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feminine part 1


weak in -a

  • with u-mutation in all endings beginning with u- (everywhere but nom sg and gen pl); vara (ware, goods, product); also amma (grandmother), haka (chin), mamma (mother), panna (pan), draga (dragnet), taða (hay from the homefield)
  • frönskur (French fries); unumut should be the default
  • hjólbörur (wheelbarrow); unumut should be the default
  • with u-mutation: alda (wave), taska (bag, case), jata (manger), skata (skate (fish))

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no ending in lemma part 1


plural mostly in -ur

  • NOTE: Default is gen -ar, nom pl -ur
  • vík (bay)
  • brík (board; edge)
  • mjólk (milk); also músík (music) (Thomson says gen sg can be without ending), pólitík (politics)
  • sæng (coverlet, quilt) (dúnsæng (feather quilt)); also spík (worn or narrow scythe)
  • geit (goat); also grind (framework), rít (shield (poetic)), steik (roast)
  • eik (oak)

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  • tík (bitch, female dog)
  • heimt (bringing home of animals)
  • kind (sheep; kind, tribe)
  • nit (nit, louse egg)
  • bók (book); remember that ^ indicates i-mutation (not in dat/gen pl); also blók (wretchedness; subordinate; deckhand), bót (remedy; patch), brók (pants, underpants), rót (root) (gulrót (carrot), seljurót (celery))
  • glóð (ember, glowing coal)
  • nót (large fishing net, seine)
  • tótt (ruined building)
  • hnot (nut; small ball of yarn); i-mutates to hnetur
  • gát (attention); Thomson claims pl gætur, and no definite forms
  • NOTE: for `unimut`, the non-i-mutated forms are the acc/dat sg and dat/gen pl. See also kýr, sýr, ær.
  • hættur (bedtime; quitting time); dat pl háttum, gen pl hátta; also mætur (appreciation, liking)

u-mutation needing undoing

  • rönd (edge, rim; stripe); nom/acc/dat rönd, gen randar, nom/acc pl rendur/randir, dat pl röndum, gen pl randa; also röng (rib (in ship or airplane)), spöng (clip, clasp), strönd (shore), stöng (pole) (veiðistöng (fishing pole)), töng (pair of tongs), önd (duck); NOTE: `unumut` is the default for strong feminines (those ending in a consonant, not -a or -i)
  • hönk (hank, skein); also verönd (veranda, porch)
  • nögl (nail (finger or toe))
  • mörk (forest; open country; half pound)
  • `-unumut` needed, because unumut is not happening: þröng (throng); also gjörð (action), others

plural mostly in -ar

normal words
  • kinn (cheek); also ár (oar), dreif (scattering), flaug (flight) (eldflaug (rocket)), flís (splinter, wood chip; small slice; ceramic tile), greip (grip), hlið (side), hlíf (cover, protection) (regnhlíf (umbrella)), kleif (defile, ravine; sleep slope), kví (pen (for animals), (sheep)fold), laug (bath; hot spring), leif (remnant (usually plural)) (fornleif (antiquity)), lend (loin), meiðm (gem, treasure (archaic)), nál (needle), ól (strap), rauf (rift, hole), reim (strap, belt, thong) (skóreim (shoestring, shoelace)), rein (spit of land), rim (rail, rod; rung), sin (tendon, sinew), skeið (spoon), sleif (wooden spoon), smíð (making; thing made), sneið (slice, cut), tág (osier, withy), tál (enticement, deception), taug (nerve; string), veig (wine, drink), vél (machine, motor) (eldavél (cooking stove), ritvél (typewriter), sláttuvél (mowing machine, lawnmowner), þvottavél (washing machine)), æð (vein, vessel), æs (edge; gap)
  • dróg (hack, nag (inferior horse)); also grein (branch, bough; written article), hlíð (slope, hillside), krít (chalk), skál (bowl)
  • geil (narrow glen; narrow passage)
  • seil (rope, line)
  • öfgar (exaggeration, extreme) (no unumut)
with contraction
  • lifur (liver); '#' means the -ur is part of the stem, 'con' means the stem contracts, 'defcon' means definite form contraction in absence of indefinite form contraction; per Thomson, it should be 'defcon,-defcon'; Thomson mentions vigur (spear, sword (poetic)) that behaves like lifur, but it's not in BÍN; also, gimbur (female lamb) (per Thomson, words other than lifur and vigur don't normally contract in the definite more than the indefinite, but this is contrary BÍN), næfur (bark, outer layer) (also masc, neut), vinstur (abomasum, 4th section of ruminant stomach)
with -j- insertion
  • NOTE: default gen is -ar, but -jar with -j- insertion
  • skel (shell); also ben (wound) (also neuter), des (haystack), dregg (dreg(s); usually plural), dys (burial mound) (also neuter), fit (web (membrane)), fles (plain), il (sole of the foot), klyf (packhorse bundle), nauðsyn (necessity)
  • ey (island); note difference in nom/acc/dat sg def forms from skel: eyin, eyna, eynni vs. skelin, skelina, skelinni; synonymous with weak feminine eyja; also sóley (buttercup)
  • egg (edge (of blade))
  • syn (refusal, protest (archaic))
  • þý (bondswoman); nom/acc/dat sg def forms like ey: þýin, þýna, þýnni
  • drefjar (stains, traces); also engjar (outfield), kenjar (whims, caprices), kynjar (strange things), minjar (remains, relics; memorial) (fornminjar (antiquities)), menjar ((same)), refjar (deceit, fraud), sifjar (relationship by marriage (archaic)), skefjar (restraint) (Thomson says a synonym is skefjur; not in BÍN), skynjar (sense, understanding (poetic)), viðjar (chains, fetters); no j because the -j- is already in the lemma
  • hel (Hell)
  • nyt (use, advantage; milk)
with -v- insertion
  • NOTE: default gen is -ar, but -var with -v- insertion; NOTE: v-insertion blocks unumut
  • stöð (station); NOTE: no unumut; also rögg (strength, energy), ör (arrow)
  • böð (battle (poetic))
in -ung, -ing
  • NOTE: nouns in -ung, -ing default to -ar plural, and nouns in -ing default to acc/dat sg -u
  • nýjung (newness, novelty; piece of news); NOTE: Thomson lists alternative dat sg in -u, but not in BÍN; also nauðung (constraint, compulsion)
  • djörfung (boldness, daring), háðung (shame, disgrace) (given with plural in Thomson), launung (secrecy), lausung (moral looseness)
  • sundrung (scattering; dissension, division, disunity)
  • NOTE: nouns in -ing default to -ar plural and acc/dat sg -u
  • kerling (old woman); given with acc/dat -u in both Thomson and BÍN; also bygging (building; settlement), drottning (queen), eining (unity; unit), fæðing (birth), gifting (marriage; wedding), girðing (fence), kenning (kenning (in poetry)), lækning (healing), merking (meaning), rigning (rain), setning (sentence; placing, putting), sigling (sailing; voyage), tilfinning (feeling; perception), virðing (valuation; esteem, respect; respect (aspect, feature)), þýðing (translation; meaning)
in -ur or -i
strong nouns
  • NOTE: Feminines in -ur or -i default to -i in acc/dat sg and those in -i also default to -i in gen sg
  • reyður (rorqual; salmon trout); also elfur (large river), flæður (wetland near the seashore), æður (eider duck)
  • gunnur (battle (archaic)); also auður (great wealth (archaic))
  • brúður (bride); gen sg in -ar, nom pl in -ir (defaults); also gríður (troll woman; greed), hildur (battle (archaic)), unnur (wave) (also a personal name), vættur (supernatural being) (also masculine)
  • heiði (heath); defaults to -i in gen sg; also eyri (sandbank, gravel bank), festi (chain rope; pl. also betrothal), helgi (weekend) (note: helgi (holiness) has a different declension), meri (mare), mýri (marsh),
  • veiði (catch; (plural) hunting, fishing) (fiskveiði (fish catch? (plural) fishing))
  • ævi (life; biography); plural in -ir; also gleði (gladness; (often plural) festivities)
abstracts in -i
  • abstracts in -i with pl (in -ir): beiðni (request), sýki (sickness), veiki (sickness, weakness (usually singular))
  • Þyri (female given name); same in all cases

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with -j- insertion
  • ylgur (she-wolf) (also masculine)
  • fiski (fishing) (also neuter)
  • gýgur (troll woman) (also masculine)