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Appendix:Kenaboi word list

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The following word list of the Kenaboi language is from Hajek (1998: 141-148).


Gloss Kenaboi (1) Kenaboi (2) Kenaboi (Vaughan-Stevens)
to abuse jäl [jèl]
after pintal
alive pungas
animal mĕcháng jo-ón
angry jäl [jèl]
ant phak [p'hak]
arm (upper) râpet rhûah
armlet säl [sèl]
aunt ūha' [ûhak] ūha' [ûhak]
back of neck jĕngkeng
bad mārās [mâráⁿs] ngĕrin
banana sîtòk
banana (plantain) sĕnôyon
barau barau (bird species, Pycnonotus zeylanicus) bâchau
bark (of tree) longsóng lantôk
bear kahúñ
bear a child hĕmpäu [hmpèu] bĕrênek
before kâmoi
belly bûlang
big (large) bandong
bird sâbu
bite lihap
black sāyā̃ [sâyâⁿ]
blood chahâ maham
blow pohói
to blow the nose chesh
blowpipe sĕláu tĕmiang
blowpipe arrow sĕrāng [sĕrâñ] domók
body bahán
to boil (food other than rice) bas
bone gus jaáng
born, to be meng
branch (of tree) silang
to break tal
breast râpang
brother (older) mohôlok mohôlok
brother (younger) tä̃k [tèⁿk] täk [tèⁿk]
to carry (in an ampong, a sort of knapsack) jâras
cattle (wild) chĕngkhám [chĕngk'hám]
chick (new born) sĕlét
child chaáĩ [cha-áiⁿ] chaáĩ [cha-áiⁿ]
chopper riwai
to climb tâbong
cloud lingsâ kâbut
coconut sĕnâyon
cold sĕdék åh [òh]
come intå' [intòk] mâchan
to cough pantol
crocodile tohol
to cry kâyang
cut mĕtás
dam bĕndul
dark sĕngát
day sĕri
daylight chĕhói
dead jûlat
deer râjak
to descend kĕtok
to dip arrow in the ipoh juice pûtâ
to divorce lungkah
dog âmun kĕtõk [kĕtóⁿk]
drink tungät [tungèt]
dry chĕhói
ear chĕlīåh' [chĕliòh] chĕlio' [chĕliok]
earth bûkû
eat jáháp
eclipse jĕlúm
egg buntat
elephant gĕntúl bĕrat
eye lang
eyebrow tĕngkang muh
face sampak
father sangkat sangkat
father-in-law lahík lahik
feather sîut
female sĕdôk lîdî
finger râwet
fire hangoi [ûs]
fish râyap
to fish with a tanggok net pâlong
floor kĕping
flower kuntom
foolish rampah
foot jau
forehead châlâ
frog bãt [bâⁿt] chĕälʔ [ch'èl]
fruit gĕnyét sẽk [sêⁿk]
ghost kĕmit
giddy sâlut
to go songsang
good lĕsói
grandfather / grandmother dĕkhói [dĕk'hói]
granite pol
green padû kîchau
hair sûyut suk
hand (forearm) thã [t'âⁿ]
he / she lĕngán
head tahal
heel tanyû chĕntúl
hiccough sintak
hill rĕdám
hit bâeng
honey sĕdót bĕlîau
hot pâsang
house sĕrôdong
husband sâwa oi
I kaban aku
in lâyû
insect jangkau
iron påh [pòh]
jungle dol
kick kĕnyút
knee tĕngkhu [tĕngk'hu]
laugh gînyot
leaf râyang
lightning singat
long (time) lahun
maize kĕmóng
man / male sĕnglóh, orang rĕmól
mankind som
mantis (praying) panchong
to marry sâbit
mat jĕmpäs [jĕmpès]
monkey, coconut (Malay: berok) ko'ʔ [kok]
monkey (Malay: chikah) keretos chîkah
monkey (Malay: kekah) roit
monkey (Malay: lotong) bâteng sĕró
monkey (Malay: siamang) untó
monkey (Malay: ungka) jeun jĕngón
moon linta
mosquito tĕngẽt [tĕngéⁿt]
mother hâpet hâpet
mother-in-law lahík lahik
mountain tunjak
mouth jĕhåp [jĕhòp] rĕ-ang
nail risík
neck bâgong
new ntẽ' [ntêⁿk]
night sêlít
nose lîang monchong
nostril liang
now dĕhî tadin
oil chĕlai dak
one môi
paddle pĕnyungkä [pĕnyungkè]
panther mârut
person som
pig sĕrói rĕmâñ
pleased lîman gûrau
poison (for arrow) kayas [kyass]
post tĕgák
pumpkin tûkal
pregnant pĕlē'ʔ [pĕlêk]
to put on jĕråt [jĕròt]
quick bangat [bunghut]
rain rĕbéh
rat langsä [langsè] hĕnchä̃ [hnchèⁿt]
rattan sîau
red nyĕlang
resin langkin
rhinoceros tĕkhó [tĕk'hó]
rice chahái
rice, boiled chĕrás
rice in husk lumat
river yau ayĕr
to roast chârong
roof pĕlias
root jĕlár
salt sĕmsam chahâm
sand rĕboi
sandfly tĕngẽt [tĕngéⁿt]
sea rantau
see pănöng [pannung]
seed bûlat
shoulder châpék
silver tĕmāgá [tĕmâgak]
sister (older) tĕmai tĕmai
sister (younger) môjong môjong
skin sĕlompot
sky lengseng
to slap tâpâ
to sleep sîlap
small chêmet 'mmä̃t [mmèⁿt]
snake lîlîh
to sneeze champul
to snore tĕrôk sĕndó
soil (earth) teng
sole (of foot) pak
spear tôchoh tohôk
star kĕlîp
step tâlén
stone bungkal
stop lantók
stream yau
to strike bâeng
strong pĕnchong
sugar-cane sau
sun nyantang
sweat rĕtéh
sweet potato chokéh [jâyak]
to take up sâyit
tapioca tĕgák
that hong
they ĕntoi
thigh sāpät [sâpèt]
this īho' [īhok] nin
thou yei ong ge-êk ong-ti
three béʔ [bék]
thunder âbû kĕrĕntah
tiger mäjä [mèjè] kohóñ
tiger-cat sĕdét
tiger, royal râmas
tin bijih
tired kĕnóng
tomorrow bengsåk [bengsòk]
tongue jelil
tooth chĕráh rĕmogñ
tree sĕnjéh pohón
twenty ng
two sar
uncle ūha' [ûhak] ūha' [ûhak]
valley dâlik
waistcloth uwel [ʔ], uwat uwat
water par rĕbéh
wax lanchur
weak lâyûh
wet tĕkhå [tĕk'hò] s'ek
white mambu bĕlehäk [bĕlehèk]
who sigun ya apa apa
wife oi āwa' [âwak]
wind pohói bẽrūa'ʔ [bĕrûak]
woman kâsil
wood pohól
yam yot
yawn ûhai
yesterday sīå [sîò]


Vocabulary lists of Indo-Pacific languages

p-Trans-New Guinea • p-Northern Adelbert • p-Sogeram • Bayono-Awbono • Paniai Lakes • Kolopom • Bulaka River • Pauwasi • p-South Bougainville • p-Lower Sepik • p-Watam-Awar-Gamay • p-Lakes Plain • p-North Halmahera • p-Timor-Alor-Pantar • p-Alor-Pantar • Tayap • Massep


North Australian (basic) • p-Nyulnyulan • p-Mirndi • p-Gunwinyguan • Limilngan • Umbugarla • Minkin • Tiwi • Malak-Malak • Pama-Nyungan • p-Pama-Nyungan • p-Arandic • p-Thura-Yura • p-Ngayarda


p-Dravidian • Dravidian • Bonda • Kusunda • Nihali • Kenaboi • p-Ongan