User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/unexpected template
Unexpected template
[edit]- 1181 items
- -'s:Suffix:possessive marker
- Arabic: * Arabic: ''genitive construction is used - the thing owned is followed by the owner in the genitive case - ({{lang|ar|[[إضافَة]]}} iḍāfa)''
- -ese:Suffix:forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place
- Cantonese: *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ese:Suffix:forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ian:Suffix:related to
- Cantonese: *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ian:Suffix:related to
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ing:Suffix:to form gerunds
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{q|use a verb in continuative form}} (i.e., {{m|ja|泳ぎ||tr=oyogi|swimming}} from {{m|ja|泳ぐ||tr=oyogu|to swim}}), {{t+|ja|の|alt=-の|tr=-no}}, {{t+|ja|こと|alt=-こと|tr=-koto}}
- -ing:Suffix:to form gerunds
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{q|use a verb in continuative form}} (i.e., {{m|ja|泳ぎ||tr=oyogi|swimming}} from {{m|ja|泳ぐ||tr=oyogu|to swim}}), {{t+|ja|の|alt=-の|tr=-no}}, {{t+|ja|こと|alt=-こと|tr=-koto}}
- -ish:Suffix:appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions
- Cantonese: *: Cantonese: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -ish:Suffix:appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{n-g|use [[attributive noun]]}}
- -st:Suffix:first
- German: * German: ''-st-'' (e.g. {{m|de|1ste}} = {{m|de|erste}})
- -st:Suffix:first
- German: * German: ''-st-'' (e.g. {{m|de|1ste}} = {{m|de|erste}})
- -wise:Suffix:in the direction or orientation of
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|szerint}}, {{t+|hu|irányában}}, {{t|hu|irányába}}, {{gloss|of a clock}} {{t|hu|[[járás]]a [[szerint]]}}, {{t|hu|[[járás|járásával]] [[egyező]]en/[[megegyező]]en}}
- 1 Timothy:Proper noun:book of the New Testament
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Ensimmäinen kirje Timoteukselle}}, {{t|fi|1. Tim.}}
- 610 Office:Proper noun:The Public Security Anti-Xie-Jiao Organization
- Armenian: * Armenian: {{no attested translation|hy|noend=1}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|e.Kr.}} {{gloss|efter Kristus}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t|nl|n. Chr}} {{gloss|na Christus}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Indonesian: * Indonesian: {{t+|id|M}} {{gloss|[[Masehi]]}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Italian: * Italian: [[d.C.]] {{gloss|dopo Cristo}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Lithuanian: * Lithuanian: {{t|lt|po Kr.}} {{gloss|po Kristaus}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Malay: * Malay: [[M]] {{gloss|Masihi}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Norwegian Bokmål: *: Bokmål: {{t|nb|AD}}, {{t|nb|a.D.}} {{gloss|anno Domini}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Scottish Gaelic: * Scottish Gaelic: {{t|gd|AD}} {{gloss|an dèidh Chrìosda}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|d.C.}} {{gloss|[[después de Cristo]]}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Swahili: * Swahili: {{t|sw|BK}} {{gloss|baada ya Kristo}}
- AD:Adverb:anno Domini
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|e.Kr.}} {{gloss|efter Kristus}}
- Apostle:Noun:any of the group of twelve disciples
- Urdu: * Urdu: {{t+|ur|نبی|m|tr=nabī}}, {{t+|ur|رسول|m|tr=rasūl}}, {{t+|ur|رسل|m-p|tr=rusul}}, {{t+|ur|حواری|m|tr=ḥavārī}} {{gl|in the plural form only}}
- Argus-eyed:Adjective:ever vigilant
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|argusowe oko}}
- Arian:Adjective:pertaining to Arianism
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|ariano}} {{gloss|used both for Aryan and Arian}}
- BC:Adverb:before Christ
- Scottish Gaelic: * Scottish Gaelic: {{t|gd|RC}} {{gloss|ro Chrìosda}}
- Bermuda:Proper noun:island group
- Korean: * Korean: {{t+|ko|^버뮤다}}, {{t+|ko|^버뮤더}} {{gl|North Korea}}
- Buir Lake:Proper noun:lake
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Buirjärvi}}
- CADPAT:Proper noun:Canadian Disruption Pattern
- French: * French: {{t|fr|DcamC}} {{gloss|dessin de camouflage canadien}}
- CAS:Proper noun:Court of Arbitration for Sport
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|TAS}} {{gloss|Tribunal Arbitral du Sport}}
- CBSA:Proper noun:Canada Border Services Agency
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|ASFC}} {{gloss|Agence des services frontaliers du Canada}}
- CCAA:Proper noun:Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
- French: * French: {{t|fr|LACC}} {{gloss|loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies}}
- CP:Proper noun:Canadian Press
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|PC}} {{gloss|Presse Canadienne}}
- CP:Proper noun:Communist Party
- Greek: * Greek: {{t|el|ΚΚ}} {{gloss|Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα}}
- CRA:Noun:Revenue Canada
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|ARC}} {{gloss|Agence du revenu du Canada}} {{q|Revenu Canada}}
- CREA:Proper noun:Canadian Real Estate Association
- French: * French: {{t|fr|ACI}} {{gloss|l'Association Canadienne de l'Immeuble}}
- Caesar cipher:Noun:simple form of encryption
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{t|is|reiknirit Sesars|n}}<ref>{{webofscience|5735|Hvað er og hvernig verkar dulkóðun?|What is encryption and how does it work?}}</ref>
- Cagayan de Oro:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|卡加延德奧羅}}
- Charminar:Proper noun:a monument in Hyderabad, India
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{xlit|pa|ਚਾਰ ਮੀਨਾਰ}}
- Cicero:Proper noun:Roman statesman and orator
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|Cicerone}} {{gloss|Marco Tullio Cicerone}}
- Coningsby:Proper noun:
- Latin: * Latin: {{m|la|Cuningesbi}}
- DE:Noun:initialism of differential equation
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|równanie różniczkowe|n}}
- Diet Coke:Noun:cola-based soft drink containing no or low amounts of sugar
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Coca-Cola Light}}, {{t|fi|dieettikokis}}
- Diet Coke:Noun:bottle, glass or can of such a drink
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Coca-Cola Light}}, {{t|fi|dieettikokis}}
- Dungan:Noun:people
- Dungan: *: Dungan: {{t|dng|хуэйзў}}, {{t|dng|хуэйхуэй}}, {{t|dng|хуэйзўжын}}, {{t|dng|хуэймин}}, {{t|dng|җун-янжын}} ({{zh-l|中原人}}), {{t|dng|лохуэйхуэй}}, {{t|dng|дунган}}
- Dungan:Proper noun:language
- Dungan: *: Dungan: {{t|dng|хуэйзў йүян}} ({{zh-l|回族語言}}), {{t|dng|җун-ян хуа}} ({{zh-l|中原話}})
- English whisky:Noun:distilled alcoholic beverage
- French: * French {{t|fr|Whisky anglais}} <ref>{{quote-web|fr|url=|title=Comment le whisky anglais reconquiert le monde|work=Private Whisky Society|passage=}}</ref>
- English whisky:Noun:distilled alcoholic beverage
- Greek: * Greek {{t|el|Αγγλικό ουίσκι}} <ref>{{quote-web|el|url=|title=To Αγγλικό ουίσκι|work=Diffords Guide|author=Ian Wisniewski|passage=}}</ref>
- English whisky:Noun:distilled alcoholic beverage
- Turkish: * Turkish {{t|tr|İngiliz viskisi}} <ref>{{quote-web|fa|url=|title=Dunya Viskileri|work=Sans Whisky Culture|passage=}}</ref>
- English whisky:Noun:distilled alcoholic beverage
- Chinese: * Chinese {{t|zh|英国威士忌}} <ref>{{quote-web|zh|url=|title=2024年WWA最佳单一麦芽威士忌,是一款英格兰威士忌|work=365 Whisky|passage=}}</ref>
- Eton mess:Noun:dessert
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|hovdessert}}, {{t+|sv|marängsviss}}
- FRG:Proper noun:West Germany
- German: * German: {{t+|de|BRD}} {{gloss|[[Bundesrepublik Deutschland]]}}
- French leave:Noun:departure taken quietly and unnoticed
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|filer à l'anglaise}} {{gloss|take English leave}}
- French leave:Noun:departure taken quietly and unnoticed
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|angolosan távozik}} {{gloss|take English leave}}
- French leave:Noun:departure taken quietly and unnoticed
- Polish: * Polish: {{t|pl|[[wyjście]] [[po angielsku]]|n}} {{gloss|take English leave}}
- French leave:Noun:departure taken quietly and unnoticed
- Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru|[[ухо́д]] [[по-англи́йски]]|m}} {{gloss|take English leave}}
- GAC:Proper noun:Global Affairs Canada
- French: * French: {{t|fr|AMC}} {{gloss|Affaires mondiales Canada}}
- Great Replacement:Proper noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[wielki|Wielka]] [[wymiana|Wymiana]]|f}}
- Gros Michel:Noun:
- Malay: * Malay: {{t|ms|Pisang Ambon}}, {{rfscript|ms|sc=Arab}}
- Guinea-Bissau:Proper noun:Republic of Guinea-Bissau
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|幾內亞比紹|tr=Jǐnèiyà Bǐshào}} {{gl|Mainland China}}, {{t+|cmn|幾內亞比索|tr=Jǐnèiyà Bǐsuǒ}} {{gl|Taiwan}}
- Gypsy:Noun:a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group
- Thai: * Thai: ({{m|th|[[ชาว]]~|tr=-}}) {{t+|th|ยิปซี}}
- HIS:Noun:hospital information system
- French: * French: {{t|fr|SIH}} {{gloss|système d'information hospitalier}}
- I don't want it:Phrase:I don't want it
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|for a particular item}} {{t|hu|[[nem]] [[kér]]em}}, {{sense|I don't want any}} {{t|hu|[[nem]] [[kér]]ek}}, {{sense|before a particular noun expressing action}} {{t|hu|[[nem]] [[akar]]om}}, {{sense|before verbs}} {{t|hu|[[nem]] [[akar]]ok}}
- I know you are but what am I?:Phrase:assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party
- Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru|от такого и слышу}} {{gloss|I hear it from such one}}
- I spy:Noun:guessing game
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|[[ett skepp kommer lastat]]}}
- I'm allergic to pollen:Phrase:I'm allergic to pollen
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{lang|und|sc=Hant|[[我]][[對]][[花粉]][[過敏]]}}, {{lang|und|sc=Hans|[[我]][[对]][[花粉]][[过敏]]}} (wǒ duì huāfěn guòmǐn)
- IG:Noun:inspector general
- French: * French: {{t|fr|BIG}} {{gl|IG's Office}}
- Labrador tea:Noun:Rhododendron subsect. Ledum
- Serbo-Croatian: * Serbo-Croatian: {{n-g|no term, because these plants are unknown that far south}}
- Labrador tea:Noun:Rhododendron subsect. Ledum
- Slovene: * Slovene: {{n-g|no term, because these plants are unknown that far south}}
- Lagenaria siceraria:Proper noun:species
- English: * English: {{vern|white-flowered gourd}}, [[opo squash]], {{vern|long melon}}, {{vern|suzza melon}}, {{vern|New Guinea bean}}, {{vern|Tasmania bean}}
- Lapp:Adjective:from Lapland
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|lappilainen}}, {{gl|dated}} {{t+|fi|lappalainen}}
- Lapp:Noun:person
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|saamelainen}}, {{gl|dated}} {{t+|fi|lappalainen}}
- Latvian:Adjective:pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language
- Latvian: * Latvian: {{t|lv|Latvijas}} {{gloss|of Latvia}}, {{t+|lv|latviešu}} {{gloss|of people or language}}, {{t|lv|latvju}}, {{t|lv|latvisks}}
- Latvian:Adjective:pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language
- Lithuanian: * Lithuanian: {{t+check|lt|Latvijos}} {{gloss|of Latvia}}, {{t+check|lt|latvių}} {{gloss|of people or language}}
- Malay:Adjective:of the Malay people
- Greek: * Greek: {{t|el|της Μαλαισίας|f}} {{gloss|genitive of Malaya}}
- Mekele:Proper noun:Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia
- Amharic: * Amharic: {{t|am|መቀሌ}} {{gloss|[[Mek’elē]]}}
- Mekele:Proper noun:Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia
- Tigrinya: * Tigrinya: {{t|ti|መቐለ}} {{gloss|[[Mäqälle]]}}
- Mercurialis annua:Proper noun:annual mercury
- English: * English: {{vern|French mercury}}; {{vern|herb mercury}}
- Milky Way:Proper noun:galaxy
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|आकाशगङ्गा}}
- Mineralnye Vody:Proper noun:town in Russia
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Mineralnyje Vody}}
- Nguyen:Proper noun:Vietnamese surname
- Latin: * Latin: {{a|la|New Latin}} {{t|la|Nguyē̆nus|m}}, {{a|la|New Latin}} {{t|la|Nguyē̆na|f}}
- Nizhny Tagil:Proper noun:city in Russia
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Nižni Tagil}}
- ODE:Noun:initialism of ordinary differential equation
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|równanie różniczkowe zwyczajne|n}}
- PDE:Noun:initialism of partial differential equation
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|równanie różniczkowe cząstkowe|n}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- Amharic: * Amharic: {{tt|am|ፓሪስ}}, {{tt|am|ፓሪ}} {{a|en|French form}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{tt|ar|بَارِيس|f}}, {{qualifier-lite|archaic}} {{tt|ar|بَارِيز|f}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- Korean: * Korean: {{tt+|ko|^파리}}, {{tt+|ko|^빠리}} {{qualifier-lite|North Korea}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- Latin: * Latin: {{tt|la|Parīsius|m}} {{q-lite|Medieval Latin}}, {{tt|la|Lutetia Parisiorum|f}}, {{tt+|la|Lutetia|f}} {{q-lite|Classical Latin}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{tt|vi|Pa-ri}}, {{tt+|vi|Ba Lê}} {{qualifier-lite|dated}}, {{tt|vi|Ba Lý}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- Zazaki: * Zazaki: {{qualifier-lite|Southern Zazaki}} {{tt|zza|Paris}}
- Persianization:Noun:assimilation of Persian (Iranian) cultural values
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[czynienie]] [[perski]]m|n}}
- Persianize:Verb:to make Persian
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[czynić]] [[perski]]m}}, {{t|pl|[[uczynić]] [[perski]]m}}
- Ponzi scheme:Noun:illicit money-making scheme
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|Schneeballsystem|n}}, {{t|de|Ponzi-System|n}} {{q|rare}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Danish: * Danish: {{tt|da|D}} {{q-lite|dame}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|V}} {{q-lite|vrouw}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Estonian: * Estonian: {{tt+|et|E}} {{q-lite|emand}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- French: * French: {{tt+|fr|D}} {{q-lite|dame}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|D}} {{q-lite|Dame}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{tt|is|D}} {{q-lite|drottning}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Polish: * Polish: {{tt+|pl|D}} {{q-lite|dama}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{tt+|pt|D}} {{q-lite|dama}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Russian: * Russian: {{tt+|ru|Д}} {{q-lite|дама}}
- Q:Noun:playing card
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{tt+|sv|D}} {{q-lite|dam}}
- QL:Noun:
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|QL|m|tr=-|sc=Latn}},{{LR}} {{t|ar|كْيُو إِل|tr=kyū ʔel|m}}, {{t|ar|كْيُو إلْ|m}}
- SPG:Noun:self-propelled gun
- German: * German: {{t+|de|StuK}} {{gl|Sturmkanone}}
- SQL:Noun:SQL (Structured Query Language)
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|SQL|m|tr=-}} (pronounced {{m|ru||эс-ку-э́ль}} or {{m|ru||эс-кью-э́л}})
- SQL:Noun:SQL (Structured Query Language)
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|SQL|m|tr=-}} (pronounced {{m|ru||эс-ку-э́ль}} or {{m|ru||эс-кью-э́л}})
- Santa Claus:Proper noun:fictional figure
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|Kerstman|m}} {{gloss|Christmas}}, {{t+|nl|Sinterklaas|m}} {{gloss|5-6 December}}, {{t+|nl|Sint-Nicolaas|m}} {{gloss|5-6 December}}
- Santa Claus:Proper noun:fictional figure
- Esperanto: * Esperanto: {{t+|eo|Avo Frosto}} {{gloss|[[Father Frost]], Christmas}}, {{t|eo|Sankta Nikolao}} ''([[Saint Nicholas]])'' {{gloss|6 December}}, {{t|eo|Kristnaska Viro}}
- Santa Claus:Proper noun:fictional figure
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|Père Noël|m}}, {{t|fr|Papa Noël|m}} {{gloss|[[Father Christmas]]}}, {{t|fr|Saint Nicolas|m}} {{gloss|6 December}}
- Santa Claus:Proper noun:fictional figure
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Weihnachtsmann|m}} {{gloss|Christmas}}, {{t+|de|Christkind|n}} {{gloss|Christmas; different figure with same role}}, {{t+|de|Nikolaus|m}} {{gloss|6 December}}, {{t|de|Samichlaus|m}} {{qualifier|Switzerland}}
- Saturday:Noun:day of the week
- Urdu: * Urdu: {{t+|ur|ہَفْتَہ|m}}, {{t|ur|سَنِیچَر|m}}, {{t|ur|شَن٘بَہ|m}} {{gloss|rare}}
- Schläfli symbol:Noun:notation encoding certain properties of a regular polytope or tessellation
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no attested translation|ro}} {{t|ro|simbol Schläfli|n}}
- Secretary of State:Noun:any of several senior government positions
- Spanish: * Spanish: [[Secretario de Estado]] {{g|m}} {{gloss|US}}, [[Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores]] {{g|m}} {{gloss|other countries}}
- Sloviansk:Proper noun:city
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{w|lang=fi|Slovjansk}}
- Star Trek:Proper noun:the franchise
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{apdx-t|pt|Jornada nas Estrelas|f}}
- Tenasserim:Proper noun:river
- Mon: * Mon: {{t|mnw|ဏၚ်ကသဳ}} {{rftranslit|mnw}}, {{t|mnw|တနၚ်သြဳ}} {{rftranslit|mnw}}
- Tuguegarao:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|土格加勞}}
- Tutankhamun:Proper noun:Egyptian pharaoh
- German: * German: {{t|de|Tutenchamun|m}} {{q|usual}}, {{t+|de|Tutanchamun|m}} {{a|en|scientific}}
- Velcro:Proper noun:fastener
- German: * German: {{gloss|two strips collectively, the mechanism}} {{t+|de|Klettverschluss|m}}; {{gloss|each of the two strips}} {{t|de|Klettband|n}}
- Vladimir:Proper noun:male given name
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|Vladimiro|m}}, {{t|es|Vladímir|m}} {{gloss|of Russians}}
- WBS:Noun:work breakdown structure
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|OTP|m}} ''({{lang|fr|organigramme des tâches du projet}})''
- X:Noun:cross, crossing
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|risteys}}; {{t+|fi|suojatie}} {{q-lite|pedestrian crossing}}
- X:Numeral:unknown quantity or unknown value
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{tt+|ar|س|tr=sīn}} {{q-lite|unknown variable}}
- Yamuna:Proper noun:tributary of the Ganges
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|यमुना}}
- Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[teoria]] [[mnogość|mnogości]] Zermelo-Fraenkel}}
- Zermelo-Fraenkelian:Adjective:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[dotyczący]] Zermelo-Fraenkelian}}
- Zhejiang:Proper noun:a province in China
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|浙江}}, {{sense|abbr.}} {{t+|cmn|浙|tr=Zhè}}
- a bad workman always blames his tools:Proverb:not the tools but how they're employed
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|плохо́му танцо́ру и я́йца меша́ют}} {{gloss|bad dancer is impeded even by (his own) balls}}, {{t|ru|не́ча на зе́ркало пеня́ть, ко́ли ро́жа крива́}} {{gloss|don't blame the mirror if your mug is skewed}}, {{t|ru|ма́стер глуп — нож туп}} {{gloss|if the worker is stupid, his knife is blunt}}
- a chain is only as strong as its weakest link:Proverb:aphorism
- Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru|где то́нко, там и рвётся}} {{gloss|it snaps there, where it's thin}}
- a lot:Pronoun:a large amount
- Greek: * Greek: {{sense|uncountably}}{{t+|el|πολλά}}, {{sense|countably}}{{t+|el|πολύ}}
- abate:Verb:to lessen (something) in force or intensity
- German: * German: {{t+|de|nachlassen}}, {{t+|de|legen|alt=sich legen}} {{gloss|storm}}, {{t+|de|schwächen}}, {{t+|de|abschwächen}}, {{t+|de|vermindern}}, {{t+|de|verringern}}
- abate:Verb:(obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|neerslaan}} {{gloss|physically}}, {{t+|nl|vernederen}} {{gloss|mentally}}, {{t+|nl|humiliëren}}
- abate:Verb:(obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|abattre}} {{gloss|physically}}, {{t+|fr|abaisser}}, {{t+|fr|déprimer}} {{gloss|mentally}}
- abate:Verb:(obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically
- Norwegian: * Norwegian: {{t|no|slå ned}} {{gloss|physically}}, {{t+|no|ydmyke}} {{gloss|mentally}}
- abjure:Verb:(transitive) to solemnly reject (someone or something); to abandon (someone or something) forever; (intransitive) to solemnly reject; to abandon forever
- Dutch: * Dutch: ({{m|nl|aan}}) {{t+|nl|verzaken}}, {{t+|nl|afzweren}}, {{t+|nl|herroepen}}
- about to:Phrase:indicating imminence
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|være ved at}} {{gloss|be about to}}
- abscess:Noun:cavity filled with pus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|absceso|m}}, {{t+|es|flemón|m}} {{gloss|gums}}
- absolutely:Adverb:in an absolute manner
- German: * German: {{t+|de|absolut}}, {{t+|de|durchaus}}, {{t+|de|total}}, {{t+|de|unbedingt}}, {{sense|with negatives}} {{t+|de|gar}}, {{t+|de|überhaupt}}
- abstinent:Adjective:refraining from indulgence
- German: * German: {{t+|de|abstinent}} {{gloss|mostly when referring to alcohol or smoking}}, {{t+|de|enthaltsam}} {{gloss|sexually abstinent, celibate}}
- accede:Verb:to enter upon an office or dignity
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|aanvaarden}}, {{gloss|throne}} {{t+|nl|bestijgen}}
- access:Noun:act of approaching or entering
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|approche|f}} {{gloss|act of approaching}}, {{t+|fr|entrée|f}} {{gloss|act of entering}}, {{t+|fr|accès}}
- acquainted:Adjective:familiar
- Irish: * Irish: {{t|ga|[[aithne]] a bheith agat}}, {{t|ga|[[eolas]] a bheith agat ar}} {{gloss|be acquainted with}}, {{t|ga|aitheantach}}
- acquired taste:Noun:something or someone that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasant
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|specyficzny}}
- add fuel to the fire:Verb:worsen a conflict
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{gloss|to pour oil unto the fire}} {{t|is|hella olíu á eldinn}}
- add fuel to the fire:Verb:worsen a conflict
- Norwegian: * Norwegian: {{t|no|helle bensin på bålet}}, {{gloss|to blow in the fire}} {{t|no|puste til ilden}}
- administrator:Noun:one who administers affairs
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Verwalter|m}}, {{t+|de|Verwalterin|f}}, {{t|de|Verwaltungsleiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Sachbearbeiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Administrator|m}} {{gloss|Computer}}
- admittedly:Adverb:by admission
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|kétségkívül}}, {{t+|hu|kétségtelenül}}, {{gloss|followed by a subordinate clause}} {{t+|hu|kétségtelen}}, {{t|hu|[[nem]] [[vitás]]}}, {{t|hu|[[elismer|el]] [[kell]] [[elismer|ismerni]]}}, {{t|hu|[[bevall|be]] [[kell]] [[bevall|vallani]]}}
- adoptee:Noun:adopted son or daughter
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|adopted son}} {{t+|cmn|養子|tr=yǎngzǐ}}, {{qualifier|adopted daughter}} {{t+|cmn|養女|tr=yǎngnǚ}}, {{gloss|adoptee}} {{t|cmn|被收養人|tr=bèishōuyǎngrén}}
- adventurer:Noun:one who enjoys adventures
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|авантюри́ст|m}}, {{t+|ru|авантюри́стка|f}} {{gl|now means an unscrupulous person}}, {{t|ru|[[иска́тель]] [[приключение|приключе́ний]]|m}}, {{t|ru|[[иска́тельница]] [[приключение|приключе́ний]]|f}}
- afford:Verb:to incur, stand, or bear
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|have råd til}} {{gloss|to be able to afford}}
- affreightment:Noun:hire a vessel for cargo
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|fletamento|m}}, {{t+|es|flete|m}} {{gloss|hiring of a cargo vehicle}}
- age:Verb:transitive: cause to grow old
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[altern]] [[lassen]]}}, {{t|de|[[alt]] [[machen]]}}
- agenda:Noun:list of matters to be taken up
- French: * French: {{gloss|in meetings}} {{t+|fr|ordre du jour|m}}
- ahoy:Interjection:used to hail a ship, etc
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t|hu|[[a]] [[láthatáron]]}} {{gloss|lit. "on the horizon"}}
- air supremacy:Noun:most favorable state of control of the air
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[przewaga]] [[w]] [[powietrze|powietrzu]]|f}}
- all of a sudden:Adverb:colloquial: suddenly
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|all'improvviso}}, {{t-ws|a=1|improvvisamente}}
- all thumbs:Adjective:clumsy (idiom)
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|笨手笨腳|tr=bènshǒu-bènjiǎo}} {{gloss|stupid hands, stupid feet}}
- alleviate:Verb:make less severe
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|lindre}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t|da|mildne}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t|da|hjælpe på}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t+|da|lette}} {{gloss|make easier}}, {{t|da|dulme}} {{qual|of pain}}, {{t|da|tage brodden af}} {{qual|of pain}}
- almond:Noun:nut
- Aramaic: *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|לוּזָא|tr=lūzā|c}}, {{t|arc|שִׁגּדּא|tr=šigdā}} / {{m|arc|שִׁיגּדּא|tr=šigdā}}
- almond:Noun:tree
- Aramaic: *: Jewish Aramaic: {{t|arc|לוּזָא|tr=lūzā|c}}, {{t|arc|שִׁגּדּא|tr=šigdā}} / {{m|arc|שִׁיגּדּא|tr=šigdā}}
- ambit claim:Noun:
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[übertrieben]]e [[Forderung]]|f}}, {{t|de|[[extrem]]es [[Startangebot]]|n}}
- amicable:Adjective:showing friendliness or goodwill
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|amiable}} {{gloss|agreement}}, {{t+|fr|amical}} {{gloss|person}}
- amicable:Adjective:showing friendliness or goodwill
- German: * German: {{t+|de|einvernehmlich}} {{gloss|agreement}}, {{t+|de|freundlich}} {{gloss|person}}, {{t+|de|freundschaftlich}} {{gloss|agreement, discussion, gesture}}, {{t+|de|gütlich}} {{gloss|settlement}}, {{t+|de|liebenswürdig}} {{gloss|person}}
- amplify:Verb:render larger etc.
- German: * German: [[verstärken]] {{gloss|more intense}}; [[vergrößern]] {{gloss|larger}}
- anew:Adverb:again
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{gloss|of future events}} {{t+|cmn|再|tr=zài}}, {{gloss|of past events}} {{t+|cmn|又|tr=yòu}}, {{gloss|once again}} {{t+|cmn|遍|alt=再...一遍|tr=zai4... yíbiàn}}, {{t+|cmn|重新|tr=chóngxīn}}
- answer:Verb:to respond to a call
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{tt+|hu|reagál}}, {{sense|telephone}} {{tt+|hu|felvesz}}, {{sense|door, ’open’}} {{tt+|hu|kinyit}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- Urdu: * Urdu: {{tt|ur|چیونٹی|f|tr=cyūnṭī}}, {{tt|ur|چینٹی|f|tr=cīnṭī}} {{gl|rare, mainly India}}
- anthill:Noun:home of ants and termites
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|formiguer|m}} {{gloss|ants}}, {{t|ca|termiter|m}} {{gloss|termites}}
- anthill:Noun:home of ants and termites
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|fourmilière|f}} {{gloss|ants}}, {{t+|fr|termitière|f}} {{gloss|termites}}
- any:Pronoun:Any things or persons
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|kdokoliv}} {{gloss|anyone}}, {{t+|cs|cokoliv}} {{gloss|anything}}
- any:Pronoun:Any things or persons
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{t+|ro|orice}} {{gloss|anything}}, {{t+|ro|oricare}}, {{t+|ro|oricine}} {{gloss|anyone}}
- any hole's a goal:Proverb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl|noend=1}}
- appendage:Noun:external body part
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|membro|m}}, {{gloss|limb}} {{t+|it|arto|m}}, {{t+|it|protuberanza|f}}
- appendage:Noun:natural prolongation or projection
- Italian: * Italian: {{gloss|animals}} {{t+|it|membro|m}}, {{gloss|limbs}} {{t+|it|estremità|f-p}}, {{t+|it|protuberanza|f}}
- appliance:Noun:a device in its own right
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toestel|n}}, {{gloss|domestic}} {{t|nl|huishoudstoestel|n}}
- appoint:Verb:to fix (the time and place of)
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|fixer}}, {{gloss|date}} {{t+|fr|poser}}
- aquarium:Noun:tank for keeping fish
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{gloss|bowl-shaped}} {{t+|ja|金魚鉢|tr=kingyobachi}}, {{t|ja|養魚鉢|tr=yōgyobachi}}, {{gloss|box-shaped}} {{t+|ja|水槽|tr=suisō}}, {{t+|ja|アクアリウム|tr=akuariumu|sc=Jpan}}
- aquarium:Noun:tank for keeping fish
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{gloss|box-shaped}} {{t+|tr|akvaryum}}, {{gloss|bowl-shaped}} {{t+|tr|fanus}}
- ardent:Adjective:full of ardour
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|ardent}}, {{gloss|against opponent}} {{t+|fr|farouche}}, {{gloss|admiration}} {{t+|fr|fervent}}, {{gloss|love}} {{t+|fr|passionné}}
- ardent:Adjective:full of ardour
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|горя́чий}}, {{t+|ru|пы́лкий}}, {{gloss|against opponent}} {{t+|ru|я́рый}}, {{t+|ru|пла́менный}}, {{t+|ru|стра́стный}}
- are:Noun:unit of area
- Bashkir: * Bashkir: {{t|ba|ар}}; {{non-gloss|land area}} {{t|ba|сутый}}
- around:Adverb:repeated or continuous action, or in numerous locations or with numerous people
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use a [[:Category:Finnish frequentative verbs|frequentative verb]] with optional {{m|fi|ympäriinsä}}, e.g. kysellä (ympäriinsä) ~ ask around''
- ask for the moon:Verb:
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t|ru|[[проси́ть]] [[доста́ть луну́ с не́ба]]}}
- assail:Verb:to attack violently
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t+|tr|saldırmak}}, {{t+|tr|taarruz etmek}} {{gloss|obsolescent}}
- astaghfirullah:Interjection:
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{m|pa||tr=astaġfirullāh}}
- at all:Adverb:to the slightest degree, in any way
- German: * German: {{t+|de|überhaupt}}, {{sense|with negatives}} {{t+|de|gar}}
- at all:Adverb:to the slightest degree, in any way
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en realidad}}, {{t|es|para nada}} {{gloss|not at all}}, {{t+|es|en absoluto}}, {{t|es|en lo absoluto}}
- at sixes and sevens:Prepositional phrase:in a state of dispute or disagreement
- German: * German: {{t+|de|sich in den Haaren liegen}} {{gloss|be at sixes and sevens}}, {{t|de|[[völlig]] [[uneins]] [[sein]]}} {{qualifier|be at sixes and sevens}}, {{t|de|über Kreuz sein}} {{qualifier|be at sixes and sevens}}
- at work:Prepositional phrase:in the process of doing work
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use {{m|fi|tehdä}} in verb phrase (usually 3rd infinitive in inessive)''
- attempt:Noun:the action of trying at something
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|poging|f}} {{qualifier|an action}}, {{t+|nl|probeersel|n}} {{gloss|making something}}
- attrition:Noun:reduction in membership or personnel
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|zmniejszenie|n}}
- audience:Noun:group of people seeing a performance
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|觀眾|tr=guānzhòng}}, {{gloss|listeners}} {{t+|cmn|聽眾|tr=tīngzhòng}}
- audition:Noun:performance by an aspiring performer
- German: * German: {{t|de|Vorsingen|n}} {{gloss|singing audition}}, {{t+|de|Casting|n}}, {{t+|de|Vorspielen|n}}, {{t|de|Probesingen|n}}, {{t|de|Probevorführung|f}}, {{t+|de|Probespiel|n}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Armenian: * Armenian: {{t+|hy|հորաքույր}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t+|hy|մորաքույր}} {{gloss|maternal}}, {{t+|hy|քեռակին}} {{gloss|in law}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Bakhtiari: * Bakhtiari: {{gloss|paternal}} {{t|bqi|کچی|tr=keči}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Ewe: * Ewe: {{gloss|paternal}} {{t|ee|tasi}}, {{t|ee|te}}, {{gloss|mother's elder sister}} {{t|ee|dagã}}, {{t|ee|nɔgã}}, {{gloss|mother's younger sister}} {{t|ee|daɖia}}, {{t|ee|nɔɖi}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t+|ja|おば|tr=oba}}, {{sense|younger than one's parent}} {{t+|ja|叔母|tr=おば, oba}}, {{sense|older than one's parent}} {{t+|ja|伯母|tr=おば, oba}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Krisa: * Krisa: {{t|ksi|wini}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t|ksi|moni baʼ}} {{gloss|mother's elder sister}}, {{t|ksi|moni pung}} {{gloss|mother's younger sister}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Latin: * Latin: {{t+|la|amita}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t+|la|mātertera}} {{gloss|maternal}}, {{t|la|thia}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Latvian: * Latvian: {{t|lv|tante}}, {{gloss|paternal}} {{t|lv|tēva māsa}}, {{gloss|maternal}} {{t|lv|mātes māsa}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Malayalam: * Malayalam: {{t+|ml|അമ്മായി}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|ml|മേമ}}, {{t+|ml|മാമി}}, {{gloss|father's elder sister}} {{t|ml|വല്യമ്മ}}, {{gloss|father's younger sister}} {{t+|ml|ചെറിയമ്മ}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Marathi: * Marathi: {{gloss|mother's sister}} {{t|mr|माउशी|f}}, {{gloss|mother's sister-in-law}} {{t+|mr|मामी|f}}, {{gloss|father's sister}} {{t|mr|आत्या|f}}, {{gloss|father's sister-in-law}} {{t|mr|काकी|f}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Miyako: * Miyako: {{gloss|younger than one's parent}} {{t|mvi|ブバ|tr=buba}}, {{gloss|older or younger than one's parent}} {{t|mvi|ブバマ|tr=bubama}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Polish: * Polish: {{t+|pl|ciotka|f}}, {{t+|pl|ciocia|f}}, {{t+|pl|wujenka|f}} {{gloss|wife of mother's brother}}, {{t+|pl|stryjenka|f}} {{gloss|wife of father's brother}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Scottish Gaelic: * Scottish Gaelic: {{t|gd|piuthar-athar|f}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t|gd|piuthar-màthar|f}} {{gloss|maternal}}, {{t|gd|antaidh|f}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Serbo-Croatian: *: Cyrillic: {{t|sh|тетка|f}}, {{gloss|maternal in-law}} {{t|sh|ујна|f}}, {{gloss|paternal in-law}} {{t|sh|стрина|f}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Serbo-Croatian: *: Roman: {{t+|sh|tetka|f}}, {{gloss|maternal in-law}} {{t+|sh|ujna|f}}, {{qualifier|Bosnia}} {{t|sh|daidžinca|f}}, {{gloss|paternal in-law}} {{t+|sh|strina|f}}, {{qualifier|Bosnia}} {{t|sh|amidžinca|f}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|faster|c}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t+|sv|moster|c}} {{gloss|maternal}}, {{t+|sv|tant|c}} {{gloss|in-law}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Telugu: * Telugu: {{gloss|paternal}} {{t+|te|అత్త}}, {{gloss|maternal}} {{t+|te|పిన్ని}}, {{t+|te|పెదమ్మ}}, {{gloss|maternal, in-law}} {{t+|te|అత్త}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t+|tr|hala}}, {{t+|tr|bibi}}, {{t+|tr|eme}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{t+|tr|teyze}} {{gloss|maternal}}, {{t+|tr|yenge}} {{gloss|in-law}}
- aunt:Noun:
- Tamil: * Tamil: {{gloss|periamma}}, {{t+check|ta|அத்தை}} {{gloss|paternal}}, {{gloss|in-law}} Periy'yamma {{gloss|elder}}, {{t-check|ta|tr=Chi}} 'thi {{gloss|younger}}, {{t-check|ta|tr=Periy}} 'yamma {{gloss|elder}}, {{t-check|ta|tr=Chi}} 'thi {{gloss|younger}}, {{t-check|ta|tr=Maa}} 'mi {{gloss|in-law}}
- back:Noun:a position behind most players on the team
- Czech: * Czech: {{tt+|cs|obránce|m}}, {{tt|cs|bek|m}}, {{tt+|cs|útočník|m}} {{gloss|in rugby}}
- back:Verb:to go in the reverse direction
- French: * French: {{gloss|person}} {{tt+|fr|reculer}}, {{sense|vehicle}} {{tt+|fr|arrière|alt=faire marche arrière}}
- back:Verb:to go in the reverse direction
- German: * German: {{gloss|vehicle}} {{tt+|de|zurücksetzen}}
- ball:Noun:solid or hollow sphere
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{tt+|sv|boll|c}} {{gloss|soft and/or hollow}}, {{tt+|sv|klot|n}} {{gloss|mainly hard and/or solid}}, {{tt+|sv|kula}} {{gloss|solid, hard and small}}
- ball:Noun:object, generally spherical, used for playing games
- Danish: * Danish: {{tt+|da|bold|c}}, {{gloss|hard}} {{tt+|da|kugle}}
- ball:Noun:object, generally spherical, used for playing games
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{tt+|sv|boll|c}}, {{tt+|sv|klot|n}} {{gloss|mainly hard and/or solid}}, {{tt+|sv|kula|c}} {{gloss|small and hard}}
- balloon:Noun:inflatable and buoyant object
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t|pa|ਭੁਕਾਨਾ}}, {{t|pa|ਭੂਪੜਾ}} {{gloss|dialectal}}
- bastonade:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|bastonada|f}} {{qualifier|a noun}}
- bathypelagic:Adjective:of or pertaining to the ocean between 1000 and 4000 meters deep
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|batypelagial|m}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|pila|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|ca|bateria|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|pile|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|fr|batterie|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- Galician: * Galician: {{t+|gl|pila|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|gl|batería|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Batterie|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|de|Akku|m}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|pila|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|it|batteria|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|pilha|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|pt|bateria|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pila|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|es|batería|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
- be able to:Verb:have ability to
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|pouvoir}}, {{t+|fr|savoir}} {{gloss|for a skill}}, {{t|fr|[[être]] [[capable]] [[de]]}}
- be able to:Verb:have ability to
- Kabyle: * Kabyle: {{t|kab|zmer}}, {{t|kab|issin}} {{gloss|for a skill}}
- be able to:Verb:have ability to
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|мочь|impf}}, {{t+|ru|смочь|pf}}, {{t|ru|[[быть]] [[в]] [[состояние|состоя́нии]]}}, {{t+|ru|уме́ть}}, {{t+|ru|суме́ть|pf}} {{gloss|to be skilled enough}}
- be able to:Verb:have ability to
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|poder}} {{gloss|for a possibility or capacity}}, {{t|es|[[ser]] [[capaz]] [[de]]}} {{gloss|for a skill}}, {{t+|es|saber}} {{gloss|for a skill}}
- bearing:Noun:mechanical device
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rodamiento|m}} {{gloss|rolling bearing}}, {{qualifier|Mexico}} {{t+|es|balero|m}}, {{t+|es|cojinete|m}}
- beat around the bush:Verb:to treat a topic but omit its main points
- Tagalog: * Tagalog: {{t|tl|pasikut-sikot}} {{gloss|roundabout}}, {{t|tl|magpaligoy-ligoy}}, {{t|tl|lumigoy-ligoy}}
- beating:Noun:a heavy defeat or setback
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[vernichtende]] [[Niederlage]]|f}} {{q|crushing defeat}}
- become:Verb:to begin to be
- Crimean Tatar: * Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|olmaq}}, {{gloss|Northern dialect}} {{t|crh|bolmaq}}
- beebrush:Noun:plant of the genus Aloysia
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{no equivalent translation|ar|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, even for {{taxfmt|Verbena|genus}} species''
- beebrush:Noun:plant of the genus Aloysia
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{no equivalent translation|ar|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, even for {{taxfmt|Verbena|genus}} species''
- beebrush:Noun:plant of the genus Aloysia
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, and other species may bear the name of {{m|de|Verbene}} for any plant within the family''
- beebrush:Noun:plant of the genus Aloysia
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, and other species may bear the name of {{m|de|Verbene}} for any plant within the family''
- beefcake:Noun:imagery of muscular men
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t|tr|kas yumağı}} {{gloss|muscle-skein}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Armenian: * Armenian: {{tt+|hy|զանգ}} {{gloss|big}}, {{tt+|hy|զանգակ}} {{gloss|small}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Czech: * Czech: {{tt+|cs|zvon|m}} {{gloss|church}}, {{tt+|cs|zvonek|m}} {{gloss|smaller}}, {{tt|cs|zvonec|m}} {{gloss|cattle}}, {{tt+|cs|zvoneček|m}} {{gloss|small}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Macedonian: * Macedonian: {{tt|mk|ѕвоно|n}} {{gloss|big}}, {{tt|mk|ѕвонче|n}} {{gloss|small}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Russian: * Russian: {{tt+|ru|ко́локол|m}} {{gloss|big}}, {{tt+|ru|колоко́льчик|m}} {{gloss|small}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|campana|f}} {{gloss|big}}, {{tt+|es|campanilla|f}} {{gloss|small}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{tt+|sv|klocka|c}}, {{tt+|sv|pingla|c}} {{gloss|very small}}, {{t+|sv|bjällra|c}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- Ukrainian: * Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|дзвін|m}} {{qualifier|big}}, {{tt|uk|дзво́ник|m}} {{gloss|small}}
- biclique:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[graf]] [[dwudzielny]]|m}}
- big mouth:Noun:person who has such a "big mouth"
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Großmaul|n}} {{gloss|making exaggerated claims}}, {{t|de|Plappermaul|n}} {{gloss|talking too much}}, {{t|de|Schnacker|m}} {{qualifier|regional}}
- big mouth:Noun:person who has such a "big mouth"
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|дли́нный язы́к}} {{gloss|lit: long tongue}}
- billiard:Noun:a shot in billiards or snooker
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|carambole|f}} {{gloss|only in french billiard, a.k.a. carambole}}
- billy goat:Noun:male goat
- Polish: * Polish: {{t+|pl|kozioł|m}}, {{sense|old male}} {{t+|pl|cap|m}}
- bimeromorphic:Adjective:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|meromorficzny}}
- binge:Noun:short period of excessive consumption, especially of alcohol
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Gelage|n}}, {{t+|de|Trinkgelage|n}}, {{t+|de|Saufgelage|n}}, {{t+|de|Besäufnis|n}} {{gloss|alcohol}}
- binge:Noun:short period of excessive consumption, especially of alcohol
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|atracón|m}} {{q|general}}, {{t+|es|comilona}} {{q|of food}}, {{t+|es|botellón|m}} {{gloss|of alcohol}}, {{t+|es|francachela}}, {{t|es|atragamiento|m}}
- birthday boy:Noun:a male of any age whose birthday it is
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{m|nl|Jarige Job}}, {{t+|nl|jarige|m|f}}
- black frost:Noun:cold freezing and turning vegetation black
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|przymrozek|m}}
- bleat:Noun:cry of a sheep or a goat
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|sheep's bleat}} {{t+|es|balido|m}}
- bless you:Interjection:said to somebody who has sneezed
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t+|ar|صِحَّة}} {{gloss|health}}, {{t|ar|اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰه|tr=al-ḥamdu li-llāh}} {{gloss|praise God}}, {{t|ar|يَرْحَمْكُم اللّٰه}} {{gloss|(may) Allah have mercy on you}}, {{t|ar|يَرْحَمْكُم}} {{gloss|mercy on you}}
- bless you:Interjection:said to somebody who has sneezed
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{qualifier|uncommon}} {{t|cmn|一百歲|tr=yībǎi suì}} {{gloss|(live up to) 100 years}}
- bless you:Interjection:said to somebody who has sneezed
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{qualifier|uncommon}} {{t+|ja|お大事に|tr=おだいじに, o-daiji ni|sc=Jpan}} {{gloss|take care}}, {{t+|ja|徳万歳|tr=とこまんざい, tokomanzai}}
- blind:Noun:covering for a window
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|Jalousie|f}} {{gloss|slats}}, {{tt+|de|Rouleau|n}}, {{tt+|de|Rollo}}, {{tt+|de|Rollladen|f}} {{gloss|outside}}
- bluish:Adjective:somewhat blue in color
- Russian: * Russian: {{gloss|somewhat dark blue}} {{t+|ru|синева́тый}}; {{gloss|somewhat sky blue}} {{t+|ru|голубова́тый}}
- bollard:Noun:post to secure mooring lines
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|bollard|m}} {{qualifier|rarely used}}, {{t+|fr|bitte d'amarrage|f}} {{gloss|mooring bollard}}, {{t+|fr|bitte|f}} {{qualifier|rarely used as ''bitte'' used alone is a widely used slang word for ''penis''}}
- bollard:Noun:post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|verkeerspaal|m}} {{gloss|road bollard}}, {{t+|nl|poller|m}} {{gloss|retractible road bollard}}
- bolt from the blue:Noun:something totally unexpected
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|som et lyn fra en klar himmel}} {{gloss|like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky}}
- bolt from the blue:Noun:something totally unexpected
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|гром среди́ я́сного не́ба}} {{gloss|thunder from a clear sky}}, {{t+|ru|как снег на́ голову}} {{gloss|like snow from the blue}}
- bolt from the blue:Noun:something totally unexpected
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|som en blixt från klar himmel}} {{gloss|like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky}}
- bone density:Noun:bone mineral density
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t|ru|[[пло́тность]] [[ко́стной тка́ни]]|f}}, {{t|ru|[[пло́тность]] [[косте́й]]|f}}
- bookseller:Noun:person
- Belarusian: * Belarusian: {{t|be|букіні́ст|m}} {{gloss|a seller of second hand books}}
- bored:Adjective:suffering from boredom
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|adjective}} {{t+|hu|unott}}, {{t+|hu|unatkozó}}, {{sense|verb}} {{t+|hu|unatkozik}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{tt+|ja|男の子|tr=おとこのこ, otoko no ko}}, {{tt+|ja|少年|tr=しょうねん, shōnen}}, {{tt+|ja|男子|tr=だんし, danshi}} {{gloss|young man}}, {{tt+|ja|坊や|tr=ぼうや, bōya}}
- brachial plexus:Noun:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|臂神經叢}}
- brain rot:Noun:media deemed to hold little artistic value and/or negatively impact those who consume it
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|brainrot|f}} {{att|pt|feminine or masculine?}}
- break wind:Verb:to flatulate
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|lâcher}}, {{t|fr|[[en]] [[lâcher]] [[un]]}} {{gloss|to let one loose}}, {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|fr|péter}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|fr|lâcher une perle}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|fr|loufer}}
- breastaurant:Noun:restaurant featuring scantily clad waitresses
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|restauracja|f}}
- breastaurant:Noun:breastfeeding woman as a source of nutrition
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|matka|f}}
- bring:Verb:to transport toward somebody/somewhere
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|traer}} {{gloss|bringer is coming}}, {{t+|es|llevar}} {{gloss|bringer is going}}, {{t+|es|transportar}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Armenian: * Armenian: {{t+|hy|խոզանակ}}, {{t+|hy|վրձին}} {{gloss|for painting}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|štětec|m}} {{gloss|painting}}, {{t+|cs|štětka|f}} {{gloss|painting}}, {{t+|cs|kartáč|m}} {{gloss|cleaning}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|borstel|m}}; {{gloss|paint-}} [[verfborstel]]; {{gloss|hair-}} [[haarborstel]]; {{gloss|tooth-}} [[tandenborstel]]
- brush:Noun:implement
- Estonian: * Estonian: {{t+|et|hari}}, {{t|et|pintsel}} {{gloss|for painting}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Bürste|f}}; {{gloss|paint-}} {{t+|de|Pinsel|m}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{gloss|paint-}} {{t+|is|pensill|m}} {{gloss|hair-}} {{t+|is|bursti|m}}, {{t+|is|hárbursti|m}} ("tooth-") {{t+|is|tannbursti|m}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{gloss|paint-}} {{t+|is|pensill|m}} {{gloss|hair-}} {{t+|is|bursti|m}}, {{t+|is|hárbursti|m}} ("tooth-") {{t+|is|tannbursti|m}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Ido: * Ido: {{t+|io|pinselo}} {{gloss|painting}}, {{t+|io|brosilo}} {{gloss|cleaning}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Latgalian: * Latgalian: {{gloss|cleaning}} {{t|ltg|suseklis}}, {{gloss|paint-}} {{t|ltg|tepeklis}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Latvian: * Latvian: {{t+|lv|suka|f}}, {{gloss|paint-}} {{t|lv|ota}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Lithuanian: * Lithuanian: {{t+|lt|šepetys|m}}, {{gloss|for painting}} {{t|lt|teptukas|m}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|brocha|f}} {{gloss|for painting}}, {{t+|pt|escova|f}} {{gloss|for hair or cleanliness}}, {{t+|pt|pincel|m}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{t+|ro|perie|f}}; {{gloss|paint-}} {{t+|ro|pensulă|f}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|щётка|f}}, {{t+|ru|кисть|f}} {{gloss|for painting}}
- brush:Noun:implement
- Volapük: * Volapük: {{t+|vo|kef}}, {{t|vo|svipül}}, {{gloss|paint}} {{t+|vo|pensit}}, {{gloss|wire}} {{t|vo|dratakef}}, {{t|vo|frotakef}}, {{t|vo|glimükamakef}}, {{gloss|shoe}} {{t|vo|jukikef}}, {{t|vo|lavädakef}}, {{t|vo|lekluinakef}}, {{t|vo|leröbakef}}, {{t|vo|miotakef}}, {{gloss|tooth}} {{t+|vo|tutikef}}, {{t|vo|veluvakef}}, {{gloss|hair}} {{t+|vo|heremikef}}
- bubble:Noun:spherically contained volume of air or other gas
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t|pa|ਬੁਲਬੁਲਾ|m}}, {{t|pa|ਭੂਪੜਾ}} {{gloss|dialectal}}
- bug:Noun:a colloquial name for insect
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Wanze|f}}, {{t|de|Krabbeltier|n}}, {{t+|de|Ungeziefer|n}} {{gloss|pest}}
- bugbear:Noun:source of dread, resentment or irritation
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|strašák|m}} {{gloss|v hlavě}}
- bullion:Noun:bulk quantity of precious metal
- Danish: * Danish: {{t+|da|barre|c}}, {{t|da|guldbarre|c}} {{gloss|gold bullion}}, {{t|da|sølvbarre|c}} {{gloss|silver bullion}}
- bullion:Noun:bulk quantity of precious metal
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|staaf}}, {{t+|nl|goudstaaf}} {{gloss|gold bullion}}, {{t|nl|zilverstaaf}} {{gloss|silver bullion}}
- bullshit:Verb:have casual conversation with no real point
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|пизде́ть}}, {{t+|ru|база́рить}}, {{t+|ru|чеса́ть языко́м}} {{gloss|to scratch with tongue}}
- bunion:Noun:bump on the big toe
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|бурси́т|m}} {{qualifier|большо́го па́льца стопы́}}, {{t+|ru|ши́шка|f}} {{qualifier|на нару́жной стороне́ большо́го па́льца ноги́}}, {{lang|ru|вальгусная деформа́ция первого пальца стопы}} (válʹgusnaja deformácija pérvovo pálʹca stopý) {{g|f}}
- burrow:Noun:a tunnel or hole
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|terrier|m}}, {{t+|fr|clapier|m}} {{gloss|rabbit burrow}}
- burrow:Noun:a tunnel or hole
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|madriguera|f}}, {{t+|es|ratonera|f}} {{gloss|mouse burrow}}
- busy:Adjective:crowded with business or activities
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|livlig}}, {{gloss|traffic}} {{t|sv|[[livligt]] [[trafikerad]]}}
- cable theory:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[teoria]] [[kabel|kabli]]|f}}
- calf:Noun:anatomy: back of the leg below the knee
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pantorrilla|f}} {{lbl|es|human|nocat=1}}, {{t+|es|chamorro|m}} {{lbl|es|nonhuman|nocat=1}}, {{t|es|pantorra|f}}, {{t+|es|corva|f}}, {{t+|es|corvejón|m}}
- canonical conjunctive normal form:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[kanoniczny|kanoniczna]] [[koniunkcyjny|koniunkcyjna]] [[postać]] [[normalny|normalna]]|f}}
- canonical disjunctive normal form:Noun:disjunctive normal form with the additional property that all of the terms of the sum contain the same literals, so that the terms differ from each other only in their patterns of complementation (of their literals)
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[kanoniczny|kanoniczna]] [[alternatywny|alternatywna]] [[postać]] [[normalny|normalna]]|f}}
- capitol:Noun:any building where a legislature meets
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{l|fi|hallintorakennus}}
- card:Noun:flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|carta|f}} {{gloss|paper card for games}}, {{t+|es|tarjeta|f}}
- card:Noun:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+check|es|carta|f}}, {{t+check|es|naipe|m}} {{gloss|element of a deck}}, {{t+check|es|tarjeta|f}} {{gloss|computer component, transport ticket}}
- carrion crow:Noun:Corvus corone
- Faroese: * Faroese: {{t|fo|kráka|f}}, ({{taxlink|Corvus corone corone|subspecies}}): {{t|fo|hjaltakráka|f}}
- cartilaginous:Adjective:zoology: having skeleton of cartilage
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|rusto|alt=rusto-}}; ''see e.g.'' {{m|fi|rustokala}}
- case insensitive:Adjective:treating upper- and lowercase letters as being the same
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[unterscheidet]]/[[beachtet]] ([[die]]) [[Großschreibung|Groß-]] [[und]] [[Kleinschreibung]] [[nicht]]}} {{q|verb; periphrase}}
- case sensitive:Adjective:distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[unterscheidet]]/[[beachtet]] ([[die]]) [[Großschreibung|Groß-]] [[und]] [[Kleinschreibung]]}} {{q|verb; periphrase}}
- cast:Noun:form of one's thoughts, mind etc.
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|type in general}} {{t+|hu|fajta}}, {{sense|mindset}} {{t+|hu|lelkület}}, {{t+|hu|észjárás}}, {{t+|hu|gondolkodásmód}}
- cast:Noun:animal and insect remains regurgitated by a bird
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|köpet}}, {{sense|that of an owl}} {{t|hu|bagolyköpet}}
- cat and mouse:Noun:two keeping check on one another
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|bawić się w kotka i myszkę|impf}}
- cat thyme:Noun:Teucrium marum
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|ożanka|f}}
- catcall:Noun:shout or whistle expressing dislike
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rechifla|f}} {{gloss|whistle}}, {{t+|es|abucheo|m}} {{gloss|shout}}
- catcall:Verb:make such an exclamation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rechiflar}} {{gloss|whistle}}, {{t+|es|abuchear}} {{gloss|shout}}, {{t+|es|piropear}}, {{t+|es|cuerdear}}
- chained:Adjective:bound with chains
- German: * German: {{t+|de|angekettet}} {{gloss|chained to something}}, {{t+|de|gekettet}}, [[mit]] [[Ketten]] [[gefesselt]]
- chanyu:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|dowódca|m}}
- charge:Noun:scope of responsibility
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|felelősség}}, {{t+|hu|felügyelet}}, {{t+|hu|vezetés}}, {{t+|hu|irányítás}}, {{gloss|lit. care/concern; this sense is mainly in the plural possessive}} {{t+|hu|gond}}
- cheek:Noun:part of face
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t+|sa|गण्ड|m}}, {{t+|sa|कपोल|m}}, {{t-ws|गल्ल}}
- cherry:Noun:tree
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|cerezo|m}} {{gloss|Prunus avium}}, {{gloss|Prunus cerasus}} {{tt+|es|guindo|m}}
- chick:Noun:young bird
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|polluelo|m}}, {{t+|es|pollo|m}}, {{t+|es|pichón|m}} {{gloss|dove's chick}}
- chirotope:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[chiralny]] matroid|m}}
- chitterlings:Noun:small pig intestine, boiled and fried
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|gallinejas|f-p}} {{qualifier|Spain}}, {{t+|es|chunchules|m-p}} {{qualifier|Chile}} {{gloss|usually of beef}}, {{t+|es|chunchullo|m}}, {{t+|es|chinchulín|m}}, {{t+|es|chinchurria|f}}, {{t+|es|chunchurria|f}}, {{t+|es|choncholi|m}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- chocolate teacake:Noun:type of treat
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t|ru|[[суфле́]] [[в]] [[шокола́де]]|n}} {{q|as which the industrial versions of European countries are traded; sometimes denotes a similar confection or a kind of tart instead}}, {{t+|ru|кре́мбо|n}} {{q|understood as Jewish cuisine}}, {{t|ru|шокола́дный поцелу́й|m}} {{q|ambiguous, often a tart}}, {{t|ru|поцелу́й не́гра|m}} {{q|ambiguous, often a tart}}
- chryselephantine:Adjective:made of gold and ivory
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[zrobiony]] [[ze]] [[złoto|złota]] [[i]] [[kość słoniowa|kości słoniowej]]}}
- churchgoer:Noun:one who goes to church
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|wierzący}}
- claim:Noun:demand of ownership for previously unowned land
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Anspruch|m}}, {{t+|de|Mutung|f}} {{gloss|mining}}
- click:Verb:intransitive: click the left button of a mouse
- German: * German: {{t+|de|klicken}}, {{gloss|click on}} [[anklicken]]
- climate denier:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[zaprzeczać|zaprzeczający]] [[zmiana|zmianie]] [[klimat|klimatu]]|m}}, {{t|pl|[[zaprzeczać|zaprzeczająca]] [[zmiana|zmianie]] [[klimat|klimatu]]|f}}
- clingy:Adjective:having a tendency to cling
- German: * German: {{t+|de|anhänglich}} {{gloss|person or aninmal}}, {{t+|de|anhaftend}} {{gloss|object}}
- close shave:Noun:near accident or mishap
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|mało brakowało}}, {{t|pl|[[być|było]] [[blisko]]}}, {{t+|pl|o mały włos}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Armenian: * Armenian: [[քենակալ]] (k’enakal) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband}}; {{qualifier|less precisely}} [[փեսա]] (p’esa) {{gloss|husband of any close relative, including one's sister or sister-in-law}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Chinese: * Chinese: [[襟兄]] (jīnxiōng) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband, who is older than oneself}}; [[襟弟]] (jīndì) {{gloss|wife's sister's husband, who is younger than oneself}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Inupiaq: * Inupiaq: [[aŋayunġuq]] {{gloss|spouse of elder sibling}}, [[nukaunġuq]] {{gloss|spouse of younger sibling}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t+|ja|相婿|tr=[[あいむこ]], aimuko}} {{gloss|a man's wife's sister's husband}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Korean: * Korean: [[동서]] ([[同壻]]) (dongseo) {{gloss|with siblings of the same sex: a man's wife's sister's husband, or a woman's husband's brother's wife, but not ''cheonambu'' a man's wife's brother's wife}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Malay: * Malay: [[biras]] {{gloss|co-sibling-in-law}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Persian: * Persian: {{t+|fa|باجناق|tr=bâjenâq}} {{gloss|husband of one's wife's sister}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Tagalog: * Tagalog: {{t+|tl|bilas}} {{gloss|co-sibling-in-law}}
- co-brother-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's brother-in-law
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t+|tr|bacanak}} {{gloss|wife's sister's husband}}
- coast:Verb:to make a minimal effort
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|bezideowiec|m}}
- coastal:Adjective:relating to the coast
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|costero}}, {{t+|es|costanero}}, {{t+|es|costeño}} {{gloss|only for people}}
- coat:Noun:outer garment covering the upper torso and arms
- Welsh: * Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t+|cy|cot|f}}, {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t+|cy|côt|f}}
- coat:Noun:covering of material, such as paint
- Welsh: * Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t+|cy|cot|f}}, {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t+|cy|côt|f}}
- coat:Noun:fur or feathers
- Welsh: * Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t+|cy|cot|f}}, {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t+|cy|côt|f}}
- cobbler, keep to your last:Proverb:do not criticise matters outside your field of expertise
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|jeśli nie potrafisz, nie pchaj się na afisz}}
- cold:Adjective:of the weather
- French: * French: {{sense|to be cold}} {{tt|fr|faire froid}} {{qualifier|idiom in French; there is no translation for the adjective alone}}
- cold:Adjective:of the weather
- Greek: * Greek: {{sense|it is cold}} {{tt|el|κάνει κρύο}} {{qualifier|idiom in Greek; there is no translation for the adjective alone}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|fred}}, {{sense|to be cold}} {{tt|ca|[[tenir]] [[fred]]}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- French: * French: {{sense|to be cold}} {{tt|fr|avoir froid}} {{qualifier|idiom in French; there is no translation for the adjective alone}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Galician: * Galician: {{sense|to be cold}}{{t|gl|[[ter]] [[frío]]}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Italian: * Italian: {{sense|to be cold}} {{tt|it|avere freddo}} {{qualifier|idiom in Italian; there is no translation for the adjective alone}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Occitan: * Occitan: {{sense|to be cold}}{{t-check|oc|[[aver]] [[fred]]}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{sense|to be cold}}{{tt|pt|[[estar]] [[com]] [[frio]]}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{tt+|ro|înfrigurat}}, {{sense|to be cold}}{{tt|ro|[[i]] [[fi]] [[frig]]}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Romansch: * Romansch: {{sense|to be cold}}{{tt|rm|[[avair]] [[fraid]]}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{sense|to be cold}}{{t|es|[[tener]] [[frío]]}}
- come hell or high water:Adverb:regardless of the hardships
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|choćby się waliło i paliło}}, {{t|pl|żeby się waliło i paliło}}
- common:Adjective:mutual
- German: * German: {{t+|de|gemeinsam}}, {{t|de|Gemein-}}, {{t+|de|gemeinschaftlich}} {{gloss|property}}
- common:Adjective:usual
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|szokásos}}, {{t+|hu|szokványos}}, {{t+|hu|mindennapos}}, {{t+|hu|hétköznapi}}, {{t+|hu|megszokott}}, {{gloss|lit. well-known}} {{t+|hu|közismert}}
- communist:Adjective:of or relating to communism
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{gloss|person}} {{t|ja|[[共産主義者]]の|tr=きょうさんしゅぎしゃの, kyōsanshugisha no}}, {{gloss|concept}} {{t|ja|[[共産主義]]の|tr=きょうさんしゅぎの, kyōsanshugi no}}
- compact disc:Noun:optical disc used to store data
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|འོད་སྡེར}} {{lit|light saucer}}
- complaint:Noun:grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining
- Punjabi: *: Gurmukhi: {{t+|pa|ਉਲਾਹਮਾ|m}} {{gl|Standard Punjabi}}, {{t|pa|ਲਾਹਮਾ|m}} {{gl|colloquial}}
- complaint:Noun:grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining
- Punjabi: *: Shahmukhi: {{t|pa|اُلَاہْما|m}} {{gl|Standard Punjabi}}, {{t|pa|لَان٘بھا|m}} {{gl|chiefly Pakistan, colloquial}}, {{t|pa|لَاہْما|m}} {{gl|colloquial, uncommon}}
- complete bipartite graph:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[graf]] [[dwudzielny]]|m}}
- conceit:Noun:overly high self-esteem
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|presunzione|f}}, {{gloss|vain pride}} {{t+|it|vanità|f}}
- conceit:Noun:overly high self-esteem
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|самомне́ние|n}}, {{t+|ru|тщесла́вие|n}}, {{gloss|vain pride}} {{t+|ru|го́нор|m}}, {{t+|ru|чва́нство|n}}, {{t+|ru|самонаде́янность|f}}
- concubine:Noun:a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife
- Thai: * Thai: {{qualifier|royal}} ({{m|th|พระ|tr=-}}~){{t+|th|สนม}}
- configure:Verb:to set up or arrange something
- Thai: * Thai: {{t|th|ปรับแต่ง}}, {{t|th|ตั้งค่า}} {{sense|computing}}
- conjunction:Noun:astronomy: alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth
- Nahuatl: * Nahuatl: {{t|nah|metztli imiquiz}} {{gloss|lunar conjunction}}
- contra:Noun:(accounting) an entry (or account) that cancels another entry
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[konto]] [[wykluczać|wykluczające]] [[inny|inne]] [[konto]]|n}}
- corner kick:Noun:in soccer
- Belarusian: * Belarusian: {{t|be|ко́рнер|m}}, {{t|be|ко́рнэр|m}} {{a|be|Taraskievica}}
- corrodible:Adjective:readily corroded
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|korozyjny}}
- count one's blessings:Verb:count one's blessings
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|lieber seinen Blick auf die guten Seiten richten}}, {{t|de|lieber auf das Gute im Leben schauen}}, {{t|de|lieber die rosigen Dinge in seinem Leben betrachten}}, {{t|de|zufrieden mit sich sein}}, {{t|de|sich glücklich schätzen}}
- count one's blessings:Verb:count one's blessings
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[cieszyć|ciesz się]] [[ten|tym]], [[co]] [[mieć|masz]]|lit=enjoy what you have}}
- countercoup:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|zamach|m}}
- county:Noun:administrative region of various countries
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|comté|m}} {{gloss|of the UK, the US and Canada}}, {{t+|fr|département|f}}
- cream:Noun:product to apply to the skin
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|krém}}, {{t+|hu|kenőcs}}, {{sense|for sunburn}} {{t+|hu|napolaj}}
- croon:Verb:(transitive, intransitive) to hum or sing (a song or tune) softly in a low pitch or in a sentimental manner; to sing (a popular song) in a low, mellow voice
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{t+|vi|ngâm nga}} ({{m|vi|吟哦}})
- crop:Noun:plant grown for any economic purpose
- Bashkir: * Bashkir: {{ng|(cereals)}} {{t|ba|иген}}
- cross:Verb:contradict or frustrate the plans of
- German: * German: {{t+|de|kreuzen}} {{gloss|plan}}, {{t+|de|konterkarieren}}, {{t+|de|hintergehen}} {{gloss|person}}
- crossing:Noun:place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|in general}} {{t+|hu|átkelőhely}}, {{sense|for pedestrians}} {{t|hu|gyalogátkelő}}, {{t+|hu|gyalogos-átkelőhely}}, {{t|hu|[[kijelölt]] [[gyalogátkelőhely]]}}, {{sense|for a railroad}} {{t|hu|vasúti átjáró}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{tt+|pl|wrona|f}}, {{tt+|pl|gawron|m}}, {{tt+|pl|kruk|m}}, {{tt+|pl|kawka|f}} depending on species.
- cube:Noun:object more or less in the form of a cube
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cubo|m}}, {{t+|es|terrón|m}} {{gloss|sugar cube}}, {{t+|es|cubito|m}} {{gloss|sugar or ice cube}}, {{t+|es|pastilla|f}} {{gloss|bouillon / stock cube}}
- cunted:Adjective:having a vulva of a specified kind
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[mit]] (...) [[Fotze]]}} {{q|vulgar}}
- curassow:Noun:birds of the family Cracidae
- Mam: * Mam: {{t|mam|paẍa}} ({{taxfmt|Pauxi pauxi|species}})
- cut out:Adjective:well suited for an activity
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|kitalál}} {{gloss|in the phrase ''ki van találva''}}
- cyclamen:Noun:A type of plant
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t-ws|بخور مريم}}
- davit:Noun:crane to sling a lifeboat, maintenance trapeze etc
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|gru|f}} {{gloss|di imbarcazione}}
- daydream:Verb:to have such a series of thoughts
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|soñar despierto}}, {{t+|es|pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo}} {{gloss|thinking about the immortality of the crab}}, {{t+|es|fantasear}}, {{t+|es|estar en Babia}}, {{t|es|ensoñar despierto}}
- dead of night:Noun:middle of the night
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|mitten in der Nacht}}
- dead of night:Noun:middle of the night
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{no equivalent translation|is}} {{t|is|um miðja nótt}}
- deadpan:Adjective:deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or look)
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{no equivalent translation|cmn}} {{t|cmn|故作嚴肅的|tr=gǔzuò yánsùde}}
- deafblind:Adjective:unable to see and hear
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t|ro|[[surd]] [[și]] [[orb]]}}
- death warmed up:Noun:person who appears pale or sickly
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|кра́ше в гроб кладу́т}} {{gloss|lit: better looking people were lain into grave}}
- decamp:Verb:break up camp and move on
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[das]] [[Lager]] [[abbrechen]]}} {{q|to deconstruct the camp}}, {{t+|de|aufbrechen}} {{q|to depart}}, {{t+|de|abmarschieren}}
- deflate:Verb:reduction, usually in volume
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|leereszt}} {{gloss|tr and intr}}, {{t+|hu|zsugorodik}} {{gloss|intr}}, {{t+|hu|összezsugorodik}} {{gloss|intr}}, {{t+|hu|zsugorít}} {{gloss|tr}}, {{t+|hu|csökken}} {{gloss|intr}}, {{t+|hu|csökkent}} {{gloss|tr}}
- department:Noun:territorial division
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|departementti}} {{q|French-speaking countries}}, {{t+|fi|maakunta}} {{gl|otherwise, e.g. Argentina}}
- detoxification:Noun:detoxification
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Entgiftung|f}}, {{t+|de|Entschlackung|f}} {{gloss|purification, purging}}
- detoxify:Verb:remove harmful substances
- German: * German: {{t+|de|entgiften}}, {{gloss|to purge}} [[entschlacken]]
- dick:Noun:detective
- German: * German: {{qualifier|colloquial, pejorative}} {{t+|de|Schnüffler|m}} {{gloss|sniffer}}
- digit:Noun:place in a positional number system
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|གྲངས་གནས}} {{lit|number-place}}
- disgust:Verb:to cause an intense dislike for something
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|fastīdior}} ''(See {{m|la|fastīdiō}}.)''
- disgusted:Adjective:filled with disgust
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{no equivalent translation|nl}} {{t+|nl|walgelijk}}
- disgusted:Adjective:filled with disgust
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{no equivalent translation|hu}} {{t|hu|undort kelt}}
- dish:Noun:vessel for holding/serving food
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|pot/vessel}} {{t+|hu|edény}}, {{sense|plate}} {{t+|hu|tányér}}
- dish:Noun:specific type of food
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|food or a type of it}} {{t+|hu|étel}}, {{sense|course of a meal}} {{t+|hu|fogás}}
- dishonorable discharge:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[wydalony]] [[z]] [[wojsko|wojska]]}} {{q|no strict equivalent in the Polish military}}
- diversify:Verb:to make diverse
- German: * German: {{qualifier|economy}} {{t+|de|diversifizieren}}, {{t+|de|variieren}}, {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[vielfältig]] [[machen]]}}
- dog days:Noun:the days between early July and early September
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|rötmånad|c}} {{gloss|until late August}}
- double-edged sword:Noun:idiomatic
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|dvousečný meč|m}} {{gloss|a double-edged sword}}
- doughnut:Noun:deep-fried piece of dough or batter
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Krapfen|f}} {{gloss|ellipsoidal}}, {{t+|de|Donut|m}}, {{t+|de|Berliner|m}}, {{t+|de|Pfannkuchen|m}}
- dozen:Noun:dozens: a large number
- Polish: * Polish: {{t|pl|tuziny}}, {{t|pl|dziesiątki}}, {{t+|pl|kilkadziesiąt}} {{sense|usually less than 100}}
- dragon:Noun:mythical creature
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|dragón|m}}, {{tt+|es|guiverno|m}} {{gloss|heraldic dragon}}
- dub:Verb:to add sound to film or change audio on film
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|སྐད་སྒྱུར་འཇུག་བྱེད}} {{lit|to do a translation insertion}}
- dub:Verb:to replace soundtrack of a film with translation
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|སྐད་སྒྱུར་འཇུག་བྱེད}} {{lit|to do a translation insertion}}
- dungarees:Noun:heavy denim pants or overalls
- Norwegian: * Norwegian: {{t+check|no|dongeribukse|m|f}} {{sense|pants}}
- dungeon:Noun:underground prison or vault
- Esperanto: * Esperanto: {{sense|prison}} {{t|eo|karcero}}, {{t|eo|ublieto}}, {{t|eo|forgesejo}}, {{t|eo|forgeskelo}}
- earworm:Noun:tune that keeps replaying in one's head
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{no equivalent translation|es}} {{t+|es|pegadizo|m}} (as in "[[canción]] pegadiza", "[[melodía]] pegadiza", "[[estribillo]] pegadizo")
- efficient:Adjective:using a particular proportion of available energy
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t+|ro|randament}}
- egret:Noun:Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|agró|m}} {{gloss|Egretta alba}}, {{t|ca|martinet|m}} {{gloss|Egretta garzetta}}
- elbow:Verb:to push with the elbow
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ellbögeln}} {{q|Switzerland}}, {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[mit]] [[dem]] [[Ellbogen]] [[stoßen]]}}
- electric:Adjective:electronic (musical instrument)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|eléctrico}} {{gloss|guitars}}, {{t+|es|electrónico}} {{gloss|other than guitars}}
- elements:Noun:weather
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|a la}} {{t+|es|intemperie|f}}, {{gloss|a la}} {{t|es|interperie|f}} {{qualifier|nonstandard}}, {{gloss|al}} {{t+|es|raso|m}}, {{gloss|a la}} {{t+|es|rasa|m}}, {{gloss|al}} {{t+|es|sereno|m}} {{qualifier|at night}}, {{gloss|a la}} {{t+|es|serena|f}} {{qualifier|at night}}
- embossed:Adjective:
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|koho|alt=koho-}}, ''see'' {{m|fi|kohokirjoitus}}
- enshrine:Verb:to enclose (a sacred relic etc.) in a shrine or chest
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|in einem [[Schrein]] [[bewahren]]}}
- enthronement:Noun:the act of enthroning or the state of being enthroned
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|troonsbestijging|f}} {{gloss|act of enthroning}}, {{t|nl|intronisatie|f}} {{q|formal}}
- entitled:Adjective:having a title - book etc
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t|hu|címe}}, {{t+|hu|című}} {{gloss|depending on the role it plays in the sentence}}
- eradicate:Verb:to pull up by the roots
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{t+|vi|nhổ}} (roots = {{m|vi|rễ}})
- estranged:Adjective:having become a stranger
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{no equivalent translation|pt}} {{t+|pt|separado}}, {{t+|pt|afastado}}, {{t|pt|desavindo}}
- everything but the kitchen sink:Noun:Almost everything, whether needed or not
- German: * German: {{t+|de|mit Sack und Pack}}, {{t+|de|mit Kind und Kegel}} {{gloss|both only similar}}, {{t|de|alles, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist}}
- exception that proves the rule:Noun:occurrence of counterexample
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|wyjątek potwierdza regułę}}
- excite:Verb:to arouse or bring out (e.g. feelings); to stimulate
- German: * German: {{t+|de|erregen}}, {{t+|de|anregen}} {{gloss|nerves}}
- excoriate:Verb:to wear off the skin of
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|horzsol}}, {{t+|hu|felhorzsol}}, {{t+|hu|feldörzsöl}}, {{t+|hu|kidörzsöl}}, {{sense|wound/injure}} {{t+|hu|felsebez}}, {{t+|hu|lehorzsol}}
- excuse me:Phrase:sorry, as apology
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Entschuldigung}}, {{t|de|entschuldigen Sie}} {{qualifier|more formal}}, {{t|de|es tut mir leid}} {{gloss|implies speaker is to blame}}
- extradite:Verb:to remove a person from one jurisdiction to another by legal process
- Greek: * Greek: {{sense|from}} {{t+|el|απελαύνω}}, {{sense|to}} {{t+|el|εκδίδω}}
- eye gunk:Noun:rheum of the eye
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{t|he|קורי שינה|tr=kore shiná}} {{lit|sleep-cobwebs}}, {{t|he|לפלוף|tr=liflúf}}
- eye gunk:Noun:rheum of the eye
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|མིག་སྐྱག}} {{lit|eye shit}}
- fair:Adjective:light in color or pale
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|blond}} {{gloss|hair}}, {{t+|fr|clair|m}} {{gloss|skin}}
- fair:Adjective:light in color or pale
- Greek: * Greek: {{t+|el|ξανθός}} {{gloss|hair}}, {{t+|el|ανοιχτός}} {{gloss|skin}}
- fair:Adjective:light in color or pale
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|biondo}} {{gloss|hair}}, {{t+|it|chiaro}} {{gloss|skin}}
- fair-weather friend:Noun:one who is friendly, etc., only when it is advantageous or convenient
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|przyjaciel|m}} {{qualifier|when used ironically}}
- false dawn:Noun:promising sign which in fact leads to nothing
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[fałszywy|fałszywa]] [[nadzieja]]|f}}
- familiar:Adjective:acquainted
- Irish: * Irish: {{t|ga|[[eolas]] a bheith agat ar}} {{gloss|be familiar with}}, {{t|ga|aithnidiúil}}
- fan:Verb:to blow air on by means of an electric fan
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|ventilieren}}, {{tt+|de|belüften}}, {{tt+|de|anfachen}} {{gloss|fire, embers}}, {{tt|de|anwehen}}, {{tt|de|zufächern}}
- fan:Verb:move or spread in multiple directions from one point
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|fächern}} {{gloss|fan}}, {{tt|de|auffächern}} {{gloss|fan out}}, {{tt+|de|verteilen}}
- fan:Verb:move or spread in multiple directions from one point
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{tt+|sv|sprida}} {{tt+|sv|sig}} {{gloss|spread out}}
- fanfare:Noun:a flourish of trumpets or horns
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|fanfara|f}}, {{t|ca|fanfàrria|f}} {{gloss|accepted as such in DNV}}
- fanslation:Noun:unofficial translation of a media product
- German: * German: {{t|de|[[nicht]] [[offizielle]] [[Übersetzung]]}}, {{gloss|emulation}} {{t|de|Nacheifererübersetzung}}
- fanslation:Noun:unofficial translation of a media product
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t+|ja|非公式|alt=非公式な}}{{t+|ja|翻訳|tr=ひこうしきなほんやく, hikōshiki na hon'yaku}} {{gloss|literally: informal translation}}
- fartee:Noun:person who has been farted at or on
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|[[henkilö]], [[joka|jota]] [[päin]] [[pierrä|pierrään]]}}; {{t|fi|[[henkilö]], [[joka|jota]] [[päin]] [[olla|on]] [[pierty]]}}
- fartee:Noun:person who has been farted at or on
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[pierdzieć]] [[na]] [[kimś]]|impf}}, {{t|pl|[[pierdnąć]] [[na]] [[kimś]]|pf}}
- fear:Verb:feel fear about (something)
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{tt+|sv|frukta}}, {{tt+|sv|rädas}}, {{gloss|of something being the case or coming to pass}} {{tt+|sv|befara}}
- fear:Verb:to regret
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{tt+|de|leider}}
- fed up:Adjective:frustrated
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|en avoir marre}} {{gloss|be fed up}}, {{t+|fr|tanné}}, {{t+|fr|avoir son voyage}} {{qualifier|Quebec}}
- feet on the ground:Noun:translations for "have one's feet on the ground"
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|stąpać twardo po ziemi|impf}}
- feral:Adjective:wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|féral}}, {{t+|fr|marron}}, {{gloss|cat}} {{t+|fr|haret}}
- fever:Noun:higher than normal body temperature
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|above 37.8°C or 100°F}} {{t+|hu|láz}}, {{gloss|moderate fever, 36.8–37.8°C or 98.2–100°F}} {{t+|hu|hőemelkedés}}
- fidelity:Noun:the degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces a given sound or image
- German: * German: {{t-check|de|Wiedergabetreue|f}}, {{t-check|de|Klangtreue|f}} {{gloss|sound}}
- field:Noun:geology: region containing a particular mineral
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|Lagerstätte|f}}, {{tt+|de|Feld|n}} {{gloss|particularly oil or gas}}, {{tt|de|Förderstätte|f}}, {{tt|de|Förderfeld|n}}, {{tt|de|Fördergrube|f}} {{gloss|if it is dug}}
- fifteen:Numeral:cardinal number
- American Sign Language: * American Sign Language: {{t-image|ase|LSQ 15.jpg|35px|OpenB@Side-PalmBack Flatten}}
- figure:Noun:human figure; shape of human body
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|alak}}, {{t|hu|emberi alak}}, {{sense|piece in games}} {{t+|hu|figura}}, {{sense|piece/puppet}} {{t+|hu|bábu}}
- firestarter:Noun:person who starts fires
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Anzünder|m}}, {{t+|de|Brandstifter|m}} {{gloss|arsonist}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|de|Zündler|m}} {{gloss|arsonist}}
- firestarter:Noun:tool used to start a fire
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Anzünder|m}}, {{t|de|Grillanzünder|m}} {{gloss|barbecue firestarter}}
- fisher:Noun:person who fishes
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|rybář|m}} {{gloss|person}}
- fisher:Noun:person who fishes
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|pêcheur|m}} {{gloss|person}}, {{t+|fr|pêcheuse|f}} {{gloss|person}}, {{t+|fr|bateau de pêche|m}}, {{t|fr|bateau-pêcheur|m}} {{gloss|ship}}
- fix:Noun:a single dose of an addictive drug
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Schuss|m}} {{gloss|only when injected}}
- flag:Noun:piece of cloth or often its representation
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|bandera|f}}, {{tt+|ca|senyera|f}} {{gloss|this generally assumed to be the Catalan flag}}
- flak jacket:Noun:piece of protective clothing
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[kamizelka]] [[kuloodporny|kuloodporna]]|f}}
- flog a dead horse:Verb:to attempt to get more out of something that cannot give more
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[robić]] [[coś]] [[na próżno]]|impf}}, {{t|pl|[[zrobić]] [[coś]] [[na próżno]]|pf}}
- fly:Verb:to cause to travel through the air
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{tt+|nl|besturen}} {{gloss|aircraft}}
- fly:Verb:to cause to travel through the air
- French: * French: {{tt+|fr|piloter}} {{gloss|aircraft}}, {{tt|fr|faire voler}} {{gloss|kite}}
- fly:Verb:to cause to travel through the air
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|fahren}} {{gloss|zeppelin, balloon}}, {{tt+|de|fliegen}} {{gloss|airplane}}, {{tt|de|fliegen lassen}} {{gloss|toys etc.}}
- fly:Verb:to cause to travel through the air
- Russian: * Russian: {{tt+|ru|вести́}} {{gloss|flying vehicle, especially airplane}}, {{tt+|ru|транспорти́ровать}}, {{tt+|ru|носи́ть}}, {{tt+|ru|приноси́ть}}, {{tt+|ru|переноси́ть}}, {{tt+|ru|переправля́ть}} {{gloss|to transport by air}}, {{tt+|ru|пуска́ть}} {{gloss|something light such as a kite; literally: to let go}}
- fly:Verb:to cause to travel through the air
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{gloss|aircraft}} {{tt+|tr|gitmek}}, {{tt+|tr|uçmak}}, {{gloss|balloon}} {{tt+|tr|seyahat etmek}}, {{t+|tr|uçurmak}}
- fly on the wall:Noun:quiet, non-participating or unseen observer
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|petite souris}} {{gloss|little mouse}}
- fly on the wall:Noun:quiet, non-participating or unseen observer
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Mäuschen}} {{gloss|little mouse}}
- fly on the wall:Noun:quiet, non-participating or unseen observer
- Spanish: * Spanish: [[agujero en la pared]] {{gloss|hole in the wall}}
- fodder:Noun:food for animals
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|veevoeder|n}}, {{t+|nl|veevoer}}, {{t+|nl|kanonnenvoer}} {{gloss|cannon fodder}}, {{t+|nl|voer|n}}
- fodder:Noun:food for animals
- Korean: * Korean: {{t+|ko|꼴}} {{gloss|grass}}, {{t+|ko|먹이}}, {{t+|ko|사료(飼料)}}
- fodder:Noun:food for animals
- Polish: * Polish: {{t+|pl|karma|f}} {{gloss|for pets}}, {{t+|pl|obrok|m}} {{gloss|for horses}}, {{t+|pl|pasza|f}} {{gloss|for other animals}}
- follow-up:Noun:subsidiary action
- German: * German: ''compounds beginning with {{m|de|Folge}}''; ''in legal administration {{m|de|Wiedervorlage}}''
- fond:Adjective:affectionate
- German: * German: {{t+|de|lieb haben}}, {{t|de|[[gern]] [[haben]]}} {{gloss|be fond of}}
- fond:Adjective:affectionate
- Irish: * Irish: {{t|ga|[[cion]] a bheith agat ar}} {{gloss|be fond of}}, {{t|ga|muirneach}}
- foot-in-mouth disease:Noun:tendency
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[von]] [[einem]] [[Fettnäpfchen]] [[ins]] [[Nächste]] [[treten]]}} {{q|verb}}
- footsie:Noun:flirting game
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[flirt]] [[z]]e [[stopa]]mi|m}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- American Sign Language: * American Sign Language: {{t-image|ase|LSQ 4.jpg|25px|4@Side-PalmBack}}
- foxtail:Noun:foxtail grass
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|kavle|c}} ({{taxfmt|Alopecurus|genus}})
- free:Adjective:software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|libero}}, {{t+|it|free}}, {{t+|it|libre}} {{gloss|software}}
- free rider:Noun:(economics) one who obtains benefit from a public good without paying for it directly
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|pasożyt|m}}
- frenulum:Noun:small fold of tissue
- German: * German: {{t|de|Frenulum|n}}, {{w|lang=de|Frenulum|some}} of them are also called {{t+|de|Bändchen|n}}, most of them have specific compounds
- frustum:Noun:truncated cone or pyramid
- German: * German: {{qualifier|mathematics}} {{gloss|cone}} {{t+|de|Kegelstumpf|m}}, {{qualifier|mathematics}} {{t+|de|Stumpf|m}}, {{qualifier|computing, mathematics}} {{gloss|pyramid}} {{t+|de|Pyramidenstumpf|m}}
- frustum:Noun:truncated cone or pyramid
- Greek: * Greek: {{gloss|cone}} {{t|el|κόλουρος κώνος|m}}, {{gloss|pyramid}} {{t|el|κόλουρη πυραμίδα|f}}
- fuck it:Interjection:
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|et puis merde}} {{gloss|sometimes just "et merde"}}, {{t|fr|fait chier}}, {{t|fr|fais chier}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Egyptian Arabic: *: Egyptian Arabic: {{gloss|your mother's cunt}} {{t|arz|كس أمك|tr=kuss ummak}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|fes-te fotre !}}, {{t|ca|que et fotin !}} {{gloss|go get fucked}}, {{t|ca|vés a la merda !}}, {{t|ca|vés-te'n a la merda !}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|pojeb se|alt=pojeb se!}} {{gloss|fuck yourself!}} {{t|cs|jdi do prdele|alt=jdi do prdele!}} {{gloss|go to ass!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do píči|alt=jdi do píči!}} {{gloss|go to cunt!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do hajzlu|alt=jdi do hajzlu!}} {{gloss|go to loo!}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|pojeb se|alt=pojeb se!}} {{gloss|fuck yourself!}} {{t|cs|jdi do prdele|alt=jdi do prdele!}} {{gloss|go to ass!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do píči|alt=jdi do píči!}} {{gloss|go to cunt!}}, {{t|cs|jdi do hajzlu|alt=jdi do hajzlu!}} {{gloss|go to loo!}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- German: * German: {{t|de|verpiss dich}} {{gloss|piss off}}, {{t|de|fick dich}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t|pt|vai-te foder}} {{gloss|go fuck yourself}}, {{t|pt|fode-te}} {{gloss|fuck yourself}}, {{qualifier|very vulgar, offensive}}, {{t+|pt|vai para o caralho}} {{gloss|go to the dick}}, {{t+|pt|vá tomar no cu}} {{gloss|go take it in the ass}} {{q|Brazil}}, {{t|pt|tome no cu}} {{q|Brazil}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{qualifier|obscene, very vulgar, offensive}} {{t|ro|să te fut}} {{gloss|fuck you}}, {{t|ro|futu-te}} {{gloss|fuck you (contraction of "să te fut")}}, {{t|ro|fute-te}} {{gloss|fuck yourself}}, {{t|ro|să-ți dau la muie}} {{gloss|may I give you it to the mouth}}, {{t|ro|ți-o dau la muie}} {{gloss|I give you to the mouth}}, {{t|ro|te bag în pizda mă-tii}} {{gloss|I put you in your mom's cunt}}, {{t+|ro|muie}} {{gloss|blowjob}}, {{t|ro|îmi bag pula-n tine}} {{gloss|I put my dick in you}}, {{t|ro|du-te la dracu}} {{gloss|go to the devil}}, {{t|ro|du-te la naiba}} {{gloss|go to hell}}, {{t+|ro|du-te dracului}} {{gloss|go to the devil}}, {{t|ro|du-te-n căcat}} {{gloss|go into shit}}, {{t-check|ro|du-te și ia-o-n cur}} {{gloss|go and take it in the ass}}, {{t+|ro|du-te-n pula mea}} {{gloss|go into my dick}}, {{t+|ro|du-te-n pizda mă-tii}} {{gloss|go into your mom's cunt}}, {{t-check|ro|du-te și te fute}} {{gloss|go and fuck yourself}}, {{t|ro|du-te-n futere}} {{gloss|go in fuck}}, {{t|ro|du-te-n sloboz}} {{gloss|go in cum}}, {{t|ro|du-te-n morții mă-tii}} {{gloss|go into your mom's dead relatives}} {{t|ro|du-te-n morții mă-tii}} {{gloss|go into your mom's dead relatives}} {{t|ro|du-te-n morții și răniții mă-tii}} {{gloss|go into your mom's dead and wounded relatives}}, {{t|ro|du-te-n gâtu' mă-tii}} {{gloss|go into your mom's neck}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|jódete}} {{gloss|fuck yourself}}, {{t+|es|que te jodan}} {{gloss|go get fucked}}, {{t|es|vete a la mierda}} {{gloss|go to the shit}}, {{t|es|vete a la verga}} {{gloss|(go) to the dick (to get fucked)}}, {{t+|es|a tomar por culo}}, {{t|es|que te den por el culo}}, {{t|es|a tomar por el culo}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t|sv|kyss fittan}} {{gloss|kiss the cunt}} {{t-check|sv|dra åt fittan}}, {{gloss|go to the cunt}}, {{t-check|sv|dra åt kuken}}, {{gloss|go to the dick}} {{t+|sv|dra åt helvete}} {{gloss|go to hell}}
- fuck you:Phrase:fuck you
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t-check|tr|siktir git}} {{gloss|fuck off}}
- fucking:Adjective:as an intensifier
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{no equivalent translation|ja}}
- fuse:Noun:indicating tendency to lose temper
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t|hu|[[hirtelen]] [[harag]]}}, {{t|hu|[[türelmetlenség]]}}, {{sense|have a short fuse}} {{t|hu|[[könnyen]] [[dühbe gurul]]}}, {{sense|have a short fuse}} {{t|hu|[[könnyen]] [[begurul]]}}
- fuss:Noun:a complaint or noise
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{q|colloquial}} {{t+|hu|balhé}}, {{gloss|scene}} {{t+|hu|jelenet}}, {{gloss|scandal/outrage}} {{t+|hu|botrány}}, {{gloss|uproar}} {{t+|hu|felzúdulás}}, {{gloss|din/racket}} {{t+|hu|lárma}}
- gadabout:Noun:person who restlessly moves from place to place seeking amusement or the companionship of others
- Scottish Gaelic: * Scottish Gaelic: {{t|gd|galbh}}, {{t|gd|galbhag}} {{gl|female}}, {{t|gd|maol-ruanaidh}} {{gl|female}}, {{t|gd|fear cèilidheach}} {{gl|male}}
- gaseous:Adjective:of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|gasholdig}}, {{t|da|kulsyreholdig}} {{gloss|of carbonated beverages}}
- gaseous:Adjective:of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy
- German: * German: {{t+|de|gashaltig}}, {{t+|de|kohlensäurehaltig}} {{gloss|of carbonated beverages}}
- gay marriage:Noun:marriage between two people of the same sex
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|registrované partnerství|n}} {{gloss|civil union}}
- generalisation:Noun:
- German: * German: {{sense|linguistics}} {{t+check|de|Bedeutungserweiterung}}, {{t-check|de|Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung}}
- generalization:Noun:
- German: * German: {{sense|linguistics}} {{t+check|de|Bedeutungserweiterung}}, {{t-check|de|Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung}}
- geonomy:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|geologia|f}}, {{t+|pl|geografia|f}}
- gestic:Adjective:legendary
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|historisk}}, {{t+|sv|saga|alt=sago-}}, beträffande bragder<ref>{{|ensv1905|0525.html gestic}}</ref>
- get some air:Verb:invigorate oneself by breathing refreshing outdoor air
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|uitwaaien}} {{gloss|literally, "to walk in the wind"}}
- get used:Verb:to become accustomed (intransitive)
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|اِعْتَادَ}} ({{m|ar|عَلَى}})
- girl:Noun:young female person
- Maori: * Maori: {{tt|mi|taitamāhine}}, {{tt|mi|kōhine}} {{gloss|young woman}}, {{tt|mi|hine}}, {{tt|mi|kōtiro}}, {{tt|mi|kōhaia}}, {{tt+|mi|tamahine}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- Occitan: * Occitan: {{tt+|oc|dròlla|f}}, {{tt|oc|drolleta|f}} {{gloss|child}}, {{tt+|oc|gojata|f}} {{gloss|teens or twenties}}, {{tt+|oc|filha|f}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|niña|f}} {{gloss|child}}, {{tt+|es|muchacha|f}} {{gloss|teens or twenties}}, {{tt+|es|chica|f}} {{gloss|teens or twenties}}, {{qualifier|Chile}} {{tt+|es|cabra|f}}, {{qualifier|Mexico}} {{tt+|es|chamaca|f}}, {{qualifier|Spain, Chile, Argentina}} {{tt+|es|lola|f}}, {{qualifier|Argentina}} {{tt+|es|nena|f}}, {{qualifier|Chile}} {{tt+|es|chiquilla|f}}
- gizzard:Noun:portion of the esophagus with ingested grit
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|ingluviēs|f}} {{q|the same word also for the [[craw]] or [[crop]]}}, {{t|la|gigēria|n-p}} {{defdate|from 2<sup>nd</sup> century AD}}
- go the way of the dodo:Verb:to go extinct or become obsolete; to fall out of common practice or use
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|aussterben}}
- go the way of the dodo:Verb:to go extinct or become obsolete; to fall out of common practice or use
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t+|ro|dispărea}}
- go-getter:Noun:one who is motivated or inclined to excel
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|przebojowy}}
- godfather:Noun:man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|compare|m}} {{gloss|godfather of one's child}}, {{t+|it|padrino|m}} {{gloss|one's own godfather}}
- godfather:Noun:man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- Sicilian: * Sicilian: {{t|scn|cumpari|m|m-p}} {{gloss|godfather of one's child}}, {{t|scn|padrinu|m}} {{gloss|one's own godfather}}
- godmother:Noun:woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|comare|f}} {{gloss|godmother of one's child}}, {{t+|it|madrina|f}} {{gloss|one's own godmother}}
- godmother:Noun:woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|madrinha|f}} {{gloss|reflects the relationship to the baptized child}}; {{t+|pt|comadre|f}} {{gloss|reflects the relationship to the parents of the baptized child, not to the child}}
- godmother:Noun:woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- Sicilian: * Sicilian: {{t|scn|cummari|f|f-p}} {{gloss|godmother of one's child}}, {{t|scn|parrina|f}} {{gloss|one's own godmother}}
- godmother:Noun:woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- Slovak: * Slovak: {{t|sk|krstná mama|f}} {{gloss|reflects the relationship to the baptized child}}; {{t|sk|kmotra|f}} {{gloss|reflects the relationship to the parents of the baptized child, not to the child}}
- going to:Phrase:will (future tense)
- Polish: * Polish: ''use the future perfective'' or ''use the future of {{m|pl|być}} + imperfective infinitive''
- going to:Phrase:past progressive
- Polish: * Polish: ''typically formed using the past tense of {{m|pl|chcieć}}''
- golden:Adjective:made of, or relating to, gold
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|oro|alt=de oro}} {{gloss|made of gold}}, {{t+|es|áureo}} {{gloss|made of gold}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- goldsmith:Noun:person who makes things out of gold
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|स्वर्णकार}}
- gombolola:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[pod-]][[hrabstwo]]|n}}
- good day:Phrase:greeting between sunrise and sunset
- Swahili: * Swahili: {{t|sw|habari za mchana}} {{gloss|noon or afternoon}}, {{t|sw|habari za leo}}, {{t|sw|siku njema}}
- good night's sleep:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[wyspać]] [[się]]}}, {{t|pl|[[wyspać]] [[się]]}} {{qualifier|verbs}}
- goodbye:Interjection:farewell
- German: * German: {{t+|de|auf Wiedersehen}}, {{t|de|auf Wiederschauen}} {{qualifier|Austria}}, {{t|de|auf Wiederhören}} {{qualifier|on telephone}}, {{t+|de|tschüss}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|de|tschau}} {{gloss|ciao}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|de|Gott befohlen}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t+|de|adieu}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t|de|lebe wohl}} {{qualifier|goodbye for ever}}
- gourd:Noun:vine
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|kurpitsa}} ({{taxfmt|Cucurbita|genus}}); {{t|fi|pallokurpitsa}} ({{taxfmt|Lagenaria|genus}})
- grantedly:Adverb:by admission
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|kétségkívül}}, {{t+|hu|kétségtelenül}}, {{gloss|followed by a subordinate clause}} {{t+|hu|kétségtelen}}, {{t|hu|[[nem]] [[vitás]]}}, {{t|hu|[[elismer|el]] [[kell]] [[elismer|ismerni]]}}, {{t|hu|[[bevall|be]] [[kell]] [[bevall|vallani]]}}
- grasshopper:Verb:an insect of the order Orthoptera
- Mi'kmaq: * Mi'kmaq: {{t|mic|soqomgwewj|an}}, {{t|mic|ja'wa'lie'j|an}} {{a|en|Listuguj}}, {{t|mic|piptoqunge'wj|an}} {{a|en|Unama'kik}}
- grasshopper:Verb:an insect of the order Orthoptera
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t+|pa|ਟਿੱਡਾ|m}}, {{t+check|pa|ਤੋਤਾ|m}} {{gloss|dialectal}}
- great-aunt:Noun:aunt of one’s parent
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|gammelfaster|c}} {{gloss|parent's paternal}}, {{t+|sv|gammelmoster|c}} {{gloss|parent's maternal}}, {{t|sv|gammeltant|c}} {{gloss|parent's in-law}}
- greed:Noun:selfish desire for more than is needed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|codicia|f}}, {{t+|es|avaricia|f}}, {{t+|es|gula|f}} {{gloss|for food}}, {{t+|es|glotonería|f}} {{gloss|for food}}, {{t+|es|avidez|f}}, {{t|es|cudicia|f}}
- greenhorn:Noun:inexperienced person
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Grünschnabel|m}} {{gloss|green beak}}, {{t|de|Gelbschnabel}} {{gloss|yellow beak}}
- grenade:Verb:to use grenades
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[Granaten]] [[verwenden]]}}
- guilty as charged:Adjective:truly
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use {{m|fi|myöntää||to admit}}, such as {{m|fi|myönnetään|t=I am/was guilty as charged|lit=it is admitted}}''
- gun:Noun:portable, short weapon, for hand use
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|pistolet|m}}, {{t+|fr|flingue}} {{gl|colloquial}}
- halography:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[opisywanie]] [[sól|soli]]|n}}
- hand over:Verb:to relinquish control or possession
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|átad}}, {{t+|hu|átnyújt}}, {{t+|hu|odaad}}, {{gloss|transfer, assign}} {{t+|hu|átruház}}, {{gloss|relinquish}} {{t+|hu|lemond}}, {{gloss|give up}} {{t+|hu|felad}}, {{gloss|abandon, deposit}} {{t+|hu|lead}}
- handsy:Adjective:prone to touching others
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|macać|impf}}
- harrowing:Adjective:causing pain or distress
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{t+|he|מענה}}{{rftranslit|he}}, {{t|he|מייסר}}{{rftranslit|he}}
- has-been:Noun:person declining in popularity or effectiveness
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
- has-been:Noun:person declining in popularity or effectiveness
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
- has-been:Noun:person declining in popularity or effectiveness
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
- have:Verb:to possess
- Belarusian: * Belarusian: {{t+|be|мець|impf}}, ''usually expressed with expressions:'' {{m|be||у мяне́ (ёсць)}} - I have, {{m|be||у цябе́ (ёсць)}} - you have, etc. See {{m|be|у}}
- have:Verb:to possess
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|име́ть}}, ''usually expressed with expressions:'' {{m|ru||у меня́ (есть)}} - I have, {{m|ru||у тебя́ (есть)}} - you have, etc. See [[у#Russian|у]] (2 - preposition)
- have:Verb:to possess
- Ukrainian: * Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|ма́ти|impf}}, ''usually expressed with expressions:'' {{m|uk||у/в мене (є)}} - I have, {{m|uk||у/в тебе (є)}} - I have - you have, etc. See {{m|uk|у}} / {{m|uk|в}}
- have one's hands full:Verb:be busy or thoroughly preoccupied
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t|ro|[[foarte]] [[ocupat]]}}
- have one's tubes tied:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[podwiązywać]] [[jajowód|jajowody]]|impf}}, {{t|pl|[[podwiązać]] [[jajowód|jajowody]]|pf}}
- have you eaten:Phrase:have you eaten?
- Polish: * Polish: {{t|pl|Jadłeś już?}} {{qualifier|informal, to a man}}, {{t|pl|Jadłaś już?}} {{qualifier|informal, to a woman}}, {{t|pl|Jedliście już?}} {{qualifier|informal, to mixed genders or to men only}}, {{t|pl|Jadłyście już?}} {{qualifier|informal, to women}}, {{t|pl|Jadł pan już?}} {{qualifier|formal, to a man}}, {{t|pl|Jadła pani już?}} {{qualifier|formal, to a woman}}, {{t|pl|Jedli panowie już?}} {{qualifier|formal, to men only}}, {{t|pl|Jadły panie już?}} {{qualifier|formal, to women}}, {{t|pl|Jadliście państwo już?}} {{qualifier|formal, to mixed genders}} {{ng| The word 'już' - 'already' is put here to overcome ambiguity.}}
- hay:Verb:to cut green plants for fodder
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{t|vi|cắt cỏ cho thú vật}} {{gloss|literally: to cut grass for animals}}
- headgear:Noun:anything worn on the head
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[prenda]] [[para]] [[la]] [[cabeza]]|f}}, {{t|es|[[accesorio]] para la cabeza|m}}, {{t+|es|sombrero|m}} {{gloss|hat}}, {{t|es|escofia|f}}, {{t+|es|cofia|f}}
- heart of gold:Noun:kindheartedness
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|avoir le cœur sur la main}} {{gloss|to have a heart of gold}}, {{t+|fr|cœur d'or|m}}, {{t|fr|cœur en or|m}}
- heart of gold:Noun:kindheartedness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ser un pan de Dios}} {{gloss|to have a heart of gold}}
- heedless:Adjective:unaware, without noticing
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t+|tr|aldırışsız}}, {{t|tr|aldırmayan}}, {{t+|tr|dikkatsiz}}, {{t|tr|ehemmiyet etmeyen}} {{gloss|obsolescent}}, {{t|tr|gaflet içinde}}, {{t|tr|önemsemeyen}}
- heist:Noun:a robbery or burglary
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|braquage|m}} {{gloss|robbery}}, {{t+|fr|casse|m}} {{gloss|burglary}}
- hijacker:Noun:someone who hijacks
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|aeropirata|m}} {{gloss|of aeroplanes}}, {{t+|es|secuestrador|m}}
- hit:Noun:murder for criminal or political purposes
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{tt+|de|Mord|m}} {{q|murder}}, {{tt+|de|Ermordung|f}} {{q|murder}}, {{tt+|de|Auftragsmord|m}} {{q|contract kill}}
- honk:Verb:to use a car horn
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|tocar la botzina}}, {{t|ca|tocar el clàxon}}, {{t|ca|pitar}} {{gloss|not standard}}
- hook:Verb:to catch with a hook
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|ferrer|alt=ferrer (un poisson)}} {{gloss|“to iron a fish”}}
- horn:Noun:any of several musical wind instruments
- German: * German: {{tt|de|Waldhorn|n}} {{gloss|French horn}}, {{tt+|de|Horn|n}}
- horn:Noun:instrument used to signal others
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|Jagdhorn|n}} {{gloss|hunting horn}}, {{tt+|de|Horn|n}}
- host:Noun:person who receives or entertains a guest
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|hôte}}, {{t+|fr|maître de maison|m}}, {{t+|fr|amphitryon|m}} {{gloss|at a meal}}
- host:Noun:person who receives or entertains a guest
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|ospitante}}, {{t+|it|anfitrione|m}} {{gloss|at a meal}}
- hot:Adjective:having a high temperature
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|excessively, unpleasantly}} {{tt+|hu|forró}}, {{sense|pleasantly, moderately}} {{tt+|hu|meleg}}
- hot:Adjective:of the weather
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|ca|[[fer]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:of the weather
- Galician: * Galician: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|gl|[[facer]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:of the weather
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{tt+|pt|quente}}, {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|pt|[[fazer]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:of the weather
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|caluroso}}, {{tt+|es|cálido}}, {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|es|[[hacer]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|ca|[[tenir]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Galician: * Galician: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|gl|[[ter]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- French: * French: {{sense|to be hot}} [[avoir chaud]] {{qualifier|the adjective cannot be translated alone in this sense}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt+|hu|melege van}} {{qualifier|the adjective cannot be translated alone in this sense}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Italian: * Italian: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|it|[[avere]] [[caldo]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Latvian: * Latvian: {{sense|I am hot}} {{tt|lv|[[man]] [[ir]] [[karsts|karsti]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Macedonian: * Macedonian: {{sense|I am hot}} {{tt|mk|[[топло]] [[ми]] [[е]]}}, {{tt|mk|[[жешко]] [[ми]] [[е]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Occitan: * Occitan: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt-check|oc|[[aver]] [[caud]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{tt+|pt|quente}}, {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|pt|[[estar]] [[com]] [[calor]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|ro|[[i]] [[fi]] [[fierbinte]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Romansch: * Romansch: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|rm|[[avair]] [[chaud]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Russian: * Russian: {{sense|I am hot}} {{tt|ru|[[жарко|мне жа́рко]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feeling the sensation of heat
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|acalorado|m}}, {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|es|[[tener]] [[calor]]|lit=to have heat}}
- hot:Adjective:very close to finding or guessing something to be found or guessed
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|very close}} {{tt+|hu|forró}}, {{sense|relatively close}} {{tt+|hu|meleg}}
- how-to:Adjective:that gives advice or instruction on a particular topic
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{t+|he|הדרכה|f|tr=hadrakhá}} {{q|noun—like an adjective when used with another noun in the [[construct state]], which it modifies, e.g. ספרי הדרכה "how-to books"}}, {{t|he|מעשי|m|tr=ma'así}} {{lit|practical}}
- however:Adverb:to whatever extent or degree
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|with verbs or predicate adjectives}} {{t+|hu|bármennyire}} / {{t+|hu|akármennyire}}, {{gloss|with predicate adjectives only}} {{t+|hu|bármilyen}} / {{t+|hu|akármilyen}}
- hump day:Noun:middle of the workweek
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{l|sv|lillelördag|lit=little Saturday}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|afamat}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|ca|[[tenir]] [[fam]]}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|affamé}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t+|fr|avoir faim}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Galician: * Galician: {{t+|gl|famento|m}}, {{t|gl|esfameado|m}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|gl|ter fame}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- German: * German: {{t+|de|hungrig}}; {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|de|[[Hunger]] [[haben]]}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|affamato}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|it|[[avere]] [[fame]]}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Occitan: * Occitan: {{t+|oc|afamat}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t-check|oc|[[aver]] [[fam]]}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{t+|ro|flămând}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|ro|[[i]] [[fi]] [[foame]]}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Romansch: * Romansch: {{t|rm|fomentà}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|rm|[[avair]] [[fom]]}}
- hydrogen:Noun:chemical element
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|ཡང་རླུང}} {{lit|light air}}
- hyperbole:Noun:rhetorical device
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|túlzás}}, {{gloss|rarely}} {{t+|hu|nagyítás}}, {{gloss|rarely}} {{t+|hu|hiperbola}}
- ill-gotten:Adjective:obtained improperly
- French: * French: {{t|fr|mal acquis}} {{gloss|badly, wrongly acquired}}
- immiserate:Verb:impoverish
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[verarmen]] [[lassen]]}}
- impair:Verb:have a diminishing effect on
- German: * German: {{qualifier|1}} {{t+|de|beeinträchtigen}}, {{t+|de|schädigen}} {{gloss|reputation}}, {{t+|de|beschädigen}}, {{t+|de|schwächen}}, {{t+|de|vermindern}}, {{t+|de|verschlechtern}}, {{t+|de|schmälern}}
- in heat:Prepositional phrase:in estrus
- German: * German: {{t+|de|brünstig}} {{gloss|bucks}}, {{t+|de|läufig}} {{gloss|dogs}}, {{t+|de|rollig}} {{gloss|cats}}
- in print:Prepositional phrase:available for purchase from the publisher
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use {{m|fi|painaa}} in the passive to mean "to be in print"''
- in your face:Interjection:
- French: * French: (often preceded by {{m|fr|pan}}) {{t|fr|dans ta gueule}}, {{t+|fr|dans ta face}}, {{t+|fr|dans les dents}}, {{t+|fr|dans ton cul}}
- in-kind:Adjective:consisting of goods or commodities
- German: * German: ''compose with {{m|de|Sache}}, e. g. {{m|de|Sacheinlage}}''
- inclusive or:Noun:logic, computing (noun)
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|inkluzja}}
- indicative:Adjective:serving as a sign
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|expressed with verbs}} {{t+|hu|jelez}}, {{t+|hu|jelöl}}, {{t+|hu|utal}}
- indulge:Verb:to yield to a temptation
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|oddávat se|impf}} {{gloss|pokušení}}, {{t|cs|dopřávat si|impf}}, {{t|cs|dopřát si|pf}}, {{t|cs|vychutnat si|pf}}
- indulge:Verb:to yield to a temptation
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|toegeven}}, {{t+|nl|zwichten}} {{gloss|voor de verleiding}}
- indulge:Verb:to yield to a temptation
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|céder}}, {{t+|fr|succomber}} {{gloss|à la tentation}}
- indulge:Verb:to give way to (a habit or temptation), not to oppose or restrain
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|dát průchod|pf}} {{gloss|citům, návyku}}
- inside:Noun:side of a road that is farthest from the middle of the road
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|primer carril|m}} {{gloss|the right most lane in a road}}
- interpret:Verb:to apprehend and represent by means of art
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|perform}} {{t+|hu|előad}}, {{sense|render}} {{t+|hu|tolmácsol}}
- interpret:Verb:to act as an interpreter
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|orally}} {{t+|hu|tolmácsol}}, {{sense|translate in general}} {{t+|hu|fordít}}
- interpretation:Noun:act of interpreting
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|értelmezés}}, {{gloss|in compound with [[álom]] ’dream’}} {{t+|hu|fejtés|alt=-fejtés}}
- inventory:Noun:stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|készlet}}, {{t+|hu|árukészlet}}, {{t+|hu|raktár}} {{gloss|in the phrase [[raktáron van]]}}
- issue:Noun:something flowing or sent out
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|exsudat|m}}, {{t+|fr|flux|m}} {{gloss|quantity}}, {{t+|fr|numéro|m}} {{gloss|newspaper}}
- jack shit:Pronoun:(vulgar) nothing, anything
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|skit|n|alt=ett skit}}, {{t+|sv|skit|n|alt=ett [...] skit}}, {{t+|sv|dyft|n|alt=ett [...] dyft}}, {{t+|sv|dugg|n|alt=ett [...] dugg}}, {{t+|sv|jota|n|alt=ett [...] jota}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|sv|smack|n|alt=ett ...[] smack}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} - with all translations {{m|sv|inte||not}} is needed, [...] can be replaced with {{m|sv|jävla}} {{q|more common spelling}} / {{m|sv|djävla}}, {{m|sv|jäkla}} {{q|more common spelling}} / {{m|sv|djäkla}}, {{m|sv|jädra}} or {{m|sv|fucking}} {{q|slang}} to create a swear word, otherwise only {{m|sv|skit|ett skit}} is a swear word by itself.
- jar:Noun:small, approximately cylindrical container
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|sklenice|f}} {{gloss|glass jar only}}, {{t+|cs|nádoba|f}}, {{t|cs|nádobka|f}} {{gloss|a small jar}}
- jar:Noun:small, approximately cylindrical container
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Glas|n}} {{gloss|glass jar only}}, {{t+|de|Gefäß|n}}
- jar:Noun:small, approximately cylindrical container
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|edény}}, {{t+|hu|üveg}} {{gloss|glass jar only}}, {{t+|hu|korsó}}, {{t+|hu|csupor}}
- jaywalk:Verb:violate pedestrian traffic regulations
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{l|sv|oförsiktig}} {{l|sv|fotgängare}} and {{l|sv|vårdslös}} {{l|sv|fotgängare}}.
- jaywalker:Noun:one who jaywalks
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[unachtsam]]er [[Fußgänger]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[unachtsam]]e [[Fußgängerin]]|f}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Verkehrsregel]]n [[missachtend|missachtender]] [[Fußgänger]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Verkehrsregel]]n [[missachtend]]e [[Fußgänger]]in|f}}
- jaywalker:Noun:one who jaywalks
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|[[oförsiktig]] [[fotgängare]]}}, {{t|sv|[[vårdslös]] [[fotgängare]]}}
- jeweler:Noun:a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|मणिकार}}
- jilt:Verb:to jilt
- German: * German: {{t+|de|den Laufpass geben}} {{gloss|lover}}, {{t+|de|verlassen}}, {{t|de|fallen lassen}}, {{t|de|sitzen lassen}}, {{t|de|einen Korb geben}}, {{t+|de|verladen}}
- jinx:Noun:a person or thing supposed to bring bad luck
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|gafe|m}} {{gloss|person}}, {{t|es|ave de mal agüero|f}}, {{t+|es|cenizo}}, {{t|es|secante}}, {{t+|es|yeta}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t|es|yetatore}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t|es|yetudo|m}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t+|es|salado|m}} {{qualifier|Americas}}
- joyless:Adjective:without joy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|triste}} {{gloss|when temporary}}, {{t+|es|amargado}} {{gloss|when recurrent or permanent}}
- juicer:Noun:device
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t|ca|liquadora|f}}, {{t|ca|exprimidora|f}} {{gloss|reamer}}, {{t+|ca|espremedora|f}}
- juicer:Noun:device
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|licuadora|f}}, {{t|es|exprimidora|f}} {{gloss|reamer}}, {{t+|es|exprimidor|m}} {{gloss|reamer}}
- justice delayed is justice denied:Proverb:if a wrong is not redressed within a reasonable time, it is as though the wrong were not redressed at all
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|verzögerte Gerechtigkeit ist vorenthaltene Gerechtigkeit}} {{qualifier|lit.}}
- kebab:Noun:dish
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Kebab|m}}, {{t+|de|Kebap|m}}, {{t+|de|Fleischspieß|m}} {{gloss|skewered meat}}, {{t+|de|Döner|m}} {{gloss|doner kebab}}
- kicker:Noun:sports: one who takes kicks
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|kopáč|m}} {{gloss|rugby}}
- kill two birds with one stone:Verb:solve two problems at once
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|Duo parietes de eadem fidelia dealbare|lit=to whitewash two walls out of the same bucket}} ({{w|Cicero}}, ''{{w|Epistulae ad Familiares|Ad Familiares}}'' 7.29.2.)
- kill two birds with one stone:Verb:solve two problems at once
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|Duo parietes de eadem fidelia dealbare|lit=to whitewash two walls out of the same bucket}} ({{w|Cicero}}, ''{{w|Epistulae ad Familiares|Ad Familiares}}'' 7.29.2.)
- kiss my ass:Interjection:go away
- French: * French: [[et#French|et]] [[mon#French|mon]] {{t+|fr|cul}} {{gloss|approximate: yeah my ass}}, {{t+|fr|aller se faire foutre}}, {{t+|fr|aller se faire enculer}}, {{t+|fr|aller se faire cuire un œuf}}, {{t+|fr|niquer sa mère}}, {{t+|fr|aller se faire voir chez les Grecs}}, {{t|fr|aller chier}}
- knock:Verb:to bump or impact
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|ütközik}}, {{t+|hu|nekiütközik}}, {{t+|hu|nekimegy}}, {{sense|knock off}} {{t+|hu|lever}}
- lacking:Adjective:missing or not having enough of something
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|-los}} {{q|-less}}, {{t+|de|mangeln}} {{q|verb}}, {{t+|de|mangelhaft}} {{q|insufficient}}
- laugh on the other side of one's face:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[wstydzić]] [[się]]|impf}}
- lay something at the feet of:Verb:to assign responsibility for (something) to (someone)
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|responsabilitzar}}, {{t+|ca|endossar}} {{gloss|to assign something annoying to someone}}, {{t|ca|carregar el mort}} {{gloss|to blame something on someone}}
- leadership:Noun:office of leader
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|direcció}} ; {{t|ca|prefectura}} {{gloss|only if government office}}
- learn the hard way:Verb:learn by experiencing the consequences of making mistakes
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|człowiek uczy się na błędach}}
- lecture:Noun:a spoken lesson
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Vorlesung|f}} {{gloss|educational lecture at a university}}, {{t+|de|Vortrag|m}} {{gloss|talk}}
- lecture:Noun:a spoken lesson
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|conferencia|f}} {{gloss|talk}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|es|charla|f}} {{gloss|talk}}, {{t+|es|clase|f}} {{gloss|educational lecture}}, {{t+|es|lección|f}}, {{t+|es|aleccionamiento|m}}, {{t+|es|plática|f}}
- leek:Noun:vegetable
- Tagalog: * Tagalog: {{t|tl|kutsay}} ({{taxfmt|Allium tuberosum|species}})
- let's:Verb:let us; forming first-person plural imperative
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|我們|tr=wǒmen}} + {{qualifier|verb}} (''optional:'' {{zh-l|吧|tr=ba}})
- let's:Verb:let us; forming first-person plural imperative
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|我們|tr=wǒmen}} + {{qualifier|verb}} (''optional:'' {{zh-l|吧|tr=ba}})
- lip:Noun:fleshy protrusion framing the mouth
- Evenki: * Evenki: {{tt|evn|хэмун}} {{gloss|lower lip}}
- lip:Noun:fleshy protrusion framing the mouth
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|Lippe|f}} {{gloss|human's lip}}, {{tt+|de|Lefze|f}} {{gloss|animal's lip}}, {{tt+|de|Schnauze|f}}
- lip:Noun:fleshy protrusion framing the mouth
- Nanai: * Nanai: {{tt|gld|пэмун|tr=pemun}} {{gloss|lower lip}}
- liquor store:Noun:shop that sells alcoholic beverages to be drunk off the premises
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vinatería|f}} {{gloss|wine shop}}, {{t|es|tienda de alcohol|f}}, {{t+|es|botillería|f}}, {{t|es|licorería|f}}
- little:Adjective:(of a sibling) younger
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{tt+|hu|kis}}, {{gloss|younger brother}} {{tt+|hu|öcs}}, {{gloss|younger sister}} {{tt+|hu|húg}}
- lively:Adjective:fizzy; foamy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|burbujeante}} {{gloss|fizzy}}, {{t+|es|espumoso}} {{gloss|foamy}}
- lizard:Noun:reptile
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Eidechse|f}} {{gloss|small}}, {{t+|de|Echse|f}}
- lizard:Noun:reptile
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|lagarto|m}}, {{t+|es|lagartija|f}} {{gloss|small}}, {{t|es|chenca|f}} {{qualifier|tailless}}
- loan:Noun:contract and array of legal or ethical obligations surrounding a loan
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|prestito|m}} {{gloss|small sum}}, {{t+|it|mutuo|m}} {{gloss|big amount/long term}}
- lockstep:Noun:step whereby the toe of one man is brought very close to the heel of the man in front
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|Gleichschritt|m}} {{q|not necessarily very close but in unison}}
- long-legged:Adjective:having long legs
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|pernudo}}, {{t+|pt|pernilongo|m}} {{att|pt|should "pernilongo" stay here? it's very obscure/dialectal}}
- look over one's shoulder:Verb:check obsessively out of fear
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|baczyć|impf}}
- loophole:Noun:slit in a castle wall
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|crenel}} {{t+|hu|lőrés}}, {{sense|peephole}} {{t+|hu|kémlelőnyílás}}
- lose:Verb:shed (weight)
- German: * German: {{t+|de|verlieren}}, {{t+|de|abnehmen}} {{gloss|body weight}}
- lurk:Noun:act of lurking
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|latente}} {{gloss|something that is kept hidden but can surfaces at any moment}}
- lurk:Noun:act of lurking
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|acecho|m}} {{gloss|ambush}}, {{t+|es|ocultamiento|m}} {{gloss|hide}}, {{t+|es|merodeo|m}} {{gloss|hang out}}, {{t+|es|mironeo|m}} {{gloss|Internet}}
- maiden:Noun:unmarried young female
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Jungfrau|f}} {{gloss|virgin}}, {{t+|de|Mädchen|n}}, {{t+|de|Maid|f}} {{qualifier|dated or poetic}}
- mail:Noun:parcels and letters
- Bulgarian: * Bulgarian: {{sense|letters being delivered}} {{t+|bg|по́ща|f}}; {{sense|a parcel being delivered}} {{t+|bg|пра́тка|f}}
- make:Verb:to cover with bedclothes
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|megágyaz}} {{gloss|already including reference to bed}}, {{t+|hu|megvet}}
- make:Verb:to recognise
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|notice}} {{t+|hu|észrevesz}}, {{gloss|identify}} {{t+|hu|felismer}}, {{sense|notice}} {{q|hu|colloquial}} {{t+|hu|kiszúr}}
- make matters worse:Verb:worsen an already difficult situation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|para más inri}} {{q|adverb}} {{gloss|to make matters worse}}, {{t+|es|para colmo}}
- make out:Verb:
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+check|sv|hångla}} {{gloss|to kiss passionately}}
- mashed potatoes:Noun:dish
- Welsh: * Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t|cy|tatws stwnsh|f-p}}, {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t|cy|tato pwtsh|f-p}}
- masturbation:Noun:manual erotic stimulation of the genitals
- Hijazi Arabic: *: Hijazi Arabic: {{t|acw|تَجْليخ|m|tr=tajlĪḵ}} {{gloss|vulgar}}, {{t|acw|عَادَة سِرِّيَّة|f|tr=ʕāda sirriyya}}
- maybe:Adverb:indicating a lack of certainty
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|peut-être}}, {{lang|fr|peut-être que}} {{q|+ indicative}}, {{t|fr|il se peut|alt=il se peut que}} {{q|+ subjunctive}}
- memory lane:Noun:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{no equivalent translation|cmn}} {{t+|cmn|懷舊|tr=huáijiù}}
- memory lane:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|powspominać|impf}}
- merge:Verb:(transitive) to combine into a whole
- German: * German: {{t+|de|zusammenlegen}}, {{t+|de|zusammenfügen}}, {{t+|de|zusammenführen}}, {{t+|de|vereinen}}, {{t+|de|fusionieren}} {{gloss|companies, departments}}
- meromorphically:Adverb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[w]] [[meromorficzny]] [[sposób]]}}
- messuage:Noun:dwelling house or land
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mansión}} {{gloss|with buildings}}, {{t+|es|parcela}} {{gloss|land only}}
- metallic:Adjective:made of metal
- Pashto: * Pashto: {{t|ps|زرین|tr=zarin}} {{gloss|golden, metallic}}
- metastasis:Noun:transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|轉移|tr=zhuǎnyí}}, {{t|cmn|遠處轉移|tr=yuǎnchù zhuǎnyí}}, {{t|cmn|遠端轉移|tr=yuǎnduān zhuǎnyí}}, {{gloss|of a tumour}} {{t|cmn|腫瘤轉移|tr=zhǒngliú zhuǎnyí}}, {{t|cmn|轉移灶|tr=zhuǎnyízào}}, {{t|cmn|轉移瘤|tr=zhuǎnyíliú}}, {{gloss|of a cancer}} {{t|cmn|癌轉移|tr=áizhuǎnyí}}
- microwave:Verb:cook in a microwave oven
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[in]] [[der]] [[Mikrowelle]] [[aufwärmen]]}}
- micrurgy:Noun:
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t+|ru|мѝкрохирурги́я|f|alt=мѝкрохирурги́я (в биологии)}}
- midwinter:Noun:the middle of winter
- German: * German: {{ng|only circumlocutions, e.g.}} {{t|de|[[tief]]ster [[Winter]]}}, {{t|de|[[Mitte]] [[des]] [[Winter]]s}}
- might makes right:Proverb:morality cannot question the powerful
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|kto bogatemu zabroni}}
- mil:Etymology 1:angular mil
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{tt+|fi|piiru}} ({{frac|1|6000}})
- mil:Etymology 1:angular mil
- Russian: * Russian: {{tt+|ru|мил|m}} ({{frac|1|6000}})
- mine:Noun:excavation from which ore is extracted
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|Grube|f}}, {{tt+|de|Mine|f}}, {{tt+|de|Bergwerk|n}}, {{tt+|de|Zeche|f}}, {{tt+|de|Tagebau|m}} {{gloss|opencast mine}}, {{tt+|de|Abbaustelle|f}}, {{tt|de|Schachtgrube|f}}, {{tt|de|Grub|f}}, {{tt+|de|Pütt|f}}, {{tt|de|Schachtanlage|f}}
- minimum:Noun:lowest limit
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|最小|tr=zuìxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|最低|tr=zuìdī}}, {{t+|cmn|極小|tr=jíxiǎo}}, {{t+|cmn|最小值|tr=zuìxiǎozhí}} {{gloss|lowest value}}
- misjudge:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|oceniać|impf}}, {{t+|pl|ocenić|pf}}
- mister:Noun:title of adult male
- Danish: * Danish: {{t+|da|hr.}} (rarely written {{m|da|herr}}, a short form of {{m|da|herre}})
- mister:Noun:title of adult male
- Danish: * Danish: {{t+|da|hr.}} (rarely written {{m|da|herr}}, a short form of {{m|da|herre}})
- momo:Noun:type of dumpling
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|饃饃}}
- moor:Verb:to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|ancrer}} {{gloss|with an anchor}}, {{t+|fr|amarrer}} {{gloss|with ropes or cables}}
- moor:Verb:to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|anclar}} {{gloss|with an anchor}}, {{t+|es|amarrar}} {{gloss|with ropes, cables or chains}}
- more:Adverb:word to form a comparative
- Dutch: * Dutch: (''usually uses the suffix'' {{m|nl|-er}}), {{qualifier|sometimes}} {{t+|nl|meer}}
- more:Adverb:word to form a comparative
- German: * German: (''uses the suffix'' {{m|de|-er}})
- morning:Interjection:Greeting said in the morning
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|dzień dobry}}
- morning:Interjection:Greeting said in the morning
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t+|ru|до́брое у́тро}}, {{t|ru|до́брого у́тра}}, {{t|ru|с до́брым у́тром}}
- morning:Noun:part of the day between dawn and midday
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|प्रभात}}
- moult:Verb:to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|ruien}} {{gloss|feathers}}, {{t+|nl|muiten}} {{gloss|falcons}}, {{t+|nl|vervellen}} {{gloss|skin}}, {{t+|nl|verharen}} {{gloss|fur}}
- moult:Verb:to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal
- German: * German: {{t+|de|mausern}} {{gloss|feathers}}, {{t+|de|häuten}} {{gloss|skin}}
- mouse:Noun:rodent of the genus Mus
- Balinese: * Balinese: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt|ban|bikul}}, {{tt|ban|jero ketut}}
- mow:Noun:a stack or barn of/for hay, corn, beans
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|stack}} {{t+|es|hacina|f}}, {{gloss|barn}} {{t+|es|granero|m}}
- mow:Verb:to put into mows
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|stack}} {{t+|es|hacinar}}, {{t+|es|amontonar}}, {{t+|es|apilar}}, {{gloss|in barn}} {{t+|es|almacenar}}
- mujahid:Noun:a Muslim engaging in jihad
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|聖戰者|tr=shèngzhànzhě}}, {{t|cmn|聖戰士|tr=shèngzhànshì}}, {{t|cmn|奮戰者|tr=fènzhànzhě}} (a number of other translations exist with a {{m|zh|聖戰|tr=-}} "holy war" part)
- museum:Noun:building or institution
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|museum generally}} {{t+|ja|博物館|tr=はくぶつかん, hakubutsukan}}, {{sense|art museum}} {{t+|ja|美術館|tr=びじゅつかん, bijutsukan}}
- musk:Noun:greasy secretion with powerful odour
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t+|sa|कस्तूरी|f}}, {{t+|sa|कस्तूरिका|f}}, {{t-ws|a=1|कस्तूरी}}
- must-read:Noun:product strongly recommended to read
- Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru|мастри́д|m}}; {{m|ru|[[кни́га]], [[обязательная]] [[к]] [[прочтению]]}}
- nacho:Noun:tortilla chip
- Yiddish: * Yiddish: {{t|yi|נאַטשאָ|m}}, {{sense|tortilla chip}} {{t|yi|טאָרטיִע־טשיפּקעלע|n}}
- nail:Noun:archaic unit of length
- French: * French: {{tt+|fr|seize|m}} (actually {{frac|16}} of an ell or 2.9 inches)
- name:Noun:word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing
- Hakka: *: Hakka: {{tt|hak|名仔|tr=miàng-é}}, {{tt|hak|名字|tr=miàng-sṳ}} {{gloss|formal}}
- nape:Noun:back part of the neck
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|bescoll|m}} {{gloss|especially for animals}}, {{t+|ca|nuca|f}}, {{t+|ca|clatell|m}} {{gloss|especially for humans}}
- navalism:Noun:naval militarism
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|militaryzm}}
- near:Adjective:physically close
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t|pa|ਨੇੜੇ}} {{gloss|standard}}, {{t|pa|ਲਾਗੇ}}, {{t|pa|ਕੋਲ਼}}
- neck:Noun:part of body connecting the head and the trunk
- French: * French: {{tt+|fr|cou|m}}, {{tt+|fr|nuque|f}} {{gloss|nape of the neck}}
- news:Noun:new information of interest
- Albanian: * Albanian: {{t+|sq|lajm|m}}, {{t+|sq|kumt}} {{gloss|random bad news}}
- next:Adjective:being closer to the present location than all other items
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|lit. nearest/closest}} {{t+|hu|legközelebbi}}, {{gloss|lit. neighboring}} {{t+|hu|szomszédos}}, {{gloss|cf. "next-door"}} {{t+|hu|szomszéd}}
- next:Adjective:nearest date, time, space or order
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|lit. nearest/closest}} {{t+|hu|legközelebbi}}, {{gloss|of weeks, months, years}} {{t+|hu|jövő}}, {{gloss|of minutes, hours, days and other time units}} {{t+|hu|következő}}
- next:Adverb:In a time, place or sequence closest or following
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|legközelebb}}, {{gloss|lit. 'second', e.g. in next best}} {{t+|hu|második}}, {{gloss|lit. one fewer/more/bigger/smaller/etc}} {{t|hu|eggyel}}
- non-Aryan:Noun:
- Hindi: * Hindi: {{m|hi|अनार्य}}
- non-fungible token:Noun:cryptocurrency token
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|nicht ersetzbares digital geschütztes Objekt|n}}
- non-fungible token:Noun:cryptocurrency token
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no attested translation|ro}} {{t|ro|"[[jeton]] [[nefungibil]]"|n}}
- nondriver:Noun:
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t|ro|[[persoană]] [[care]] [[nu]] [[conduce]]}}
- none of your beeswax:Phrase:A riposte to badgering questioning
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|s’occuper de ses oignons|alt=occupe-toi de tes oignons}} {{gloss|mind your own onions}}, {{t|fr|ce ne sont pas tes oignons}} {{gloss|this is not your onions}}
- none of your beeswax:Phrase:A riposte to badgering questioning
- Inari Sami: * Inari Sami: {{t|smn|ij kuulâ tunjin}} {{gloss|it doesn't concern you}}
- none of your beeswax:Phrase:A riposte to badgering questioning
- Northern Sami: * Northern Sami: {{t|se|ii leat du ášši}} {{gloss|it's not your business}}
- none of your beeswax:Phrase:A riposte to badgering questioning
- Skolt Sami: * Skolt Sami: {{t|sms|tõt ij kuul tuʹnne}} {{gloss|it doesn't concern you}}
- nonplacental:Adjective:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|bezłożyskowiec|m}}
- nosegay:Noun:small bunch of fragrant flowers or herbs
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{no equivalent translation|ja}} {{t+|ja|花束|tr=はなたば, hanataba}}, {{t+|ja|ブーケ|tr=būke}}
- not only … but also:Conjunction:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- not only … but also:Conjunction:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- not only … but also:Conjunction:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- not only … but also:Conjunction:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[不僅]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùjǐn ... érqiě}}, {{t|cmn|[[不但]]……[[而且]]|tr=bùdàn ... érqiě}} ({{zh-l|而且}} can be replaced with {{zh-l|並且}}, {{zh-l|也}} or {{zh-l|還|tr=hái}})
- nuke:Noun:(colloquial) nuclear weapon
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t+|fi|ydinpommi}} {{q|not colloquial}}
- nuke:Noun:(colloquial) nuclear power station
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t+|fi|ydinvoimala}} {{q|not colloquial}}
- nuke:Noun:(colloquial) vessel running on nuclear power
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|ydinalus}} {{q|not colloquial}}
- nuke:Verb:(colloquial) to use a nuclear weapon on a target
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|[[pommittaa]] [[ydinpommi]]lla}} {{q|not colloquial}}
- nuke:Verb:(colloquial) to expose to some form of radiation
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|[[altistaa]] [[säteily]]lle}} {{q|not colloquial}}
- numb:Adjective:physically unable to feel
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|entumecido}}, {{t+|es|entumido}} {{gloss|by cold}}, {{t+|es|insensible}}, {{t+|es|entorpecido}}, {{t+|es|dormido}} {{gloss|by lack of blood circulation}}, {{t+|es|adormecido}} {{gloss|by drugs}}
- oak:Noun:tree or shrub of the genus Quercus
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|quercia|f}}, {{t|it|rovere|m|f}} ({{taxfmt|Quercus petraea|species}}), {{t|it|farnia|f}} ({{taxfmt|Quercus robur|species}})
- octopus:Noun:mollusc
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|ottearmet blæksprutte|c}} {{gloss|eight-armed cephalopod}}, but usually just {{t|da|blæksprutte|c}} in common speech
- of two minds:Prepositional phrase:undecided or unsure
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|bić się z myślami|impf}}
- on:Adjective:destined
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|[[olla]] [[meno]]a}}
- on:Preposition:positioned at or resting against the outer surface of; attached to
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|bij}} {{gloss|on me}}, {{t+|nl|aan}} {{gloss|on a tree}}
- on guard:Adjective:on alert, vigilant
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|mieć się na baczności|impf}}
- on one's period:Prepositional phrase:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[mieć]] [[okres]]|impf}}
- on the breadline:Prepositional phrase:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|klepać biedę|impf}}
- on the fence:Prepositional phrase:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|na dwoje babka wróżyła}}, {{t|pl|stać pod znakiem zapytania}}
- onside:Adjective:(football) not in an offside position
- German: * German: {{t|de|[[nicht]] [[abseits]]}}, {{t|de|[[nicht]] [[im]] [[Abseits]]}} {{gloss|not offside}}
- onto:Preposition:upon; on top of
- Esperanto: * Esperanto: {{t+|eo|sur}} (with {{m|eo|-n}})
- open-plan:Adjective:having large rooms
- German: * German: {{t|de|Großraum-}} (in compounds like {{m|de|Großraumbüro}})
- opera:Noun:theatrical work
- Khmer: * Khmer: {{tt|km|សង្គីតនាដន៍}}, ({{m-lite|km|sc=Khmr|ល្ខោន|tr=-}}~) {{tt|km|អូប៉េរ៉ា}}
- or else:Phrase:implies an unspecified threat
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t|hu|[[mert]] [[ha]] [[nem]](, [[akkor]] [[baj]] [[lesz]])}}, {{t|hu|([[mert]]) [[különben]] ([[megnéz]][[-het|het]][[-ed|ed]] [[magad]])}} {{gloss|and other combinations of the two phrases}}
- order of battle:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[porządek]] [[bitewny]]|m}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|comme un cheveu sur la soupe}} {{gloss|like a hair in the soup}}, {{t+|fr|comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles}} {{gloss|like a dog in a bowling game}}, {{t+|fr|de nulle part}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{gloss|like thunder from a clear sky}} {{t|is|eins og þruma úr heiðskíru lofti}}, {{gloss|like the devil from the sheep's leg}} {{t|is|eins og skrattinn úr sauðaleggnum}}, {{qualifier|as a hard blow}} {{t|is|sem reiðarslag}}, {{qualifier|like thunder from a blue sky}} {{t|is|eins og þruma úr heiðríkju}}, {{t|is|öllum að óvörum}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|inaspettatamente}}, {{t+|it|di punto in bianco}} {{gloss|all of a sudden}}, {{t|it|come un fulmine a ciel sereno}} {{gloss|like a thunder in a clear sky}}, {{t|it|dal nulla}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Lithuanian: * Lithuanian: [[lyg perkūnas iš giedro dangaus]] {{gloss|like a thunder in the clear sky}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|do nada}} {{gloss|out of nowhere}}, {{t|pt|da cartola}} {{gloss|out of the top hat}}, {{t+|pt|à toa}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Russian: * Russian: [[как гром среди ясного неба]] {{gloss|like a thunder in the clear sky}}, [[как снег на голову]] {{gloss|like snow onto the head}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Serbo-Croatian: *: Cyrillic: {{t|sh|ка̏о гро̑м из ве̏дра не̏ба|sc=Cyrl}} {{gloss|like a thunder from clear skies}}
- out of the blue:Prepositional phrase:unexpectedly
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|som en blixt från klar himmel}} {{gloss|like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky}}
- out of the frying pan, into the fire:Prepositional phrase:get from an already bad situation to a worse one
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{t+|he|מן הפח אל הפחת|lit=from the trap to the pit}} {{gloss|adapted from Isaiah 24:18}}
- out on a limb:Phrase:
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use {{m|fi|[[ottaa]] [[riski]]|lit=take a risk}}''
- outnumber:Verb:be more in number
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|liczny}}, {{t|pl|[[przewaga]] [[liczebna]]|f}}
- oven:Noun:chamber used for baking or heating
- Macedonian: * Macedonian: {{t|mk|ре́рна|f}} {{gloss|electrical appliance}}, {{t|mk|пе́чка|f}} {{qualifier|built}}, {{t+|mk|фурна|f}}
- overdependent:Adjective:
- French: * French: {{no equivalent translation|fr}} {{t|fr|[[trop]] [[dépendant]]}}
- overdependent:Adjective:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[zbyt]] [[polegający]]}}
- overdependent:Adjective:
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t|ro|[[prea]] [[dependent]]}}, {{t|ro|supradependent}} {{q|rare}}
- overfund:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|nadpłacać|impf}}, {{t|pl|nadpłacić|pf}}, {{t+|pl|przepłacać|impf}}, {{t+|pl|przepłacić|pf}}
- overreliant:Adjective:relying on something to an excessive degree
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[zbyt]] [[polegający]]}}
- overreliant:Adjective:relying on something to an excessive degree
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t|ro|[[prea]] [[dependent]]}}
- overshadow:Verb:to dominate something and make it seem insignificant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|eclipsar}} {{gloss|persona, éxito}}, {{t+|es|deslucir}} {{gloss|ocasión}}, {{t+|es|opacar}}
- own:Verb:have rightful possession of
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{no equivalent translation|he}} {{t|he|[[יש]] [[ל־]]|tr=yésh l'-}}, {{t|he|[[היה]] [[ל־]]|tr=hayá l'-}}, {{t|he|[[שייך]] [[ל־]]|tr=shayákh l'-}}
- oxygen:Noun:chemical element
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|སྲོག་འཛིན་རླུང}} {{lit|life-supporting air}}, {{t|bo|སྲོག་རླུང}} {{q|abbr. of སྲོག་འཛིན་རླུང}}, {{t|bo|འཚོ་རླུང}} {{lit|life-air}}, {{t|bo|འཚོ་དབུགས}} {{lit|life-breath}}
- palmaris longus:Noun:
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|掌長肌}}
- paper cut:Noun:wound caused by piece of paper
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t+|sv|skärsår|n}}
- parasol tree:Noun:Polyscias kikuyuensis
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{taxlink|Polyscias kikuyuensis|species}}
- parasol tree:Noun:Polyscias kikuyuensis
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{taxlink|Polyscias kikuyuensis|species}}
- parasol tree:Noun:Firmiana simplex
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{taxlink|Firmiana simplex|species}}
- pass under the yoke:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|przegrać|impf}}
- passage:Noun:section of text or music
- Norwegian Bokmål: *: Bokmål: {{t|nb|passasje|m}}, {{t|nb|passus|m}} {{gloss|text}}
- passage:Noun:section of text or music
- Norwegian Nynorsk: *: Nynorsk: {{t|nn|passasje|m}}, {{t|nn|passus|m}} {{gloss|text}}
- passage:Noun:section of text or music
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|пасса́ж|m}} {{gloss|music}}, {{t+|ru|отры́вок|m}} {{gloss|text}}, {{t+|ru|вы́держка|f}}
- pastry:Noun:food group
- Bulgarian: * Bulgarian: {{t|bg|тестено изделие|n}}, {{t|bg|сладкиш|m}} {{gloss|sweet pastry}}, {{t+|bg|сладки|f-p}} {{gloss|sweet pastry}}, {{t|bg|соленка|f}} {{gloss|salty pastry}}
- pastry:Noun:food group
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Backwerk|n}} {{gloss|pastry and bread}}, {{t+|de|Gebäck|n}} {{gloss|pastry and bread}}, {{t+|de|Feingebäck|n}}
- penalty shootout:Noun:a series of penalty kicks
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Elfmeterschießen|n}} {{gloss|soccer}}, {{t|de|Penaltyschiessen|n}} {{qualifier|Switzerland}}
- pencil:Noun:graphite writing-instrument
- German: * German: {{gloss|non-colored}} {{t+|de|Bleistift|m}}, {{gloss|colored}} {{t+|de|Buntstift|m}}
- pension:Verb:to force to retire
- German: * German: [[pensionieren]] {{gloss|public service}}, {{t|de|in den Ruhestand versetzen}}
- pepper:Noun:fruit of the capsicum
- German: * German: {{gloss|spicy}} [[Chili#German|Chili]], {{gloss|mild}} [[Paprika#German|Paprika]], {{t+|de|Paprikaschote|f}}
- perfect cube:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[sześcian]] [[doskonały]]|m}}
- perfect power:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[potęga]] [[doskonały|doskonała]]|f}}
- perish:Verb:to decay and disappear; to waste away to nothing
- German: * German: {{t+|de|verderben}}, {{t|de|schlecht werden}} {{gloss|food}}
- perish:Verb:to die, to pass away
- German: * German: {{t+|de|umkommen}}, {{t+|de|ums Leben kommen}}, {{t+|de|verenden}}{{gloss|animals}}, {{t+|de|verderben}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- perishable:Adjective:liable to perish
- German: * German: {{t+|de|verderblich}}, {{t|de|leichtverderblich}} {{gloss|especially food}}, {{t+|de|vergänglich}}, {{t+|de|kurzlebig}}, {{t|de|begrenzt haltbar}}
- pewterer:Noun:manufacturer of pewterware
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t+|ru|ма́стер}}, {{t+|ru|жестя́нщик}}, {{t+|ru|луди́льщик}}
- phone:Verb:to call (someone) on the telephone
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَلْفَنَ}} ({{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ل|لـِ]]}} ''li-'')
- pie:Noun:type of pastry
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|Kuchen|m}} {{qualifier|sweet filling}}, {{t+|de|Torte|f}} {{qualifier|multilayered cream filling}}, {{t+|de|Pastete|f}} {{qualifier|savory filling}}
- piece of furniture:Noun:item of furniture
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[一]][[件]][[家具]]|tr=yī jiàn jiājù}} {{gloss|one piece of furniture}}
- piggy bank:Noun:small container to store small saved coins in
- Polish: * Polish: {{gloss|pig-shaped}} {{t+|pl|świnka-skarbonka|f}}, {{t+|pl|skarbonka|f}}
- platypus:Noun:Ornithorhynchus anatinus
- Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|སྲམ་ངང་མཆུ་ཅན}} {{lit|duck-lipped otter}}
- play:Verb:produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense)
- Russian: * Russian: {{tt+|ru|игра́ть|impf}}, {{tt+|ru|поигра́ть|pf}} (+ {{m|ru|на}} + [[prepositional case]])
- pleasure:Noun:a state of being pleased
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|öröm}}, {{t+|hu|élvezet}}, {{t+|hu|gyönyörűség}}, {{t+|hu|gyönyör}}, {{t+|hu|kéj}} {{gloss|the latter two often imply sexual pleasure}}
- pleasure:Noun:person or thing that causes enjoyment
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|öröm}}, {{t+|hu|élmény}}, {{gloss|for an activity}} {{t+|hu|kedvtelés}}, {{t+|hu|szórakozás}}
- political commissar:Noun:supervisory political officer
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|政治委員|tr=zhèngzhì wěiyuán}}, {{t+|cmn|政委|tr=zhèngwěi}}, {{t|cmn|政戰官|tr=zhèngzhàn guān}} {{gl|Taiwan}}
- posit:Verb:to suggest
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|postuler}}, {{t+|fr|avancer}}, [[énoncer]] {{gloss|set forth}}
- posit:Verb:to suggest
- German: * German: {{t+|de|postulieren}}, [[aufstellen]] {{gloss|theory}}
- positive:Adjective:optimistic
- German: * German: {{not used|de}}, ''but for expressions like'' stay positive ''{{m|de|locker}} and {{m|de|gelassen}} are options, used in the same contexts with different implication''
- positive:Adjective:optimistic
- German: * German: {{not used|de}}, ''but for expressions like'' stay positive ''{{m|de|locker}} and {{m|de|gelassen}} are options, used in the same contexts with different implication''
- possession:Noun:control or occupancy without legal ownership
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|occupation}} {{t+|hu|birtokbavétel}}, {{gloss|use/utilization}} {{t+|hu|felhasználás}}, {{gloss|actual utilization}} {{t|hu|[[tényleges]] [[használat]]}}, {{gloss|making use of sth.}} {{t+|hu|igénybevétel}}
- possession:Noun:a territory under the rule of another country
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|dependent territory}} {{t|hu|[[függő]] [[terület]]}}, {{gloss|colony}} {{t+|hu|gyarmat}}
- possible:Adjective:capable of being done or achieved; feasible
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|lehetséges}}, {{t+|hu|lehető}} {{gloss|only before superlative forms}}
- posthumous:Adjective:taking place after one's death
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{no equivalent translation|vi}} {{t+|vi|truy tặng}}
- posthumously:Adverb:after death
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{no equivalent translation|vi}} {{t+|vi|truy tặng}}
- potion:Noun:small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Trank|m}}, {{t+|de|Zaubertrank|m}} {{gloss|magical}}, {{t|de|Wundertrank|m}} {{gloss|miraculous}}, {{t|de|Gifttrank|m}} {{gloss|poisonous}}, {{t+|de|Heiltrank|m}} {{gloss|medicinal}}, {{t+|de|Elixier|n}}
- pounce:Noun:powder thrown onto the paper to make the ink dry
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[proszek]] [[na]] [[atrament]]|m}}
- poutine:Noun:dish consisting of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy; any of a number of variations on the basic poutine dish
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[frytka|frytki]] [[z]] [[sos]]em [[pieczeniowy]]m|f-p}}, {{t|pl|poutine}}
- preach:Verb:proclaim by public discourse
- Classical Syriac: *: Classical Syriac: {{m|syc|ܟܪܰܙ|tr=kraz}}
- preoccupied:Adjective:concerned with something else, distracted
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{m|fi|syventynyt||absorbed}}, {{m|fi|keskittynyt||focused}} {{qual|on something else}}, {{m|fi|[[viedä]] [[huomio]]||to take one's attention}}, {{m|fi|[[huomio]] [[olla|oli]] [[muualla]]||(I) was preoccupied|lit=(my) attention was elsewhere}}
- preoccupied:Adjective:concerned with something else, distracted
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{m|fi|syventynyt||absorbed}}, {{m|fi|keskittynyt||focused}} {{qual|on something else}}, {{m|fi|[[viedä]] [[huomio]]||to take one's attention}}, {{m|fi|[[huomio]] [[olla|oli]] [[muualla]]||(I) was preoccupied|lit=(my) attention was elsewhere}}
- prince:Noun:son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|príncipe|m}} {{gloss|firstborn}}, {{t+|es|infante|m}}
- principal:Noun:legal: primary participant in a crime
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Haupttäter|m}} or simply {{t+|de|Täter|m}} (which is according to the Criminal Code’s wording, where the hypernym to accomplices, abettors and principals is {{m|de|Beteiligter}})
- printer:Noun:one who makes prints
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|typograf|c}}, {{t+|sv|tryckare|c}}, {{t|sv|tryckerska|c}} {{gloss|female printer}} {{qualifier|antiquated}}
- printer:Noun:operator of a printing press
- Slovak: * Slovak: {{t|sk|sadzač|m}} {{gloss|not the owner, just the worker}}, {{t|sk|tiskar|m}}, {{t|sk|tiskarka|f}}
- printer:Noun:operator of a printing press
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|tryckare|c}} {{gloss|press operator}}, {{t|sv|tryckeriägare|c}} {{gloss|owner of printing business}}, {{t|sv|tryckerska|c}} {{gloss|female printer, antiquated}}
- prisoner:Noun:person incarcerated in a prison
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|बन्दिन्}}
- produce:Verb:to sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc)
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|bemutat}}, {{sense|stage sth}} {{t+|hu|színre visz}}
- proper:Adjective:grammar: designating a particular person, place or thing
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Eigenname|m}} {{gloss|proper noun}}
- pubicide:Noun:any of the various chemicals used to kill pubic lice
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t|ru|[[сре́дство]] [[от]] [[лобко́вых вшей]]|n}}
- pull a sickie:Verb:to feign illness so to take time off work
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[udawać]] [[chorego]]|impf}}
- puppet:Noun:movable model of a person or animal
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Handpuppe|f}} {{gloss|in glove form}}, {{t+|de|Marionette|f}} {{gloss|moved with strings}}
- purview:Noun:scope or range of interest or control
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|rozsah|m}} {{gloss|zájmu}}, {{t|cs|zorné pole|n}}, {{t+|cs|obzor|m}} {{gloss|vědění}}, {{t|cs|oblast zájmu|f}}, {{t|cs|rámec působnosti|m}}, {{t+|cs|kompetence|f}}, {{t+|cs|pravomoc|f}}
- put off:Verb:to delay
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{t|is|draga á langinn}} (see {{m|is|langur}})
- quail:Noun:any of several small game birds
- O'odham: * O'odham: {{t|ood|kakaicu}} (specifically {{taxfmt|Callipepla gambelii|species}})
- quarter:Noun:one of four equal parts
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{t+|ro|sfert}}, {{t+|ro|pătrime|f}}, {{sense|old}} {{t+|ro|pătrar|n}}
- queen:Noun:adult female cat
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|[[okastrerad]] [[katta]]}}, {{t|sv|[[okastrerad]] [[honkatt]]}}
- quick match:Noun:fuse
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|lont}}
- quotation:Noun:act of naming a price; price that has been quoted
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|price quoted}} {{t+|hu|árajánlat}}, {{sense|act of naming a price}} {{t|hu|árajánlattétel}}, {{sense|current rate}} {{t+|hu|árfolyam}}
- racer:Noun:something used for racing
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Rennwagen|m}} {{gloss|car}}, {{t|de|Rennjacht|f}} {{gloss|yacht}}, {{t+|de|Rennrad}} {{gloss|bicycle}}
- ramshackle:Adjective:in disrepair or disorder
- German: * German: {{t+|de|baufällig}} {{gloss|buildings}}, {{t+|de|klapprig}}, {{t+|de|marode}}
- rank:Adjective:strong in growth
- Esperanto: * Esperanto: {{t|eo|trokreskinta}} {{lit|overgrown}}
- raspy:Adjective:rough, raw
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|râpe|m|f}} {{gloss|sound}}, {{t+|fr|râpeux|m}} {{gloss|voice}}
- raspy:Adjective:rough, raw
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ronco|m}} {{gloss|voice}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Balinese: * Balinese: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt|ban|bikul}}, {{tt|ban|jero ketut}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Bengali: * Bengali: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|bn|ইঁদুর}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Burmese: * Burmese: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|my|ကြွက်}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|cmn|老鼠|tr=lǎoshǔ}}, {{tt+|cmn|鼠|tr=shǔ}}, {{qualifier|uncommon variant}} {{tt+|cmn|鼡|tr=shǔ}}, {{tt+|cmn|大鼠|tr=dàshǔ}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- French: * French: {{tt+|fr|rat|m}}, {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|fr|souris|f}}, {{tt+|fr|surmulot|m}}, {{tt+|fr|rat gris|m}}, {{tt+|fr|rat d'égout|m}}, {{tt+|fr|rat noir|m}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Hindi: * Hindi: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|hi|चूहा|m}}, {{t+|hi|मूश|m}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Indonesian: * Indonesian: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|id|tikus}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|ja|鼠|tr=ねずみ, nezumi}}, {{tt+|ja|ネズミ|tr=nezumi}}, {{tt+|ja|ラット|tr=ratto}}, {{tt+|ja|熊鼠|tr=くまねずみ, kumanezumi}}, {{tt+|ja|クマネズミ|tr=kumanezumi}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Kannada: * Kannada: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|kn|ಇಲಿ}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Korean: * Korean: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|ko|쥐}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Lao: * Lao: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|lo|ໜູ}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Latin: * Latin: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|la|mūs|m|f}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Malay: * Malay: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|ms|tikus}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Telugu: * Telugu: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|te|ఎలుక}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Thai: * Thai: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|th|หนู}}
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|tr|sıçan}}, {{tt+|tr|fare}}, {{gloss|big rats only}} [[keme]]
- rat:Noun:rodent
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|vi|chuột}}
- recluse spider:Noun:any spider of the genera Loxosceles and Sicarius
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|araña violín|f}}, {{t|es|araña de rincón|f}} {{gloss|Chilean Recluse}}
- red herring:Noun:misleading clue
- Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru|ло́жный след|m}} {{gloss|false track}}, {{t|ru|заговаривание зубов|n}}
- red rail:Noun:bird of extinct Mauritian species
- Chinese: * Chinese: {{zh-l|紅秧雞|hóngyāngjī}}
- reed:Noun:
- German: * German: {{t+check|de|Zunge|f}}, {{t-check|de|Kontaktzunge|f}} {{gloss|metal reed, e.g. in reed switches}}
- relevant:Adjective:directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic
- Turkish: * Turkish: {{t+|tr|alakalı}}, {{t+|tr|ilgili}}, {{t+|tr|ilişkili}} {{gloss|law}}
- render:Verb:to pass down
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|vynést|pf}}, {{t+|cs|vynášet|impf}} {{gloss|rozsudek}}
- render:Verb:cover a wall with a layer of plaster
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|nahodit|pf}}, {{t|cs|nahazovat|impf}} {{gloss|omítku}}
- render:Verb:to pass; to run; said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc.
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|procházet|impf}} {{gloss|lano otvorem}}
- replacement:Noun:a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|substituto|m}}, {{t+|es|sustituto}}, {{t+|es|reemplazo}}, {{t|es|suplente|m|f}} {{gloss|person}}
- report:Verb:to relate details of
- German: * German: {{t+|de|berichten}}, {{t+|de|melden}}, {{t+|de|anzeigen}} {{gloss|to report someone for something [to the police]}}, {{t+|de|verzeigen}} {{qualifier|Switzerland, Liechtenstein}}
- repudiate:Verb:to refuse to have anything to do with
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|tagad}}, {{gloss|of a relative}} {{t+|hu|kitagad}}
- restraint:Noun:something that restrains, ties, fastens or secures
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|contention|f}} {{gloss|to secure manipulation on animals}}
- resuscitate:Verb:restore consciousness
- Danish: * Danish: {{t-|da|genoplive}}
- retail bank:Noun:type of bank
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|bankowość detaliczna|f}}
- retire:Verb:to cease use or production of something
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|lopettaa}} ({{m|fi|tuotanto||production}}, {{m|fi|käyttö||use}} etc.)
- retire:Verb:to cease use or production of something
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|lopettaa}} ({{m|fi|tuotanto||production}}, {{m|fi|käyttö||use}} etc.)
- rhyme or reason:Noun:logic or common sense
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|bez ładu i składu}}
- rice:Noun:seeds used as food
- Burmese: * Burmese: {{gloss|raw seed}} {{tt+|my|ဆန်}}, {{q|cooked}} {{tt+|my|ထမင်း}}
- rig:Verb:to manipulate something dishonestly
- Italian: * Italian: {{gloss|election}} {{t+|it|manipolare}}, {{gloss|result}} {{t+|it|truccare}}
- rim:Noun:edge around something
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|karima}} {{gloss|of a top hat}}, {{t+|hu|káva}} {{gloss|of a well}}
- ring:Noun:circumscribing object
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{tt+|hu|karika}}, {{tt+|hu|gyűrű}}, {{sense|annual ring}} {{tt+|hu|évgyűrű}}, {{sense|circle}} {{tt+|hu|kör}}
- ring theorist:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[teoretyk]] [[pierścień|pierścieni]]|m}}
- romaji:Noun:romanization of Japanese
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: ({{m|cmn|日語|tr=-}}~){{t+|cmn|羅馬字}}, ({{m|cmn|日语|tr=-}}~){{t+|cmn|罗马字|tr=luómǎzì}}
- room:Noun:division in a building
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|pièce|f}}, {{t+|fr|salle|f}}, {{t+|fr|chambre|f}} {{gloss|a bedroom}}
- room:Noun:division in a building
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Raum|m}}, {{t+|de|Zimmer|n}}, {{t+|de|Kammer}} {{gloss|especially a storeroom or bedroom}}, {{t+|de|Gemach|n}} {{qualifier|dated or high}}
- room:Noun:division in a building
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|stanza|f}}, {{t+|it|camera|f}} {{gloss|a bedroom}}, {{t+|it|sala|f}}
- room:Noun:division in a building
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|cômodo|m}}, {{t+|pt|sala|f}}, {{t+|pt|quarto|m}} {{gloss|especially a bedroom}}
- room:Noun:division in a building
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cuarto|m}}, {{t+|es|habitación|f}}, {{t+|es|pieza|f}}, {{t+|es|sala|f}}, {{qualifier|Mexico}} {{t|es|recámara|f}} {{gloss|a bedroom}}, {{t|es|paraqué|m}} {{qualifier|small|Venezuela}}
- roomy:Adjective:spacious
- German: * German: [[geräumig]] {{gloss|rooms}}, [[weit]] {{gloss|clothing}}
- rule:Verb:to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|reign}} {{t+|hu|ural}}, {{gloss|reign}} {{t+|hu|uralkodik}}, {{gloss|direct/control}} {{t+|hu|irányít}}, {{gloss|lead}} {{t+|hu|vezet}}, {{gloss|administrate/manage}} {{t+|hu|igazgat}}, {{gloss|settle/regulate}} {{t+|hu|szabályoz}}
- runner-up:Noun:the person who finishes in any position after the first
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|وَصِيفَة|f}} {{gloss|in beauty contest}}
- runner-up:Noun:the person who finishes in any position after the first
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|subcampeón|m}}, {{t|es|subcampeona|f}}, {{t+|es|finalista|f}}, {{t+|es|princesa|f}} {{gloss|in beauty contest}}, {{t|es|suplente}} {{gloss|id}}
- samosa:Noun:South Asian snack
- Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t+|pa|ਸਮੋਸਾ|m}} {{gloss|standard}}, {{t|pa|ਸੰਬੂਸਾ|m}}
- sample:Noun:business
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|áruminta}}, {{t+check|hu|minta}}, {{t+check|hu|mintadarab}}, {{t+|hu|mutató}} {{gloss|esp. in [[mutatóba]]}}
- sandbox:Noun:wiki sandbox
- Korean: * Korean: {{no equivalent translation|ko}} {{t+|ko|연습장(練習帳)}}
- satellite:Noun:country, state, office, building etc. under the control of another body
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|prefix}} {{t+|ja|衛星|tr=えいせい, eisei}}, {{t+|ja|サテライト|tr=sateraito}}
- schoolchild:Noun:young person attending school or of an age to attend school
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Schulkind|n}}, {{gloss|boy, or unspecified sex}} {{t+|de|Schüler|m}}, {{gloss|girl}} {{t+|de|Schülerin|f}}
- schoolchild:Noun:young person attending school or of an age to attend school
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|escolar|m|f}}, {{gloss|boy, or unspecified sex}} [[alumno]] {{g|m}}, {{gloss|girl}} [[alumna]] {{g|f}}, {{t+|es|colegiala|f}}, {{t+|es|colegial|m}}
- scroll:Noun:roll of paper or parchment
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|rouleau|m}} {{gloss|de papyrus ou de parchemin}}, {{t+|fr|papyrus|m}}, {{t+|fr|volumen|m}}, {{t+|fr|rotulus|m}}
- secluded:Adjective:in seclusion, isolated, remote
- German: * German: {{t+|de|abgeschieden}}, {{t+|de|abgesondert}}, {{t+|de|abgelegen}} {{gloss|location}}, {{t+|de|einsam}} {{gloss|e.g. house}}
- seedless:Adjective:not having seeds
- Polish: * Polish: {{t|pl|beznasienny}} {{gloss|of plants}}, {{t+|pl|bezpestkowy}} {{qualifier|of fruit}}
- selection:Noun:something selected
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Auslese|f}}, {{t+|de|Auswahl|f}}, {{qualifier|computing}} {{t+|de|Markierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Nominierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Sichtung|f}} {{gloss|talents}}
- selection:Noun:variety of items taken from a larger collection
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Auslese|f}}, {{t+|de|Auswahl|f}}, {{qualifier|computing}} {{t+|de|Markierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Nominierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Sichtung|f}} {{gloss|talents}}
- sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[sprzedawać]] [[za]] [[tanio]]|impf}}, {{t|pl|[[sprzedać]] [[za]] [[tanio]]|pf}}
- serenity:Noun:lack of agitation
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|serenitas|f|alt=serẽnitãs}} {{gloss|esp. when referring to the weather}}
- set theoretically:Adverb:in a manner which uses set theory
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[w]] [[sposób]] [[używający]] [[teoria mnogości|teorii mnogości]]}}
- set theoretically:Adverb:in the sense of set theory
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[w]] [[sposób]] [[używający]] [[teoria mnogości|teorii mnogości]]}}
- shall:Verb:indicating the simple future tense
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: ''Use the future tense of the verb'' or ''present indicative of {{m|pt|ir}} + the infinitive'' or the verb "haver de" in the present + infinitive
- shall:Verb:in questions to suggest a possible future action
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use conditional tense + {{m|fi|-ko}}''
- shall:Verb:in questions to suggest a possible future action
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: ''Use the imperative tense of the verb'' or ''present indicative of {{m|pt|ir}} + the infinitive''
- shard:Noun:piece of glass or pottery
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|cserépdarab}} {{gloss|pottery}}, {{t+|hu|szilánk}} {{gloss|glass}}
- shard:Noun:piece of glass or pottery
- Macedonian: * Macedonian: {{t|mk|откршок|m}}, {{t|mk|срча|f}} {{gloss|glass}}, {{t|mk|цреп|m}}
- shard:Noun:piece of glass or pottery
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|оско́лок|m}}, {{t+|ru|черепо́к|m}} {{gloss|esp. ceramic}}
- shed:Verb:to cast off, to let fall, be divested of
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|hullat}}, {{t+|hu|elhullat}}, {{t+|hu|levet}}, {{t+|hu|levesz}}, {{t+|hu|levetkőz}}, {{t+|hu|megválik}}, {{t+|hu|megszabadul}}, {{sense|hair, feathers, skin, etc., as an animal}} {{t+|hu|vedlik}}, {{t+|hu|levedlik}}
- ship:Noun:vessel which travels through any medium other than land
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{tt+|hu|hajó}} {{gloss|cf. [[léghajó]], [[űrhajó]]}}
- shiver my timbers:Interjection:mild oath stereotypically regarded as being uttered by pirates
- Danish: * Danish: {{t|da|splitte mine bramsejl}} {{gloss|break my topgallant sails}}
- shiver my timbers:Interjection:mild oath stereotypically regarded as being uttered by pirates
- French: * French: {{t|fr|mille sabords}} {{gloss|a thousand gunports}}
- shiver my timbers:Interjection:mild oath stereotypically regarded as being uttered by pirates
- Italian: * Italian: {{t|it|per mille balene}} {{gloss| for a thousand whales}}
- shiver my timbers:Interjection:mild oath stereotypically regarded as being uttered by pirates
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|разрази меня гром}} {{gloss|may thunder strike me}}
- shoot:Verb:to hit with a shot
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|射|tr=shè}}, {{t+|cmn|槍斃|tr=qiāngbì}} {{gloss|to execute by firing squad}}
- shortening:Noun:solid fat
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|[[fast]] [[matfett]]|lit=solid cooking fat}}
- shoulders:Noun:capacity for bearing a task or blame
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|brać na barki|impf}}, {{t|pl|wziąć na barki|pf}}, {{t|pl|dźwigać na barkach|impf}}, {{t|pl|składać na barki|impf}}, {{t|pl|złożyć na barki|pf}}, {{t|pl|spadać na barki|impf}}, {{t|pl|spaść na barki|pf}}, {{t|pl|spoczywać na barkach|impf}}, {{t|pl|spocząć na barkach|pf}}, {{t|pl|zdejmować z barków|impf}}, {{t|pl|zdjąć z barków|pf}}, {{t|pl|zrzucać na barki|impf}}, {{t|pl|zrzucić na barki|pf}}
- shout:Verb:to utter a sudden and loud outcry
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t+|ar|صَرَخَ}} (present tense: {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[يصرخ]]}} ''yaṣruxu''), {{t+|ar|صَاحَ}}
- shredder:Noun:machine
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|dokumentförstörare|c}} {{gl|paper shredder}}
- sickly:Adjective:lacking intensity or vigour
- German: * German: {{t+|de|schwächlich}}, {{gloss|smile}} {{t+|de|fahl}}, {{t+|de|schwach}}, {{t+|de|matt}}, {{t+|de|blass}}, {{t+|de|ungesund}}
- sideline cut:Noun:
- Irish: * Irish: {{sense|hurling}} {{t|ga|poc sleasa|m}}
- sign:Noun:flat object bearing a message
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|aviso|m}}, {{t+|es|señal|f}}, {{t+|es|letrero|m}}, {{t+|es|placa|f}}, {{t|es|señalización|f}} {{gloss|signalling, signs}}
- silver lining:Noun:a good aspect of a mostly bad event
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{no equivalent translation|ro}} {{t|ro|[[parte]] [[bună]]}}, {{t|ro|[[aspect]] [[pozitiv]]}}
- simper:Verb:To smile in a frivolous manner
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sonreírse]] [[afectadamente]]}} {{gloss|lit., to smile affectedly}}
- simple:Adjective:uncomplicated
- Hindi: * Hindi: {{t+|hi|सरल}}, {{t+|hi|आसान}} {{gloss|easy}}
- sir:Noun:address to a military superior
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{t|ro|să trăiți}} {{gloss|''lit.'' "may you live"}}
- sir:Noun:address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Herr|m}}, {{t|de|mein Herr|m}} {{gloss|"my lord"}}
- sit still:Verb:to remain motionless
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|nie móc usiedzieć na miejscu|impf}}
- six:Noun:digit
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{tt+|pt|seis|m}}, {{tt+|pt|meia dúzia}} {{q-lite|Brazilian Portuguese}}, {{tt+|pt|meia}} {{q-lite|Brazilian Portuguese}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Belarusian: * Belarusian: {{tt+|be|шэсць}}, {{q-lite|collective}} {{tt|be|шасцёра}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Czech: * Czech: {{tt+|cs|šest}}, {{q-lite|collective}} {{tt|cs|šestery}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Greek: * Greek: {{tt+|el|έξι}}, {{tt|el|ϛ΄}}, {{tt|el|στ΄}} {{q-lite|numeral}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Ancient Greek: *: Ancient: {{tt|grc|ἕξ}} {{q-lite|numeral}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Kannada: * Kannada: {{tt+|kn|ಆರು}}, {{tt+|kn|೬}} {{q-lite|numeral}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Korean: * Korean: {{tt+|ko|여섯}}, {{tt+|ko|육(六)}}, {{tt+|ko|륙(六)}} {{q-lite|North Korea}}, {{t|ko|식스}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Dutch Low Saxon: *: Dutch Low Saxon: {{tt+|nds-nl|zes}}, {{tt|nds-nl|zès}} {{q-lite|Gronings}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Mongolian: *: Mongolian: {{tt|mn|ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠭᠠ}}, {{tt|mn|᠖}} {{q-lite|numeral}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Montagnais: * Montagnais: {{q-lite|Sheshatshiu Innu}} {{tt|moe|kutuasht}}, {{q-lite|Mushuau Innu}} {{tt|moe|ashutash}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Polish: * Polish: {{tt+|pl|sześć}}, {{q-lite|collective}} {{tt+|pl|sześcioro}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Russian: * Russian: {{tt+|ru|шесть}}, {{q-lite|collective}} {{tt+|ru|ше́стеро}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{tt+|sa|षष्}}, ([[षण्]] (ṣaṇ), shasta- {{q-lite|prefix}}.)
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Scottish Gaelic: * Scottish Gaelic: {{tt|gd|sia}}, {{q-lite|persons}} {{tt|gd|sianar|m}}
- six:Numeral:cardinal number
- Ukrainian: * Ukrainian: {{tt+|uk|шість}}, {{tt|uk|ше́стеро}} {{q-lite|collective}}
- sixty-one:Numeral:cardinal number
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{sense|abstract counting}} {{t+|sv|sextioett}}, {{sense|counting objects}} {{t+|sv|sextioett|n}}, {{t|sv|sextioen|c}}
- ski:Verb:move on skis
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|moveor}} {{m|la|cum}} {{m|la|narta|nartās}}, {{t|la|eo cum nartas}}
- ski:Verb:move on skis
- Latin: * Latin: {{t|la|moveor}} {{m|la|cum}} {{m|la|narta|nartās}}, {{t|la|eo cum nartas}}
- sleep in:Verb:to sleep late
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[wysypiać]] [[się]]|impf}}, {{t|pl|[[wyspać]] [[się]]|pf}}
- slinger:Noun:someone who slings or who uses a sling
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|vazač|m}} {{gloss|crane slinger}}
- slug:Noun:gastropod
- Old English: * Old English: {{t|ang|sneġel|m}} {{gloss|snail or slug}}
- sluice:Noun:passage for water
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|esclusa|f}} {{gloss|lock}}, {{t+|es|presa|f}} {{gloss|barrier}}, {{t|es|compuerta|f}} {{gloss|sluicegate}}, {{t+|es|aguatocho|m}}
- smell:Verb:to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of"
- German: * German: {{tt+|de|riechen}}, {{tt+|de|stinken}} {{gloss|unpleasant smell}}
- smell fishy:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|coś się święci}}
- snail:Noun:any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Schnecke|f}} {{gloss|any animal of the class Gastropoda, also without shell}}, {{t|de|Gehäuseschnecke|f}}
- snail:Noun:any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell
- Old English: * Old English: {{t|ang|sneġel|m}} {{gloss|snail or slug}}, {{t|ang|ġehūsod sneġel|m}} {{gloss|snail specifically}}
- snare:Noun:mental trap
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|mam|m}}, {{t+|cs|klam|m}}{{gloss|in the phrase "mam a klam"}}
- snot:Noun:mucus
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Rotz|m}}, {{t|de|Rotze|f}}, {{t+|de|Schnodder|m}}, {{t+|de|Nasenschleim|m}} {{gloss|from nose only}}
- soapberry:Noun:woody plant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|Sapindus saponaria}} [[jaboncillo]] {{g|m}}, [[chambimbe]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Colombia}}, [[choloque]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, [[chumico]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Costa Rica}}, [[isotoubo]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Bolivia}}, [[jorupe]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Ecuador}}, [[marikuru]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Chile}}, [[pacún]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|El Salvador|Nicaragua}}, [[paraparo]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Venezuela}}
- soapberry:Noun:its fruit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|Sapindus saponaria}} [[parapara]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|Venezuela}}
- sober:Adjective:dull
- German: * German: {{t+|de|gedeckt}} {{gloss|of colours}}
- socket:Noun:mechanical opening
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Steckdose|f}}, {{t+|de|Buchse|f}}, {{t+|de|Fassung|f}} {{gloss|light bulb}}, {{t+|de|Sockel|m}} {{gloss|chip}}
- sodomy:Noun:sex held to be unnatural
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Sodomie|f}} {{gloss|bestiality}}
- soft power:Noun:political influence that is extended by means of diplomacy, international assistance, cultural exchanges, etc.
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|siła|f}}
- soggy:Adjective:soaked with liquid
- Yiddish: * Yiddish: {{sense|food}} {{t|yi|צעווייקט}}, {{t|yi|צעקוואַטשעט}}, {{sense|grass}} {{t|yi|נאַס}}, {{t|yi|נאַסלעך}}, {{t|yi|דורכגעווייקט}}, {{t|yi|אַדורכגעווייקט}}
- somersault:Noun:the act of going head over heels
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t|pt|salto mortal|m}} {{gloss|in the air}}, {{t+|pt|cambalhota|f}} {{gloss|on the ground}}
- somersault:Noun:the act of going head over heels
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|voltereta|f}} {{gloss|by a child}}, {{t|es|salto mortal}} {{gloss|acrobatics}}, {{t|es|volatín|m}}
- son of a:Interjection:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{m|es|híjole}}
- sore:Adjective:causing pain
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|doloroso}}, {{t+|it|dolorante}}, {{t+|it|infiammato}}, {{t|it|fa male|alt=...fa male}} {{gloss| sore}}
- soup:Noun:dish
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|potage|m}}, {{t+|fr|soupe|f}}, {{t+|fr|velouté}} {{gloss|posher soup}}
- soup kitchen:Noun:place set up to provide basic food as a charity or in time of disaster
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|jadłodajnia|f}}
- speak:Verb:to communicate with one's voice using words
- Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|aii|ܗܲܡܙܸܡ|tr=hāmzim}}, {{m|aii|ܡܲܠܸܠ|tr=mālil}}, {{m|aii|ܡܨܵܘܹܬ݂|tr=mṣaweṯ}}
- speak:Verb:to be able to communicate in a language
- Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: * Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|aii|ܗܲܡܙܸܡ|tr=hāmzim}}, {{m|aii|ܡܲܠܸܠ|tr=mālil}}
- speak:Verb:to be able to communicate in a language
- Ojibwe: * Ojibwe: {{tt|oj|-mo}} (added to noun for a person of the group to whom the language belongs; equivalent to language name without {{m|oj|-win}})
- spiderweb:Noun:net-like construct of a spider
- Manx: * Manx: {{t|gv|sneeuane|m}}, {{t|gv|feegan|m}} {{a|en|round}}
- spiderweb:Noun:net-like construct of a spider
- Mi'kmaq: * Mi'kmaq: {{t|mic|go'gwejijua'pi|in}}, {{t|mic|awo'wejituo'pi|in}} {{a|en|Bear River}}
- spirit:Noun:alcohol
- Estonian: * Estonian: {{t+|et|viin}} {{qualifier|liquor}}, [[piiritus]] {{gloss|rectified spirit}}
- splinter:Noun:fragment of material
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|wood}} {{t+|es|astilla|f}}, {{gloss|bone or metal}} {{t|es|esquirla|f}}
- spoon:Noun:scooped utensil for eating (or serving)
- Brunei Malay: * Brunei Malay: {{tt|kxd|sudu}}, {{tt|kxd|sinduk}} {{gloss|large and wooden}}
- spread:Noun:piece of material used as a cover
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|requires an object to be spread before this word}} {{t+|ja|掛け|tr=kake}}
- spread oneself thin:Verb:to commit oneself to too many projects
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|rozmieniać się na drobne|impf}}, {{t|pl|rozmienić się na drobne|pf}}
- square:Noun:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|pie cuadrado|m}} {{gloss|100 sq.ft}}
- squeeze:Verb:to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|press}} {{t+|ja|押す|tr=osu}}, {{sense|apply pressure to hold}} {{t+|ja|締め付ける|tr=shimetsukeru}}, {{sense|apply pressure to make something out}} {{t+|ja|絞る|tr=shiboru}}, {{sense|apply pressure to make liquid out}} {{t+|ja|搾る|tr=shiboru}}, {{t+|ja|絞る|tr=しぼる, shiboru}}
- stale:Adjective:no longer new or interesting
- German: * German: {{t+|de|veraltet}}, {{t+check|de|abgedroschen}} {{gloss|joke}}, {{t+|de|ausgelutscht}}
- staminiferous:Adjective:having stamens
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|([[nur]]) [[Staubblätter]] [[tragend]]/[[habend]]/[[besitzend]]/...}}
- standard language:Noun:standard variety
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Standardsprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Ausbausprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Schriftsprache|f}} {{gloss|especially written}}, {{t+|de|Einheitssprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Hochsprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Gemeinsprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Literatursprache|f}}
- step on a rake:Verb:idiom: to fall victim to a hazard
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|człowiek uczy się na błędach}}
- stiff:Noun:US: person who leaves without paying the bill
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|ja|食い逃げ|tr=kui-nige}}; {{sense|eats without money, does not matter if he/she leaves}} {{qualifier|formal}} {{t+|ja|無銭飲食|tr=musen-inshoku}}
- still:Adverb:up to a time, as in the preceding time
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|لَا يَزَال}} (negative form of {{m|ar|زَالَ}}), {{t|ar|مَا زَالَ}}, {{t|ar|اِلَى اَلْأٰن}}
- still:Noun:period of calm or silence
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|sound}} {{t+|ja|静寂|tr=sējyaku}}, {{t+|ja|静けさ|tr=shizukesa}}, {{sense|wind|sea}} {{t+|ja|凪|tr=nagi}}
- still:Noun:photography: a non-moving photograph
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|photography}} {{t|ja|スチール|tr=suchīru}}, {{sense|electronics}} {{t|ja|スチル|tr=suchiru}}, {{t+|ja|静止画|tr=sēshi-ga}}
- stock company:Noun:theater
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{nl|toneelgezelschap|n}}
- stop someone in their tracks:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|zatrzymywać|impf}}, {{t+|pl|zatrzymać|impf}}
- string:Noun:any similar long, thin and flexible object
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{sense|thread/yarn/strand}} {{t+|hu|szál}}, {{sense|fiber/filament}} {{t+|hu|rost}}, {{sense|e.g. in a musical instrument or a bow}} {{t+|hu|húr}}, {{sense|shoelace}} {{t+|hu|cipőfűző}}
- string cheese:Noun:cheese
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t|ja|さけるチーズ|tr=sakeru chīzu|lit=tearable cheese}} (trademarked product by {{w|Megmilk Snow Brand}}), {{t|ja|ストリングチーズ|tr=sutoringu chīzu}}
- study:Verb:to acquire knowledge
- Dungan: *: Dungan: {{t|dng|щищүә}} ({{zh-l|習學}})
- studying:Noun:the action of the verb to study
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|學習|tr=xuéxí}}, {{t+|cmn|研究|tr=yánjiū}} {{gloss|research}}
- studying:Noun:the action of the verb to study
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|étude|alt=études|f-p}}, {{t+|fr|recherche|f}} {{gloss|research}}
- studying:Noun:the action of the verb to study
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Studium|n}}, {{t+|de|Forschung|f}} {{gloss|research}}
- studying:Noun:the action of the verb to study
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t+|ja|勉強|tr=べんきょう, benkyō|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|学習|tr=がくしゅう, gakushū|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|研究|tr=けんきゅう, kenkyū|sc=Jpan}} {{gloss|research}}
- studying:Noun:the action of the verb to study
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|изуче́ние|n}} {{gloss|of a particular subject}}, {{t+|ru|учёба|f}}, {{t+|ru|уче́ние|n}}, {{t+|ru|обуче́ние|n}}, {{t+|ru|иссле́дование|n}} {{gloss|research}}
- stuff:Verb:to fill by crowding into
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ausstopfen}}, {{t+|de|füllen}} {{gloss|food}}
- stuff:Verb:to fill by crowding into
- Ladino: * Ladino: {{t|lad|inchir}}, {{t|lad|reyenar}} {{gloss|food}}
- subject:Noun:main topic
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Thema|n}}, {{t+|de|Gegenstand|m}}, {{t+|de|Sache|f}}, {{t+|de|Sujet|n}}, {{t+|de|Betreff|m}} {{gloss|email}}
- suck my balls:Interjection:irreverent rebuke or dismissal
- Russian: * Russian: {{no equivalent translation|ru}} {{t|ru|соси́ хуй}}, {{t+|ru|отсоси́}}
- suffocate:Verb:(transitive) to cause someone to suffer severely reduced oxygen supply to his body
- Slovak: * Slovak: {{t|sk|dusiť|impf}}, {{t|sk|udusiť|pf}}, {{t|sk|zadusiť|pf}}, {{cog|sk|podusiť}}
- supply:Verb:to provide, make available for use
- German: * German: {{t|de|zur Verfügung stellen}}, {{t+|de|bereitstellen}}, {{t+|de|liefern}}, {{t+|de|versorgen|alt=versorgen mit}} {{gloss|to supply someone with something}}
- surprise:Verb:cause (someone) to feel surprise
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[使]][[吃驚]]|tr=shǐ chījīng}} (be surprised: {{zh-l|吃驚}})
- suspension of disbelief:Noun:people's acceptance of what they know to be a nonfactual premise
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|[[epäily|epäilystä]] [[pidättäytyminen]]}}
- sweep:Verb:to clean using a broom or brush
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|varrer}} {{gloss|to clean with a broom}}, {{t+|pt|escovar}} {{gloss|to clean with a brush}}
- table:Verb:to put on a table
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|to put an object on a table}} {{t|ja|テーブルに置く|tr=tēburu ni oku}}, {{sense|to prepare a table for a meal}} {{t|ja|食事の支度をする|tr=shokuji no shitaku wo suru}}
- tabletop:Adjective:suitable for use on the top of a table
- Thai: * Thai: {{t|th|วางโต๊ะ}}, {{t|th|ตั้งโต๊ะ}}, {{t+|th|กระดาน}} {{sense|gaming}}
- tackle:Verb:sports: to attempt to take away a ball
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|entrar}} {{gloss|soccer}}, {{t|es|taclear}} {{gloss|American football}}, {{t+|es|placar}}
- take:Verb:to ingest medicine
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|take via mouth}} {{qualifier|general}} {{tt+|ja|飲む|tr=のむ, nomu}}, {{qualifier|formal}} {{tt+|ja|摂取|tr=せっしゅする, sesshu suru|alt=摂取す}}
- take off:Verb:to remove
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ausziehen}} {{gloss|clothing}}, {{t+|de|loslösen}}, {{t+|de|abziehen}}, {{t+|de|ablegen}}, {{t+|de|abnehmen}}
- take off:Verb:to remove
- Ngazidja Comorian: * Ngazidja Comorian: {{t|zdj|tsua|alt=utsua}} {{gloss|clothing}}
- take one's business elsewhere:Verb:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[robić]] [[interes]] [[z]] [[ktoś|kimś]] [[inny]]m}}
- tale:Noun:type of story
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Märchen|n}} {{gloss|fairy tale}}, {{t+|de|Sage|f}}, {{t+|de|Geschichte|f}}, {{t+|de|Erzählung|f}}
- tale:Noun:type of story
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|расска́з|m}}, {{t+|ru|исто́рия|f}}, {{t+|ru|ска́зка|f}} {{gloss|fairy tale}}, {{t+|ru|сказа́ние|n}}, {{t+|ru|при́тча|f}}, {{t+|ru|ба́сня|f}}, {{t+|ru|были́на|f}} {{qualifier|"bylina", Russian epic}}, {{t+|ru|ба́йка|f}}, {{t+|ru|по́весть|f}}, {{t+|ru|са́га|f}}
- tale:Noun:type of story
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|berättelse|c}}, {{t+|sv|historia|c}}, {{t+|sv|saga|c}} {{gloss|fairy tale}}
- tanker:Noun:vessel
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|buque cisterna|m}} {{gloss|tanker ship}}, {{t|es|camión cisterna|m}} {{gloss|tank truck}}, {{t|es|avión cisterna|m}} {{gloss|tanker plane}}
- taste:Noun:implicit set of preferences
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{sense|preferences}} {{t+|ja|趣味|tr=shumi}}, {{sense|atmosphere}} {{t+|ja|味|tr=aji}}
- taste of one's own medicine:Noun:harsh treatment
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{no equivalent translation|cmn}} {{t+|cmn|以其人之道,還治其人之身|tr=yǐ qí rén zhī dào, huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn}}
- taste of one's own medicine:Noun:harsh treatment
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t|fi|maistaa omaa lääkettään}}
- taste of one's own medicine:Noun:harsh treatment
- French: * French: {{no equivalent translation|fr}} {{t+|fr|rendre la pareille}}, {{t+|fr|rendre la monnaie de sa pièce}}, {{t+|fr|récolter ce que l'on a semé}}
- taste of one's own medicine:Noun:harsh treatment
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|mit gleicher Münze}}, {{t|de|am eigenen Leib spüren}}, {{t|de|am eigenen Leib erfahren}}
- taste of one's own medicine:Noun:harsh treatment
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{no equivalent translation|hu}} {{t|hu|egye meg, amit főzött}}
- taste of one's own medicine:Noun:harsh treatment
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{no equivalent translation|is}} {{t|is|í sömu mynt}}
- technical:Noun:pickup truck-based fighting vehicle
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[pickup]] [[wojskowy]]|m}}
- technician:Noun:occupation
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|műszerész}}, {{t+|hu|technikus}}, {{t+|hu|laboráns}}, {{sense|mechanic in general}} {{t+|hu|szerelő}}
- teeter:Verb:tilt back and forth on an edge
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|kolísat}} {{gloss|na hraně}}
- teeter-totter:Noun:seesaw
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|houpačka}} {{gloss| s oporou uprostřed}}
- telephone:Verb:to call someone
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|تَلْفَنَ}} ({{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ل|لـِ]]}} ''li-'')
- tenamaste:Noun:stone
- Tetelcingo Nahuatl: *: Tetelcingo: {{t|nhg|temanastli̱}}{{sic}}
- tenant:Noun:one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t|ja|借地人|tr=shakuchi-nin}}, {{sense|farmer}} {{t+|ja|小作人|tr=kosaku-nin}}
- tenant:Verb:to hold as, or be, a tenant
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t+|ja|借りる|tr=kariru}}, {{sense|land}} {{t|ja|[[土地]][[を]][[借りる]]|tr=tochi o kariru}}
- terrapin:Noun:any of several small turtles of the families Emydidae and Geoemydidae
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t+|nl|moerasschildpad}}, specifically the genus {{t|nl|doosschildpad}} ({{taxfmt|Terrapene|genus}} sp.)
- terrorbombing:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[bombowanie]] [[terrorystyczny|terrorystyczne]]|n}}
- thank you:Interjection:an expression of gratitude
- Javanese: * Javanese: {{tt|jv|hatur nuwun}}, {{tt|jv|nuwun sewu}} {{gloss|many thanks, million thanks}}, {{t|jv|ꦩꦠꦸꦂꦤꦸꦮꦸꦤ꧀}}
- thank you:Interjection:an expression of gratitude
- Slovak: * Slovak: {{tt+|sk|ďakujem}} {{gloss|I thank you}}, {{tt|sk|ďakujeme}} {{gloss|we thank you}}
- that:Determiner:what is being indicated
- Gothic: * Gothic: {{t|got|𐍃𐌰}}, {{t|got|𐌾𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃}} {{gloss|distant}}
- that:Determiner:what is being indicated
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{t|he|ההוא|tr=hahu|m}} {{gloss|distant}}, {{t|he|ההיא|tr=hahi|f}} {{gloss|distant}}
- that:Determiner:what is being indicated
- Slovak: * Slovak: {{t+|sk|ten|m}}, {{t|sk|tá|f}}, {{t+|sk|to|n}}, {{t|sk|tamten|m}}, {{t|sk|tamtá|f}}, {{t|sk|tamto|n}} {{qualifier|distant}} {{gloss|lit., that there}}
- the:Adverb:the + comparative, the + comparative
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|[[كُلَّمَا]] [[كَانَ]]... [[كَانَ]] ...}} (example: {{lang|ar|كلما كان أرخص كان أفضل}} (''kúllama kāna ʾárḵaṣ kāna ʾáfḍal'' ‘the cheaper the better’) *(''used with a verb in the past tense, "kāna" or others'')
- the:Adverb:indicating a result like the comparative
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{q|some contexts}} {{t+|fi|entistä}}, {{t+|fi|sitä}}
- thirst:Noun:dryness
- Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t-ws|तृष्णा}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{t+|ca|assedegat}}, {{t|ca|sedejant}}, {{t+|ca|sedegós}}, {{s|be thirsty}} {{t|ca|[[tenir]] [[set]]}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- French: * French: {{s|be thirsty}} {{t+|fr|avoir soif}}, {{t+|fr|assoiffé}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- Galician: * Galician: {{s|be thirsty}} {{t|gl|[[ter]] [[sede]]}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|assetato}}, {{s|be thirsty}} {{t|it|[[avere]] [[sete]]}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- Occitan: * Occitan: {{t|oc|assedat}}, {{s|be thirsty}} {{t-check|oc|[[aver]] [[set]]}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{t+|ro|setos}}, {{t+|ro|însetat}}, {{s|be thirsty}} {{t|ro|[[i]] [[fi]] [[sete]]}}
- thirteen:Numeral:the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen
- Arabic: * Arabic: {{t|ar|ثَلَاثَةَ عَشَرَ}} (numeral: {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[١٣]]}})
- throat:Noun:narrow opening in a vessel
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cuello|m}} {{gloss|of a bottle}}
- till death do us part:Adverb:phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t|hu|míg a halál el nem választ}}, {{sense|now as a name of the vow itself}} {{t|hu|holtomiglan-holtodiglan}}
- timetable:Noun:a structured schedule of events
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|rozvrh hodin|m}}, {{t+|cs|rozvrh|m}}, {{t+|cs|jízdní řád}} {{gloss|for transport}}
- timetable:Noun:a structured schedule of events
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Zeitplan|m}}, {{t+|de|Fahrplan|m}} {{gloss|for transport}}, {{t+|de|Stundenplan|m}} {{gloss|in schools, etc.}}
- timetable:Noun:a structured schedule of events
- Luxembourgish: * Luxembourgish: {{t|lb|Horaire|m}}, {{t|lb|Zäitplang|m}}, {{t|lb|Fuerplang|m}} {{gloss|for transport}}, {{t|lb|Stonneplang|m}} {{gloss|in schools, etc.}}
- timing belt:Noun:a part of an internal combustion engine
- German: * German: {{t|de|Zahnriemen|m}} {{gloss|belt}}, {{t|de|Synchronriemen|m}} {{gloss|belt}}, {{t|de|Steuerriemen|m}} {{gloss|belt}}
- to hell in a handbasket:Prepositional phrase:To go to a bad state of affairs, to become ruined
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|schodzić na psy}}, {{t+|pl|zejść na psy}}
- to speak of:Phrase:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|za bardzo}}
- too good to be true:Phrase:appearing to be exceptionally good, and therefore arousing suspicion of illegitimacy
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|bajka z tysiąca i jednej nocy}}
- topping:Noun:food on top
- Norwegian: * Norwegian: {{t+|no|pålegg|n}} {{gloss|on a sandwich/piece of bread}}
- tortious interference:Noun:business relationship damage which gives rise to torts
- German: * German: Under the regime of the {{w|Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch|BGB}}, ''damaging contractual relations between other parties is (without prejudice to specific regulations concerning particular matters) not tortious and does not give rise to claims if it is not''
- toss-up:Noun:either of two outcomes that are equally likely
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|na dwoje babka wróżyła}}
- tow:Noun:something that tows
- Czech: * Czech: {{t|cs|tahač|m}} {{gloss|truck}}, {{t|cs|remorkér|m}} {{gloss|boat}}
- tow:Noun:something that tows
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|remolque|m}}, {{t|es|remolcador|m}} {{gloss|boat}}
- toy:Verb:to ponder or consider
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|caresser}} {{gloss|une idée}}, {{t+|fr|triturer}} {{gloss|a question, a problem}}
- treasure:Noun:term of endearment
- Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{n-g|appropriate kinship term}} + {{t|vi|[[yêu]]}}
- treat:Noun:an unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|meglepetés}}, {{t+|hu|ajándék}}, {{gloss|delicacy}} {{t+|hu|csemege}}
- trig:Noun:trig
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t+|fi|trigonometria}}
- truancy:Noun:the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|прогу́л|m}} {{gloss|act of being absent from school or work}}
- truancy:Noun:the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|skolk|n}} {{gloss|act of being absent from school}}
- truck:Noun:heavier motor vehicle designed to carry goods
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|camión|m}}, {{t+|es|camioneta|f}} {{gloss|small truck, pickup}}
- truck:Noun:heavier motor vehicle designed to carry goods
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|lastbil|c}}, {{t+|sv|lastvagn|c}} {{gloss|technical term}}
- trunk:Noun:large suitcase or chest
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|baú|m}} {{gloss|chest}}
- tweeter:Noun:One who posts tweets on Twitter
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|twitteur|m}}, {{t+|fr|twitteuse|f}}, {{t+|fr|twitto|m|f}} {{gloss|colloquial}}
- twin prime:Noun:either of a pair of prime numbers that differ by two
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{t|is|frumtalnatvíburi|m}},<ref></ref> {{t|is|tvíburafrumtala|f}}<ref>{{webofscience|7351|Til hvers notum við frumtölur?|What are prime numbers good for?}}</ref>
- underperform:Verb:underachieve; to fail to reach standards or expectations
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[hinter]] [[den]] [[Erwartungen]] [[zurückbleiben]]}} {{q|to lag behind expectations}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Erwartungen]] [[enttäuschen]]}} {{q|to belie expectations}}, {{t|de|[[unterdurchschnittlich]] [[abschneiden]]}} {{q|to perform below the average}}
- underperform:Verb:underachieve; to fail to reach standards or expectations
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|dokonywać|impf}}, {{t+|pl|dokonać|pf}}
- underwhelm:Verb:fail to impress
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{no equivalent translation|he}} {{t|he|[[לֹא]] [[הרשים|לְהַרְשִׁים]]|tr=ló l'harshím|lit=to not impress}}
- undulate:Verb:intransitive: move in wavelike motions
- Korean: * Korean: {{t+|ko|흔들리다}} {{gloss|rattle, shake, vibrate, swing, be shaky}} {{qualifier|intransitive}}
- unit of alcohol:Noun:various units of alcohol content; possibly defined differently
- Danish: * Danish: {{t+|da|genstand|c}} {{gloss|12 g, 15 mL}}
- unreliable narrator:Noun:narrating character or storyteller who provides questionable information to the audience or reader
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[nieufny]] [[narrator]]|m}}
- up:Adjective:ready, willing
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''use {{m|fi|jaksaa}} for "be up (to)"''
- up in the air:Adjective:not yet resolved
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|na dwoje babka wróżyła}}, {{t|pl|stać pod znakiem zapytania}}
- upper hand:Noun:(idiomatic) advantage
- Norwegian Bokmål: *: Bokmål: {{t|nb|overhånd|mf}}, (''verb; '''get/take the''' {{PAGENAME}}''): {{t+|nb|ta overhånd}}, {{t|nb|ta overhand}}
- upstart:Adjective:self-important and presumptuous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|advenedizo}}, {{gloss|unscrupulous upstart}} {{t+|es|arribista}}
- upstart:Noun:newly rich or prominent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|advenedizo|m}}, {{t+|es|advenediza|f}}, {{gloss|unscrupulous upstart}} {{t+|es|arribista|m|f}}, {{t+|es|nuevo rico|m}}
- usher:Noun:person who escorts people to their seats
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{gloss|cinema, theatre}} {{t+|es|acomodador|m}}, {{t+|es|acomodadora|f}}, {{gloss|protestant churches}} {{t+|es|ujier|m|f}}, {{t|es|usier|m}}
- vacation:Noun:official holiday period
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{t+|sv|lov|n}} {{gloss|schools and universities}}, {{t+|sv|ferie|c}} {{gloss|schools}}
- vacation:Noun:holiday, period of leisure time
- Czech: * Czech: {{t+|cs|prázdniny|f-p}} {{gloss|at school}}, {{t+|cs|dovolená|f}} {{gloss|at work}}, {{t+|cs|dovolená|f}}
- vault:Noun:secure area for valuables
- Esperanto: * Esperanto: {{t|eo|trezorkelo}} {{lit|treasure cellar}}
- vigilante:Noun:person who considers it their responsibility to summarily uphold the law
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|[[samozwańczy]] [[obrońca]]|m}}
- village idiot:Noun:person widely known in their community for their stupidity and ignorant behaviour
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{no equivalent translation|fi}} {{t+|fi|typerys}}, {{t+|fi|kylähullu}}
- vintage:Noun:wine identified by year and vineyard
- Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru|[[вино́]] [[урожай|урожа́я]]|n}} ({{lang|ru|определённого го́да}})
- vintage:Noun:year or place something is produced
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|год|m}} ({{lang|ru|произво́дства}} or {{lang|ru|вы́пуска}})
- vintage:Noun:year or place something is produced
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|год|m}} ({{lang|ru|произво́дства}} or {{lang|ru|вы́пуска}})
- virginity:Noun:state or characteristic of being a virgin
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Jungfräulichkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Virginität|f}} {{gloss|applies to either gender}}, {{t+|de|Unschuld|f}} {{gloss|applies to women}}
- visit:Verb:to go and meet (someone)
- Irish: * Irish: {{t|ga|ar cuairt}} {{gloss|visiting, on a visit}}
- warrant:Noun:order that serves as authorization
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|meghagyás}}, {{gloss|warrant of payment}} {{t|hu|fizetési meghagyás}}
- washer:Noun:something that washes
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Waschmaschine|f}} {{gloss|washing machine}}, {{t+|de|Spülmaschine|f}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}
- washer:Noun:something that washes
- Irish: * Irish: {{t|ga|inneall níocháin|m}} {{gloss|washing machine}}, {{t|ga|meaisín níocháin|m}} {{gloss|washing machine}}
- washer:Noun:something that washes
- Italian: * Italian: {{t+|it|lavatrice|f}} {{gloss|washing machine}}, {{t+|it|lavastoviglie|f}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}
- washer:Noun:something that washes
- Maori: * Maori: {{t|mi|mīhini horoi rīhi}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}, {{t|mi|pūrere horoi rīhi}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}, {{t|mi|pūrere horoi kākahu}} {{gloss|clothes washer/washing machine}}, {{t|mi|kaihoroi}} {{qualifier|person}}
- washer:Noun:something that washes
- Norwegian: * Norwegian: {{t+|no|vaskemaskin|m}}, {{gloss|dishwasher}} {{t+|no|oppvaskmaskin|m}}
- washer:Noun:person who washes for a living
- Dutch: * Dutch: {{t|nl|[[wasserette]][[juffrouw]]|f}} {{gloss|launderette woman}}
- washer:Noun:face cloth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|paño|m}}, {{t+|es|toallita|f}}, {{t+|es|manopla|f}} {{gloss|glove}}
- waterfowl:Noun:birds that spend most of their non-flying time on water
- French: * French: oiseau aquatique {{g|m}} ({{g|p}} : oiseaux aquatiques - not restricted to {{taxfmt|Anatidae|family}}), {{t+|fr|sauvagine|f}}
- wax:Verb:apply wax to
- German: * German: {{t+|de|wichsen}} {{gloss|shoes}}, {{t+|de|bohnern}} {{gloss|floor}} {{t+|de|wachsen}}
- wear out:Verb:to deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain
- German: * German: {{t+|de|ausleiern}} {{gloss|to get wider}}, {{t+|de|verschleißen}}, {{t|de|sich abnutzen}}
- wee hours:Noun:very early morning
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|do białego rana}}
- week:Noun:period of seven days
- Urdu: * Urdu: {{tt+|ur|ہَفْتَہ|m}}, {{tt|ur|سَپْتاہ|m}} {{gl|rare}}
- weight of the world:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|dźwigać na barkach|impf}}
- welcome:Interjection:greeting given upon someone's arrival
- Bashkir: * Bashkir: {{tt|ba|рәхим итегеҙ}} {{non-gloss|(formal or addressing more one person)}}, {{tt|ba|рәхим ит}} {{non-gloss|(addressing one person informally)}}
- well-travelled:Adjective:experienced in travel
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|obieżyświat|m}}
- wet behind the ears:Adjective:inexperienced, not seasoned
- German: * German: {{t|de|grün hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|green behind the ears}}, {{t+|de|noch grün hinter den Ohren sein}} {{gloss|still being green behind the ears}}, {{t|de|nicht trocken hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|not dry behind the ears}}, {{t|de|noch nicht trocken hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|not yet dry behind the ears}}, {{t|de|feucht hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|wet behind the ears}}, {{t|de|noch feucht hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|still wet behind the ears}}
- wet behind the ears:Adjective:inexperienced, not seasoned
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|zöldfülű|c}} {{gloss|someone having green ears}}, {{t+|hu|tejfölösszájú}}, {{t+|hu|kezdő}}, {{t+|hu|tapasztalatlan}}
- wet behind the ears:Adjective:inexperienced, not seasoned
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t|ja|尻が青い|tr=しりがあおい, けつがあおい, shiri ga aoi, ketsu ga aoi}} {{gloss|(to have a) blue butt}}
- wet behind the ears:Adjective:inexperienced, not seasoned
- Russian: * Russian: {{t+|ru|молоко́ на губа́х не обсо́хло}} {{gloss|the milk has not dried on the lips}}
- whack-a-mole:Noun:practice of trying to stop problems, etc., that repeatedly occur in an apparently random manner; act of dealing with such matters in a piecemeal manner without achieving a complete solution
- Hebrew: * Hebrew: {{no equivalent translation|he}} {{t|he|הַכֵּה בַּחֲפַרְפֶּרֶת|tr=haké bakhafarpéret|lit=hit the mole}}, {{t|he|חֲסַל אֶת הַחֲפַרְפֶּרֶת|tr=khasál et hakhafarpéret|lit=kill the mole}}, {{t|he|מִשְׂחַק צֵיד חֲפַרְפָּרוֹת|tr=miskhák tséd khafarparót|lit=game of hunting moles}}
- what:Pronoun:nonstandard relative pronoun
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{tt+|hu|mi}}, {{tt+|hu|ami}}, {{tt+|hu|mit}} {{gloss|accusative}}, {{tt+|hu|amit}} {{gloss|accusative}}
- what are you doing:Phrase:what are you doing
- Thai: * Thai: {{th-l|[[ทำ]][[อะไร]]|p=ทำ-อะ-ไร}}, {{th-l|[[ทำ]][[อะไร]][[อยู่]]|p=ทำ-อะ-ไร-หฺยู่}}
- what do you mean:Phrase:what do you mean? (request for clarification)
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{gloss|informal}} {{t+|hu|hogy érted?}}, {{t|hu|mire gondolsz?}}, {{gloss|formal}} {{t|hu|hogy érti?}}, {{t|hu|mire gondol?}}
- what does … mean:Phrase:what does … mean?
- Thai: * Thai: …{{th-l|[[หมายความ]][[ว่า]][[อะไร]]|p=หฺมาย-คฺวาม-ว่า-อะ-ไร}}
- what goes up must come down:Proverb:
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{ja-r|盛%者%必%衰|じょう%しゃ%ひっ%すい}}
- what is your name:Phrase:what is your name?
- Coptic: * Coptic: {{t|cop|ⲛⲓⲙ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲉⲕⲣⲁⲛ?}} {{gloss|[[Bohairic]]}}
- where:Adverb:at what place; to what place; from what place
- Aramaic: * Aramaic: {{tt|arc|איכא}} {{rftranslit|arc}}
- where:Adverb:at or in which place
- Romanian: * Romanian: {{tt+|ro|unde}}, {{tt|ro|de unde}} {{gloss|where from}}
- where the shoe pinches:Phrase:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|sęk w tym}}
- whereas:Conjunction:but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…
- Mandarin: *: Mandarin: {{zh-l|然而}}
- while:Noun:uncertain duration of time, a period of time
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t+|hu|idő}}, {{sense|for a while}} {{t|hu|[[egy]] [[ideig]]}}, {{t|hu|egy darabig}}
- white goods:Noun:appliances
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|biały montaż|m}}
- white-hot:Adjective:fervid
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|rozpalać do białości|impf}}, {{t|pl|rozpalić do białości|pf}}
- whitebait:Noun:young of various species of fish
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|blanchaille|f}} {{gloss|uncooked}}, {{t|fr|petite friture|f}} {{gloss|fried}}
- whitebeard:Noun:
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t+|pl|białobrody}}
- whither:Adverb:to which place
- Old Church Slavonic: *: Cyrillic: {{t|cu|ꙗмѡ}} {{qualifier|relative}}, {{m|cu|камѡ}} {{qualifier|interrogative}}
- wholesome:Adjective:promoting good health, and well-being
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|helylle}}, {{t+|sv|hälsosam}},{{t+|sv|nyttig}}, {{t+|sv|sund}}
- wholesome:Adjective:favourable to morals, religion or prosperity; sensible; conducive to good; salutary; promoting virtue or being virtuous
- Swedish: * Swedish: {{no equivalent translation|sv}} {{t|sv|helylle}}
- whose:Determiner:of whom (interrogative)
- Japanese: * Japanese: {{t+|ja|誰|alt=誰の|tr=だれの, dare no}}, {{t+|ja|どなた|alt=どなたの|tr=donata no}} {{gloss|honorific}}
- wild-goose chase:Noun:fruitless, futile pursuit
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|sinnloses Unterfangen|n}}, {{t|de|fruchtloses Unterfangen|n}}
- wildfire:Noun:rapidly spreading fire
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|feu de forêt|m}} {{gloss|forest fire}}, {{qualifier|jargon}} {{t|fr|FdF|m}}, {{t+|fr|incendie de forêt|m}}
- wildfire:Noun:rapidly spreading fire
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Lauffeuer|n}}, {{t+|de|Waldbrand|m}} {{gloss|forest fire}}
- wildfire:Noun:rapidly spreading fire
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|incendio forestal|m}} {{gloss|forest fire}}, {{t|es|fuego incontrolado|m}}, {{t|es|incendio salvaje|m}}
- wise man:Noun:magus
- Finnish: * Finnish: {{t+|fi|tietäjä}}, ''see'' {{m|fi|Itämaan tietäjät}}
- wishbone:Noun:bird's bone
- French: * French: {{t+|fr|fourchette|f}}, ''{{gloss|rare}}'' {{t+|fr|lunette|f}}
- work:Verb:to shape, form, or improve a material
- Catalan: * Catalan: {{tt+|ca|treballar}}, {{tt+|ca|afaiçonar}}, {{tt|ca|donar forma}} {{gloss|shaping}}, {{tt+|ca|tallar}} {{gloss|cutting}}, {{tt+|ca|preparar}} {{gloss|preparing}}
- worst:Adjective:most inferior
- Arabic: * Arabic: (+ {{lang|und|sc=Arab|[[ال|الـ]]}} + al-) {{t|ar|أَسْوَأ}}
- would like:Verb:transitive
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''conditional forms of {{m|fi|haluta}}''
- would like:Verb:intransitive
- Finnish: * Finnish: ''conditional forms of {{m|fi|haluta}}''
- wrapping paper:Noun:paper used for wrapping parcels or presents
- German: * German: {{t+|de|Packpapier|n}} {{gloss|not decorative}}, {{t+|de|Geschenkpapier|n}} {{gloss|decorative}}
- wrinkle:Verb:to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles
- Portuguese: * Portuguese: {{t+|pt|enrugar}} {{gloss|of people}}, {{t+|pt|amassar}} {{gloss|of clothing}}
- wrist-slap:Noun:overly mild punishment
- German: * German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|zu milde Strafe}}
- wrist-slap:Noun:overly mild punishment
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|dostawać po łapach|impf}}, {{t|pl|dostać po łapach|impf}}
- write:Verb:to be an author
- Estonian: * Estonian: {{tt|et|kirjanik olema}} {{gloss|belles-lettres}}, {{tt|et|literaat olema}}
- write:Verb:record (data)
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{tt+|hu|ír|id=to write}}, {{tt+|hu|megír}} {{gloss|record onto a specific data storage, e.g. DVD}}, {{tt+|hu|kiír}} {{gloss|record a specific data item}}
- yes:Particle:word used to indicate agreement or acceptance
- Latin: * Latin: {{tt+|la|etiam}}, {{tt+|la|ita}} ({{m|la|est}}), {{tt|la|ita vērō}}, {{tt+|la|vērō}}, {{tt|la|sīc}} ({{m|la|est}})
- yesterday:Noun:day before today
- Icelandic: * Icelandic: {{t|is|gærdagur}} (often with a definite article; {{t|is|gærdagurinn}}; the adverb {{m|is|í gær}} is much more frequently used than the noun equivalent)
- you never miss the water till the well runs dry:Proverb:take things for granted
- Polish: * Polish: {{no equivalent translation|pl}} {{t|pl|brać za pewnik|impf}}, {{t|pl|wziąć za pewnik|pf}}
- you wish:Phrase:(idiomatic, colloquial) used to express the speaker's skepticism about a preceding statement concerning some desired or assumed state of affairs
- Hungarian: * Hungarian: {{t|hu|[[csak]] [[szeretnéd]]}} {{q|informal}} {{t|hu|… / [[szeretné]]}} {{q|formal}} {{gloss|lit. “you’d only like that”; i.e. “that’s only something you’d like to have”}}
- zaatar:Noun:herb
- Aramaic: * Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܡܲܪܘܵܐ|sc=Syrc}} / {{m|arc|מַרְוָא|g=m|tr=marwā|sc=Hebr}}