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Appendix:Ayere-Ahan word lists

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The followiing Ayere–Ahan word lists are from Blench (2007). For a more complete list of several hundred Ayere words, along with comparisons from Yoruba and other languages, see Blench (2007).[1]

The Ayere word list was originally collected from E.O. Olumorin for the West African Languages Survey in November 1961 at Ayere village, Ijumu LGA, Kogi State (then part of Kwara State), Nigeria.


Gloss Ayere Ahan
head ago éri
eye ɛ́jɛ́ ewú
nose ówṹ owũ
ear éndí éndi
mouth anu arũ
tooth éyĩ́ eɲĩ
tongue únú irɛ̃́
neck ìgɔ̀gɔ̀ unkɔ̃́rɔ̃́
chin amgbehe ũndɛ̃
jaw àngbà àngbà
arm ɔkà àkà
hand ɔ́wɔ́ ɔɔ
leg ehè esè
thigh úntá unta
knee àtekú égú
nail (finger / toe) ìrɛnrɛǹ ɛ̀kĩ̀kà
female breast ɛ́mɔ́ ɛmũ
stomach ifu duduruku
belly ahi asi
navel úgó ùwɔ̀
back ànjáùn àun
buttocks angbewun úðí
penis ùndu undu
vagina enfu ìntì
skin awɔla idʒì
hair itu itu
beard ìndàún ihĩndɛ
liver ɛ̀jɔ̀(r) ɛ̀jɔ̀
bone egbe igbegbe
blood èʃwè èsè
saliva ĩto, únta itó
faeces aɲinku ímĩ
body ɔlá àgbè
water oyin oɲĩ
oil ekpú ékpú
salt owû
soup / stew ɔndɔ̀ ɔndɔ
palm wine ɔntɛ̀ ɔntɛ
fish (generic) emeʃwi eðu

tomorrow [opo]

next tomorrow [opopo no po]]


Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu •

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

