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This template creates a description of the arguments that a term takes and their meaning.


|1= (required)
The language code of the term being defined. (See Wiktionary:Languages.)
|2=, |3=, ...
Specs for the arguments that the term takes. See below.


Parameters to {{+obj}} indicate the arguments (direct and indirect objects, prepositions and associated cases, etc.) that a term (most commonly a verb, sometimes a noun, adjective or adverb) can take. A basic argument is either an inflection tag of the sort used in {{infl of}} (see the documentation of that template), such as dat (dative); or a literal word (e.g. preposition or conjunction) preceded by a colon, such as the German preposition :auf or the Italian conjunction :che. (Postpositions, as well as conjunctions whose associated clause precedes rather than follows, as in a head-final language like Japanese, should be preceded by two colons.) A literal word can be followed by an inflection tag in parentheses to indicate the governance of the associated object (i.e. what case or form it takes). Examples are :auf(acc) (German auf + accusative) and :di(inf) (Italian di + infinitive). For example, the German verb achten might be defined as follows:

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[care]] about, to [[pay attention]] to {{+obj|de|:auf(acc)}}

which produces

  1. (intransitive) to care about, to pay attention to [with auf (+ accusative)]

Either form of argument (inflection tag or literal word) can be followed by a gloss in angle brackets, e.g. German richten mgiht be defined as follows:

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[direct]], to [[point]] (e.g. a weapon) {{+obj|de|:auf(acc)<at>}}

which produces

  1. (transitive) to direct, to point (e.g. a weapon) [with auf (+ accusative) ‘at’]

If a given argument can take more than one possible form with no difference in semantics, separate the possible forms with a slash (grouping them into an alternant set). An example is German vertrauen:

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[trust]], to [[place]] [[confidence]] {{+obj|de|dat/:in(acc)<in someone/something>}}

which produces

  1. (intransitive) to trust, to place confidence [with dative or in (+ accusative) ‘in someone/something’]

If a given term can take more than one argument with different semantics, separate the arguments with a plus sign, as with Polish truć dupę:

# {{lb|pl|idiom|vulgar}} to [[bother]]; to [[pester]] {{+obj|pl|dat<someone> + :o(acc/loc)<about something>}}

which produces

  1. (idiomatic, vulgar) to bother; to pester [with dative ‘someone’ and o (+ accusative or locative) ‘about something’]

This also shows that a slash can be used inside of parens when a given literal word can govern an object in more than one possible case.

Multiword arguments

Examples shown so far use a single inflectional tag and a single literal word. In point of fact, however, the space character is not considered a separator, so you can freely use multiword inflectional tags and multiword "literal words". A fairly simple example of the latter occurs with Italian armeggiare:

# to [[maneuver]]/[[manoeuvre]] or [[scheme]] {{+obj|it|:intorno a/:con/:su}}

which appears as

  1. to maneuver/manoeuvre or scheme [with intorno a or con or su]

Here, intorno a is a single compound preposition and is linked as such. If it is desired to link each word separately, surround them in double brackets, as with Bulgarian стига (stiga):

# [[provided]] (that), [[as long as|as long (as)]] {{+obj|bg|:да(clause)/:[[са́мо]] [[да]](clause)}}

which appears as

  1. provided (that), as long (as) [with да (da, + clause) or са́мо да (sámo da, + clause)]

Note also in this case that when non-Latin script literal words are used along with a governance tag, both the transliteration of the literal word(s) and the governance tag appear in the same set of parentheses.

When it is necessary to specify a multiword inflection tag, it is often best to join the individual words with & unless the combination with a space in it is recognized as an inflection tag in its own right. An example occurs with Old Polish wrócić:

# {{lb|zlw-opl|attested in|Masovia|Greater Poland|Lesser Poland}} to [[return]], to [[give back]] {{gl|to give something back to its original holder or owner}} {{+obj|zlw-opl|:w(acc&poss&pronoun)<to whom>}}

which appears as

  1. (attested in Masovia, Greater Poland, Lesser Poland) to return, to give back (to give something back to its original holder or owner) [with w (+ accusative possessive pronoun) ‘to whom’]

The & says to treat each joined word or word set as an inflection tag and join them as if there were given as separate parameters to {{infl of}} (which usually means with spaces). That is, the output of acc&poss&pronoun is similar to the output of {{infl of|zlw-opl|wrócić||acc|poss|pronoun}} (minus the lemma and preceding of at the end).

A special use of & is when placed before the beginning of the first inflection tag. This suppresses the preceding with. This is useful with certain tags such as transitive, such as with Romanian sări:

# {{lb|ro|transitive}} to [[skip]] {{+obj|ro|&transitive/:peste}}

which displays as

  1. (transitive) to skip [transitive or with peste]

This means that the object can either directly follow the verb or follow after the preposition peste. Without the initial &, you'd get the following:

  1. (transitive) to skip [with transitive or peste]

which doesn't look quite right.

Multiple parameters

If two or more arguments or argument sets with different semantics can co-occur, they should be separated with a + sign, as shown above. However, if two such arguments cannot co-occur, there are two ways to handle this. One is to use separate parameters, as follows, for Italian accanirsi:

# {{lb|it|intransitive}} to [[rage]] {{+obj|it|:su/:con/:contro<against someone/something>|:a(inf)<against (doing something)>}}

which appears as

  1. (intransitive) to rage [with su or con or contro ‘against someone/something’; or with a (+ infinitive) ‘against (doing something)’]

Another way, which works well especially if there is only a single argument each, is to group them into an alternant set by separating them with a slash, giving each alternant its own gloss, as for another meaning of accanirsi:

# {{lb|it|intransitive}} to [[persist]] {{+obj|it|:in<in something>/:a(inf)<in (doing something)>}}

which appears as

  1. (intransitive) to persist [with in ‘in something’ or a (+ infinitive) ‘in (doing something)’]

This second way could be done with the earlier example but would likely be confusing due to the multiple alternants in the first argument set, and cannot be done at all when a parameter consists of arguments or argument sets joined by +. An example of this occurs with the transitive use of Ancient Greek δέω (déō):

## {{lb|grc|transitive}} to [[beg]] {{+obj|grc|gen<something> + gen<from someone>|gen<someone> + inf<to do something>}}

which appears as

    1. (transitive) to beg [with genitive ‘something’ and genitive ‘from someone’; or with genitive ‘someone’ and infinitive ‘to do something’]

Another complex example where multiple parameters are necessary is with Ancient Greek αἰσθάνομαι (aisthánomai):

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} to [[perceive]], [[apprehend]], [[notice]] {{+obj|grc|gen/acc<something>|nom&part<oneself doing, that one is doing>|gen<someone> + gen<doing something>|:ὅτι(verb)/:ὡς(verb)<that ...>}}

which appears as

  1. (transitive) to perceive, apprehend, notice [with genitive or accusative ‘something’; or with nominative participle ‘oneself doing, that one is doing’; or with genitive ‘someone’ and genitive ‘doing something’; or with ὅτι (hóti, + verb) or ὡς (hōs, + verb) ‘that ...’]


Qualifiers (and certain other inline modifiers) can be attached to any individual argument. Qualifiers take the form <q:...> for a left qualifier (appearing directly before the argument) or <qq:...> for a right qualifier (appearing directly after the argument). An example is Polish brać:

# {{lb|pl|reflexive-się}} to [[get]] to {{gl|to begin to do some activity}} {{+obj|pl|:do(gen)/:za(acc)<q:proscribed><to what>}}

which produces

  1. (reflexive with się) to get to (to begin to do some activity) [with do (+ genitive) or (proscribed) za (+ accusative) ‘to what’]

Here, the qualifier <q:proscribed> attaches to the argument :za(acc) and appears directly before it.

The qualifiers <q:...> and <qq:...> are individual qualifiers, meaning they are logically attached to a given individual argument and appear directly before or after it. There are also corresponding overall qualifiers <q*:...> and <qq*:...>, which logically attach to a alternant set of arguments (i.e. a set of arguments separated by a slash). These must appear after the last argument in the alternant set, and display slightly differently. For example, <q:...> attached to the first argument in an alternant set appears after (inside of) the word with preceding the argument, while <q*:...> attached the the end of an alternant set appears before (outside of) the word with preceding the arguments. The uses of these two types of qualifiers are different; for example, the above example could be further clarified as follows:

# {{lb|pl|reflexive-się}} to [[get]] to {{gl|to begin to do some activity}} {{+obj|pl|:do(gen)<q:standard>/:za(acc)<q:common but proscribed><to what>}}

appearing as

  1. (reflexive with się) to get to (to begin to do some activity) [with (standard) do (+ genitive) or (common but proscribed) za (+ accusative) ‘to what’]

Conversely, the following example for Polish odpowiedni shows where <q*:...> is appropriate}}:

# {{senseid|pl|suitable}} [[suitable]], [[appropriate]], [[proper]], [[adequate]], [[relevant]] {{+obj|pl|:do(gen)<to what>|dat/:dla(gen)<for what><q*:obsolete>}}

which appears as

  1. suitable, appropriate, proper, adequate, relevant [with do (+ genitive) ‘to what’; or (obsolete) with dative or dla (+ genitive) ‘for what’]

Finally, it should be noted that if an argument is not part of an alternant set (i.e. does not have a slash next to it), any individual qualifiers (<q:...> and <qq:...>) are automatically promoted to overall qualifiers. An example where this occurs is Romanian întâlni:

# {{lb|ro|transitive|reflexive|or|reciprocal}} to [[meet]] {{+obj|ro|:cu<q:if reflexive>}}

which appears as

  1. (transitive, reflexive or reciprocal) to meet [(if reflexive) with cu]

The <q:...> qualifier was automatically "promoted" to (i.e. converted into) <q*:...>, causing it to appear outside (before) the preceding with.

Another example where q* is needed is the following definition of the Portuguese verb prescindir:

# {{lb|pt|intransitive|transitive|or|reflexive}} to [[do without]]; to [[dispense]] with {{+obj|pt|:de<something>/:de(inf)<doing something><q*:without or with a reflexive pronoun>|dirobj<something><q*:without a reflexive pronoun>}}
  1. (intransitive, transitive or reflexive) to do without; to dispense with [(without or with a reflexive pronoun) with de ‘something’ or de (+ infinitive) ‘doing something’; or (without a reflexive pronoun) with direct object ‘something’]

This verb comes in several syntactic constructions: (a) non-reflexive, with a direct object; (b) reflexive or non-reflexive, with the object preceded by de; (c) reflexive or non-reflexive, with de followed by an infinitive verb. The intransitive (non-reflexive) construction with de appears the most common. This is expressed using a combination of qualifiers and alternants.

Arbitrary text can appear inside of qualifiers (as well as glosses and other inline modifiers surrounded by angle brackets). An example with Portuguese bater à porta:

# {{senseid|pt|to present itself}} {{lb|pt|intransitive|idiomatic}} to [[come knocking]] {{gl|of a bad situation: to present itself to someone}} {{+obj|pt|:de(object)/a possessive pronoun<q:preceding {{m|pt|porta}}><for someone>}}

which appears as

  1. (intransitive, idiomatic) to come knocking (of a bad situation: to present itself to someone) [with de (+ object) or (preceding porta) a possessive pronoun ‘for someone’]

Here, a template call to {{m}} appears inside of angle brackets. This produces HTML that itself contains angle brackets, but this is parsed correctly because the parser ignores balanced angle brackets inside the inline modifier.


Labels, as in {{lb}}, can be attached to any argument, just like qualifiers. The inline modifiers <l:...> (for left labels) and <ll:...> (for right labels) work parallel to left and right qualifiers. An example of such a label modifier in action is with Portuguese estar:

# {{senseid|pt|forms the progressive}} {{lb|pt|auxiliary}} to [[be]]; {{ng|forms the [[progressive]] aspect}} {{+obj|pt|ger<ll:Brazil>/:a(inf)<ll:Portugal>}}

which appears as

  1. (auxiliary) to be; forms the progressive aspect [with gerund (Brazil) or a (+ infinitive) (Portugal)]

Here, the verb estar has different syntax in Brazil and Portugal, and the labels auto-link to the appropriate Wikipedia article on the two dialects.

A similar example is with Polish abdykować:

# {{lb|pl|intransitive|law}} to [[abdicate]] {{gl|to surrender, renounce or relinquish, as a sovereign power}} {{+obj|pl|:na rzecz(gen)<on behalf of someone> + :z(gen)/:od(gen)<l:in <<Middle Polish>>><from what>}}

which appears as

  1. (intransitive, law) to abdicate (to surrender, renounce or relinquish, as a sovereign power) [with na rzecz (+ genitive) ‘on behalf of someone’, along with z (+ genitive) or (in Middle Polish) od (+ genitive) ‘from what’]

This uses the double angle-bracket syntax described in Template:label#Double angle bracket notation.

Another complex example follows, for Portuguese dar:

# {{lb|pt|<<transitive>> (<<Portugal>>) or <<intransitive>> (<<Brazil>>)|colloquial}} to [[defeat]] by a [[given]] [[score]] {{+obj|pt|dirobj<ll:Portugal>/:de<ll:Brazil><a score> + :a<ll:Portugal>/:em<ll:Brazil><someone or someone's team>}}

which appears as

  1. (transitive (Portugal) or intransitive (Brazil), colloquial) to defeat by a given score [with direct object (Portugal) or de (Brazil) ‘a score’, along with a (Portugal) or em (Brazil) ‘someone or someone's team’]

The distinction between individual and overall labels exists, exactly as for qualifiers, along with corresponding inline modifiers <l*:...> and <ll*:...> and corresponding "promotion" behavior for arguments not part of an alternant set.

Arguments inside of parentheses

The governance spec given in parentheses after a literal word (preposition, conjunction, or the like), which indicates the syntactic properties of the phrase or clause governed by the literal word, can be anything that goes in a single argument; it is processed recursively when parsing and formatting. Some examples were provided above where alternants can be given to indicate that a preposition can take a noun in more than one case, e.g. :o(acc/loc)<about something>, and where multiple inflection tags separated by & are given, e.g. :w(acc&poss&pronoun)<to whom>. A more complex example of this occurs with Portuguese dar in its impersonal meaning "to be possible":

# {{lb|pt|impersonal}} to be [[possible]], [[can]] {{+obj|pt|:para(subject&pronoun<qq:optional> + pers&inf)<for someone to do something>}}

which appears as

  1. (impersonal) to be possible, can [with para (+ subject pronoun (optional) with personal infinitive) ‘for someone to do something’]

Another example with a somewhat complex argument inside parentheses occurs with Portuguese saber in its meaning "to know that ...":

# {{senseid|pt|to know a fact}} {{lb|pt|transitive|or|intransitive}} to be [[aware]], to [[know]] {{+obj|pt|:que(ind-cl&when positive/sub-cl&when negated)<that ...>}}

which appears as

  1. (transitive or intransitive) to be aware, to know [with que (+ indicative clause when positive or subjunctive clause when negated) ‘that ...’]

Another example with Azerbaijani oturub-durmaq:

# to [[dance to someone's tune]], to live and die by someone's word, to obey or follow every instruction from someone, to follow someone's guidance rather than taking independent decisions {{+obj|az|::ilə(:söz<word>/:dediyi<what was said><q*:mostly>)<with>}}

which appears as

  1. to dance to someone's tune, to live and die by someone's word, to obey or follow every instruction from someone, to follow someone's guidance rather than taking independent decisions [with ((mostly) söz ‘word’ or dediyi ‘what was said’ +) ilə ‘with’]

Here, in this usage of the term, the postposition ilə (with) is usually accompanied by söz or dediyi.

Another example with German berufen:

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[appoint]] {{+obj|de|acc<someone> + :auf(acc)/:zu(dat)<to a high office>/:als(acc&if active/nom&if passive)<as someone>}}

which appears as

  1. (transitive) to appoint [with accusative ‘someone’, along with auf (+ accusative) or zu (+ dative) ‘to a high office’ or als (+ accusative if active or nominative if passive) ‘as someone’]

Another example with German bringen, which shows that nesting (in fact, arbitrary nesting) is possible inside of parens:

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[get]], to [[cause]] {{+obj|de|acc<someone> + :zum(nominalized&verb)/:dazu(:zu(inf)/:dass(clause)/omitted&clause)<to do something>}}

which appears as

  1. (transitive) to get, to cause [with accusative ‘someone’, along with zum (+ nominalized verb) or dazu (+ zu (+ infinitive) or dass (+ clause) or omitted clause) ‘to do something’]

The intent is that when German bringen means "to cause", the verb expressing the action that is caused can be expressed either using zum followed by a nominalized verb or by dazu, which can optionally be followed by a zu-infinitive clause, a clause headed by dass (that), or nothing.

Notes on inflection tags

Inflection tags were originally created for use in {{inflection of}}, which sometimes leads to mismatches between what is most convenient for the inflection tags used in {{inflection of}} and those used in {{+obj}}. Some things of note:

  1. The direct tag refers to the direct case. For a direct object, spell out direct object as a single tag or use its abbreviation dirobj.
  2. Likewise the indirect tag refers to the indirect case (see direct case). For an indirect object, spell out indirect object as a single tag or use its abbreviation indirobj.
  3. The abbreviations adj and adv stand for adjectival and adverbial, used as modifiers e.g. for participles in various Slavic languages. Spell out adjective and adverb to refer to these parts of speech.
  4. The tag in is an abbreviation for inanimate; to get the word in, either use !in or put it as part of a larger tag with embedded spaces.
  5. Shortcuts are provided for various types of clauses for use inside of parentheses to describe the part or speech governed by a given preposition or conjunction, e.g. ind-cl for an indicative clause, sub-cl for a subjunctive clause, pres-cl for a present-tense clause, pres-sub-cl for a present subjunctive clause, cond-cl for a conditional clause, etc. See the documentation for {{inflection of}} under Template:inflection of#Non-alias shortcuts for the full list.
  6. As a general rule, the part of speech aliases used in conjunction with the |pos= parameter to various templates (see Template:head#Part of speech) do not work here — and worse, actually have different meanings. For example, n means neuter, not noun; pre and prep refer to the prepositional case (found in Russian), not to prepositions; etc. It is best to spell out the parts of speech in full.


# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[trust]], to place confidence in {{+obj|de|dat|:in(acc)}}
  1. (intransitive) to trust, to place confidence in [with dative; or with in (+ accusative)]

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[bump]] (into something); to [[knock]] (against something) {{+obj|de|:an(acc)|:gegen(acc)}} {{+aux|de|sein}}
  1. (intransitive) to bump (into something); to knock (against something) [with an (+ accusative); or with gegen (+ accusative)] [auxiliary sein]

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[get]] (into); to [[fall]] (into); to [[come]] (to); to [[fly]] (into) {{+obj|de|:in/:unter(acc)<state or condition>}}
  1. (intransitive) to get (into); to fall (into); to come (to); to fly (into) [with in or unter (+ accusative) ‘state or condition’]

# {{lb|de|informal}} to [[thump]], to [[hit]] hard {{+obj|de|&transitive|&intransitive + :auf}}
  1. (informal) to thump, to hit hard [transitive; or intransitive with auf]

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[care]] about, to [[pay attention]] to {{+obj|de|:auf(acc)}}
  1. (intransitive) to care about, to pay attention to [with auf (+ accusative)]

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[direct]], to [[point]] (e.g. a weapon) {{+obj|de|:auf(acc)<at>}}
  1. (transitive) to direct, to point (e.g. a weapon) [with auf (+ accusative) ‘at’]

# {{lb|de|reflexive}} to be [[directed]] (of emotions, words, etc.) {{+obj|de|:auf(acc)<towards>|:gegen(acc)<at>}}
  1. (reflexive) to be directed (of emotions, words, etc.) [with auf (+ accusative) ‘towards’; or with gegen (+ accusative) ‘at’]

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[look]] at; to [[watch]] {{+obj|de|:auf<q:often>|:nach<q:also>}} {{ngd|the construction with {{m|de||nach}} often implies a turning of the head; other prepositions can be used depending on the context}}
  1. (intransitive) to look at; to watch [(often) with auf; or (also) with nach] the construction with nach often implies a turning of the head; other prepositions can be used depending on the context

# {{lb|de|reflexive}} to be [[thankful]], to express [[thanks]] {{+obj|de|:für<for> + :bei<to>}}
  1. (reflexive) to be thankful, to express thanks [with für ‘for’ and bei ‘to’]

# {{lb|de|chiefly|literary}} to [[start]] something; to [[begin]] something {{+obj|de|&transitive|:mit}}
  1. (chiefly literary) to start something; to begin something [transitive; or with mit]

# {{lb|de|reflexive|colloquial|regional|western Germany}} to be [[touch]]ed by; to [[care]] much about; to have oneself be [[impressed]] by; to [[feel]] responsible for {{+obj|de|indefinite & pronoun + :von(dat)}}
  1. (reflexive, colloquial, regional, western Germany) to be touched by; to care much about; to have oneself be impressed by; to feel responsible for [with indefinite pronoun and von (+ dative)]

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[dress]] someone in {{+obj|de|dat}}
  1. (transitive) to dress someone in [with dative]

# {{lb|de|reflexive|ambitransitive}} to [[remember]] {{+obj|de|gen/:an<which matter>}}
  1. (reflexive, transitive, intransitive) to remember [with genitive or an ‘which matter’]

# {{lb|de|ditransitive}} to [[remind]] {{+obj|de|acc<whom> + gen/:an<which matter>}}
  1. (ditransitive) to remind [with accusative ‘whom’, along with genitive or an ‘which matter’]

# {{tlb|de|ditransitive}} {{+obj|de|acc+dat}}
  1. (ditransitive) [with accusative and dative]

# to be [[similar]] in respect to a [[certain]] [[trait]] {{+obj|de|dat<similar to whom> + :in<by which trait>}}
  1. to be similar in respect to a certain trait [with dative ‘similar to whom’ and in ‘by which trait’]

# to [[hit]], [[whack]] {{+obj|de|:eins/:ein Paar + dat}}
  1. to hit, whack [with eins or ein Paar, along with dative]

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[put on]]; to [[dress]] oneself in {{+obj|de|reflexive<q:often>&dat}}
  1. (transitive) to put on; to dress oneself in [(often) with reflexive dative]

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[save]], to [[rescue]] {{+obj|de|:vor/:aus(dat)<from>}}
  1. (transitive) to save, to rescue [with vor or aus (+ dative) ‘from’]

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to [[get]], to [[cause]] (someone to do something) {{+obj|de|:zum(nominalized verb)|:dazu + :zu(inf)|:dazu + :dass(clause)|:dazu<q:demonstrative>}}
  1. (transitive) to get, to cause (someone to do something) [with zum (+ nominalized verb); or with dazu and zu (+ infinitive); or with dazu and dass (+ clause); or (demonstrative) with dazu]

# to [[feel like]], to be [[in the mood]] for {{+obj|de|dat + :nach/:danach + :zumute<q:sometimes>}}
  1. to feel like, to be in the mood for [with dative, along with nach or danach, (sometimes) along with zumute]

# {{lb|de|intransitive}} to [[enter]], to [[pass]] [[into]] (a different medium, phase of life, etc.) {{+obj|de|:von(dat)<from> + :in(acc)<into>}} {{+aux|de|sein}}
  1. (intransitive) to enter, to pass into (a different medium, phase of life, etc.) [with von (+ dative) ‘from’ and in (+ accusative) ‘into’] [auxiliary sein]

# {{lb|de|transitive}} to cause someone to do something, to [[impel]] {{+obj|de|acc + :zu(inf)}}
  1. (transitive) to cause someone to do something, to impel [with accusative and zu (+ infinitive)]

# {{lb|de|reflexive}} to [[long]] {{+obj|de|:nach(dat)<q:usually><for>}}
  1. (reflexive) to long [(usually) with nach (+ dative) ‘for’]

# {{lb|de|reflexive|colloquial}} to [[get cracking]], to [[get a move on]], to [[get down]] {{+obj|de|dat&reflexive&pronoun+:an(acc)<on/with/to something>}}; {{q|in imperative:}} [[come on]], [[let's go]]
  1. (reflexive, colloquial) to get cracking, to get a move on, to get down [with dative reflexive pronoun and an (+ accusative) ‘on/with/to something’]; (in imperative:) come on, let's go

# {{lb|de|reflexive}} to [[apply]] {{gloss|submit oneself as a candidate}} {{+obj|de|:bei(dat)<to a company etc.> + :um/:für(acc)<for a position etc.> + :auf(acc)<in response to>}}
  1. (reflexive) to apply (submit oneself as a candidate) [with bei (+ dative) ‘to a company etc.’, along with um or für (+ accusative) ‘for a position etc.’, along with auf (+ accusative) ‘in response to’]

# {{lb|de|impersonal|intransitive}} to be going; to be [[alright]] {{+obj|de|dat<logical subject>}}
  1. (impersonal, intransitive) to be going; to be alright [with dative ‘logical subject’]

# {{lb|ru|slang}} to be [[engrossed]] in; to be [[obsessed]] with; to be {{q|figuratively}} [[addicted]] to {{+obj|ru|:на(acc)<a subject>|:в(prep/acc)<a gadget, a platform, social media>}}
  1. (slang) to be engrossed in; to be obsessed with; to be (figuratively) addicted to [with на (na, + accusative) ‘a subject’; or with в (v, + prepositional or accusative) ‘a gadget, a platform, social media’]

# {{lb|pl|idiom|vulgar}} to [[bother]]; to [[pester]] {{+obj|pl|dat<someone> + :o(acc/loc)<about something>}}
  1. (idiomatic, vulgar) to bother; to pester [with dative ‘someone’ and o (+ accusative or locative) ‘about something’]

# to [[obtain]] {{+obj|ary|:على<tr:ʕla>}}
  1. to obtain [with على (ʕla)]

# {{lb|az|intransitive, transitive}} to [[pass the buck]], to give the blame to someone {{+obj|az|dat|::üstünə<to>}}
  1. (intransitive, transitive) to pass the buck, to give the blame to someone [with dative; or with üstünə ‘to’]

# to [[be]] {{qualifier|indicates sameness or membership in a class}} {{+obj|pl|nom|ins}}
  1. to be (indicates sameness or membership in a class) [with nominative; or with instrumental]

# {{non-gloss definition|In future tense, forms future tense of imperfective verbs.}} {{+obj|pl|inf|past-cl}}
  1. In future tense, forms future tense of imperfective verbs. [with infinitive; or with past-tense clause]

# {{lb|az|intransitive}} to [[be]] [[notable]] {{+obj|az|::üçün<for>}}
  1. (intransitive) to be notable [with üçün ‘for’]

# to [[go against]], [[attack]], [[invade]] {{+obj|grc|dat|acc<q:rarely>}}
  1. to go against, attack, invade [with dative; or (rarely) with accusative]

# to [[translate]] {{+obj|vep|ela<from> + ill<into>}}
  1. to translate [with elative ‘from’ and illative ‘into’]

# to make [[fall]], to [[take down]], to [[blow]] into {{+obj|ar|:بِ<what thing> + :إِلَى/:عَلَى<onto what>}}
  1. to make fall, to take down, to blow into [with بِ (bi) ‘what thing’, along with إِلَى (ʔilā) or عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘onto what’]

# {{lb|pl|intransitive|literary}} to [[burn]] {{+obj|pl|ins<with some feeling> + :do(gen)<toward someone / something>}}; to feel an intense emotion
  1. (intransitive, literary) to burn [with instrumental ‘with some feeling’ and do (+ genitive) ‘toward someone / something’]; to feel an intense emotion

# {{lb|grc|usually|transitive}} to [[ask for]], [[crave]], [[demand]], [[beg]] {{+obj|grc|acc<something>|acc<something> + acc<from someone>}}
  1. (usually transitive) to ask for, crave, demand, beg [with accusative ‘something’; or with accusative ‘something’ and accusative ‘from someone’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} to [[prefer]] {{+obj|grc|acc<something>|inf<to do something>}} {{+obj|grc|:[[μᾶλλον]] [[ἤ]]/:ἤ<over something else><q:often>}}
  1. (transitive) to prefer [with accusative ‘something’; or with infinitive ‘to do something’] [with μᾶλλον (mâllon ḗ) or (often) () ‘over something else’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} to do {{+obj|grc|part|inf<q:rarely><something>}} without being noticed {{+obj|grc|acc<by someone>}}
  1. (transitive) to do [with participle; or (rarely) with infinitive ‘something’] without being noticed [with accusative ‘by someone’]

# to desire, be eager or anxious {{+obj|grc|inf<for something to happen, to do something>|gen<for something>}}
  1. to desire, be eager or anxious [with infinitive ‘for something to happen, to do something’; or with genitive ‘for something’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive|when main verb and participle have separate subjects}} to know that {{+obj|grc|acc&noun<someone else> + acc&part<does something>}}
  1. (transitive, when main verb and participle have separate subjects) to know that [with accusative noun ‘someone else’ and accusative participle ‘does something’]

# {{lb|grc|intransitive|when subject of main verb and subject of participle are the same}} to know that {{+obj|grc|nom&part<one does something>}}
  1. (intransitive, when subject of main verb and subject of participle are the same) to know that [with nominative participle ‘one does something’]

# to know that {{+obj|grc|acc + :ὅτι/:ὡς + indirect statement}}
  1. to know that [with accusative, along with ὅτι (hóti) or ὡς (hōs), along with indirect statement]

# to [[try]] {{+obj|grc|inf<to do>}}
  1. to try [with infinitive ‘to do’]

# to [[make]] [[war]], be at war, [[fight]], [[quarrel]] {{+obj|grc|dat<with, against someone>|:πρός(acc)<with, against someone>}}{{Q|grc|Th.||1|1|quote=Θουκυδίδης Ἀθηναῖος ξυνέγραψε τὸν πόλεμον τῶν Πελοποννησίων καὶ Ἀθηναίων, ὡς '''ἐπολέμησαν''' πρὸς ἀλλήλους|trans=Thucydides the Athenian wrote down [the history of] the war of the Pelopponesians and Athenians, how they '''fought''' against each other}}
  1. to make war, be at war, fight, quarrel [with dative ‘with, against someone’; or with πρός (prós, + accusative) ‘with, against someone’]
    460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 1.1:
    Θουκυδίδης Ἀθηναῖος ξυνέγραψε τὸν πόλεμον τῶν Πελοποννησίων καὶ Ἀθηναίων, ὡς ἐπολέμησαν πρὸς ἀλλήλους
    Thoukudídēs Athēnaîos xunégrapse tòn pólemon tôn Peloponnēsíōn kaì Athēnaíōn, hōs epolémēsan pròs allḗlous
    Thucydides the Athenian wrote down [the history of] the war of the Pelopponesians and Athenians, how they fought against each other

# to [[strike]] {{+obj|grc|acc<something> + dat<against something>|dat<something>}}
  1. to strike [with accusative ‘something’ and dative ‘against something’; or with dative ‘something’]

# to [[divert]], to [[regale]], to [[delight]] {{+obj|ar|acc<whom> + :بِ<with>}}
  1. to divert, to regale, to delight [with accusative ‘whom’ and بِ (bi) ‘with’]

# {{lb|grc|metaphorically}} to be grieved, displeased, vexed, annoyed, angry, or discontented, to show outward signs of grief {{+obj|grc|:ὅτι<that ...>/:εἰ<if ...><q*:sometimes>}}
  1. (figuratively) to be grieved, displeased, vexed, annoyed, angry, or discontented, to show outward signs of grief [(sometimes) with ὅτι (hóti) ‘that ...’ or εἰ (ei) ‘if ...’]

# {{lb|grc|ambitransitive}} To be vexed at or with, to be [[angry]] at {{+obj|grc|dat<someone>|:κατά/:πρός}}
  1. (transitive, intransitive) To be vexed at or with, to be angry at [with dative ‘someone’; or with κατά (katá) or πρός (prós)]

# to [[take away]] {{+obj|grc|acc<something> + gen/dat<from someone>|gen<something> + acc<something>}}
  1. to take away [with accusative ‘something’, along with genitive or dative ‘from someone’; or with genitive ‘something’ and accusative ‘something’]

# to [[free]] someone {{+obj|grc|:[[εἰς]] [[ἐλευθερίᾱν]]}}
  1. to free someone [with εἰς ἐλευθερίᾱν (eis eleutheríān)]

# {{lb|grc|transitive|or|intransitive|active|or|middle}} [[assign]] to, [[destine]] {{+obj|grc|dat<someone> + acc<something>|dat<someone> + inf<to do something>}}
  1. (transitive or intransitive, active voice or middle voice) assign to, destine [with dative ‘someone’ and accusative ‘something’; or with dative ‘someone’ and infinitive ‘to do something’]

+obj [with accusative; or with dative]

# {{lb|az|transitive}} to [[miss]], [[long for]] {{+obj|az|::üçün}}
  1. (transitive) to miss, long for [with üçün]

# [[let's]] {{+obj|vep|1&p&impr}}
  1. let's [with first-person plural imperative]

# {{lb|pl|transitive}} to cut {{gloss|to incise}} {{+obj|pl|acc<someone or something>|gen<someone or something><q:in negations>}}
  1. (transitive) to cut (to incise) [with accusative ‘someone or something’; or (in negations) with genitive ‘someone or something’]

# {{lb|az|intransitive}} to [[catch]], to [[contract]], to [[be]] [[infected]] with {{+obj|az|::ilə|dat}}
  1. (intransitive) to catch, to contract, to be infected with [with ilə; or with dative]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} I [[perceive]], [[apprehend]], [[notice]] {{+obj|grc|gen/acc<something>|nom&part<oneself doing, that one is doing>|gen + gen&part<that someone or something is doing, does>}} {{+obj|grc|:ὅτι/:ὡς + verb<that ...>}}
  1. (transitive) I perceive, apprehend, notice [with genitive or accusative ‘something’; or with nominative participle ‘oneself doing, that one is doing’; or with genitive and genitive participle ‘that someone or something is doing, does’] [with ὅτι (hóti) or ὡς (hōs), along with verb ‘that ...’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} To [[beg]] {{+obj|grc|gen<something> + gen<from someone>|gen<someone> + inf<to do something>}}
  1. (transitive) To beg [with genitive ‘something’ and genitive ‘from someone’; or with genitive ‘someone’ and infinitive ‘to do something’]

# to [[intend]] {{+obj|grc|pres|aor|fut&inf<to do>}}
  1. to intend [with present; or with aorist; or with future infinitive ‘to do’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} to [[hear]], [[listen]] to {{+obj|grc|gen<someone> + part<doing something>|acc<something>}}
  1. (transitive) to hear, listen to [with genitive ‘someone’ and participle ‘doing something’; or with accusative ‘something’]

# To [[decide]] or [[judge]] {{+obj|grc|acc<that something> + inf<does something>|acc<that something> + acc<is something>}}
  1. To decide or judge [with accusative ‘that something’ and infinitive ‘does something’; or with accusative ‘that something’ and accusative ‘is something’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} To call to mind, [[remember]] {{+obj|grc|gen|acc<q:less commonly><something, someone>}}
  1. (transitive) To call to mind, remember [with genitive; or (less commonly) with accusative ‘something, someone’]

# to [[keep]] doing, to [[do]] constantly, to [[persist]] in, to remain {{+obj|ar|part/imperf<doing>}}
  1. to keep doing, to do constantly, to persist in, to remain [with participle or imperfect ‘doing’]

# [[without]], [[except]] {{+obj|sa|acc|ins|abl}}
  1. without, except [with accusative; or with instrumental; or with ablative]

# {{lb|grc|ambitransitive}} To be vexed {{+obj|grc|dat|acc<q:rarely>/gen<at something>}}
  1. (transitive, intransitive) To be vexed [with dative; or with (rarely) accusative or genitive ‘at something’]

# {{lb|grc|ambitransitive}} to [[follow]], go after, go with {{+obj|grc|dat|acc<q:rarely>|:σύν(dat)|:μετά(gen)|:ἐπί(acc)<someone>}}
  1. (transitive, intransitive) to follow, go after, go with [with dative; or (rarely) with accusative; or with σύν (sún, + dative); or with μετά (metá, + genitive); or with ἐπί (epí, + accusative) ‘someone’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} to [[exchange]] {{+obj|grc|acc<something> + gen<for something>}}
  1. (transitive) to exchange [with accusative ‘something’ and genitive ‘for something’]

# {{lb|grc|transitive}} to give in exchange {{+obj|grc|:ἀντί<q:often>}}
  1. (transitive) to give in exchange [(often) with ἀντί (antí)]

# {{lb|grc|with active meaning}} [[hating]], [[hostile]] {{+obj|grc|dat/gen<to someone or something>}}
  1. (with active meaning) hating, hostile [with dative or genitive ‘to someone or something’]

# {{lb|grc|copulative}} To look a certain way {{+obj|grc|acc + adjective/adverb}}
  1. (copulative) To look a certain way [with accusative, along with adjective or adverb]

# to [[discuss]], engage in [[talk]]s {{+obj|hi|::की/::पर<about>}}
  1. to discuss, engage in talks [with की () or पर (par) ‘about’]

# to [[tie]] {{+obj|hi|::पर<on, around> + ::से<with>}}
  1. to tie [with पर (par) ‘on, around’ and से (se) ‘with’]

# to [[feel]] [[insult]]ed, to [[get]] [[offend]]ed {{+obj|ru|ins/:на(acc)<by something>}}
  1. to feel insulted, to get offended [with instrumental or на (na, + accusative) ‘by something’]

# to be [[sparing]] with, to be [[stingy]] with, to [[skimp]], to [[scrimp]] {{+obj|ru|:на(acc&pl)}}
  1. to be sparing with, to be stingy with, to skimp, to scrimp [with на (na, + accusative plural)]

# to [[signal]], to [[indicate]] {{+obj|ru|acc/:о(prepositional)/clause<something> + dat<to someone/something>}}
  1. to signal, to indicate [with accusative or о (o, + prepositional) or clause ‘something’, along with dative ‘to someone/something’]

  • ??
# to [[discuss]] {{+obj|ar|&transitive<with someone> + :فِي<the question>}}
  1. to discuss [transitive ‘with someone’ with فِي () ‘the question’]

# {{lb|pl|ambitransitive}} to [[point]], to [[indicate]], to [[show]] {{gl|to show with one's finger or gesture}} {{+obj|pl|dat<to whom>/acc<whom>/:na(acc)<at whom/what> + ins<with what>}}
  1. (transitive, intransitive) to point, to indicate, to show (to show with one's finger or gesture) [with dative ‘to whom’ or accusative ‘whom’ or na (+ accusative) ‘at whom/what’, along with instrumental ‘with what’]

# {{lb|pl|intransitive}} to [[wait]], to [[await]] {{gl|to expect with hope or worry}} {{+obj|pl|:na(acc)/:za(ins)<l:Poznań,from <<German>>><for/on what/whom>|gen<whom/what>|:żeby(past)<for someone to do something>}}
  1. (intransitive) to wait, to await (to expect with hope or worry) [with na (+ accusative) or (Poznań, from German) za (+ instrumental) ‘for/on what/whom’; or with genitive ‘whom/what’; or with żeby (+ past) ‘for someone to do something’]

# {{lb|uk|figuratively}} to [[turn]] {{+obj|uk|:на(acc)/:в(acc)/ins<into>}} {{gl|to change fundamentally}}
  1. (figuratively) to turn [with на (na, + accusative) or в (v, + accusative) or instrumental ‘into’] (to change fundamentally)

# {{lb|uk|figuratively}} to [[turn]] {{+obj|uk|ins/:на(acc)/:в(acc)<into>}} {{gl|to change fundamentally}}
  1. (figuratively) to turn [with instrumental or на (na, + accusative) or в (v, + accusative) ‘into’] (to change fundamentally)

# [[chance]], [[occasion]], [[opportunity]] {{gl|chance for advancement, progress or profit}} {{+obj|pl|inf/:żeby(inf/past-cl)<to do what>|:do(gen)<for what>}}
  1. chance, occasion, opportunity (chance for advancement, progress or profit) [with infinitive or żeby (+ infinitive or past-tense clause) ‘to do what’; or with do (+ genitive) ‘for what’]

# {{lb|pl|intransitive}} to [[suffice]], to be [[enough]], to [[do]] {{gl|to occur in sufficient quantity or degree}} {{+obj|pl|gen<enough of what>|;|dat<for whom>|:na(acc)/:do(gen)<for what>|:żeby(past-cl/inf)/inf<to do what>}}
  1. (intransitive) to suffice, to be enough, to do (to occur in sufficient quantity or degree) [with genitive ‘enough of what’; in addition, with dative ‘for whom’; or with na (+ accusative) or do (+ genitive) ‘for what’; or with żeby (+ past-tense clause or infinitive) or infinitive ‘to do what’]

# [[regarding]], in [[connection]] with, [[about]] {{+obj|ka|::-თან(dat)}}
  1. regarding, in connection with, about [with (dative +) -თან (-tan)]

# to [[notice]] {{+obj|ca|&transitive/:en<something/someone>}}
  1. to notice [transitive or with en ‘something/someone’]