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Proto-Indo-European Germanic Latin Ancient Greek other
*h₂eǵ- (drive) acre, acreman, aik (non), cast (non), tinker, chaton (fr < frk) act, abaction, abactor, actuary, action, active, chasten (fr), castigate, chastise (fr), fatigue (fr), funk (fr), fumigate, coagulum, coagulate, quail (fr), examen, examine, exam, examination, actor, agitate, agitation, actrix, actrice (fr), agitator, cogitate, cogitabund, cogitation, agenda, agent, agency, agile, agility, ambiguous, ambiguity, cogent, cogency, coact, cache (fr), exiguous, exact, essay (fr), indagate, litigate, litigation, litigant, mitigate, mitigation, navigate, navigation, circumnavigate, circumnavigation, navigable, navigability, navy (fr), prodigate, prodigy, prodigal, purge (fr), purgation, Purgatory, purgative, react, reaction, redact, redaction, exact, transigent, transact, transaction, variegate, actual, actuality, investigate, levigate, vestigate, investigate, vestige, investigation, pervestigate, agrarian, agriculture, agrestic, agricultor, pilgrim (gmw), peregrine (fr), pelerin (fr), peregrinate, peregrination, exaggerate, exaggeration, congeries, congestion, congest, egest, gestation, gestate, armiger, gerund, belligerent, claviger, falciger, veliger, gesture, ingest, ingestion, suggest, suggestion Agesilaus, agoge, galactagogue (la), demagogue (la), pedagogue (la), agon, agony (fr < la), agonize, agonistes, agonist, antagonist, protagonist, epagoge, archisynagogue (la), synagogue (la), chiragra (la), podagra, Meleager (la), axiogenesis, axiom ambassador (fr < la < gau), embassy (fr < la < gau)
*h₂egʰ- (be upset) ail, ey, awe (non), awesome (non) Achilles
*h₂eh₃- (be hot) amper ephemeris, ephemeral (la)
*h₂eHs- (be dry) star, starn (non), ash, arid, ardent, ardor, stella, Stella, étoile (fr), Estelle (fr < oc), Estrella (es), stellar, stellate aster, disaster (la), asterisk, astrolabe, astrology, astronomy, astro-, astronaut, astronomical, astronomer, astrophysics, Sirona (la < gau), Ishtar (akk, sem < ine), Esther (he < fa), Astarte (la < grc < phn, sem < ine)
*h₂eḱ- (sharp) hammer, heaven, awn (non), tear, Egbert, edge, heark, hearken, hear, hearsome acrimony, acrimonious, acrity, acrid, acritude, acid, acidic, dulcacid, acidity, acies, acrylic, acerb, acerbic, acerbity, acerbitude, acerbate, exacerbate, exacerbation, acervate, acervatio, eager (fr), vinegar (fr), acerose, lacrimal, lachrymation, lachrymose, astute, aculeus, acuity, acumen, acute, cacuminous, cacuminal, ague (fr), mediocre, mediocrity Trinacria (la), akroposthion, acme, dacryo-, oxy-, oxygen, oxia, oxytone Asman (ae)
*h₂eḱs- (axis) axle axis, axilla, ala, ali-, aisle (fr), alate axon
*h₂el- (grow) old, eld, elder, olden, world, alderman, ellen, elne coalesce, adolescent, adolescence, alimentary, aliment, alimony, abolish (fr), abolition, obsolesce, obsolescent, obsolete, adolesce, obsolescence, exolete, indoles, redolent, alumnus, element, elementary, alto (it), altitude, haute couture (fr), alvine, alveus, proletariat
*h₂el- (beyond) else, all, Alemannic (la < gem) alter, advoutrer (fr), adulterate, adulterine, advowtry (fr), avowtry (fr), adultery, adult, altercate, altercation, alteration, ultra allo-, hypallage, alias, alien
*h₂el- (wander) amble (fr), ambulance, ambulate, circumambulate, obambulate, obambulation, perambulate, preamble (fr), ambulacrum, ambulator, ambulatory, hallucinate, hallucination
*h₂ems- (give birth) Oswald, Anselm (lng), Osborn, Osmond, Astrid (non), Æsir (non) asur (hi)
*h₂endʰ- (bloom) chrysanthemum, anther, anthia
*h₂eng- (curve) ankle angle (fr), angular, angulous, multangular, quadrangle (fr), quadrangular, triangle, triangular
*h₂enǵʰ- (constrict) agnail, hangnail, eng (nl), anger (non), angst (da < gml), anxious, angina, anxiety, angust, anguish (fr) cynanche
*h₂enh₁- (breathe) ande, onde, and
*h₂enk- (curve) angle, angler, uncinus, uncinate, aduncity ankylosis, ankylo-, anchor (gmw < la)
*h₂ent- (face) and, and-, un-, unbind, adread, dread, answer, along, umbe, umb, um, end, endless, ante-, avant-garde (fr), a.m., anticipate, anticipation, ancestor (fr), antecessor, antecede, antebellum, antemortem, antefix, antefixum, antevolate, anterior, antic (it), Antigua (es), antique (fr), antiquary, antiquarian, antiquity, antiae, ambi-, ambiguous, ambidextrous, ambivalent, ambient, ambience, ambition, ambitious, ambit, ambages, amputate, amputation, amputee, amburbium anti-, Antigone, antidoron, antidote, antagonist, Antiochus, Antioch, anthippasia, Anticlea, Antikythera, antilogue (fr < la), Antilochus, Antiphon, Antinous, Antipater, antirrhinum, amphibious, amphibian, amphitheater ambassador (fr < it < oc < la < gau), embassy (fr < it < oc < la < gau)
*h₂ep- (water) ape, Affenpinscher (de) amnicolist Sumatra (ms < sa), Avon (bry), apsara (hi < sa)
*h₂ep- (join) couple (fr), copula, adapt, apt, inept, apex, copulate, copulation haptic, haptics, synapse, synaptic, apse (la)
*h₂er- (fit) arm ordo, order (fr), ordinary, ornery, ordinariate, ordinate, ordain (fr), ornate, orn, adorn, exornation, ornament, ornate, suborn, ordination, ranny (fr), araneous, armomancy, arms (fr), armoire (fr), ambry (fr), armarium, army (fr), armada (es), armiger, armipotent, armisonant, armature, armure (fr), armor (fr), ramus, ramify, ramification, ramose, ramous, ramulose, art (fr), inert, inertia, artisan, artisanal, artist, artistic, article, articulate, inarticulate, articulation arachnid, arachnoid, harmony, harmonic, philharmonic, Aristaeus, Aristarchus, Aristides, Aristotle, Aristophanes, asha (ae), Artaxerxes (grc < peo)
*h₂erǵ- (white) Archibald argent, Argentina, argentous, argenteus, argue, redargue, argumentation, argument, argumentum, argil (la), hydrargyrum (la), argyr-, litharge (la), Argo, Argonaut
*h₂erh₃- (plough) ear, ard (no) aration, arable, exarate, exaration arura Aryaman (sa), Aryan (sa), Arya (sa), Alan (la < grc < os), alaunt (fr < osp < got < la < grc < os), Iran (fa)
*h₂erk- (protect) coerce, exercise, Lupercus, Lupercalia, ark (gmw), arch (fr), arcane, parsimony, Orcus, orc (it), ogre (fr), autarkic, autarky
*h₂ew- (enjoy) eath avid, avarice, audacious, audacity, avidity
*h₂ew- (perceive) ear, heark, hearken, hear, aur-, aural, scout (fr), auscultate, auscult, auscultation, auscultator, auricle, auricula, audio, audience, audition, audit, auditor, audile, audient, auditorium, auditory, audible, inaudible, obey (fr), obedient, obedience, subaudi, subaudite oto-, ot-, otic, aesthetic
*h₂ewg- (increase) eke, nickname, action, auteur (fr), author (fr), lamed auctoris, authority (fr), auctrix, authrix, augment, augmentation, august, August, Augustus, Augusta, auxiliar, auxiliary, augur, auspice, auspicious, augury, inaugurate, inauguration, inaugur
*h₂ews- (dawn) east, eastern, Easter, Eostre (ang), Austria (la < goh) aurora, Aurora, aurorean, aurum, or (fr), aureate, auriferous, auripigment, orpiment (fr), orphrey (fr), oriole (fr), aureole, aureolin, aureus, ostro (it), austral, Australia, Eos, aura, aero-, air (fr, la < grc), aria (it, la), aerate (la) Ushas (sa)
*h₂ey- (vital force) aye (non), young, youth, youngling primevous, aevum, aeviternity, æt., puer aeternus, ab aeterno, eternal, eternity, eterne (fr), puella aeterna, longevity, junior, juvenile, rejuvenate, emulous, Emil (fr), Emily (fr), emulate, emulation, emulator, image (fr), imagine, imagination, imago, imaginary, imaginable, unimaginable, imaginous, imitate, imitation, imitable, imitative, imitator eon, kairos Ayurveda (sa)
*h₂ey- (give) oath Theaetetus, diet (fr < la), dietary (la), dietician (la), etiology, Menoetius
*h₂ey- (day) ere, early
*h₂eydʰ- (ignite) anneal, oast cavaedium, aedicula, edifice, edification, edify, aedile, aestive, estival, estuary ether, ethereal (la)
*h₂eyḱ- (obtain) owe, ought, own, aught, freight (gml), fraught (gml) Ganesha (sa)
*h₂eys- (wish) ask, asking aim (fr), estimate, estimation, esteem (fr), estimable, inestimable
*h₂eysd- (laud) metoidioplasty
*h₂ger- (gather) grex, gregal, gregarious, aggregate, aggregation, congregate, congregation, congregational, congregationalism, segregate, segregation agora, agoraphobia, Pythagoras, category (la), categorize (la), categoria (la), Anaxagoras, panegyris, panegyric, Protagoras
*h₂leg- (care for) leech (gem < cel < gem) dilection, diligent, diligence, intellect, intelligent, intelligence, intellection, intellectual, intelligible, neglect, negligence, negligent, religion, religious Ucalegon
*h₂lek- (protect) Alexander, Alexandria, Alexis, Alex, Alastair (gd), Allison (en), Alexandretta, Alcaeus, lek (sq)
*h₂lewgʰ- (announce) lie, belie, lain (non)
*h₂leyH- (smear) delete, deletion, liniment, obliterate
*h₂meh₁- (mow) mow, math, aftermath, mead, meadow aam (nl < la)
*h₂melǵ- (milk) milk, milch emulge, emulsion, vaccimulgence, promulge, promulgate, promulgation
*h₂meygʷ- (change) transmigrate, commigrate, demigrate, emigrate, immigrate, migrate, migration, migratory amoeba
*h₂neḱ- (reach) enough, nigh, near, next Ananke, anangeon, onco-, oncology
*h₂reh₁- (think) ration, reason (fr), ratio, rational, rationality, irrational, rationale, ratiuncule, rate, ratiocination, ratiocinative, reasonable (fr), renable (fr) arete
*h₂rey- (count) ready, graith (non), gradely (non), read, rede, agree (fr), rime, rhyme (fr < frk) arithmetic
*h₂sews- (be dry) sere, sear, searing, sorrel (fr < frk) austere (la), austerity (la)
*h₂weg- (increase) wax, waist, oker (non), ocker (non)
*h₂weh₁- (blow) wind, weather, unweather vent, Ventôse (fr), ventilate, ventilation, ventilator, fan (ang), van (fr) atmosphere nirvana (sa), Vayu (sa)
*h₂welh₁- (rule) wield, wald, herald (fr < frk), cuckold (fr < frk), Walter (fr < frk), Gutierrez (es < fr < frk), Harold, Oswald, Ronald (sga < non), Ranald (sga < non), Reynold (fr < frk), Reginald (la < frk), Renault (fr < frk), Arnold (fr < frk), Gerald (fr < frk), Geraldine (fr < frk), Garrett (fr < frk), Jarrett (fr < frk), Garret (fr < frk), Harrell, Harrelson, Reynolds (fr < frk), Walters (fr < frk), Wat (enm < fr < frk), Watkins (enm < fr < frk), Watson (enm < fr < frk), Watt (enm < fr < frk), Watts (enm < fr < frk), Waters (fr < frk), Fitzgerald (fr < frk), McReynolds (ga < fr < frk), Wally (fr < frk), Walt (fr < frk), Waldemar (de) vale, valediction, valiant (fr), vail (fr), value (fr), equivalent, equivalence, valent, valence, equivale, prevalent, prevalence, prevail (fr), valetudinarian, valid, invalid, validity, valor, Valentine, Valentina, Valentinus, Valentino, Valentinian Toole (ga), Donald (la < sga), Domhnall (ga), Connell (ga), Connel (ga), Cathal (ga), Donaldson (enm < la < sga), MacDonald (gd), McConnell (gd, ga), McDaniel (gd), McDonald (gd), Kermit (gv), Kermode (gv), McDermott (ga), Donnell (ga), O'Donnell (ga), Cadwallader (cy), Callan (ga), O'Connell (ga), oblast (ru < cu), Vladimir (ru), Vlad (ru), Volodymyr (uk), Ladislaus (sla), Laszlo (hu)
*h₂welh₁- (hair) wool, woolen lanner (fr), lanugo, villus, villous, velvet (oc), velour (fr < oc), adulate, adulation, adulator, adulatory, flannel (fr < gau)
*h₂wes- (dwell) was, were Vesta, vestal Astyanax Vasu (sa)
*h₂yew- (straight) jury, perjure, perjury, jurisdiction, injure, injury, injurious, abjure, abjuration, de jure, adjure, adjuration, conjure, conjuration, just (fr), justice (fr), justify, justification, justiciar, justiciary, judiciary, injustice, giusto (it), Griffith (cy), Griffiths (cy), Griffin (la < cy), Joyce (fr < br), Jekyll (br), Jewel (br), Jewell (br)
Proto-Indo-European Germanic Latin Ancient Greek other