Appendix:Finnish palindromes

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This appendix lists palindromes in Finnish.

List of palindromes




10+ letters

  • (25 letters) saippuakuppinippukauppias (soap cup batch trader)
  • (25 letters) solutomaattimittaamotulos (the measurement laboratory result for cell tomatoes)
  • (23 letters) saippuakalasalakauppias (soapfish smuggler). While the word is grammatically correct, soapfish (lutefisk gone bad) isn’t exactly a contraband.
  • (19 letters) saippuakivikauppias (saippuakivi vendor) (saippuakivi is a type of stone; some argue that this is the longest palindrome that is both grammatically correct and sensible, and that could possibly be used in everyday speech, even though it isn't in practice)
  • (16 letters) suomulottolumous (a scale of lottery enchantment)
  • (15 letters) saippuakauppias (soap vendor) (perhaps the best known Finnish palindrome; the longest single word palindrome in the world that is in everyday use)
  • (12 letters) lammassammal (sheep moss)
  • (12 letters) sammallammas (moss sheep)
  • (12 letters) taloussuolat (household salts)
  • (10 letters) tavattavat – spellables
  • (10 letters) tavuttuvat – syllablizables

9 letters

  • autioitua (to become deserted, uninhabited, desolate)
  • iskiaiksi – translative plural of iskias
  • seimimies (a manger man)
  • taiveviat (joint faults)

8 letters


7 letters


6 letters


5 letters


4 letters

  • akka (old woman, hag, crone)
  • alla (below)
  • anna – imperative of antaa (give)
  • Anna (female name)
  • Ekke (male name)
  • emme – we don’t
  • enne (omen)
  • ette – you don’t
  • niin
  • Okko (male name)
  • otto (taking, withdrawal (of money))
  • Otto (male name)
  • sees (tranquillity)
  • siis (therefore)
  • syys (autumn)
  • teetteas, you do/make
  • tiit – golf tees
  • ämmä – crone, also phonetics for letter M

3 letters

  • ala (area)
  • ara (macaw)
  • ele (gesture)
  • isi (daddy)
  • olo (feeling)
  • oro (stallion) (poetic)
  • utu (mist)
  • älä – don't

2 letters

  • Ii (river and municipality in Pohjanmaa)
  • uu (hole, cavity, rare)


  • Aasia riipii Raisaa "Asia bugs Raisa"
  • Aatto - saa taas ottaa "It's eve, it's time of drink again"
  • Aatu futaa! "Aatu kicks!" (alternatively: Aatu rocks! or Aatu kicks ass!)
  • Aatu osaa soutaa "Aatu can row"
  • Ai! Miksi akku tukka iski, Mia?: "Ouch! Why did battery hair strike me, Mia?"
  • Aino kaataa konia "Aino is felling the nag"
  • Aino, stop: otsonia ! Aino, stop - its ozone out there!"
  • Ajaja naisasian: naisasianajaja "The advocate of women's issue: female barrister"
  • Akin omi Monika "Aki was owned by Monika"
  • Alaoksalla mallaskoala "Malt koala on lower branch"
  • Alavin ei lie Nivala "Nivala (county in Pohjanmaa) isn't the most plateau-ish?"
  • Aleksilla kallis kela "Aleksi's fishing reel is expensive"
  • Alle sata satsia maista satasella "Get to taste less than 100 sets by a hundred bill"
  • Alli pamautti vittua mapilla "Alli slammed the cunt with a folder"
  • Alla kiusaa jakajaa suikalla "Alla teases the dealers with a kepi"
  • Allia niistät Siinailla "Sneezing Alli at Sinai"
  • Aloha oe, Leo Ahola (actually in Hawaiian; Leo Ahola is a Finnish name)
  • Aloite:: pese peti, Ola! "Initiative: cleanse the bunk, Ola!"
  • Amurissa hiipii Hassi ruma "Ugly Hassi stalks in Amuri" (This is a VERY politically incorrect joke - it refers to Green party Euro-MP Satu Hassi and district Amuri in Tampere, where she lives)
  • Ana, kanna kana: "Ana, carry the chicken"
  • Anna, Enok, sytytyskone, anna! "Give me the detonator, Enok, will you!"
  • Anna ne! En anna! "Gimme those! No, I won't!"
  • Anomus: oo sumona "Proposal: be a sumo"
  • Alpo, kasaa Asa-kopla "Alpo, get the Asa gang together!"
  • Aparaattia haittaa rapa "The apparatus is slowed down by mud"
  • Asa, Marimekko, SOK, Kemira, Masa (a list of Finnish corporations)
  • Atte-kumiorava, varo imuketta!: "Rubber squirrel Atte, beware the cigarette holder!"
  • Atte vanno: on navetta "Atte swore: it's a cowsty"
  • Aukustille ei lie ellit sukua? "You chicks ain't related to Aukusti, are you?"
  • Auta, satuta Satua "Help, hurt Satu"
  • Autoradalta tapatat Lada-rotua "You get the Lada-people slain at racetrack"
  • Avut noutaa Aatu ontuva "Limping Aatu retrieves the aides"
  • Ei Vääksy yskää vie: "[Visiting] Vääksy won't cure cough"
  • Elli, luu huulille* "Elli, get the bone on your lips"
  • Epävakaa, raaka Väpe "Unstable and brutal Väpe" (Note: väpe is short from vääpeli, staff sergeant).
  • Halla iski - miksi, Allah? "Frost struck - why, Allah?"
  • Hupaisa asia, Puh. "Funny thing, Pooh"
  • Ikävä käräjä; räkäväki "Nasty lawsuit; snotty people
  • Ile, makaa kameli "Go sleep with a camel, Ile"
  • Iloitsee ori, vapaa maapa Viro - Eesti oli "Happy is the stud, as free country again Viro (Estonia) was"
  • Innostunut sonni: "eager bull"
  • Isorikas sika sökösakissa kirosi: "A filthy rich pig cursed in a stud poker gang"
  • Isyys! Iloitkaamme? Emma, akti oli syysi!: "Fatherhood! Delighted to hear that? Emma, the intercourse was all your fault!"
  • Kas, kisaaja ajaa siksak! "See, the contestant is driving zigzag!"
  • Kääkättää Pete päättä: "Kääk!" "Quacks Pete without head: Quack!"
  • Melko siisti vitsi, iso Klem "Quite a neat joke, Big Klem"
  • Motellista fiksu kuski Fatsille. Tom! "Get Daddy-O a smart driver from the motel. Tom!"
  • Motivaatiot toi Taavi, Tom "Motivation brought by Taavi and Tom"
  • Naamat hohtamaan! "Let's get the faces shiny!".
  • Naku sika haki sukan: "Naked pig get a sock"
  • Napostelet sopan "You sip the soup"
  • Neekeriväki siivosi, ilo oli iso, viisi kävi rekeen.: "The negro folk cleaned up, there was much joy, five went into the sleigh." (Note that this might not be politically correct any more.)
  • Neito sotien: "The lady of the wars"
  • Nelli kusi sukillen "Nelli peed on her socks"
  • Neulo taas, saat oluen "Sew again, please - you'll get a beer"
  • Niiloni, Sinatra pani aina partani Sinoliin "Oh my Niilo, Sinatra dipped my beard always in Sinol"
  • Niilo, pirtu Tripoliin "Niilo, get the moonshine to Tripoli!"
  • Nipottavat tapattavat Topin "Nit-pickers will get Topi killed"
  • Nisumaa oli isäsi ilo aamusin "Wheatfield was your dad's joy on mornings
  • No, ajokkirikkoja on "Well, there are damaged vehicles"
  • No Allah, halla on: "Well, Allah, it's frost."
  • No, Oiva avioon! "Okay, let's get Oiva married"
  • Nunna, hyvä sinisävy Hannun "Nun, see how nice blue shade has Hannu"
  • Nuuka, taas Kamu maksaa takuun "Cheapskate, again your Pal will pay the bail"
  • Oi Dario, soi radio! "Oh Dario, hear the radio!" (alternatively "Oh Dario, plays the radio")
  • Olat ravista, natsivartalo "Shake your shoulders, nazi-body"
  • Olet isä, äläpä käpälääsi telo "You're father, so don't get your paw maimed"
  • Oli nunna Hannun ilo "The nun wasw Hannu's joy"
  • Ollako vai ei, avokallo? "To be or not, crackskull?"
  • Onassis, sano! "Say, Onassis!"
  • Risoiko Tokio, Sir ? "Did Tokyo bug you, Sir?"
  • Sakari-rakas "Dear Sakari"
  • Siestat seis ! "Quit having those siestas NOW!"
  • Suruasussa hassu saurus "Funny saurian in mourning dress"
  • Säkylän Oili on älykäs "Oili of Säkylä is intelligent"
  • Tanu maalasi salaa munat: "Tanu painted the eggs in secrecy"
  • Teetin Ellulle niteet "I had the books made for Ellu"
  • Teit tiet "You made the roads"
  • Tillikassa kapakassa killit "Lads in the Tillikka bar" (a famous restaurant in Tampere)
  • Tillikassa killit "Lads in Tillikka"
  • Timantit otit, otit namit "The diamonds you took, you took the sweets"
  • Tissit, tosi isot tissit: "Boobs, very big boobs"
  • Tunisian akka nai sinut "The Tunisian broad will marry you"
  • Äiti, en iske seksineitiä "Mom, I won't pick the sex-lass"

See also

Appendices of palindromes in all languages (edit)

Afrikaans - Albanian - Arabic - Armenian - Basque - Belarusian - Bulgarian - Catalan - Chinese - Czech - Danish - Dutch - Egyptian - Esperanto - Estonian - Finnish - French - German - Greek - Greenlandic - Hebrew - Hindi - Hungarian - Icelandic - Indonesian - Interlingua - Italian - Japanese - Korean - Latin - Latvian - Lithuanian - Lojban - Marathi - Malay - Norwegian - Persian - Polish - Portuguese - Punjabi - Romanian - Russian - Serbo-Croatian - Slovene - Spanish - Swahili - Swedish - Tagalog - Tamil - Telugu - Thai - Turkish - Ukrainian - Urdu - Volapük - Võro - Welsh