Appendix:Swedish palindromes
This appendix lists palindromes in Swedish.
List of palindromes
[edit]- Portugalrallarlagutrop - Portugal railway navvy team outcry (22 letters)
- tattarrattat - (a knock on the door)
- tennissinnet - the tennis mind
- tittillittit - (a tickle)
- Naturrutan – The Nature Square (name of a TV show) (10)
- retsyster – teasy sister (9)
- stålplåts – of steel plate
- gravvarg - grave wolf (8)
- lotsstol - pilot chair
- stabbats – ?
- stallats - speech respose
- stammats – stuttered's
- stannats – stalled
- stassats - ?
- stollots - chair pilot
- trossort - belief type
- varggrav – wolf-grave
- ajabaja - naughty naughty (7)
- knälänk – knee link; toggle link
- gnupung – wildebeest-scrotum
- magigam – magic-vulture
- snarans - of the snare
- snesens - SNES
- stagats - braced
- stakats - mapped
- stavats - spelled
- stegets - of the step
- stekets - roasted
- stigits - increased
- tarerat – tared
- tartrat - tartrate
- tätatät - tete-a-tete
- dammad – dusted (6)
- Hannah - girl name
- Noccon – (company name in Sweden)
- Oivvio - name
- rallar – coots
- raggar – pick up
- taggat - tagged
- tannat - tannate
- tappat - lost, dropped, mislaid
- tillit - trust; tillite
- dalad - declined (5)
- danad - fashioned
- Kivik – name of a small Swedish fishing village also a Cider brand
- (alfa) Laval (a name of a Swedish company)
- rotor rotor
- rapar burps
- rasar - rages
- ratar refuses to choose
- reser travels
- rosor roses
- rovor turnips
- ståts pomp's
- stats state's
- varav whereof
- Anna – (a female name) (4)
- amma breast-feed
- Otto (a male name)
- alla all, everyone
- naan (a bread from India)
- teet the tea
- aga (the AGA-stowe, the name of a company making liquefied petroleum gas, also corporal punishment) (3)
- aha ( the meaning is the same as in English)
- apa (3) – monkey
- ara a kind of parrot
- Bob (a male name and also the name of a company making jam, lemonade and marmelade)
- dåd deed
- kuk cock (taboo slang)
- kåk slang – house, prison
- kök kitchen
- nån short for någon – somebody, anybody
- pip (the sound a bird makes)
- pep past tense of pipa: to make a sound as of a bird
- rar sweet, cute
- ror rows, the thing you’re doing when you’re moving the orings)
- rår takes care of/deals with/rules over
- rör pipe, tube, also: touches
- ses present tense, passive voice of se to be seen; coll. for See you (later)!
- tut (the sound made by a trainwhistle)
- wow wow
- SAS (Scandinavian Airline System)
- sås sauce
- tåt the end of a rope
- vev crank (the mechanism))
[edit]- Du har bra hud: Meaning "You've got good skin"
- Ni rakar bra, Karin: Meaning "You shave well, Karin"
- Ni talar bra latin: Meaning "You speak good Latin"
- Anne var i Ravenna: Meaning "Anne was in Ravenna"
- God arab åt tå, bara dog: Meaning "Good Arab ate toe, just died"
- Moratös gav dem ett te med vag, söt arom: Meaning "Girl from Mora (the town where Vasaloppet ends) gave them a tea with a vague, sweet scent"
- Tre bra brassar bar Bert: Meaning "Three good Brazilians were carrying Bert" or "Three good Brazilians, Bert was carrying"
- Mus rev inuits öra, sa röst i universum: Meaning "Mouse scratched Inuit’s ear, said voice in the universe"
- Nej, leta i ateljén!: Meaning "No, search in the studio!"
- I Reval sitta ni alla inatt i slaveri: Meaning "In Reval (Tallinn) you all will sit tonight in slavery"
- Sirap i Paris: Meaning "Syrup in Paris"
- God apa gavs galna anlag, svag apa dog: Meaning "Good monkey was given crazy genetic disposition, weak monkey died." -- note that all the spaces match, which is rare for longer palindromes
- Märk stupid abrakadabra: ur fin ränsel lyfta rappa japaner samma mimosa som i mammas rena pajapparat fylles när ni fruar bada karbad i putskräm: Meaning "Note stupid abracadabra: from fine knapsack, swift Japanese people are lifting the same mimosa that was filled in mom's clean pie machine when you wives were taking a bath in a bathtub full of shoe polish" (archaic style)
- anropa aporna!: Meaning "Call the monkeys!".
- Dromedaren Alpotto planerade mord: Meaning "Otto of the Alpes, the dromedary, was planning murder".
- Medan ammor tre i Floda nakna ses aga lam i Malaga ses ankan Adolf i ert rom mana dem: Meaning "While three naked wetnurses in Floda are seen punishing in Malaga, paralyzed, Adolf the duck is seen in your rum, urging them"
- Ola Salo (the name of the singer in The Ark)
- Bara gin ni får ge till Amal, lite grå, finnig arab: Meaning "You must only give gin to Amal, somewhat gray, pimply Arab"
See also
[edit]Appendices of palindromes in all languages (edit) |
English |