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Appendix:Etruscan word list

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The Etruscan word list below is largely from Bonfante (2002).[1]

(Note: <c> and <e> are printed very similarly in the original text, so doublecheck <c> and <e> below.)


Etruscan Meaning
ac- (acnanasa) make, offer, work
acale (aclus) June
acazrce, acasce made
acil work, thing made; it is necessary
afer, afr parents, ancestors[2]
ais, eis god (aisar, eisar = gods)
aisine sacrifice (Umbrian esono)
aisiu, aisna, eisna divine, of the gods
al- give, offer (alpan)
alpan, alpnu gift, offering; gladly (Latin libens, Greek chaire)
alphaze offering, probably specifically of barley-meal
alumnathe loc., place [of congregation?]
alumnathuras group of alumna disciples (of Bacchus and Catha?): thur, coll.
am- to be
ampiles May
an (ana, ane, anc, ancn, ananc) he, she, this, that, rel. pronoun
apa father
apana related to the father, paternal
aper funerary sacrifice? (Latin parentare)
aprinthvale priest? (apa?)
Arnth proper name (inasc.)
ar- make, carry out[3]
ars- push away ?
aska name of vase (Greek askos)
aterś, aturs, atrs, atrus descendant
athre building (Latin atrium?)
athumi nobility?
ati mother
ativu dear mother
ati nacna grandmother
avil year
Avile, Avle, Aule Aulus
-c and (enclitic) (Latin -que)
ca, ta, cen, cn, eca, ek, tn, itun (emphatic) this (cehen, etc.)
Cae, Cai Caius, Gaius
cal dog? [4] cf. Umbrian katel- 'dog, puppy'
calthi, celthi, clthi here, in this place (locative)
camthi name of magistracy
cana, kana, kanna gift (agalma), or image, work of art? (gloss: Hesychius II.I541, chana: kosmesis ‘adornment’)
canth-, canthce to be, can? acted as a camth(i)
cape, capi vase, container
capra urn, container
*capre April
*capu falcon (Greek kapys)
car-, cer- make, build
cecha ceremony (right, law): zilch
cechancri title (zilch iure dicundo) (or: Latin supra, ‘older’, ‘above’)
cechase name of magistracy
cehen this one here
ceithurna ?
cel earth, land
celtinei region
cela room (Latin cella)
celi September
celti, cel(tinci) on the land, locative (cel)
celu priestly title
cen- make, place
cenu pass. with ablative of agent (Agostiniani)
cerichunce, cerchunce made (see cerine sacred place, building?)
ces- to place, be placed, lie
cezp eight?
cezpalch eighty?
cezpz eight times?
ci three
cialch-, cealch- thirty
cilth people, nation; fortress, citadel
ciz three times
clan, clenar (plural) son
clanti, clanthi adoptive(?) son
clautiethurasi family of the Claudii
cletram basin, basket, cart for offerings (Umbrian kletra)
cleva offering
Clevsin- Chiusi
Cneve Cnaeus
crapsti name or epithet of divinity (Umbrian Grabovius?)
creal magistracy?
creice Greek
culichna, chulichna vase, ‘little kylix’ (Greek kylix)
culseva doors, gates
cupe cup (Greek kúpe?; Latin cupa)
cver gift, offering (Colonna = alpan)
cvil gift, offering; Thana-cvil, ‘gift of Thana’
chim, chia pronoun
*Chosfer October (gloss)
chulichna see culichna
eleiva oil
eleivana of oil: aska eleivana (Greek elaion)
eliun of oil?
enac, enach then, afterwards
enaś genitive of an/in
epi, pi, pul in, to, up to, until
eprus ? (noun)
ermius August
etera, eteri foreigner; client (peregrinus, metoikos)
eth, et thus, in this way (adverb)
etnam and, also, again, thus
*falatu (gloss, falado) sky
fan- to consecrate?
fanu verb, passive, with ablative of agent (Agostiniani)
farthan, farthn- generate; deity
faśe, faśei bread? (Umbrian farsiu?), or oil?
faśle oil [5]
favi grave, temple vault (Latin fauissa?)
fler offering, sacrifice
fler-, flerthrce to offer, sacrifice, satisfy
flerchva ceremony, sacrifice
flere divinity, god
flereś statue
frontac interpreter of lightning; see trutnuth (Greek bronte?)
Fufluna, Pupluna Populonia (Latin populus? cf. Fufluns, ‘city of Dionysos’)
*fulum ?
fulumchva full of, provided with fulum
hanipaluscle for (or against?) Hannibal
halch- vase [6]
hath to be favourable (hathrthi = be favourable)
hec-, hech- put, place, add
hel, hels own, proper
heramaśva, herme, herma, hermeri, hermaier statue? (Greek Hermes, herm?)
Hercle Herakles, Hercules
*hermi- (gloss, Ermius) August
hermu Hermes?
hinth, hinthi, hinthia below
hinthial soul, ghost, of the Underworld (genitive of hinthi)
hus-, husiur, husur (plural) children (Latin liberi)
husrnana epithet of Maris, ‘The Youthful, Young’
huth six (four?)
huthz six times (four?)
huzrnatre, *husurnatra college of youths (Latin iuuentus)
ic, ich, ichnac as
ilu- verb of offering or prayer
ipa relative pronoun, which, where
ipe ipa whoever, whatever
*ister actor (gloss: Latin histrio)
*itu- (gloss: itus or ituare) to divide?
kana, kanna gift (see cana)
laive left
Larce proper name (masc.)
L(a)ris, Larth Lars, proper name
larnas vase (Greek larnax)
Larthi, Larthia proper name (feminine)
lauch-, luc- to rule, be in charge
lauchum(e) king (Latin lucumo)
lauchumna ‘belonging to a lucumo’, of a palace
lautni ‘of the family’, freedman
lautnitha, lautnita freedwoman
lautun, lautn family, gens
*lechtum name of vase (Greek lekythos)
lechtumuza little lekythos (diminutive)
lein- to die?
Lepr(i)na epithet of Culsu
leu lion
luc- see lauch-
lucair to act as lauchum
lucumo to rule
lucairce to be rex sacrorum
lup-, lupu to die
luth stone? temple?
mach five
macstrev name of magistracy
macstrna proper name (Latin magister?)
mal- to look, watch, guard, oversee
malena, malana, malstria mirror
Mamarce, Mamerce Mamercus; cf. Oscan Mamers, ‘Mars’
man, mani the dead (Latin Manes)
manin- to offer to the Manes?
Marce Marcus (Latin maro?; Umbrian maron-)
masan, masn name of month: December
math honey, honeyed wine (from Indo-European: Greek methu, English mead)
mech people, league, district
melicraticce honey and wine
men- make, offer (menache)
methlum district, people, nation, territory
methlumth, methlumt methlum, locative
mlach, mlac beautiful
mlamna ?
mlusna one who sacrifices, dedicates
mnathuras ?
mul- to offer, dedicate as an ex-voto
mun-, muni underground place, tomb
mur- stay, reside (murce)
*mutuka thyme
namphe, hamphe right
naper surface measure
neftś, nefś, nefiś nephew, grandson (Latin nepos)
nesna belonging to the dead?
nethśrac haruspicina
netśvis haruspex
nun-, nunth bring, involve, offer
nuna offering?
nurph- nine?
nurphzi nine times?
nuthanatur group who does nuth
pachathur Bacchante, maenad (Pacha)
pachic-, pachana Bacchic (Pacha)
pacusnaśic Bacchic, Dionysiac (Pacha)
panalos ?
papa grandfather
papals, papacs of the grandfather: grandson
parnich magistracy or priesthood
Partuna proper name
patna name of vase (Greek patane, Latin patina?)
pava boy, youth (proto-Greek *pawo- > Gk. pais 'child')
penthuna, penthna cippus, stone?
Perse Perseus
pes land? (pes spante)
pi for (enclitic); pen, pul, epl, prepositions
prinisera ?
pruch, pruchum jug (Greek prochous)
prumathś, prumts great-grandson
psl ?
puia wife
Pule, Pules proper name (masculine)
Pulena proper name
pulumchva stars?
Pupluna see Fufluna
purth, purthne, purtśvana name of magistrate or magistracy: dictator?
put-, puth- vase, pot, vessel, well? (Greek potos, Latin puteus, puteal?), diminutive putnza, putlimza
Phersu mask, masked person, actor (Latin persona)
qutun, qutum name of vase (Greek kothon)
Ramutha, Ramtha proper name (feminine)
ranvis ? (ranu = vase: Devoto)
rasna people; Etruscan, of Etruria (Rasenna)
ratum, ratm according to law, ritual (rite?); also?
Ravnthu proper name (feminine)
repinthi bend, incline?
restm, *rastum land (cultivated?)
ril at the age of ... (years) (Latin natus)
rumach Roman
ruthcva? ?
ruva brother
sa- self [7][8]
sac- carrying out a sacred act
sacni holy, consecrated, sacnicla
sacnicleri, accusative plural sanctuary
sal- make, carry out: salt, salth
san- deceased?
sanisva bones?
sarsnach tenth
sarsnau group of ten (decuria)
sath-, śat- put, establish, be put?
sc-, scu-, scune give, place, offer; or leave, dismiss
śealch forty
sec, sech daughter
sel- ?
semph seven?
semphalch seventy?
Sethra proper name (feminine)
Sethre proper name (masculine)
snenath maid, companion, ancilla (feminine)
span-, spanti- dish; plain, fields
sparza ? (diminutive)
spurana, spureni in the territory of (having to do with) the city
Spuria Spuria, proper name
Spurie Spurius, proper name
sren ornament, figure, image
srencve decorated with figures?
sul liquid used in sacrifices (Pfiffig)
suntheruza little container?
*suplu flutist (Latin subulo)
śuth-, sut- to stay, place?
śuthi seat, tomb
śuthina having to do with the grave, sepulchral gift
suthiu is placed
suthiusve property?
suthivenas ?
sval- alive; to live
sve likewise
sveleri living creature?
ta, tal, tl, tei this
talitha girl
tamera name of magistracy
tarchianes ?
Tarchnalthi at Tarquinia (locative)
Tarchun Tarchon
Tarsminaś Trasimenc (lake)
te- (tece) to place, put
ten-, tn-, -ta to act as magistrate
tenatha ?
tenthur ?
teras prodigy? (Greek teras?)
tes-, tesam- to care for
tesinth caretaker
teta grandmother
tevarath on-looker, judge at the games, umpire (tev)
tin- day: Tina, Tin, Tinia = Jupiter, Zeus, god of daylight
Tire Titus
tiu, tivr, tiur moon, month (tius, genitive?)
tmia place, sacred building, temple?
-tnam see etnam
*traneus month, July
trin- to plead, supplicate, speak
*triumpe triumph (Greek thriambos)
Truia Troy?
Truials Trojan
truth, trut libation, sacred action
truthur omens, or type of priest[9]
trutnuth, trutnvt priest (fulguriator)
tul stone
tular, tularu boundaries (plural of tul)
tur- to give
turza offering
tus funerary niche
tusurthir married couples (‘in the double urn’?)
tuthi, tuti- community, state (Umbrian tota?)
tuthin, tuthina- of the state, public
tham-, them- to build, found (thamuce, themiase)
Thanachvil, Thancvil Tanaquil (Thana + cvil, ‘gift of Thana’)
thapna, thafna vase (for offerings?)
thar there
thaurch funerary
thaure, thaura tomb
Thefarie Tiberius
thesan morning, dawn
thevru bull (Latin taurus)
thez- to make an offering
thi noun water
thi pronoun, -thi, locative, suffix of offering, e.g. Unialthi
thina vase, crater (Latin tina, Greek dinos; or, more likely, from thi 'water')
thra milk? (or thras = drank?)
thu one
thucte name of month (August?)
thui here, now
thuni at first
thunina the first
thunur one at a time
thunśna first
thunz once
-thur belonging to the group (suffix)
thutuithi in the middle of the people, (for) the state
ulpaia vase for wine (Greek olpe)
un, une (dative), unu (plural) you
urthan, urthanike to make, cause to be
us-, useti scoop, ladle, draw (water)
usil sun (Sabine ausel)
uslane at noon (usil)
ut- (utuse) carry out, perform, give
vacal, vacil, vacl libation?
val look, see
Varchti locative of Varch (vacal)
varchti cerine sacred place
Vel proper name (masculine)
Velathri Volterra
*velcitna (Velcitanus) March
Velthur proper name (masculine)
Velzna- Volsinii
vers- fire (or ladle?)
Vipiiennas Vibenna
vina vineyard
vinum, vinm wine (Latin uinum)
zacinat ?
zamachi, zamth gold?
zar (śa) four
zathrum twenty (Latin bini)
zeri rite, legal action?
zic-, zich- to write, incise
zic, zich book, writing, document, inscription
zichu writer, scribe
zil- to rule, to hold office
zilach, zilath, zilc a magistrate (Latin praetor)
zinace made
zinaku was made
ziva the dead, deceased < "having lived"
zusle sacrifice, specifically boar or pig(let)? [10]

Selected vocabulary




Names of cities:

Modern Italian Etruscan Latin
Arezzo Aret- (?) Arrētium
Bologna Felsina Bonōnia
Bolsena (Orvieto?) Velzna- Volsiniī
Capua Capua, Capeva Capua
Cerveteri (Caere Vetus, ‘ancient Caere’) Chaire, Chaisric, Cisra Caere, then Caere Vetus (Greek Agylla)
Cesena Ceisna Caesēna
Chiusi Clevsin Clusium, Camars
Cortona Curtun Cortōna
Fiesole Vi(p)sul Faesulae
Ischia Inarime (?) Pitecusa (Greek Pithekoussai)
Magliano Hepa (?) Heba
Mantova, Mantua Manthva Mantua
Marzabotto Kainua[11]
Modena Mutina Mutina
Perugia Per(u)sna Perusia
(Poggio Buco) Statna (?) Statōnia
Populonia Pupluna, Fufluna Populōnia
Ravenna Rav(e)na (?) Ravenna
Rimini Arimna Ariminum
Roma Ruma Rōma
Siena Saena (?), Sena Saena
Sovana Sveama-, Suana Suana
Sutri Sutliri Sutrium
Tarquinia Tarch(u)na Tarquiniī
Talamone Tlamu Telamōn
Todi (tular) Tuder
Tuscania Tusc(a)na Tuscana
Veio, Veii Veia Veiī
Vetulonia Vatluna, Vetluna Vetulōnia
Viterbo? Sur(i)na Surriīna
Volterra Velathri Volaterrae
Vulci Velch, Velc(a)l- Vulcī


Month Etruscan
January ?
February ?
March Velcitanus (*velcitna)
April Cabreas (*capre); Apresa
May Ampiles or Amphiles
June- Aclus (acale)
July ?
August Ermius
September Caelius or Celius (celi)
October Chosfer
November Capeni ?
December ?


Meaning Etruscan
father apa
mother ati
son clan
daughter sech
wife puia
brother ruva
parents, ancestors afer[12]


Meaning Etruscan
Zeus, Jupiter Tina, Tinia
king lucumō
god, divine ais, eis, aisar (plural)


Numeral English Etruscan
1 one thu
2 two zal
3 three ci
4 four (or 6?) śa
5 five mach
6 six (or 4?) huth
10 ten śar
20 twenty zathrum
30 thirty cialch
50 fifty muvalch

See also



  1. ^ Bonfante, Giuliano; Bonfante, Larissa (2002). The Etruscan Language: an Introduction. Manchester: University of Manchester Press. →ISBN.
  2. ^ Van Der Meer, Bouke "The Lead Plaque of Magliano," in: Interpretando l'antico. Scritti di archeologia offerti a Maria Bonghi Jovino. Milano 2013 (Quaderni di Acme 134) pp. 323-341 (327)
  3. ^ Van Der Meer, Bouke "The Lead Plaque of Magliano," in: Interpretando l'antico. Scritti di archeologia offerti a Maria Bonghi Jovino. Milano 2013 (Quaderni di Acme 134) pp. 323-341 (327)
  4. ^ Bouke Van Der Meer "Some comments on the Tabula Capuana", in: Studi Etruschi 77, 2014 [2015], 149-175. p. 163
  5. ^ Beckwith, Miles (2008) "Review of L.B. van der Meer, Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis," Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan Studies: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 4. p. 4. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1005&context=rasenna
  6. ^ Bouke Van Der Meer "Some comments on the Tabula Capuana", in: Studi Etruschi 77, 2014 [2015], 149-175. p. 166
  7. ^ K. Wylin, "Un morfema agentivo etrusco", in AGI 89, 2004, pp. 111-125
  8. ^ van der Meer, B. "The Lead Plaque of Magliano" in: Interpretando l'antico. Scritti di archeologia offerti a Maria Bonghi Jovino. Milano 2013 (Quaderni di Acme 134) p. 335
  9. ^ Bouke Van Der Meer "Some comments on the Tabula Capuana", in: Studi Etruschi 77, 2014 [2015], 149-175. p. 137
  10. ^ Bouke Van Der Meer "Some comments on the Tabula Capuana", in: Studi Etruschi 77, 2014 [2015], 149-175. p. 163
  11. ^ Govi, Elisabetta (2023). Kainua (Marzabotto). Austin: University of Texas Press. →ISBN.
  12. ^ Van Der Meer, Bouke "The Lead Plaque of Magliano," in: Interpretando l'antico. Scritti di archeologia offerti a Maria Bonghi Jovino. Milano 2013 (Quaderni di Acme 134) pp. 323-341 (327)
  13. ^ Marchesini, Simona. 2009. Le lingue frammentarie dell'Italia antica. Milan: Hoepli. 236pp.
Vocabulary lists of North Eurasian languages

European • Balkan • Hurro-Urartian • Hattic • Sumerian (Swadesh) • Elamite • Etruscan • Burushaski • Ural-Altaic • Paleosiberian • p-Japanese • p-Ainu • p-Nivkh • p-Chukotko-Kamchatkan • p-Yukaghir • p-Yeniseian


Caucasian • p-Northwest Caucasian • p-Nakh-Daghestanian • p-Kartvelian


p-Uralic (stable roots) • Finnic • Saami • Mordvinic • Mari • Permic • Ugric • Samoyedic

"Altaic" linguistic area

"Altaic" • "p-Altaic" • Turkic • Mongolic • Common Mongolic • Khitan • Taghbach


Germanic • Celtic • Romance • Baltic • East Slavic • West Slavic • South Slavic