension | #: If S is nonempty then if the d-dimensional Hausdorff content of S is zero then d is larger than the Hausdorff dimension of S, and if the d-dimensional Hausdorff content of S is infinite then d is smaller or equal to the Hausdorff dimension of S. If the d-dimensional Hausdorff content of S is finite and positive then d is equal to the Hausdorff dimension of S. | |||
424 | Huey | #: The spilt milk would be offered as a gift to Surf God Huey who would surely reward our kindness with sick waves. — surfingnz.com, Road Trip #6 [1](Can we date this quote?)
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421 | mutual information | #: Mutual information between two random variables and is what is left over when their mutual conditional entropies and are subtracted from their joint entropy . It can be given by the formula . | |||
421 | inverse matrix | #: Given the basis of some vector space V, how to find its dual basis, i.e., the basis of the dual space ? Fill the columns of a square matrix M with the basis vectors of V. Find the inverse matrix of M. Then the rows of are the (co)vectors of that dual basis. Since , then .
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421 | epistemic regime | #: The terms epistemology and epistemic regime aren't as complex or abstruse as people might imagine; both address the overlapping questions of "how people know what they know" and "why people believe what they believe." Epistemology is both the study of those questions and the answers found by such study (both senses are common), and epistemic regimes are the contexts that shape those answers.
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420 | local ring | #: The unique maximal ideal of a (commutative) local ring contains all of the zero divisors of such ring, and all elements of the ring outside of it are units. Then in a local ring, the sum of any two zero divisors is also a zero divisor. Contrapositively, if two ring elements add up to a unit then one of them must be a unit as well. A simple example of a local ring is . | |||
415 | welteverstaan | #: Twee identieke tweelingbroers gaan in Michigan trouwen met twee... identieke tweelingzussen. Om de verwarring compleet te maken, gaan ze ook nog eens een appartement delen. Met twee slaapkamers welteverstaan . - Two identical twin brothers are getting married in Michigan to two... identical twin sisters. To complete the confusion, they are also going to share an apartment. With two bedrooms that is. | |||
414 | reflectorize | #: The department, upon registering a vehicle, shall issue to the owner two partially or fully reflectorized license plates or devices for a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, and one partially or fully reflectorized license plate or device for all other vehicles required to be registered under this code. [28] | |||
414 | cacaotière | #: Les dominicains ont à la Martinique une sucrerie et cinq cents esclaves (...) à Saint-Domingue, une sucrerie et plus de deux cents Noirs; (...) Les jésuites avaient à Cayenne et dans le Continent (la Guyane) deux belles sucreries, une cacaotière considérable, une vaste ménagerie; et sur ces différentes possessions, au moins neuf cents Noirs. (Wikipédia, Esclavage de la Renaissance aux Lumières) | |||
413 | fold equity | #: Alice holds A♣6♥. Brian holds 2♥2♦. Flop: 9♠7♣3♦. If there's no more betting, the pot equity at showdown is: Alice = 31.5%, Brian = 68.5%. But, if Alice bets and Brian is 70% likely to fold, then Alice's fold equity is 70% × 68.5% = 48.2925%. Total pot equity if Alice bets = 31.5% + 48.2925% = 79.7925%. | |||
413 | BentB@BackFinger-PalmBack-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack BentB@Ulnar-PalmUp-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp | #: 1@Sternum-FingerBack 1@SideChesthigh-TipFingerUp-1@SideChesthigh-TipFingerUp 1@NearSideChesthigh-TipFingerBack-1@NearSideChesthigh-TipFingerBack C@NearThumb-TipUp-C@NearCenterChesthigh-TipUp C@NearUlnar-PalmBack-C@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack BentB@BackFinger-PalmBack-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack BentB@Ulnar-PalmUp-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp B@Side-PalmForward H@Side-PalmForward S@Side-PalmForward | |||
413 | anacronym | #: When you write about using a waterproof laser pointer while scuba diving, you probably aren't going to write about "a L.A.S.E.R. pointer for S.C.U.B.A. diving", and you certainly aren't going to write about "a light-amplification-by-stimulated-emission-of-radiation pointer for self-contained-underwater-breathing-apparatus diving", because the words laser and scuba are anacronyms.
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411 | lie | #: While a principle-based approach might claim that lying is always morally wrong, the casuist would argue that, depending upon the details of the case, lying might or might not be illegal or unethical. The casuist might conclude that a person is wrong to lie in legal testimony under oath, but might argue that lying actually is the best moral choice if the lie saves a life.
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410 | storyboard | #: Storyboarding allows students to work together as they generate ideas and eliminates the territorial defensiveness that often occurs when new ideas are suggested. — "Using Storyboarding to Determine components of Dellness for University Students" J Am Coll Health. 1996 Jan;44(4):180-3 Abstract | |||
408 | weruyapai | #: [Itsautaku:] Katanainhapai weruyapai ipitsi whun. Katanainha mo ... HONjapai, ojonain hyan moHONjapai ojonain — iyukulatoyein yiu. MoHONjapai. Katanai weru—[rubs face]—yapai kalaiyiu whun, mapa isitya ou whun, mapa isitya ou whun. Mapa isitya... Itsakala putakapai kala sekunya, kala weru-YA-pai. Itsapakala akainya pumapai ipitsi, isitya. Ehen. We-RU-ya-pai. Awojotakutiu. | |||
407 | kotirauha | #: Joka oikeudettomasti (1) tunkeutuu taikka menee salaa tai toista harhauttaen kotirauhan suojaamaan paikkaan taikka kätkeytyy tai jää sellaiseen paikkaan tai (2) rikkoo toisen kotirauhaa metelöimällä, heittämällä esineitä tai muulla vastaavalla tavalla, on tuomittava kotirauhan rikkomisesta sakkoon tai vankeuteen enintään kuudeksi kuukaudeksi. (Suomen rikoslaki, 24 luku, 1 pykälä) | |||
407 | joint entropy | #: If random variables and are mutually independent, then their joint entropy is just the sum of its component entropies. If they are not mutually independent, then their joint entropy will be where is the mutual information of and . | |||
407 | Egyptian fraction | #: The calculation of where both M and N are real numbers can be done by expressing N as the sum of an integer h and an Egyptian fraction . Then where each of the roots can be calculated by means of the Newton–Raphson method.
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407 | dicht | #: „Wie vorig jaar zijn woning verkocht, kreeg een prijs die relatief dicht bij de oorspronkelijke vraagprijs lag”, staat in het onderzoek. — “Who in the previous year sold his home, obtained a price that lay relatively close to the original asking price,” stated the research paper. (Het Algemeen Dagblad, 5 January 2007) | |||
406 | strijd | #: Zo kondigde de ETA aan de gewapende strijd te staken als de Spaanse regering de soevereiniteit en het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van de Basken zou erkennen[29] — So the ETA announced that it would suspend its armed conflict if the Spanish government would recognize the sovereignty and the right to self-determination of the Basques. | |||
406 | staken | #: Zo kondigde de ETA aan de gewapende strijd te staken als de Spaanse regering de soevereiniteit en het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van de Basken zou erkennen[30] — So the ETA announced that it would suspend its armed conflict if the Spanish government would recognize the sovereignty and the right to self-determination of the Basques. | |||
404 | voorbehouden | #: Jigoro Kano verkreeg na zijn dood de hoogste graad, de 12e dan, een brede witte band. Deze graad is exclusief voorbehouden aan de stichter van het judo.[31] — Jigoro Kano received after his death the highest degree, the twelfth dan, a broad white band. This degree is exclusively reserved for the founder of judo. | |||
404 | mohonjapai | #: [Itsautaku:] Katanainhapai weruyapai ipitsi whun. Katanainha mo ... HONjapai, ojonain hyan moHONjapai ojonain — iyukulatoyein yiu. MoHONjapai. Katanai weru— [rubs face] —yapai kalaiyiu whun, mapa isitya ou whun, mapa isitya ou whun. Mapa isitya... Itsakala putakapai kala sekunya, kala weru-YA-pai. Itsapakala akainya pumapai ipitsi, isitya. Ehen. We-RU-ya-pai. Awojotakutiu. | |||
404 | dead | #: dead wrong; dead set; dead serious; dead drunk; dead broke; dead earnest; dead certain; dead slow; dead sure; dead simple; dead honest; dead accurate; dead easy; dead scared; dead solid; dead black; dead white; dead empty | |||
403 | slavophile | #: Les slavophiles sont les meilleurs soutiens et les pires démolisseurs du régime impérial. Lorsqu'il faut lutter contre l'intelligentsia, ils encouragent le tsar à allonger les tentacules de la police. Lorsqu'on parle d'émancipation des paysans, ils s'opposent de toute leur puissance à la moindre concession. (Jean Renald, « L'Anarchie en Russie », in « Histoire de l'Anarchie, T.2 », 1974) | |||
400 | verwaarloosbaar | #: Neutrino's hebben een verwaarloosbare massa, hebben geen invloed op de elektromagnetische of op de sterke wisselwerking en zijn dus uitzonderlijk moeilijk te detecteren.[32] — Neutrinos have a negligible mass, have no influence on the electromagnetic or on the strong interaction and are thus exceptionally difficult to detect. | |||
399 | interpretandus | #: ne tot manifeste pronuntiata et ante et postea unus sermo subvertat, secundum omnia potius quam adversus omnia, etiam adversus suos sensus, interpretandus ("that one word, to be interpreted according to all rather than against all and also against its sense, not subvert so many clearly enunciated things, both earlier and later" Tertullian, Adversus Praxean) | |||
398 | wonky hole | #: It was local fishermen who made the most startling seafloor discovery. Something unknown was snagging their nets and nearly capsizing their boats. And they called the mystery – wonky holes. — Australian Broadcasting Commission Catalyst program, 18 May 2006 (transcript) | |||
398 | material implication | #: In the truth table in Figure 1, the first row corresponds to modus ponens, the last row corresponds to modus tollens, the second row could be taken to represent an invalid argument (where P→Q is the argument and P is a premise or conjunction of premises), and the third row helps ensure that an argument of the form is invalid. | |||
397 | dual number | #: If f(x) is a polynomial or a power series then its derivative can be obtained “automatically” using dual numbers as follows: where should be expanded using the algebra of dual numbers. The role of the ε is therein similar to that of an infinitesimal.
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396 | push poll | #: The local paper has just released the results of what can only be described as a push poll. The pollsters fed numerous cherry-picked data points and statistics to respondents before asking their opinions on newly proposed government policies. There can be no doubt that the results would have been different had those interviewed not been led to the conclusions the pollsters wanted. | |||
395 | definite clause | #: The clauses , , and are examples of definite clauses. At least in classical logic these would be equivalent to the formulae , , and , respectively. | |||
393 | splitting field | #: The terminology "splitting field of a K-algebra" is motivated by the same terminology regarding a polynomial. A splitting field of a K-algebra is a field extension such that is split; in the special case this is the same as a splitting field of the polynomial .
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391 | sociëteit | #: In 1881 opende de literair-muzikale Club des Hydropathes op Montmartre de sociëteit Le Chat Noir, welke gebeurtenis geldt als de geboorte van het cabaret litéraire of artistique. — In 1881 the literary-musical 'Club des Hydropathes' on Montmartre opened the society 'Le Chat Noir' (The Black Cat), which event stands as the birth of the literary or artistic cabaret. | |||
391 | isiki | #: Katanainhapai weruyapai ipitsi whun. Katanainha mo ... HONjapai, ojonain hyan moHONjapai ojonain — iyukulatoyein yiu. MoHONjapai. Katanai weru— [rubs face] —yapai kalaiyiu whun, mapa isitya ou whun, mapa isitya ou whun. Mapa isitya... Itsakala putakapai kala sekunya, kala weru-YA-pai. Itsapakala akainya pumapai ipitsi, isitya. Ehen. We-RU-ya-pai. Awojotakutiu. | |||
391 | faith-based | #: ... a self-confidence which stems from faith in the Buddha and His power. By this faith-based confidence they cure themselves." (1982)[33] | |||
391 | central simple algebra | #: The concept of central simple algebra over a field K represents a noncommutative analogue to that of extension field over K. In both cases, the object has no nontrivial two-sided ideals and has a distinguished field in its centre, although a central simple algebra need not be commutative and need not have inverses (does not have be a division algebra).
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388 | free imperial city | #: A free imperial city held the status of Imperial immediacy, and was thus subordinate only to the Holy Roman Emperor, whereas a territorial city or town (Landstadt) was subordinate to a territorial prince – either an ecclesiastical lord (prince-bishop or prince-abbot) or a secular prince (duke (Herzog), margrave, count (Graf), etc.).
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388 | bunt | #: We had heard that there was an elite group of three or four pilots in Jodhpur called the "Bunt Club", who had successfully bunted their aircraft - that is, carried out the second half of an outside loop. In the Bunt, you pushed the nose down, past the vertical and still further, until you were in horizontal inverted flight, and came out on the other side and rolled it out. | |||
388 | bond | #: Investors face a quandary. Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries; government-bond yields may have risen in recent weeks but they are still unattractive. Equities have suffered two big bear markets since 2000 and are wobbling again. It is hardly surprising that pension funds, insurers and endowments are searching for new sources of return.
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386 | curl | #: The curl of the vector field is the vector field .
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386 | coinstantiation | #: Edward MacNeal was pointing out the ubiquity of coinstantiation in daily life when he explained regarding apples and oranges (both literal and proverbial) that "we must feel free to redefine apples and oranges as fruit, missiles, paperweights, or theatrical props as suits our changing needs; then we can observe the rules of addition and have the result make sense."
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385 | graph theory | #: The type of graph studied in graph theory is formally described as an ordered pair comprising a set of vertices, or nodes, and a set of pairs (either ordered or unordered) of vertices, each representing an (directed or undirected) edge; if desired, the vertices and/or edges can be labelled.
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384 | uuta | #: [Itsautaku:] Yamukunaun aya autukene mapa. Atukutapai yamukunauntope. Iya tukene mapa. Hoona, ayiu! Pa, yamukunaun iya itsenu wi. Tika tika tika ... minyulitai! [Mukura:] Amamitsatai? [Itsautaku:] Ehen, amamitsatai. Minyulitai. Amamitsapai. Maka onuko. Maka akiyuntuapa. Tika tika tik ... itsenu yamukunaun. Yamukunaun, aitsa uutapai. Aitsa uutapai okaintsityu han. | |||
384 | minyulitai | #: [Itsautaku:] Yamukunaun aya autukene mapa. Atukutapai yamukunauntope. Iya tukene mapa. Hoona, ayiu! Pa, yamukunaun iya itsenu wi. Tika tika tika ... minyulitai! [Mukura:] Amamitsatai? [Itsautaku:] Ehen, amamitsatai. Minyulitai. Amamitsapai. Maka onuko. Maka akiyuntuapa. Tika tika tik ... itsenu yamukunaun. Yamukunaun, aitsa uutapai. Aitsa uutapai okaintsityu han. | |||
384 | diaphoneme | #: The transcription /oː‖əʊ‖oʊ/ or {oː} represents the diaphoneme descended from the ancestral Old English phoneme /oː/, which is preserved in Irish English as [oː] but has become [əʊ] in Received Pronunciation and as [oʊ] in General American.
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384 | -o- | #: | |||
383 | Pauli matrix | #: The first Pauli matrix is like a reflection about the "y=x" line. The third Pauli matrix is like a reflection about the "x axis". The second Pauli matrix is like a 90° counterclockwise rotation and scalar multiplication by the imaginary unit (which rotates the two complex components by 90° counterclockwise in their own "phasor spaces", as it were). | |||
382 | nauw | #: De bruine rat (Rattus norvegicus) is een zoogdier, behorende tot de orde van de knaagdieren. Zijn nauwste verwanten zijn de Aziatische soorten "Rattus pyctoris" en "Rattus nitidus". — The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is a mammal, belonging to the order of the rodents. Its closest relatives are the Asiatic species "Rattus pyctoris" and "Rattus nitidus". | |||
382 | kajutukalu | #: [Itsautaku:] Katanainhapai weruyapai ipitsi whun. Katanainha mo ... HONjapai, ojonain hyan moHONjapai ojonain — iyukulatoyein yiu. MoHONjapai. Katanai weru— [rubs face] —yapai kalaiyiu whun, mapa isitya ou whun, mapa isitya ou whun. Mapa isitya... Itsakala putakapai kala sekunya, kala weru-YA-pai. Itsapakala akainya pumapai ipitsi, isitya. Ehen. We-RU-ya-pai. Awojotakutiu. | |||
381 | spegulo | #: Post unu jaro la reĝo prenis alian edzinon. Ŝi estis bela virino, sed fiera kaj malmodesta. Ŝi ne povis toleri, ke iu superas ŝin en beleco. Ŝi havis miraklan spegulon. Ĉiufoje kiam ŝi ekstaris antaŭ ĝi kaj demandis: "Speguleto mia, speguleto hela, Kiu en la lando estas la plej bela?" ĝi respondis: "Vi reĝino, vi estas ĉe ni la plej bela!" (Neĝulino) | |||
381 | quotient map | #: If the square (with the subspace topology) in (with the standard topology) is mapped onto the set with the quotient map , then the target space (with its induced quotient topology) is topologically equivalent to a torus. | |||
379 | spool | #: The high-pressure spool rotates faster than the intermediate- and low-pressure spools, as the high-pressure turbine is driven by superheated combustion gases straight out of the burners, while the high-pressure compressor has to spin very fast to compress air that has already been compressed and heated by the low- and intermediate-pressure compressors.
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379 | sawen | #: Thei weren stoned, thei weren sawid, thei weren temptid, thei weren deed in sleyng of swerd. Thei wenten aboute in broc skynnes, and in skynnes of geet, nedi, angwischid, turmentid; ("They were stoned, they were sawn, they were tempted, they were killed with the slaying of sword: they went about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, anguished, tormented;") | |||
379 | babil | #: Il était tout simple que Marius, l'adorant, l'admirât. Mais la vérité est que cette petite pensionnaire, fraîche émoulue du couvent, causait avec une pénétration exquise et disait par moments toutes sortes de paroles vraies et délicates. Son babil était de la conversation. Elle ne se trompait sur rien, et voyait juste. (Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, t. 2, 1862) | |||
379 | Africana | #: Africana is a word of many different meanings; to one it means books and other printed or manuscript material, to another it means objects other than books. For Africana Notes and News it is used in its widest sense ... it is restricted only from a geographical point of view; it denotes not the whole of Africa but only Southern Africa. (Africana Notes & News, 1943) | |||
378 | Tera–Wasserburg diagram | #: The axes of the Tera–Wasserburg diagram are the amounts of (a stable, radiogenic isotope unconnected with uranium series decay) and (the start of the uranium series decay chain), each adjusted and expressed as ratio to the amount of (the stable end product of the uranium series).
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377 | huisvesten | #: Brussel, dat sinds meerdere decennia de Europese instellingen huisvest, wordt beschouwd als de de facto hoofdstad van de Europese Unie.[1] — Brussels, which since several decades has accommodated the European institutions, is considered to be the de facto capital of the European Union. | |||
377 | gelijktijdig | #: De chemische structuur van DNA, een dubbele helix, werd in 1953 ontdekt door Rosalind Franklin, die gelijktijdig met James D. Watson en Francis Crick aan het onderzoek werkte. — The chemical structure of DNA, a double helix, was discovered in 1953 by Rosalind Franklin, who worked doing research simultaneously with James D. Watson and Francis Crick. | |||
376 | juvenile delinquents | #: The ratio of families who have juvenile delinquents and are on welfare relief is 4.9 times higher than families in general according to judicial statistics. Although the ratio of poor families with juvenile delinquents is relatively low, juvenile delinquents are more likely to come from poor families than from other families. | |||
376 | infinitiivi | #: Suomen kielessä on viisi infinitiiviä: (1.) tehdä/tehdäkseen, (2.) tehdessä/tehden/tehtäessä, (3.) tekemässä/tekemästä/tekemään/tekemällä/tekemättä/tekemän/tehtämän, (4.) tekeminen ja (5.) tekemäisillään. | |||
376 | elementary matrix | #: When an elementary matrix multiplies a square matrix from the left, it applies to that matrix an elementary row operation homologous to the one that created its own self. (Likewise, when an elementary matrix multiplies a square matrix from the right, it applies to that matrix an elementary column operation homologous to the one that created its own self.) | |||
375 | punctuation space | #: Many examples occur on page 204 of the 1837 New Sporting Magazine XIII. | |||
374 | Tera–Wasserburg diagram | #: One feature of the Tera–Wasserburg diagram is that for samples whose original lead content was both high and of unknown isotopic composition, the plotted points may lie on an isochron whose intersection with the axis gives the original lead composition and whose intersection with the concordia curve yields the age.
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374 | sabbatisme | #: Au début de l'année 1528, il [Andreas Fischer] arriva à Liegnitz, en Silésie, où, avec Oswald Glaidt, il pris la direction de la communauté anabaptiste et prêcha le sabbatisme (l'observance du repos religieux non pas le dimanche, mais du vendredi soir au samedi soir, selon une interprétation littérale du quatrième Commandement). (Wikipédia, "Andreas Fischer") | |||
373 | non-destructive read | #: Although non-destructive reads are theoretically possible with FeRAM, the process - requiring illumination of the memory cells with UV light - is completely impractical for most purposes, favoring the more-practical (but destructive) method of forcing every cell to 0, seeing which cells produced a tiny current pulse, and writing back 1s to those cells.
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372 | nĩ | #: Mwaki wa Ngai ũraaragio nĩ igoto.[1] - God's fire is kept through the night by a dried banana bark.
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372 | net als | #: De Frisii waren een Germaans volk en net als verscheidene andere Germaanse volkeren wisten ze zich fel te verdedigen tegen de Romeinen[34] — The Frisii were a Germanic people and, just like various other Germanic peoples, they knew how to defend themselves fiercely against the Romans. | |||
372 | fel | #: De Frisii waren een Germaans volk en net als verscheidene andere Germaanse volkeren wisten ze zich fel te verdedigen tegen de Romeinen[35] — The Frisii were a Germanic people and, just like various other Germanic peoples, they knew how to defend themselves fiercely against the Romans. | |||
372 | droit d'auteur | #: La Sacem et IBM unissent leurs forces et développent une nouvelle plateforme globale de gestion des droits d'auteur pour la musique en ligne. [36] | |||
370 | soldier on | #: First boy:What do I do? I was playing in the house when I wasn't supposed to, knocked my mother's vase over and it broke. She thinks it just fell. How do I tell her? Second boy: It was a cheap vase; telling her will only make things bad for you. She doesn't need to know. Keep your mouth shut, soldier on and take it to your grave. | |||
370 | camp | #: La tactique des Sœurs dans la lutte contre le sida repose sur une stratégie politique : une utilisation du camp, une réappropriation revendiquée de l’efféminement, de la visibilité homosexuelle et de la follitude qui visent à désarmer les injonctions morales pesant sur la sexualité – sociales, religieuses, liées au sexe, au genre, aux pratiques sexuelles… | |||
369 | factitial | #: In addition to trigeminal trophic syndrome, the differential diagnosis of conditions that can cause nasal ulcers include factitial disorders with self-induced ulcerations (such as dermatitis artifacta and neurotic excoriations), granulomatous conditions, infectious diseases, malignancy, and pyoderma gangrenosum.[37] | |||
368 | additive number theory | #: Two principal objects of study in additive number theory are the sumset of two subsets and of elements from an abelian group , and the -fold sumset of , .
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367 | ein | #: derein, feldein, hafenein, herein, hierein, hinein, jahrein, waldein (older spellings include Wald-ein), worein | |||
367 | displacement activity | #: At last week’s meeting of Infantino’s expanded Fifa Council – the world’s best attended displacement activity – there was instead much discussion of the proposal to bulk up football’s flagship tournament to 40 or 48 teams. [38]
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366 | opeisen | #: In 1500 eiste de Portugese zeevaarder Pedro Álvares Cabral in het huidige Porto Seguro de Braziliaanse kusten op voor de Portugese Kroon.[39] — In 1500, the Portuguese seafarer Pedro Álvares Cabral, in the present-day Porto Seguro, claimed the Brazilian coasts for the Portuguese crown. | |||
366 | instemming | #: Katholicisme is meer dan een verstandelijke instemming met een idee. Het is een dagelijkse gelofte om de wil van God te aanvaarden [...][40] — Catholicism is more than an intellectual agreement with an idea. It is a daily vow to accept the will of God... | |||
366 | dermate | #: Oorspronkelijk was het Atomium bedoeld om slechts gedurende de Expo overeind te blijven, maar het bleek dermate populair dat het nooit is afgebroken.[41] — Originally, the Atomium was meant to remain standing only during the Expo, but it turned out so popular that it has never been taken down. | |||
365 | topping cycle | #: The very-high-temperature helium turbine, driven directly by the superheated coolant from the fission reactor, serves as the topping cycle for a mercury-vapor turbine powered by the heat given up by the helium; the mercury turbine itself serves as the topping cycle for the steam turbine that takes up most of the space of the turbine hall.
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364 | Mosjøen | #: Må alltid under dets høye rand vårt Mosjøen ligge i fred! (strophe from Mosjøen's town hymn) | |||
363 | County of Sicily | #: Having himself received the title Duke of Sicily (dux Siciliae) from Pope Nicholas II in 1059 as encouragement to reconquer the island from the Muslims, Guiscard in turn invested Roger with the title Count of Sicily in 1061 after the fall of Palermo—the capital of the Emirate of Sicily and future capital of the County of Sicily.
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363 | bless someone's heart | #: Bless his heart, he doesn't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. | |||
362 | object-based language | #: In practice, the term "object-based" is usually applied to those object-based languages that are not also object-oriented, although all object-oriented languages are also object-based, by definition. Instead, the terms "object-based" and "object-oriented" are normally used as mutually exclusive alternatives, rather than as categories that overlap. | |||
362 | free grace | #: Justification is an act of God's free grace wherein he pardoneth all our sins. (the Westminster shorter catechism of 1647, question 33[42]) | |||
361 | zitje | #: Dit zitje is niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 6 maanden.[1]
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360 | doorgang | #: Het kloofdal was vanwege de rotsbanken en de daarmee samenhangende stroomversnellingen een beruchte doorgang voor de scheepvaart.[43] — The valley gorge was, because of the banks of rocks and the therewith coinciding current accelerations, a notorious passage for navigation. | |||
359 | in lichterlaaie | #: Hendrix zette de Fender Stratocaster in lichterlaaie tijdens een optreden in 1967 in het Londense Astoria.[44] — Hendrix set the Fender Stratocaster ablaze during a performance in 1967 in the Astoria in London. | |||
357 | play games | #: "Accusing Governor Carey of playing games with taxpayers in his $12.7 billion budget, the Senate majority leader, Warren M. Anderson of Binghamton, said today that it would face rough sledding, in the Republican led State Senate." - New York Times, 1979 | |||
356 | twitar | #: Regretinde, ankore ne multa idisti twitas. Ma on povas facile trovar omni serchante #idolinguo ed explorante sua profili.[1]
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356 | percentage point | #: The difference between 20 percent and 30 percent is 10 percentage points, not 10 percent. In fact, an increase from 20 to 30 percent is an increase of 50 percent. Only if, for example, 20 percent of buyers choose a certain company's products in one year and 22 percent do so the next year, can one speak of an increase of 10 percent.
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356 | irixulakuma | #: Irixulakume eu whun, a-MU-naun wiu. A-MU-naun whun... Itsa kala onu katiwhun... Etsunajatawinejo yiu. Iyawi uleitaku wi, ah kaliwhun, Irixulakume. Iyawi uleitaku wi. Iyawi uleitaku wi. Onai hiya we, onai hiya we. Onumanaitsa eejowehene yiu. Eejo-TA amunaun. Tueneu, salaleneu amakua. Sukuti wasityuene okupwi eu — Tum! — iyene okupwi eu. | |||
356 | Eisenstein integer | #: To divide an Eisenstein integer by another Eisenstein integer , notice that ; accordingly multiply both denominator and numerator (of the division expressed as a fraction) by , then simplify. | |||
355 | post | #: Toekomstig Amerikaans president Barack Obama maakt zijn keuzes bekend voor de posten binnen zijn kabinet op het gebied van veiligheid en buitenlands beleid. — President elect Barack Obama makes his choices known for the posts within his cabinet in the area of security and exterior policy. (nl.wikipedia, 12/3/2008) | |||
355 | opleggen | #: Levenslange gevangenisstraf is in de meeste landen die de doodstraf niet kennen de hoogste straf die door een rechtbank kan worden opgelegd.[45] — In most countries where the death sentence is not recognized, a life sentence is the maximum sentence that can be imposed by a court of law. | |||
355 | central simple algebra | #: The complex numbers form a central simple algebra over themselves, but not over the real numbers (the centre of is all of , not just ). The quaternions form a 4-dimensional central simple algebra over .
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354 | varsla | #: Handels varslar i länet – Totalt varslas i Umeå ett 90-tal handelsmedlemmar. Det innebär total arbetsnedläggelse vid partilagret Martin & Servera samt Rusta.[1]
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354 | natural language | #: Although some computer programs are now widely regarded as having passed the Turing test, it is clear to discerning humans that they still do not use natural language in the same way that sane humans do, as they often spew nonsense, albeit well-formed linguistically, and they cannot engage in some important kinds of original thought.
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354 | conditional proof | #: A conditional proof corresponds to the application of what Douglas Hofstadter calls the "Fantasy Rule" in his masterwork "GEB:EGB". Surprisingly, the theory of propositional calculus which he develops in GEB:EGB employs several inference rules but no axioms: the need for any axioms is done away with through application of the Fantasy Rule. | |||
353 | white-ant | #: If someone undermines you at work you might say they were "white-anting" you. [1]
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352 | new age | #: At this point in history, the most radical, pervasive, and earth-shaking transformation would occur simply if everybody truly evolved to a mature, rational, and responsible ego, capable of freely participating in the open exchange of mutual self-esteem. There is the "edge of history." There would be a real New Age - Ken Wilber | |||
352 | ardent spirits | #: "Even then I realized the possibilities of my suburb, that hotbed of revolution in which heroes, inventors, and practical men of science, rogues and scoundrels, virtues and vices, were all packed together by poverty, stifled by necessity, drowned in drink, and consumed by ardent spirits." | |||
351 | ministerie | #: Dat blijkt uit onderzoek in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken en branche-organisatie Aedes, dat vandaag openbaar wordt. — That becomes clear from research commissioned by the ministry of Economic Affairs and branch-organization Aedes, which today becomes public. (Algemeen Dagblad, 12/19/2006) | |||
350 | copatain | #: O fine villain! A silken doublet, a velvet hose, a scarlet cloak, and a copatain hat! O, I am undone! I am undone! While I play the good husband at home, my son and my servant spend all at the university. — Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, Act 5, Scene 1. | |||
348 | par delictum | #: The 'clean hands doctrine', derived from English law, is similar in effect to the Roman law maxim in pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis, which operated as an absolute bar to the grant of relief to the plaintiff. The par delictum rule is concerned with the moral guilt of contracting parties, not their criminal liability. | |||
348 | arithmetic spiral | #: The Parker spiral is the shape of the Sun's magnetic field as it extends through the solar system. Unlike the familiar shape of the field from a bar magnet, the Sun's extended field is twisted into an arithmetic spiral by the magnetohydrodynamic influence of the solar wind. [46]
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348 | amérindien | #: Les peuples à la peau brunâtre, allant du brun clair au brun rouge et au brun sombre comprennent les hamites, les dravidiens, la plupart des amérindiens. Les xanthodermes, à la peau jaune, allant d'un jaune clair jusqu'au jaune brun, comprennent les asiatiques mongoloïdes, quelques amérindiens, les bochimanes et les hottentots. | |||
347 | ultrafilter | #: An ultrafilter is maximal in the sense that if any other element of the poset not already in it were added to it, one could deduce (from the laws which define the filter, and the given ordering relation, i.e., the structure of the poset) that the resulting filter must be improper; i.e., it must contain all the elements of the poset. | |||
347 | superdeterminism | #: In the context of Bell's theorem, superdeterminism represents a hypothesis whereby a key assumption of the theorem—that it is possible to make measurements that are independent both of each other and of any hidden variables that would determine the measurement outcome—is not fulfilled, and so the theorem is inapplicable.
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347 | fixed point | #: The Bonan-Jeener's triple Klein bottle is not equivalent to the Boy's surface, as can be ascertained by the fact that a 120° rotation of the triple Klein bottle around its axis of symmetry yields no fixed point, whereas a similar rotation of the Boy's surface does yield a fixed point, which is its "umbilical point" as it were. | |||
346 | toebrengen | #: Desondanks konden regelmatig kapers de blokkade omzeilen en schade toebrengen aan de scheepvaart van de Republiek.[47] — Nevertheless, privateers could regularly sail around the blockade and inflict damage to the navigation of the Republic. | |||
346 | okaze | #: Annone estis blanka azia elefanto, kiun donacis la portugala reĝo Emanuelo la 1-a al la papo Leono la 10-a okaze de ties enposteniĝo.[48] — Annone was a white Asian elephant, which the Portuguese king Emanuel I gave to pope Leo X on the occasion of his coronation. | |||
346 | gewijd | #: De derde maandag in januari is in de VS de Martin Luther Kingdag, een nationale feestdag, gewijd aan King en zijn gedachtegoed.[49] — The third Monday in January is, in the US, the Martin Luther King Day, a national holiday, dedicated to King and his body of thought. | |||
344 | straight out of the chute | #: His ride on Bold Lancer started out just like he thought it would. The bull bucked straight out of the chute and slowly came around to the left. Clay remained in position, forward on his bull rope, spurs raking the bull’s side. It looked as if it was going to be an easy ride, albeit a low-scoring one. Bold Lancer had other ideas. | |||
343 | storyboard | #: The storyboard process helps promote brainstorming, highlights missing tasks, and allows the team to incorporate changes prior to traveling too far down a particular path. — By Cheryl A. Malloy & William Cooley, NASA & SAIC here | |||
343 | stigmatisation | #: Voyageant en Belgique, le Docteur Imbert-Gourbeyre fut admis à rencontrer Louise Lateau. C'est la première fois qu'il assiste à une stigmatisation et à des extases. Extrêmement frappé par ce qu'il voit, il comprend qu'il vient de participer à un fait extraordinaire, en rien comparable à ce qu'il connaît de la pathologie humaine. | |||
343 | personal union | #: The United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, also known variously as the United Kingdoms, Sweden and Norway or Sweden–Norway, was a personal union of the separate kingdoms of Sweden and Norway under a common monarch and common foreign policy that lasted from 1814 until its peaceful dissolution in 1905.
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343 | honingbij | #: Over de hele wereld loopt het aantal honingbijen sterk terug. De teelt van groente en fruit komt hierdoor onder druk te staan. — Over the whole world, the number of honeybees goes down strongly. Because of this, the cultivation of vegetables and fruits comes under stress. (nl.wikipedia news, 1.28.2009) | |||
343 | extended playing time | #: Once the No. 1 team football built an early 56-0 lead in the game against their weak opponents, the coach - wanting to spare the opponent further embarrassment, to keep his top players from being injured and sensing his own younger players needed experience - decided to give his reserves some well-deserved extended playing time. | |||
341 | dato | #: Tien jaar na dato gaan er nog steeds stemmen op dat het geen ongeluk was, maar dat het om een samenzwering gaat.[50] — Ten years after the given date, there still rise up voices saying that it was no accident, but that it had to do with a conspiracy. | |||
341 | behaviorism | #: Behaviorism is considered by most philosophers of medicine, to be an expression of the weaker, minimalist interpretation of the 'medical model' of clinical psychology because it focuses the study and classification of mental disorders upon a phenomenological, rather than a pathophysiological, approach to the subject. | |||
340 | volksmond | #: Enkele Chinese restaurants richten zich uitsluitend op afhaalklanten; zij worden in de volksmond 'afhaalchinees' genoemd.[51] — Some Chinese restaurants aim their business exclusively towards take-out clients; they are known in the vernacular as 'Chinese take-out'. | |||
340 | vastleggen | #: Deelstaten hebben een eigen parlement en regering, en zijn bevoegd voor bepaalde materies, die meestal in de grondwet van de unie zijn vastgelegd. — States [of a federation] have their own parliament and government, and are qualified for certain matters, that are for the most part specified in the union's constitution. | |||
340 | subset | #: The set is a both a subset and a proper subset of while the set is a subset of but not a proper subset of .
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340 | genetiivi | #: Suomessa genetiivin pääte on -n. Omistamisen ilmaisemisen lisäksi sitä käytetään monien postpositioiden kanssa ja ilmaisee määräistä objektia, esim. "Syön omenan" tarkoittaa, että puhuja syö omenan loppuun, kun taas "Syön omenaa" tarkoittaa, että puhuja syö vain osan omenasta (vrt. partitiivi). | |||
340 | Duchy of Naples | #: | |||
339 | moralization | #: "Our government proposes the moralization of public functions and the end of impunity for government functionaries and for individuals who violate the law and steal from the people," — Nicanor Duarte Frutos, President of Paraguay, quoted in the Los Angeles Times. | |||
339 | driver | #: The requirement that every moving vehicle or combination of vehicles shall have a driver is deemed to be satisfied while the vehicle is using an automated driving system which complies with domestic technical regulations, and any applicable international legal instrument, […] and domestic legislation governing operation. | |||
338 | one-way mirror | #: "The trainee interviews a client in a one-way mirror room or in front of a video camera while being observed by the supervisor, who guides the therapy by telephoning suggestions or bringing the trainee out for discussion." — Learning and Teaching Therapy by Jay Haley | |||
337 | semirigid | #: Semirigids were less expensive to build than rigids, and could be laid flat when deflated, making them much more convenient to store or transport long distances, while a semirigid's internal structural reinforcement allowed it to be built larger than a nonrigid and to fly faster without buckling or telescoping.
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337 | sécant | #: Le problème des cartes géographiques (...) consiste à représenter la surface d'une sphère sur un plan de telle façon que la représentation soit conforme, c'est-à-dire que l'angle des courbes images de deux courbes sécantes quelconques tracées sur la sphère soit égal à l'angle de ces courbes. (Gds cour. pensée math., 1948) | |||
337 | fractal dimension | #: The perimeter of Britain measured in the first dimension yields infinity, and measured in the second dimension yields zero, so it has to be measured in a fractal dimension of approximately 1.25.[52] | |||
337 | ecoburb | #: Village Homes in Davis, California and The Woodlands, Texas are ecoburbs.[1].[2] | |||
336 | ἄλβος | #: καὶ ἐπέθηκεν ὁ Ρῶμος τοῖς αὐτοῖς τέτρασι στοιχείοις τὰ ὀνόματα͵ τῇ γῇ τὸ Πράσινον μέρος͵ ὅ ἐστι τὸ χλοῶδες͵ τῇ δὲ θαλάσσῃ͵ ὅ ἐστι τοῖς ὕδασιν͵ τὸ Βένετον μέρος͵ ὡς κυανόν͵ τῷ δὲ πυρὶ τὸ Ρούσιον μέρος͵ ὡς ἐρυθρόν͵ τῷ δὲ ἀέρι τὸ Ἄλβον μέρος͵ ὡς λευκόν· κἀκεῖθεν ἐπενοήθη τὰ τέσσαρα μέρη ἐν Ρώμῃ (Joannes Malalas Chronogr., 1) | |||
336 | destijds | #: Vollenhove wordt al in 936 vermeld als 'Fulnaho'. Het gebied was destijds een woud dat eigendom was van Otto de Grote.[53] — Vollenhove was already in 936 mentioned as 'Fulnaho'. The region was at that time a forest that was the property of Otto the Great. | |||
334 | prophète | #: Pour l'historien des religions, le prophète fait partie, avec le roi, le sorcier ou le prêtre, de ceux qui ont reçu le « mana », c'est-à-dire la puissance (...) certains traits de son activité l'apparentent aux devins, aux magiciens, aux derviches, aux chamanes, etc. (Encyclopédie universelle, t.13 1972) | |||
334 | paludiculture | #: These diverse options for biomass from paludiculture show its great potential for future circular bio-economy applications.[1] | |||
334 | kuadrat | #: Menurut hukum gravitasi universal Newton, tiap partikel memiliki gaya tarik menarik dengan partikel lain, yang berbanding lurus dengan perkalian massa kedua partikel dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak antara kedua partikel. | |||
333 | take steps | #: If necessary, I will take steps to clarify the situation before the deadline for lodging questions next Monday. Members should be aware that, in general, they should ask only the question that was lodged and which appears in the Business Bulletin. Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson in Scottish Parliament on 19 June 2008. | |||
333 | subside | #: Le produit de taxes si mal réparties avait des limites, et les besoins des princes n'en avaient plus. Cependant ils ne voulaient ni convoquer les États pour en obtenir des subsides, ni provoquer la noblesse, en l'imposant, à réclamer la convocation de ces assemblées. (Tocqueville, Ancien Régime et Révolution, 1856) | |||
332 | Дед Мороз | ||||
332 | para- | #: paraclinical (relating to things not purely clinical), parabigeminal (related to a pair of organs), parabicanonical (pertaining to a linear system of divisors equivalent to a bicanonical divisor), paracomplex (pertaining to all metric spaces and all CW-complexes)
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331 | guilt trip | #: The prosperous business owner whose infant daughter had a serious genetic disease decided to find a foundation whose annual report was less based on guilt trips. She appreciated that another foundation's annual report had much more emphasis on what they were able to accomplish with the money her family donated.
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330 | zhu | #: Modern research showed the correct number of millet seeds greatly exceeded surviving examples of the zhu in weight, until one tried growing older millet strains for several generations without modern agrochemicals. By the third year, his seeds produced a zhu within about 5% of its known historical value.
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330 | behatol | #: Alattomban még az ország gazdag részeibe is behatol, és azt cselekszi, a mit nem cselekedtek sem az ő atyái, sem az ő atyáinak atyái: zsákmányt, prédát és gazdagságot tékozol előlők, és az erősségek ellen is cselt kohol, de csak egy ideig. — Dániel 11:24 | |||
328 | simpliciter | #*: Leaving aside this report, I make the general observation firstly that the CA has pointed out in PP v UI [2008] 4 SLR(R) 500 […] that rape simpliciter "is already ‘an inherently odious and reprehensible act’… that exacts ‘irretrievable physical, emotional and psychological scars on [the] victim’” […]
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328 | pan man | #: The 'dunny' down the back yard was emptied by the council's pan man once a week. — Susan Marsden, essay Argyle, a port worker's home 19 Forbes Street Carrington New South Wales, describing 1920s way of life there [54] | |||
328 | instrumental | #: the instrumental case | |||
327 | trots dat | #: Je zult haar, trots dat, toch wel willen zien...? - Ik denk het wel, Lot, glimlachte Elly zacht. - You would want to see her, anyhow, right? - I think so, Lot, said Elly softly. Louis Couperus - Van oude mensen, de dingen die voorbijgaan pg. 70 | |||
327 | sequent | #: A sequent could be interpreted to correspond to an Existential Graph, whose expression in Existential Graph Interchange Format would be ~[(a) (b) ~[(c)] ~[(d)]], which in ordinary language could be expressed as "a and b give c or d". | |||
327 | inzetten | #: PvdA-leider Wouter Bos zei na afloop van het gesprek dat hij nog lang niet voldoende beweging bij het CDA ziet om nieuw beleid in te zetten. — Labour Party leader Wouter Bos said, after the termination of the talk, that he so far does not see enough movement by the CDA to be able to start off a new policy. | |||
327 | high | ##: high (i.e. intense) heat; high (i.e. full or quite) noon; high (i.e. rich or spicy) seasoning; high (i.e. complete) pleasure; high (i.e. deep or vivid) colour; high (i.e. extensive, thorough) scholarship; high tide; high [tourism] season; the High Middle Ages
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327 | * | en|If Hebrew תָּמָר (tāmār, “dates”) were cognate to Aramaic תְּמָרָא (təmārā, “dates”) instead of being borrowed from it, the Hebrew form would be {{m|he||[[שָׁמָר**|tr=šāmār}}, for thus is the regular correspondence of the Proto-Semitic *ṯ present in its cognate Arabic ثَمَر (ṯamar, “fruits”).}} | |||
326 | lustre | #: | |||
326 | aceytuni | #: 1878, Henry Yule, "Chinchew" in the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., Vol. V, p. 673: | |||
325 | populate | #: John clicked the Search button and waited for the list to populate. | |||
325 | inurement | #: In the US, the 501(c)(3) prohibition against "private inurement" within non-profit entities means that individuals within that organization may not receive excessive compensation or benefit from their employment or association, because such arrangements would contravene the supposed mission of the organization. | |||
325 | calve | #: When an iceberg breaks off from a large ice shelf along an existing fissure, it looks like a large, flat rectangle. Typically, only 10 percent of an iceberg is visible above the water. As it calved, the iceberg may have been smooth and flat underneath, but ocean currents would have quickly changed it.
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325 | algebraic function | #: Quite often, algebraic functions are algebraic expressions using a finite number of terms and involving only the algebraic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and raising to a fractional power. Some algebraic functions, however, cannot be expressed by such finite expressions.
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323 | varsla | #: …nu varsla åtskilliga tecken att hennes saga snart är all…[1] (this example uses an old plural form of the verb)
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323 | uitzonderen | #: Een hexaploïde cel is een cel waarvan in de celkern elk chromosoom zes maal voorkomt (geslachtschromosomen uitgezonderd).[55] — A hexaploid cell is a cell for which in the cell nucleus each chromosome occurs six times (sex chromosomes excluded). | |||
323 | grissen | #: Hij was van plan geweest om zodra hij de kans kreeg, Sofie van tafel te grissen en haar achter zijn rug te verstoppen, maar dat kon hij nu wel vergeten. - He was planning to grab Sofie from the table and hide her behind his back as soon as he had the chance to, but he could forget about that now. (De GVR) | |||
323 | evenmin | #: Een bekend aforisme van Voltaire luidde dat het Heilige Roomse Rijk niet Romeins, niet heilig en evenmin een rijk was.[1] — A known aphorism of Voltaire's stated that the Holy Roman Empire was not Roman, not holy, and not an empire either. | |||
323 | étage | #: Historiquement, les fossiles sont les principaux critères de définition des étages, mais cette méthode n'est pas applicable partout — et même lorsqu'elle l'est, elle est désormais souvent corrélée à d'autres indicateurs stratigraphiques : lits et bancs carbonatés ou phosphatés, susceptibilité magnétique, etc. | |||
323 | boozer | #: During the week, the players were just as likely to be spotted out together in a local pub such as the Four in Hand. It was even known for them to frequent the Marksman off Carters Green, one of the town’s roughest boozers. [56]
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323 | additive combinatorics | #: One major area of study in additive combinatorics is that of inverse problems: for instance, given the sumset is small in size, what can we say about the structures of and ? In the case of integer sumsets, Freiman's theorem provides a partial answer.
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322 | truth table | #: Each row of a truth table corresponds to a distinct interpretation. The columns on the left side assign truth values to the letters (of the truth table's given formula), and the column on the right side shows the truth value for the entire formula, which computably depends on the truth values of its letters. | |||
322 | numéraire | #: Acting as the numéraire is one of the functions of money: to measure the worth of different goods and services relative to one another. "Numéraire goods" are goods with a fixed price of 1 used to facilitate calculations when only the relative prices are relevant [57] | |||
322 | inname | #: Na de inname van St. Andries werd door de Staten-Generaal met Maurits overlegd over het volgende oorlogsdoel.[58] — After the accession of St. Andries, the States-General discussed with Maurits the next war objective. | |||
322 | cyclostationary | #: The maximum daily temperature in New York City can be modelled as a cyclostationary process: the maximum temperature on July 21 is statistically different from the temperature on December 20, but it is a reasonable approximation that the temperature on December 20 of different years has identical statistics. | |||
322 | combinational circuit | #: For a combinational circuit, the input (Shannon) entropy is the joint entropy of its input bits, the output entropy is the joint entropy of its output bits, and the output entropy is always less than or equal to the input entropy, even if the quantity of output bits is larger than the quantity of input bits. | |||
321 | t-conorm | #: A t-conorm acts as a disjunction in fuzzy logic or as a union in fuzzy set theory. When one of its arguments is 0, it returns its other argument; when one of its arguments is 1, it returns 1. It is both associative and commutative, and its partial derivatives with respect to its parameters are non-negative. | |||
321 | jump ball | #: After any dead ball, play shall be resumed by a jump ball, a throw-in or by placing the ball at the disposal of a free-thrower. [1]
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319 | wereldlijk | #: Wist je dat cesaropapie een staatsvorm is, waarbij de wereldlijke leider ook de geestelijk leider is (niet te verwarren met een theocratie)? — Did you know that caesaropapism is a form of government, in which the temporal leader is also the spiritual leader (not to be confused with a theocracy)? | |||
319 | sexagenary | ##: The sexagenary cycle is formed by combining the twelve earthly branches representing the years of Jupiter's orbital cycle and the ten heavenly stems of the Shang-era week, stopping halfway through to reflect the pairing of yin and yang terms. | |||
318 | kapojai | #: ...Walama okapojala. Kapaipiyapai ipitsi amunaunki. Meyeityapai tumapai ulepe, meyeityapai tumapai usityui pessoalnaun ou. Oukaka Walama akapojatene inyaun wi: "Natu amunaunpei, maka aitsa natu numeiyeitya. Maka Arawi keyeityapai tumapai ulepe, usityui." En, umapai okapojala katahan...[sings] | |||
318 | akitsatapai | #: Kata aitsa pawatupawa, kata inyaunauntope, kata inyauntope, aitsa wa, aitsa akitsawakatapai ... AmunauNAUN, amunaunaun, dez kata amunaunaun, amunaunaun hatiu. Paunwaun ohapaitsa, akitsatapai kehoto yiu. Nejo kehoto wekehopei. Onaatsa, akamawi, punuba opalutsato, itsityapeneme, iyeneme ... opokumiu. | |||
317 | Riemannian manifold | #: By definition, a Riemannian manifold has at each point a tangent space equipped with a positive definite inner product, ; information about these inner products is encoded in the Riemannian metric tensor, .
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317 | inverse | ##: "Anything that isn't a dog doesn't go to heaven" is the inverse of "All dogs go to heaven." More generally, is the inverse of and is equivalent to the converse proposition . | |||
316 | self-caused | #: If the theory of everything exists, it necessarily has to be self-caused, otherwise it will be merely a partial theory; but the mathematical definition of everything is undecidable, no single set may hold its supposed components, thus the theory of everything by definition does not exist.
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316 | opine | #: I opined that matters would soon become considerably worse.
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316 | exterior product | #: The exterior product between a multivector of grade k and a multivector of grade n is a multivector of grade k+n, unless k+n is larger than the dimension of the vector space to which the vectors belong (out of which the multivectors are constructed), in which case their product is zero. | |||
315 | honorific transposition | #: The Egyptian idiom ḥm-nṯr ("servant of a god" = "priest") is written:
which would appear to read *nṯr-ḥm. However, this phrase shows honorific transposition of the nṯr glyph. Other examples of this same phenomenon include: | |||
315 | homography | #: A homography on a real projective plane can be specified by a mapping from one set of four non-collinear points to another set of four non-collinear points. Given such a specification, then the 3-by-3 homography matrix may be computed by means of the DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) algorithm. | |||
315 | cross product | #: The cross product can be derived like so: given a pair of vectors and , solve for a vector which is perpendicular to both and , i.e., whose dot product with both and is zero.
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314 | pidätysoikeus | #: Jos joku, joka on velassa ravinnosta, asunnosta tai kulkuneuvon vuokrasta, tahtoo poistua paikkakunnalta, velkojalla on saatavansa vakuudeksi pidätysoikeus velallisen irtaimeen omaisuuteen, joka on velkojan huostassa tai kysymyksessä olevassa asunnossa taikka kulkuneuvossa. (Kauppakaari 12 luku 12§2) | |||
314 | hot-stage | #: The Proton's second stage avoids ullage issues by hot-staging, allowing the engines to ignite while still being pushed by the first stage, but this necessitates the use of a special open trusswork in the interstage area to prevent the superheated second-stage exhaust from blowing up the rocket.
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313 | zero ending | #: The Polish word for "cat" is "kot". Its genitive form is "kota", which has the ending "–a". Because the nominative form consists of the stem without an ending, it can be said that "kot" has the zero ending. In a table listing the endings one could hence write: "Nominative: –∅, Genitive: –a". | |||
313 | tuition | #: These rosemaling workshops are no place for anyone who wants to pester me or the students with the "white privilege" card, inter alia. Therefore, I reserve the right to refund the tuition of such men and women, kick them out the door, and bar them from at least two of my future events.
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313 | temper | #: Tempering is a heat treatment technique applied to metals, alloys, and glass to achieve greater toughness by increasing the strength of materials and/or ductility. Tempering is performed by a controlled reheating of the work piece to a temperature below its lower eutectic critical temperature.
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313 | Ravenna | #: Ravenna served as the capital city of the Western Roman Empire from 402 until the latter's collapse in 476; thereafter it was the capital of the Ostrogothic Kingdom and then of the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna until the last exarch was executed by the Lombards in 751.
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313 | ohapaitsa | #: Kata aitsa pawatupawa, kata inyaunauntope, kata inyauntope, aitsa wa, aitsa akitsawakatapai... AmunauNAUN, amunaunaun, dez kata amunaunaun, amunaunaun hatiu. Paunwaun ohapaitsa, akitsatapai kehoto yiu. Nejo kehoto wekehopei. Onaatsa, akamawi, punuba opalutsato, itsityapeneme, iyeneme ... opwoku miu. | |||
313 | dual graph | #: The edges of a dual graph are perpendicular, in some sense, to the edges of its original graph. The dual graph also has as many vertices and faces as its original graph has faces and vertices, respectively. Therefore the dual graph has the same Euler characteristic as its original graph. | |||
313 | bullshido | #: We understand the spirit of Bushido better than anyone. Or was that Bullshido? (comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.flight-sim, 22 August 1996) | |||
312 | ulepe | #: ...Walama okapojala. Kapaipiyapai ipitsi amunaunki. Meyeityapai tumapai ulepe, meyeityapai tumapai usityui pessoalnaun ou. Oukaka Walama akapojatene inyaun wi: "Natu amunaunpei, maka aitsa natu numeiyeitya. Maka Arawi keyeityapai tumapai ulepe, usityui." En, umapai okapojala katahan...[sings] | |||
312 | trigonometry | #: Trigonometry emerged in the Hellenistic world during the 3rd century BCE from applications of geometry to astronomy; the Greeks focused on the calculation of chords, while mathematicians in India created the earliest known tables of values for trigonometric functions such as sine.
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312 | Paki | #*: In these telephone calls and recorded messages the respondent, who held strong views on immigration and asylum policy and the provision of public support to immigrants and applicants for asylum, ranted and shouted and made reference to "Wogs", "Pakis", "Black bastards" and […] "Niggers".
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312 | integral | #: The integral of on is , but the integral of the same function on diverges. In notation, , but .
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312 | eigenlijk | #: Dit historisch feit wordt gezien als het eigenlijke begin van de opstand tegen Filips II en zijn gouverneur Alva.[59] — This historical fact became seen as the actual beginning of the rebellion against Philip II and his governor Alva. | |||
312 | coordinate term | #: The words oak, maple, spruce, and linden are coordinate terms beneath the hypernym of tree; the terms HDA, LAMP, MDA, NASBA, RPA, SDA, and TMA are coordinate terms beneath the hypernymic term isothermal nucleic acid amplification test.
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311 | optrekken | #: De meeste gebouwen in Londen waren destijds uit brandbaar materiaal opgetrokken, zoals hout en stro.[1] — The most buildings in London at that time were built out of flammable material, such as wood and straw. | |||
311 | onaatsa | #: Kata aitsa pawatupawa, kata inyaunauntope, kata inyauntope, aitsa wa, aitsa akitsawakatapai... AmunauNAUN, amunaunaun, dez kata amunaunaun, amunaunaun hatiu. Paunwaun ohapaitsa, akitsatapai kehoto yiu. Nejo kehoto wekehopei. Onaatsa, akamawi, punuba opalutsato, itsityapeneme, iyeneme ... opokumiu. | |||
311 | diffraction limit | #: For telescopes with circular apertures, the size of the smallest feature in an image that is diffraction limited is the size of the Airy disk. As one decreases the size of the aperture in a lens, diffraction increases. At small apertures, such as f/22, most modern lenses are limited only by diffraction. | |||
311 | contact geometry | #: The defining conditions for a contact geometry are opposite to two equivalent conditions for complete integrability of a hyperplane distribution: i.e. that it be tangent to a codimension 1 foliation on the manifold, whose equivalence is the content of the Frobenius theorem.
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310 | meyeixapai | #: Walama okapwojala. Kapaipiyapai ipitsi amunaunki. Meyeixapai tumapai ulepe, meyeixapai tumapai usixui pessoalnaun ou. Oukaka Walama akapojatene inyaun wi: "Natu amunaunpei, maka aitsa natu numeiyeixa. Maka Arawi keyeixapai tumapai ulepe, usixui." En, umapai okapojala katahan...[sings] | |||
310 | kichiha | #: Ñañemoirũ ramo karai pyharére ikatúntema ñasẽ jaguata tape pytũ ivaivévare, kuñataĩ porã, ñande kichiha, róga rekávo.[1]
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310 | expansion | ###: The acronym "FNDs" can mean either "functional neurologic disorders" or "focal neurologic deficits", so you'd better use the expansion instead of the acronym, for clarity in this context; readers of this paragraph may not have read, or remember, which definition you used 40 pages earlier.
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309 | utz | #: Since you saved my life you decided you have the right to run it. You’ve utzed me along every step of the way. You’ve hammered, drove, pushed, shoved, and if that wasn’t enough, you’d looked at me with those great big cow eyes of yours … and I’d melt and go along. — Bing Crosby, White Christmas. | |||
309 | mixin | #: Traits are somewhat between an interface and a mixin, as an interface contains only method signatures, while a trait includes also the full method definitions; on the other side mixins include method definitions, but they can also carry state through attributes, while traits usually don't. | |||
309 | interface | #: Traits are somewhat between an interface and a mixin, as an interface contains only method signatures, while a trait includes also the full method definitions; on the other side mixins include method definitions, but they can also carry state through attributes, while traits usually don't. | |||
309 | fair use | #: Although fair use was not mentioned in the previous copyright law, the doctrine has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years. United States Copyright Office Statement on Fair Use, [60] | |||
309 | denegative | #: Derrida draws attention to the denegative logic required to speak of what is most important by not speaking of it, by avoiding speaking of it; a logic he finds at work in apophatic texts from Plato's Timaeus to Eckhart's sermons to Dionysius' hierarchies to Heidegger's late unpublished lectures | |||
309 | abjad | #: | |||
308 | usixuwi | #: ...Walama okapojala. Kapaipiyapai ipitsi amunaunki. Meyeixapai tumapai ulepe, meyeixapai tumapai usixuwi pessoalnaun ou. Oukaka Walama akapojatene inyaun wi: "Natu amunaunpei, maka aitsa natu numeiyeixa. Maka Arawi keyeixapai tumapai ulepe, usixuwi." En, umapai okapojala katahan...[sings] | |||
308 | sibylle | #: Le monde est conduit par les prophètes, par ceux qui savent voir les effets dans les causes. La sibylle n'a jamais menti; elle ne s'est jamais trompée. La sibylle est la voix du Latium, le guide de la race latine, la révélatrice de ses destinées. (Renan, Drames philos., Prêtre Némi, 1885) | |||
308 | feng shui | #: Al voor de eerste helft van de 15de eeuw was de gehele nieuwe stad klaar, geheel volgens de regels van Feng Shui.[61] — Already by the first half of the 15th century, the whole new city was completed, entirely according to the rules of feng shui. | |||
307 | structurer | #: Il y a une certaine attitude corporelle, un mode spécifique de tension dynamique qui est nécessaire pour structurer l'image; l'homme comme totalité dynamique et vivante doit se mettre en forme lui-même pour tracer une figure dans son champ visuel. (Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménol. perception, 1945) | |||
306 | troffer | #: Each fluorescent troffer in the room contained three lamps and two ballasts. [1] | |||
306 | tramcar | #: We arrived at level 15 where we piled into a battery powered tramcar for a ten minute ride to the section of the mine we would be visiting. Packed into the tram we realized why the gigantic cooling and ventilation systems on the surface pumps 550 cubic meters of air into the mine each second. | |||
306 | polytechnicien | #: Je le sais homme de valeur. Il sort de l'École polytechnique. Je me suis bien laissé dire que le coup de marteau, dont on avance que de nombreux polytechniciens sont affligés, a laissé des traces particulières sur son cerveau. (Joseph Caillaux, Mes Mémoires, I, Ma jeunesse orgueilleuse, 1942) | |||
306 | niaukti | #: Ji̇̀s bùvo tóks apsiniaukęs, kàd Lietuvõs rýto pérgalė ti̇̀k niáukė jõ diẽną. - He was so gloomy that Lithuania's morning victory only sullied his day. | |||
306 | metaphysics | #: Even other universes should be a result of different physics. Without rules, these universes wouldn't exist, because they will have an undefined, thus impossible, nature. We will never understand or guess all possible forms of physics. That's why we have to understand the generic metaphysics. | |||
306 | ideal | #: Formally, an ideal of a given set is a nonempty subset of the powerset such that: , and . | |||
305 | Fourier transform | #: The Fourier transform of a function of time is a complex function of frequency, whose magnitude (absolute value) represents the amount of that frequency present in the original function, and whose argument is the phase offset of the basic sinusoid in that frequency.
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305 | droit d'auteur | #: Le droit d'auteur consacre le lien très fort existant entre l'auteur et sa création qui est le reflet de sa personne, en reconnaissant à l'auteur des prérogatives morales sur son œuvre. [62] | |||
304 | richissime | #: …tandis qu'au contraire, favorisés par le diffusion et le prix de vente de leur liquide, les « pinardiers » richissimes, groupés en syndicats très influents, peuvent, si bon leur semble satisfaire tous leurs caprices. (Ludovic Naudeau, La France se regarde. Le problème de la natalité, 1931) | |||
304 | prosiopesis | #: The students of English were making good progress in getting to grips with the intricacies of informal constructions, peppering their conversations with proverbial idioms and substituting stock phrases like “Good morning!” and “Thank you.” with prosiopeses like “Morning!” and “‛Kyou.”
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304 | maegbot | #: If a man was slain a special manbot, or compensation for the loss of a man, had to be paid to the lord side by side with the mægbot to the kin. — NYT, Daily Lexeme: Maegbot, 2011 - (quoting H.R. Loyns, 1962) | |||
304 | ideal | #: The set of natural numbers with multiplication as the monoid operation (instead of addition) has multiplicative ideals, such as, for example, the set {1, 3, 9, 27, 81, ...}. If any member of it is multiplied by a number which is not a power of 3 then the result will not be a power of three. | |||
304 | harbor | #: A harbor, even if it is a little harbor, is a good thing, since adventurers come into it as well as go out, and the life in it grows strong, because it takes something from the world, and has something to give in return - (Can we date this quote by Jewett and provide title, author’s full name, and other details?) Sarah Orne Jewett | |||
304 | fallout | #: On 26 April 1986 the reactor number four at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant located in the Soviet Union near Pripyat in Ukraine exploded. Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area.
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304 | expectations game | #: "But at this point his team has fumbled the expectations game to the point where the governor will need to perform at a level well above anything we’ve seen from him to date if he wants to pull off the "W"."[63] | |||
303 | valtakunnanoikeus | #: Valtakunnanoikeus käsittelee syytteen, joka nostetaan valtioneuvoston jäsentä tai oikeuskansleria, eduskunnan oikeusasiamiestä taikka korkeimman oikeuden tai korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden jäsentä vastaan lainvastaisesta menettelystä virkatoimessa. (Suomen perustuslain § 101 - laki 731/1999) | |||
303 | rational root theorem | #: The rational root theorem states that if the rational number is a root of the polynomial equation , with , then and .
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303 | Olympiad | #: the International Mathematical Olympiad... the Science Olympiad... the International Science Olympiads... the Women's Chess Olympiad...
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303 | normal | #: The interior normal vector of an ideal perfect sphere will always point toward the center, and the exterior normal vector directly away, and both will always be co-linear with the ray whose' tip ends at the point of intersection, which is the intersection of all three sets of points. | |||
302 | Wetherill diagram | #: The "x" and "y" axes of the Wetherill diagram are the quantities of the respective end (lead) isotopes of the actinium series and uranium series decay chains, each adjusted and expressed as a ratio to the amount remaining of the corresponding start (uranium) isotope.
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302 | reconciliation | #: In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission makes the following calls to action.
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302 | millisecond | #: The suggestion that pulsars were rotating neutron stars was put forth independently by Thomas Gold and Franco Pacini in 1968, and was soon proven beyond reasonable doubt by the discovery of a pulsar with a very short (33-millisecond) pulse period in the Crab nebula.W | |||
301 | varsla | #: Drygt 1 000 lärare i landet har varslats om uppsägning. Av de redan varslade har drygt 300 hunnit sägas upp.[1]
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301 | overwinningsnederlaag | #: De stress van het moment, allicht, maar mogelijk zat in het achterhoofd van de N-VA-leider ook al de vrees voor een overwinningsnederlaag. (De Morgen newspaper, 26 May 2014, [64]) | |||
301 | helvete | #: I kveld står jeg her i Kristi sted, jeg taler sikkert til mange i kveld som vet de er uomvendte. Du vet at om du stupte død om på gulvet i dette øyeblikk, så stupte du like i helvete. from Norwegian Wikiquote, said by Ole Hallesby (1879 - 1961) | |||
301 | fuzzy navel | #: fuzzy navel milkshake, fuzzy navel cake, fuzzy navel pie | |||
300 | sentential logic | #: The Leibniz operator and the study of various of its properties that may or may not be satisfied for particular sentential logics have given rise to what is now known as the abstract algebraic hierarchy or Leibniz hierarchy of sentential logics.WP | |||
300 | Pommie-basher | #: The ceremony was dignified and touching…The sing-along was most enjoyable even though some of the words were a little different to the ones I knew and even the most ardent ‘Pommie Basher’ surely would not have disapproved of our rendition of Waltzing Matilda.'--Lt Col (Retd) Mick Berrill, OBE | |||
300 | politely | #: If pressed about a serious accusation like rape, you can politely reply that you can’t answer questions pertaining to such an allegation without legal representation and wish to remain silent.
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300 | Olympiad | #: Victors at the ancient Olympiads only won an olive wreath but were usually freed from paying taxes for the remainder of their life, but modern Olympians have frequently needed to pay taxes on the market value of their gold, silver, or bronze medals.
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300 | idiomatic | #: In English, the only idiomatic position for a pronoun as the object of a phrasal verb is before the particle, whereas a noun as object can fall either before or after the particle; thus only he picked them up but either he picked his tools up or he picked up his tools.
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299 | qual | #: Le doctrina de Jamblicho super le anima es sin dubita inspirate per le Timeo de Platon, in qual texto le autor depinge le anima como le mediation inter lo intelligibile indivisibile – le idea – e lo sensibile divisibile e multiple.[65] | |||
299 | qe7tse | #: Xwexwéyt re swet xwistés newí7s re qé7tses.[1]
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299 | proef | #: Hoewel de bussen normaal gesproken worden aangedreven met een dieselmotor, is er een tijdelijke variant met brandstofcellen op waterstof gemaakt voor een proef van 2 jaar hoe een dergelijke bus voldoet in het veld.[66] | |||
299 | ontslag | #: De Britse socialistische premier Gordon Brown biedt zijn ontslag aan bij koningin Elizabeth II.[67] — The British socialist prime minister Gordon Brown offers his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II. | |||
298 | invoering | #: Van 1945 tot de invoering van het vijfje als muntstuk in 1988 was de rijksdaalder de munt met de hoogste waarde.[68] From 1945 until the introduction of the 'fiver' as coin in 1988, the rijksdaalder was the coin with the highest value. | |||
298 | homesigner | #: Because Julio is a child homesigner, we have the unique opportunity to track the changes in his homesign system as it acquires more linguistic structure, from its roots in the non-linguistic gestures produced by the hearing individuals around him. | |||
298 | conditional entropy | #: The conditional entropy of random variable given (i.e., conditioned by ), denoted as , is equal to where is the mutual information between and . | |||
297 | witewold | #: Pseudo prophetes, false sodomytes, Quelmers of chyldren, with fornycatours, Wetewoldes that suffre syn in her syghtes, Auouterers, & abhominable auauntours Of syn ... These were the comons came thedyr that day Redy bowne in batayll Vertew to abyde. — The Assembly of Gods, c1500 | |||
297 | sqélemcw | #: Yirí7 te sqélemcw l wíwktsems.[1] - That is the man who saw me.
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297 | sponsor | #: Vous voulez faire des affaires au Koweit ? Il faut d'abord trouver un sponsor, koweitien, savoir qu'il vous prendra un honnête pourcentage (13 à 15 %) mais refusera d'endosser le moindre risque et disparaîtra au premier accrochage. (Le Nouvel Observateur, 4 févr. 1974, p. 29, col. 2) | |||
297 | reprocess | ##: In order to greatly reduce the plant's output of high-level radioactive waste that has to be disposed of somehow, an onsite facility reprocesses the spent fuel rods using the PUREX process, separating out the unburnt uranium and plutonium from the troublesome fission products.
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297 | prostration | #* The ordination ceremony includes a variety of rituals, rich in meaning and history, e.g., the prostration, laying on of hands, anointing of hands, giving of the chalice and paten, and sign of peace. — Diocese of Rochester, NY
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296 | root of unity | #: In the case of the field of complex numbers, it follows from de Moivre's formula that the th roots of unity are , where .
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296 | filter | #: If (1) the universal set (here, the set of natural numbers) were called a "large" set, (2) the superset of any "large" set were also a "large" set, and (3) the intersection of a pair of "large" sets were also a "large" set, then the set of all "large" sets would form a filter.
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296 | A team | #: NSW all-rounder Moises Henriques has been named captain of the Australia A team to play England in Hobart next week. [69] | |||
295 | nonrecurring | #: In accounting, nonrecurring items are exceptional transactions that are not related to normal business operations. The most common nonrecurring items are capital gains, additional write-downs or reversals of write-downs, and provisions for planned restructuring and penalties. | |||
295 | lâng | #: Bí-kok chiâⁿ-pah-bān lâng sī-ūi khòng-gī gī-lūn tiong ê sin î-bîn-hoat.[70] (POJ) | |||
295 | haltingly | #: I just learned how to read Korean this summer and am still new to the language, so I still read and pronounce the words haltingly when I try to read a sentence in Korean. I take over a minute, whereas one with an excellent command of the Korean language would take 12.5 seconds. | |||
294 | schrijnwerker | #: (Urbanus Van Anus TV/theater sketch citaat) (breekt een meubelstuk op de scene, half in paniek uitroepend) "Is er dan een 'schrijnwerker' in de zaal!?" (alludeert op dringend verzoek medische hulp) | |||
294 | robot revolution | #: We learned that 47 percent of consumers believe the robot revolution is here now and growing. (Robotics Business Review) [1] | |||
294 | piailler | #: Deux individus se réunissaient, à une heure convenue, au son d'un orgue et en présence d'invités (...) puis, au bout d'un nombre de mois déterminés, sauf accident, ils donnaient le jour à d'affreux bambins qui piaillaient, pendant des nuits entières... (Huysmans, Marthe, 1876) | |||
294 | jouisseur | #: L'histoire du réglementarisme sera celle d'un effort inlassable pour discipliner la fille publique, l'idéal étant la création d'une catégorie de prostituées-moniales, bonnes travailleuses mais automates et surtout mauvaises jouisseuses. (Alain Corbin, Les filles de noce, 1978) | |||
294 | exact | #*: Their goal is retributive: to exact a price from Palestinian civilians (and in some cases left-wing Israeli Jews, Christians, and Israeli security forces) for actions Israeli authorities take against the settlers, usually building enforcement in illegally built settlements.
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294 | beshade | #: Light Fumitory, Parsly, Burnet's blade, And winding leafe his crispy Locks beshade: Hee's light and lively, all in Turns and Tricks; In his great Round, hee many small doth mix... ― Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas (translation by Joshua Sylvester, 1633) | |||
293 | retributive | #*: Their goal is retributive: to exact a price from Palestinian civilians (and in some cases left-wing Israeli Jews, Christians, and Israeli security forces) for actions Israeli authorities take against the settlers, usually building enforcement in illegally built settlements.
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293 | pissing war | #: The other two [...] are in a righter-than-thou pissing war. -- Geov Parrish, [71] [72]. | |||
293 | integral | en|Stokes' theorem relates the integral over a surface of the curl of a vector field to a line integral around the boundary of that surface: | |||
292 | Lagrange point | #: Mathematically, the Lagrange points represent solutions to a restricted form of the three body problem in which the mass of one object is assumed negligible compared to that of the two principal bodies—as, for example, an artificial satellite and the Earth-Moon system.
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291 | xwexwéyt | #: Xwexwéyt re swet xwistés newí7s re qé7tses.[1]
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291 | opzetten | #: Er wordt een fokprogramma opgezet om de quagga weer zuiver uit de gemengde steppezebra te krijgen.[73] — A breeding program is being set up for the purpose of recovering the quagga in pure form from the mixed plains zebra. | |||
291 | natu | #: Kapaipiyapai ipitsi amunaunki. Meyeityapai tumapai ulepe, meyeityapai tumapai usityui pessoalnaun ou. Oukaka Walama akapojatene inyaun wi: "Natu amunaunpei, maka aitsa natu numeiyeitya. Maka Arawi keyeityapai tumapai ulepe, usityui." En, umapai okapojala katahan...[sings] | |||
291 | benedictijner | #: Het oudst bekende handalfabet werd in de 8e eeuw beschreven door de Engelse Benedictijner monnik Beda[1] — The oldest known hand alphabet was described in the 8th century by the English Benedictine monk Bede. | |||
291 | behind closed doors | #: Libya's opening home match in the World Cup qualifiers against Cameroon will be played at a neutral venue and behind closed doors, FIFA said on Friday. [74] | |||
290 | what the hell | #: Surprisingly, dieters ate more ice cream after eating a large milkshake than after eating a small one. Dr. Polivy calls this the “What the hell” effect, which she describes as thinking “What the hell, my diet’s already broken, so I might as well eat everything in sight.” | |||
290 | onupapai | #: Amunaun, kehoto wekeho, akamawiu, punuba opalutsato, itsityapeneme, iyeneme ... opoku miu. Punuba neke yamukunaunpai otain, aitsa neke ityehete. Pa uwein sityapene. Onaama, akamawiu, punuba, kata akama, otain -- nejo kitsimai pa, weke otain yiu, iyene pakojo opoku. | |||
290 | landesorg | #: Det er erklært ni dagers landesorg på Cuba etter at den revolusjonære lederen og tidligere presidenten Fidel Castro døde. [75] (Aftenposten 27 November 2016). | |||
290 | bogie | #: Although most A320s have two wheels on each of their main gear, a few built for the Indian market have four-wheel bogies, halving the amount of weight on each wheel and allowing the aircraft to use runways that couldn't withstand the ground pressure from a standard A320.
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290 | aspirated h | #: | |||
290 | algebraically independent | #: A subset is algebraically independent over if every element of is transcendental over and over each of the extension fields over generated by the remaining elements of .
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289 | cold | #: Criminal interrogation. Initially they will dream up explanations faster than you could ever do so, but when they become fatigued, often they will acknowledge that you have them cold.
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288 | snor | #: Varaordfører Arnfinn Uthus fikk æren av å klippe snora og markere åpningen av nye Lærerskolealleen og Eivind Torps veg fredag formiddag. - Arnfinn Uthus got the honour of cutting the tape to mark the opening of the new Lærerskolealleen and Eivind Torps veg on Friday morning. | |||
288 | mendaciously | #: I don't think I'm going to buy what she just told me. Her gestures, eye movements, and hesitancy in her tone raised some substantial red flags. Therefore, I have reason to believe she was giving an excuse mendaciously. If you could've witnessed this, you'd know it too!
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287 | slavisant | #: Les slavisants, qui, au cours de ces dernières 20 annés, se sont occupés ou s'occupent des questions de la naissance, de la filiation et de la reconstruction des textes vieux-slaves, se trouvent fréquemment embarrassés par le grand nombre de variantes des différents textes. | |||
287 | possibilistic | #: There are two types of inferences that can be made: possibilistic and probabilistic. In the possibilistic case, one is interested in the possibility or impossibility of certain events. In the probabilistic case, the actual probability of the events is also considered. | |||
287 | katagelastic | #* 2018, October 19, Matt Davis, in “Relationship hack: Why class clowns make better partners” (Neuropsych): “Katagelastic people are, in short, jerks. They enjoy calling people out and mocking others.”
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287 | cylinder | #: When the two-dimensional curve is a circle, the cylinder is called a circular cylinder. When the axis is perpendicular to the plane of the curve, the cylinder is called a right cylinder. In non-mathematical usage, both right and circular are usually implied.
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287 | computational number theory | #: Computational number theory has applications in cryptography, including RSA, elliptic curve cryptography and post-quantum cryptography, and is used to investigate conjectures and open problems in number theory, including the Riemann hypothesis.
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287 | commission | #: The real-estate broker charged a four percent commission for their knowledge on bidding for commercial properties; for their intellectual perspective on making a formal offer and the strategy to obtain a mutually satisfying deal with the seller in favour of the buyer.
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286 | commentation | #: In-program commentation is another level of documentation that is compulsory, with standards being set regarding what should be included in source code. Case Studies in Algorithms and Programming[76], 1997 | |||
285 | zero-zero | #: Category IIIc ILS would enable landings in true zero-zero conditions (where the pilots can see nothing, not even the surface of the runway they're on), but the problem of blind taxiing - a necessary capability in order to make use of ILS-IIIc - remains unsolved.
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285 | nešti | #: Pérkelkit bitýną arčiaũ priẽ augalų̃, i̇̀š kurių̃ bi̇̀tės nẽša mẽdų. - Move the apiary closer to the plants where the bees obtain their honey. | |||
285 | jade gate | #: the female’s feet are lifted toward the heavens and the jade stalk is inserted deeply into the jade gate. [1] | |||
285 | étage | #: Un artificier allemand, Johann Schmidlap, inventa la fusée gigogne, un engin à multiples étages allumés séquentiellement et permettant de faire atteindre au feu d'artifice une plus grande altitude. C'est l'ancêtre des fusées à multiples étages utilisées aujourd'hui. | |||
284 | linear form | #: In , if vectors are represented as column vectors, then linear forms are represented as row vectors, and their action on vectors is given by the matrix product, with the row vector on the left and the column vector on the right.
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284 | grūtība | #: “tu atdursies vēl uz kādu grūtību”, Rendenieks turpināja, “kad budži padzirdēs par neražu, tie centīsies labību slēpt” — you will come upon yet another difficulty, Rendenieks went on, when the rich farmers hear about the bad harvest, they will try to hide the grain | |||
284 | emparish | #: Sufficient petition signatures to emparish the entire area was acquired from residents by August 2006, which the Isle of Wight Council then submitted to Government with their support. (Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council)
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284 | eigenclass | #: Singleton methods in Ruby live in a special, hidden class called the singleton class (it used to be referred to as the eigenclass, but singleton class is the current term).https://codequizzes.wordpress.com/2014/04/11/singleton-classes-in-ruby-aka-eigenclasses/
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283 | step | #: Usage note: The word tone is often used as the name of this interval; but there is evident incongruity in using tone for indicating the interval between tones. As the word scale is derived from the Italian scala, a ladder, the intervals may well be called steps. | |||
283 | opoku | #: Amunaun, kehoto wekeho, akamawi, punuba ipalutsato, itsityapeneme, iyeneme ... opoku miu. Punuba neke yamukunaunpai itain, aitsa neke ityehete. Pa uwein sityapene. Onaama, akamawiu, punuba, kata akama, itain -- nejo kitsimai pa, weke itain yiu, iyene pakojo opoku. | |||
283 | misfuel | #: The cost of misfueling[1] | |||
283 | marginalized | #*: The current Israeli government has been working to curtail and eliminate critical voices within Israeli society in recent years, particularly those fighting to end the occupation and expose human rights violations against Palestinians and marginalized communities.
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283 | curtail | #*: The current Israeli government has been working to curtail and eliminate critical voices within Israeli society in recent years, particularly those fighting to end the occupation and expose human rights violations against Palestinians and marginalized communities.
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283 | chargemaster | #: The patient faced bankruptcy because she couldn't pay off the hundreds of thousands of dollars accrued from her hospital bill, including a price from the chargemaster for a single acetaminophen pill at ten times the cost for the same pill over-the-counter at a pharmacy. | |||
282 | pissing war | #: We didn't do any press because we were just going to get in a pissing war [...] -- Matt Stone, creator of South Park, in an interview with CNN [77]. | |||
282 | ir | #: Dūdums pateica: “man vēl laika diezgan”, un pārliecināt viņu par piegādes normu nodošanu pirms termiņa tā ir neizdevās — Dūdums said: “I still have enough time,” and also, so it was impossible to convince him about the rules for delivery before the deadline | |||
282 | diena | #: Rudeñs lygiãdienis yrà dienà po kuriõs nakti̇̀s tam̃pa trumpèsnė už diẽną. - The autumn equinox is the day after which the nights become longer than the days. | |||
281 | socialo | #: Comment, les politicards socialos qui, presque tous, sont des renégats de la révolution opérée par le peuple et qui, précédemment, avaient affirmé et démontré que le populo doit faire ses affaires lui-même. (Noël Godin, Anthologie de la subversion carabinée, 2008) | |||
281 | snobissime | #: Les snobissimes cadres supérieurs de la prestigieuse banque d'affaires, alors au bord du gouffre, toisaient leurs nouveaux propriétaires. (Lyonnais-Agricole, une union acrobatique) | |||
281 | misfuel | #: Misfuelling happens more than 400 times a day.[1] | |||
281 | meltdown | #: Computer engineers were at a loss last night to explain why the Government had been hit by arguably the worst electronic meltdown in the history of Whitehall. [78] | |||
280 | monarchy | #: A constitutional monarchy is a monarchy in which the monarch's power is legally constrained, ranging from where minor concessions have been made to appease certain factions to where the monarch is a figurehead with all real power in the hands of a legislative body. | |||
280 | imago | #: De Nederlandse fotograaf Anton Corbijn heeft een belangrijke invloed gehad op het imago van de band U2.[79] — The Dutch photographer Anton Corbijn has had an important influence upon the image of the band [U2]. | |||
280 | electoral college | #: In Hong Kong, proponents for universal suffrage criticize that the current electoral college responsible for electing the Chief Executive is undemocratic and unrepresentative in nature.
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280 | donkey ears | #: This was a frustrating year for us, anyway, and we were losing to the Tigers, 13-0, in the sixth inning when Aaron Robinson popped one into short left. I dropped the fly, they began to boo; and when I came in I gave them the donkey ears, which hardly seemed adequate. | |||
280 | cyclotomic field | #: A cyclotomic field is the splitting field of the cyclotomic polynomial and consequently is a Galois extension of the field of rational numbers.
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279 | selbri | #: A selbri together with its associated sumti (if any) forms a bridi (“sentence/predication”). A selbri without any sumti is called an observative bridi (“sentence/predication”). | |||
279 | moment of inertia | #: The moment of inertia of a rigid body is a quantity that determines the torque needed for a desired angular acceleration about a given rotational axis, in close analogy to the way mass determines the force needed for a desired acceleration.
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279 | meinbugir | #: Finnask nokkurir þeir menn er þar vita meinbugi á, þá skulu þeir segja til fyrir brúðlaup, segja þeir eigi fyrr til meinbuga en brúðlaup er gört, þá skal engi maðr þeim þar um trúa, nema þeir hafi svá í fjarska verit, at þau tíðendi hafi eigi til þeirra komit. | |||
279 | keyeixapai | #: Kapaipiyapai ipitsi amunaunki. Meyeixapai tumapai ulepe, meyeixapai tumapai usixui pessoalnaun ou. Oukaka Walama akapojatene inyaun wi: "Natu amunaunpei, maka aitsa natu numeiyeixa. Maka Arawi keyeixapai tumapai ulepe, usixui." En, umapai okapojala katahan...[sings] | |||
279 | judicial notice | #: If an attorney were to ask the court to admit into evidence the fact that a party can not have traveled from Chicago to Los Angeles without crossing several state lines, or that July 4, 2000 fell on a Tuesday, the court would likely take judicial notice of the fact. | |||
279 | gastfrei | #: eine gastfreie Aufnahme / Familie (a hospitable reception / family), ein gastfreies Haus führen (to keep a hospitable house), gastfrei aufgenommen werden (to be given a hospitable reception) | |||
278 | uwein | #: Amunaun, kehoto wekeho, akamawiu, punuba opalutsato, itsityapeneme, iyeneme ... opoku miu. Punuba neke yamukunaunpai otain, aitsa neke ityehete. Pa uwein sityapene. Onaama, akamawiu, punuba, kata akama, otain -- nejo kitsimai pa, weke otain yiu, iyene pakojo opoku. | |||
278 | Olympiad | #: Ancient sources variously dated the founding of Rome to the 38th year before the first Olympiad, the third or fourth year of the sixth Olympiad, the first year of the seventh or eighth Olympiad, or the fourth year of the 12th Olympiad.
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278 | gravity drag | #: For GTO missions, the launch vehicle follows a significantly shallower flightpath than for LEO missions, considerably reducing gravity drag at the expense of a significantly increased thermal loading and somewhat greater structural loads and aerodynamic drag.
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278 | boerewors | #: The Boerewors recipe given here is for the basic, original boerewors, with suggestions as to how you can ring the changes. (Afri Chef: Boerewors: Farmers Sausage)
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278 | barbier | #: C'est alors qu'un Sicilien à voix forte entra dans la boutique, crevant cette tranquillité ; que le barbier, tout causant aussitôt, ne rasa plus que d'une main distraite et, d'un franc coup de lame, vlan ! écornifla le bouton. (Gide, Les Caves du Vatican, 1914) | |||
277 | uuta | #: Umejo iyawi, iya kwakwoho onakuwi. Punupa kali, yuutapai ninyu wi? uma pa kai. Ninyu ... Ehn, ninyu apakatapai yiuwi. Nejo kala awatanatapai yeyawa han. Awatanata yeyawa ninyu, muinyakatama. Aitsa yuutapai hyan? uma. Hain? Nejokuma kalano? umakonapai ipitsi. | |||
277 | Hermitian matrix | #: If a Hermitian matrix has a simple spectrum (of eigenvalues) then its eigenvectors are orthogonal.[1]
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277 | disde | #: Populare ĝi ricevas la nomon El Escorial de Arriba (Supra Eskorialo), por distingi ĝin disde la najbara urbeto El Escorial, kiu estas konata kiel El Escorial de Abajo (Malsupra Eskorialo).[80] | |||
277 | custodian | #: | |||
276 | rajaa | #: (Minä) en/ (Sinä) et/ Hän ei/ (Me) emme/ (Te) ette/ He eivät rajaa aihetta. | |||
276 | incandescent | #: Lorsque cette masse incandescente sortit des entrailles de la terre, elle se trouva entourée d'eau et se refroidit rapidement. (Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau, L'Archipel de Chausey, souvenirs d'un Naturaliste, Revue des Deux Mondes, tome 30, 1842) | |||
276 | equivariant | #: is equivariant with respect to : for every in , , where and are actions on different sets of the same group. | |||
276 | depredation | #: Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman had long known that his fragile supply and communication lines through Tennessee were in serious jeopardy because of depredations by Forrest's cavalry raids. (Battle of Brice's Crossroads) | |||
276 | countermeasure | #: We fear that this will be the beginning of a negative development of measures and countermeasures, at the end of which there will be no winner CNN-money, Why President Trump's obsession with German cars is misplaced, Jackie Wattles and Charles Riley, May 31, 2018 | |||
275 | stubbornness | #: What is stubbornness? It is not only refusing to believe a crucial message, but also shunning or at least looking down on those, who stated or believed it in the first place.
Perhaps only when it's found too late for regrets will that person understand. | |||
275 | psycholinguistics | #: Psycholinguistics is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain: i.e., the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, comprehend, produce and use language.
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275 | insurance fraud | #: My mom took an insurance policy for her car, and, in need of money, she secretly blew it up, blaming the event on the gas leak at the gas station. Then she received compensation from the insurance company for the damage. Therefore, she committed insurance fraud. | |||
275 | fee simple subject to executory interest | #: Joe gives Mike an estate in land "so long as no alcohol is brought onto the property, in which case the property will go to Harry"; this creates a fee simple subject to executory limitation- if alcohol is brought onto the property, Harry automatically takes ownership. | |||
274 | voi | #: (Minä) en/ (Sinä) et/ Hän ei/ (Me) emme/ (Te) ette/ He eivät/ voi auttaa. | |||
274 | suspensive | #: Effect of an appeal – In principle, an appeal has a suspensive effect (Art. 51(1) VRP). The term suspensive effect denotes the fact that the legal consequence prescribed by the ruling does not become effective until the conclusion of the appeal procedure. | |||
274 | stroming | #: De stroming in de mantel veroorzaakt de bewegingen van de platen en vulkanisme aan het aardoppervlak.[1] — The flow in the mantle causes the movements of the plates and volcanism on the Earth's surface. | |||
274 | schatten | #: Men schat dat er in West- en Midden-Europa totaal ongeveer 7000 ruigpootuilen zijn.[81] — One estimates that in Western and Central Europe there are a total of approximately 7000 boreal owls. | |||
274 | not on your tintype | #: He got out an enlistment blank, and placing his finger on a blank line said, "Sign here." I answered, "Not on your tintype." "I beg your pardon?" Then I explained to him that I would not sign it without first reading it. — Arthur Guy Empey, "Over the top", 1917 | |||
274 | confederacy | #: The Blackfoot, Iroquois, and Sioux peoples all were governed as confederacies. There were also multi-ethnic confederacies, such as the Iron Confederacy made up of the Plains Cree, Assiniboine, Stoney, and Saulteaux.
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274 | boulevardblad | #: In Nederland heb je op het moment geen echte boulevardbladen zoals in Duitsland of Engeland, maar dat kan natuurlijk veranderen. — In the Netherlands there really aren't at the moment any tabloids such as in Germany or England, but that could change, naturally. | |||
273 | subspecific name | #: In the scientific name of the eastern lowland gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) the subspecific name is graueri, while the subspecies name is Gorilla beringei graueri. The specific name is beringei and the species name is Gorilla beringei. | |||
273 | hot patch | #: Hot patching requires that the operating system be specifically designed or modified to allow running processes - potentially including those forming part of the core of the operating system itself - to be modified on-the-fly without crashing the system.
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273 | duodecade | #: Each Chinese New Year during a "Jupiter return"—when a duodecade has passed and the Chinese zodiac animal of your birth year comes back around—it is expected that you find some red underwear to put on for the special occasion.
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272 | tip out | #: It was my first day on the job, so when I tipped out the bus boy but didn't tip out the bartender, my shift supervisor let me know that bartenders should be tipped out too, and to make sure that my tip outs were at least 5% of my day's total tips. | |||
271 | spell out | #: To avoid crypticness for nonexpert readers, she spelled out the phrase, so that "tips about PrEP in the context of OHS for HCPs" became "tips about preexposure prophylaxis in the context of occupational health and safety for health care professionals".
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271 | nors | #: Als ik door de stad loop, vraag ik me vaak af: waarom zijn alle mensen, zo nors en zo kortaf? — As I walk through the city, I often wonder to myself: why are all the people, so surly and so curt? (KvK – Wakker met een wijsje) | |||
271 | apakata | #: Umejo iyawi, iya kwakwoho onakuwi. Punupa kali, yuutapai ninyu wi? uma pa kai. Ninyu ... Ehn, ninyu apakatapai yiuwi. Nejo kala awatanatapai yeyawa han. Awatanata yeyawa ninyu, muinyakatama. Aitsa yuutapai hyan? uma. Hain? Nejokuma kalano? umakonapai ipitsi. | |||
270 | yeyawa | #: Umejo iyawi, iya kwakwoho onakuwi. Punupa kali, yuutapai ninyu wi? uma pa kai.... Ehn, ninyu apakatapai yiuwi. Nejo kala awatanatapai yeyawa han. Awatanata yeyawa ninyu, muinyakatama. Aitsa yuutapai hyan? uma. Hain? Nejokuma kalano? umakonapai ipitsi. | |||
270 | syntagme | #: Un syntagme est un ensemble de mots formant une seule unité catégorielle et fonctionnelle, constituant une unité sémantique, mais dont chaque constituant, parce que dissociable (contrairement au mot composé), conserve sa signification et sa syntaxe propres. | |||
270 | nob | #: Jack and Jill went up the hill / to fetch a pail of water; / Jack fell down and broke his crown / and Jill came tumbling after. / Up Jack got and home did trot, / as fast as he could caper, / to old Dame Dob / to mend his nob / with vinegar and brown paper. | |||
270 | maharajadhiraja | #: After the Gurkha royal house of Saha (Shah) united Nepal, it raised its title from raja not just to rajadhiraja, as the rulers of the annexed states, but to maharajadhiraja, a status claim corroborated by marital alliances with the noblest Indian dynasties. | |||
270 | B@Cheek Circles | #: 1@Sternum-FingerBack 5@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp-5@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp Claw@NearInsideChesthigh-PalmUp-Claw@NearInsideChesthigh-PalmUp B@Cheek CirclesSurface Y@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp-Y@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp Y@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmUp-Y@InsideTrunkhigh-PalmUp | |||
269 | syzygie | #: Les marées sont assez fortes dans les mers arctiques, […]. Bien des navigateurs qui les ont observées, […], ont vu la mer, à l'époque des syzygies, monter de vingt à vingt-cinq pieds au-dessus du niveau moyen. (Jules Verne, Le Pays des fourrures, 1873) | |||
269 | speaker | ##: Popular culture often incorrectly attributes quotes from the speakers of poems or songs to the authors thereof, as when "I took the one less traveled by" is attributed to Robert Frost rather than to the speaker in Frost's "The Road Not Taken".
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269 | rechten | #: De uitdrukking ‘rechten’ stamt uit het universitair onderwijs in de middeleeuwen toen men aan de juridische faculteiten zowel wereldlijk (vooral Romeins) recht als het canoniek recht kon studeren.[82] | |||
269 | kwijtraken | #: De gebedssnoeren worden gebruikt om de tel niet kwijt te raken bij het reciteren of chanten.[83] — Prayer beads are used in order to not lose count while reciting or chanting. | |||
269 | hyperphysical | #: Yet what becomes quickly discernible is that violence and hyperphysical activity often result in the same kinds of address as the hypercomplex frames of meta-reference. [84] | |||
269 | hedge | #: A hedge is an investment position intended to offset potential losses/gains that may be incurred by a companion investment. In simple language, a hedge is used to reduce any substantial losses/gains suffered by an individual or an organization.
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269 | Boolean logic | #: Boolean logic can be shown to be "embedded" in integer arithmetic (modulo 2) by assigning polynomials to logical connectives, like so: | |||
269 | ⋛ | #: If the function f is differentiable and concave, then f′(x1)⋚f′(x2) as x1⋛x2. That is f′(x1) and f′(x2) have the opposite relation as x1 and x2. | |||
269 | ⋚ | #: If the function f is differentiable and concave, then f′(x1)⋚f′(x2) as x1⋛x2. That is f′(x1) and f′(x2) have the opposite relation as x1 and x2. | |||
268 | precession | #: But as it will not do to talk entirely at random, as Montaigne does, and Ralph Waldo Emerson tries to do, we must take up some little thread or threads. and string our thoughts thereupon, keeping up also a relation among them of precession and succession. | |||
268 | núxwenxw | #: Qwetséts re núxwenxw.[1] - The woman left.
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268 | isiki | #: Au ha wani yiu, mata onutai yiu. Nutai, tirijijiji. Iya okanu wi. Okahiga aantepenejo. Maniu, umapai ipitsi. Hoona! umapai. Akamapai yiu. Oho! Aakataitsueneu. Kata okaho isityiu, otowo isitya. Ma… pohokapai otowo yiu, kehoto... inyataNAKUpai kehoto. | |||
268 | fiber bundle | #: In general, a fiber bundle consists of a set of mutually disjoint fibers “over” a base space, which indexes the fibers; there is a copy of some fiber on top of, or projecting (“canonically”) onto each point of the base space.
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268 | * | ###: His theory of the Proto-Slavic *kъniga being ultimately derived from Chinese, via the middle form *kūinig, reflecting ancient routes of cultural influx from the East, has not gained a firm ground in the Slavicist circles in the last century.
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267 | room meat | #: There is a scene in the film In The Loop where an MP is asked to attend an important meeting. But as he enters the room he is warned, with some menace, to keep his mouth shut tight. "What?", he asks, "You've got me here as room meat?"
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267 | para- | #: paracotylar ((extending) across the cotyle), paraesophageal (across the esophagus), paracloacal (through the cloaca), paracostal (through the ribs), paracerebral (throughout the brain)
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267 | minyulitai | #: "Nana autehene aitsu han, auleinyeintsakula waitsa," umapai... Putakanaku ipitsi umapai... Punubapai fazenda, kata ahapwonatain fazenda, aitsa inyaun wakapai onain, ipitsi umapai. Aitsaha -- minyulitai, putakanaku. Ipitsi umapai. Amaunaun hata ogatakoja. | |||
267 | matronly | #: Gone is her matronly gray frizzy hair and those bushy brows, frumpy frock and old lady pearls. [85] | |||
267 | kif-kif bourricot | #: Il s'agissait de savoir si certain piquet de roses à un corsage ferait mieux posé comme ceci ou posé comme cela : − C'est bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet disait l'une. − C'est kif-kif bourricot appuyait une autre. (Pierre Loti, Les Désenchantées,1906, p. 26). | |||
267 | dingti | #: Àš põ pirtiẽs vakarýkščios võs gýva - nèt nezinaũ kur̃ diñgti. - I was half dead after last night's sauna; I didn't know what to do with myself. | |||
266 | wijden | #: Het Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is gewijd aan het werk van Van Gogh en zijn tijdgenoten.[86] — The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to the work of Van Gogh and his contemporaries. | |||
266 | Schwingen | #: das ursprüngliche Schwingen der Hirten und Älpler (1989)[87] | |||
266 | précurseur | #: Savez-vous ce que je crois? C'est que vous êtes les précurseurs, les premiers appelés, des foules qui se lèveront de partout, de la mine, de l'usine, de la campagne, des taudis, des galetas, redemandant leur ciel dont ils ont soif. (R. Bazin, Blé, 1907) | |||
266 | in kind | #: In the era before the widespread monetization of transactions with currency, barter was the usual form of selling and buying for farmers, and payment of taxes was often in kind; that is, farmers' payment method was most often their produce itself.
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265 | tel | #: De gebedssnoeren worden gebruikt om de tel niet kwijt te raken bij het reciteren of chanten.[88] — Prayer beads are used in order to not lose count while reciting or chanting. | |||
265 | Sydnesian | #: The Sydnesians then went in and scored 97; while in the second innings their adversaries only scored 32, leaving 33 in favor of Sydney with only one innings. (1837) | |||
265 | rondocubisme | #: Après la Première Guerre mondiale, ce mouvement évolue vers le rondocubisme, un « maniérisme » du cubisme en quelque sorte, qui lie aux formes cubistes pures que sont les prismes et les cubes, des formes géométriques plus douces : cylindres et sphères. | |||
265 | rigid | #: The rigid could reach the greatest sizes and speeds of any airship, but was expensive to build and bulky to store. Rigids fell out of favor after the R101 and Hindenburg disasters made the type seem unsafe to the travelling public.
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265 | mass-energy | #: In higher-energy physics, mass and energy eventually become meaningless as individual concepts; a particle's so-called "mass" is actually mass-energy and is often given equivalently in units of either mass (GeV/c2) or energy (GeV).
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265 | gehalte | #: Als het CO2-gehalte in het bloed daalt, spreken we van hypocapnie.[89] — If the CO2 content in the blood falls, we speak of hypocapnia. | |||
265 | Araucanization | #: The Araucanization of the minor Patagonian tribes throughout the colonial era would only be ended by the similar cultural imperialism of the Hispanophones which swept over the Mapuche as well after the 19th century Argentinian and Chilean independence. | |||
264 | uitmonden | #: De Amazone ontspringt in Peru en mondt na 6500 kilometer uit in de Atlantische oceaan.[90] — The Amazon originates from Peru and, after 6500 kilometers, drains into the Atlantic ocean. | |||
264 | socialiser | #: Il n'est ni d'un bon Français, ni même d'un bon Européen, quand les Japonais sont peut-être aux portes de notre Byzance, que des antimilitaristes socialisés discutent gravement sur les vertus cardinales du vers libre. (Marcel Proust, Sodome, 1922) | |||
264 | sentimentas | #: Milijonas rožių lyg sentimentai skęsta jūroje debesų[1] - A million roses like sentiments are drowning in a sea of clouds
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264 | impunctate | #: Beak with segment I subequal to or shorter than II; head smooth, impunctate, shining (big-eyed bugs--University of Florida Featured Creatures) | |||
263 | onthouden | #: Vasten is het zich geheel of gedeeltelijk onthouden van eten of drinken voor een bepaalde periode.[91] — Fasting is the entire or partial abstention from eating or drinking for a certain period. | |||
263 | lecithinate | #: Lecithinated Soy Flour -- Soy flour to which lecithin is added. The lecithin contributes emulsification and pan release properties. It is used in breading, caked foods, and dough mixes., Robert S. Igoe, Dictionary of Food Ingredients, 4th edition, Springer | |||
263 | characteristic polynomial | #: The characteristic polynomial of a matrix M is , where denotes the trace of M and denotes the determinant of M. | |||
263 | bekendheid | #: Morse verwierf bekendheid met zijn portretten en zijn schilderijen van historische gebeurtenissen.[92] — Morse acquired fame through his portraits and his paintings of historical events. | |||
262 | swing for | #: I'll swing for him, when I get out. Katherine Lynch reported in “Minor Matters: Willing to "Swing for Him."”, in Weekly Mail[93], Cardiff, 1908 June 20, page 10 | |||
262 | luginë | #: Vendndodhja gjeografike e Luginës së Preshevës është shumë e përshtatshme edhe pse ajo ndodhet në periferi të Kosovës, pasi ajo shtrihet jo vetëm në pjesën qëndrore të Gadishullit Ballkanik, por përmbledh edhe rrjedhat ujore të Moravës dhe Vardarit. | |||
262 | kortaf | #: Als ik door de stad loop, vraag ik me vaak af: waarom zijn alle mensen, zo nors en zo kortaf? — As I walk through the city, I often wonder to myself: why are all the people, so rude and so abrupt? (KvK – Wakker met een wijsje) | |||
262 | Kilimandzsáró | #: A Kilimandzsáró hava [94] - The Snows of Kilimanjaro (written by Ernest Hemingway) | |||
262 | deduction theorem | #: The deduction theorem reveals the relationship between logical entailment and material implication: it allows to one to "pack" or "record" an inference into a tautology, and conversely, to "unpack" or "play back" a tautology as an inference process. | |||
262 | affine geometry | #: As an alternative to the axiomatic approach, affine geometry can be studied via the properties of affine transformations, which do not, in general, preserve distances or angles, but do preserve alignment of points and parallelism of lines.
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262 | " " | #: Search for "heads or tails" for the exact phrase. If you forget the quotation marks, you'll surely see results with "heads" and "tails" separately.
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261 | roll off | #: In addition to the large decrease in lift caused by the stall itself, further performance degradation can be expected as the airplane rolls off, as the spoilers on the high wing deploy in an attempt to fight the plane's sudden rolling motion.
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261 | qwetsets | #: Tsut m qwetséts newí7s.[1]
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261 | orbīta | #: #: acs dobums jeb orbīta ir veidota no kaula, tajā ieguļ acs ābols, tā saišu un tā palīgmehānismi, asinsvadi un nervi — the eye socket or orbit is made of bone, in it is located the eyeball and its helping mechanisms, blood vessels and nerves | |||
261 | net als | #: De Maan is net als de Aarde een terrestrisch lichaam dat voornamelijk uit silicaten bestaat.[95] The Moon is, just like the Earth, a terrestrial body that predominantly consists of silicates. | |||
261 | Chomsky Normal Form | #: Any ε-free Context Free Grammar can be converted (through an algorithm) into one in Chomsky Normal Form, and there is an algorithm that can parse formulas in the language of such a grammar in polynomial time; it is called the CYK algorithm. | |||
261 | American | #: Roughly two-thirds of Americans default to the General American accent, with other dialects like Southern, AAVE, and Chicano usually being considered lower prestige outside of entertainment and politics.
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261 | adverbial particle | #: The sentence 'He turns on everyone he meets' has very different meanings depending on whether the word 'on' is parsed as a preposition (i.e. turn on as "to attack or criticise suddenly") or as an adverbial particle (i.e. turn on as "arouse").
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260 | interporiferous | #: The poriferous zone at its broadest part is five eighths of the width of the interporiferous area. The interporiferous zone is widest at the margin, and is there a little more than twice the width of the broadest part of the poriferous zone. | |||
260 | higher consciousness | #: But that the self-consciousness may be the modification of a higher form of being, perhaps of a higher consciousness, and this again of a yet higher, and so on in an infinite regressus (Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria,1817, chapter 12) | |||
260 | allow | #: To allow an objection, to find in favour of the objection and forbid the conduct objected to; to allow an appeal, to decide the appeal in favour of the appellant (contrast grant leave to appeal, to permit an appeal to be heard). | |||
259 | viss | #: visi, kas no mātes ir aizgājuši pasaulē laimi meklēt, ir apgājuši pasaulei apkārt un atraduši tikai māti - all those who went away from their mother to look for happiness in the world, went all around the world and found only (their) mother | |||
259 | meltdown | #: Four years have passed since the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, but the grim legacy of the Soviet catastrophe is still unfolding. [96] | |||
259 | medicalization | #: The medicalization of neurodiversity is complex; psychiatric nosology attempts to draw appropriate lines according to functional impairment or distress, but the concept of functional impairment sometimes relies on enculturated requirements.
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258 | verbaasd | #: Wees niet verbaasd dat ik zei dat jullie allemaal opnieuw geboren moeten worden.[97] — Be not surprised that I say that you must be altogether born again. | |||
258 | tarpas | #: Kolektỹvas yrà ãtviras priim̃ti į̇̃ sàvo tárpą naujùs specialistùs - The collective are ready to accept new experts into their team. | |||
258 | ket | #: A particular ket, say , might be represented by a particular column vector. Its corresponding bra, , would then be represented by the row vector which is the transpose conjugate of that column vector. | |||
258 | kahalauaola | #: Kahalauaola Majakopulu Hawaiappapa Noakoamuna Pulauapo Likiasala Wapomakii Opuappa Umpaula Oui. (Translation: "The tooth of the great white shark which broke off and fell in the ocean to become this little dry fishing island where nobody lives.) | |||
258 | fairy circle | #: Common in the arid grasslands of the Namib desert, particularly in Namibia, fairy circles were at first thought unique to that region; however, similar rings have been observed in a part of the Pilbara in Western Australia.
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258 | cruise-climb | #: For a transatlantic crossing, the Concorde would be assigned a ~15,000-foot block of altitude; it started out at flight level 450 and gradually cruise-climbed up to between FL570 and FL600 over the mid-Atlantic before beginning to descend.
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257 | yellow cab | #: Despite its ubiquity in 1990s Japanese culture, one telephone survey of 200 people conducted in the New York area did not find a single individual familiar with the use of the term "yellow cab" in reference to Japanese or Asian women.
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257 | ruiken | #: Het is net alsof ik ruik / Dat de bloemen alweer bloeien / En de zon weer altijd brandt — It is just as if I smell / That the flowers are blooming again / And the sun be again always burning. (KvK - Zomer in mijn kop) | |||
257 | rapacité | #: Notre économie est fortement affaiblie, conséquence de la rapacité et de l'irresponsabilité dont ont fait preuve certains, à cause également de notre incapacité collective à faire des choix difficiles et à préparer la nation à une nouvelle ère. | |||
257 | pseudostrabismus | #: Pseudostrabimus generally occurs in infants and toddlers whose facial features are not fully developed. The bridge of their nose is wide and flat. With age, the bridge will narrow and the epicanthal folds in the corner of the eyes will go away. | |||
257 | pleopod | #: In decapods such as lobsters, pleopods are legs mainly used for swimming but sometimes used for brooding eggs or catching food. In some species certain pleopods of an animal may have been adapted to special functions such as reproduction. | |||
257 | Hayashi limit | #: When a star is fully within hydrostatic equilibrium—a condition where the inward force of gravity is matched by the outward pressure of the gas—the star can not exceed the radius defined by the Hayashi limit.[Wikipedia]
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257 | Gundaroo bullock | #: In the 1890s Gundaroo Bullock was the name given to baked koala, — Bill Beatty, Tales of Old Australia, National Distributors, →ISBN, page 14 | |||
257 | baratte | #: Ils ne faisaient plus de fromage, se contentant de mettre la baratte à beurre sous la fontaine, où elle tournait toute seule par le moyen d'un chéneau de bois d'où l'eau tombait sur la roue à palettes. (Ramuz, Aimé Pache, peintre vaudois, 1911) | |||
257 | bacne | #: Bacne seems to be suffered more by men than by women, though women do have outbreaks of acne on their backs as well. - Acne Resource Center | |||
257 | aminya | #: Aminya ya pamapitsaitsapai, uma ipitsi... Maka minya pamapitsaitse, aitsa wa ha... Katepe pamapitsaitsa, aminya wa han. Aitsa pawojo pamapitsaitsapai. Kalahan, akain ta-ka-pai yeetsopou, akain taka yeetsopou, punupa pikityeko-je-eu. | |||
256 | specific | #: Any improvement in secondary sciatica is probably due to the analgesic action of the sodium salicylate, but in primary sciatica, in all likelihood “rheumatic,” the effect of the sodium salicylate appears to be specific rather than symptomatic. | |||
256 | space-filling curve | #: From space-filling curves it can be deduced that and have the same cardinality as . | |||
256 | off-note | #: In one off-note moment, Mr. Romney talked earlier this month at an event in New Hampshire about an affinity for firing people, just as his campaign was facing attacks that Mr. Romney laid off workers while leading investment firm Bain Capital. | |||
256 | foredraft | #: The freight, after passing through Brick Station, would switch onto a trunk line and skirt the yards on its way north to Chicago. He listened intently, and picked up the foredraft of its cattle cars. — C.K. Robin, Judas Goat: A Fable | |||
256 | Europhobic | #: “Are they going to be Euroskeptic or Europhobic?”, politico.eu, Populist plan for 2019 election puts EU in crosshairs, The next European Parliament could well have more Euroskeptic voices. But can they work together? Maïa de La Baume, 6/4/2018 | |||
255 | veroveren | #: In 1658 werd Jaffna op de Portugezen veroverd door de Nederlander Rijklof van Goens.[98] — In 1658 Jaffna was conquered from the Portuguese by the Netherlander Rijklof van Goens. | |||
255 | červinka | #: Eva Hradecká, Václav Řehout, Karel Košvanec, Lenka Vašátková: STUDIUM VLASTNOSTÍ SKOTU S GENOTYPEM ČESKÁ ČERVINKA - THE STUDY OF CZECH RED CATTLE TRAITS ([99]) | |||
255 | bonsaïfiable | #: Ses longs rameaux souples font du genévrier de [C]hine une plante bonsaïfiable qui peut également être planté[e] en massif ou en bac afin d'embellir votre terrasse. https://www.amazon.fr/Gen%C3%A9vrier-Chine-Blue-Alps-Art-Garden/dp/B07K46WZF4 | |||
254 | priapisme | #: Priapisme adalah kondisi medis yang menyakitkan dan berpotensi bahaya karena penis berereksi dan tidak dapat kembali kepada keadaannya yang semula dalam waktu di bawah empat jam, walaupun rangsangan fisik atau psikologis sudah diberikan. | |||
252 | praire | #: Sur certains points les plus fréquentés de Marseille, on étale les coquillages les plus savoureux, les plus appétissants : les moules, les clovisses, les oursins, les praires, les huîtres. (in Journal officiel, 4 juin 1873) | |||
252 | pionnier | #: Toute la tranchée connaît à présent la nouvelle (...). Il paraît que les pionniers vont venir cette nuit, pour préparer les escaliers d'attaque. On doit installer des petits canons de 37 et des lance-bombes. (Dorgelès, Croix de bois, 1919) | |||
252 | overhead | #: Network overhead is the header data that is required to route and transport data over the network, whereas fork overhead is the additional time and memory cost of creating and managing new processes within the operating system.
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252 | oikeudenomistaja | #: Mallin ei katsota tulleen julkiseksi 2 §:ssä tarkoitetulla tavalla, jos malli, jolle haetaan rekisteröintiä, on 12 kuukauden aikana ennen rekisteröintihakemuksen tekemispäivää tai etuoikeutta vaadittaessa ennen etuoikeuspäivää tullut julkiseksi: | |||
252 | nākamība | #: Liepāja: kāda tu esi šodien, kāda būsi rīt?... ko tu no savas bagātās pagātnes paņemsi līdzi nākamībā? — Liepāja: what are you like now, what will you be like tomorrow?... what will you take along from your rich past into the future? | |||
252 | contemplate one's navel | #: People keep coming to me for advice that they go on to ignore, so I've decided to stop wasting effort on ingrates and instead dedicate more time to contemplating my navel and my many other attractive features and admirable qualities.
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252 | commentize | #: We ended up commentizing the explanatory blurbs to serve a target audience that probably wouldn't need them. They are retained within the source so that they can be easily toggled back to life as needed in future for wider audiences.
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251 | Warsaw Uprising | #: For Poles, the Warsaw Uprising is one of the several exceptionally painful tragedies that indelibly stamp Poland’s struggle for survival from its extinction from Europe’s political map in the Third Partition of 1795 to its independence in 1989. | |||
251 | touring | #: If you are not using a touring-specific bike and you have large feet, you could have problems with your heels striking your rear panniers. This is one of the very reasons why a touring bike has long chainstays (435mm minimum).
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251 | regulation | *: Section 3 of the Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation (Cap. 241, sub. leg. K) prohibits using face covering during assemblies and demonstrations, whether they are lawful or not.
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251 | björntjänst | #: I alla händelser är det uppenbart, att man gör de människor som nu tillhöra jordbruksbefolkningen samt deras barn en björntjänst genom att tvinga dem att förbli jordbruksbefolkning, om de kunna få bättre villkor i andra sysselsättningar. |