< Appendix:JLPT | N1
- 刃, は -edge (of a sword)
- 派, は -clique, faction, school
- 把握, はあく -grasp, catch, understanding
- 肺, はい -lung
- 廃棄, はいき -annullment, disposal, abandon, scrap, discarding, repeal
- 配給, はいきゅう -distribution (eg. films rice)
- 配偶者, はいぐうしゃ -spouse, wife, husband
- 拝啓, はいけい -Dear (so and so)
- 背景, はいけい -background, scenery, setting, circumstance
- 背後, はいご -back, rear
- 灰皿, はいさら -ashtray
- 廃止, はいし -abolition, repeal
- 拝借, はいしゃく -borrowing
- 排除, はいじょ -exclusion, removal, rejection
- 排水, はいすい -drainage
- 敗戦, はいせん -defeat, losing a war
- 配置, はいち -arrangement (of resources), disposition
- 配布, はいふ -distribution
- 配分, はいぶん -distribution, allotment
- 配慮, はいりょ -consideration, concern, forethought
- 配列, はいれつ -arrangement, array (programming)
- 映える, はえる -to shine, to look attractive, to look pretty
- 破壊, はかい -destruction
- 墓地, はかち -cemetery, graveyard
- 捗る, はかどる -to make progress, to move right ahead (with the work), to advance
- 果ない, はかない -fleeting, transient, short-lived, momentary, vain, fickle, miserable, empty, ephemeral
- 諮る, はかる -to consult with, to confer
- 図る, はかる -to plot, to attempt, to plan, to take in, to deceive, to devise, to design, to refer A to B
- 剥がす, はがす -to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of, to detach, t
- 破棄, はき -revocation, annulment, breaking (e.g. treaty)
- 泊, はく -counter for nights of a stay
- 迫害, はくがい -persecution
- 薄弱, はくじゃく -feebleness, weakness, weak
- 白状, はくじょう -confession
- 剥ぐ, はぐ -to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of
- 派遣, はけん -dispatch, send
- 励ます, はげます -to encourage, to cheer, to raise (the voice)
- 励む, はげむ -to be zealous, to brace oneself, to endeavour, to strive, to make an effort
- 剥げる, はげる -to come off, to be worn off, to fade, to discolor
- 鋏, はさみ -scissors
- 柱, はしら -pillar, post
- 橋渡し, はしわたし -bridge building, mediation
- 恥, はじ -shame, embarrassment
- 弾く, はじく -to flip, to snap
- 始め, はじめ -beginning, start, origin
- 始めまして, はじめまして -How do you do?, I am glad to meet you
- 恥じらう, はじらう -to feel shy, to be bashful, to blush
- 恥じる, はじる -to feel ashamed
- 蓮, はす -lotus
- 筈, はず -it should be so
- 弾む, はずむ -to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged, to get lively, to treat oneself to, to
- 破損, はそん -damage
- 機, はた -loom
- 果たして, はたして -as was expected, really
- 果たす, はたす -to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out, to achieve
- 裸足, はだし -barefoot
- 蜂蜜, はちみつ -honey
- 発掘, はっくつ -excavation, exhumation
- 発生, はっせい -outbreak, spring forth, occurrence, incidence, origin
- 発足, はっそく -starting, inauguration
- 初, はつ -first, new
- 発, はつ -departure, beginning, counter for gunshots
- 発育, はついく -(physical) growth, development
- 発芽, はつが -burgeoning
- 発言, はつげん -utterance, speech, proposal
- 発病, はつびょう -attack (disease)
- 初耳, はつみみ -something heard for the first time
- 果て, はて -the end, the extremity, the limit(s), the result
- 果てる, はてる -to end, to be finished, to be exhausted, to die, to perish
- 話し合い, はなしあい -discussion, conference
- 甚だ, はなはだ -very, greatly, exceedingly
- 華々しい, はなばなしい -brilliant, magnificent, spectacular
- 花びら, はなびら -(flower) petal
- 華やか, はなやか -gay, showy, brilliant, gorgeous, florid
- 阻む, はばむ -to keep someone from doing, to stop, to prevent, to check, to hinder, to obstruct, to oppose, to thwart
- 浜, はま -beach, seashore
- 浜辺, はまべ -beach, foreshore
- 填まる, はまる -to get into, to go into, to fit, to be fit for, to suit, to fall into, to plunge into, to be deceived, to be
- 歯磨, はみがき -dentifrice, toothpaste
- 填める, はめる -to get in, to insert, to put on, to make love
- 生やす, はやす -to grow, to cultivate, to wear beard
- 早める, はやめる -to hasten, to quicken, to expedite, to precipitate, to accelerate
- 流行, はやり -fashionable, fad, in vogue, prevailing
- 腹立ち, はらだち -anger
- 原っぱ, はらっぱ -open field, empty lot, plain
- 張り紙, はりがみ -paper patch, paper backing, poster
- 遥か, はるか -far, far-away, distant, remote, far off
- 破裂, はれつ -explosion, rupture, break off
- 腫れる, はれる -to swell (from inflammation), to become swollen
- 班, はん -group, party, section (mil)
- 判, はん -seal, stamp, monogram signature, judgment
- 版, はん -edition
- 繁栄, はんえい -prospering, prosperity, thriving, flourishing
- 反感, はんかん -antipathy, revolt, animosity
- 版画, はんが -art print
- 反響, はんきょう -echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influence
- 判決, はんけつ -judicial decision, judgement, sentence, decree
- 反撃, はんげき -counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow
- 反射, はんしゃ -reflection, reverberation
- 繁殖, はんしょく -breed, multiply, increase, propagation
- 繁盛, はんじょう -prosperity, flourishing, thriving
- 反する, はんする -to be inconsistent with, to oppose, to contradict, to transgress, to rebel
- 判定, はんてい -judgement, decision, award, verdict
- 反応, はんのう -reaction, response
- 半端, はんぱ -remnant, fragment, incomplete set, fraction, odd sum, incompleteness
- 反発, はんぱつ -repelling, rebound, recover, oppose
- 反乱, はんらん -insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, uprising
- 氾濫, はんらん -overflowing, flood
- 黴菌, ばいきん -bacteria, germ(s)
- 賠償, ばいしょう -reparations, indemnity, compensation
- 倍率, ばいりつ -diameter, magnification
- 馬鹿馬鹿しい, ばかばかしい -stupid
- 馬鹿らしい, ばからしい -absurd
- 漠然, ばくぜん -obscure, vague, equivocal
- 爆弾, ばくだん -bomb
- 爆破, ばくは -blast, explosion, blow up
- 暴露, ばくろ -disclosure, exposure, revelation
- 化ける, ばける -to appear in disguise, to take the form of, to change for the worse
- 罰, ばち -(divine) punishment, curse, retribution
- 伐, ばつ -strike, attack, punish
- ばてる -to be exhausted, to be worn out
- 発条, ばね -spring (e.g. coil leaf)
- 散蒔く, ばらまく -to disseminate, to scatter, to give money freely
- 判, ばん -size (of paper or books)
- 万, ばん -many, all
- 万人, ばんじん -all people, everybody, 10000 people
- 万能, ばんのう -all-purpose, almighty, omnipotent
- 番目, ばんめ -cardinal number suffix
- 非, ひ -faulty-, non-
- 費, ひ -cost, expense
- 延いては, ひいては -not only...but also, in addition to, consequently
- 控室, ひかえしつ -waiting room
- 控える, ひかえる -to draw in, to hold back, to make notes, to be temperate in
- 悲観, ひかん -pessimism, disappointment
- 匹, ひき -head, small animal counter, roll of cloth
- 引き上げる, ひきあげる -to withdraw, to leave, to pull out, to retire
- 率いる, ひきいる -to lead, to spearhead (a group), to command (troops)
- 引き受ける, ひきうける -to undertake, to take up, to take over, to be responsible for, to guarantee, to contract (disease)
- 引き起こす, ひきおこす -to cause
- 引き下げる, ひきさげる -to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to withdraw
- 引きずる, ひきずる -to seduce, to drag along, to pull, to prolong, to support
- 引き取る, ひきとる -to take charge of, to take over, to retire to a private place
- 引き分け, ひきわけ -a draw (in competition), tie game
- 否決, ひけつ -rejection, negation, voting down
- 非行, ひこう -delinquency, misconduct
- 日頃, ひごろ -normally, habitually
- 久しい, ひさしい -long, long-continued, old (story)
- 久し振り, ひさしぶり -after a long time
- 悲惨, ひさん -misery
- 秘書, ひしょ -(private) secretary
- 比重, ひじゅう -specific gravity
- 密か, ひそか -secret, private, surreptitious
- 浸す, ひたす -to soak, to dip, to drench
- 一向, ひたすら -earnestly
- 左利き, ひだりきき -left-handedness, sake drinker, left-hander
- 引っ掻く, ひっかく -to scratch
- 引っ掛ける, ひっかける -1. to hang (something) on (something), to throw on (clothes), 2. to hook, to catch, to trap, to ensnar
- 必修, ひっしゅう -required (subject)
- 匹敵, ひってき -comparing with, match, rival, equal
- 未, ひつじ -eighth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ram 1pm-3pm south-southwest June)
- 必然, ひつぜん -inevitable, necessary
- 一息, ひといき -puffy, a breath, a pause, an effort
- 単, ひとえ -one layer, single
- 人柄, ひとがら -personality, character, personal appearance, gentility
- 一頃, ひところ -once, some time ago
- 人質, ひとじち -hostage, prisoner
- 一筋, ひとすき -a line, earnestly, blindly, straightforwardly
- 一まず, ひとまず -for the present, once, in outline
- 一人でに, ひとりでに -by itself, automatically, naturally
- 酷い, ひどい -cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent
- 日取り, ひどり -fixed date, appointed day
- 雛, ひな -young bird, chick, doll
- 日向, ひなた -sunny place, in the sun
- 非難, ひなん -blame, attack, criticism
- 避難, ひなん -taking refuge, finding shelter
- 日の丸, ひのまる -the Japanese flag
- 火花, ひばな -spark
- 日々, ひび -every day, daily, day after day
- 悲鳴, ひめい -shriek, scream
- 百科事典, ひゃっかじてん -encyclopedia
- 百科辞典, ひゃっかじてん -encyclopedia
- 冷やかす, ひやかす -to banter, to make fun of, to jeer at, to cool, to refrigerate
- 日焼け, ひやけ -sunburn
- 票, ひょう -label, ballot, ticket, sign
- 標語, ひょうご -motto, slogan, catchword
- ひょっと -possibly, accidentally
- 平たい, ひらたい -flat, even, level, simple, plain
- 比率, ひりつ -ratio, proportion, percentage
- 肥料, ひりょう -manure, fertilizer
- 比例, ひれい -proportion
- 疲労, ひろう -fatigue, weariness
- 広まる, ひろまる -to spread, to be propagated
- 貧困, ひんこん -poverty, lack
- 品質, ひんしつ -quality
- 品種, ひんしゅ -brand, kind, description
- 貧弱, ひんじゃく -poor, meagre, insubstantial
- 頻繁, ひんぱん -frequency
- 美, び -beauty
- 微笑, びしょう -smile
- 美術, びじゅつ -art, fine arts
- 吃驚, びっくり -be surprised, be amazed, be frightened, astonishment
- びっしょり -wet through, drenched
- 描写, びょうしゃ -depiction, description, portrayal
- びり -last on the list, at the bottom
- 微量, びりょう -minuscule amount, extremely small quantity
- 敏感, びんかん -sensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to
- 貧乏, びんぼう -poverty, destitute, poor
- 歩, ふ -pawn (in chess or shogi)
- 不意, ふい -sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen
- 封, ふう -seal
- 封鎖, ふうさ -blockade, freezing (funds)
- 風習, ふうしゅう -custom
- 風俗, ふうぞく -1. manners, customs, 2. sex service, sex industry
- 風土, ふうど -natural features, topography, climate, spiritual features
- 不可欠, ふかけつ -indispensable, essential
- 深める, ふかめる -to deepen, to heighten, to intensify
- 不吉, ふきつ -ominous, sinister, bad luck, ill omen, inauspiciousness
- 不況, ふきょう -recession, depression, slump
- 布巾, ふきん -tea-towel, dish cloth
- 福, ふく -good fortune
- 復旧, ふくきゅう -restoration, restitution, rehabilitation
- 複合, ふくごう -composite, complex
- 福祉, ふくし -welfare, well-being
- 覆面, ふくめん -mask, veil, disguise
- 膨れる, ふくれる -to get cross, to get sulky, to swell (out), to expand, to be inflated, to distend, to bulge
- 不景気, ふけいき -business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness
- 老ける, ふける -to age
- 布告, ふこく -edict, ordinance, proclamation
- 富豪, ふごう -wealthy person, millionaire
- 負債, ふさい -debt, liabilities
- 相応しい, ふさわしい -appropriate
- 不在, ふざい -absence
- 不山戯る, ふざける -to romp, to gambol, to frolic, to joke, to make fun of, to flirt
- 負傷, ふしょう -injury, wound
- 不審, ふしん -incomplete understanding, doubt, question, distrust, suspicion, strangeness, infidelity
- 不振, ふしん -dullness, depression, slump, stagnation
- 不順, ふじゅん -irregularity, unseasonableness
- 付属, ふぞく -attached, belonging, affiliated, annexed, associated, subordinate, incidental, dependent, auxiliary
- 負担, ふたん -burden, charge, responsibility
- 不調, ふちょう -bad condition, not to work out (ie a deal), disagreement, break-off, disorder, slump, out of form
- 復活, ふっかつ -revival (e.g. musical), restoration
- 復興, ふっこう -revival, renaissance, reconstruction
- 沸騰, ふっとう -boiling, seething
- 仏, ふつ -French
- 不図, ふと -suddenly, casually, accidentally, incidentally, unexpectedly, unintentionally
- 不当, ふとう -injustice, impropriety, unreasonableness, undeservedness, unfair, invalid
- 不動産, ふどうさん -real estate
- 赴任, ふにん -(proceeding to) new appointment
- 腐敗, ふはい -decay, depravity
- 不評, ふひょう -bad reputation, disgrace, unpopularity
- 不便, ふびん -pity, compassion
- 不服, ふふく -dissatisfaction, discontent, disapproval, objection, complaint, protest, disagreement
- 普遍, ふへん -universality, ubiquity, omnipresence
- 踏まえる, ふまえる -to be based on, to have origin in
- 文, ふみ -letter, writings
- 不明, ふめい -unknown, obscure, indistinct, uncertain, ambiguous, ignorant, lack of wisdom, anonymous, unidentified
- 扶養, ふよう -support, maintenance
- 振り, ふり -pretence, show, appearance
- 振り出し, ふりだし -outset, starting point, drawing or issuing (draft)
- 不良, ふりょう -badness, delinquent, inferiority, failure
- 浮力, ふりょく -buoyancy, floating power
- 震わせる, ふるわせる -to be shaking, to be trembling
- 付録, ふろく -appendix, supplement
- 分, ふん -minute
- 憤慨, ふんがい -indignation, resentment
- 紛失, ふんしつ -losing something
- 噴出, ふんしゅつ -spewing, gushing, spouting, eruption, effusion
- 紛争, ふんそう -dispute, trouble, strife
- ふんだん -plentiful, abundant, lavish
- 奮闘, ふんとう -hard struggle, strenuous effort
- 粉末, ふんまつ -fine powder
- 部, ぶ -department, part, category, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
- 部下, ぶか -subordinate person
- ぶかぶか -too big, baggy
- 侮辱, ぶじょく -insult, contempt, slight
- 武装, ぶそう -arms, armament, armed
- 斑, ぶち -spots, speckles, mottles
- 物資, ぶっし -goods, materials
- 物体, ぶったい -body, object
- 物議, ぶつぎ -public discussion (criticism)
- 打付ける, ぶつける -to knock, to run into, to nail on, to strike hard, to hit and attack
- 仏像, ぶつぞう -Buddhist image (statue)
- 無難, ぶなん -safety, security
- 部門, ぶもん -class, group, category, department, field, branch
- ぶら下げる, ぶらさげる -to hang, to suspend, to dangle, to swing
- ぶらぶら -dangle heavily, swing, sway to and fro, aimlessly, idly, lazily, loiter, loaf, be idle, stroll idly
- 武力, ぶりょく -armed might, military power, the sword, force
- 無礼, ぶれい -impolite, rude
- 文化財, ぶんかざい -cultural assets, cultural property
- 分業, ぶんぎょう -division of labor, specialization, assembly-line production
- 文語, ぶんご -written language, literary language
- 分散, ぶんさん -dispersion, decentralization, variance (statistics)
- 分子, ぶんし -numerator, molecule
- 文書, ぶんしょ -document, writing, letter, note, records, archives
- 分担, ぶんたん -apportionment, sharing
- 分配, ぶんぱい -division, sharing
- 分母, ぶんぼ -denominator
- 分離, ぶんり -separation, detachment, segregation, isolation
- 分裂, ぶんれつ -split, division, break up
- 兵器, へいき -arms, weapons, ordinance
- 閉口, へいこう -shut mouth
- 平行, へいこう -(going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time, occurring together, parallel, parallelism
- 閉鎖, へいさ -closing, closure, shutdown, lockout, unsociable
- 兵士, へいし -soldier
- 平常, へいじょう -normal, usual
- 平方, へいほう -square (e.g. metre), square
- 並列, へいれつ -arrangement, parallel, abreast
- 辟易, へきえき -wince, shrink back, succumbing to, being frightened, disconcerted
- 臍, へそ -navel, belly-button
- 隔たる, へだたる -to be distant
- 謙る, へりくだる -to deprecate oneself and praise the listener
- 経る, へる -to pass, to elapse, to experience
- 編, へん -compilation, editing, completed poem, book, part of book
- 偏, へん -side, left radical of a character, inclining, inclining toward, biased
- 変革, へんかく -change, reform, revolution, upheaval, (the) Reformation
- 返還, へんかん -return, restoration
- 偏見, へんけん -prejudice, narrow view
- 返済, へんさい -repayment
- 変遷, へんせん -change, transition, vicissitudes
- 返答, へんとう -reply
- 変動, へんどう -change, fluctuation
- 弁解, べんかい -explanation, justification, defence, excuse
- 便宜, べんぎ -convenience, accommodation, advantage, expedience
- 弁護, べんご -defense, pleading, advocacy
- 弁償, べんしょう -next word, compensation, reparation, indemnity, reimbursement
- 弁論, べんろん -discussion, debate, argument
- ぺこぺこ -fawn, be very hungry
- 穂, ほ -ear (of plant), head (of plant)
- 保育, ほいく -nursing, nurturing, rearing, lactation, suckling
- 倣, ほう -imitate, follow, emulate
- 法案, ほうあん -bill (law)
- 崩壊, ほうかい -collapse, decay (physics), crumbling, breaking down, caving in
- 法学, ほうがく -law, jurisprudence
- 放棄, ほうき -abandonment, renunciation, abdication (responsibility right)
- 宝器, ほうき -treasured article or vessel, outstanding individual
- 封建, ほうけん -feudalistic
- 豊作, ほうさく -abundant harvest, bumper crop
- 方策, ほうさく -plan, policy
- 奉仕, ほうし -attendance, service
- 方式, ほうしき -form, method, system
- 放射, ほうしゃ -radiation, emission
- 放射能, ほうしゃのう -radioactivity
- 報酬, ほうしゅう -remuneration, recompense, reward, toll
- 放出, ほうしゅつ -release, emit
- 報じる, ほうじる -to inform, to report
- 報ずる, ほうずる -to inform, to report
- 放置, ほうち -leave as is, leave to chance, leave alone, neglect
- 法廷, ほうてい -courtroom
- 報道, ほうどう -information, report
- 褒美, ほうび -reward, prize
- 葬る, ほうむる -to bury, to inter, to entomb, to consign to oblivion, to shelve
- 放り込む, ほうりこむ -to throw into
- 放り出す, ほうりだす -to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglect
- 飽和, ほうわ -saturation
- 保温, ほおん -retaining warmth, keeping heat in, heat insulation
- 捕獲, ほかく -capture, seizure
- 保管, ほかん -charge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage
- 補給, ほきゅう -supply, supplying, replenishment
- 補強, ほきょう -compensation, reinforcement
- 保険, ほけん -insurance, guarantee
- 捕鯨, ほげい -whaling, whale fishing
- 誇る, ほこる -to boast of, to be proud of
- 綻びる, ほころびる -to come apart at the seams, to begin to open, to smile broadly
- 保護, ほご -care, protection, shelter, guardianship, favor, patronage
- 乾, ほし -dried, cured
- 干し物, ほしもの -dried washing (clothes)
- 保守, ほしゅ -conservative, maintaining
- 保障, ほしょう -guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
- 補償, ほしょう -compensation, reparation
- 補充, ほじゅう -supplementation, supplement, replenishment, replenishing
- 補助, ほじょ -assistance, support, aid, auxiliary
- 舗装, ほそう -pavement, road surface
- 補足, ほそく -supplement, complement
- 発作, ほっさ -fit, spasm
- ほっと -feel relieved
- 頬っぺた, ほっぺた -cheek
- 辺り, ほとり -(in the) neighbourhood, vicinity, nearby
- 殆ど, ほとんど -mostly, almost
- 解く, ほどく -to unfasten
- 施す, ほどこす -to donate, to give, to conduct, to apply, to perform
- 保母, ほぼ -day care worker in a kindergarten nursery school etc.
- 保養, ほよう -health preservation, recuperation, recreation
- 捕吏, ほり -constable
- 捕虜, ほりょ -prisoner (of war)
- 滅びる, ほろびる -to be ruined, to go under, to perish, to be destroyed
- 滅ぼす, ほろぼす -to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin
- 本格, ほんかく -propriety, fundamental rules
- 本館, ほんかん -main building
- 本気, ほんき -seriousness, truth, sanctity
- 本質, ほんしつ -essence, true nature, reality
- 本体, ほんたい -substance, real form, object of worship
- 本音, ほんね -real intention, motive
- 本の, ほんの -mere, only, just
- 本能, ほんのう -instinct
- 本場, ほんば -home, habitat, center, best place, genuine
- 本文, ほんぶん -text (of document), body (of letter)
- 本名, ほんみょう -real name
- 卯, ぼう -fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare 5am-7am east February)
- 防衛, ぼうえい -defense, protection, self-defense
- 防火, ぼうか -fire prevention, fire fighting, fire proof
- 妨害, ぼうがい -disturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference
- 紡績, ぼうせき -spinning
- 呆然, ぼうぜん -dumbfounded, overcome with surprise, in blank amazement
- 膨脹, ぼうちょう -expansion, swelling, increase, growth
- 冒頭, ぼうとう -beginning, start, outset
- 暴動, ぼうどう -insurrection, rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising
- 暴風, ぼうふう -storm, windstorm, gale
- 暴力, ぼうりょく -violence
- 募金, ぼきん -fund-raising, collection of funds
- 牧師, ぼくし -pastor, minister, clergyman
- 母校, ぼこう -alma mater
- 没収, ぼっしゅう -forfeited
- 坊ちゃん, ぼっちゃん -son (of others)
- ぼつぼつ -gradually, here and there, spots, pimples
- 没落, ぼつらく -ruin, fall, collapse
- ぼやく -to grumble, to complain
- ぼやける -to become dim, to become blurred
- 藍褸, ぼろ -rag, scrap, tattered clothes, fault (esp. in a pretense), defect, run-down or junky