Appendix:Polish palindromes
This appendix lists palindromes in Polish.
List of palindromes
[edit]- Ala – female name, shortened form of Alicja (Alice)
- anilina – aniline
- Anna – female name, Ann
- apokopa – apocope
- gig – gig
- kajak – kayak (canoe)
- kok - bun (kind of hairstyle)
- mełłem - I was grinding (m)
- oko – eye
- owocowo – fruitily
- potop - deluge, flood
- sos – sauce
[edit]- "Wół utył i ma miły tułów": (An ox has put up on weight and has a nice trunk)
- "Kobyła ma mały bok": (A mare has small side)
- "Zakopane i cel wieczoru urocze i w lecie na pokaz": (Zakopane [a resort in Tatra Mts.] and the goal of the evening is charming and goes on show in summer [Julian Tuwim])
- "Może jutro ta dama da tortu jeżom": (Maybe this lady will give some cake to hedgehogs tomorrow)
- "Gór ech chce róg": (A horn needs mountains echoes)
- "Może jeż łże jeżom?": (Maybe the hedgehog lies to other hedgehogs?)
- "Żartem dano nadmetraż": (It was a joke, that they gave more space)
- "I wabi wół ów i bawi": (Stag attracts and entertains)
- "Akta generała ma mała renegatka": (General’s acts are held by a small female renegade)
- "Rabi zna Zair, a Maria Zanzibar": (Rabi knows Zaire, and Maria knows Zanzibar)
- "Co mi dał duch – cud, ład i moc": (What did the spirit give me? – miracle, order and power)
- "Ej, i po pracy Car popije": (After work, even Tsar will drink)
- "I Car komedia i demokraci": (Both Tsar and the democrats are comedy)
- "Zula łowi, a Noe leje Leona i woła - luz": (Zula is catching, Noah is beating Leon and shouting “OK”)
- "Tuli fotoradar – o, to filut": (He is cuddling a photo radar – he is a joker)
- "Zaradny dynda raz": (The resourceful hangs only once)
- "Ilu tuli filut Uli?": (How many are cuddled by Ula’s joker?)
- "Łapał za Tokaj, a kota złapał": (He was catching Tokay wine, but he caught a cat)
- "A guru w ONZ znowu ruga": (A principle in the UN is calling down again)
- "Pętaka pętaj, a tępaka tęp": (Bind the kid and fight the dimwit)
- "Zagwiżdż i w gaz": (Whistle, and get a move on)
- "A to idiota!": (What an idiot he is!)
- "A to kokota!": (What a cocotte she is!)
- "Jadzi w gębę gwizdaj!": (Whistle in Jadzia's snout!)
See also
[edit]Appendices of palindromes in all languages (edit) |
English |