From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
masculine strong part 3 [ edit ]
words with pl in -ir [ edit ]
dat-/-, gen in -s: alur ( “ awl ” ) (dat pl ölum ), bolur ( “ trunk; fuselage; undershirt ” ) , dalur ( “ valley ” ) (dat pl dölum ), falur ( “ ferrule, socket ” ) , glæpur ( “ crime ” ) , gripur ( “ thing; farm animal ” ) , hagur ( “ position, advantage ” ) , halur ( “ man (poetic) ” ) , hamur ( “ skin; shape ” ) , hvalur ( “ whale ” ) , líkamur ( “ body ” ) (rarer variant of líkami , esp. in fixed expressions; dat pl líkömum ), limur ( “ limb ” ) , lýður ( “ people, crowd, mass ” ) , malur ( “ knapsack, satchel ” ) , seiður ( “ witchcraft ” ) , selur ( “ seal (animal) ” ) , slagur ( “ battle; trick (at cards) ” ) , stafur ( “ staff, stick; letter ” ) , sveipur ( “ eddy; gust ” ) , svipur ( “ appearance; ghost ” ) , sægur ( “ crowd ” ) (NOTE: Thomson claims sægur has -j- infix)
Declension of selur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s: keppur ( “ cudgel; sausage ” ) , kippur ( “ jerk, pull, wrench ” )
Declension of keppur (masculine )
dat-/i, gen in -s: stynur ( “ sigh, groan (archaic) ” ) , þytur ( “ whistle, whiz ” ) (NOTE: Thomson claims stynur and þytur have -j- infix)
Declension of selur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, sg-only: dugur ( “ energy, ability ” ) ; Thomson claims -ir plural
Declension of dugur (sg-only masculine )
dat-/i, gen in -s, sg-only: grunur ( “ suspicion ” ) ; Thomson claims -ir plural and gen in -ar
Declension of grunur (sg-only masculine )
Declension of hlynur (masculine )
dat-:i/i, gen in -s, sg-only: hvinur ( “ whiz, whistling ” )
Declension of hvinur (sg-only masculine )
Declension of skvettur (masculine )
dat-/i, gen in -s: nefur ( “ scoundrel (pejorative, regional) ” )
Declension of nefur (masculine )
dat-/i, gen in -s: langnefur ( “ narrownose chimaera (Harriotta raleighana, a shark-like fish) ” )
Declension of langnefur (masculine )
dat-:i/-, gen in -s: kliður ( “ clatter; twittering ” ) , melur ( “ twat, dumbass (term of abuse) ” ) , smiður ( “ smith ” )
Declension of kliður (masculine )
dati:-/-, gen in -s, pl in -ar contra Thomson: búkur ( “ body, trunk ” )
Declension of búkur (masculine )
dati:-/i, gen in -s: pyttur ( “ pool, cesspool ” )
Declension of pyttur (masculine )
dati:-/-:i, gen in -s: sjóður ( “ treasure; fund ” )
Declension of sjóður (masculine )
dat-/-:i, gen in -s: grís ( “ young hog ” ) (NOTE: no -ur ending)
Declension of grís (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -s: blettur ( “ mark, stain; piece of ground ” ) , brestur ( “ break, crack; lack ” ) , gestur ( “ guest ” ) , guð ( “ god ” ) (NOTE: no -ur ending), gustur ( “ gust ” ) , hvellur ( “ crack, bang ” ) , prettur ( “ deceit, fraud ” ) , skellur ( “ bang, clash ” ) , smellur ( “ bang, crack ” ) , sprettur ( “ sprint, run ” ) , sullur ( “ cyst, boil ” ) , svanur ( “ swan ” )
Declension of blettur (masculine )
Declension of guð (masculine )
Declension of svanur (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -s, sg-only: sollur ( “ carousal, revelry ” ) ; Thomson claims -ir plural
Declension of sollur (sg-only masculine )
Declension of hlutur (masculine )
Declension of
staður (
masculine, based on staður )
Declension of
bústaður (
masculine, based on staður )
dat-:i/i, gen in -ar: munur ( “ thing, difference ” )
Declension of munur (masculine )
Declension of fjármunir (pl-only masculine )
dati:-/i, gen in -ar: verður ( “ meal ” ) , vinur ( “ friend ” ) (also appears as vin )
Declension of verður (masculine )
Declension of vin (masculine )
dat-:i/-:i, gen in -ar: kviður ( “ belly; jury ” ) , viður ( “ timber ” )
Declension of kviður (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -ar: burður ( “ load; birth ” ) , dögurður ( “ breakfast ” ) , feldur ( “ fur, coat ” ) , fundur ( “ finding; meeting ” ) , lundur ( “ grove ” ) , réttur ( “ right; law court; dish, course ” ) , skurður ( “ cut, trench ” ) , stuldur ( “ theft ” ) , vættur ( “ supernatural being ” ) (also feminine)
Declension of fundur (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -ar, sg-only: mundur ( “ dowry ” ) ; Thomson claims -ir plural
Declension of mundur (sg-only masculine )
pl-only: Fljótsdælir ( “ inhabitants of Fljótsdalur (a valley) ” )
Declension of Fljótsdælir (pl-only masculine )
Declension of Brattavellir (pl-only masculine )
pl-only, needs unimut, has definite forms: Ásmegir ( “ sons of the Gods ” )
Declension of Ásmegir (pl-only masculine )
Declension of Stekkir, Stekkar (pl-only masculine )
pl-only, needs unimut and imutval specified: Vestfirðir ( “ Westfjords ” )
Declension of Vestfirðir (pl-only masculine )
likely unique variants
dat-/-, gen in -s/ar: bragur ( “ fashion; habit; poem ” ) (dat pl brögum)
Declension of bragur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -ar/s: sauður ( “ sheep, wether ” )
Declension of sauður (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -ar/s: kostur ( “ choice, advantage ” )
Declension of kostur (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -ar/s, accpl in -i/-u: vegur ( “ way ” )
Declension of vegur (masculine )
dat-:i/-, gen in -ar/s: vaður ( “ rope; fishing line ” )
Declension of vaður (masculine )
For Icelandic base lemma 'vaður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
For Icelandic base lemma 'vaður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
dat-:i/- (see footnote below), gen in -ar/s: liður ( “ joint, link, item, limb ” )
Declension of liður (masculine )
dat-:i/-, gen in -ar/s (see footnote below): tugur ( “ group of ten or so, dozen ” ) ; tigur ( variant of tugur )
Declension of tugur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: reitur ( “ marked-out area ” ) , skítur ( “ dirt; excrement ” ) , stígur ( “ path ” )
Declension of reitur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, pl in -ar/-ir: stígur ( “ path ” )
Declension of stígur (masculine )
dat-:i/-, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: skutur ( “ stern ” )
Declension of skutur (masculine )
dat-:i/-:i, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: sveppur ( “ fungus, mushroom ” )
Declension of sveppur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: refur ( “ fox ” )
Declension of refur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: stigur ( “ level? ” )
Declension of stigur (masculine )
dati/-, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: bugur ( “ bend, curve ” )
Declension of bugur (masculine )
dati/i, gen in -s, pl in -ir/-ar: kvistur ( “ twig; knot ” )
Declension of kvistur (masculine )
dat-:i/i, gen in -s, pl in -ar/-ir: meiður ( “ pole; tree; sled runner ” )
Declension of meiður (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, acc pl in -u/-i: bur ( “ son (poetic) ” )
Declension of bur (masculine )
dat-/-:i, gen in -ar/-s, acc pl in -i/-u: siður ( “ custom, habit ” )
Declension of siður (masculine )
dat-/-- (see footnote below; -- indicates a missing form), gen in -ar: hugur ( “ mind, heart, courage ” ) ; FIXME: allow footnote on missing values
Declension of hugur (masculine )
dat:möl/meli, defdat:mölnum/melnum (FIXME: error for melinum?), gen -s, nom pl melir, acc pl meli, dat pl mölum, gen pl missing: mölur ( “ clothes moth ” )
Declension of mölur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, pl in -ir, optional -j-: smekkur ( “ taste; bib ” ) ; NOTE: -j- infix implies dat-/-, but without -j- infix we would get an error with missing dative, so we need an override
Declension of smekkur (masculine )
NOTE: konur ( “ man, descendant (poetic) ” ) not in BÍN; claimed to be dati/i, gen in -ar, pl in -ir
words in -aður, mostly -naður[ edit ]
dat i/i:-: fagnaður ( “ welcome reception ” ) , mannfagnaður ( “ assembly ” ) (dat pl mannfögnuðum)
Declension of fagnaður (masculine )
Declension of fagnaður (masculine )
dat i/i:-, sg-only: safnaður ( “ collection ” ) ; also batnaður ( “ betterment ” ) , búnaður ( “ farming ” ) , dugnaður ( “ drive, activity ” ) , fatnaður ( “ clothing ” ) , hagnaður ( “ profit, benefit ” ) , hugnaður ( “ liking, pleasure ” ) , iðnaður , jafnaður ( “ equal distribution ” ) (mostly in að jafnaði , til jafnaðar ), klæðnaður ( “ clothing ” ) , kostnaður ( “ cost ” ) , matnaður ( “ board, feeding ” ) , munaður ( “ delight, luxury ” ) , skapnaður ( “ form, shape ” ) , sparnaður ( “ saving ” ) , trúnaður ( “ confidence, reliance ” ) , varnaður ( “ protection; warning ” ) (mostly used in víti til varnaðar ), þrifnaður ( “ cleanliness; thriving ” )
Declension of safnaður (sg-only masculine )
Declension of safnaður (sg-only masculine )
Declension of fénaður (sg-only masculine )
Declension of getnaður (masculine )
Declension of unaður (sg-only masculine )
OTHER WORDS IN -aður NEED STANDARD OVERRIDES ETC. . This is because there are too many exceptions (compounds of maður , staður , vaður , etc.). Only words that seem to work like -naður are markaður (although it has 'genar:s') and archaic darraður and giljaður .
markaður ( “ market ” )
Declension of markaður (masculine )
Declension of
markaður (
masculine, based on markaður )
Declension of
atvinnumarkaður (
masculine, based on markaður )
dati/i:-: söfnuður ( “ congregation ” ) : gen sg söfnuðar/safnaðar, gen pl söfnuða/safnaða; also fögnuður ( “ rejoicing ” )
Declension of söfnuður (masculine )
Declension of
söfnuður (
masculine, based on söfnuður )
Declension of
trúarsöfnuður (
masculine, based on söfnuður )
Declension of
mannsöfnuður (
sg-only masculine, based on söfnuður )
dati/i: mánuður ( “ month ” ) : gen sg mánaðar, gen pl mánaða
Declension of mánuður (masculine )
Declension of
mánuður (
masculine, based on mánuður )
Declension of
meðalmánuður (
masculine, based on mánuður )
dati/i: jöfnuður ( “ equal distribution ” ) : gen sg jafnaðar/jöfnuðar, sg-only; also söknuður ( “ regret, longing ” )
Declension of jöfnuður (sg-only masculine )
For Icelandic base lemma 'jöfnuður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
For Icelandic base lemma 'jöfnuður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
dati/i: frömuður ( “ promoter ” ) ; also hugsuður ( “ thinker ” ) , könnuður ( “ investigator ” ) (alternatives mentioned by Thomson are not in BÍN)
Declension of frömuður (masculine )
For Icelandic base lemma 'frömuður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
For Icelandic base lemma 'frömuður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
For Icelandic base lemma 'könnuður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
For Icelandic base lemma 'könnuður ', couldn't fetch contents for page; page may not exist
words in -ur with i-mutation [ edit ]
dati/i: háttur ( “ way, manner ” ) ; dat sg hætti, nom pl hættir, acc pl hætti/háttu (def acc pl only hættina, it seems)
Declension of háttur (masculine )
dati/i: dráttur ( “ drawing; delay ” ) ; dat sg drætti, nom pl drættir, acc pl drætti; also máttur ( “ might ” ) , sláttur ( “ mowing; heartbeat, pulse ” ) , þáttur ( “ part, factor ” )
Declension of dráttur (masculine )
dati/i: þráður ( “ thread, wire ” )
Declension of þráður (masculine )
sonur ( “ son ” ) (also son , archaic or literary): dat sg syni, nom pl synir, acc pl syni:sonu[archaic or literary] but def acc pl only synina; should be handled automatically by rejecting acc pl forms ending in -u
Declension of sonur (masculine )
Declension of son (masculine )
Declension of Eiríksson (masculine )
Declension of
Eiríksson (
masculine, based on -son )
spónn ( “ horn or bone spoon; veneer; (wood) shaving ” ) : dat sg spæni; nom pl spænir
Declension of spónn (masculine )
Declension of silfurspónn (masculine )
For Icelandic base lemma 'silfurspónn ', saw explicit angle bracket spec in inflection, likely indicating a multiword inflection; can't handle yet: ((<m,s:ar[dated],ir.imut.dati>,<m.[proscribed].dati>))
words in -ur with un-u-mutation and i-mutation [ edit ]
köttur ( “ cat ” ) ; dat sg ketti, nom pl kettir, acc pl ketti:köttu[archaic or literary], gen sg kattar, gen pl katta; also völlur ( “ plain ” ) , vöxtur ( “ growth; (plural) interest ” ) (ávöxtur ( “ fruit ” ) )
Declension of köttur (masculine )
böllur ( “ ball ” ) ; also börkur ( “ bark (of a tree) ” ) , göltur ( “ boar ” ) (broddgöltur ( “ hedgehog, porcupine ” ) ), hnöttur ( “ globe, sphere ” ) , höttur ( “ hood ” ) , knöttur ( “ ball ” ) , köstur ( “ pile, heap ” ) , löstur ( “ vice, fault ” ) , mörður ( “ marten ” ) , svörður ( “ sward; skin on head ” ) , vöndur ( “ rod ” ) , vörður ( “ guard, watch (person or action) ” ) , vöttur ( “ glove, mitten ” ) , þröstur ( “ thrush ” )
Declension of böllur (masculine )
Declension of knörr (masculine )
Declension of örn (masculine )
dati/i: flötur ( “ plane, surface ” ) ; also lögur ( “ liquid ” ) , mögur ( “ son (poetic) ” )
Declension of flötur (masculine )
dati/i: knör ( “ ship (poetic; proscribed) ” )
Declension of knör (masculine )
Declension of Höður (sg-only masculine )
kökkur ( “ lump, clod, clot ” ) (more common as kekkur , with -j- insertion)
Declension of kökkur (masculine )
mökkur ( “ dense cloud (of steam, smoke, dust) ” )
Declension of mökkur (masculine )
Declension of spölur (masculine )
gröftur ( “ digging; something dug up; pus ” ) ; Thomson claims pl forms greftir, grefti, gröftum, graft(r)a; Íslensk stafsetningarorðabók agrees; in the following, we use full overrides to handle the forms with -r- and add a footnote to the entire plural using `addnote`, indicating that it is sometimes proscribed (e.g. not in BÍN)
Declension of gröftur (masculine )
graftar 1
graftarnir 1
grafta 1
graftana 1
greftri 2 , grefti 3
greftrinum 2 , greftinum 3
gröftum 1
gröftunum 1
graftar 2 , graftrar 3
graftarins 2 , graftrarins 3
grafta 1,2 , graftra 1,3
graftanna 1,2 , graftranna 1,3
Declension of fornleifauppgröftur (masculine )
fornleifauppgreftir , fornleifauppgreftrir
fornleifauppgreftirnir , fornleifauppgreftrirnir
fornleifauppgrefti , fornleifauppgreftri
fornleifauppgreftina , fornleifauppgreftrina
fornleifauppgrefti , fornleifauppgreftri
fornleifauppgreftinum , fornleifauppgreftrinum
fornleifauppgröftum , fornleifauppgröftrum
fornleifauppgraftar , fornleifauppgraftrar
fornleifauppgraftarins , fornleifauppgraftrarins
fornleifauppgrafta , fornleifauppgraftra
fornleifauppgraftanna , fornleifauppgraftranna
fjörður ( “ fjord ” ) : as a special case, i-mutation of <ja> -> <i>; also skjöldur ( “ shield ” )
Declension of fjörður (masculine )
björn ( “ bear ” ) : i-mutation of <ja> -> <i>
Declension of björn (masculine )
Declension of hjörtur (masculine )
Declension of kjölur (masculine )
Declension of Njörður (sg-only masculine )
Declension of Björn (sg-only masculine )
Declension of stjölur (masculine )
words in -ur with -j- infix [ edit ]
dati:-/i:-, gen in -s/-jar: beður ( “ bed (poetic) ” )
Declension of beður (masculine )
Declension of bekkur (masculine )
Declension of belgur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s/-jar, -r ending not -ur: blær ( “ breeze; tint ” )
Declension of blær (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s/-jar, no ending: [rif ( “ beam on loom ” ) NOT IN BÍN]
dat-/-, gen in -s/-jar, pl in -jir: bylur ( “ gust, squall ” ) ; NOTE: explicit -jar and -jir endings imply that -j- infix is not added to them; acc pl derived from nom pl by removing the -r
Declension of bylur (masculine )
Declension of
blindbylur (
masculine, based on bylur )
dat-/-, gen in -jar: drykkur ( “ drink ” ) , eykur ( “ draft animal (poetic) ” ) , lækur ( “ brook, creek ” ) , verkur ( “ pain, ache ” )
Declension of drykkur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -jar: bær ( “ town; farm ” )
Declension of bær (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s: drengur ( “ boy ” ) , grikkur ( “ disservice, trick ” ) , heggur ( “ bird cherry ” ) , hlykkur ( “ bend, curve ” ) , hnykkur ( “ pull, jerk; trick ” ) , hrekkur ( “ prank, joke ” ) , kengur ( “ stable; bend ” ) , kveikur ( “ wick ” ) , kækur ( “ bad habit ” ) , lækur ( “ umbilical cord (obsolete) ” ) , seggur ( “ man (poetic) ” ) , skeggur ( “ bearded man ” ) , sprengur ( “ bursting ” ) , steggur ( “ male bird, cock ” ) , stingur ( “ sting ” ) , styrkur ( “ strength, support, help ” ) , svelgur ( “ whirlpool, eddy ” )
Declension of drengur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, sg-only: drukkur ( “ whey + water ” ) ; Thomson claims -j- infix, pl in -ir
Declension of drukkur (sg-only masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -jar, sg-only: mergur ( “ marrow ” )
Declension of mergur (sg-only masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s/-jar, sg-only: ylur ( “ warmth ” ) , þefur ( “ bad smell ” )
Declension of ylur (sg-only masculine )
dat-:i/i, gen in -s, no j-infix: dynur ( “ din, noise ” )
Declension of dynur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s/-jar, optional -j- infix in plural: elgur ( “ elk; slush ” ) ; NOTE: we need to specify dat- because -j- infix implies stem elgj- which implies no dat -i, but non-j infix implies stem elg- which implies dat -i
Declension of elgur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s, either -j- infix with -ir or no -j- infix with -ar in plural: hringur ( “ ring ” ) , leikar ( “ game ” ) ; NOTE: we need to specify dat- because -j- infix implies stem hringj- which implies no dat -i, but non-j infix implies stem hring- which implies dat -i
Declension of hringur (masculine )
Declension of leikur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -jar/-s, either -j- infix with -ir or no -j- infix with -ar in plural: stekkur ( “ sheepfold ” )
Declension of stekkur (masculine )
stekkir , stekkar
stekkirnir , stekkarnir
stekki , stekka
stekkina , stekkana
stekkjum , stekkum
stekkjunum , stekkunum
stekkjar , stekks
stekkjarins , stekksins
stekkja , stekka
stekkjanna , stekkanna
dat-/-, gen in -jar/-s (with footnotes): hryggur ( “ back, spine; ridge ” ) , vefur ( “ web, tissue ” )
Declension of hryggur (masculine )
Declension of vefur (masculine )
dat-/-, gen in -s/-jar (with footnotes): vængur ( “ wing ” )
Declension of vængur (masculine )
dat-:i/-, gen in -s/jar,nom pl in -jir/-ir: hylur ( “ fire (poetic) ” )
Declension of hylur (masculine )
miscellaneous irregular words in -ur [ edit ]
maður ( “ man; one ” ) ; here, the underlying stem is 'mann' and, as shown by the def nom/acc pl, the underlying plural is -ir, but replaced in the indef nom/acc pl with menn . We also make this a built-in as there are so many compounds of -maður.
Declension of maður (masculine irreg-stem )
For Icelandic base lemma 'maður ', saw 2 Template:is-ndecl 's with id='noun' and 'pronoun' but with a request to return the inflection without ID; consider adding an ID restriction to the scrape request, e.g. '@@:noun' for self-scraping or '@m:noun' for scraping from another page
For Icelandic base lemma 'maður ', saw 2 Template:is-ndecl 's with id='noun' and 'pronoun' but with a request to return the inflection without ID; consider adding an ID restriction to the scrape request, e.g. '@@:noun' for self-scraping or '@m:noun' for scraping from another page
fótur ( “ foot ” ) ; i-mutation in dat sg fæti and in nom/acc pl fætur. Here, the ^ in ^ur is a special signal to do i-mutation of the stem before the ending, even if it doesn't contain -i-. Internally, -ur as nom pl is treated specially in that the accusative plural is also -ur instead of -u as you'd normally expect.
Declension of fótur (masculine )
Declension of
fótur (
masculine, based on fótur )
Declension of
blaðfótur (
masculine, based on fótur )
Declension of
fjallsfótur (
sg-only masculine, based on fótur )
vetur ( “ winter ” ) ; no i-mutation, just irregular plural -ur (see comments for fótur ). # means nominative is stem (same as `stem:#`). Contraction is the default in such a case.
Declension of vetur (masculine )
Declension of
vetur (
masculine, based on vetur )
Declension of
frostavetur (
masculine, based on vetur )
fingur ( “ finger ” ) : irregular nom/acc pl
Declension of fingur (masculine )
fingur ( “ finger ” ) : because certain common irregular nouns have several compounds that behave the same way, they can be handled automatically using '@', which means "built-in". It looks for recognized suffixes and uses an internal mapping to the appropriate declension specs. Examples of compounds of fingur : baugfingur ( “ ring finger ” ) ; litlifingur ( “ little finger, pinky ” ) ; skollafingur ( “ fir clubmoss ” ) ; vísifingur ( “ index finger ” ) ; þumalfingur ( “ thumb ” ) .
Declension of
fingur (
feminine, based on fingur )
Declension of
baugfingur (
feminine, based on fingur )
Declension of
vísifingur (
feminine, based on fingur )
two-part common nouns [ edit ]
Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/is-noun at line 1842 : Unrecognized gender '+', should be 'm', 'f' or 'n': <+>
Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/is-noun at line 1842 : Unrecognized gender '+', should be 'm', 'f' or 'n': <+>
multiword expressions [ edit ]
Declension of glæpur gegn mannkyni (masculine )
NOTE: default to acc/dat -i, gen -is, nom pl -ar
læknir ( “ physician ” ) ; also, ábætir ( “ addition; dessert ” ) , deilir ( “ divisor ” ) , geymir ( “ container; tank ” ) , greinir ( “ grammatical article ” ) , hellir ( “ cave ” ) , hirðir ( “ herdsman, shepherd ” ) , kælir ( “ cooler; car radiator ” ) , léttir ( “ comfort, help ” ) , mælir ( “ meter, measuring instrument ” ) , mænir ( “ roof ridge ” ) , skelmir ( “ rogue ” ) , vísir ( “ pointer, clock hand ” ) , þerrir ( “ dry weather; drying ” )
Declension of læknir (masculine )
einir ( “ juniper ” ) ; also, flýtir ( “ haste ” ) , reynir ( “ rowan, mountain ash; trie (poetic); a place name ” ) , víðir ( “ willow; sea (poetic) ” )
Declension of einir (sg-only masculine )
with irregular plural stem : eyrir ( “ öre (unit of currency) ” ) ; also gjaldeyrir ( “ currency ” ) (but sg-only per BÍN)
Declension of eyrir (masculine )
with -j- insertion in plural : beykir ( “ cooper ” ) ; also fleygir ( “ thrower (poetic) ” ) (sg-only per BÍN), fylkir ( “ prince (poetic) ” ) , kíkir ( “ telescope, binoculars ” ) , mækir ( “ sword (obsolete) ” )
Declension of beykir (masculine )
Declension of steypir (sg-only masculine )
Hilmir ( male given name ) ; also Birgir , Fjölnir , Gellir , Grettir , Gyrðir , Heimir , Mímir , Mjölnir (also Mjöllnir , less common), Reynir , Stefnir , Styrmir , Sverrir , Víðir , Vignir , Þórir , Ægir , Ölvir
Declension of Hilmir (sg-only masculine )
Declension of Hellir (sg-only masculine )
Geysir ( name of the most famous geyser in Iceland ) ; proper names default to sg-only, indef-only; this one has definite forms
Declension of Geysir (sg-only masculine )
miscellaneous irregular words in -ir [ edit ]
Declension of bróðir (masculine )
Declension of
bróðir (
masculine, based on bróðir )
dóttir ( “ daughter ” ) ; acc/dat/gen sg are dóttur , nom/acc pl dætur , dat pl dætrum , gen pl dætra . `rstem` selects the right endings, contraction and i-mutation. We set the plstem to 'dót' so its i-mutation is 'dæt'.
Declension of dóttir (feminine )
Declension of
dóttir (
feminine, based on dóttir )
Lua error in Module:is-common at line 581 : Can't determine base lemma to scrape given lemma 'Alexandríudóttir' and scraping spec '@dóttir'; scraping spec not found in lemma
systir ( “ sister ” ) ; acc/dat/gen sg are systur , nom/acc pl systur , dat pl systrum , gen pl systra . `rstem` selects the right endings and contraction as above (no i-mutation).
Declension of systir (feminine )
Declension of
systir (
feminine, based on systir )
For Icelandic base lemma 'stir ', page exists but has no Icelandic section
faðir ( “ father ” ) ; acc/dat/gen sg are föður , nom/acc pl feður , dat pl feðrum , gen pl feðra . `rstem` selects the right endings, contraction and i-mutation as above. The -ur ending in acc/dat/gen sg automatically trigger u-mutation.
Declension of faðir (masculine )
Declension of
faðir (
masculine, based on faðir )
Declension of
forfaðir (
masculine, based on faðir )
móðir ( “ mother ” ) ; acc/dat/gen sg are móður , nom/acc pl mæður , dat pl mæðrum , gen pl mæðra . `rstem` selects the right endings, contraction and i-mutation as above.
Declension of móðir (feminine )
Declension of
móðir (
feminine, based on móðir )
Declension of
guðmóðir (
feminine, based on móðir )
tími ( “ time, hour ” ) ; also: áttaviti ( “ compass ” ) , bogi ( “ bow ” ) , bolli ( “ cup ” ) , bolti ( “ ball; bolt (for a lock) ” ) (hornabolti ( “ baseball ” ) , skrúfbolti ( “ bolt (large screw) ” ) , bursti ( “ brush ” ) (hárbursti ( “ hairbrush ” ) , [málningarbursti ( “ paintbrush ” ) , not in BÍN], tannbursti ( “ toothbrush ” ) ), fáni ( “ flag ” ) , flói ( “ bay ” ) , hiti ( “ heat ” ) , hluti ( “ part ” ) , íkorni ( “ squirrel ” ) , ísótópi ( “ isotope ” ) (rare, also seen rarely as ísótópa , more common as ísótópur but still rare compared with samsæta ), kalkúni ( “ turkey ” ) (also kalkúnn , kalkún ), koddi ( “ pillow ” ) , kuldi ( “ cold ” ) , kvóti ( “ quota, share; quotient ” ) , -leiki ( abstract noun suffix ) (erfiðleiki ( “ difficulty ” ) [usually plural], möguleiki ( “ possibility ” ) ), listi ( “ list ” ) , logi ( “ flame ” ) , metri ( “ meter ” ) , miði ( “ slip of paper ” ) (aðgöngumiði ( “ admission ticket ” ) , farmiði ( “ travel ticket ” ) ), olnbogi ( “ elbow ” ) , penni ( “ pen ” ) , poki ( “ bag, sack ” ) , púði ( “ cushion ” ) , risi ( “ giant ” ) , runni ( “ bush ” ) , sími ( “ telephone ” ) , skóli ( “ school ” ) (háskóli ( “ university ” ) ), sproti ( “ twig ” ) , steðji ( “ anvil ” ) , stigi ( “ ladder; staircase ” ) , vökvi ( “ liquid ” )
Declension of tími (masculine )
hani ( “ rooster ” ) (dat pl hönum); also banki ( “ bank (for money) ” ) , frakki ( “ coat ” ) , gluggi ( “ window ” ) , [hafri ( “ oat ” ) not in BÍN] (cf. hafrar ( “ oats ” ) ), hanski ( “ glove ” ) , hvati ( “ catalyst ” ) , jakki ( “ jacket ” ) , kassi ( “ box ” ) , lampi ( “ lamp ” ) , líkami ( “ body ” ) , magi ( “ stomach, belly ” ) , nagli ( “ nail (for wood) ” ) , planki ( “ plank ” ) , safi ( “ juice ” ) , snagi ( “ hook, coat hook ” ) , spaði ( “ spade (shovel or in cards) ” ) , vasi ( “ pocket ” )
Declension of hani (masculine )
Declension of bakari (masculine )
Declension of borgari (masculine )
banani ( “ banana ” ) (dat pl banönum or bönunum); also kastali ( “ fortress, castle ” ) , sandali ( “ sandal ” )
Declension of banani (masculine )
Declension of dauði (sg-only masculine )
Declension of feðgar (pl-only masculine )
hafrar ( “ oats ” ) with dat pl höfrum
Declension of hafrar (pl-only masculine )
Bjarni ; also Bogi , Bolli , Bragi , Broddi , Elliði , Finnbogi , Gauti , Gísli , Gylfi , Hafliði , Hjalti , Illugi , Indriði , Ingi , Ingvi , Logi , Magni , Narfi , Pálmi , Sindri , Skafti , Sölvi , Torfi , Trausti , Tryggvi , Veturliði , Yngvi , etc.
Declension of Bjarni (sg-only masculine )
kleggi ( “ horsefly; lump ” ) (has -j- in all forms except the nom sg); also peyi ( “ guy, fellow ” ) , steggi ( “ male bird, cock ” ) , tiggi ( “ chieftain (poetic) ” ) , tyggi ( “ same ” )
Declension of kleggi (masculine )
aðili ( “ legal party ” ) (has optional -j- (correct but uncommon by a ratio of 602:16.5, or about 35:1) in all forms except the nom sg)
Declension of aðili (masculine )
aðilar , aðiljar 1
aðilarnir , aðiljarnir 1
aðila , aðilja 1
aðilann , aðiljann 1
aðila , aðilja 1
aðilana , aðiljana 1
aðila , aðilja 1
aðilanum , aðiljanum 1
aðilum , aðiljum 1
aðilunum , aðiljunum 1
aðila , aðilja 1
aðilans , aðiljans 1
aðila , aðilja 1
aðilanna , aðiljanna 1
Skeggi ( male given name; toponym )
Declension of Skeggi (sg-only masculine )
all words ending in -byggi , -ingi , -lingi , -skeggi , -virki , -yrki , e.g. frumbyggi ( “ aboriginal ” ) ; aumingi ( “ poor wretch ” ) , foringi ( “ leader ” ) (liðsforingi ( “ officer ” ) ), höfðingi ( “ chief ” ) , kunningi ( “ acquaintance ” ) , skrælingi ( “ barbarian; Eskimo ” ) , svertingi ( “ Negro ” ) , ættingi ( “ relation ” ) ; smælingi ( “ common man ” ) ; eyjarskeggi ( “ islander ” ) ; illvirki ( “ evildoer ” ) , rafvirki ( “ electrician ” ) , spellvirki ( “ evildoer ” ) ; einyrki ( “ lone farmer ” ) (these endings should be recognized automatically; turn off with .-j
if you don't want the -j- infix )
Declension of foringi (masculine )
nemandi ( “ student ” ) ; in plural, nom/acc nemendur, dat nemendum or (alt per Thomson) nemöndum, gen nemenda or (alt per Thomson) nemanda; use ^ur to indicate -ur with i-mutation, imut to indicate i-mutation in the remaining plural endings; also byrjandi ( “ beginner ” ) , kaupandi ( “ buyer ” ) , leigjandi ( “ tenant ” ) , lesandi ( “ reader ” ) , seljandi ( “ seller ” ) , etc.
Declension of nemandi (masculine )
bóndi, frændi, fjandi[ edit ]
bóndi ( “ farmer; husband ” ) ; see above under -andi for ^ur and imut
Declension of bóndi (masculine )
Declension of frændi (masculine )
fjandi ( “ enemy; devil ” )
Note in the following that `.weak` disables special -ndi handling and makes it decline like a regular weak noun (fjandar not #fjendur); we also add footnotes indicating that the plural fjandar etc. means only "devil" and that in the singular, where both meanings use the same form, the meaning "enemy" is rare.
Declension of fjandi (masculine )
words in -ndi that aren't present participles[ edit ]
Declension of andi (masculine )
Declension of heiðasandi (masculine )
vandi ( “ trouble; responsibility; custom, habit ” )
Declension of vandi (sg-only masculine )
Declension of lundi (masculine )
Dani ( “ Dane ” ) (dat pl Dönum); also Ítali ( “ Italian ” ) (dat pl Ítölum)
Declension of Dani (masculine )
Frísi ( “ Frisian ” ) ; also Írani ( “ Iranian ” ) (dat pl Írönum), Germani ( “ German ” ) (dat pl Germönum)
Declension of Frísi (masculine )
Japani ( “ Japanese ” ) (dat pl Japönum or more rarely Jöpunum)
Declension of Japani (masculine )
Declension of Afgani (masculine )
Declension of Bútani (masculine )
(dat pl Bútönum)
Persi ( “ Persian ” ) ; also Afríkani ( “ African ” ) (dat pl Afríkönum), Ameríkani ( “ American ” ) (dat pl Ameríkönum), Arákani ( “ Arakanese ” ) (dat pl Arákönum), Arabi ( “ Arab ” ) (dat pl Aröbum), Asteki ( “ Aztec ” ) , Baski ( “ Basque ” ) (dat pl Böskum), Bauni ( “ Dane (archaic) ” ) , Breti ( “ Britisher, Briton ” ) , Bretóni ( “ Breton ” ) , Búi ( “ Boer ” ) , Frakki ( “ French person ” ) (dat pl Frökkum), Svíi ( “ Swede ” ) , Þjóðverji ( “ German ” ) , etc.
Declension of Persi (masculine )
Grikki ( “ Greek person ” ) ; also Rygi ( “ Rogalander ” ) (?; not in BÍN), Serki ( “ Saracen ” ) , Tyrki ( “ Turk ” )
Declension of Grikki (masculine )
Declension of gumi (masculine )
Declension of skati (masculine )
herra ( “ gentleman; sir (form of address); Mr. ” ) (sendiherra ( “ ambassador ” ) ); identical to masculine -i nouns except in the nominative in -a; also séra ( “ Reverend (title or form of address) ” ) , síra ( “ same ” )
Declension of herra (masculine )
Declension of Hrúturinn (sg-only masculine )
Declension of Tvíburarnir (pl-only masculine )
Declension of Krabbinn (sg-only masculine )
Declension of Bogmaðurinn (sg-only masculine irreg-stem )
Declension of Áttavitinn (sg-only masculine )