Appendix:Spanish palindromes
This appendix lists palindromes in Spanish.
List of palindromes
[edit]9 letters
8 letters
- acurruca – snuggles
7 letters
- arenera – sandbox
- arepera – a place that sells arepas (Venezuela, colloquial)
- Neuquén – a city and a province in Argentina
- orejero – one that catches flies
- sonanos – 1st person of sonar - to ring, sound
6 letters
5 letters
- rajar – to crack, split
- rapar – to shave
- rever – to see again
- somos – we are
- ananá – pineapple
- ososo – with bones, related to bones
4 letters
- allá – there
3 letters
[edit]- Anita, la gorda lagartona, no traga la droga latina. "Anita, the fat sly woman, does not swallow the Latin drug."
- Dábale arroz a la zorra el abad. "The abbot was giving the vixen rice."
- Sé verlas al revés. "I know how to see them backwards."
- La ruta nos aportó otro paso natural. "The route gave us another natural step."
- Las Nemocón no comen sal. "The Nemocóns don't eat salt."
- Anás usó tu auto, Susana. "Anás used your car, Susana."
- Adán no cede con Eva, Yavé no cede con nada. "Adam doesn´t give in to Eve, Yahweh doesn´t give in to anything."
- Así Mario oirá misa. "That way will Mario attend Mass."
- ¡Abusón, acá no suba! "You bully, don't come up here!"
- Se corta Sarita a tiras atroces. "Sarita slices herself in horrible cuts."
- Amigo, no gima. "Friend, don't moan."
- Anita lava la tina. "Anita washes the bathtub." (Taught in schools.)
- Es Adán, ya ve, yo soy Eva y nada sé. "It is Adam, now you see, I am Eve and I know nothing."
- Etna da luz azul a Dante. "Etna gave blue light to Dante." (Juan José Arreola)
- Átale, demoníaco Caín, o me delata. "Tie him, evil Cain, lest he exposes me."
- ¿Bérgamo?, ¡no, Magreb!.
- Mal si le das la fe falsa del Islam. "Bad if you give him/her the false faith of Islam."
- ¡Oro! ¡Ya hay oro! "Gold! There's gold already!"
- O rey, o joyero. "Either king or jeweler."
- Alá, yo soy de Mahoma el dios. Oídle a Mohamed: yo soy Alá. "Allah, I am the god of Mahoma. Hear Muhammad: I am Allah."
- O sacáis ropa por si acaso. "Or take out some clothes, just in case"
- Sometamos o matemos. "Let's submit or kill."
- Oír Aida en ópera: la lírica Cirila la repone a diario. "To hear Aida in Opera: the lyric Cirila revives it daily."
- Allí por la tropa portado, traído a ese paraje de maniobras, una tipa como capitán usar boina me dejara, pese a odiar toda tropa por tal ropilla. "There behaved by the troop, brought to that maneuvered place, a gal like a captain let me use beret, in spite of hating every troop by that cloth."
- ¡A tu padre, cerda puta! "To your father, pig whore!"
- Aten al planeta. "Tie the planet."
- Ají traga la lagartija. "The lizard swallows chili."
- Somos o no somos "We are or we aren't."
- Odio la luz azul al oído. "I hate blue light on my ear."
- Elba cortó otro cable. "Elba cut another cable"
- Yo soy. "I am."
- No lo cases a Colón. "Don't marry Columbus."
- Amo la pacifíca paloma. "I love the peaceful dove"
See also
[edit]Appendices of palindromes in all languages (edit) |
English |