User:Embryomystic/to-do list (Yiddish)
[edit]- אַ ביסעלע (a bisele, adverbial phrase) - a tiny bit, a tiny piece
- אַ קלאַפּ טאָן (a klap ton) - to strike, smack
- אַ קײַמאַ־לן פֿון (a kayma-ln fun, adverbial phrase) - no less than
- אַ שטאָך טאָן (a shtokh ton) to dig, give someone a dig, say something hurtful to someone
- אַ שטייגער (a shteyger) - for example
- אַ שעפּן טאָן (a shepn ton) - to dip in
- אַ יאָר צוריק (a yor tsurik) - a year ago
- אַ מאַך טאָן מיט דער האַנט (a makh ton mit der hant) - to wave, gesture
- אָננעם m (onnem) - acceptance
- אָננעמען (onnemen) - to seize; to presume, assume, suppose; to embrace, accept, adopt; to employ, hire; to pass, enact
- אָננעמען n (onnemen) - acceptance
- אַנטדעקן (antdekn) - to discover
- אַנטהאַלטן (anthaltn) - to contain
- אַנטקעגן (antkegn, adverb) - opposite, vis-a-vis; in return
- אַנטשלאָפֿן ווערן (antshlofn vern) - to fall asleep
- אַנטוויקלונג f (antviklung) - development, evolution
- אַנטוויקלען (antviklen) - to develop, unfold, evolve
- אַנטוישט (antoysht) - disappointed
- אַנטוישונג f (antoyshung) - disappointment
- אַנטוישן (antoyshn) - to disappoint
- אַנטציקן (anttsikn) - to delight, charm
- אַנטפּלעקן (antplekn) - to reveal, disclose, bear, expose, unfold
- אָנטעלעפֿאָנירן (ontelefonirn) - to call up
- אָנטייל־נעמער m (onteyl-nemer) - participant
- אָנרײַסן (onraysn) - to pick (a bunch of); to become sore or infected
- אָנזאָג m (onzog) - announcement, message
- אָנזאָגן (onzogn) - to announce, notify
- אָנזאַמלען (onzamlen) - to gather; to accumulate
- אָנזעצן (onzetsn) - to impose; to go broke
- אָנבײַסן n (onbaysn) - dinner, lunch (main meal)
- אַנגסטן pl (angstn) - cold sweat
- אָנגעזעען (ongezeyen) - distinguished, outstanding, eminent
- אָנגעבלאָזן (ongeblozn) - inflated; pompous, conceited; sulky
- אָנגעשטרענגט (ongeshtrengt) - strained
- אָנגעשטאָפּט (ongeshtopt) - stuffed
- אָנגעשפּאַנט (ongeshpant, adjective) - tense
- אָנגעלייגט (ongeleygt, adjective) - welcome
- אָנגיינדיק (ongeyndik) - ongoing
- אָנגיין (ongeyn) - to arrive unexpectedly; to pass, be allowed, be current; to go on
- אָנכאַפּער m (onkhaper) - grabber
- אַנדערט האַלב (andert halb), אָנדערטהאַלבן (onderthalbn) - one and a half
- אָנהאַלטיק (onhaltik) - persistent
- אָנהאַלטן (onhaltn) - to maintain, last, continue, persist
- אָנהענגער m (onhenger) - adherent; proponent, admirer, supporter, fan
- אָנהערנ זיך (onhern zikh) - to hear a lot, hear one's fill of
- אָנקניפּן (onknipn) - to link; to establish contacts
- אָנקוקן (onkukn) - to look on, observe
- אָנקלאַפּן (onklapn) - to knock
- אָנקלינגען (onklingen) - to ring
- אָנשטרענגונג f (onshtrengung) - effort
- אַנשטאָט (anshtot) - instead of, by way of
- אָנשטאָט (onshtot) - instead of
- אָנשטענדיק (onshtendik) - decent, respectable, honorable
- אָנשטעל m (onshtel) - pretense
- אָנשרײַבן (onshraybn) - to write down
- אָנונג f (onung) - premonition
- אָנווונק m (onvunk) - hint, intimation, inkling
- אָנוואַקסן (onvaksn) - to appear
- אָנווענדונג f (onvendung) - application (of something); administering to
- אָנווער m (onver) - loss
- אָנווײַזיק (onvayzik) - indicative
- אָנווײַזן (onvayzn) - to show
- אַנאָנס m (anons) - advertisement, commercial
- אַנאָנסירן (anonsirn) - to advertise
- אַנאַנדער (anander) - each other
- אַנאָטאָמיע f (anotomye) - anatomy
- אַנאַליז m (analiz) - analysis
- אַנאַליזירן (analizirn) - to analyze
- אָנצוג m (ontsug) - suit (of clothes)
- אָנפֿרעג m (onfreg) - inquiry, question
- אָנפֿאַל m (onfal) - attack
- אָנפֿירונג f (onfirung) - leadership
- אָנפֿירער m (onfirer) - leader, manager
- אָנפֿירן (onfirn) - to lead
- אָנערקענונג f (onerkenung) - recognitions
- אָנערקענען (onerkenen) - to recognize
- אָנלייגן וועג (onleygn veg) - to go out of the way
- אַנידער (anider) - down
- אַנידערשטעלן (anidershteln) - to put down, set down
- אַניִאָגן (anyogn) - to catch up with; to make up lost time
- אָנמוטיקן (onmutikn) - to encourage
- אָנמעסטן (onmestn) - to try on (clothes)
- אַטראַקציע f (atraktsye) - attraction
- אַטלעטיש (atletish) - athletic
- אָרנטלעך (orntlekh) - respectable, honest, fair
- אָרטיק (ortik) - local
- אַרבל m (arbl) - sleeve
- אַרבלדיק (arbldik) - sleeved
- אָרביט m (orbit) - orbit
- אָרגאַניזירן (organizirn) - to organize
- אַרכיטעקטור f (arkhitektur) - architecture
- אָרכידעע f (orkhideye) - orchid
- אָרדענונג f (ordenung) - order, arrangement
- אָרקעסטער m (orkester) - orchestra
- אַרונטערקריכן (arunterkrikhn) - to climb down
- אַרונטערקריכן אונטער (arunterkrikhn unter) - to crawl under, get under
- ארורה f (arure) - shrew
- אַרויסהעלפֿן (aroyshelfn) - to assist
- אַרויס הייבנדיק (aroys heybndik, adjective) - beginning, starting
- אַרויסנאַרן (aroysnarn) - to get by deception, obtain by deception
- אַרויסטרעטן (aroystretn) - to come out publicly; to appear on stage
- אַרויסטרײַבן (aroystraybn) - to banish, expel
- אַרויסרופֿן (aroysrufn) - to call out, call forth, summon; to page; to develop a photograph; to provoke a feeling; to lead to; to cause
- אַרויסרײַסן (aroysraysn) - to pull out, rip out, wrest, wrench; to pull a tooth
- אַרויסזאָגן (aroyszogn) - to speak, state, express, utter, put forward (in words)
- אַרויסזען (aroyszen) - to realize
- אַרויסברענגען (aroysbrengen) - to bring out; to express
- אַרויסבאַלאָטירן (aroysbalotirn) - to vote out
- אַרויסגאַנג m (aroysgang) - exit
- אַרויסכאַפּן (aroyskhapn) - to snatch
- אַרויסקריגן (aroyskrign) - to elicit, exact
- אַרויסקומען (aroyskumen) - to come out, issue, emerge
- אַרױשטעקן (aroyshtekn) - to stick out, protrude
- אַרויסשווימען (aroysshvimen) - to float out
- אַרויסשלאָגן (aroysshlogn) - to knock out; to gush out; to eliminate
- אַרויסשיקן (aroysshikn) - to send, mail, dispatch
- אַרויסוואַרפֿן (aroysvarfn) - to throw out
- אַרויסוואַקסן (aroysvaksn, intransitive verb) - to evolve; to grow out of; to outgrow
- אַרויסווײַזן (aroysvayzn) - to exhibit, show
- אַרויספֿאָר m (aroysfor) - departure; outing
- אַרויספֿאָרן (aroysforn) - to depart, leave; to sail
- אַרויסהייבן (aroysheybn) - to pick out; to set off; to stress, emphasize, highlight, play up
- אַרויפֿקריכן אויף (aroyfkrikhn oyf, transitive/intransitive) - to climb, scale
- אַרויף (aroyf, adverb) - up, upward, upwards
- אַרומנעמיק (arumnemik) - comprehensive, all-embracing
- אַרומרעדן (arumredn) - to talk over, discuss
- אַרומדרייען זיך (arumdreyen zikh, ambitransitive verb) - to rotate (oneself), revolve (oneself)
- אַרומפֿאָרן איבער (arumforn iber) - to travel, cruise, tour
- אַרומיק (arumik) - surrounding, neighboring
- אַראַנזשירונג f (aranzhirung) - arrangement
- אַראַנזשירן (aranzhirn) - to arrange
- אָראַטאָר m (orator) - orator
- אַראָפּנעמען (aropnemen) - to take down, remove
- אַראָפּנידערן (aropnidern) - to descend
- אַראָפּכאַפּן (aropkhapn) - to snatch down; to snap a picture of
- אַראָפּשלינגען (aropshlingen) - to swallow
- אַראָפּלאָזן (aroplozn) - to turn down, lower, let down; to launch
- אַרענדע f (arende) - lease
- אַרעסטאַנט m (arestant) - prisoner, convict
- אַרעסטירן (arestirn) - to arrest (someone)
- אָרעמ־מענטש n (orem-mentsh) - poor woman
- אַריסטאָקראַט m (aristokrat) - aristocrat
- אַריבערגעבן (aribergebn) - to give over, hand over
- אַריבערכאַפּן (ariberkhapn) - to carry something to excess
- אַריבערשטײַגן (aribershtaygn) - to surpass, exceed, outdo, be ahead of
- אַריבערשפּרינגען (aribershpringen) - to jump over, vault
- אַריכות־ימים n (arikhes-yomim) - longevity, long life expectancy
- אַריע f (arye) - aria (opera)
- אָריענט m (oryent) - Orient
- אָריענטירונג f (oryentirung) - bearing, presence of mind, orientation
- אַרײַננעמען (araynnemen) - to take in, contain, include, embrace; to comprise
- אַרײַנטרעטן (arayntretn) - to step in(to); to join, enter (an organization)
- אַרײַנרײַסן זיך אין (araynraysn zikh in, intransitive verb) - to break into, intrude upon, invade
- אַרײַנזאָגן (araynzogn) - to tell off
- אַרײַנברעכן זיך אין (araynbrekhn zikh in) - to break into, burglarize
- אַרײַנגראָבן (arayngrobn) - to dig into
- אַרײַנגאַנג m (arayngang) - entrance
- אַרײַנגענומען (arayngenumen, adjective) - included
- אַרײַנגעבן (arayngebn, intransitive verb) - to enter; to place, hand in, submit
- אַרײַנכאַפּן (araynkhapn) - to snatch, catch a beating, a scolding, etc., perform/consume hastily
- אַרײַנדרינגער m (arayndringer) - invader, intruder
- אַרײַנקריגן זיך (araynkrign zikh) - to get (oneself) in
- אַרײַנקוקן (araynkukn) - to look in, peep in
- אַרײַנקומען (araynkumen) - to come in
- אַרײַנקלאַפּן (araynklapn) - to knock in, drive nails
- אַרײַנשטעלן (araynshteln) - to put in
- אַרײַנוואַרפֿן (araynvarfn) - to throw in, drop in, inject, interject
- אַרײַנציען (arayntsyen) - to draw, attract; to pull into; to drag into; to absorb
- אַרײַנפֿאַלן אין די רייד (araynfaln in di reyd) - to interrupt
- אַרײַנפֿירן (araynfirn) - to lead in, show in; to introduce; to initiate; to import
- אַרײַנלאָזן (araynlozn) - to let in, allow in
- אַרײַנלייגן (araynleygn) - to put in, insert; to invest
- אַרײַנמישן זיך (araynmishn zikh) - to mix in, interfere
- אַרײַטרעטן אין (araytretn in) - to join (a group)
- אַז אָך און וויי צו (az okh un vey tsu)... - poor (so-and-so)...
- אַזױ װײַט װי מעגלעך (azoy vayt vi meglekh) - insofar as possible
- אַזוי מיין איך (azoy meyn ikh) - I think so
- אַזוינער (azoyner, adjective) - such
- אַזעלכער (azelkher, adjective) - such
- אַחזר m (akhzer) - brute, cruel person
- אַחדותּ n (akhdes) - unity
- אחשוורוש (Akhashveyresh, name) - Ahasuerus
- אחוץ (akhuts) - except
- אַסטראָנאָם m (astronom) - astronomer
- אַסיפֿה f (asife) - assembly, meeting
- אַסימילאַציע f (asimilatsye) - assimilation
- אַסימילאירן זיך (asimilirn zikh, transitive/intransitive) - to assimilate
- אבֿרהם (Avrohom, Avrem, name) - Abraham
- אַבראַשע (Abrashe, name) - Abrashe
- אַבסטראַקציע m (abstraktsye) - abstraction
- אַבסורד m (absurd) - absurdity
- אַבסורד (absurd) absurd
- אַבסאָלוט (absolut) - absolute
- אָבסערוואַטאָר m (observator) - observer
- אָבסערווירן (observirn) - to observe, watch
- אַבאָנאַנט m (abonant), אַבאָנענט m (abonent) - subscriber
- אַבאָנעמענט m (abonement) - subscription
- אַבאָרט m (abort) - abortion
- אָבערן (obern) - however
- אָבליגאַטאָריש (obligatorish) - obligatory
- אַבי (abi, adjective) - any
- אַבי (abi, conj.)- at least, if only, if nothing else
- אָבֿינו־מלכּנו (ovine-malkenu) - Our Father...Our King
- אָביעקט m (obyekt) - object
- אָבֿינו־מלך m (ovine-meylekh) - God: Our Father-King
- אַג (ag, abbreviation) - so-called - azoy gerufn
- אַגראַפֿקע f (agrafke) - safety pin
- אַגרעסאָר m (agresor) - aggressor
- אַגרעסיע f (agresye) - aggression
- אגבֿ (agev) - (adverb) incidentally, by the way; (conj.) - by the way
- אַכטונג f (akhtung) - respect, regard, esteem, deference
- אַכטונג (akhtung, interj.) - attention!
- אַכטונג טאָן (akhtung ton) - to pay attention
- אַכטע (akhte, adverb) - eight o'clock
- אַכלען (akhlen) - to eat (hum.)
- אַכילה f (ahkile) - eating; food
- אָדם (Odem, name) - Adam
- אדם הנושא ארון מתים m (odem hanoyshe orn meysim) - pallbearer
- אַדורכגיין (adurkhgeyn) - to go through, pass through
- אַדורכהאַלטן (adurkhhaltn) - to hold out
- אַדורכקוקן (adurkhkukn) - to look through
- אַדורכקוועטשן (adurkhkvetshn) - to squeeze through - adurkhvetshn
- אַדורכשמועסן (adurkhshmuesn) - to talk over, discuss
- אַדורכצופֿירן (adurkhtsufirn) - to accomplish
- אַדורכלעבן (adurkhlebn) - to live through
- אַדאַפּציע f (adaptsye) - adaptation
- אַדלדיק (adldik) - noble
- אַדיר m (adir) - wealthy person
- אַדמיניסטראַטיווע (administrative) - administrative
- אַדמיניסטראַציע f (administratsye) - administration
- אַהבֿה f (aave) - love (divine)
- אַהינטער (ahinter) - backward, backwards
- אַקט m (akt) - act, deed
- אַקטיוו (aktiv) - active
- אַקראָבאַטיק f (akrobatik) - acrobatics
- אָקרײַטשיק m (okraytshik) - end (of a loaf of bread)
- אָקספֿאָרד (oksford) - Oxford, England
- אַקדאָמות (akdomes) - Akdomuth, a hymn sung on the Sabbath
- אָקופּאַנט m (okupant) - occupant
- אַקאָרד m (akord) - (music) chord
- אַקאַדעמיש (akademish) - academic
- אַקאַדעמיע f (akademye) - academy
- אַקצענט m (aktsent) - accent
- אַקציע f (aktsye) - share (of money); action
- אָקערשט (okersht) - just now, a moment ago
- אַשטעצל n (ashtetsl) - ashtray
- אונטער וועגנס (unter vegns, adverb) - on the way
- אונטערטוקן זיך (untertukn zikh) - to duck under
- אונטערטעצל n (untertetsl) - coaster
- אונטערבאַן f (unterban) - subway
- אונטערגעבן חשק (untergebn kheyshek) - to encourage
- אונטערגיין (untergeyn) - to go down, sink (ship); to decline; to become extinct
- אונטערדריקונג f (unterdrikung) - suppression, oppression
- אונטערהאַקן (unterhakn) - to give the ax to
- אונטערהאַלטן (unterhaltn) - to support, sustain; bear out, uphold
- אונטערהעלפֿן (unterhelfn) - to help (a little)
- אונטערקויפֿן (unterkoyfn) - to bribe
- אונטערקלייד n (unterkleyd) - slip (garment)
- אונטערשטיצן (untershtitsn) - to support, back, endorse
- אונטערשלאַק m (untershlak) - lining, background
- אונטערשיסן (untershisn) - to shoot down
- אונטערוואַרפֿן (untervarfn) - to abandon (a child); to plant (stolen goods)
[edit]- בעל־הביתטע f (balboste) - housewife
- בריה f (berye) - capable (or efficient) person or housewife
- בנוגע (benegeye, preposition) - concerning, regarding, in regards to
- בנאמנות (benemones, adverb) - honestly
- בנין m or n (binyen) - building, structure
- בנימוס (benimes, adverb) - politely
- בנימוסדיק (benimesdik, adjective) - urbane, polite
- בטחון m (betokhn) - faith; confidence; reliance
- ברום m (brum) - hum; roar
- ברונעם m (brunem) - well (for water)
- ברונעט (brunet, adjective) - brunette
- ברוגז (broygez, adjective) - angry
- ברוגז m (broygez) - friction (between people); anger
- ברוכטייל f (brukhteyl) - fraction
- ברוכצאָל f (brukhtsol) - fraction
- ברוכים־הבאים (brukhim-haboim) - welcome! (to more than one person)
- ברודערשאַפֿט (brudershaft)/ברידערשאַפֿט f (bridershaft) - brotherhood
- ברוק m (bruk) - cobblestone pavement
- ברוך־הנימצא (borekh-hanimtse) - reply to "Welcome!" (borukh-habo!)
- ברוך־הבא (borekh habo) - welcome! (to one person)
- ברוך־הבא m (borkhabe) - welcome
- ברויזן (broyzn) - to sparkle
- ברומען (brumen) - to hum; to roar
- ברומלען (brumlen) - to rumble
- בראָנז n (bronz) - bronze
- בראַנדאָפּער m (brandoper) - burnt offering
- בראָנקס (bronks, place) - Bronx, New York
- בראַסעלעט m (braselet) - bracelet
- בראָדוויי (brodvey, place) - Broadway
- בראַקירן (brakirn) - to reject, condemn
- בראָש (brosh, adverb) - at the head of
- בראשיתדיק (breyshesdik, adjective) - primeval
- בראַוו (brav, adjective) - bold, brave; manly
- בראַוואָ (bravo) - good for you!, bravo!
- בראַצלאַוו (bratslav, place) - Bratslav, a small village in Ukraine, located in the Nemyriv Raion of Vinnytsya Oblast, by the Southern Bug river
- ברענגען (brengen) - to bring
- ברעסלאַו (breslau) - Breslau (Wroclaw), the capital of Lower Silesia in southwestern Poland
- ברעג טײַך m (breg taykh) - riverside, shore
- ברעכן (brekhn) - to break; to violate; to vomit, throw up
- ברעקל n (brekl) - scrap, chip, crumb, bit
- ברען m (bren) - fire, zeal, verve
- ברעמ f (brem) - eyebrow
- ברינזע (brinze) - sheep cheese
- ברידקע (bridke, adjective) - ugly; loathsome, nasty
- בריה m or f (berye) - skillful person (especially one who keeps house well)
- בריליאַנט m (brilyant) - diamond
- ברילן pl (briln) - glasses, eyeglasses
- ברייט (breyt, adjective) - wide, broad
- ברייטהאַרציקייט f (breythartsikeyt) - generosity
- ברייטהאַרציק (breythartsik, adjective) - generous
- ברייטפּלייציק (breytpleytsik, adjective) - broad-shouldered, wide-shouldered
- בזה־לשון (beze-haloshn, adverb) - as follows, in the following words
- בחיפּזון (bkhipozn, adverb) - hastily, in haste; cursorily
- בסוד (besod, adverb) - secretly
- בסודיק (besodik, adjective) - secret, undercover
- בסך־הכּל (besakhakl, adverb) - all told, in all
- בב׳ (bb', abbreviation) - volumes
- בגנבֿה (begneyve, bgneyve, adverb) - stealthily; by theft; secretly, covertly
- בגוואַלד (bgvald, adverb) - by force, forcefully
- בגיליו־ראָש (bgile-rosh, adverb) - head uncovered; bareheaded
- בכּבֿוד (bkoved, adverb) - honorably
- בכּבֿודיק (bekovedik, adjective) - honorable
- בכּוח (bekoyekh, adverb) - strongly, powerfully; ably
- בכּתבֿ (biksav/bksav, adverb) - written, in written form, in writing
- בכּיוון (bekivn, adjective) - on purpose, deliberately
- בכן (bekheyn, adverb) - therefore
- בדרך־כּלל (bederekh-klal/bderekh-klal, adverb) - generally, as a rule, in general
- בדרך־משל (bederekh-moshl/bderekh-moshl, adverb) - figuratively
- בדחן m (badkhn) - entertainer at a Jewish wedding
- בדעה האָבן (bdeye hobn) - to intend
- בהסכּם (beheskem, adverb) - in accordance, in conformity, in keeping with
- בהסכּם דערמיט (beheskem dermit, adverb) - accordingly
- בהלה f (behole) - confusion, turmoil, bedlam
- בקיאות n (bekies/bkies) - proficiency, skill, mastery
- בשׂר־ודם m (boser-vedom) - man, mortal
- בשׂורה f (bsure/psure) - message, announcement
- בשותּפֿות (bshutfes, adverb) - jointly, in common
- בשותּפֿותדיק (bshutfesdik, adjective) - joint, common
- בשפֿע (bshefe, adverb) - abundant, plentiful
- בשעת (beshas) - as, while
- בשעת (beshas, preposition) - during
- בשעת מעשׂה (bshas mayse, adverb) - meanwhile
- בשלום (bsholem, adverb) - safely, in tact
- בונד m (bund) - Jewish Labor Bund, socialist labor party
- בונד m (bund) - tie, binding, bond; alliance, league
- בורא m (boyre) - the Creator, the Maker
- בורטשן (burtshn) - to grumble, mutter; to rumble
- בורזשואַז (burzhuaz, adjective) - bourgeois
- בורזשואַזיע f (burzhuazye) - bourgeoisie
- בוריק m (burik) - beet
- בובע f (bube)tr=bubbie/bubby - grandmother (American Jewish spelling)
- בובעלע (bubele, interjection) - darling! (usually applied to children) (American Jewish)
- בובי (bubi, interjection) - bubby, a friendly term for people you like (American Jewish)
- בודאַפּעשט (budapesht, place) - Budapest
- בושה f (bushe) - shame
- בושל m (bushl) - stork
- בולט (boylet, adjective) - outstanding; clear; marked; distinct; vivid
- בולגאַר (bulgar) - bulgar, a brisk circle or line dance, appeared among Romanian and south Ukrainian Jews at the end of the 19th century
- בולקע f (bulke) - baked roll
- בולוואַר m (bulvar) - boulevard
- בוי m (boy) - structure
- בויטשיק m (boytshik) - young boy (American Jewish)
- בויטשיקל n (boytshikl) - sweet young boy, darling young boy (American Jewish)
- בויטן (boytn) - to shake (liquid)
- בויברעך n (boybrekh) - rubble, debris
- בויד f (boyd) - covered wagon
- בוידעם m (boydem) - attic
- בוידעם־שטוב f (boydem-shtub) - loft
- בויוואַפּנע f (boyvapne) - mortar
- בויאַן m (boyan) - hoodlum
- בויען (boyen) - to build, construct
- בויך־סבֿרה f (boykh-svore) - gut feeling
- בוימל m (boyml) - oil (for eating)
- באַנד m (band) - volume (of a book, magazine, etc.)
- באַנדיט m (bandit) - bandit, gangster
- באַנקראָטירן (bankrotirn) - to go bankrupt
- באַנקעט m (banket) - banquet
- באַנוגענען זיך (banugenen zikh) - to be satisfied with
- באַנוצן (banutsn) - to use, employ
- באַנומען (banumen, adjective) - possessed (as by an evil spirit)
- באַנאיץ m (banits) - usage
- באַנאַן m (banan) - banana
- באַנעמ m (banem) - conception, comprehension
- באַנעמיק (banemik, adjective) - cognitive
- באַניצן (banitsn) - to use, employ
- באַניץ m (banits) - use, usage
- באַנײַונג f (banayung) - renewal, renovation
- באַנײַען (banayen) - to renew, renovate
- באָט m (bot) - boot (rain, snow)
- באַטראַכטונג f (batrakhtung) - consideration; deliberation; examination
- באַטראַכטן (batrakhtn) - to consider
- באַטריבט (batribt, adjective) - sad
- באַטאָנען (batonen) - to sound, opine; to accentuate
- באַטאַפּן (batapn) - to touch
- באַטעריע f (baterye) - battery
- באַטעמט (batemt, adjective) - tasty, delicious; cute
- באַטײַט m (batayt) - meaning, significance
- באַטײַטן (bataytn) - to mean, signify, denote
- באַטייליקונג f (bateylikung) - participation
- באַטייליקער m (bateyliker) - participant
- באַטייליקן זיך (bateylikn zikh) - to participate
- באַרג m (barg) - mountain
- באַרגרוקן m (bargrukn) - ridge
- באַרשט f (barsht) - brush
- באַרשטן (barshtn) - to brush
- באָרוועס (borves, adjective) - barefoot
- באַרועכץ n (baruekhts) - tranquilizer
- באַרויקן (baroykn) - to quiet, calm, soothe; to reassure, set at ease, appease, pacify; to tranquilize
- באַראָט m (barot) - care; custody
- באַראַק m (barak) - barrack
- באַראָן m (baron) - baron
- באַרעכטיקונג f (barekhtikung) - justification
- באַרעכענען (barekhenen) - to consider, imagine; to calculate
- באַרעדעוודיק (baredevdik, adjective) - voluble; talkative
- באַריר m (barir) - touch; contact
- באַרירן (barirn) - to touch on; to bring up (a problem)
- באַריכט m (barikht) - report; account
- באַריכות (barikhes, adverb) - extensively, at length
- באַרײַכערן (baraykhern) - to enrich
- באַרימען זיך (barimen zikh) - to boast, brag
- באַזונדער (bazunder, adjective) - separate, distinct, special
- באַזונדער (bazunder, adverb) - seperately, apart
- באַזונדערש (bazundersh, adverb) - unusually, particularly, especially
- באַזוכער m (bazukher) - visitor
- באַזוכן (bazukhn) - to visit
- באַזאָרגט (bazorgt, adjective) - anxious, worried
- באַזאָרגן (bazorgn) - to attend to, see to, provide
- באַזע f (baze) - base, alkali
- באַזעצן זיך (bazetsn zikh, intransitive verb) - to settle (oneself), locate (oneself)
- באַזינגען (bazingen) - to celebrate (with songs); to laud in song
- באַזירן (bazirn) - to base (something on something)
- באַבקע f (babke) - babka (a sweet cake)
- באַבע f (babe) - hag
- באָבעשי f (bobeshi) - granny
- באָבע־מעשׂה f (bobe-mayse) - tall story, fairy tale
- באַגנבֿענען (baganvenen) - to steal
- באַגנעט m (bagnet) - bayonet
- באַגרענסט (bagrenst, adjective) - limited; refrained
- באַגרענעצן (bagrenetsn) - to limit, confine
- באַגרענעץונג f (bagrenetsung) - restriction, limitation
- באַגריסונג f (bagrisung) - greeting, welcome
- באַגריסן (bagrisn) - to greet, welcome
- באַגריפֿ m (bagrif) - concept, notion, idea
- באַגזלען (bagazlen) - to rob
- באַגאַזש m (bagazh) - baggage, luggage
- באַגער m (bager) - desire, lust
- באַגערן (bagern) - to desire, crave, covet
- באַגעגניש n (bagegnish), באַגעגעניש n (bagegenish) - encounter, meeting
- באַגעגענען (bagegenen), באַגעגן (bagegn) - to meet, encounter
- באַגלייבט (bagleybt, adjective) - trusted, dependable
- באַגינען (baginen, adverb) - at dawn
- באַגילטיקן (bagiltikn) - to validate
- באַגײַסטערונג f (bagaysterung) - enthusiasm
- באַדויערען (badoyeren) - to regret, be sorry, deplore
- באַדויערלעך (badoyerlekh, adjective) - regrettable
- באַדאַנקען (badanken) - to thank
- באַדאַרפֿן (badarfn) - to need, require
- באַדערפֿעניש m (baderfenish) - need, want, requirement
- באַדעקט (badekt, adjective) - covered
- באַדינג m (bading) - condition, provision
- באָדן זיך (bodn zikh) - to bathe (oneself)
- באַהאַנדלען (bahandlen) - to treat, handle, deal with
- באַהאַרצט (bahartst, adjective) - brave
- באַהאָפֿטן (bahoftn, adjective) - joined; hyphenated
- באַהאַלטן (bahaltn) - to hide (something)
- באַהאַלטן (bahaltn, adjective) - hidden
- באַהאַלטן זיך (bahaltn zikh) - to hide (oneself)
- באַהערשקייט f (bahershkeyt) - composure
- באַהערשן (bahershn) - to rule, control, dominate; master, subdue; command
- באַהעפֿטונג f (baheftung) - union, uniting
- באַהעפֿטן (baheftn) - to join, unite; hyphenate
- באַהעלטעניש n (baheltenish) - concealment, hiding; hideout
- באַהילפֿיק (bahilfik)/בײַהילפֿיק (bayhilfik, adjective) - helpful, of assistance to
- באַק f (bak) - cheek (part of the body)
- באַקנבערד pl (baknberd) - whiskers
- באָקס m (boks) - boxing
- באָקסער m (bokser) - boxer
- באָקסן זיך (boksn zikh) - to box (fight)
- באַקוקן (bakukn) - to examine, look at
- באַקוועם (bakvem, adverb) - comfortable, convenient
- באַקוועמלעך f (bakvemlekh) - comfort bakvemlekhkeyt
- באַקומען (bakumen) - to get, receive, acquire
- באַקאַנט (bakant, adjective) - known, familiar
- באַקאַנטער m (bakanter) - acquaintance
- באַקענען (bakenen) - to introduce
- באַקענען זיך...מיט (bakenen, intransitive verb) - to meet, get acquainted (with)
- באַקלאָגן (baklogn) - to lament
- באַקלאָגן זיך אױף (baklogn zikh oyf) - to complain
- באַקלערט (baklert, adjective) - sensible, deliberate
- באַקלעריק (baklerik, adjective) - thoughtful
- באַקלערן (baklern) - to consider, ponder, think out
- באַקליידן (bakleydn) - to clothe
- באַשטראָפֿן (bashtrofn) - to punish
- באַשטאַנד m (bashtand) - composition, make-up
- באַשטאַנדטייל m (bashtandteyl) - component, ingredient, constituent
- באַשטעטיקן (bashtetikn) - to certify, confirm, corroborate; acknowledge; approve
- באַשטעלן (bashteln) - to order (goods)
- באַשטייטייל m (bashteyteyl) - component, ingredient, constituent
- באַשטיין (bashteyn) - to consent, allow
- באַשטימט (bashtimt, adjective) - designated
- באַשטים f (bashtim) - appointment, designation; appropriation; determination; regulation; destination bashtimung
- באַשטימען (bashtimen) - to designate
- באשר (bansher) - just because; because it is said that
- באַשרײַבונג f (bashraybung) - description
- באַשרײַבן (bashraybn) - to describe (in writing), write up
- באַשווענקן (bashvenkn) - to rinse
- באַשולדיקונג f (bashuldikung) - accusation
- באַשולדיקן (bashuldikn) - to accuse
- באַשאַפֿן (bashafn) - to create
- באַשאַף m (bashaf) - Creation
- באַשערט (bashert, adjective) - destined, predestined, fated, meant to be
- באַשעדיקן (bashedikn) - to hurt; damage
- באַשעפֿעניש n (bashefenish) - creature
- באַשעפֿער m (bashefer) - Creator
- באַשלאָסן (bashlosn) - to decide
- באַשירעמען (bashiremen) - to shield, protect, preserve
- באַשיצן (bashitsn) - to protect
- באַשיידנקייט (basheydnkeyt, adjective) - modesty
- באַשיידען (basheyden, adjective) - modest, unassuming
- באַשײַמפּערלעך (bashaymperlekh, adjective) - evident, manifest, obvious
- באַוווּנדערונג f (bavunderung) - admiration
- באַוווּסזײַן n (bavuszayn) - consciousness bavustzayn
- באַוווּנדערן (bavundern) - to admire
- באַוווּסט (bavust, adjective) - well-known, eminent, famous
- באַוואָרפֿן (bavorfn) - to pelt, ply with
- באַוואַכן (bavakhn) - to guard
- באַוואַקסן (bavaksn, adjective) - overgrown
- באַוועבט (bavebt, adjective) - woven
- באַוועגונג f (bavegung) - movement, cause
- באַוועגן (bavegn) - to move (something)
- באַװעגן (bavegn) - to move
- באַוועגן זיך (bavegn zikh) - to exercise
- באַוועלדערט (baveldert, adjective) - forested
- באָוול n (bovl) - junk, cheap merchandise
- באַוול m (bavl) - cotton
- באַוויליקונג f (bavilikung) - grant
- באַוויליקן (bavilikn) - to grant, accord
- באַווײַז m (bavayz) - showing, demonstration; indication, proof
- באַווײַזן (bavayzn) - to exhibit, show; to demonstrate, indicate
- באַווײַזן זיך (bavayzn zikh) - to appear, show up
- באַווײַבט (bavaybt, adjective) - married man
- באַומרויִקן (baumruikn) - to disquiet, disturb
- באַאַרבעטונג f (baarbetung) - cultivation; adaptation, revision, change
- באַאַרבעטן (baarbetn) - to till, cultivate; to change, revise; to elaborate
- באַאַמטער m (baamter) - clerk, official
- באַצאָלן (batsoln) - to pay
- באַצעטלען (batsetlen) - to write on a small piece of paper
- באַצירן (batsirn) - to adorn
- באַציונג f (batsyung) - relation; attitude
- באַציען זיך (batsyen zikh) - to relate to
- באַצייכנען (batseykhnen) - to label, designate batseykhn
- באַפֿרײַנדט מיט (bafrayndt mit, adjective) - familiar, friendly
- באַפֿרײַונג f (bafrayung) - liberation; release, discharge; exemption
- באַפֿרײַער m (bafrayer) - liberator
- באַפֿרײַען (bafrayen) - to release, liberate, free (someone or something)
- באָפּקעס (bopkes) - something extremely trivial; practically nothing (American Jewish)
- באַפּוצונג f (baputsung) - decoration, trimming, ornament
- באַפּוצן (baputsn) - to decorate, embellish, trim
- באַפֿאַלן (bafaln) - to attack; to invade; to assault, prey upon; to mug
- באַפֿעסטיקן (bafestikn) - to fortify, strengthen
- באַפֿעל m (bafel) - order, command
- באַפֿעלקערונג f (bafelkerung) - population
- באַפֿעלקערן (bafelkern) - to populate
- באַפֿעלן (bafeln) - to order, command, communicate
- באַפֿלעקט (baflekt, adjective) - spotted, soiled, stained
- באַלד (bald, adverb) - soon
- באַלדיק (baldik, adjective) - immediate, early, prompt, soon, impending
- באַלקן m (balkn) - beam; girder; rafter
- באַלוינונג f (baloynung) - reward
- באַלוינען (baloynen) - to reward
- באַלאַגאַן m (balagan) - mess, bedlam
- באַלאָן m (balon) - balloon
- באַלעם m (balem) - ball
- באַלעסטיקן (balestikn) - to molest; to trouble
- באַלעקן זיך (balekn zikh, intransitive verb) - to lick one's lips or fingers
- באלף (beelef) - versus, (to make a distinction between sacred and profane things that have been mentioned successively)
- באַלייגן (baleygn) - to cover, line; to put to bed; to put up guests, mail a letter
- באַלײַכטן (balaykhtn) - to light up, illuminate
- באַליידיקונג f (baleydikung) - insult, offense
- באַליידיקן (baleydikn) - to insult, offend
- באַליידיקן זיך (baleydikn zikh, intransitive verb) - to be insulted, be offended
- באַן f (ban) - train, railroad
- באמ (beim) - if
- באָמבע f (bombe) - bomb
- באַמאַנט (bamant, adjective) - married woman
- באַמערק m (bamerk) - notice
- באַמערקאונג f (bamerkung) - remark, comment
- באַמערקן (bamerkn) - to notice
- באמת (beemes, adverb) - really, truly, indeed; sincerely
- באַמיען (bamyen) - to trouble, inconvenience
- באַמיען זיך (bamyen zikh) - to strive
- בציבור (btsiber / betsiber, adverb) - collectively
- בפֿרט (befrat, adjective) - particularly, especially
- בפֿרהסיא (bifresye, adverb) - openly, in public
- בפֿירוש (befeyresh, adjective) - explicitly
- בע (be) - bah!, pooh!
- בענטשליכט f or n (bentshlikht) - candles (for Sabbath or holiday benediction)
- בענזין m (benzin) - gasoline, benzine
- בענדל n (bendl) - ribbon
- בענקשאַפֿט f (benkshaft) - longing, yearning, nostalgia
- בענקעניש n (benkenish) - longing, homesickness
- בענקען נאָך (benken nokh) - to miss, long for, yearn for
- בעטגעוואַנט n (betgevant) - bedding
- בעטל n (betl) - berth
- בעטלברויט n (betlbroyt) - handouts
- בעטלער m (betler) - beggar
- בעטלען (betlen) - to beg
- בעטן (betn) - to ask, request, beg
- בעטן גאָט (betn got) - to pray
- בערגל n (bergl) - hill; pile, heap
- בערקשיר (berkshir) - Berkshire hills (NY, USA)
- בערעזע f (bereze) - birch tree
- בערך (berkh, adverb) - approximately
- בעז m (bez) - lilac
- בעזעם m (bezem) - broom
- בעסטיע f (bestye) - beast; brute
- בעסאַראַביאַ (besarabya, place) - Bessarabia, the geographic entity in Eastern Europe bounded by the Dniester River on the East and the Prut River on the West
- בעסער וועלן (beser veln) - to prefer
- בעבען (beben) - to mumble, babble
- בעכער m (bekher) - wine glass, goblet, cup
- בעקל n (bekl) - cheek (diminutive form); little cheek (endearing, used in reference to children)
- בעצם (betsm, adverb) - basically, intrinsically, fundamentally, as a matter of fact, in essence
- בעלנות n (balones) - eagerness, interest
- בעלגיע f (belgye) - Belgium
- בעלעטריסטיק f (beletristik) - fiction
- בעלעטריסטיש (beletristish, adjective) - fictional
- בעלי־דבֿר f (bale-dover (or) baledover) - culprit (female); defendant
- בעלן m (baln) - interested person, volunteer
- בעל־ (bal-) - man of..., person of..., owner of...
- בעל־טבֿה m (bal-toyve) - benefactor
- בעל־גוף m (bal-guf) - fat person
- בעל־דבֿר m (bal-dover (or) baldover) - culprit (male); defendant
- בעל־הבתּעווען (balebateven) - to keep house, manage
- בעל־הבתּישקייט n or f (balebatishkeyt) - household; economy
- בעל־הבתיל n (balbesl (or) balebesl) - newlywed married man
- בעל־שם m (bal-shem) - miracle worker
- בעל־שם־טובֿ (bal-shem-tov) - Holy Baal Shem; Rabbi Yisroyl ben Elyezer, founder of Hasidic Judaism
- בעל־פּה (bal-pe (or) balpe, adverb) - orally, verbally, by word of mouth
- בעל־תּכלית m (bal-takhles) - practical person
- בעל־מלאָכה m (bal-melokhe) - craftsman
- בע־מע (be-me) - blah, blah; yada yada
- בת (bas) - daughter of
- בתר כּשר m (boser kosher) - kosher meat
- בתּשבֿה (btshuve, adverb) - in answer (to)
- בתּורת (betoyres, adverb) - by way of, as
- בתוכם (bsoykhem, adverb) - including
- בתּי (batey) - Batim, the part of the phylactery that holds scripture
- בת־מלכּות f (bas-malke) - princess
- בלחש (belakhesh, adverb) - quietly
- בלבול m (bilbl, bilbul) - false accusation, frame-up
- בלוטיק (blutik, adjective) - bloody
- בלוזע f (bluze) - blouse
- בלויז (bloyz, adverb) - only, just
- בלאָנדזשען (blondzhen) - to stray, wander; to ramble
- בלאָנד (blond, adjective) - blond; fair
- בלאָטע f (blote) - mud
- בלאָטיק (blotik, adjective) - sloppy
- בלאָז m (bloz) - blow; blast; gust
- בלאָזן (blozn) - to blow
- בלאָזן שופֿר (blozn shoyfer) - to blow the shofar (the ram's horn blown on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)
- בלאָזן פֿון זיך (blozn fun zikh) - to put on airs
- בלאַס (blas, adjective) - pale, pallid, colorless
- בלאָג m (blog) - blog (web log)
- בלאָגירן (blogirn) - to blog (write in a web log)
- בלאָקאָוואַ (blokova) - blokova, the yiddish pronunciation for the Polish word blokowy, the leader of cell blocks in Jewish prison camps of World War II
- בלעזל n (blezl) - bubble
- בלעכען (blekhn, adjective) - tin, made of sheet metal
- בלעכל n (blekhl) - tin badge, tin can
- בלעך n (blekh) - tin plate, sheet metal
- בלי m (bli) - bloom, prime
- בלינד (blind, adjective) - blind
- בלינדקייט f (blindkeyt) - blindness
- בלינדע קישקע f (blinde kishke) - appendix (anatomical)
- בליאַסק m (blyask) - glare, luster
- בלײַבל n (blaybl) - tab
- בלײַבן (blaybn) - to stay, remain
- בלײַבן שטיין (blaybn shteyn, intransitive verb) - to stop
- בלייך (bleykh, adjective) - pale
- בלי־ספֿק (bli-sofek, adverb) - no doubt, unquestionably, without doubt, undoubtedly
- בינטל n (bintl) - bundle, bunch; truss
- בינדרונג m (bindrung) - link
- בינדן (bindn) - to tie, bind, shackle
- בינע f (bine) - stage
- ביט m (bit) - basin, tub
- ביטול m (bitl) - contempt, scorn
- ביטער (biter, adjective) - bitter, dire
- בירגער m (birger) - citizen; bourgeois
- בירגערקריג m or f (birgerkrig) - civil war
- בירגערלעך (birgerlekh, adjective) - civil; bourgeois
- בירגער־מײַסטער m (birger-mayster) - mayor
- בירושה (byerushe, adverb) - inheritance
- ביז (biz, preposition) - up to, until, by (a certain time)
- ביזאַנטינעש (bizantinesh, adjective) - byzantine
- ביזאַהאָר (bizahor, adverb) - exactly
- ביזאַהער (bizaher, adverb) - up to now, until now, previously
- ביס m (bis) - bite
- ביסקופּ m (biskup) - bishop
- ביסל m (bisl) - bit, piece (of something)
- ביסלעכווײַז (bislekhvayz, adverb) - gradually, bit by bit, little by little, piecemeal
- ביבער m (biber) - beaver
- ביכער־רעוויזיאָר m (bikher-revizyor) - auditor
- ביכער־רעוויזיע f (bikher-revizye) - audit
- ביכער־ווינקל m (bikher-vinkl) - bookend
- בידנע (bidne, adjective) - poor, wretched
- ביק m (bik) - bull
- ביקל n (bikl) - marble (playing)
- ביוראָ n (byuro) - office
- ביוראַליסט m (byuralist) - office worker
- ביאָגראַפֿיע f (byografye) - biography
- ביאָלאָג m (byolog) - biologist
- ביאָלאָגיע f (byologye) - biology
- ביצה m (beytse) - egg; testicles (in plural)
- בית m or f (bis) - house, home; school, system
- בית הכסא (beys-hakisey) - bathroom, toilet
- בית־דין n (bezdn/bezn) - rabbinical court
- בית־הכּנסת n (beysakneses) - synagogue
- בית־הקבֿרות n or m (beysakvores) - (Jewish) cemetery
- בית־המיקדש n or m (beysamigdesh) - the Temple in Jerusalem
- בית־עולם m or n (besoylem) - (Jewish) cemetery
- בית־עלמין m or n (besalmen) - cemetery (usu. Jewish)
- ביִת־מדרש m or n (besmedresh) - prayer house, study house; small Orthodox synagogue
- בים־באָם (bim-bom) - ding-dong
- בילד שיין (bild sheyn, adjectival predicate) - gorgeous
- בילדונג f (bildung) - education
- בילעט m (bilet) - ticket
- ביליק (bilik, adjective) - cheap
- ביליאָן (bilyon) - billion
- בײַטש f (baytsh) - whip
- בײַטל n (baytl) - purse
- בײַטן (baytn) - to change, vary, alter; to exchange
- בײַטן זיך בײַ (baytn zikh bay) - to take turns at
- בייזער m (beyzer) - anger; indignation
- בײַזער חלום m (beyzer kholem) - nightmare
- בײַזײַן n (bayzayn) - presence
- בײַזײַן (bayzayn) - to be present
- בייסבאָל m (beysbol) - baseball (game, ball)
- בײַסיק (baysik) - biting, sharp; painful
- בײַסן (baysn) - to bite
- בײַבאַק m (baybak) - marmot; lazybones
- בייג m (beyg) - bend, twist, curve
- בײגונג f (beygung) - (grammar) inflection
- בייגפֿאַל m (beygfal) - (grammar) case, declension
- בײגיק (beygik) - bent, bowed, curved; (grammar) inflected
- בייגן זיך (beygn zikh) - to bend, curve, bow; (grammar) to inflect
- בײַכל n (baykhl) - small belly
- ביידע (beyde) - both
- בײַדל n (baydl) - small covered wagon
- בײַקומען (baykumen) - to overcome, vanquish; to defeat
- בײַשפּיל m (bayshpil) - example
- בײַלאַגע f (baylage) - supplement; enclosure
- בייזערן זיך (beyzern zikh) - to be angry with; to scold
- בין־השמשות n or m (beynhashmoshes) - twilight; dusk
- ביןי־לביני (beyne-lebeyne) - meanwhile, in the meantime
- בן (ben) - son of
- בן־בית m (ben-bayes) - member of the household
- בן־דור m (bendor) - contemporary
- בן־אָדם m (ben-odem) - man, mortal, human being
- בן־יחיד m (benyokhed) - only son
- בן־ישׂראל m (ben-yisroel) - Israelite
- בן־מלך m (ben-meylekh) - prince
- במשך פֿון (bmshkh fun, preposition) - during, in the course of
- במציאות (bimtsies) - available
- במילא (bemeyle, adverb) - therefore; of necessity
[edit]- כּ (kof) - kof, 11th letter of the Yiddish alphabet
- כּנגד (keneged, preposition) - versus, as opposed to
- כּסדר (keseyder, adverb) - constantly, continually
- כּסדרדיק (keseyderdik, adjective) - regular; constant
- כּהן m (koyen) - priest (Jewish)
- כּשרן (koshern) - to prepare food for Passover
- כּוס m (kos) - cup, goblet
- כּוונה f (kavone) - intention, fervor
- כּוללדיק (koyleldik, adjective) - overall, sweeping
- כּפּרה f (kapore) - scapegoat
- כּעס m (kas) - anger
- כּתבֿ m or n (ksav) - writing, handwriting
- כּתבֿ־יד m or n (ksavya'd) - manuscript
- כּתובה f (ksube) - wedding contract
- כּלבֿטע f (klafte) - bitch (juman); cunt (vulgar)
- כּלומרשט (kloymersht, adverb) - apparently, allegedly
- כּלערליי (kolerley, adjective) - all kinds of, of all kinds, various, assorted
- כּלל....נישט (klal….nisht) - not at all
- כּלי (keyle) - dish, receptacle
- כּלי f (kli) - vessel
- כּלי־זיין n (klezayen) - weapon
- כּל־נידרי m (kolnidre) - prayer recited on the eve of Yom Kippur
- כּל־המינים (kolaminim, adjective) - kinds: all kinds of
- כּיסלו m (kislev) - Kislev, third month of the Jewish calendar
- כּיבוד m (kibed) - tribute; refreshments
- כּישופֿדיק (kishefdik, adjective) - magical, charmed (with a magic spell)
- כּישוף m (kishef) - spell, charm; magic; witchcraft, sorcery
- כּישף־מאַכער m (kishefmakher) - magician
[edit]- תּנא m (tane) - certain Rabbis of the 1st and 2nd century
- תּנאַי m (tnay) - condition, provision
- תּנך m (tanakh) - Old Testament
- תּרגום m (targem, targum) - Targem, an Aramaic translation of the Old Testament
- תּחינה f (tkhine) - Tkhine, prayer written in Yiddish and intended mostly for women
- תּבֿה f (teyve) - (Noah's) ark
- תּבֿואה f (tvue) - grain, cereal
- תּכלית m (takhles) - result; purpose; serious business
- תּקופֿה f (tekufe) - era
- תּקומהדיק (tkumedik, adjective) - persistent
- תּקיף (takef, adjective) - powerful (socially)
- תּקיף m (takef) - powerful person
- תּשרי m (tishre) - Tishre, 1st month of the Jewish calendar
- תּשעה־באָבֿ (tishebov)/תּישעה־באָבֿ m (tishebov) - Tishebov, the 9th day of Ov, a day of fasting in commemoration of the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples in Jerusalem
- תּשעה־באָבֿ m (tishebov) - gloomy mood
- תּשמיש m (tashmesh) - sexual intercourse
- תּשמיש־המיטה m (tashmesh-hamite) - sexual intercourse
- תּוכיק (tokhik, adjective) - essential
- תּוכן m (toykhn) - contents
- תּושבֿ m (toyshev) - resident, inmate
- תּופֿס זײַן (toyfes zayn) - to apprehend, take in
- תּאווה f (tayve) - passion, lust
- תּפֿוצות (tfutses) - The Jewish Diaspora
- תּפֿילה טאָן (tfile ton, periphrastic verb) - to pray
- תּענוג m (tayneg) - pleasure, delight
- תּענית m (tonis) - day of fasting
- תּליה f (tlie) - gallows
- תּלין m (talyen) - hangman
- תּלמוד־תּורה f (talmetoyre) - Talmud Torah, free school for poor children
- תּלמיד m (talmid) - student, pupil, learner
- תּלמידה f (talmide) - student, pupil
- תּלמיד־חכם m (talmid-khokhem) - learned man, Jewish scholar
- תּירוץ m (terets) - excuse, pretense, justification
- תּיכּף (teykef, adverb) - immediately, at once, in no time; directly
- תּיקון־טעות m (tikn-toes) - correction
- תּמצית m or n (tamtses) - essence