User:-sche/suspect words
[edit]Are the words listed in User:Gilgamesh~enwiktionary attested?
- afterall (after all)
- arithmatic (arithmetic)
- away (aweigh)
- birth (berth)
- carbunkle (carbuncle)
- chessnut (chestnut)
- colma (coma)
- comfterble, comftorble (comfortable)
- dimensia, dimentia (dementia)
- dimented (demented)
- doormouse (dormouse)
- gallore (galore)
- genious (genius)
- gram (graham)
- greatful (grateful)
- hemroid (hemorrhoid)
- hoard (horde)
- holocost (holocaust)
- hurdle (hurtle)
- icycle (icicle)
- imperical (empirical)
- indominable (indomitable)
- irrhythmia (arrhythmia)
- langth (length)
- membrain (membrane)
- menstrate (menstruate) (attested)
- midevil, mid-evil (medieval)
- nap sack, napsack (knapsack)
- oppertunity (opportunity)
- ornge (orange)
- pathe (pave)
- peak (pique)
- peck (pec)
- peenies (penes)
- plack (plaque)
- playwrite (playwright)
- poka (polka)
- poke a dot, poke-a-dot (polka dot)
- popcycle (popsicle)
- pritty (pretty)
- rong (wrong)
- scough (scoff)
- segueway (segue)
- shooger (sugar)
- skiddish (skittish)
- strangth (strength)
- treck (trek)
- turnstyle (turnstile)
- upmost (utmost)
[edit]dunch (both etymology sections!)
Middle English
[edit]Are these attested in modern English as opposed to in Scots, in Middle English, or not at all?
- -and
- -kin
- aboon
- abread
- afear
- afore
- ago
- ahint
- aks
- alkin
- all
- amanse
- amind
- and
- arm
- armth
- arseling
- arselong
- as
- ask
- atgo
- athel
- atter
- attern
- attery
- awk
- ax
- axe
- aze
- bad
- bain
- bairnish
- bakehouse
- baken
- barn
- bat
- batch
- battle
- bay
- beach
- beal
- beath
- bedone
- bedraw
- bedrip
- been
- befang
- befight
- befile
- beflay
- beget
- behight
- bein
- belfry
- belirt
- belive
- bene
- bergh
- berry
- besee
- besetten
- beshine
- betine
- bewend
- bewest
- bewist
- bide
- bield
- big
- bightsome
- bin
- bishop
- bist
- blake
- bland
- blead
- blin
- blore
- blow
- bode
- book
- boon
- bottle
- bouk
- brang
- brant
- brath
- bread
- breakle
- brending
- brian
- brickle
- brit
- buck
- bun
- bunny
- burian
- bysen
- cair
- cake
- camp
- ch
- chare
- chavel
- chit
- choose
- cleg
- clepe
- cleve
- click
- clip
- cloam
- clough
- clumb
- coath
- cod
- cook
- cop
- costning
- cow
- crane
- crimp
- cringe
- cripple
- crop
- croup
- culver
- daff
- dag
- dateless
- dave
- dawk
- deaf
- deech
- dere
- dern
- devil
- dey
- dig
- dit
- dize
- dizen
- do
- dole
- dook
- dought
- dove
- dreave
- dree
- dretch
- drib
- dub
- duck
- dush
- dwine
- ea
- eam
- earn
- eath
- eckle
- eid
- eld
- eldning
- elsin
- elt
- elven
- ennet
- ent
- erd
- ern
- erne
- ert
- ettin
- ettle
- even-
- evenlike
- ewte
- fack
- fall
- fand
- fang
- fangle
- fax
- fay
- feal
- fear
- feel
- fele
- fell
- fend
- fere
- fettle
- fey
- fickle
- fike
- firehouse
- firk
- flake
- flathe
- flay
- flet
- flit
- flone
- fodder
- fog
- fold
- folkred
- for-
- fordrive
- foregain
- foregainst
- foreset
- forfare
- forhow
- forlet
- fornigh
- forsee
- forset
- forshame
- forshape
- forstand
- forthan
- forward
- forwerp
- forworth
- foryield
- fother
- fraist
- frame
- freak
- freelage
- fret
- frim
- frist
- frock
- frood
- frosh
- frosk
- frother
- frover
- fry
- fulth
- gad
- gain
- gale
- gang
- gangway
- gar
- gate
- gaum
- gavelock
- gear
- geason
- geazon
- geg
- girl
- glope
- gloppen
- good
- gooden
- gorm
- gote
- gound
- goundy
- graith
- greeve
- grip
- gripple
- groop
- gum
- hade
- hake
- haked
- hallow
- handy
- hap
- har
- harvest
- haunt
- haver
- heal
- healand
- heighth
- hele
- helm
- hen
- hern
- hext
- hiddle
- hidness
- hield
- hinderling
- hirn
- hit
- hoast
- holk
- holm
- homely
- hone
- houve
- hove
- how
- husband
- ickle
- ident
- imell
- imp
- inborrow
- inkling
- it
- ithand
- izle
- kilk
- kine
- kink
- kite
- knap
- ky
- kye
- kytle
- lade
- laik
- lait
- lake
- lant
- lathe
- lavant
- lave
- lax
- lazy
- leaful
- leam
- learn
- lease
- lede
- ledely
- ledish
- leed
- leeftail
- leer
- lend
- lere
- lewth
- lib
- lidden
- lift
- lig
- likam
- lin
- linge
- lire
- lirk
- lirt
- liss
- lit
- lite
- lith
- lofe
- loke
- long
- longsome
- loof
- loot
- love
- lovered
- low
- lug
- lush
- mackly
- mad
- made
- maiden
- main
- make
- manred
- manswear
- mare
- mask
- masker
- maw
- mawk
- meader
- meal
- mease
- meat
- mell
- mense
- mere
- mete
- mightsome
- min
- ming
- minge
- mirken
- misken
- mitch
- mo
- mong
- more
- mow
- mun
- murth
- nait
- nauther
- neer
- neeze
- nesh
- nether
- neven
- nevvy
- newcome
- nim
- note
- nother
- nott
- ocker
- of
- oker
- on
- oncome
- onde
- ongang
- ope
- or
- ord
- orl
- orped
- ort
- outen
- ouze
- overbreak
- overgang
- overgo
- overwin
- ovest
- own
- pad
- parrock
- pen
- pike
- pinder
- plant
- plash
- plaw
- playstow
- pleck
- plight
- pod
- poke
- polliwog
- pope
- popple
- pot
- preen
- prink
- puckle
- puddle
- purl
- qualm
- queal
- queer
- rackan
- rake
- rather
- rax
- ream
- rear
- reard
- rede
- ree
- reed
- reef
- rethe
- retheness
- ride
- right
- rim
- rime
- rin
- rine
- rink
- roke
- roo
- rood
- room
- roop
- round
- rout
- rubble
- ruck
- rue
- run
- rung
- sad
- sam
- same
- saught
- sax
- scale
- scat
- scathand
- scug
- seal
- seam
- seave
- seed
- seel
- seg
- seld
- sele
- selly
- set
- shake
- shalk
- shand
- shed
- shildy
- shippen
- shippon
- shoon
- shore
- shut
- sibred
- sicker
- side
- sie
- sile
- sitten
- skeel
- skill
- skip
- skrike
- slade
- sleck
- slidder
- slike
- slink
- slite
- slive
- slocken
- slot
- smeddum
- smolt
- snag
- snead
- sneap
- snew
- snithe
- soal
- sole
- solwy
- sook
- souse
- sowl
- spale
- spar
- spare
- sparhawk
- spat
- speel
- spell
- spelt
- spider
- spile
- staithe
- stalder
- stang
- stark
- stathe
- stay
- stean
- steel
- stell
- stepbairn
- steven (cf. stevvon)
- stick
- stirk
- stool
- stoop
- stoor
- stop
- stound
- stour
- strale
- strand
- straught
- streal
- sty
- sullow
- sunder
- swan
- swap
- sward
- swart
- sweal
- sweam
- swear
- sweb
- sweer
- swelt
- swike
- swipper
- swith
- swive
- take
- tale
- tame
- tan
- tath
- tend
- tether
- than
- tharm
- that
- thede
- thee
- them
- then
- they
- thirl
- tho
- thone
- thorough
- thou
- thrave
- throat
- throng
- thropple
- throughgang
- thrutch
- thurse
- till
- tiller
- tillow
- tind
- to
- to-
- tocleave
- tomorn
- toom
- tor
- tore
- torfer
- towel
- town
- treddle
- treen
- trend
- trig
- trindle
- trow
- truck
- try
- tush
- tweenlight
- twindle
- tyke
- ug
- um-
- umbe
- umbeset
- umbestound
- umbethink
- umgang
- undergang
- undermeal
- upbraid
- upcome
- upgang
- vang
- vinnewed
- wacken
- waker
- wald
- wall
- wallop
- wallow
- waltsome
- wang
- wankle
- wanse
- ware
- wark
- warkand
- warp
- was
- waver
- waw
- wax
- waxen
- weaky
- wear
- weest
- wem
- westy
- wheen
- which
- whither
- whoost
- why
- wick
- wicked
- wicket
- wight
- wike
- willy
- wilsome
- win
- windle
- winly
- wis
- wise
- wiselike
- witch
- wither-
- withsaw
- withsay
- withset
- witter
- wlate
- wone
- workly
- wrack
- wrinkle
- wroo
- wud
- ya
- yan
- yar
- yare
- yark
- yarm
- yauld
- yed
- yedding
- yeke
- yet
- yon
- yote
[edit]- Purkinje-cell
- abstinence-only
- accusative-case
- action-movie
- ad-banner
- address-book
- adult-movie
- age-of-consent
- air-resistance
- allopathic-medicine
- angst-bunny
- apocrine-gland
- arm's-length
- army-ant
- artificial-intelligence
- assisted-suicide
- at-sign
- atomic-number
- atomic-weight
- auto-insurance
- auto-racing
- automobile-racing
- auxiliary-verb
- award-ceremony
- awards-ceremony
- baby-oil
- bad-boy
- bad-faith
- baggage-claim
- balance-beam
- barber-shop
- bare-metal
- barn-owl
- base-metal
- bead-breaker
- bearded-mussel
- belly-dance
- bet-exchange
- big-enchilada
- bighorn-sheep
- biological-weapon
- birthday-boy
- birthday-cake
- birthday-card
- birthday-girl
- birthday-present
- bit-bucket
- black-hole
- black-ice
- black-letter
- bleu-cheese
- blood-type
- board-of-directors
- bodily-fluid
- bog-orchid
- bone-marrow
- book-signing
- brass-band
- bread-line
- breaking-and-entering
- broadcast-station
- brown-recluse
- bull-bar
- bull-dyke
- bush-dog
- business-deal
- cable-jack
- campus-legend
- cannon-bone
- car-chase
- car-hop
- caravan-park
- carbon-paper
- cardinal-number
- cash-and-carry
- cattle-grid
- center-of-gravity
- centre-of-gravity
- centrifugal-force
- change-of-life
- change-of-venue
- chaos-theory
- cheek-pouch
- chemical-bomb
- chemical-compound
- chemical-formula
- chemical-property
- chess-clock
- child-language
- chocolate-egg
- chopped-liver
- citation-cord
- city-council
- civil-law
- civil-marriage
- civil-society
- clock-generator
- closed-form
- clothes-maiden
- clothes-shop
- coherent-light
- collision-theory
- commercial-at
- common-eland
- common-gull
- community-college
- comparison-shopper
- comparison-shopping
- compound-sentence
- compound-symbol
- computer-language
- computer-science
- conservation-law
- conservation-of-mass
- constitutional-law
- contact-lens
- control-freak
- cooling-tower
- core-inflation
- couch-potato
- count-noun
- country-code
- cover-crop
- crazy-paving
- creek-bed
- criminal-law
- criminal-offence
- crude-oil
- cruise-control
- currency-code
- current-account
- current-events
- curtain-call
- cyclical-unemployment
- data-base
- data-structure
- date-of-birth
- dative-case
- dead-president
- death-squad
- debt-burden
- decision-making
- deep-breathing
- deep-sleep
- defining-vocabulary
- definite-article
- demonstrative-pronoun
- depleted-uranium
- descriptive-geometry
- desktop-picture
- dew-point
- direct-current
- direct-object
- direct-verb
- discovered-check
- displaced-person
- dollar-sign
- domestic-debt
- door-closer
- double-action
- double-agent
- drag-queen
- drum-kit
- dry-closet
- dual-citizenship
- due-process
- dutch-auction
- eagle-owl
- economic-development
- egg-hunt
- egg-roll
- electric-chair
- electronic-game
- emergency-brake
- empty-nester
- endocrine-system
- endowment-policy
- entreprise-union
- equal-sign
- excise-tax
- exclamation-mark
- exterior-angle
- eye-candy
- eyelash-curler
- fallow-deer
- false-friend
- family-size
- fan-belt
- fancy-dress
- fashion-contest
- feast-day
- feed-drive
- fennec-fox
- field-hockey
- field-trip
- figure-of-speech
- filing-cabinet
- financial-market
- fire-engine
- first-floor
- first-mover
- first-name
- first-past-the-post
- fish-finger
- five-past
- five-to
- flannel-cake
- floor-exercise
- floor-plan
- foreign-debt
- free-speech
- french-fry
- fried-egg
- front-organization
- fruit-tree
- full-stop
- fun-size
- funeral-director
- funeral-home
- funeral-parlor
- future-tense
- game-bird
- game-of-chance
- game-point
- gap-year
- garlic-press
- general-election
- genitive-case
- geographical-area
- ghost-town
- gift-horse
- given-name
- glad-wrap
- glass-cleaner
- glass-cockpit
- glow-plug
- golden-eagle
- good-faith
- graph-paper
- great-tit
- green-diesel
- grey-wolf
- greylag-goose
- gross-domestic-product
- group-theoretic
- group-theoretical
- guinea-fowl
- guinea-pig
- hair-gel
- hair-spray
- half-past
- hand-puppet
- head-of-household
- head-of-state
- helping-verb
- horse-hockey
- horse-race
- hot-chocolate
- hula-hoop
- human-pyramid
- ice-floe
- impersonal-subject
- incense-boat
- incidental-music
- incised-meander
- indefinite-article
- indefinite-pronoun
- indirect-object
- industrial-output
- interstate-compact
- intransitive-verb
- inverted-snobbery
- irregular-verb
- island-state
- jet-engine
- junior-college
- juvenile-delinquent
- kangaroo-bar
- kangaroo-piss
- kiwi-fruit
- knee-pad
- knob-jockey
- knock-about
- knock-knock
- language-code
- large-intestine
- lash-curler
- last-name
- laughing-falcon
- laughing-gas
- laughing-goose
- laughing-gull
- laughing-hyena
- laughing-jackass
- laughing-owl
- lawn-chair
- leap-of-faith
- leap-year
- least-weasel
- leather-jacket
- legal-beagle
- legal-eagle
- legal-entity
- life-assurance
- life-child
- lifetime-job
- lip-gloss
- liquid-laugh
- little-finger
- little-owl
- live-weight
- love-egg
- machine-translation
- magic-wand
- main-clause
- main-verb
- mammary-gland
- man-of-letters
- map-key
- maple-leaf
- maple-syrup
- market-research
- marsh-buck
- mass-noun
- mast-cell
- maternal-death
- med-mal
- memory-span
- metabolic-pathway
- metabolic-rate
- metal-homeostasis
- metric-system
- microwave-radiation
- middle-finger
- military-academy
- military-school
- mobile-phone
- mobile-station
- model-organism
- molecular-engineering
- moral-panic
- morning-kitchen
- mother-goddess
- motor-racing
- mountain-goat
- mountain-lion
- mountain-reindeer
- mouse-potato
- mouse-wheel
- multicolour-yawn
- musk-ox
- mutual-masturbation
- myocardial-infarct
- nag-screen
- nail-bomb
- naked-ape
- national-epic
- national-revival
- natural-gas
- needlestick-injury
- negative-clause
- nerve-ending
- nest-scrape
- net-earnings
- network-subsystem
- neutral-zone
- neutron-star
- news-media
- nominative-case
- north-pole
- noun-phrase
- off-brand
- one-hundred
- open-book
- operating-room
- operating-system
- operating-theatre
- ordinal-number
- other-woman
- outer-space
- paper-airplane
- paper-plane
- parking-brake
- parking-garage
- part-of-speech
- partial-fraction
- partial-order
- passive-voice
- past-participle
- past-tense
- pearl-necklace
- peat-moss
- peephole-optimization
- peptic-ulcer
- peregrine-falcon
- periodic-table
- perpetual-license
- personal-computer
- personal-pronoun
- phone-sex
- phrase-book
- pinking-shear
- plain-paper
- plasma-display
- plasma-screen
- pocket-watch
- pop-culture
- portmanteau-word
- possessive-pronoun
- pot-luck
- predator-bug
- present-conditional
- present-continuous
- present-participle
- present-tense
- pressure-ulcer
- prime-minister
- prime-number
- prisoner-of-war
- private-eye
- progressive-verb
- pronunciation-guide
- proper-noun
- public-intoxication
- public-law
- public-school
- publicity-stunt
- puff-pastry
- puffed-rice
- pyramid-scheme
- quantum-limit
- quarter-past
- quarter-to
- question-mark
- quotation-mark
- quotient-space
- radio-station
- radiological-weapon
- rag-week
- rational-number
- razor-blade
- reasonable-person
- red-deer
- registered-trademark
- relative-pronoun
- religious-pluralism
- report-card
- reverse-commute
- right-angle
- ring-theoretic
- ring-theoretical
- river-bank
- river-bed
- road-gang
- road-movie
- road-race
- rock-band
- rock-dove
- roe-deer
- rolled-oats
- roo-bar
- rubbish-bin
- rugby-boot
- running-shoe
- saddle-point
- safety-valve
- sand-art
- scalene-triangle
- school-band
- sea-anemone
- sea-cow
- sea-lion
- sea-urchin
- seasonal-unemployment
- second-sheet
- secondhand-smoke
- sewing-machine
- sex-life
- sexual-intercourse
- sheet-erosion
- sheet-piling
- shoe-polish
- shooting-spree
- shopping-cart
- short-sword
- shoulder-blade
- simple-past
- simple-present
- size-zero
- skateboard-rail
- skating-rink
- skid-lid
- skim-milk
- skimmed-milk
- skin-magazine
- sleep-debt
- small-fry
- smoking-gun
- snooze-button
- snow-leopard
- soap-opera
- soccer-ball
- social-psychology
- social-science
- soft-key
- solar-system
- sole-trader
- sore-loser
- sore-winner
- sound-card
- soup-kitchen
- south-pole
- space-age
- space-station
- space-travel
- spitting-cobra
- spray-can
- spring-roll
- square-root
- stated-income
- station-wagon
- statutory-declaration
- statutory-rape
- steam-engine
- steel-wool
- stem-cell
- stink-bomb
- stomach-flu
- stone-fruit
- stone-mulching
- storm-cloud
- street-hockey
- strong-language
- structural-unemployment
- subject-clause
- subordinate-clause
- subordinating-conjunction
- sugar-water
- summer-camp
- symphony-orchestra
- synthetic-biology
- tail-between-one's-legs
- tailgate-party
- tasting-menu
- tawny-owl
- tea-cosy
- team-sport
- teddy-bear
- tee-ball
- telephone-jack
- television-station
- ten-o'clock
- ten-past
- ten-to
- therapeutic-window
- thermal-paper
- third-gender
- throne-room
- tilt-barrier
- timber-camp
- timber-rafting
- toilet-paper
- toilet-roll
- top-gun
- total-order
- touch-and-go
- touch-move
- tour-of-duty
- toxic-waste
- trade-deficit
- trade-union
- trailer-park
- transitive-verb
- tropical-storm
- truck-driver
- true-leaf
- true-name
- tuna-fish
- twenty-past
- twenty-to
- two-liter
- verbal-noun
- video-game
- visible-light
- wall-clock
- water-buffalo
- water-vapor
- weak-tea
- wear-and-tear
- weather-gauge
- web-browser
- white-cell
- white-hole
- white-meat
- white-stork
- whole-note
- whooping-crane
- wild-boar
- wind-instrument
- windscreen-washer
- wisdom-tooth
- woolly-bear
- woolly-worm
- work-release
- zoological-garden