Appendix:Stable lexical roots in Proto-Uralic

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This appendix lists selected stable lexical roots in Proto-Uralic.



Approximately 500 Uralic lemmas can be reconstructed.[1]

The reconstructed vocabulary is compatible with a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer culture and a north Eurasian landscape (spruce, Siberian pine, and various other species found in the Siberian taiga), and contains interesting hints on kinship structure. On the other hand, agricultural terms cannot be reconstructed for Proto-Uralic. Words for ‘sheep’, ‘wheat / barley’ and ‘flour’ are phonologically irregular within Uralic and all have limited distribution. In addition, the word for ‘metal’ or ‘copper’ is actually a Wanderwort (cf. North Saami veaiki, Finnish vaski ‘copper, bronze’, Hungarian vas, and Nganasan basa ‘iron’).[1]

Examples of vocabulary correspondences between the modern Uralic languages are provided in the list of comparisons at the Finnish Wikipedia.

A list of Proto-Uralic reconstructions by Ante Aikio (2021) is provided below.[1]


UED no. English gloss Proto-Uralic Finnish reflex
663 ‘head’ *ojwa oiva
964 ‘eye’ *śilmä silmä
23 ‘hair on the head’ *i̮pti hapsi
280 ‘tongue’ *käli kieli
769 ‘tooth’ *piŋi pii
309 ‘nail’ *künči kynsi
277 ‘skin’ *keti kesi (archaic)
519 ‘liver’ *mi̮ksa maksa
972 ‘gut’ *śali suoli
1152 ‘blood’ *weri veri
132 ‘live’ *elä- elää
339 ‘die’ *kali- kuole-
‘shiver’ *tarki- ? > tarkene-
‘be sick or exhausted’ *poči- pote-
430 ‘cough’ *kusi- -
408 ‘urinate’ *kuńśi- kuse-
590 ‘see’ *näki- näke-
386 ‘hear’ *kuwli- kuule-
151 ‘smell’ *ipsä- -
1077 ‘know’ *tumti- tunte-
739 ‘be afraid’ *peli- pelkää-
893 ‘eat’ *sewi- syö-
818 ‘bite’ *puri- pure-
909 ‘chew’ *soski- -
1247 ‘gnaw’ *jürä- jyrsi-
195 ‘drink’ *ji̮xi- / *juxi- juo-
148 ‘suck’ *ńimi- ime-
633 ‘lick’ *ńali- nuole-
619 ‘swallow’ *ńäli- niele-
695 ‘eat up’ *pala- pala
‘devour, eat voraciously’ *appa- appa-
830 ‘blow’ *puwa- -
965 ‘spit’ *śülki- sylki
1074 ‘come’ *tuli- tule-
563 ‘go’ *meni- mene-
464 ‘leave, go out’ *läkti- lähte-
1110 ‘come down’ *wi̮lka- valka- (dialectal), > valkama
1088 ‘swim’ *uji- ui-
1148 ‘take, transport’ *wixi- vie-
1061 ‘bring’ *toxi- tuo-
237 ‘carry’ *kanta- kanta-
221 ‘leave (transitive)’ *kaďa- katoa-
703 ‘put’ *pi̮ni- pane-
701 ‘open’ *panča- -
1447 ‘pull out’ *ńükä- nyhtä-
‘beat’ *peksä- pieksä-, piekse-
799 ‘wring, squeeze’ *puśa- puserta-
568 ‘wash’ *mośki- -
197 ‘speak, tell’ *jupta- juttele-; juttu
212 ‘give as a gift’ *kaśa- -
‘set up a camp’ *̮iśiw- asu-
1290 ‘tuck (a child) in the cradle’ *kätki- kätkyt
715 ‘day / warmth’ *päjwä päivä
130 ‘night’ *eji
330 ‘sun / dawn’ *kaja koi
899 ‘autumn’ *sükiśi syksy
1037 ‘winter’ *tälwä talvi
662 ‘year’ *i̮di vuosi
1142 ‘water’ *weti vesi
496 ‘snow’ *lumi lumi
171 ‘ice’ *jäŋi jää
322 ‘stone’ *kiwi kivi
1070 ‘lake’ *tuwi -
172 ‘bog’ *jäŋkä -
‘lowland’ *li̮nti lansi (dialectal)
514 ‘dew’ *lupsa -
310 ‘fog’ *künti -
- ‘rain’ *śada- sade
819 ‘snowstorm’ *purki purku (dialectal)
429 spruce *kowsi kuusi
122 bird-cherry *ďi̮mi tuomi
903 Siberian pine, Pinus sibirica *si̮ksa -
228 ‘fish’ *kala kala
379 ‘spawn’ *kuďi- kute-
958 ‘scales, fish skin’ *śi̮mi suomu
753 ‘nest’ *pesä pesä
561 ‘egg’ *muna muna
1075 ‘feather’ *tulka ?? sulka
946 osprey *śäkśi sääksi
969 goldeneye *śodka sotka
245 ‘crane’ *kurki / *ki̮rki kurki
497 ‘goose’ *lunta lintu
184 eagle owl *epik(i) hyypiö
black-throated loon *ti̮ktV / *tuktV -
636 ‘hare’ *ńoma(-la) -
645 marten / sable *ńukiś(i) nois (dialectal)
677 ‘squirrel’ *ora(-pa) orava
962 ‘hedgehog’ *śijil(i) -
1006 ‘mouse’ *šiŋir(i) hiiri
883 roach / ruffe *särki särki
886 ide *säwni / *sewni säynäs
1068 tench *totki totki (dialectal)
302 ‘snake’ *küji kyy
1035 ‘louse’ *täji täi
134 ‘mother’ *emä / *ämä emä
60 ‘uncle / paternal uncle / maternal uncle’ *čečä setä
368 ‘maternal aunt / grandmother’ *koska -
131 ‘father / paternal uncle / grandfather’ *ekä -
14 ‘mother-in-law’ *i̮na anoppi
21 ‘father-in-law’ *i̮ppi appi
544 ‘daughter-in-law’ *mińä miniä
1133 ‘son-in-law’ *wäŋiw vävy
‘sister-in-law’ *ańi -
263 ‘sister- or brother-in-law’ *käliw käly
587 ‘sister- or brother-in-law’ *nataw nato (archaic)
871 ‘steal’ *sala- salaa-
1652 ‘quarrel, fight’ *tora tora, ? torju-
1597 ‘warfare’ *śoďa sota
1073 ‘fire’ *tuli tuli
961 ‘charcoal’ *śüďi sysi
‘smolder’ *küči- kyte-
‘go out (of fire)’ *kupsa- -
‘cook’ *peji- -
‘roast on a spit’ *japśi- / *jepśi- -
474 ‘broth, soup’ *lämi liemi
190 ‘bow’ *j̮iŋsi / *joŋsi jousi
169 ‘bowstring’ *jänti(ŋi) jänne
622 ‘arrow’ *ńi̮li nuoli
482 ‘shoot’ *lewi- lyö-
37 ‘needle’ *äjmä äimä
817 ‘drill’ *pura pura
123 ‘glue’ *ďimä tymä
710 ‘clay pot’ *pata pata
‘skis’ *suksi suksi
911 ‘row’ *suxi- souta-
‘seat in a boat’ *tukta tuhto
‘fish with a net’ *kala- > kalin
‘fish with a dragnet’ *kulta- kulta- (dialectal)
1155 ‘fish weir’ *pado pato
145 ‘1’ *ükti / *äkti yksi
227 ‘2’ *kVkta / *kVktä kaksi
341 ‘3’ *kolmi / *kulmi / *kurmi kolme
620 ‘4’ *neljä neljä
1154 ‘5’ *wij(i)t(t)i viisi
433 ‘6’ *kuw(V)t(t)i kuusi
1588 ‘7’ *śäjśimä / *śä(j)ććimä seitsemän
576 1SG ? *mi(-)nä minä
1083 2SG ? *ti(-)nä sinä
59 3SG ? *sV- (*sä-?) se
577 1PL ? *me me
1084 2PL ? *te te
919 3PL ? *se hän, he
1034 proximal demonstrative *tä- tämä
1058 distal demonstrative ? *to- / ? *tu- tuo
581 ‘what’ *mi- mikä
372 ‘who’ *ke- ke-
general content interrogative *ku- ku-
1173 ‘new’ *wuďi uusi
316 ‘thick’ *küsi -
759 ‘long / high’ *pid-kä pitkä
‘tame’ *i̮ńa
‘space on or above’ *üli- ylä-
‘on’ **ül-nä (LOC) yllä
‘off (from)’ **ül-tä (ABL) yltä
‘onto’ **üli-ŋ (LAT) ? ylle
‘space under or below’ *i̮la- ala-
‘space in front of’ *edi- esi-
‘space behind (on the other side of)’ *taka- taka
‘space near or opposite to’ *läši- lähi-
‘space behind (one’s back)’ *müŋä- > myöhä, myös, myötä
‘end’ *peŋä pää
‘earth’ *mi̮xi maa
‘base’ *tüŋi tyvi
‘back (body part)’ *muka > mukaan
proprietive adjective suffix *-ŋa -va
proprietive adjective suffix *-ji -
caritive adjective suffix *-ktAmA -ton

See also



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Luobbal Sámmol Sámmol Ánte (Ante Aikio): Proto-Uralic. — To appear in: Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Johanna Laakso & Elena Skribnik (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages. Oxford University Press.
Vocabulary lists of North Eurasian languages

European • Balkan • Hurro-Urartian • Hattic • Sumerian (Swadesh) • Elamite • Etruscan • Burushaski • Ural-Altaic • Paleosiberian • p-Japanese • p-Ainu • p-Nivkh • p-Chukotko-Kamchatkan • p-Yukaghir • p-Yeniseian


Caucasian • p-Northwest Caucasian • p-Nakh-Daghestanian • p-Kartvelian


p-Uralic (stable roots) • Finnic • Saami • Mordvinic • Mari • Permic • Ugric • Samoyedic

"Altaic" linguistic area

"Altaic" • "p-Altaic" • Turkic • Mongolic • Common Mongolic • Khitan • Taghbach


Germanic • Celtic • Romance • Baltic • East Slavic • West Slavic • South Slavic