Borrowed from an East Slavic language
błogi (“blissful”)
błahy (“insignificant”)
bukiew (“beechmast, beechnut”)
bukwa (“letter of the Cyrillic alphabet”)
bednia (“wooden bucket”)
bodnia (“large wooden kneading trough”, regional)
barzy (“rapid, swift, impetuous”, Middle Polish)
borzoj (“borzoi”, a dog breed)
cesarz (“emperor”)
car (“tsar”)
czajka (“lapwing”)
szajka (“ring, brigade”)
trzoda (“herd”)
czereda (“band, pack”)
trzemcha, trzemucha (“bear garlic”, obsolete)
czeremcha (“bird cherry”)
trzop (“clay pot”, dialectal)
czerep (“skull”, slang)
trześnia, trześń (dialectal or obsolete)
czereśnia (“sweet cherry”)
czart (“devil, fiend”)
czort (“deuce”)
dąb (“oak”)
duby (“poppycock”, obsolete)
jeżyna (“blackberry”)
ożyna (“blackberry”, regional)
gać (“padding material, fascine or wooden causeway”, obsolete)
hać (“fascine or wooden causeway”, dialectal)
godować (“to feast”, obsolete)
hodować (“to breed, to rear”)
gołota (“the poor”, obsolete)
hołota (“riffraff”)
głowa (“head, headman, brains, hairstyle, blood money, wergeld, murder, cap, chapter, headquarters”)
hołowa (“boss, chief, head, headman”)
gospodarz (“host”)
hospodar (“hospodar, a title of the governors of Moldavia and Wallachia”)
grzywna (“fine, penalty”)
hrywna (“hryvnia, currency of Ukraine”)
gręby (“harsh, rugged”, obsolete)
gruby (“fat, thick”)
klatka (“cage”)
klitka (“cubbyhole, cubicle”)
ksiądz (“Christian priest”)
kniaź (“Russian or Lithuanian prince”)
ksieni (“abbess”, obsolete)
kniahini (“wife of a Russian or Lithuanian prince”)
księga (“book, tome, volume”)
kniga (“book”, humorous)
karcić (“to scold”)
korcić (“to entice, to tempt”)
mężyk (“mandrake”, obsolete)
mużyk (“mujik”)
marchew (“carrot”)
morkwa (“carrot”, regional)
nędza (“misery”)
nuża (“weariness”, obsolete)
nędzić (“to torment”, obsolete)
nudzić (“to bore”)
odziedza (“coating”, Middle Polish)
odzież (“clothing”)
płonina (“barren”)
połonina (“mountain pasture, mountain meadow, mountain clearing”, regional)
próg (“threshold”)
poroh (“knickpoint”, regional)
prężyć (“to flex, tighten”)
prużyć (“to broil, brown by baking”)
rzezać (“to cut, to carve, to slay, to circumcise”, archaic)
rezać (“to cut”, dialectal)
rąbież (“border”, dialectal)
rubież (“boundary, frontier”)
rydel (“spade, spud”)
ryło (“mug”)
rydz (“saffron milk-cap”), rydzy (“carrot-orange”, dialectal or obsolete)
ryży (“red-haired”)
słup (“pole, column, pillar”)
stołp (“castle keep, dojon”)
swoboda (“freedom, liberty”), śleboda (dialectal)
słoboda (“sloboda”, a kind of settlement in the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine)
zbór (“Protestant house of worship”)
sobór (“church council, cathedral”)
szept (“whisper”)
szypot (“knickpoint, riffle”)
wiciądz (“hero, warrior”, obsolete)
witeź (“hero, valiant knight”)
włoski (“Italian”)
wołoski (“Vlach”)
Włoch (“Italian”)
Wołoch (“Vlach”)
warsta (obsolete), warstwa (“layer, stratum”)
wersta (obsolete), wiorsta (“verst, unit of length”)
wszech- (“all-, omni-”)
wsio (“everything”, colloquial)
chochoł (“straw covering”)
chachoł (“khokhol, a derogatory term for a Ukrainian”)
Borrowed from an East Slavic language